soc. coop. sociale Office Via San Lorenzo, 12/A ph./fax+39 035242095 24129 Bergamo (Italy) Theatre C. F. – P. IVA 00516830163 ph. +39 035224670 Registro Imprese 10345//BG 024 [email protected] R.E.A. 155755 BERGAMO www.teatrotascabile.org VALSE Open space performance

VALSE - TTB - Teatro Tascabile di Bergamo · VALSE Open space performance ... «César Brie, direttore del Teatro de los Andes [Bolivia], ha commentato lo spettacolo che abbiamo visto

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Page 1: VALSE - TTB - Teatro Tascabile di Bergamo · VALSE Open space performance ... «César Brie, direttore del Teatro de los Andes [Bolivia], ha commentato lo spettacolo che abbiamo visto

soc. coop. sociale Office Via San Lorenzo, 12/A ph./fax+39 035242095 24129 Bergamo (Italy) Theatre C. F. – P. IVA 00516830163 ph. +39 035224670 Registro Imprese 10345//BG 024 [email protected] R.E.A. 155755 BERGAMO www.teatrotascabile.org


Page 2: VALSE - TTB - Teatro Tascabile di Bergamo · VALSE Open space performance ... «César Brie, direttore del Teatro de los Andes [Bolivia], ha commentato lo spettacolo che abbiamo visto

VALSEOpenspaceperformanceValse is an open space performance built around a myth-categoryofEuropeansocialculture,namely,thewaltz.Asitiswell-known, in this dance various elements are condensed:anthropologicalandcosmologicalones: thespinashypnoticalbewilderment but Pythagoric homology with the rotation ofcelestial spheres as well, (its utmost synthesis, at vertiginouslevels, is traceable in the whirling Dervishes of sufi mystictheology); social elements: through its practice, theconvergenceandautonomyof thepartners isadjustedandencouraged;andalsohistoricalelements:theannouncementofthefinisAustriaehashaditspiercingepitaphinamasterpiecebyRavel,LaValse,withwhichthetitleoftheperformanceflirts,withplayfulrestraint.Thecontextisthereforeimpressive:TheTTBhasbeentryingoverthecourseoftime,followingtheusualslowscansionofitsworks,aseriesofapproaches,theresultofwhichisnowbeingproposedinitsfulledition.Itgraftsontothepopularmythofthewaltz,withitsvorticallightness,theflashingofglancesandtheskirmishofsmiles,alyrical-dramaturgicalframeworkthatrecordsthewaltzasasymboloftheaestheticoption(asdanceofemotionsanditsculturalreflection,theworkofart)ofthemajorityculturefromtheadventoftheModernAgewiththestirsandcatastrophesthatgoalongwithit.

Aredthread,liketheoneintheBritishNavyhawsers,runsthroughtheweaving:arestlessgirl,eludingthesurveillanceof her tutor, opens her large eyes wide into theworld ofadults at the great ball; a silly and slymonkey tempts herwithitsgoldenball.Stilts,whicharebynowclassicalaccessoriesofopenspacetheatre, expand the composition of low-cut dresses, tullesanddinnerjacketsintoanoniric-fabulousswirlevokedasapossible reaction to the dreary atmosphere that stagnatesontheleadenwastelandofourculturallife.

Page 3: VALSE - TTB - Teatro Tascabile di Bergamo · VALSE Open space performance ... «César Brie, direttore del Teatro de los Andes [Bolivia], ha commentato lo spettacolo che abbiamo visto


«César Brie, director of the Teatro de los Andes [Bolivia], made hiscommentaryontheperformancewesawattheRecoletaSquare.“Valse”,hesaid,isoneofthemostmarvellousperformancesIeversaw,andCésarisaTheatreconnaisseurof international level»CORREODELSUR,Sucre-Bolivia,1994«...Incredible,fantastic,amazing...!»-CORREODELSUR,Sucre-Bolivia,6November1994«Poetry and non-poetry "To sum up, a rare example of poetry of thescene.»R.CARUSI,LaRocca,1994«...myeyesfillwithtearseverytimeIseethisshow[...] It issobeautiful

that my heart starts beating at the rhythm of waltz [...] Marvellous actors dressed with marvellouscostumes dancing Vienna waltzes onmarvellousmusic. And what they can do on those stilts is notworthsaying...»DAGBLADET,Holstebro-Denmark,31August1998«... Its beauty and talent has no comparison, a magic delicacy with the accurate, vertiginous andgeometric self-abandonmentof thevalz:candlesandballoons that raise in theendtoward thesky,acuriousyounggirl,fullofmarvel,lookatthosecreaturesbelongingtoanotherdimension,redribbons,amonkey that plays with a luminous sphere, a dancing-master/circus director who leads theperformance. A dreaming atmosphere, as in a fairy tale, a piece of absolute and uncommonpreciousness.» V. OTTOLENGHI, La Gazzetta di Parma, 8January2003«César Brie, direttore del Teatro de los Andes [Bolivia], hacommentato lo spettacolo che abbiamo visto nella piazzadella Recoleta. “Valse”, ha detto, è uno degli spettacoli piùmeravigliosicheabbiamaivisto,eCésarèunconoscitoredelteatroalivellomondiale.»CORREODELSUR,Sucre-Bolivia,8November1994