Our Line of Vehiclesi- s offeringspecial RepaitingHorseshoeingand done by the best mechanics We guarantee satisfaction Give us a call lLuwtaa Lamaaei VJDorV y RICHMOND KY I PHONE 232 Frasa Bros MAIN STREET PHONE 165 FRESH Groceries jAGENTS FOR i J8o uet flour Lakeside Peas at 20c a Can The Rijimond Climax WEDNESDAY DEC 30 1903 u I Stable for rent Apply to decSOtf Mrs A C Buchanan Caldwell High School will resume work Monday January 4 The Ministerial Association rn eta next Monday January 4 in the Y1oI C A Reading Room In Fayette county the date of the 1 primary to select Democratic nominees i for county offices is set for Tuesday Feb 16 A fire at Harrodsburg last week destroyed about 8000 worth of proper ¬ ty in the residence portion of the city Several families had a narrow escape from death by burning WilIgings line of pictures 1is superb He has all kinds all prices 1Prof James H Wilson of Waco school here last Friday This j is the second school taught by Prof assistedj j has given entire satisfaction Prof Wilson will enter the Bible department of Kentucky University at Lexing ¬ ton after the holidays Estlll County i Herald Edward Downing who wised two j acres of tobacco under oanvap has j stripped the crop and says it will yield acrtf J the quility of the article toi excelling the latter in a greater deirpe com inHiidinc in the open market from 40 j In SO cents per pound as against 7 to 12 enls for open cultivation Lexing ¬ ton Herald f Koney For Schools I The State Auditor has sent out 71 J 7o9 to he distributed among the graded schools of the State Social Session J The Elkwill hold asocial session next Friday evening in their club- rooms j All of the memneni lodge are J most earnestly urged to be present 4I Auction j In order to reduce his superb stock of jewelry before moving into the Col- lin J building on Jan 1 Mr T A Rob 1 11111 U holding an auction each day from 13i to 9 p m Colonel Tom Che d iiiiult nmductintr the sale JWreck 1 Last inlay morning just as the 355 L fc N pns oneer train was nearing I the roil a car mi the L A in KOIIIH inmrct mtahle way smashed into the iiaz Hiep car overturning and com i plrtulv demolishing it The front 1trnckK wre also knocked from under the smoking car Fortunately no one 4Wa mjnrxl and the only dampen was IhO property and delaying of the train whirl did not leave untilabout eleven oclock i e13 tt T O9 For Rent I desire to rent for the year 1904 the Bright store room on Main street now occupied by Mr T A Robinson tf Miss Laura S Bright Assignments Mr J W Murray the Irvine street saloon keeper made an assignment Monday to Mr J J Greenleaf As ¬ sets and liabilities unknown OtHce Dip Beginning the first of January 1904 MondayFriday J W WAGERS Supt of Public Schools Notice I have determined to sell strictly for cash atter Jan 1 1904 Please < > not ask me to violate this rule by waiting credit All will be treated alike dec30lmo W M Creekmore A nice picture is a suitable Christmas gift You can find anything you want in this line at Willgirigs For Sale A new cottage consisting of four nice rooms and hall front and back porch nice front and back yard and a good cistern The house has just been completed hence has never been occu ¬ pied For particulars call at this office tf Mr Taylor Going to Texas As Mr C H Taylor is going to Texas to look after his land interest in that section he has decided to sell his farm which is advertised in this issue of the CLIMAX This farm is one of the most sightly near this city ly¬ ing just outside the city limits and is as fine a piece of blue grass land as can be found in the state Mr Taylor should find a ready buyer Cupid Stops a Laundry The Nlcholaaville Steam Laundry had been closed for several days and the proprietor C A Kenny is on the lookout for experienced laundry girls This is the result of the marriage last Friday of three of the girls employed During five years time sixteen girls employed in this laundry have married Moral If a girl wants to marry let her work for tile Nicholaaville Laun ¬ dry Burglars at Work Last Sunday night thieves broke into VV M Creekmores saloon on First street and secured 45 in cash They entered through a side door and as yet no clue has been found to de ermine their identity The same night House Bros meat shop was broken into but only 85 cents was secured They also entered Dur ¬ hams grocery next door to the meat shop but got nothing A Few Plain Words Some Subscribers hould Surely See- the tenSe of uch Spelling as thiS We want to approach the Subject aS tact ¬ fully and delicately aS possible It if hard to Say anything and not really lay it So if you have not already gueSSed our meaning maybe it will occur to yon if we Simply Say there iS Something that every man needS in hiS bnine Maybe you have Some of curS mixed up with your We dont begrudge you yourS but we Should be thankful to receive our Share Bell brook Moon probably swiped tedhan dub Notes The Oecilinn Club met last Wednes day afternoon with Miss Laura Bright at her home on Lancaster avenue The subject for the meeting was National Airs Mrs Hugh McLellan being leadpr gave a most interesting talk on the origin of the Star Span- gled ¬ Banner The national airs of Scotland Ireland England Austria Germany Italy France and Russia were all played sung or discussed and last but best our own America was sung by all the members Miss Laura Bright rendered one of her sweet solos much to the delight of all present At the conclusion of the program a del- icious lunch of salad wafers and coffee waa erved The invited guests were Misses Mary and Mattie Tribble and Laura Bennett The next meeting will be held with Mrs Ansil D Miller on January 13 C r j J r December is the last month in the year It is also my last i 1 jbe Main street where can be found iteverything in Groceriesfancy J I all kinds of fine J- J Christmas Fruits and Candies 1- J In fact everything to be found J in a firstclass grocery I will h- J be pleased to have my 1 friends continue with me theI w remaining three weeks as theytw have always done in the past and the new firm also it l E Oeatherage Co- c c tj OJ Ih w w w w V U WVU V U VW 7 w Deep CuTs on Suis and In order to close out all winter Suits and Overcoats both mens and boys we have made the most remarkable price reduction ever known in Central Kentucky We need the cash now and will need the room later so weve made prices that are bound to rush the goods out in quick time Our loss is heavy and your gain will be equally great if you take advantage of this extraordinary sale 18 20Choice 15 2250 for 25 Go through our great stock and take you choice of exceptedfor style and character of the best made to order at less than half the tailorss price Come and try them on J250 15 for1o Rich handsome Suits and Overcoats made hi the very latest stylemany of them handtailored all go for a songJOOO A rare chance for a Suit or Coat at a very low price Young Ments Suits and Overcoats ages 16 to 20 ears at the same startling reductions as in the mens aepartment < e r 6 r 0 Continued Advertising Brings Ssccos Newspaper advertising costs you too much when you try it to day and stop it tomorrow says the Tampa Fla Tribune So would clerks cost you too much if you hireJ them for a day now and then Same with delivery wagons The wheels of your business must never stop and the whole machinery is out ot gear unless the big ing wheel is always turning A Numoouj Family Sixtytwo years ago a man named Jones moved from Kentucky to Paths county Missouri taking with lim his family of ten children At a reunion recently held at Everton 1919 of his descendants were present and there are a few who were unable to attend Almost allof his descendants have married and settled in the same neigh hond in Southwestern Missouri i ratnlnlly tnt A fight occurred Friday in H G Creekraores saloon on Main street be- tween Sam James son of Chas James and Henry Collins colored in which the formor received a painful cut in muscle of the left arm The fight was inerupted by policemen who arrested both parties and placed them in Castle Lackey Bill mss Farm For Sale Having interests in Texas that re- quire my timeand attention antI which I am compelled to attend to I offer for sale my farm of 87 acres situated mile from Court House on Lancaster pike The wholu place w in splendid blue grass sod has 8rooin frame dwell ¬ lug almost entirely new never failing water new fence around whole place Must be teen to be Pus session given any day For further information call on or address t OLBY H TAYLOR Telephone 292 Richmond Ky 3odtf Highly Complimented Last week the Messiah was heard in Lexington by a large crowd anti since our noted young singer Miss Minnie Dykes was one of the soloists we feel more than usual interest in the pro ¬ unction Miss Dykes to use Professor DeRoodes own words carried off the honors of the evening This critic went on to say All the soloists seem to sing too throaty with forced voices it gives a certain power and penetra- tion ¬ to the middle register but except Miss Dykes makes a break at the head notes Riclmond U indeed proud ot her sweet singer and trust that she will rech to fame in the music world yet undreamt of rora Thome Chance is the main thing in theat ¬ neal life as well as in other vocation It is perhaps perfectly in the emphatic success which Miss Helene Curral has won in portraying the title role of Dora Thorne Several actresses of reputation were interview- ed ¬ in regard to playing the part but all lacked either appearance or temper ment Miss Carral was un ¬ known she had played various roles of an emotional nature iu support of leading stars and in stock companies but had never been entrusted with a stellar role Mr Crescy the producer of Dora Thorne by chance saw her in a New York dramatic agency anti became of the opinion that Mists Helene Carral was fitted for the role An interview followed and the fortunate young lady soon had in her possession H contract to which was appended both her and Mr Crescys signatures and mentioned a weekly sti ¬ pend that was much the largest she had ever received At the reheafrals Mr Crescy often him ¬ self OB his discovery but not until the first did he fully realize thin value of his Hud Dora Thorne with Miss Helene Carral in the leading role and supported by the entire origi nal cast is booked to appear hero at the New Of f Howe Friday JMMtry 4 Skinner and Rehan in ShakcsptareI Otis Skinner and Ada R han have formed one of the strongest star com binations that the stage has seen in years With the Augustan Daiy pro ¬ duction and an unexcelled cast they will be seen at the Lexington Opera House Tuesday January 5 and will present of the Shrew The advance sale opens Saturday A Rice Contract We wish to call special attention to the of Covingion Banks which appears in this issue of our paper These upto date business have long recognized the CLIMAX as a magnificent medium and have closed a contract for next year during which time they will occupy the space each weekas is used by them in todays issue This is probably the largest yearly contract ever made with aRichniond newspaper ovinxtoti Banks realize the worth of and we trust this en- larged space may hiring them in an hundred fold Masonic Officers Elected In accordance with the annual cus- tom the Richmond Lodge No 25 F A 11met Monday night in their handsome quarters and elected the following oflicers for the ensuing year W R Shackelford W M VV R Letcher S W It W Miller J WS- S Parks Treasurer and Ed Ballard Tyler E P Clark and George Taylor were appointed Senior and Junior Deacons After the busi ¬ ness session the Masons enjoyed an elegant lunch which was served in the most approved style in the banquet hall OTHER LODGES Waco Lodge No 338 met Monday aud elected the following officers R C Bonny W M Alex Williams S W Dillard Hall J W Dennis Zittle Treasurer W T Fielder Secretary Wm Hall Tylei Rev Allen and Squire Metcalf were appointed benior and Junior Deacons The Kingston Lodge No 315 F A M met Saturday and elected the following oflicers J W Herndon Master J L Carpenter Senior War den JM Terrill Junior Warden R W Boulware Secretary T C Witt Treasurer Wra M tin day Tyler Young Woman Wants to Wed a Soldier Asts Senator McCrtary to Help Her Get His Release A special from says Senator James B McCreary of Ken ¬ tricky tells a romantic story without mentioning names All the persons interested are Kentuckians and the readers of this story must do their own guessing as to their identity Some where in the Blue Grass State is a charming young woman the daughter ot a prominent citizen who is in love with a Kentucky soldier doing service iu the The young people are engaged to be married hut the great distance between them has proved to be a very sedans obstacle The soldiers fiancee hiss wanted to join her betrothed In the faraway ar ¬ chipelago but her parents objected to her such a long journey and leading the life of the bride of a private in tile ranks Her father thought he could find a happier solu ¬ tion of the problem by getting the young man out of this army and ac ¬ cordingly he wrote to Senator McCreary asking that he make an effort to have the soldier discharged This the Senator will endeavor to do He called at the War and stated the case to the proper officials He afterward said he was given ¬ and he thinks the dis- charge ¬ may be brought about The Senater gave ae bis reason for not dis ¬ closing the names of the bride and groom the de lreof the young wofflans father not to give the- matter publicity on thc ground that i- twaprylaL1yfdr 0 T I BOYS SUITS AND OVERCOATS great clearance fever is on us in this department too andwe the greatest opportunity ever known to clothe boys in high grade garments at trifling cost Look at these prices Buys choice ofall Suits that sold for 1 25and1 50 Take your all Suits and Over ¬ coats up to 3 in value for 2 U CIOThiNQ FiTS appreciated disagreeable exemplified practically photograph immediately particularly performance Th1lImlnJt advertisement thoroughly advertising bdverlising respectively Washington Philippines undertaking Department en- couragement prospective The offer For Rent The Moberley place for the year 1004 Apply to J Win Wagers 30d4t Eec a1e Medium size roll top office desk re- volving ¬ chair and three other good office chairs all leather bottoms 7 tf G W GATES Election of Dlrectois The annual meeting of the stockhold ¬ ers of the Madison National Bank will he held on Tuesday January 12 1904 in the directors room for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year ROUT It BOKNAM Cashier Fatally Injured Last Saturday a man by the name of Tom White got off the Li A train at Brasfcfleld in an intoxicated condition It is supposed lie received a fall sus- taining ¬ injuries he died Monday He was 40 years old and leaves a wife but no children Madison Institute This institution will resume fork next Tuesday A number of new stu ¬ dents from ailigtauce are expected and the second term which opens January 18 promises to be more prosperous even than the firdt hai been Miss Peppard the art teacher has entirely recovered her health and will be ready for her class next luesday and Miss O Jen of Alabama the teacher of ste- nography typewriting antI book ¬ keeping will begin her work at the same time Complimented At the close ot the Christmas enter- tainment ¬ at the Southern Presbyterian church yesterday afternoon W G Chapman speaking for the officers ot the church announced that beginning with January let the salary of the pastor would be increased 100 a year This shows the grit of the congregation when it is remembered that they are now in the midst of the good under- taking of erecting the handsome new church building They are certainly a determined and progressive body Frankfort Journal The pastor refeired to In the above notce is Rev William Crowe Jr for- merly of this city His friends here congratulate him sincerely over his success in lila chosen field Young Nan Educate For Success at Wilbur Smiths Business College Teachers clerks and farmer boys should pursue a business course of shorthand typewriting or telegraphy at Wilbur Smiths Business College Lexington Ky He refers to 10000 successful graduates including many leading business men of this county This college is responsible and influen ¬ tial Kentucky University diploma under seal awarded graduates The demand for his graduates at this time to fill positions exceeds the supply Stu ¬ dents can begin at any time Cost reasonable If you have any idea of attending a Business College this win ¬ ter or spring write at once for a large illustrated catalogue to Wilbur It Smith Lexington Ky Promoted General Manager A C Hone of the L A railroad haa issued the following bulletin Mr OlII Browning having resigned as traffo manager of the Louisville and Atlantic railroad Air H R Smith is hereby appointed gen ¬ eral freight and passenger agent Ef ¬ fective Jan 1 1904 Since Mr Smith Is well known here this news will be a source of great pleasure to his friends He is a native ot Irvine and has been connected with the LtIC A in different capacities almost since its beginning He easily proved his splendid worth and the IIINIfHWfI lent 01 the road quick to real M Meb have promoted Mr Smith Mt1d4y unll t ow he hold the respon Hb4 position of general freight and pMHMRer agent Mr Smith has our Iwwtkst congrattihttioM and we hope to se him at the erytop notch in the raik work 4 u J > 4great chance for good Suits cheap Your choice up to 4 for 3 Itis like into an art studio to enter Willgings He has the store most com- plete ¬ line of pictures ever in the city Prices to suit all pocket books Hygienic Toilet toI In the following notice I wish make a few remarks concerning the toilet articles which J sell They are known as the Hygienic Toilet Requi- sites ¬ and Melton Preparations Purity is without a doubt the desired quality in all preparations for the tace and body The preparations I handle ore pure absolutely so they are free from any injurious chemicals and may be used with impunity on the most deli ¬ cate arid sensitive skin The list of articles I have include hygeiutc skin food complexion powder soaps balms tooth paste toilet water high grade perfumes etc My prices are most reasonable and I feel confident if any one uses these articles they will never be without them 1 shall be pleased to show my samples at any time and I use this method to ask thepeoplc of Richmond to give me their patronage in this line MBS ALICE JONES Main St next door to Pipgs Grocery decSOtf Winchester Dry Town The Winchester Democrat says The liquor question in this city has reached a most interesting stage For some years in accordance with a vote of the people licensed saloons have existed in North Winchester precinct At the last meeting of the old City Council the saloon keepers filed the usual application for renewal of licenses The matter went over to the new council which refused to grant license The old license expired Wednesday night and the saloons closed The sa ¬ loon men sight in number tendered City Clerk Quisenberry SO 600 in gold and demanded license which was re fused The saloon men have John M Stevenson of this city and Nesbitt Watson of Mt Sterling and will bring the matter before Judge Benton in Romt manner in an endeavor to force the council to grant license The qnes tion is an entirely new one and no mat ¬ ter how Judge Benton decides it will probably go to the Court of Ap ¬ peels PERSONAL Miss Ruth Crows is visiting in Dan ¬ villeMr Allen Zaring was in Mt Sterling last week Mr Charles Chenault was in Lexing ¬ ton last week Mr Conway Taylor is at home from Cincinnati Mr Jesse Alverson of Stanford was here last week Mr and Mrs It A Woolums spent Christmas in Falmouth Mr Leslie Rice of Winchester spent Christmas with home folks Mr and Mrs Joe A Myers are at home from their wedding trip Mrs G W Pickets is entertaining Miss Kate Miller of Lexington Mr B D Gordon spent Christmas with his parents In Nicholaeville Mr Joe Tevis Lexington haa been visiting relatives and friends here Mrs B L Middleton spent Christ mas with her patents In Shf1lbY11 Mr Howard Edwards of Paris was In the city last Friday and Saturday The Walters School will resume tfptb on Tuesday Jaunary 5 at Bine oclock Mr and Mrs H P Reid spent Christmas with the formers mother in Mt Sterling su etwit1I INIea = JHa to of Cyn Choice of all our fin ¬ est Knee Suits rang ¬ ing in value up to 6 50 and 7or 4 None reserved thiana spent last week with Dr and Mrs C S Holton Dr May Phelps of Versailles spent Christmas with his parents Mr and Mrs M A Phelps Mr and Mrs S llN Moser of Chilli cothe Ohio are guests of Mr and Mrs Ballard H Luxon Miss Curraleen Smith spent Christ ¬ mas with her sister Mrs James Ben ton in Winchester Mr R L Gentry returned from Ohio last Thursday night and spent Christ ¬ mas with his familv Mr Richard Bush of Mississippi spent Christmas with relatives and friends in this City Mr Caswell Tribble of Louisville spent Christmas with his parents Mr and Mrs Dudley Tribble Mrs Harry Scrivner spent Christmas with her parents Mr and Mrs Sim Hamilton in Estill county Mr Burred Million who is employ ed by the Jeisamlne Journal spent Christmas with his home folks in this cityMr R S Crowe who has been teaching school in Virginia this winter is visiting his mother Mrs Elizabeth Crowe Mr and Mrs H P Harris hav re ¬ turned from Louisville where tbey spent Christmas with the formers parents NashvillelTenn his parents other relatives for a few days Mr Frank French who is employed by the Frisco railroad at Splendid collection of good warm durable Suits and Overcoats perfect in fit and style Buy one for knockabout wear even if you dont need it now the cost is trifling750 4 500 SUITS Reduced 8 10 and 1250 WeVe culled from these lines all Suits soiled or rumpled in handling with some odds and ends carrie over from last year and marked them all at tne prrried 5 00 An extraordinary opportunity for a ev > day Suit for next to 01 7 I = Cash only none charged these prices will not allow it = eDYINBTDN OUR advertlsj immediately congratulated pickof fremwhich stepping Alberqueiqne from nothing 4j Ne u is here on a visit to his parents ando ter relatives Miss tella Thomson who Im Jheen in Mt Sl rUng for several months has returned yo Rirhnond much to the delight of fjer many friends Professor afcd Mrs J W McGarvey and Mr Earl nd Miss Roy McGarvey all spent Chris nas with president anti Mrs McGarvey J c Lexington Mrs G G PreVtt was called to Lexington last Satu day by the serious illness of her mothe Mrs Henrietta Bronston who is sullying Irbiu pneu ¬ monia v I Miss Mabel Letton is lsitinA rela- tives ¬ in Falmouth She wj go laf r to Muncie Indiana to visiter sis4er Mrs Di Martin who wasforuiierNy Miss Patsy Letton Mr and Mrs S Neville Moberley have gone to Bermuda Iclanote to spend the winter They were act IIII panied by Miss Stuart Weed of rc w York who will be their guest > Miss Elizabeth S Miller of Indianap oils Ind is the attractive guest of Mr and Mrs Ansil D Miller on Fourth street Miss Miller has visited here several times and has many friends in tins city 1 Mr Russell Railey and Miss Eliza ¬ beth Walker bVjlfcuf Versailles Were married last Wednesday in Columbia Missouri The bride Is well known here having often visited Mrs C M Howard nee Bethenia McCord Mr aud Mrs Harvey Rogers an- nounce ¬ the engagement of their daugh ¬ ter Miss Jane to Walker P Reid The wedding will take place at the We Can SatisfyYour lts Because we can fit your feet with the correct Shoes In our Ladies and Childrens equalsWe ¬ ton high heel or low broad toe or narrow patent tip or plain In fact we are show ¬ ing the l everc shown in our city We have the sole agency for the famous Queen Quality Shoe for Women Prices 300 and 350 o brides home Wednesday January 6- 1901Mt Sterling Gazette Mr Reid is well known here being a brother to Mrs DlI Chenault Mr W B Feland for a long time with the Rogers Shoe Co of this city is in St Louis where he has a position with the Globe Shoe Co one of the largest establishments of its kind in the Worlds Fair City Mr Felands Lexington friends will be to hear of his Lexington Leader Mrs A C Buchanan entertained at tea last Wednesday evening in honor of Mr anti Mrs Leonard Quinn of Bloomington III Those who enjoyed the occasion were Mr and Mrs Will Park and mother Mr Tom Covington Mrs John Baldwin Mr and Mrs Mat Igo Mr and Mrs Walter Park Misses Vteulah and Eloisn Million Messrs Walter Quinn and Carroll Park sIs r and Airs Alexander R Logan anno moo the engagement of their ydauglnVr Miss Charlotte Logan to Mr ames I rchibald Bell The wedding thi be sOVewuized at the home of the yong Jail s parents some time in February 1ti Miss Logan is one of iWt cl19lflg young women in ShelbylleinVAiirnbers a host of ad ¬ mirersand Ihe young man is a Bell tMr and Mrs W Henry Beln of Station and a sterling ou 10 has attracted 11iendsShielbySentinel old C U Studt I jg aquite wel- lremembered her an dove notice will ole a bit of pll The abovs to his many friendu heret ne b In our Mens and Boys Shoe Department Our line of Highout Shoes and Bootees are strong and well made to stand the winter days that always have come and are sure to come again IN MENS FINE SHOES Stacy Adams Co and W L Douglash- ave no superior We have sold these lines with more satis ¬ faction to QUI trade and when once tried the satisfaction prompts youtb buy anotherpair v CALL AND SEE US- I pleased promotion 111a RICE AND ARNOLD

V U V U Deep CuTs on Suis andnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt70cf9j4k08/data/0454.pdfCaldwell High School will resume work Monday January 4 The Ministerial Association rn eta next Monday January

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Page 1: V U V U Deep CuTs on Suis andnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt70cf9j4k08/data/0454.pdfCaldwell High School will resume work Monday January 4 The Ministerial Association rn eta next Monday January

Our Line of Vehiclesi-s offeringspecial


done by the best mechanicsWe guarantee satisfaction Give us a call

lLuwtaa Lamaaei VJDorVy







i J8o uet flour

Lakeside Peas at20c a Can

The Rijimond Climax



Stable for rent Apply todecSOtf Mrs A C Buchanan

Caldwell High School will resumework Monday January 4

The Ministerial Association rn etanext Monday January 4 in the Y1oIC A Reading Room

In Fayette county the date of the1 primary to select Democratic nominees

i for county offices is set for TuesdayFeb 16

A fire at Harrodsburg last weekdestroyed about 8000 worth of proper ¬

ty in the residence portion of the citySeveral families had a narrow escapefrom death by burning

WilIgings line of pictures

1is superb He has all kindsall prices

1Prof James H Wilson of Wacoschool here last Friday This

jis the second school taught by Profassistedj

j has given entire satisfaction ProfWilson will enter the Bible departmentof Kentucky University at Lexing ¬

ton after the holidays Estlll Countyi Herald

Edward Downing who wised twoj acres of tobacco under oanvap hasj stripped the crop and says it will yieldacrtfJ the quility of the article toi excelling

the latter in a greater deirpe cominHiidinc in the open market from 40

j In SO cents per pound as against 7 to12 enls for open cultivation Lexing ¬

ton Heraldf

Koney For Schools

I The State Auditor has sent out 71J 7o9 to he distributed among the graded

schools of the StateSocial Session

J The Elkwill hold asocial sessionnext Friday evening in their club-rooms

jAll of thememneni lodge are

Jmost earnestly urged to be present4I Auction

jIn order to reduce his superb stock

of jewelry before moving into the Col-

linJ building on Jan 1 Mr T A Rob1 11111 U holding an auction each dayfrom 13i to 9 p m Colonel Tom Che

d iiiiult nmductintr the sale

JWreck1 Last inlay morning just as the 355L fc N pns oneer train was nearing

I the roil a car mi the L A inKOIIIH inmrct mtahle way smashed intothe iiaz Hiep car overturning and com

i plrtulv demolishing it The front

1trnckK wre also knocked from underthe smoking car Fortunately no one

4Wa mjnrxl and the only dampen wasIhO property and delaying of the

train whirl did not leave untilabouteleven oclock


e13 tt T O9

For Rent

I desire to rent for the year 1904 theBright store room on Main street nowoccupied by Mr T A Robinson

tf Miss Laura S Bright


Mr J W Murray the Irvine streetsaloon keeper made an assignmentMonday to Mr J J Greenleaf As ¬

sets and liabilities unknown

OtHce DipBeginning the first of January 1904

MondayFridayJ W WAGERS

Supt of Public Schools


I have determined to sell strictly forcash atter Jan 1 1904 Please < > notask me to violate this rule by waitingcredit All will be treated alikedec30lmo W M Creekmore

A nice picture is a suitableChristmas gift You can findanything you want in this lineat Willgirigs

For Sale

A new cottage consisting of fournice rooms and hall front and backporch nice front and back yard and agood cistern The house has just beencompleted hence has never been occu ¬

pied For particulars call at this officetf

Mr Taylor Going to Texas

As Mr C H Taylor is going toTexas to look after his land interestin that section he has decided to sellhis farm which is advertised in thisissue of the CLIMAX This farm is oneof the most sightly near this city ly¬

ing just outside the city limits and isas fine a piece of blue grass land ascan be found in the state Mr Taylorshould find a ready buyer

Cupid Stops a Laundry

The Nlcholaaville Steam Laundryhad been closed for several days andthe proprietor C A Kenny is on thelookout for experienced laundry girlsThis is the result of the marriage lastFriday of three of the girls employedDuring five years time sixteen girlsemployed in this laundry have married

Moral If a girl wants to marry lether work for tile Nicholaaville Laun ¬


Burglars at Work

Last Sunday night thieves brokeinto VV M Creekmores saloon on

First street and secured 45 in cashThey entered through a side door andas yet no clue has been found to deermine their identity

The same night House Bros meatshop was broken into but only 85 centswas secured They also entered Dur ¬

hams grocery next door to the meatshop but got nothing

A Few Plain Words

Some Subscribers hould Surely See-

the tenSe of uch Spelling as thiS We

want to approach the Subject aS tact ¬

fully and delicately aS possible It ifhard to Say anything and not reallylay it So if you have not alreadygueSSed our meaning maybe it willoccur to yon if we Simply Say there iSSomething that every man needS in hiSbnine Maybe you have Some ofcurS mixed up with your We dontbegrudge you yourS but we Shouldbe thankful to receive our Share Bellbrook Moon probably swiped

tedhan dub Notes

The Oecilinn Club met last Wednesday afternoon with Miss Laura Brightat her home on Lancaster avenue Thesubject for the meeting was NationalAirs Mrs Hugh McLellan beingleadpr gave a most interesting talk onthe origin of the Star Span-gled


Banner The national airs ofScotland Ireland England AustriaGermany Italy France and Russiawere all played sung or discussed andlast but best our own America wassung by all the members Miss LauraBright rendered one of her sweet solosmuch to the delight of all present Atthe conclusion of the program a del-

icious lunch of salad wafers and coffeewaa erved The invited guests wereMisses Mary and Mattie Tribble andLaura Bennett The next meetingwill be held with Mrs Ansil D Milleron January 13

C rj J


December is the last monthin the year It is also my last i1jbeMain street where can be found

iteverything in Groceriesfancy JI

all kinds of fine J-J Christmas Fruits and Candies 1-

J In fact everything to be found

J in a firstclass grocery I will h-

J be pleased to have my1 friends continue with me theIw remaining three weeks as theytw

have always done in the past andthe new firm also it


E Oeatherage Co-





w w w w V U WVU V U VW 7 w

Deep CuTs on Suis and

In order to close out all winter Suits and Overcoats both mens and boys we have made the most remarkableprice reduction ever known in Central Kentucky We need the cash now and will need the room later so wevemade prices that are bound to rush the goods out in quick time Our loss is heavy and your gain will be equallygreat if you take advantage of this extraordinary sale


20Choice 152250 for

25Go through our great stock and take you choice ofexceptedfor

style and character of the best made to order at lessthan half the tailorss price Come and try them on

J25015 for1o

Rich handsome Suits and Overcoats made hi thevery latest stylemany of them handtailored all go for asongJOOO A rare chance for a Suit or Coat at avery low price

Young Ments Suits and Overcoatsages 16 to 20 ears at the same startlingreductions as in the mens aepartment < e

r 6


Continued Advertising Brings Ssccos

Newspaper advertising costs you toomuch when you try it to day and stopit tomorrow says the Tampa FlaTribune So would clerks cost you toomuch if you hireJ them for a day nowand then Same with delivery wagonsThe wheels of your business mustnever stop and the whole machineryis out ot gear unless the biging wheel is always turning

A Numoouj Family

Sixtytwo years ago a man namedJones moved from Kentucky to Pathscounty Missouri taking with lim hisfamily of ten children At a reunionrecently held at Everton 1919 of hisdescendants were present and thereare a few who were unable to attendAlmost allof his descendants havemarried and settled in the same neighhond in Southwestern Missouri i

ratnlnlly tntA fight occurred Friday in H G

Creekraores saloon on Main street be-tween Sam James son of Chas Jamesand Henry Collins colored in whichthe formor received a painful cut inmuscle of the left arm The fight wasinerupted by policemen who arrestedboth parties and placed them in CastleLackey

Bill mss Farm For Sale

Having interests in Texas that re-quire my timeand attention antI whichI am compelled to attend to I offerfor sale my farm of 87 acres situatedmile from Court House on Lancasterpike The wholu place w in splendidblue grass sod has 8rooin frame dwell ¬

lug almost entirely new never failingwater new fence around whole placeMust be teen to be Pussession given any day For furtherinformation call on or address


Telephone 292 Richmond Ky3odtf

Highly Complimented

Last week the Messiah was heard inLexington by a large crowd anti sinceour noted young singer Miss MinnieDykes was one of the soloists we feelmore than usual interest in the pro ¬

unction Miss Dykes to use ProfessorDeRoodes own words carried off thehonors of the evening This criticwent on to say All the soloists seemto sing too throaty with forced voicesit gives a certain power and penetra-tion


to the middle register but exceptMiss Dykes makes abreak at the head notes RiclmondU indeed proud ot her sweet singerand trust that she will rech to famein the music world yet undreamt of

rora Thome

Chance is the main thing in theat ¬

neal life as well as in other vocationIt is perhaps perfectly in

the emphatic success which MissHelene Curral has won in portrayingthe title role of Dora Thorne Severalactresses of reputation were interview-


in regard to playing the part butall lacked either appearance or temperment Miss Carral was un ¬

known she had played various rolesof an emotional nature iu support ofleading stars and in stock companiesbut had never been entrusted with astellar role Mr Crescy the producerof Dora Thorne by chance saw her

in a New York dramaticagency anti became ofthe opinion that Mists Helene Carralwas fitted for the role Aninterview followed and the fortunateyoung lady soon had in her possessionH contract to which was appended bothher and Mr Crescys signatures and

mentioned a weekly sti ¬

pend that was much the largest shehad ever received At the reheafralsMr Crescy often him ¬

self OB his discovery but not until thefirst did he fully realizethin value of his Hud Dora Thornewith Miss Helene Carral in the leading

role and supported by the entire original cast is booked to appear hero at theNew Of f Howe Friday JMMtry


Skinner and Rehan in ShakcsptareIOtis Skinner and Ada R han have

formed one of the strongest star combinations that the stage has seen inyears With the Augustan Daiy pro ¬

duction and an unexcelled cast theywill be seen at the Lexington OperaHouse Tuesday January 5 and willpresent of the ShrewThe advance sale opens Saturday

A Rice Contract

We wish to call special attention tothe of CovingionBanks which appears in this issue ofour paper These uptodate business have long recognized theCLIMAX as a magnificentmedium and have closed a contract fornext year during which time they willoccupy the space each weekas is usedby them in todays issue This isprobably the largest yearly contractever made with aRichniond newspaper

ovinxtoti Banks realize the worthof and we trust this en-

larged space may hiring them in anhundred fold

Masonic Officers Elected

In accordance with the annual cus-tom the Richmond Lodge No 25 FA 11met Monday night in theirhandsome quarters and elected thefollowing oflicers for the ensuing yearW R Shackelford W M VV RLetcher S W It W Miller J WS-S Parks Treasurer and Ed BallardTyler E P Clark and George Taylorwere appointed Senior and JuniorDeacons After the busi ¬

ness session the Masons enjoyed anelegant lunch which was served in themost approved style in the banquethall


Waco Lodge No 338 met Mondayaud elected the following officers RC Bonny W M Alex Williams SW Dillard Hall J W Dennis ZittleTreasurer W T Fielder SecretaryWm Hall Tylei Rev Allen andSquire Metcalf were appointed beniorand Junior Deacons

The Kingston Lodge No 315 FA M met Saturday and elected thefollowing oflicers J W HerndonMaster J L Carpenter Senior Warden JM Terrill Junior Warden RW Boulware Secretary T C WittTreasurer Wra M tin day Tyler

Young Woman Wants to Wed a Soldier Asts

Senator McCrtary to Help Her

Get His Release

A special from saysSenator James B McCreary of Ken ¬

tricky tells a romantic story withoutmentioning names All the personsinterested are Kentuckians and thereaders of this story must do their ownguessing as to their identity Somewhere in the Blue Grass State is acharming young woman the daughterot a prominent citizen who is in lovewith a Kentucky soldier doing serviceiu the The young peopleare engaged to be married hut thegreat distance between them hasproved to be a very sedans obstacle

The soldiers fiancee hiss wanted tojoin her betrothed In the faraway ar ¬

chipelago but her parents objected toher such a long journeyand leading the life of the bride of aprivate in tile ranks Her fatherthought he could find a happier solu ¬

tion of the problem by getting theyoung man out of this army and ac¬

cordingly he wrote to Senator McCrearyasking that he make an effort to havethe soldier discharged

This the Senator will endeavor to doHe called at the War andstated the case to the proper officialsHe afterward said he was given ¬

and he thinks the dis-


may be brought about TheSenater gave ae bis reason for not dis¬

closing the names of thebride and groom the delreof theyoung wofflans father not to give the-matter publicity on thc ground that i-twaprylaL1yfdr





great clearance fever is on us in this department tooandwe the greatest opportunity ever known to clothe boysin high grade garments at trifling cost Look at these prices

Buys choice ofallSuits that sold for

1 25and1 50

Take yourall Suits and Over ¬

coats up to 3 invalue for 2























For Rent

The Moberley place for the year 1004

Apply to J Win Wagers 30d4t

Eec a1e

Medium size roll top office desk re-


chair and three other goodoffice chairs all leather bottoms

7 tf G W GATES

Election of Dlrectois

The annual meeting of the stockhold ¬

ers of the Madison National Bank willhe held on Tuesday January 12 1904

in the directors room for the purposeof electing directors for the ensuingyear ROUT It BOKNAM Cashier

Fatally Injured

Last Saturday a man by the name ofTom White got off the Li A train atBrasfcfleld in an intoxicated conditionIt is supposed lie received a fall sus-taining


injuries he diedMonday He was 40 years old andleaves a wife but no children

Madison Institute

This institution will resume forknext Tuesday A number of new stu ¬

dents from ailigtauce are expected andthe second term which opens January18 promises to be more prosperouseven than the firdt hai been MissPeppard the art teacher has entirelyrecovered her health and will be readyfor her class next luesday and MissOJen of Alabama the teacher of ste-nography typewriting antI book ¬

keeping will begin her work at thesame time


At the close ot the Christmas enter-tainment


at the Southern Presbyterianchurch yesterday afternoon W GChapman speaking for the officers otthe church announced that beginningwith January let the salary of thepastor would be increased 100 a yearThis shows the grit of the congregationwhen it is remembered that they arenow in the midst of the good under-taking of erecting the handsome newchurch building They are certainly adetermined and progressive bodyFrankfort Journal

The pastor refeired to In the abovenotce is Rev William Crowe Jr for-

merly of this city His friends herecongratulate him sincerely over hissuccess in lila chosen fieldYoung Nan Educate For Success at Wilbur

Smiths Business College

Teachers clerks and farmer boysshould pursue a business course ofshorthand typewriting or telegraphyat Wilbur Smiths Business CollegeLexington Ky He refers to 10000successful graduates including manyleading business men of this countyThis college is responsible and influen ¬

tial Kentucky University diplomaunder seal awarded graduates Thedemand for his graduates at this time tofill positions exceeds the supply Stu ¬

dents can begin at any time Costreasonable If you have any idea ofattending a Business College this win ¬

ter or spring write at once for a largeillustrated catalogue to Wilbur ItSmith Lexington Ky


General Manager A C Hone of theL A railroad haa issued the followingbulletin Mr OlII Browning havingresigned as traffo manager of theLouisville and Atlantic railroad AirH R Smith is hereby appointed gen ¬

eral freight and passenger agent Ef¬

fective Jan 1 1904

Since Mr Smith Is well known herethis news will be a source of greatpleasure to his friends He is a nativeot Irvine and has been connected withthe LtIC A in different capacitiesalmost since its beginning He easilyproved his splendid worth and theIIINIfHWfI lent 01 the road quick to realM Meb have promoted Mr Smith

Mt1d4y unll t ow he hold the responHb4 position of general freight andpMHMRer agent Mr Smith has ourIwwtkst congrattihttioM and we hopeto se him at the erytop notch in theraik work




4great chance forgood Suits cheapYour choice up to 4for 3

Itis like into anart studio to enter Willgings

He has thestore most com-plete


line of pictures ever inthe city Prices to suit allpocket books

Hygienic Toilet

toIIn the following notice I wishmake a few remarks concerning thetoilet articles which J sell They areknown as the Hygienic Toilet Requi-


and Melton Preparations Purityis without a doubt the desired qualityin all preparations for the tace andbody The preparations I handle orepure absolutely so they are free fromany injurious chemicals and may beused with impunity on the most deli ¬

cate arid sensitive skin The list ofarticles I have include hygeiutc skinfood complexion powder soaps balmstooth paste toilet water high gradeperfumes etc My prices are mostreasonable and I feel confident if anyone uses these articles they will neverbe without them 1 shall be pleasedto show my samples at any time and Iuse this method to ask thepeoplc ofRichmond to give me their patronagein this line


Main St next door to Pipgs GrocerydecSOtf

Winchester Dry Town

The Winchester Democrat saysThe liquor question in this city has

reached a most interesting stage Forsome years in accordance with a voteof the people licensed saloons haveexisted in North Winchester precinctAt the last meeting of the old CityCouncil the saloon keepers filed theusual application for renewal of licensesThe matter went over to the newcouncil which refused to grant licenseThe old license expired Wednesdaynight and the saloons closed The sa ¬

loon men sight in number tenderedCity Clerk Quisenberry SO 600 in goldand demanded license which was refused The saloon men have John M

Stevenson of this city and NesbittWatson of Mt Sterling and will bringthe matter before Judge Benton inRomt manner in an endeavor to forcethe council to grant license The qnestion is an entirely new one and no mat ¬

ter how Judge Benton decides itwill probably go to the Court of Ap¬


PERSONALMiss Ruth Crows is visiting in Dan ¬

villeMrAllen Zaring was in Mt Sterling

last weekMr Charles Chenault was in Lexing ¬

ton last weekMr Conway Taylor is at home from

CincinnatiMr Jesse Alverson of Stanford was

here last weekMr and Mrs It A Woolums spent

Christmas in FalmouthMr Leslie Rice of Winchester spent

Christmas with home folksMr and Mrs Joe A Myers are at

home from their wedding tripMrs G W Pickets is entertaining

Miss Kate Miller of LexingtonMr B D Gordon spent Christmas

with his parents In NicholaevilleMr Joe Tevis Lexington haa been

visiting relatives and friends hereMrs B L Middleton spent Christ

mas with her patents In Shf1lbY11

Mr Howard Edwards of Paris wasIn the city last Friday and Saturday

The Walters School will resume tfptbon Tuesday Jaunary 5 at Bine oclock

Mr and Mrs H P Reid spentChristmas with the formers motherin Mt Sterling su

etwit1IINIea = JHa to of Cyn

Choice of all our fin¬

est Knee Suits rang¬

ing in value up to6 50 and 7or 4

None reserved

thiana spent last week with Dr andMrs C S Holton

Dr May Phelps of Versailles spentChristmas with his parents Mr andMrs M A Phelps

Mr and Mrs S llN Moser of Chillicothe Ohio are guests of Mr and MrsBallard H Luxon

Miss Curraleen Smith spent Christ¬

mas with her sister Mrs James Benton in Winchester

Mr R L Gentry returned from Ohiolast Thursday night and spent Christ ¬

mas with his familvMr Richard Bush of Mississippi

spent Christmas with relatives andfriends in this City

Mr Caswell Tribble of Louisvillespent Christmas with his parents Mrand Mrs Dudley Tribble

Mrs Harry Scrivner spent Christmaswith her parents Mr and Mrs SimHamilton in Estill county

Mr Burred Million who is employed by the Jeisamlne Journal spentChristmas with his home folks in thiscityMr

R S Crowe who has beenteaching school in Virginia this winteris visiting his mother Mrs ElizabethCrowe

Mr and Mrs H P Harris hav re ¬

turned from Louisville where tbeyspent Christmas with the formersparents

NashvillelTennhis parents other relatives for afew days

Mr Frank French who is employedby the Frisco railroad at

Splendid collection of good warm durable Suitsand Overcoats perfect in fit and style Buy one forknockabout wear even if you dont need it now thecost is trifling750


500 SUITSReduced 8 10 and 1250WeVe culled from these lines all Suits soiled or

rumpled in handling with some odds and ends carrieover from last year and marked them all at tne prrried

5 00 An extraordinary opportunity for a ev >

day Suit for next to 01 7I =Cash only none charged these prices will

not allow it=eDYINBTDN












Ne u is here on a visit to hisparents ando ter relatives

Miss tella Thomson who Im Jheenin Mt Sl rUng for several months hasreturned yo Rirhnond much to thedelight of fjer many friends

Professor afcd Mrs J W McGarveyand Mr Earl nd Miss Roy McGarveyall spent Chris nas with president antiMrs McGarvey J c Lexington

Mrs G G PreVtt was called toLexington last Satu day by the seriousillness of her mothe Mrs HenriettaBronston who is sullying Irbiu pneu ¬

monia vI

Miss Mabel Letton is lsitinA rela-


in Falmouth She wj go lafr to

Muncie Indiana to visiter sis4erMrs Di Martin who wasforuiierNyMiss Patsy Letton

Mr and Mrs S Neville Moberleyhave gone to Bermuda Iclanote tospend the winter They were act IIIIpanied by Miss Stuart Weed of rc w

York who will be their guest >

Miss Elizabeth S Miller of Indianapoils Ind is the attractive guest of Mrand Mrs Ansil D Miller on Fourthstreet Miss Miller has visited hereseveral times and has many friends intins city1 Mr Russell Railey and Miss Eliza ¬

beth Walker bVjlfcuf Versailles Weremarried last Wednesday in ColumbiaMissouri The bride Is well knownhere having often visited Mrs C M

Howard nee Bethenia McCord

Mr aud Mrs Harvey Rogers an-


the engagement of their daugh ¬

ter Miss Jane to Walker P ReidThe wedding will take place at the

We CanSatisfyYour

ltsBecause we can fit your feetwith the correct Shoes

In our Ladies and Childrens

equalsWe ¬

ton high heel or low broadtoe or narrow patent tip orplain In fact we are show ¬

ing the l evercshown in our cityWe have the sole agency for the famous Queen

Quality Shoe for Women Prices300 and 350


brides home Wednesday January 6-

1901Mt Sterling Gazette Mr Reidis well known here being a brother toMrs DlI Chenault

Mr W B Feland for a long timewith the Rogers Shoe Co of this cityis in St Louis where he has a positionwith the Globe Shoe Co one of thelargest establishments of its kind inthe Worlds Fair City Mr FelandsLexington friends will be tohear of his LexingtonLeader

Mrs A C Buchanan entertained attea last Wednesday evening in honorof Mr anti Mrs Leonard Quinn ofBloomington III Those who enjoyedthe occasion were Mr and Mrs WillPark and mother Mr Tom CovingtonMrs John Baldwin Mr and Mrs MatIgo Mr and Mrs Walter Park Misses

Vteulah and Eloisn Million MessrsWalter Quinn and Carroll Park

sIs r and Airs Alexander R Logananno moo the engagement of theirydauglnVr Miss Charlotte Logan to Mr

ames I rchibald Bell The weddingthi be sOVewuized at the home of theyong Jail s parents some time inFebruary 1ti Miss Logan is one of

iWt cl19lflg young women inShelbylleinVAiirnbers a host of ad¬

mirersandIhe youngman is a Bell tMr and Mrs WHenry Beln of Station and asterling ou 10 has attracted

11iendsShielbySentinelold C U Studt I jg aquite wel-

lremembered her andove noticewill ole a bit of pll The abovs to hismany friendu heret ne b

In our Mens and Boys Shoe DepartmentOur line of Highout Shoes and Bootees are strong and well made to stand thewinter days that always have come and are sure to come again


Stacy Adams Co and W L Douglash-ave no superior We have sold these lines with more satis ¬

faction to QUI trade and when once tried the satisfactionprompts youtb buy anotherpair v



