*>f P&iie ^^p*" > ^v** W*^ TW*»»*"a*^"?a|PlNa\ , >W*»i^W»mctiW^WWi!MWt _^ ta . . . , -., ... - ~1Che:ia*c4r^^^ lit thjsv {Country, 'baisre tottdly ex- '••;, Wtth.^ 'if-'»i» -„,i**i«»i. •'«»* tfoRtfc*jgovelfeitJbvSMfc' -i ? Tte?|tBdience had -been,-, pron*- JK«B» Ja*^^thi*ceuairy* .SSSft* JSf^"' ^ ^ ' * M&?i *w«ajiii»tortr £&:•.*& so6nl**PP ## WW* map than ^ j»KH!l|i^Jon#y eno«ih and often «uou«fa, tt*cy 4 *au : j»ke $1* chargeback; IfljB»minds:6f e ^ e peopje. :;tt iKQUld ieein.. though,. t&at .the denwn*h«±ors are., tie -ones/ wtoo-^arft, ea^esativeljr .attach- 4ft' to * cause, m (Suae fvhich tr ^ ^ % b &\£? , P J # 1 * ^ , -j- IJ, : *, JtorejjgnIdejtjbgy., - |t ce$fainjy cabnpt be -argued; that these <kmonitrator» are op- posing the United States becmuic of* devotion -^ : prfn«lt>le.>, Any iprinclple, that wouldi be* involved '_-;to-,the'..igsa^'seaiatefc- the Ftsincb..- " ;lfowrn|isent «o»I<j *e at stake ijnany tiroes ewer tn the jmaehi-; - nation*; of. the Soviet Russian regtihe, b o t h a t ljame : and hi jieasterii -JSftrop&, ~ jfei^-.these tdeih. enstritar* are not clamoring: for the UN orjanir*tlon to take any atept aj^lnst-Rusjila- ^DaafMWM'jiSww^wt^^; r^ajriun*r^lec3^^ ~ed to e^^^'tte-Jlil^^fi'ajB'p^ ^<& demonstrators by pointing :$ttt\fhaii«Mr.'tange. the -repre-* attitiUv^ it'the-Ji*cs«at-Warsaw rrtgimej ^doesn't realize theVpre- cedent>T^e" Is setting^to;asklri*; -.-jtofeti»«ctM» ajfainat^toe- 'franco^ ^wenane^t; , Beeaussev ifr. itiw --*».<, - * - peat, cflarjes - ajalnst Franco ^h!Ch:JbavT? been, the .stock-in- vipiiM'.Of Ainerlsauii l e f t * i n £ t e » forinonth*;to.S&CJi&r itttd^ tlui ; ttiitake *«tf:., re^atteif viejttaiUnk cdpholHai Jed by Freda ^chw^sy: Ol'Jhe^a^ai.' T$P^,c|H^rg€ss;;v were >lin? lum. me^cjy ai.idaptajioij^'ol flie.ar-- gumejjt*-' which •;tiie- Affierlcan group had; already used success- fully ip-'storapede bur Stale jDe* parunent. into fts regTeUed if»h-' - esse. may be sald^t^. have lapsed then and there. 3$e lead- ing critic* of the pwtprniiQce, CoL. Hodgson ol AuKralla,- did . . .. _.-•-••• ," ot help jiiatters by calling at- \dcjijnattoa. 01 ^erov the Argen-^tention to the mlssaje, "Sfraiufe Une dletatbr. Fraoco,:Ufee Perpnij &: say/' he: re^MU•ked. , nhe harbored;.;Nazi war erlmlnala.^ French: deleiiite'.i«*er said a UJw. Pcran, ho held•X&/?tet*'if^^.>Bbmt^'Ttoi-*:it^i&iif' and aUovocd>N*az!a,4o coBtrolto-1clatoeitl it' was the •ource OX to <lt«trlesr likej^eron, he^.permit LiejjiaiioD«lr£r1etl(S) 5 rstrther^he :ftd !$&. sctentifttv-jtp ^devdop | akld-niiwljeriai, feot aT word," afeoHl ^torolcJaoniba^—-i—£^^ "^Mr,*Xani«'had. cause to regret j crhmest lor' cloilnar that "trim* ^•^^c^jijfinisg/ic^ta^a^r.fa^^^ the well worn material A provided-f'' As aliriijy fiidlcited there-s&s blrnl when Deles*te^ Caaogaij of igood reason far the Frcwf^^dele-, Great Britain deflated one^ by:one (gate's - t t o u ^ Report* , IWBB the.blb«nH«p.,charges i>t the antl-. : Fraiwe ^^jtMi' ''.-that; 1 commanist Franco, &bnU .' •' -1;'.. ~ ' ». ; members ol the ; Frjench cabinet Soaaat-'Ntf* BeJp"-""' ' jiorced theffbvernna«ht-ioclose J l Bonhet.^ai't 1 ln-the auppprt-"• S*. 1 ^"^ ^^cus^y m&^, -•-...—-.-j-----—•• ring role which obviously totfUl,$£?*& brtafl abou^a sltuati|j|j cil tlkeaiitha actloa.-iltr:-. i-Anm*i^iTi. ^^- 1 K < - r 5 . - - ^ - e ' s«time^*a«alhst;Franco. ' lA :cil tlkesi^tha actioa^4<fr.; Lange -'«w4;IUis^/wa^^.tb.'{tai|ie,' "the »pay is opened aoine. day fb ex •- ta«M|>:--t|>e:'.ii*enui^t's3 , 'Mos- . c6#.*.;- ^" --.-,.. •".; • '-'••;' . ..'. . ^-\^.''l^siwr^*e ; ' t s k ^ r tifte 'pos>. Oon Qipt; tlu?- Unlt*di ; States' Ind Gmt'.Brltaljii acted wl#s4y.' l, .|tf •«reeai^^o;.; ft in^lt; Into".the 3>b- ; - Ush proposal to examlns the case I : <b| "Ffinco and' Sjain. ;He-aaya I "touiatsalanlsm" is. a threat-".to.?. world peace wherever it slniwa,, tti head—wlKther: in Spain,-or.i' Argentina or RuMla," and "sure-1 lyi*fFrauico'3 Spain is a subject, for examlnaUon by the United, Nation* Security Council—then, afome day *. small nation tame-1 where wrhicb 'findsvtgaeU^tanMt>f ened by avconimuaiat IpVaaioni can ask that the tactic* and •strategy of. Moscow also be ex- •aninea by the Secuiity Caahcil.'' But apparently,, tnose In till eotmtry Who are pressta* moit vlgcfoiUBy for stoftis and cctm- plele action Sgainit lbs Fratnco regiiae in Spain have no thought in .thete aunds that the United NaBisnii win ever-he permitted to take atich acaonAgiinst totall- t3Krt«v %wm f "Paey «tJJl Jpeak • ? Russia as thwigh it tvere a dleni^ocraMpy'. •;.'.. /Jftwacn sui Attreator? '[ % .. - JEt can JiarseSy be said that tttaae who have been most persistent in wsdferatiajE lor the United JNa> tlons to .unhorse Generalissimo f^smc» *xe interwtea solely, or fwit cMeOy, la figliting totall- ta*M«iiatnv &,&& *«rev tiwy »sav»-an fMWypfe ol .^iaotariant iatn pJtr.jB!«ffl«neo Jtt $m$#t Bus- .aaa. .It cast noisiMy be thai tihey thinlc Franco is, of at any time *oon vm he, g u % of acts of asgresskra. if it fg aggresalon «Hey «re> wttojed iurattt «*y am let the fiafjjaa msx&aa be idr ed?. Wtor not Investigate tho plight «*rtbe Bftllfe a&te«, Po- land and the Balkans? One «idely-clrca3atesi commen ^ta4or v hs*-.»eJi^^t«^ l ofo as the last iasdst state in Europe. <tee woadeas woM no ander- If one goes on asRSng quest Urns like those, Che matter st«n? ^vtJLitoja'iii-Ttiie* oneTacehe in jB^hic'h'', Sir.- Langc, expected to- *tcal the,, show. 4 . Charges .that arg1nnent*si!ain«t*Fianco. Pvneh aad «!«•> Slkcm - U,K.-» u**> ^tound by ills script Mr. Gro- f Franco'a,acuvities da, the . FYa^i;^^^^^ ^ "$&&$*: Vborder .had compelled. France to ^1^* w «^ P«fonWP<* ^M doss':ihe-' Spanish frontier were * ?«?• »iT' J u ,h !. leve l i °*> a: made by thrspokesman * for the•:-J UI * n ' «d J«^ «how; -3b£C*- Warsaw r e B l m ^ ^ " : ; f" Vf^fV- drawing ujjon' .offlcial H , ^ * ^ , - *«r ^ t M. Bonnes < « ^ ^ * * ^ co^pletciy and the!.Soi-ie^Poilsh i| G ^ ^ " n ^ ^ ^ ^ i \ ^ ^ ^ m ^ m f ^ were largely^- restatement ^ W - ^ t ^ I W t n i M l t a Aftd the Lange Itoe. . , r < t 9*V| ^ definitely m* m thne Uthuanlan and Polish repr£' ^ " Q&rtng- with thf interna) , - * y 1ttCIMJ«a> K*4ITaTlB ^i^SHwat *<wt wi^sw-^f'Waia^ ' t h e Itoridftp Tsaslst iaad»^ieo- is «traarcB^ry'J»i¥jhe yoUtlcs ages is raise the tw»|*r»- t«t*- of -|*o#ft f globe. Nathlni .t&3e»'- !«»-.-#;- ^plni(>» or m : ^ Mtbtvm 'pebple'as tfi*'***iJl Ip»N* SpaniiA civil war. ;'. We are -living it* foR»eq.\»eftce« : iM»X-«tt ; less viedenUy jfcawt |». the painful daji of 1936-3* like n»at ol ^b;e, liiwe* «l ft* tfmt* the, v?Me huilneaa has heeome a&ac*t hopejettly- befogged and bemoddled. With : leelinj* ^nm- ntafr- high, it ha*-, oeconve wflf s h c « of unt>osalble toss* through Usat p&» tot accurate appraisals of the complex Spamiah question, •>,Th* aottea qf t h e FblHh xratfr 'fcratattvr «f 'tRe S ^ h a i t y ' C w a * cfi meeUnar to New fork in pre- seating the Spaniah problem for jictipn by tUe I$£ed Nstions has set: oft a nrtf and irewiad ***# ol" bytterist and dEf*?ft«- -'• .Orr-nlz*tioni sa'ch-'§§the, » ttoat Asaocsaaes are seelfinf Ut cpnvinaj the AJ»*rJc«i people that ..the; ov«*hr6w jbtdmJbm* CQ regtoe by- Wf ftetsttre 1» *. test of the force avnd legitlroacy of the whole United Nations idea, PniWmni I£ot: Hinipie .... -, _ ._. ' J. Vast.. : an3QiB)ts' e| verblsgf abcut democracy and fascism . Franco rule* in Madrid, the cause and, one axrpposea, by the Wine iogic,-.if-Reaijjco i» In sonw n>an- ner aeparated from his post, de- mocracy triumphant win ride to greater glories, Wvsuld that the .whole- prt*ktM'-**t*N'M sample 'aiy : thlf,-Wc^M Ihatll «*«« isire. ly a quMtion of the departure of General Franco to> btinj^\bai»» (knd. olntnaair to * iotelj? "*tled world. ,t • - , - . |. - .'.. .;.;^3^,^oa^lle^^af^.Sr»1» f .,,|!t56^. daced^veftst-of: dl*c«cd":'and bit- ternesst doling the last decade. Meddling Jn the aiTajrs'of that harassed tuition.led to nothing but 'hynsis^ Jtntatfcsil|ai. t»: Dtit«b Town D*ttrs Ctftii^ral to 1970 In KtMpiiif Vow (Turn to page t) Tsgatin. Holland <NO— This isataJi Duseii tntataa*••.•»•»• ta tfc* limlwrr *afrte* win wai» isntil lfTt for ft* sest earalral. in keeping with a vow made by toea! esmrdi leader? tat (ho whiter eT 1*44- 4S, wlira Q ?>'>o4red as If horn- twrdtnenia siui famine weald wreak ; crest havoc te the suwn. Municipal coondlkira voted snuBlraoasly to eswy oat the vow, made by tits cbwrehmea on behsthT of Hie poptsafBORw that the merryraaklng, festltal would W po*fi>oaed for 23 years ff file people of Tegeko were saved from the dearasta- ttOB thai ttreaieoed tbesn. The apariur of Tegelen, wblch fol- lowed the making of the prom- ise, benefited not «Bty theaa- thres off the town, bat Ufr» inhaWtsmt* of Be%hawrtag Venlo, who were evaeaated to Tegelesa by the German*. •4Nl^^.»«^I^B*:»itSc •i^mVbi^^tk-^tMi. torn 1 « f e r - ^ y / '<s^o*!ftV»p«''"tt»' :•*>* 'S^tofc&aitp/ b*«e Wm4 i w«* •^ine:-ih:' : »ojih^;'eot»«l«' and' Moravia, .t*Wag iSto'jfai&pt At- gatiig-bjrttt i^J^-t(»*«((«r»^it,' j - tJM -nwrftbep «f BijyitrtBiis it>. tholica^eB- CSsechjCNflotiriR teJtttor*- is mm ejittontftS ^b^tttieoyOdrx,' -*ftd; C5R0o»lft«at »ahoni» bt reeognitlon of their pastotal re- j*fonw0i^. lire .doinj; ftj(h? W .mm to iffevidg ^ciwta ias jib*nt •• A jSreek' <i»U»uUa - Mrfl»h- fctt beejj, <ftlt>Qsn«d'it BRJOJ "" Moravia, and .Roman Cat" priest* are being- trslrted so they may be abla to mm the spiritual needs of the displaced Ruthentaa*. l + a«|f*cted. by *«cjhbJn* Pb«ts«*imay3s. , 3 b e ' ftt*» M, HffthirnlTiiit' Plit Oih'illfff Mltf Jiv- ing $n,-8avtet territory, «btr* sia be no doubt thit ihhse In Cttscho- alovakia «r« la no way i f acted by the 'decWorT of 'the "qjwA* twH ut. W o * , -wWcBi Wmem my* *^d*4 te'wmve m. 3& year^ld Union bet* eta the Ku- Vntxim &M& In. Wettthy % MUntt «nd ti» Be^r $«#,"; aloviWl *rf« abtdlutdy ftej. "Kifty have their mtt Biihop, the Most Ret. ftuXfeter fSd|fflc, OJjBJyU whose sett U (n..Pr<*jv, S3ov*3<ts, : a network of pariahes and mbn- isteries, and publish raatatine* tad outer religious ptrlodicaJ*. The amniement .conclttdtd 1m~i'Ufrr -t«dfcr---wh^h^€a«ho { ; •loyaftlt agrwd to ctd* SubOr- pathla ,a«r taiurnmost province* mm*****" «r to stay tn their hom« 'or to' 'Htm *>t the letftttnent- ef M thtnlan Catholic* in area*, of 3doml* and Bohetnls that hare been VtefttK by •&*,• fMstlW 9ttdet*n 43tnwhs) UttPWf-ii- ft- TetTbif Hgbt 0frtlf« ttewehdlo^ forced ahtfUt «i- populatiOM now unStr w»y bt lS#pe, It bit bean rtiwriidt stnd not deaiedi' -thai' the' SovieU - ire •brinjtef •ihjtJstwk -ftattt-iliii-iij. teMot* of *ii«He Rtwdst t>. ««* tie''« th# »etdjrmM«lrea 8d*rftt areas to the Baltic, sasttrn fo> land and. Sab Carpithl*, ^ Thou- t «enUU»c* here wtre <julck to de- , clare that investigation in the J internal affair* of. their countries , would disclose ample juatlflcatlon for U»e iund of inteswenuon Afai Gromyko had .deraaadtdfa;the •case of Spain*- Why, foreianipiC T ihduldi>ot the: United ; NaUons > becotoe "sie2ed" of the situatioh revealed recently Involving rmlda by Uk- rabuans* on'-•• Pollah towns and villages? The .rom-Jetmmr fw« itnw go on the road hi t3io fonn;ef an invesUgatini sabcomttiittee proposed by<&ttbnelHodg«OB,*dt Encyclopiedia Lists Former Siminary Aide I'- of anti-f»Ki«m or any other Jforrn of enawdTn* a*a)l, • -"• *• * .; Catholic opinion durlnj: the trying ytans of U* civil war was dmded to svome extent between tfeit : 'wno -weat all^'owt lorV'tb*; Natlonallrt'moveiaent, tctfnf to ll'-iigiivdilsspee 'pjt trjBiWJ*-' *nd decency against thaf onslaught of 'lefl]lnl/-b> varjousj lonna' ahd thoaej iiba ware: imwfttinX to. plagR sat'nrftB^'iit- S ^ a n e & « B the aaaurnpHion that hi* vfct'ory end establishment in fiowet .-»»>« In- disTfenalibie i$t tfier M u r e ^ei- fare df theJQt^irch. * area»> <sa jfof .lflitta9Ce, -'tm^m l%lihd>«r« -ihitt*d«iW|f^ «©v# into "diitiicts.',tasicn. o*«r.jfrttn3 the Germans- ^ 1 " There h*ve bea» prttJotti. re- of-easterh- Tom .being *£> strutrture. e»f, Spain In the riaihe'J ilea to SpeajiliMiaT «Her Cfemiirj •T..... ,.-.„.:...,.., ,• ,:..,„ ^^..t^j^ „Jj| ct l, itt q* <t f A ^ |tgxig. : dtetlorb>. U» Mi Thiw:'i|3r%e... meat cohcIttaM teJSerilft The: dhfeifth.'-'-fronj m g i i e . $t&ffltK thai a innntsi iMft % alio tak- ing »Uce within OrtchoaktaJd*. :fe, crh*a .*#•«'. thmtifa-*d .. . . -^ ******** meets utteatst to swaM^ * t&tf T ? i * lf **'7*-'^!B - ,- t n York sifece»-Ma been a nop, ? * Tnbl-••B-i'rielHjisr- *Be .tlns#'ttsr : " Wateb- for"^ ^alih^^eactr-tee' i/m,*9&tii&*i7yitei- ¥ presentation,' entlueM t lad'tnese two*SntxSliof fJBotight ««* aethhtt- to do' ^th . the- ietlSSi ?edr>?*ct; There it, .otatfousiy. not coup tfetat fa trta/* which %lmtK!h t*f b*;S»ud bt *iw« of coe- ttorain^ to British sources : al-j '«-—*, , wtdsr-to-ia »&e*r*a£ •••- i.'-•"-' .>-•• .•-"'- '#*i»^p*#»-*f:.'--* **'• * Washington — fNC) Seven member* ol the faculty of the Catholic University of America have been asked by publishers ol the sawydopaedia Britannic* to write articles for t h e 1946 prtntlng of the reference work. InchJded is the Re«. Icf&fa- C. Featon, former ptdGmat'Mt S t . Bernard's Seminary Rochos- fesr. VS. Y, who has been invited to write dm "ApologetieaT and •^aeeds:* Vn*wmxtymtK*jUMj^ntf**<XvKk Milk- ts^-€E«*ta^--^ 1 ^ dairy..sank.- Fellsw witJi MllkaaM EassilsSos-* per- feet fo«*datlos* *#; Mak*.*» »#'- w*S'*» mlj^^km$.;~ .Him^-Wfktmi.'m.^ *, - Taitnrtei, Aisle m, temet.. Mefn 'Mm *«''.-,:,':'.•' :* *M ill \>*^ ; ^ | i :d *&£*?$? tUf ' ./•as^aisuyirt»*i»*vs^v^. £,««**»*!»*. f-*---*iic"»**: £ o'< fi»«**L «•• *W5f*'T*SW* aw... . at tk« CatMfc ekartk _ ratftiwtat *** <w*t * " * . ••ttli i r * ta as faaS aat tSMtr jas'^jstsafwae 1 #R,*^ JIBT flfw f j ^ a ^ ^ mm. 'W"****; — -—. ' Hst *yaV^#* JPMMfeM'lMWWsTBalBay C^klngsaafo •y^, .,»» ^3 ,w»m.,f.^iat. -agwwB>*ii«*.«, i*a.,.t..,*i.y<.wjaii.THi,fi*flt - ^•^p- ^aaaasss ^w^se ^a^sg^^^swg^F w i «l wallah* rftaetTi pAriwsM|i 'Vatican Conspiracy Stuff 9 Disavowed by llUllUm'*" 1 * -ni'liJiil' foe Our country j»t %a%agH we -•itTn^wVlsk ^aasgsssMasj vraw fmita^Br «)^tjasBjaiagif>. aa»>asissfaps 4\JM fLaassssuw T NsH^sa* * x That Osseo CMbMHi s n 4 ^ ^tWnbJsMl adl t* His) ^MBB jtgjm/fM --sa^ *£^^a^a* t^^^A^i ^ Many «f m »*T» *••»• t* «bK eotmdtoe- under the aiest tratfc *flf»*ww*t IfMl ^satw*saa»a{ ^ IJ^re. WWW* **apaa^p» drcwnaUWW*!. , : ' j* ^j__^^j^i|s4^jj "aMj^^g^JL^W «tuff % mitliW*lly 'jpf w&M"tf TT^yVaafc dbs\t#t ^MI*1t4a^laaailUBat' 1 ^aasat 4a^asai 'IsaaaTtft - -*n**«'~: <KO) >- In a Nuntt journal Uglsssssr. Ria "?**• t *Jp m, F l &9°&. *& *rwtsd^V>4ssrry*fislty,wi>a tttcacy atu|r # ,, ' whuOpl b^tt? ht « sg****- s* tat Communist Cia<J»*ki^*>tW»- -MwW'Tlt^MKrteltM ** * • CilMst Cawah- as* «av .^y^_--_^_^*^^^i^__~-t^-^g__~.^^„ ^c_^_^^-il_^_fc. -XMKMIW—^JMr'WMPraB (•BBBF^BBsaw'' '•BB»H'*T1BB' •SNBBSBsl ' .•**».- --t-Jfc.: s^piTiiii i' -ajff "•"'"a*;'. •if g ••tll-I-lk- ...? T <!*-.-,;_ ,-f^^J.fe - - PraMt afiti l-itsyt liayAb ^^>~#P'-**«g ^4tsr«^i»sV^B& .,- s,*.«afc* -* siC3 |lf*!%t*| t ^|^^^^^^| JLJB^^^J, Jk^^a^^ s^aat^hk fkf^^^T^^^^H a aaMsaat Bass ^•MgajH^taS^^^^BaflfcaaaMala ^ ^Vil l '*' , sf^#s»BliaV wBWi'^WWHBIp ••^WPa M i -Wtssw^^H^ ww 1 ^ 1 "* ^^^t^^^^aaa^^^a^Ba^P^^B^ti^ |jy« lift «JSJWfJL tlffWiMaaiJi dsy Mia* laaia. aad "dach fi.fbtlMsm ~1iii w, ir Ttveo *«• *ww-*vaDi» jam p a w n of 1100. Those wbs *** Cstaethw 4j^tataaK^U' afttakv "^ ak^|aMV^^Bf^htk*di #f*sh'B^ dtaadMf rsjt be -geed CatbowNs and, ^isjMfUJ siaaassH 4st M*tv aW'wad "fSSt* pWwpr.^RX .Uw P ^VHSPP^AWW 'V» JBUPf?" i Jtt -1 A i friahhfl_'ilaJ'Jataksaa1 SBSBB) ^^AaHjialay^agaV »*W* ara~SMt - sMKBMSd ta adK.- *?,ws m # wlnsTay -^WfsaasBB|B^aTlt # i # i ^ W t «• rfciws. What wt w t f t l 1« a -Ml of r*»i mtnlyj-evsit If enly w * . est, rreeaorn, oeciisee ay evr suiriiiag*-w*;ii|Bvi eaaawjfsjtgit-w ,w» prNwrywtm sjsaaaaHi uaawsiu *tsi&m w^ii/mm^ -. -"' ' w u i a g t u u s .Wwna* w a s . injs fwv»- J^Wre?*tF ^r^^aar^^Jf-' "ff^f:'^" ^*^*""nr"!a i *a*a 1 '^ •)#*••>, F cJiftKL (' 190% Twtt WMF aCwtJcTop. o-Sst-Wt -4. -*«"• '•w-aBR^ 1 - B««Bf- 'iff: • a "Saaai i >. Jf*J-^_—i 4*i »riji.. 4 4 4fcMIS*4, * 3'.l#fWi#"^ ^f' ••*•• *>; : ! i'va'^fa aaflasssssssssssssW^* BBSSSSSSSSSsHBI^V -" r > 4 "J^v*t «• •JBBSSSSSSsH ^'sssssssssssfwW 4 **' *— ™-™- » * 5 * r ^iCiAL!jNT«om»cro»Y«>i»ni ?•*?*%? •i^ it?* "C%5 » * » » * > Liit 1 <054 v^w^ ^aF^t^aw 'asy^^p^s^saaajR. ^asa^^ast'SBsasajBBT aaw lfw^as>W^aataasa. JrM^tta^K Mak#>Up Kit *41ffia^^»*^Ss>- •1' < i* " •fTi'f ir *«tf Miitaii ai lit Tarri ^jSiwaF jWR jsavasst. 1SBSssaBaaBB^aFaai oaaw -aiasa^ si |,*>KW^P- ii^yy •a' A' A, 1 . lass* *>i, aad *: iaaafeae 4 -lirt^'ir "iattiT aa**. *"* > -sr^r *!* '* J ^ t' w^sas^Baw ^asw^a^ a_dEk|i, g«a* i^gB^*f ^aV ^yhjBBaMl*- ' tight WA,' Mj^^fJKgu^^^^ ^Jl^jaLve'la yf^-Av? ^i^p- 1

Vatican Conspiracy Stuff Disavowed by •o mm***** stay tn ...lib.catholiccourier.com/1946-january-november... · plele action Sgainit lbs Fratnco regiiae in Spain have no thought

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Page 1: Vatican Conspiracy Stuff Disavowed by •o mm***** stay tn ...lib.catholiccourier.com/1946-january-november... · plele action Sgainit lbs Fratnco regiiae in Spain have no thought

*>f P&iie ^^p*" > ^v** W*^ TW*»»*"a*^"?a|PlNa\ ,


_ ^ ta . . . , -., . . . - ~1Che:ia*c4r^^^

lit thjsv {Country, 'baisre tottdly ex- '••;, Wtth.^ 'if-'»i» -„,i**i«»i. •'«»*

tfoRtfc*jgovelfeitJbvSMfc' -i? Tte?|tBdience had -been,-, pron*-

J K « B » J a * ^ ^ t h i * c e u a i r y * .SSSft* JSf^"' ^ ^ ' * M&?i

*w«ajiii»tortr £&:•.*& so6nl**PP # # WW* map than ^ j»KH!l|i Jon#y eno«ih and often «uou«fa, tt*cy4 *au : j»ke $1* chargeback; IfljB»minds:6f e^e peopje. :;tt iKQUld ieein.. though,. t&at .the denwn*h«±ors are., tie -ones/ wtoo- arft, ea esativeljr .attach-4ft' to * cause, m (Suae fvhich tr ^ ^ % b & \ £ ? , P J # 1 * ^

, - j -



*, JtorejjgnIdejtjbgy., - | t ce$fainjy cabnpt be -argued; that these <kmonitrator» are op-posing the United States becmuic of* devotion - ^ :prfn«lt>le.>, Any

iprinclple, that wouldi be* involved '_-;to-,the'..igsa^'seaiatefc- the Ftsincb..-" ;lfowrn|isent «o»I<j * e at stake

ijnany tiroes ewer tn the jmaehi-; - nation*; of. the Soviet Russian

regtihe, bothat ljame: and hi jieasterii -JSftrop&, ~ jfei -.these tdeih. enstritar* are not clamoring: for the UN orjanir*tlon to take any atept aj^lnst-Rusjila-


r^ajr iun*r^lec3^^ ~ed to e^^^'tte-Jlil^^fi'ajB'p^ ^<& demonstrators by pointing :$ttt\fhaii«Mr.'tange. the -repre-* attitiUv^ it'the-Ji*cs«at-Warsaw rrtgimej ^doesn't realize theVpre-cedent>T e" Is setting^ to; asklri*;

-.-jtofe ti» «ctM» ajfainat toe- 'franco^ ^wenane^t; , Beeaussev ifr. itiw

• - - * » . < , • - * -

peat, cflarjes - ajalnst Franco ^h!Ch:JbavT? been, the .stock-in-

vipiiM'.Of Ainerlsauii left*in£te» forinonth*; to .S&CJi&r itttd^ tlui

; ttiitake *«tf:., re^atteif viejttaiUnk

cdpholHai Jed by Freda ^chw^sy: Ol'Jhe^a^ai.'

T$P ,c|H rg€ss;;v were >lin? lum. me cjy ai.idaptajioij^'ol flie.ar--gumejjt*-' which •; tiie - Affierlcan group had; already used success­fully ip-'storapede bur • Stale jDe* parunent. into fts regTeUed if»h-' -

esse. may be sald^t^. have lapsed then and there. 3$e lead­ing critic* of the pwtprniiQce, CoL. Hodgson ol AuKralla,- did

. . .. _ . - • - • • • ,"ot help jiiatters by calling at-\dcjijnattoa. 01 ^erov the Argen- tention to the mlssaje, "Sfraiufe Une dletatbr. Fraoco,:Ufee Perpnij &: say/' he: re MU•ked., nhe harbored;.;Nazi war erlmlnala. French: deleiiite'.i«*er said a UJw. Pcran, ho held•X&/?tet*'if^^.>Bbmt^'Ttoi-*:it^i&iif' and aUovocd>N*az!a,4o coBtrol to-1 clatoeitl it' w a s the •ource OX to <lt«trlesr likej^eron, he^.permit LiejjiaiioD«lr£r1etl(S)5 rstrther^he :ftd !$&. sctentifttv-jtp ^devdop | akld-niiwljeriai, feot aT word," afeoHl ^torolcJaoniba^—-i—£^^ "^Mr,*Xani«'had. cause t o regret j crhmest lor' cloilnar that "trim*

^•^^c jijfinisg/ic ta^a^r.fa^^^ the well worn material A provided-f'' As aliriijy fiidlcited there-s&s blrnl when Deles*te^ Caaogaij of igood reason far the Frcwf ^dele-, Great Britain deflated one by:one (gate's - t t o u ^ Report* , IWBB the.blb«nH«p.,charges i>t the antl-.:Fraiwe^ jtMi'''.-that;1 commanist Franco, &bnU .' •' -1;'.. ~ ' ». ; members ol the; Frjench cabinet Soaaat-'Ntf* BeJp"-""' ' jiorced the ffbvernna«ht-io close

J l Bonhet. ai't1 ln-the auppprt-"• S * . 1 ^ " ^ ^^cus^y m&^, -•-...—-.-j-----—•• ring role which obviously totfUl,$£?*& brtafl abou^a sltuati|j|j cil tlkeaiitha actloa.-iltr:-. i-Anm*i iTi. ^ - 1 K < - r 5 . - - ^ - e ' s«time^*a«alhst;Franco. '


:cil tlkesi^tha actioa^4<fr.; Lange -'«w4;IUis^/wa^^.tb.'{tai|ie,' "the »pay is opened aoine. day fb ex

•- ta«M|>:--t|>e:'.ii*enui^t's3,'Mos-. c 6 # . * . ; - ^ " --.-,. . •".; • '-'••;' . . . ' . . ^-\^.''l^siwr^*e ;'tsk^r tifte 'pos>.

Oon Qipt; tlu?- Unlt*di; States' Ind Gmt'.Brltaljii acted wl#s4y.'l,.|tf •«reeai^^o;.;ftin^lt; Into".the 3>b-;

- Ush proposal to examlns the case I : <b| "Ffinco and' Sjain . ;He-aaya I

"touiatsalanlsm" is. a threat -".to.?. world peace wherever it slniwa,, t t i head—wlKther: i n Spain,-or.i' Argentina or RuMla," and "sure-1 lyi*fFrauico'3 Spain i s a subject, for examlnaUon by the United, Nation* Security Council—then, afome day *. small nation tame-1 where wrhicb 'findsvtgaeU^tanMt>f ened by avconimuaiat IpVaaioni can ask that the tactic* and •strategy of. Moscow also be ex-•aninea b y the Secuiity Caahcil.''

But apparently,, tnose In t i l l eotmtry Who are pressta* moit vlgcfoiUBy for stoftis and cctm-plele action Sgainit lbs Fratnco regiiae i n Spain have no thought in .thete aunds that the United NaBisnii win ever-he permitted to take atich acaonAgiinst totall-t3Krt«v%wm f "Paey «tJJl Jpeak • ? Russia a s thwigh it tvere a dleni ocraMpy'. • ; . ' . .

/Jftwacn sui Attreator? '[ % .. - JEt can JiarseSy be said that tttaae who have been most persistent in wsdferatiajE lor the United JNa> tlons to .unhorse Generalissimo f^smc» *xe interwtea solely, or fwit cMeOy, la figliting totall-ta*M«iiatnv &,&& *«rev tiwy »sav»-an fMWypfe ol .^iaotariant iatn pJtr.jB!«ffl«neo Jtt $m$#t Bus-

.aaa. .It cast noisiMy be thai tihey

thinlc Franco is, of at any time *oon vm he, g u % of acts of asgresskra. if it fg aggresalon «Hey «re> wttojed iurattt «*y am let the fiafjjaa msx&aa be idr ed?. Wtor not Investigate tho plight «*rtbe Bftllfe a&te«, Po­land and the Balkans?

One «idely-clrca3atesi commen ^ta4orvhs*-.»eJi^^t«^ lofo as the last iasdst state in Europe. <tee woadeas woM no ander-

If one goes on asRSng quest Urns like those, Che matter st«n?

^vtJLitoja'iii-Ttiie* oneTacehe in jB hic'h'', Sir.- Langc, expected to-*tcal the,, show. 4. Charges .that

arg1nnent*si!ain«t*Fianco. Pvneh aad «!«•> Slkcm -

U,K.-» u**> ^tound by ills script Mr. Gro-f Franco'a,acuvities da, the . F Y a ^ i ; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ "$&&$*: Vborder .had compelled. France to ^ 1 ^ * w « ^ P«fonWP<* M doss':ihe-' Spanish frontier were * ?«?• »iT'Ju ,h!. l e v el i °*>a:

made by thrspokesman * for the•:-JUI*n' « d J « ^ «how; -3b£C*-Warsaw r e B l m ^ ^ " : ; f" Vf^fV- drawing ujjon' .offlcial H , ™ ^ * ^ , ™ - *«r ^ t M. Bonnes < « ^ ^ * * ^

co^pletciy and the!.Soi-ie^Poilsh i| G ^ ^ " n ^ ^ ^ ^ i \ ^ ^ ^ m ^ m f ^ were largely^- restatement ^ W - ^ t ^ I W t n i M l t a Aftd the Lange Itoe. . , r < t9*V| ^ definitely m* m thne

Uthuanlan and Polish repr£' ^ " Q&rtng- with thf interna)

, - * y 1ttCIMJ«a> K*4ITaTlB ^i^SHwat *<wt wi^sw-^f'Waia^

' • the Itoridftp Tsaslst iaad»^ieo-

is «traarcB^ry'J»i¥jhe yoUtlcs

ages is raise t h e tw»|*r»-t«t*- of -|*o#ftf

globe. Nathlni

.t&3e»'- !«»-.-#;-

^plni(>» o r m:

^ Mtbtvm

'pebple'as tfi*'***iJl Ip»N* SpaniiA civil war. ;'. We are -living it* foR»eq.\»eftce« :iM»X-«tt; less viedenUy jfcawt |». the painful daji of 1936-3* like n»at ol b;e, liiwe* «l ft* tfmt* the, v?Me huilneaa has heeome a&ac*t hopejettly- befogged and bemoddled. With: leelinj* ^nm-ntafr- high, it ha*-, oeconve wf l f s h c « of unt>osalble toss* through

Usat p&» tot accurate appraisals of the complex Spamiah question, •>,Th* aottea qf t h e FblHh xratfr 'fcratattvr « f 'tRe S^hai ty ' Cwa* cfi meeUnar to N e w fork i n pre-seating the Spaniah problem for jictipn by tUe I $ £ e d Nstions has set: oft a nrtf and irewiad * * * # ol" bytterist and dEf*?ft«- -'•

.Orr-nlz*tioni sa'ch- '§§ the, » ttoat Asaocsaaes are seelfinf Ut cpnvinaj the AJ»*rJc«i people that ..the; ov«*hr6w jbtdmJbm* CQ regtoe by- Wf ftetsttre 1» *. test of the force avnd legitlroacy of the whole United Nations idea, PniWmni I£ot: Hinipie....-, — _ ._. ' J. Vast.. :an3QiB)ts' e | • verblsgf abcut democracy and fascism

. Franco rule* in Madrid, the cause

and, one axrpposea, by the Wine iogic,-.if-Reaijjco i» In sonw n>an-ner aeparated from his post, de­mocracy triumphant win ride to greater glories, Wvsuld that the .whole- prt*ktM'-**t*N'M sample 'aiy:thlf,-Wc^M Ihatll «*«« isire. ly a quMtion of the departure of General Franco to> btinj^\bai»» (knd. olntnaair to * iotelj? "*tled world. ,t • - , - . | . - .'.. .;.;^3 , oa lle^^af .Sr»1»f.,,|!t56 . daced^veftst-of: dl*c«cd":'and bit-ternesst doling the last decade. Meddling Jn the aiTajrs'of that harassed tuition.led to nothing but 'hynsis^ Jtntatfcsil|ai. t»:

Dtit«b Town D*t trs Ctftii^ral to 1970 I n KtMpiiif Vow

(Turn to page t )

Tsgatin. Holland — <NO— This isataJi Duseii tntataa*••.•»•»• ta tfc* l i m l w r r *afrte* win wai» isntil l fTt for ft* sest earalral. in keeping with a vow made b y toea! esmrdi leader? tat (ho whiter eT 1*44-4S, wlira Q ?>'>o4red as If horn-twrdtnenia siui famine weald wreak ; crest havoc te the suwn.

Municipal coondlkira voted snuBlraoasly to eswy o a t the vow, made by tits cbwrehmea on behsthT of Hie poptsafBORw that the merryraaklng, festltal would W po*fi>oaed for 23 years ff file people of Tegeko were saved from the dearasta-ttOB thai ttreaieoed tbesn. The apariur of Tegelen, wblch fol­lowed t h e making of the prom­ise, benefited n o t «Bty t h e a a -thres off the town, bat Ufr» inhaWtsmt* o f Be%hawrtag Venlo, w h o were evaeaated to Tegelesa by the German*.

• 4 N l ^ ^ . » « ^ I ^ B * : » i t S c

•i^mVbi^^tk-^tMi. torn1

« f e r - ^ y / '<s^o*!ftV»p«''"tt»' :•*>* 'S^tofc&aitp/ b*«e Wm4 i w«* •^ine:-ih:' :»ojih^;'eot»«l«' and' Moravia, .t*Wag iSto'jfai&pt At -

gatiig-bjrttt i^J^-t(»*«((«r»^it,' j- tJM -nwrftbep « f BijyitrtBiis it>. tholica^eB- CSsechjCNflotiriR teJtttor*-i s mm ejittontftS ^b^tttieoyOdrx,' -*ftd; C5R0o»lft«at »ahoni» bt reeognitlon of their pastotal re-j * f o n w 0 i ^ . lire .doinj; ftj(h? W .mm to iffevidg ^ciwta ias jib*nt •• A w» jSreek' <i»U»uUa - Mrfl»h-fctt beejj, <ftlt>Qsn«d'it BRJOJ "" Moravia, and .Roman Cat" priest* a r e being- trslrted so they may be abla to mm the spiritual needs o f the displaced Ruthentaa*.

l+a«|f*cted. by *«cjhbJn* P b « t s « * i m a y 3 s . , 3 b e ' ftt*» M,

HffthirnlTiiit' Plit Oih'illfff Mltf Jiv­ing $n,-8avtet territory, «btr* s i a be no doubt thit ihhse In Cttscho-alovakia «r« la n o way i f acted b y the 'decWorT of 'the "qjwA* twH ut. W o * , -wWcBi Wmem my* *^d*4 te'wmve m. 3& year^ld Union bet* eta the Ku-Vntxim &M& In. Wettthy % MUntt «nd ti» Be^r $«#,";

aloviWl *rf« abtdlutdy ftej. "Kifty have their mtt Biihop, the Most Ret. ftuXfeter fSd|fflc, OJjBJyU whose sett U (n..Pr<*jv, S3ov*3<ts,: a network of pariahes and mbn-isteries, and publish raatatine* t a d outer religious ptrlodicaJ*.

The a m n i e m e n t .conclttdtd 1m~i'Ufrr -t«dfcr---wh^h^€a«ho{; •loyaftlt agrwd t o ctd* SubOr-pathla ,a«r taiurnmost province*

• mm*****" «r to stay tn their hom« 'or to'

'Htm *>t the letftttnent- ef M thtnlan Catholic* in area*, of 3doml* and Bohetnls that hare been VtefttK by •&*,• fMstlW 9ttdet*n 43tnwhs) UttPWf-ii- ft-TetTbif Hgbt 0frtlf« ttewehdlo^ forced ahtfUt «i- populatiOM now unStr w»y bt lS#pe,

It bit bean rtiwriidt stnd not deaiedi' -thai' the' SovieU - ire •brinjtef •ihjtJstwk -ftattt-iliii-iij. teMot* of *ii«He Rtwdst t>. ««* tie''« th# »etdjrmM«lrea 8d*rftt areas to the Baltic, sasttrn f o> land and. Sab Carpithl*, ^ Thou-

t«enUU»c* here wtre <julck to de-, clare that investigation in the J internal affair* of. their countries , would disclose ample juatlflcatlon for U»e iund of inteswenuon Afai Gromyko had .deraaadtd fa; the •case of Spain*-

Why, foreianipiCTihduldi>ot the: United ; NaUons > becotoe "sie2ed" of the situatioh revealed recently Involving rmlda by Uk-rabuans* on'-•• Pollah towns and villages?

The .rom-Jetmmr fw« itnw go on the road hi t3io fonn;e f an invesUgatini sabcomttiittee proposed by<&ttbnelHodg«OB,*dt

Encyclopiedia Lists Former Siminary Aide


of anti-f»Ki«m or any other Jforrn of enawdTn* a*a)l, • -"• *• * .;

Catholic opinion durlnj: the trying ytans of U* civil war was dmded to svome extent between tfeit :'wno -weat all^'owt lorV'tb*; Natlonallrt'moveiaent, tctfnf to ll'-iigiivdilsspee 'pjt • trjBiWJ*-' *nd decency against thaf onslaught of 'lefl]lnl/-b> varjousj lonna' ahd thoaej iiba ware: imwfttinX to. plagR sat'nrftB^'iit- S^ane&«B the aaaurnpHion that h i * vfct'ory end establishment in fiowet .-»»>« In-disTfenalibie i$t tfier Mure ^ei-fare df theJQt^irch. *

area»> <sa jfof .lflitta9Ce, -'tm^m l%lihd>«r« -ihitt*d«iW|f^ «©v# into "diitiicts.',tasicn. o*«r.jfrttn3 the Germans- ^ 1 "

There h*ve bea» prttJotti. re-of-easterh- Tom .being *£>

strutrture. e»f, Spain In the riaihe'J ilea to SpeajiliMiaT «Her Cfemiirj •T.....,.-.„.:...,.., ,• ,:..,„ ^ ^ . . t ^ j ^ „Jj|ctl, i t tq*<tf A ^ |tgxig.

:dtetlorb>. U» M i Thiw:'i|3r%e... meat cohcIttaM teJSerilft The: dhfeifth.'-'-fronj mgi ie . $t&ffltK thai a innntsi iMft % alio tak­ing »Uce within OrtchoaktaJd*.

:fe, crh*a .*#•«'. thmtifa-*d.. . . - ^ ******** meets utteatst to swaM * t&tf T?i*lf**'7*-'^!B • - , - t n York sifece»-Ma been a nop, • ?* Tnbl-••B-i'rielHjisr- *Be .tlns#'ttsr :" Wateb- f o r " ^ alih^^eactr-tee' i/m,*9&tii&*i7yitei- ¥ presentation,' entlueM t lad'tnese two*SntxSliof fJBotight ««* aethhtt- to do' ^th . the- ietlSSi ?edr>?*ct; There it, .otatfousiy. not coup tfetat fa trta/* which %lmtK!h t*f b*;S»ud bt *iw« of coe-ttorain^ to British sources : al-j '«-—*, , wtdsr-to-ia »&e*r*a£ •••- i.'-•"-' .>-•• .•-"'- '#* i»^p*#»-*f : . ' - -* **'• *

Washington — fNC) — Seven member* o l the faculty of the Catholic University of America have been asked by publishers o l the sawydopaedia Britannic* t o write articles for t h e 1946 prtntlng o f the reference work.

InchJded is t h e Re«. Icf&fa-C . Featon, former ptdGmat'Mt S t . Bernard's Seminary Rochos-fesr. VS. Y , who has been invited to write dm "ApologetieaT and •^aeeds:*

Vn*wmxtymtK*jUMj^ntf**<XvKk Milk-t s ^ - € E « * t a ^ - - ^ 1 ^

dairy..sank.- Fellsw witJi MllkaaM EassilsSos-* per-feet fo«*datlos* *#; Mak*.*» »#'- w*S'*» mlj^^km$.;~

.Him^-Wfktmi.'m.^ *,

- Taitnrtei, Aisle m, temet.. Mefn 'Mm

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« • • *W5f*'T*SW* aw... . a t tk« CatMfc ekartk _ „

ratftiwtat *** <w*t * " * . • • t t l i i r * ta as faaS aat tSMtr jas'^jstsafwae1 # R , * ^ JIBT flfw f j ^ a ^ ^ mm. 'W"**** ; — -—.

' H s t * y a V ^ # * JPMMfeM' lMWWsTBa lBay C ^ k l n g s a a f o •y^ , . ,»» ^3 ,w»m.,f.^iat. -agwwB>*ii«*.«, i*a.,.t..,*i.y<.w jaii.THi,fi*flt -

^•^p- aaaasss ^w^se ^a^sg^^^swg^F w

i «l wallah* rftaetTi


'Vatican Conspiracy Stuff9

Disavowed by llUllUm'*"1* -ni'liJiil'

foe Our country j»t %a%agH we

- • i t T n ^ w V l s k aasgsssMasj vraw fmita^Br «)^tjasBjaiagif>. aa»>asissfaps 4\JM fLaassssuw T N s H ^ s a * * x

That Osseo CMbMHi s n 4 ^ tWnbJsMl adl t* His) ^MBB jtgjm/fM --sa^ *£^^a^a* t ^ ^ ^ A ^ i ^

Many «f m » * T » * • • » • t* «bK eotmdtoe- under the aiest tratfc *f l f»*ww*t I f M l ^satw*saa»a{ ^ I J ^ r e . W W W * **apaa^p»

drcwnaUWW*!. ,: ' j * j__^^j^i|s4^jj "aMj^^g^JL^W

«tuff % mitliW*lly 'jpf w&M"tf

TT^yVaafc dbs\t#t ^MI*1t4a^laaailUBat'1 aasat 4a^asai 'IsaaaTtft

- -*n**«'~: <KO) >- In a Nuntt journal Uglsssssr. Ria "?**• t*Jpm,Fl&9°&. *& *rwtsd^V>4ssrry*fislty,wi>a tttcacy atu|r#

,,' whuOpl b^tt? ht « sg****- s* tat Communist Cia<J»*ki^*>tW»-

- M w W ' T l t ^ M K r t e l t M ** * • CilMst Cawah- as* «av .^y^_--_^_^*^^^i^__~-t^-^g__~.^^„ ^c_^_^^-il_^_fc. - X M K M I W — ^ J M r ' W M P r a B (•BBBF BBsaw'' '•BB»H'*T1BB'


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Ttveo *«• *ww-*vaDi» jam pawn of 1100. Those wbs *** Cstaethw 4j^tataaK^U' afttakv " ak^|aMV^^Bf^htk*di #f*sh'B^ dtaadMf

rsjt be -geed CatbowNs and, ^isjMfUJ siaaassH 4 s t M*tv aW'wad


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»*W* ara~SMt - sMKBMSd ta adK.-*?,ws m # wlnsTay -^WfsaasBB|B^aTlt # i # i ^ W t

«• rfciws. What wt wtf t l 1« a -Ml of r*»i mtnlyj-evsit I f enly w * . est, rreeaorn, oeciisee ay evr suiriiiag*-w*;ii|Bvi eaaawjfsjtgit-w ,w» prNwrywtm sjsaaaaHi uaawsiu

*tsi&m w^ii/mm^ -. • -"' •' wuiagtuus .Wwna* was. injs fwv»-J^Wre?*tF ^r^^aar^^Jf-' "ff^f:'^" ^*^*""nr"!a i *a*a1'^ •)#*••>, F

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