Various Building Blocks of TQM

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  • 8/9/2019 Various Building Blocks of TQM


    arious building blocks of TQM?

    The various building blocks of TQM?

    The building blocks of TQM: processes, people, management systems and performance

    Strategic Quality planning:The purpose of Strategic Quality Planning is to develop and achieve the organizations

    vision in a manner that is consistent !ith its mission and values" SQP involves every

    member of the organization in developing a common understanding of:

    The organizations customers and their needs and e#pectations

    $o! customers e#pectations is measured

    $o! customers needs are met through purposeful activity or systems the values, mission,and vision or desired future state of the organization

    The goals of the organization

    $o! to link plans to systems for organization%!ide design, improvement, alignment, and

    implementation activities$o! to e#ecute annual plans

    $o! to revie! the process and results of annual plans and ho! to act upon thekno!ledge gained


    People are a fundamental building block of any TQM organisation" The only point at

    !hich true responsibility for &uality can lie is !ith the people actually doing the 'ob or

    carrying out the process" The comple#ity of most processes in an organisation places

    them beyond the control of any one individual, so the only efficient !ay to tackle processimprovement or re%design is through team!ork"

    (hen properly managed and developed, team!ork improves processes and producesresults &uickly and economically through the free e#change of ideas, information,

    kno!ledge and data" )t is an essential component of a total &uality organization, building

    trust, improving communication and developing a culture of interdependence, rather thanone of independence"

    The only point at !hich true responsibility for performance and &uality can lie is !ith the

    People !ho actually do the 'ob or carry out the process, each of !hich has one or severalsuppliers and customers" *n efficient and effective !ay to tackle process or &uality

    improvement is through team!ork" $o!ever, people !ill not engage in improvement

    activities !ithout commitment and recognition from the organisation+s leaders, a climatefor improvement and a strategy that is implemented thoughtfully and effectively" The

    section on People e#pands on these issues, covering roles !ithin teams, team selection

    and development and models for successful team!ork"

    Quality in aily !ork

  • 8/9/2019 Various Building Blocks of TQM


    -ecause of the time !e have invested in a!areness and skill training, many of the &uality

    tools and concepts have become integrated into the !ay !e do business, either

    transforming or reinforcing staff behaviors and attitudes"

    -elo! are a fe! e#amples of &uality tools and principles that !e no! see incorporated

    into daily activities:%

    Self%irected (ork Teams: The development of Self%irected (ork Teams is gro!ing

    e#pression of team!ork, flattening the organization, and empo!erment principles" Teammembers !ill tell us that is a lot of !ork, but that the end result produces efficiency and

    better service for the customer"

    .ustomers as Partners: )n a &uality environment you begin to see your customers as

    partners" (e have instituted several formal partnership programs !ith Schools and.olleges to plan for the effective use of information technology resources and deliver

    those services" *s !ell, !e strive for a sense of partnering !ith customers in developing

    and delivering our products and services"

    /eneral Meeting 0ffectiveness: 1ne of the most significant changes !e have noticedfrom the application of &uality principles and tools is in the increased effectiveness of our

    meetings".ontinuous )mprovement

    The .ontinuous )mprovement component allo!s organizations to e#amine their currentbusiness environment relative to their diversity strategy and make changes based on

    current challenges in their !orkforce, !orkplace and marketplace" )t e#tends current

    diversity learning through continued reinforcement"

    .omplacency is to be avoided, as it is a ma'or hurdle in improvements" (idely supported

    incremental improvement programs in every area of the organisation are a sure !ay of

    achieving this ob'ective" )t is believed that that getting 23 improvement in all areas isbetter for the organisation than 2443 improvement in one area" Therefore small pro'ects

    initiated by the employees themselves 5 taken up in all areas give a boost and strength to

    this movement and also help in developing potential of the people"

    .ontinuous )mprovement 1b'ectives:

    )dentify 6e! .hallenges71pportunities

    8evie! Strategic Plan9ollo!%up *ssessment