Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain Michael Karcher, R. Gerdes, F. Kauker, C. Köberle, U. Schauer Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research SEARCH Open Science Meeting October 27, 2003 Seattle, Washington, USA

Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain Michael Karcher,

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Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain Michael Karcher, R. Gerdes, F. Kauker, C. Köberle, U. Schauer Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research. SEARCH Open Science Meeting October 27, 2003 Seattle, Washington, USA. AOMIP. NAOSIM. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,

Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes

in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain

Michael Karcher, R. Gerdes, F. Kauker, C. Köberle, U. Schauer

Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research

SEARCH Open Science MeetingOctober 27, 2003Seattle, Washington, USA

Page 2: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,



Page 3: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,

NAOSIM model setup

MOM 2 based coupled to sea-ice model

0.25o resolution on rotated spherical grid

30 levels

Open boundary at 50oN

Initial condition: EWG + Levitus et al. (1994)

Spin up: 20 years climatology with daily variability based on ECMWF

NCEP forcing 1948-2002

Rüdiger Gerdes, Frank Kauker, Cornelia Köberle, Jennifer Brauch, Jörg Hurka, Kerstin Fieg

Page 4: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,

Temperature and Salinity Observations in the West Spitzbergen Current (Fram Strait Branch)

Page 5: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,

Propagation of temperature anomalies in the Arctic Ocean

Velocity cm/s


Gerdes et al., GRL 2003




Page 6: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,

Arctic warming events

Temperature at the level of the temperature maximum

cold anomaly(→ NABOS)


See Karcher et al., JGR 2003

Page 7: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,

Propagation of temperature anomalies:

Warmest events in 60s and 90s

90s event outstanding in intensity and spatial extent

(large volume flow and reduced heat loss)

Important role of the Barents Sea


Page 8: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,

Barents Sea salinity



? ?

NAOSIM model results(Karcher et al., in prep)

Ice balance

Page 9: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,

Barents Sea ice im- and export

large net export

large net import


Page 10: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,
Page 11: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,

Maximum densities in deep Barents Sea outflow

Observed low

Observed high

Observations: Schauer et al, 2002

Observed medium values

Now. Zem. Polynia Icegrowth

Page 12: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,

Barents Sea dense water outflow:

mean densities:

sea-ice balance variabilityseems

as influential as AW inflow variability

peak densities:

local ice formation/salt release


Page 13: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,

Arctic halocline 1968 vs. 1998


Reduction of Arctic Ocean Freshwater pool

Page 14: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,

Arctic Ocean

Nordic Sea

-14000 km3

+ 4000 km3

Change in trend or again

decadal fluctuation?

Freshwater Inventory (total watercolumn)NAOSIM

Page 15: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,

SSS Ano-malie

1994 1995

1996 1997

Page 16: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,

Fram Strait 0-90m

Denmark Strait 0-90m

Arctic Subarctic low-saline surface outflow

Significant alterations


Page 17: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,

Fram Strait

Denmark Strait


Canadian Arch.

Liquid Freshwater fluxes Nordic Sea (ref. 34.8)NAOSIM

Page 18: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,

Advective liquid balance

Surface fluxes

Residual freshwater

Nordic Sea Freshwater budgets (NAOSIM NCEP hindcast)

Phases of net freshwater surplus

Advective sea-ice balance


Page 19: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,

Nordic Sea freshwater budget:

variability of sea-ice balance at least as important as

variability of liquid balance


Page 20: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,

Deep Denmark Strait Salinity

Black: NAOSIM model results


Blue: Observations [Dickson et al., 2002]shifted -0.035

[Dickson et al., 2002]


Page 21: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,
Page 22: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,

DSOW signals:


Decadal signals


Decadal signals plus freshening trend -weaker in model than in observations

... due to restoring?


Page 23: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,

What‘s up next:

• Freshwater storage and release dynamics (e.g. ASOF-FAST)

• Model intercomparison / Atlantic Water dynamics (AOMIP)

• Comparison of model results with new analyses of modern and historic data (…T, S, Tracer)

• and as always: model improvement, new forcing data sets, …


Page 24: Variability of Ice and Ocean Fluxes  in the Arctic/Sub-Arctic Domain  Michael Karcher,


0-90 m

90-280 m

280-970 m

Black: Fram Strait

Blue: Denmark Strait

Temperature signalspassing along the East Greenland Coast