Set your clocks back one hour this Sunday, November 5! Sunday, November 5 2pm (meet at 1:45pm) Jordan Soccer Complex Parking Lot (445 Treetop Drive) The walk raises money through pledges for walking participation of RAs And GAs to support the Fayetteville Police Department’s Home- less Project to purchase warm clothing and items such as blankets, coats and socks. Many of the homeless are part of the Operation Inasmuch Family. For more info, contact Richard Pitt at [email protected]. “Hearts United in Loving God, Sharing Christ, and Serving Others.” The November 3, 2017 • Vol 68, No. 43 • Fayetteville, NC Sunday, November 5 The New Jerusalem Revelation 21:9 – 22:6 8:40am Children’s Choirs Singing 11am Orchestra Singing Christmas Tree Performances 2017: November 30, 7:30pm December 1, 7:30pm December 2, 4pm & 7:30pm December 3, 4pm & 7:30pm You may obtain tickets beginning Thursday, November 9, at 8:30am. You may: go online at www.snydermbc.com or you may come by or call the Church Office. Veterans’ Banquet Thursday, November 9, 2017 6-7:30pm |Fellowship Hall Cost: $5 per person Guest Speaker: General (Retired) Dan McNeill Men’s Ensemble will be singing. The banquet will honor all veterans, but give special recogni- tion to those who served from 1983-1995. All church members and friends are invited and welcome to attend. Please make reservations thru the Church Office no later than November 1. Sunday, November 8 | 2pm | Cape Fear River Trail

Veterans’ Banquet

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Set your clocks back one hour this Sunday, November 5!

Sunday, November 5 2pm (meet at 1:45pm)Jordan Soccer Complex

Parking Lot (445 Treetop Drive)

The walk raises money through pledges for walking participation of RAs And GAs to support the Fayetteville Police Department’s Home-

less Project to purchase warm clothing and items

such as blankets, coats and socks. Many of the homeless

are part of the Operation Inasmuch Family.

For more info, contact Richard Pitt

at [email protected].

“Hearts United in Loving God, Sharing Christ, and Serving Others.”


November 3, 2017 • Vol 68, No. 43 • Fayetteville, NC

Sunday, November 5The New JerusalemRevelation 21:9 – 22:6

8:40am Children’s Choirs Singing11am Orchestra

Singing Christmas TreePerformances 2017:

November 30, 7:30pm December 1, 7:30pm

December 2, 4pm & 7:30pm December 3, 4pm & 7:30pm

You may obtain tickets beginning Thursday,

November 9, at 8:30am. You may: go online at

www.snydermbc.com or you may come by or call the

Church Office.

Veterans’ Banquet

Thursday, November 9, 2017 6-7:30pm |Fellowship Hall

Cost: $5 per personGuest Speaker: General (Retired) Dan McNeill

Men’s Ensemble will be singing.The banquet will honor all veterans, but give special recogni-tion to those who served from 1983-1995. All church members and friends are invited and welcome to attend. Please make

reservations thru the Church Office no later than November 1.

Sunday, November 8 | 2pm | Cape Fear River Trail (meet at Jordan Soccer Complex parking lot at 1:45pm)

“Hearts United in Loving God, Sharing Christ, and Serving Others.”The Bell • November 3, 2017 • Page 2

SCT Volunteers needed Monday & Tuesday,

November 6 & 7 8:00am - 5:00pmTree Construction

(Pizza lunch provided)

Refugee NeedsWe have been asked to help with a refugee family who has recently arrived in Fayetteville. They are in need of warm winter clothing. Sizes are listed below. Please make sure the clothing is in good shape and has been washed. Winter coats would be helpful as well.

Father (age 43) - Size MediumMother (age 42) - Size Medium

Oldest son (age 21) - Size MediumYoungest son (age 15)- Size Small

They are also in need of 4 wooden chairs.We would love to put together a welcome basket for the family. If you are interested in helping with that need, contact Susie Reeder.

Please bring items to Susie Reeder’s office. Contact Su-sie at (910) 484-3191 or [email protected] for more information.

Christmas Family WorkshopSaturday, December 9

10am - NoonVolunteers Needed!

Contact Angie McIntosh at [email protected] or text (910) 624-5869.

Registration is $5 per child and ends on 11/25. Contact Cathy Hopkins or Penny Maxwell in the

Church Office at (910) 484-3191 to register.

Welcome New Members

Kayla Wiggs Julia Holt, Lilly & Sarah

Goal - 1800 Boxes!Given to Date: 606

Boxes are due by Sunday, November 19.

Have you picked up your box yet?

Time to get one, two, or as many as you can and start packing!

Sunday, December 1011am Worship

If you are interested in participating, contact Cathy Hopkins at [email protected]

by November 26.

“Hearts United in Loving God, Sharing Christ, and Serving Others.” The Bell • November 3, 2017 • Page 3

Congregation Adopts 2018 Ministry Resource

Plan Last Wednesday the congregation reviewed and adopted the 2018 Ministry Resource Plan as recommended by the Budget Planning Committee. The Deacons unanimously endorsed the 2018 MRP in their October meeting.

After the Wednesday dinner, Deacon Moderator Mark Rice called the congregation into business meeting and rec-ognized Budget Planning Committee Chairman Kim Naz-archyk. Kim reviewed the significant changes for 2018 in the different ministry and mission areas.

The 3.8 million dollar budget has no increase over 2017, however there are some internal changes. Non-pledged and designated mission giving are increasing slightly; pledged giving is decreasing. All committees were en-couraged to hold expenses to 2017 levels, or trim if pos-sible, and all possible savings are directed toward in-creasing debt service.

It was noted that Snyder paid off the “Bunce” property loan in early 2017, will pay off the term loan before the end of the year, leaving a total of less than $700,000 in debt. One goal of the 20/20 Vision Plan is to be debt-free by the end of 2020.

It was also noted that all three of our weekday ministries – the Preschool & Learning Center, After School Program and Music Academy – have had to reduce their budgets and cut expenses due to lower enrollment. All have ex-perienced increased local competition in recent years.

The plan was unanimously adopted. Copies of the ap-proved Ministry Resource Plan are available at the litera-ture racks throughout the church, or electronically upon request.

As the end of the year approaches, every member is en-couraged to review their giving and be as generous as possible, not only to special offerings, but also to support the ongoing ministries of the church.

Committee on Committees to Meet

The 2017 Committee on Committees will meet this month to name members and chairmen for Snyder’s standing committees for 2018. Hank Holmes is Chairman for 2017; other members are Robert Barefoot, Julianne Bass, Sue Byrd, David Clark, Karen Felton, Kathy McPhail and Dellmarie Pittman. If you are interested in serving on a committee, please contact a member.

The report of this committee will be published in The Bell in early December.

Golf OutingNovember 14 at Gates Four

Sign In: 10am | Tee Off: 10:30amCost: $25

Sign up by calling George Holden at (910) 977-4626 by Sunday, November 12.

Thursday, November 1611am | Fellowship Hall

Guest Speaker - David Haynes

Please join us for our monthly meeting and luncheon.

November 16, 6pm Here at Snyder

PERIODICALSWEBSITE: www.snydermbc.comTHE BELL (USPS 549-180) is published weekly except Christmas and July 4 weeks by Snyder Memorial Baptist Church, 701 Westmont Drive, Fayetteville NC 28305. Tele: 910-484-3191. Periodicals postage paid at Fayette-ville, NC. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE BELL, 701 Westmont Drive, Fayetteville, NC 28305.

Pastor’s Perspective Many of you are well aware of the busyness of last weekend. 71 of our youth

participated in Disciple Now from late Friday night thru the worship service on Sunday. From large group activities including a 5th quarter of competition and fun, a mission project to combat hunger, and a youth-specific worship service at the church to small group time in host homes, the youth had a full weekend of fun and faith formation. Sandwiched in the middle was the Fall Festival on Saturday afternoon for younger children and their families. It takes a LOT of volunteers to make these events successful. Snyder has always been a church willing to invest significant time, energy and resources into our young people. That kind of investment is never in vain.

Last Thursday evening, I was privileged to attend a Youth for Christ appreciation banquet here at our church. Garry Winebarger, the new director, is doing a phenomenal job to expand the work of YFC in our community. The vision he cast that evening was compelling. Carter Spears, a young man with whom we are all familiar as one of the missionaries we help support thru our Ministry Resource Plan, was the guest speaker. He had flown back from Mexico where he works with Wycliffe Bible Translators just for the banquet. Carter was impressive. Mature. Intelligent. Articulate. He spoke about the impact YFC had on his life here in Fayetteville.

He remembered the names of the YFC leaders who made themselves available to him and other students back in middle school and high school. It was thru YFC that he found out about a mission trip to Mexico. A trip that would change his life forever. A trip that would be followed by other mission trips and eventually a call to the mission field to help the people of Mexico hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. I spoke with Carter before the banquet started and he shared with me his earliest memory of our fellowship hall. His participation in the annual RA road rally.

Carter’s dad is a pastor in Stedman. His late grandfather served as a pastor for decades. His grandmother is an active member of our church. His family no doubt had a huge impact on Carter’s life and faith and calling. But, by his own testimony, so did RAs, and YFC, and mission trips available to him as a teenager. We have a gold mine of potential right here at Snyder. We need to continue to be intentional about investing in the spiritual formation of our young people. God has a plan and purpose for each one of them.

See you Sunday! ~ John

Overseas: Matthew Graves, Layton Legg, Katie Matthew

Deacon of the Week: John Crenshaw(910) 630-2770

Best Wishes:Mr. and Mrs. Will Langley who were married on October 28,

2017. Mrs. Langley is the former Emily Verbeke.

Christian Sympathy:is extended to Arlene Aubin on the death of her sister, Rose

Marie; to Sheila Gasque on the death of her husband, Shad

Gasque; to Paula Thomson on the death of her mother, Evelyn


Hospital:W.E. Bethune, CFVMenu 11/08/17:

MeatloafMashed PotatoesCorn on the Cob

Mixed SaladRolls

Surprise DessertKid’s Table

The Bell • November 3, 2017 • Page 4 MEMBERSHIPOctober 29

Resident Membership 1842

Number Additions to Date 23

Number Lettered Out to Date 0

Loss by Death 0

Moved to Non-Resident/Roll Rev. 8

Total Membership 1857


Fire Station 14

Total Attendance 545

WORSHIP ATTENDANCE8:40am Worship 221

11am Worship 532

Total 753

FINANCIAL REPORTTotal Budget Gifts 55,556.25

Amount Needed 2,775,569.72

Given to Date 2,430,501.28

Under Budget to Date 345,068.44


8:40am: Melody Steenbergh, Grey Lipford, Karen McAmis

Chapel- Joe Salinas11am: Stephanie Lake,

Andrew & Jennifer GuthrieChapel- Cathy Hopkins


Minister of Worship GILES BLANKENSHIP

Church Administrator GERON GAMBILL

Associate Pastor BRUCE HERRMANN

Minister of Children CATHY HOPKINS

Minister with Youth CRAIG MORRISON

Minister of Missions SUSIE REEDER

Minister of Music RICHARD SUGGS