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America n Mathematica l Societ y Colloquiu m Publication s Volum e 42

Variation s on a Them e by Keple r

America n Mathematica l Societ y Providence , Rhod e Islan d


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. P r i m a r y 70F15 , 81 -XX , 83CXX , 83F05 .

Library o f Congres s Cataloging- in-Publicat io n D a t a

Guillemin, V. , 1937 -Variations o n a them e b y Kepler/Victo r Guillemi n an d Shlom o Sternberg . p. cm.—(Colloquiu m publications/America n Mathematica l Society ; 42 )

Includes bibliographica l reference s an d index . ISBN 0-8218-1042- 1 (har d cover ; alk . paper) ; ISB N 0-8218-4184- X (sof t cover ; alk . paper ) 1. Planets. Theor y of . 2 . Kepler, Johannes , 1571-1630 . 3 . Conformal geometry . 4 . Symme -

try (Physics ) 5 . Lie groups . I . Sternberg , Shlomo . II . Title . III . Series : Colloquiu m publication s (American Mathematica l Society) ; v . 42 . QB361.G84 199 0 90-1952 1 523.4—dc20 CI P

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Introduction vi i

Chapter 1 . Classical brackets and configurationa l symmetrie s 1 1. Lie Groups and Li e brackets 1 2. Poisson brackets 6 3. Lenz and Runge 1 1 4. The inverse square law 1 3 5. Kepler's laws 1 5

Chapter 2 . Quantum mechanic s an d dynamica l symmetrie s 1 7 6. Pauli 1 7 7. Collisions 2 1

Chapter 3 . The conformal grou p and hidde n symmetrie s 2 9 8. Orbits and reduction s 2 9 9. SO(2,4 ) an d SU(2,2 ) 3 5

10. Reduction, enlargement , an d quantization s 3 9 11. The Kepler problem a s reduction o f geodesic flow 4 1 12. Homological quantizatio n o f constraint s 4 6

Chapter 4 . The conformal completio n o f Minkowski spac e 5 3 13. Grassmannians 5 3 14. Isotropic Grassmannians 5 5 15. The conformal geometr y o f projective quadric s 5 8 16. Null geodesies 6 2

Chapter 5 . Homogeneous model s in general relativity 6 5 17. Horizons and the de Sitter space 6 5 18. The Bondi-Gold-Hoyle univers e 6 8 19. The Einstein univers e 6 9 20. The anti-Einstein univers e 7 0 21. The Friedman-Robertson-Walker universes 7 1 22. The Kostan t univers e 7 2

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Appendices 7 5 Al. Th e Grunwald-va n Hov e theorem 7 5 A2. Classical and quantu m logi c 7 7

References 8 3

Index 87

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In these lectures we would like to touch on the mysterious role that groups, especially Lie groups, play in revealing the laws of nature. W e will try to il-lustrate the hidden role of certain groups by focusing on a single and familiar example. I n classical mechanics the example manifests itsel f as Kepler mo-tion, the motion of a planet under the attraction of the sun according to Ke-pler's laws. Newton realized that Kepler's second law, equal areas are swept out in equal times, has to do with the fact that the force is directed radially to the sun. Kepler' s second law is really the assertion of the conservation of angular momentum, and this reflects the rotational symmetry of the system about the origin of the force. Kepler' s second law is true for any classical me-chanical system exhibiting this rotational symmetry. I n today's language we would say that the group 0(3 ) (th e orthogonal group in three dimensions) is responsible for Kepler' s second law. Bu t Newton also realized that Kepler's first and thir d law s are specia l to the inverse squar e law of attraction . B y the end of the nineteenth century i t was realized (b y Runge and Lenz) that Kepler's first and third laws have to do with the group 0(4)—tha t the inverse square law of attraction has an 0(4 ) symmetry , where 0(4 ) denote s the or-thogonal grou p i n fou r dimensions . Bu t thi s four-dimensiona l orthogona l group does not act on ordinary three-dimensional space. Rather , it acts on a portion of the six-dimensional phase space of the planet, the portion that de-scribes planetary (as opposed to hyperbolic) motion. (I n fact, as we shall see, the story is a bit more complicated, i n that one must "complete" the phase space by including collisio n orbit s s o that th e planet ca n pas s through th e sun.) I n this century it has been realized that even larger groups are involved in Kepler motion. Fo r example we will see that the fifteen-dimensional group 0(2, 4 ) o f all orthogonal transformations of six space preserving a quadratic form o f signatur e (2,4 ) play s a key role and eve n th e symplecti c groups in eight- and twelve-dimensiona l spac e get involved. I n quantu m mechan -ics our example manifest s itsel f a s the "hydrogen atom. " Indeed , i n 192 5 (before Schrodinger published his famous equation!) Paul i derived the spec-trum of the hydrogen atom by following the procedures of Lenz and Runge, but where the "Poisson brackets" of classical mechanics are replaced by the

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"commutator brackets " of quantum mechanics . Onc e again , as was realized by Fock , i t is the group 0(4 ) whic h is behind the very specia l characte r of the spectrum o f the hydrogen atom . W e have tried to write the first part of these lectures with the general mathematica l reade r in mind. S o the first six sections and the beginning of section seve n should not make heavy technica l demands. W e have als o added two appendices to round ou t the picture for the general reader .

Let us give a short summar y o f the contents for the specialist. Th e thrust of th e first six sections i s to show tha t th e Kepler proble m an d the hydro-gen atom exhibi t o(4 ) symmetr y an d that the form o f this o(4 ) symmetr y determines th e inverse squar e la w in classical mechanic s an d the spectrum of the hydrogen ato m in quantum mechanics . Al l this is in the spirit of the classical treatmen t o f Runge , Lenz , Pauli , Fock , an d Moser. Th e space of regularized elliptica l motion s of the Keple r problem is symplectically equiv -alent t o T +S3, th e space of nonzero covector s in T*S 3 a s was realized by Souriau who called T +S3 th e Kepler manifold. Thi s manifold play s the cen-tral rol e in this monograph . I t is connected wit h th e Howe pairs , ([H89]) , 0(2 , 4 ) x Sl(2, R) c Sp(12 , R) an d £7(2 , 2) x C/(l ) c sp(8 , R). Accord -ing to the general theor y o f the classical mechanic s o f such pairs , [KKS78], it ca n be realized a s a (componen t o f a) coadjoint orbi t o f the first facto r or a reduction o f the second factor . A s a coadjoin t orbi t o f SO(2 , 4) o r SU(2, 2) i t is the minimal nilpoten t coadjoin t orbi t of these locally isomor -phic groups ; henc e th e problem o f its quantization ca n be regarded a s an instance o f the interesting questio n o f representations associate d wit h suc h orbits. A s a Marsden-Weinstein reductio n a t 0 o f Sl(2 , R), the principle of reduction in stages shows that T +S3 ca n be regarded as the space of for-ward nul l geodesies on the conformal completion , M , o f Minkowski space . In §§13-21 we study the various cosmological models in this same conforma l class (and having varying isometry groups ) fro m th e viewpoint o f projective geometry. O n the other hand , th e Kepler Hamiltonia n ca n be derived by reduction fro m a geodesic flow in five dimensions, applyin g [181 ] a general formula fo r the phase space of a classical particle movin g in the presence of a Yang-Mills field; see [S77a] and [We78]. Th e principle o f quantization of constraints [D64] can then be used to compute the hydrogen spectrum [M89] . Thus we have an illustration of the principle put forward in [KKS78] that en-larging the phase space can simplify th e equations of motion in the classical setting an d aid in the quantization proble m i n the quantum setting . Th e commutativity o f quantization an d reduction was worked ou t in the Kahler setting i n [GS82c] ; fo r a recen t applicatio n o f thi s metho d i n an infinite -dimensional situatio n se e [APW89]. A short summar y o f the homological quantization o f constraints following [KS87 ] and a list of recent application s of thi s method to many interesting finite-dimensional settings , [DET89 ] and [DEGST90], i s given in §12. Finally , i n §22 we outline Kostant' s theory , in

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which a unitar y representatio n i s associate d t o th e minima l nilpoten t orbi t of SO(4 , 4) , an d i n whic h electromagnetis m an d gravitatio n ar e unifie d i n a Kaluza-Klein typ e theory in si x dimensions .

Much o f the work illustrated her e represent s joint researc h wit h Kostant . We would like to thank Drs . Duval, Elhadad, and Tuynman fo r supplyin g us with the detail s of th e computations i n [DET89 ] and [DEGST90] , and Pro -fessor Mladeno v fo r usefu l conversation s and for supplyin g us with the page proofs o f [M89] . W e would als o like to thank Ta d Wieczore k fo r correctin g a number o f error s in a preliminary versio n o f this manuscript .

For backgroun d materia l i n symplecti c geometr y w e refe r t o ou r boo k [GS84] and i n general relativity t o the book by Kostant [K88].

Apology. On e of the key groups we will be using is the connected componen t of the identity o f 0 (2 , 4) , a group which has four components . I n contras t to standar d usage , w e wil l denot e thi s group (an d simila r group s fo r othe r signatures) b y SO(2 , 4) . S o for u s the symbol S will mean "connecte d com -ponent" rather than "determinan t one. " Thi s is to avoid having to deal with unpleasant subscripts .

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angular momentum, 1 0 anti-de Sitte r space , 61 anti-Einstein metrics , 71 Aristotelian logic , 7 8 associated phas e space , 2 2 automorphism o f a logic, 7 8 axioms fo r "implication, " 77

Bondi-Gold-Hoyle metric , 6 9

canonical transformation , 9 Casimir element , 1 8 centrifugal potential , 4 6 chain, 7 8 Clebsch-Gordon decomposition , 1 8 closure o f th e nul l cone , 61 conformal infinity , 6 5 conservation o f angula r momentum, 1 0 conservation o f linea r momentum , 1 0

Darboux's theorem , 9 Dirac monopole , 4 6 de Sitter space , 61 Dirac's quantization o f constants , 4 5

£(3), 4 Einstein metric , 7 0 Einstein universe , 6 9 expected valu e o f th e observabl e A i n the

state </>, 7 exponential o f a matrix, 1

Friedman-Robertson-Walker universes , 71

Grassmannians, 5 3 Grassmannians, tangen t bundle s of , 5 5 group of al l Euclidea n motions , 4

Hamiltonian action , 9 Heisenberg picture , 7 horizons, 6 5 Howe pair , 3 2

hydrogen spectrum , 1 7

isotropic Grassmannians , 5 5

Jacobi's identity , 2

Kepler equation , 26 Kepler manifold, 2 7 Kepler manifold a s a reduced space , 3 2 Kepler manifold a s the space o f forwar d

null geodesies , 34 , 35 Kepler's laws , 1 5 Kirillov-Kostant-Souriau theorem , 3 0 Koszul resolution , 4 7

lattice, 7 7 Lenz vector, classical , 11 , 13 , 15 Lenz vector, rescaled , 15 , 1 6 Lenz vector , quantum , 2 0 Lie algebra , 3 Lie algebr a cohomology , 4 7 Lie bracket , 2 Lie group, 3 linear Lie group, 2

Marsden-Weinstein reduce d space , 29 Marsden-Weinstein reduction , 3 1 metaplectic representation , 20 , 3 8 minimal coadjoin t orbit , 2 9 Minkowski space , 61 moment map , 29

null cone , 60 , 63 null geodesic , 6 2

o(3), 4 o(4), 5 observable, 7 , 7 9 observable, classical , 8 , 19 , 79 observable, quantum , 7 , 19 , 79 orthocomplementation, 7 7 orthocomplemented lattice , 7 8 oscillator representation , 3 8


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phase spac e o f a simple classica l 8

Poisson algebra , 8 Poisson bracket , 8 projective quadrics , 5 8 pure states , 78


real projective space , 5 8

Segal-Shale-Weil representation , 3 8 state, 7 symplectic manifolds , 2 2 symplectic transformation , 9

quantum logic , 7 8 triality, 7 2

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