ii : personals ? WATCH YOUR LABEL. The Press and Banner is 1 V issued strictly on a cash in < A advance basis. Onr lists are < V corrected the first Saturdayin * V each month. If your label is * marked *pec. 21" or "12-21" it means &at your subscrip- ts expired, and that jiame will be dropped un- renew your subscrip- Saturday, Jariu- We make no excfcp- he rule. V V VV V V Cochran of Watts, wa JtpH of Columbia ie visit ing Miss Annie Lee Hagen. J. M. NicJdea was a business- visit. h i V / rt* 'T « « ia Aaaeraon yesterday. Frank Carwile .of Level Lar^d wai in town Honday on business. '-y ¥ .r^_ tfisa Willie Calhonn of Atlanta- ii visiting Mf. -and Mrs. .Lewis. Perrin. kt.+t* Uxh. J. M. Morgan apa, *9te, 'are visiting relatives fa Jiknio* NjC. v-rivvL-w" // W. « Kn. |L /. Hicks of near ,1s visiting tier son,'Mr. L. t - v* Dr..p. p. Abel of .Chester was i professional visitor in the city yes I?**-* " V ; and Miss Gene McDill of Due'Weat Vere pleasant visUon at Afcberilla.tfcxa morning. ; < wJtSSs- . . x -i Moms 4+mde and Ida Kay left to V v 4 r t t * ^ f, i -i dif fp# Jhdgeway to make thei hp* »* ^ 406^, J* Harvin and daughter Praneea. leift Sunday for Washlngioi after a visit,to Mrs. Harvin's parents Mr.a^jlre. Richard Sondley. j|rene Starnes and Prat are spending this week ii Atiaaja with Mr. and Aire. Jack Wil. MmWb Maude Wood, Willie Mc lane, Alpha Graves, Jennie HaftifiJ amd WUUe .Lanier returned to^Rus pan's College Wedfteftdftf. Mr. vand Mrs. Joe T. Hughes an< P. B.;£jgnes left today for E<Jgefiei< to apead several days with Mr. am Mrs. Chalmers Hughes. Mise Mildred Cochran rourae< to Greenwood Tuesday morning ti resume her studies at Lander.Collegi after spending the holidays with.he: parents. Marston Miller has 'returned t< Charleston to resume his studies a Porter Military Academy after spend ing the holidays here with Mr. ant Mrs. J. D. JKerr. Mr. J.H. Tapp and grandson, Wil JJam Tapp who haye been, visiting and Mrs. C. F. McNeill for tw< weeks left this morning .for .theii home in Madisonville, Ky. Francis Mabry returned yestei to Charleston to. resume his at the~South Carolina,Medical after spending the Christmas seasor ^rith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, L kabry. ' ^ Misses Mary Stevenson, Mary iteec Moore, Lydia Owen, Janie Vanct ^owi^ Ionej Stevenson, Jlyra liame^Anitia ond Margaret Wilson "S»*« t. 3 /-i l.. .ypnejia ana ^upiena ^yiisKscatys ^Carrie Hawthorne and ' Margaret .paweon returned yesterday to Win- r . throp College after spending the hol- idays at home. SACK TO SCHOOL 'Misses Vie Howie, Mary Nickles r r ; .. . . V ' vj' and Kvy Qrtttte returned to Agnes Scott College today after spending the holidays at home. POUNDING FOR DALLAS GreenvaJe Congregation Remembers Pastor and Hit Family. The ladies of Greenvale church re- membered their pastor, the Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Dallas, by giving' them a very fine poundng last Monday even, ing, and wishing them a very happy New "Year. These kind friends com- pletely filled the pantry with every nrnnrl +Vitn<r in fcho WAV ftf Afttill?. find ^ crowned it all by presenting to the t pastor and his wife a splendid Christ- ^ mas cake beautifully decorated. It t was a delightful surprise party and w folks in the manse will not soon for- t get the kindness of their people. The t church has always remembered the t pastor at this happy season of the t year by pounding him and his family k for the past ten years. The following ladies composed the deputation from the congregation: Mesdames: Si. .0. L Brownlee, W. S. Jordan, Lily Gor-, k cfon, W. J. ^McKee, Harvey Ihrake, .( and Misses Lizzie Jordan and Mary § Jordan. v> * B. > > \ ANTREVILLE NEWS V IA N : % A \^>^\\\>> The holidays have truly .ibeen i>f goocfc will andgood cheer, .parents hav o enjoyed seeing their children * and the children have enjoyed being ' at home and taking- pfirt in Wife Christmas festivities. 9 Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Martin qf " Hendersohville spent the ^holidays - here with relatives and friends. Mr. 1 Martin is remembered very pleasant- i ly 'by every one, having lbeen pastor otf the ^Methodist church for four s years. preached a splendid ser- imon at Shil<3x church December 25. £ Mr. and Mrs. £dd Burdette ai*d r' children spent several' days last week > with relates here. i "Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hunt and Mrs. Ralph Ba)lentine ware the guests of " Mk'and .Mrs.' 8. J! Wakefield last week. ~'f"" [ Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Patterson en- > tar-tamed the ,young people at an elaborate supper Friday night. Twen- ty .seven young people were pres. . ent at the party. i r Mrs. - Summie £rnningham aa* . daughter, .Meri$, £pent .tba holidays I with 'Mr. and -Mrs. .D. X. Haddon. We are glad to report that Mrs. f W. jD.jBeM^Wteo haabeen so very sick at the Anderson hospital, is improv- ing, it ia reported that ,sh4 will be ' able to coma home in several days. t , Aliases Lillian and . Ruth Williams , of itonea" Path visited Miss Bert&a 1 . >" r? Patterson last week. Miss Patterson - returned home wth them ! to spend the week-end. Misses Winton and Altbea Keaton g entertained .the' following young 5 ladies at a dinner party last Satur- : day: Misses Bertha Patterson, Lillian - and EutH'Williams, Hattie Lou Had- % don, Annie Bell, Zula Susber, Ethel ^ Anderson, Mattie Lou and Irene Simmons, Hazel and Runette Crow- "ther. * " Mrs. J. W. Fulmar spent the holi- days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,R. A. Keatfn. Everyone was delighted to see the progress which has been mad© on the road {building. In a short time the! work will he complete and we can r*de with ease. Deward Shirley of Lavonia, Ga., epent the week-end with Archie .Kenton. . .Tha Antreville school opened Mon- j day to begin work again. Most all of the teachers and college students .left.Monday to resumo their work. NOTICE Clinton Lodge No. 3, A. F. M. will give a sapper following degree, work 7 Jhurday evening, January j.2. .All 5 Master Masons are cordially invited > l|o.tee present..Plates w^l be.reserv- i ed only for those who notify the com- I mittee of their intention, to be .pres- ent. f. W. E. Hill* f W. D. Wilkinson, j G. C. Swetenfourg, . Committee. . Win. t Glasgow..Three districts which voted "dry" a year ago have now re_ vereed their decision and the old i Sensing system will be revived. & 5 J V V. ^ - ' s ^ SANTUC \ Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Morrison and children of .Columbia Were pleasant Visitors during the holidays in the home of ^£r. W. E. Morrison. Messrs. W H. Sharp and M. B. Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Wright spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs.rW. F. Kay. A large crowd enjoyed last Tues- day at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. W- D. Jfeauford. Mr. and Mrs. lorn ttunter spent Christmas day here with the latjter's parents, Mr. and Mrs! Joe Able..' - Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kay and chil- dren were visitors Tuesday with Mr. and .Mrs. M. D. .Wright |fri <and £frs. Join "Robinson en- tertained the young people Tuesday night at a dance. ^ )fr. and jtfrs. L. rM. Strawhorn spent Tuesday at the" home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Kay. JUisa Xizzie Sharp spent Tuesday night and Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sharp near Due West. .Boy .Kay and" Miles Jfforrison were guests^Thursday of Eakin ^ielsles of Central. Jesse B. Cochran of Cold Spring spent Wednesday afternoon with hi* .uncle, Mr and Mrs. W. F. Kay and chil- dren, Mr. and .Mrs. JO. C. Kay and children, Mr. and Mrs^ M. D. .Wright were visitors during the holidays -at the home ^ of Mr. ,M. :B.,Kay. , The' young folks enjoyed a dance Wednesday ni^nt at we nome 01 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Culbreth. fir. .'and Mrs. M. D. bright spent Wednesday at Darpaughs with .Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Beasley. Mr. and .Mrs. J. R. Haddon and children visited the latter'* parents near .Donalds dujing .the ^hplidays. .. Miss Lizzie §harp spent ..Friday withiMiss Annie JK^y. Mr.' and..Mrs. J. JV.*Smith were vis- itors Monday with Mr. aqd Mrs. IThos. Stevenson. . / v x Royce Blum of Greenwood visited relatives here dvring the holidays." % Mrs. .Mason ^Wright .and .children spent Wednesday night and Thursday with Mrs. Mask Wright. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Simpson and children and .Mrs. Ada Milford were visitors .Thursday with Mr. and Jlrs. w.£.#ay. * r;';; Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Beasley and children were callus in .this commu- nity Wednesday .morning.- - Messrs. Roy .Kay and- Miles ..Morri- son attended the party at-Mr. Sam Botts'.Friday night. MARSHAL LYON MAY - YET HOLD fp jp* ' ? Lewis Wood sends the Columbia Record .the following .despatch: "Washington, Jan. 1..It is learn- ed that Charles J. Lyon, marshal for the western district of £out,h .Caro- lina, has a chance ,of remaining in office until,hia unexpired,term is out. However, this depends on ^hethfir or not.Mr. Xyon has placed himself .in the attitude of defying the depart- ment by" stating he would :fight the former attempt to remove him with- out formal charges being filed against him. Lately some newspaper clippings have been received at the depart- ment which indicated that Mr.'Lyon was in no mild frame of mind. This attitude has not found favor with the powers that be, and they are now try- ing to find out if/Mr. Lyon was cor- rectly quoted. If they find that he was, the indications are that they will try to make short shift of him. If Mr. Lyon was not correctly quot- ed, there seems to be a chance of his serving out his term which does not expire until March, 1923. At the same time, it was ascer- tained that no movement is on foot to oust Francis W; Weston, federal at- torney ior the eastern .district Weston's term expires in March, 1922, and to all intents he will re- main in office "until that time." ASSOCIATE JUSTICE WATTS mmm Columbia, Jan. 3..Associate Jus- tice .R. C. Watts of Laurens .under- went an operation at the Baptist hospital in Columbia today for a se- rious kidney trouble and this after- noon his gh^sici^na stale $j*t .Jap is in a £rave c^nditiqn. His case is not ^hopeless, they say,, but;he is crli'cffc ly 111. The associate justice was brought to Columbia late Monday by his j>hysiciana. He was taken ill in Laurens eariy Monday. BETH LA NEWS -T :> & Miss Isabelle Danriby spent seve al days last week in Abbeville wi1 Miss Alma .Wilson. ' Miss Julia iJeauford spent Monds night with Misses Mttie and Pea Beauford ot jLove Valley. .Mrs. A. K. Woodhuret and so] George, spent Friday in Troy wit Mr. and Mrs.. Edgar Wood burst. Miss Alma (Forteseue of Lev Land was .the guest jfor the week-en of Miss Ma«de Woodhurst. Mrs. WiH Link awl daughters spei Friday night with lira. John ^atigh "w'vHiss Grace Danaby spent Thur day night with her grandmother, Mr iMaigaret Dandby. Mr. Neuff&r Fleming of Levi Land spent the we^k.end inth llr Lewis Beauford. ^ Mrs. .J. M. J^ortescue retorned 1 her home in Anderaon Friday aft« .a vre^Jcs visit here relatives. 'Mrs. E. C. English and Mrs. Led die of Da la'Howe spent Tharsda with Miss Maude Pet$&rew. Mrs. Wardlaw Wilaon and ehildre of White Hall spent several days th week here with relatives. >*3 .. % Mrs. S. C. Link and son, John, an Mr. .and Mrs. George Link .and chi r \ V> r' 4*"" *1 $1 dron spent one day last week wll Hi* on/) Taa TJmlr > 4UA WwWC * Paul fiaughman epcnt last wee at JMcCormkxk with &s hmti&r, #e Eugene Beauford spent JSaturda night in Troy with John Bpmce. 'Mr.and iMrs/Charfie B*6Wn ar littie daughter, J^rvw,of37roy speii the week-end with relatives. ~ Miss Gertrude Tolbert returned 1 her b.(p>« in 'Green^aQd ajfter-epenjd riiif ?^e,ho4^^a here jah Mrs. Alex JHaH and children spea several days last ,yec& with .relative PR This -Picture .was seen jn New York, Philadelphia, Boston, and Sgpw2' «ty ,at popular prices < m > Stumbling Along. The Azfonimt A tiresome lawyer, in arguing .a cornplicaed case, had looked up au- thorities dating hack to Julius Caesar. He hiid' dilated on his sub- ject for more than an hour and a half, when he was pamed'to observe ^ what seemed to him inattention on the ibencb. jit was as he had feared .his worship was unable to appre- ciate {he nice points of the argu- ment. "Begging your honor's pardon," he said, "but do you follow me?" .The magistrate's shifted uneasily in his chair. "I have aa far," he an* swered, "but if I thought I could find foy way Ibaok alone, I'd turn arouq# no#." J. Hv 'V'-V ' of Afcbevaie S '^David | Raymond and Ralph Beauford spent seventh days Akst week with Eugene JJeatrford. ': < sv' Mr. and Mrs. ' Engeno JBeauford spent Tuesday in Troy with rela- tives. T?v fW t. ; Mr. and Mrs. MarshaH Hall spent Thursday in Troy with Mr. and Mr*. Jo An 'Brown. f. * * «4 Mrs. Mattie Beauford spent Mon- day wi& ®ra. A. K. ^ToodtuVst" JohinTSpence of.Troy "spent Sun- day here with relatives. Clarence CFortejcue. left Monday for Blackvifle where "he has accej>ti>£ a job op the police force. . * is ]McJKeiJl we«re ,_ the bride's parents/ Sfr.' ari<T Mrs. ^Bnij^ts, iThux^y ^*wjbn £ o'dock, theJRev. J. £.'j&JIfcoaise <$&_ elating. - THe noose was <it>eauuiiuiyi decorated -with evergreen, fern .and roseB. After the cetfeindtiy was per- formed refreshments ot charlotte rasae and cake were served Jby JMrai Lewis "Beauford, Mrs. Joe lank and Mrs. J. M. .Fortes cue. Mrs. .McNeill U the oldest daughter otjMr. ,andj£re- #ish fijem a lofcg and happy H&i f f ' A iii c '.-A i,Ku, . Tfl hfi yisx r.)X firm : ^7^ V - i*. c . J3osod on (Stfm. J!. /Brady's Jar by jCotfie J3tair<ParlcQr and (fos. - e, old-fashioned story of plain people, of loves.Man and Woman.Mother bell tolling Humanity, of hufhter.RabehMan honeplay; 'absurdities . springing, "gay bam :<U 'oice.sweet and low.strong and tend d twilight streams. ltd. kmavinff vmim M*r«k »*<m '!«* I* «»» . T««MV«I »V11U| IW u irrkfl wi|hb!in<iuyj man of ic« down t rP E* A H O V S [on. & ;Tueg. Jan. 9th & 10 MATINEE DAILY ICES: Matinee 28c, 5§c. I^ight55c, 83c, $l.t AH s«ats reserved at-Might & mnoMNK V ~ PENROSE FUNERAL >FT JSXRB£3«D wish to AE qp$e;rved lay family.many committee rearr a n G £. ment made necessary by senator's DBATH* ' V 'I# Philadelphia, Jan. 2..Arrange* nents for the funeral of Seiu^.; l;| 'enrose -were still incomplete todjpr. ' -J t -was definitely decided, however, hat it should be strictly private, ifc. S. iccordance wth his oft-exuress4d emoracwf the four and. Baby. mcc* ~ slefch>r Hells er.aero** fragrant reak-up. Anna ami ha roaring river/" -y £t \ £ th 0. * I 12,000 feet of the greatest story ever told* Xou must see Jtyr, Griffith's l^atestand befit picture. Don't miss it

V. mnoMNK Qrtttte V Agnes PENROSE Sharp€¦ · The associate justice was brought to Columbia late Monday by hisj>hysiciana. He was taken ill in Laurens eariy Monday. BETHLA NEWS-T:>

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  • ii : personals ?


    The Press and Banner is 1V issued strictly on a cash in <A advance basis. Onr lists are <V corrected the first Saturdayin *V each month. If your label is *

    marked *pec. 21" or "12-21"it means &at your subscrip-

    ts expired, and thatjiame will be dropped un-

    renew your subscrip-Saturday, Jariu-

    We make no excfcp-he rule.V V V V V V

    Cochran of Watts,wa

    JtpH of Columbia ie visiting Miss Annie Lee Hagen.

    J. M. NicJdea was a business- visit.h i V / rt* 'T «

    « ia Aaaeraon yesterday.

    Frank Carwile .of Level Lar^d waiin town Honday on business.



    tfisa Willie Calhonn of Atlanta- iivisiting Mf. -and Mrs. .Lewis. Perrin.

    kt.+t* Uxh. J. M. Morgan/£apa, *9te, 'are visiting relatives faJiknio* NjC. v-rivvL-w"

    *» // W. «

    Kn. |L /. Hicks of near,1s visiting tier son,'Mr. L.

    t - v*

    Dr..p. p. Abel of .Chester was iprofessional visitor in the city yesI?**-*

    " V ;

    and Miss Gene McDillof Due'Weat Vere pleasant visUonat Afcberilla.tfcxa morning.

    ; < wJtSSs- . . x -i

    Moms 4+mde and Ida Kay left toV v 4 r t t * ^ f, i -i

    dif fp# Jhdgeway to make theihp*»*^406^,J* Harvin and daughter

    Praneea. leift Sunday for Washlngioiafter a visit,to Mrs. Harvin's parentsMr.a^jlre. Richard Sondley.

    j|rene Starnes and Pratare spending this week ii

    Atiaaja with Mr. and Aire. Jack Wil.

    MmWb Maude Wood, Willie Mclane, Alpha Graves, Jennie HaftifiJamd WUUe .Lanier returned to^Rus

    pan's College Wedfteftdftf.

    Mr. vand Mrs. Joe T. Hughes an<P. B.;£jgnes left today for E >\ ANTREVILLE NEWS VIA N: % A \^>^\\\>>The holidays have truly .ibeen i>f

    goocfc will andgood cheer, .parentshav o enjoyed seeing their children

    * and the children have enjoyed being' at home and taking- pfirt in WifeChristmas festivities.

    9 Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Martin qf" Hendersohville spent the ^holidays

    - here with relatives and friends. Mr.1 Martin is remembered very pleasant-i ly 'by every one, having lbeen pastor

    otf the ^Methodist church for fours years. preached a splendid ser-imon at Shil with relates here.i "Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hunt and Mrs.Ralph Ba)lentine ware the guests of

    " Mk'and .Mrs.' 8. J! Wakefield lastweek. ~'f""

    [ Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Patterson en-> tar-tamed the ,young people at an

    elaborate supper Friday night. Twen-ty.seven young people were pres.

    . ent at the party. ir Mrs. - Summie £rnningham aa*. daughter, .Meri$, £pent .tba holidaysI with 'Mr. and -Mrs. .D. X. Haddon.

    We are glad to report that Mrs.f W. jD.jBeM^Wteo haabeen so very sick

    at the Anderson hospital, is improv-ing, it ia reported that ,sh4 will be

    ' able to coma home in several days.t , Aliases Lillian and . Ruth Williams, of itonea" Path visited Miss Bert&a1 . >" r?

    Patterson last week. Miss Patterson- returned home wth them ! to spendthe week-end.

    Misses Winton and Altbea Keatong entertained .the' following young5

    ladies at a dinner party last Satur-: day: Misses Bertha Patterson, Lillian- and EutH'Williams, Hattie Lou Had-% don, Annie Bell, Zula Susber, Ethel^ Anderson, Mattie Lou and IreneSimmons, Hazel and Runette Crow-"ther. * "

    Mrs. J. W. Fulmar spent the holi-days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.,R. A. Keatfn.

    Everyone was delighted to see theprogress which has been mad© on theroad {building. In a short time the!work will he complete and we canr*de with ease.Deward Shirley of Lavonia, Ga.,

    epent the week-end with Archie.Kenton.

    . .Tha Antreville school opened Mon-j day to begin work again. Most all ofthe teachers and college students.left.Monday to resumo their work.


    Clinton Lodge No. 3, A. F. M. willgive a sapper following degree, work

    7 Jhurday evening, January j.2. .All5 Master Masons are cordially invited> l|o.tee present..Plates w^l be.reserv-i ed only for those who notify the com-I mittee of their intention, to be .pres-ent.

    f.W. E. Hill*fW. D. Wilkinson,j G. C. Swetenfourg,

    . Committee.

    . Win.t Glasgow..Three districts whichvoted "dry" a year ago have now re_vereed their decision and the old

    i Sensing system will be revived.& 5 J

    V V. ^ - ' s^ SANTUC \

    Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison, Mr.and Mrs. Andy Morrison and childrenof .Columbia Were pleasant Visitorsduring the holidays in the home of^£r. W. E. Morrison.

    Messrs. W H. Sharp and M. B.Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Wrightspent Monday with Mr. and Mrs.rW.F. Kay.A large crowd enjoyed last Tues-

    day at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. W-D. Jfeauford.

    Mr. and Mrs. lorn ttunter spentChristmas day here with the latjter'sparents, Mr. and Mrs! Joe Able..' -

    Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kay and chil-dren were visitors Tuesday with Mr.and .Mrs. M. D. .Wright

    |fri hysiciana. He was taken ill inLaurens eariy Monday.


    Miss Isabelle Danriby spent seveal days last week in Abbeville wi1Miss Alma .Wilson. 'Miss Julia iJeauford spent Monds

    night with Misses Mttie and PeaBeauford ot jLove Valley.

    .Mrs. A. K. Woodhuret and so]George, spent Friday in Troy witMr. and Mrs.. Edgar Woodburst.Miss Alma (Forteseue of Lev

    Land was .the guest jfor the week-enof Miss Ma«de Woodhurst.

    Mrs. WiH Linkawl daughters speiFriday night with lira. John ^atigh

    "w'vHiss Grace Danaby spent Thurday night with her grandmother, MriMaigaret Dandby.

    Mr. Neuff&r Fleming of LeviLand spent the we^k.end inth llrLewis Beauford. ^

    Mrs. .J. M. J^ortescue retorned 1her home in Anderaon Friday aft«.a vre^Jcs visit here relatives.

    'Mrs. E. C. English and Mrs. Leddie of Da la'Howe spent Tharsdawith Miss Maude Pet$&rew.

    Mrs. Wardlaw Wilaon and ehildreof White Hall spent several days thweek here with relatives.

    >*3 .. %Mrs. S. C. Link and son, John, an

    Mr. .and Mrs. George Link .and chir \V> r' 4*"" *1 $1dron spent one day last week wllHi* on/) Taa TJmlr >4UA WwWC* Paul fiaughman epcnt last weeat JMcCormkxk with &s hmti&r, #e

    Eugene Beauford spent JSaturdanight in Troy with John Bpmce.'Mr.and iMrs/Charfie B*6Wn ar

    littie daughter, J^rvw,of37roy speiithe week-end with relatives.~ Miss Gertrude Tolbert returned 1her b.(p>« in 'Green^aQd ajfter-epenjdriiif?^e,ho4^^a herejah

    Mrs. Alex JHaH and children speaseveral days last ,yec& with .relative


    This -Picture.was seen jnNew York,Philadelphia,Boston, andSgpw2'

    «ty ,atpopular prices


    > Stumbling Along.The AzfonimtA tiresome lawyer, in arguing .a

    cornplicaed case, had looked up au-thorities dating hack to JuliusCaesar. He hiid' dilated on his sub-ject for more than an hour and ahalf, when he was pamed'to observe ^what seemed to him inattention onthe ibencb. jit was as he had feared.his worship was unable to appre-ciate {he nice points of the argu-ment.

    "Begging your honor's pardon,"he said, "but do you follow me?".The magistrate's shifted uneasily

    in his chair. "I have aa far," he an*swered, "but if I thought I couldfind foy way Ibaok alone, I'd turnarouq# no#."

    J. Hv 'V'-V

    ' of Afcbevaie S

    '^David |

    Raymond and Ralph Beaufordspent seventh days Akst week withEugene JJeatrford. ': < sv'

    Mr. and Mrs. ' Engeno JBeaufordspent Tuesday in Troy with rela-tives. T?vfW t. ;

    Mr. and Mrs. MarshaH Hall spentThursday in Troy with Mr. and Mr*.JoAn 'Brown. f.

    ** «4

    Mrs. Mattie Beauford spent Mon-day wi& ®ra. A. K. ^ToodtuVst"

    JohinTSpence of.Troy "spent Sun-day here with relatives.Clarence CFortejcue. left Monday

    for Blackvifle where"he has accej>ti>£a job op the police force.. *


    ]McJKeiJl we«re ,_the bride's parents/ Sfr.' ari