e r r = 7 V + Px > zr 1l i il- u t abiuajj Rticntnj u 4 VOL XX VII NO 149 PADUCAH KY FRIDAY EVENING JUNE 24 1910rrEN CENTS PER WEEK 3 POLITICS LEAD TO t BRIBERY CHARGES ft IN OLD KENTUCKY 1 Frankfort Banker Says He Gave Canlrill 15000 to Vote lor Capital Silo Is Promptly Sued lor 50000 Y by Latter r S CAYTIIIiMi IOllMHIUjV KliNVTOII 1 Frankfort Juno 4apcaII- n a derv then in Darnell damage Mill ipampt Osntrlll John C Soul i I 11nt of the Karmur bank of riuiKfort toMlfird lie flavo Oanlrlll i n l i < kfO ft money containing I 1tln whoa Cantrlfl was senator and Omiirlll I nftnrwnnU voted fur I i i1IUIl rpdtul UuwW which ho 1 lrl I IXWH ctipowd bofoTW Toihty fault ill llkil Kilt fur 150000 i v i lit Noel I orf account of the depu b It loll SuU Iiliil In tfrrult Court I t Iruir fcindofur filed dill for dl v rum M 1 A Snmlfifur nDoftlBi e alIILII11t t S4I 1 btogM toot the jr J t 4wri I nurrid Kvlmraiy S lOOJ and 41h41 I h ahandoNotl ker In September Vi wtoti UNI WM III of lyHiuM 1 fvit tie ake that lice nmWn l rater Janle Itoxlur be roMorud r IVnr M lu Illooin 1 delinquent pour troo hat been dlr1 Dr O H Purcell of f 31 North I Ptflh struct U Mtonlihed to MC bra thrceyoarold psar true jiifl in full liloum sovornl woeks bo hind time Tho tree Hi beautiful t and In full bloom Is u curiolty tot tiiit neighborhood Iul IlHi TODII1eSIIIIallXT t OX smtMllli ItlCIIAIlHSOV One of tile largest shipment of tohKio evr mado out of Padiirnh wm made hut night on Ida atoonmr J 1 U Itlrhardiou by Un American r4 i < niirr rampany Thb ililiiuiwiil wo 1rat to Nnshrllto end eomprbiod MO hnKMuada or IIO Q pound The I 1 IIIIT was load ml to the Rimnli And ITI lunlljr the entire cargo con i 111 < r the inboero I All of the to- t 1 u wan purrbM dal the IHidiienh l inhiniio HIM bfli buun In stornKO I b i vii > iir sons ON t ritlhrr Ciiiiu Iii IlOMuo of Y 11 lilt Mini rlinrKtil 1 Wltli llnlklitK hills J Jn i ulk I lad Jyno IInlftk 1oHI oral 21 year eon of a- walbr btXBl IFWn lit OvrWIMinll j Inl t who wasWMMUd Yore ester i mi tie rhatg of raMiHC U Mite i 1 itl to t PI Mid trying to PAW tbrm s e iiMtr o4 last l night at Port tt II unh dud to MiM Hairdo Well man of mbar tarn iii nMirm bad IJf i tix4 ten 101 rt Dlght nth alI i 4 hr iirit his rather camp life and- wnl fii til iiond in over that the w i I i 1IIR WCmll IIOI te JHIfillOIIIHl- t The umrrlaitf wa nttoHdVtl hy all F rar t UK tuui iKipulRtlon of Kurt Ki iih Ito will ha w hie pr Miii IIne iiiil htro tomorrow before 1- 11E liiii l sijiw CommlHtoniir J W iiiunn 6000 AWARD FOIL MRS iixmniA TVXIIK ix 1 i RUT IN COURT lul lIlsr t ludKinont for 0000 waa rundurvd- thi thorn hug In circuit court In lit cult 4i r Mrs iuorRlu Tyiior of Nnnh uses jignlnut the Mnnliolm Son nut Aiiiino ItiHiirnncu oonipanlua for 0UO Tho cult was llloil for In- Knrniit duo on tho stiniiuor Onicoj- f InliliTH which wile burned nt tin loml wharf 8tptoinhur Thu i three t l pl ire woro coutustod by the coin pililps bcciumo of ulluRtid fnlluro tc- ijirondo till proper numbur of watuh I strmniA I v Ides Attornoya John K Ilondrlcl IInit lIal8 Corbett roproHunted Mru yncr whlto Attorney J U Moc nut toad Attorney Btovens of Gin ijiuati ruprcbuiitud thu Inauranc t I rOinpanlca An appeal was asked bJ lie Insurance compnnlcB I SIS ix TIII corroxI- KAK CASKS itiMiiii Viihlncton Juno 24Tho oott < oak rates wdro cndwl today I r idrna of guilty cntorca liy Mo llaasj of New York and Kredwlr I r < < klinin of Cfliclnnatt Maun wa ivj I J JCOOo Pcckham Oohu i Ju 1 Uco Gould s dirtrict of the trim ilaal court Wickersham Pleads For Federal Control of Railroad Issues in a Chicago Address This Morning SaysRccklcss Issue ol Stocks is as Demorializing as Any Lottery and State Control Essential ClilniRo Juno 3tOeclarfng the nwklow IOMIC of railroad iloolm and bond la liB iloinonilblng to jiubXr DI lOtlerla Attomoy Uenonil t1rk onliam Hindu an arKiiinunt In favor of Uiu fix oral regulation und control of all railroad Late in tin nddrotu buforo tlio SUto liar nworkillon here today Ilu contonilod that federal control wee an dMontlal part of the Kovwnmontii npurvMon of hitor stein coinmcrco and argued that tatfiajatlon to obtain mich oontrot wui within tho power of concnvj In an Interview aflurwurd 1rker ihain tnW tho lnvo tlanthm anti prtw ocullon of the Uiof trust wouM go nhoad that now bhlMinonta would be drown prolmhky IndMd uaMy agalnit the wion Ho da rlarod tbo rallKvid law WH a good law U7 Mvxlruti fllttIHMt Killed Mexko sty JIID 2 I Thirty lorun wore killod and to Injured on a troop Unlit wroeknt 1 on the NaUdtial mHay In the elalo of CoHnia today Four carl jumped the track on a curve TM tnx > im wore being ImniiHirted to iKirdurl town unit IKlnien were aboard wkh tkelr wives and fninlllo Seven Ire reported dead 1 IAlirCAII MASONS AHU CKIICIIUATINO i ST JOHNS DAY Paducah l MfttoM am celebUl1- gUIi first Mimial ntleerrtaee of St teem day thta AMcrnoon at UaUoew perk under UM cool shade l to DVSZa Uaml M fnrnMilot emote and there wlH IHI duncins In the pavMttn i HrifM Sovwtnl hundred ludRvmen ere ON head and the rocu IIxlll for ifeta nionflDR were potlponod Unlit ibM lUooll A haN Mine bey l twten a lUefcd teen wIM l ire 111011- 1IlICGmhl l l- I tMekot boat brought vMtlBK tetftfrnwi althoMRh not M Utrfce a crowd to not on homl all wan rxtiortcd Many vriur are to I Iw ftwanlnl tale nflvraoon for the win leri of the foot race St Join a dy l la to I be a regular meat o cti rear hfttIlftt1 REAL ESTATE DEAL IN WEST END OFF is ONI OF Till HKPOIITR SIAD- ITtl 11 AY No deal for root oatate loentod In tho want and line boom ooiiiiininialod yet according to tho bolt advice ob tnlnnble Moaara It J Zilch my of llnllluiore and W U llnyniond of IynchlinrR Va worn In Iaducnh hula weak and worn naKotlatlnR with Mr S U Caldwell for tho purrhnio of n tract of land near the Jrogory HolehU land It Is said that tho two mull who came to Paducuh about two yoara ago are conilder IIIR Hpeeulnllun I In Iudncah real fItllto beoniiKO of tho onlrancu of tho now rnltroadt nnd that their iiUKOtlntlons worn In no WilY con iRcted with tho railroad Snow of Ihn aurvoyH of the Ilurllncton eiiRl noore nro noar time property which It IB Raid they nro conilderhiR na located ndvantaRuuiiaty for rwldciico property Very much alive Jesso A Furl returned to Paducah today from the what whore ho has been for suvorn months I Kurly In May n loiter was received by Tho I Kvenlng HUll fron Wichita Has In which It woe eluted that Fort was found murdered mo- drobbed I hut tit tho tlmo little faith I was placed In the letter by Forti friends Their imauiiiptlon watt true as ho returned to Paducah today Until several months ago Jesso For THE Time predictions and tcmpcra turn for tho past twentyfour IKIIICM will bo found at tlio top of the seventh column on wage few 4 iiV + hi > YINCENNES TEAM OUT FOR BLOOD STUNG 11 V TllltBH IJKFEATS AT HANDS OK CMHKHVIMK UrhilllnK under their three do fOIl III on tholr homo lot by Clarks vlllw trio 1Tncxrnnes liatcball player arrived in Iaditouh this mornlug t to oHu n tsorliis of tainog with tho lo ¬ cal club fn the Borlim lioglnnlnK > Juno IB tho Alices iccured on oven Irroak but the Indiana will try hard to lake all this time and mount to wond place In the percentage col umn Uy taking three games Uhf Indiana will bo tied wttti Vlnwjwnon for urond position Chlff Angormolrer decided to rIsk l liwtiiK Harrlo with Orortou Itohlnd the hat for todays game Manager Nivirn announced that Johmxm and Fish wt > ud bo Ui9 battery for the vlfitori Drown tho Knoxville flrtrt base man returned this mornlug from Loutarilto and loft this afternoon for HopWn 1Hc to join Jill team- mates Ilrowni injured finger has about recovered and ho wrK Ira In the game by tomorrow Ilauibrought Uie hoppers right Holder wee rulvasod yesterday anti It to sold nmy be tdgned by Vlnconno Umpire Connie Smith has realgm od l tad Saar Goodman a local ballplay er 1 be1Itt ived I Ida apiK > lntm nl at dictator Goodman will olllclatu In bli lint PUIlO tilt afternoon ANOTIIIilt TIUU TO IDKVflTY OF NIIIKDHUCD JOY f Ohlof I Slngery today rvcdvud a lot ¬ ter from K Co Doan H20 Wpet Jef fonmn street IxiuVaviHo elating that from deecrlptlong ho had huard ol I fin bay murdered on the Pool road led blm to boKovo It may hovo l bon ion I brother ahdhe aekctllfor a life t- Ire and moro dotalte IIOIISK IOYIIKS dUT TO I SKI siiiiius GO Many hononion were out at the race track title morning to fOe the workotiu of Dr M I and Kvolfbot who wtH oltio the rtralry ono week roan today Ikith honee aro It Hcmld form and went around the track at n lively clip Thu trook V not In good condition now and be fore the race eiiould receive con ClI prabkt attention to Inwiro tlio horeet having an opportunity to dttpla > their Mieed Tlio beet time made thb morning wan 2MUi Thu race nrxt I Friday U I la calculated 1r draw many peoplo to Iaducah as the fair avtoclaUon I Is ndvorttelng It ex eLvety 1M I l taints JIAKKS i Fuiirniu itiiriv I IN DIYOHCI SUIT In the dlwro wilt of afro Wood mil Colo i Undo vi Nathan V11 omit kilo the ilfltondntil filed a to Jolhcr to thu plalnUffs ropy thfc mornliiK In circuit court In the ro Jolnilrr Mr Uadoe denies the alley cations lu the reply that ho was not octal o at hit home and that he provided vanitsly for his family Mr 1 Kadcf ructto that bolero the ltmrrnv he Rate his wlfo n chuck for f PIO In idur that Hlio inlghl purchase wadding clothes and ar idea lie nlhsfiw that tho was a 4rl 1 elnployel leI i a Rtlary and eran aflTr iimrrstKe that ho uMlstod niiHHcaM her mother In liirmlng maul He iiwkos a githoral denial of all limo allcBOtloim In the reply ind that mimi of thu aHogatlons In hill anrwor etc for grandstand play Jesse Fort Turns Up Very Much Alive WEATHER was mniiiiger of time Credit Tailors branch 307 Kentucky nvonuo am because of alleged financial dlllleul tics he loft Paducah suddenly Noth Ing IIIIB been heard from Fort since the letter until ho slowed up it Paducah today- IsNILND I VIII CIIINtlsA- 1MJXISTILtT1ON IX mar Manchester England Juno 24 Uxrluslvo cables to tho United Ircs two weeks ago to tho effect thn Unglund was considering n ehaug In the adinlnUtratlon In Egypt Ii confirmed by tho Manchester Guar dian todny It says thoroa good au homily for the statement that SI I Kldou lorst will bo recalled and SI Arthur Harding will succeed blm LA Jb r ONEILL BROWN CASE GOES TO THE JURY THIS AFTERNOON Prosecutor Wayman Says I Whites Blackness Does Not Make Brown While The Closing Arguments Have All Been Made 4 JUDGK JXSTHUCTS rim JURY Chicago Juno 24Statue Atlor soy Wayman made the closing argu 1 ments in tho trial of Leo ONeill ono today Judgo McSurely IB to give the case over to tho Jury with I Instruction this nftornoon Way i man mado no attempt to retaliate on I Is the defences altaeka ou Ilotirot nta UfO White declaring Whites black ¬ nose didnt mako Urowira white i Dlt O H KIDDAXDDH CRAVES I HOST tiKKK lllslfTiL I1OAIJI With tho announcement of pros 1 pcctlvo candidates for city health l olllcor to succeed Dr 11 1 Sights tho Incumbent whoso resignation becomes eJTccllvo July 1 there have I been two denials Roth Dr 0 IL I Kldd nnd Dr W T Graves said to day they wcro not candidates and had no Intention of seeking tho III licev In tho announcement yesterday namofbtUr l 11dUr board of health and docs not dcjiy I that ho Is a candidate Dr S Z Rolland will bo n candidate for the olHco also Much Interest line bctu < aroused In tho appointment J a JIHUS SUi TO HKOOYHU- MUXIiV FltOJI GUAKDIAN Two suits wore filed In circuit J J- Ourl today over the alleged faUUEI I of J W Wllllauiw guardian of Cum ones and Itosu llutnam to KojlVu and recount for fund received hy him 10 guardian of tho two girl Cora ones through her admhttetrator F 0 Rudolph and Attorneys Oliver j liver WlckUffe lied suit agutiirt v iranw for 1400B said Host 3utram through her guardian W F vim and AUornoya Irico Cooper 1lod wits for 337S Time two girls wcro Injured in an accident nt the aclory of time Paducah Box and tins- el k l factory over u year ago by the oUapeo of a run and tho monoy was iweivod from the company WJI iam watt appointed guardian and iftcrwards tho petition alleges re aiovrd and ho hat failed to wlUc I promptly Tie iitroty of VtHteniB 1 K McKeti C MI PiarkhlH J F Earth and K J SUI aro named as dnfondanU 1 OLIPHANT FILES HIS ANSWER This morning In circuit court the soparuto answer of John T Ollphnnt wae lied in tho suit of CouncHman W L I IJowor osnlntt the Vlnconnee I ridge company for alleged damage at n result of time publication of an aflldavU publdied In a Paducah nowtuwpor during tho last county campaign Mr Ollplmnt denies that ho caused tlu affldwvit to be imbHih ed Ho denies that he rgncd tho affldavlt for tho effect of any InI Jiutloe and revs that he done not ohargo of fame swoarlggend denies that he used tho words that Sir tower iwys he did Tho affidavit wtia written ho sows not beenueo of any hatred und that he bertevws the publication of the airiilavU hue not injured the social standing of Mr lower In lilt answer Mr Ollphont rocitM thnt lit eeourod tho contract- or the ororllon of tho concrete bridges In McCracken county and on ouo of the buplnwie trips to Paduciih earned of the publication of on affidavit by Councilman llowor For his protection ho eoyti that ho signed tho affidavit which la totted In his answer to thu su- itChicago I Market July lUsh Low Close I Wheat 98 J61s 38 Corn GO Iit G8N C9 Oats 40 396 3- 9Irov235 I 2315 2335 tlurd 12C2 1210 1240 Ribs 1300 12S5 1287 5 I IIklIs IlUil to Itona Mutch r on property on Tennessee street be- tween r Seventh and Eighth streets for 760 > Charltons Friends Advance The Plea of Insanity and May Fight Against His Extradition at Trial lie Will Not be Permitted to l Plead Guilty and ills Attor ¬ neys Hope For a Man ¬ slaughter Verdict Hobokeii N J Juno 21Teo preliminary examination of Porter Charlton the confessed wife murder or was adjourned this mdrnln by Uccorder McG vern nt the request of Charltons attorneys and the caw sot for Tuesday Charlton was at transferred to Jersey City Although the attouioya retained by qhorltonj father refuse to talk of the case It la understood that alcnltts will be engaged to exam lime Into CharHons sanity Ills state meat to trio poMco after like arrow to be taken as Indicating a lack of mental balance Ho win nut DO iiennltted to plead guilty us he told ho would when he was arraigned Atftimeyg familiar with Italian laws sal the evidence agalurt Charlton Is elreumnelanttal other than his confession and ho hardly will bo convicted of a higher doirrco than manslaughter and the penalty wHl not exceed six genre This will bo close to a doatli sen lincc thought as Italian prisons are indoor confinement Charlton Is a consumptive Judge Charlton his father declared today Ida son Is In ¬ sane The body of Mrs Charlton be brought to the United States and burled In San Francisco aiurnUls Da Montlplla time Italian charge daffaires of limo Watliington embassy hero to roprccwnt tho Italian government raid bo believed tho evidence pointed to a premeditated murder Ho said ho was prepared to Institute stops for tho return of Charllon to Italy without delay Charltons fatbnr refused to discuss rumor Ho will fight extradition and intimated It would be a legal 1 1 1a struggle from the start Charlton Js watched closely to provxnt an at tentpt at eutcldo L 4J4 r r4 LY ti j ITALY AVIIIj iJXTKAIUTK- CUAUIjTON FOR Tit J L Comol Italy Juno 21Italian authorities took tho preliminary > rtepe for time oxtradlUo of Charlton today The kings procurator swore a to an affidavit formally charging a Charlton with murder It will bo signed by Uio judge and sent to tho foreign offlco through which on ox tradition will be mado on the U S otnto department It Is tho boMef i of time pollco In Italy Charlton will Set off with a light sentence If heII plead guHty SAMUKIj IIIXTOX IX A at 1KKOAIHOUS COXDITIOX L as Mr Saniuol Hinton 220 North 3lxMi street is in a precarious con ¬ dition with pneumonia oday and is sot expected to tmrvlvo tho day Ho a 86 year old and owing to hits ad- vanced ¬ age hltt recovery Is doubtful Ills condition heoamo alarming yes¬ terday and lust night ho was barely aUve Ho k a well known citizen of Paducah and one of the early act tiers J II l Sli ie Seriously Iliirncil j It Shorn a cur repairer at tho lUlnols Control shops was seriously burned about the hahdi and face this morning by time Hnltlon of some crude oil llc was nifhed to the railroad ho ptal where his Injuries wero drtswd and is resting fairly well this afternoo- nSKYLARK PARTIES ARE THE THING DKlTTSCIIIiAXIt vas FtMj PAS SKXGKU LOADS OX TWOI I TltllS I I Dussoldorf Carnally Juno 24 Time first aerial trip for commercial pUfllosel tnlnv wtlntl Ilelan heru tho Deutschlnnd dirigible sailed for n threohoiir trip with 20 pas ¬ sengers Tickets were purchased two weeks ago for 50 each so great was tho rush to get to ride Tho first hundred miles was com ¬ pleted without mishap und averag- ing a speed of 30 tulles dl1l1lllto It t encountered bad weather The ace ¬ faond trip will stInt this afternoon I This will I with 20 now passengers bo 100 miles Time third trip wljl I bo to Frlcdcrlchshafcn If tho thrco trips of Doiitscb lund nro completed today they 3000 All 1 mean n revenue of places were booked Dusscldorf will 1 bo used na the starting point and terminus of all tho Deutschlands short trips of 100 miles or len- t i t < 4 u rcr JEFFRIES IS INI PERFECT CONDITION MIKK MUHPIIV SUIIPIUSKD ATI 1110 MANS APPEARANCE lleno Juno 2iJliko I Murphy the veteran traner watched Jcftriiee work today and saya ho Is surprliwd tho condition of tho big man He declares the boilermaker perfect Jeffries refused to discuss on the Sullivan Incident Corbett and SuII Ilvan nearly came to blows Corbett accused Sullivan of declaring In DosI ton tho light would be a fako 8ulI I livan denied it but Corbott refused J to allow Sullivan to remain In thoI I camp I Johnson In Items how lleno Juno 24 Johnson arrived bore tills morning and went Into camp Ho will resume training to- day John L Sullivan la the most disgusted man at Iteno today DC splto his i jpularity the most com- ment ¬ Is Ho got what was coming to him CorlHJtt expressed sympathy j for Sullivan toying bo la sorry beI I had to refuse to allow Sullivan InI I Jeffries cam- pSULLIN I I Mir COM IIKCK1TIOX When Ho Attempted I to Interview JclTrlca Yesterday Reno Nov June 24Despite i Tex Ktdcarda advice Jolts L Sulll van tried to Interview Jeffries IIII was denied admission to Jeffs quar- tets and woe told by Jim Corbctt that Jolt would not shako hands with him SulHvan demanded an explanation Corbctt answorod that It was be- cause of tho many roasts Sullivan had given tho big fight In the news paimrs and from tho stago Cutbutt t11a14LricgntrtdGratSn attributed to Sullivan to the af ¬ fect that If Jeff won tho fight it would bo a take Sullivan hotly de ¬ nted making such a statement Youl ndmJt said Corbctt that man w knocks his own game Is bb stiff- Sullivan returned to Reno Ifcilradn Forces Successful I Ulucflolds Juno tGeneral arena commanding tho forces ofj Provisional President Kstrada Is meeting with success In his cam ¬ on Managua having occupied Acoypa according to dispatches here Madrlz hid a garrison of 400 Acoypa but they dispersed after sharp fight Acoypa will be used I a supply base I SURVEYORS ARE BUSY IN WEST END GO OVER StmVKVS NOTED FKWl h DAYS AGO OlXI Burlington railroad civil engineers nro still purveying In tho west end and several lines have been run from the north to the southern limits That tho road will finally adopt tho ijoutJu just behind League park as the link from the Metropolis brldgo to Union station Is tho opin ¬ len of real eState mon who have boon noting the progrestf of the en ¬ gineers Thlo opinion Is based on tho fact that two survoya have boon mado over this route and further note that this route 111ft a direct lino between Union station and tho approach to tho Motropolta bridge This limo priced just back of time leaf I park and east of tho Wallace park lakb It cuts through three grocer leg of ParUh Lunn and IIa > nes DUmukoa south of the Broadway road and north of Ure ball park It pasiod In front of Col D A Yelsors homo and In front of tho now home- r Mir 141Iam Bornomann thence out Friedman avouuo and on toward tlio Ohloriver One survey has boon mado be twoon the homes of John Holler and Mr Wolff and directly through Klr choffs garden west of tho fair grounds Among real estate men this routo appears the easiest although this has not been gone over but onco Ilul it Scntli Indlnns In an exciting doubleheader played this morning the Baby Uaglcs defeated time Llttlo Indians the tlrstgamo being 14 to 3 and tho second 10 to 8 The batteries were For the Eagles McCann and Her mnn For the Indians Sandy and I frlcp 4s l tl A 1 STRINGER PLEASES A BIG CROWD AT THE CHAUTAUQDAV Delivers a Brilliant Address Which is Greatly Appre- ciated ¬ by Audience Another Interesting Program Promised For Tonight i soar TOMOHUOW KKATURES Those who hoard the splendid Castlo Square Eirtertalners and the magnificent speech of lion Lawrence B Stringer at tho Chautauqua last night worn doubly repaid for their money and time The entertainers presented a full and complete pro gram Intermingling the classical aaa Jectlons with presonit day ballad and It was with the greatest dim ¬ culty that they were able to leave the platform on account of tho ap ¬ plause At 745 Mr WltHam Hum ¬ mel chairman of the Chautauqua association Introduced the speaker of tho evening lion Lawrence B Stringer who camo upon tho plat ¬ form amid a round of applause from tho peoplo who had gathered to hear tho noted orator aqd during mitt entire lecture althougha storm seemed to bo approaching not a IllsIlecture eloI wittyI and humorous thoughts with match ¬ less and masterful principals and It was pronounced by many aa tho moot finished production of oratory ever heard In Paducah This afternoon at 330 the Castle Square Entertainers will give a short number which will be followed by the celebrated Prof Ash Dayls Mr Davis has been on limo Chautauqua platform continuously for 13 years and his tamo has of read aU over tie conutq I Jno > y a crtoBb4 a f noartt biitan attractive and en ¬ tertaining lecturer Some of hula host novelties are tho landscaPes chalk talk rag pictures musical burlesques and transforming scenes and time rapidity with which ho draws enables him to present from 20 to 30 pictures In an evening Tonight promptly at 745 the Cattle Square Entertainers will ron ¬ der their choicest eolectlons and will entertain the audience during the entire evening The nature of tholr elections will bo diversified moth In their Instrumental and vocal and the management without rcslta lion or reservation pronounce this company as tho best which has thus far appeared Their whole perform ¬ moo lu such as to causo continuous laughter Tomorrow afternoon at 330 the Usher ShIpp Concert company Is wheduled to appear The company ItJ composed of MlsctM Fisher Shlpp Etta Heacock and Alice Carney and Mr Lloyd Loar Tho versatility of iris company enable them to give- n unusual varied program Their vocal selections are highly recom ¬ mended while Mr Lohr 10 an arr conipliihed musician on nearly every kind of rtrlnged Instrument Tomorrow night at 8 oclock the Fisher Shlpp concert will open the evening program with a few wlec Ions followed by a lecture of Air Uobert Parker Mlles entitled Tal ¬ low Dips Dy virtue of the great traumatic power ho Is ablo to repro duco Tallow Dips Instil tho great fundamental truths give the lesson of their lives to the world Ho haU the art of pointing out the good traits In mankind and takes the worst of mon and selecting tho good in them presents It as a gem to his hoarers t IpltOFKSSOIl DINKS OX SKUNKS II Frank K Wood of llllnolM Unlvcr citySaws Thug Are RO< M to Eat und Are Unjustly Persecuted Champaign III Juno 24 The ouch maligned skunk has a defender Ire the perron of Prof Frank E Wood of the Illinois state laboratory of rational history who declares the animal Is good to oat as welt as bo Ing otherwise useful That the flesh of the much dread ¬ ed beast Is white tender and of a doHoiouB flavor If the scent glands aro removed la the tuwrtlon of the savant Prof Wood gives no recipe for the capture of tho animal and does not UH just how ono Is to bo enabled to enjoy the meat I t I No animal Is moro unjustly verse outfd titan the skunk asserts Prof Wood It Is tho best friend the farmor has destroying enormous quantities of grubs beetles grass ¬ hoppers mire and melee y L

V zr abiuajj Rticntnj 1 itl to tPI Mid trying to PAW tbrm s e tt iiMtr o4 lastl night at Port II unh dud to MiM Hairdo Well man of mbar tarn iii nMirm bad IJf i tix4 ten 101 rt Dlght

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u t abiuajj Rticntnj u4





1Frankfort Banker Says He

Gave Canlrill 15000 to

Vote lor Capital Silo

Is Promptly Sued lor 50000Y

by Latterr




Frankfort Juno 4apcaII-n a derv then in Darnell damageMill ipampt Osntrlll John C Soul

iI 11nt of the Karmur bank of

riuiKfort toMlfird lie flavo Oanlrlll

i n l i< kfO ft money containingI1tln whoa Cantrlfl was senator

and Omiirlll I nftnrwnnU voted furI ii1IUIl rpdtul UuwW which ho

1lrl IIXWH ctipowd bofoTW Toihty

fault ill llkil Kilt fur 150000i v i lit NoelI orf account of the depub It loll

SuU Iiliil In tfrrult CourtI t Iruir fcindofur filed dill for dl

v rum M1 A Snmlfifur nDoftlBie alIILII11tt S4I1 btogM toot thejr

J t 4wriI nurrid Kvlmraiy S lOOJ and

41h41 Ih ahandoNotl ker In September

Vi wtoti UNI WM III of lyHiuM 1

fvit tie ake that lice nmWnl

rater Janle Itoxlur be roMorudr

IVnrMluIllooin1 delinquent pour troo hat been

dlr1 Dr O H Purcell of

f 31 North IPtflh struct U Mtonlihedto MC bra thrceyoarold psar truejiifl in full liloum sovornl woeks bo

hind time Tho tree Hi beautifult

and In full bloom Is u curiolty tottiiit neighborhood


One of tile largest shipment oftohKio evr mado out of Padiirnhwm made hut night on Ida atoonmrJ1 U Itlrhardiou by Un American

r4 i< niirr rampany Thb ililiiuiwiil wo

1rat to Nnshrllto end eomprbiod MO

hnKMuada or IIO Q pound TheI 1 IIIIT was load ml to the Rimnli

And ITI lunlljr the entire cargo coni111 < r the inboeroI All of the to-

t1 u wan purrbM dal the IHidiienhl inhiniio HIM bfli buun In stornKOIb i

vii >iir sons ONt

ritlhrr Ciiiiu Iii IlOMuo of Y 11 lilt

Mini rlinrKtil1 Wltli llnlklitK hillsJJni ulk Ilad Jyno IInlftk

1oHI oral 21 year eon of a-

walbr btXBl IFWn lit OvrWIMinlljInlt who wasWMMUd Yore ester

i mi tie rhatg of raMiHC U Mite

i 1itl to tPI Mid trying to PAW tbrm

s e iiMtr o4 lastl night at PortttII unh dud to MiM Hairdo Wellman of mbar tarn iii nMirm badIJf i tix4 ten 101 rt Dlght nth alI i

4 hr iirit his rather camp life and-

wnl fii til iiond in over that thew iI i1IIR WCmll IIOI te JHIfillOIIIHl-

tt The umrrlaitf wa nttoHdVtl hy allF rar t UK tuui iKipulRtlon of Kurt

Ki iih Ito will haw hie pr Miii

IIne iiiil htro tomorrow before1-

11Eliiii l sijiw CommlHtoniir J W


6000 AWARD

FOIL MRS iixmniA TVXIIK ix1 i RUT IN COURT lullIlsr

t ludKinont for 0000 waa rundurvd-thi thorn hug In circuit court In litcult 4i r Mrs iuorRlu Tyiior of Nnnhuses jignlnut the Mnnliolm Son nutAiiiino ItiHiirnncu oonipanlua for

0UO Tho cult was llloil for In-

Knrniit duo on tho stiniiuor Onicoj-

f InliliTH which wile burned nt tinloml wharf 8tptoinhur Thui threet

l pl ire woro coutustod by the coinpililps bcciumo of ulluRtid fnlluro tc-

ijirondo till proper numbur of watuhIstrmniAI

v Ides Attornoya John K Ilondrlcl

IInit lIal8 Corbett roproHunted Mruyncr whlto Attorney J U Moc

nut toad Attorney Btovens of Ginijiuati ruprcbuiitud thu Inauranct

I rOinpanlca An appeal was asked bJlie Insurance compnnlcB

ISIS ix TIII corroxI-KAK CASKS itiMiiii

Viihlncton Juno 24Tho oott <

oak rates wdro cndwl today I ridrna of guilty cntorca liy Mo

llaasj of New York and KredwlrIr< < klinin of Cfliclnnatt Maun wa

ivjI J JCOOo Pcckham Oohui

Ju1 Uco Gould s dirtrict of the trimilaal court

Wickersham Pleads For Federal

Control of Railroad Issues in a

Chicago Address This Morning

SaysRccklcss Issue ol Stocks

is as Demorializing as Any

Lottery and State Control


ClilniRo Juno 3tOeclarfng thenwklow IOMIC of railroad iloolm andbond la liB iloinonilblng to jiubXrDI lOtlerla Attomoy Uenonil t1rkonliam Hindu an arKiiinunt In favorof Uiu fix oral regulation und controlof all railroad Late in tin nddrotubuforo tlio SUto liar nworkillon heretoday Ilu contonilod that federalcontrol wee an dMontlal part of theKovwnmontii npurvMon of hitorstein coinmcrco and argued thattatfiajatlon to obtain mich oontrotwui within tho power of concnvjIn an Interview aflurwurd 1rkerihain tnW tho lnvo tlanthm anti prtwocullon of the Uiof trust wouMgo nhoad that now bhlMinontawould be drown prolmhky IndMduaMy agalnit the wion Ho darlarod tbo rallKvid law WH a goodlaw

U7 Mvxlruti fllttIHMt KilledMexko sty JIID 2 I Thirty

lorun wore killod and to Injuredon a troop Unlit wroeknt1 on theNaUdtial mHay In the elalo ofCoHnia today Four carl jumpedthe track on a curve TM tnx > imwore being ImniiHirted to iKirdurltown unit IKlnien were aboardwkh tkelr wives and fninlllo SevenIre reported dead


Paducahl MfttoM am celebUl1-gUIi first Mimial ntleerrtaee of Stteem day thta AMcrnoon at UaUoewperk under UM cool shadel toDVSZa Uaml M fnrnMilot emote andthere wlH IHI duncins In the pavMttniHrifM Sovwtnl hundred ludRvmenere ON head and the rocu IIxlll forifeta nionflDR were potlponod UnlitibM lUooll A haN Mine beyl

twten a lUefcd teen wIM lire 111011-


II tMekot boat broughtvMtlBK tetftfrnwi althoMRh not MUtrfce a crowd to not on homl all wanrxtiortcd Many vriur are to IIw

ftwanlnl tale nflvraoon for the win

leri of the foot race St Join a

dy lla to Ibe a regular meat o cti

rear hfttIlftt1




No deal for root oatate loentod Intho want and line boom ooiiiiininialodyet according to tho bolt advice ob

tnlnnble Moaara It J Zilch my ofllnllluiore and W U llnyniond ofIynchlinrR Va worn In Iaducnhhula weak and worn naKotlatlnR with

Mr S U Caldwell for tho purrhnioof n tract of land near the JrogoryHolehU land It Is said that thotwo mull who came to Paducuhabout two yoara ago are conilderIIIR HpeeulnllunI In Iudncah realfItllto beoniiKO of tho onlrancu oftho now rnltroadt nnd that theiriiUKOtlntlons worn In no WilY coniRcted with tho railroad Snow ofIhn aurvoyH of the Ilurllncton eiiRlnoore nro noar time property whichIt IB Raid they nro conilderhiR nalocated ndvantaRuuiiaty for rwldciicoproperty

Very much alive Jesso A Furlreturned to Paducah today from thewhat whore ho has been for suvornmonths IKurly In May n loiter wasreceived by Tho IKvenlng HUll fronWichita Has In which It woe elutedthat Fort was found murdered mo-

drobbedI hut tit tho tlmo little faith I

was placed In the letter by Fortifriends Their imauiiiptlon watt trueas ho returned to Paducah todayUntil several months ago Jesso For

THETime predictions and tcmpcra

turn for tho past twentyfourIKIIICM will bo found at tlio topof the seventh column on wagefew


iiV +hi >




UrhilllnK under their three dofOIl III on tholr homo lot by Clarksvlllw trio 1Tncxrnnes liatcball playerarrived in Iaditouh this mornlug tto

oHu n tsorliis of tainog with tho lo ¬

cal club fn the Borlim lioglnnlnK>

Juno IB tho Alices iccured on ovenIrroak but the Indiana will try hardto lake all this time and mount towond place In the percentage column Uy taking three games Uhf

Indiana will bo tied wttti Vlnwjwnonfor urond position

Chlff Angormolrer decided to rIsklliwtiiK Harrlo with Orortou Itohlndthe hat for todays game ManagerNivirn announced that Johmxm andFish wt > ud bo Ui9 battery for thevlfitori

Drown tho Knoxville flrtrt baseman returned this mornlug fromLoutarilto and loft this afternoonfor HopWn 1Hc to join Jill team-

mates Ilrowni injured finger hasabout recovered and ho wrK Ira Inthe game by tomorrow

Ilauibrought Uie hoppers rightHolder wee rulvasod yesterday anti Itto sold nmy be tdgned by Vlnconno

Umpire Connie Smith has realgm odl

tad Saar Goodman a local ballplayer 1be1Ittived IIda apiK> lntm nl atdictator Goodman will olllclatu Inbli lint PUIlO tilt afternoon

ANOTIIIilt TIUU TOIDKVflTY OF NIIIKDHUCD JOYfOhlofI Slngery today rvcdvud a lot ¬

ter from K Co Doan H20 Wpet Jeffonmn street IxiuVaviHo elating thatfrom deecrlptlong ho had huard olI fin bay murdered on the Pool roadled blm to boKovo It may hovo lbonion Ibrother ahdhe aekctllfor a life t-

Ire and moro dotalte


Many hononion were out at therace track title morning to fOe theworkotiu of Dr MI and Kvolfbotwho wtH oltio the rtralry ono weekroan today Ikith honee aro ItHcmld form and went around the

track at n lively clip Thu trook V

not In good condition now and before the race eiiould receive con ClIprabkt attention to Inwiro tlio horeethaving an opportunity to dttpla >

their Mieed Tlio beet time madethb morning wan 2MUi Thu racenrxt IFriday U Ila calculated 1rdraw many peoplo to Iaducah as thefair avtoclaUon IIs ndvorttelng It exeLvety

1MI ltaints JIAKKS iFuiirniuitiirivI IN DIYOHCI SUIT

In the dlwro wilt of afro Woodmil Colo iUndo vi Nathan V11 omit

kilo the ilfltondntil filed a toJolhcr to thu plalnUffs ropy thfcmornliiK In circuit court In the roJolnilrr Mr Uadoe denies the alleycations lu the reply that ho was notoctal o at hit home and that he

provided vanitsly for his familyMr 1Kadcf ructto that bolero theltmrrnv he Rate his wlfo n chuckfor f PIO In idur that Hlio inlghlpurchase wadding clothes and aridea lie nlhsfiw that tho was a4rl1 elnployel leIi a Rtlary and eran

aflTr iimrrstKe that ho uMlstodniiHHcaM her mother In liirmlngmaul He iiwkos a githoral denial

of all limo allcBOtloim In the replyind that mimi of thu aHogatlons Inhill anrwor etc for grandstand play

Jesse Fort Turns UpVery Much Alive


was mniiiiger of time Credit Tailorsbranch 307 Kentucky nvonuo ambecause of alleged financial dlllleultics he loft Paducah suddenly NothIng IIIIB been heard from Fort sincethe letter until ho slowed up itPaducah today-


1MJXISTILtT1ON IX marManchester England Juno 24

Uxrluslvo cables to tho United Ircstwo weeks ago to tho effect thnUnglund was considering n ehaugIn the adinlnUtratlon In Egypt IIi

confirmed by tho Manchester Guardian todny It says thoroa good auhomily for the statement that SIIKldou lorst will bo recalled and SIArthur Harding will succeed blm

LA Jb r




Prosecutor Wayman Says I

Whites Blackness Does Not

Make Brown While

The Closing Arguments Have

All Been Made4


Chicago Juno 24Statue Atlorsoy Wayman made the closing argu 1

ments in tho trial of Leo ONeillono today Judgo McSurely IB to

give the case over to tho Jury with I

Instruction this nftornoon Way i

man mado no attempt to retaliate on IIs

the defences altaeka ou Ilotirot ntaUfO White declaring Whites black ¬

nose didnt mako Urowira white i



With tho announcement of pros 1

pcctlvo candidates for city health l

olllcor to succeed Dr 11 1 Sightstho Incumbent whoso resignationbecomes eJTccllvo July 1 there have I

been two denials Roth Dr 0 IL I

Kldd nnd Dr W T Graves said today they wcro not candidates andhad no Intention of seeking thoIIIlicevIn tho announcement yesterday

namofbtUrl11dUrboard of health and docs not dcjiy I

that ho Is a candidate Dr S ZRolland will bo n candidate for theolHco also Much Interest line bctu <

aroused In tho appointment J


MUXIiV FltOJI GUAKDIANTwo suits wore filed In circuit JJ-

Ourl today over the alleged faUUEIIof J W Wllllauiw guardian of Cum

ones and Itosu llutnam to KojlVu andrecount for fund received hy him10 guardian of tho two girl Coraones through her admhttetrator F

0 Rudolph and Attorneys Oliver j

liver WlckUffe lied suit agutiirtv iranw for 1400B said Host3utram through her guardian W Fvim and AUornoya Irico Cooper

1lod wits for 337S Time two girlswcro Injured in an accident nt theaclory of time Paducah Box and tins-

elk l factory over u year ago by theoUapeo of a run and tho monoy wasiweivod from the company WJIiam watt appointed guardian andiftcrwards tho petition alleges reaiovrd and ho hat failed to wlUc I

promptly Tie iitroty of VtHteniB1 K McKeti C MI PiarkhlH J FEarth and K J SUI aro named asdnfondanU




This morning In circuit court thesoparuto answer of John T Ollphnntwae lied in tho suit of CouncHmanW LI IJowor osnlntt the VlnconneeI ridge company for alleged damageat n result of time publication of anaflldavU publdied In a Paducahnowtuwpor during tho last countycampaign Mr Ollplmnt denies thatho caused tlu affldwvit to be imbHihed Ho denies that he rgncd thoaffldavlt for tho effect of any InIJiutloe and revs that he done notohargo of fame swoarlggend deniesthat he used tho words that Sirtower iwys he did Tho affidavitwtia written ho sows not beenueo ofany hatred und that he bertevws thepublication of the airiilavU hue notinjured the social standing of Mrlower In lilt answer Mr Ollphont

rocitM thnt lit eeourod tho contract-or the ororllon of tho concrete

bridges In McCracken county and onouo of the buplnwie trips to Paduciihearned of the publication of on

affidavit by Councilman llowor Forhis protection ho eoyti that ho signedtho affidavit which la totted In hisanswer to thu su-


MarketJuly lUsh Low CloseI

Wheat 98 J61s 38

Corn GO Iit G8N C9

Oats 40 396 3-


2315 2335tlurd 12C2 1210 1240

Ribs 1300 12S5 12875

IIIklIs IlUilto Itona Mutch

r on property on Tennessee street be-

tweenr Seventh and Eighth streetsfor 760


Charltons Friends Advance The

Plea of Insanity and May Fight

Against His Extradition at Trial

lie Will Not be Permitted to l

Plead Guilty and ills Attor ¬

neys Hope For a Man ¬

slaughter Verdict

Hobokeii N J Juno 21Teopreliminary examination of PorterCharlton the confessed wife murderor was adjourned this mdrnln byUccorder McG vern nt the request ofCharltons attorneys and the cawsot for Tuesday Charlton was attransferred to Jersey City

Although the attouioya retainedby qhorltonj father refuse to talkof the case It la understood thatalcnltts will be engaged to examlime Into CharHons sanity Ills statemeat to trio poMco after like arrow

to be taken as Indicating a lackof mental balance

Ho win nut DO iiennltted to pleadguilty us he told ho would when hewas arraigned Atftimeyg familiarwith Italian laws sal the evidenceagalurt Charlton Is elreumnelanttalother than his confession and hohardly will bo convicted of a higherdoirrco than manslaughter and thepenalty wHl not exceed six genreThis will bo close to a doatli senlincc thought as Italian prisons areindoor confinement Charlton Is aconsumptive Judge Charlton hisfather declared today Ida son Is In¬

sane The body of Mrs Charltonbe brought to the United States

and burled In San FranciscoaiurnUls Da Montlplla time Italian

charge daffaires of limo Watliingtonembassy hero to roprccwnt tho Italiangovernment raid bo believed thoevidence pointed to a premeditatedmurder Ho said ho was preparedto Institute stops for tho return ofCharllon to Italy without delayCharltons fatbnr refused to discuss

rumor Ho will fight extraditionand intimated It would be a legal1 11astruggle from the start CharltonJs watched closely to provxnt an attentpt at eutcldo L


CUAUIjTON FOR TitJLComol Italy Juno 21Italian

authorities took tho preliminary>

rtepe for time oxtradlUo of Charltontoday The kings procurator swore a

to an affidavit formally charging a

Charlton with murder It will bo

signed by Uio judge and sent to thoforeign offlco through which on ox

tradition will be mado on the U S

otnto department It Is tho boMef i

of time pollco In Italy Charlton will

Set off with a light sentence If heIIplead guHty


asMr Saniuol Hinton 220 North

3lxMi street is in a precarious con ¬

dition with pneumonia oday and is

sot expected to tmrvlvo tho day Ho

a 86 year old and owing to hits ad-



age hltt recovery Is doubtfulIlls condition heoamo alarming yes¬

terday and lust night ho was barely

aUve Ho k a well known citizen of

Paducah and one of the early act


J IIl Sli ie Seriously Iliirncilj It Shorn a cur repairer at tho

lUlnols Control shops was seriously

burned about the hahdi and facethis morning by time Hnltlon of somecrude oil llc was nifhed to therailroad ho ptal where his Injurieswero drtswd and is resting fairlywell this afternoo-




TltllS I


Dussoldorf Carnally Juno 24

Time first aerial trip for commercial

pUfllosel tnlnv wtlntlIlelan herutho Deutschlnnd dirigible sailed

for n threohoiir trip with 20 pas ¬

sengers Tickets were purchased

two weeks ago for 50 each so

great was tho rush to get to rideTho first hundred miles was com¬

pleted without mishap und averag-

ing a speed of 30 tulles dl1l1lllto Itt

encountered bad weather The ace¬

faond trip will stInt this afternoon I

This willIwith 20 now passengersbo 100 miles Time third trip wljlI

bo to FrlcdcrlchshafcnIf tho thrco trips of Doiitscb

lund nro completed today they3000 All1mean n revenue of

places were booked Dusscldorf will1

bo used na the starting point andterminus of all tho Deutschlandsshort trips of 100 miles or len-

t it

< 4 urcr



lleno Juno 2iJlikoI Murphythe veteran traner watched Jcftriieework today and saya ho Is surprliwd

tho condition of tho big man Hedeclares the boilermaker perfectJeffries refused to discuss on theSullivan Incident Corbett and SuIIIlvan nearly came to blows Corbettaccused Sullivan of declaring In DosIton tho light would be a fako 8ulII

livan denied it but Corbott refused J

to allow Sullivan to remain In thoII


Johnson In Items howlleno Juno 24 Johnson arrived

bore tills morning and went Intocamp Ho will resume training to-day John L Sullivan la the mostdisgusted man at Iteno today DCsplto his ijpularity the most com-


Is Ho got what was coming tohim CorlHJtt expressed sympathy j

for Sullivan toying bo la sorry beII

had to refuse to allow Sullivan InII

Jeffries cam-




When Ho AttemptedI to InterviewJclTrlca Yesterday

Reno Nov June 24Despite i

Tex Ktdcarda advice Jolts L Sulllvan tried to Interview Jeffries IIIIwas denied admission to Jeffs quar-tets and woe told by Jim Corbcttthat Jolt would not shako hands withhim

SulHvan demanded an explanationCorbctt answorod that It was be-

cause of tho many roasts Sullivanhad given tho big fight In the newspaimrs and from tho stago

Cutbutt t11a14LricgntrtdGratSnattributed to Sullivan to the af¬

fect that If Jeff won tho fight itwould bo a take Sullivan hotly de¬

nted making such a statementYoul ndmJt said Corbctt that

man w knocks his own game Is

bb stiff-

Sullivan returned to Reno

Ifcilradn Forces Successful I

Ulucflolds Juno tGeneralarena commanding tho forces ofjProvisional President Kstrada Ismeeting with success In his cam ¬

on Managua having occupiedAcoypa according to dispatcheshere Madrlz hid a garrison of 400

Acoypa but they dispersed aftersharp fight Acoypa will be used I

a supply baseI




Burlington railroad civil engineersnro still purveying In tho west endand several lines have been run fromthe north to the southern limits

That tho road will finally adopttho ijoutJu just behind League parkas the link from the Metropolisbrldgo to Union station Is tho opin ¬

len of real eState mon who haveboon noting the progrestf of the en¬

gineers Thlo opinion Is based ontho fact that two survoya have boonmado over this route and furthernote that this route 111ft a directlino between Union station and thoapproach to tho Motropolta bridgeThis limo priced just back of time leaf I

park and east of tho Wallace parklakb It cuts through three grocerleg of ParUh Lunn and IIa > nes

DUmukoa south of the Broadway

road and north of Ure ball park Itpasiod In front of Col D A Yelsorshomo and In front of tho now home-

r Mir 141Iam Bornomann thenceout Friedman avouuo and on towardtlio Ohloriver

One survey has boon mado betwoon the homes of John Holler andMr Wolff and directly through Klrchoffs garden west of tho fairgrounds Among real estate men thisrouto appears the easiest althoughthis has not been gone over but onco

Ilul it Scntli IndlnnsIn an exciting doubleheader

played this morning the BabyUaglcs defeated time Llttlo Indiansthe tlrstgamo being 14 to 3 and thosecond 10 to 8 The batteries wereFor the Eagles McCann and Hermnn For the Indians Sandy andI

frlcp 4s ltlA





Delivers a Brilliant AddressWhich is Greatly Appre-



by Audience

Another Interesting ProgramPromised For Tonightisoar TOMOHUOW KKATURES

Those who hoard the splendidCastlo Square Eirtertalners and themagnificent speech of lion LawrenceB Stringer at tho Chautauqua lastnight worn doubly repaid for theirmoney and time The entertainerspresented a full and complete program Intermingling the classical aaaJectlons with presonit day balladand It was with the greatest dim ¬

culty that they were able to leavethe platform on account of tho ap ¬

plause At 745 Mr WltHam Hum ¬

mel chairman of the Chautauquaassociation Introduced the speakerof tho evening lion Lawrence BStringer who camo upon tho plat ¬

form amid a round of applausefrom tho peoplo who had gathered tohear tho noted orator aqd duringmitt entire lecture althougha stormseemed to bo approaching not a

IllsIlectureeloIwittyIand humorous thoughts with match ¬

less and masterful principals and Itwas pronounced by many aa tho mootfinished production of oratory everheard In Paducah

This afternoon at 330 the CastleSquare Entertainers will give a shortnumber which will be followed bythe celebrated Prof Ash Dayls MrDavis has been on limo Chautauquaplatform continuously for 13 yearsand his tamo has of read aU over tieconutq I Jno>y a crtoBb4a fnoartt biitan attractive and en ¬

tertaining lecturer Some of hula

host novelties are tho landscaPeschalk talk rag pictures musicalburlesques and transforming scenesand time rapidity with which ho drawsenables him to present from 20 to 30pictures In an evening

Tonight promptly at 745 theCattle Square Entertainers will ron ¬

der their choicest eolectlons andwill entertain the audience duringthe entire evening The nature oftholr elections will bo diversifiedmoth In their Instrumental and vocaland the management without rcsltalion or reservation pronounce thiscompany as tho best which has thusfar appeared Their whole perform ¬

moo lu such as to causo continuouslaughter

Tomorrow afternoon at 330 theUsher ShIpp Concert company Iswheduled to appear The companyItJ composed of MlsctM Fisher ShlppEtta Heacock and Alice Carney andMr Lloyd Loar Tho versatility ofiris company enable them to give-n unusual varied program Their

vocal selections are highly recom ¬

mended while Mr Lohr 10 an arrconipliihed musician on nearly everykind of rtrlnged Instrument

Tomorrow night at 8 oclock theFisher Shlpp concert will open theevening program with a few wlecIons followed by a lecture of AirUobert Parker Mlles entitled Tal¬

low Dips Dy virtue of the greattraumatic power ho Is ablo to reproduco Tallow Dips Instil tho greatfundamental truths give the lessonof their lives to the world Ho haUthe art of pointing out the goodtraits In mankind and takes the worstof mon and selecting tho good inthem presents It as a gem to hishoarers t


IIFrank K Woodof llllnolM UnlvcrcitySaws Thug Are RO < M to

Eat und Are UnjustlyPersecuted

Champaign III Juno 24 Theouch maligned skunk has a defenderIre the perron of Prof Frank E Woodof the Illinois state laboratory ofrational history who declares theanimal Is good to oat as welt as boIng otherwise useful

That the flesh of the much dread ¬

ed beast Is white tender and of adoHoiouB flavor If the scent glandsaro removed la the tuwrtlon of thesavant

Prof Wood gives no recipe for thecapture of tho animal and does notU H just how ono Is to bo enabled toenjoy the meat

I tI No animal Is moro unjustly verseoutfd titan the skunk asserts ProfWood It Is tho best friend thefarmor has destroying enormousquantities of grubs beetles grass ¬

hoppers mire and melee y