Venturing the #Brazilicon Valleys with @DiegoRemus of Startupi.com.br

Venturing the Brazilicon Valleys

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slides presented by our editor, Diego Remus, at La Red Innova - Madrid, June 16 2011.

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Page 1: Venturing the Brazilicon Valleys

Venturing  the    #Brazilicon    Valleys  

with  @DiegoRemus  of  Startupi.com.br  

Page 2: Venturing the Brazilicon Valleys

Discover  how  

Page 3: Venturing the Brazilicon Valleys

Discover  how  

Come  together  fly  high  

Page 4: Venturing the Brazilicon Valleys

Discover  how  

Come  together  fly  high  

dive  deep,  float  nice,    

land  so;!  

Page 5: Venturing the Brazilicon Valleys

Discover  how  

Come  together  fly  high  

dive  deep,  float  nice,    

land  so;!  

Page 6: Venturing the Brazilicon Valleys


1)  Startupi.com.br  -­‐  who  we  are,  what  we  do  2)  Brazilicon  Valleys  –  diversity  of  logical  spaces  

3)  Valleys  to  bridge  –  becoming  stronger  

4)  Brazilian  Zeitgeist  –  perspecJves  


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1)  Startupi.com.br  who  we  are,  what  we  do  

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•  1st  source  of  content  specific  about  brazilian  startups  +  the  ecosystem  

•  in  Portuguese  and  English  


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An  angel  came  first  

•  Startupi.com.br  started  in  2008  by  SocialSmart  Ventures,  of  angel  investor  Michael  Nicklas  from  NYC.  There  was  no  place  to  keep  an  eye  on  the  brazilian  startups.  “A  gap  we  had  to  map”.  

•  edited  since  2009  by  journalist  Diego  Remus  

•  joined  in  2011  by  Sixpix  Content,  of  entrepreneur  Bob  Wollheim    

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2)  Brazilicon  Valleys  a  diversity  of  logical  spaces  


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No  place  like  another  

•  important  “when  you  were  born,  not  where”  –  Sarah  Lacy  (TechCrunch)  in  “Brilliant,  Crazy,  Cocky”  

•  “Silicon  Valley  was  started  by  people  from  other  places,  it’s  a  place  in  our  hearts”  –  Dave  McClure  (500  Startups/GOAP)  at  “StartuParty”  in  Brazil  

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What  is  there  

•  entrepreneurship  classes  spreading  through  universiJes,  centers  and  online  educaJon  

•  educaJonal  boom:  more  universiJes  and  courses    

•  also  more  educaJonal  startups  (e-­‐learning)  

•  from    15  to  71  years  old  innovaJve  entrepreneurs  

•  naJonal  team  of  mentors:  Aceleradora  

•  Brazilian  AssociaJon  of  Venture  Capital  (Abvcap)  started  training  angel  investors  

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What  is  there  •  “Desafio  Brasil”  compeJJon:  159  submissions  from  11  states  for  2011  

•  internaJonal  compeJJons  LaJn  Moot  Corp  2011  and  Global  I2P  winner  is  from  BR  

•  BR  students  always  on  finals  of  Imagine  Cup  

•  big  ones  like  MS,  Intel,  IBM  supporJng  startups  

•  events:  youPix,  OnWeek,  Social  Media  Week,  Expo  Y  +  spreading:  Entrepreneur  Fair,  Startup  Meetups,  BR  New  Tech,  Startup  Weekend,  TechValley  

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What  is  there  •  crowdfunding  plahorms  –  peer  to  peer  investment  •  spread  of  social  commerce  -­‐  every  business  into  it  

•  different  virtual  payment  startups,  including  mobile  

•  Brazil  “champion”  of  Endeavor’s  Global  Entrepreneur  Week;  set  the  agenda  

•  marketplaces:  thousands  of  people  making  a  living  through  Buscapé,  or  boo-­‐box,  or  Lomadee  +  applicaJon  stores,  e-­‐commerce  plahorms  

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What  is  there  •  Finep  Prime  government  program  giving  R$  120k  to  1k+  startups  since  2009  

•  Criatec  seed  fund  from  NaJonal  Development  Bank  

•  angel  investors    associaJons  in  5  regions  •  “Individual  Entrepreneur”  law  –  easier  to  go  formal  

•  CNAE  2.0  business  cathegories  -­‐  diferenJaJon  •  NaJonal  Broadband  Plan  –  more  and  bemer  access  

•  mobile  phone  everywhere,  3G  almost  there  

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What  is  there  

•  open  innovaJon  compeJJons  and  contests  –  specially  by  phone  operators,  also  Grupo  Buscapé  

•  media  groups  (Globo,  SBT,  Band)  buying  shares  in  startups  (e-­‐commerce,  e-­‐payments,  e-­‐verything)  

•  new  millionaires  everyday  and  new  middle  class  with  new  needs,  wills,  ways  of  buying  

•  social  business  and  impact  invesJng  

•  coworking  spaces  with  strong  entrepreneur  and  business  innovaJon  efforts  

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3)  Valleys  to  bridge  Becoming  stronger  


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Becoming  stronger  

•  from  idea  to  product  to  good  business:  make  innovaJve  profitable  products  that  people  need  

•  from  bootstrap  to  scale:  few  seed  capital,  angel  investors,  early  stage  investment,  first  rounds  

•  internaJonal  tracJon:  brazilian  similars  created  before  Youtube  or  Foursquare  didn’t  have  the  same  success  due  to  Jming,  posiJoning,  resources?  

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4)  Brazilian  Zeitgeist  perspecJves  


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In  Brazil  

•  all  gets  bemer  but  more  complex  and  challenging  •  abundance,  new  economics  and  markets  

•  thou,  sJll  some  dificulJes  •  companies  invesJng,  too  •  World  Cup  2014  

•  Olympics  2016  

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As  about  startups  

•  understand  “new  Brazil”  and  lead  others  into  •  Jme  for  exercising  and  for  general  innovaJon  

•  fine-­‐tune  products  that  fit  in  the  market  

•  make  it  a  strong  business  

•  go  global  

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Come  together  fly  high,  dive  deep,  

float  nice,  land  soq  

venturing  the  





Thanks!  QuesPons?  Tips?