1 Quiz on Srimad Ramayana Revised on Date :08/10/09 1. Who was Valmiki previously ? Robber 2. Who changed Valmiki for good ? Naradha 3. What did Naradha give to Valmiki and how ? Rama Nama as ‘MARA ‘ 4. Who gave the name Vlamiki ? Why was he called Valmiki? Brahma , He came out of termite hill – valmeekam 5. How many slokas were in original Ramayana ( written first by Valmiki ) – 100 crores – satha koti ramayanam 6. How many slokas are there in present day Valmiki Ramayana ? 24000 7. How many aksharas for Gayathri mantra ? 24 8. What is Gayatri Ramayanam ? Ramayana with 24 slokas / consisting of askharas of gayathri mantram ? check 9. Who all visited Valmiki ashram to advise him to write Ramayanam ? Naradha + Brahma 10. Why did Valmiki name this epic as Ramayanam ? Ramayanam means Rama’s path. 11. How many chapters are in Ramayanam ( kandams) ? list them ? 7 – Bala , Ayodhya , Aranya , Kishklintha, Sundara, Yuddha ,Uttara 12. In which Yuga , Ramayana happened ? Tretha yuga 13. Why was he called Dasaratha ? Can handle his chariot in 10 directions 14. Who is Dasagreevan ? Ravana 15. What does Ravana , Kumbakarna , Vibihsna represent ? 3 gunas ? Rajo , Thamo , Satva 16. Who is the father of Ravana ? ( Visravas ) What was his Vamsa ? ( Pulasthiar) .. check ? 17. In Ramayana – who is avtar of Vayu , Surya , Indra , Agni , Varuna ? Devaguru, Kubera,Viswakarma,, Aswini devargal? Hanuman ,Sugriva, Vali , Neelan , Sushenan, Dharan , Gandhamanan, Nalan , Maindhan& Dvidhan 18. Relationship between 4 sons of Dasaratha and 4 vedas ? Yajur ( Ram) , Rig (Laxman), Sama (Bharat) and Atharvana ( Satrugan) 19. What is the yaga done to gain son ? Putrakameshti 20. Who did Putrakameshti for Dasaratha ? Who advised this yaga to be done ? Rishasringar , Vashista 21. Who did Asvameta yagnam for Dasaratha? Rishyasringar 22. Who first did the Asvametha yaga ? who found it out first ? Brahma 23. Who was the father of Rishia sringer ? Vibandagar 24. Who was his wife ? She belonged to which kingdom? Santha . Angadesam 25. Who ruled Anga desam when Rishia sringer visited ? why did he visit ? Romapathar , For getting rain 26. Rama jananam was in which tithi, , star , lagna ( navami , punavasu, kataka) 27. Who is the parents of Indra ? Kasyapa , Athithi 28. Who is the Guru of Surya Vamsa ? Vashista 29. What are the three names of the Vamsam in which Rama was born & why ? Surya , Ikshvahu , Raghu 30. Who is called Kakusthan ? Sri Ram 31. List Four important Surya Vamsa kings up to Sri Rama ? Ikshvahu , Raghu , Manthada , Bagheerathan , Raghu 32. What is the Ramayana in Hindi ? Who wrote it ? Ram Charitha Manas , Tulsidas 33. What is the Ramayana in Tamil ? Who wrote it ? Kambaramayanam , Kambar 34. Who wrote Sanskshepa Ramayana ? Valmeeki 35. Who are 3 wives of Dasaratha ? List their sons with names ? Kousalya , Kaikeyi , Sumitra – Ram , Bharat , Laxman & Satrugan 36. Who are the twins among this ? Who is the mother of the twins ? Laxman &Satrugan – Sumitra Devi 37. Who is Laxman ? whose amsam is he ? Adhishesan 38. Which is the river flowing in Ayodhya ? Sarayu 39. Why this city got the name Ayodhya ? No war 40. Mata Kousalya is from which ‘desam” or kingdom ? Kosala 41. Kaikeyi is from which kingdom ? Kekaya 42. What was the original name of Viswasmithra ? Kousikar 43. What was his vamsam ? Kusi 44. Why did he fight with Vashista ? To gain Kamadhenu 45. How did he become Brimha Rishi ? By tapas and affirmation by Vashista 46. Who is the rishi for Gayathri mantram ? Viswamitra 47. Who was the king who wanted to go to Swarga with physical body ? He belonged to which Vamsa ? Trisangu , Surya 48. Who tried to send him to heaven with physical body ? Viswasmitra 49. How many planets were in a (exalted )top position in Sri Rama’s horoscope ? What are they ? (5- Sun, Guru, Sukra, Mars , Saturn) – Punarpoosam star or Punarvasu 50. How did River Ganga was formed originally ? Who created it ? When ? – as Per Bhagavatham Brahma did patha pooja with water during Trivikrama avtar in Satya Loka and ganga was formed originally . Hari patha theertham . 51. Who explained the history of Ganga to Sri Rama ? when ? Viswamitra during journey to yagna samrakshnam 52. How was Lord Muruga called in Ramayana ? Skandan 53. What was the name of the Vishnu when he measured three worlds by 3 steps ? Tri vikrama ( avtar ) 54. What was the avtar called ? For whom it was taken? Vamana , Maha bali 55. Who is Deva Guru ? Who is Asura Guru ? Braspathi , Sukran 56. Ganga was whose daughter ? Who is the sister of Ganga ? as per Ramayana – Himavan , Uma devi 57. How many avtars of Vishnu as per Bhagavatha purana ? 22 58. In Kalki avtar in future , where and for whom God is going to be born ? when ? South India , Vishnu Yasas , end of kali yuga 59. Which is listed as the next avtar of Vishnu ? Name it ? Kalki 60. Who brought Ganga from the heavens ? Why ? Bhageerat , to get salvation for 60,000 Sagaras 61. Who is Kapila Rishi ? Who are his parents ? Where was he doing tapas ? Vishnu avtar , Gardhamar and Deva huthi , Patal loka 62. How many sons did Sakara had ? 60000 sons as Sagaras and one son called Asamanjan 63. Who is the father of Amsuman ? Asamanjan 64. Who is Raghu ? Most important Iskshuvahu vamsa king 65. Who is the father of Dasaratha ? Ajan

Valmiki ramayana quiz with answers

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• Quiz on Srimad Ramayana Revised on Date :08/10/09

1. Who was Valmiki previously ? Robber 2. Who changed Valmiki for good ? Naradha 3. What did Naradha give to Valmiki and how ? Rama Nama as ‘MARA ‘ 4. Who gave the name Vlamiki ? Why was he called Valmiki? Brahma , He came out of termite hill – valmeekam 5. How many slokas were in original Ramayana ( written first by Valmiki ) – 100 crores – satha koti ramayanam 6. How many slokas are there in present day Valmiki Ramayana ? 24000 7. How many aksharas for Gayathri mantra ? 24 8. What is Gayatri Ramayanam ? Ramayana with 24 slokas / consisting of askharas of gayathri mantram ? check 9. Who all visited Valmiki ashram to advise him to write Ramayanam ? Naradha + Brahma 10. Why did Valmiki name this epic as Ramayanam ? Ramayanam means Rama’s path. 11. How many chapters are in Ramayanam ( kandams) ? list them ? 7 – Bala , Ayodhya , Aranya , Kishklintha, Sundara, Yuddha ,Uttara 12. In which Yuga , Ramayana happened ? Tretha yuga 13. Why was he called Dasaratha ? Can handle his chariot in 10 directions 14. Who is Dasagreevan ? Ravana 15. What does Ravana , Kumbakarna , Vibihsna represent ? 3 gunas ? Rajo , Thamo , Satva 16. Who is the father of Ravana ? ( Visravas ) What was his Vamsa ? ( Pulasthiar) .. check ? 17. In Ramayana – who is avtar of Vayu , Surya , Indra , Agni , Varuna ? Devaguru, Kubera,Viswakarma,, Aswini devargal?

Hanuman ,Sugriva, Vali , Neelan , Sushenan, Dharan , Gandhamanan, Nalan , Maindhan& Dvidhan 18. Relationship between 4 sons of Dasaratha and 4 vedas ? Yajur ( Ram) , Rig (Laxman), Sama (Bharat) and Atharvana ( Satrugan) 19. What is the yaga done to gain son ? Putrakameshti 20. Who did Putrakameshti for Dasaratha ? Who advised this yaga to be done ? Rishasringar , Vashista 21. Who did Asvameta yagnam for Dasaratha? Rishyasringar 22. Who first did the Asvametha yaga ? who found it out first ? Brahma 23. Who was the father of Rishia sringer ? Vibandagar 24. Who was his wife ? She belonged to which kingdom? Santha . Angadesam 25. Who ruled Anga desam when Rishia sringer visited ? why did he visit ? Romapathar , For getting rain 26. Rama jananam was in which tithi, , star , lagna ( navami , punavasu, kataka) 27. Who is the parents of Indra ? Kasyapa , Athithi 28. Who is the Guru of Surya Vamsa ? Vashista 29. What are the three names of the Vamsam in which Rama was born & why ? Surya , Ikshvahu , Raghu 30. Who is called Kakusthan ? Sri Ram 31. List Four important Surya Vamsa kings up to Sri Rama ? Ikshvahu , Raghu , Manthada , Bagheerathan , Raghu 32. What is the Ramayana in Hindi ? Who wrote it ? Ram Charitha Manas , Tulsidas 33. What is the Ramayana in Tamil ? Who wrote it ? Kambaramayanam , Kambar 34. Who wrote Sanskshepa Ramayana ? Valmeeki 35. Who are 3 wives of Dasaratha ? List their sons with names ? Kousalya , Kaikeyi , Sumitra – Ram , Bharat , Laxman & Satrugan 36. Who are the twins among this ? Who is the mother of the twins ? Laxman &Satrugan – Sumitra Devi 37. Who is Laxman ? whose amsam is he ? Adhishesan 38. Which is the river flowing in Ayodhya ? Sarayu 39. Why this city got the name Ayodhya ? No war 40. Mata Kousalya is from which ‘desam” or kingdom ? Kosala 41. Kaikeyi is from which kingdom ? Kekaya 42. What was the original name of Viswasmithra ? Kousikar 43. What was his vamsam ? Kusi 44. Why did he fight with Vashista ? To gain Kamadhenu 45. How did he become Brimha Rishi ? By tapas and affirmation by Vashista 46. Who is the rishi for Gayathri mantram ? Viswamitra 47. Who was the king who wanted to go to Swarga with physical body ? He belonged to which Vamsa ? Trisangu , Surya 48. Who tried to send him to heaven with physical body ? Viswasmitra 49. How many planets were in a (exalted )top position in Sri Rama’s horoscope ? What are they ? (5- Sun, Guru, Sukra, Mars ,

Saturn) – Punarpoosam star or Punarvasu 50. How did River Ganga was formed originally ? Who created it ? When ? – as Per Bhagavatham Brahma did patha pooja with

water during Trivikrama avtar in Satya Loka and ganga was formed originally . Hari patha theertham . 51. Who explained the history of Ganga to Sri Rama ? when ? Viswamitra during journey to yagna samrakshnam 52. How was Lord Muruga called in Ramayana ? Skandan 53. What was the name of the Vishnu when he measured three worlds by 3 steps ? Tri vikrama ( avtar ) 54. What was the avtar called ? For whom it was taken? Vamana , Maha bali 55. Who is Deva Guru ? Who is Asura Guru ? Braspathi , Sukran 56. Ganga was whose daughter ? Who is the sister of Ganga ? as per Ramayana – Himavan , Uma devi 57. How many avtars of Vishnu as per Bhagavatha purana ? 22 58. In Kalki avtar in future , where and for whom God is going to be born ? when ? South India , Vishnu Yasas , end of kali yuga 59. Which is listed as the next avtar of Vishnu ? Name it ? Kalki 60. Who brought Ganga from the heavens ? Why ? Bhageerat , to get salvation for 60,000 Sagaras 61. Who is Kapila Rishi ? Who are his parents ? Where was he doing tapas ? Vishnu avtar , Gardhamar and Deva huthi , Patal loka 62. How many sons did Sakara had ? 60000 sons as Sagaras and one son called Asamanjan 63. Who is the father of Amsuman ? Asamanjan 64. Who is Raghu ? Most important Iskshuvahu vamsa king 65. Who is the father of Dasaratha ? Ajan

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66. Who wrote Raghuvamsam ? which language ? Maha kavi Kalidass , Sanskrit 67. What made Dasaratha to give two boons to Kaikeyi ? Kaikeyi saved his life during war with asuras 68. Who are the saptharishis ? Atri , Brigu , Kuthsa , Vasista , Gowthama , Kasyapa , Angirasa rishis 69. Who is the Rishipathni s of Vashita , Gowthama , Athri , Kasyapa ? Arunthathi , Akalya , Anasuya , Athithi 70. Who is the blood daughter of Janaka ? Urmila 71. What was Janaka’s kingdom ? capital ? Vidheka , Mithila 72. List two names of Sita with meanings ? Janaki , Mythili , Vaidheki 73. Why was she called Sita ? She wa found in the yagna bhoomi when it was ploughed at the’ tip of the oak ‘ which I called in

Sanskrit as SITA and also it means very patient – being the daughter of mother earth 74. Who married Laxman , Barathan and Satrugan ? Urmila, Mandavi , Sruthakeerthi 75. Who is the brother of Janaka ? Name his daughters ? Who married them ? Kuchathvajan , Mandavi , Sruthakeerthi 76. What is the vamsam in which Jananka was born ? Nimi Vamsam 77. Who was their guru ? ( Sadanandar) 78. Who is Tripathaka ? Why ? Ganga , she is in 3 lokas 79. What are the different names of Ganga ? meanings ? Bhagheerathi , Janhavi , Tripathaka , 80. Where did ganga land when she came to this earth ? On the head of Lord Shiva 81. What is Triveni ? What is its other name ? Which are the three rivers in Triveni ? Confluence of 3 great rivers Ganga ,Yamuna

, Saraswathi . Pryag 82. Which Rishi lived on the banks of TRIVENI ? Bharatwajar 83. Who was Sumantra ? Most important minister of Dasaratha 84. How ministers did Dasaratha had ? eight 85. Who were the sons of Thataka ? Subhahoo , Mareesan 86. Who cursed Thataka ? Agasthayar 87. Which were the mantras given by Viswamitra to Rama and laxmana ? Balai and athi balai 88. What is Suprabatha ? Who said it to whom ? Song to wake up God and Viswamitra sung to wake up Sri Rama 89. What are the two boons which Kaikeyi wanted ? Crown for Bhrataha , Rama to go forest for 14 years 90. Who cursed Akalya ? Gowthamar 91. In which form she was living for many years in curse till Rama came ? Stone 92. What did Rama do to purify Akalya ? He stepped over the stone 93. Where did Viswamitra conducted the yaga ? Siddashramam 94. What was the place where Lord Siva killed Manmathan ? Kamashramam 95. Who gave the evil idea to Kaikeyi ? Mantharai 96. Who was Parasurama ? Who are his parents ? Vishnu Avtar . Jamadhagni & Renuka devi 97. Which most famous kshatriaya did he kill ? Kartha veeryarjuna 98. Which danush did he carry when he met Sri Rama ? Vishnu Dhanush What did he offer to Sri Rama’s asthra ? ( arrow ) All his

punya gained by taps Where did he go after meeting Rama ? Mahendra parvatham 99. Why did Viswamitra wanted Rama ? To benefit him with all asthras and to get him married to Sita Mata 100. What was Kamaashram ? who was killed there by whom and why ? Ref Q 104 101. Which are the two great rivers meet in Kamashram ? Sarayu and Ganga 102. Name few rivers did Rama cross after starting from Ayodhi ? List ? Sarayu , Ganga , 103. Who was Guha ? Where did he live ? Near which river ? town ? Hunter by profession , Sringiperepuram on the banks of

Ganga 104. Where did Bharatwaja’s ashram located? Triveni 105. What is chitrakootam ? river nearby ? Place where Rama settled first after starting vanavasam on the banks of river Mandakini

.After , Bhartan’s visit to Chitrakootam , Rama was upset and thought of changing the place and crossed Dhandakaranyam and reached Panchavati , a beautiful place on the banks of river Godavari.

106. What is dandakaranyam ? Dense forest 107. What did Bharatha carry finally back home ? Sri Padhuka 108. What did he do with Rama padhuka ? where ? He crowned the padhka in Ayodhya . He lived like a yogi in Nandhi grammam 109. Where and how did Bharata live till Rama came back ? Ref above answer 110. What did Baratwajar offer to all and how ?why ? significance of this feast ? Feast . recognition of Bharata’sbakthi 111. Who was Shravan kumar ? Young person kiiled by Dasaratha 112. Why did Dasaratha hit him ? name of the asthram ? ( Sabthavedanam ) aimed at the sourse of a sound .. 113. Who killed Vatapi ? Story of vatapi and illavan ? Agasthya 114. By which God’s name did Agasthiyar digested Vataphi ? Ganesh 115. What did Agasthiyar give to Sri Rama ? gifts ? purpose ? Vishnu bow , divine arrows , divine sword 116. Who was Sarabangar ? Rishi who was wwaiting to have dharsan of Rama and submit all his punyas by taps at the holy feet of

SriRam 117. Who was with him when Rama went to meet him ? Indra came to take him to swargam 118. Who was Sudheekshinar ? who directed Rama to him ? Rishi nominated by Sarabangar to help Rama to reach Panchavati 119. Who was the guide nominated by Sudheekshinar to help Rama to go to Panchavati ? Dharmabridh 120. What was Punjab saras ? who is living there ? rishi name ? Pond where music is heard . Mondakarni rishi lived there 121. Who was Jatayu ? Explain its Vamsam – Vulture king . son of Aruna 122. Who was the mother of Garudan ? Vinatha 123. Who was the father of Jatayu ? Aruna 124. Where was Jatayu living ? Panchavati 125. Where is Panchavati located ? which river ? in modern India – which state ? Godavari , Maharashtra 126. Who was Viradhan ? What was his curse ? who cursed him? Who was he originally ? Gandharva by name Thumburu . Kubera

cursed him to become rakshasan 127. What was original name of Viradhan ? Thumburu Gandharvan

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128. How did Rama and laxman killed him ? By burying him alive 129. Who made the ashram for Sri Rama in Panchavati ? How ? Where did he learn this ? Laxman . In Gurukulam 130. Whom did Sita meet in Athri’s ashram ? Anasuya 131. Ganga and Uma were born to whom ? ( Himavan + Manorama ( daughter of Meru) 132. What was amrutha madhanam ? Churning of milk ocean 133. Which was the mountain used ? Which Naga was used as rope ? mantra mountain , vasugi naga 134. Who stood at the head and who stood at the tail of the Vasugi? Asuras at head side and devas at the tail 135. Which posion came out ? who took it ? what was he called then ? Halakalam . Lord Siva . Neelakantan 136. How & Who withheld the mantra parvatha on his back as support ? Vishnu as tortoise 137. Who came out as Lord of ayurvedam ? lord of medicinal science ? Dhanvantri 138. What are the items which came out and who took it .list in order ? ( Alakalam , Danvantri , Apsarasgal, Varuni devatha ,

Uchaisravas, Kosthuba mani , Kamadenu , Laxmi, Iravatham , Amrutham , (Mohini Avtar ) 139. Who was Karan ? First brother of Ravana 140. What was the name of the kingdom managed by Karan ? Who was Dhoshanan ? Janasthanam 141. Who informed Ravana about the death of Karan and decimation of Janasthanam )- Akampanan 142. In which vesham did Ravana approach Janaki in her ashram ? Sanyasi 143. Explain the valour of Jatayu ? Jatayu , a very old vulture without any arms , used its wings to destroy Ravana’s chariot ,

horses , bows before offering its life to save Sita mata . Great sacrifice for the cause of Rama bahakthi . 144. In which way Ravana carried Sita mata ? By air in his vimanam 145. Whom did she see on the way and what did she throw to them ? Vanaras under Sugriva’s camp in Rishiyamukam and she

threw ornaments for identification 146. What relation did Rama mention to Jatayu ? Brother of Dasaratha . Uncle 147. What did Rama do after the death of Jatayu ? He performed last rites personally and gave moksham to Jatayu himself 148. Who is Kabandhan ? A person called Dhanu , hit by Indra and his mouth and stomach are same . 149. How was he killed ? by whom ? Rama and Lakshmana 150. Who directed Rama to take the help of Sugriva to find Sita mata ? Kabhandhan 151. Where was Sabari’s ashram ? In Rishya mookam adjacent to Pamba Saras 152. Which river / Saras ( lake) was nearby her Ashram ? Pamba Saras 153. Who was her Guru ? Mathaga risi 154. What did her Guru gave her while leaving this world ? Rama nama for chanting 155. Who witnessed Sabari’s moksham ? Rama 156. What is the place where Sugriva lived when Rama came in search of him ? Risha mookam 157. Who was sent by Sugriva to receive Rama ? Hanuman 158. Who was Sugriva’s minister ? Hanuman 159. How did Hanuman came originally to meet Rama ? As a Brahmin 160. What was Rama’s opinion of Hanauman upon seeing him for the first time ? Most educated and knowledgeable person 161. Which was the capital city of Monkey kingdom ? Kishkintha 162. Who was Tara ? Wife of Vali 163. Who was Sugriva’s wife ? Ruma 164. Who was Vali’s son ? Angathan 165. Who was the father of Hanuman ( king ) ? Kesari 166. Who was Hanuman’s mother ? Anjana Devi 167. Where was Hanuman born ? Anjanachalam 168. Who was Hanuman’s Vidhya Guru ? Sooryan 169. How many ‘ Viyakaranas ‘ did Hanuman mastered? Nine 170. What was the boon given by ‘Devas’ and ‘Brahma’ to Hanuman ? Siranjeevi . No arms can harm him in warfare 171. Who hit Hanuman when tried to catch sun? Indra 172. Who were the two asuras killed by Vali ? Dhundhubi , Mayavi 173. What was Mathangar’s curse on Vali ? Head will break in pieces if he steps into ashram area 174. How did Sugriva used it ? He lived in Mathanga ashram without fear of Vali 175. Who was with Sugriva when he was homeless and in exile ? Hanuman 176. How many trees ( sala vrikshas) did Rama pierce to give confidence to Sugriva ?seven 177. Who were the main team mates of Hanuman in search of Sita mata ? Jambavan , Angathan , Neelan 178. Which direction did they ( Hanuman’s team ) go to find Sita ? South 179. What did Rama handover to Hanuman ? Ring inscribed with ‘RAMA’ nama 180. What was the speciality of the ‘kanayazhi’ or the divine ring ? It carrie the holy nama ‘ rama’ 181. Who was Sampathi ? Vulture king , brother of Jatayu , Sampathi helped in Rama karyam 182. Who was Sampathi’s brother ? Jatayu 183. Who requested Hanuman to jump across the ocean ? Jambavan 184. Which mountain did Hanuman used for his launching ? Mahendra parvat 185. What was the distance did he jump across ocean ? 100 yojana ( nautical miles) 186. Which mountain came across ? Who sent it ? Mainaka parvatam sent by King of seas 187. Who was Simmigai ? Evil force , part of Rakshashi 188. Who was Surasai ? Naga matha sent by Devas to test Hanuman’s capacity and skills 189. Whom did he conquer while entering the Lanka city ?Lankini 190. Who was the son of Ravana’s head minister ? Jambumali 191. Who was Ravana’s chief minister ? Brahastan 192. What was the name of the garden in which Sita was sitting ? Asoka vanam 193. Under which tree she was waiting for RAMA ? Simshuba 194. Who was Trijata ? Daughter of Vibhishana

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195. List Ravana’s sons ? Aksha kumar , Inderjit 196. Who was Ravana’s wife ? Mandodahari 197. What concept did Sita mata advised to Ravana ? Friendship route 198. What was Inderjit’s original name ? Meghanathan 199. Why was he called Inderjith ? He defeated Indra 200. What did he do to win the battle against Hanuman ? To used Brimhasthra 201. What was Kumbakarna’s curse ? who cursed him ? To sleep for 6 months .Brahma 202. Which God did RAVANA please by his pooja ? Siva 203. How many HEADS did Ravana had ? 10 204. How did Hanuman gain Sita mata’s confidence? By narrating Rama’s story 205. What was the boon which Brahma gave to Ravana ? not be killed by anything except humans and monkeys 206. In Rama’s life , which is the most important principle did he follow allow ? Satyam 207. Which character describes Bhagiratha most ?Perseverance 208. How many months Sita was in Ravana’s town ? 10 months 209. When HANUMAN met Sita , how many months did she spend in Lanka already ? 8 months 210. What did Sita give back to Hanuman to show to Rama ? Chootamani 211. Who was KAKASURAN ? Original name? Whose son ? what was his mistake ? What punishment? Jayanthan .Son of Indra .

he disturbed sita mata and Rama used Brahmastra against him 212. What did Sita do before talking to Ravana in the Ashoka vanam ? She plucked a grass and put it between 213. Who advised Ravana not to kill a dhootha ? Vibhishana 214. What was the punishment given to Hanuman by Ravanan ? To set fire in his tail 215. Why was the fire set by Hanuman did not affect Ashok Vanam ? Sita herself is fire 216. Who said this information to Hanuman about asoka vanam not caught in fire ? Saranas who travel in the sky 217. What was feast for Monkeys in the Madhuvanam ? Fruits and wine 218. Who was the garden keeper in Madhuvanam ? Dhadhi mukahan 219. Why did Sugreevan did not get angry when Dadhimukan informed about monkeys spoiling madhuvanam ? He was sure that

team under Hanuman’s leadership would have had dharsan of Sita mata 220. What was Hanuman’s first words when he met Rama after seeing Sita mata ? Kanden sitayai – Drishta Seetha 221. In which direction did Hanuman bow down before talking to Rama ? South where Sita was sitting in Lanka 222. Where did Rama did pooja towards Sivan ? Rameshwaram 223. How did he get king of seas to surrender ? by using power of Kothandam 224. How did the King of seas agree to support building the bridge in the sea ? by accepting to float the stones 225. What is Sethu Bandanam? Construction of a bridge to cross ocean from Rameswaram to Lanka across Gulf of Mannar 226. Who made the original plan for this bridge ? How was it drawn ? Rama . by his dhanus 227. What was the place where this place was drawn ? where is it now ? Dhanuskoti . under water 228. Who was appointed as the leader for this bridge construction ? why ? Nalan . son of viswakarma 229. What did Vibishanan do ? what is it called ? Saranagathi 230. Who was sent as a messenger by Rama after reaching Lanka to try peace ? Angathan 231. Who came to rescue from Naga pasam ? Garudan 232. What was Sanjeevi parvat ? Mountain in Himalaya where rare medicinal herbs are available 233. Why Hanuman visited Sanjeevi Parvat ? To get mrithiyu sanjeevini herb 234. Why did he bring the entire mountain ? he could not identify exact herb to paucity of time 235. What is the medicine to be brought from Sanjeevi Parvat ? Mrithyu sanjeevini , Santhana kkarani , visalya karani , savarna karani 236. Who advised to bring Mrithiu sanjeevini ? why ? Jambhavan 237. What was the yaga planned by Inderjit ? Nikumbala 238. Who killed Inderjit ? Laxman 239. Who was the driver of the chariot ? SARATHY ? Mathali 240. What is Aditya hirudhayam ? Song on praise of Surya Narayana swami to wipe out enemy and gain all prosperity in life 241. Which Rishi appeared in the battle field to advise Rama to kill Ravana ? Agasthiyar 242. What did he give for Rama ? what was that mantra called ? He gave Adithya Hirudhyam Storam 243. Adhithya Hirudhyam is a prayer towards which God ? Surya 244. How Rama and Sita reached Ayodhya from Lanka ? Pushpaka viman 245. What was the special features of pushpaka Vimanam ? Flying , ever increasing capacity to accommodate any number of people 246. Who informed Bharatahn about the arrival of Rama in advance ? Hanuman 247. Where did Sita stayed while giving birth to the children ? Ashram of Valmiki 248. Who are the children of Sri Rama ? Lava Kusha 249. How many years did Rama live as per Ramayana ? 11000 years 250. How many years did Dasaratha live ? 60,000 251. What was the name of the divine bow used by Rama ? Kothandam 252. Name few women who were fortunate to know the divine nature of Rama and have divinely dharsan of HIM ? Tara , Mandodari

253. Name few rishis who knew the birth secret of Rama ? Vashista , Viswamithra, Agasthyar , Sarabangar , Mathangar 254. What is uttra ramayanam ? Rama’s life after pattabhishekam sung by Valmiki 255. Who were the sons of Kumbakarna ? Nikumban , kumban 256. Who was the son of Karan ? Maharakshan 257. In which cave , team of vanaras were caught while searching for Sita in the south ? Rikshabilam 258. Who did they meet there ? What is her name ? A yogini by name Swambrabhai 259. Who created Rikshabilam ? Mayan

Page 5: Valmiki ramayana quiz with answers


260. Who is the wife of Vibishana ? Sarama 261. Who is the father of Sugriva ? Riksharajas 262. How many did Rama prayed in Rameshwar in tharbhasayanam ? 263. Who is the Only one person who was addressed as Mahathma by Sri Rama in Ramayana ? 264. Who was referred as DASANANAN in Ramayana ? Ravana

Some general questions for model purpose only :

• Which Acharya in Kanchi Peetam did Nama Siddhthantham ? Sri Baghavanama Bodhendra Swamigal

• Who built the Ram temple in Bhadrachalam ? Badrachala Ramdass

• Who chants ‘Rama Nama “ those who die in Kasi ? Lord Viswanathar

• How many kirtans believed to be sung by Thiyaraja Swaamigal in his life ? 24000

• Who is the most famous Ram bhaktha who was Muslim by birth ? Santh Kabir Das

• Who wrote Sri Padhukha Sahasram ? in how much time ? Swami Vedantha Desikar in one night

• Name Periya and Siriya Thiruvadi in Sri Vaishnava Sampradhayam ? Garudan and Hanuman

• Name the mantra always chanted by Jai Hanuman ? Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram

• Name few other Ramayanas other than Valmiki Ramayanam – Anandha Ramayanam , Adyathma Ramayanam

• Name the city in which Goswami Tulsidas , Santh Kabir Das lived and did Rama Bhakthi ? Varanashi or kasi

• Who brought Sri Ranganathar upto Sri Rangam ? Who gave the diety to him ? Vibhishanan / Sri Rama

• What is the underwater bridge ( Rama Sethu ) between India and Ceylon called by Englishman ?Adam’s bridge

• Who wrote Raghuvamsam and in which language ? Mahakavi Kalidass /Sanskrit

• Name a foreign country / s which has their own version of Ramayana ? Thailand ,Indonesia

• Where is Ayodhya located in current day India ? in which state ? UP