Vocabular y Group 18

V ocabulary

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V ocabulary. Group 18. casual kazh wuhl. Aordinary 1) Happening by chance, 2) happening infrequently, or 3) not serious As a casual sports fan, I am always happy to watch a game, but I am equally okay if I miss some games. distinct di stingkt. Aordinary - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: V ocabulary

VocabularyGroup 18

Page 2: V ocabulary

casualkazh wuhl

A ordinary

1) Happening by chance, 2) happening infrequently, or 3) not serious

As a casual sports fan, I am always happy to watch a game, but I am equally okay if I miss some games.

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distinctdi stingkt

A ordinary

1) clear, 2) unique, or 3) notable

The distinct silhouette of a sailboat appeared on the horizon, there was no mistaking it for something else.

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mediocremee dee o kuhr

A ordinary

Ordinary or barely passable

With great teachers and strict rules, the caliber of the students at this school has gone from mediocre to above average.

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A ordinary

1) Only or 2) nothing more than

When the king died and the prince ascended to the throne, he was still a mere child of nine.

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monotonousmuh mah tuh nuhs

A ordinary

Unchanging, especially in sound

The monotonous tone of the lecturer’s voice lulled most of the audience to sleep.

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peculiarpi kyul yuhr

A ordinary

1) odd, 2) different, or 3) unique

Her choice of clothes was so peculiar that I could not tell whether she had a unique sense of style or no sense of style.

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uniqueyu neek

A ordinary

One of a kind

This sculpture is so expensive because it is unique; the artist broke the mold after he made this piece.

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deceivedi seev

V True/False

To mislead by a false appearance or statement

The plan was to disguise the destroyer as a freighter in order to deceive the enemy.

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genuinejen yuh wuhn

A True/False

Real or true

Although the school nurse thought I was faking, the doctor confirmed I had a genuine case of smallpox.

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N True/False

A trick

The Piltdown Man was considered a link in the evolutionary chain until it was discovered the evidence was a hoax.

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treacheroustre chuh ruhs

A True/False

Deceptive, untrustworthy, or dangerous

Since the icy roads can be treacherous, put chains on your tires before you drive to work.