VALUASI NILAI INTRINSIK SAHAM PT ASTRA OTOPARTS TBK. DENGAN METODE DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW DAN PRICE DAN PRICE EARNING RATIO Penulis Thichiyona Kesuma Pembimbing: Dr. Su'ad Husnan, MBA. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to calculate intrinsic value of PT Astra Otoparts’ stock (IDX: AUTO). Calculations of intrinsic value doing with two methods, Discounted Cash Flow to Equity (DCFE) and Price Earning Ratio (PER). Valuating by DCFE method do with calculating Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE) of the company for five years ahead and calculating Terminal Value (TV). The calculation of FCFE doing by predict the sales, income statement and balance sheet for five years ahead, from 2011 until 2015. Factor of macro economic such as inflation, gross domestic product and dollar exchange rate against rupiah predict will affect the sales of AUTO so researcher doing regression process between percentage of changing in sales against percentage of changing in inflation, gross domestic product and dollar exchange rate against rupiah. Beside the regression method, the process to predict income statement and balance sheet based on historic data (internal financial data) for five years before, from 2006 until 2010 and other assumptions according to company policy and government regulation. This method using cost of equity (Ke) for discounting FCFE. Cost of equity calculating by using CAPM formula. Valuating with PER method counting change of Earning per Share (EPS) against PER of company and compare PER of company with PER of industry in the same field. The result of this research show that the price of AUTO’s stock is Rp3.275 was pricing higher by market compare with calculation of its intrinsic value, Rp3.251, or called overvalued. The regression between percentage of changing in sales and percentage of changing in inflation, gross domestic

Valuasi Nilai Intrinsik Saham Pt Astra Otoparts Tbk

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Thichiyona Kesuma

Pembimbing: Dr. Su'ad Husnan, MBA.

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to calculate intrinsic value of PT Astra Otoparts’ stock (IDX: AUTO). Calculations of intrinsic value doing with two methods, Discounted Cash Flow to Equity (DCFE) and Price Earning Ratio (PER). Valuating by DCFE method do with calculating Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE) of the company for five years ahead and calculating Terminal Value (TV). The calculation of FCFE doing by predict the sales, income statement and balance sheet for five years ahead, from 2011 until 2015. Factor of macro economic such as inflation, gross domestic product and dollar exchange rate against rupiah predict will affect the sales of AUTO so researcher doing regression process between percentage of changing in sales against percentage of changing in inflation, gross domestic product and dollar exchange rate against rupiah. Beside the regression method, the process to predict income statement and balance sheet based on historic data (internal financial data) for five years before, from 2006 until 2010 and other assumptions according to company policy and government regulation. This method using cost of equity (Ke) for discounting FCFE. Cost of equity calculating by using CAPM formula. Valuating with PER method counting change of Earning per Share (EPS) against PER of company and compare PER of company with PER of industry in the same field. The result of this research show that the price of AUTO’s stock is Rp3.275 was pricing higher by market compare with calculation of its intrinsic value, Rp3.251, or called overvalued. The regression between percentage of changing in sales and percentage of changing in inflation, gross domestic product and dollar exchange rate against rupiah show that coefficients of regression is positive but not significant so that the historic financial data using for predict AUTO’s sales for five year ahead. Cost of equity calculating by CAPM with its components such as Risk Free using SBI rate 2011 for 12 months, 7.36%. Risk Premium Market is 6% and Auto Beta is 1.37. Growth rate calculate using the average of ROE and Dividend Payout Ratio (forecasted) and get Terminal Value Rp18,189,288,000,000 and total present value of FCFE Rp12,536,042,000,000 with shares outstanding 3,855,786,400. PER method calculate regression between changing of EPS and changing of PER. Regression result show positive coefficients of regression but not significant. Therefore, for this method using comparison between AUTO PER and automotive subsector PER based on third quarter data in 2011 from IDX, 10.42 compare with 9.59. Conclusion that AUTO’s stock are valuating overvalued by investor.

INTISARI: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung nilai intrinsik saham PT Astra Otoparts, Tbk (IDX: AUTO) Perhitungan nilai intrinsik dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua metode yaitu Discounted Cash Flow to Equity (DCFE) dan Price Earning Ratio (PER).

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Penilaian dengan metode DCFE dilakukan dengan menghitung Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE) perusahaan selama lima tahun ke depan dan mencari Terminal Value (TV). Perhitungan FCFE didapat dengan memprediksi penjualan, laporan laba rugi dan neraca keuangan AUTO selama lima tahun ke depan yaitu tahun 2011 hingga 2015. Faktor ekonomi makro seperti inflasi, produk domestik bruto (PDB) dan kurs dolar terhadap rupiah diprediksi akan mempengaruhi penjualan AUTO sehingga dilakukan regresi antara persentase perubahan penjualan terhadap persentase perubahan inflasi, PDB, dan kurs dolar terhadap rupiah. Selain menggunakan regresi, proses memprediksi laporan laba rugi dan neraca keuangan didasarkan pada data historis keuangan internal selama lima tahun ke belakang yaitu tahun 2006 hingga 2010 dan asumsi-asumsi lain sesuai dengan kebijakan perusahaan serta regulasi pemerintah. Metode ini menggunakan biaya modal (Ke) untuk mendiskontokan FCFE. Biaya modal didapatkan dengan menggunakan rumus CAPM. Penilaian dengan metode PER memperhitungkan perubahan Earning Per Share (EPS) terhadap PER perusahaan dan membandingkan PER perusahaan dengan PER industri sejenis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa harga saham AUTO yaitu Rp3.275 dinilai lebih tinggi oleh pasar dibandingkan perhitungan nilai intrinsiknya yaitu Rp3.251 atau disebut overvalued. Regresi antara persentase perubahan penjualan dan persentase perubahan inflasi, PDB dan kurs dolar terhadap rupiah menunjukkan koefisien regresi positif tetapi tidak signifikan sehingga digunakan data historis keuangan internal perusahaan untuk memprediksi penjualan AUTO untuk lima tahun ke depan. Biaya modal dihitung dengan CAPM dengan komponen-komponen yaitu tingkat Risk Free menggunakan SBI rate 2011 jangka waktu 12 bulan yaitu 7.36%, Risk Premium Market yaitu 6% dan Beta AUTO sebesar 1,37. Tingkat pertumbuhan dihitung dengan menggunakan rata-rata ROE dan Dividend Payout Ratio (forecasted) sehingga didapatkan TV sebesar Rp18. dan total present value dari FCFE adalah Rp12.536.042.000.000 dengan jumlah lembar saham beredar yaitu 3.855.786.400. Metode PER memperhitungkan regresi antara perubahan EPS dengan perubahan PER. Hasil regresi menunjukkan koefisien regresi positif namun tidak signifikan. Oleh sebab itu maka digunakan perbandingan antara PER AUTO dengan PER subsektor otomotif dan komponennya berdasarkan data kuartal tiga 2011 dari IDX yaitu 10.42 kali berbanding 9.59 kali. Disimpulkan bahwa saham AUTO dinilai terlalu tinggi (overvalued) oleh investor.

Kata kuncinilai intrinsik saham, discounted cash flow, free cash flow to equity, price to earning ratio

Program Studi UGMNo Inventaris 0931-H-2012

Deskripsi xii, 58 p., bibl., ills., 29 cm.Bahasa IndonesiaJenis Tesis

Penerbit [Yogyakarta] : Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2012Lokasi Perpustakaan Pusat UGM


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