A Song about Immigration from Africa to Jamaica. Redemption song by Bob Marley

Vaira and group

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  • 1. A Song about Immigration from Africa to Jamaica.

2. Jamaica was a colony of Great Britain. Peopleof Africa were brought to their colonies toserve and populateThe African did not want to go to CentralAmerica islands. 3. of British rule, Jamaica became the largestsugar exporter in the world, producing 77,000tons per year, between 1820 and 1824. Thisproductivity would never have been achievedwithout the slave labor brought from Africa. 4. 19th Century: In the early nineteenth century,the high dependency of the British Empire ofslavery made the African-Americanpopulation 20 times larger than the whitepopulation. Black people constantly provokedthreatening situations of conflicts andrevolution. 5. After the liberation of black slaves, they beganto flee to the mountains, resulting in aguerrilla war that lasted 76 years. This madethe English crown spend over 250,000. The French Revolution and the emergence ofthe conflict that gave rise to the rebellion inHaiti, spread throughout the islands and, in1789, the British feared that would causeslaves to rebel. 6. So, in 1795 the second guerrilla warfarebegan inspired by the example of freedom ofHaitians.Following those rebellions, in 1953 and 1957constitutional progress was made, as a fullyautonomous local government. 7. In this song, the author wrote about the history of his mother when she was taken from Africa as a slave. Marley sang to give strength to his countrymen to escape frommental slavery because None but ourselves can free our minds. 8. Bob Marley sent messages to his countrymenand slaves of the world. One of his stanzassays: Even through all the pain and suffering,people should recover with the strength ofGod and the hope for a new future. A differentfuture of freedom. 9. Marley insisted on singing freedom songs andbeing heard because that was his way ofexpressing people have to be free. 10. Bob Marley wants to say that body or mentalslaves should psych up to be strong andescape from the slavery. He challengespeople to think critically and stop taking asnatural or inevitable events or situations thatare products of human acts. 11. Old pirates, yes, they rob I; sold I to the merchant ships,minutes after they took Ifrom the bottomless pit.but my hand was made strongby the and of the almighty. we forward in this generationtriumphantly. wont you help to sing these songs of freedom? -cause all I ever have:redemption songs;redemption songs.emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;none but ourselves can free our minds.have no fear for atomic energy,cause none of them can stop the time. how long shall they kill our prophets,while we stand aside and look? ooh! some say its just a part of it:weve got to fulfill de book. wont you help to sing these songs of freedom? -cause all I ever have:redemption songs;redemption songs;redemption songs. 12. ---/guitar break/ ---emancipate yourselves from mental slavery; none but ourselves can free our mind.have no fear for atomic energy,cause none of them can stop the time. how long shall they kill our prophets,while we stand aside and look? yes, some say its just a part of it:weve got to fulfill the book. wont you help to singthese songs of freedom?cause all I ever had:redemption songsall i ever had: redemption songs:these songs of freedom, songs of freedom. 13. Immigration has been very common during history. Through thecenturies, many people have moved from one country intoanother for different reasons. The most usual reasons whypeople leave their country are political, social, economic andcultural. For example in the 20th Century a lot of people fromEurope had to move from their countries to escape from the twobig world wars. In fact, many people came to Argentina, fromItaly, Spain and other countries. Moreover, most of us descendfrom these immigrants who came to our country. In our opinionimmigration is a sad solution some people choose when theycannot live free in their countries. That is the reason why wethink it should not exist. People should be free and have thepossibility to live in their own culture without any social orpolitical problem. In fact, in the song we have chosen, played byBob Marley, his mother is taken to Jamaica to live and work as aslave. 14. http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamaica http://www.musica.com/letras.asp?letra=86448 http://www.musica.com/letras.asp?fotos=249&fotoid=52 15. Vaira, Nicols Carbone, Mariano DAndrea, Gianluca Nordhein, Agustn