APRIL W hen the film, The Passion of Christ, debuted in 2004, it was overwhelming in its graphic representaon of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. I remember watching the film and being drawn deeper and deeper into the pain and horror of the moments. There were moments when, with every fiber of my being, I wanted to stand and shout, ‘Stop it! That’s enough!’ But the brutality relentlessly ground on. As with other films on the subject, the pinnacle moment of torture comes when the soldier, with hammer in hand, reaches into a pouch, searching for the spikes that would hold the body of our Lord to cross. The ancipaon of the coming moments causes the audience to gasp in fear. For the honest viewer, the image brings a wave of despair for what is to follow. Like the sound of a judge’s gavel following a guilty verdict, the sound of the soldiers hammer brings a deafening finality to the moment. Those standing at the cross that day were leſt with the horror and despair of the scene. We, on the other hand, have the advantage of seeing the full picture of redempon and transformaon that comes from those unimaginable moments. For us, those spikes that served as instruments of death actually now serve as anchor points for our lives. The Apostle Paul looked at those nails and declared that they are vivid reminders that God has taken all of our brokenness, our rebellion, our failures and willful disobedience and nailed them to the cross. When those nails sunk into the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, they represented our debt of sin being paid for (Colossians 2:13-15). In exchange for death, we receive forgiveness in Christ. When my life seems lost, reeling out of control with the wreckage of my own sin, I need only look to the cross of Christ for the forgiveness He bought for me. Just as a ship’s anchor line stretches ght when the anchor finds a hold, so we too find an anchor that holds in the cross of Jesus. At that moment, when forgiveness washes over us, the driſt of our lives stops and we find ourselves secure in the new life and transformaon that comes from the cross. Only God can bring this kind of redempon into our lives. In our day, when the driſt into sin and away from God oſten mes turns into a full-blown storm in our lives, we need to remember the anchor of the cross. Easter is that moment for us. It is a moment in our lives when we come to the cross and find forgiveness. On the other side of that moment is a new life that can only be offered by our resurrected Lord. May this Easter bring into vivid focus the terrible price of our sin, the forgiveness offered through the cross and the new life that comes in Christ Jesus. By Pastor Mike Sindelar We have an Anchor

Valley Free Newsletter - April 2012

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News & Events from Valley Evangelical Free Church

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Page 1: Valley Free Newsletter - April 2012


W hen the film, The Passion of Christ, debuted

in 2004, it was overwhelming in its graphic

representation of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. I

remember watching the film and being drawn deeper

and deeper into the pain and horror of the moments.

There were moments when, with every fiber of my

being, I wanted to stand and shout, ‘Stop it! That’s

enough!’ But the brutality relentlessly ground on.

As with other films on the subject, the pinnacle moment of torture comes when the soldier, with hammer

in hand, reaches into a pouch, searching for the spikes that would hold the body of our Lord to cross. The

anticipation of the coming moments causes the audience to gasp in fear. For the honest viewer, the

image brings a wave of despair for what is to follow. Like the sound of a judge’s gavel following a guilty

verdict, the sound of the soldiers hammer brings a deafening finality to the moment.

Those standing at the cross that day were left with the horror and despair of the scene. We, on the other

hand, have the advantage of seeing the full picture of redemption and transformation that comes from

those unimaginable moments. For us, those spikes that served as instruments of death actually now serve

as anchor points for our lives.

The Apostle Paul looked at those nails and declared that they are vivid reminders that God has taken all of

our brokenness, our rebellion, our failures and willful disobedience and nailed them to the cross. When

those nails sunk into the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, they represented our debt of sin being paid for

(Colossians 2:13-15). In exchange for death, we receive forgiveness in Christ. When my life seems lost,

reeling out of control with the wreckage of my own sin, I need only look to the cross of Christ for the

forgiveness He bought for me. Just as a ship’s anchor line stretches tight when the anchor finds a hold, so

we too find an anchor that holds in the cross of Jesus. At that moment, when forgiveness washes over us,

the drift of our lives stops and we find ourselves secure in the new life and transformation that comes

from the cross. Only God can bring this kind of redemption into our lives.

In our day, when the drift into sin and away from God often times turns into a full-blown storm in our

lives, we need to remember the anchor of the cross. Easter is that moment for us. It is a moment in our

lives when we come to the cross and find forgiveness. On the other side of that moment is a new life that

can only be offered by our resurrected Lord.

May this Easter bring into vivid focus the terrible price of our sin, the forgiveness offered through the

cross and the new life that comes in Christ Jesus.

By Pastor Mike Sindelar

We have an


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Gospel-Powered Parenting

by William P. Farely

Book expert: "This book assumes that effective

parents equip their children to overcome the world -

not by controlling their environment, but by going

after their children's heart. We change their hearts

by teaching the gospel, modeling the gospel, and centering our

homes on the gospel"

Andrew's thoughts: This book highlights the need for parents to

demonstrate a healthy fear, love, and respect for God. We should

never assume our kids are in love with Jesus simply because we

drag them to church or because they love youth group where

"church is fun". In my limited reading and research on parenting,

this is by far the best resource I've found. I love that it's packed

with scripture, offering biblical principles rather than sociological

methods for parenting.

By Pastor Andrew Peterson

Building a Discipling Culture

by Mike Breen

Book expert: "No one accidentally produces

disciples. Discipleship is an intentional pursuit.

Building a culture of discipleship is the only way you

will produce the kind of community that Jesus and

the New Testament writers would recognize as church."

Andrew's thoughts: I'm only halfway through this book, but it's a

great reminder that in the business of life, and specifically church life

as a pastor, making disciples is our only true call. It's super easy to

plan events, build programs, etc...but we're not called to build

programs, events, numbers, or buildings. We are called to make

disciples (Matthew 28:19). The book makes the statement that

where disciples are made, the rest will follow. Programs, events,

buildings, etc. are not bad. They are a often necessary step after

disciple-making takes place. However, in the American church, we

far too often substitute these things as an effort to make disciples,

rather than as a response to effective discipleship.


Hymns: Take the World,

But Give me Jesus

by Ascend the Hill

Andrew's thoughts: I haven't stopped

listening to this album for the past

year. If you're looking for modern yet

timeless sound, mixed with the solid

words and theology of some old hymns, this album is what you're

looking for! Ascend the Hill's rendition of How Great Thou Art is

one of my favorite songs.


What We've Grown to Be

by We Came As Romans

Andrew's thoughts: This album is

probably for a minority of the readers.

It's a hardcore album with a powerful

punch. One of my favorite lines, "I fear

that my words have only given weight to brief intentions with no

intent for action," challenges me to live what I preach. How's that for

making you consider James chapter 2, and whether or not we're

putting our faith in action?

Have a Christian book, CD or video you think would be of interest to the Valley family?

Submit the title and your review to [email protected].

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P A G E 3

T his past month our SMT (Student Ministry Team) had the

privilege of studying 1 Corinthians 12 & Ephesians 4 in

conjunction with taking the StrengthsFinder test. Our goal in this

was to begin identifying how God has wired and gifted us, so that

we may appropriately serve the body of Christ.

It iss a great joy of mine to see how our students are wired. Each is

incomplete with their own individual set of gifts and weaknesses,

but when joined to the large group we are all better equipped to

serve in fullness and joy. Whether it’s a pinky toe strength (a

behind the scenes, unnoticed gift), or a head strength (an upfront,

noticeable gift), we are all placed in the body for a specific purpose

and have an important role to play. Take the time this week to ask

a CruX student what their Strengths are, and encourage them as

they seek to be used to the best of their ability, for God’s glory!

Pinky Toes Tested

By Pastor Andrew Peterson

Fun and Fellowship at our Student Ministry Team Retreat

Y our pinky toes seems pretty useless, right? I mean, how often

do you go through a day thinking, “I’m glad I have my pinky

toe, otherwise I’d be really off balance”? Never! I’ve never once

thought that, and I’m sure you have not either. Yet, it’s true.

Though they aid us in incredible ways, we so easily take the small

and unnoticed parts of our body for granted.

It’s no different in the life of an organization, business, family, or

church. Often times there are certain parts of the organization that

go unnoticed, but without that gifted person working thanklessly

we’d all be off balance.

I think this is what the Apostle Paul is getting at in 1 Corinthians 12

and Ephesians 4:

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same spirit…now

to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the

common good. (1 Corinthians 12:4&7)

It is he who gave some to be apostles, some to be

prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors

and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service,

so that the body of Christ may be built up.

(Ephesians 4:11-12)

He’s clearly saying that we need to know our place, use our gifts,

affirm one another’s roles, and serve the body of Christ (the

Church) with love and self-sacrifice (2 Corinthians 13). Do you know

your role? Are you using your gifts? Have you gotten plugged in and

used what God has given you for the “common good”? There is

nothing more rewarding!

Pinky Toes & the Body of Christ

Have you gotten plug

ged in

and used what God

has given you

for the “common good”?

There is nothing

more rewarding!

By Pastor Andrew Peterson

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P A G E 4

M arch was a very exciting month for Children’s Ministry at

Valley. We were especially fortunate to have so many

opportunities to emphasize missions with the kids. In our missions

themed activities the kids have been able to “travel” to multiple

countries and learn how God is the same both here and in other

parts of the world.

During Missions Sunday the Sunday School classes made their way

through three stations that were set up to help them understand

different aspects of countries across the globe who have kids

learning about and loving Jesus just like them. Our sampling of

Spanish cuisines proved to be quite insightful. The kids have a

great sense of adventure when it comes to trying different

combinations of ingredients. It was no surprise to find out that of

all the samples, Nutella on sweet crackers was the overall favorite.

Rob Hultgren took the kids on a virtual tour of the country of

Jordan and pointed out how many of the stories in the Bible took

place in and around the country he has invested a significant

portion of his life to.

Our 3rd station presented the opportunity to complete a worksheet

titled Super Kids 4 Christ. These worksheets included fill in the

By Jan Schmit

blank fun facts for each of our kids to share a little about themselves

with our sister church’s children’s ministry in Romania. You can see

for yourself the end result of this project by stopping by the

Education Wing and checking out our Valley’s Super Kids 4 Christ

wall. You may even learn something new about one or two of our

kids. These activity pages are being hand delivered to Adunarea

Speranta Vie with the help of Britta Palmquist. Britta is the Eden

Prairie high school graduate who bravely decided to independently

spend a year ministering to the people of Pitesti under the wing of

Cristi Golas and the members of the church. Britta will also be

delivering a Betty Lukens Bible flannel graph set and our Sunday

School Missions offering which will both be used to enhance the kids

ministry in Pitesti.

As part of the 2 & 3 year olds connection to missions, their teacher,

Sarah Sindelar, has helped them put together a care package to bless

Katie Dudgeon. Katie is currently ministering to the people of

Madrid, Spain. You are never too young to be a part of missions!

It has been a pleasure presenting the big concept of missions to our

kids, and highlighting its importance in the Christian faith. They have

done a great job embracing the idea and getting excited for God’s

people all around the world.

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“For this child I have prayed

and the Lord has granted

the desires of my heart” ~ I Samuel 1:27

By Jan Schmit

…is open for business! We are excited to announce that a new feature has been added to

our Infant Nursery. In an effort to accommodate the needs of our

nursing moms, a new curtained space has been created. It is com-

fortably furnished with a glider rocking chair, digital clock, wipes,

small wall lamp, a Boppy nursing pillow, a women’s devotional, and

other small supplies. An added convenience is access to the chang-

ing table and sink within the Infant nursery. If you are a mother with

a nursing baby or just need a quiet place to soothe your little one,

please consider yourself welcome.

Amy McGowan graciously helped design and supply the necessary

items to make this nook as complete and comfortable as possible.

Please join me in thanking her for her time and efforts!

C alling all men, to meet in the conference room each Monday night at 7:00 pm, as we begin a new video and discussion

series entitled, Doing the Right Thing, with Chuck Colson and a panel of experts on the campus of Princeton University.

“No matter what profession, career or job you're in our pursuing, ethics matters-big time. Whether we are dealing with discrimination in the workplace, stealing from the company or shareholders, or the failure to abide by professional standards of conduct, we all need to have a sure ethical framework to understand how to be on the job.”

This series is a six-part exploration of ethics in which we will

wrestle with the following questions:

How did we get into this mess?

Is there truth, a moral law we can all know?

If we know what is right, can we do it?

What does it mean to be human?

Ethics in the market place.

Ethics in public life.

Seeing the Treasure Before Us...the importance of investing in our youth

In a few weeks, we will have our annual youth Sunday in which we will recognize our graduating seniors. As I scan the names of this class, I am

moved to praise for each of them. It is a solid class of mature believers.

That is no accident. They not only represent a personal growth and commitment to Christ, but also a huge investment by parents, family, church

and community.

It is a blessing to think that the youth ministry, under the leadership of Andrew Peterson, and the Valley Free family, have played a significant role

in shaping and molding these young lives for Christ. They are a testimony of our passion and conviction that our kids and teens grow up in an

environment that gives them every possibility to choose Jesus.

As Pastor Andrew moves on from Valley in June, we will face the challenge and opportunity to build on his and our convictions that we need

to continue to invest in the next generation.

In light of that, the elders are continuing to work out the best solutions for the next season of youth ministry. We are looking at a variety of

ways to fulfill the role of student ministry leadership. We are working closely with our district youth ministry representative, Glenn Olson, to

shape out a pathway that best serves our teens.

Our discussions are quickly taking shape and we hope to begin a broader conversation with the youth ministry leadership team, both adults

and students, in April. Following that, we will give a full progress report at our congregational meeting on Sunday, April 29.

As this planning continues, we are counting on your prayers for the process, for blessing on the next season of youth ministry and for the

person and team that will lead this essential ministry.

By Pastor Mike Sindelar

Check out the video: http://www.youtube.com/embed/r07Jdnddiyo?rel=0

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SU 1 8:45 am 10:00 am 6:00 pm

PALM SUNDAY Sunday School / SMS Worship Service CruX

M 2 7:00 pm Men’s Bible Study

TU 3 6:45 pm Women’s Bible Study

TH 5 7:00 pm Worship Team Rehearsal

F 6 7:00 pm Good Friday Service

SU 8 8:45 am 10:00 am 6:00 pm

EASTER NO Sunday School / SMS Worship Service NO CruX

M 9 12:30 pm 7:00 pm

White Cross Men’s Bible Study

T 10 6:30 pm Missions Outreach Team

TH 12 7:00 pm 7:00 pm

Worship Team Rehearsal Web Team Meeting

SA 14 7:30 am Men’s Monthly Breakfast

SU 15 8:45 am 10:00 am 6:00 pm

Sunday School / SMS Worship Service CruX

M 16 7:00 pm Men’s Bible Study

T 17 6:45 pm Women’s Bible Study

TH 19 7:00 pm Worship Team Rehearsal

SU 22 8:45 am 10:00 am 6:00 pm

Sunday School / SMS Worship Service CruX

M 23 12:30 pm 7:00 pm

White Cross Men’s Bible Study

TH 26 7:00 pm Worship Team Rehearsal

F 27 4:00 PM CruX Leaves for District Blitz

SA 28 All day District Blitz

SU 29 8:45 am 10:00 am 2:00 pm 6:00 pm

Sunday School / SMS Worship Service CruX Returns from District Blitz NO CruX

M 30 7:00 pm Men’s Bible Study

See bulletins for weekly updates/changes to this calendar

P A G E 7


Thank you to all that have donated or pledged money

toward the Light on the Hill campaign. We are steadily

making progress towards our ultimate goal to upgrade

and repair our facility.

If you have not yet participated in the Light on the Hill

campaign, please prayerfully consider your role in

making these plans a reality. The Light on the Hill

campaign is founded on God’s provision through you,

the family of Valley Free. The construction process will

advance as the level of giving allows. Our goal is to begin

the renovation as early as this summer. As God provides

the funds (No loans will be taken out) through your gifts,

we will prioritize the order in which the projects will be


For more information on the project or to fill out a

pledge card, we welcome you to review a campaign

booklet from the display in the church foyer or visit our

website at valleyfree.org/light-on-the-hill.

Giving as of

March 27th

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Fax: 952-448-5119

[email protected]

150 Engler Blvd

Chaska, MN 55318