V2 Admin Centre Guide

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V2 Admin Centre Guide

Page 2: V2 Admin Centre Guide - EVOLVE Admin Centre...Table of Contents Accessing Admin Centre 1 Locations

Table of Contents Accessing Admin Centre ......................................................................................................................... 1

Locations ................................................................................................................................................. 3

Job Roles ................................................................................................................................................. 4

Users ....................................................................................................................................................... 5

Users and Licenses .............................................................................................................................. 5

Add a User ........................................................................................................................................... 5

Search for a user ................................................................................................................................. 6

User Profile Page ................................................................................................................................. 6

User Archive ........................................................................................................................................ 7

Reports .................................................................................................................................................... 9

Courses ................................................................................................................................................ 9

Staff Files ............................................................................................................................................... 12

Create New Folder ............................................................................................................................ 12

Rename Folder .................................................................................................................................. 13

Upload Files ....................................................................................................................................... 13

Edit Permissions ................................................................................................................................ 14

Diary ...................................................................................................................................................... 15

Diary Settings .................................................................................................................................... 15

View Group Events ............................................................................................................................ 15

Add/Edit Group Event ....................................................................................................................... 16

Post to a Single User ......................................................................................................................... 16

Course Assignment ............................................................................................................................... 17

Set by Job Role .................................................................................................................................. 17

Course Validity .................................................................................................................................. 17

Training ................................................................................................................................................. 18

Select/Add Training Details ............................................................................................................... 18

Assign Training .................................................................................................................................. 18

Notice Board ......................................................................................................................................... 19

Manager’s Updates ........................................................................................................................... 19

Course, Library and Staff Files Targets .............................................................................................. 19

Forms .................................................................................................................................................... 20

General Manager Settings .................................................................................................................... 21

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V2 ADMIN CENTRE GUIDE | Copyright 2017 © Evo Software Solutions Ltd

Accessing Admin Centre If you have the permission to access the admin centre you will have an additional icon at the

top right of every screen that says “Admin”, just click on it and Admin Centre will open.

As you enter the user guide icon at the top will automatically change to admin guide, so if

you ever need help you can access this guide again quickly.

If you don’t have the admin icon but believe you should have admin rights, then please

contact a manager or accounts manager.

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V2 ADMIN CENTRE GUIDE | Copyright 2017 © Evo Software Solutions Ltd

The Admin Centre is the control hub for your organisation on our system. Tailor your

training platform like never before, with extensive reporting capabilities and a bespoke

network of Locations, Job Roles and personalised training targets. Communicate and

organise more effectively with Diary, Notice Board and Forms, plus more coming soon!

From here you can manage your organisation’s:

o Locations

o Job Roles

o Users

o Reports

o Staff Files

o Diary

o Course assignment

o Onsite Training

o Forms

o Portfolio (Coming Soon)

o Notice Board

o General Manager Settings (only appears in Navigation bar if you have general manager

access rights)

Select any of the tiles to begin.

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Locations Your organisation’s current locations are listed on the left, and if you have General

Managers’ access you can edit locations using the Action Bar. Add or edit a location by

typing in the name and also a cluster if you wish to group multiple locations together and

finally pick which region the location is located. The region may change which content the

users can see.

Note: Changing the country settings will affect some courses and library content seen by

users in that home. Due to differences in legislation, some courses have versions for

different countries: ensure your staff receive the correct training as required by law.

Locations & Add/Edit Locations

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Job Roles

Different roles may require different training. Assign ‘Job Roles’ to customise training

packages for different positions within your organisation. Current Job Roles for your home

are listed on the left. To view the Job Roles of a different location, select one from the drop-

down menu (your permission level will affect which locations’ Job Roles you can view and


To add a new job role or edit an existing one, click ‘Edit Job Roles’ in the Action Bar.

You will be presented with the editable version of this page. Simply add your new Job Role

in the top box or edit any existing one, and hit ‘Save Changes’ in the Action Bar. Once saved

you can assign users to each Job Role and customise training.

Job Roles & Add/Edit Job Roles

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Your site will launch with a user list already populated. Managers can add, edit, archive and

delete users.

Users and Licenses

The ‘Users’ page allows you to monitor your license usage: check how many active and

archived users there are, and how many licenses are unused and available for new users.

Add a User

Selecting ‘Add User’ from the main user’s page opens the page below. Fill in the

information for your new member of staff and click save, you can edit this data later by

searching for the user and going to the main info part of their profile.

Note: A new user can only be added if you have unused licenses available.

If you require more licenses, contact your accounts manager.

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Search for a user To search for a user just begin typing in their name in to the search bar. As you type the results will

filter down. Just click on the user you wish to view and it will take you to their profile page.

User Profile Page The user profile page allows you to edit any of the user’s info and also check any part of their


Main Info – Here you can edit all the user’s personal information, registration details and

training settings. You can also reset any exam, course or document status.

Medical – Coming in the 2nd quarter of 2017, you will be able to track and record any

illnesses or absences your staff may go through. You can even keep note of any long-term

medications or emergency information if needed.

Incidents - Coming in the 2nd quarter of 2017, you will be able to record incidents your staff

may have. There is a generic incidents form also available in the forms area.

Users Diary – Here you can view the user’s diary and post a managers entry directly into it.

Please not you can also post a manager’s entry by going to diary in the admin centre.

Users Portfolio – Here you can view the user’s complete portfolio and all training stats etc.

Users Quick Stats – A quick overview of all courses, library files and staff files and the current


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Reset User’s Exam Attempts or Document Completion

Managers have the ability to reset exam attempts, you can do this under the main info tab

on the users profile page. A manager will be notified if a user fails the same exam three

times, and can reset when they are satisfied the user is ready. Use the drop down menu at

the bottom of the Edit User page to select which course to reset.

If a user is required to read an updated version of a document, or re-read it for any other

reason, it can be ‘unmarked’ as complete by selecting it from the drop down menu. Click

the red Reset buttons to confirm your selection.

User Archive

If a staff member will be absent from work for a period of time and needs to be temporarily

removed from reports, select ‘Archive User’ in the Action Bar on the ‘Edit User’ page.

Select your reason for archiving from the drop-down menu. This information will appear on

the list of Archived Users. Archived users will not appear on any training or compliance


The list of archived users can be accessed from the ‘Users’ tile on the Admin Centre

dashboard. From here, you can either restore users to use the system again or delete them

permanently. Select users using the tick boxes and restore or delete them via the Action


Note: Any changes made to the User Settings at the top right (location, permission level and

job role) will affect what content and admin options they see.

Archive a User

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Restore User

Delete User

Restore or delete an Archived User

Note: Once deleted from the Archive the user’s stats

will be irretrievable, so practice caution.

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Our extensive reporting facilities opens with ‘Courses’. Browse other options using the

Navigation Bar. You can also report on Library items, Staff Files, onsite Training, Targets and

Messages, plus other categories such as full user lists and course statistics.

To generate any report, you must choose what information you would like to see from each

of the drop down lists: whatever is selected will reflect the data in your final report. Create

reports on individual courses or by course group.

Each drop down is set to ‘All’ by default, but your report can be refined by location, job role,

course selection and date range. The blue buttons on the left will create your report to be

saved as Excel, and you can preview the data from your selection in the pie chart on the


Choose Report Data - Courses

Save and Print a Customised Report

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Library & Staff Files

These sections allow you to report on Library resources or Staff Files and who has or has not

marked them as complete. Like reporting on course progress, you can report on your whole

organisation or refine by location and job role. Click on the blue buttons to generate your

report, and preview its stats on the right.


Create a report on any training staff have received in addition to E-Learning. This allows

your organisation to build a comprehensive record of professional development, including

practical instruction and face-to-face training.

To create your Excel report, select location, job role, training

preferences and date range, then the blue button of your choice

Choose Report Data - Training

To find out more about how to record onsite

training, continue to Page 16.

Report – Users Completed

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Targets & Messages

Training targets help support staff development, and progress can be monitored here.

Create a compliance report detailing target date, number of staff assigned and number and

percentage of staff who have met each target.


The ‘Other’ section contains the familiar drop downs to generate User Lists and report on

Course Statistics.

To find out more about how to set targets by location,

job role and individually, see: Notice Board.

Report – Targets Compliance

Choose Report Data – Targets & Messages

Choose Report Data – User Lists & Course Stats

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Staff Files

Staff Files is the centre for important documents and resources to help your organisation

run smoothly. Upload any files for instant access by all staff and create custom folders:

share newsletters, pictures, meeting minutes or policies and procedures.

Staff Files will open with your current folders. For all management of files and folders within

Staff Files, look to the Action Bar on the right: here managers can create and rename

folders, upload or delete files and control who has access to specific folders. To edit any

existing folder, you must first tick the folder you wish to change, then the desired Action Bar


Create New Folder

To add a new folder, select ‘Create Folder’ from the Action Bar and type in the name. Files

such as documents, PDFs, spreadsheets and images can only be uploaded into a folder you

have created – you will not be able to upload files directly to the Staff Files page.

Edit Permissions

Delete Files/ Folder

Create Folder

Rename Folder

Upload Files

Manage Staff Files

Create New Folder

Note: New folders will be created within the current folder.

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Rename Folder

Select the folder you wish to rename by ticking the

grey box at the top right of the folder icon.

Click ‘Rename Folder’ in the Action Bar.

Type in the new name for your folder in the pop-up

window and save your changes.

In the example we can see this folder is being

renamed to ‘2016 Meeting Minutes’.

Upload Files

First select the folder you would like your new files to go into by ticking the grey box at the

top right of the folder icon. Then click ‘Upload Files’ in the Action Bar. You will be

presented with this pop-up. Click ‘Select Files’ to browse your device for the files you wish

to add.

The ‘Files Selected’ box will list your chosen files. When you are ready, click ‘Start Upload’ –

this could take a minute or so, but you can monitor progress in the ‘Files Selected’ box.

When the upload is complete, the pop-up box will close automatically and you will see your

uploaded files within your custom folder. These are now accessible for any staff member

permitted access, and like library items, can be marked as read and understood.

Rename Folder

Upload Files

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Edit Permissions

Control who sees what folders by assigning which users have permission to view their

contents. Select the desired folder from Staff Files using the tick box, then click ‘Edit

Permissions’ in the Action Bar.

The pop-up menu opens with a full list of staff. Use the Location and Job Role drop down

menus to refine the list of users and tick the names you would like to grant access to your

chosen folder. Click ‘Add Selected Users’ (this will update the total user count) and ‘Save

Changes’ to make the folder available for those users.

To remove someone from the list of permitted users, click on the total user count at the

bottom of the pop-up. In the example, there are 36 Users. Tick users from the list to revoke

access, then ‘Delete Selected Users’.

Current Users/Revoke User Access

Edit Folder Permission

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Diary Settings

Diary will open with your current display settings. The working week starts on Sunday as

default, but you can change this to any day that suits your place of work. Diary entries are

colour coded, with some pre-defined colours and some you can allocate to custom


Click on ‘Edit Settings’ to make any changes to your Diary display.

View Group Events

The tiles on the right allow management of diary entries, or ‘events’ which can be posted to

an individual or a group. The first tile opens the Group Events already created. Select a

location (set to your home by default) to view the attached events and their details. Each

event can be edited at the right hand side of each row.

Diary Settings

View/Edit Group Events

Note: Only locations you have admin rights to will appear on the drop down menu.

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Add/Edit Group Event

To post a diary entry to group, select a location then a job role to view the staff list. Use the

tick boxes next to the staff member’s information to select whose diaries to update.

A group event must be attached to a location. This means that only managers with admin

rights to that location can view and edit events attached to it. Select a location to attach the

event to from the drop down menu.

Now enter the ‘when’ details of the diary entry. The start date/time and end date/time will

affect the size of the entry title on the calendar: in the example above, the entry title box

will cover from 9am – 10:45am on the 18th May. Combined with the ability to create your

own categories, Diary entries are fully customisable.

Enter the title, room location and description, and save the event by clicking ‘Post/Update’.

This event will be added to the selected staff members’ diaries for immediate viewing.

Post to a Single User

Posting a diary entry to a single user will open a page similar to group events. Use the drop

down menus to refine your search for a user and select them with a tick. Enter essential

date and time information as well as details about the event, including title, room and


Add/Edit Group Event

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Course Assignment

Set by Job Role

Having properly organised Job Roles allows you to control who sees what courses. To assign

courses to a Job Role, first confirm the location (set to your home by default) and the Job

Role you wish to assign to. On the left you will see the courses listed underneath their

group headings. Tick the courses you would like to assign and untick any you don’t want.

Course Validity

A course pass is valid for twelve months as standard, but this can also be customised by Job


These changes will take immediate effect on the courses users can see. Unticked courses

will simply not appear on their Course Selection page.

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‘Training’ allows your home to record onsite, practical or any form of training or instruction

other than E-Learning.

Select/Add Training Details

First, select the details of the training session from the drop down menus at the bottom of

the screen. You may need to create additional fields, which you can do from the Action Bar

(the drop down menus will be blank if your site is new or are new to ‘Training’).

Use the green buttons to add a new training session (First Aid Practical, Moving and

Handling etc.), a new instructor or trainer, and new training location. Check the details on

the screen below and select the date of the training session.

Assign Training

To record the staff in attendance, select a home then a job role to view the staff list. Use

the tick boxes next to the staff member’s information to select who attended the training.

When you have saved your changes, this training session will be added to the selected staff

members’ portfolios and will appear on any training reports generated.

Training Sessions


Training Locations

Save Changes


Record Onsite Training

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Notice Board

Manager’s Updates

Your Notice Board will open with a list of previous updates and their details. To create a

new update, select ‘Add Manager’s Update’ from the Action Bar. Confirm the location (set

to your home by default) and tick the Job Roles the update is for. Fill in the title and

message of your update and post it from the Action Bar.

Course, Library and Staff Files Targets

Active targets are listed by Course, Library documents or Staff Files. Browse lists of existing

targets using the Navigation Bar: see who they have been assigned to and when they are

due to be completed by. This is also where you can edit or delete existing targets.

To add a new target, look to the Action Bar.

Having properly organised Job Roles allows you tailor training targets for specific roles. To

assign targets to a Job Role, first choose the target resource from the drop down menu on

the left. Confirm the location and select the Job Roles you wish to assign to. Lastly, choose

the date on which the target is due to have been completed and post the target from the

Action Bar. This will be immediately viewable on users’ Diary and Portfolio.

Add Managers Update

Add Course Target

Add Library Target

Add Staff Files Target

Manager’s Updates & Add Update

View, Add & Edit Targets

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Manage your home’s important documents with the ‘Forms’ feature, which will open with

an overview of all form types. Forms that require attention are indicated with a red number

in the bottom left corner.

Clicking on any form type will open a list of all complete forms and those that need signed

off by management.

Open any ‘Pending’ form to read its content and sign off on it. The form will then move to

the ‘Complete’ list. Recently completed forms are saved for future reference.

Forms Overview

View Pending and Complete Forms

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General Manager Settings

Accessible only by General Managers, this section oversees Site, Manager, Course and Policy

settings. Click on

Site Settings

Site settings allow you to control whether users can print their own certificates, and the time delay

between a lesson launching and ‘Mark Complete’ appearing. This prevents users from skipping

through lessons to quickly progress to the exam. Manage the content available in Staff Files by

selecting the desired folders.

Manager Settings

Manager settings allows you to modify the permission level of a manager.

Select a manager from the drop down menu and use the tick boxes to allow admin rights to specific


Also, set permission for the ability to add, edit and archive users’ profiles.

Modify Managers’ Admin Rights

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Course Settings

Course Settings allows you to modify pass rates, validity and group allocation for each course,

meaning you can create a bespoke suite of courses tailored for your organisation.

You can modify any of the text boxes or drop down menus you see, although for the integrity of our

platform and quality of training, pass rates must remain above 70%.

Policy Settings

Control who has access to Policies and Procedures. This can be set to All Users or Managers Only,

where managers can be specified individually by ticking their name.

Modify Policy Settings

To learn more about further customising your E-

Learning, see: Course Assignment