VALLIAMMAI ENGINEERING COLLEGE SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur 603 203 DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY QUESTION BANK IV SEMESTER EC6504 MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER Regulation 2013 Academic Year 2017 2018 Prepared by Mr. S. Ravikumar, Assistant Professor(Sel.G) Dr. S. Narayanan, Assistant Professor(Sel.G)


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SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203






Regulation – 2013

Academic Year 2017 – 2018

Prepared by

Mr. S. Ravikumar, Assistant Professor(Sel.G)

Dr. S. Narayanan, Assistant Professor(Sel.G)

VALLIAMMAI ENGINEERING COLLEGE SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203.



SUBJECT : Microprocessor and Microcontroller SEM / YEAR: IV/II

UNIT I - THE 8086 MICROPROCESSOR Introduction to 8086 – Microprocessor architecture – Addressing modes - Instruction set and assembler directives – Assembly language programming – Modular Programming - Linking and Relocation - Stacks - Procedures – Macros – Interrupts and interrupt service routines – Byte and String Manipulation.



Questions BT



1 List the flags of 8086 microprocessor. BTL 1 Remembering

2 Define Macros. BTL 1 Remembering

3 Mention the address in the interrupt vector table which is used BTL 3 Remembering

for a Type-2 interrupt in 8086.

4 Generalize the concept of macros. BTL 6 Creating

5 Calculate the physical address, when segment address is BTL 3 Applying

1085H and effective address is 4537H.

6 Compose how the 2 byte INT instruction can be applied for BTL 6 Creating


7 List the addressing modes of 8086. Give examples. BTL 1 Remembering

8 Name the different types of interrupts supported in 8086. BTL 1 Remembering

9 Compare Procedure and Macro. BTL 4 Analyzing

10 Evaluating the memory locations which can be addressed by BTL 5 Evaluating

8086 microprocessor.

11 If the stack segment register contains 3000H and the stack

pointer register contains 8434H, obtain the physical address BTL 5 Evaluating

of the top of the stack.

12 List the segment register of 8086. BTL 1 Remembering

13 Discuss 8086 instructions used for ASCII and BCD BTL 2 Understanding


14 Summarize the various string instructions available in 8086. BTL 2 Understanding

15 Give the importance of the following assembler directives: BTL 2 Understanding


16 What do you mean by Segment Override Prefix? BTL 1 Remembering

17 Bring out the differences between an assembler directive and BTL 4 Analyzing


18 Compare intersegment and intrasegment branching of 8086 BTL 4 Analyzing


19 Express the addressing mode of the SHLD instruction and BTL 2 Understanding

how does it work.

20 Mention the advantages of using segment registers in 8086. BTL 3 Applying


1 (i)Describe the use of the following assembler directives:

DD, ASSUME, EQU. (6) BTL 1 Remembering

(ii)Explain about the Interrupt handling process in 8086. (7)

2 (i)Write an 8086 ALP to convert BCD data to Binary data. (6)

(ii)Describe the conditions which cause the 8086 to perform BTL 2 Understanding

type 0 and type 1 interrupt. (7)

3 (i)Describe the internal architecture of 8086 Microprocessor

with neat diagrams. (8) BTL 1 Remembering

(ii) Write a short note about assembler directives. (5)

4 Explain the various addressing modes available in 8086. BTL 4 Analyzing

Explain each mode with an example. (13)

5 (i)Explain the data transfer, arithmetic and branch instructions

of 8086 microprocessor with examples. (7) BTL 4 Analyzing

(ii)Analyzing an 8086 ALP to find the sum of numbers in an

array of 10 elements. (6)

6 Define interrupts and their types. Write in detail about BTL 1 Remembering

interrupt service routine. (13)

7 Demonstrate about the various assembler directives with an BTL 3 Applying

example for each category in 8086. (13)

8 (i)Distinguish between call and subroutine. (5)

(ii)Give an example for the 8086 instructions: AAA, CWD, BTL 2 Understanding


9 (i)Write an 8086 ALP to check whether the given string is

palindrome or not. (6) BTL 5 Evaluating

(ii)Criticize about instruction formats and instruction

execution timing. (7)

10 Deduce functional description of 8086 microprocessor with a BTL 4 Analyzing

neat diagram. (13)

11 (i)How does one define and call macro parameters of 8086

microprocessor? (6) BTL 2 Understanding

(ii)Describe about the operand formats for the addressing

modes with examples. (7)

12 Illustrate the classification of 8086 instructions based on its BTL 3 Applying

word length. (13)

13 (i)Generalize the concept of byte and string manipulation with

an example. (7)

(ii)Develop a program to transfer 50 bytes of data from BTL 6 Creating

memory location starting from 2000H to 3000H using the

string instruction MOVSB. (6)

14 (i)Describe the need for modular programming. (5)

(ii)Examine how to Creating and execute a program using BTL 1 Remembering

modules. (8)


1 (i)Write an 8086 ALP to get an input from the keyboard for 2

digits and convert that input into hexadecimal number using BIOS instruction. (7) BTL 6 Creating

(ii)Write an 8086 ALP to multiply 2 digit numbers by getting

an input from the keyboard using BIOS instructions. (8)

2(i)What do you mean by assembler directives? Explain BTL 5 Evaluating

SEGMENT, TYPE and OFFSET with suitable examples. (8)

(ii)Write an 8086 ALP to compare two strings of same length.


3 Explain the following 8086 instructions with necessary

examples: BTL 5 Evaluating

(i)Shift and rotate group (8)

(ii)Logical group (7)

4 (i)Explain in detail about the indirect addressing mode in

8086. (5) BTL 6 Creating

(ii)Write an ALP in 8086 to multiply two 16-bit numbers.(10)

UNIT II - 8086 SYSTEM BUS STRUCTURE 8086 signals – Basic configurations – System bus timing –System design using 8086 – IO programming – Introduction to Multiprogramming – System Bus Structure - Multiprocessor configurations – Coprocessor, Closely coupled and loosely Coupled configurations – Introduction to advanced processors.



Questions BT



1 Differentiate external verses internal bus. BTL 2 Understanding

2 Analyzing how clock signal is important for the operation of a BTL 4 Analyzing


3 Analyzing Machine cycle. BTL 4 Analyzing

4 Define bus. Write some example for advanced processor. BTL 1 Remembering

5 What if when the HOLD input to the 8086 is placed at its BTL 6 Creating

logic 1 level?

6 Discuss the purpose of the demultiplexer BHE signal on the BTL 2 Understanding

8086 processor.

7 When the 8086 processor is in minimum and maximum BTL 1 Remembering


8 What is multiprogramming? BTL 1 Remembering

9 Discriminate the minimum mode signals from the maximum BTL 5 Evaluating

mode signals of 8086 microprocessor.

10 Mention the function of LOCK and RQ/GT signals. BTL 3 Applying

11 Express the function of queue status lines QS0 and QS1 in BTL 2 Understanding

8086 microprocessor.

12 Draw the read cycle timing diagram for minimum mode. BTL 3 Applying

13 List the advantages of multiprocessor system. BTL 1 Remembering

14 Define Polling. BTL 1 Remembering

15 Assess CCW in an I/O Processor. BTL 5 Evaluating

16 Analyzing the need for co-processor. BTL 4 Analyzing

17 Mention the issues to be addressed in multi-processor BTL 3 Applying


18 How does the main processor distinguish its instructions from

the co-processor instructions when it fetches the instructions BTL 2 Understanding

from memory?

19 List out the advantages of loosely coupled system over a BTL 1 Remembering

tightly coupled system.

20 Design how synchronization is made between 8086 and its BTL 6 Creating



1 Explain all the pin functions of 8086 processor configured in BTL 4 Analyzing

the maximum mode. (13)

2 Describe about the signals involved in minimum mode

operation of 8086 with a microprocessor based system with BTL 2 Understanding

the timing diagram. (13)

3 How would you explain the system bus timing of 8086? (13) BTL 4 Analyzing

4 Describe the maximum mode configuration of 8086 by with a BTL 2 Understanding

neat diagram. Mention the functions of various signals. (13)

5 With necessary diagrams, examine the microprocessor BTL 1 Applying

configurations in detail. (13)

6 Describe the following:

(i)Programmed I/O (7) BTL 1 Remembering

(ii)Interrupt I/O (6)

7 Explain the following:

(i)Memory Management and Virtual Memory (5) BTL 4 Analyzing

(ii)Multiprogramming (4)

(iii)Semaphore (4)

8 (i)Explain the block diagram of 8089 I/O processor. (8)

(ii)Compare closely coupled configuration with loosely BTL 5 Evaluating

coupled configuration. (5)

9 (i)Draw the block diagram of 8087 numeric data processor

and explain. (7) BTL 3 Applying

(ii)Mention the data types supported by 8087 numeric data

processor. (6)

10 Draw the internal architectural diagram of 8089 IOP and

design its functions as an intelligent DMA controller with the BTL 6 Creating

8086 CPU. (13)

11 (i)Draw the control word and status word format of 8087

processor. (6) BTL 3 Applying

(ii)Show how the communication between CPU and IOP

processor takes place. (7)

12 Describe the closely coupled configuration of multi-processor BTL 1 Remembering

configuration with suitable diagram. (13)

13 Define loosely coupled system. Explain the schemes used for BTL 1 Remembering

establishing priority. (13)

14 Describe the hardware enhancements of 80186 and 80286 BTL 2 Understanding

microprocessors compared to 8086. (13)


1 (i)Write down the comparison of memory mapped I/O and

peripheral I/O. (8) BTL 6 Creating

(i)Draw the timing diagram for the execution of the 8086

MOV instructions. (7)

2 Draw the timing diagram of memory read and memory write BTL 6 Creating

operations of 8086 microprocessor and explain in detail. (15)

3 Assess the various schemes used to solve the bus arbitration BTL 5 Evaluating

problem in multiprocessors. (15)

4 (i)Explain the execution steps of 8087 Coprocessor. (8) BTL 5 Evaluating

(ii)Explain the architecture of 8089 I/O Processor. (7)


Memory Interfacing and I/O interfacing - Parallel communication interface – Serial communication interface – D/A and A/D Interface - Timer – Keyboard /display controller – Interrupt controller – DMA controller – Programming and applications Case studies: Traffic Light control, LED display, LCD display, Keyboard display interface and Alarm Controller.



Questions BT



1 List the advantages and disadvantages of parallel BTL 1 Remembering

communication over serial communication.

2 Analyzing key bouncing. BTL 4 Analyzing

3 Point out the drawbacks of memory mapped I/O. BTL 4 Analyzing

4 What are the handshake signals used in Mode-2 configuration of 8255. BTL 1 Remembering

5 What are the enhanced features of 8254 Programmable timer BTL 1 Remembering

compared to 8253?

6 Give the control word format of 8253 Timer. BTL 2 Understanding

7 Define the strobed I/O mode of 8255 PPI. BTL 1 Remembering

8 Give the different types of command word used in 8259A. BTL 2 Understanding

9 Illustrate the need for D/A converter. BTL 3 Applying

10 Evaluating the use of cascading signals of 8259 BTL 5 Evaluating

programmable interrupt controller.

11 What is meant by Interrupt Mask Register in 8259? BTL 1 Remembering

12 Discriminate the 2-key lockout from N key roll over mode of BTL 5 Evaluating


13 Mention the ports available in 8255. What is the advantage of BTL 3 Applying

the third port?

14 Name some common priority modes that are available in 8259 BTL 1 Remembering


15 What is meant by USART? BTL 1 Remembering

16 Design an alarm controller using 8086 as processor. BTL 6 Creating

17 Give the various modes and applications of 8254 Timer. BTL 2 Understanding

18 Show the mode instruction format of 8251 peripheral device. BTL 3 Applying

19 Formulate what frequency transmit clock TxC is required by

an 8251 in order for it to transmit data at 4800 baud with a BTL 6 Creating

baud rate factor of 16?

20 How DMA is initiated? BTL 2 Understanding


1 With neat block diagram, explain the description and function BTL 4 Analyzing

of 8259.


2 (i)With a block diagram design how 8255 PPI functions in different modes to accommodate different kind of I/O devices. (5)

BTL 6 Creating

(ii)Formulate the control word for the 8255 PPI functions in

different modes to accommodate different kind of I/O


a. To connect one input device and one output device in

the strobe mode. (4)

b. To connect two input devices in the strobe mode. (4)

3 (i)Discuss how to interface an LCD display with 8086

microprocessor. (7) BTL 2 Understanding

(ii)Write a program to display a character using LCD display.


4 With neat diagram, describe the internal structure of key

board and display controller IC 8279. (13) BTL 1 Remembering

5 (i)How do you interface a keyboard and the display using

keyboard/display controller? (6) BTL 2 Understanding

(ii)Discuss about memory and I/O interfacing. (7)

6 How to interface a DMA controller with a microprocessor?

Assess how DMA controller transfers large amount of data BTL 5 Evaluating

from one memory locations to another memory location. (13)

7 (i)Draw and explain the block diagram of ADC converter. (7) BTL 3 Applying

(ii)How is A/D converter interfaced with 8086? (6)

8 Discuss how a PIC, 8259 is interfaced to an 8086 based BTL 2 Understanding

system. How does 8259 service an interrupt? (13)

9 (i)List the different DMA transfer modes supported by a

DMA controller and explain these modes. (7) BTL 1 Remembering

(ii)Describe the internal architectural diagram of the 8237 and

explain how it functions as a DMA controller. (6)

10 Draw and explain the block diagram of 8254 Programmable

Interval Timer (PIT), and also explain the various modes of BTL 4 Analyzing

operation. (13)

11 List the steps involved in interfacing an alarm controller with BTL 1 Remembering

8086 microprocessor and explain in detail. (13)

12 (i)Draw and explain the block diagram of DAC converter. (7) BTL 3 Applying

(ii)How is D/A converter interfaced with 8086? (6)

13 (i)Draw the block diagram of traffic light control system

using 8086. (7) BTL 1 Remembering

(ii)Write the algorithm and assembly language program for

traffic light control system. (6)

14 Explain the operation of 8251 serial communication interface BTL 4 Analyzing

with a neat diagram. (13)



Develop a 8086 base system with 128 RAM and 4k ROM,to display the word HAPPY for every 2ms in the common anode seven segment LED display.Explain the delay timings. BTL 6 Creating

2 (i)What is known as PPI, What is the use of interfacing the

same in 8086? (5) BTL 6 Creating

(ii)Draw and explain the architecture of 8255. (10)

3 Explain the following:

(i)Modes of operation of timer (8) BTL 5 Evaluating

(ii)Operation of interrupt controller (7)

4 Explain the 8251 USART with neat block diagram. Also BTL 5 Evaluating

explain its mode word, command word and status word. (15)


Architecture of 8051 – Special Function Registers(SFRs) - I/O Pins- Ports and Circuits - Instruction set - Addressing modes - Assembly language programming.



Questions BT



1 Assess how the processor 8051 knows whether on chip ROM BTL 5 Evaluating

or external memory is used.

2 Draw the diagram of PSW in 8051. BTL 3 Applying

3 What is the jump range? BTL 1 Remembering

4 How do you select the register bank in 8051 microcontroller? BTL 5 Evaluating

5 Analyzing about the purpose of PSEN pin 8051. BTL 4 Analyzing

6 List the various control registers of 8051 microcontroller. BTL 1 Remembering

7 Summarize the advantages of the register indirect addressing BTL 2 Understanding

mode in 8051 microcontroller.

8 Differentiate microprocessor from microcontroller in system BTL 4 Analyzing


9 List the advantages and applications of microcontroller. BTL 1 Remembering

10 Give the alternate functions for the port pins of port3. BTL 2 Understanding

11 List the flags available in 8051. BTL 1 Remembering

12 How to set 8051 in idle mode. BTL 3 Applying

13 Classify the different ways of operand addressing in 8051. BTL 4 Analyzing

14 Give the significance of EA line of 8051 microcontroller. BTL 2 Understanding

15 Differentiate the given instruction: MOVC and MOVX BTL 2 Understanding

16 Show the function of the given 8051 instructions: CJNE and BTL 3 Applying


17 Describe the power down mode of 8051 microcontroller. BTL 1 Remembering

18 Name the number of ports that are bit addressable in 8051. BTL 1 Remembering

19 Write an 8051 ALP to toggle P1 a total of 200 times. Use

RAM location 32H to hold your counter value instead of BTL 6 Creating

registers R0-R7.

20 With XTAL= 11.0592 MHz, what value to be loaded into the BTL 6 Creating

TH1 to have 9600 baud rate.


1 Explain in detail about the architecture of 8051 BTL 4 Analyzing

microcontroller with neat diagram. (13)

2 Write an ALP using 8051 instructions to receive bytes of data

serially and put them in P1. Set the baud rate at 4800, 8-bit BTL 6 Creating

data, and 1 stop bit. (13)

3 (i)Give PSW of 8051 and describe the uses of each bit. (6)

(ii)Describe the functions of the following signals in 8051: BTL 2 Understanding

RST, EA, PSEN and ALE. (7)

4 Explain the memory organization and SFR area of BTL 4 Analyzing

8051microcontroller. (13)

5 (i)Demonstrate in detail about arithmetic and control

instruction set in 8051. (7) BTL 3 Applying

(ii)Write a program to bring in data in serial form and send it

out in parallel form using 8051. (6)

6 Explain the I/O ports of 8051 microcontroller in detail. (13) BTL 4 Analyzing

7 (i)Discuss in brief the various registers in 8051

microcontroller. (6) BTL 2 Understanding

(ii)Discuss the internal memory organization of 8051

microcontroller. (7)

8 Explain the different addressing modes in 8051 BTL 1 Remembering

microcontroller and discuss each mode with an example. (13)

9 (i)Tabulate the comparisons of CALL, RET and PUSH, POP

instructions. (7) BTL 1 Remembering

(ii)Describe the following 8051 instructions with an example:

DA, MUL, SWAP and SJMP. (6)

10 Describe the working of the 8051 microcontroller. Give a neat BTL 2 Understanding

sketch. (13)

11 (i)Describe the function of 8051 microcontroller instructions

for performing data transfer and logical operations with

suitable examples. (7) BTL 1 Remembering

(ii)Identify the rotate and swap instructions with an example

for each. (6)

12 (i)Explain in detail about the SFR's in 8051. (7)

(ii)Write an ALP in 8051 to convert a 16 bit binary number to BTL 1 Remembering

ASCII. (6)

13 Draw the pin diagram of 8051 microcontroller and explain the BTL 3 Applying

functions of each bit. (13)

14 Write an 8051 ALP to Creating a square wave of 66% duty BTL 5 Evaluating

cycle on bit 3 of port 1. (13)


1 (i)Write a brief note on external data move operations in

8051. (8)

(ii)Write an 8051 ALP to add three BCD numbers stored in BTL 6 Creating

internal RAM locations 25H, 26H and 27H and put the result

in RAM locations 31H (MSB) and 30H (LSB). Use Register

R0 to store the intermediate result. (7)

2 Compose the functions of the signals present in 8051. (15) BTL 6 Creating

3 (i)Explain with block diagram how to access external memory

devices in an 8051 based system. (8) BTL 5 Evaluating

(ii)Explain the Boolean processing capabilities of an 8051

microcontroller. (7)

4 (i)What are the functional blocks available in 8051? Explain

with a block diagram. (8) BTL 5 Evaluating

(ii)Tabulate the program control instructions of 8051 and

explain any five of them. (7)

UNIT V- INTERFACING MICROCONTROLLER Programming 8051 Timers - Serial Port Programming - Interrupts Programming – LCD & Keyboard Interfacing - ADC, DAC & Sensor Interfacing - External Memory Interface-Stepper Motor and Waveform generation.


S.No Questions BT



1 Show how external interrupts are serviced in 8051 BTL 3 Applying


2 Which register is used for serial programming in 8051? BTL 3 Applying

Illustrate it.

3 Compare Polling and Interrupt. BTL 4 Analyzing

4 Show the list of interrupts available in 8051. BTL 3 Applying

5 Define baud rate of 8051. BTL 1 Remembering

6 What is the use of Vref pin in ADC? BTL 1 Remembering

7 How to change the direction of the stepper motor from

clockwise direction to anti-clockwise direction using a BTL 6 Creating

program segment?

8 List the modes of Timer in 8051. BTL 1 Remembering

9 Obtain the baud rate for serial data transfer in mode1. BTL 3 Applying

10 Compare successive approximation ADC with integrating BTL 4 Analyzing

type ADC.

11 What is the significance of TF and TR control bits in the BTL 1 Remembering

TCON timer/counter control/status register?

12 List any two examples of sensors and state its uses. BTL 1 Remembering

13 Point out any two applications that use ADC and DAC. BTL 4 Analyzing

14 Obtain a sine wave using 8051 microcontroller. BTL 5 Evaluating

15 Summarize the features of serial port in mode 0. BTL 2 Understanding

16 Examine the necessity to interface DAC with microcontroller. BTL 1 Remembering

17 Express the need for de-bouncing the keyboard. BTL 2 Understanding

18 Formulate the angle through which a stepper motor will rotate BTL 6 Creating

for every output step pulse from the µC.

19 Differentiate between timers and counters. Draw the diagram BTL 2 Understanding

of TCON in 8051.

20 Give the significance of SCON and TCON register in 8051. BTL 2 Understanding


1 (i)Describe about serial port interface of 8051. (6)

(ii)Discuss the various operating modes for serial port of 8051 BTL 2 Understanding

microcontroller. (7)

2 (i)Show how to interface an LCD display with µC. (7)

(ii)Demonstrate a program to display a character using LCD BTL 3 Applying

display. (6)

3 (i)How does the timer operate in 8051 in mode 2? Explain

with suitable diagram. (7) BTL 6 Creating

(ii)Assuming XTAL= 11.0592 MHz, write a 8051 ALP to

generate a square wave of 50 Hz frequency on pin P2.3. (6)

4 Describe about interrupt programming with respect to 8051 BTL 1 Remembering

microcontroller with neat diagram.


5 (i) Mention the modes of serial communication in 8051.

Demonstrate about the setting up of serial port modes. (7) BTL 3 Applying

(ii)Which event can trigger interrupts, and what happens? (6)

6 (i)Explain the different modes of operation of timers/counters

in 8051 microcontroller with its associated register. (7) BTL 4 Analyzing

(ii)Analyzing how to interface a 16 X 2 LCD display using

8051microcontroller. (6)


Give short notes on (i)Sensor Interface (6)

(ii)Display Interface (7) BTL 2 Understanding

8 With a neat circuit diagram, explain how 4x4 Keypad is in

interfaced with 8051 microcontroller and write 8051 ALP for BTL 4 Analyzing

keypad scanning. (13)

9 (i)What are the functions of timers/counters? (6)

(ii)Describe the 16 bit timer mode and 8 bit auto reload mode BTL 1 Remembering

of 8051 microcontroller. (7)

10 (i)Explain the TMOD function register and its timer modes of

operations. (7) BTL 4 Analyzing

(ii)Compare and contrast the IE and IP register in 8051

microcontroller. (6)

11 (i)How to transfer data between a PC and microcontroller

using serial communication? Draw the necessary diagrams.(7) BTL 3 Applying

(ii)Explain how to interface an 8 bit ADC with 8051

microcontroller. (6)

12 Describe the basic operation of a stepper motor and also BTL 1 Remembering

discuss how to interface a stepper motor to 8051.


13 Evaluating about the various interrupts and their associated BTL 5 Evaluating

priorities in 8051 microcontroller.


14 (i)Discuss how a DAC is interfaced with 8051 µC. (7)

(ii)With diagram, describe the operation of R-2R method of BTL 2 Understanding

D/A converter. (6)


1 (i)Explain how an LCD and Keyboard is interfaced with

8051. (8) BTL 5 Evaluating

(ii)Describe about serial port interface of 8051. (7)


Design a circuit to generate 12 MHz frequency for a system.Write program for generations of unipolar square waveform of 1 KHz frequency using Timer of 8051 in mode 0(15). BTL 6 Creating

3 Draw the diagram to interface a stepper motor with 8051

microcontroller and explain. Write its ALP to run the stepper BTL 5 Evaluating

motor in both forward and reverse direction with delay. (15)

4 You are provided with 4x4 matrix key board, a

microcontroller and a seven segment display. Design a system

which has to display the hexadecimal code of the BTL 6 Creating

corresponding key pressed. Assume all other relevant details.

Give a program for your design. (15)