VBS at CTK · 35 The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever.-John 8:34-35. What Paul is saying in Galatians is that to submit to the yoke of slavery or

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Page 1: VBS at CTK · 35 The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever.-John 8:34-35. What Paul is saying in Galatians is that to submit to the yoke of slavery or

Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool



Page 2: VBS at CTK · 35 The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever.-John 8:34-35. What Paul is saying in Galatians is that to submit to the yoke of slavery or

Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool

From the Pastor’s Desk

Grace to You and Peace from God our Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ our Lord. America is a great and powerful nation, a nation conceived from the concept of life, lib-erty and the pursuit of happiness. The Christian Church is a great and mighty gathering of believers. It is conceived from the promise of God re-garding the free gift of eternal life, through Jesus Christ. Both of these statements are opinions and also statements of fact. Both of these statements are likewise being proven false by groups of individuals within them. You might ask how something can be opinion, fact, and false at the same time. Well, they cannot be all three for any one person, but they can be/become for anyone, any of the three. Let me illustrate from Paul in Galatians, “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” - Galatians 5:1. And further on in chapter 5, “For you were called to free-dom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one an-other.” - Galatians 5:13. In these two passages, Paul declares that the Christian is free, and that freedom comes from outside of the person, through Christ, and through God’s calling. What is done with that freedom may call into question whether that freedom is valued or not. Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin. 35 The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever.- John 8:34-35. What Paul is saying in Galatians is that to submit to the yoke of slavery or to take an oppor-tunity for the flesh, is to give up the freedom and seek the slavery. Going back to my opening statements, the greatness of the nation or the church is not dependent on any per-son. It is the principles or ideals of the group which make it great. Those principles and ideals, such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, in the case of our country, or the free gift of eternal life in the case of our church, are what make that group great. There is dedication to a greater good. As individuals, we choose to accept the fact of the group’s greatness as a truth or a lie. We do this by what we say and do. Our words show whether we value the ideal and principles. Think about your life this past week. How often have you upheld the ideal of our country and our church? How often have you fallen short of the ideals? We often make bad decisions or act inconsistent with the ideals of our church and our country. Let me be blunt, we sin. We allow sin to be part of our life, and even get very comfortable with it, maybe even would regret having to give it up. Have we become a slave to sin? Have we proven the ideal a lie? Have we given up on the principle of our faith? We certainly could be. In fact, the image we are projecting may lead others to believe that we hold that the principle is a lie. Sometimes it is a simple matter of thinking we are better than anyone else, or we are more deserving that others. As Christians and as citizens of these United State we need to renew our zeal for the principle upon which our lives were built. We need to look to the greater good, and seek to help one another, we need to look beyond our own belly, and look to the needs of those around us. We need to use our freedom to serve one another and not allow ourselves to be yoked in slavery to sin. Paul told the Galatians to stand firm, to not allow the yoke to be placed around their neck. He gives them the greater option in love to serve one another. This is our life and it is our Savior’s command, “Love one another, as I have loved you.” As we celebrate our independence, as a country and a church, let us use the gifts of God for the good of our fellow man, and not just to serve our-selves. Pastor Tim Email: [email protected] Cell phone: 636-744-9044

Page 3: VBS at CTK · 35 The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever.-John 8:34-35. What Paul is saying in Galatians is that to submit to the yoke of slavery or

Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool

Update: June 26, 2020

WE HAVE BEGUN reestablishing our sanctuary worship presence. We are not going to go back to full swing yet. We will allow people to be in the sanctuary during the service to participate in the worship experience. We continue to have the following guidelines:

• Sitting in alternating pews in each section, so that an empty pew separates the pews where people are sitting. Family units may be seated together. (Please DO NOT sit in a pew that has blue tape on the arm rest).

• Maintaining a social distance of 6 feet between family groups.

• Refraining from shaking hands or hugging.

• Face masks are mandated in Orange County. Therefore, they are required for entry into the sanctuary. Once seated, you may remove your mask if you are comfortable doing so. Before leaving the pews, please place your mask on before exiting the sanctuary and narthex.

Communion will be celebrated in a safe manner at the railings or by receiving individual communion cups and wafers in sealed bags located in the narthex. We will continue our “Drive-In” and Live-Stream on Facebook worship services. For now, our service time will remain at 9:00 AM on Sundays, but we will even-tually phase in the two service formats again. Timing will be determined at a lat-er date. Adult Bible class has resumed in Big Barnabas at 10:30 AM with masks being mandated and maintaining social distance. Fellowship has also begun, with safe handling of food, mandated masks and social distancing. We are of-fering our Thursday Morning Bible Class on Thursdays at 10:00 AM, in Barna-bas Hall and on Facebook Live. We greatly appreciate your patience during this time!

Current Sunday Worship Schedule:

Sunday Worship Service in the Sanctuary at 9:00 AM, “Drive-In” and Facebook Live Services Are Still Offered Fellowship in Barnabas Hall at 10:00 AM Adult Bible Class in Barnabas Hall at 10:30 AM (We will continue to practice social distancing. Masks are mandated in Orange County.)

Please Continue to visit our Facebook Page and Website for the latest updates with regards to our schedule of services/events during the COVID-19.

Page 4: VBS at CTK · 35 The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever.-John 8:34-35. What Paul is saying in Galatians is that to submit to the yoke of slavery or

Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool

Moving Christ The King Forward in 2020

Reason for the initiative: A plan to deal with the aging HVAC systems in some of our buildings.

Capital funding campaign to build up a replacement fund for the aging original HVAC systems in the various buildings on Christ The King’s campus, along with replacing some of the Designated Funds from the General Fund which were used in the recent period of shortage.

Goal of the Campaign: $150,000 over a 3-year period.

We invite you to join in on this initiative to upgrade and improve the experience at Christ The King, by replacing the aged air conditioning units which have been needing more repairs in recent years, with modern and energy efficient units that will serve our congregation in the future.

We are establishing this as a 3-year project, with the moneys being deposited in a des-ignated account, so that the funds would be available when the units need to be re-placed. Your pledge can be a one-time, one-year, or three-year pledge. Please fill out a pledge card and place it in the designated box on the center table in the narthex. There are special golden colored envelopes for your monetary donations (to be placed in the offering plate), in the narthex as well. We will also have a poster displayed which will map the progress of this initiative.

We hope you will join in on this much needed initiative.

Pastor and the Church Council of Christ The King


For Your Continued Financial Support

During This Time. Actual Givings Received Total Needed Difference 1st Quarter Total: $72,795.57 $65,130.00 $7,665.57 (January—March) April $21,556.70 $20,040.00 $1,516.70 May $28,495.92 $25,050.00 $3,445.92

Page 5: VBS at CTK · 35 The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever.-John 8:34-35. What Paul is saying in Galatians is that to submit to the yoke of slavery or

Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool

The 2020 Youth Confirmation Class

Joseph Luis Bischoff is the son of Paul & Yohena Bischoff. He was born on January 6, 2006, in Orlando, Florida. He was baptized on January 29, 2006, at Crown of Glory Lutheran Church, in Or-lando, Florida. Joseph plans to renovate houses and restore cars. His hobbies include fishing, riding his bike and video gaming. His favorite hymn is “This Is The Feast Of Victory.” Joseph’s favorite Bi-ble passage is, “Be kind and loving to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God for-gave you.” - Ephesians 4:32.

Macy Elizabeth Modlin is the daughter of Paul and Jacqueline Modlin. She was born on March 14, 2006, in Orlando, Florida. She was baptized on July 9, 2006, at Christ The King Lutheran Church, in Orlando, Florida. Macy’s plans are to attend Olympia High School, participate in cross country and other clubs. After high school, she will attend college and possibly join the engineering or medical field. She enjoys softball, traveling, and spending time with her family. Macy’s favorite hymn is “Amazing Grace” and “How Great Thou Art.” Her favorite Bible passage is, “Have I not com-manded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9.

KayLee Ann Santiago is the daughter of David & Kathryn Santiago. She was born on February 19, 2006, in Orlando, Florida. She was baptized on March 12, 2006, at Christ The King Lutheran Church, in Orlando, Florida. KayLee plans to attend college to pursue a career in graphic design. She enjoys volleyball, art and theater. KayLee’s favorite hymn is “O Holy Night.” Her favorite Bible pas-sage is, “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” - Isaiah 41:10.

Eelin Elizabeth Snell is the daughter of Drs. Matthew & Debbie Andree Snell. She was born on January 18, 2006, in Orlando, Florida. She was baptized on March 5, 2006, at Christ The King Lu-theran Church, in Orlando, Florida. Eelin plans to pursue a career in entertainment or psychiatry. She enjoys ballet, playing the piano, theater and riding horses. Eelin’s favorite hymn is “Onward Christian Soldiers.” Her favorite Bible passage is, “For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” - Jeremiah 29:11.

Samuel Paul Valuch is the son of Paul & Anna Valuch. He was born on January 29, 2005, in To-ronto, Canada. He was baptized on April 2, 2005, at St. Luke Lutheran Church in Toronto, Canada. Samuel plans to study computer science and business at the University of Florida. He enjoys learning programming, creating sport videoclips, traveling, biking and swimming. His favorite hymn is “Awesome God.” Samuel’s favorite Bible passage is, “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff comfort me.” - Psalm 23:4.

Our 2020 Confirmands

Joseph Luis Bischoff Macy Elizabeth Modlin KayLee Ann Santiago Eelin Elizabeth Snell Samuel Paul Valuch

Page 6: VBS at CTK · 35 The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever.-John 8:34-35. What Paul is saying in Galatians is that to submit to the yoke of slavery or

Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool

Remembering Our Veterans:

The Missing Man Table


(Located in the Back of the Sanctuary)

A table was placed in the sanctuary in remembrance of our veter-ans for Memorial Day. There is a handout located on a small ta-ble next to the Missing Man Table indicating what each item symbolizes. Please take one.

Let us remember and

never forget their sacrifices. May God

forever watch over them and protect them and their


Page 7: VBS at CTK · 35 The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever.-John 8:34-35. What Paul is saying in Galatians is that to submit to the yoke of slavery or

Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool

CTK Preschool

Angel Alexander

Happenings at CTK PreSchool...

We have openings for all age groups and kinder-

garten! Check us out online at ctkpreschool.net or

call the school office for more information at 407-


End of the School Year Drive By

Page 8: VBS at CTK · 35 The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever.-John 8:34-35. What Paul is saying in Galatians is that to submit to the yoke of slavery or

Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool

06 – Robert & Juliana Hey 08 – Bill & Ardelle Mathews 09 – Jeff & Grisel Appenzeller 10 – Jason & Rebecca Ice 14 – Drs. Matt Snell & Debbie Andree 18 – Pastor & Pat Schultz

02 – Nora Piepho 03 – David Harder 04 – Jacqueline Modlin 05 – Gage Stauferland 06 – Elliot Burton Phyllis Harder Tula Porter 07 – Arthur Sieler 10 – Neida Rhoads

11 – Anson Cartwright Angie Hilken Rowan Marcantonio 12 – Dr. Debbie Andree Snell Gary von Behren Juan Gonzalez 13 – Brianna Kulich Sven Shorter

15 – Megan Anderson Erin Hassel 16 – Lauren Rathmann 18 – Andrew Nystrom 19 – Arianna Chunoo Philip Rolando 20 – Vicki Ferguson 21 – Yoriko Clarkson 22 – Rachel Brinkman Crowe Bill duPont Ian Viney

23 – Kristen Hartley 24 – Angela Ashworth John Marietta Alden Orlando 27 – Brandi Mattox Tice 28 – Pastor Timothy Brown 29 – Ryan Thurston 30 – Carol Jaby Dr. Matt Snell Sherry Snyder 31 – Scott Hitzeman

Happy Birthday!

Happy Anniversary!

We Are Expanding Our Online Presence! Please follow us on Instagram!


Audio of Pastor Brown’s Sermons are available on our website at


Video of Pastor Brown’s Sermons are available on our Facebook page at

“Christ The King Lutheran Church & PreSchool”

Newsletter Deadline: August 15, 2020 (There will be no newsletter for August)

A Special Thank You to those that volunteered their time and those that donated items to the CTK VBS in June. It was a fun,

spiritually-uplifting time for all! A thank you to Thrivent for

sponsoring this event!

Office Hours: Monday—Friday, 7:00 AM—1:00 PM

Page 9: VBS at CTK · 35 The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever.-John 8:34-35. What Paul is saying in Galatians is that to submit to the yoke of slavery or

Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool