$fi, RJW'! " 3TW '', ' . -- VSPW " iTOT MT '. V )." V V, r' WIwMmW1 vv- - fliV!4ifVi ii4ttWVsnf 7 Mi'ih'nm 77i?. 7&tf pigs? "WliY'tvt.''JJ'" '"" ;; I jw Con' t Read the UulUtn J&VCN cxenme rater rubitsbed t I jv Z?7 Get ALL the News. w; r7 Hawaiian Islands. 1 1 Lit Reaches ALL theVeople. j V.. ?)vwi..i-w:MWMm- Subscription 73c. a month. Vol. 1. No. 3G9. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1890. Pmok 5 Cots. si s XJ, r4 S & THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published every day excopt Sundny nt G09 KlnR Streot, Honolulu, H. I. 8U1JSCUIPTIOX KATES. Per Mouth, nnywhoro In the Ha- waiian Inlands S 75 Per Year. 'rt Por Year, postpaid to Amelia., Cunmln, or Mexico luti Por Year, postpaid, othor Foreign Countrlos 13 00 Piiynblo Invariably In Ailvnnoo. Tolcpliono 250. V. O. Box 80. B. L FINNEY, Manager. J. J. WATERHOUSE ' Fi-- r jr.et.il business there id uob a in Honolulu whi'c'.i j'Tiri'irs ttte same floor ijfttee thfct mv bouo does, and wo need it And wo ctnnc as near to having a de- partment store as liny in the islands; hs nearly to that goal as the trade of the islands will permit. You know what a depart- ment store means low prices for good articles. Goods are bought in largo quantities for cash, they're cheaper that way and that is the way we buy. You get the advantage of any disc junta wo receive. Ono of our departments con- tains hardware and articles used every day in the prepara- tion of food. A Queen Pud- ding Bowl is newer than any- thing, you have seen here and a bit bettor because it is con- venient. It's cheap, too. We've nil sorts of things in agate ware and in first quality only. Meat Choppers, Pry Pans, Bread Boards, Dust Pans and W. P. Pu'ller's Ready Mixed Paints for household use aro always in demand about the home. A ready mixed paint that may bo depended upon is not always to bo had. Puller's is the acknowledged superior to all others. J. T. WATERHOOSE Quoen Street. Mortagso's ITotico of Intontion to Forec- lose- and of Saio. In accordance' with tlie provisions of that certain niortirage made by 0. II. ELAMA (k), had KKALALA1NA, his wlfo, to JOHN PU-LA- A (k), dateU May i!8, 188S, recorded In Olllcc, OaUu, In Liber llo, pp. 329 and 830. notice Is hereby given that Bald mortgagee Intends to foreclose the tame for condition broken, to wit, the of DOin principal aim uucrcsi w nen auu, Notice Is likewise elven that after the ex piration of three weeks from this date the property covered by said mortgage will be advertised for sale and will be sold at public auction at the auction rooms ot James F. Morgan, Honolulu, on Wednesday. August 12. 1S90, at 12 o'clock noon of that day. For further particulars apply to J, A. Maroon, attorney for John I'ulua, mortgagee, Honolulu Hale, Merchant street. Dated Honolulu. July 20, 1600. The property to bo Bold Is as follows: All that piece or parcel of land situated at Kapaakca and Opukaala, WalMkl, Oahu, described in Koyal Patent No. 2.103, Kulcana 153(5, to Kaniauhll, oontalnlni; an area of four and iJO-t- acres. 359-t- d Notice. DURING MY ABSENCE FROM THE Hawaiian Inlands, my brother Chuua Yee will rnaunge my two uteres Nun-nn- u street, known as Yoe Ohau, mid, 330' 332 Nuuauu etroot known as O, Afat, under full power of attorney, 0. AFAT. Hont'.ulu, July 27, 1898. 366-l- A TERRIBLE CASE OP ECZEMA CUItF.Il 11V Ayeis SarsapariSIa Mr. i:. Wyatt, of l'ort lloa.l, Went Itliidninrsli, So. Alitriillu, write of thn nnd rimilltlon of lior lltlln dniiRh-to- r, whoso portrait alio also nuiidai "My daughter was iilllictod with Eczema ot the most iKfRRivnlcd type. The disease Nrst appealed in oniptlons on lier head, then her hair began to fall out, and in unite of tho beat medical advice and treat- ment she grew steadily worse. Tlio sores were full of matter and wero extremely oHensive. Her eyes be- came- affected, and sho was, in truth, in a terrible state. My neighbors wero very sympathetic and took great interest in tho case. They persuaded mo to try Aycr's Sarsa-jmrill- a, and I am most thankful to bo ablo to say that this wonderful mcdiclno completely restored my daughter's health. Sho has now as good a head of hair as anyone could wish, her eyes aro perfectly well, and she is a fino girl of eight years ' witli every prospect of growing uj to bo a strong and healthy woman." AVER'S SARSAPARILLA quid Medals at the World's Chlel Expotltlons. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd., Bole Aeonta for tho Bopablio of Hawaii. LEWERS & COOKE A GREAT INVENTION The Traveling Lawn Sprinkler Moves itself about yuurLawu. Travels in a straight lino or a tiiclu Stops luitotn-nticall- Set for any length of hoso. CxT No such Spiiuklor has oor been placed on tho inarkot boforc. Come and See it! LEWERS &, COOKE, PortStroot, .... Tolopnone 20. t 360-l- y Ketail Their . . . . . . Large Stook OF- - DRY GOODS! At Wholesale Prices! Specialties THIS WEEK New Serges, Lawns -- Dress Goods. 307-G- AUjik. 1.' l.ljfc .. ..kitfe... Km,... ftk.U.MuuiWa...ifr.i..'...i... . I ATCQT '0REI8N NEWS. lafl I la 0 1 I iu::hm in Tin: umii:i statin riti.sni:.viiAi. i:i.i:;rioN. Innru-ciil-i I'urliitr I'uorly In ('n)i., Jtclul Dcrrre Aitlut (irlmliiitf Cimo Xcu of All I.uhcU. UNiti;i si'iri.'f. a San Dierjo lias strong hopns o being tho terminal yovl, or tiis now ,Tamn080 Btern.ship 'line to t! Vn.-ifi- o Ciiii). ' ' '('vflvft t!ion"Hnr ijivi ' frfftr Htrm I; in Sw 1'mi; to ftitni.-- h'ltr-- prices from whu'csmle inuimrtu'tureiH inn I slop tli of tb(. tf Ij unJ p;ece v ork I bo Jnpaneso Legation in Wash-into- ii hH opind t'- hiils from tho American builJerK tor tho construction of two fast cruisers for tho Japanese navy. Thoy aro from tho Cramps of Philadelphia nnd tho Union Iron Works of San Francisco. General Georgo Wnllaco Jones, tho oldost surviving States Senator, died at Dubiuiuo, Iowa, July 22, aged 92 years. Gen- eral Jones was the son of John Ilico Jonos, mentioned in history ob tho friend of Benjamin Frank- lin. Thn father was for yoars Chief Justice of tho Supreme Court of Missouri. In tho United StateB Court tho Iowa anti-cigarett- e law wob de- clared unconstitutionul,tho ground givon for tho decision being tho same as in tho liquor original package law. Tho Bennington has boon or- dered to join Admiral Beardsloo's flagship, tho Philadelphia, at Pugot Sound, for a scries of fleot maneuvers. Tho othor ships will bo tho Monadnook and tho Monte- rey. By a collision on the Chicago and Northwestern Eailway 28 peo- ple vero killed and 51 injured, many of whom will die. Cnpt. Enoch S. Talbot, inspec- tor of hulls, died ut Oakland, aged G2 years. Ho was a native of Maine nnd served in tho war in tho marino mail service. Henry IMerson, tho Californian oarsman, is going into training in hopes of a race with Edward Han-Ia- n. On Founder's day in tho Clove-lan- d, O., centennial celebration, John D. Rockefeller, tho Standard oil Icing, presented tho city with a largo troctof land, valued at SGoO,-00- 0, for the extension of tho city park. Tho U. S. S. Marion lias been ordered to Peru from Panama, to look after Amorioan interests on the South American coiiht. Sir Cbarlos ltuss.ll, Lord Chief Justice of Englaud, will attond tho meoting of tho American Bar Association nt Saratoga in August. William E. Russoll, ox Govern- or of Massachusetts, is dead. Arthur Cleveland Coxo, Episco- pal Bishop of AVestorn Now York, died suddenly on tho 20th, aged 78 yoars. Josoph Wesloy Harpor died July 21 at his home in Now York city after an illness of three weeks. Ho had long been a Bufforor from gout. Up to last year he had boon tho sonior member of the firm of Harpor Brothers, publishers. He was a son of one of the four broth- ers who foundod tho firm, and died in his G7th year. Hardly a dollar of tho $680,000 which tho steamer Colombia cost, will bo saved to tho Pacifio Mail Company. Tho pretty sister Bhip to the Peru has been given up as a hopeless wrook. Tho jagged rooks off Pigeon point havo al- ready torn and mangled hor be- yond repair and thoy are continu- ing tho work of destruction at a rapid rate. Tugs havo left San Francisco on wrecking specula- tion. Miss Adeline Tillman, oldost daughter of Senator Tillman of South Carolina, was instantly killed by lightning on July 15. A demand has boon mado on Peru for tho settlomont of tho claim of Victor McCord, an Ame- rican citizen, for brutal aud an treatment by the Peruvian GiyM 4k.5&. J&i. M authorities. His claim is for !?20(),000. The U."S. S. Alort has arrived nt Sun Francisco. Sho is tho bout that lauded troops at Coriuto lust niitmun. Zioglcr, tho wheelman, made a mile in 2:00 ntDettoit, cutting two seconds off Sanger's mark. At ot. I'aul on tho IGth hist., S. Iwanga of Tokio, general man- ager of the .TnpiuiebQ Mail Steam- ship Company, limited, nignud contract with tho Oroat North- ern Railway Company for tho es- tablishment of a steamship line botwoen Tokio and Ueattle. The first PeArrr will nrnli.iiiiv !... n !,rnrw-t.,r--wi-- u - l.i , oout (lion- - w (1 . n. KjU,iur to tiitt Kant monthly, but the sit-vic- i is to ho ifHTflftMrd a Vrtpi Wed. rm.mcxr. notlh. Till meetiug of the guld stand- ard perufx'mtB nt Chicago to con- sider tin Usu.'.nro f a call for u uatiomd convention, was post- poned from tho 52nd lo tho 23rd mst. Congiesmiinn Mirror, a leading Republican of Nebraska, says: "Bryan's opposition, whilo in CoL'gtess, to the augur bounty and tax on sugar in tho Wilson tariff bill has naturally injured his popularity. Tho peoplo of Nebraska nre very much interest- ed in beet culture. Our Stato has two of tho largest beet-BUg- re- fineries in tho United States; tho soil is admittedly batter adapted to beet cultivation than German Boil, aB it contains moro essential nourishment. Tho peoplo aro taking a great interest in tho sugar industry, which ia daily growing, and cannot bo expected to fool kindly toward any ouo who is engaged in destroying tho in- dustry. Tho Potaluma, Cal., Argus, a Republican paper Binco it started forty-tw- o yearB ago, edited by J. H.McNabb and Sam Ca3iday,both life-lon- g Republicans, repudiates McKinley and the gold platform. They will stand for Bryan and free silver., H. T. Fairbauks, prosident of tho Potaluma Savings bank, has declared himself for Bryan aud silver. Ho has been a Republican all his life. The Now York Journal's St. Louis correspondent gives, ns tho probablo vote in tho Populist con- vention: For Bryan 872, against 413. If there was no question of y, Bryan would havo tho entire vote. Tho Executive Committee of the Now York Stato Democracy mot and ropudinted tho Chicago platform. It also advocated tho putting of n third candidate in the field. MUUDnt ON THE Hlail 8B.VB. The barkoutiuo Herbert Fuller, Captain Nash, from Boston, July lid, for Rosnrio, put into Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 21, Hying tho atars and btripes at halt-ma- st with ft black Hag immediately beneath. This is tho signal for "mutiny on board." When tho Fuller was boarded it was learned that murder had beon addod to mutiny and that Captain Nash, his wifo Laura and SocoudOfficor Braraborg had beon killed in their bunks. Xostor H. Monks, a pas-oong- er bound to South Africa, for his health, first discovered tho murder. Tho negro cook auspect-o-d the first ma to, Thomas Bram, who was pub in irons by the crow. Laheso, the man who was nt tho wheel, was also ironed. Monks is under arrest but kept in tho oiiico of the chief of polico. Seaman Brown BayB ho saw tho raato kill tho captain, and that thoro was no mutiny. THE FINANCIAL SITUATION. J. Piorropont Morgan has call- ed a mooting of bankers in Now York with a view to concerted action to prevent exports of gold within the noxt sixty days. Tho temper of. tho financial community has beon vory bad for some timo, owing to tho etoady shriukagp in tho price of exchango securities, in consequence of which values havo steadily molted away on a panio scale. Tho fact that tho commercial balanco of trade is Continued on Sth Page. ,. .i. k34 t' v MU A FiVE-CEN- T RATE sow: aiiui!.ii:m.n kx imvoii of IIS AUOFIION. N' Dnufit Di.u i Itcdlirllim In Tiniu. 'itr ltnu-- a to U'nllillil Would I'roip fti'miiiici-Hlli- In Ilia UomiMiiy. In tho city of San Francisro mu u&pirnuou ol me liuiiuinyo oi I the Geary street eysLom of trnm- - nnd too strenuous efforts tnjinfc luaUft fijtlfirccrrncnl secure au extension of its charter for uuotiior lifty e.irs, Ii.ih timwD Iih'jIio attention to the. vn'.n of such fruuehises. The company offer to pay 2 per cont. of their annual gross receipts into tho city treasury in for tho ex- tension of the franchise. Tho city papers donounco tho proposi- tion, claiming that tho granting of a franchiso on such terms would bo a' criminal betrayal of tho peo- ple's rights. Tho Chronicle, in commenting on tho matter, presents some ar- guments, which the residents of Hawaii may well tako home to thomsolvos and which should con- vince tho Hawaiian Tramway Company that its present policy is not tho ono that will bo moBt profitable in tho long run. A sys- tem of faros such as obtains in Toronto, for instance, would cor-tainl- y double, if not tioblo, the present traffic on our local road and tho expense of running full cars is certainly very little more than that of empty ones. With a hvo cont tare to Waikiki it is safe to Bay there would bo five times tho travol in a very few weeks. As tho Chroniclo says, thoro is rapidly growing in all American communities a sontimont in favor of placing city transportation companies under tho control of tho municipality. Tho idea has long sinco pissed tho experimen- tal stagoin England, and has boeu put into successful practice in some American citios. Uudor tho circumstances it would bo a crimi- nal betrayal of tho interests of tho peoplo for tho Supervisors to accord to any corporation n valuable privilego to run for the period of fifty j ears without first ascertaining tie sentiment of tho citizens of San Francisco con corning tho continuation of the old policy of iho city giving everything and receiving nothing in return. In tho ovout that public opinion is not sufficiently strong to de clare for public ownership ot street railways tho Supervisors should at least bo compelled to muko a reasonably good bargaiu for tho city if a franchiso is to bo sold. Two por cont of the gross receipts, with the privilege ac- corded to tho corporation of naming tho amount it has re- ceived, would be a more mookory. Tho city of Toronto, in Cana- da, which formerly owned its stroot railways, rocently leasod them to a private corporation on tho followiug forms: First, that tho corporation should pay $800 a year for oaoh mile of track; 8 por cont on gross receipts up to $1,000,000; 10 por cent on rocoipts botwoen $1,000,000 and $1,500,000; 15 por cont between $2,000,000 and $3,000,000 and 20 por cont on nil over $3,000,000. Second, single faros are fixod at 5 cents, with six tickets for a quarter; workiug-- m oil's tickets, good night and morning, eight for a quarter, and school children's tickets ten for a quarter. Third, tho right of tho city to regulate speed and to the number of cars to bo run, and to dictato all improve- ments, Buporviso accounts and to regulato hours of employment, oto. Evon with such a contract the Toronto company is making good dividends, and, of courso, its ability to earn will increase with tho growth of tho city. In Detroit tho stroot railroads are successfully operated for a threo-con- t fare, and in Savannah, JV.1.JA . UUt o.. i?jLt&J Ga., the experiment of n ono-con- f faro has pinved Fii-i- v1 In Sydney, id el bourne ami other Australian cition tho slree? car fares are regulated by law at so much per mile, by which sys- tem the traveler pays only for the dietauco actually traveled, a plan which ia eertninlv fair lr nil concerned. iiv a r.in: i.iiiton: .iiax. lViiniiurr t iii 3Ipu wim Vuxm r, Silver. Bostcw, July 22. President J. L.,(Grcene of tho Connecticut Lira Ii)nnrnnM Comnnnv of Hartford ha. prepAVW b JeUsr for policy holder, in whioh he says: "Our contracts with yos Rgrei-t- piy to oar .families m many dollars Thoro has nve; been tiny donbt whnt wni intend- ed thereby, but should wo oome upon a silver basis your policio? would, for tho prosont, bo paid in dollars worth to your families on- ly about 50 cents, nnd the great bulk of them would probably be paid in dollnis worth not more' thnn from 25 to 35 cents." m m JIM O.UI.V-'"- . I'ollllcul l.xcllciiiriit in .Sun I'raik-cltco-Ji- ti. btelner Itctnru. Jas. Steinor camo down on the Mariposa. He BayB that people gather in crowds around the newspaper offices looking at the bulletin boards and that tho only topic of conversation is.freo silver and gold standard. Mr. Stoiuer mot Jim Quiun, of "290" faiua. Jim got wrecked on tho S. S. Colombia which was stuck on the California coast some forty miles south of Snn Francisco. Ho will return on tho Dimond, bringing with him a lot of new carriages and some horses. A Uuotl Til luff. E. O. Hall tfc Son deal in bicy- cles, and Hall & Son muko &. statement in regard to any article thoy have for sale thoy can bo de- pended upon to toll tho truth. Thoy nro making a special feature of their bicycle depart- ment nnd are offering "bikes" a( the bottom notch, 18!)5 model nL $75 and that of 189G tit $100. Theso wheals have a roputation tho world over, and are as good & roadster as over carried a uiuu or woman. Tho price of a wheel Rooms largo to a poor man, but think of money you would 6ave iD car ii ud hack faro. This alone will save you tho cost of n wheel in tho course of a year. You will always find some ono nt Hall A: Son's to show you thin wheel nnd explain tho many advantages it has over other makes. l'eciillnr Cihii, Tho case, now pending in the superior court, of 11. W Schmidt & Sons vs. tho Royal Insurance Company is a rather, peculiar one. Sin Moy Kee, c Chinese merchant nt Kalihiwai, Kauai, mortgaged his stock, ota, to II. W. Sohruidt & Sous, assign- ing, of courso, his insurance po- licies. A Bhort timo ago ho woe burned out. Tho insurance com- pany, by ita agents hero, now re- fuses to pay the loss, claiming that it has roiiBou to boliove that tho insurod, Sin Moy Keo, did uotcomply with tho conditions of his policy. Messrs. Schmidt; in enso of an adverse decision, would bo tho innocent victims who would lose their money. . ... a Lnt Sight's Alarm. A small blazo in tho rear of tho Btoro occupied by H. Hamanq, Jnpancso merchant on Maunakea Btreot, called out the fire laddies about 7:30 last night, but tho fire was oxtinguiBhod before, their arrival. The Oriental mind camfe in contact with the Occidental oilstovo, with results disastrous te tho poaco of tho former and the usefulness of tho latter. No dam- ages. ui'lkk n" S' viirfi iHhiii m"- - O i? f'i U M TT I A v, m

V r' J&VCN · 2015-06-01 · described in Koyal Patent No. 2.103, Kulcana 153(5, to Kaniauhll, oontalnlni; an area of four and iJO-t-acres. 359-t-d Notice. DURING MY ABSENCE FROM

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$fi, RJW'! " 3TW'', '.

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r' WIwMmW1vv-- fliV!4ifVi ii4ttWVsnf 7 Mi'ih'nm 77i?. 7&tf pigs?"WliY'tvt.''JJ'" '"" ;; I

jw Con' t Read the UulUtn J&VCN cxenme rater rubitsbed tI jv Z?7 Get ALL the News. w; r7 Hawaiian Islands. 1


Lit Reaches ALL theVeople. j V..


Subscription 73c. a month.

Vol. 1. No. 3G9. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1890. Pmok 5 Cots.








Published every day excopt Sundny ntG09 KlnR Streot, Honolulu, H. I.


Per Mouth, nnywhoro In the Ha-waiian Inlands S 75

Per Year. 'rtPor Year, postpaid to Amelia.,

Cunmln, or Mexico lutiPor Year, postpaid, othor Foreign

Countrlos 13 00

Piiynblo Invariably In Ailvnnoo.Tolcpliono 250. V. O. Box 80.

B. L FINNEY, Manager.


' Fi-- r jr.et.il business thereid uob a in Honoluluwhi'c'.i j'Tiri'irs ttte same floor

ijfttee thfct mv bouo does,

and wo need it And wo

ctnnc as near to having a de-

partment store as liny in the

islands; hs nearly to that goal

as the trade of the islands will

permit.You know what a depart-

ment store means low prices

for good articles. Goods arebought in largo quantities for

cash, they're cheaper that way

and that is the way we buy.You get the advantage of anydisc junta wo receive.

Ono of our departments con-

tains hardware and articlesused every day in the prepara-

tion of food. A Queen Pud-

ding Bowl is newer than any-

thing, you have seen here anda bit bettor because it is con-

venient. It's cheap, too.

We've nil sorts of things in

agate ware and in first qualityonly.

Meat Choppers, Pry Pans,Bread Boards, Dust Pans andW. P. Pu'ller's Ready MixedPaints for household use aro

always in demand about thehome. A ready mixed paintthat may bo depended upon is

not always to bo had. Puller'sis the acknowledged superiorto all others.


Quoen Street.Mortagso's ITotico of Intontion to Forec-

lose- and of Saio.

In accordance' with tlie provisions of thatcertain niortirage made by 0. II. ELAMA (k),had KKALALA1NA, his wlfo, to JOHN PU-LA- A

(k), dateU May i!8, 188S, recorded InOlllcc, OaUu, In Liber llo, pp. 329

and 830. notice Is hereby given that Baldmortgagee Intends to foreclose the tame forcondition broken, to wit, the ofDOin principal aim uucrcsi w nen auu,

Notice Is likewise elven that after the expiration of three weeks from this date theproperty covered by said mortgage will beadvertised for sale and will be sold at publicauction at the auction rooms ot James F.Morgan, Honolulu, on Wednesday. August12. 1S90, at 12 o'clock noon of that day.

For further particulars apply to J, A.Maroon, attorney for John I'ulua, mortgagee,Honolulu Hale, Merchant street.

Dated Honolulu. July 20, 1600.

The property to bo Bold Is as follows:All that piece or parcel of land situated at

Kapaakca and Opukaala, WalMkl, Oahu,described in Koyal Patent No. 2.103, Kulcana153(5, to Kaniauhll, oontalnlni; an area of fourand iJO-t- acres. 359-t- d


DURING MY ABSENCE FROM THEHawaiian Inlands, my brother Chuua Yeewill rnaunge my two uteres Nun-nn- u

street, known as Yoe Ohau, mid, 330'332 Nuuauu etroot known as O, Afat,under full power of attorney,

0. AFAT.Hont'.ulu, July 27, 1898. 366-l-



Ayeis SarsapariSIaMr. i:. Wyatt, of l'ort lloa.l, Went

Itliidninrsli, So. Alitriillu, write ofthn nnd rimilltlon of lior lltlln dniiRh-to- r,

whoso portrait alio also nuiidai

"My daughter was iilllictod withEczema ot the most iKfRRivnlcdtype. The disease Nrst appealed inoniptlons on lier head, then her hairbegan to fall out, and in unite oftho beat medical advice and treat-ment she grew steadily worse. Tliosores were full of matter and weroextremely oHensive. Her eyes be-came- affected, and sho was, in truth,in a terrible state. My neighborswero very sympathetic and tookgreat interest in tho case. Theypersuaded mo to try Aycr's Sarsa-jmrill- a,

and I am most thankful tobo ablo to say that this wonderfulmcdiclno completely restored mydaughter's health. Sho has now asgood a head of hair as anyone couldwish, her eyes aro perfectly well,and she is a fino girl of eight years 'witli every prospect of growing ujto bo a strong and healthy woman."

AVER'SSARSAPARILLAquid Medals at the World's Chlel Expotltlons.

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.,Bole Aeonta for tho Bopablio of Hawaii.



The Traveling

Lawn Sprinkler

Moves itself about yuurLawu. Travelsin a straight lino or a tiiclu Stops luitotn-nticall-

Set for any length of hoso.

CxT No such Spiiuklor has oor beenplaced on tho inarkot boforc.

Come and See it!

LEWERS &, COOKE,PortStroot, .... Tolopnone 20.

t 360-l- y

Ketail Their . . .

. . . Large StookOF- -

DRY GOODS!At Wholesale Prices!

Specialties THIS WEEK

New Serges,

Lawns --Dress Goods.


AUjik. 1.' l.ljfc .. ..kitfe...Km,... ftk.U.MuuiWa...ifr.i..'...i... .

I ATCQT '0REI8N NEWS.lafl I la 0 1 I

iu::hm in Tin: umii:i statinriti.sni:.viiAi. i:i.i:;rioN.

Innru-ciil-i I'urliitr I'uorly In ('n)i.,Jtclul Dcrrre Aitlut (irlmliiitf

Cimo Xcu of All I.uhcU.

UNiti;i si'iri.'f. aSan Dierjo lias strong hopns o

being tho terminal yovl, or tiisnow ,Tamn080 Btern.ship 'line tot! Vn.-ifi- o Ciiii). ' '

'('vflvft t!ion"Hnr ijivi ' frfftrHtrm I; in Sw 1'mi; to ftitni.--h'ltr-- prices from whu'csmleinuimrtu'tureiH inn I slop tli

of tb(. tf Ij unJ p;ece v ork

I bo Jnpaneso Legation in Wash-into- ii

hH opind t'- hiils fromtho American builJerK tor thoconstruction of two fast cruisersfor tho Japanese navy. Thoy arofrom tho Cramps of Philadelphiannd tho Union Iron Works of SanFrancisco.

General Georgo Wnllaco Jones,tho oldost survivingStates Senator, died at Dubiuiuo,Iowa, July 22, aged 92 years. Gen-eral Jones was the son of JohnIlico Jonos, mentioned in historyob tho friend of Benjamin Frank-lin. Thn father was for yoarsChief Justice of tho SupremeCourt of Missouri.

In tho United StateB Court thoIowa anti-cigarett- e law wob de-

clared unconstitutionul,tho groundgivon for tho decision being thosame as in tho liquor originalpackage law.

Tho Bennington has boon or-

dered to join Admiral Beardsloo'sflagship, tho Philadelphia, atPugot Sound, for a scries of fleotmaneuvers. Tho othor ships willbo tho Monadnook and tho Monte-rey.

By a collision on the Chicagoand Northwestern Eailway 28 peo-ple vero killed and 51 injured,many of whom will die.

Cnpt. Enoch S. Talbot, inspec-tor of hulls, died ut Oakland,aged G2 years. Ho was a nativeof Maine nnd served in tho war intho marino mail service.

Henry IMerson, tho Californianoarsman, is going into training inhopes of a race with Edward Han-Ia- n.

On Founder's day in tho Clove-lan- d,

O., centennial celebration,John D. Rockefeller, tho Standardoil Icing, presented tho city with alargo troctof land, valued at SGoO,-00- 0,

for the extension of tho citypark.

Tho U. S. S. Marion lias beenordered to Peru from Panama, tolook after Amorioan interests onthe South American coiiht.

Sir Cbarlos ltuss.ll, Lord ChiefJustice of Englaud, will attondtho meoting of tho American BarAssociation nt Saratoga in August.

William E. Russoll, ox Govern-or of Massachusetts, is dead.

Arthur Cleveland Coxo, Episco-pal Bishop of AVestorn Now York,died suddenly on tho 20th, aged78 yoars.

Josoph Wesloy Harpor diedJuly 21 at his home in Now Yorkcity after an illness of three weeks.Ho had long been a Bufforor fromgout. Up to last year he had boontho sonior member of the firm ofHarpor Brothers, publishers. Hewas a son of one of the four broth-ers who foundod tho firm, anddied in his G7th year.

Hardly a dollar of tho $680,000which tho steamer Colombia cost,will bo saved to tho Pacifio MailCompany. Tho pretty sister Bhipto the Peru has been given up asa hopeless wrook. Tho jaggedrooks off Pigeon point havo al-

ready torn and mangled hor be-

yond repair and thoy are continu-ing tho work of destruction at arapid rate. Tugs havo left SanFrancisco on wrecking specula-tion.

Miss Adeline Tillman, oldostdaughter of Senator Tillman ofSouth Carolina, was instantlykilled by lightning on July 15.

A demand has boon mado onPeru for tho settlomont of thoclaim of Victor McCord, an Ame-rican citizen, for brutal aud an

treatment by the Peruvian

GiyM 4k.5&. J&i. M

authorities. His claim is for!?20(),000.

The U."S. S. Alort has arrivednt Sun Francisco. Sho is thobout that lauded troops at Coriutolust niitmun.

Zioglcr, tho wheelman, made amile in 2:00 ntDettoit, cuttingtwo seconds off Sanger's mark.

At ot. I'aul on tho IGth hist.,S. Iwanga of Tokio, general man-ager of the .TnpiuiebQ Mail Steam-ship Company, limited, nignud

contract with tho Oroat North-ern Railway Company for tho es-

tablishment of a steamship linebotwoen Tokio and Ueattle. Thefirst PeArrr will nrnli.iiiiv !... n!,rnrw-t.,r--wi-- u -

l.i , oout (lion- - w (1 . n. KjU,iurto tiitt Kant monthly, but the sit-vic- i

is to ho ifHTflftMrd a Vrtpi Wed.

rm.mcxr. notlh.Till meetiug of the guld stand-

ard perufx'mtB nt Chicago to con-sider tin Usu.'.nro f a call for uuatiomd convention, was post-poned from tho 52nd lo tho 23rdmst.

Congiesmiinn Mirror, a leadingRepublican of Nebraska, says:"Bryan's opposition, whilo inCoL'gtess, to the augur bountyand tax on sugar in tho Wilsontariff bill has naturally injuredhis popularity. Tho peoplo ofNebraska nre very much interest-ed in beet culture. Our Stato hastwo of tho largest beet-BUg- re-

fineries in tho United States; thosoil is admittedly batter adaptedto beet cultivation than GermanBoil, aB it contains moro essentialnourishment. Tho peoplo arotaking a great interest in thosugar industry, which ia dailygrowing, and cannot bo expectedto fool kindly toward any ouo whois engaged in destroying tho in-

dustry.Tho Potaluma, Cal., Argus, a

Republican paper Binco it startedforty-tw- o yearB ago, edited by J.H.McNabb and Sam Ca3iday,bothlife-lon- g Republicans, repudiatesMcKinley and the gold platform.They will stand for Bryan andfree silver.,

H. T. Fairbauks, prosident oftho Potaluma Savings bank, hasdeclared himself for Bryan audsilver. Ho has been a Republicanall his life.

The Now York Journal's St.Louis correspondent gives, ns thoprobablo vote in tho Populist con-vention: For Bryan 872, against413. If there was no question of

y, Bryan wouldhavo tho entire vote.

Tho Executive Committee ofthe Now York Stato Democracymot and ropudinted tho Chicagoplatform. It also advocated thoputting of n third candidate inthe field.

MUUDnt ON THE Hlail 8B.VB.

The barkoutiuo Herbert Fuller,Captain Nash, from Boston, Julylid, for Rosnrio, put into Halifax,Nova Scotia, July 21, Hying thoatars and btripes at halt-ma-st

with ft black Hag immediatelybeneath. This is tho signal for"mutiny on board." When thoFuller was boarded it was learnedthat murder had beon addod tomutiny and that Captain Nash,his wifo Laura and SocoudOfficorBraraborg had beon killed in theirbunks. Xostor H. Monks, a pas-oong- er

bound to South Africa, forhis health, first discovered thomurder. Tho negro cook auspect-o-d

the first ma to, Thomas Bram,who was pub in irons by thecrow. Laheso, the man who wasnt tho wheel, was also ironed.Monks is under arrest but kept intho oiiico of the chief of polico.Seaman Brown BayB ho saw thoraato kill tho captain, and thatthoro was no mutiny.


J. Piorropont Morgan has call-ed a mooting of bankers in NowYork with a view to concertedaction to prevent exports of goldwithin the noxt sixty days. Thotemper of. tho financial communityhas beon vory bad for some timo,owing to tho etoady shriukagp intho price of exchango securities,in consequence of which valueshavo steadily molted awayon a panio scale. Tho fact thattho commercial balanco of trade is

Continued on Sth Page.

,. .i. k34 t' v MU


sow: aiiui!.ii:m.n kx imvoii ofIIS AUOFIION.

N' Dnufit Di.u i Itcdlirllim In Tiniu.'itr ltnu-- a to U'nllillil Would I'roip

fti'miiiici-Hlli- In Ilia UomiMiiy.

In tho city of San Francisromu u&pirnuou ol me liuiiuinyo oi I

the Geary street eysLom of trnm- -

nnd too strenuous effortstnjinfc luaUft fijtlfirccrrncnlsecure au extension of its charterfor uuotiior lifty e.irs, Ii.ih timwDIih'jIio attention to the. vn'.n ofsuch fruuehises. The companyoffer to pay 2 per cont. of theirannual gross receipts into thocity treasury in for tho ex-

tension of the franchise. Thocity papers donounco tho proposi-tion, claiming that tho granting ofa franchiso on such terms wouldbo a' criminal betrayal of tho peo-ple's rights.

Tho Chronicle, in commentingon tho matter, presents some ar-guments, which the residents ofHawaii may well tako home tothomsolvos and which should con-vince tho Hawaiian TramwayCompany that its present policyis not tho ono that will bo moBtprofitable in tho long run. A sys-tem of faros such as obtains inToronto, for instance, would cor-tainl- y

double, if not tioblo, thepresent traffic on our local roadand tho expense of running fullcars is certainly very littlemore than that of emptyones. With a hvo cont tare toWaikiki it is safe to Bay therewould bo five times tho travol in avery few weeks.

As tho Chroniclo says, thoro israpidly growing in all Americancommunities a sontimont in favorof placing city transportationcompanies under tho control oftho municipality. Tho idea haslong sinco pissed tho experimen-tal stagoin England, and has boeuput into successful practice insome American citios. Uudor thocircumstances it would bo a crimi-nal betrayal of tho interests of thopeoplo for tho Supervisors toaccord to any corporation nvaluable privilego to run for theperiod of fifty j ears without firstascertaining tie sentiment of thocitizens of San Francisco concorning tho continuation of theold policy of iho city givingeverything and receiving nothingin return.

In tho ovout that public opinionis not sufficiently strong to declare for public ownership otstreet railways tho Supervisorsshould at least bo compelled tomuko a reasonably good bargaiufor tho city if a franchiso is to bosold. Two por cont of the grossreceipts, with the privilege ac-

corded to tho corporation ofnaming tho amount it has re-

ceived, would be a more mookory.Tho city of Toronto, in Cana-

da, which formerly owned itsstroot railways, rocently leasodthem to a private corporation ontho followiug forms: First, thattho corporation should pay $800a year for oaoh mile of track; 8por cont on gross receipts up to$1,000,000; 10 por cent on rocoiptsbotwoen $1,000,000 and $1,500,000;15 por cont between $2,000,000and $3,000,000 and 20 por cont onnil over $3,000,000. Second, singlefaros are fixod at 5 cents, with sixtickets for a quarter; workiug-- m

oil's tickets, good night andmorning, eight for a quarter, andschool children's tickets ten for aquarter. Third, tho right of thocity to regulate speed and to

the number of cars to borun, and to dictato all improve-ments, Buporviso accounts and toregulato hours of employment,oto. Evon with such a contractthe Toronto company is makinggood dividends, and, of courso, itsability to earn will increase withtho growth of tho city.

In Detroit tho stroot railroadsare successfully operated for athreo-con- t fare, and in Savannah,

JV.1.JA . UUt o.. i?jLt&J

Ga., the experiment of n ono-con- f

faro has pinved Fii-i- v1In Sydney, id el bourne ami

other Australian cition tho slree?car fares are regulated by law atso much per mile, by which sys-tem the traveler pays only for thedietauco actually traveled, aplan which ia eertninlv fair lrnil concerned.

iiv a r.in: i.iiiton: .iiax.

lViiniiurr t iii 3Ipu wim Vuxmr, Silver.

Bostcw, July 22. President J.L.,(Grcene of tho Connecticut

Lira Ii)nnrnnM Comnnnvof Hartford ha. prepAVW b JeUsrfor policy holder, in whioh hesays: "Our contracts with yosRgrei-t- piy to oar .families mmany dollars Thoro has nve;been tiny donbt whnt wni intend-ed thereby, but should wo oomeupon a silver basis your policio?would, for tho prosont, bo paid indollars worth to your families on-ly about 50 cents, nnd the greatbulk of them would probably bepaid in dollnis worth not more'thnn from 25 to 35 cents."

m m

JIM O.UI.V-'"- .

I'ollllcul l.xcllciiiriit in .Sun I'raik-cltco-Ji- ti.

btelner Itctnru.Jas. Steinor camo down on the

Mariposa. He BayB that peoplegather in crowds around thenewspaper offices looking at thebulletin boards and that tho onlytopic of conversation is.freo silverand gold standard. Mr. Stoiuermot Jim Quiun, of "290" faiua.Jim got wrecked on tho S. S.Colombia which was stuck on theCalifornia coast some forty milessouth of Snn Francisco. Ho willreturn on tho Dimond, bringingwith him a lot of new carriagesand some horses.

A Uuotl Til luff.

E. O. Hall tfc Son deal in bicy-

cles, and Hall & Son muko &.

statement in regard to any articlethoy have for sale thoy can bo de-pended upon to toll tho truth.Thoy nro making a specialfeature of their bicycle depart-ment nnd are offering "bikes" a(the bottom notch, 18!)5 model nL

$75 and that of 189G tit $100.Theso wheals have a roputationtho world over, and are as good &

roadster as over carried a uiuu orwoman. Tho price of a wheelRooms largo to a poor man, butthink of money you would 6ave iDcar ii ud hack faro. This alonewill save you tho cost of n wheelin tho course of a year. You willalways find some ono nt Hall A:

Son's to show you thin wheel nndexplain tho many advantages ithas over other makes.

l'eciillnr Cihii,

Tho case, now pending in thesuperior court, of 11. WSchmidt & Sons vs. tho RoyalInsurance Company is a rather,peculiar one. Sin Moy Kee, cChinese merchant nt Kalihiwai,Kauai, mortgaged his stock, ota,to II. W. Sohruidt & Sous, assign-ing, of courso, his insurance po-

licies. A Bhort timo ago ho woeburned out. Tho insurance com-pany, by ita agents hero, now re-fuses to pay the loss, claimingthat it has roiiBou to boliovethat tho insurod, Sin Moy Keo,did uotcomply with tho conditionsof his policy. Messrs. Schmidt;in enso of an adverse decision,would bo tho innocent victims whowould lose their money.

. ... a

Lnt Sight's Alarm.A small blazo in tho rear of tho

Btoro occupied by H. Hamanq,Jnpancso merchant on MaunakeaBtreot, called out the fire laddiesabout 7:30 last night, but tho firewas oxtinguiBhod before, theirarrival. The Oriental mind camfein contact with the Occidentaloilstovo, with results disastrous tetho poaco of tho former and theusefulness of tho latter. No dam-ages.

ui'lkk n" S' viirfi iHhiii m"--






K: EVENING BULLETIN, JULY 31, 1800. .will HHWW wWWWmiii '"'" "' - ..V m iwiw -..mitjmMBMiii mm-- 11111111 l 'IHifllK r -- i mi tB ,. iirnrrmmmriini vr TSVTi m fin I T TB ' sIP 8TS fP.nNVF. UN l"K ' ,T s HA . JT1

H P G. J. Walleb - - - Mahaoeb.hTcironrs n a he to si:cuiti: iihy.

IBHV!7Rra- - as'i i:xioiiNh3ir.Nr. -



f -








f,srSi i.Uf




. ifi



i i


' Hi



(t5roi''C(UiiKi ol tlm l'imt Ilnj or tin-Coi- n

on Jlon II ltrj-a- I Nomin-ated tlicrc will ltd a Holt

St. Louis, Mo., July 22. ThoJrtbpuliet nnd Silver conventionsacsoinbled iu Bopnrnte hulls toilny,atio silvor mon boing united onHue program of indorsing Bryan.

Tho appointment o tho commit-S- ton credentials and tho hearing

d some long speeches fritteredaimy tho afternoon for tho Pop-

ulate. A violent thunderstormauaO'Up about dusk and the light-tiii-g

diearranged tho electric lightnres, so that tho convention sat

iJ,V au liir in tlio dnrlc ll'oicuiug'A tlio hand piny.

Geniirnl James B. "Woavor of2nva is leading tho Bryan forceswith ability.

Ignatius Donnelly of Minnesotawdo a masterly speech in whichlip advised ad hoi once to princi-ftV- ,

and expressed the hopo thatSy was not there to attend the f uu-v-

of tho People's party.Marion Puller of North Caro-"Ec- a

was chosen temporary chair-man.

During tho afternoon recess thorexlule-oi-tlie-roa- d men organized"Bid dccido'l that thoy will standrtyether.

Populist leaders are movingiiavru and oaith to someiiSnd of a fusion with tho Domo-wit- s.

Tomorrow may decide tho fatei the People's party.Ignatius Donnelly of Minneso-

ta, who has been ouo of thoPopulists who

v5poso tho nomination of Bryan,Stformed a United Press reporterfoduy that in his opinion tho Bry-- i

forces ill be suliiciently strong: control tho convention. Hosddfd thnt in such un event therowould undoubtedly bo a bolt and2t a half a dncn Southern5'ule.s ould participate in it.'

A number of leading SouthernU'opulisfs assort that thoy cannotaapport tho Chicago ticket, andii.it they have no alternative butX bolt if Bryan bo nominated.Thoy ha o had, as yet, no oppor-tunity to formulato a program,lat tlieir prosont intention is towgauijse inennvputiou immediato-3- y

after the Populists adjournmad nominate a sti.iijjt; Populistjttlet. Tho Mftiueri most t-

"sUgrjested for thi Prebidoncyain those of Eugene V. Dobs ofmil way strike notoriety and fa

Doimnlly oF Mnmsota.

l'ci'd llic AcrM'H

Kjii pure, rich blood nnd jou need nut fear!7Tous proslitttioii". Ntnej uro wcukivUn lli'.' are Improperly and liisulllclt'iitlvtanrUlitd. l'nru Idood M tlxlr proper food,aw! pure blood comes by takliiK Houd'aSar-Jwnrill.- i,

wlilili Is thus the crtaU'st nnd 1 eatiun j tonic It also builds up the whole gyn- -

2Vk)i's Pills nro tlio lavorlte family catb-in-

msj Iu InUu, tusj to operate.

When you nro down on yourilock and feofas if tho world wassaJd, hard and droaiy, just stopriAothe Criterion saloon and put ajxne-colore- d tint on overything bySabibiug a glass of Seattlo


J. "W. Beigstrom is ngont for:5k Of lebrateil liroenr pianos, of

--Sew York. Ho builds organs.3v!oud-hau- d pinnos talien us partgoymont. Pianos sold on instal-afnl- s.

Tuning and repairing..C.Bi3S7 Ti'Ia 317.

Theio' seems to bo some blightT&ccting the bloom of tlio beauti-dc- i

Panuiana Itegia this season,:7r of all Hit trees in tho city butrJnv have blossoms enough to ct

nttenlion. The one on Hotolf4reet nest to tho Ailington iu n

nt;al)!o oscoption, and inh a sourco of wonder

ii)d delight toviftitois who haveafver before seen this troo inSOoom. King Bros. hao made

vcrnl excellent hkotohoa in oilST.il water coloisof this subject,iJuch are meeting with nady


, ftv? 7;j pfa " fi w

"'1(rerlni; with Throat, T.uiKtor Wtln MjeewiSTMHfbCitarrh.Pcrotuin, Afthnu, or.Nnnoiu ltU-U7J;- .,

will ha n nrnrla botllu ol I'll. OOU.Kir, eiio(!oiJTR nsunsin.v (ur tmi. oiiat"sttv.vt Iliil LiBTiTt 1'rqe l .. , lloiinlula, II, I, "It Isjciua.u J cjt I'laUblo a ilia or lluuej .

JJUUKb, WO aUUWiAro a substantial world both

pure and good.Bound thoso with toudrils

strong as ilesh aud bloodOur pastime and our happi-

ness will grow.Wadsworth, Personal Talk,

stanza 3.

We Wave Them:

? .u

All the LatestBooks of theHour.

Our Stock ofBooks

Is the Most


To be Found

Tn the City.

C If you don't find what youwant, let us order it from tho Pub-

lisher, it takes only a few weoks,

and wo charge you nothing extrafor tho getting of it.

Try us.

Wall, Nichols fk3

The BigBook Store.



Armenian Atrocities!1'foJvMly Jllmtiatcd


(Hyltuv. IMw iu M. Bliss.)

SjT" Prospectus aud mibscriptiou listsat

IicH!iWuiiiiiifaCo,L'irvleroliunt Street, I Ionolulu.

Iu ouo vol. cloth, $ 2 00In ono vol. cloth gilt, 2 CO

In ouh vol. IlnU-KiiMti- nn Rilt, a 50

Notice of Copartnership.

Tho undorHiRtied, each residing in Hono.lain, iu tho Iblund of O.diu, of tho l!tijiiblio of Hawaii, hmo formed a copartnomhipwith ench other in the busluess of buyingnnd welling goueial inerchtindis" nnd usuuiiiiiiMjum lutrtli'iits iu biiiil Honolulu,niidei the lirui uauio or htjlo of JT Water-lumii- o,

boin tho lmsiuoMS Utiulofuie cm-no- d

on by .1 T WntorhuubO, fut, and lasBUCfcssor, J T WatiiliotiHo hi cond.

Diitod Honululn, July 1, 1S90.Furi'i nicit T V Wati hiioi-sk-


1 ItMSr COM'.TH.S ATUIIIbUnfc.John WATumonsK,GuorokS Watciiii nr..

.'5 lm


I hivo umdo ovr all the stock nnd mer-ti- ll

italic in ilio business cairied on by thelate J. 'J'. WnterhoiiRO, and alhO the goodwill and nil outstanding occnunts tlioieof,to my sous, V. T. V , 13 0., John nnd G.S.Wuteihotise, who honoeforlh cany on saidbusiness nnd iahsiimo nil liabilities fiouithis (Into.

July 1st, 18011.13IJZA1S131II BOUltNE WATCH-HOUS- E,

8olo Legate o under the will ofJohn 'J'. Wuteihoiibo 313 lm



Froparo 'JVooliers for the NestExainijmtion.

W Apply nt Eaate Ilolita. 33a-l- m



Haw Contractors.Refrigerated Poultry



MBinopaliten Jjeat Co.

Telephone 45

Central MarketNurjANO Stbeet.

The Very iKiuastOF

ieMgBifated .--. Mty

Tender naxSSS- -

Sveet andWholesome.

Corno nnd boo our


WestTarook & Gares,ProprlctoM.

Tolophono - - - - 104.

CitTMarketEstaiiushed 1883.

Jaseph Tinker) - - Prop.

Beef, &$ ,'lutton

Pork, Hn Veal,Of tho Finest Vnrioties.

Makers ortho Celebrated I'ork .Suusago.

Nuunnu slrcot, opp. Chnplnin lane.

Telephone 89.

City Feed Store,Old Armory, Beretnnia fits.

L. H. Dee& Co.

Xew Coiibigmnent of

Hay, Grain and FeedPer S. G. Wilder. A Urge onuiiROiupiitoipecteil by ship htnibuok from Portland,

Fine Family Flour, norfid Baled Hay.

Vlo, DSiiui-jrtUUi- l 1 I'll u ton

LUXURIES12?--For the Equiuo Tublo iu tlio.uay o nil kinds 1 irst Olass


Are on Balo by tlio

WASHINGTON FEED (M'Y51 "Port St Tel 42

STANDARD LINESof Groceries aro more palatnliln as wellas healthier than the other kind,

VOELLER & CO.(WniuulilocK, IKrctnuia Stivut).

Ibinille uotlilu but tho besl Ubbj itAUNcIU'r ( itniiid Mail Kliur-Mor- no

' 'l.ible tnilli", (llilruri'illi'B Clinnlale,AlllUimM lb i d Milk, lan.j;(in I'uri' l.arduutl

'EXCELLENT FLOUR'fiST Tkli:piioni3 ObO "xft


Casli -:- - Grocers

Fort Straat & Chaplain Laria,

Wholesale and Retail Groconca.

' OS Fort Street, lEJonoluluTolephouer 2U F.O. Dox 470




J 'Vf.Vmh8i'swvr.flT"rAi

3?luml3inpj o nd G as-fittin- g

Sanitary Work a Specialty

S.V Jobbing promptly nttoudod to.Telephono 7r. 28Ctf

Importers and Dealers in

Steel and Iron Ranges,


130-t- f Kiufj Street.


My 310.00 Bath Tubs, Huod with beefquality, Kd. 10 zinc, 0 in. 1'lpo, Uhalu andl'luf;, with wood rim all comploto. Othoidealers mo dumfonudod, nud lcort to allmuuucr of Tricks nud Excubcs.

15e not lecoied, llieso Until TnbB hiwtbeen Hold fur $14 uuUl I rcda.(l Ihe pr.co.

I niu prepared to do all work bj my linennd guarantto eatiafaction'. Estimatoa d.

If you waut a Rood Job cheap for Cash,ring up Tilephouo 814, and I un yourmam



JwttLFur Family Use!

Just Received, os "0. 0. ruuk," a enrgo of


Which it offered in quantities to Btiit.

2240 lbs. to the Ton.DELIVERY FREE.

B & CO., L'D.



Also White and Black Sahdat tho very lowest inarkot

Telpholie IsTo. 414.

liaW&ii&ii Fertilizing"


Ib prepared to furnish

4000 Tons Cane FeijtilizerTo order for 1SD0.

In Quantities to Snit.jtS5 Orders salloited for a future de-

livery.A F COOKE, naa'cr.

Buildisuj Lots!At WAIKIKI on enr line nnd on PA--

LAJIA KOAD near FortiliziiiBWaut.

Thoso Lots nro Very Che-v- nnd Soldon Ecisy Terms

UKUCK, AVAlllNG CO.,Poolers jlu Lots and I.iwds,

i'ott aireut. war King.TaiiEPHOHB G07, I'.C'.BosSJI.j


Curry Powder as mado by us is prepared nfter the OriginalRecipe from tho Purest Ingredients.

est THY IT 03STC W -- i

Blir&Sifi ("iiBPTr?? 0 i

DCIdUl. di iOQ6llU

Just deceived and For Sale IAt the New Stand, Zing Street,

(Adjoining the Arlington.)

Whole Wheat Flour,Golden Gate Flour,Choice Hams,Bacon,Fresh Almonds and Walnuts,Cal. Block Butter,Smoked Beef,Now Potatoes,Onions, etc., etc.

.irinT r"v If s

XUJGfcV15tLIXTrEST I receive orders for


for &


Chas. Husface

Honolulu Eoad Wagon!

O- - "W. -O-jcn--3X-i-.2rl,

Agrnt HooKoryyxrwyigj"5


7Kij-- o Street.

I !

above Vehicle.

IN - THE - T

Co., Sm rmucisco, Cal.


.. --! -! .

(Successor to C. E. Williams, H. II. Williams & Co.and Williams Brosi

Pioneer Furniture Warerooms,ESTABLISHKD 1850

Pianos for Stile, Hire and Moved. Chairs for Itent

Undertaker,- - and




Tombslono! qrxd IMonnrnonts.

UoHidencoBudNlBbtTel.Slfi. 611 KING STBEET, Tel. 179.


i i

liupirters and Doilors in





: .'-- v .v'vtt1 r

.1 J' &Az-

rS .a' i

"".jAkW: r . isR.jSi' -

TV ? 41.

EYBNTNG BULLETIN, JULY 31, lSOG,un mi imtmmmmKm&mmmmmmmmmm'Mtia MMBiiiuLi 11 ii r i,MvuoMmim"mmnmm

V NIIWM'AIMUI' iinr. rn 1 u W. W. AhaJFJ fm ATT. i . .j'- TA m 'W




JlMt of llmiiiiicrnllc 1'npoM 'Mint Rtlino to MIlMxirt Itrj nil.

Nkw Yoiik, July 11. At vobrovious tiiuo in tho politicnl his-tory of tho country lunu Buch 11

nutiibor ot party uowapiiporatlio platform and cniuli-dnl- o

of a national convention aqnow announce themsolvesj

aftor tho nomination ofWilviaui Jennings Bryan as thocandidate of tho .Democracy. Thismorning the following, partyorgonsannounced their inabilityto stMport his candidhcy:

Bckton Globe, Domocrat;Spriqgfield Republican. Indo-penden- t;

New Havon 11iim rDomocrat; Trenton Times,crot; Salom News, Democrat;Fitchburg (MaB8.) Mail, Domo-crat; Yonkors Gazette, Do-mocrat; Lowell Times, Domo-crat; Brooklyn Eaglo, Domocrat;Boston Herald IndependentDomocrat; Providonco Journal,Independent; Manchester (N.x.)Union,Demnorat; Hartford Times,Democrat; New York Sun, Demo-

crat; Now York Times, Democrat;Now York Herald, IndependentDemocrat; Now York Post, Indo- -

Domocrat; Now Yorktaats Zoitung, Democrat; Phila-

delphia Record, Domocrat; Phila-delphia Time3, Democrat; Buffalo(Courier, Democrat; Buffalo In-quir-

Democrat; Baltimore Sun,Domocrat; llichmond Tiraee, Dem-ocrat; Charleston News, Domocrat;Louisvillo Courier Journal, Dem-

ocrat; Detroit Free Press, Domo-crat; Chicago Chroniclo, Domo-crat; Chicago StaatsZeitungjDam-oorat- ;

8L Paul Glbbe, Democrat;Potoraburg Indox-'Appoa- l, Demo-crat.


"Pditoh Bulletin: Some weeksago au oxcollont letter appearedin your columns from the pen ofMr. Sharpo concerning neededim;r i ui nt 1 1 Prusport tit'et.ho iur as can bo learned no actionhas yot been tuken by the author-ities in the matter, and I desire toadd a" few" words 'to Mr. Sharpo'sarticles, hoping that it will bo themoans' of calling attention of, theGovernment to the necessity ofsonio immediate action.

A person driving to tho junction,of Ktpiolnni and Prospect streetswill at ouco conclude that bothstreots terminate at tho junctionfor the latter street was evidentlywidoued from a cow trail and stillfollows its deviouB windings, andtho wayfaier can see aheadonly tho crooked outlines of atumbledown picket fouco that

blocks fuilher progiess.Many people have driven to

this point, nearly opposite Mr.Scolt'b robi liMiiv. and tlion turnedback owing to tho seeming im-

passable obstruction ahead.As tho Btututo of limitations

noerolVect-- i tlioii ht of a Govern-ment to opou or iiuproo a stieet,no matter if all, or only a portionof said street, has beou used forprivato purposes by property hold-ers, it would boom that tho mattercomplained of can bo easilyremedied.

Another matter demanding at-

tention is tho Punchbowl ditch.In former years this ditchwas, no doubt, a necossity, but, asovoiy resident of tho blopo cannow attest, it is simply a mouaceto life and limb. Tho rain watorbeing all carried off by tho gullioson tho sulos ot tho streots tuoditoh is no longer of any value asa drain for Hood wateis.

Many ladieb iiavo beon frightou-e- d

to tlio verge of hysterics whiledriving a fraotious horso alongtho edge of this dangerous ditch,following tho mazy windings ofProspect street, and havo had nar-row escapes while crossing thoflimsy "bridges" that are coatedin summer with duBt, in winterwith a thin crust of slippery mud.

A gang of a dozen prisoners,with picks and shovola, could fillin the ditch with soil from adjacentGovernment lands, straighten thoroad, remove tho bridges andmake tho road a safe, beautifuland attractive drivoway with attho moBt, two weeks' labor, whiohia cortaiuly a bettor plan than towait until tho Government ismulct in heavy damages by somevictim of an acoident that mayoccur aa a if suit of tho criminalnogligeuco of the proper author-ities. PROGRESS.

TosllsnlTerlni nidi Throat. I.nnitor Vnkllng Dlsraw--Bt imoi h Latarrli.Bcruful i, (Minns, or Nonutin J'eliuIty, etc., ll Ihi Klven a Minrle bottln of lilt. UOIt.DIN'S rUOCOLATK f.MUlJJlON for trial Call M

f turn of IlnuiNTiii DruK Hi , Honolulu, 11. I. "Milguuruitcvil u 1'aInUUo uj tlllk ut llouiy.

3& fur CsKSBb

mizlit f.til where one dose of FnluKiller would succeed. If you haven cough or cold or tiny other wiutcrcomplilut, try Pain Killer nlotice.It never fails to ytvc instant relief.runny uavis a Son, 1'rOTidence, R. I.


Will cure n cold before it settlesor after it settles. The righttime to take it is wncn you

icci uic com coming on..Prepared only iff

Perry Davis c Son,,jrrg tmeme, tu u


comeTrritnout any previous wnm-ici- r.

'ihe best way is nlvsays tobe prepared. Keep n bottle ofTtrrylJavis l'AlVlvir.M'.RUyjou.

It relieves at once.It b 1m inre cur for Crwnpi, Oolla ud

na u micro! pun.

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

I3G-- A cents for tho Hawaiian Islands,

J. J.SatxiTAX, J. BnoiLBT,t'roiaenti Seo'r.

FasMon StaMes Go.,L'ft.Ilonolulu, H. I.


in tho City, with Competent and Care-ful Drivers.

Siand at the Pantheon Stables,Corner ot Fort and Hotel Streets.

TtEBPHOMX:HaVn Hotel Stable, 8ZPantheon Stnbles, 84,Fnshiou Stnblt'8. 148.


BAGGAGE delivered nnd check-

ed to nuy Steamer. Furnitureuud Pianos carefully moved atEonsnnublo Rates.

SatisfactionFort and Queen Sts.

Day Tel 912, Reidenoe Tel. 643.

To Ky Patrons :

It gives mo much ploasuroto announce that MR. M. E.COUNTER, ono of tho mostskilled wiitchmtikors ever inthose Islands, is now managingtny repairing department, lowntcli is so complex in itsmechanism but wo can givo por-fo- ot

satisfaction in correctingtho ovils to which watches areheir. Watches aro delicatethings to haudlo. Wo gnnranteothat they will rccoivo no injuryat our hands and will leaveour ntoio in perfect repair.




OF JEWELRY:is a line art. Costly jewolry whendamaged needs careful attoutlon, ex.porlonco and care. To get this, sendyour work to

A. I. R. Vieira,AT "IWOWS KOllEV'h.

Unique Designs in Jewelry.Tkuphom! 795. 331-t- f

JE-- I. Gr. BIA.RT.

O na Puna MakanaKa Hiwahlwa oi loa aku ol;a Nani Mukiuuuc

E Hiki ke Hoomaemaepn ia nn AVati poino a mo lea

t haki o ko A--u.

Alanui Pnpu, kokoko alnnui Moi.


riii. . 5 KMVV

I Have HUNDREDS of DOZENS whiohl am Selling

IBIESX- - CyXJW COST I1ST Inter-Islan- d orders In quantity filled at a figure Impossible to meet.


L OK f -New Japanese Hugs, lJn,rlor Screens,

Bamboo Blinds, Silk Goods,Crepe Shirts, sill sizes;


MDEATA & CO.,Corner Hotel and Nnnonn StreetB.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Has a largo assortment ot

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.

Estimates given for house wiring and Electrical plants.

Marino Wiring a specialty,

THEO. HOFFMANN,32-t- d Manager.

A.KTISTTOCotiage Architecture.Complete Flans and Specifications and Ml

Working Drawings.

Desicns ot Now Model and ArtistioDwellings. From a $500 ArUtUlo Cottago jto n so.uou Dwelling, at Bovouty-lu- o percent loan than preBoat prico charged In n.

The owners and contraotora will incurno extra cipenBo on account of faultyspecifications or not furnihing complctoworking drawings to tho contractor for hisestimates,

A. V. GEAK,334.tf G09 King Streot.


noxt to T,uca8' Mill

Ships' Blacksmithing,Carriage Building

and RepairingDrays, Carts and

Wagon Building




Fitted up with all tho ModemAppliances for

Manufacturing and Repairing Vebicles

of Every Description.

Blacksmithing and Horso Shoeing.


areloplore STSHONOLULU

Carriage Manufactory128 & 180 FORT STREET.

Carriage BuilderAND HEPAiaEB.

Blacksmithing in All ItsBranck

W. IV. "WRIGHT, Proprietor.(Succoasor to G. West)

HOESE SHOEING3?ai Excellonco

(At tho Union.)

LEONARD NUNESnas just opened his shop ut T. 11. Murroy'fl

Cninugo Factory nnd will

Shoe Your HorseAt Bottom Figures,


Li i II IJ 6i A- .-

Strut, near Hotil) v

1 rt -- - .t.V'JJMM I . . V1&


Tjje Yokohama Specie BanlLIMITED.

Subsorlbod Capital Yen 12,000,000Paid Up Capital Yen 4.500,000ltcseno Fand Yon 4,130,000


BRANCHES AND AGENOIEB.Kobo, London, Lyons, Now York,

San Fr.ineihto, Shanghai,Bombay, Houg Kung.

Transact a General Banking and Exclmngo Unsiness.

Agency Yokohama Spotie BankNew Repntllc Building, HoioWo, H. L

S. KIMURA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

Wines.Liquors and Provisions, Sakl a specialty,

Allen Street. Telephone 703.

PALACE RESTAURANTFormerly tho Bay Horso Saloon

Corner Bethel and Hotel Streets, Honelulu.

bpeoial eatinci nousc:Privato Booms for Ladies and Gontlomon.

Upen from 6 a. m. to 1 in morning.Prico of Tickots, S4.50. Single Meal, 25o.

--N"ew Restaurant,Bethel street above Post Offios.

NICE AND CLEAN.Chioken on Tuesdays, Thursdays and

Satunlays. Ico Cream on Sundays. FineSalads with dlntier'e.ich dty.

Meals, 25o. 22 Tickets, $4.60.


Meals 25 Cents. gJNN.D. .Privato Boom for Ladies.

CpnNEn IToTcr, and Union Sts.


Arrived ptr S. S. "Australia."



American Goods,

EnglM Goods,

German Goods,

Chinese Goods,

Japanese Goods.

jleitf Qoods ! JgW Qooda !

I3f-- Come early and get jour iliolce.

kwokgHg loy,107-- 1) King St., near Castle A Cooke.

3M-3i- n

L. AHLO,No. 403, Nuuanu stroet

lias just received a new lino otDRY GOODS, LADIES AND QENT8


Agent for the followkig riea plantations)Waipio, Waiavra, Wuunaln, WalalaaICaneoho and Kapalawa.Cy My rioo from Knnooho is marked

L A nnd is guaranteed Al,P.O. Box 114. .... Telephono l9.

BHUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of tho United Btatos for tho HawaiianIslands,

Onxvi Merchant street, Honolulu.



Assets, - - - $10,000,000.


( Agonts for tho Hawaiian Islands.

410 Ilotfll street, nenrNuuaiirt.

J in portersOf All Kinds of Provisions,


Chinese Tea andGranger,

GROCERIES, --r RICE,All kinds ot Canned Fruit, Cigars,and a lnrge nssirtmont of goods toonumerous to mention at tho very


KAM TAIHas just received a largo con-

signment of


La Perla "Del Oriente "

OXGrJsJElSFinest Flavored Smoko in tho Market.

Hotel Street, oppo. Pantheon Barber Shop.in

WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nuuanu streot.

Importers and Doalors inGeneral -:-- 91crclinndl.se.

Fine Manila Clears. Chincso and Jananese Crockervware. Mat tinea. Vases of allkinds, Oamphorwood Trunks, BattanChairs. A lino Assortment of Drew Silks.Choicest brands of Chinese and Japanesexeas oi latest importation.fJT New Goods by oery steamer.

Mutual Tel. 2G0 P. O. Box 168

iTLgr X-i- e Co.,602 KING STREET,

FRESH :- -: FRUITSBy every California steamer.

Importers of all kinds of Ororerlc. Fruits,Canned Goods, CltfnM nml ToWfO',

at Lowest l'rlit.Fresh Vegetables AlttajH on Hand.

AH PING,Dealer in Chinese Tea, Cigars,

Peanut Oil, Sugar, Soap.Candles, etc., at lowestmarket prico. . : . .

Corner Nuuaun and l'auaht Btreets. 143--

HOP HING & COMPANY,Wholesale Dialers In

Chinese Silk, Ten, ami Uattlng,Liquors and Manila Cigars, English and

American Groceries.403 Hotel street. - Tclcplione 147

QUONG SAM KEE & CO.Importers and Dealers In

General Merchandise,145-t- f Corner King and Maunakca Sts



Water Pipes, laid and repaired,and plumbing neatly executed.

142- - No 11, Nuuanu Btrict

FOR . . .BwSt Imported Chineso Ten,


WARE, CIGARS, ETC,At lowest piicoH, go to

WING TAI LUNG.HI-- 311 Nuuanu street


Plnmbor & TinsmithDiMler In Tin aud Ajjate Ware.

All kinds of l'lumliinirdone In a Satlsfactor)Manner at LowiM Rates.

P. O. Box 374, 1312 4P3 Hotel Bt

LA.I SIjSTG- - keje.Fi.cmitr.ii.

ALL KINDS OF TIN WARE, CROCKERY,etc., at tlio very lowest prices. King streetmakal and Kwa of Maunskea,


All kinds of tinware, crockery,qto, at lo vest prices. . .

141 Nun ann and Hotel slroets

TOM CHUNG KEE,No. 47, ... . Nuuanu street.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gontlo-men- 's

Shoes.Roots and Shoes to order. I uso the best

material. Goods warranted towear well. 14- !-,

FOOK ON & CO.,Nuuanu Strut.

Just oponed now supoly of First-elos- s Shoesjustroceived,

Ladios' & Gonts' Shoo3 Mado to Ordor

From Anierioan and Fronch Ijeathers.

Mnkos Clothing to OltDHIt of thvery best m iti'nn.R nnd Iti the verylatest st lo, . , , .i

A. ."Perfect FibGru arantccirl




Cleaning and Repairing a Specify


To Whom It

May Concen.

This is to certify that C. AIok,has m&do several suits of clo&aifor rao and tho workmanshipur,been of tho best. I take pleatoKV

recommending him and SSmwork.


tjlm: kee,MERCHANT TAILORSuits to order. Fit Guaranteed. Fine )WttSuit, $5 up; Fino Tweed Pants, 4.fiFine Suit, $18 up. Clothes cleaned nfmpairod. 200 KING BTBEBC

P. O. Box 144

Chock Chce & Co., Merchant TaStarj,

Cl thes Oh an d nnd Bej aired.No. 322 Nuuouu gtrttt.

215-l- y P. O. BorMBa.

DTBINGHIf yon want your Clothos Dyed and wtto

to look new, call around at

CHOCK LOOK'SMerchant :- -: Tailoc

.48 Nuuann strict, P O Box; ISS.

C T. AKANANo. 324, Nuuanu street.


Flno Suitings rnado to order at lowest puoci145 Clothes ilismd and repaired.

320 Nnunnu Street.


Tino Suit'ugR from Hot Aunrican cbLil'nclish Cloth.

Clothe Cleanod and Repaired.

FasMoiiaWe Drtss Maker,

i3i ioi. r hntnLT.

Dressoa mode to order. Bowing k--

ranteod. If the stitihes broak I wiLpair without extra ch irgo. 307-U- a


STEREIt : AND : DEA&ER : IN . . . .

Furniture, Beddlnrj, Etc., tic.Contractor nnd Builder.

Ko. 80, Nnuuim street,nas on hand Collins, Camphor Trufei,,

Matting, WardrolKM, Desks, Jlntreis.ei.4ti,4J8f Call in and inupoot goods.


Contractors! 33uildera&.Furniture Dealers and Painters.


Fort Street, opponlto Club StahU.

Orient Planing IVKOct


Furniture of all Mods made and renasV.Building houses and making rice milium-clalt- y.

P. O. Box 103, corner King and IMMAstreets. IMS


317 Nuuanu St. F. O, B 14S.

Watchmakers and Manufacas-in- g

Jewelers.Repairing of Watilua and Jewelry. iESsWORK GUARANTEED.Importers of Watches and Clocks ol RcF141) Oradei,

illllli L.. liUltoHTiili jtrliinlil.,,!..!.! . HiijJil, ilH. i Uiixi" i w i, ti.ijMiii A I m i mi:krkifiriil,ii--rA-





if 'i



I ,


BX iUTHOMTr.ziz HA 31- -

Offloa of the Board ofM


At thgfcfttffuft of the Buntd of HealthUtikl thin .r. WtfXIAM O. fUTSti, Esq.,Ta 4f0t.nl Pi Hdfdsnt of tlie Board ofSdqUk, rice Pr. H. ft. Fror-cnn- resigned.

"v'r lj. . f - Reynolds,V JEx&cntfvo Qffleef Hdanl of Health.gQBoluIii'.'JnlySO. 1800. 3MM!t

' 'irrigation Notice.

JlolJeVa of water privileges, or those pay-

ing water rates uric hereby untitled thnt theBonr for Irrigation purposes nre from 0 to S

'clocl? A. M. nnd 1 to 0 o'clock i i.ANIMIEW liltJWX,

Superintendent Ilonoltilit Wnter Works.Approved:

J. A. Kino,Mlulalcr of the interior.

Honolulu, July 10, 1890. SSO-I-

5 Eueijii)( Bulletii?,


FRIDAY, JULY 81, 1896.


Our threo contemporarieshavo nil said thnt tho Departmentof Education roftiBed to allowChinese schools in tho Chineselanguage to bo opoued unless thopupils wero within tho yenrs ofschool ago thnt is, from six to.fifteen yours inclusive. The ex-

act contrnry is tho fact. Chinososchools for toaohiug Chinoso topupils moro than fifteen years ofage may bo conducted "withoutsaying, "By your leave?" to theDepartment of Education. Allschools for children within thocompulsory school age raut have,for their bnsis of instruction, thoEnglish language. Thus. childrenattending any private school thatmay not have such basis are lia-bi- o

to be arrested by tho truantofficer, and both themselves andIhoir parents or guardians sub-jected to tho penalties of tho vio-

lated law. This is n wholesomeprovision of tho law, ensuring, nsit docs, that tho great bulk of therising generation shall be, at leastrudimentarily, educated in thodominant lauguago of the country.It is a measure of justico nndequal rights to tho children, nprotection from tho possible short-sightedness and stupidity of thosoresponsible for thoir well-bein- g.

Ills Ctoiiraitce tittle

Iwakami, the Hotel street fan-

cy goods dealer, is about to com-toouc- o

n groat cloarauco Bale nndwill offer his largo stock at ridi-culously low figures. Mr. Iwa-kami is tho most enterprisingJapaueso merchant in tho city.His well selected stock indicatesjudgmont and caro. For a fewdays only you can purohaso ofhim tho following fine lines ntfifty per cent of ordinary prices:Veiy bt'st silk 50 cunts, negligeecrepe shirts at 85 cents, uudor-ahirt- s

at lfi conts, fino silk shirts,$1.50 up. Best crepe pyjamas,i'l upward. Kimonos 85 cents, otc.

Fred Harrison received by lastnight's steamer tho nows of thodeath in Snu Francisco of hisyoungest son, aged nineteenmouths.

Auffinn Siihs hy Ji's. F. Mimjan.

Auction Salts hy Jamex F. Morynn,

.Auction Sale.On SATURDAY, August I,

AT 10 0'Ct.OOK A. 31.,

At my salesroom, Qjcou Btnct, I will3ell nt i ubi.c aurlloii fur weonut of whniuit tuuy coiipera





JAS. F. MORGAN,5691 1 Auctloueer.

TW.J s ? TC:8r"V

flVmfll&Q BUJVLIWIS, JULY' 81. 1800.WmMttt


immiMJKortiK sooni son oir TnnK1SU or SiiCS&ASK.

lU'iniirUnlitp liutlMmliiNiii ol tlio Lon-

don Inlncp Visible Kniotlonf tlit- - VncrI)lo Qnecn.

Tho following is from thocabled report of tho Now YorkSun's correspondent, dated Lon-

don, July 22:Tho wedding of Princess Maud

of Wales to Priuco Charles ofDenmark has furnished anotherof thoso raro occasions whon thomasses and classos of Englandcan givo expression to tho extra-

ordinary affection in which thoyhold tho" royal family. Tho dayhas wituosod n series of populardemonstrations so SDontiuinnno,so genuine nnd bo overwhelmingthat tho Queen herself hns beenmoved to todrs in tho presence ofthousands of her subjects by thopublic proof of their heartfeltloyalty and devotion.

Tho significant nnd importantfeature of the event wns the mil-lion or more uninvited guests whothronged tho approaches to thoroyal ohapal, and cheered with tmenthusiasm which was infectiousand inspiring to the bridegroomand tho othor members of tho dis-tinguished company. It was notsupposed nt first that tho gencrnlpublic would take nny great inter-est in tho marriago of two personswho, only by remote possibility,will ever sit on any throno.

I ho Queen herself, with herwell known dislike to display nndostentation, desired to make thoevent ns much ns posuiblo a fami-ly affair. Gradually, howovor, itsscopo was enlarged, until a day ortwo ugo tho prcssuro of public in -

torest induced tho introduction ofcertain spectacular featuros fortho gratification of tho populardesires. It is not nn exaggeratipnto say that 1,000,000 persons triedto see and cheer tho royal brideand groom.

Nor was tho intorost confinedto tho common people. Govern-ment whips were unable to en-

force tho attondauco of memborsof Parliament this afternoon, andtho Salisbury Ministry sufferedd ofoat in one section of tho Irishland bill because their supporters,in defiance of the whips, troopedoff to get a glimpse of the royalwedding.

Ono of tho most pleasantfeatures of the gathering at Buck-ingham Palace was tho impromptureception by tho "grand old man"on tho terrace after tho weddinglunch. Looking younger thanwhon ho dropped tho reins ofGovernment moro than two yearsago, Gladstone greeted the formerassociates of both parties witli thowarmest cordiality. It was hisfirst semi-publi- appearance inLondon sinco his retirement intoprivate life, nnd tho personnel ofthe throng which surrounded thosplendid vetoran was proof enoughthat tho veneration in which ho ishold is now national and non-partisan.

Tho most toivhing incident oftho day was after all ollioial func-tions wero finished, tho bridalpair had gone away and most oftho guests had doparted ThoQueen entered her carriage to re-

turn to Windsor. Sho drove toPnddington station through St.J antes nnd llydo Parks. It wasa diivo of only fifteen minutes,but it brought her experiencewhich will livo long oven in tlioroyal momory. Every ono whohad tried to witi f" tlio enilh-- r

festivities of tlio day had waitedto see tho Queen on Iter doparturo.They waited in their hundteds ofthousands, patient and enthusiastic. Thoy tilled ovory inch ofspace outside the narrow path ofher carriago along tho rnilo ormoro she had passed.

'1 heir greeting to her cannot bo '

described. It wns n mighty, un- - j

ceasing roar, iuarticulato, yot sopregnant of meaning that itdominated tho emotions aH onlytlio voico of a vast multitude cando. Then was seen that "woman-liness as Queen and that quoenli-nos- s

as woman" which have chieflyondeared her to her people. Showas plainly affected by tho popu-lar tribute from tho moment ofleaving tho palace. Tho groatdemonstration seomod to reach a

Continued on Sth Fage.

wiuoL' HiASmt ..



Democratic Party AndThe abrmotor

Windmill.The singular situation of the

Democratic party at this timeis aptly illustrated by the storyof two Irishmen who occupiedberths in a sleeping car on oneof the great American railwaylines. A collision took placein the night and confusionensued. Both men dressedhastily, and when they emergedfrom "behind the curtains, Pat,recognizing his friend Alike,said to him, "Mike, are youhurted?" "No," said Mike,who in his haste to dress hadgotten into his trousers withthe hind Dart before. "I am not

I hurt, but am fatally twisted."i ne Democratic party, it is al-

most needless to remark, is likeunto Mike, "fatally twisted."

Instead of being twisted ina railway collision, however,Democracy seems to have beentwisted by wind. Whethersome remnants of the recentS't. Louis tornado hoveredaround the Chicago conventionor whether it was simply atornado issuing from the mouthof the"BoyOrator of the Platte"certain it is that windyeloquence carried the dav inthe Democratic convention,and from all accounts thecampaign will have to becarried through on wind, as thebanks refuse to. let the Demo-crats have any gold to runit with.

II the windy eloquence of aboy orator can force a Presi-dential nomination in favor ofan almpst unknown candidate,what must be the power of oldBoreas himself when he turnsloose a consignment of thereal article. We have seen it inthe almost total destruction ofa portion of the city of St.Louis and we have seen ittake a "twist" through Kapio-la- ni

Park just to show thepeople of these islands that weare not entirely forgotten.

Wind, however, properlyregulated and controlled is notonly a good thing in the mouthof a man like Wm. J. Bryan,but it is a better one in thecase of the Aermotor Wind-mill, and a very little of itwill answer the purpose. Themechanism of the Aermotor isof Steel and it is simplicitypersonified. A boy or anignorant Jap can run it andkeep it in order. Only a fewweeks ago we replaced a wind-mill set up in the grounds ofthe Queen's Hospital, whichwould not do the work re-

presented, by an Aermotor.There has been no troubleabout water since. The hospitalpeople are using more waterthan ever before, have more touse and yet the Aermotor onlyruns a portion of the time.For the first time in the historyof the institution, the trusteesare assured of water enough toirrigate the entire grounds and.the pipes will soon be laidto do so.

But enough said! Everybodyknows the Aermotor doesexactly what it is representedto do. To( those who have notexamined its simple construc-tion we would like to show asmall working model whichwe have in operation. .


Hawaiian Hardware Co.

LIMITED,Opposite Sprookels' Bank,



- t.-- upJ'i &

9 The Bulletin very kindlyI noticed oni now (topnrtuiontI that of

I CopperI Plate1 EiwraviiiQfa

in its columns of last wcok,and nlrendy the number oforders for this kind of work,convinces us that there hasbeen pressing need for Bitchwork in this city.

"N ithout making tho slightestbrag on tlio kind of work ourengraver is nblo to do, we foolso certain that wo can pleasetho over particular that therowill bo no longer any excusofor sending away for yourcards, or for nny of the finerembossing work, which youhave been compelled to do upto tho prosont momont.

Our PricesWill bo found to bo

jappeo hpcepOur stationery tho latest nnd

finest in use. Wo will keepposted on every new wrinklein tho work and you can restassured that nny work turnedout by us will bo correct nndtho kind you won't bo nshnmedof.

Will "you koop this work athomo by placing your ordorswith ub? You suvo tho oxponsoof mailing, to say nothing oftho long wait, so let us do yourwork.

H. F.Wickmaiiji3,,sisi3.,9iaisia'siajai3iaj3EiEi2i'i3i2J3isisiai


"-- --T jw irk iiw;j'jrOr,,""'r'H"

S7S.OOIf you are thinking of getting a

Bicycle, now is tho time to gotono while they last. This offor ofRamblers at $75.00 is not acut inprice, so don't wait oxpocting toseo tho price como nny lower. Wonre offering 1895 wheels nt thisprice and thore aro but a fow loft.Chis whool is fittod with tho

GJi-cn- t O. fc .T. Xive

which haB proven so satisfactoryin this land of tho

Kiawo ThornWo also have a stock of tho 180(J

wheols both ladios and gents whichwe aro offoring at a low figure audon easy tonus. Como in and havoa look at our wheols and satisfyyournolf that wouroin tlio BioycleBusiness.

A n InA'cstmentStop aud think how ninny Niok-le- s

and Dimes you might savphad yon a wheel. A ride to Wni-kik- i

is not only a pleasure but aBuro saving of health and strength.You will find new vigor by theusoof muscles novor bofqre broughtinto use.



E. 0. Hall & Son


We Have


ope You

Are Well Fixed.

1m r

BST'Wo refer of course to Footwear, particularly all tlio now shadop t

in colors for Ladies and Gentlemen.

If You Need Fixing1 osssssb..... Como in and Seo TJ."THIS HIT 'EM PLENTY." LAST MONTH.

The Manufacturers' Shoe Co.,

Big Shoe Store. C51G Fort Street.

jleW Arrivals in Our

White Linen Table Damask, good quality.White Linen Table Covers with Napkins to match.White Linen Bed Sheeting, 90 inch, at $1.50 per yard.White Linen for Pillow Cases, 45 inch, 60c per yard.Fine White Linen, 36 inch, 60c per yard.Red Table Damask, 60c nnd 70c per yard.White Damask Table Covers with .Red Borders, $1.50

and $1.75 a piece.White Damask Doilies, $1.50 a dnzon.White Damask Doilies with Red Border 75c and $1.25 a


B. F. Bhlers & Co., Fort Street

A Complete

Line of





'Martha Davis'


Castle & Cooke


m V oraEHT

y t,

Linen "Department!


This is hot weather, foodspoiling weather, unless the '

proper attention is given to re-

frigerator suggestions. There'sall sorts of devices for keepingfood fresh, good, bad or indiff-erent. Some of tho named re-

frigerators aro no better- - thandry goods boxes; tho lining Isnot right and the systemof draught and air circulationis defective.

In tho United States thorewere complaints against theGurney, complaints wo hadnot heard of hero. When wowere at tho Coast a few Aveeksago, wo took tho troublo toinvestigate and learned thattho objections wero all right,but they wero against tho Gur-ney Challenge rofrigerator andnot the Gurney Clcanable.

We soil tho Clcanable; wereappointed solo agents for theHawaiian Islands and wodon't sell any othor. ThoGurnoy Cleannblo is linedwith mineral wool, tho great-est non-conduct- or known toscience; tho Gurney Chal-lenge is lined with charcoaland id a cheap combinationthat is unscrvicoblo.

Foods are easily kept sweotand appetizing with a rightrefrigerator to help. Yoursummer health is easier keptthan regained. Thero aromany refrigerators, some ex- -cellont ones., huf. nnnn nnuol v..w.w v.,UUi UUU

trurnoy Uleanable, Profits aroforgotten when wo sell them.

Von Holt Building.





2. " h ,'-j-.i j..i... ,

iutomumMmu mfmmu 4: J .&&., :v,-,t- wStiteMtet&iL, ,.M .J


:fif. V v



' . James Stetner is home ngalu.

Mra'. w. 0. Peftcook ftrrivcd by I

the Manpoaa last ulgbt.(pThfire was another wedding and

fl.ro alnrm Inst ntgUt.'

TNte baud will givo tho usilnlAouoeM- at Emma Squnro tomor-Av'iftftGrnoo- ii.

iO H 'UJifa baseball gatno tomorrownvlfr bo botwnon tho Iloiiolulusand First llegimeuts.

At the Catholic church lastovcning Belinda Yiorrn and LouisAriiuud were married.

Ohio clerk Dow of tho Mar-shal's ofliico is tho proud posses-sor of a handsome pair of walrustusks.

Tho Muripoda eamo down injust seven days. Sho was detainedby tho non-arri- val of tho Englishmails on time.

Alox. Young, Miss Young andMiss Bortha Young returned fromthoir trip to tho Coast by tbo

t Mariposa.Tho Hawaiian Hardware Com-

pany tolls about tho virtues of thoAormotor windmill today in itsspecial column.

It was 1:30 p m, before thoMariposa cot away. Thero worevorj few people on tho wharf towitness her departure.

Politics in tho United StatesseomB tohavo occupied everyone'sattontion on tho street today, tothe exclusion of local matters.

Rev. S. S. Palmer, who will offi-

ciate at Central Union churchduring Mr. Biruio's vacation, ar-riv-

on last night's steamer.

It is seven years siuco tho Wil-cox insurrection, when tho in-

surgents hold tho palace a wholoday, under an almost stoady lireof sharpshooters.

Among tho arrivals on tho Ma-

riposa was Bon Holladay, a pro-minent capitalist of Portland,Oregon, who is tho guost oE Air.and Mrs. W. G. Irwin.

E. O. Hall & Son havo somo-thi- ng

to say in this issue in ro-g- ard

to Rambler bicycles. Pricesfor 1895 and C models are given.Read tho ad. if you waut a "biko."

In tho District Court this morn-ing eight cases of hooping tono-mo- nt

houses without a liconsowero settled upon tho payment oftho costs in each case, the partieshaving taken out licenses.

James F. Morgan will sell athis auction rooms tomorrowmorning at 10 o'clock, for accountof whom it may concern, a quan-tity of cotton wadding, ladies'jerseys, trimmod hats, shirts,dresses, etc.

Undor instructions from H.Hackfold & Co. James F. Morganwill hold a groat credit auctionsale of now goods on Wednesdayand Thursday next, August 5thand Gth, at 10 a. m. each day.Tho sale will tako placo at hisauction rooms.

Sir Thomas Esmondo, author oftho amendment to tho laud billonwhich tho Government was defeated in committee, visited Houo-Jul- u

in 18S9 in company withHon. John Dillon. The visitorswero ontertainod at a banquet andprosuntod to Kin Kalakaua.

Abdul, tho East Indian whosodotention at tho station houso wasnoted yesterday, was callod to ac-

count on a clmrgo of obtainingmonov under falso protoncos. Hopleaded guilty of bogging on thostreets somo months ago, but sen-tence was suspended during goodbehavior.

Mr. B. Borgorson has roceivoda lottor from L. E. Carlsson, for-

merly head luna of Kahnku plan-tation and well-kno- wn hero. Mr.Carlsson is now in Sweden, hav-

ing made a tour round tho worldvia China, Japan, Siain, India,Suez, Egypt and Europe. Ho ox-- "

poets to return to tho Islands in ayear or less.

Oflicor Toraa was looking for adeserter from Waianao plantationall day yesterday but withoutavail. Ho ran across him acci-

dentally at tho iiro last night.Tho fellow denied his identity nndwhilo they wero disputing aboutit another Japanese came up andaddressed him by the name calledfor in the warraut.


Makes Better Bread and Pastry thanAny Other Known Brand.

Ask Your Grocer For It.

UNION FEED GO., Sole Agents.

ii mm ttamtma'tLieutenant H. Ludoi(J has a

soil, born today.Companies G And H 010 order-

ed to drill this evening.Tho China made her laat trip to

tho Coast in 6 days, 11 hours and11 minutos.

Tho Chiuoso horso roploviuenso is on, for tho third day, bo- -

toro Judgo Carter.Nows is recoived of tho doath c f

tho mother of Norman E. andDr. Donald Godgo.

Tho .J. T. "Watorhouso storecalls attention to its sterlingarticles for tho household.

Tho S. S. China had a small-pox case among her Chiuoso pas-sengers on arrival at San Fran-cisco, after leaving throo cases oftho disoaso at Honolulu.

Sam Wo Chan has opened anow Btoro on Nuuanu strootj nearKukui, for tho salo of chickonsand ducks, cggB, bananas andvegetables of his own raising.

Mrs. Dr. Hildebrand lost alargo silk umbrolla yoBtordayBoraowhero between the corner ofPunchbowl and King streets andThomas square Tho finder willbo rowardod on its return to horoffice, corner Borotania and Fortstreets.

Auction Sales by Jas. F. Morgan.

real! Auction

Under instructions from MessrcH. Huokfold & Co., I will holdan Tmnortant Trndo Salo of NEWGOODS nt my Salesroom, Hono-lulu, on

Wednesdayand Thursday,August 5th and Gth,

Commencing at 10 o'clock a.m.each day.

The Assortment comprises

GROCERIESAmoskeag Denims,

"White Shirtings,Brown Cottons.


Buckets, Tubs, Sauce Pansand Tea Kottles, Crockery andGlassware, Paints and Oils,Hubbucks' White Lead andZincWrapping Paper in Bales.Market Baskets, Demijohns,Trunks, Furniture.

Complete lines of the abovearticles will be sold at anyprice.

Liberal Terms at Sale !

JAS. F. MORGAN,3GQ Gt Auctioneer,


At Auction.On TUESDAY, August 4,


nt the rosldcnco of A. M. MEU.1S, E"0 .

Emilia street, opposite Emmu Sqimro I willpell lit Public Auction, tlie entire Householdt urnlluru, roiupruing:

J.anjo Canter Rug, Size 16x15,Wicker Cl.uis nnd Hookers,WleUer bofu, I'lusli Sk-a-

1 Antique Oak Secretary & Book Case,

A Choice Collection of Books.l'ortlcrcs, I.neeCurtnllia nnd Poles,

1 Kino Muutul Clock, Murblv;

B. "W. VI. . Bedroom ct,llnlr Mnttre-se- e, Improved Mosquito Nets,I'plinlatered I.ounijes, I.are;e Hook Case,II. V. Sldebonrd, 1). W. Extension Tabic.

1 Fiqe DECOfaised Diqqei1 efc,

Crockery, Olass nnd Plated Ware,Double Iron Bedstead, Single Hcdstead,

Sowing Machines, Sowing Tables,Large SwlnctnK Mirror.

1 Flora Stove and Utensils, '

Ice llox, Ferns and Plants, Etc., Etc.

J57" Premises open to Inspection on Mon-

day, August 3d, from U a. m. to 3 p. in.

JAS. F. MORGAN,3GS-4- t. Auctioneer.

Highoet of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. dlov't Report.

tta . tftf WH V.dfe

Cniiitultti'il lo tho Asylum.

Hoy Shun, a Chinaman, hasbeon commitlod to tho InsanoAsylum. In describing his casoto tho committing magistrate Dr.Emerson testified that ho had beenhore oil and on for six years, thatho was moderately addicted tothe use of samshu and until fouror five months ago had boon aninveterate opium smoker. At thattime ho became convorted toChris-tianit- y

and dropped tho habit.Three weoks ago he became ox-cito- d,

talked incohorontly and gotinto the habit of praying in pub-lic

CurativeSkin Soap

Wo perspire a pint a day with-

out knowing it; ought to". Ifnot. there's trouble ahead. Thoobstructed hkin becomes mllow or

breaks out in iniples. . Tlutriub'o goi's deeper, but this is

trouble enough.

If you ! Curative Skin Soap,

no mailer how often, the skin is

clean and' soft and open and clear.

Don't use any either but Curative

Skin Soap on the baby if uu wantits skin kept free from blemishes

which torment the little ones.

There's no duiibt about its being

tho b,-s- t and purest medicinal

Try it.

Hobron Drug Co,

! ABSORBINEtrill reduce Inflamed, swollen JoInU,

PUFFS n Bnf 8o't Bunch t' pleasant to me; does noTUMORS, Dlliter under bandage ornnn c rereoTO tho hair. (X00UUILD, bottle. At regular deal-ers, or W. P. YOUNG. P. D. F..34 Amherst St., Bprlnafleld, Dims,Circulars II you want tlicui.

Hobron Drug Co.SOLE AGENTS.

Why Pay $110

For a Bicycle- - aiU rSlfthat sells in tbo Coast for $"",whon you cftu buy nu honoatBicyclo at an bouost price at

The v CIcycU v Agency

1S0G Model $100.1S05 Model Id.1S05 Model, ladies 70.

H. E. WALKER,Mauonlo Tomplo.

Attention, Company G-- .

AltMllUV fOMI'ANY O, N. f. II.,Honolulu, July 31, 1SU0. j


GEVEHYl lieroliy orderod to reportDrill Shed, THIS (Friday)

EVENING, July 31, 1800. uto'clock, for Prill.

JOIINM. KEA,300-l- t Cnplaiu Coimuiuulm

Attention, Company H.Aumoky Company H. N. O. II.,

Hoxolclu, July 31, 1SU0.


HALL N. (1, II., n to hereby onloretlnt tho Drill Shed. THIS

(Friday) EVENING, July 31, 181)0,

at 7:30 o'clock, for Drill.T. 1. MUltnAY,

300- - It Captain Oommnnding.


noxt to the Whito Houho, Nuuanu street.$25 per month. The Furniture in theIioiiho ia for salo. Apply to

308-t- f A. V. GEAR.



Auction Sales by Jas. F. Morgan.




On Wednesday,August 12, 1896,

At 12 O'clock Noon,

At uiy Salesrooms, Queenstreet, I will sell at

Public Auction,

One Hundred


Residence Sites!

Situated on the Ewa side ofNuuanu Valley and above thejunction of Liliha and Wylliestreets.

The location of these lots istho most desirable in thesuburbs of the city.

The site commands an ex-

tended view of tho city andtho surrounding country.

As a residence location forthose who wish to escane themalarial atmosphere of tho lowJaiuls of tho city, tho situationof these lots cannot be equaled.

As a safe and paying in-

vestment, parties will bear inmind tho wonderful apprecia-tion in values of lands adjacentto tho city in tho past few years.

Tho Government water mainis laid to tho lots.

That these lots may bo with-in tho reach of all, wo offer thofollowing unparalleled terms:

First Cash, with a discountof 10 percent.

Second $25 cash, balanceat $5 per month.

Third $1 0 cash, balanco at7.50 per month.


JErFor furthor particulars,apply to


Take an Outingr




TruitiH will leiivo at 9:15 a. m.

and 1:45 p. M., nrriviiiR in Hono-lulu ut 3:11 and 5:55 p. M.


Pearl City $ 75 $ tEwa Plantation... 1 00 1

Wnianao 1 50 ISN. FERNANDEZ.


OrFiGKi 208 Morohant street, CampbellBlock retr of J. O. Carter's office, V. O.llox3M. .,, 310--


35-- iiwmw. "i-

Novelties in Wish fabricElegant Goods ! Latest Designs I


N S S520 Porb

Dimities,. 'r

uslins $ LawnsTho Handsomest Assortmentever exhibited

AND PATTERNS!Latest Combination of Colors



.N"ew "Veiling, ISTew Laces,Dresden Kibbons, Kid G-loves-.,

Inspection solicited.




WIU poiltlvcly


.A-- t of. . .




t-es- mmili,l& anf &,$'


A c H S ft'Jm




Grand Clearance Sale

JNTIEE STOCKXJnheax'cl 3?rices.



of Wash Goods

commence on

out our




teassv2- V i ?e J0s

to kumisi 8th !

The Secretary Disc PlowfiJSTAVE ARE THE SOLE AGENTS. jfl


JULY 27th, I80l,v

And Will Last


y- -

3r E3rLtire Stoclr is HEaxlred. -- J

BEiuOlWr COSTA Special Line of Dress Patterns

. IWAKAMI,TToWl Street, HobinsonJBlock

'V &M,7




t' 'V.







mM ; V i kir.,V' ". i"



1 rtiwnm 1 tread ttpiln n jthWhich nanglit but InrltiK Iwatity liatb,Iijr ilarlt Breen bank of conxtnic utruani,AH Klnrlnux In Ita llnxhlDK li'ino,Winding nfar through coollnc xhailnOf woven urnnchod, thick kavwl nrendo,Ita soft mom uonlrrs flower llmtimlIn llcckliiK light by clouds no'cr dimmedA womlrotw eeno, tint lart unfurl'dTho big roo garden of tlio world.Ah, fulrt Bo fair, It van but acornTo pllgrlma In n iltrp, doep dreamThti vision when In I.lfc'a young daysEnthusiasm aproads a hazoBy which n color flno Is wroughtUpon each ambition sought,A vision Btlll to him who walksIta farther end, past Ufolesi stalks.Tho trav'ler who the best con tellThat In mlrago Ideals dwell-T- hat

for all buds that ho has foundAshes of roses strow tho ground.

Then each will fadot

No one Is truoTo cheer when cvorjr roseate huoHas vanlihed In tho gloomy gray,And nil bright visions flco away.Bweethoart tho true, tho fairer grownFairest that yon are truo alone.


Milk Jar.Milk jars, or bottles, now bo common-l- y

used, were introduced about 15 yearsngo. A gentleman farmer of Litchflold,Conn., a man of wealth, who ownedblooded cows, finding with the increaseof his stock his milk muuily rwlflbeyond his own needs, decided to selltho surplus. Ho desired to put upmilk ii somo distinctive form, and hocamo to New York to the headquarters

of a glass works and asked to havogot up for him somo of a glasspackago that would bo suitablo for thoporposo and oonvonibnt for Shipping. Ajar was produced that was substantiallysimilar in form to tho ono now in use.Tho first jars wcro provided witlt glassstoppers. These wcro found to break tooeasily, and a metal stopper was soonsubstituted.

This form of package for milk at onebecanio popular. Tho owner of thp farmfor which tho milk jar was first modoturned his form over to a stock company,which increased its production greatly.It remains a largo establishmentand one whoso dairy products are wellknown.

Many other milk producers adoptedtho milk jar, and its general uson 'ti-

ed rapidly. Probably at least 76 rxoor.t of tho milk for family nso is dolir-cre-d

now in bottles. There nro millionsof bottles in constant u?e, and the num-ber pnnUif( d annually to mal;i' gut id thebreakage aud to supply tho increasingdemand is about 20,000 gross. NewYork Sun.

rlauilblr, but Improbable.A man in Oklahoma heard a noise at

his office door, and thinking that it wassoma .ono peeping through tho kcyholoho injected a little pepper suuco into itWhon ho went home, his wifo told himho had ba oattiag wood and a ebip

flow up in her oyo. Washington Times.

How to Look Intellectual. ",

"That Miss Dawson is n stnpid look-

ing girL""Yes, isn't she?"VSomebo'dy ought to pcrenado her to

wear eyeglasses. "Chicago Record.

In It 'ninp.

Climato of every vnrioty exertsa different influence on the do-Bir-

6 nmnldud for n. stimulant.In colder zones beverages of groatalcoholic strength are used to avery much largor degree than inthe tropica. Beer is host suitedto our climate- and found in

market is better than thatbenring the brand of "Paiist;Milwaukee." It is browed fromthe best o malt and hops and isa great thirst quencher and invi-gorat-

and stimulates tho nervesand muscles. At the Iioyal, Cos-

mopolitan and Pacific saloouB itmay be found, cold and puro. In-terchangeable chocks aro issuedwhich may bo used at any of thethroo resorts.

Mechanics' Homo, oorner Hoteland Nuniinu strwla, lodging byday, week or month. Tonus: 2fand oO cents per night' il, and$1.2.1 uer week.

City Carriage Co.. J. S. And.rncle, manager. It you want a

haok with good horse and care-ful driver ring up l'elephono 113.oorner of Fort and MerohontBtmets Haok at nil boms.

Seattle is fast becoming h greatcity. One thing which.. rjakeB itfamous is Seattle becij which youfind at tho Criterion. A goodthing alwayB makes its mark.This is one of best thing-- , onearth.

Singers lead the world. Ovor13,000,000 made and Bold. High-est awards' at the World's Colum-bian Exposition for w.colloneo ofconstruction, regularity of motion,oobo of motion, great' speed, ad-

justability, durability, easo oflearning and conyWonco of ar-rangement. 13. Borgorsen, agent,King and Bothol streets.

WHn B WiB HfllTnellmuTorlTW with Thrnnt, T.nnp or WtlroKUriUiifi t,amriJi',Hccifulu, Allium, or ,Vr;n Im ji-

lt v, otc will given a IkiUIii ot JIICI'JIOUriMTK KMULSION fur trial. Call at

luravf'lnLwrrn Uroir n.,Ilonn1nlii, 11. I. "Jt'agumi'l tit I'tUUlUt u M1IX or JIoucv,

This It tho complaint ofthousands at this EiSl'EThey havo no nppctite; fooddocs not relish and (alls to digest,causing Bovcro suffering. Such pcoploneed tho toning up ot the stomach anddigestive organs, which a course ot Hood'sBarsaparllla will them. It also puri-fies and enriches tho blood, cures that dis-

tress after eating andInternal Misery

Only a dyspeptic can know, creates anappctlto, overcomes that feeling ondbuilds up and sustains tho wholo physicalsystem. It so promptly end effectivelyrelieves dyspeptic symptoms and curesnervous headaches, that it seems to havoalmost " a magic touch."

Dlstross After Entlng."I havo been troubled with indigestion

for somo tlmo. Alter eating anythingthat was sweet I was sure to oxpcrloncogreat difficulty and distress. Last fall Ibegan taking Hood's Barsaparllla and am

to say that my stomach troublo hasentirely disappeared. I can now cat ahearty meal of almost any kind of food

and have no troublo afterwards. Hood'srJartapaniu t sno me ot ntrvousspells." JOHN H. HOMKIOnAUBBN,

Wheatland, Iowa. Buch cures prove that


Is the best In facttho One Truo Blood Purifier.Prepared by C. I. Hood It Co., Lowell, Mass.

cure nausea, Indigestion,HOOd S PlllS biliousness. 23 cents.

Hotaron Drag Co., Agents.

Seaside ResortWright's Villa,"

A Short Distance from tho Bridge,Waikiki.

Tourists and othors will find it tondvnntnt;o to visit tlio above renort, nsthey will meet with every accommodationthat comfort requires.

liltS. TflOB. WEIGHT,325-t- f Proprietress.

OBNTEAlKona Sanatorium.Situated on a Beautiful Ulllside Overlook-

ing tho Ocean, and 1300 feetabove Sea Lorol.

Only 24 honra nail from Honolulu.Climato mild, dry atmosphere, freofrom fogs and malaria, especial provisionfor quiet and rest as well as for amuso-me- nt

nnd outdoor lifo.XST Abdress

DK. H.A.LINDLEY, Trop.,323 Koua, Hawaii.

G. R. Harrison,Practical Piano Maker and Timor,

Con JFumlsft (ha BestFactory Reference.

Office, Fort street, opposite Catholic School.Tclcphono 234, 412 nnd 100.

B3 Ordors promptly attended Ip.

243-t- f

atteudantti, promptueBS.

w- if










J. P. RQDBIQUES,Fort Street, opposite ll&ckield's,


Make You





A Now Lot of Nice Goods JuBtEecoived. Cleaning and Ro- -pairing. 215-t-f


AJNTTTYou Want Them toiJl Fit. . . .

ANThot climate ill-fitti-

r clothing not only looks sloven-ly but is uncomfortable to wear.

order to ensuro handsomeand comfortnblo suits, qual-ity and make of which aroguaranteed, call avound at

Metros & Decker'sai'd you'll you want.

Tr.r.r.rnoNK O. Box 298.

Merchant Strket.


left with lis, Careful drivers, rosnectfalBrtikes. lluuiies.rLnotoHs, Wagonett'.B.


Hartford Fht Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn.Assets, 0,220,213.09. Income, ?7,OCO,1C3.0S.

London r Lancashire Fire Insurance Company, (U. S... branch), Liverpool, England.

Aesots, $2,700,870. Income, SI.SSO.OOO.

Talatine Insurance Company, (U. S. 'Branch), Blanches-te- r,

England.Astcts, 2,8.10,2S0.28. Income, S3,04f,0W4.(0.

&F" Insnres Fiist-clnF- s Mercantile and Manufncturinp 111k) h nnd Dwelling l'ro.perty in the above Companies on tlio most favorable teiius.

ImL- - 3Do-wsett-,

CLUB STABLES,ZFort Street, - - - - OTel. --47'7r

BOARDING, -:- - SALE -:- - AND -:- - LIVERY.

!BI5E3s.ICI3ra-- X3IOI3SEJS--

A specialty.



The best ot attention irfveif -- to ntiimnlsIluolss, Siinios,

mm 4iii




In this


get what

Gil. 1


CLAV8 Sl'linOKELS. Vm. . InwiM.



San foancUco Agent Tub Nevada opBan Fuancisco,

duatv exciianoe onBan Viiancisco Tho Nevada Hunk of San

Francisco.London Tlio Union Hank of London, Ltd.New American Exclianjjo National

Dank.Ciiioaoo Merchant Nationnl Hank.Pakis Comptolr National d'Eteompt dc

l'nris.llEiiMN Drcsdncr Bank;Honokono and Yokohama Hongkong &

Slianichal Banking Corporation.New Zealand and Austualia Bank of New

Zealand.ViCTOitlA and Vancooveu Bank of Mont-

real.Transact a General Banking and Exchange Bnslness

and Ordinary Dcpolsts Received.Loans made on Approved Security. Com-mercial and Travelers Credits Issued. Billsof Exclintico bought and sold.Collections Pjiomitlt Accounted Fob.

r. o. JOKES. B. A.

The Hawaiian


Investment Co.HAVE FOR SALE

A Sharoa ot

Pain, Sugar stock,Ilnwaiinn Sugar Co. Stock.


Hawaiian Government and 1stMortgage Sugar Planta-

tion Bonds.For particulars apply to

The Hawaiian Safe Deposit &investment company,

408 Fort Btroat .... Honolulu

--Established 1858


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, available in the principal- - citiesof the world? e1 fVM : M

U i- . j, .

Teo. B'im Q,


Commissicm .. Agents I

Dry Goods,

Hardware and

Groceries."One. of tho divinest benefits thut hos ever come to the

human mco."TIiomas Carlylc'


1 i

Pipes, Tobacco,Cigars andSmokers' Articles.

Wo import from the Princi-

pal Factories of the World.

Fine Qigars a Specialty

HOLLISTER &Corner Fort and Merchant Sts.



"Wholesale and Retail- -

Bulletin, 75c. Per. Month




ItCures! Yes, CuresIT

Mrs. Utter Had Serious

Kidney and Brain

Stubborn Rheumatic


All Praiso to the Great

Medicine That Made

Her Well.


for the Islands


Paso Robles, Cal., May 1, 1893.

Wells, Richardson & Co.,Gentlemen: I cannot speak too highly of Panic's Celery Compound. I

have just purchased the third hottlc, and am sure that tho medicine, with God'sblessing, has relieved me of a serious all'ection of kidney and brain trouble anda stubborn case of

I feel very grateful that I was so fortunate as to learn of tllis medicinethat makes people well.


"Very "

"Wholesale Agents





itiukL ." .w .,.' WJiatoifc;.. ... lXJk. l-'- yi.,aitk.. ebtL rA ' iiLMimtmmmmmmmmttatDiimm





























EVENING BULLETIN, JULY 31, 1896. XZgwj.w wiiw wtiwm n iwm tmrnmm wt u mwr ; iflffjm Wwtwiwstrtfl m


Tho grim old oak whoso brunches thin findhoary

Wcro strickon down in rnln low? niroThe snmmor klasofl into fragrant glory ,When crooning beta toll many n gwoot love

story,And all tho wealth of honeysuckles blow.

Hound tho bnro branches, crack'd nnd gnarl'dnnd seamy,

A my rind trumpoti for tho elves unfold;And for nnd near thuio floats u parfumo

dreamyFrom clustering mnssos crimson, fliisli'tl and

orenmy,Soft as girls' blushes deep as molten gold.

iilko JIanindrynd from tho old trunk springingForth to fresh youth amid tho sweetness

thoro,Or bluo oyod wood nymph In wild cadenco

singing,My llttlo duughtcr eager spoil Is bringing,

Tho honeysucklo falling on her hair.

Ah I when your summer comes to you, mytreasure,

And as llfo's path grows wider to your feet,Heavon send you gifts In no unstinted meas-

ure.Tour two hands full of works mlz'd pain and

pleasure;And tho Boft flushos of lovo's rnpturo swoot.

But, more than all, tho Inner naturo waking,Tho hidden frugranco yielding to God's sun;

Yi'huro other hearts in chill despair urd breaking,

And grief and ruin grim dark wrecks aremaking,

Of lives by gladness Into beauty won.

I would not wish for you the narrow prison,Thu trim kept borders of thu orthodox;

But charity dlvlno from lovo'ij own chrismI'till, retl nnd golden, freo from bigot schism,

Liko honeysucklo garland on your locks.Wumanklnd.

Sulphur Baths.Somo of tho Rulplrar batlm in Hun-

gary unrt Bosnia nro sights worth goingfur to sec.

At ono placo, Ilidzc, near Scrnjovo,thoso who thirst fur sulphur uro showninto small cells just liko tho cells of itprison. Light streams in faintly from asmall skylight, hut the batli ia not to bodiscovered until tho bather's cyea aroaccustomed to tho semidnrkness nnd hohas been in tho placo fouio minutes.

Then ho becomes nwnro that there isin ono corner of his cell a small flightof stops leading to n rough hewn basin intho very bowels of tho earth, so to speak.

Tho sulphurous water gushes up intho basin, and tho odor of it is not to bodescribed. Yet people travel hundredsof miles to enjoy it, and tho doctors ravoabout its medicinal qualities. LondonTit-Bit- s.

The Flight or Scene.

Wild gecso conduct their migrationin an extremely methodical fashion.Tho birds form themselves into linesshaped liko an old fashioned drng orharrow. Sometimes thoro nro two rows,0110 behind the other. Thero aro nlwnysdistinct leaders, but theso very soontire, and by careful watching with aglass ono may sco tho leaders drop backand others tako their places. It has beenHuggistid th it this auiu.gii !iit i m"i

tho principle of n ticket ofllco window,nnd that nil of tho ganders successivelytako tho leadership. When weary, tlmyfall back to tho rear ami others coilio:up. If tho flock is scattered by shot oraccident, they may immediately formngaiu. Now York Ledger,


After the Lone Arctia Night.Tho inhabitants of tho Httlo villager,

in tho arctic circlo ' have nearly threemouths of steady night. It is tho annualcustom that cu tho day when tho unitrises nb-v- tho horizon after tho longReason of darkness tho inhabitants allstand in line, facing tho returning orb,and greet it with a military salute. Noother effect than that of paleness of com-plexion is in tho natives aft-er this long time at night. Tho pallorsoon passes away with tho snn'H return.In Bodo tho sun can bo seen nt midnighton Juno 8 ; in Tromso it can bo seen onMay 20; in Ilanuncrf&t, orns'far as thoNorth capo, tho midnight sun may boseen as early as May 13 or 16. NewYork Herald.

Ho Knew It.Tho lawyer laid usido tho story of

Edison's life and looked out of tho clubwindow.

"What a lot of money thoro ia in pat-ents 1" ho said nt last.

Tho invontor looked up in surprise."Sure," ho replied. "Tho troublo is

to get it out."Thou ho thought of tho number of

times ho had failed and sighed dooply,wliilo tho lawyer thoughtfully an-nounced that in that particular foaturoono lino of bueiness was very much likoanother. Chicago Post.

Might ISo UkcIuI.

Merchant You say you nro an or-

phan.Applicant For Position Yes. Z

haven't a living relativeMerchant Well, I'll tako you. I

plight to get n lot of work out of yonduring tho baseball season. Philadel-phia Itecoiil.

'"' Nicely furnished rooms at thoPopular House, 151 Fort street,from S1.00 per week up.

A. J. Dorhy, D.D.S., Dontnloflioo Cottage No. 100, AlukeaBtrot't, t'lli-pj'""- ' o. GIG. Otlioehours 0 a.m. to 4 r.M.

There is a handsomo piece ofproperty, 70x100 foot, on tho cor-

ner Prospuut awl Mackfold streets.It is nil fonced ready for buildingand water pipua nro laid on. En-quire of H. M. Dow.

The Criterion Saloon ia a

cold betittio ber. on draughtthouo. It makos one's mustachecurly nnd puta npy life into thefoiling coimumptWb,


P. D. Corsets

In "White,Pink,

Cream,and G-ra-y .



4 $ GOrW

AT- -



Dr. W. L. Mooreern-d-.

IIllo, Hawaii.

Special nttcntlon given to diseases of thocj'u and car.

OUlco hours j"1"! am.pra.

Wnianucmto Ave. noar Court House. lO.I-t- f

:-- Dr. Russel, -- :

Office, Masonic Building.

notirs: - 1M1 am, 3- -5 pra. : Telephone 484

Residence, Tt'U'i'lionofiTIi,103-l-



Emma Street, near Boretania.KJ?" Hours: 3 to Hi and 7 to 8 P; m.


TELEPHONE 023.1Offlca: Corner of Fort and Borotnnin


Ofllco flours: Otoll n. va., 1 to4p.ni,Snndtiy, I) tn 10 n. in.

I. MORI, M. D.,Ofiico: Comer Fort and Knkui sts.

Eosidenco, Arlington Hotol.Hours: 7 to 8:30 am; 4 to 8:30 p va; Sat-urday nnd Sunday, 1 to (5 p m. Tel. 530.

Dr. C. B. High.,DENTIST.

Qrndunto Philadelphia Doutal Collogo,1802.

3yEason.io Temxle.A. C. WALL, D. D. S.,

PjENTTIST.Hotel Street, Arlington Cottngo.



Honolulu, II. I.co: 111 .Merchant street.





.hiss .tr. i'. r.nir:iii:it.Okficisi Brnce Waring it Co., Fort


ToalUnlbrlng Willi Tliroat, I.nnc or Walln l)lcw(HoniarUfatarrli.Pcriidils, AXhina, or Xfrvoni J)cWJ.

1JI.VN nilOCOhATi; KJIIIWION for Irtal. Collturuof lifiu.iKTru nruir in.lloiiftlnln, Jl. I, "JtuliiranUua at I'aliit&tlii at iiU or Uguiy.

Castle & Cooke--






Win. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wra. G. Irwin, - President nnd MnnnrjerOlnus Spreckels, - - - Vice-Presid-ent

W. M. Giffard, - Soorotary and TreasurerTheo. O. .Tortor, - - Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.AQENT3 OF TUB




Queen street, Honolulu, H.I.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Company, Onomca Sur.itCompany, llonomu Sugar Company, Wallukuouj;;ii vaincc sugar company, maKcesuear company, llalcakala Ranch Comnat: ly, Ka- -papala Ranch. 1'lantcrs' Line San 'Vts II1CISCO.......... , ...... ..utkni.i vvi a 1..111C if iiiniunI'arkcts. Akciui. Coar.l ol I'mlcrwritcn.Agents n,ii,iJe,iia l!o.ril of Underwriters.

LIST OF OFilCEJlS:P 0 Jones, Prcsidont; Goorgo n Robertson,Manager; E F Bishop, Treasurer and Sec-retary; Col. W FAllou, Auditor; OM Cooke,u waicrnouso, A w tarter, Directors.

Club Hotel,(Mrs. D'Arcy, Proprietress.)


,First-cl?s- s In ,r...,Every Respect.

Terms Reasonable I

Berotanin, near Fort Street.

oeaveH. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.


Tea and Coffeeat altj nouna,


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON UAND.

Eagle -- :- HouseNuiiiiiili Avenue.

DilRL KEEMME. FrnpriBtor,

Now management. Commodious rooms.Tnblo Uoaril tho liucrit, iucludiug uiuuyPalatable Gorman Dishes.

Board and Room, per wcei $6.50 to $7.50

Table Bowl, per week. . i . . .$5.00


1. 2Cr3-w.no- , - 2rop.Por Dny ; . 8 2.00For Week ,. 12.00

The Best of Attemlnnco, tho Heat Silun-tio- u

and tho Finest Atenls in- - tliis City

1. H.OKJN1

Hotel Btreot, near Fort.

BREAD, PrES and CAKESOI all kinds,

fjt?" Tho Finest Imported and Home,made Confectionery.

The Elite Ice Cream Parlors


I 210 Headquarters for Island Curios,



cnJ'f TTrrtTf i

VmnrKTZ kr IVK' ass as. m


Importers ahdLIquor Merchants.No. 5, Drumm Street, - San Francisco.

FOn SALE IN UULK.AMEmcAK lioonnoN Whiskies tn Bond por

barrel containing about 40 gallons eachnt various prices according to ago nndqunlity. --

OALironsiA Grape Brandt in Bond potbarrel of about 40 to 60 gallons,

CASE GOODS.Alto the celebrated Can Whiikiet:

"Extra 1'ony" .Bourbon Whisky, 12 botllofl3 KiillotiH per enso.

"Benrnniss" flourbon NblSKy, VZ bottles, 22-- 5 gallons per case.

"Old Moucer" Bourbon Whisky, 12 bottles,2 2-- 5 gallons por enso.

"Tonnosseo White llyo" Whisky, 12 bottles'2 2-- gallons per caso.


Bond orders by ranil. Satisfaction gun-ra- n


Braunschweiger & Co.,Hl-lu- i No. 5, Drnnitu Btreot.

Empire SaloonA general stock of Liquors, Ales nnd




Aro of tho finest and como to niditect from Europe . . .


Imported straight from Louisvdlo, Ky.


COMMERCIAL SALOONCor. Nuiiniiii mid licrctimlu Sti.

T. Ki:vi;., .Tliiimccr.

COOL PHESH BEER!Oit Druuglu uml ttm StatiJurd lirauda ol



T4III.L' CTIKrr A 81't.flIAI.TV.

nm mrrui. it i



The celebrated EntkupkiseYIv.vm on Draught and inBottles. .

David Dayton,I'J rvlorolnint Struot.

Lands For Sale situatedat R'aneohe, Oa.Ua.

Lot ii car Lunalilo Home.Lots at Pearl City.Fu.rnished Booms To Let.

David Dayton.42 Morel) tint street.


Oustora, House Broker,

ISTotn.rv -- :- PublicGeneral Business Agent.

CollootioiiH carefully attended to.

1T Ofllco with II. E. Walker, Cnm-miu-

lilocOt, jrurehriut street. ,2118-t- f

W. H. KICKARD,General Business AgentAVill nttoiicl to Convoynnchig in

nil Its Branches, Collectingand all Uusiuoss Matters

o trust.

All BnsincsB entrusted to himwill reuoivo Prompt and CarefulAttontiou. OUico:

Hcnokaa, Eamalraa, Hawaii.

A New Abstract Office.

As a result of 15 year's experi-ence in tho Abstract Business, Iara prepared to ninko Abstracts of,TI t ', '. . m.ii j

i' Biiort notice.P.w.WAiasauy."'

In W. O. Smith's Oilico, 318T?or,t Stroot. .215-l- f


'PURIFINEIs tho disinfectant that tho world

la talking about. In tho UnitedStates Its merits aro becomingknown. The peoplo aro using, it.Purlflno possesses many points InIts fnvor over other preparations.It Is odorless, and In employing itas n disinfecting ; c.'u, j nptcreate another odor as offensive asthat which it subdues. us

too. That's an advan-tage children will mcddlo; ser-vants misunderstand; then there'stroublo. Somo ono Is poisoned.

Those who use It speak Its praisein convincing language. Here's onefrom tho Department of MedlcinoIn tho University of MIchlean.

"Wo uso Purlflno and find It verygood tor deodorizing sinks andboxes, olc., and for washing spongesused nbout subjects for dissec-tion. W. A. CAMPBELL,

Demonstrator of Anntomy."




upon you ami explain. OioTuerrtsr'Pudfluo'L-tti.I-tliQiLi.- u

tomatic Distributors."

HOLLISTER DRUG CO.,523 Fort Street. Exclusive Agents for the Islands.


Incomparable ;



Telephone 240. Ill Fort

ol and

Just Bk. r

re- - 1

p -





PURIFINE is for sale by,, .-- , ,-- v r,tU0 JiOLLIBTEIl JJKUQ UO. l

25c, 50c., 75c. and 1.50 bot-


rental. Our Ajjctils will call



Street. P. O. Box 147.


ft SSL- -1 ,'fe.

llcretaula streets.) . mrnesortmont of v ' --Jr.

Ji a"WILLIAMS, (Manager)

Undertaker nnd Embalnuer








Gity Furniture Store,(Comer Fort

rocoiveJ Ex. Albert


TKI.KlMIONi: 02 ,1'. O, OX 143



Groceries, Provisions and . 2feecLNow Goods Itccoived hy Ever- - Packet from tho Eastern Suites and Enropo

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY STEAMER?All Orders laithfullv attended to and Goods Dollvored to any ,'

1'urt of tho City FREE, '

Island Oiiusna Boucited, Satisfaction GuabantmdEART COKNEIl KOBT AND KING STltKBfS.

Telephone 53. sa S" P. O. Bos 222.

Oahu Lumber Building Co.,King Street, near Oahu Ruilway it Land Co.'b Pepot.

Lumber lorchaRtsr Contractors aud PuIJdew.

Doors,. Sash, Blincls, Pairits, Oil,Builders' Hardware, Etc., Etc'

Av L'"'4V r..-.- . iiJ--,wV&f- J&B&:AMli&hitL' . ,t. 3&iLi MkAr. ((fc-v-.- :am, C .'..., A&t,-j- t &'J.j4L:Ji&:kuiM,ii&










" 6

I II ,

Jl 'A12

i :i "' ;) IV

(."" I V1A'








othiANio siaihi'osaAititivin i.Avr Mian

Nrlioiiiicr AIoIih ill lortW. J. HallArrlirrt-- A Mrnnior AVrctUeil

Oilier Marino No lea.

The steamer W 0 Hall was telephoned 25miles oir nt noon.

Ilic lnrk Frown arrived nt Fort flamblefrom llonolulti on Julj 21.

Tlic tclionncr Mnrj I' Ku failed forfrom KtinKn on Jul -'.

Tlic bark fita King nrrltcdat l'ort Town-sen- d

from tliU pott on Jnlj 10

Tlic steamer Ktauiiou lirouirht a cargo ofsugar and tlco from Kan il tbi tnornlnjr

The barkuitlno Kllkltnt, It 1) CuttermaMcr, clcnrid for Fort Touiwend (oihy.

1 ho OHS MarlposaiirrUcil Into laU night,a llttlu ocr scen dijn from San Fran- -tlfCl).

Tomorrow, high tide large 10 10 a in; IiIrIItldo small 7 46 p m, U tutu laigf S:I0 ffta;lou tide stnoll V?" p ra. i

The timk H linont am 'fUnt .SWWrt bagssugar, in lirr h.il-- l Mm will pro'iaMy nit0My II C lull, r '!nlliki k

Ti i.. . v i i ' i f irt'trrHail il mil i il i i I i i - il il Hi

tank li lib in uhlip'd ' ''Ilia li HieChinese.

Tbt lull. M ' in ii iii ifetlf?0nt Pfczoon rdni v'ii .lulv U.n a denev fofc.AltbttiiKli tlic Mi inr l.irai i total Io,nil Hit jfie ' oinL l nt 'f tin mrsoMere saved.

Ibc following " 1" In willed fort fi.ii --

i Ml ) .T'tlv J"Itk Alln Hnwi tor Hi mdiilii Jnl br

John l. N rib. l. r II i .i,o Jul 1

ShlpIIOilerUkDfau for II Hit

Arrlal from Honolulu at San Francico.July II ULtn lringint 17 days Jul U--- S

b Dotle, 0 Uns I br IS mill. July 151)1.Ccjlun, "ftdnjs .lul 10 3 S Clilna, 5 da11 br 11 mlu; bk U 1' llltbct, :).' ill.

The American ftlioonur Aloba arrived Inlost uUlit, nftcr a piiimaitl vo3f,c of IS dasIrom tbu (lolriui Gate. She brotmbt n cargool irmtral mi rclinnilltu nud two boms.Anions the cargo arc lbJ pints ol mmlilneryfor llanamaulti.


Tiiujisdat, July 80.

086 Mariposa, Hazard, from San Fran-ClsC-

Am scbr Aloba, Dabil, from San Fran-cisco.

Friday, Jnh 31.

BtmrW-- Hall, Slmcrsou, from Huwalland Maul

8tmr Kcaubou, Thompson, fioin portson Kauat.

Sliur iValakale, Grcgorj, fiom Hawaii andMaul.


IntUAi, July 81.

OBSMarlpoca, Hajvard, for tbe Colo-

nics, vlabamoa.


From Kauai, per ftmr Ktauhnn, July 31

8 C Ulddell, J C Davis and U deck jiiisscusers.From San Francisco, per O So Mariposa,

JolySO A Abreiw, T II Benton. Mrs It TCarroll, Mlin Carroll, M -- a (1 Carroll, HJDay, 11 lliacock, Iliu IlollaiUv, II K Iljdeand wire, U Vf McCbeeney and wife, ltuv d 81'almer, Mrs W C FcHtock, C du Rol, IIScbultr, Jobn Smeaton, Jns stclmr, WllWblttitr, Alex ioutur, Miss Youiik, Alius

litrtba 11 Yount Throu'b 0 D ndlnlurir,Miss Maxlne Elliott, Miss Gertrude Elliott,l'asit-- Gnrnlcr, 1 VY It Giabain, Jl Us EdnaHajuard, Mrs F M Mejtr and son, MIsKlIiMbetb Tape. Capt V 8 Faterson. Leon LE ltatrat and wife, Paul Stelnttld, KLMalcolm, D McLean.


Ex KcmiIiiiii 85fil luiri pndd, 52 bagsrun hihI in pkc nindiks


LUDEWIG-ironolu- lu, Juh 31, IS00. to tlicnlfu ofl.lcutll Ludelj,,1 a ton.

imu.ncis ;in)i i; Di.n.

. Continued from Jtth Page.

cliranx at Constitution hill, neartbo AVollington stntuo. Tlmt vnsteoa of human faces, that mightythundor of human voices, broughtout tho woman in the Quoon andtho Queen in tho woman. Sheboro herself with nil tho majestyof a great sovereign this afternoon, as, with tears streamingdown her faco, sho acknowledgedtho homage of her people.

Tho raarringo was solemnizedby tho Archbishop of Canterburyin the private chupol of Bucking-ham Palace. The bridegroom isBecond son of tho King of Den-mark, and n nephew of tho Prin-cess of Wnles. HeiB a lieutenantin tho Danish navy and at proRontattached to tho cruising frigateFyen.

M. A. Pfixoto, proprietor of theUnion barber ohop, next to thoArt Gullory, guarantees to give ashavo that will make your haircurl with joy.

Sterling, tho painter, i'b pre-pared to quoto prices on roofpainting. Houses a composition ofcoal tar and cement. Cheapestand best roof preparation in Ho-

nolulu.i m m

Tho case of Ah Puek and AhKai, opium and attempted briberyof an officer, vna set for trial onthe 5th by Judge "Wilcox thismorning.

tdtih- - 'Ml

i.ai-is- t vfttair sbw.

Continued from Jul fagi

in our favor and that, but for thoresult of tho prevailing gloomysentiment, tho movement of goldshould bo toward instead ofagainst the Untied States, aggra-vates the situation.

Tho dominant depressing influences have beet) tho steady exportof tho metal and the consequentrapid process of depletion of tho '

Government reset vo. On July J

11th tho free gold hold amountedto S100,'2'.)3,(iS8. By July 18th thoresorvelmtl fallen to &y(j,7UiJ1G,.21

and at the closo of tho businessvestoulay it stood at SS9,780,180.i'heso fiimres wore further reducedon tho 22ud, next day, by with-drawals amounting to $3,375,000,including 2,000,000 for export,'briuging tho total down to S87,-10o,18- 0.

Tho deprense in thoeleven days amounted to nearly813,000,000.


A mmumcn fi'i- - br II UIlV'IN'ilat 2nU!j Lid i, .N. V , to JohnHrown, the victim of !uh uii.-ttiko- u

patiiotisnt at Hmiwr'n Feuy.iutht troubled days of 1859. Ne'arwhern i!i iiDutitnent is ttcftllie8 the bodj of John Brown atthe pule of a ;reat bowlder, lioro --

on he fi- - wont to sit sometimesfor many houis at a time when holived in the little house, ho hadbuilt there, in tho .heart of thoAdiioudacks. Tho historic gioundwas about to pa8,s out of tho pos-session of Brown's family whenKato Field, who had come acrosstho spot while on a trip throughtho AdirondackB, took tho matterup, and by her enthusiasm and in-- !iluenco succeeded in raising S2000,purchasing the farm, which wasturned over to the State in Jan-uary of this year, and tho Fores-try Commission now cares for it.


A special from Boston BayB:Porcival Lowell, Boston's famousnstionounr, who is now on hisway to Flagstaff, A.T., is at thohead of the most important scien-tific expedition planned for morethan half a century. Tho objectof the expedition is to mako ob-

servations on Mars and to procure,if possible, evidonco to supporttho theory held by Mr. Lowelland other astronomers that the"red star of war" is inhabited byhuman beings.


Arthur Sowall, tho wealthyshipowner and railway man ofBath, Me., was nominated forVico Presidont by the DemocraticNational Convention at Chicago.Ho is the father of Harold M.Sewall, who was Consul Generalto Samoa.



Tho Houbo of Commons on the22nd inst. considered in commit-tee clause 21 of tho Irish landbill, which ptovitles that in pur-chase transaction. tho land com-mittee, shall ndvauco monoy in-

stead of stock heretofore issued.An amendment moved by SirThomas Esmonde, seeking to con-tinue tho existing arrangement,wus carried by a decided majority.Tho whole clause was then with-drawn on motion of A. J. Balfour.The defeat of tho Government wastotally unexpected and is ascribedto tho abseuco of many ministorial members at tho royal wod-din- g.

Sir Thomas Esmondo'samendment was supported by alltho Irish members and by thoIrish landlords.

When tho High Court of Justice,Queen's Bench division, recon-vened on the 21st for the trial ofDr. Jameson for alleged violationof the foreign enlistment act intho invasion of tho South Africaropublic, tho Lord Chief Justiceoverruled the motion of Sir Ed-ward Clarke to qunsh tho indict-ment. Tho defendants ontoredpleas of not guilty, and AttorneyGoneral Webster opened for thoprosecution.

Charles Dickons, son of thogreat novelist, died at Kensingtonon July 20th of paralysis. Ho wasin his 59th year. When hisfuther and mother unfortunatolysopnratcd, ho stayed with hismother and was afterward honor-ed by his father for his conduct.Young Dickens wrote some doscriptive works in good style, audproved himself the son of hisfather as an orator, if not as awriter.

Bismark is reported to say thatEngland is menaced by ltussiaand France, that her defenses areantiqunted and that the next warwill bo Bottled in London.


It is li"li' d iu IV i in tlmt LiHutijj Ohrniv is sfilvhtt; a l i w

Chinese loan.Tho Kolaporo cup hasbeou won

by Canadian riflemen at tlio tour-nament at Bisloy. Tho scores oftho various teams woro as follows:Canada 05G points, England Gil,Guernsey 018, Jersey 589.

Tho French Government isabout to issue a decree increasingtho duties on foreign law Btigarfrom 7 francs to 10J francs andon foreign refined sugar from 8francs to 10J francs. The decreois to tako effect August 1st, ontho samo date as tho German ex-

port bounties go into effect.




Private lottora from Matanzasto merchants at Key WoBt.Florida,roport tho capturo of two hospitalsby tho Spanish Boldiors, whomassacred tho inmates. DoctoisBui, aud lzquiotdo, Burgeons oftho Cuban army, in chaigo withtheir assistant and corps ofnurucflnur alt.lt is tllleoll, putto the jiy !i ' . v,1ji!i (I i in Iple-.- .

ill and wounded ueru aHnasmuntetiin their cote and the buildingsthen burned ovef their houdu

up the crime. The "mallnisurgeut Uotatluueuto guaiuw.ytho hospitnlB mado a desporatobut vnin defense againtt over-powering forces.

Tho death of Jose Macoo,brother of Autonio Maceo, isagain reported. Jose was a negrowho had all tho worst proclivitiesof his raco, and hiB proBoucoamong tho insurgent forces didmoro to help tho Spaniards thanhis death could possibly havedonoGRINDING Or CANE PROHIBITED.

By a decreo issued by SonorSalvador Cisneros, President oftho Republio of Cuba, all conces-sions heretofore granted to grindcane aro declared void, and it isabsolutely forbidden to manufac-ture BUgar in Cuba during thoseason of 189G-9- 7, or to do workof any kind preparing for suchmanufacture, unless iudopendencohas already boon achieved, whensuch work is to be allowed. Thosewho violate this order will botreated as traitors.

Bobol camps havo been surprised and dispersod in Havanaprovince, with heavy Iosb ofmunitions of war.

Tho Spanish authorities havecaptured a largo uumbor of dyna-mit- o

bombs in tho houses of re-

bels in Havana, whoso owners arenow prisoners. Undeliveredbaggage at the custom house wasseized, disclosing 938 riilces and aquantity of cartndgos.


Inundations iu tho prefecturesof Toyama and Shiga, Japan,havo Bwopt away towns and de-

stroyed crops. It is feared thatmany lives havo been lost.

Boports of a panic in Crote arodeclared to havo been greatly exaggerated. A Turkish negro ranamuck with a knifo in a cafo, butwas ovorpoworcd by a bravo Al-

banian soldier. Somo shots worefired and an old Turk was killed.

Thoro is heavy mortality fromcholera among Egyptian troopsin tho Soudan. Among theBritish troops thero have been 23cases and 18 deaths.

It is reported tho Japanese areslaughtering Chiueso wholesaleon tho island of Formosa.


Sam "Wo ObanNtuanu stieot, near Kukui

NOW OPEN IBananas and V gotab'cu always ou hand,

Chlcke-- H mm Ducks alive or dress-ed, trci h Eggs dolivored

to ull pints of tbe city.


Ye prow our own bananasand vegetables



Baseball SeasonHonolulus

vs- -

First Regiment.

Saturday, August 1,1896Game Called at 3:30 p. m.

.A.dm.ission, 25c.30S-3- t





144 Men

Tho 145th Mangets loft. . .

e.t5y" Your onlj chance; come and sec 'cm.

u The Kask"I. LEVIMSTON, - Manager.

Waverloy Block, 'Hotol Street.

S3 Shirts Made to Order.


6 Years' Lease of

Emmes' Wharf


Property contains

A WarehouseBoat Builder'sShop.

ASU- -

2 Hil3i-e3s:IlrLj- i1C00 Feet of Wnter Frontage.


Purchasers of this property can get backtheir money In a short time by extending thownrchouso accommodations. Apply to

JOHN CASSIDY.Telephone 810. 864-- 1 w

To Citizenof Hawaii

I tako ploasuroin announc-ing to you that I havo remov-ed to my now quarters at NO.513 FORT STREET aud ampropared to executo all orderspertaining to my business.Jewelry Repairing, WatchRepairing, Fine Engraving,etc., oto. I have u handsomoBtock of "Watches and Jowol-r- y

to show you including alargo variety of valuable IbI-nu- d

Curios. Your patronageis respectfully solicited'.


Henry Davis,320 Fort street, near Merchant.

Merchandise Broker,CoiiMissioN Agent,

Custom House Broicr and Statistician


General Business Agent.


Two Able Bodied and Industrious

Young Men.

Apply nt P. Molnerny'a CandyStore, Fort street. 307--


During Mr. Boardman'a absence, Mr.Ewing will have charge of my books andattend to all collections. Ho can be foundeither at Mr. Boardman'a oflico at Ugara &Co.'s or at my offloo.

335-- tf DR. HERBERT.

Situation Wanted.

AS SALEMAN OR TRAVELLER 3Yman experienced iu Island trade. P O Box340. 305-l- w


Canadiau-Atistraiia- n

MiSlenmeru of tho nbovo Lino runnini; in connection with tbu

CANADIAN PACIFIC BAIL WAYBetween Vancouver, 1). O., nml Sydney, N. S. W., nnd calling at Victoria, B. O.

Honolulu and Suva (1'iji),

-- a.ISn3 DDTTS --A.TOn or about tbo dntco below Rtntcd, viz.:

from Ijdnoy anil Sum, fur Victoria, nmlVnnroiitoi. II. O.I

Stnir "MIOWnitA" August 21Htmr "WA1UUMOO" Bcpteuibor 24Stnir "MIOWEKA" Octobor 24Stmr "WA1UUMOO" November 21

Through TIelcctN issued from Honolulu (o Canada,United States nnd JSurone.

ym co's


'mEtOUT AND rASSENOr.lt aoissts:D. MoNtcoMi, Montreal, Cnnndu.

' BonuiiT Kkuii, Winnipeg, Cntiadn.M. M. KTr.uN, Snn r'rnncisco, Otil.

Q. MoL. JlnowN, Vntironver, 1). C.

Oceanic Sieanis Co.

Atfralia Mail Hero.

For San rrsnciscR:Tho Now nud Fino Al Stcnl HtsnmBbip

"Alameda"OC thu Occmiio Stenmehip Corapimy willbo duo nt Honolulu from Sydney andAuoklnnu on or nuotit

A its- - 20, HSOG.Antl will lenvo for tbo nbovo port withMnils nnd on or nbont thatdate.

For Sydney and Auckland:

Tbo Now and Fino Al Stoo Stoamebip

" Monowai "Of tbo Oceanic Company willbo duo at Honolulu from San Franciscoon or about

A.ug. 27, 1896.And will bavo prompt despatch withMuila tuid Passengers for tbo nbovo ports.

Tbo undersigned aro now proparedto issuo

Through Tickets to All Pointsin the United States.

CgyFor furthor partioulnra rogordingFreight or Passage apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd,Oenernl Agents.

Oceanic SteamsMp Go.



S. S. AUSTRALIA.Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

fromS. F. . forS.F.Aug. 10, 189G Aug 15, 1890Sept. 1,1890 Sept. 9, lbOO

THROUGH LINEFrom Snn Frnncieco From Sydney for

for Sydney. Snn Frnncisco.,irme Honolulu. Leaxe Honolulu.

Monowai, Atig27,'90 Alameda, Aug 20'9RAlameda, Sept 2490 MuiipoBa,Septl7,00

A LIFE SIZECrayonPortrait

Framed CompleteW1TU- -

One Dozen Ffcalos of trie Sitterron- -

Only eBlS.OOl3TIs the LATEST OFFER we have

to make.

J.J.WILLIAMSPortrait and LandscapeFotograpner.

FORT STREET.J ames X. Holt,

General Business Agent, Ac-

countant and Collector.OrriCEt No. 11 Koahnmanu Street. Tele-

phone No. 639. Prompt attentionguaranteed. 217 U


:Tota,X37- - 3Fia."blicTelephone 2i0, No. 609, King Bt.

9 WWW!fl"filrWa "

Steamship tme

l'l-on- i Vlctnrln anil Vancouver, It. O., toSum nml Hjilncn

Slmr " WAHMMOO" , August 10

Stnir "MIOWUHA" September 10Btmr "WAltltlMOO" October 10Stuir "MIOWEKA" November 10

1ST" For Freight nnd PnsfinKO nud nilGensml Informntion, apply to

THE0. H. DAVIES & CO., L'dAi'Ptiis for tbolltiwniinnlnhtda.

hik IH SWii hA. XBR

V iwrri :k

For YOKOHAMA and HOKCKOSG:Stonmors of tbo nbovo Oompanies will

call nt Honolulu on their vtny to tbeabovo poits on or nbout tbo followingdntrs:

htinr China Aug. 0, 1S00Htmr UeiRio Aug. 13, 1890Stmr Coptic aopt.2,1800

For SAN FEANCISCO:8lenmers of tbo nbovo Companies will

call at Honolulu on their way fromHongkong nnd Yokobnmn to tho nbovoport on or nbout tbe following dntes:

BtmrPoru Aug. 1, 1890Btmr Rio do Junoiro Aug. 10, 1890rUmr Gaolio ug, 29, 1890

Kates of Passage are as follows:TO TOKO- - TO HONO-IIAM-


Cabin S1D0.00 S175.00Cabin, round trip, 4

moullis 225.00 2G2.C0Cabin, round trip, '12

montbo 262.G0 810.25European Steerage.... 8500 100.W)

"Passengers paying full fnio will Ltallowed 10 percent oft" return faro if iJturning within twclvo months. r

J35For Froigbt nnd Passago nppl;

H. HACKFELD fr COAgents,

O. L. WIGHT, Pres. S. 11. ROSE, Soo.Capt. J. A. KING, Port Supt.

Stmr. KINATJ,CLARKE, Commander,

Will lcuvo Honolulu at 10 a. m., touching ntLnhainu, Mimlaen Ray nnd M ikoim thosumo (by; Mahukonn, Kawnihao and

the following day, arriving ntllilo the same oveuing.


I'rldiiy... ...Aug. 7 Tuesday,.. . .Aup.-- t

Tucbdiiy, . Aug 18 rriduy, .... Aug. 14-- Friday, . ..Aug. 28 Tuesday,.. Ang. 25Tuesday, . ...bej,t. 8 Fuduy Sept. 4









RLtnrniug, will leave Hilo at 1 o'o'.ui )

p. si., touchiug at Lnupuhoohoe, Mixliu-l.ou- a

nud Kawnihne sumo day; Makoun,Maluca Ray aud Lnhainn tho followingday; arriving at Honolulu tho afternoonsof luosday und Fridays.

Will c.tli nt 1'ohoilii, Pnna.itfUo Freight will be received after

12 noon on day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu Tuesday at 5 i. m.itouching at Kahului, Unna, Uamoa andKipuhulu, Maui. Returning arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will cull at Nuu, Kaupo, on socond tripof each month.

flfNo Freight will bo received afterv, m. on day of sailing.

This Company will reserves tho right tomake ehangos in tbe time of departure andarrival ef its steamers without notice andit will not bo responsible for any constquencos arising therefrom.

Consignees must be at the Landings torecoivo their Freight; this Company willnot hold ItsoU respousiblo for freight afterit has been landed.

Live Stock only at owner's risk.This Company will not be respousiblo

for Monoy or Valuables of passengersunless placed in the euro of Pursers.

PaHsonRers aro requested to purchasetiokets before embarking. Those failing todo so will be subject to an additionalcharge of twenty-llv- o per cent.

To Let or Lease.THE 1E81DENCE OF MRS. Ai LONG,

one mile from postofQcc. Largo house wltlf.furniture. Four bed rooms, parlor, largedining room, pantry, kitchon. bath rooms,hot and cold water, with patent closots,servant houses, stables, horte paddock,garden aud trees, A charming location.

Apply to J ALFRED MAGOON.tf Merchant st,, next Postoffioei