w PANORAMIC VIEW OF SAN FRANCISCO , SHOWING MANY BUILDINGS DESTROYED BY SHOCK AND FIRE. frightful Seismic Shock Shatters Half of the Town. Water Mains Broken .and Fire Completes the 'Other Cities on the Pacific Also Stricken by the Great Disaster..- Appalling . . Loss of Life and Mi- llions ¬ of Dollars Worth of Property Destroyed.- $1any . New and Costly Skyscrapers and Big Stores Fall in Heaps of Debris. Torn and shattered by the earth- Quake - , which was followed by devas- tating ¬ fire , San Francisco is a city of- ruins. . Hundreds , perhaps thousands , of lives have been snuffed out and mil- lions ¬ upon millions of dollars in prop- erty ¬ are lost. Where stood its stateli- est ¬ buildings are piles of twisted steel and ruined stone. The homes of many "families were wrenched into fragments and the lives they sheltered taken. The first shock was felt just at dawn Wednesday , and the disturbances con- tinued ¬ for several minutes. The earlier * were mild , as they -continued the the ¬ so that whole ¬ the city disturbed and a- .large into . with the rocld quickly cut off. Swiftly the seismic visitant came and as swiftly did it go. Behind was a trail of dead and dying. And after that the llames ! Nature , that rolled the earth into waves and struck down great of stone and marble , fur- nished ¬ a dismal and dreadful after- math ¬ in a tempest of wind. The wine f-muecl the llames and the flames speed- ily ¬ the work of the earthquake. Thousands undoubtedly owe their lives to the early hour at which the siesmic shocks brought their ¬ ruin. The district most dam- aged ¬ is the business portion of the town. At the time of the shock 5:13- o'clock a. in. these structures ¬ were deserted , and their collapse caused little loss of life A few hours later and they would have been veritable human beehives. Then the disaster would have been some- thing ¬ almost beyond the power of the human mind to grasp.- By . the time the reached Its destructive period the streets city were crowded with thousands persons , who rushed to and fro and endeavored to out of the way of falling IIuntK were supposed to have been caught in the falling debris and crushed to death or killed later by the fires which sprung ui all through business portion the city.- In . general it may be said that the district lying between Market and How- ard ¬ streets , from the bay as far west as the city hall , has been badly wreck ¬ ed. The Call and Examiner , as well as the Western Union Build- ing ¬ , have been wrecked. The large ¬ in this neighborhood also were ruined. Farther east on Market toward the Ferry Slips , is a section occupied by cheap lodging- houses and hotels and here the loss of life is reported to great. Fire Follows tlic Shock. Fire followed the build- ings ¬ along Market street , and the fire- men ¬ were to prevent the spread the flames. The earthquake had broken the mains on the big street and twisted off the side mains , and it was almost to take steamers through the debris in the streets. Vol- oaaaanc anaaDGafc , a no a oa n i a'D a a a a m- aa * * . & ** Xstf * n an era a csa eg * < s& * ancraacia- aoo3aaa If X $ DODO ! * - conn " TRnn'nn'nr.i i AREAS OF DESTRUCTION IN SAN FRANCISCO. The black line incloses the district in which the earthquake did the greatest damage the shaded portions of the map show the areas of the big fires in the skyscraper and wholesale districts. demonstrations but trembling of earth be- came violent the popula- tion of was . proportion turned the streets- .'The communication outside > was piles completed horrifying wide- spread : practic- ally comparatively earthquake of the of- terrorstricken keep buildings. Js > the of Buildings de- partment stores street be crumbling of powerless of impossible & unteers brought supplies of dynamite and began to blow up the blazing de- bris ¬ in a vain effort to confine the con- flagration ¬ to the ruined area. All power in the street car and pri- vate ¬ electric lighting plants was cut off. Wires in tangled masses had been hurl- ed ¬ into the streets. Chicago Tribune. Near 4th and Stevenson streets the old red wood buildings made good tin- der ¬ for the flames. Fire swept through the debris of the poorer buildings and soon got beyond control of the fire fight ¬ ers. Across the street the fire swept , licking up the debris in front of the Winchester rooming house. Fire spread to the buildings along the west side of- 3d street. Desperate efforts were made with powder , dynamite and other ex- plosives ¬ to stop the flames. One block away the Palace Hotel was threatened by the sweep of the flames. With no water to extinguish the fire , the big hostelry seemed doom ¬ ed. Calls were sent to the Presidio for soldiers to help save the business dis- trict ¬ from being entirely swept by the conflagration. Powuer, dynamite and other explosives were tried on the blaz- ing ¬ piles of debris.- On . Market street merchants stood in their doors calling loudly for wagons and offering big sums to the drivers who would load up with their goods. Water Front in Flames. Carried by a strong breeze , the brands from the Market street fires landed on the water front and threat- ened ¬ the lumber , oil and steamship docks. On Fremont street one of the worst fires of the early morning threat- ened ¬ to destroy a block in the whole- ale district. Small fires appeared in the debris on California and Pine streets. Soon the flames , unchecked by water or explosives , gained such head- way ¬ that all the wooden buildings as far as Sansome street were attacked.- A . strong westerly wind became stronger as the morning wore away- .It . fanned the several blazes in the heart of the business district and threatened to spread the fire through- out ¬ a section filled with valuable mer- chandise. ¬ . As the noon hour drew near ; he flames were spreading in every di- rection ¬ , and the destruction by fire bid fair to eclipse the damage wrought by the earthquake. The loss of life seems to have been confined to the poorer dis- tricts ¬ and manufacturing territory. On lower Market street, the main thor- oughfare ¬ of the city, block after block of substantial buildings was destroyed. The Valencia Hotel , between Seven- teenth ¬ and Eighteenth streets , on Va- lencia ¬ street , a five-story frame build- r.g - , toppled over Into the street , bury- ing ¬ seventy-five people in the debris.- At . Eighteenth and Valencia there Is- a crevice in the street six feet wide and entire sidewalks are torn up. The street cartracks are badly twisted all through the southern section of 'thec- ity. . Davis street , Font street , Battery street, Sansom , Montgomery , Kearney , Spear, Main , Beale and Fremont streets all were in the area of the earthquake's greatest fury. Early re- ports ¬ indicated that the quaking earth shook all buildings along these thor- oughfares ¬ from their foundations and piled the debris high. The cheap tenement house districts suffered terribly. Old buildings , con- structed ¬ in the days of redwood , and dilapidated and tottering , collapsed with a succession of roars. Fires ap- peared ¬ in the ruins , but the fire fight- ers ¬ were almost powerless to extin- guish ¬ the flames. IHs : Building Fall. The offices of the Postal Telegraph Company , in the Hobart Building , were wrecked. The Associated Press Build- THE CITY HALT- .ing . at 302 Montgomery street also was destroyed. The $7,000,000 City Hall rocked and creaked in the earthquake , portions of it collapsing , bringing added terror to the people who had rushed into the streets near by. Scarcely had the people realized the extent of the great calamity when re- ports ¬ began to come in from surround- ing ¬ places indicating that the shock had been disastrous throughout a wide area. Some experts on seismic disturbances estimated that a portion of California 100 miles in diameter had come within the zone of greatest activity. Night added to the horror , and as darkness fell the sky was Illuminated by the brilliant conflagration. There was no light in the city except the light that meant the destruction of homes and the loss of life. The final dying out of the fires leave only a barren sand dune dotted with the blackened ruins of what was a great city. Ten Square Miles lluriteil. Ten square miles of the heart of the city were burned over , the water sup- ply ¬ was cut off because of the twisted and broken mains , and the frantic res- idents ¬ , aided by Federal troop *, fought the flames with dynamite in an effort to save the remainder of the city from destruction. The property loss is esti- mated ¬ at 200000000. General Funston , in command of the United States troops at the Presidio , declared the city under martial law as soon as the extent of the horror be- came ¬ apparent , and the troops and po- lice ¬ worked together to save life , pro- tect ¬ property and recover the dead. The earthquake shock destroyed so many of the fire engine hoiwes that the depart- ment ¬ would have been virtually power- less ¬ even had the water supply not been destroyed. The saturnalia of crime and looting which began when the soldiers sacked the saloons broke out afresh with the darkness , and unnumbered , untold crimes were committed on every side.- No . historian will ever describe the tor- tures ¬ which the homeless suffered ; none dare attempt to recount the agonies of those who sought the ruins of their homes and missing members of their household : none msiy think of the woe and doom of those buried beneath the wreckage or consumed by the re- morseless ¬ flames- .Xuinl . > cr of Dead Xevcr Known- .It . will be many days before the com- plete ¬ story of the ruin wrought by the double calamity of earthquake and fire that visited San Francisco will be writ- ten ¬ and then there will still remain un- told ¬ countless tales of pitiful tragedy. The exact loss of life will never be known , as hundreds of unfortunates have been incinerated in the flames which made the rescue of those buried under toppling steeples and falling walls impossible. Famine in its most terrible form ex- panded ¬ through the devastated city and stricken inhabitants Thursday. Hun- ger ¬ , growing into the first stages of starvation , faced the spent thousands who slept Wednesday night in the pub- lic ¬ square * , or on the bare pavements of the city's streets. Thirst the most terrorizing of the torments to follow the eai'thquake , drove men and women mad. Vandals caught in the act of robbing dead bodies were shot without explana- tion ¬ and their bodies consigned to the flames of some burning buildings , with- out ¬ any further formality. The sol- diers ¬ patrolling the streets were or- dered ¬ to kill , forthwith , any person seen robbing the dead or burglari/.ing unprotected places of business- . Fully a score of men were killed under this order. The hysteria and terror of the people were indescribable. The sanest and most conservative individuals were af- fected ¬ , and ran about in a state of ex- citement ¬ suggesting madness Some of them had lost a wife , a mother , or , in- deed ¬ , as was true in scores of instances , their entire family. Others had seen their property waste away before their eyes. First the mysterious attack by nature from underground , and then the fearful onslaught of the flames encour- aged ¬ by a gale. These persons became irersponsible. They resisted officers and would not obey firemen. They in- sisted ¬ on rushing into the ruins to search for the bodies of their dead or- to retrieve valuables Scores of lives were thrown away through foolhardi- ness. - . Then came the thieving prowler and the ghoul. General Funston was in receipt of a stream of complaints , and under the stress of circumstances , rapidly growing desperate , the chief of the military commanded his men to shot such offenders on sight. Berkeley I * Damaged. Later reports extended the region of earthquake to the Rocky Mountains and included much of the Pacific slope in the area of shocks. At Berkeley where the State university Is located , there was a big fire , the result of the earth- EPITOME OF THE CATASTROPHE. The dead in San Francisco ( esti- mated ¬ ) 1,000 The dead , inmates of insane asy- lum ¬ at Agnews 275 The dead in San Jose 05 The dead in Santa Rosa 30O The dead at other points 150 The injured ( estimated ) 3.00O Estimated property loss. .. $200,000,000 Number of square miles devas- tated ¬ 10 Number of city blocks destroyed 1,000 Number of buildings in ruins. .30000 Number of persons made home- less ¬ 150,000 Number of hotels destroyed. .. . 8- Newpapers offices in ruins 3 Telegraph and telephone offices wiped out 3 City placed under martial law. Oilier I'laee.Stricken. . Santa Ro a Town practically de- stroyed > : . .00 persons killed and 10,000 made homeless. San Jo > e Majority of buildings shat- tered ¬ and ! . " persons killed. Palo Alto All buildings but one of- Lehind Stanford University thrown down and two persons killed. Santa Cruz Number of buildings de- molished ¬ and many persons reported killed. Monterey Great damage done to property and some fatalities.- Gilroy . Large property loss. Agnew State insane asylum demol- ished ¬ : 2T. persons killed and patients rumnnir : 't large.- Iloli'uster . Large property loss- .quake. . . Nevada felt the force of the quake. All wires west of Reno were thrown down. From Sacramento came the report that miles of railroad track between Suisun and Benecia had sunk out of sight. Wires were carried with the riN. The appalling calamity in San Fran5- sco - places that city in a list of Lisbon , Caracas. Naples , and other cities de- vastated ¬ by earthquakes. The horrors of the situation in California are the greater because San Francisco is a pop- ulous ¬ and commercial city. The earth- quake ¬ destroyed : it OIK o hundreds of- bushio s blocks and thf means of sav- ing ¬ others from fire. It paralyzed com- merce ¬ , destroyed railways and bridges , _ ' A'S - \ yAJ'TtllP- .ITOKY : * iy EARTHQUAKE AEEA. exit off'communication with other cit- ies ¬ , and desolated the country to the south and east.- But. . . as in the case of Galveston , there will be quick recovery from what seems overwhelming disaster. Naples is a great city in spite of the erup- tions ¬ of Vesuvius and in spite of earth ¬ quakes. Tokio , desolated by earth- quakes ¬ several times , is the greatest city of Japan. Chicago is greater be- cause ¬ of the fire of 1871. Charleston is none the worse for the earthquake of1- SSG. . And San Francisco will rise su- perior ¬ to the great disaster of 190G. Tent * nnd Ration * for Sufferers. Prompt action was taken by the War Department in extending to the earth- quake ¬ sufferers of San Francisco all th available resources at its command to re- lieve ¬ the wants of the distressed and t * provide ehelter for the homeless

Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Nebraska) 1906-04-26 [p ]. · fire, San Francisco is a city of-ruins.. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of lives have been snuffed out and mil-lions ¬

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Page 1: Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Nebraska) 1906-04-26 [p ]. · fire, San Francisco is a city of-ruins.. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of lives have been snuffed out and mil-lions ¬


frightful Seismic Shock

Shatters Half of

the Town.

Water Mains Broken.and Fire Completes


'Other Cities on the Pacific

Also Stricken by the

Great Disaster..-



. Loss of Life and Mi-



of Dollars Worth of

Property Destroyed.-



New and Costly Skyscrapers

and Big Stores Fall in Heaps

of Debris.

Torn and shattered by the earth-



, which was followed by devas-


fire , San Francisco is a city of-

ruins. . Hundreds , perhaps thousands ,

of lives have been snuffed out and mil-


upon millions of dollars in prop-


are lost. Where stood its stateli-


buildings are piles of twisted steeland ruined stone. The homes of many"families were wrenched into fragmentsand the lives they sheltered taken.

The first shock was felt just at dawnWednesday , and the disturbances con-


for several minutes. The earlier


were mild , as they

-continued the the ¬

so that whole ¬

the city disturbed and a-

.large into .

with therocld quickly cut off.

Swiftly the seismic visitant cameand as swiftly did it go. Behind wasa trail of dead and dying. And afterthat the llames ! Nature , that rolledthe earth into waves and struck downgreat of stone and marble , fur-nished


a dismal and dreadful after-math


in a tempest of wind. The winef-muecl the llames and the flames speed-ily


the work ofthe earthquake.

Thousands undoubtedly owe theirlives to the early hour at which thesiesmic shocks brought their ¬

ruin. The district most dam-aged


is the business portion of thetown. At the time of the shock 5:13-o'clock a. in. these structures ¬

were deserted , and their collapsecaused little loss of lifeA few hours later and they would havebeen veritable human beehives. Thenthe disaster would have been some-thing


almost beyond the power of thehuman mind to grasp.-


the time the reachedIts destructive period the streetscity were crowded with thousands

persons , who rushed toand fro and endeavored to out ofthe way of falling IIuntKwere supposed to have been caught inthe falling debris and crushed to deathor killed later by the fires which sprungui all through business portionthe city.-


general it may be said that thedistrict lying between Market and How-


streets , from the bay as far westas the city hall , has been badly wreck ¬

ed. The Call and Examiner ,

as well as the Western Union Build-ing


, have been wrecked. The large ¬

in this neighborhoodalso were ruined. Farther east onMarket toward the Ferry Slips ,

is a section occupied by cheap lodging-houses and hotels and here the loss oflife is reported to great.

Fire Follows tlic Shock.Fire followed the build-


along Market street , and the fire-


were to prevent thespread the flames. The earthquakehad broken the mains on the big streetand twisted off the side mains , and itwas almost to take steamersthrough the debris in the streets. Vol-

oaaaanc anaaDGafc,

anoaoan i a'D aaaa m-


* * .

& **Xstf *

naneraacsa eg * <s&*

ancraacia-aoo3aaa IfX$DODO ! *-



The black line incloses the district in which the earthquake did the greatestdamage the shaded portions of the map show the areas of the big fires in theskyscraper and wholesale districts.

demonstrations buttrembling of earth be-

came violent the popula-

tion of was. proportion turned the streets-

.'The communication outside> was


completed horrifying





earthquakeof the



buildings. Js

> the of



partment stores



crumbling of




unteers brought supplies of dynamiteand began to blow up the blazing de-bris


in a vain effort to confine the con-flagration


to the ruined area.All power in the street car and pri-


electric lighting plants was cut off.Wires in tangled masses had been hurl-ed


into the streets.

Chicago Tribune.

Near 4th and Stevenson streets theold red wood buildings made good tin-der


for the flames. Fire swept throughthe debris of the poorer buildings andsoon got beyond control of the fire fight ¬

ers. Across the street the fire swept ,

licking up the debris in front of theWinchester rooming house. Fire spreadto the buildings along the west side of-

3d street. Desperate efforts were madewith powder , dynamite and other ex-


to stop the flames.One block away the Palace Hotel

was threatened by the sweep of theflames. With no water to extinguishthe fire , the big hostelry seemed doom ¬

ed. Calls were sent to the Presidio forsoldiers to help save the business dis-


from being entirely swept by theconflagration. Powuer, dynamite andother explosives were tried on the blaz-ing


piles of debris.-On


Market street merchants stood intheir doors calling loudly for wagonsand offering big sums to the driverswho would load up with their goods.

Water Front in Flames.Carried by a strong breeze , the

brands from the Market street fireslanded on the water front and threat-ened


the lumber , oil and steamshipdocks. On Fremont street one of theworst fires of the early morning threat-ened


to destroy a block in the whole-ale district. Small fires appeared in

the debris on California and Pinestreets. Soon the flames , unchecked bywater or explosives , gained such head-way


that all the wooden buildings asfar as Sansome street were attacked.-


strong westerly wind becamestronger as the morning wore away-.It


fanned the several blazes in theheart of the business district andthreatened to spread the fire through-out


a section filled with valuable mer-chandise.


. As the noon hour drew near;he flames were spreading in every di-


, and the destruction by fire bidfair to eclipse the damage wrought bythe earthquake. The loss of life seemsto have been confined to the poorer dis-


and manufacturing territory. Onlower Market street, the main thor-oughfare


of the city, block after blockof substantial buildings was destroyed.

The Valencia Hotel , between Seven-teenth


and Eighteenth streets , on Va-


street , a five-story frame build-r.g


, toppled over Into the street , bury-ing


seventy-five people in the debris.-At


Eighteenth and Valencia there Is-

a crevice in the street six feet wide andentire sidewalks are torn up. Thestreet cartracks are badly twisted all

through the southern section of 'thec-

ity. .

Davis street , Font street , Batterystreet, Sansom , Montgomery , Kearney ,

Spear, Main , Beale and Fremontstreets all were in the area of theearthquake's greatest fury. Early re-


indicated that the quaking earthshook all buildings along these thor-oughfares


from their foundations andpiled the debris high.

The cheap tenement house districtssuffered terribly. Old buildings , con-


in the days of redwood , anddilapidated and tottering , collapsedwith a succession of roars. Fires ap-


in the ruins , but the fire fight-ers


were almost powerless to extin-guish


the flames.

IHs : Building Fall.The offices of the Postal Telegraph

Company , in the Hobart Building , werewrecked. The Associated Press Build-



.at 302 Montgomery street also was

destroyed. The $7,000,000 City Hallrocked and creaked in the earthquake ,

portions of it collapsing , bringing addedterror to the people who had rushedinto the streets near by.

Scarcely had the people realized theextent of the great calamity when re-ports


began to come in from surround-ing


places indicating that the shock hadbeen disastrous throughout a wide area.Some experts on seismic disturbancesestimated that a portion of California100 miles in diameter had come withinthe zone of greatest activity.

Night added to the horror , and asdarkness fell the sky was Illuminated

by the brilliant conflagration. Therewas no light in the city except the lightthat meant the destruction of homesand the loss of life. The final dyingout of the fires leave only a barrensand dune dotted with the blackenedruins of what was a great city.

Ten Square Miles lluriteil.Ten square miles of the heart of the

city were burned over , the water sup-


was cut off because of the twistedand broken mains , and the frantic res-


, aided by Federal troop * , foughtthe flames with dynamite in an effortto save the remainder of the city fromdestruction. The property loss is esti-


at 200000000.General Funston , in command of the

United States troops at the Presidio ,

declared the city under martial law assoon as the extent of the horror be-


apparent , and the troops and po-


worked together to save life , pro-


property and recover the dead. Theearthquake shock destroyed so many ofthe fire engine hoiwes that the depart-ment


would have been virtually power-less


even had the water supply notbeen destroyed.

The saturnalia of crime and lootingwhich began when the soldiers sackedthe saloons broke out afresh with thedarkness , and unnumbered , untoldcrimes were committed on every side.-


historian will ever describe the tor-tures


which the homeless suffered ;

none dare attempt to recount theagonies of those who sought the ruinsof their homes and missing members oftheir household : none msiy think of thewoe and doom of those buried beneaththe wreckage or consumed by the re-




> cr of Dead Xevcr Known-.It


will be many days before the com-


story of the ruin wrought by thedouble calamity of earthquake and firethat visited San Francisco will be writ-ten


and then there will still remain un-


countless tales of pitiful tragedy.The exact loss of life will never beknown , as hundreds of unfortunateshave been incinerated in the flameswhich made the rescue of those buriedunder toppling steeples and fallingwalls impossible.

Famine in its most terrible form ex-


through the devastated city andstricken inhabitants Thursday. Hun-ger


, growing into the first stages ofstarvation , faced the spent thousandswho slept Wednesday night in the pub-


square * , or on the bare pavementsof the city's streets. Thirst the mostterrorizing of the torments to followthe eai'thquake , drove men and womenmad.

Vandals caught in the act of robbingdead bodies were shot without explana-tion


and their bodies consigned to theflames of some burning buildings , with-out


any further formality. The sol-


patrolling the streets were or-


to kill , forthwith , any personseen robbing the dead or burglari/.ingunprotected places of business- . Fullya score of men were killed under thisorder.

The hysteria and terror of the peoplewere indescribable. The sanest andmost conservative individuals were af-fected


, and ran about in a state of ex-


suggesting madness Some ofthem had lost a wife , a mother , or , in-


, as was true in scores of instances ,

their entire family. Others had seentheir property waste away before theireyes. First the mysterious attack bynature from underground , and then thefearful onslaught of the flames encour-aged


by a gale. These persons becameirersponsible. They resisted officersand would not obey firemen. They in-


on rushing into the ruins tosearch for the bodies of their dead or-to retrieve valuables Scores of liveswere thrown away through foolhardi-ness.

-. Then came the thieving prowler

and the ghoul. General Funston wasin receipt of a stream of complaints ,

and under the stress of circumstances ,

rapidly growing desperate , the chief ofthe military commanded his men toshot such offenders on sight.

Berkeley I* Damaged.Later reports extended the region of

earthquake to the Rocky Mountains andincluded much of the Pacific slope inthe area of shocks. At Berkeley wherethe State university Is located , therewas a big fire , the result of the earth-


The dead in San Francisco ( esti-mated


) 1,000The dead , inmates of insane asy-


at Agnews 275The dead in San Jose 05The dead in Santa Rosa 30OThe dead at other points 150The injured ( estimated ) 3.00OEstimated property loss. . . $200,000,000Number of square miles devas-


10Number of city blocks destroyed 1,000Number of buildings in ruins. .30000Number of persons made home-


150,000Number of hotels destroyed. . . . 8-

Newpapers offices in ruins 3Telegraph and telephone officeswiped out 3

City placed under martial law.Oilier I'laee.Stricken. .

Santa Ro a Town practically de-


: . .00 persons killed and 10,000made homeless.

San Jo > e Majority of buildings shat-tered


and ! ." persons killed.Palo Alto All buildings but one of-

Lehind Stanford University throwndown and two persons killed.

Santa Cruz Number of buildings de-


and many persons reportedkilled.

Monterey Great damage done toproperty and some fatalities.-


Large property loss.Agnew State insane asylum demol-


: 2T. persons killed and patientsrumnnir : 't large.-


Large property loss-



. Nevada felt the force of thequake. All wires west of Reno werethrown down. From Sacramento camethe report that miles of railroad trackbetween Suisun and Benecia had sunkout of sight. Wires were carried withthe riN.

The appalling calamity in San Fran5-


places that city in a list of Lisbon ,Caracas. Naples , and other cities de-


by earthquakes. The horrorsof the situation in California are thegreater because San Francisco is a pop-ulous


and commercial city. The earth-quake


destroyed :it OIK o hundreds of-

bushio s blocks and thf means of sav-ing


others from fire. It paralyzed com-merce


, destroyed railways and bridges ,


'A'S-\ yAJ'TtllP-




exit off'communication with other cit-ies


, and desolated the country to thesouth and east.-


. as in the case of Galveston ,there will be quick recovery from whatseems overwhelming disaster. Naplesis a great city in spite of the erup-tions


of Vesuvius and in spite of earth¬

quakes. Tokio , desolated by earth-quakes


several times , is the greatestcity of Japan. Chicago is greater be-


of the fire of 1871. Charlestonis none the worse for the earthquake of1-

SSG.. And San Francisco will rise su-


to the great disaster of 190G.

Tent * nnd Ration * for Sufferers.Prompt action was taken by the War

Department in extending to the earth-quake


sufferers of San Francisco all thavailable resources at its command to re-lieve


the wants of the distressed and t*provide ehelter for the homeless