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Also known as varicoscele or varicose seal, is an abnormal enlargement of the vein that is in the scrotum draining the testicles.

SIGNS AND SYMPTOMSDragging-like or aching pain within scrotum Feeling of heaviness in the testicles Atrophy/shrinking of the testicles Visible or palpable enlargement vein, likened to feel a bag of worms Infertility Blood clot formation Infection

Causes Forms when valves inside the veins around the spermatic cord prevent blood from flowing properly. May develop slowly and may not have any symptoms. Mostly diagnosis when the patient is in 15-30 years old, rarely develop after age of 40. Secondary varicocele is due to compression of venous drainage of the testicle.

Diagnosis The health care provider will examine the groin area, including the scrotum and testicles. The doctor may be able to feel nontender, twisted mass along the spermatic cord. However, the mass may not be able to be seen or felt, esp. When lying down. The testicle on the side of the varicocele may be smaller than the one on the other side.

Treatment A scrotal support or snug underwear may provide some relief of the pain or discomfort. Varicocelectomy, the urologist will make a cut, usually in the lower abd, and tie the abnormal vein. Blood will now flow around the are into normal veins. Keep an ice pack on the area for the first 24 hours after surgery to reduce swelling.


Hematocele Effusion of blood into a canal or a cavity of a body. Swelling due to infusion of blood and to the tunica vaginalis.

SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Painless or painful bulge or lump within the scrotum Infertility Enlarged scrotum

CAUSES inflammatory or infectious diseases, Physical injury to the scrotum Herniation Tumors

DIAGNOSIS Physical examination (tender, nontender, uniform, smooth, twisted, fluctuant, firm, solid, typically only on one side. Ultrasound Biopsy Testicular Self-Examination monthly

TREATMENT Usually harmless and do not require treatment Local comfort measures (Pain Relievers) Jock strap/Scrotal Support Occasionally require surgery to remove collection of blood.

PREVENTION Practice safe sex Wearing an athletic cup during exercise TSE


SPERMATOCELE A benign cystic accumulation of sperm that arises from the head of the epididymis.

SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Pain or discomfort in the affected testicle A feeling of heaviness in the testicle Swelling behind and above the testicle


UNKNOWN May result from a blockage in one of the tubes that drains sperm from the testicle into the epididymis. Trauma and inflammation

DIAGNOSIS Transillumination- fluidfilled or solid? Ultrasound MRI

TREATMENTS Most commonly do not require treatment Acetaminophen/ibuprofen Spermatocelectomy-separates spermatocele from the epididymis Sclerotherapy-removing fluid from spermatocele and injecting an irritating chemical into the sac.




HYDROCELE Fluid-filled sac along the spermatic cord within the scrotum.

SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Swollen testicles May occur on one or both sides

CAUSES Common in newborn Inflammation or injury Blood blockage within spermatic cord More common in older men

DIAGNOSIS Physical Examination-testicles cannot be felt due to fluid accum. Transillumination Ultrasound

TREATMENT Not dangerous, only treated when causing pain and embarrassment and if large enough to threaten the testicles blood supply Aspiration Sclerosing (thickening/hardening) Hydrocelectomy