Experience The Utility Customer Experience Company The Future of Utility Customer Experience Management Starts Now

VertexOne -The Future of Utility Customer Experience (Original)

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The Utility Customer Experience Company

The Future of Utility Customer Experience Management Starts Now

Page 2: VertexOne -The Future of Utility Customer Experience (Original)

ONE Customer Experience

ONE Cloud Platform

ONE Version of the Truth

Welcome to the Future of Utility CustomerExperience Management

Your customers will have a consistently high quality, tailored experience across

multiple channels

Your utility will be empowered to measure and drive customer experience against

J.D. Power indexes, and to consistently deliver regulatory energy efficiency

programs and initiatives

To maximize customer loyalty and retention, your utility will have the tools it needs

to listen to the voice of the customer and react to it with agility

The utility customer experience of tomorrow is here today. VertexOne™ is a new

cloud-based CIS platform that, for the first time, makes it possible for a utility to offer a

first-class customer experience quickly, efficiently, and with less risk and cost than a

traditional solution implementation.

Many utilities face the challenge of finding the resources – budget, staff, and time –

to support new and complex customer expectations and regulations. In attempts to keep

up, a utility may either augment its legacy platform with costly, non-integrated point

solutions or replace its legacy systems altogether with a traditional CIS implementation –

one that often translates into excessive risk and cost.

Now, utilities have a better, faster, and safer choice. The VertexOne platform represents

breakthrough technology for the utility industry. VertexOne removes major obstacles in a

utility's quest to realize the data-driven future of customer experience management.

Imagine the utility customer experience of tomorrow:

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VertexOne is a cloud-based customer experience

management platform built on the SAP Customer

Relationship Management and Billing for Utilities

package, and integrated with industry-leading 3rd party

technologies. Further, it incorporates standardized

business processes proven across Vertex’s 30 million

utility end customers throughout North America.

As North America's market leader in customer experience

management services for utilities, Vertex has developed

proven and trusted customer experience processes over

more than a decade of serving our clients. These

proprietary and proven customer experience processes

have been built into VertexOne to deliver the best

outcomes for utilities and their customers.

Now, instead of a risky and time-consuming traditional

solution implementation to achieve the benefits of new

functionality and agility, utilities can migrate to the

VertexOne platform – and do so faster and with lower

cost and risk.

In addition, the inherent flexibility of the platform

makes it easy to migrate to the full platform or

to be selective and just add the latest functionality,

like multi-channel and advanced analytics.

No matter how you deploy it, VertexOne has

the power to transform your utility

customer experience management.

VertexOne – the Powerto Transform Your Utility Customer Experience Built Right In

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ExperienceExperience VertexOne, starting today and becomeone happy customer!

VertexOne frees you to focus on business outcomes

from the start. It was designed from inception to

help a utility reduce the complexity of offering a

world-class customer experience.

VertexOne means you can bypass a full-scale CIS

solution implementation and put a robust, scalable

customer experience platform at your fingertips

instead – one based on the Vertex Operating Model

used to manage over 30 million utility customers.

In place of a traditional solution implementation,

VertexOne allows you to migrate your current data

to an existing platform for customer experience

management that has proven processes built in.

These processes are available from day one, and

their efficiencies can start to lower a utility's

cost to serve right away.

Why Should My Utility Migrate to VertexOne?

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VertexOne enables utilities to benefit from the

industry's leading software and technology at the

lowest available cost and in the fastest possible

time. In one cloud-based platform, VertexOne

combines SAP and third-party technologies with

standardized business processes to enable a utility

to transform its customer experience without the

typical time and expense of a major software


Leverage Industry-Leading Technology for a Fraction of the Cost

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A Fast, Modular Path to Ensuring One Happy Customer

VertexOne offers the fastest and least costly path for a

utility to improve customer service and satisfy

ever-changing regulatory requirements. The VertexOne

utility customer experience platform gives you the

ability to replace your legacy CIS, or simply add on

features to enhance customer experience and

operations, including:

With VertexOne, your utility has ONE cloud-based

platform, ONE customer experience across

multiple channels, and ONE version of the truth for

everyone – all working together to make

ONE happy customer.

Core Customer Relationship & Billing Processes

Multi-Channel Customer Management & Insight

Bill Print, Presentment, and Payment Services

Reporting and Advanced Analytics

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Ready to RunPre-configured with utility customer management processes proven by extensive operational experience

ModularReplace your existing CIS platform or augment it with multi-channel and analytics capabilities

CAPExSetup, migration, and business readiness fees can be capitalized plus the cost of any custom development

SecurityAll data to reside in North America protected by security protocols developed by Vertex over many years

IntegrationA suite of core interfaces provided as standard. Additional customer specific interfaces developed upon request

StandardizedBased upon a common set of proven processes, but can be adjusted to your specific requirements

ManagedFocus on improving customer experience, safe in the knowledge that VertexOne is fully hosted

TechnologyTake advantage of new technologies, such as in-memory databases for analytics and transaction processing

ScalableRespond rapidly to growing customer numbers, transaction and data volumes, and/or acquisitions

SAP Customer Relationship Management and Billing for UtilitiesRun the tier-1 market leading CIS platform at or below tier-2 prices

MigrationYour move to VertexOne is a migration, not an implementation. Less costly, less risky, lower time to value

InsightMonitor, manage, and optimize your business process with a suite of analytics available from day one

Delivering excellence in customer

experience and achieving high

J.D. Power rankings is critical for

utilities today. Migrating to VertexOne

substantially lowers the cost of

achieving these objectives.

In addition to enabling a tier-1

application platform at or below a

tier-2 cost, VertexOne also delivers

a compelling set of business

benefits, including these:

The Advantagesof VertexOne Lead to One Happy Utility

Core Benefits andKey Considerations

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The Product of Experience

Vertex is 100% focused on utility customer experience management, and

is the market leader in customer experience management services in

North America. Through the call centers Vertex has been running for our

water, electric, and gas utility clients for over a decade, we have

developed proven customer experience processes and built them into

VertexOne so we can offer those benefits to you.

100% Dedicated to the Utilities Industry

Customer Management Services

Application Management & Hosting

Analytics & Consulting Services

1,700 Employees in North America

50+ Water, Gas & Electric Utilities Clients

Over 30 Million End Customers Served

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Start on the Pathto VertexOne™ Today!

To bring the future of customer

experience management to your utility

today, please contact:

Saurabh Parashar

Director of Client Partnerships


[email protected]

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