VOL. XIX NO, CBANFQRD. N J.. THURSDAY. APRIL Zt;. 1916 THREE CENTS THE AIM OF THIS BANK la to BUILD CP ita buirineaa in a safe and con»«rY»- tire tnstinar. avoiding all spaculationa, no matter wbat may Be tkie expectation of profit SAFETY TO. DE- POSITORS U placed above PROFIT TO STGCK- We want all the good, safe busineaa we can get and Maura our customers of every courtesy and proper ' accommodation. . " Banliing Hour* 7 3 0 A.-M. to 3 P. M. SATURDAYS ' MONDAY EVENINGS 7.30 A. M. to 12 M. 8.00 to 9.00 CRANFORD TRUSTCOMPANY/ CRANFORD, N. J. Balmy Spring Days arc Coming! The housewife ia thinking of Spring Housecloaning. - TtieKltohen may ne<sd new WINDOW SHADES or a new, bright, cheerful UNOLEUn. repreeeht'SLOAJf iiW StOAN, who slabd for T iu '»t- itjr. Nairni'ThUtlB Brand are thefluentmade. jou a. piitu"iua>lB Kiid-h>idop-yt>ur floor Just telephone. 92 Cranfcird. GRAY BURIAL AND CREMATION GO. 106 Union Avenue, CRANFORD, N. J. • > J Lawn and Garden Dressing; Fresh Ground Bone - Extra Choice Lawn Seed White Clover Timothy Seed, Etc. i POULTRY FEED A SPECIALLY. •i \ . i ^ ninforu. MIXBO dRAIN, 5OETJyiASt1,_ETC. ^VAROND. CRANE Warehouse. Elevator. Coal Pocket ROSELLE PARK, N. J. ELIZABETH STOHK S03805 Morris Ave. 11 A limited number of men can secure positions as motor/men or . conductors on Public Service Railway by applying at. Carhouse, East Jersey and Livingston Streets, any week-day between thehours of 2 and 5 P.M. ' All-year jobs at good pay. Cranford Property My Specialty. I Estate Bot^lit,-Sold and txchangisd. RENTINO AND MANAOEMENT OF PROPERTY PERSONALLY ATTENDED TO, J. C. W. RANKIN, 11 NORTH X « « U t VBLBpMW<e M . CRANrWHVN. I. packet is aa sssnacc oi "Seada el Qaality." The Fortieth A a a r a a n 'pjM— 0 { Dipaa'ift™- 1 " *-y—* "*f *»"»» **"w - h •mwad face Wiie *"dsjr.—"Lai »"• /"I**-" A piitcird will tsisf '*. W. ATUEE BURPEE * CO, Bawpa* ! Contai To Let House at 109 Holly Street er hall, 10 rooms, 2 baths, store rooms, etc Apply to E. B. Horton at above Mea | a Pynttn Day* At no UBM. of cour>*, was I roiuplfteJv' abarnt (rom Amfrtfi. spend. «h«u tb* uurw U full, C T U though ta« pure* Iw«uull. Not alt the' tumptturr U>r» uf *rri-ut«*Bthr r»o turr Maawcbiwritu ruukl pr»n«(t »»• tter l^uritau* from tautKHi^ic tutu ~yt r . fmm pun U»*ing appard it. silver. K»W*. «ltk* or tawed". Kv«i ' plou* iltd bark lutu embroidered ' doublets with alaibnl lileevea Int.'; gold or stiver girdl**: hart bands,; belts, rojTs, beaver natta." while woui - en of u« particular rank aWsred to ! bidden silk and tiffany booda. A i wnturv later we encounter disapproval j pf John Ilaowk'a "show of extraTa- | gaure In living," of hla (-"ranch aud | Entllab furulturs, hl» its tires, '<tlpwra,4 carriages, wine cellar* and In <-lotbea I Wtshlncton starved «ltb bis suldlem | at Valley Pun*, but lived like an Bus- lUb gentleman In tits home at Mount -Veraon.- J.oiury. pomp, ceremonial wen not tbaent tn the eighteenth era rury.—Walter E. Wevl In lUrpet'a Mar* than a third >»f s!I-,A caifwla are . _ _ _ whk-tal til U rlaiBMHt. iracfo. aw; atturr ctlv of the wort<l in tu* tutum*. *.f j^. •. dttftidtt. WUtwo. tu t^sttflatHi. tu* tfl-. •O Its uswe tu uur -f ![»• iu.vi ai.k- Ir known aad uarrui rues tu ttv *wid but QOWthe ^Vttt.Mi ruit i.*^«f.^'(*e a-^. tec of tb«' ««r(d u su Aimlliutt^- tun, «»>i It" li man in the tan I'.im I- IUr>l f . i r a VIIIIIHT tt Uiit tin- ra. v HI l-itiil ! t . i h f . >wlft Imt.-1" Itl.- .t- It » n - ii.'t uiitll v* itmt 1 u-arn.Hl ttmt IU« nay of It HnwvU tikrntw i> U m •11 o»«. the mrih t>T Jta . »n»l lu BI d i l t oariwta aud ruga »tik b a m turiinl >N)t In I'bllailelpUta. fbUattolphta rntrf .prise eiubark«it th ttw t-ariirt t*UJ*inr»** while WMI'lue" 1 " <••* prnfciret " f t!>^ Vnlted Statr*. but It ».. UM, mitii lnor«> than, naif a vt-utur> latrr tbat I'eutiarlvaula 1^1 all tl.» i u m in .ar pet produrt(uo A* Mrlj »•. J J waa a factorv in. i'blta.lrl|>bia «-u, la th*manufa.'tur* uf Vnniu»trr an.l Turkev t-artwt*. t'blua atul Umuu eo»n* wool u*«il la tb«- niaiiuf»<turr v< t.be llueat Wutv.it* Argmiaat t-iit •H.r.-imt.i.-, I li.-l.llii.ir a >I.M*II ..r ib<- f*.-t ili.it I -»»uLi. apt*art»ntl» a.aki* K>*«\ Rnvwb.-rv I went t>> tm*l ! i,.--« I'v.-ry %1*\ nlili a kind «t nip on 'mr, wtsi'ii!«U'r A* l.>u« a* HIT IH»S* i t>> for 'turn. I'nit wai n% trrm Inltlatlva and RtMlutie*. Every juuux man ahoukl adopt the. I. and It. In hi* flfr. Tbat tueana lul I tttUve and rmolufUm That In, orlK : tnste noinfthlni:; think tip numethtiiic ; to do In the world. I >im't depend u|nni ! others to Initiate fur ><«». Tbe world j owes no msn n llvuiic. Kvrry oueowr*^ the world s life. • ; Tbe truth I* tbat tb«rv t* •»>tintr a' which tt Is pirating t*> n't m- •inline up'lu the worn I* a iu«»nrv. but '•>»• refer tu tt<*ttiui: ui> fr-Hn aint'itE.^ t^. tween a fiftr.ceiit «>>.(. and a furtt d*>: lar mattrra* aftvr harl; v tn..| •-. in dulse, to a r«>mi of •atictv. a n.-'rnia: appetite f>rr •»li»ri> . T»«*i np wTltinrtT r«.m t "nt lurn drear/ WMIIIII *a». '*«ini*t.hi:.< flu'te. V|" ist.. a^ tu t'hl'aso. H.i; wbiii- t-mpU>>w*-pnM tin* wr.ll IttH-auiHt 1 *lrU\fml tbr- iftM*u. n.t oiici of them rr<ar\1«-«1 me a* a uiau ti> I** built Into hi* omanliatlou Old Tifn* Teatt Of'nWii Th<-rr UM-<t to t * mi o l d >U: tbat " • • • t'ail In- k ti< itrluk a tuaal Hil B l^TwiMI ^IHIliUIIK TM'IIIIHI IW |h»ll 1* itU* J I'liwaM t f n* M.nr*>r tiv ttu* .niitrlv an" "f >.i* • •i'(.ni..ii; 1 -i i:iriiii«. ««- .l.l.l^l lu llic l-ii. k « « !»> « «• ilrlnW !utf It !* '-ivi 1'iMt fniln till* nlTali ,in^ tti.< .>i;-ltun >.r tinvtiitf tlii^ tiinii on vltlu-r -lil.w' r tl»" l"»"l ilrlnki'f >^t : ttoth*n»oin<t- trrttatiti< problmu iliin'i iMinplirat* am) inlrrt.i fy tb« iMt*oiivtmiw!<*« |ty tu arttoii. ThU Kuuntlrt Hku nt'ullnuMit, but It la mild fait. Ilolf of the wx-lul and IndUMtrtal dlmiHtrrH wi> pxitorliMi.t* today lit |M)lltlo4, rdiKitluii, i-ouinn>r<v and ludUMlry In 1>*VIIU*I>. wi» prayllt'i. If resolution anil fteiH'iHlctu-tv Wi* will MKrer setlli' nur *olal niul luduxlrliil li-nnlil»* thill nnr -Wi. mint Ihjnlt of t-an resort tu In caMi* nr.tnUifiirtiUM* uml disaster. A inuti HIIHUM *'»V«. bUi-urn lulra and lnri"*t.thi'in Lit laud. In liilu.'. In shop. In Htnn* nu'ini'lhlnu -on th). nut side to tiiki- U|> In Illliei of Hin.-rKfli.'.> -ObloSUte Journal . dix-s It. Karlt••rUl'nic t'^wlth ->"m<- \TT »..rt uf rrllitl.Mi. HWf* n^cvllatl'.n |tut lbi*y. Itki* th»i' n'-*t of in UH..V** it-,<»» HIT stTtliteil ulth A I'i-.* of t?i>- it rmal rapai-ltj Tnr nit-* 1 !' ttn.t tht* rf*ltiK painful. Jinwi'trf- rot tin- plp*»nrr ..f l~.a*riiiir The Oolli as Scapsgoata. 'whirl* \v.t>ri»'liiirit«l,fvlth-lHiJMirta".t' pt'r.. HunaKi'H in urdi-r that lliey -mlitlit f'>l Oil MUrb ilu'tiiM at the ruli-r* cf tin' nether world mlk'bt lm|io<i» on tin- ili-uil dignltAry In IIIH m-xt tnr-arnniliiii. Thi- niorc tinpurtunt tin' ilmd I lie l.lrurr (lie tiumlicr of .lolls tiurtiil ullh lilin Kri'ii to IIIIH duy tin- iloll playn ll» |uirl jln the folklori" uf I hi' l>aukn nf 111'.Nile Wtifii ib« rivrr <lix'n not appi-ur fo~fTsi« = iJfirfpj'Trr "ft^aTiftivfth'rowTrfrit" JU wah i r«, ulu .uc.Uj thrown hi to .|iro|iiIlat«~tlM Slip KI»J~ and a uliuliur perfurnmiii't* taki'n^plui'e on tbe bonks of the Tiber. «In-re a doll nittUe of piaitinl rimbea IN imiil an a nubntitut« for tbe human victim. ^Vestmlimter (jau-tt**. Gsorg* Washlngtan's Bobrlquata. Washington «aw railed by niauy m> .. lie «IH lint of all "Father childless that bis country mlgbt rail him father";Higourney <«lls him "I'a ter l'atrtue." Chief JuMli-e Marshall.' the "American Kahlua." Lord-Myron 'the CitKlniiatus of the West. Tor ti*-w .world on-.hi* ahuaUleta Br^«rlillt^*l«»"iV«iir»*^AnHFT*r»i.!= Tbe Engl^b soldiery called him l.y the sanastlc nickname uf "Lore/lyxfreorKl u»." lied Jacket. t tbe Seneui IiidUn cblet, called him the "Kiower of-the Forest." The Italian poet Tlttorlo AJ- Deri called him "Deliverer of America A Illn bitter opponenu xan-tstlcally call- ed him the "Stepfather of Ella Conn- try" during hi* presidency. Slmpl*. "Those twin buys of your* ars ao much alike that I don't •«• how y/u can tell them apart" "That's ea»y enough. Wheu they're on tbelr good behavior they answer to their own mmea, aud when they've been In mischief eacb one answers l'> the name of the other,"—New Orleans MttlliiK |H>r«i]ii* who rranUr •!-• u-- nt «iijr time t.. Bet ti(» although tb«-i do It 'hetttli-ally rvert- mornlnf - l>»i Uvllle ('iHirlpr-Journal . ' The Flag «.f Denmark. In tbe ri-ar V1W Klh* WaM»ma* of l>Hliiuaik. wlirn bailing lit* tr.i..|r* |.i L.ttu?. lJlitaJlLn*J.._?aj»J or 4 form'ofnnwi tit the *ky He h*-t-l ihl* spiwariitK't* to I.- » promt™ ..f Jl sine aid ami |in»»«-<t forward !•• >!•' tort From thin tlni- l.r had ih- ITIIH« pluiiil on the H»t »f hi* nniotry niul vullrit It the l>ann»bn>it- that !• Hi.' atn-UKtli of Ih-niuurk Ashlr fr-ui ieiiflid. there ll" ilnilt't Ibal fhK fit with tbeiT»i« «na.a»!ui>tl«! ».» Iwn liluiii I.. WiMliim nt *•* ihi> n-.nif*'* ** 'i.'ii » ; III l'i.u.|«.| ; l HI reel t.m till Nnilli" 1 ,\'«« Not «• Bail at That. ajrt- »li.i.- ' "Kind tii'1' . li" i-iiriiii.nbliiluitly SH int n't a litlr tu r-at *ln< •' m * »u|i|"'r : day an i<-ini.'irti.> <-)" I"' il"- ' b l m nt ah'»ut till' miin.' <1at^ *:i ••* t*-t _ t^jimvil i.. tt|.. i,nt.'r uf llHtii.rl.T.^- »*« sailor* who «eff <ttattti|e 1 'l* l * t '**l' tor 'c-ilraife w»-r-» ult'iwr.l t*. t*-l-iu« TTi.- flsic of lielllliiirk, n. litain rt^l imntj*t besrlnic mi It a whllf rnam. 1» tti- •/!•! eat -IISK now In «"il*tpn»-»-. ' r'"r >•*' yparj* U)tb Norway, find Hw^.u •*«-r. TV»U ii"i-iiHim'y--mw»*r ib»asg •• W4ifitali -"i'ti.i mu^rtip hnTirrv' Mil :. j r o u | .... k .II'HIIK'- Why iluu t >'.utl I-«»l- ' for m.irf" •"'••••• ' ' ' "All. --11111111.' >•• ••'.• I'm. a llttli' I'll ttllly" IM-U'IIII ttit- mini In i'S|ilBtinllnli '•'Vi^. I.m -lll> •..-••I'll' inni'f|<'ii Ki'1 ; work." Inr* r-ni'.T»4t tin- Imiv | ""lint I'm nut thai itlllv!" IIMIHIIMI tin- tranil. ijiil- HIV l'"il(im 'l>li'Kr4nli r*ath*r €>1 A*tronomj». . ^ i-tiiis -rtrr* fnttirrnf n-itnttM»t».tr "^•.•.-r-'J-^-'V.lJr.-'i:.-*—-;Vl-.-;-';^'^^r;.^.^i^i..'^.<f-'v.v'v.';..\'|.''7^' •XtS r.TT«r.'"T~rw~rrrr- -••*(• •fni*"t$rr™*v*r «t It.e r'plln-->"- t lint I* Iliilt II'" Dun <-n-sa--> tbf i-|iiut"t nl«"il "Hi'; inlliulr farib.-r w . - t « n i t ••ii- li >I-III I.'" >i-ar* ijrtun- > iirlil, «:i< lw.ru. nlnKjJt 14 r u n ' *r.|U«>iitl} ixllv^'-it ttint ti.' knew fli«" wa* t*itti.:rl'ii( In fiirm J¥*«'*.-< Th* G*B«>nafthain.. fl'hH. Ii4*ili 14 tbff nanii* liii'iun t<» a-ttt;iii'<*lU'?r* It U *Uil.l*- In Ihi- iiiu'hl *ky illl'i»-r f-if«Mr*M»- ' -n.-il tioim. In piuml'il In utitlliu- ati'l i> »l!-' atiil olwnyn •••ni'-tiy ••.p|.»rK-».ttir I-.J- - lujranl 1 '«»' «'III> nml Invi-iilHd nn In ; itrutucut f"i i'Sl. : ulatlm( lutlluib- sii'l ; lylifituile ' \ . .-.~ v 'A •'"Cbo'if"sii l "NSi*.""'"" *"~ " { Tbf» ItfT'-ft-lJg U ^fl- HlWHV* 111) tllM MiltS. H1i*ti u<•^•t^ vM-Mf lii-unl r'Miiliij; rr'iin ; tbflr fl.-it <iu«-ilii>r uml u li»*ljibl>>ir MIIII' : -i'li l.'ur, linvf tlii- Itri.wh* Im'il u euiliirnt "N"." l snotber iivluhbur. t. h<?.| up tlwol.;l mm f a i'l*iuil of'llirl-*ir*.'»lpiateil at*»ill i inllll.ii'i uillm fr<ilu the earth a i d r»; vuLvhii; urumiil It It. In a t*rl-i»l .'-f ;•>•»' HIM* y.'iir. su tbat th*> wuti^! tt-or-i art* alway-4 '>n 111.- •nrtli. It I* <mlmat»d >ba> fje Hiic ..r thin Kb'Mtly aatclllte uia>- >,» Iii>-irrj' tb« *au»» n* tliat «'f tb* piaij*-! JupHer 1. «», nlx'iit x".<»»< nill»« In iIlaunHer ...... , ' H|r W a / of Introduction. . : ofTU-er ii** Ti'inruy. wjiu .has .bf«ti ! oalag ttit- »bli» frwly 'in' a rpstlvii ) rj>n-a«-. Ii'/u't l~ii' him, tnlk t" him. : uiau talk t"i lilm: T'iruwy ito burse. 1 by way of ciiriiMiic tbe conversation) \_n*,m trow Mancbesler. •-1<OU4OII i I-nnrh. '...'". That Was AIL "Maria." demanded Mr. Blllus lo loud voice, "wbat have you been doing to my raxor?" "NotltUig," said Mrs. BUlua, "except sharpening It again after abating Fl- do'a tall with It It'* all right. Isn't Itr-Exehtnge. , consists In feeding conversation, nevtr In uaurpUjif It. Hbe Is the guardian of this species uf sacred Ore, but it most be accessible to all.-Mme. Swetcblne Sarims Intsntisoa. Nellie-Hasn't Mr. FelewaUey pro- posed yet? Nora-No, bnt he bas gone as far as to ask what Oar we bare breakfast and whether mother is good cook—Exchange. His Spawislty. Bokoa-Bcrlbbler has bad no ten tbaa ata» plays njerted. Pokns—Wbst Is badotos now? r Hokns—Wrttug eaaajs fcT^ H of tb» dzaasv-Ute. You Are Taking Very Grave when you fail to have the till« to jour raal estatei In many caa«a neglect iu tbis matter has cost real estaUi owners K' 9 * 1 anxiety, ii«?a»y exp«os« ati<l m6uibiitut>» the. low ol their propartj. ID. <roiupari»<su with tb<-prMUictiuu u tbat tbis insurance affords, ita coat is small. Make it a i W aif talii 51 ovur"witii r thu~' i= ":^~T7 MQN .COUNTY AGENCY ____ FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY ELIZABETH OFFICE 8 W. Grand Str—L HOME OFFICE Nswark, SJ. VTTT^ Z * _ ,^. MONEY TOLOAN ON BOND AND nORTQAQE. W ll¥ -'H|w»ttlH«»llt \Vo havn niotiir' i*.iui)unKtit anil mt i nun ar« »klllwl and i>ir«irt llnaaon r AUT0SERVICE V\ cstticld iw tt iltffornni * in tin* luiiitwtr ttli.'H yon nxifcHiinn it fui yonr liinlillng l'n*toini.i* i.f tins liimhci yitrit knou- tlin.ili(Tiiri<nc.t F YOU ARC ACCUSTOMED t<j JiniioylitK itfifi'i IK ITI . vnur wn<**1 " KIV» »* mi <mJ.»r Ymi will IM»V» n*» ilimrully wilh nur pr^ltut You '~.'yi ill )(M( t-ifii ily ^.iiut' y-Mi. n«ji*ir«V ' "~ iSm-'i .nimir lo (Mii Wrigbl, Im- ) !MI, tumber ami Masons' Materiali Walnut Avenue, . Cranford. I.AVVN Sl!lil> LAWN f-'liUfII.IZliK UAHOliN 5UB05 SCHIiliN WI.RH—'-' POULTKY VVIHIi PAINTS AND OLAS5. •WW-IW «#I.K. At PIKE'S Hayashi i*="""'"i ','» -f ini*'i# J i-IT. ia^i".* .»«• nan———— RESTAURANT CATERER DELICATESSEN Dinner and Luncheon Parties Breakfast and Luncheon .Served .—g-m-cirte"- • ; Course Table d'Kote Wooer 75CenU Served from 9 to 10 I'. M. si. Sundays, Special Diner Sorvod from 1*to1 75CenU' Muppar Served from S.80 lot P. ». SOCenU BCST PfcACC IN UNION - COUNTY TO OINC I ,

^VAROND. CRANE - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 3. · -Veraon.- J.oiury. pomp, ceremonial wen not tbaent tn the eighteenth era rury.—Walter E. Wevl In lUrpet'a Mar* than a third >»f

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Page 1: ^VAROND. CRANE - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 3. · -Veraon.- J.oiury. pomp, ceremonial wen not tbaent tn the eighteenth era rury.—Walter E. Wevl In lUrpet'a Mar* than a third >»f

'»''<„„ at? * .1 , < / , '




THE AIM OF THIS BANKla to BUILD CP ita buirineaa in a safe and con»«rY»-

tire tnstinar. avoiding all spaculationa, no matter wbat

may Be tkie expectation of profit SAFETY TO. DE-


We want all the good, safe busineaa we can get

and Maura our customers of every courtesy and proper

' accommodation.

. " Banliing Hour*


7.30 A. M. to 12 M. 8.00 to 9.00





laaiodabtalaced and

kind* of



- - • " » "

Balmy Spring Days arc Coming!The housewife ia thinking of Spring Housecloaning. -

T t i e K l t o h e n may ne<sd new WINDOW SHADESor a new, bright, cheerful UNOLEUn.

W« repreeeht'SLOAJf iiW StOAN, who slabd for Tiu'»t-• itjr. Nairni'ThUtlB Brand are the fluent made.

jou a. piitu"iua>lB Kiid-h>idop-yt>ur

floor Just telephone. 92 Cranfcird.


• • >

J Lawn and Garden Dressing;Fresh Ground Bone

- Extra Choice Lawn SeedWhite Clover

Timothy Seed, Etc. i





^VAROND. CRANEWarehouse. Elevator. Coal Pocket


ELIZABETH STOHKS03805 Morris Ave. 11

A limited number of men can securepositions as motor/men or . conductors onPublic Service Railway by applying at.Carhouse, East Jersey and LivingstonStreets, any week-day between the hoursof 2 and 5 P . M . 'All-year jobs at good pay.

Cranford Property My Specialty.

I Estate Bot^lit,-Sold and txchangisd.RENTINO AND MANAOEMENT OF


J. C. W. RANKIN,11 NORTH X««Ut V B L B p M W < e M . CRANrWHVN. I.

packet is aa sssnacc oi "Seada el Qaality." The Fortieth Aaaraan'pjM— 0{ Dipaa'i ft™-1 " *-y—* "*f *»"»» **" w - h •mwad

face Wiie *"dsjr.— "Lai »"• /"I**-" A piitcird will tsisf '*.W. ATUEE BURPEE * CO, Bawpa*



To LetHouse at 109 Holly Street

er hall, 10 rooms, 2 baths, store rooms,etc Apply to E. B. Horton at above


| a Pynttn Day*At no UBM. of cour>*, was I

roiuplfteJv' abarnt (rom Amfrtfi.spend. «h«u tb* uurw U full, CTUthough ta« pure* Iw «uull. Not alt the'tumptturr U>r» uf *rri-ut«*Bthr r»oturr Maawcbiwritu ruukl pr»n«(t »»•tter l^uritau* from tautKHi ic tutu ~ytr

. fmm pun U»*ing appard

it. silver. K»W*. «ltk* or tawed". Kv«i' plou* iltd bark lutu embroidered '

doublets with alaibnl lileevea Int.';gold or stiver girdl**: hart bands,;

belts, rojTs, beaver natta." while woui -en of u« particular rank aWsred to !

bidden silk and tiffany booda. A iwnturv later we encounter disapproval jpf John Ilaowk'a "show of extraTa- |gaure In living," of hla (-"ranch aud |Entllab furulturs, hl» its tires, '<tlpwra,4carriages, wine cellar* and I n <-lotbea IWtshlncton starved «ltb bis suldlem |at Valley Pun*, but lived like an Bus-lUb gentleman In tits home at Mount-Veraon.- J.oiury. pomp, ceremonialwen not tbaent tn the eighteenth erarury.—Walter E. Wevl In lUrpet'a

Mar* than a third >»f s!I-,Acaifwla are . _ _ _whk-tal til U rlaiBMHt. iracfo. aw; atturrctlv of the wort<l in tu* tutum*. *.f j ^ . •.dttftidtt. WUtwo. tu t sttflatHi. tu* tfl-.•O Its uswe tu uur -f ![»• iu.vi ai.k-Ir known aad uarrui rues tu ttv * w i dbut QOW the Vttt.Mi ruit i.*^«f. '(*e a- .tec of tb«' ««r(d u suAimlliutt^- tun, «»>i It" li

man in thetan

I'.im I- IUr>l f . i r a VIIIIIHT

tt U i i t t in - ra. v HI l-itiil

! t . i h f . > w l f t I m t . - 1 " Itl.-

. t - It » n - ii.'t u i i t l l

v* itmt 1 u-arn.Hl ttmt IU«

nay of It HnwvU tikrntw i> U m•11 o»«. the mrih t>T Jta . »n»l luB I d i l toariwta aud ruga »tik b a m turiinl >N)tIn I'bllailelpUta. fbUattolphta rntrf.prise eiubark«it th ttw t-ariirt t*UJ*inr»**while WMI'lue"1" <••* prnfciret " f t!>^Vnlted Statr*. but It » . . UM, mitiilnor«> than, naif a vt-utur> latrr tbatI'eutiarlvaula 1 1 all tl.» i u m in .arpet produrt(uo A* Mrlj »•. J Jwaa a factorv in. i'blta.lrl|>bia «-u,la th* manufa.'tur* uf Vnniu»trr an.lTurkev t-artwt*. t'blua atul U m u u

eo»n* wool u*«il la tb«- niaiiuf»<turr v<t.be llueat Wutv.it* Argmiaat

t-iit •H.r.-imt.i.-, I li.-l.llii.ir a >I.M*II

..r ib<- f*.-t ili.it I -»»uLi. apt*art»ntl»a.aki* K>*«\ Rnvwb.-rv I went t>> tm*l

! i,.--« I'v.-ry %1*\ nli l i a kind «t nip on'mr, wtsi'ii!«U'r A* l.>u« a* HIT IH»S*

i t>> for 'turn. I'nit wai n% trrm

Inltlatlva and RtMlutie*.Every juuux man ahoukl adopt the.

I. and It. In hi* flfr. Tbat tueana lul ItttUve and rmolufUm That In, orlK :tnste noinfthlni:; think tip numethtiiic ;to do In the world. I >im't depend u|nni !others to Initiate fur ><«». Tbe world jowes no msn n llvuiic. Kvrry oueowr*^the world s life. • ;

Tbe truth I* tbat tb«rv t* •»> tintr a'which tt Is pirating t*> n't m- • i n l i n eup'lu the w o r n I* a iu«»nrv. but '•>»•refer tu tt<*ttiui: ui> fr-Hn aint'itE.^ t^.tween a fiftr.ceiit «>>.(. and a furtt d*>:lar mattrra* aftvr harl; v t n . . | •-. indulse, to a r«>mi of •atictv. a n.-'rnia:appetite f>rr •»li»ri> .

T»«*i np wTltinrtT r«.m t "nt lurnd r e a r / WMIIIII *a». '*«ini*t.hi:.<

flu'te. V|" ist.. a^ tu t 'h l 'aso . H.i;wbiii- t-mpU>>w*-pnM tin* wr.ll IttH-auiHt1 * lrU\ fml tbr- iftM*u. n.t oiici of themrr<ar\1«-«1 me a* a uiau ti> I** built Intohi* o m a n l i a t l o u

Old Tifn* Teatt Of'nWiiTh<-rr UM-<t to t * mi old >U:

tbat " • • • t'ail In- k ti< itrluk a tuaal• Hil B l TwiMI ^IHIliUIIK TM'IIIIHI IW

|h»ll 1* i t U * JI ' l i w a M t f n * M.nr*>r tiv ttu* . n i i t r l v

a n " " f >.i* • • i ' ( . n i . . i i ; 1 - i i : i r i i i i « . « « -

. l . l . l ^ l l u l l i c l - i i . k « « !»> « « • i l r lnW! u t f I t !* ' - i v i 1'iMt f n i l n t i l l * n l T a l i

, i n ^ tti.< . > i ; - l t u n >.r t i n v t i i t f tl i i^ t i in i i

on vltlu-r - l i l .w' r tl»" l"»"l ilrlnki'f• • > t

: ttoth*n»oin<t- trrttatiti<problmu iliin'i iMinplirat* am) inlrrt.if y tb« iMt*oiivtmiw!<*« |ty

tu arttoii. ThU Kuuntlrt Hku nt'ullnuMit,but It la mild fait . Ilolf of the wx-luland IndUMtrtal dlmiHtrrH wi> pxitorliMi.t*today lit |M)lltlo4, rdiKitluii, i-ouinn>r<vand ludUMlry In 1>*VIIU*I>. wi» prayllt'i. Ifresolution anil fteiH'iHlctu-tv Wi* willMKrer setlli' nur * o l a l niul luduxlrliilli-nnlil»* thill n n r -Wi. mint Ihjnlt of

t-an resort tu In caMi* nr.tnUifiirtiUM* umldisaster. A inuti HIIHUM *'»V«. bU i-urnlulra and lnri"*t.thi'in Lit laud. In liilu.'.In shop. In Htnn* nu'ini'lhlnu -on th). nutside to tiiki- U|> In Illliei of Hin.-rKfli.'.>- O b l o S U t e Journal .

dix-s It.Karlt••rUl'nic t'^wlth ->"m<- \TT

»..rt uf rrllitl.Mi. HWf* n^cvllatl'.n |tutlbi*y. Itki* th»i' n'-*t of in UH..V** it-,<»»HIT stTtliteil u l th A I'i-.* of t?i>- it rmalrapai-ltj Tnr nit-*1!' ttn.t tht*rf*ltiK painful. Jinwi'trf- rottin- plp*»nrr ..f l~.a*riiiir

TheOolli as Scapsgoata.

'whirl* \v.t>ri»'liiirit«l,fvlth-lHiJMirta".t' pt'r..HunaKi'H in urdi-r that lliey -mlitlit f'>lOil MUrb ilu'tiiM a t the ruli-r* cf tin'nether world mlk'bt lm|io<i» on tin- ili-uildignltAry In IIIH m-xt tnr-arnniliiii. Thi-niorc tinpurtunt tin' i lmd I lie l.lrurr (lietiumlicr of .lolls tiurtiil u l l h lilinKri'ii to IIIIH duy tin- iloll playn ll» |uirl

jln the folklori" uf I hi' l>aukn nf 111 • •'.Nile Wtifii ib« rivrr <lix'n not appi-urfo~fTsi«=iJfirfpj'Trr "ft^aTiftivfth'rowTrfrit"JU wah ir«,ulu .uc.Ujthrown hi to .|iro|iiIlat«~tlM Slip KI»J~and a uliuliur perfurnmiii't* taki'n^plui'eon tbe bonks of the Tiber. «In-re adoll nittUe of piaitinl rimbea IN imiil ana nubntitut« for tbe human victim. •^Vestmlimter (jau-tt**.

Gsorg* Washlngtan's Bobrlquata.Washington «aw railed by niauy m>

.. l ie « I H lint of all "Father

childless that bis country mlgbt railhim father";Higourney <«lls him "I'ater l'atrtue." Chief JuMli-e Marshall.'the "American Kahlua." Lord-Myron

'the CitKlniiatus of the West. Torti*-w .world on-.hi* ahuaUleta

Br^«rlillt^*l«»"iV«iir»*^AnHFT*r»i.!=Tbe Engl^b soldiery called him l.y thesanastlc nickname uf "Lore/lyxfreorKlu»." lied Jacket. t tbe Seneui IiidUncblet, called him the "Kiower of-theForest." The Italian poet Tlttorlo AJ-Deri called him "Deliverer of America AIlln bitter opponenu xan-tstlcally call-ed him the "Stepfather of Ella Conn-try" during hi* presidency.

Slmpl*."Those twin buys of your* ars ao

much alike that I don't •«• how y/ucan tell them apart"

"That's ea»y enough. Wheu they'reon tbelr good behavior they answer totheir own mmea, aud when they'vebeen In mischief eacb one answers l'>the name of the other,"—New Orleans

MttlliiK |H>r«i]ii* who rranUr •!-• u--nt «iijr time t.. Bet ti(» although tb«-ido It 'hetttli-ally rvert- mornlnf - l>»iUvllle ('iHirlpr-Journal . '

The Flag «.f Denmark.In tbe ri-ar V1W Klh* WaM»ma* of

l>Hliiuaik. wlirn bailing lit* tr.i..|r* |.iL.ttu?. lJlitaJlLn*J.._?aj»J or

4f o r m ' o f n n w i tit the *ky He h*-t-lihl* spiwariitK't* to I.- » promt™ ..f Jlsine aid ami |in»»«-<t forward !•• >!•'tort From thin tlni- l.r had ih-ITIIH« pluiiil on the H»t »f hi* nniotryniul vullrit It the l>ann»bn>it- that !•Hi.' atn-UKtli of Ih-niuurk Ashlr fr-uiieiiflid. there l« ll" ilnilt't Ibal fhK fitwith tbe iT»i« «na.a»!ui>tl«! ».» Iwn

l i lu i i i I . . W i M l i i m nt

*•* ihi> n-.nif*'* ** 'i.'ii » ; III l'i.u.|«.|;l HI reelt.m till Nnilli"1 ,\'««

Not «• Bail at That.

ajrt- » l i . i . - '

" K i n d ti i '1' . l i" i - i i r i i i i . n b l i i l u i t l y SHi n t n't

a l i t l r t u r-at *ln< •' m * »u | i |" ' r: d a y a n i<-ini.'irti.> <-)" I"' i l" - ' b l m

n t a h ' » u t t i l l ' m i i n . ' <1at^ *:i • ••* t*-t _t ^ j i m v i l i . . t t | . . i , n t . ' r u f l l H t i i . r l . T . ^ - » * «

sailor* who « e f f <ttattti|e1'l*l*t'**l' tor'c-ilraife w»-r-» ult'iwr.l t*. t*-l-iu« TTi.-flsic of lielllliiirk, n. litain rt^l imntj*tbesrlnic mi It a whllf rnam. 1» tti- •/!•!eat -IISK now In «"il*tpn»-»-. ' r'"r >•*'

yparj* U)tb Norway, find H w ^ . u •*«-r.TV»U ii"i-iiHim'y--mw»*r i b » a s g •

•• W4i f i ta l i -"i ' t i . i m u ^ r t i p h n T i r r v ' M i l

:. j r o u | . . . . k . I I ' H I I K ' - W h y i l u u t >'.utl I-«»l-

' f o r m . i r f " • " ' • • • • • ' '

' " A l l . --11111111.' >•• ••'.• I ' m . a l l t t l i ' I'll

ttllly" IM-U'IIII ttit- mini In i'S|ilBtinllnli'•'Vi^. I.m -lll> •..-••I'll' inn i'f|<'ii Ki'1

; work." Inr* r-ni'.T»4t tin- Imiv| ""lint I'm nut thai itlllv!" I IMIHIIMI tin-

tranil . ijiil- HIV l'"il(im 'l>li'Kr4nli

r*ath*r €>1 A*tronomj». . i-tiiis -rtrr* fntt irrnf n-itnttM»t».tr


•XtS r.TT«r.'"T ~rw~rrrr- -••*(• •fni*"t$rr™*v*r«t I t . e r ' p l l n - - > " - t lint I* Iliilt II'" Dun

<-n-sa--> t b f i - | i i u t " t n l « " i l "Hi'; i n l l i u l r

f a r i b . - r w . - t « n i t ••ii- li >I-III I . '" >i-ar*

ijrtun- > i i r l i l , « : i < lw.ru. nlnKjJt 14 r u n

' *r. |U«>iitl} i x l l v ^ ' - i t t t int ti.' k n e w fli«"

w a * t*itti.:rl'ii( In f i i r m J¥*«'*.-<

T h * G*B«>nafthain..fl'hH. Ii4*ili 14 tbff nanii*

liii'iun t<» a-ttt;iii'<*lU'?r* It U *Uil.l*- InIhi- iiiu'hl *ky illl'i»-r f-if«Mr*M»- ' -n.-iltioim. In piuml' i l In utitlliu- ati'l i> »l!-'at i i l olwnyn •••ni'-tiy ••.p|.»rK-».ttir I-.J- -

lujranl 1 '«»' «'III> nml Invi-iilHd nn In; itrutucut f"i i'Sl.:ulatlm( lutlluib- sii'l; lylifituile ' \

. .-.~ v'A •'"Cbo'if"siil"NSi*.""'"" *"~ "{ Tbf» ItfT'-ft-lJg U fl- HlWHV* 111) tllM MiltS.

H1i*ti u<•^•t^ vM-Mf lii-unl r'Miiliij; rr'iin; tbflr fl.-it <iu«-ilii>r uml u li»*ljibl>>ir MIIII': - i ' l i l.'ur, linvf tlii- Itri.wh* Im'il u

euiliirnt "N"." l snotber iivluhbur.t. h<?.| up tlw ol.;l mm

f a i'l*iuil of'llirl-*ir*.'»lpiateil at*»ill iinllll.ii'i uillm fr<ilu the earth a i d r»;vuLvhii; urumiil It It. In a t*rl-i»l .'-f ;•>•»'HIM* y.'iir. su tbat th*> wuti^!tt-or-i art* alway-4 '>n111.- •nrtli. It I* <mlmat»d >ba> f jeHiic ..r thin Kb'Mtly aatclllte uia>- >,»Iii>-irrj' tb« *au»» n* tliat «'f tb* piaij*-!JupHer 1. «», nlx'iit x".<»»< nill»« IniIlaunHer ......

, ' H|r W a / of Introduction. .: ofTU-er ii** Ti'inruy. wjiu .has .bf«ti! oalag ttit- »bli» frwly 'in' a rpstlvii) rj>n-a«-. Ii'/u't l~ii' him, tnlk t" him.: uiau talk t"i lilm: T'iruwy ito burse.1 by way of ciiriiMiic tbe conversation) —

\_n*,m trow Mancbesler. •-1<OU4OIIi I-nnrh. ' . . . ' " .

That Was AIL"Maria." demanded Mr. Blllus lo •

loud voice, "wbat have you been doingto my raxor?" •

"NotltUig," said Mrs. BUlua, "exceptsharpening It again after abating Fl-do'a tall with It It'* all right. Isn'tItr-Exehtnge. ,

consists In feeding conversation, nevtrIn uaurpUjif It. Hbe Is the guardian ofthis species uf sacred Ore, but it mostbe accessible to all.-Mme. Swetcblne

Sarims Intsntisoa.Nellie-Hasn't Mr. FelewaUey pro-

posed yet? Nora-No, bnt he bas goneas far as to ask what Oar we barebreakfast and whether mother is •good cook—Exchange.

His Spawislty.Bokoa-Bcrlbbler has bad no ten tbaa

ata» plays njerted. Pokns—Wbst Isbadotos now?r Hokns—Wrttug eaaajs

fcT^H of tb» dzaasv-Ute.

You Are TakingVery Grave

when you fail to have the till« to jour raal estate i

In many caa«a neglect iu tbis matter has cost real estaUi

owners K'9*1 anxiety, ii«?a»y exp«os« ati<l m6uibiitut>» the.

low ol their propartj. ID. <roiupari»<su with tb<-prMUictiuu u

tbat tbis insurance affords, ita coat is small. Make it a

i W a i f talii 51 ovur"witiirthu~'i=":^~T7



8 W. Grand Str—L


Nswark, SJ.

VTTT^ Z * _ ,^.


W ll¥ -'H|w»ttlH«»llt

\Vo havn niotiir' i*.iui)unKtit anil mtinun ar« »klllwl and i>ir«irt llnaaon


V\ cstticld

i w tt iltffornni *in tin* luiiitwtr ttli.'H yon nxifcHiinn itfui yonr liinlillng l'n*toini.i* i.f t insliimhci yitrit knou- tlin.ili(Tiiri<nc.t

F YOU ARC ACCUSTOMEDt<j JiniioylitK itfifi'i IK ITI . vnur wn<**1 "KIV» »* mi <mJ.»r Ymi will IM»V» n*»

ilimrully wilh nur pr^l tut You'~.'yi ill )(M( t-ifii ily ^.iiut' y-Mi. n«ji*ir«V ' "~

iSm-'i .nimir l o ( M i i W r i g b l , I m - )

!MI, tumber ami Masons' Materiali

Walnut Avenue, . Cranford.

I.AVVN Sl!lil>

LAWN f-'liUfII.IZliK


SCHIiliN WI.RH—'-'



•WW-IW «#I.K. At


i*="""'"i ','» -f ini*'i# J i-IT. ia^i".* .»«• nan————



DELICATESSENDinner and Luncheon Parties

Breakfast and Luncheon .Served.—g-m-cirte"- • ;

Course Table d'Kote Wooer75CenU

Served from 9 to 10 I'. M.


Sundays, Special DinerSorvod from 1* to 1


Served from S.80 lot P. ».SOCenU


I ,

Page 2: ^VAROND. CRANE - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 3. · -Veraon.- J.oiury. pomp, ceremonial wen not tbaent tn the eighteenth era rury.—Walter E. Wevl In lUrpet'a Mar* than a third >»f

To Digest After Farm Work Is DoneAGIaiiccatCurrcntTopics a n d Events

fle-ica «f •hake»e>e*re. 1 ZeppelbM.it apjr timeb d

when tt»

BACTERIA IN MILKEven Product From Healthy Cow

Contains Gerrru.


VIII. Mult Be K.pl Cool; Olh.r*,.,


wwitlwr i* yrrv bad or -there U blightincoulljrht. ' ~

The new I.Z type of 32,CW:> cubk me

Combination »f Rape and Oa*» an £«-cellent Spring Feed Far tw in* .

Ttir* i« -8~ri,'";«( iriii.-Tv"^up*i r;,i, * . r.J:>

If WKII in [ i t . . . , , , . ! I . |,r.»l'i'' '• p"rk

| . l ' , ( t | i l l , i > I I , i - i - n , - i t i . | | | l . | i . i | . | -

H'aliliiirfonl, IV, April 1T.-TW onijrpersonal l«-|,,iurlBir» of William Htiake-M-eiir- in Hiii ('.Minlry are a pair ..f

, _ . . _ ' *•!<*>» «i.l'h M.tmpre<per Feeding and Crowding Fault* i , , t , .

I. B.Av.id*. i . . » l w l , l r l 1 . p n . p ^ i , « » , » " I " - r t » hlsh-r andnminiain 1U «!»!-It

. \ , . •- ! «-rful than the .-artier models, and i-anpf^ii.e.. I,, I•«.,.- - . ^ - „ , „ , „ „ _ « . _ « , « . -

C*lu*. Warto AaaW War.New York. April 17.—How a s A n n -

i.-aa colb«e in a belligerent countryhas followed its normal course tn a j rtime bj tuM'tn the annual report .,f I.-Mary Mill' Patrick, prarfdeat of ,•..„.wanttnople college, who baa und«r ht-r


Ji.'i-f> ' f ! ( *


lu t.

' % t

<h\!*\ I



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iiiii'li. I.

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p»*4 v*

Number He^lvtf, Co**** From thaDull • ! Ihl'Air, the Oirt prom (HeUddtr >nd Flin^i ind Untlean Ul«"ail*. ' V - '

-r«rM (-1 , t< |

W t i l l i - • l 1 i , - i i l n | j | - . l l > a t l o u < . f H I P i l i ' d

l i l t i o l l " f f h f n i . r . l " r l i - n i i ' M M I I I . I i *

• I I I I I P i n t I k n l i l l i i . r i i l i i i K f " t < ; l i ; i i i i i i . l

l « i i ( n h > t , m i»rr 1 n " h i i f < - . . t - i ; f , > r . . f l l

i m r r I ' r n j V i . K t ^ w e i i . n r m i d i T w t i i i t . '

• l i - i t i n . I l k I . . I f I l l - H i l l i v . • . « . ' l i i l l l i

t h a t l . i f r p p f r o m r i l r l a i , i | I ' u i i t a l n a . , : , l v

n t i - w l i i i i i i - r i n . h " l i i - " f w h l ' l i 1 * " f M

harmful natureWith |i|n|ii-r • »l I I.ii| Ten I.ii' I.Tin

e<l lull', HIP mill, . luring ml It Inu. l"i<

Mitfir < a i w - » .if lr-.»,il,I,. w i t hI . M i k i f NJ'I.. U- riai- is l l o ' . U P . . , f Hire.-f "inr'fn h e a l it'K* IJJIJI h *»r hot eno i i^J i ..' Ft-»^l--,.|- i r m f l i n * ; , .wrll'-s » . frip*j.-,:.<l

< l | | . , f H I P l(r:||ij.-e .1,1,1,1 Klini iP! A/H'r

| ' t ( | . t,* h.it- t, ri... iiitfitiilip ii* 'if/#-n ii,'i'J*-i-^nf tr.'.'-pltij; It.i-in f'Mi u a n i j , Mi i i -h h'i*; n .\p..|t:i-l-lr;j-t.-ji'|i-'<H y T l iP l-t-.t hr'H^Ii l l s J I I - n ' l . i <.-.;<-1 - i Ibp >l i i . l s« ' m i O n !] ili.i if uip«'r . i | i i ie Mie , l ike , H - ln]- , iho' i*

Aii'.fVr . HUM' i,l |i«.lu*t lM'f'»ri- ilif f ni< kU l l . i - H I P J ' t f fk I n f . . I t *

n Nlllfhili(ii.i.««k«.t (Ili

I K' ir in-1 . . w l l t , . r - i i f t l w t r e a t <ark'riin>i t l i i l n n i.f sf iak.Tiifrt irf f a u n ? K I - I U -1;-,- r c - p l n - d itfps*' _-l'i. p> u* a [.r.-.-|<"is

""/•'H!!'> "fi-'-ut !>»•' tt'ilif Mr* M'l . l ' ius .. 1/V>VTV.».II t h f I .-!•• l i l i . - i , l'> Mr« I ia

Jiirrti « " I f f i .f Mlf » " r t i | f a u i ' i u .

TTwWUcTlra-Tlrt*~nT'r«»*«n»rg-aw-race llonuliilea.

I, the ft**)Ii tiiiirlV'ft it

lm<lv, Thl« Inn to the clii.k

II'.I kl-lll MM,I 11 lit 11 IIM'll.

I f fri'ifh mfik rontpiiLt n IKI-I,"*' ruunl * r nt l i i i i i-rlfl 11 Iniilratra Hun llmmilk Ha* <iinlainlruitiNi '(tiirltiu Hn<|imn.«« nf liillkliii». nlllloilKh Hii' Inn-ff-rla tnav rninp •from HII lnfiili<t| nil

If tullL '4'utha> liirlM whi-iiII In

liiifct.-nijfii|,|.r*.- nf

i hi-n thp rnnfiiiiiiitr

—+*"*n"" ™n'mntriiir..iT Tif^iiir. ifii«i' It 1nin.,| twit ki'in i-fi.il. .-Althiitiiili niulInlll mill fMtiliiln IMI > I.II,|K I I IK I I |ii.tt l.artir|.fl"iil,iim ili-iin mill f.lnniliii'ft-lfp UBIHI H« fittiil h> hiiinnn U. I I IK*

ir mill, luiitnlna Intfi- IIIIMII,I'|» iiM.KHI I'urpuai If . I,I jm*_.-i.|U n | . itl

_ lnilli»Hi.li_lliat Ji jJ^'^J.t jaJ^im-JiJ

>l!lk fmiii a <tlf(»it.*4'il rtnv, fiHin nna<»Mit In 'mltr nr rnun mi,, tlmi h ^

m a ! ijiiiittlli"> HTTII. I IIMIIKII I I .>ii>l u l H I I t x ln> ( la i iKi ' rnu* . II f. ,,M>l<liri-,| • • (! ,• , in m i l k a mI,nl In. utftM nt a n , |>

Tin- m i n i l - i cif lu i i - l i -r ln In

i. innviiii |H.I


l|E • i U.IU. I

& ,m I . J ;; fruni

.tai'X. I lid aiuuuut-uf ,-unlau'iluttl Urn fi,nt>li|iHfilliiiN>. mul, tli lnl. Hit- iii | , | .of tli<- lifXtrrlnl c r u n l h ' '

'I'lif-rn ar« KI'VIIHI l f m n i,y w lInn It-nit Kfl Into milk. Kmnif innvfruin HIP UII.IIT llxi-lf, " IIITC ihi't L'li'wIn. Hir inllk I.'N|I>MIM atni «] i M -1«. 'I'tit.crtfnttT nuinlffi;, l u m r i n ™nii; fromIliv (tint of llii- nlr. tin. illii fniui llu.ui ldir and flanki, fnun Hi.. m | | k , . r n n i |


- n; ' during bmtprlii liulv iiel



mill, ur who ^| | > ,

T l i r ru i ix i i iurr !• t-'ftui-tIUICN n^pi fnu l .U p f o r Il io i n i i l i i i n l i i n l l o i i t.f tln> m i l k .MI Ik liottl<*ii I IIHI n r o tti Inf. i v turnt ' i ] intlir* ilHlirniHti Ntniultl niMi-r In* IIIUMVIMI

"Ti~ii"«K'l(riiiim" T T I I I \ \ \ ft iTiflTirri-iTTii"IK>UI>I"« w h e n , t l u i i f i tn- Infi-i-rlim-i tllai - i w i i Hii' lK>ltlm -h . i i i l i i !,,.( | , , , , , ,1

ll-ft<sl Ulltll thl-.v tlKVf 1WII ll|ff|llf|.~lluulUU-iuiil~ailiU'ii

for tlielrj».|iiiiviil



I..\ it - 1

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t i l

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il ,M1.1,1 II• hitii'ih'lJM>' 'i* i.r


BHOUII91. #• r-• i +. r

• M.Kt.li | ' , (,i» iiti'l

t "lll-lfK' nil**



n 1a

)!r. HIMlU .if11' r ' < u



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l>y ti U'lit



>»-v •

M l

tirtr H

i l l- • * - • -

r f'.v iialiirp in fiipplv it with r,H.I till itlparii« how II, eat affer II • -MIU** .KitInto tin- l.ltf wirli i . IteiaUMP a Mttip'hi' I, pi. k« at ptrryrhlnit II d.^e not

• pu-ai-lly nipiiu that it n liunifry.IP litllp i-hi.-k- U n new ,-renttirp InfftratiKi- laud lnvp«t||ratln(t throughrUmlty and It .not reaily hunurynip fnruiprn kri'iw ihp yolk IUHIJIP

HIP I lii'k'n u« lv < i.i.'taliLn f.i™l etrtjujhto ln«t f'»r_ apierai ilayn and »<i dn not"fi-p.1 II for Ihrpp or four daya. The*fpar» the p u n - m e i and elllipr may do "{Injury, To feed an norm a t hatrhivlwould g o m e Ihp OlKentlvp HyntPlu wi lh

T.7-~WT'71 111

(Inrn untilit ninki' Ihp l»lM*r rt'iiulriMl ofHIP illnri-Kllli' syfti'in lm> an-at for li»

I'lic I'l-ttiT plan Ii to IM-KIII•iiuill ,|iuiiitilli-a of fnm| m frimi twrn-t) fniir tn fort)• plcht liolirn and In-• TPHffi- HIII fifpit at Hit- yulk iltM-H'titH-iVN'lllurt; il'ii-M (jut .IJkv_..a.lir«l>l •'.'JttiUJIK.-S-'i l u i d ImllPfl .run* tniinii l HIIP. »lii-lliirnl i i l l . 'n iHid .wjtli lirpiiilfruiiilK. t r >

hUhfu.p WIIIMMI uny weather. . " I —, . . . . »i^<_Hiii.ude the Aureal >»f*. i. :*tw«:u. T1W»P «lrU have , » M | ; p;.<„, aii.l :!.•<•> nn-tPrt ,.«.'»•• .to .9.<»« ""•"• "1||1*S<? w ^ r t to t h e f a

IW.f-. ,.. that It .-ail le.*P al-ivf the ! 'I'"'"1

.. |'Hl.|».


-eli-''.'• ah.rmrt , . f

Shortage •» Paper Material.Ha-ttininon.' April J 7-r-Tli.' attention

ili-cartnii'iit "t

rtiiuora of famine a-uf fuel. At one tlm.

ihe ••olletfe prop**rtj wan *.the ho*i«iii>; of Holtllerit. . Jmrin" !ivwiutpr many of the tree* un the «;.4-

illeisp eruoiHl* were, cut (|..« -.

rp»J.|fiilf fa«f ' l iu t•< raw niuf |.:i|»'r. IIKI'HIIIII!

M. U P iirsrpi lh«tIII.. il.-!i.u»ln.-iit »h"Uld ln:»ki. II knownHint tlip I'lfllppttnu in"! - IO ' I I I I : 'if mintiiml " il |in|f»n< «"iilil liti-mly tt ' i icr• • I I A I I I I I : i-oiiflliliina for AIMPI I ' tin mnnti-

:i «prl.iu» sh-irtaill.- .iiiatiiifaHinriik'» anil ..1,1 |.I

"^If.ir fuel ni. hvat theI'l - iT-H tlip^T^Vr iTeneV- carnpaTi;!!"

"T" j ahauduned f'H'd price* eoa*tant)r

f..r ! l"1"-"1'AmhaDtadiir MorRentban bai !-.

In dose toii.li with I be cullea.. sii.,llu- umhrvuk of the war. accunhn;: •Ihp report, and ha« frequently nil,talk* in the student*. •


vnij'tlii'iK Ilk.. i.i.KKi" ii'tii lit illffi-rklud.s of [.ii|>pr nnd Iwi'i-r l - ian!

ri- iiiaiinfii. i i ini i i-vpry ilny )n ibp'nllp.t Stiiipn. a n d ' a larsiP pniiwrtlon

.,f HiN. iifli-r It Iwa scrvisl lt» puriiiwp.i-iiiild !»• IIMII otpr'acuiti in «'mi' I'III.W• •f i«|K-r. A largr |iart of It. h m r n e r ,It pllhtT lnirli.-.! "r iiHiprwIw ivnslpil.

If tin'. Inimoi niii'iiiiit»lrp.| Itnllnnrll.l. Imfionh liriindi rt"l unfllfifii-il lulu tin. m

f i i an Is d pm u i - v t r , II Vvlll | . | .r l l l i p r l i u i r u w p i t o riil WIM'II Nnivn tn

d l l l U II Mill nut 11 -,! 1111

\ \ |M

n m r i ' t till It ! « ,

f f.i'*,Hl t ' i t in-i l - l Nl li-imt

ll"i;» tili"i|ld ii.il lip peniiKleilKin/" on Hi.. rii|.i> nnlll It U leutlveli i ' IIH III-H IIIKII IT lhe \ arpmi when I.I I* MIIIIIIIT Iliiln tills Ihevi i i f i ip l In dinlrov many of Ihp plantsniiil it n l l l nut prodti'-p IIH nuii'h. pa«-lurp ai Ii should If HIP IIIIKH iirolnkp.il nfr nip., pn.turp when I buy haveeiitpti II in the urniiud It nl-ll pruthif^. a

p\ ip | | . i i t parly HprlUK piifiluip Theyeutt ellhi-r lip ..own al Hie siiuie Hiue nrthe r»pp m i l he Intrrnued In after HIPnuts are up This Ii prntia>.l.v Ihp morediv.|llllilp liietlind, as Hi*, mils ran Ift't i fd i s l with ffiifi-lv pipti earllri' thanI In* rapp Where rj'p ha* l.peii «nfur pHKturi. II Is a Kn.t*t pll^u to harrow-In ».'iiii' n ipe in Ihe sprlua. This will

hn'•< j io''lriilik.lliiiit

Viirnut fpi'd Inia niiikp an p\i-|.Hpntpimp to son rnpp. it dnpfi l u lipfit'ln a

od Hiii •.nil, and MIII-IP SII. II lots nr.-lip uii'iit.il In (tip Hprliiu ilipy can l>i«

put In no.liptipr nap Hiau In thof rupp rnr Jniis p««lurp.

Repair Outfite on Whaela.In diiliii; MIIIIII rartH'nlpr nud n'pnlr.

'tit. nI*.ml thp fiutii a lot of Hun'lost In limitIni: up inMulil timlM, colfd'tliiy tiiairrtirl ~-if-!Til~Trne lime Tf 1s~

ra«.v I., uiiikp a (Hirtahle r»'p«lr.•Imp In which all kiiuU of tonls. nalN.

Its. nutK, witKhpt-K, wire and liuiu-luprahli; "ther lhlii(:sjirt'J»ej;l. It iilsii

_ _ -

nhpiit hrnn I- t".- l AMpr Hip rhlrksurn flvi« or alt i l a i r io ld . fpi-tl a innaliinuipoiipd of I'IJIIIII parts «hi'iit lirun.rolli-d oHt-, slioriH, rornuiPiil, 4ind fn

Shakeapeere'e Olovet. •a IntiK ami Ntiullmi'i life nt I.ltuien-Nti'iilp. tils i-nuutry tmtiif-f at Wulllnt;-f.inl. Pa lli—lde« a unrulier nf earlyfolios mid rare editions of Sluikespeiiren-tid hi* i.*itiHH.Tital"rM. there are mativrell'n lu ihe lll.Tiirv |n-rlnlulixi muri-nthitprpreters nf Slialipspea-re. Hii,'h a s

^JU^Iri^J^I^^fiJO^a.l.ryliiff. l intA' tiiHlly. pi-.

t h e Vire Hie iuilv"f

i i un.i I.unit » tMul.Ni Mt.|fta UNii.illvI'lixHl. allhntllill It I.•it. "iiriiK* fliu-lilintrlicil III iiflfto In thpl\ a m t [ "II l.l.-.l wi l l i II.I U l i i r l liHlrlii-.! tlilrtrf't111 linr ntuldn llvvt.

OIIIP ipa|

iillprilnn" world,


'rtii llir I'iirm-^s ill,r;iryi- lli" iiinst r.'iiiarkal.l.-

llu mily. rlvnl Is IhfIH.iiiry and uiiiapiini m

" " . . ^ ^ . - - ^ . ' . - . ^ " l - r ' . ! 1 ' ^ " - ' - " ^ns^,*VW*«p«-,^t(«t*iM+hte-m- •-jr^,r-Tra.Ti77T\*fnrr'?rT;rffii y~¥.• ijnTren""

! Ai ir l l '.'! i i i - i t . H I P tlirpi-

l i lvpta i i ry o f Sliiiffi-

l i b r a r y nii

l u t p r i ^ t tn

Illp tilPHHiry .if thp

l i m p .

i i i i t idr i ' . l th ttti-re's i l e a t h , til"'Ic'- i i ' .u h i l l ' • I•»«. w h o r i 'vpree s l I . .ml i,f a l l

30.000 Clubwomen to. Convene. .'New York. April Is. What proinl-i—

I"!~i ~Iie"flie lilitceat nfiiirtiaTherriru-K ever

In \ p w York .m May 'J| for tinnnvpiiili'ii uf thp- I'pilpni

Woinpn's ritilia. 1 i.-lpuutps to tin'! I 'onnntion will imniU'i- IlK.nmt. binj larj:p |iiirtl.'a of Mniupn nr.f i' n l l h tlii'lr rpprfsputnllyps to Ink,, adj \anlni;.' of tlie i . i 'p..niiiil iv., ,r vl«itlmt! Ni;w York.

.Mis-lini,'K wil l lip IIPIII In tin- Seventh

J«lll i l p v o t n l -lo'.llli.. ; i .vhl l i | |v

the earlyof the paper ln<lii»tr.v pnlillcity iviinKivpii lo th* ila|".rtan' P of savini; niK<.fII. N >»f scnri'ply IPSM lni[i".tiaucp now.The deparliiient of coninH-r'p IM cladlo hrliii; this mutter I" !iw' attpiit'lonof HIP piilillr In ihp hope that practicalrptnlts may t!"W froui it. A Illtlp at-tenl4on -t.i the -iiviinic >if-raus au.l «*ldpa|M-rs M ill iui-Mii ueiiulni' relief lo ourp a p e r ii!i!u"tMTil'H'f'tT^TiJF'^oJii

and :i illuiliiiflnil ilraln

liml..|lai« Tli.mi.-r.-p 'will I'.' ^t'linli « l t h tin1

'I.-pilfirni.ul "/HI t" put !in|iiiri'

W « C a n Hold N o r w e g i a n T r a d e .

N P I V V.n-k. ,-VI.Iil i s . Tllp l l i i l i

s l u r p t i n . w a r , a i f a i n l l u j ; i n I I . I I : H r y n .. \ i i i \ v p « i n i i m i i i N I . - r t o . t h p 1 ' i i l t p dS i , , i . - 4 . I I , , I n l l i n i i t i - i l t h a t t l i p n i i l . , .

w i l l u t u i i ' H t - P H I I r i ' l y d p p p m l u p o n t h i s

i "imiry"Tji'v i

till- IW.Iiiipldly."II Isjicijt

-"Uinu-rtl«l ri'latl.'iiM lipiwppn'. iiiiiifrii's have yrown vpry

Mr. llryn said, "mul nf i-oursi.hj_hjf_|i_X|>iH'tj'(l tlllltJlM of th|s_

..vvu.a . shut . uOC. f foui

line tahlP salt and two iwunilsr ha mm I.

f Hu

a p p o i u t w l liy Hip In, al hoard t n

ui:ikp arruiii.-pineiilK. A lurue auinutitlif-Ulntlpy htis |.peil ^ h e l l and II sti'atllfihi|.'lltie has C'litriliulisl tiw 111, h "III run ii|i anil d"wn the Iliul

i i \ e r I., carry partii^_«Lili'ie)!iHe-! to uutnenuis points ,Vf fntereit *™| the city.: . . . . •

.The coineiit inii will n-prpselit.ifHii.ififti-wnnieu nf Hie Vnlte.l S

Dr. Mary Mill* Patrick.

?n~ni>* HI nit*. 4iint<*u<* y w r r r r.iiinp. r.ii.'i. iiipi-v WPI-P i 'n: studpnt.s PI.-rnilt-d in thp colh'ne. T h e peoples riT'-ri'sptiii-d wi-rp Alliaiiian, American. Ar.iiii'iiliiu, lluluarlilu. I'lt^llsh, rrpnrli.ifiT.li . I IPIUPW, Swiss Hud Turkl.su.

Thf-if stmlpiits fnll.nviMl their .'ti"-Inuiary plim of llu: >ear's work, Klvin;|ilavs anil piifi'i'lim into pvpry. form' '.'fxtmleut ; u l h l t y . lu spi le of the ilittku,

iareiml. _™« * I .^; l,.1|>..---i. l.,. l...),. iii,- |'iiiHiu,i,,,.a i-*,,'Tirth7'""nT»eriinon nuilMeii. en'tiinjh uf, [p, , , , . , ln , | i-iilnn." A.-corillin! IU'MIM." |

\\'l!liatii lirutit Itrnw n.. chaiiinattIhp dry mash with sour milk or tiuttpr-tutlk KU thai It will tnkp thp ihli-kt'ii:stwenty or thirty mluutre tii',-lpfiu it

A Krailuai .,U|_left In N|'ioll i<t not t;iven.

U_ then hexun.

Clll ll|Pl]lli.ille li-adlnc ho

oftlieoanl . rr.serriitlf>iiM InS an> IIPIIIJ; inudp «t

Ituii aa nnnii a» the nli.i IKVai|uua uielholls for prpvpiithi); | h h

i tried One IK I,I Ithe »lla«i> with- straw and tliputlilx^irnlrcllni layer wpll with nalir .Thla krpp» out the air fairly wpll andflip waste- * In oul.i flllitht Auoibpr imethoil l« to »o»- oats on top of thp falla«p. When they ccruiltiate thp deu-p | Includes a n

• xtiatta eielndef) tbp air. irnin an nldThe ulinplfst and prnLahly thp ii,,,-i

practical nictliisl In to rrtuove Hie earnfrom the last three or four hiads of<-nrn>talk!i hnuieht to Ihp eu"llaj;p cutler anil then run JUM the >>talk>through.

IrifmrBusiness atA Standstill?



We'll GuaranteeResults -•/•-'•


ik I'euch. The «hepf i itroI'tillh'alor and any liluck-

fiullh .mi >iif ,I, .uII an nld I.IIUL-V m l cI" Milt Ihe width dc-lri i l I'aMi'ii Hiefrauie in the axle uit l i I dolls. Makethe work l i ' i i .h anj leiiiilh dcslieil andhaip the hatldh-f atid I.-i:*' al the endI'he t"ol l.,i\ has a roef o i e r II, l>oih

sides llellliS hlllL'Isl l i l t 111 I'lMBhlsS.

ept befure them air Ihe llnitf. It ia u F;ood practice to ylvo a few drops of I

milk or liutternillk to the . til.k' t|s Noon as It hatches. U helps tn cntl-1 tn>l ilianhen. KHher a KCSI itr.ule of| sour or butler lullk or water always

H'fm-e the chicks Is KIKHI pracike.The thlril cause.fnr truuMe Ls crowd

IUK-- I'lilckn caiinol' sweat like many iaiiluuils do. fur they ha.e no •.went i

i Klanda In Ihe nklii. Therefore much nf \; the impurities and tunUuirff utti-*t he .

lanled nut through the I'rcalh If jchicks -are- crowded wlthoiil pr.'pcr \ventilation Hie air N^nlue-i l.idcn with iiTffl-iure and linpiirliies so thai n can-';-not dn the «nrk II should. \

. ^^ . ^^^

•l*arls;'-,vi-n-n*T "-t->r.^i1/"I!f>irsS;v.'f ihe I'arts' military tnedleni servkv,reported I'efi.re (lie Aeaileiu'y of Misll-d u e i'i, ilte prott-i'ilvp value of metalhelmets for seiilleP.. •

Since August, I'.'..".. 4,(¥«.i.iHfi> uf thesehelmets hinc. l ipei i uuide. ..4.-UUc|n,l

j ILttics short. IV." ltnllHsy »»lld, • tllll't! durliii: Jnlj ami Atmnst prior tn the| adoption nf the lu-linels SU | f tT cent of; the nnnn.ls n . i , . In the skull. TheI iv»:l>tervd tii;uie readieil nrarlv 17 perj . e i i t in the fnl loniug l ' lvemlier and' January. « l u u only a part or t l i p f n n e s

ha.l l-i-cn MippliiHl with . iieilucls.lkr I,i'tivs\ shtMipil :i ticliuet \vlilch

ha.l I-ecu stvvi. k l.J a .luillet Illiii at It.Jit -i -li>i:ia<v of ;_•.<! ynrtls. Tl,,. m,.i;,|.'f the heltliet « a ^ lorn, lull the sculp

Lodon'a Walla Preach. Thrift.I.nndoii, April IT.—Tli« walls or I.on-

don previously en. e m l with recrultini;appeals were siiildetily posted with11 ii lints »lylnp: 'iioii't uso moturcaMfor pleasure: l'on't lie ii»halui-U -t-iwear ..nlil rloihes lu niictluie! ,Dtin't


11 atersi'iid with u oineraL JI1:...1.i f u r i b « i i b

treet was Illierully plnstt-ritl"Ith tin hills, but by an apparent'ovcr-

Jhp wulb i.f No.s. ID and 11, tlwslilpiH-e of I'tvmipr AsijuithMiiyil-Ceurcv, weie left un-

Birdl' Store of Acorna.1 Mil.lin, Ca., April ls.-^i;. D. Keen

has shown here a section nf a rutteu.

lu-'wlileh were euiiutol *ovvrthirty holes stiriTtil with atoms byliirds. This lirancli was taken from a

; tree Hit down tt few daysnt'o iiy GeorgeU

I here were about a iiushel of acorns ju '

A:--, rio.in

' H. H. Bryn.

tradlns with tlmse countrips which shehad dealt-with for years. Hut com-merce. _\mt kiinw. W cnn.fcnalive andillsliken-u .'hautie. The trade Is estab-lished-here im'w and Is umwhiK. It | sihtllculi-to l.reak II uft."

t'lifMlui; H iipld one day, I . atui' U|HI|Ia la rise female spider of. thp hunterfHinlly canylnj; a IMUIUI white sari; ofcKifs hnlf the .slip of".a elierry attavlusllu her >pinuprels .

I'lu'fkliit! a Innv: stout uf herd'* sruln,

Stamp Feet to Avoid Froitbite.Sew York. .April' is , - -Pr. William

<>j*ler. reulus professor nf tn.'.Urine „•_•Oxfnnl unlverslly,; ha« decldvd that

Neiv Dtaigna For "Change."Ion, A-prli 18-Ttiu director

of the mint, with the approval offjie tri'iisnry. will provide new de-

ix for tlie silver half ilollar. quarterdollar and dime. This lsilo.ne ever?twenty-flii' years. The lust chatise '!1

the deslj;n of the tc coins* wtid made in-.the Harrison mlmlnUtriitlnn In 1"*!)!.

The prwess of ruakitiK a new coin Usomewhat alow and laborious, l'mit-ably It will tie next June at the earl!. -;twfore the dies are prepared aud <:••»coins actually atruek' off. The a'rtf-t*who are to make the new deslsms iw. •not yet IfiX'n selected, aud the ih.it^'-.that are to lie made have nut It-'a

, einhl l e s s I" siliud on had I i w i r. eiinuuh to compel her It dl.t u"t! tn this, for suddenly the s i , k• and nut pmirvd a tuxriad nf l in \ l


, , | , o tri.u^huii.j».itsi-itu)f-hi-lae'k of

' Uefure Ir lild think ihiit mother-haililetaehei) the ..isviek of eairs nithout i ru.«h«l IIUUUIK them uml eaii-isl them

.rulsliin It liistiiutly the »pider turned , tn sw»rm upon LIT, iwfrini; IIPI' manynd sprain; at'lheemu* *teni, tlu-luliv^ deep, even to the outer l.'int

; He r,v,'UiiiiiMi'.!e.!! metal pmtistion t": lta^l> . P.*i'p> l;lM\ t i l . ': inea. , • - ' .

r»isa iiiiriifj which ilu

and nudp

Mrk^f l o a < l<*s*---«.» Sleep tftot I rnnld-ns'ftivflf.'seized In—her strn'tiii Jaws have torn '-bed her with a noodle ,-\cPpi

Jt3pt.ne£s"Vo'Hld carry lier.1 lald-lhe jLtehi'ai-rtva her hack and

acatu tcsik the sack away. She cameon for It tiKuin. Hclitlnc morv tlen-eiythan-lK-foiv, Once nnjre She spins! It,once- iuore I fwyed It frtim her.'-Jnw'ii.while stie spr-uus. and bit nt the laassstein to atinlhllaie IC'- . '

The lljiht must"have been un for twoluiuutrt ,«hen .by a ir'sn'tt-alile moveon tuv pirl mie of hei letr" »as injunslShe did noi falter lu hei tUht On sherusheil for the MUK as fu"t us I pulled/It ana> The moilnr lu her was ram1

fhe would ba\e foucht for that «aik.1 MleUv until sue" bad Dot oue of her

II.at the rls k of^jcrushjiij;,jjsttsfit hi and watched heietf with her liu'riwtliic familj t,place «f safety. T'allaj lore SlmijAtlantic Moutlily •

A Street In Mcacow. '

•^T-=-.---_ .----..?.Si1.D'r-c'rMdnawol»l:.:Ae«tSan I>leso, Ca'.. April IT. Ul,

II. I'uriLss if pl'auuuii: tn i.uilii rti1rra:tnaT!2ht 'leTopIaue. with a~wlni,->piv.id c-f •.li>". ii-ct au.l with a batter..-of t^n 2-») horsfi-iwer mntni-s. The .^ii-stnictloii oi the'new liyik-iiaeropluuewill b e t v s u n nt IliifTiilo as s.wn usIJie cxitnp.iuy coui,)i?ctes a 11IM*I of neros

i. 1 -


•tnil.-l ;f i|,p imidelict ted* it- wntiiili ihe «u:dlei-'ii skull, ! Ins «, |»r: j . w. rollwrl. who arrived

j here from I/.mlon on the steamshipf j rnmt.mla. Hr. tvtltiort' has been at

the Uett Cross hospital lit Mrntuur. onthe Kivlera. /

Ur filler tidroiates that the sol-diers stamp Hielr feet n certain tuiui-ber uf-ltuiej». a tl*.v. tfu.a hap.-.iiktpHmls Jump .'ii-'p in iiwhlIP. ur even foxtrot. Whether liii advice 'has Ivetu

"••It'Lmi e^

ili,. extension-other pans ,,f thethorax, and alxlo-

stix-et m .MOS,:<IW. \li:is!iii,ka.vals devoted almiyt entirely toseltltiK machinery The win-

i it Is n.™ InIOB cors>«.

the new 'f the air «m

a f a ' t * i T * " I ' ' I 1 " • * * ' ' l i l l

|uate gianx and dis|ilay the \arious i lH>uit«. as well as.ware, to KXHHl'ad.amag,., -Munywin- i rapid nri- a , , , «dows are devotiM to lursc ejhll.lts of-! • .

i t rs . ty N>

u Kitter.v of fuur

for the return of

_ ir—It—\vi;i .liar;. Lilt to lack of exercise,, avcord- ! lltH"l'SS(l.r.v t 0 "Ubmlt the deslcns In the

' members of the federal art comwi-slou. tint necessurlly' for their appro'•-•'.hut for their advice and suKcestlin. '-fore flnnl action Is taken T>v thp s..f:tary of the treasury. " '

R«tir« Three Battlmhipa.1-lJllaaelpUla, April 1?: -Tne , \W

OnloanUUeorKiaaretotnistrlcken ffthe navy roster a* Usbtlug uults ,••:.!Trobably wm end thefr days as tr.i::-lnc ships for the naval reserve. T: :•wa» the ansertlon made by several ••£•rers-.uf (he. Philadelphia navy yard

One of tbo officers aKserted that t>.'battleships, -despite their exceil-^oomlltton, are oKsolete »and serve »pnrrHise other than to retard the pr--*ress anu Impair the efficiency of ti.-'-"line ships."

The Alabama, flagship or the reser'-"Beet, and the Ohio are at the I'blUlePhl» navy yard. The Georgia I«-ti'">'on her way to Join the reserve tleet.

The Alabama was laid down twentyyears ago and U a 12.000 ton jihip. '/I'MOhio and Georgia, built a few year-Uter. are virtually the same site aj'Jcarry i l l U

n.i.'.l «| Mi, Ur 1 't4lH-rt>oiild. not say.l»r <"il'ert said that ihert' were sev-

enty . a-..s nf ampulatioii nf .both feetal the Menicdie biwulial Vblltr be wasH '

Avalanchet a N«w Weapon.'lipine, April IS. A new .element In

oAVushe tacti.s has l*e» lntroduc-edliy the Auatrlansiu'tbe Ijtsaiuol.lime.

•Artificially vrotiiiced avalunchcs arenseil acatitHt the Italians. The i>rw«i«Is luentliinnt IB the official statementissued liy the Italian war office. Bombsare thronu in places where they will,.llsl«lsi.. the" 'UMtse* of soow ainivctlieir crater*, thus causuig the forma-tiou of snowsUdea.

are faahlpuiible.leav.-t at thi> bauritibon, the vud^ 0:Inj: It.


Stiak one l»n .ffIn colil water, rmilk rui the tire inmake very lint, \roft add to II twimix well and turnmilk. Stir until tlTake from thi; Ilrv.

r»'irti»ll ail.l n'-.>ui|iof grated ehi>-nlat..,water. Tint anoil!Deal. To a Ihird aof two eirp. and reenoiiKU M c.fi'kthelltf's. Leave ntie pithis"with vanilla.

In;: through n snittfully in OUP .nd.tlmrouchly in coldwith the- MiinciMithein t" form, OJWJflour or tnea!.j4VJi• u-ady. and put thMake your ne.st cI>e*-I. cut in shre.1..

Page 3: ^VAROND. CRANE - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 3. · -Veraon.- J.oiury. pomp, ceremonial wen not tbaent tn the eighteenth era rury.—Walter E. Wevl In lUrpet'a Mar* than a third >»f

rke Amu Wir.How an

I eottne lij «jf.lal n p o n of fir••Went of «-..n.o haa under h. -

»'"'• ••..• ah.P Um. ! a n ;,f

» »«l«! f,.r•• . . Imring »t>ee* un the « ; vwere, mt \i.,«-.

tnatt ba< I*,-.college .siii'v.

ir, aeonnlln^ • > ^equehtly n i i c i"


ni! students ri: *111' peoples rep-

Aiuerlwn. Ar.Kllsh, rreinli.id Turkish.

led their ••ii«-'s work, jjlvin:;every, torn) of

f the ilifflculil to"war Voii""

ich, Thrift.walls of I.on-

with recruitingposted with

u»o motorcar*


ii* general aj>-

rully plasteredapparent over-10 mid II, tlwcmler Asiiulthwere left un

icorns. . '— 1-;. 1». Keenm "f a rotten

•oiiuted "overIth ucorns. bytaken from a

toia iiy George

el of ncorns"Jii '

'Chang*.**-The director

approval ofride new ile-ilollur, quarterls'nVne ever?lust i tiatine hi

wtit* made in-.ion In 1*.H.u new coin H

(orlous. l'r"!v-at the earlli•••'Wed nud ';-"'. The art!«t.»

design* li'H'-1

d the i.'ha'it^-i''avc' not I f :''i.v M'I'I i'l'nMiiii I'IV i

ilcr—It—ivlil !orslKHs to theart fottitai-

heir apprc- J'.lUCRPHtloll. '*by the *t.f'

>f the rese:"-"the I'hlU'le--

•oruta is no"'w n e tl«tduwn t « e ; "ion jihlp T «a few ?#»!"••

kme siie u<l

Fashions and theBride's Bouquet For Easter Weddings

are fashionable. The lioiii|uei pvformedlh imiVfirooni shape '•" ivlih just a fewdleaven at the bain*. SteniK nretied wlih n lather tt Me. .-lisp white taffeta

' ribbon, tne end.* of which full to the net skirt lieui uf the fortunate nirl wearlnc It.


. . . Oi.h.Soak one l«n i>f celatlti half an hour

In'cold water. Tut three cupful* 'of"milk on the nre in a double holler andmake very hot. When the celntlii intoft add to II two i upfnls of sumir;mix well anil turn Null in tl\j. hoilliiKmilk. 8tlr until thoroughly' dlsHolved.Take froiti Jhi; lire, divide into IIH uiany^

uufcMC.Uti&i..£L%. uj »UyA^vi Uir>«v'»^u>^^ut.f«>rtion athl n'-.o^ipie of lal»loii|i.MmfiilH-of grated cho.-olut.\-melted over lioiilngwater. Tint :iin>iher pink with cochi-neal. To a third add the 'beaten'.y»ll

"of two and return t" the lire IOIIKenotigii t«< ciM<k'the'ci:j:- al tivenilu-

tbi<«~n:ith vanlllu. :nMrawU-frj: JuiH*

one jutrtii'ii white. 1'lavnr

a few tln'l*^ "FOM* water to the

If you lvn«' in. I-IK ini.ldH.vnii uiny

Iiia? t h r o u g h n hul** hmkrii caro-fully in out- t>ni). Itin^t* the SIICIIH outllj<in»uchlT in

.with tUi» Miittif*in t" form,flour or tn<*a),j^x

\vat*T and tilt

«*?IM W\\ hi a pan of

^.=iUii,=,JiyIU. tbt'iu*u-ady. HIM I put thvin in n cnHl place.

**-l. ctit in ,Hhr«*tl . Thi' oniny** ninr

u«i:>l f<T[>ut ti]t In may l»

.if It ir

l in-nk t h o slu-llrt m>ii i lh . - cu'us w i t h

Kictit -run* a/hl iirrsnmt' ilit ' ih in (In*(HNt.- I f ymi wKli i tin c:ui hf i ip wliu*icily ulHiut th*'in i'\' th«> «ptH>uful <irhalr l»«r,v Hifui I I IHUT " i i i p i ^ r t ivaiii .

Millinery Jottinga.Itut(oi)^ Inivt' i-iitt-n-il tlu* real in of

mil l inery . a m i ' u r p «s<-il uii puriM liatn.

or iiifkel add tin ornamental touch toimitiy ii hat' for »prlin;.

ostrich noviiltles effectively ihaii^c-tin'ordinary hat Tutu one .of unusual

of tho«c ostri.'h novelties, which maylie bent Into any desired shape', for (heiptlll l.i easily persuaded to assume any

Mrtir? Ntruw ornaments are used on

-fffPfSrwiHrni'ThVi?^Appliques of fruit are most popular,

ami all the Himtll berrlen are to lie hadas well IK Ihe larger fruits. Qtille asiiiiusiml are Ihe (lowers that are seenIn profusion, and after n period whenHotvers were not considered smart wefind that thiMleslgners have turned outmore beautiful nud 'original lundthan have ever Iw-en seen before.



Rcligioue i••«

Pmvail In

White and gtwu i> the (mat pt»»lui; jit'Olhlualkui for tbe Kanter luncheon, jand the *-oh

DThe l<*-«|o#ue . a«

fliiifili limy nhorteii H

KlrM Th«ut ISI\<: tin n u n vif U»ut« XIII l i m i t a t i o n He « u not d.vu-

(Yiii.i- i i a i HUP -t»$t dn.atui: i rp ie ivlns lnilt*tl<iii»,uiilrm he, .ln-pp>«J '• ','„' i ^ o r r ««•vtMuii.t ' iHi i iuu iV a» e-;-o lal ' a him to soui* man of tS»" family *N»ui I- ) ^ rii •.-,,, \ t n » l t i ot kI.v '.n. i n ; * ' in the iinii.i v ' I . I'lilrMllli Dial IK- - I M I M like . i , . ' ; .. ' * ' ' " " ; ',. ... , ' . . . . . . ' .

Borml decoratum. of Ka.tw l l l l e ; " f r . r ~ i ^ ; ^ 1 7 7 ( Sl

(M \ " ^ ^ ^ r ' ^ ^

a irMterpteve and Indli (dual t.ou,pieis, ^,ltv,x '„*',„ ' • ' , . I ^ ,„""ThT'S,'uf lill«i of tbe valley for each m « i ! h i , W ; l v „.,„,,, . , t . _ ,,,.,„.,,,masi«d atwut lt.« .arriwi i

| lit* w a y .iv.itlI him and Am

u )*•> - r~efus.it i i ou td 1H- l e . n n h s l ;is :iu m..I in i»ul l m i l would ..>-l n ilfe The

!) 'in T h e n t. ... thi-r-' 1 Hn; M!lc I* VltiT » ..im itrtllou uu!i.> !llituii .a i,.i**i.iti ?.»r kill \Au> ai'is.'u on -Itls " i i n par t T h e n , it*..

B u l l w r iurti . .' ' - ' !..; illfrrivit tha t t>- " I t . l i «he h'lul t ijleliMHe l . o u i - o - d A l w r . a Kifi .of Unit iii lu i i - ' t i l t i i him

'.V itood menu uh lc l i ea r r len out t h H j i^rt .Hl. w r v l . - a u t i f i i l / i u t i . l i u - loved When lie upp.'nr%sl a iuxi iv Mile l t . V- : » » « a n-xhleur .f I ' a r .v iltn- . i l . ! , . . | J I - I < t i i i . . |> r i i ' t ' v ' . i i i r «•<• aXi'ml-died

n-h pUtr by a narrow ( r w u «atiu l ib i «-rrv, i,,,.tl

Mi *houhi atMu etteui] to the nientrj j t u . . utlta'r -ItaelF. . ' • " • '

k i n l> i t (..II.™ v' l.llll* N'«H'fc CIAIU*

i i u *in ,.f :-

Wa(fr»-l i t l ( M ~ . l ^ H . ' l t»> !

• in.Ml.l U n i t e him •i 111 XII e \ . « I I . I, n lieu i he .liit-ll-t .•i l .^ l l l ^t••p!.••.^ up .'

clliii: .b


e thename of the l^«^ril_tlir ti.*l hi vain.

! ' T h i r i t TtemenilM-r the SahtMlh dav.i to kn 'p II holy. .• I ' . iutih Six .lay* «halt thou IOIM*?

.. 1'ifi'h l | , u . . r tli> lalhet- and thy ., lilt'I tier '

s u t l i i'ltoK >li*>i not kill.Si-ii'iith .Th.'u -hull it. -t .ouuuii .

LUtUTi Vh.'ti -.iiall not vteai."~"™vfrrtTr"Tfii"i'r~".Triii'"~*m.! bear"*f'«t-e"'"

tt inn-** iiL.-niti»i tin. .ni'tuhh-ir.IVtith Vhi.ii -liall ii.it . . .vet i n . !Itii; tlllll I- t til ?i.-li;liU.t -

remlepiHl her i . -n l-itlcr a.-tllnst I tie an u.vttaM-'ii'. cuwtoin Site . ,ei l . l i;,.( mii ler - ta i id i-\t>«-.ltil t h a t; w h y w lieu ti u.':ir. it a s i liallcuiiiHl !.y , fn-r . m u ' ("ti-

a p e r s o n itti . . «.a« -|HT<IH t l i . a p a M e .i( , ti inn-d m»>ii

T h e c'lawx shotll I t>e »»rv i l in t i l ' ' k l . U l " « - h " " * ' • ' ' Ultnuli-d ' tu kill- Mm j • l i le t t lu- Itie I . I H I . ^ I U ^t••p!.•-.^ u p . l . ' i C h u r c h . l o T m n P i r i n t i N l »half ,hel l on I, e. a wn-atl , of water- i " " v l ' l l m " ' " • " i ' " - ' -n«hK-re.| N.,,,,.1 ."her to mak.. , .„• format , t , , - , u ^ .a,.c j y „„„ , . „ „ „ , , . , , „ „ , . . „ , , ,r . , , „,,

•~rpizvt^ *^ \^::::zz^*::z.:z >f:::^,:a;r:,;;:;„:-;;;" i :;:,:x;tr;c(in^:xUoil• HU owdluib '.)««! l - ta l .* . until '""••"' ""'« ""• ••H«»«.««l.l-.rtv h.,,1 ,.. - - >-.ul, -"( « ..

mealy and |irn« them thnntKh a colati J , r , _der. Heat, one,mart »f milk In a .Ion- V '"'Me holler, add Ihe strain.^1 ixilnt.n* ' "*'•:

and .HI 'trt '.nlnmr.: the,' • " r n U i ' l ^ ^ ^ ^ . | " ; . ^ " " " ^ -JSZ^to" - W "f'.'.r . . u h , . ' ^ ' ..'.'rt.; I r"".' »

jhnmsh a -leve and ren.rn to.the .M, ^ ^ r j ^ - . r ' t u a . . " i"ronilmMU Z-U»* «'«" '••"'-•< '""•"••^ «"11 '•"••1«!'";

l . l e I n i l l e r . . A d d o n e h a l l a . t r « i . | * « m f i f M , . , „ , . , , , , • „ . . , . . „ „ , , , ' , „ „ „ • . M h . i t - l i e « . . n h l n o t - . l i n e t o r n - h i m

of butter, anrf «*....» »lth'«Vlerv - " • I ," r ! ' r ^ ",!.» nioii'eii i Z atul i ) •"'- ' '"' '"* '* ''"" '"•" " " ' " ' " " - " ' "to taste. .Tueach. plate of nonp adit a ] , . , . . . , ._ , . . „ , - , , , . . si, , , smiled >JI->M htm ..-i a.. i."i-n .n.d

| l . . . >S "111 C l l l l ~ ' - H i t

.W.i i 'denl l i .aml nin-lal ru in ; p i M e m i l n rnn i iu i . e m i i ' i i i u i• a m a n « ho i ' "e i l lu-tli 'o Iniui..- o | ti ladi '

" o n t - a j ; f » l lli«l.» lljne« ; l l o l i ' e Hi fa -e ..f the pielii.tl-' a n d * altvayw . kille.1 1,1- H t i t a s o u N t ; i i l l i i l i t , • i f n i l 1 ' i i r l

IA il

a s It-Koe* to tin'- ttit.ii.. liiitt . . H I T tt tec r e a m spr inkle a Illlle v e r y l inet iUlln.-ed parsley. . . . .

Tor t h e ..hi, k e n ll 'luhale* I t ' - l l t w oi-lili kens unt i l t emle r Shin. Loin- a n dmii i ie the meat t e i y fini1. n^iiiLT only iMie u h l l e . ineat - • Iliin-. four t ' . | U - - o fI'CKS with,!!..Illble-M I* i-n-Hltl; t ll'i -IT ti.4.1 DITT-

| l ' o r n t t m e t t u u s >i.»;-i-.1 t h a t

i l l i a l l m o . r e - i . i K ' M l l l i u i t

' h i m o u t o l t h , . n i i i H u t n o t o n e . . f

t l i i e ' . l i i i i - l ' i l d j i i l l i l l ' l e d ' l i Ill I ' l l l l s

] - . . . e l i i . ' i l . l ' | . . ' . , . | I , . ' i n . k l e h t m a i ' d . h e

d - i i o t t t . ' i i i . l i . . . m i , . r i t i . - i n

I ' M l i ' i ' .1 \ l i . - i - r i h - l u r e d H u l l a t l l

l.i el \ eli-, i . | „ , „ I'lV-Mlle l.:'V^?f%.-f.r,.,-,,l,l

' 1..1 d i t e i l i u : i i . ' i e i f i l k i . o i i n . I I I . I i .i

o n e U I I I - M < :r a i n u - i - i U\ \\ In Ii h .

. . . I l l , | r . , 1 , I! -H i t i i i l ' , i l H i - : , M i l . I l l

I . . I l l i l i t I . e l l l . ' l l s h . h a . ) h e , II ' i s H u l l

. - . I I M U l l - I l i i l l " 0 I I " f I h e t > " «

I ; . I I , M I | , r t . t , , - r l i H i l l a i i i K ' U l i . e , l a t t t t ei ! 1 : l l . l l . | . t n ; l l t , I s h t ' l i ' o f t h e I n t e l l o l l I. - o a t111 ! S i i n d a i M i l I i a t i . . ' n - I l i e u . ' - w

' " ' •' i n a u i r. . i i u i . i l i i l n i a i i . n i a l n . . i k u s

H i e 111 M t e n j , ; , l , | , , , , . , l l t I , , w . I V a t - . - c . s . i p ' e l I n

' " " " l e i i d e n l . ' I t h e n - » . ' . . - l a t l o i i . a i a i n e i . t

t i n ; . . f i n n « r e * . ' f i t l f i n i l m i n t H t e r H r e - i M i l

l i t - i l i ' i ' . i r l n o H I u s a n i l d p l u , t t o

V i i t i . l m » . l i o n l . . ':•

I I I I h r - 1 l i | i | l i ' I ' " ' ' " O )

! I,

i i o - n t >'t i/' nn.I

•IIH In I In. I||.I,.|..|I

••(lutouji i-din Alton

hopped iiiu>llr,>.iiiiN. n pUii'h. " / '-rtll

M ' m " r t " ! m , . , l , w . - r . i - . - , , " , , . ^ ! .i.e. > . - . . ; ,*c^ j - •"•"• • I " " " " - " ' • ' " ^ " ' - . a ,' - ' " • " " "< l ..- I,..",,:., . , ai led, i,"..,,'.'!"" ;* . ; . -a .Ue j .' W + ' - » ' " " » ' " 1 ' " " 1 » H™rV.;-,.«:*r.r*-

T l i . n l . r l o Oil l l i u r t l , Duly• I'-,, s , ' I !„- , . | , , ,m IIII, ,p. HI,,, lef t , . , '

t" i... !.. . {.ill II III Neil V.ill. . Ill l i te!•• I.e I. il l i . . | tu II tlulon ll.l.'.ucli I be

ell . into the • h i . k

n m i d n i h l r t h t n •n n litte-i nfthe Tour eui:«. - '• T s e lit t le i-hlnii l in lha le in..Ids f..r

b:t!;1iii.' »tnt ptil :i stnu'li- ivhole piusl iroom nt the bot tom of-eii.-h.

Then till the iiioliN iiil l l Ihe t l i K t u r ep l i p r t h e m T n a pan of. luullnu- m i t e rcovey wi th .ano|hei-- |wu ' " " I l.'il.i- iii a

' Tn7OTTTiT|-oT?jrr.rrnit'c<:^m7K-i—r7T iiirh • ' • .

S e r v e w i t h H s i i u . - e l l l i l . ' i ' - . i f t u i l - f i

r o i u i i . H i p t o r t h l , l ; e i i . - , (

flour ill-solved In milk.I I Mil I t iM i

W i f f l . . With Mapla Sirup.

TWo- I'llpfll'ls ,.r ||.i|ir -Ifleil I l l i . e

with one ii'tis|.,...nrul "f l.nUlni.' piiiiijet

and 1he same ..r -.illL Illltee I u-L-s (.11 .

fuU of uillk. llt ' i it . tin.-.-lulu*. »4Ui.iiihnib: Ilie milk : I I I I | tu rn th is iM'.ii; thepreparei l Hour \ \ J i l j . Ilithtly andquickly for line minu te , mid t b e stiffenisl tvhlles anil i lrop by Ihe sj,u..nfiilInto liealisl (mil greased u a t l l e Irons.

and it . - i i . l r rnl n h \ ---tin- n-iii.. .t,.l\ I l l s l - l l l n . h i m . I n , i i - I t . - f . - l i

f l ^ j a a • » - f i ' < i i * » i » I I I . » . | i i » , - I I I > - • / • - • - .

siynrrriViT'in-i-iie 'v^t-"---i»r^i1.-T';MTT'lW"'-'T'rti'li""11"ii"mi>r"r' " r ' r i " ' v r " ' v •". ^ 4 . * - * -

v| ii.l i . i " ,,t m.iiu il. II.. lulu, i..l.lluiia... hu\ O4. , - . .n .» . | . l i . i i l Hi-. . ,oln.n I-

tlti- t -i ,1. , I., - . . I , t1i,, inl.-lle. lilitl, ' I he

iinmit'- iiiur

I.m I.. | . I I I I I - I I I

-t'. lino In the

tttnt ; • ' " - ' " ' 'lt'i:u i ili'd JI - a nun .1. M I

"Mut. -lie i-i-j.Med ' Idel' ull Ilie VI I I I ' , '

' T i l l . ' l u l l 111, ' I - 1 • n

h i l l ! ' S l i . M l l . l ! . l n . 1 1 . '

b u c k - t h e ' | . . ' l - . ' ! l d o l l i i : - o > \ . . l l l i l f u J l

' i i i n l e r t h e P a n •••' I l i e ~ i J - ( • - ' • - . . . O I ' I I I I L :

- n i t i r - ^ t - r - — H f — 4 f l i ' " 4 t e . ^ » - . j . ^ * t - l ^ — ~ l t - * ~ -

e | « T - . | J i v ' h i s f M i - i n N . ' ' " "

T h o ' l e - C i l o e . l n o J i l . s l l i e , I ' l l c r i - a t

t n . i i l - l l i I ' , i n I l i l - ; I . . - M I V H ' M v . e p . i i u . l

- . l i e . - . i l i i l n . ' t M1\ i - i t b , - i ' n i l n i l f i v l i l a

l e e l l l i i ; l h a t - . ' i i b a n I ' l i . - l t n l l t M I I S s n t

H j i - I t o e \ l - t . i n i ' l i l l . I n o p i n i o n S h e

l i r i u . d i ' d n p o i i I t ' . l l l l i t •• ' I ' i o e i l t o l i . . ft t t f l l H I ) , . ' I l l l l - t >| i - . . O l O ' t l l i h L ' - t n - . t u p t i l l -

S ' . i t i i ^ * 1 ' - i i i n r - b i - ' H I M ' ,1 - i l m i l i . t t . '

1 ! l •

I . ' b i l l l . c l . ' f e Ii.- h . i . l .•

•Mi i , I . . | o w h - " « ! P " l i II


- Mile h' l l m '- iM'i l fdhe, li'il Illelll. I.. . :.l IIin,III it Iii. ii.i-i . in. i .h

n h l t f l i | i . . v | i | . , n I n - r n l N - o . I v l y .

d a y t h e e l i t e i - e t - e l n - d l n \ I t ' i l l o n M

lilill lo lie t i t eil In her Whattill.- S<.-ouri,'<'V vurpri-e to ri".rlvi.

I,!-. >'•••.lilill.

* lit till' tile III..-.I, l l i l l l l r lye* ..f m u

,.1 III.I Un

'n.-iil.'; u-d InIn iiiie, In • . • • "

I M i . . I . oii'l p. . . | | . | . . . l l . , | In II,,. ||,.tI T eli,ill,--. I I. IT.'f.HI ..I the lln.mln IIi I :il.ri mi, I,- i'ouurci;all..uiil elint, n.Ins i ..ttlu. Mertlli. I'.ul,limit and M

t e l l . H I V I ' I • — I . I l i t t l l l l . l l e l l a n . l , S | . i | u

it, I, nii.l Itnl.liin'.. I'i'is. ,,|u,l i;,,,|,i,,|i

, i . - 1 . . I

I t t h e I . ' l e u

I , ' a i l . 1 . 1 , I ' d '

I M I I I I I I K t " h e r ; o . - l s - . i i . l

' I e l I , . . ! t 1 1 1 - , ' l ' l - i ' , l f l l . l t t f . l i- M H l l

• ' . 11 i i m i l s , ' i n . l i t

• s|i.-, » i i i ' j '•Irti. l i, I hi- ,,.n>.|, Ian"\. I," |-l:t 1 e.l ii'ii.l In I .III., e

_..S.'.'..liJU1.V.l.!.«.'-'.!i'-1U_'-'-'!i.Jo;Vl|e.'.a.'!Ji.' liic | vli-tlt™|l»l- \S-;-e|flt1u Hapll«tJ Mul^eil "

' - • "- '"".o-w.nTvr^Mr^^m^^^^lii'l-v: - - - , — -•-

mivi-i"- ttuHH-'JIlluu-llLii u-pln in l ,L .a i i>ii,,11.ei I, 11 " i n Mi l l ' Ii I] i.i eru.1,.1 it '•Jr. >p

f l,lo,.il.. II n i l " l.i " i t n thai his purliier note a rlnv; " i i l.bo l i i ind In- . lii'-|ie,l,t lie sel l ing " f it In, h i i aw t in he.I h i i l at . I .

I Wish All a Happy Easter

The National Fashion

Chi.rr.h- Work In A-frica.A I I . .ml . I I ill ..h|e. I lentil,II in s. l f I1..I11

..tines rnt|. | . l i i a i o l ' . . M he're oolite inj111 I ' M . t i l l , l e i - I M a l l l J . p r l . ' s l b f t l l t II

1 linn h. :."| ,.r them n tlklnii l»e l . l»four tltlh-M|.. • iltiv hiu'k!|oioU 011 thelrli.'adu ^o iiinli.il-. are- limy to lielp

«.. II. ill her . lo ll"lp

u'nil pollen-'•olfee. l.li-l

nud uta I'liilp


Jji Your Mm"Brown Study" One* In Awhila,

Ir ttii< ttr<i» n Ktntly' wen- mm*'of





en '•!inil'erdon.

In »nnly 11




, •




, n t .11 nil

)• 1

1 II

ol ItIII.

l e 'I I I

I i

any, li-i


H I "

in >,


i rn.• 1 .


hi' i tt lh



• wouldkl.ir' \fA

am el.'

dawti M

nitel'Mi.unite il


I i


I'ti'S.o t,> Aojerl'iin IT *w l»si,

i ' k ' 1 i i r i<l i i i H n k t i M l c t i l l u t i t

" lu i j i l a nlalo ...f iiiiiid there In tm Ii 11eouientrai lon of tiii.'uial em-rK> • tlu.ith.- b'.*ly i'i Ignore'!. The Inllel. o t i l t p .'ith.-r liiiuil. IN no ivofklug IIIM.II Hot

up'.h II-.. oivn alTaliA, that-Ihe e i lermiiworld !•• • .1.111 •• I :• I •-•!. nud any bodily

•illB.oiiirori that uui.v bun . IH'IUI pr '-e«ling lu timv 10 gllglbte tll.d U'inoll'.eiL *The Ij i t iml aiija the relallounlllp lieni'i-ii metital lo'llvlty and Ihf* ti'^IHylaio Is not realized with Miiincient fr**'

• jipo-ijcy or yvllh KllfTP-leiit thorotitfhiteii^hy Hi'1 Ktiropean ."f f'nlay. "Tim aver-nge mini In.loo .iiuroaned with lil» bodlly pabiiloirj, mid fu ' tirlnv for th*til.eils of the lio'ly he lietflectH the Uljeflv

—Lot Aimeiai Times.

The olije.'1'of till" git Ilie i" 111 e n s u r e

1 tTfT- ir ifi .'I'lt.' plal'er who first -ill:.

V'U Iii .itiflrra-jjiii I.v the foiloiviuB j

iles tti iti.K.-flii- i:iiiiJc"r~~<J . • i1 I 'ea/ thel/rii'ili' ••'iiiallv iiihimg the tllf- ',

•' ' ) / : r . , J:..eplii"g the,,, ali lViV;

It llie/l/r«l|'.-aril of hl^ pu. k :i.ll'<l pjli'-'- '

I Ina It /'ii : tp . ' taljie face up, and t h -

} p'n.i •''/'!.!i||oe< 10 Hi" left 111.Ml e a c h ,

turns up live llp<l ' 'drd j

Then- .itf1- forty i-anls. und iniy inini- i-\<*T of [A-Jplc ran play |t. it a pliiyer

tv..:y4.;ir'lH .'iiike tuni.sl. up oil the.•tl.ic he tn:iy fail out "snap," flti.i t!ie

1 Or-t one (I'lling ;nki». nit t he tun.ei] 111

r:JU*Ht a!I .the .fird* won unilplai.r< them faiir downivard liiider hi>>

n! p:i'-k ond mtiHt then p-'ay hi.>

'Ilil* c u m "iiitliniiK ns al«.v<- untiltil' <>r 1I11 c'.iw-r* ob t i l tu the ent ire

'ih'« i* a lery interestliie .'atuefor ruuui; • hilUicn, a* it help* them tobeijuicK. " ,

»»SSlW Mr.l Hnn* iBridoai.

\ -.ion tlinn ffilioKinu a l|eti,<y failof -iioiv^^is a.in<^t siir.' to fortn. hereIIVI'I ' then-, miniature, natural hridueiof H1.1U'. ot.-r u lif.-li il' ral.MI or evi'iia fot inigtil run iiilli-'.uf 'n j«hlng theihori spun \.-. ..(ding to Hi" in;, litthe bind, ilie mil t . . I -no.', ifsti-r ••ul-

•ff j.. . ;il )) .."tr i l l l plu-•• slli'l yiil'l;:flli V

groivuig Ijirii.T tt'tiii the !tn r.-ii-»ti.g water, s.wm f'.llus the ^jian lit tfo- *auie~inmirier na tura i bridge* -if »'.trth_npd•f.n-k are f..nn»"l.after h''iinir«l» of ten-tniii-w of er'tsi'.n, '.th;':*' the *tiowbridici-s a i e fonui ' l .in a few liouri andofi*-n il|sapp4'ar as '(tiifUiy.

The Parrot. •r- r.»iil you ever "i*- n jiarrot, anil hare

i you ij'.flcetj t^hat a s.«-ial.ii+ bird It I"?, In 3 t.otr tvilil stnp-. jiarrotft never livej aione as they ha'..• to.• uheu in .<-tuif»;j They KO In B>«),-s. mj,] ihere in a* di>-

M rti d 1 iti in Iielirt r, heif fhoii>at.'Uof ]iarrots- Ihe p,;.' ther, and lh *y mij<*thaie a tM-autif'il time , IK.II t lea«; theporr"t but «he:i h*i wantu t'> 1x- v>-rlahtf talk to him audtrj W make him

Tin- « Hie upi^al. of the in out workl« >imwh k'ra|>lii>ully. hy ihe anuly«l«n h l i h retwila that nf tln> 7,i»i7 "'out-iiuiwtor* l.'Jtri lire.''ieryyiiii.ti, '£ii phy»d<'•taliH. I l!i k'o; etiriiii-nl. ernployi—*, %'.itieivwpuper tiii'ti, I i t lawyer*, li'i profi^i-filotial enylnct'i^. 2,'Ci Mtil'h'nt". 7IK1t'n-p her*. I " ' V-'AJ- ' '• '^ viotRi-ri. i!!»l

1l^fV'~»T^^••7^'alik•»^"«rtMjlp'a"^ja7*''~aT^'^1.7.'!t» tn. Mii'-ri-a;ilHe pursuit*.-' tlwlf Ihe7.i"i7 w. MUtniJuler* a re of ni/iny im

"IS; rr>-n.b. II; 'Jerrrmn. m l . Uree.'!; llalin'tl, 1; lrti.ll. .V., K'-otch, 111;"ml*' ejiaijeyun," IK"; no rvupi, "£*>l.

"I'll Fina Yoy a Pwnny."An iiiteft»tlni! itauw tu play IH "l.ll

find you a i«-nny." All'Uie player* nitin a fini:. with om> In the middle. TIM*•git: In the uiUhlle haa a ull'lt or » >«nemid v>*'* walking ar./uii'i lh« ri/'iR 'xy-inu. "(Mi* thiiiiih. one flimer move orI'll line you a tioimy ' two llr«£er»v

two thiiHiln." and ».. on. until ull uientbom of the bo>!) are uiorlmj. It an)one moi* moving nti> tnf'mljer of ihet«xly he or »!«• I* stlven a lluht tap ofUM atltk tad la flncd a venny.

' > r_

Tito Hlatiti-*** pe^ipli. am extrenifilyfr'iid -of aolttialM. <Ta(a and IIOKI areprUni' fin'orlteM, arid no hoiiMtjold IMquite romplile without' tllOID, ThflHlBineHe i.-iit/i of lli« nntlre hrred aren«te;l for their rari- heautjf and th«K'xidiieHK of 11.< Ir "<JIM[K/«IU'<UJ» aa wellan Ihelr. Inrirt- |rink ere* and tuftedtnlln T h e Milk I'wik aa though theymlflii -iMrttmif: t t t tW ritjul rtKmat At*.-uorait. hut the eata are aomtwIuU-niull*'r

Th» Cataatraph*."lilil you iiHir almut tile cataitropne

don II at Ilrown a laat nlxbti"."No. What happeueur'"Wtoy, Mr*. Brown «av« to* babj • ;

huttl« to play with, ami while aba w uIn the klfliKu It f'll from the rn<D«•nil hroke It* neck." ,J

"What, .the habjrt"• "No, tlie ImtUc."—Kichaoke.

So HoiMlt. .: .Wine—Ton can unf what you will of

(imw hlelKh but you nitixt admit thatIi* la tbtnnuculr hnnwt. Waalt—That'srlKlif. dfuueblelfh rterer eyeu J o * ifault 'wliliuul wanting to tttom'lt.—l'nlladelpnla IteeoqL

I = V h ' •: ' <s»''

Page 4: ^VAROND. CRANE - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 3. · -Veraon.- J.oiury. pomp, ceremonial wen not tbaent tn the eighteenth era rury.—Walter E. Wevl In lUrpet'a Mar* than a third >»f





Union Avenue. Cfanlord. N. J

. Entered at th* Crawford

as S*coad Cba* Uatttr.

Thai EliubsOi* *ill$pUy nn atlftorpart in the Kbak*»pear« ton*ntM>anrmMiratina now In proerma'and in pro*tort in tb* Metropolitan dwtrkt is nowcertain. A wave* of *nthu«iaam fot afitting ot>rnnviiiorattu» of tbe thre*boiHlradth Urthdaji uf th» great puel i<"""••pttiif N«w Vork and it tproadtng to

lomirnil-Tiw*—TBS~frT»TTj«tr-rarry pagfi aft*r paga of Htrat

rn (if the

Ctoatiig addrsaa. Mary Kaaa»«. AawagUna* pnomt « • » WM. J Hordatrawl.Mr. J Cooway. Mn Jaa*sjb E * » qMr. Jubn T KtHK Mr. R LMr. C. HOWOMOM. M M Ifcaaa


By Cbadwkri.

Th. m. l ihjaUwwWJtaggt-^gLfggfoiled HtatrtCbamio* Fraok 1 M«

,y¥ l . w , »n ,j

Imteil HlatnChasio* F•ball and th* Crfrx-b tiprri I) iaou«

M 6

«• Site Yd.Th« Flag Pol* Commit u * of th«

M«n'« faagiM U having it* troublfl inruling a vattabt* pbv» to plant t h e ,Mi«_^aBri.Mi. ohj«cuon> to placing tn* i>.4f is IbftTniadway!*oT5p»*li »|ut> lii'tth*

•J tb« nulr<>*d atotiua cswawl llM^ataw tit of that plan Then tn« Com- jpuked tbe puint in front' ot

tmt i | i . un.W^Li««l


AftoMM Mi

vari'iu* pr(»rlarti'rtit of th* dramatic

- . worku of tb« trt-lgbUwl .light in Kngtiah

To t«iij_j>ublU«tiotv communk.- <""••«"• Tb*, a.v,rtn,«ny <»l,,mn.tiona must tx aimed ot »ctompat»i*d "' • • " " - " ' hi. Uf.i-ai.il of. tlm mt«mtby. UM writer's name at a guarantee inn lii»i'.ry.of th«;iirf<Kiii»»t»ii plating ofo( good faith. Tbe Citiavn will print ,,„ | ( U r , ,,„ ( ( | ( , \ , n , t , children art-

"" **" " "J'"4*'_i'i!!!jrii^li''n. and in

Cranford but dot* not ttmtbv swam*anv. rnponaiblliif for opinions whichmar bt ciprcaatd.

iu|llln Ml) luring


r <ff <

IIIUItSDAV. AI'itlb'%7. lt»l«

\V. It ll»|< h. hiii may now Im icr.wt-wJ'liy liiii frS'iiii* tiy l lw till* ".Iiiilgn, 'Imiinic lit."!' hi* Iminl iiinl 'itiiiliom!Mny '* It" will IMI 11M- r«ui thing for itfn>- >«ur tt.'rin It m nnil^r^trM^l thi*

ilViHiimtiw will upi'.int himHi.. . i i )"i nf lln> |.r» ii.hVp"

i inp*»«brr M*r

•j«iwr Van'riot « • it with favor ao Ilia!ali«> will \m ali^ndonnl

. : Ttia •ui(*eatioo waw made tiy Town-

will Oo4«uk. to-pU, a < ^ » { « , w , h m ^ 3 p r i n , n . , 4 B , r w f e S l J , t h

»*• l.M>kM fon**ra to wttfa * *rr*t , • , .• • M»rlty,f<> ktffwt ufi'l I ntn

waigi.m up at tb« tiax aa

Mwraball.w*. at b i . match »h-*


Kr«>**<nK . . . . . . . . . . . i'f ttM* I'lltllir tih«l

nrj(y tieinK tf.^luyed by tbu*m whorwhvTttrmnK to play- jmrU in the urn

«ati fMttt'val in 'n to IMH |(1VPH at

unKiminii Armory untlnr th? uuh|itc«a «f(hn \Vornr>n'« (')iili of Kliutirth, on tba

uf M«y II. 12 »ri(] i:t »n<i at »r nrutifitw . With" raorv thanH anil ((nntltifnHn inktni( part in'.rmani^i, wblrli will cin>>r^w«! l«t«'in Htr-ilfiTil Town, tah

. UUl.at t..'.r'| liLiJ[*

from • m i l »ritl» Mawm *:«l«nUk*. pl^warB In i a M *written hy Um Jo -Vcnrfary nH-k..k


Real Wild Westand Circus


ot drag annilriea fromeTCTT-ritwH..-. thnp nwtrt ,coiuinanity c«n be reaJily filltd.

Tbe word bait dtaeribiog tbi».jirtifpstr trtock of drURa. ch«m-

jjoals, roota, ljerba, tinetttrM,a#ruiim, rubber good*, toiletarticle*, ete,, etc.. i« COM-

you »re . doing a


«)rlrtna. h i . o p i » * « . t t « n « an II.and tii i t («ii» <*rttuittnftir liy Inw, U'lngthul tbn Ml-***

liiivif*ivinr«*,TMl ftriTi will ci.rry out an

ir thiit wU) not I* t)n< lemi in

Mltt, vttrU'ty, ttftnuty nt\t\i of

priwrn wbo Vin«M i i K K l i i l t '

Ol ltll ""'I »!' " r i

will pnivii i»«lIII Illll'T 111

Mr I ^

Mr lluw»rd hawi newr

tb» Hire «'<»mtiH

of Urn it*n>r i-. tbrrf »r«f tnti MMtropolitu

to-lnii.nl mid nvic pride,in tho-IwrtwalJiud

"LliHi •.-•..iniiiin

_! pi U Vlll« 1U1.M


offur MMltt, III)

l, 91 (N)of

Think or it


l u l l I. . . .

igniii/.ulion* i'liiliii'ily thii

Vy.. tlii'll IVHII pmly inn

pi. kit) iHIi- Iln< ili'li'Kul.-nt m


l 11 iH>. Tr. mid f i <Wit»

An iHI.) hi* own"I'o iir«»«nt th*.

y KtttMi. •"U- ..-r -""..Kt»r. in

whitK .f II


tin. numlwr i . f llfty cunt

liiiiitiil. tmt "I tlm (iiallti.'o n

f till) IK"» W l l ' Will !«

f WMII* will »ti»rt li» I I " • ' « 'lit :

^ i ..t u II'I-iiM-k*on Mon

• MMay 10. whim tlm vili'Will Im •>lii(l.-.l t

thn';Vniii»i-ytin. (uitroni.iH.iH fromI'rmifonl

an- U n . .KMInrrlwiti. M n K II t l . .

in Mi> H' I' l larrli . Mr< I \V

ii wltVlifiil HUM way I

"InliMlir I'ltH'tlolll' ttlA|i.-|yiM^ Irii lutvi- l i im

i.-. ,\ H HiM


(•••iv.lrr. it

Mi«. K Miw»li-k." M M •'rir; lrti..r«>H; stf-H

K'O. Wim-kier_ ,1. M,Cr.-*..l ••' <-

r" l^t^ 'T-T-Tr^ 1 -^ ir i*V*3~%- ! -» - ' |

I'mkull. J MrJ»n<:«. U

(icnr>r»lW V l lKk»k O. U

tli'iiut Inw win put

KtNILWORlH NOUS.roiitu'ilmiui Krank .1. Kipling wh<

'D i l i 'o t tlm 1K"«I ui^tiini'iitii fur|irohH-tivi<*tiU'irf. (Killoy hii;.

WHUI—tumlidiciL lix I Jin lipimiorttth

IH-. . , _Iii day I')

Itviirim htiitlvii t'lmrliw II I iiiiU'iliili

i i i u i i iIXH'H v i l o m l y III ut his liuin« AMI Kitu.-I H l» Hamilton,ntt«,M>t ilnrtit/ thn ptwt Wtn'k,

t ^ O t ^ y for u.

MU,IIU.IIK t» hi .U v U " { "' " " ' n i t "

Afiiimn « m | Itlli utriwt.

. W |-.vtm-r. H

t 0 1 1 . J II.-Taft. .Jr. M » < • « « !

»iii|ihure of Aith ntrmit. wiwl l l l l l lMl t l l i t I l | g

tliH lilll f.M ictuiiiiiiK tin- priwul dulyOI.VIIHI SiiiHiriiitoiuliint lit tbi'

S«.ti(.u 10 K K. tUwtwr.S IIW II Smith. W. Kraft

K|II-HM|.;I1 Hiimluy

rSugitrTftif vt«~itnAtkins uf WmtHelO...whnml nuiinF p

uitmtuiuir by tlio IVinixiiit"'uf tin

UmiWittoo• «* tbo IJ.-u.rd of FMm-tion-U H

r - C

by un uvor invr(NitiiiiK. ili*llcit int Kiltii'iition. jt

Twt'iity three ttc|iublicati and iivolm were fast at tb« pri

The only r-»«v>n for in>

John Kugan and familyre mturned

New York._ Maatormau of Willowwan tendeini a ni/rpriie parly hyof ber little f rianiia at luir horn"

iriay afternoon." ' " ' n entertained twenty


fteara^mMtynaa p p y jevery drug atore ilemaad to thatJteay'i patrona may auk (or anyone of the. one tbouaand andone articled in the ' modernrange of drug Htore miaoellanywith practically ni* clianoe ofbeing told, "norry we don'tcarry i t .

m liinrhmm at h*ir homo un Fourthnufi, Tu«mJ*y afternoon i ,. .luhn \H\\ of HtHVint) nv^utin, han r«

KJ frutn n^.sit in Ntiw Uriuiswifk.m* AtiO4t Harry hUH rnturfied from a

1 vinit on I-miK Klitn<l

What iiniiniv^ t(* IK? tli«.. ..~lliat~r.arw.iiii. ha* hati-i'o*

iin»- tin.*' in ttte Krarnl iu>htury bull i>X

•mtiin M, i\h i.';kt-ZIj!i!rf'"'1-KinK;* Jr. O lr A M., w h k h

i to HriU' Mill un North

i tomurniw (Kr'uluy)• i . . . . . . . i

(>K A h in»l

j wm*f HI Ik t\nK will b«> prMviit^l tt> th<

ti»ni|n.My hitvjni( tinI tmtnU*r of umfi>rMiril nn<n in uitnnii

Mm N .# will Uf on oxhitritinri In

wriik of 0tUil fruin UiirwtxMl (.'minril. '.int.

>vv iinmlHT^ thirty iiiiifnrniril

I'tto ' t 'uutu'il wns t)r^;tin/,*%tt un

S.-|it IS. I1.*!-.*, with *AZ chtirtiT imMiilwiN

>v\ nunilrHr** ulnnnt oi

It OWIIH ten ht.rt^ uf stfH-k in t)i

" t'lwlH'ery "t NMW JeM.-N..u.r. eun.pl.

iii th»'»"*yiiur <>i t /nwu «# . . . . , . -—-v tt'VliininK u * R tx'ttit tn tbtt Houth»rU..1 North A Vfuuv dUton. »IUUK »»»W linv la

ihrt^'tlon four bnrulrwi nml Hit in ;.. >th (lijH.lt (t-*t rrinn th« Uitldiint

»f Irtiiil' funiHTly ul John M Atw»t*r , . t• >:tf t'tihll! .th*-n<-** in a Mtulltfrlj dirxrtuiit niiilt-s toMtlii llu« uf North •

.'.'••I ft^-t. tlu.ii<f ut mclit unities Ut *wUl Cutn- i n - - IITI.-- <.f IUIHI two huu>lrt<l (»A)f f--

, itl.Hiir until Hntxif North laVHiim-tvn»hun<ln-ml fUty i-i'*it f**»t r<> tiM-pLir*v*ff ijr»,nnlBie.

tiKi'lttvU (' o'rro.bbenftM'lll'YI.KU M " '





New Jersey CentralSPECIAL EXCURSION'""

Sunday, May 7thLibrary. Natioiuil Mu

i»"y iHiiiit1* of »ntr»r«t»t will libtv puVilir on ubuvt* dttte,Traiii leaven 'OnnlWd l"3




oi) i.f

Llio tr.Mi.uiy, und M tlit'ir wttt' t'lid bowto liilH't it. tlit'y mo fori'tnl toMrntttihiiiM prtiu'ipWi to tuovtuit u ftirthi'r uliliuill liuw of ttUitit |4U.MItl,(XKi III

tl'Vl'Ullt. ' ,"Fiilbprtuott'. Ibw nvomtftry i.fftx't of

Ibu IXMiiovrutlr rwlmlion of ulmiir r*lc«'titi. t*'r IniiidrtHl tHiuntlt in tin.tltity CLinntittitiw -amittu'r tbiliiiiwifailure. SVIii'u Dip lh.iiUH-ruli mlv>.tittnl free >ugar, limy rlaiiuixl thut tintIirnv of iiigHr to thi' .MiiiiiiliHii nimlil In'iiHloii»l III proportion to llu> rutuotionin duty. - Hut what ari> I In' fai-Uf

"Hit' |a\rtlal reduction in tlm MiKur- Indiulry

uf tlm l r n l . - -•lro)od HIM boat augur iildunlry

I iu further devulo).

iniiry I'lm'tion held in the lloni^gh Hallon Timmluy afttfrnnuii^/Of thiMo twoof tlm Ili'lHibliiuiii tK'kota wi-ro thrownout »» diifwtlvc, and one of lh« iUtw.ii

did not uxurots bis ohok-u.lor. . . . In th« ivluuin for Alt»rnau>

•-. .v^-Ui ut tjargti to tho National CXui-vontioti,' \vhicu wivt tbe only cv.nteat.lilnlr, UarYfti and Mincli w l i ri<ceivwl

1 votm, Itohinaon W and Koundtncota> voto

Krnmt \V. IWIat s|wnt Hatter » i t b'i- fainilv after an twtoudMl luwlnw»

" "Wmfp

| J | . in : Haltiiiiiiri.lOiiiiiili.il StutiJI. ux:. M a y . I . . .

AutoAdmission, Adults, 25 tents.

Children, under ID years, 15 Cents

Ulds Wanted. 1

ll>- virlu..' uf th» iihiiv..Hliitwt writ ofl.-m.-* HI tin' 'ltr.- n i l 1 shal l efU-m. f'.r »ali- I.fiil)lli< v,'ii,In. nt th.' l.h.-rlll H Dlttco In li.-

. imrt Mnii'%. In tiu- litjr i>f Kllzabeth, N. J^'-mWKIlNteHUV.'THK 'TKSTH DAY OK M*V.

A. II . IWU.it ti\n ..'.-liM-k li\ thunft«rii.Maiof aaht ilny, nilli.wi- I'l.rtiua lots, trmitt. or |Mrn..biiif laud ..mlliri-uiU.-". -Itimt... tying aiul lirlnK Inthi'Tunu.hip uf I'mnford. iiitli«O>.iinlj ut Dnh.ii nmltiiti* uf Ni-w .l.n>wy,iin.t which art* mun* i«r.kiiliirlT lulil .ti.w n,tl.t.ii£iiat«U nu.1 ilii.tlnK'.ii'.ti

LUi:ii'.e!Uiiii map .'.itltlnl. "Map of MI..T- VnrK OrtnfVjr<li NrJ'.."TiBinH In »hH>"uow»h..|UKl"Uriif tlwiViuiitt ..f Union,mi M«r

f.ilU iiiiiiiU'rKt' Sliu^ii (IH) HIMlt*rflt1U'7. iw*.

I". H. (ill.lUMBIMACV

ultUK IV OTTO, (illH..l'r.

>HKIUKI>"S rtALK-iln Chanrrry of New I T j>*y. IW'tw.fu Anuil U. WiUker, imiuplain»'it- Iit .Vlinilmtu t'luuuui. nt. a|., il.'fHnuautM.

i. fur «nl.>«if niiirtKivnl lirvinlHi.M. .Hy virtu.• .if tin. alijivu litntetl writ uf tl'-n I

fnclH.-.t«i Hi« (HfiTtiM Inhnll ratHMe for Halu -'I Iinihlli! vlnluo. nt Hi" Shrrltt i ufflm III lo« f

nurt HUIIM.. hi IliecUj uf Klll.b.th. N. J . u> IWRDNBSDA>/rilKTWENTY rOUHTH '


ar«ifi.fL.lkw* y

mime »Pi«»ri»* » « " » * * ' ""* i n Kn'"v

A that 1 can think of. w that Hrotb.rM I U .y to

tui cx-oAk'ta! of tlw LAajcat*. unltm per

ha|A bo wUhtfi, dofoatnl. I can unl.T «ay 'that I canright now "N«I my ttmth' tmt will ilo j

b t to nt U-a%t m-&k« my i.ppuni>nt< I

txiiti|iltit«ly -liUvked i u f u r t b r |iiaiit It eonfi-rrod » IKMICMI U|KMI tlm

augur lmlu«lry in forulgu euunuivii. Ittialticod tbe annual ouuaUun* niienuix»lvut ten mllHonn Al tlui tumie timi<I ho (iri™ of nu^ur in ' Aiunrieii lm.i reUUUIMKI i«atllcuJl>.Utgmjun-

"In »Uort. t l m onii ileui in tlm LVimVcralio tariff law baa ruduiHMl our r«vui>UfA, trvitiettUuuiily . da.uiH4t*xl Amt-ricanluduMry, liiiled fotvl(t««iiii|x-tili>ni. midh*m IM-<IU o( m> bunollt whutevvr tdAuiwi.iin vuaaumer*.

"It i» not lurpriiini! that Inilitidiialltemocmu in tho rwxnit okucui refuwd*o abide liy lU'daruton Uocatuw it wa»lurtiiablng atumunltk-a to their, onwueilta. 11H> Ueitubllcaii contention hit*been completely juatUloJ:'. . .

- TbeCraoJord iiiph bchual nine de-feated tint Weatnoiil Hi«h Scbuol teamoaTaeaday aft«rnoou, oo Uw Urcbanl•treat|roonila,bxa«oor*ot«a UorrU

. *«A Udrtob wen lo poiaW for Ur»ofi»rU•a*etaret«a*,Dulau-dUUa>u-Uii for

.•in Stattvi

Tho Arlmr anil r o.\orciwTho Arlmr lV»y awem hi'M in tho MiKliil.-y Si-tiool ImikliuK on Tbutmtn)- t u t und thoiyujihly«njoy«tl by all prvwut, Tho (irofiraniivasUU*! of BOH|t5 and rtx'iuitiona asfollow*: I'iimo MiKi, llclt-n Dtirlar. Ueo

K i t i

A thatItaml Mi thai it

* cmrU -.y to j


gtuy beat to nt Ua.put up a (^>u«l.tight to lick me

( I n M i p A - S II. O>*.!wick. I

im. U N. \Va l« . A


Meats, Fish,Butter, Eggs

and Poultry

V WilK. II i -


Proposals lor Oiling Work..ii , ,n. | .I'l.iiiiult

.- nt 111.'

. will I'.. . f Ill l .- II

II. m

I.y III.•ijiiii.il "•. N J . n

jitiai"i!.'1'?k i" thmiftrrni«iiitit anlil lUf.ift»i'i,"r iti'C'n'*>T',7rTait3i~ffniT^n't'iinirtw. mml.vini: nml bt'liiK in HIM T.nviiHhlp of Cranfoftlln.tli.il.'"tinty ul L'nluii nini rituu. "f N«w .\-i-"T ;itml which ix limrn tmrtluulitrly laiil .IIilm.lKlint.sl Klill liiMtlnKnlMbnl IM.lot DUIUIHT

l th.'.itKtorly lun-iinlf ..( l.,t immb»T 5)11l fO l U l " I t l t T

h..itKtorly lunuiul^-r fiO. o ,i>p .ntltli'.l.-llwltj Tn.< I

HI Cniufunl, '^n'il

i>r,.inuu« are «ilu»;.|

un.1 iili. ni'ph'tlU.niil»!h.I'lnii!* nml "il.lntl- uf th. -(..-.-tllt-Hl

thH.wiirk mny I.*- . nnmliml nt tin' ntll«HoninKh Ktitflii.vi. 11*0 llr.m.l -MV .1. • • .

Til" rttflit is r.-Mrvnl hy Hi.- strr.-t tMiliinltli.*- In r.j,vt nny ur nil imU H- mny IM* UIWIUI-.1'v-ir.ir ill. lw.T.-.t»i.f tin- ltnMuKhi>fl<"u.Ut


«lf. tH ill .till'


.t. Blluhrth.*

Mnn-Nn. II A, TlwaUKU preiuuttii aro mil

k i.V 1 nx Vin. Stil'r. -I,, . -. ?SS>





|tl 11. Snicllw.Hukv*. M 11

*: I i imo MiKi, llclto , , Joruuw IVMfui»r; Ktvitittion.Luckoit l)ittlo)tu». EJwahl Iturt.

kl Song, g i r b of

K. If

Srcllon-J I' U n i i MA. U. BaMwin. J V\ rKerfor. II. Wwtbury

i f l j Springlleld'Vvo,, C'ranftird. N* J.

j Telephone I.V) Ii.

! Specials This Week !S B. WilMi . |

I'ilU'H I" l> i




HKIilKf >i*VI.K-ln i'lMii.vr)>..r-N'.-w .I«-r,. i llrtvii.n Kinll J. HlrtM'i. .'iinil'lHlnnnt.i,l MmirU-f Kr..«lni»n. .1. .»1 . tV-ndAni'.' KI.

l f i r t ' ^ ; " ! iri-iiitH(fiwrit uf H>-rl

l hillr.vl'il I -.hull '•*!'•n.lu*-. 'it th"' >h.rlff

" ill

nrl H"Ui". Ill th^.irllT

... fur aali



,f KlliaWtli. N.J..onWKHNKSl>AV. IIIK TWKSTV nil'KTH

DAY OK MAY. A H . IWU.Hi tunn'olivfc Intlii-nfl.-nvwin .»f ^iii[ .lay, nil

'l or imrL'rl nf hiiuU nml i>r*!mt«tw. Hii'ml".IMi.it unill^inh! In It.1' T..« n«hip nf rmntunl.111 lli"<VMinty "f I'liliiitaiiil s u t " >.f New .Tpr-

: »ml »hli-li l» iii.Ti. wr1t<'li!arl> lnl-1 ih»w n.lvnalwj ai'i.1 illMtiiiiful-li.-1 u. 1.4 i.unilifr .1)15

FFM SA1.K -In ('haiii-t-ry uf N«w J * IWI; ll*'lwvt*y (l.-orK^ U Hlrtz.-l. Jr., KSKII

Uir. I'U1., riiinplaliiaut. nml AhntllAii. ' i « - i l.•I. nl.. tlMft.ii.lanu. Fi. :n. fornaleuf il»r»'iulst-«. ' '

Hy virtu.* i'f the nlMiv^itUtml writ 4tw\n» ti. nit- illr».ct«l I hiill t*po».' for a1'iil'lti- T^niluf, ut- HIM Sh.-rllt'» (ifflcr !..t'-.urt H.'UM', in lh» city of HlUativth. S. -V.


nl two u'rliK'kJn the aft.Tn.Kjn of Mak! -iny>trwt ur parcel uf ImuLi nu.1 pr nibw-*. -I'.USIijhiK anil I'WnK In th.i TuwiHhlp of Cmnffi.lilllmluunly. of Ulilun'HliilMtatK i.f N.'W .'-fM'y; and whlcJl iHliiur.- particularly laki <!">* ' " • ail.1 dlstliutulHbe.1 iu« l'.t numlt r *

•wt^iprlf .in« half of M mmil».'r A1!'1K I . . * .miiilH-r &U, <••. ttinp fiitlU.fl. "lv*»i(-Tru-t Map No. :«. ..I l«« low nl J.'rniil--riL'nl..n Ci'imty, N. J . S*vtluii No. t," rtl«. "the Unl.'ii I'.mnty It.-itwU'r'HiifTlrwoq^tiii'-IWK. n» Map S... 71 A. The •!».».) prwol—• "•.lluiiti. nu thi' -.'Utlwrlj -IIIB uf Mcti'l!

l i a , k IT r m l M I'li.H at C'ranfi'inl. N. J..T r m l M«l> t i o :'l "f l'»»l I..I-. »l CYanfStvtlou No -." lllril intti" t'nKxi l.ViuntjrI.T - ,.!«,-.r 1111 .Inn,, i i . IS07. aj. Map NoT l b t r i t l n lhr-»"<i

«|;i4l A.

lb«'("|.r^nit-.^ i»r». witual.' un lhr»"<i!hrrl.r M..CI. U,n, -tr.rl

UEOUUB I'. DTTO, shfftff.

ABKJ. PAvill"- KlUii-H' . .8HBRlKt-8SAi.B-]nlliau.-«ry ot NV. .

wy. Hrt<vwli Anna H VTalker. c.nuj.lmw"'Iami Maurli-e f r..-iliu. n. -1 . nl . ilt-CVmlaiit- >'• •fa tor wnl* .if iuiTtK«({»5t pn.iul»*^

Hi virtu*, of the above Ptntrd writ uff aclaa lo in.- dlrc'le.1 I -h«ll <

unit J i w i hfourth iirado. Uociutlon. xr'mkrl Un-iUtiou, I<av«rnt.< llemtSOJIK, S.I100I, Hw-lution, t'.uiil Kraut*elm llpcitation, Nclnm Mvrxolt. DmloKtie, Swxuid Qrad«i |iu|»U. ItecitntiunUlliap Hans llano Solo, Lillian NaIbanaon. Itecltatkio, Wtlluun Wubry.KaerciMa, four r"Hrat t) rails pupiU.Harold Soobl, UoyU U*ly. Ada McMur-try and Annie Fati. Song, Sctkiol,HedUtion, "Woodman Spare ThatTree." Koae Burko. UcciUtkui, MyraAntrobut. Song. Mia* Kodgor*'Klnd«r-(art«i Claav KecttaUon, U i n u OraBwdUUoo. Dorothy PekUt. RavltaUon.

U Kf K i u U o o "Tb« t^th

Cbadwh'k. fraoford N 'J

AUnrtthy PekUtKeciuUoo. "Tb«

DAUnrt Kffaa. KeciuUoo. Tb« tThat Lmdi to .Nowhere." DurotivallnlamkaU. Bcoltatioa. AUred ttalVy.

•Tb» t rSO

f<< •

EftCorth Lea«u* '. p m.

E. Keinkart.

Evening *or»hip. 1

S « * tdsa." -Tbe M*th<4»»t

TuewUy eteoing at S o"c*.H.-ku««i»y e«wing »tTbe L*i«»- Tea wiU he held U«nor

row afternoon at tbe h , w of Mr. WW K R i n h « t « V n w « « « » * i « a t h

' 4 ilYAOlxLlIS, 2for tfv. 'A Full Line ot Bedding Stock

\V*tch out for the Weekly UuUetinv

FOR SALEChoicest Prospect Street

lot 75x200 ; no incumbran-•.- ces; sale or exchange for im-n,^,,1 proved property. Also 6

acres, I I room house, barn,and river.

lleUVAVrmie . .lie II t'lilninxl !-v the Tu» r-lii|'.( I'liinillli-' ..|

Tfc:"'T".5'u-tiS'*'"f':OT5:TruSi-ifTtittrnvaHtr wr^-tl'.n t. Tha: th'j luUtW-Mieiitit -tor Uie. IIIH

" \ AietiU''JLrom I'niun

. . .

i- A

i.mni.'tit i,f Siirtiiitft'-lil A»"nn"JLi^»i Ii!iu"ti.ll»li>t.r»irtkin»ithth"«M.t l.rly•t H"ll* "li.*t l>ur>aalil t<. «h- n-«,lii.f H"UT '*li-.*t i>ur«uaiit tn the rvwiuiMtn

Utt-wsl Vy ihv T'-wn-hil. t \ nuuittee "f th.Tii^«-hh'» i.f rmiiti.nl" Jut.i-Tih. U'lfi, nnultwrniint the iTju-.-rty bt'ti. fil. 1 thereby a* coilflrn.nl I'.v.the reswluti.m of »nul Towtithin(.'.'lunill'tei'datnl April t». l*l«, U- "i>!le.-Wit Inl.n eqoalnununt lnMtAllui«iit-% th* fir*i Wlnicline aa.1 payable nt the.lat^ of itald conflrnia

"uaVtST April a

i?nHnanr«* >hall


.. .-lt«l

" A Y UK MAY. A. D.. 1»IO.

Binnioyinri nniR--7H*rrii.«« .*»^~tract ur'tMirivl '.f Inrnl nml pr«mW'lilnii and bt'luii In the Tuwmhlv "f >in the IVnnly'tf VnU.h and State of[ne.immy in vimiu wwow*. •• --i ,

•rly line l » y : and whiih i- ni..r« parltepUrly laid J

i.f the 9)13 and tl'? vie^tvrlt ouehaf uf I"1 """'- • a>|i on UuL-k uuiulwr JO, on m a eSUli on lilw*. uumlxr • .SO, on uinj. " • p » |

VKeallr Tra.l Map So. 14 of UJ« !"'• ". >jtS|ford, l-nloii iXminy. N. J.. *»*i.'» •>>• " ,io«»tmhe Unionfoonly Riul«U-r» »'"'' .^Hti. llWi. an Map So !1 A. , T h * "''j ^ n « . l »


'JIIHL 'fJ. 8. Weber iu on a t » o week*' »li

A daughtw w t bor


tbs gt**t of Crtanford

tireaTbe regular meetit

Clrele of Trinity chnrthe pariah bouaa, t\East, at 3 p. in . o n V

Tb« Ke». Paul U. Itbe F l n t M. K. Chunadtlrea* to tbe pupilSchool Friday morrilr

• Any Uir l" ia the tftre Clirln1 play to lieauditorium of theSchool on the evening

Tickela for the Bgiven at the Comfort

ing MMiltfi ff?ttlMr»: J- 1. CuabingTickets are one dollui

M r and bin . JoaepMountain Lukea, foriannounce tbe engayoungeat UuUKbtor.

• William MortimerOrange. . . . .

A put dog Iwlongin,'Svenae resident WOT

tomubile in North avhouw Monday morniinjured no liaiily thatWilliam JenuinRn poof tnieery liy nhootiiid

Mrs. Charlotte OalInto Will iam E, Oihome on OraiiKB " v e

i r i r

| , . .wn,t«.»lmr.-. . .fit.H-km II..- I--..-I _ . . • „ » • ' ' * " ' • K"Jltv(\ .J '""" •

• • n . M . . , , • . . • • i u « . . A * . y . ''' • featuring the American>»j^^^^^^^jsr^: •'jiii.wi-i'rolii-ftHHlH-lwl- I V i W V « * H » > — J 1 - - . — . : r —*^ju71'^|i,SiiiI"rrr»ft-S-~Mi'Ell1'«ft.-"("l*--^B-- -• • I • I <' |..— ...-.yp»My ^ - T - Wli;i|fflK''>l?»-hi«t.|.-'-»l^-"'~'W«'««»k-B -I ' •• ' L_ , l u l - n U n l n InQltl pmnk« .•••;-•• ,-.rj a^B. . . . .

Rev. Johnchurch, ofliciiitiiig.the family plot «l P«

Uklahomj, ItanchandCireus w i l l o i b i tTneadav. M»y '-. •>" IKrounUs. ufterniion

_ ,pap»l*rjf.ej»tare_ot:_tj»>ttef A*mt.«<«ui Aut i t i .

prieiM wi l lprovai l . a1

'.'3 cents; children ucunts.

Miaa Miitliu Nittlwiiaon both of Cranfordthe Hev. l'eter- FrCOIIOKB, Konilwortli.

Mr. and Mrs. Kmil 1-liyflftue^oa.- Saturdi

/O'clock. Mini Annn

4the.best mail. Tbuplayed by Miss Sirand Kenneth l»fgreia trip to Wasblngluiake their huuie ut '•

The May rneetinSherman Home lindlie held on FridayAn inturoatinK prothe speaker Tor theCrofat Wbito. E«i.

Public Itocroo,tion CHeld. Mr. Wbito wi

i Afrusbments will bes


Friday, April 38. inext of the danciniftbe aoapioes of tbHome and Schoolnpecial occaaiun, in(3.50 gold pieco awsthe couple perform!oncslep nioBt uccurCompetition will betwo dances, and onlhave asaisted in supregular attendancewill be eligible to ei

On the eveningMr. and Mrs. HemKire one ot their demonologue and i w

of Trinity Episcopa

tnittee having tbe c

Mrs. CJeo. Hansel, <

Sykes, Mrs. F. P.

Meaaick and Mrs. J

Prices need DO adv<

aru sltuat*. on th.1I I A " Th*

miotherly «klv •'

UKo.IIOBC.OTTl>.» i r

M . I.N. I.


einh«t.«Vnw«««»*.i«ath U a l l i a m , .N. I.regular WeJiie*iay ereojog, Alfred V . Hai l ,8r*ic»wiUbeoi>iiJw:l«d»Tr t h e j ^ I -

Tb« regular WeJiie*iaypr»j«r»8r*ic»wiUbeoi>iiJw:l«d»Tr I

< -hnlmmti Ti/Wli-l.ili. .»«..»...-..ALVAN K I'KSSIAN.

Town-hip ru-ric. '

WILL SKL.1. for anv stock listed onthe New.York Siwk lC,tchanj{e.;pr halfcash and hujf ,on Hond and MortgigrAthree dwelling boosea. eight anil ninerooms, all modern improvements, Ad-drws Owner, Lock Box" Itl, Cranftwd

• N ; a . .': , ; v . ' - > . v . - > . • - " - • - ' ; / -- . '

Spring Is Hire^Why Not Entertain

. AT THK i - - • •


inCranford;Beglnaing next t:

for the following"May tbe Men's Leaevening aervicea iChurch, and tbeiminute sermons byFrancis Greene, tbjects will be as foilChristian Man in"The Christian :May 14. "The Cbi'Men's MovementChristian Man andM, "The Christiani Tbe Firemen's Chold a ahlrtwaittqaavten tomorrow

Page 5: ^VAROND. CRANE - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 3. · -Veraon.- J.oiury. pomp, ceremonial wen not tbaent tn the eighteenth era rury.—Walter E. Wevl In lUrpet'a Mar* than a third >»f

._ .„ _ _. Vr*eber of Orange avenueu on a two week*' vlait to Piltaborg.

A danf hter w u born to W W 1'lumrow and wife on Monday

-~-T*aTlaa~l^Hacer~ef-H|rt»lejr-ltbe gaaM of Ormnford frirnd* and rela-tive* ,

The regular meeting of the pariahCircle of Trinity church will be held attbe pariah bouat, it" North avenue,Ea»l, at 3 p. m . on Wednesday, May 9.

Tbe Kev. Paul U. Dennlt. minister ofthe First M. E. Church, will deliver anadUrea* to the pupils uf the LincolnSchool Friday morning, Mav 5

••Any Girl" i» the title of the Camp>fire Clirls' play to lie presented in thuauditorium uf. the Cleveland HighSchool on tbe evening of May 12.

Ticketa for the Bal inaaiue to begiven at the Cranford Uolf Club Friday

WM «*»•» byntfdanc* of


U. i l . Hewfe ofI M V * today tar Oaakwa. what* a*ejajn4the»eitfoiaroru»»

Adelbjntfal concert waa «iMka Viola Patawr at theMn. B- U. WoodHw.

Republican Omit will be held tomorrow(Friday) evmiaR, at 8 o'clock, in tbvClub Koohu. Senator Waller Kdlge.candidate fur nomination fur Governor,and otban will addreat the. members oftbe Clab and their friends

lira Beaue Allan Collier will ting intwo groups of aongs at a concert to bt»

r6y-|riiaT^an>lB«JrtiBr-crair-artbe Foacb: Mansion, Brooklyn, on May4th. Mrs Collier will portray- tbe partof an Indian maiden and will be attireitin Indian roMoffle.

- . T Sloan and A. W, Howie, with unet'ecore^uf 160, won the el«htenn bolfmedal play handicap at the links of theCranford Uolf Club on Saturday. The.match wax a four-ball handicap, theaggregate net worm of pain to twin IFive pairs Uiok part in tbe competition.

Tiut executive committee of tbe (.'runford Parent-Teacher .Aseociatton held aregular meeting in the Cleveland HighSchool Tneedav evening, at which timei t waadecided.to bold tbe lout public

M*aw«nsa. T k n b t a iUa* M#MW» Md* awtanllytor tbk. For d t k p "KM>, U large, u dA c b n w fur- Uwtriet

Mn. J. J. Ciwhlng at tbe HivenidiTITickets are one dollar each.

Mr and bin. Joseph Howe Senior ufMountain Lukes, formerly of Criutford,announce tbe engagement of - theiryoungeet daughter. Lillian Mae, loWilliam Mortimer Orovttr, of EastOrange.

A pet dog belonging to a Hollywoodavenue rratdent wns mn over by un «u>toflnuhile in North avenue near the tirti.houae Monday morning. tbe~Uog wasinjured no badly that Hurnoant of PoliceWilliam Jennings put tbo animal outof misery liy uhlxiting it.

Mrs. Charlotte Oaktiy, widitw ot thnInto William K, Oakoy, died ut her

_hointMin Orange uvenuu on Saturday.. &liev. John EdK<--viiinb« uf tbo Kmnvopulchurch, ofliciutiiiK. Intonnotit wua inthe family plot ut Pairvimv i'oui<Hury. '

Oklahoma Itanch . Ktial Wild Westand Circus willuxhitiit "in (!runfurd unTneadav, May 'i, on tha old jjulf 'clubKrounds, 'ufternuon und eveniiiK A

f I

very atnall on tbe rUpabltma «<ir. abuatl.-i in all marking in chute*. iM tbor

lighei had* a alight advantage c f i IK . while' Week* gol a iaaatiua. bat

truct—It H worthy uf note that Wilfcwi

'at twenty per coatttrket, although his name

11)David Balrd .'.' . «N«wton A K Bugt«M. ill IS"" niluui V. K«tn ii U.raA Kip, Jr . . . . iX l»

for Alternate I %li*niik«» »t1 Utlyard Blair . II Ii

.'ifrrel'. llar'von..'.. 1" ItKkwinrlelil H Mimli 1'. in>lyron W. li.oltin.wti U\

W L lloundlrtsi toFor Ulilrit-t

-urnwt It Ackxrmuu\Vin. F. HiHlinonU .

i'ur Umlrtct

land School.' After the business punt-ing a pfonrain uf entertainment will Iwprovided and a social hour enjoyed.

A reception waa f(iven by Mrs. ChandInr tb about forty friends at the BlueBird Tea Monte, Springfield avenue,liut Tuesday afternoon. Tbo docora-tions were blue and" wTkBeTaiiil jTeltOW

.w!uu~by—Mra.AtwalKr. DmiiiyMTM.l lK and

TefruaumcnU wereb o u s e inantixeinen

Tim quartetto

erveii Ry"TIJii ti i

I'rexbyteriaiof thn

church choir has 1H*MI r«

the coming nnuou with HIH i\\rt'|ption »f

Mrs. llrackutt, who rutinsi H<" pluc*

will bo filled liy Mrs. II. ConklillK. uf

hor HnKaK^n'eiit iteKiiiniuK' vyith th~iix>inmK Sunday . T h e IIIIMU; BlisterS u n d a y WHH of hi^b ortlt>r. luid nitirlupprtn'iutiHl by tbosu who attended tinservices.. . .

'I'IJD May cuiiotdt* of th»TBand in to IMJ [^slpotifd to a littur

| i n May. Tim rousun, tbentluru, is'tbiU

»>tb»*pricua wiltprovail. ai-follows. AduliH,'.& cents; t-*bililrfit mitlor 10 ytuirn, .IDcunts.

Miaa Mutba Niulson and AlfroU Nul-son both of Crunford, wuia inarriud bytbe Hev. l'eter- Frolieru. al I'psulaCollege, Kunilwiirth, at the rmiilfMico ofMr. and Mrs. Klnil Lofgrun, 28 Lincolnuvouuu, pti. Saturday... iiveninij ut »

, i)"clock. Miss Anna .Nelsim, umstur iSf

for thu mluiiirHtuK of iii;vvciruL'r to lllliku thin, tti'i liut •unuirt othe Wlnlor nfiusoii, :> purliculailyone. Tberu m alrio in jirtipuriitinn fothis Minrert nuinii chorus work of In

)1H, umlt*r lh« ulilo direction ofBray.

Thu chuir of Ilio I'lrn.t M. 1

the,best uiau. Thu wedding tniinic wasplayed by Mitu Siri Lofgrei). piunint,-and KennethXofgren, violinist. Aflma trip to Washington tbe couple willmake their home ut 2H Lincoln avuiuii

The May meeting of the Lincoln^Sherman Home and School League willlie held on Friday uvuiiing. May nth.An intereating program is .promimKl,the speaker TorTbe occuuuiTniCrofat White, Ew| , a uiuuibur of thePublic Kocreo,tiun Comuiittee of PlainHeld. Mr. Wbilu will talk upon "Itecro

.(iayaLaLluwt^ELchurch >m \Vuii

Hoake. A fcaturu was thtmale 'luurtut coinprising \V. I)Jr , Uov. lJaul U. Uenni», <.'harlm T

o and Krank W. I'euku InMrumuntill musit w a s tumishi^d by Mrs

-dauglitor. — AJJOU4™._U£hundred weru pre»t:ht and Iboroughienjoyed tbe program., ......'•..:..« .j .

A business and ux-ial uitinling of th

M«f vm» mkm to *foak ftw m m <tv«J«ra» ttnmhr tb» uV«tor la tack tbrnmwho talkvd fur tbosa, with a •prtnkllnn jot tkew «>Mo|>pu«> Jott* running at

y*. ur to *faan> itm "fun" tint band.TVc* w»» tluwrvuulomx bowovar

IV.T the State.Tbo v»l« in

A r t

A thanking. Ihi-it»r fair

VanWi Uaw

abt ooTt>Wbao *JM

fur Ina Cranfoid jr ot ihudtfytnt:thlt il WOtltUthat.11, inilrad i'l

•pllllrli N'lltK HlKt tilt"

l»' liKI


[•r«*V0lit di>g« 1UIH11114 \it

- " - • - • x l r

• h|U| JI|L

Fi»r DV, Mi^lnr

Wiii. K Tin tit*. JT !»Win. IV .1 (iutitmtl !

r l>i-»trict Alti-rnut. t:imiHU*rhui. ?*


Township Affairs

Modish Easter ApparelFOR TOWN AND COUNTRY

Paris' model* anil vxi|UMit«- cunception* of. our own

Aftoapi J ^CVnvejioj; the amartnat IIIIHM ill in«tt»ii»l», IriuuuiuK*

•ml coluriugn. Slumu at later l'«vu n-i-iiin-K

TSo. .1 Waldorf Aitorla Court -• ' . . • • ' . . -

NEW YORK CUVIJvtwwn ;«rd and 34tb ,Str*.i|»

Catering in All Branches.Public or Private Entertainments

Weddinjrs or Parties.ItiHK SITTICO tiimitmti'i'd ' lli'l|i (nrninlicil at short jiotii'e.

ILRNI-^T TYREE.. .Telephone 108-W 6anforcl. N. J.

GRASSMAN & KREIi^y«mnm.wt^»'wiiii«»MiMTOMM»iinis»H'«wiW"^


Janiwi K Kinld/Kdwaid K. liro>Villlum K

bniuan .1 ScullyFor Allornulo I >«le|(:it™ at:

•TVihniilon V*6rul»li " H""";'Uubatl_U. Kiw'e:William A I K

n -

'liUNI'-sr I, MKYKK. ln,-,,r|i..iaf«l" . ' •"' lv.lillillih.«l'1K«I



.... i M.kx'iiiu- IliiililliiK,. <!ritiiftiiil, N ,1" ' " " i . w l l n w l Mlti^i. KlliitliMh, N* .1.

\AdverlSe in ".~~"The Tetephone Directory

will. 1 IDS j • •_• H|r«r Wlll-ll j .-"- :

wholu'|iii>ttioii uf tl'iv lirif'.iL-.rtn m vii-

of tint niti'L-HHity for r'-muv.il aiul t'

t h a t llm phui r<rijniiimndi'<l ».,i,

thi» IIIOHI, «H;onolllk*;fcl im wt-II

i;lti?.(;ictiiry' . 11 -; will tukt< .;i>i»ut-iii;«

wi-ifki tu f'liiipU-tii tin- j ' l in . (iiiri

"j"S1flT?lr*tTHW'.'|i'.l'l'l'|'i'-)l'l'il'y ^rn innrty tH'# -

-fresbments will be served and tCertt wilf. be danciUK • Men aro cordially invibtd!^"nB;pr«ien&'r'~--4-?--!:-;^;:C™'—~~.-s--

Fridny, April 'M. is the <Utu of thenext of the dancing clu&ies bulii umlurtbe auapices of tbu Uncoln Slii'rllllinHome and School League. This is iispecial occasion, in that there is to iie-»(3.S0 gold piece awarded as a pri/.e totbe couple perfurming tho fox trot orom-slep niost accurately and gracefully.Competition will be routined to thesetwo dances, and only those persons wbohave assisted in supporting tbe cluns byregular atuindance during the winterwill be eligible to enter tbe content.

On tbe evening of Monday. Juno ~>,Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allan I'rice willgive one of tbeir delightful programa ofmonologue and music, at tbe Cleveland

Mrs. lieu. Uilti'i. IN Hampton ntrrat, onTuesday, Mav'J. iit - :>U o'clock. '1'bismeeting will Iw u r(^:eption to thu newmtmitiem, mill it is , hoped _lhut tbocharter menilwrs And early'umocTaVea"oftho Union will makn a-sjwnrial WTort lo

new meinl«r» The proi{riiiii fur tbnufti'rnoim include uttructivu vocul

ol tho work uri1

cordially invitm! tu IM priittml.

In Line Tor G. A. R. Honor.Judgo W. \V. Mcndull ba^ u vijry

good chance, IIIH frhindx «ay. to bu electeil Onpartrhent Commundur of tbo.O,A.' It. at the annual. Knciimpmnut* atAtlantic City" in Juno. We hupu thfctTorts uf hii frjundn will hrinx thiihonor to tbe Judge The followingcircular circular li*ttur-hiMbetiu Mint lu(i A. H dulegates tbrouglioiit tbt-3UU:

'AtafeguUr lihcanipmi'nt ofN, J.

of Trinity Episcopal Church. Tbe Com-mittee having the affair in ctrarge areMrs. Qeo. Hansel, chairman; Mrs. Fr<;tlSykos, Mrs. P. V. Davit, Mrs. KenyonMeaaick and Mrs. John Oarrison. ThePricea need no udvertuing. as they areratDembered with interest by tbow wbo

_,^«>_b_eardjbein_on a furmer occasionin Cranforii. ~" -r--—»....,.._.,..._,

Beginning next Sunday evening amifor the following' Sunday evening* inMay tbe Men's League will conduct tbeevening services in the . PresbyterianChnrcB, and there will bi) twelveminute sermons by tbe itev. Dr. UeorgeFrancis Oroene, tbe Minister. The sub-jects will be as follows: April :«J, ''TbeChristian Man in Buiinew"; May 7."Tba Christian Man as a Citizen":May 14. "The Christian Man and the"Men's Movement"": May 81, I'TbeChristian Man and His Church"; MayS8. "Tne Christian Man sSoul Cirowtb."i Tbe Firemen's Clob of Cranford willbold a shirtwaist dance in fire bead-<tawten tomorrow evening',' April 28th.

Pahlnipn..-KJt-S'lJSi; -Ji^fcL^f —held April 4th, lTOi.TueToilowing riaw-lution was unaniinonnly adopted, v u

•'• Krawlved. That a d>mmittee l« i»|irx>ini«tl to notify the Comrades of thisDepartment that Cost No. ".'.I will oresent thu "name of Comrada William WMendell. of this Font, as a nandidatnfor Department Communifer at th« annual Kncainpmcnt at Atlantic. CityJune 15th and lUth. l»lfi

•Tue'Caramittw npance with the above resolution takegreat pleasure in *u notifying »ll tLiConiradon.of tbe Dupartinent of N. Jind a»k for tbeir favorable consideratioiof the same.

We-present tbe name of our Comrad_j one well and favorably knowitbruaKbotit the d^partmpnt and believthat his faithful servioa in variouspositions entitles him to l« elected uthe office of Department Commander.

'. Yours in F. C. and L.,ALFREO ATKJNS,

P u t Oept. Commander.G DWIOHT STU.SE,


fir«< iil.irm will Ii" iii.to:A JMilltloir for H4ilitw;lit. mi Fourth -.ivi-mio, t

urtlli ' i i i-oiii|il,iinf liy (..' I1 IVili tl».i!

;rlKTt l l u l w y " chii iii'ii- **tv ut<»-i

nil! visitor-, mi lu i pruiMrty.

(•••ot'lfft I ' Allan, ol Onh.ir iJ -.tr*"'!.

uitiMl |MTinit to !im!ii_ iirivt;M-,i$ t.t,i

Irlllt Vi* two trwi**. 11-ith r«|'i«r-!»'»,TI> L'l.intfil -Milii'M't to >«tir>rvi*i:in <-!

Retepdon to New Pastor.*' ui« !nl»-r<t utul fiii-niK nf Dm St

1<%1 l'.pMi:op;il i liuri'hHi'Hi'TuTlHt-TW'tv l'insl'»f7

NN'iinliatlitUKh iilnj bm. . rhut'ih on'Muliiluy MV^iiiliif,

• in »» lii.it of | l i . o l l i . - i , , ! HiMird ol Hinj'iurrti ^ Hnnrj,-!''_*^' - -I *'tlrr-t"mifli'--"447t»'i

^ririT']fV ii"'fi:Hi'i;. .:wu»Mil' !lll(l WllllIlgllflM ill

>• .SiK'H'ty " to I 'mlKTilll '

in l i n i.-fTurii t'l lioll'l "I1

-ni., It U . iri A pica**

M iiutij - th** fi*!w p;inHir

I'ri-nl(>L*'jj tiin. church,

i 1>»'iini« tui Dm I'if't

lQnn_Telepl>one_Directary *d»ertiier »aid- r e c e n t f y ^ - =-_-•- . ••-. * " ""r * "

"On Ihe day the lait Telephone Dirisctorywm being diitributed, my telephone bellwas kept ringing constantly by peoplewho evidently looked over the new bookaijifcame to hand, noticed my advertise-mint 'and found an easy way of reachingme nnd my product." l

iF^Tw^^iifte^Bffll3=^trade, the logical place to advertise yourbusiness is*in the book that is consultedby telephone users. '.



Almost' Evergreen Fence Plant.o t i ^ , ^ i 4 l - ) i r i t i i i ' ) j < ' i l p i i i t i t K n t t l i « - f o l l o w i n g l o w r o u t j i o r J

u"." f«'«i, "*:t7.'i, 11 \(r"w in' , * ? r . i i , | H . m , , j i . r , u . • •

CHARU-S KROST, Kcnllworth, N. J. f

: A L -t:

\ HKV J .' •; t. ua'-Jj;^tvi-

M r . ' M'»*•)•

,'i l»:nl , thu

I u «i h'

We Leave it to YouIf t l i i - - i s n ' t t l i " l i n i l " f .n-rvi«;<'.

y i i i w o u l d w m i l >' V " » w i ' M i ' t f i i i i i K

t u ( .tf lri ' y i n i i f i i i i . i i i j i ' : , C M O A N ,


Tli« nixth annualrunforii rbilbarniunicfofii 1'hilbitritroint: StHrlHty wilt i«.w>

May'i.'i, at tbu Cruiiford Thritrt:. f'i-lEj)dliljiruiti'»»iwjUJi*'r*nd<w«i t y j tti

f .forty voir>> *^lia<lcr'<hip of tti« wull knownman l / w . Tbe. »l«br»tn


; ;inl- Tii.-.rl!'** !'iti'

id ii.»lruiiiHriljl mi

In-f (iiiiuwlliiJ i

[rain - <>r»i»n •ml

y rt«'iiiAii j»mi y

ii-Hirj fc'il-i. I


-Hy'Mr.. Kr.eii, at t»» pm».luroof tbe oouojrt will >

A \U-M.".-"V, . , . «

and it is. hoped that m»»c If/vrr. aiilavail tben»»elvBs of tb» opportocityTboiti wishing tickets wilt pleaM.kave

rdera with MUa> Lakey. Mrs.tfenjimin. or Mi» llar({aerite.Wiiicti«r.

H1NGLE MCMJsSTxnr ItENT 1room* and batb; nil Hnprovetneots, |IT.Iwinire Habricb, EliM) gtreet atxl SotitbAvanoe. - » 13t4

'»rt- Apply ','ran- J

TO LET—Modern rarideoee. i ro>is»with all imprurameotip. 3 miData* frundepot. Addraa* E. W. AntUo, lulForest avaane, Cnofbtd.

6. J E» »ld.


f»>rd 1 ru»t < *r«i

WAX I Kl) WUUJMV of rutintnnent U#1 nli < b»ric<r of a "iinaJl bouse, tbnjejelly, will he truaUd m onn of the

f u s i l j . Box K'I. CITIZE.V Office.

'FOK 3AI.K Hamujoml typewriterfor (10. cust %Wl. Mm aingU) iron ' '

mattreo. rng Call '" '

IiI.SIM'K<;Ti:iJ l/<[.>r< .

ilHHr" »tor«"l in t l imn. Itooiim

niriliotwl to i],ni v, ,u urn invit<-i| t o iiiajifict.

' l u ' '"" .MHO WII.HT.. OK- I . N H U H A N C K J I H . I

sioiiAOK itA'iKs ;\mri/)\v:Ma\ Of courm: it i«- , r

He-i Two u»iw motor VHIIH nuil four*•'**) iiorite iniF*' at youi Hiirvirii'., '

Robbins & AllisonOniBn Phone SilS-W

H^ne nitm. VV<Mlli«!lii 7:1 J' '


meal ; woli i:ookoJ a

«pnnj». mat(r«aa. n»x Call Saturday*XtercM» ur sandaj. tH Onogt A»o.


All w^fk »IT»^I [ rw rml *»*i*r*M/,n,

| J300ent*aniai Avenue, .*;KANKOIIIJ, N. i.

Cw«T«liUa u l Cixap Chain tu Ulr..


Von ar« mirij of t)i« • ;CHOICEST CUTS

-uli nii'l loii'lur, if you palmnizolour miirkiit.

Why not oriior s ronM ot Hprin%aiiili for tomorrow?Toletibunin ?«0, J8I, .

I. MILCHW« «l»« H « H OrMii Hlsmpa.

ro i l HALK-Tw6>U In nankinPark. KarKSln for quick buyer. BW. F. IUu)Oolpb, ll« Walnut i i t a m .

Page 6: ^VAROND. CRANE - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 3. · -Veraon.- J.oiury. pomp, ceremonial wen not tbaent tn the eighteenth era rury.—Walter E. Wevl In lUrpet'a Mar* than a third >»f


I Topics of the Sport WorldBy SQUARE DEAL

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • * * * * • * * * * *

Kndy l.'nhola. the Boer. llfbtweUl.i ., ].leuty "f

prominence «-»enil years a y >«*)iilu«l tb« army of oiovl« a<1<ir,, In I* -Angeles. Cal. An accident f.irc«-.l htm ;to quit bailiff ' • !

Hymethln* like a year sx<> Mjuil<-y |Voakum awaited Tbholi mi hi- .Vdnn.'s .apple, a'nd.alnce that time Kii'Ii h a - ]

u hlttlnx the roufb spots ai'i ."llfe'a rocky road

Tuthill to Train c'•lUrry Tiitlilll, trainer-of tbe DetroitAmerican irsime baseball d o b stoc*! : , « a,,,i f,,r the past four year* trainer..'( (I,.- .Vriuy fiK.tluill squad, ha* signedn .•••r.trai-t to condition the CniTeralty

puiwh ended I'uholt'i career '-wrapper, Injured bis health general

j and put hla roll* "on the frill."In order to regain ljt» health t"nh"U

x«ato» a day laborer un the well'! known alfalfa ranch of James .1 J*f' fries, retired chninpluu slid »alooni«"! de l ine f o r nearly a year he tolled InI obscurity. Ilecently he shook the doo.

die hugs from Ida shorn and decklednot.to pursue horticulture aiiy further.He aold his rooster, bought an alarmclock aud nuivinl lutu town. Now h a sa real actor!

Evtra.Financially "Fined."pcuad Baseman John Kyera of the

Boston Braves receive* l lu . iw) a yearsalary and la under contract fur 101(1

In addition lo his salary his contractalls for an additional K.««i If Boston

wlna the peunaut..$l. .Vsrlf the teamfinishes aeruiid.' $!.«») If It gains thirdplace, and |A00 for fourth' position.

Hariao. to Cover Second.Manager H e n o g of the .Clm-lnnatt

Beds nays that he Intends tii pluy s e c

ciTreiT a 8r*t rtasn man fur abort.)•'Win aUmlrn-ttun-he li not

«l with the muketip i>f tbe fled*aa they finished last season and thathe needs several new players- a pitch-er, a catcher, an luflelder and a heavybitting outfielder. As Von Kolnlti hasdecided to retire from baseball. Her-

; Is oii the lookout for a new utilityman.

•{Iroiwna' "Owner rtThat Juiuen \V. ^lurne

new owner1* of the St.i. one of the


FORSAKEN fcNKHtflZfcH.At O~ Tin*

CHiaa. , .Of tO that •« calM -data cttka-«(

the I i i t o Z R , EBUrabcn kaa swateomplctory loot bar former pt«apa«tt]r.On* wbo wandera about bcr aflent andemptj tttmt* mo liapoMifaijr rtaliasthat thU ahnmkm and depopulatedrlty t u owe on* of tte wckltklnt andmeat important In Holland.

r. an- tnrouffc Ctaae ntrteaaiid ability.

lain Federal contract for ' . .h apparently no nujor Bnk1rennird«te» from-tne«»tn-«s»-«

tury or even earlier. In the K-nlth ofIta greatness, tbe seventeenth century.It poaaeaied 40.000 Inhabitant* andflablnc fleet of 400 boats engaged Inthe herring trade. EnkanUen aalkmwere well known for their coarage andseafaring ability.

Hut less than a hundred years latertbe harbor of Enkhulaen waaop, anil her mmmfiT* hadcllned. Since then Whole streets ha»elieen pulled down, aa thai populationdiminished, for only a f ew thousandInhabitants remain. But the ancientgate, the Dromwiarls. that guards Ita .now empty harbor still stands, a monu- .ment of the past greatness o t Enkhu).ten.

The noble Wester kerk I* built ofthe deep red. narrow bricks often oaedlu Netherlands architecture., ' n Itschoir are xome sixteenth century woodcarvings. Its unlovely wooden belfryis deUcbed, but connected with thechurch J«y. a minute bat attractive oldhouse. The small, old. red tiled houa««,each with a different facade, form anIrregular line that Is singularly charm-ing. The street* of the little town arevorv nnint mid e m n t v - Tttelr- stillness .

Old Time Witchcraft.Jane Wenliam was Indicted a t tne

Hertfurdslilre anolzes on March 4, 1T12.for "converslnu with the detll In tbeform'of a cot." under tbe. prortaloua ofthe act of l»l<H...rejieale«l In ITSQ.. U e r

-nrpawutw* u-lai^l.to.httve her abjo In-1 t h f M t b »

I'heto by Anmrlian Preaa Aaaoclatlon.

Harry Tuthill, Fameua Traimr.

of SllihlKiin fnotball team next season.It In uiiileratixxl that the \Ve»t I'olntniithorltlcK hnil •otTt-nil Tulhlll n con-tract for next full.

hint year, iiskeil to be. rnlle-vwl of (b»tpaiU'iilnr duty in the future. He wniitat<> devote .more lime to the <ron» I'oiin-try nu the autumn month?.

Rouach to Play With Giant....Kddle ItouHch. star liiMt year In

and president of the Winipiiiiy Hinti. lh.e ball park, liitemls to an luluLull deeply Is Indicated bv alllenient that he tin* dl-posed of his

meat t i ck ing Interests to bis partners.

^ r H s " s T m r e ' l ^ riijTii'tlelinwTTie iMants tlie com-With Which he was riiliutvli'd. Ing' scilsOM. Ijollsi h develo|ied. Ill 111-

..' — - — — ."•; !"illnTinT>ol)s~h"iiil -was "one "of. the firstChaaa Thirty-three' Years of Age. : players selected when Harry Sinclair

Hal Cbnse oolilinitcd his thirty third invaded Newark, liousch's hutting av-blrlhdHV rt'Ceutly. Despite the fa. t erage was '.MN In Ho gtiuies last seii-that he has readu-d nil age when' most I son.

The Sunday School Lesson

\» nlniost unbroken cwept byIwaUtlfuI eli lmei.-Ansuuaut.

nf ,\iin Thoni, H Hen-ant girl al»-teen yeara uld: rait this was not al-lowed, althouiih evidence was producedlit the trial to show what. Injury hadbeen done the victim by means., ofcrooked pins nnd by placing cakes andcutH' hnlr In Ann Thorn's pillow andhow the prisoner bud caused the deathof some cjitlle 'slmpry by walkingthroiik'h u turnip.Held.

dJuatlcc l'owell IXISKMI . «enteiicc ofdeuth, hm took steps to nuauli the ver-dict. Wenliam'K-prosecutors publishedan account of the case, but their argu-ments .went' .pulverized by selenit icmen. June \Wnluiui herself wan liber-ated nml taken UIIIIIT the, protection ofroionel Pluuiiner. who itave her n cot.

At Dr. Maude »well. Ludan de Saaatata Mr». Searlemedicine for herclan, who blnuelf Icondition. U lat_crKaniuh.ir. wealthyInn him In u fa tuttakex htm to US hback to health.Mra.. Hearle's |K>Vattempts lo set Uier of a landlord.for bin Senile tenaaya he'll raise theSI IKS Kane, who Icome an a'ctresi. Ithat bcr chance*be. good, l i e la c.h

-HwiwKty, in »lw it•ee him ugnln shethe first with hiFarquhar relatea Ione time was mAfrican chjef. Hely run down hyhurt, but i;oe» on IIts Dolly, l i e IIIKIproclaim, their tov

• off-both;- r-arqnha"c1Bu~ariSIffllT"Cnr(ls

aoclety and meetsShe lenms fromwife, to whom t.idevoted, had diedclnn iK«ln «w» !'•

: iM'tiefactor uo towhich Knninhnreach receiver a letrence, Lionel un5

Laurence's suiter,do tilth, but hudthereforo becomlnA strlko Is cnuslnmines, and n light

Keln. IJII, in loveto enter a notorfu

thut Ui.-lT*JU-th4t—wlioLe.country, wajifully cnnvluied ofhi-r Itinocenee.—Lon-don Spectator. . . -

A Hungarian Barbiion.All tli:>t Is most vital und inlerestlng

lu present day IluhKiirtnn art Is direct-.r Indirectly 'traceable to the actlvl-

Mis s it in motion in N liny bun vn. itbeautifully situated little town in east-.

JE^j-traordinary as it may appear,£^j-actly at thi9 time eacji succeeding year£^j-treme artistic taste our hens do show.£ljM-hibitin0 etftfs with colors all aglow.£^gj-amples finer never yet were seen,

h bright with^jjlue^pinjk^njdj|reen.Eggj-hausted must those hens be; such displaysE^ivtol the merits of the fowl that.lays.JE^jr-plaiii irhow you may, it dqes seem funny.jE^j-amine for the cause, the heii's a bunny!

teli that atiimal^most rare -——-—

The Rleen Chriat (Easter L i u o n l - 1 'Cor. xvt 1-28—Memoriie Veraea X 4.Ooldan Teat, Now Hath Chriat Been 'Raiaed From the Dead, trie FiritFruits of Them That Are Aaleep, I |Cor. KV('2O. j

What Is Ktister Sunday ?'.Our- Anglo Su\on forefathers before

they bet-ame Christians believed lu aan-whom Ihcy tuilluaLijajmo^^Jj^

the in.null of April they held'ii festival'lu her^.h^nor, bej'inlse they sujiistseilthat she brought. Inii'k the W-utltlf-ulspringtime to take-the place of thi1 colduud dri'urljif^s .of.a.liilrj, .VVjicn '.'hris-.tlanlty SUIHIUIHI our' imgan ancestors,the feast of Kaster was brought over

TEi^'"^ofch^^*»iT^ttVSa"*li*iis'Miin*itedious coniro.versy.lt was determinedthat Kaster should always fall on Sunday, the. exact time to be ti led everyyear,J according to the povitlon of themoon In Its revolution around the earth.Th« Sunday lifter the full moonjlfuitfollows the\vcnial eiiulnox Is MasterSuudiiy. The church also chnneeil-the

lug of Kaster aiid determined thatIt should l i e ' the annual wmruemora-tlou of our Lonl's rlsliii; from the dead.The resurrection-of our Lord Is a vitalpart of our faith every "day In tbe year,but on Kiislcr Sunday -we give It espv;cl«l promiiieuct1

Twiir Important doctrines.The apostle 1'aul cull^l the Chris-

tians t>* v\ttiicss that he had from thevery first prvached 'he truth of Christ's

-throutfh~gtl~the^world, but 1 declareience^ proves that bunnies with four le^snot in producing china eggs.

MOfRAL:Ejjj'Cited is the rooster; ^j - t inc t will be the hen;Eggj-cessive will the cost be of new laid eggs, but thenE^tfj-cusable the chickens, refusiiig firm to lay,jEtf^j-asperated as they are on bunhy's; festal day.


dead. Some hud forgotten that Cacl.or else they hold the doctrine of therysurrvcjIon to l>c ait unluiportnnt inutler; We sometimes see (s-ople lu ourday who believe a great irulb after nbulf hearted fashion without rvttliilugwhat Is Involved in' It So It was withsome of the Christians lu the church

i of Cvirtnlh. They made light of thej secoudTialf ot 1'auls gvwpvl. und their

levltjjsyve invasion of much^vl l conduct~Tne" "gfeaii~Biw»tleraK-T5rV>tPthafthe rvsurrectloii was Just as Importantan Item of faith us the death of Jesus.If Jesus died on acc*»uut of v>ur sinshe also rose agalh to show that ourbodies are freed from the power of sin.

What tbe witnesses say.Some doubting man may say that

Jesus did uot rt#e from the dead: Itwas all a mistake uud there- was notruth In the rel»>rt. 1'aul *avs (here

-arc tironiluont men in Ihe chun h. wellkuoxijn »nd. art-easlMe. who testify thatthey saw Jesus alive in the IKHJ.V afterU s death They, are such jiicn as IVterand the <>tber dltclides. r«X> bretbrvu,tome of vtbom ar*. still m l u g ; Jamesaad (be aiwstles a second time l»aulhlniaelt aaw Jeaui u d held contccaa-

lii'ii.wlth lihii.' ami. his own characteru as l he result of the trace bestowtslupon him for the sake V.'f \1csus. AreIhest- devout men to IM> taken at theirword'.1 N anything to be taken on hu-ma'it testliuoiiy) No fact In history,not eVV'irlTip"lleTTlirT»T"T?i5tlS7"liia^"ninrocredM'h1 witnesses than the fact of arN«.n. ll\ tug Jesus. ;.,

Christ lives ngiiln, but meu do nc>t

ilirferi'iit wiiy.j "I am wllllii); to belleve," he says, "that Jesus rose fromthe dead, hut that fact has no meuutm;for me, 1 do not see In his risen lifeany proof that I shaft live nctlln." Pilitianswers very promptly thai .leans rose.'JtJiJ m J t ^ e f , ,f Mwgtt, s » ermr for'ffiir SHVe". Ho illed that wemlBht ha\e ;i wnv nr escape from ourslits, ahil he rose from tbe dead thatwe tnltiht have n Jiope beyond' theL'rnve. If there Is no resurrection ofdead people, then It Is nil « mistake tosay Mint Christ himself Is risen. TheKi>s|iel of salvation nivds scarcely to bopreached If It has no inessaBe for meubeyond this life. Fulth Is. a vain'thitiKIf It does not Join human life to thedivine life' forever aud forvver. Sinstill has Its last and most terrible vic-tory over us If death ends our relation1

to Jenus- Christ. If Christ alone Is risenfrom the dead the whole itospcl Is a.iuo.kery aud : we who ( reach It areworse thnn all other sneering deceivers.

The tlrst fruits of a Kf'at harvest.The a|Mist|e has answo'rWl the doubts

Tl ->HUe I "fIhiniiili I'liuFcTHnemtwrshymi appeal to trustworthy witnesses anilby sliowlng that the risen life of Christmentis infinitely more thun iT benefitending at the grave. He .now asserts"again that Christ Is ri.«en Jud men risewith him. -Our Lord did not abolishdeath, but he did what was far morewonderful-., he conquered sin and so re-

It out.rftlUllps Hrooks on.-p saTdT^Tho lire

of a true Christian seems to me to becontinually fullof Easters. The partialand.Imperfect and temporary arc al-ways being taken from us and burled

, that the perfect and eternal may riseout of their tooths to bless'us." This u

I a good beginning for our quiet ta«d!t»:j tions, 1V> you feel that you are onlv a! partial Christian or that your life Is

only iii small-part what you want it tohe? Do JVIHI know your own imper-

' tectlons. and do you wish to eon.uicr[them? , Are you giving ttio.miich at-| tentlon to the temporary things of life.i aud do yt'M wish to grow more aud•' more like Jesus ' Reuicait<er these, nooderful words''of 1'aul, - i n (,'hrUt

shall all be mada aiive."

were .united hy kindred alms. They re-nlUrmed the iiospel of light and air tri-umphantly . enunciated by Monet andMntict; they introduced into Hungnrlnnart u fresh anil vlgort»us note of real-.ism that liberati-d personal aud; racial

came Ihe Hungarian llnrblzou In t h e .sense that here art returned to natureand was puriiled." With this return to


old friend, Meryiwhom he tells hisees Dolly and exclologlcal work tnlof placea and thaiwrongly. Bernard

• and sbo is on ththlmji But'fh'v sinhim when In Ids ctwhat ho expects 1


C'hurlesworth. theof earth and rock.Hiclan dead, openhitter. I'ousclelicei-vad It. but instcimine, and with.oil

- t i l ing the two bnriihhe na^ maiit* lie:hurry back to KIIM

their Ions ln'clected peasant art, anirtheiici'forth nntnrnilsni developed handIn hand with n marked tendency to-ward decoration that found Its inspini-Uon:.lu tim .uiUesl.USlditlonS .of-,Uje.T«i;e—,After many and diverse wanderingsHunyarlnu nrt ,ciime Jiach; to lta.osrn_.

vik In Centurit

An'aaathatic For th* T.ath AVantad.Them Is no lot'ttj Anaesthetic that '

will penetrate dentine, which formathe prlnclpuTpart of a tooth. That Iswhy dentists hurt teeth so much whendrilling holes In them for. fillings orwhen KrludhiK them down for goldcrowns. Any one why . will Inventsomething that can he put on a toothto render It Insensitive for ten minuteswithout Injuring It has a fortuneawaiting him. . '

Cocaine mid novocaine, which areVised "us ' ICK-iinriScstBeQiS" In otherparts of the iKvily, have no effect upouthe teeth, as they rannot I>cnetrate thehard tissue of• which these are com-

A Carlyla Snub.Carlyle had an Inveterate hatred for

Darwinism, which he described, as the"gorilla dunininrsrion of humanltr."Leonard H u i l e y In. his life o f - h l afather recalls uu Incident that hap-pened shortly before Carlyle's death."My father." he. wrltea. "saw him .walk-lug slowly and nlone down the opposite '.1.1.. nt Ihn-ltrwt -t,.l tr..,,.nt.J

solitary 'npiH'anince, crossed over andsp"ke to him. The old man looked athim anaV uier«ly~fvma"rUuig.' 'You'reHuilcy, aren't you; toe man that sayswe are. all. descended from the .mo-a-keys?" went on his way." .

Happy Family."I shall never marry," announced

the sUtevQ-yeur-old daughter."I said, the very same tbiug at your

age." sighed her mother, "aud goodnessknows I've often wished I'd kept mypromise."

"And you're pot the only one who'swished It. either." barked dad. whobad entered the room unobserved bythe other two.—Sju Louis Post-Dlav

> ' . i

Page 7: ^VAROND. CRANE - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 3. · -Veraon.- J.oiury. pomp, ceremonial wen not tbaent tn the eighteenth era rury.—Walter E. Wevl In lUrpet'a Mar* than a third >»f

[Concluding "Chapter]


teAt Dr. Maudes Misery ni Maria- i'aald l.u.iau. ili<trfii!ly -teauuii;

well. Luciau de Sautuairi; a patient, 'and strci.-lima n pair ofaaatita M n Sear I* to buy the uece*»ary j , . u the opposite «c»t. "lut-amedicine for hi>r falling infant. Lo- i icum-diiut I 'M-nothing but my fart"clan, who himself U in wriousi-ptiysical up from Ituicr." •condition. is lab?r befriended by NoelFaftjuhnr. wealthy bachelor, wbo.-fiud-Init him Iu u falut hi the muddy utrert,taken htm to US home and nurses him

I'll. *tm«l tip lo lift downIii" I-.IL; ami pni .ui )d« overcoat, in nilof uhi.-ti :t<ii>>ii- lit* wan us neat Jtuil

back to health. Ui . iau tell* him of i , , u i e t a m l , | . t i m > u s ii 'at. After aMra. tk-arle's poverty, ami Faru.uhar j ,|,,,rt puusc lie turned t" t.uiUin ugalnattempts to get e. u ml»-er of a landlord, to reduce the rentsfor bin Seailp tennnts Instead I'auciar« he'll raise them, Farquhur meetsMiss Kane, who lux ainbltluiu to be-come an actress. 1'anjuliar advi>t«a IHTthat her chances on the stage woiddbe good. He la charmed with her per-

j „ , „ , HIlil, M1|U , ( ,m t

j at»ln

u. "I uliallWill vonhave a dei k

Minn- Ifr". . -. ."I shuHlie awfully Ul."'ntbl l-Uebm

i-i'ri iiin.-h anmied."80 slinll I.""Well, under lhos« i-trciimstancea

yon liiay In- Kraleful und comforting.

Blast coaat l lai O I T M ktta « • H>Mo*t»W*U. '. W a t vt tk* tkiM, Uarta* nacaa*

ta* atttiuB at tea BttMtw to T aad ait•ft 0 walk to I ' U M , a« t w atOardistance. tt» « « • BtirrlJ U n * Ta»eiuaoMtoa of ibc prvitMlteotana. tatHwd U} a Umt

a sWntwa* n*bt andauiiriy. ,»elifh«U do« u eoco

btr laadr. U* liad bad unthtus to«at". ivrliug awagUafd-*t..!»"»«* aud_luckiu* Hie rtakw* at Mi«uk»w»lE~Tfc«familiar awrulBC aceutwi luuntrjlane* "puu round him •» be went.

Muf umiuie* after tbe up tame tbedown train (mtu town. hrinciuX Noelraniuuar aud i.a.1 Laureii»»n. (w in*rmli uttivr tlw ant time un the plat-|..rui. ihvjr MIUIHI diatamly- 1-al I****!out of tbe stntlmi from'th* down plat

a field |Mttb led pail tber*y pUutH1* mld-^-Mh—*•

Hue to the mad. 1'sniuhar vriwaadover to Uw nwlu bu'lUltncn "f tbe "na-tion: '.ui the up platform. «nd there Uttin- jard found hi* dog curt, waitln*witii mi eitrcuiely *ir«py grootn. Tbla'Was biii tnimp curd.. lie had teleKrapb-rd to StBilw* (row titxUnu* beforeever the} started. Uy this he bupedto forestall l.urlau ut raiuw. And nowall three-had entered on. Die dual stageof their Journey.

Farjpihiir» dug cart (lew down to*hill mid under the railway nrt-h. notoe-lemly rvmiilug mi Its-fublwr tires, pastthe uttnjery. and Ihruugu the villageII ml on Into the conutry lane*, lungtunnels «f g w n sprinkled with mm-light, . The trre|ironch.at<le HlinpHon•tilt IUU iiehind. They turuwl 11 hharp

tr»*ttk I *Ofktea Mat. U M ltaa> * • taw I tUluia* had mat •bated for mwml Oajfa."he an i»W with a null*. IMljr Wtor iwfer drop ajaliMt .bir aktrt.'

"1 navcr KbuWht h»<o MBt yvMt Lai1 o«gtil to ba\« know* brltrr. I tutklak a* bad hurt Loiian: tth. 1 havebcra a fool: A >«I).V cvuld uut tw

tban l'«r>|uh«rwbeB.be caiTt. ft>r aay HOP, audca*e |or l.i*cian. l'Uer«, l i f n 1u in

«e« him UL-iiln she attemlx churrh forthe first with her brother Kerunni.Farquhar relatea to l.urlan how he ntone time «us mnde n «lave. by nnAfrican chief. Bernard Kane l» near-

;"If 1 dlil ii"t I Hlimild u*>t hnye ifk«1

you.'1 tultl the xirou^er ctiiirtaety."Ifa ri-ally rrnuirknlil.tr c«od «f yoti.""'Then tlint'H settlml; . tliauka very


proclaim their love to hi;r. Sheoff Ixrth. rurqnhnr rtealsi n kj's». l-u

iOflety and meets "(Snnibllni,'1.' McrtonShe Icnnis from him t tin t Ijiclau1*wife, to whom l.urlun had Ivi'ii verydevoted, had died of coiiHiimptlon. I,u-cinn tiRaln nova Holly. /.I.uclnn and hisbenefactor tfo to the llelitlan lulnea.which rnrijuhflr ov\ns. While themeach receives a letter from Polly. Ijiu-rence, Lionel und bolly visit Mrs.

I-jaurence's FUityr, Angela, had tried todo tilth, but hnd''made poor iiroRress.theroforo becomlnc Jenlous of Iiollv.A Btrlko la raualng uiieasii»'S« at (hemines, anil n tight seems eertiiln. Her-nard^UlseoTers'hp^" Iti love with An-Kcla. IJII, in love with Polly. IH seento enter a notorfoii* resort, and Dolly.

j•old friend, Merynn the. gnuibier, t o 'whom ho tells his troubles. Merjron•ees Dol l ; and eiplnlns how Lal'a so-ciological work tukuH him Into all kindsof places and thnt she U judsInK I-alwrongly. Bernard proiionoK to AUBCIII.and stio Is on the ve.nse of acccptlni:him.'I But'fliv smlilciily tonui BKiilnst

lmiwheu In ill* crude «!uy be tells herhat ho e ipects hi u wife. Jilts. 1'ri-

ter'tr!hrst^»W ^ipiia^ifc

C'hurlesworth. the foreman.'under toiwof earth and rock, raruulmf. liellevlnjtL»lclan ilead, opens H letter sent to thehitter. Conscience stricken, he do.«.ii'tread It. but Instead runs back to theniliie mid with others succeisls in res-tiiliiK tbe two bnrli'il men. I'oily writes

^ 0 w ' T i * " m 7 r a e rhurry back to

mad Faniuhar ehe.kW him inercl-le«»l.r. Khinced b«ik to »e«> the causeof otTt'Uiie mid pulled him up short,l .miau Hat 1 ln«.pluK his tnVe« by thewaynldr: ' '

He liwkexl up, i'oiisciouitiiei»s of de-Khluu und ehiirltu-it mi bin face, lm-di'iitllv linimlietice

Ills tirooin "Hh 11 curt. "Hold Hint,"Ki'irnnK down. 11ml went to i.ti'-iinrr

Totlli-, will you - confound you!"filt'e 1 lulnixeil. . "lloltlK to

ie lil« a- lift, noiiu.i !" ' .'If you ^up|)ll»,'e I iHli leavi.' you

"itlBlit. (hell, 1 111 dead bent-"l o r the'set oiid'time .l-'anpiluir plek-1. him up ;iiid deiiimlled him 111, the


N INE, ten. half.past. Dnrknt-sshad fullt'ti, spniiKlrd withstunt, and the southwest windcame swcepluc .across die

•nkx-w-lth''n'iVtiltimd;-«t"vdy- |uv»«ir4<.which remliuleil LUCIIIII of tin' ptrmii!

.. 1 UshtJi; ia.v'far bohind.nlid(lUvnt wus pus«ed. and they torethrough Bruges with three scrcechi'*,ledvluK a trail., of opalescent smokethreuiled wltb'flre and noisily roc.kluuand atufflly »melllug us a lk-l»;uiu tmlnalone can. Over the wide flat hindsthey raced, with a throbbing repeiitedIn triplets us clear us the milt of aKaJlopliig horse. No tunnel,1* werehero. A prating rush aud a roar toldwlicu they passed.ii 1 annl und ndr-rorcd their squure coldeii windows oneafter one In the ulnss of the w'atcr sodark and so still. I.uclaii lcajud out.received-"-pepiwrlua " f Krit fryin thueiiKlne-und j;ot his tlrst breiith nf thet-ea. There In the west the Kky Klowudoverdsieiid. He relecntcd the nrl»-tofnitic Ktriimer to 11 prison dark and

t i r t - a r . w i i n p i o > i » e t i s i-.- u n - ^ . u . ' i , . ^ ,

and turned I'nuu his own fiim ies lofa<;e the'facu of Ufv. Ve.ir- dr<.p|.Mlaw-uy like dead leaves.' He 11 * »-*J as:u|ii

. tiiroiiiih the hours when "ic fumbledwith Merynn while his wife lay deadabove, 1 in those -hours he bad cometo know despair, mid now. dlxplai'-liu;the veils'whlih resolute cunrasc drew

Fame liif.\tjrnble Htieamonts eonfroiit-'tng him:—tiv' had' mvVrrery pafh of life. He VIM II failure.Iwlly wanjxulJ.nr lilni- lie hud knownthis, while refiwIiiK 'to leiieve. Hetlld rickiioKlwlKe It now itiid na. l i« lth« nadir of his trouble* l*fore thefiiia^sentcii'e fell. - ..- •

"\Ve shall luive a--rot)gh i-n-Vsiiie,"aald the stranger, foldlhs np his i«iin-r."Are yoii n cix«l sailor?"~*:ToIerabIy vile.: lire ymir

"Couldn't be m n o . " -»W tho.ntran-ftt. laushins. "I'o you s" l*lowV"

"Xo: t He where I. fall, and abide'Inmy mlwry until'my Journey's end: Sle(rantlt l» my mr>tt» iiud sick it iiiways

0 1» too.""You'll get wet Uiroucb if >»u -Uy

on deck tonlgbt. Why don t you try> private cabin. They're comfortable."

l l u i f II Illlle lie.Volld (IjlB the.' KIIIC" o f

ane«. .1111fr011l.il t h e l o u d . . AS tlitv

l iorse slin k e l l e d . l o l iKieud t i le bib t h e

lumped down to' throw tbein_ open, but wlieu he.turiifd tie »u« tbal

thtiy n ere-open iilreii'dy. aud that hismusters iiirrlane was iiiiihditiiK downIlin Wlojie. l ie mil utter it forji Uttlu

Uttiv.^i!i!.j^i'Jif3t!SE^^'IT~''i'~lu i iouir^le bTl«Tles luiTf gftf"TiTtt"

his pipe. 'Kuripibnr ilrmt-' nonelesslj*' down

the smooth yellow drive., He UKUinpulled up wlih n Jerk.

In the fresh timruliiii Niiiislilue be-fore iliu open dtHir stissl Holly, In herblue rnxk, CMIIIIIK (lie kilxeons jo be

They salleil down! to lief, blui!uud fawn; anil ^lilte HI m o w , selllluK

and-HfKittJtpr^ ;iiul.-*»lt*t. aeattetretl haill|fUlN of «'lllln "blch Kllllereil

•iiii rrrrwer "m-psif:In ciifoV IIH the

like bv>tli i'f 1 Item Ttau u 4affair. 1 »mid>r 1 do wonder » l u tthey'll do. ' - ' •

"1 r-hould Inucj ll.at 1 ar-|uliar willr»U'olr bliutn-lf uithlli tn« tear." Mid1^1 iH-nemely. "1 ui vgci' aurrj' forI >f Miiuimvt

•That i* »l»-rr prrjudle«\ I u> la»i' Ufar uior<' ilkrly i» net oveT It i"»'n I ban

. «••'.-. • - >..«. :t •« • . •».-<N\»l t'ana^ihar mat* into IU* l lbmrj ~;

at t t » UUn-. aud Kuknhnl bto'wrtUna jtable, tow or la*** vl«iraut lull tup ;Amvrtra'ti (MntrttaufM full of- draw- >m and pUtsJvluil«. Hi> ti«>k unt bta |


: Enough to Make[ Anybody Laugh

blotter, ut« writing (Mi|<«r.


htf tv-ltr made »ur>- tlint ttiU » m

aud thru >IIppv«l |viik aud began to w nil1.- _^

11 Ttl*.' rvllltiNIMI

llevo be eter w tu svl «»M It WcllT'» lookeil u»ay at tbe «alUcn >ky, |hfuu. her Prtiwn drWwti down. * "I

n o t to l,. Hum tuynelf. tb»t.s cer-tain, u»r can Jon. 1 wu#t write and.e.iplalu. t «up|K»e." -. ; lHillr.' Lai i>ald. dvUtsluu tier, "fdu

bave nevir li>UI me nhtcb, (Her all,you lueakii to takr. ivli|»u you »mu'Dioueil theni 111 that fashion."

"1 dart* nay >o.uMI Ililuk me a fm>l."iKiliy aald after a |«ni»e I h»tr-\aiHla ling people no self, but ttic truth Is,.I could not ninke up uiymluii. I couldhardly benr to refuse l.iuinu; yet NiwlKanpiliar faWtnatnl me. I don't denyIt. Hla In »uch a •trung character, andhe dkl care (or me. I'lien Ludau «it»ixmiilteiut, wblla Mr. Kiu.pihur wus

t<-t:*|\r I Ut>4 ill uhi> It I4- m ' •Jtifcto

1. nin t«aa'hrtkiun .bu

><> "" '

llO|W li<M «UJ| firt" \ jo* tUl I^-Wirit • llnli.Thl» *i*» Kp^n luv nt..!n_UijLj%rv»«l I Jtn»vf

Ihv muUfi o.( vlrtur, l»olh Ui |tul'IU- Mtutt*livsl«^ tn tiriivr tit N t m Ml" n i m i t i . |

rliitllpti|l# ati> utnu lit tug In M V I lia\t>mil wicvtHiHtvtt. tttm^ftU i* unqiitistltitis-b ly t i l t t»v«| pvtltt'jr Tur tt« m<«n n lit)n t s h r s til thrive t would mil wlnh tu <llswith «* lui un in?, t t i* . - the tuaiti of trull!

Withinr, lii|ivih«ii. «nit-l\ rn>li

itll« tueith v*rtai

i)n!tltrrr»tlllti • l u l ' - M nmi CIMUU1* of tini'iviinith« p t t l r m i i ti> i i n ^ ifort tn th» vatfti^ hot**'l l l lUi* B«tll. I tuku IhrIn Mhuiiltrtc ttiyo^ir- 1 ,Mtrrv.,n>tifiitillim«lt)- f ra inv l i*a Mittin•noui ih to tiitnk dtr in»wlf ll*<|M*«t 1>IAI I inn not liift'l..!>*«. Irt ' lilt; l>v»t-nli I hi' IH

A }>MiUlfuiallriU

I wim nutt n,i».i«niM

m i l IIIHI"1» I 'KiMl (Hiaitii'it. II»(I rutHiutilttoUM. l.iil, . l lesides, Ifcnmrd UUM

nctiiitlnuailv nariilnK me nuuluat htm.And I w a s no cotoplgtrly Iu love withyou that 1 did -nut very much tare Iwhat I did with tujuclf. You did iron 'ble me MO." she broke off, her'voice ;fciifteittntf to u richer Indeclion. ">.uuulmomt tinike my )it'iirt.. I wits »oproud of you for Mm. ' what you Mrc.

illld 111 HiliT yiiUTiriKiir p l o W I" ciiilllt "Ium"dietTTTiri :Iei r l""i iTeniu'l"e""lK;Jil""I'll nur lll.l -I'.ivs Cm m-rlliii it ' '

"i>h, 1 ully!" iald Lai. und bent down itpiliklv ID kl«« ber. The shy, «wlfi,f u r t h e uioveuuMit bronchi tears loliiilly's e>e«. There wns re te iv inn inills tollili; there- WIIN evell tl.we; uud so.fur Hm lli»t t i m e . " l » d l y tu»liil tin-k-riice of true liuiiillltv •

"Wnll " >hc |ii. t i l l up tlie Ihrenil 'ifher tonfe»[doli with l| BIL-II "1 »ilppo»e

v ln-rliirv.» l iul l irul

rum iimUiii 1ill,* u l iu iv

>nl. in tup (tin-ntltl of fi-ln tt<'tiiiiiHnnil Vi ltt>f mv tililhiilsi'

Htfn ami nctil>,iinlHy. I i-poiuiall iut In thti tf*>-(Mitflr l i l - v . >uiuili Itimalii. 1ull> >.nura. . :

N u i : i . i i M i r i i i il'hf I.ilu,*. .Nt.inkknwil. .1,1

U h e n tin I, i,I Hnlahii) h

m ilit-m fui lit-f thit |iruvlni'»mn, *lt. fulttl-

read over'Jim Teiler ~\v itli"

t *s.i doTiTii"1- illld I'-sl'lle

iVn«fiivfr.iii:; A v m i v

Whan • Man'* Qr^t, .1 nmild like t'> a>k ;oii on* m a n

<)wwtKiti." salil tht> youth:'"Irl It «w>r." ro.iimtl th» hnni«

ii'rViw ii'pTifttwMipher"^"-"Wlh'ii," .i|ilo(ed ttm yi»ulh, "wnuld

5*>u aiy. that n man ft«* achlvrtHS i£rr«t-'

"When he ilrHTven bt« own opinionT himself," inmHrreit the hiime tfrown

Why H* R.turn.J.ln»nie Aitiiln, ch. doctor?

l f t f i i i U L J S J ? t ! E l _ - T ' h '(vt J "ii out Thcr>iv"

"K>actl.V. Tiler* »•»• nn|r no* <•»••of Rlrkues* tu town th«. whola tiro* twan thrw."

"Anil 1 nupnunK mum ether dintnrhad that." ••••'•:"

"No, I hm) It it ™ honK»k-kn<w»"lUwton TrmiKTi:'! . .

Ju»« th* Oth'*r War."Hvir i fituibito,) HiiibitiDiiN *r*> ii'ldiini

reallntsl ". "Tito I rue ' . . .

"Ij l fni i l lb me t» lu«t tlio nni'r-e >fwhtil I thonctit It would Iw."

"llnw »o "" I t h o i i i f l t t I w.tt i* g - i b t g . t . i Ki-i i t , , -

w o r l d ' e n U i - i v Lt.itd l i m v I o i a k i i u t v : i \

ITIK- n c l l l i i i i ' m m i p i i M i - ' l . i i i i i , i i , : , . • , , u

b u r K l ' i u c t t l a i i k ' i t l y <>t

b i l l , heelllt: only l.tli'liibe weul oil wt l l l l ibI l lk l l i i ; Hie pi'e.'HUtli.llblotter III ro«s the lev

er Ills shoulder,ii dc Saumiiri'ii.

leildllli:, utterof itruwliiK tilsliter to bide II

W l l l i n n H u l l " , r l l i n l i l v n n l l t v I I m l

h h a l u e f m ' e t l n l r . I l l i e n <1*ig D i a l I I I M

U M M I l a u g h l K t e i l t i l m . l . l l i l a n w i ' t l ' t i l l i d

not nee w hut to dn. uud -1 did not fnr«iLyseif, und lleruuril would nth 1st* inetill I MII muztxl wllli IhlukliiK. Hu I 'elldiHl by leuvllil; it t.t clinnce."

"And bow niil you sett le It : '" I snld I wollltl llcct'pt. tile one who

reached me lirstt."

I'nripihur closed ihtt i l e l i \ i i I v t - r . . i ; l u l M - | l U f

I.uclnu hfunl the'Ills hentl fitid for

li-ttet und tookuiflli.al l.lli'lllll.

uioveuti-ttl , t u r n e dHie m o m e n t toi.lt


u i \ i l i e kini i i iet l l i u i n l k e i i b b f

I 'a i ip ihur , old uiiiii he I'.

•• i-otild not i;et t i n y ' ( u i i i i i r.

iloit i c l a i m In '•"•

vlituiiMo I piny tint, piiiiiu m e i e l r

k i l l l iuiK.

M r K n m - I ' u n ' l > o u

tuiirc l u e r i l f i l l ileMtli'1 1time

of 8»ctiritjr,I'PP"1'

Tsiild','" iuriiliii, U nof HWIt'tUFB* 1111(1

A bare 'Yen' und

you've goi;" I'oilyhim her fu'ei lull(Ire.

"What 'have I cmnolldtiK inure*.**

"Vour own fault for unking «ii"h n• pie^llou in such n |.lit« *<. , I loug.-f) t,>sink Into the mound ll.-sldes, I 4u\.-you .the |irtiiiiii>e of-iuy riiunin^e VIMV.I.

''Whnl iniirrlnge innn!" . jt

rioo.kliiK ~dSTi" j ie ivni i ;

[ t h e n lilt' illeVllllblti l a w of Ids l i i l l u i e• IIMserletl i lhelf, IIH It luid-dtillii l i f fore ,

; j i s In'l i i it i P - H 1 W U ) S w o u l d I hi* p o w e ri Hun held Idlii III t ioudl ice . He t o r e the.i l e t l f l — i H T o m illld l icrosn lillll l l . l . m

' i ignln u u d (lung Iho fru'i;inei)(N' Into

I he grille. He look tip Hut revolAer ii.Vtile linrrel .mi.I l iurlnl It HirotiKh ibew,lmUi^- lii-rotMt-UiH -llow«r:...lMi4«-iuliithe r.vuiitJtln on the IHWII U n ninj . .

nTi^~ Iii'-eiV ie'riT^iTjoieiT"'" "ii-iKrd ttii»

Nke|llli'lll lllltllMllHll'e,

"VIM, indent, sir," replied |hi> fa»nrn\ su i tor . "Hilire <M||- eUk'UKfrltient W I N

itunii iuiced tttitioitt a n y *>t Ihti baul.it .

lire w i l l i n g 'n dltii'iinii! tny l i o l c s . '- '

llli Inn.Mill I l i l ies IllNpnI. ll.

' «

•Thtrvt" sh* laid, clasping her handl

cabin, mid very ill were they both,(..specially l.ul, who suffered like aniurtyr, without une croan. He could

selllsh tlian (his, but, unluckily, Ills'conscience was too* lofty . minded toapplaud him for u sacrifice merely ofpeuuual dignity. Virtue failed to re- |ward Itself here. Moreover, he wiispurtly ofopinlnii that lie lnul.iuiide

were .bright and pun:nunllght tr«cir. one pigeon limiteddown ullll olltspreild ipiiet «lllKS Ulldlit nil her liure bend, und site luitghcdin»-!.|ie. shook It off a I'liri'lt'Mi laugh, afree liexturc, whl.h broiiullt !)»', bli«;i|

hand (eil on bis urni, unii he sitw whathe Imd no( seen before, what Dolly,wlUi.her buck turned, still did not »eu

suit In the ail of leaning a bleye|»ugiilust (he wall, n-bicycle which 1111-kludly fefiiseil to stanti. l ie settled Ita( last, eaine nnlselessly behind aud

n slrnimef. "tlie hollow suiind iif f.tt-clun.s ciiugll uud the liiollTiifnr dis-play of iliipplng pussungers nt puverwere ' consolatory, inasmuch a* theypermitled hfra to fnther Ills impulsivebehnvlor on loaiuuui humanity.

(if tlmse drlppitiK piiHwngera Furqu-Imr was tlit wettest uud leust |iltliible.Vor ihe^-pnst four hours he hud iM'euleiiultig over' tlie bow*: watching thespeed of the slenluci', and foruiulutlnfiurguintnts that should be urgentenough to pi'x-uh.' him » speclnl -fitI'IIU-IV Those urguiui-nts only fulledbeoiuse the thing was impossible,rurslng high "iid cursing low. Fur-I'liihur went to look ut u tllnctnlile umlfntind that the quickest way to reachSlonkswell w»s by going straight pustIt In the express up to Londmi mid

went .ifr to 'utke';hl» ticket, ron'fldentthat thiiugh hu and his rival might nr-rive n't MoiikKweil together, he wouldjet lie the first to see Kolly nt Fauci.Hnw"Th3"t""~T"'/llid l i e - w a i t ' h i s MiTCl . •""••

Hut they dltl u<'t arrive at Monkswellloaethcr. l.ui'i;in's unre< ognlztii friendhad a mind to follow Fariiiibar's plan,nin| be went up hy the express I.u-i Uin tiuile bilh gotMlby^ and' rexnulnefl


no'rldoisom tirid iing of light over her beiiutiful. vividyoung face, us her basket ulld downthe curve of ber drooping nnn «ndspilled .her.go.ldeii store..

' Yon!" slio .said. "Hack already!I've wished ten times nn hour I'd nev-er sent you, Lai.".-

Luchtii shut his eyeM, Karquhar.without a uord, dragged the chestnutround and lnsln«] him till he went dy-ing hack up the,drive, scattering pubbles nt every step. - -

in (he break (hat followed both (urn-e<l mid lookisl after the dog carl. Dol-ly »[Hike first. "There!" she said. clasp-Ing her bunds together; "now It'sdone.!"., •

"They had lio. business In listen," Lnlnaltl.' It was hU eiubiirrahsmenl that

flush. "I.uclan listen? I-.m-lan w.</u|dno mure listen tliiin you niuild. Theycould not help seeing." \gnln shepn-ssed her hands t"«ctlier and letthem drop at her side with n gestureunconsciously tragic. "I wi*h'lt hjid

'not Impfiened so, I.al!""I don't wojider you like him: bo's

very attractive."in

la—Uta-j.h**,' '

*i xirry"Ilil p,rfA

for Iiu»f I nay Illtlr.

spring lie had ni;nlc tlie aiipjalntanceof a (siiter. Ik-tweeu the station andthe pier ili'W hail"-lieronje Intlmait-frlend*. i-'i' 'an si.ught out this lununow, and by illul of TIIU.II iwrsuaslvtri?li»t|Mcm pr'scilui-ed hliu Into 'an aliln-mice. ..There. <nj ho slow tmln upfi.r f'/mc hours, but a gouls train.start-et'l Itmiiedinti-l.v after the Mi-rew. Thej«.rler iind I.uclaii both talkeil to thedriver «f tliat ensini' from the timethe imat ea.me In till the corals trainwent off. a"1' a f t e r i t 5 1 <l'i'artur' ••"-ciin was no more to I* »e*u at l>o<er

the•Priory " n a 8 •'•rW|>' againstrules, no doobt but rules are, not tin- thought It u»ele«i« to go on,breakable. The canM<luenrip » « s tbatLwbiii was rained out at FavenbanjJunction nztn thi morning and toere

never think I don't feel. Well, it ean't.be bcr(>e<l lion." She turned tin l.fmket ujinlde down frrpr/'Thc fiSj tcc iiMcr'iwiliiig ri'Utid her few. und brushedthe busks from her skirt. "Hid youbring them back with you? l)kl youknow jhey werecomlni!'; Last nlifht'spn)M?r saW • they were : remued, nomore." '

IJII IC'ive her an evening Jourtinl,prlti- .T centime*, whoiie theme* weremurder ..and sutirten death Mod the ju^v-entb commandment, all prlntef) In Tib*black t y i * upon villainous drab [I»I[HT' When I got to Namur I H * tbU. 1

b* MM.while I»ISj (klrnmed tbroofh a hUdtlysexwatlotial narrative of Farqubar'the'roiiBJ and Luclao'i fortitude. "1

••(•ertaliil.v I KIIIIII,". iMilly said., wllli "I'liifouiid ;proud bun illly. I tnUe my Niu.iid WIOI IHM-II doing foother wotri'ii. We all promlso to* obey, i

•on: 'whinyoiii«elf';" InIMF. I Ml.

htivn youmild.

The Love of LibertySurges Through the Blood of Us All

Where the thinking-man wake^ to-bis-stcenj{th be.throws off all binding shackles and embraces freedonttoIhe fullest; ' : " ';r •• • " " > ™ - - ; " - v ' V"

. America was founded on liberty; it was dedicatedto liberty, and we all would die to uphold that liberty.

That's why our new story will appeal to you.


Poland's fight for independence before the greatEuropean war'started.

You will read how a, beautiful young miss and herhandsome English lover bested tbe heartless Russianpolice officials. Revolution, plots, strikes, demonstra-tions and arrests fill this exciting story.

Look For the First InstallmentNext Week! Read It! Next Week!

I lilies Illnpiili ll. ;

Htal Pli«««nl. ,

"(Mi," leplled (tin small nbarrrer.IliinU H i nil i IK hi A mil Mkry toi.inuilllllin It ^'-IIS ti pel feet fright, but Ifd'M'su't fi ighd'ii nit; HIO' ' h n t i m i( l l v Hlar. - ,

A rt Vlltn(|- *lur pi ihl l i : >penk


"Well, mult" up ( o u r iiihid Hint • oni n n 'iil.v m o r e In l i i l l r n n b i n i r f ltj iri y i t i l

c i i n In ( w o b o ' i r - i . " 1 l e t r i i i l > i e e r r c * n . '

* Hard to Convtnt*.

*ttfc£>jlLftt!!LMtiJ^d o' IhoiM' t'e'ip.te tfili'I) tile>:'r<i wbi'ppwfV"'

' ^ ^ ^

l. never .Ull^w

ord for II...me t o "

e i . e p | ihit <l>H-i<ir'i« afterWnsliluginn. Htnr.

' Didn't Worry, -"Wlinl Imn I.e.nun- of Unit l i 'ml

Worry i luii ynu mici! helped to organ-\w'C •' "ICverybi*ly refunfil fo-worry. The

club got in debt mid hnd lo dhrband."Washington Hlur .

Not m Bad Plan."What nor! iif lerms nnj you on with

your rook, V'nnei*MnV""Tim worxl, p'wslbl'* fn f«e(, I bure

tier nn Ill'/rritighly dl*KriinllmHh>t! «b..won't li-av« for apl't"." -l.'iul«>il|ii t'«urler Journal.

It ••'••tun n» tlniiiiih womenrnunhi for" speinlinu mr>nrjr.

I know It. Why, whenever m jto rd'-k

(b« d

t o . slioupinK fibu(ll«K(on Tran-

Loving.I'nele Hniidy, In lorlnit a »erh


Not Indulging,Yntilb—f»«»c !* lnt»»old Ha«U- -I'm"'!!! th

RtMlnu 'i'r»iiJ« rlpt.

Sawing Log*."I ttleep like a I«K.""With lb« >mw K'llrisc llirough

lloftton TIL"—

Willi.'» Philowphy."Willie, when did fni w«»fi your face

lanir "MntluT, don't 1cfa ptiog upttw | H U I . " T d

A CounUrattMk,"WUat lit A ratujtemuefc.

"When jour todiber |»r

f- '--v,

V, i .

Page 8: ^VAROND. CRANE - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 3. · -Veraon.- J.oiury. pomp, ceremonial wen not tbaent tn the eighteenth era rury.—Walter E. Wevl In lUrpet'a Mar* than a third >»f



8 0 ParR Place; Newark.* • • • " • • • , - • . . . • * ' . • ' . ' • • • •

. - • • ' ' • * • • • * * > . . » . . . .

Open for Operation of CarsRE-ROUTING OF UNION LINE.

With the opening of Public Service Terminal, a $6,000,000 improvement, designed to relieve con-gestion, facifitate movement of cars and provide Better Service, changes in routes serving Newark andthe territory South thereof will go into effect.

Cars of the Union Line will be operated to and from Public Service Ter-minal, as will the Elizabeth Line »and the Trenton, New Brunswick and

Northbound cars of these lines will leave Broad Street in Newark at Green Street, proceedingthrough Mulberry Street to the Terminal. Southbound cars will use Mulberry and Lafayette Streetsfrom the Terminal to Broad Street. . ., ,

^ t ^ h y: Palefson and Bldbmfield. t

Cars of the South Orange, Springfield, Orange and Central Lines will be operated in part to andfrom the Terminal.

Transfers will be JMued at new intersecting points: betv^eeTi cars on Broad Stre^^inal and between cars on Mulberry Street and cars'in the Terminal; also at Terminal Entrances

Transfers will be JMued at new intersecting points: betv^eeTi cars on Broad Stre^^Terminal, and between cars on Mulberry Street and cars'in the Terminal; also at Terminal Entranceson Washington and Mulberry Streets.

New Jersey Centralfrom Crinfard to BlliaMth, Ntwtrk ind

Naw Vsrk.i l l i i t . l t . I l l , l l ; U . k i .U . »l .»l . «:«t,, » »l. i l . l k • ,»«.•»,4T. t.bil n i l . t:ltt;iv i'- - a 1 ii', 10 4». i i . i s . t l s . w , It MM,

u: u n.ui, ni :>, «» JU. »4 14. 4.11, »4.it,-ilr-«i IT, i » , l» «, »l II, l l nil,

mi ;.t>r M


( ,' _

M 1

, . i l .M. j f .M, 7.4U. »7;S4, »i:!4,•ui.v:, »:«l, *» 44. i l l . 10:41, a i m .xll ii • Mi. uH 14. nlj:6l l i t * . ml:>4.Kl I,, lit. >l,u>. aJ:0», «1.1». 1,14. «4;4l>.i i . , ; . »:.-it, t . u . tkii.it, »« n . x l . l t , 7 1-«; t;. at UT. « 2 4 . « »>, »» m. »».i!. m 17ttU'.^ II. III.

Kur l'l>lnfl<ld-l:tl . 4 S.I. • 14. 4:tl>t .vi. ».i». i«-»«4-Ji Ii i iM^nuijM^ft„ < l ! 4 I t , 4 4C. I I*, li'tt, [ i i . 1 0 ! . » - . ! i-'

I. t l . b Ck. 7 , 1 1 . ' I - .4C. U l i , V I I , 1U 1 4 .

1 1 1 4 1' M . IS 4> A M .

I1 tT/TTt., is.il, ntiT r i i , 4T«,TTI5T

In: c I : , <:>!.. I l l , 11.17, 10:411, 11:17.11 3» I' M . IDT A M .

. l\<t KRKtun, l l i i t l i l . h . n t , A l l f t t t u w u .MHIII-II l ' l iuuK-~4^fi , m ; ICKI*.. M « u c hI ' l i n i k i l l , l u l l A. M , 1.41. t t t .1, II if> 44 l u K . i t u i i only I. I', M. Muril 4 i « * 4 U * t l X i £ U l f c J B

I . . 1 1

I l l I'. Ml-'iT "Wllkv* W«rri» ami Hormnton—4:H.

•_t_£t_A._ M t ,-A-li'^j.JM-• BUIIJ»JIJI_•.'••*

. ._ . i. U oi A. M. i : HH«IUI,IHV* MIIIV 112, 3 ID.- Q 32. BuiidmfBk 14' » Iik' A M . I SI I'. M i

r»r A Hunt k I'll) 3 t l . 11) 01 A, M.IT 13 Hiiluul.vi only I JO !• M, HurvJ.i.» t» -A. M. j"»r V. « : • .

i* ThrtujJth trntll 10 N t *«•- -KM unity only.

Ir- IIComfort

Convenience -Courtesy

Aie what make a rideover the Lcliigh Valley

Kailroau the BcM part

ol your plcaiute or

buiineu trip.

. Steel can, automatic

block •i|>.iali, rock-

ballaiteO roadbed and a

dining car Mnrice of

witli nuiiiiiial piiiiu a ntome of the feat urea,

• F « lickett ind inlotnptiaowtitt, call OQ <u ttkphoo*

K H UrCnckcn, Ticket A««nlOB

H. S. WOLFF G. J. WENKE,ller i Nickl ..

5 Eastman Street.WATCriMAKBK. JEWtiLER

r """ ar|lindmqAN ": rtFrcsh traits'

\ VI'rictw Old U n m Koiiwml »nJI'nwrlpliom Klltnl. All kln.li vtOptical UiKxti on tiun.l

All Work guaranteed fur *

One Year.




PiheTs Store. 8 Trust Co. B M t ,

not W5 . r v k e . m l

Courteous Treatment

Schafer A Neumann.IMaaQna and Contractor*

ciaaroiB. a. |.Krtltni!** •

Q.J WENKE5 Eastman Street

UitrwotHl. S. J. 'Oraotanl. N J^


KraiMVOKTH, X. 4.

Auto Parties Served on Short

••"• Notlc*.

Chicken Dinner* a Specialty.,Onion taktfTtur BOHEMIA Iku

tied Ihwr at tbo Inn. (ur OeliMry atrwidenew In Kvnllnrorth. TU«KU>».ThomUj* and Batnrdara.

- .T«laahoii.*Conn««tl*i>

litucuvxur U). t'tiilipp Jalin)

House, Sign, andFresco Painting,

Plain ana PaaaraM**

. Paper Hanging—A»D OBAbBa ID—

Glane, Oil, Faint. Varuinlie*aud Wall Paper.

Cranford, M«w Jersey

»a M. Haw

Hess Bros.


Real Estate and InsuranceCbuicc Uouiaa aud Store for


T BU U n l a n A«antia>




•«>• t offio«> »«»»«i«i11

KUNILWOllTtl, N. J.T»i. i » w , cnahwl

Carpenter and Builder \ xior>ticn(c«» M o n e y !JobMng o l All Kinds ; FIRST A N p 3KOOSD

Screen* Mad* to Onl«r » B J Kifpunsl i

. , nrraiATn. raasuMw j N. R. UEAVITT.

P. O. Bos 1S6 - CraatMtf, N. J f l » m Broad Stnot' .KU»beth. N J.

Tel ilH Ladf In attpnUutfW, |

IV1. DORNlwtli' H<mli>r>, Atxlomlnal

WANTED.O|iuriitors on iu.'wiii)( luncliiueM

Aiikiug Ijatliinn nppurol. Ainuiuisherx. Stonily work. l iooi l|}"a]r;"""'Milt>tny''"A'tlaJitlo Mfjj- Co.;\M to U'.» Hauiiltoti St., Itabwnv,N. J. ". . .



Sewer Pipe, Etc.

£ Oftfus, II Gutt North Avenue, .

i CHANFOKD, N.,J.phutitf 104.

M. F. Wheeler

Wholesale Retail

Peter Markusson—ASHES ANI

Theisz & TheiszCARPENTERS


GAMILLO MASSA,general Contractor-

Concrete Work,

ALL KINDS OF JOBBING.' Estimates Furnished . ,

3 Holly wood Avenue,Bo* 101. CRANFOltD, N .1OARWOOI). N, .1.

• Cellars Excavated,

Sewers, Sidewalks, Etc.





P. O. Boi 7«.


Berardinelli Bros.CARPEKTERS and BUILDERSJubbibg Promptly Attended to.

Estlmatpe Farnlahed.52 BURNSIDE AVEMDE,


Berkshire Hills Butter*?•


Prepared Under Strictly Sanitary Conditions.


Warehouse. EleiRO3ELLK I