“Venture Capital for Dummies Cheat Sheet - For Dummies”

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  • 8/11/2019 Venture Capital for Dummies Cheat Sheet - For Dummies


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    Cheat Sheet

    Venture Capital For DummiesFrom Venture Capital For Dummies by Nicole Gravagna, Peter K. Adams

    Navigating the world of venture capital as you seek to raise funds for your business can be scary and

    confusing because of the high stakes. After you identify whether venture capital is a good choice of

    funding for your company, you can begin to seek out investors. When seeking venture capital, you

    need to know who the venture investors are and where to find them. You also need to take certain

    steps to prepare yourself and your company for the scrutiny youll experience as potential investors

    strive to learn more about your company as they decide whether it is a good candidate for venture


    Determining Whether Your Company Is a Venture

    CompanyIts very important to figure out the type of company youre building a

    venture company or a lifestyle business so that you can decide whether

    you should consider venture capital in your business growth strategies.

    Sometimes, determining which category you fall into is hard. Even though

    lifestyle businesses can make annual revenues into the millions, other things,

    like the type of business and/or the rate of growth, make them unsuitable for

    venture capital investment. The rate of growth and the ultimate size of the

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    company are good indicators that can help you decide.

    Characteristics of Venture


    Characteristics of

    Lifestyle Businesses



    you do


    National or global Local or regional



    Very fast (you plan to grow from a

    brand new company into a nationwide

    corporation in only a few years)

    Slow (you plan to

    open only one new

    location of your

    business each year,

    for example)




    Generally game changing businesses

    based on new technologies

    Businesses that sell

    or deliver traditional or

    conventional products

    or services




    Investors, founders, and owners Founders and owners



    To be sold to another company or to

    go public, with founders leaving the

    business or assuming different roles,

    based on need and qualifications

    To be kept in the

    family for generations

    or to be sold when the

    founder/owner retires

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    Alternatives to Venture Capital Funding

    Venture capital is a unique way of getting funding for your company. Because

    venture investors look for companies that are growing very quickly and can

    make several times the initial investment for the investors, venture capital isnt

    right for every company. Fortunately, growing businesses have plenty of otherways to find funding. Here are just a few of the other ways you can get capital:

    Debt: Many different kinds of debt are available for growing businesses:

    business loans, government-backed Small Business Administration (SBA)

    loans, and factoring loans that are backed by accounts receivable (in these

    loans, you sell the businesss accounts receivable to a third party at a


    Friends and family: Your friends and family are watching you create andgrow your business. Chances are they are proud of you and want you to

    succeed. If they have the means, they may be interested in financially

    supporting your venture.

    Angel investors:Angel investors are like venture capitalists in that they

    invest in early-stage companies to get a large return on investment. Unlike

    venture capitalists, who fund businesses by using other peoples invested

    money, angels work with their own money. As a result, angels have a lot

    more freedom to invest in non-standard ventures.

    Crowdfunding: Crowdfunding is a great way to pre-sell your product before

    its ready to ship to customers. For businesses, crowdfunding doubles as a

    way to get paid to market your new company or product.

    Growing organically: When you grow your company organically, you take

    out only what you need to survive and put the rest of your profits back into

    the company as an investment. The bigger you can grow your company, the

    more money it will return to you in the future.

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    Preparing to Seek Venture Capital

    Investors want to put their money in companies that will succeed. To select

    such companies, an investor has the difficult task of predicting which

    companies will flourish and which will fail. Investors like to see companies with

    lowered risks. A business can lower the risk to success over time by

    developing the business strategically and creating powerful relationships with

    individuals and other businesses.

    To make your business most attractive to investors, you must show that

    you've hit milestones and lowered the risks that are inherent to start-up

    companies. You don't need to have profits or even revenue yet. You just needto show venture capital investors that you are on your way.

    Key tasks to building the business

    Every business faces the risk that it will fail. Successful venture companies

    are founded, grown, and sold to another business, or they go public in an

    initial public offering (IPO). Between the day the business is founded and the

    day it is sold, a business faces several major risks that stand in the way of

    success. These risks are different for all businesses, but here are someexamples:

    Creating a product that is unique and that is (or will be) in high

    demand:A venture company must sell a product that solves a major

    problem for a lot of people or businesses. If your product is commonplace or

    needed only by a handful of people, you will have a great deal of difficulty

    connecting with venture capital.

    Fulfilling all legal, tax, and government regulations required to sell the

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    product: Venture capitalists are professional investors. They will not work

    with companies that have failed to build the business legally or without

    meeting all formal government requirements.

    Selling the product for a profit:A popular product isn't valuable unless it

    can be sold for more than it costs to make. Making products profitable can

    be especially tricky in cases where manufacturing or materials are very


    Hiring a management team that can grow the business: The team is

    probably the most important asset for a start-up company. A great team can

    change the product, redesign the marketing plan, and make new

    relationships with strategic partners. A great team can overcome most

    challenges to the business.

    Finding and meeting investorsWhen your company is ready, you can begin to connect with investors.

    Venture capital investors can be hard to find. When you are ready, look for

    them in the following places:

    Talk with your service providers. Bankers, lawyers, and accountants can

    often connect their clients with local venture capital firms.

    Network and attend pitch events. Pitch events are formalized

    conferences designed to connect founders with investors.

    Tap into the resources of business incubators(groups that

    concentrate resources in one place and often provide discounted

    services and free advice to young businesses) and mentors who have

    raised capital in the past. These groups will be able to point you to the

    right investors for your company. To find business incubators, go to the

    National Business Incubator Association at http://www.nbia.org/.

    Reach out to venture capitalists through their websites. To find more

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    about venture capitalists online, visit the National Venture Capital

    Association at http://www.nvca.org. Remember, venture capitalists need

    you just as much as you need them.

    Crafting a Venture Capital Agreement That BenefitsEntrepreneurs and Investors

    A venture capital investment is a partnership between an investor and a

    growing company. To create a productive relationship that supports a rapidly

    growing company, the partnership has to be good for both the entrepreneur

    and the venture capitalist. To ensure that the agreement is fair and promotes

    the interests of both parties, pay particular attention to the term sheet and toyour company's valuation.

    Term sheets

    A term sheet is a legal document that outlines the agreements made between

    the investors and the company founders. When both sides agree on the terms

    in a term sheet, the deal can close, and the investors effectively purchase

    stock in the company. The term sheet contains multiple terms, but the most

    negotiated are these:The type of investment (stock or convertible debt): Convertible debt is a

    hybrid type of investment. The agreement begins as debt and then converts

    to a purchase of stock if the money is not paid back. Generally, both sides

    assume that the debt will convert to stock at an agreed-upon time. A regular

    stock purchase is a transaction in which an investor purchases a number of

    shares in a company for a predefined price.

    The price of the stock, which is defined by the valuation of the

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    company. Determining the price of stock for a start-up company is not a

    simple task. Many ways exist to determine a company's value. No matter

    how much a founder calculates his or her company's valuation, the true

    price of stock is the price that an investor is actually willing to pay.

    Liquidation preferences for investors: Investment agreements are not all

    created equal. One of the biggest factors that affect an investor's final

    payout when your company sells is the liquidation preference. The

    liquidation preference describes who gets paid first when the company is

    sold. Liquidation can also occur when the company is dying, and assets are

    sold to cut losses. People holding preferred stock typically get their invested

    money back before everyone else.

    Definitions for who controls the company: Investors can be given voting

    rights so that they make executive decisions for the company as a group.Also, investors can sit on the board and have a major impact on decision

    making. Determine up front how much power you want your investors to



    The price of your company's stock is defined by the valuation of the company

    and the number of stock shares that make up the company.

    Risk is a key determiner of your ultimate valuation. The value of yourcompany is low when you first start up, because you face many future

    milestones that have yet to be accomplished. Over time, you decrease your

    risk by accomplishing these milestones. As you do so, the value of your

    company grows a situation that is reflected in the cost of your company

    shares. Investors will have to put more dollars into the company to buy the

    same number of shares.

    Because no perfect formula exists to determine the valuation of an

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    early-stage (pre-revenue) company, expect to spend time

    negotiating with investors to make sure everyone is on the same

    page about valuation and risk (both the risks your company faces

    and those it has already overcome) when investments are made.

    Pitching Your Deal to Venture Capital Investors

    Talking with venture capital investors about your company is different than

    having a discussion with potential clients or customers. Investors want to

    know how you will make money for your company and subsequently for them.

    To impress these investors, be prepared with sophisticated materials that

    communicate your company, product, and plans for the future. In short, youhave to get across that you are the founder that investors want to work with

    for the next three to seven years. Your task is to show that your team is

    capable of driving your company to success through integrity, hard work, and

    adaptability. You do that by creating a pitch deck.

    The pitch deck is the visual slide presentation that acts as a

    backdrop to your oral presentation. When you are presenting your

    deal in person, the pitch deck should be clean and nearly wordless.

    After all, the images (typically infographics) serve to reinforce your

    oral presentation. However, you may not present your deal in

    person. In that case, a pitch deck can also be a PowerPoint file that

    you e-mail to investors. For this pitch deck, the slides must be self

    explanatory. (Yes, plan on creating more than one deck!)

    All investor pitch decks for early-stage companies should include information

    about these topics:

    Company overview and the problem your product or service solves

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    Your business model

    Your target market and marketing strategy

    The risks and barriers to entry your company must overcome

    The size of your industry and your company's growth potential

    Your team

    Your exit strategy

    Your valuation story

    The ask, when you ask for investment from those in the audience

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