Vatican Hit With Claims by Québécois Victims

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  • 8/7/2019 Vatican Hit With Claims by Qubcois Victims





    BYDr. JONATHANLEVY, PhDATTORNEY& SOLICITOROnbehalfof83 Duplessis rphan ictims

    RODVIENNEAUPrsidcntComitCs EDfants e a Grande oirceulAddresscsponso:

    Dr. JONATHANLEVY, ESQ.Brimstone Co.Attomeys& Soliaitors1629 StetNW Suite 00Washington C 20006USATEL 202-318-2406FAj{[email protected]

  • 8/7/2019 Vatican Hit With Claims by Qubcois Victims


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    I. INTRODUCTIONTO PETITIONTheDuplessis rphansreagroupofat least100,000osterGhildrcntomQuebec, anada.Some adnoparcnts.Some adonly anunmarriedmother'Somehad mpoverishedarents ho hought hechildrenwouldbebetter aredor in anCatholicChurchOrder un nstitution nd elinquishedheirparcntal ghts.Dudng he 1940s, 950s nd1960s,nstead fbeingproperly aredor andgivenagoodeducation,smanyoftheparents adbeen romised,sychiatristsrdmedical octorsalselydeclaredhese hildreno be lnentallyill" or"mentallyretarded."Thechildrenwerewarehousedn psychiatic nstitutions, rphalages,efom

    schools,ndothernstihrlions spartofa financial chemeo enrichhegovemmentofQuebec ndCatholicOrdels,TheQuebeaovemmentnderMauriceDuplessis@remier fQuebec 936-1939,1944-1959)eceived argevolume ffirnding romtheCanadianederal ovemmentor thesocalledcareofthechildren.Theperiod nQuebecistorys called heLa Grande oirceur "TheGreatDarkness")ue orampant orruptionoremost mongwhichwas he eatmentof theDuplessisOryhans.Otherchildren, articularly ewboms, ere raffickedn by the Orders,npadicularhe Sisters f Mercy.while institutionalizedn RomanCatholicOrder-runnstitutionshemselves'manyDuplessis rphans ere mproperly ubjeatedo brain'damaginglectroshock,forciblenjectionsMith owerfuldrugs, uman xperimentation,oiure, sexualabuse, eatings,orcedaborandother ormsof physical buse.Theabusccsultedin manydeaths stimatesangento he housands.In the1990s,240ndividualestimoniesnd321criminalcomplaintstomsuwivingDuplessis rphans erecompiled ln 1997, Quebecovemmentombudsman'seport erified n detail heabuseheDuplessis rphansuffercdTheombudsman,anielJacoby,oundevidenceftortule,beatings,obotomies,cebaths, leatroshock,sychosurgery,exual buse ndmorc.Psychiatrist enisLazue,Fesidentof theCanadiansychiatric ssociationandheadf theQuebec ealthMinistry,admittedn hismemoi$ hat nmates iedfiompsychiatrictreatmelts"at he nstitutio[where e ntemed----annstitutionhatheldmanyDuplessis rphans.heseeahnentswercoftennothingmorc hansadistic seudocientificexperimentationnchildren.

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    To date,howver,no individual or entity-including the Canadian ndQuebec ovemments,hepsychiatdsts nd doctorswho victimized theDuplessisOrphansand exploited hemashumanguineapigs,and he RomanCatholic Orderswhich ran he institutionshavebeenheld accountable r apologizedor theallegedcrirnesand human ights abuses.

    In 2010, he survivilg DuplessisOrphansemainhauntedby the false abel ofmental llness n their medical ecords.Additionally, the federalgovemmentofCanada nd Plovince of Quebec efuse o investigate redibleallegationsof murdersandgenocide,havepermittedeviderce o be nteltionally destroyed ndrefuse odocument nown but urunarked ravesitesofmurderedvictims.The HumanRights Commissions f both Canada ndQuebec s vell as hevarious otherCanadian gencies ither refuseor haveactively coveredup furtherinvestigation nto the DuplessisOrphans iting either statutcoflimitations or anunwillingnesso reopena closedmatter rom La CrandeNoirceur'Petitionershowevercite that crimesagainstchildren ncludingmurdersshouldbe investigated ndprosecutedwhen he ndividual andjuridic perpetrato$are still atliberty. Furthermany ofthe Orphans titl carryfalse abelsof retardedor mentally llandhavebeendeniedjust andproprcompensation. inally, the RomanCatholicOrders nvolved ncluding butnot limited to The Little Frstrcilcrns of Msry'Brotben ofNotre Dame of Mrcy, the Grey Nunr, SfuteBof Mer.Y' Silterr ofProvidetrce, isters f Charity of Quebec, isters f th GoodShpherd ndSiEteB Notrc Drme of Auxiliatrice havebeenunjusdy enrichedbut havebeenpermitted o kepmillions of dollars n surplusesmadeat theexpense f the orphans.

    II. TIIE PETITIONERSThepetitioners,83 DuplessisOrphans epresetrtedy Dr, Jonathan ely,solicitor and attomeyand he CanadianNGO Comitd LesEnfantsde a GrandeNoirceur headed y Rod Vienneauhavestandingo bring this case.

    III EXHAUSTION OF LOCAL REMEDIESPetitionershaveexhausted ll local remedies s follows:

    June 16, 2010 he CanadianHnman RightsCommission cfusedjurisdictionandreferred hematter o the HumanRights Commissio[of Qubec.The Commissionstated o Mr. Vienneau:"Your cortespondenceasbeencalefirlly reviewed,and t doesnot appearhat hemattersyou mise are clated o a federallyregulatedbody. As a result heCommissions unable o assistyou. You may wish to biing your concamso theattentionof the humandghts coomissionfor Quebec..."

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    On September 3, 2010, he QuebecCommissiondesdroits de a personne tdesdrcits de ajeunesse QuebecHumanRights Commission) espondedoPetitioners'attomey egardingwhether he matterofthe Orphansncluding heongoingcoverup could be investigated.The Commission uled therewas no caseunder nvestigation egarding he Orphans hat the mattorwas urisdictionally baned. and he Commission cfused o conductan intemal nvestigationofwhether therewasor had beenan active cover up.

    Additionally, Rod Vienneau n thepast enyearshaswritten hundreds flette$ to Canadian ovemmentoffices, he DioceseofMontleal, the EnglishCrown,politicians,and mediaseekingjustice or the orphansand a reopeningoftheinvesligation. The lettershaveeithergoneunanswered, avebeenpolitely receivedbut no action aken,or refened o other agencieshat do likewise.All local remedies avebeenexhausted. he responsible gencies aveall foundjurisdictional reasons ot to investigate he matterofunresolvedcdmes, alselabeling,and he nvolvementofthe RomanCatholic Ordrs.Petitionersare eft withno remedydue o the deliberate olicy ofthe Canadian ovelnmento cover up thecrimesofthe La GrandeNoirceurperiod n Quebecand specifically h crimescommittedagainstOrphansby the Ordersand heir continuingconsequencesndpdvations.

    IV THE ORIGINAL CRIMESlt is therefusalofthe Canadian ovemmento provideclosureand ustice for thepastcrimesagainst he Orphansand remove he false medical abelsofretalded andmentally ll which still haunt he Petitiorc! Orphanshatprompts hispetitio[ TheQuebecnstitutions,doctors,RomanCatholicOrdersand otherscommiftd ensofthousands f crimesagainst he orphans.Herein s a very small rcpresentative amplingofcdmes committedagainstOrphanpetitionershat occurredduringthe La GrandeNoirceur:1. As a child A was kept n a cell for 6 years, eceived30 unauthorizedelectroshocksrom 150volts o 350volts...2. B was falsely abel mentally etarded,usedas slave aboron state arms, deniedan educalion,severelybeatenon the headand ost his hearingn one ear...3. C was forced o aansportdeadOrphans'bodies o themorgueand wash hem;he transported 5 bodies,until he himself fell sick.4. D was held againsthiswill at Saint-Jean-de-DieusychiatricHospital or 39years, alsely abeledmentally ll, beaten, traitjacketed, nd dosedwithchlomromazine...

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    5. E was ied to a bed n a cell in a straitjacket,ortured,bealen,drugged,deniedaneducationand alsely abeledmentallyretarded ..6. F was sexuallymolestedby a Nunlied handand oot to a steelbedwith collararoundher neck, rnprisoned n a cell anddosedwith thepowerfi tranquiller,LargactilThorazine)...7. G, Was sodomizedepeatedly y hospitalguards,when hefought back, oneguardblindedG with ajackknife8. H was sexuallyabused,ortued and usedas slave abor; a CatholicBrotherofNobe Dame ntentionally hrewa hockeypuckhitting him in the eye,blindedhrmand educed isvision o 10olon theothereye...9. I was llegally held at St MichelArchange,put into punishment ells,straitjacketed,oltured, beaten,dosedwith Chlorpromazine, nd hansfened o otherinstitutions...10. J, a NativeAmrican,hadhis identity changed,was subjectedo unauthorizedelectroshocks nd obotomies,heldprisoner or 18years n psychiatrichospitals,and6 yearsas orced abor on state un work farms,..I l. K was warehoused t DoreaPsychiatricHospital,usedas ahumanmedicalexperiment ubject or testsof the drugsGludoxine,Librium, Demerol,Atropine,Largactil; beatenwith a stick, straps,alse abeledmentally ll , and mprisonedn acell...


    Petitionen believe hat themost serious rimes:murderof children,sexualexploitationofchildren andhafrcking in children,medicalexperimentation, ndtorture shouldbeexempt rom any arbitrarystatuteoflimitation when he mainactorsareRomanCatholic Orden, their agentsand.employees.hesearenot randomcnmescommittedby individuats or thei owngratificationbut enormous rimesagainstanentire class,he Orphans, ommitted or financial benefit.The fruits ofthese outrageshavebeen etainedby theguilty partiesand no adequateestitutionoffered o thevictims.

    The Orphansstill retain he stigmaoftheir false diagnoses,hephysica.l ndemotionalscarsofthe traumasufered, and n somecases raindamage aused y

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    humanexperimentationn the nameofmedical science.The damagehereforesongoingand hasnot abatedard will not be staurcheduntil a rcmedy s providedbyCanadaor closure.

    Secondly,he ongoingcoverup ofcrimes is pervasive.Therearemany factsstill not kno!v.n.Unmarkedcemeteries riginally ownedby the Ordersarc beingdestroyed ven hough he authoritieshavebeenalqted to thesecrimescerles.Forensicevidence s being nlentionally destroyed ue o the ndifferenceanddeliberate poliationofevidence by the Orders.

    VI LIABILITY OF TIIE ORDERSThe Odrs have cfused o communicatewith petitioners' attomeyand

    advocates. heOrdershavedestroyed videnceandhavebanked heproceeds fthesecrimesat theIOR and other depositorynstitutions.Petitioners'submit hatthere s no statuteof limitations for thesecrimesas ongas he Ordcrs emain unjusdyenriched.

    I'II CONCLUSIONThepetitioners equest hat this matterberefened o the Congegation or

    fi.rfthe!study andother appropriate ction o determinefviolations ofcanon andCommonLaw haveoccurredand fcanon and CommonLaw remedies houldbedispensed. he Orders nvolvedare emiss n their dutiesdue o embarassment ndunwillingness o reopenadark chapter n their history. This indifference o theplightofthe Orphanss a violation ofuniversal normsofhuman rights.Further he Ordershaveenriched hemselves t the expense f the Orphans.

    In the wordsof His Holiness,JohnPaul I:"Ai excuse s worse andmore errible than a lie. for an excuses a lie suarded."It is time that theseOrderscome o termswith their pastand squarelyon the sideofhuman ights and ustice or forever be aintedandunclean.The victims of thisgreatinjustice arehoping hat the Congregationwill be able o elicit a rcsponseiom itsOrdersand hata measure fjustice including an admissionof responsibility or theOrphansmay be obtained.

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    Deliveryby U.S.Mail: hoof of Service y Mailby AttomeyI declarehat amover heageofeighteen ears ndnot aPartyo this action'OnApril15,201II servedhe attachedetition yplacinga tuo copyenclosedo a sealed Dvelopeithpostageully prepaidn the U.S.mail,adfuesseds ollo$,s:THE CONGREGATIONOR NSTITUTESOT CONSECRATEDIFEANDSOCIETIES FAPOSTOLIC IFEPalazzoellaCongregazioni,iazza ioxII, 3, 00193Rona' ItslyI declare nder enalty f perjuryunder he awsoftheUnitedStqteshat he orcgoingstrueandcorrect.

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