f. Mil THE MOSQUITO ~" ••- V « ' . _._._ - ^LLJJ±"±* ' WOODBRIDGfe, N. J, FRIDAY, November 7, 1919 5 cent*. Her Ublicans Carry Township by Big Majorities, For All Their Candidates Except Hilker dean Legion inles Membership \,,i,-m»M-r iinr for , .,piM>in Pom, No. •,. ..ii legion ha* In .,-iin> sn« percent. JI',.1 mon«"T • • * •**•*• . t nr«r every day, im-mber, NOW IS 11 i nut hawh»vtl<xl \m»rlran !<••• . •rvii'« ma a to • h. ('r«»byi«»r(aa HViiiue, Sunday •* l!H», it 7:l« will t*%« Th« hi* *ub)eet. He In tMa 1 i.iken the >hr member* ol ..-salve orfa*MaV , u being - .i iiuartel ot e nii> i>e seoond to IK \i> THKNCWB. and .v.-rvonc lnt«rw»ted M-C mating of the be » give IH bonod to ew •r tu« "DONUS**, •lu v or the V, 1.. mpen*»Uon for the ; v.rnment Imnilll i rillCMtlons Will n. <h* convention, ..' Minneapolis awl i • rric* man Secretary of the IVK.1 several a#- L BASKET MIL TEAM FORMS REPUBLICANS SWEEP THE TOWNSHIP ON LAST TUESDAY O*ly One Democrat Oecttdrand He by 17 Votee—Overwhelming j U & Local Candtdatei "<r*- i-w* If -* ----*-- The \V H K live will open their season Friday night. No- veaher 7, at s P. M Their op- ponents will t>» ih« KrtOMivelt H. A. Those who made the team thin year are Captain l-orch and Dmm- mond. forward*;, Tappen, centor; Potter »nd Mark, guards; and II. Boyatoa and l)eber as substitutes. TWa year* manager is Martin Braun. Tfce coach is Kenneth Cramer, th« Htgb School htitory instructor Parish House Midgets Win Two Games Darin* the last two weehs the Pariah House Midgets won . t w o The Bret WM with the Laurel or Perth Alley, hr a aeore Hie eecoad game w— wttk the Tettanville itMgeta. by a ol *l-t*. in hoth aUrMa wufcjorlty or the aolnt* for •en. An ulmoAt complete victory went to the Hepublicann in Woodbridge Township on Tuesday. The only Democrat' that received a majority was B. J. Gunrion, running for County Clerk, who led by 17 votes.. Unopposed candidate for commit- teeman-Ht-hirgc, Howard R. Valentine, received a total of 1,196 votes. In the First Ward, Arthur A. Deter defeated M J. Coll by 1M Votrs, nn imuMlnl ti\ajority for tfwt wnr*». wG«orge I.tif- barry, in th<- Second Ward, defeated Howard Pender by 80 VOU-H. In the Second Ward WiHiam D. Hoy was unopposed and ivcM'H.d 330 vote*. ." r* In the r;ui for Tax Collector, ^dward J. Phmnigan re- ceived little more than one-third of the number of votes, losing by SIR vot, s, tin vote being 1,07* to 559. A tnbnl;iU<l list of the votes cast w given herewith: How the P«opU Voted on Toeeday a. <** lirsi Wi.rd I iist PoIL Town Hall; Second Poll, High School. Seiond Wanl I Irsi Potl, Ford»; Second Poll, Iselln. Third Ward—- lirsl I'ol), Port Mending; Second Poll, Avend. Has Fit, Falls, Killed By Trolley Mldfets, ol Sa-lJ r->r the tnn >:K) A H*m»l* pot- t«k aaatat laaaraae*. u the «nct date mt-^tiRit mud a in this news- wrjr eit'servlee legion. ''•• »ent to the 1 y«ar, and aa M'i«'»* their deaire, lls *f)i he planned The Auction Bridge Hub wan en- tertained on Friday afternoon by Mr*. J. C. Wllllama. There were seven table* of meatier* and guests, elan prises "«re awarded to Mrs. Oworf* Brewster and Mrs. M Deaqarest. The irneat priies WM by Mrs. John Walker and Mr*. Arthur Brown. The house was hean- tlfBlly decorated with cbryaawtk*- mttms eon Hallowe'en favors. The tally cards *nd refreshments were appropriate to Hallowe'en. The efob will be entertained on Friday. 'No- ll, by Mr*. Henry V©n W«r- GOVERNOH First Ward Second Wjird Third Ward 2 63 98 120 58 in 53 110 EKTERTMMERS B M. L CHURCH AL Baker Here Next Friday Will Bring His' Famous Dummy. Al. Baker, whg was the central figure In one of the notable enter- tainments of the Community Club, last winter, again will appear in Woodbrldge on Friday, November 14 th, as the head liner in a program to be rendered on that date at the Vtethodist ftpificopal Church. Mr. Edwurd 1. Inwards Newlon A. K. BuRb«e !! Albert W. Aupiebv Andrew J. VTiubt Fred W. De Vor ..'..„ C naymond Kvons John E. Toolan .^ (TnarleK K. TirMicll K William Hilkrt Bernard M. Gannon Edward E. Clark Clarence M. Haight Louii J. BellofT Alfred T. Kerr 1 171 157 ^ 2 •162 ,182 i 106 228 ASSEMBLY twf ss U7 187 149 m 249 * 102 87 m 210 COUNTY CLERK foS 171 172 1M 152 217 ISO gUOLDfiRS •S m 91 250 15 2 32 38 3ft 35 28 34 28 S3 37 '37 31 40 2* 1 179 159 188 174 170 }67 171 151 l&.t 20(1 104 182 107 m 67 61 109 100 55 Tot at 713 862 901 032 836 817 M4 «35 016 961 6W Balcer ia a Tentriloqalat of unusual ability and he will have with htm his famous dummy, which he handles with a rare degre of humor and; pathos. Mr. Baker will be accom- panied by Miss Justttte Roberts, reader and Impersonator, who will put on her amusing sketch, "The rriduy t>ventnK at about 7 CicorKe Toniek Pollitck w»t- Htrurk inul UilltMl by H Irotfey in trnnt ol hts hfiinfi on Hahway niie, A\ii-cl VouiiR PolI&oV. ,waa subject to epileptic fits, is saM t<) hav<* hurt one. wtirn* h« met ftht death, an he was lying a cross tkr- tfdlley vuils The trolley his body a distance of feet before It could he The motorman, Klvora Robert, eC Perfh Amboy, anil Conductor Fro* Wentel. or --New Brunswick, went I a ken to New Bruunwtck ami IIHUI for 2,000 bail on the churgc of Invol- untary manslaughter. PolUCk is survived by bin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pollack, one brother, Louis. TOWN8HIF-COMaf FTTEE-AT I.ARGE Howaid IL Valentine . . Ml^_JS7 249 58 241 126 1,196 man. Clarence Slugg Defeated by 2 Votes A yuung tnun, ("larmier Slutfg. well known in Woodbrldi(«,. «n<l. a former Htinlnui In the local Mhoola. waa defeated Tu«,day In Hi>oR«velt. runnius for the t»nlce of fomiellmw, by two vole* Hn i«a »iM»«l»r >'»»!«« luan iu Woudbriuxe, HII»1 U luuiler iu the "i'lrclw t'lut) " M. Coll A. )>ettr Wm. Hoy Lufburry Render ... Arthur K, Berry Kdd J Fl TOWN) COMMITTEE 282 48 Morris Brmin COLLECTOR 204 ^ %l& " 264 42 JISTICEOP THE PEACE 202 164 321 198 112 til 129 45 314 225 1.074 559 Ticket* for the affair are being sold by Medora *a.ui«r, Uiura Reid, Ruth Numbers, Anita Peck. Helen Augustine, rteten Bnaign. AgneB McEwen, Georgian* Cronce, Rattle Cronce, Spencer Suttdn, John M, Pot- ter, Harvey Wllliame, J. J. Swengord, ter, Harrey Williams, J. J. Mvengood Edwin Potter, William Oilman. 17S - flk4 Schools for Chinu No seuntry in the world *as ever had more profound faith in education than has China. There ttdueation haa always been the royal road to pre- 4eraent and eaUnenee, The poorest scholar, poorest. both in purse and ability, can hold hla head higher in popular entfmation'than can the moat plutocratic millionaire who happens to lack an education. Modern China Is an*ing for school*) —government m-liouln. Ilnddhlst Kcasby Clay Plant to be Bought by Newark Corf Briquette Company. Former Judge Adrian Lyon, rw- celver for the Ranton Clay Proil\ict» Company, ban been granted an miff-« allowlna- him to contract fur tn<- of the property. The nurarlto Briquette Company, of Newark, contracted to buy the property at a tfHce at #150,000. Besides lliin pltnrft the Burarlte Cumpuny IIUK a plan* in Newark. EASY TO MXE RBELESS 8«hoo)«, ChrlHtiau HchooU, any kind w Suggestion o t f.rt.1 For Christmas *< nliig, November A very tntrn<!tlvo calmidur IK ut- ""• will start at tared for wile by the Aurora r.\u*« of '" <••• sKte tor t'l tbe Methodist Sunday .s.-m.ol. of which Mlitti Oeorthina fmnw . - ' teacher. Ttm calendar IIHN a vor»e of S*!rlpturf for*«ach day of Irn» year, and eaeh month has a colored pl<'- prexent. audilmpri<«, » inttxpensive. Now, where buy no line a OtuiHimuH i>res- tui littie money? Th« pro- ._„ « f»r t«« hw»»nt of thn brl4# w a s d 8( . hool . ^ii<-e Uol»n and the -.- '"'"i Vulkmiitb. Jr. in 8«- luth—f; "»Ii, daughter of ld O( . Tha wM. 11 J * me " ent for S come from u. col- name was con- Jum of the Uui- _ and th« college itplrit luspires their design. They bre«tb« the tastea of red-blooded Am«rU-uii men. C.' Cti isteiweii Brother »ell Stadium Clothes Woodbridfe. Read' all over the. township GEO. UNDERTAKER 3 7 MAIN STRKtT 05yrf&f Bcboofti—In order that .her may receive that enlightenment which inay ru»ult In the complete uwak^iiiiu? of the sleeping giant and, the throwing off of the ahwckleH'of her sovereignty. The Episcopal I'hurch ulono hao 168 schools in China in but MX of the country's eighteen provinenn. The church is engaged in no work-in ^the other twelve Dt-ovinces. AMA result Of its Nation-Wide Campaign to enlarge itnd expand all of its activities both at home and abroad, the Episcopal Church will Increase the number of schools in China to :><>:{, if the asTTr th« MlHBionary Blahups ut Make Their Own The Firelesfi Cooker boom lp o » among the thrlrty lutUHewlveR In thus- State of New Jttisey ^ *rH* enthuaiastte advortiiten. aju. tho fortunate husbands. tihWdran, etc., who have HCtually tastedO»W ftreleos•eiMiifPd fnod, and dectar« ** tirst rate. Otir >>Ul enemy. H. <•- ot U., iu HI«W being defeated by Lhese same enter- prising women wlio refuse to pu.V J^tl lor the tiniphed product, but prefer to make it tbenmelvea for lean than $5. And they* gua rantee that' the home-made cooker* wort**, every hit an well UH the commepoial' one. "•' A wooden butter tub painted l a • match the kitchen fimiinMitis^, witl> handles and casters fastened on., packed with crumpled newspapers and lluoif with asbeston—thi« IR the home-nia.de tlrelesa cooker. Alum- inum uteusiU are u«ml lit It. ami if the -owner wnntn to vli» * «a- roantlng. soanntones make radiatorB. ._ Flreless cooker bees arranged b»" the home Uiiuionatraliou akenta' *«C varioiiH counti«H have been vftTjr through the NiUion-Wide i for building fourlt'eu moro tht; district of Anking auks for f l-tti.ItOO for thirty more schools, w|iiU- Itiinkow.' Hu«kn $^24,400 t«r thirty-three tu;wcihi<iii ionul InKtltu- I1O1IM. " Tht; totii 1 amount askiil for naw | | .schools in China in tr^r!,- !!.n |)1uH^/$i;0(;,tHMi to expand ItH col- work, making the totul titiucu Him unktriRH through # thn Nution- \\'\<\*'. rumimigu |7&d,150. bu Chliut for funds to establish seven* ty-st-vmi newschooln are granted by (he lenders ot the Nation-Wide ('am- i»ulgn. The nix Chinese provinces In, which tins KpiscopKl Church lias misaion-j popular among the women who iirle«, v teai'hera aiul phynirla)is are an ey« to economy. Each gtikfest divided Into thre« missionary dls-| rives with a butter tub under I trictn, named after the piintipul i-lty arm,aad departs with a compU in each- Shanghai. Anktos and 1 Ian- j nreleos cooker. Coti»lder»|il*: distrftt ot fihaiiKhal aaksfor, saved by co-operative ugbeKtoH, aiumhium aoapstonos. Two hundred and Hftr^or cool^ern. have been e»cty*rtv ln tlir ^ountieH alone Uiro^njtt^ t h » e hi v Mt». Frank App, [^.S&EltitF' ijader Hom« I>*;ii)on«tiiaiSJ^, -hati preparecr a b<t of d'^VIi*^ ft>r makiiis t»* cooker, »in-^ injrtoile may have by ', tO the SUte Affif- 8t JS«w BrurtsWick, Circular A, "Use * Cooker." The newt) of the townnhip -W oOd- oT CUltural for Kxt For' indBrwear of high g6 to, C%<la.tens«n B. Factories Play $jpp ForJEqiployes A nuntixir o< tU«,U«Un1|»|-.^ t iM' f .1h».«m(»luy*'»»» *aWot f l » m aamjalaw xir o< tU« ,U«Un1|»|.^ t iM.1h».«m(»luy*»» *aWot fl»m aaj are buylug »riny •uffoUos on dlsplnj a.t the ra*tit* The Induntriul Aano^^Tlon. , dlviduuI .»i<lor« av« th«B turned i t o the iuduatrial ABsoctailoii, through ^ WHIIU woolen blankets, to*«i«,~mi- rubbJor butltH, glows. *wok» tiie abip.p«d tg th« i H h m and bonne hold, supplier comprise the for dlatributioa. Much man is items ou the list. ! ited Iu the avtount he

V«'. . . - ^LLJJ±±* Ublicans Carry Township by Big Majorities, For …€¦ · U7 187 m149 249 * 102 m87 210 COUNTY CLERK foS 171 172 1M 152 217 ISO gUOLDfiRS •mS 91 25150 32

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Page 1: V«'. . . - ^LLJJ±±* Ublicans Carry Township by Big Majorities, For …€¦ · U7 187 m149 249 * 102 m87 210 COUNTY CLERK foS 171 172 1M 152 217 ISO gUOLDfiRS •mS 91 25150 32


M i l THE MOSQUITO~" ••- V « ' . _._._ - ^LLJJ±"±* '

WOODBRIDGfe, N. J, FRIDAY, November 7, 1919 5 cent*. Her

Ublicans Carry Township by Big Majorities,For All Their Candidates Except Hilkerdean Legioninles Membership\,,i,-m»M-r

i i n r for, .,piM>in Pom, No.•,. ..ii l eg ion ha* In.,-iin> sn« percent.

JI',.1 mon«"T • • * •**•*•. t nr«r every day,

im-mber, NOW IS11

i nut haw h»vtl<xl\m»rlran !<•••

. •rvii'« ma a to •h. ('r«»byi«»r(aaHViiiue, Sunday

•* l!H», i t 7 : l«will t*%« T h «

hi* *ub)eet. HeIn tMa1

i.iken the>hr member* ol

..-salve orfa*MaV, u being

- .i iiuartel ot enii> i>e seoond to

IK \i> THK NCWB. and.v.-rvonc lnt«rw»ted

• M-C mating of thebe »


IH bonod to ew

•r tu« "DONUS**,•lu v or the V, 1..• mpen*»Uon for the

; v.rnment I m n i l l li rillCMtlons Will

n. <h* convention,..' Minneapolis awl

• i • rric* man

Secretary of theIVK.1 several a#-




O*ly One Democrat Oecttdrand He by 17 Votee—Overwhelmingj U & Local Candtdatei "<r*-

i-w* If -* ----*--

The \V H K live willopen their season Friday night. No-veaher 7, at s P. M Their op-ponents will t>» ih« KrtOMivelt H. A.

Those who made the team thinyear are Captain l-orch and Dmm-mond. forward*;, Tappen, centor;Potter »nd Mark, guards; and II.Boyatoa and l)eber as substitutes.TWa year* manager is Martin Braun.Tfce coach is Kenneth Cramer, th«Htgb School htitory instructor

Parish House MidgetsWin Two Games

Darin* the last two weehs thePariah House Midgets won .two

The Bret WM with the Laurelor Perth A l l e y , hr a aeore

Hie eecoad game w—wttk the Tettanville itMgeta. by a

ol *l-t*. in hothaUrMa

wufcjorlty or the aolnt* for• e n .

An ulmoAt complete victory went to the Hepublicann inWoodbridge Township on Tuesday. The only Democrat' thatreceived a majority was B. J. Gunrion, running for CountyClerk, who led by 17 votes.. Unopposed candidate for commit-teeman-Ht-hirgc, Howard R. Valentine, received a total of 1,196votes. In the First Ward, Arthur A. Deter defeated M J. Collby 1M Votrs, nn imuMlnl ti\ajority for tfwt wnr*». wG«orge I.tif-barry, in th<- Second Ward, defeated Howard Pender by 80VOU-H. In the Second Ward WiHiam D. Hoy was unopposedand ivcM'H.d 330 vote*. ." r*

In the r;ui for Tax Collector, ^dward J. Phmnigan re-ceived little more than one-third of the number of votes, losingby SIR vot, s, tin vote being 1,07* to 559.

A tnbnl;iU<l list of the votes cast w given herewith:

How the P«opU Voted on Toeedaya. <**

lirsi Wi.rd I iist PoIL Town Hall; Second Poll, High School.Seiond Wanl I Irsi Potl, Ford»; Second Poll, Iselln. Third Ward—-lirsl I'ol), Port Mending; Second Poll, Avend.

Has Fit, Falls,Killed By Trolley

Mldfets,ol Sa-lJ

r->r t h e

tnn>:K) A H*m»l* pot-

t«k aaatatlaaaraae*.

u the «nct datemt- tiRit mud a• • in this news-

wrjr eit'servleelegion.

''•• »ent to the

1 y«ar, and aaM'i«'»* their deaire,l l s *f)i he planned

The Auction Bridge Hub wan en-tertained on Friday afternoon byMr*. J. C. Wllllama. There wereseven table* of meatier* and guests,

elan prises "«re awarded to Mrs.Oworf* Brewster and Mrs. MDeaqarest. The irneat priiesW M by Mrs. John Walker and Mr*.Arthur Brown. The house was hean-tlfBlly decorated with cbryaawtk*-mttms eon Hallowe'en favors. Thetally cards *nd refreshments wereappropriate to Hallowe'en. The efobwill be entertained on Friday. 'No-

l l , by Mr*. Henry V©n W«r-

GOVERNOHFirst Ward Second Wjird Third Ward






AL Baker HereNext Friday

Will Bring His' Famous Dummy.

Al. Baker, whg was the centralfigure In one of the notable enter-tainments of the Community Club,last winter, again will appear inWoodbrldge on Friday, November14 th, as the head liner in a programto be rendered on that date at theVtethodist ftpificopal Church. Mr.

Edwurd 1. InwardsNewlon A. K. BuRb«e !!

Albert W. AupiebvAndrew J. VTiubtFred W. De Vor ..'..„C naymond KvonsJohn E. Toolan . ^(TnarleK K. TirMicll

K William HilkrtBernard M. Gannon

Edward E. ClarkClarence M. HaightLouii J. BellofTAlfred T. Kerr

1171157 ^




twfssU 7


149m249 *102




152 217ISO




1 5












Tot at







Balcer ia a Tentriloqalat of unusualability and he will have with htmhis famous dummy, which he handleswith a rare degre of humor and;pathos. Mr. Baker will be accom-panied by Miss Justttte Roberts,reader and Impersonator, who willput on her amusing sketch, "The

rriduy t>ventnK at about 7CicorKe Toniek Pollitck w»t-

Htrurk inul UilltMl by H Irotfey i ntrnnt ol hts hfiinfi on Hahwayniie, A\ii-cl VouiiR PolI&oV.,waa subject to epileptic fits, is saMt<) hav<* hurt one. wtirn* h« met fthtdeath, an he was lying a cross tkr-tfdlley vuils The trolleyhis body a distance offeet before It could he

The motorman, Klvora Robert, eCPerfh Amboy, anil Conductor Fro*Wentel. or --New Brunswick, wentI a ken to New Bruunwtck ami IIHUI for• 2,000 bail on the churgc of Invol-untary manslaughter.

PolUCk is survived by binMr. and Mrs. Michael Pollack,one brother, Louis.

TOWN8HIF-COMaf FTTEE-AT I.ARGEHowaid IL Valentine . . Ml^_JS7 249 58 241 126 1,196


Clarence SluggDefeated by 2 Votes

A yuung tnun, ("larmier Slutfg.well known in Woodbrldi(«,. «n<l. aformer Htinlnui In the local Mhoola.waa defeated Tu«,day In Hi>oR«velt.runnius for the t»nlce of fomiellmw,by two vole* Hn i«a »iM»«l»r >'»»!««luan iu Woudbriuxe, HII»1 U luuiler iuthe "i'lrclw t'lut) "

M. CollA. )>ettrWm. HoyLufburryRender ...

Arthur K, BerryK d d J Fl


282 48

Morris Brmin

COLLECTOR204 ^ %l& " 264 42








Ticket* for the affair are beingsold by Medora *a.ui«r, Uiura Reid,Ruth Numbers, Anita Peck. HelenAugustine, rteten Bnaign. AgneBMcEwen, Georgian* Cronce, RattleCronce, Spencer Suttdn, John M, Pot-ter, Harvey Wllliame, J. J. Swengord,ter, Harrey Williams, J. J. MvengoodEdwin Potter, William Oilman.

17S - flk4

Schools for ChinuNo seuntry in the world *as ever

had more profound faith in educationthan has China. There ttdueation haaalways been the royal road to pre-4eraent and eaUnenee, The poorestscholar, poorest. both in purse andability, can hold hla head higher inpopular entfmation'than can the moatplutocratic millionaire who happensto lack an education.

Modern China Is an*ing for school*)—government m-liouln. Ilnddhlst

Kcasby Clay Plant to beBought by Newark CorfBriquette Company.Former Judge Adrian Lyon, rw-

celver for the Ranton Clay Proil\ict»Company, ban been granted an miff-«allowlna- him to contract fur tn<-of the property. The nurarltoBriquette Company, of Newark,contracted to buy the property at atfHce at #150,000. Besides lliin pltnrftthe Burarlte Cumpuny IIUK a plan*in Newark.


8«hoo)«, ChrlHtiau HchooU, any kind

w •

Suggestionot f.rt.1 For Christmas

*< nliig, November A very tntrn<!tlvo calmidur IK ut-""• will start at tared for wile by the Aurora r.\u*« of'" <••• sKte tor t'l tbe Methodist Sunday .s.-m.ol. of

• which Mlitti Oeorthina f m n w t». - ' teacher. Ttm calendar IIHN a vor»e

of S*!rlpturf for*«ach day of Irn» year,and eaeh month has a colored pl<'-

prexent. aud ilm pri<«, 3«» inttxpensive. Now, wherebuy no line a OtuiHimuH i>res-tui littie money? Th« pro-

._„ « f»r t«« hw»»nt of thnbrl4# w a s d 8 ( . h o o l .

• ii<-e Uol»n and the -.-'"'"i Vulkmiitb. Jr.

in 8«-

luth—f;"»Ii, daughter of

l d O( .Tha wM.

11 J * m e " ent for

Scome from u. col-

name was con-Jum of the Uui-

_ and th« collegeitplrit luspires their design. Theybre«tb« the tastea of red-bloodedAm«rU-uii men. C.' Cti isteiweiiBrother »ell Stadium ClothesWoodbridfe.

Read' all over the. township —



05yrf&f Bcboofti—In order that .hermay receive that enlightenmentwhich inay ru»ult In the completeuwak^iiiiu? of the sleeping giant and,the throwing off of the ahwckleH'ofher sovereignty. The EpiscopalI'hurch ulono hao 168 schools inChina in but MX of the country'seighteen provinenn. The church isengaged in no work-in the othertwelve Dt-ovinces. AM A result Of itsNation-Wide Campaign to enlargeitnd expand all of its activities bothat home and abroad, the EpiscopalChurch will Increase the number ofschools in China to :><>:{, if the asTTr

th« MlHBionary Blahups ut

Make Their Own

The Firelesfi Cooker boom lp o »among the thrlrty lutUHewlveR In thus-State of New Jttisey • *rH*enthuaiastte advortiiten. aju. thofortunate husbands. tihWdran,etc., who have HCtually tasted O»Wftreleos•eiMiifPd fnod, and dectar« **tirst rate.

Otir >>Ul enemy. H. <•- ot U., iu HI«Wbeing defeated by Lhese same enter-prising women wlio refuse to pu.VJ tl lor the tiniphed product, butprefer to make it tbenmelvea forlean than $5. And they* gua ran teethat' the home-made cooker* wort**,every hit an well UH the commepoial'one. " •'

A wooden butter tub painted l a •match the kitchen fimiinMitis^, witl>handles and casters fastened on.,packed with crumpled newspapersand lluoif with asbeston—thi« IR thehome-nia.de tlrelesa cooker. Alum-inum uteusiU are u«ml lit It. ami ifthe -owner wnntn to vli» * «a-roantlng. soanntones makeradiatorB. ._

Flreless cooker bees arranged b»"the home Uiiuionatraliou akenta' *«CvarioiiH counti«H have been vftTjr

through the NiUion-Widei for building fourlt'eu morotht; district of Anking auks

for f l-tti.ItOO for thirty more schools,w|iiU- Itiinkow.' Hu«kn $^24,400 t«rthirty-three tu;w cihi<iii ionul InKtltu-I1O1IM. "

Tht; totii 1 amount askiil for naw| | .schools in China in tr^r!,-

!!.n |)1uH /$i;0(;,tHMi to expand ItH col-work, making the totul titiucu

Him unktriRH through #thn Nution-\\'\<\*'. rumimigu |7&d,150.


Chliut for funds to establish seven*ty-st-vmi new schooln are granted by(he lenders ot the Nation-Wide ('am-i»ulgn.

The nix Chinese provinces In, whichtins KpiscopKl Church lias misaion-j popular among the women whoiirle«, vteai'hera aiul phynirla)is are an ey« to economy. Each gtikfestdivided Into thre« missionary dls-| rives with a butter tub under Itrictn, named after the piintipul i-lty arm, aad departs with a compUin each- Shanghai. Anktos and 1 Ian- j nreleos cooker. Coti»lder»|il*:

distrftt ot fihaiiKhal aaksfor, saved by co-operativeugbeKtoH, aiumhiumaoapstonos.

Two hundred and Hftr^orcool ern. have been e»cty*rtvln t l i r

^ountieH alone Uiro^njtt th»e hivMt». Frank App, [^.S&EltitF' i jaderHom« I>*;ii)on«tiiaiSJ , -hati preparecra b<t of d'^VIi*^ ft>r makiiis t » *cooker, » in-^ injrtoile may have by

', tO the SUte Affif-8t JS«w BrurtsWick,

Circular A, "Use *Cooker."

The newt) of the townnhip -W oOd-


CUlturalfor Kxt

For' indBrwear of highg6 to, C%<la.tens«n B.

Factories Play $jpp ForJEqiployesA nuntixir o< tU« ,U«Un1|»|-.^tiM'f• .1h».«m(»luy*'»»» *aWot f l»m aamjalawxir o< tU« ,U«Un1|»|.^ tiM.1h».«m(»luy*»» *aWot f l»m a a j

are buylug »riny •uffoUos on dlsplnj a.t the ra*t i t* TheInduntriul Aano^^Tlon. , dlviduuI .»i<lor« av« th«B turned

i t o the iuduatrial ABsoctailoii,through ^WHIIU woolen blankets, to*«i«,~mi-

rubbJor butltH, g lows . *wok» tiie abip.p«d tg th«i H h mand bonne hold, supplier comprise the for dlatributioa. Much man is

items ou the list. ! ited Iu the avtount he

Page 2: V«'. . . - ^LLJJ±±* Ublicans Carry Township by Big Majorities, For …€¦ · U7 187 m149 249 * 102 m87 210 COUNTY CLERK foS 171 172 1M 152 217 ISO gUOLDfiRS •mS 91 25150 32

<»»«••» ijflTOay

cent,rf a


«-% snr** » • *


-fM- V r



a faaaty

I****** as

' awmsSfflHBflp al*9a?a9 v M E MJKE^f '1 g ra^r *arf jmflat * *Gmwis * t 9^. 453 Vs

i*rv*JX- Hae^PT W a H V S t aW aaaaaBBK a^

* M * wsa aAne&fr rsaagMTa w a a i g*y**T *y a » afi

in* «irf 3a a tew e» rfetlL n ? ftarf


rGmrjt*. «sa« «aii &er cheeks ams1

| vatiehetf baa w«2k aJvef1 epas asn{C aaw and

* •w^nws' awwwy

tf tr*

fluff Aa.»

VaAH t» auk

to* fiariarajv~ "1 sa&t asfi t M M , " G«OPB»!


• O f <

argaa. I ' M•a Max aad I

~_ nn

Jmk* UtT-"i.-w- * Ys<a ssy

-T5wf», tb«e*r be. said. "Irsr i i L aa4 jci toddl* aloag."

I r*aTry do want to ita-• t—:. G-<vJ night, old lady."

•*Ra". G- trxp. dear—"

mt t)|*• - - •


*irs;j t



Z. f

I* If? tfci*t *

it . v" JI<wyak-raif,

ring %» aha that tf a*w* aboat ttt r ace.

MBk9Td be


I t w>«ai« t« cut tt SKo<iats to thai!""Oik. !fo: 1 oaix know Vrw paaa Atsks

aboot t i loct H 's neater, aerer spo-kes wkiaol/ or ' i tattftcty* at ye*."Bfr ta«e m M t/AsrbU^ in tta ««-tnaa dktx for tt-» <»>«M>«t Gt+tg*. tat-p* ate aa««r. H* *tti«l daat aaaitl,

tfeaaav, "or else the tw* ofaB the r e s t * as aff tbe at

"ft we do weT! evi*a 11aisiTag the street* are ora* %amz «a they a w asrw*tamed.

cx/jn* w> y4v peo AS)e t» a> nsaxr-ft tef*t the gJtso«:e froat the cen-

ter of a towa that coasts,* said Ca-ceae; TTa (he Save it takes ta get

jitettlew elttLT5 again beforer OTU roviNt ber

"TT ••ti'i-ttlr not, stt J** *aa not? Th<T3 Ji» t?it day or| v >r dnl Faun j make any allasion to UM

fTy^L \*t B pfrrofcA \ Hto she had bea^awva?r£»--a &<"r nc 4>ew after the lfajaris

L ~E>H ^trr Ri<°cessfal little ataaer.™r tirn^fc slw acnoyed (Ujtitpt by looitlttg' a: bisa ofteoer and Mnger than ha; cared ta be Irvtked at by an aant.

, wltb Lncy's father, tnoogn EogCtW. case freqwentlj- to the Jtonse, aadi cpest arreral eTenlaga with Isabel aad. F~icny i and scnK"tiioes pef auaded.theai| a&4 the Major to go for an aftetaoontii iDotorfng. He did not, howe??crv coaM• ante to tbe Major's Svaday

, | tfioser. eren when George. I returned. Sunday evening was !h*

test, ttnn\ be explaln«Kl. for rotng over the; fc»; week'a work with ala factory saaa-

door tfcat


yeaaaW tawkEy.I love je«7"


natter wftat


"Well, FOB glad W i Mtt," Georsesaid, "PotltVs ia a -lirty bests*** f >ra gratleiaaa, and CoeJe George iruoidtefl yoa that hinMerf. Lwr tef * nottalk any more ab««t It. Let me tduawther wbea I get bone that we're

Woat yon. 4earr*ook her bead. "No," she

gare htm a sodden BtUegsyety. "Let's let It

• father—^~Oh. be«aaat n > better r<5*>.f?e'» voice shook, "last tt foar


to be



to !e T t *; "Beat;"

4le»rge herI aogcr narrovtd his CJ«* **I k

what yos sa^aa " L-? » m ri dareI doa't care for your father's tdemla

than ij* dues for arfaefBe tightened tbe r*la«

my to the trot;George Jamped oat of tbe 1

before Lacy'* gate, aad aaata d>ar«ad, tb« sUeace ip which

they parted was the same tbat bad be-to trot.

"4 K*«

the next after

"3ast what I saJd." he retar^fL jUghtfag one of the Major's cigars. i

laaaers hand, pale aad slender, cp-'aa the tahtcrUWft, toached one of tly9am sOrer eaadlcsrJeks aimlessly; tfc-- .fiaavrs were sees to treaai>e« Oa btwaa hart T" she mm wared,

-I doaTt aee why be sboaJd h%' \Va*Baff^^P aBPav a> ^Haaaw I mm\Jf

a|m at hba. What node yoa tWnkwaa baxfr - ,

-I know haar «a* afl of her reply.

The Major stared

ITben Lacy cane htaae the ias far enough adraneed to m

jftm' tmralng leaTm. and far thehis editorials, In the paperv.aa the

haz*. the golden branches* thefroii. and ihe pleasure of Jong traaw*In tbe brown forest. George had aotteard of her arrtral, sod b* ttftt«a tbe afternoon following thatat tbe gharona', where ha hadtn& secret nope that ha aUftoaeihin* about ber. Jaal*had Jwt begun to tell hba that ah*h<?*rtl Lucy waa expected aafter baring "a perfectlytioie"—Informatloo which Geora* rs-c*l*ed with no rcspoostv*

Ike Ea> |—when Locy came dewarsty! proper little autumn agar* la

George tad brown,i be aat • Her

1tell I


t e .• his sboea.!biS BfaC*.*

i the Tery Crat thatPke him—tbat yonham. I

cneefcs were Sashed aa•iark t-jes were bright Indeed<J«nce». ss Ueorre •opposed, of tho^irttcmrtit tactdt^tal to tha pejfettlycor^evus time Jo*t coaHoded; thaaahJscie



Aaid, -What DM


George wsatalone and. aac—attrlng Lucy,

her father oa the roaiil, la sue of:»'a car*, lifted W» bat.. h.*t no-

waned, his formalMM aaaatV DaaaaaaWL. ataaatMaaM* aVaVWaaal a« J^aav I-_ • " • • • " i ias aa aajRaaaai w » f a a ) ' a > CPa^ r

hand awidOy retamed ta. tb*'

TWs town's already spreadlag;btcydes and troUeyi bare been doingtbeir abare, but tbe autouuAUe togofcag-to eaxry, city streeu dear oat tothe county tlae."

The Major was skeptical "Preanioa. Hair aoar b« said. -Jfs lecky foraa that you're only dreaming; becaasett peopt* a» to moriE^ thai far. realeataCb VSlifta to the old rraideare partof. towa are eolng to be suetched pret

JT*I afrxfat ao," Kogen* a**eat«4so bright asiil

hard at George

awaa *bUa,'yon avA Georaet Iat tf we bad * dargyaaa aa ahere yoa'd «xpectyUat aat to be

to aaderstaad that yoarWCT6 asaTllUld^^CflVBMaU BOaT tLQr

tMtfal tf roa sal* the caarrh w « alaaaxnoc andoagat s e w tvaavcbeen

We aeesa ta hare a newof yoaag pecasa aassa daya. if*V aat sat Om CWttaaof # ^mTK&tj JITI

fora yoBngfcUow U t p x ^la try and

by at-! 4£j Jam.I That's

V» flashed aagrfly and seen^i »abaat tar ofler a retort, bat held hat not fad

tor a BKwaeat; and then h*tdec . U was IsabaTjFbo resp.«rf-

tmVtm the Majar. -Ok, a o r she aa'd. iwoaid aerer be

wui starclean tisa#- the old seetldbmore attrsttttv* than the new

I "Not Tery likely I Bow are things

I going ta to kept 'bright aad dean'with soft teal aad our kiad *f city


and Mary Sharoa both thaaghtit wnder- j th«y were the effect of Leer's hartaf>* « » • • • * « O*oree*s ronaboot In froat at thw

tK*o»e a s «ae nme in_ ctoorg* bsak aa~cv.T»r. hUasett. a« he roa* and aoddffd

aatmralry lediffercntty: and the not saSsstaa taf»3ed a> c a n r great wefgat. and Ua- mhlch be became object ^1*m»WI Itsbrf weat aw^bjElay troabled Toice: -It area to Utdode hU neck and tats.seeaar as aapay especially when jx»o Nothing coald have mad* Mgi aa^dvfe** •» aaw aw aWat his daaghter." j cwre Indlgaaot than his coasdoasaaaT

** |havaVi*«a* stopped aatartns bi* of these »ymptonis of the Icy tndUhr-


u d sat ap. "How di>U s daaghterr he oe-


At least, aaw harasi ^oked at anyother fta\ #aaT saw* they-came bar*.

W7?-- V*->* *Nsned Terymuch bi her. Certainly

ftry great friendsratftatr

ecce wblcb It waa his purpoat aot aal*to tbow bat to feel.

Sb« ktased her cousins, gat* GMrfltber band, said "How *yoa do." aadto«k a chair beside Janle with • eoa>Posore which augmented Gtorg*1* hr(Ucnatloa. * • •

"How d*you A<rV he said. "I traatthai ah—I tnm—l do trust "•

H d


He stopped, fur Ukeened

I cajrt sae how iMedia a gpliaamtty toscanl ber

«*Jd be couched, aod


to bUT

t „ •

-aTeO, m Ml

coaldnt t—and last of allGaorgta^s, I'm afraid he hart, bat:f dnat fear hi* not haTteg ondersond |

waswarning Its beartag on Eageae.

wtth'jat i M l S ^ T V

frown ofi upon t4s

»e truth la. Itboncht of the

-at least, aot

one. Lucy &ut silent and thetwo Sharon girls leaned forward. W r -ing at him with vinlned «yea, tbeir

bat too easily dlurpoiied ss sobjset t o

•**'"*WDtrol, He began again."I tcn-1 hope you have had, ttr-m

Pleasant time. 1 tr—I hop* y»n are

Those Slg-.i


lata tha

SMrgehasenimj and ^trouMw

c»o i*^Mi

1 "They ar*aX"


** Mid his"It wasnt a wry

grandfather. {•oceaWu) lav J hstseif, oot a*.



the world was tnor*" loath thanto look; a



Page 3: V«'. . . - ^LLJJ±±* Ublicans Carry Township by Big Majorities, For …€¦ · U7 187 m149 249 * 102 m87 210 COUNTY CLERK foS 171 172 1M 152 217 ISO gUOLDfiRS •mS 91 25150 32


cmi In' oornslon '

. .inffy little 9*Kk,lnui<Ml his,,lP end of

• i rt'iiioved his,,,,ri(.rl in hit wrath.

!it-t may you hot"twUehlag

,.,ublc amlle andrs letter* with a

, grandpaf" ha,,>< if In doubt,-liirn you—Who

-, ?•• exploded the

.. iti<> sum*billing rlatt»r.Tin- clonffctad fig-r,|,:int on fait <Va-


utant in suspense —then the ,,_ •„-, t n « wood.

"CraA-kr HI W , rt,lfi,d

Eft' t"*"* - •'

IP 1! liiasr,.s[gtiefls-

aa pile and hammerly down the, clayey V n p £

»'S10 ^ moment h« W M Btnr ln•tlffly at the crumpled body of fln Itnl-lan lying among tho tools nt the footOf thederrlck and h« knew the reasonfor lrn» mutiny.

Then ho observed his box car statton, tilde by and invoke to renditionA /* > t P t rOnr f r o m '•I"1'p the mountnlnfttnimd him on and he rushed forward.

H« was scmmbllng over the con Ipi I* to the engine cab when he f«ittha sudden Interruption in flight thattold of the application of air brake*.

•tftitced up «nd beheld n man hun-tba layers In the cab. not ten feet

"Ttn* swr»1*ty of norne pcoplo to maknnow fiWii'H In tftf lnt«n«p rhm theynever Imw time to have Ol<l ones."


Tno oxpprt noupilnvor" hy


,„.«• what you*r»

.. i... I dont gitt

my little Insult.ii nre billed to

, t i cck trick, andly them blood-

.• <>t a week youYou heart"1

• ><< hearing, pat"

• u-n purple andi.v At but he

•i tha riMMtt U ) 4•ti n hang... imd kept strict

1 omilnga «t sixhundred Italia**.' <l hox car, WM• "sing, but

-s the truge pit:•:({ d«ptha lOCO--I ring* Of flat*.ii the rnaglii at

"Opciw'er up I L«t (er out!" yelledexcitedly waving his arms to

the mountnln behind."Cues* not! Hhu's running away—

or wast""fUKteen looa« -flat cars back of an—

Sixteen J" acrtmnrd lti(tgt, as he slidbodily Into the cub and struggled to hlateet.

"Hall I" ejnculfltfHt the stranger.Than He pUUcil a lever way over.

"Who're you?" shouted Bl(5gs."(toff, fireman, fresh from the water

t»nkrHla dripping Rnrniont* corroborated

Deputies Ironl tUs revenue QlJJfle .around Home of the attlla they found In-Chicago ralda. These stills haduns of niDiinshio* whisky In them'when found.

J T5


hi* Mitmimt amply ,m(] forced a iinlleto Blna' face.

Behind thi-m the driver WBT*><1tJng In snikky clri-lea."We're dolnd nil sht'tl stnnd!"

"Cjness were tailed, all rightI

ith sand.'•' •" we«t wa* the

t». yond th«t tto«nj'wnrd toward

i !•-« a* the cro*. <>f the dlrtde..• mvarthy aona ofHIM. hat be< «t the fact.


aa he

goln* to catch us!"Ww'll win by about tlx car

the fire:" he called."Hurrah( Man at switch!"

UM Irenan an InHtnnt Inter.That'* Bill, blem Ms heart I""Homestretch !" called <joff.

down the shrivel.roar of the two catapult!)

BOW ooe thundcrmin roil. The tensiongrew almost overpowering and tht>O n flipped thrtr brrttth In expectntlOn of a dinaatrou* flnUh.

Four— nix— eight long seconds tlcftodby and then the Miff figure of old BillWilliams fln*h«l by. The fireman'sfac« broke into a ttnlle n» he seized thetar**.

BUK-BSl went the brakes on the hugewhsvfa an* then. In a cloud of wind anddost, the fait flying rait cars careenedby-~*» tt» aiding.

Another moment and the pile-op atthe hump end of the dend twitch oc-

ISIggs nnd Goff dashed throughof stod and fcroufh. the trainendaflll a bar* hundred yards

man. Bin r* he rwharked ear-th* recipient grunU* with

start of the MO-mfle cross-conntry endurnnce teet from Fort Ethan Alien to Catnp Devena, llnsn., to de-termine tb>' h<"<t type of borse for cavalry work. FuU-blooded Arabs, Morgana and halt-breeda wero entered, Aten yt'iu- old Antti mare* ridden by A. W. Harris of Chicago waa the 'winner.


lDftHt <N»Jlilt«rn onpalmi, ahnok the tandfrMai Jbja hand etoMl up bravaly

ff«ta from the rich asulThen they sent him bnck t»"thjp>and

luat to i»»t«hli «riu. r>

i "Hide the

*•« load*d

i Peak G\tr. Blgga••innced at his watch

< k toward tha



Awftt 6*"!>d# H«v« Moved; i] ManyOr««\ Writers to Record T^tr

tribute of Delloht

lovely cifrlllopa of bells(Ian touiTS have Inspiredpoet, many «n author. Rose1

Wtaon, Thackeray, TliomisVUtor, Uujfo, Lon^feiiow, MHenry VauDyko and others

of tit muale of the carlllbellt lu t ie tower of St.

ft jki»t.iiiin or UftUuca. willheard by Victor 6u$o In 1"birth tA a poem which tradltlbe wrote with Mm ring up*m tdow pane of u little tuu lu theof the nib-lit. Ths theme Iftlou of the wonderful carlat Mallutf*. Another writer, WllllarnOorhaui HICP, who^jfteard the great'^H-^ r Qt tietlvJfi**f Deiiyn, play ontb« carUion ai '0t JRoniboId, has given•.'splendid description of the effect ofthii rousUr upon him. lie says:

"Sometime* In Winter, after icicle*have formed, ther* comes « thaw, andone by one they tumble down gontly atfirm, tht-u l*)li«r In a mnss they couietill, ltkti an avnlauche, they crashdown with a mighty war. All of thisthe muslf suggefiteil. It was low, Itwas loud, it was from one hell, It' wanfrom chorda of fawllti. It >VIM majestic,It was simple. Anil eve.ry note seinedtofuft frniti above, trom such heightstbiit the wholi' landJtituird Its bi-uuty."


Satflc of the 4,r»*>0 United States troops under comta'and of Uenenil Sugftwho set sail for SiU-siu on tl»a ^mtOent Grant. These men, who comprised Ithe Fifth und rifileth Infftfltrle*, With auxiliary units, wlU do police and]piard duiy in Sii.-ln und Germany, and are composed entirely of men whovolunteered Kjieeiilcniiy for thui ^



«t the

Seven \Vend«ra of the World.Three lists dre given of seven won-

ders. What ate t«Qwn us the sevenwonders of the ancient world were:pyramid* of, J?|B$ty F»$f*>S >»» -«toP.t*hr.ngliie garden*"of iBabyion, temple o(l>ltma ut IdpljeBUB, atutuu of Jupiter


wtll obtnlnnnlrvfi Ipftovnt« find

tnhli-s. Afterl i i ir t h f i o i i ( > «

bo turn I nod mid.thlrkerifd tin annnUlwith « hlndinc of:.butter ati<l floitf.cooked toRPthor. (

Corn Chowder.—^about foiir tt-nR|>ooiifiilM of fiU

wait iwrk cuhew nnrt try them o m ; 4mlil nn(> sllrofi onion nnd cook flvt> niln-iiti>s. sllrrlng often to UcCf) the onionfrom liurntiifr, F*Hrh<ill frfUr cupfulsof f>otf»to ullcrs In wntor to cover.• Irnin nnd n<li! t|lr. potatoes to the flit •nnd oiilnn. with two ciipfuls of lx>llln!(wilier; rook until the potntoes n'resoft, ndd n mn of fftru, n (\»tirt ofmilk. Hnlt, [IP^|II<|' mid huttpred crnck-

thi« lettered rrnckeraon top. This n-clui' will servo «lx.

.Cream Soup.—I'm thin slices ofa.H (hln us HIUIV|II£<I with n ntnnll

nmnunt of butter In n snuccimn andbrown ; p^nr over finou^h hollliifi wa-ii'r l«i innk(i th* soup nwdi'd, 'i<l«l saltto tn^li' nnd let Iho mixture boll tff>;

Hie sancepsin and stirIn n IRTRO cupful of cream, the thick-er the better. Be sure to hnvo It wellsnlted or «ho soup will tnste fltlt.

Cream of Peanut Soup.—Put ii cup-ful of pennut butter Into n qunrt ofmilk, ndd salt, cayenne. $• tablespoon-rul of Binted onion, a buy lenf, celerysnlt. and cook ten mtirutes In n doubleholler. Moisten a fnbiespil>6n'f\ri ftfcornatnrrh with cold milk and stirnnfil smooth, odd to-the soup findconk ten mlnuttm. Strain, ant" s#f**with cnbes of toasted bread.. Quick Egg Soups*—Stir a ten spoon-ful of beef extract Into a quart of boll-Ing wnter, add a grated onion, celerysalt, salt and pepper to taste. Tour"boiling hot Into a tureen with fourtnblespOonfuis of boiled rice and twowell beaten eggs.

Split Pea Soup—Pick overr washnnd put to. soak In plenty of cold wa-ter one cupful of split pens. In tliemorning cooTc In two quarts of water,ndtl n two-tnch cube^ of salt pork afedone sliced onion. Cookv, and stir oftenuntil the pens are soft, ru8 througha sieve, thidken 'with two tablespoon-fuls of flour and butter, add milk,tothin .the puvee tq the desired consist-ency. Season well and serve very hot.

Ordinarily we ftrtS In people thequalities we are mostly looking: for <tfthe qualities that our prevailmg char-acteristics call forth, i, The *ftfg«r thenature the less critical anil cyntpalIt Is, the more It Is given :to loottinKfor the best In others.—Trlne:


Cbecsq naturally su^gpsts Itself ns asubstitute for meat, slncelt Is rich In

the1 same Wind : ofnutrients wn_lftbmeat supplies; It Isnlso a foOd whi«hIs stnjilo and ntnybe used IK> a Tarle-ty nf way's.

Stuffed PotatoeaWith

.Split hot baked, po1^itoesp}ene*^wl«e,ri'iuovo contents without injuring theskin of the potato. Mash tlve-potftto,udd scnHonhig and enough hot milkmul butter to, sejison welf; beat untillight, then refill the skin, piling It uplightly; do riot'sm6oth the top. Sprin-kle with• grated cheese, and reheat Inoyen u,ntll cheese^ Is melted- »nd n.delicate brown. ••*' (

Tests of drinking wuter throughoutthe United States'and Its possessionsare made at the water resources •labora-tory of the geological survey underthe

I direction of 6. H. K ldw'ell, Str. Ktd-well has been In charge oitnft workfor the past two* years add. Is one.ofthe youngest chemists' to tha service

ant of

Rice Baked With1

cupful of rice In a largeboiling i flfer, at .l,«ftsf; ^ j ^adding a teaspoonful of salt. Whenlender drain and cover ithe'bdtttjiw ofa battered bttklos dlnit with a layer ofthe rlt;e; sprbJkle with grate/} cheese,a dash of cayentif pepper and, addthe youngest c h m i s s t .

ot Vncte Sam. The latest undertaking 1 milk to half, fill trie'dlMlj cbver withcrumbs" ah3 bakoa,nd

Is to mark the~totmm wells and to-sanitary drinking places In the na-tional parka and the lMeui:oftravel.

the milk Is ab-brown.

Musician's Memory Honored.Beethoven park In Vienna has been

freqnented by countless toUriati, It be-ing a natural park named In honor ofth«> composer. In B&eOioven's primehe used to spend hours each day un-der a certain tree composing music,und upon this spot a wooden stampremains with an Inscription to thattffect. Close by Is an Old Iron bench.upon which hp- uwd to rfea^ To tb«left is a beautiful statue of the rausl-.dun la Ufa giro. A laqee fountain.

auart ot aiceil potato quhet with aL minted oulon until the potatoes

are nearly tender; add a teaspaonfulof salt and half a enn of minced redpeppers and cook until the potatoesare doue. Drain and put Into a batingdish. Make a sauce of two table-spoonfuls of butter and flour, oae tea-spoonful of salt and a, pint of OlHk.then add one-half pound Of gratedcheese.' Vour this over the potatoesand. bake until a golden '

Sakad Fish with }

•( U came Ms flrtit

then, withft*

hy mausolwuu of Artemisiaof Rhodes. Those of ithe

agps arere; Coliseum of Home.<tf Alexandria, great wallB f a ' i l & U

and large trees and flowers su!Frpund;It, uiaklng It all In all the mosttlve section of tho park.

i of porkhe ftsh.

tablets have

« f i c i i i i a . fagof I'lsa porcelain tow«r of . Nankin,

/ 9rttt

In the ••Ahitrle ii Iiulep^eace'-ropja*1'In Vwsullles piilaco two marble„ [ilui<il lect'utlf, Bettlpg fpfth In Kngllsh and FrembfiliiNtlng t;lory i» a P*Ww« cltlaun and leader. Miuiy

t iu... wtishiiiutuiiiu iils^ ar« on exhibition In the room,und

J words seldom muke liuprea-J)1O«A on soft people.

re Uniea when a runner fla*s( t to uqunr* btimwlfc «

1»rTh»"'tronblo . innvket Is euay oud


" Some Guy.It was a fold and cheerless night

The wind blew in from the northeast,cutting down the veracity of the real

UlCD by 50 per cent. On the deckof a boat stood a female tourist. Hereye caught the gUut of the breakwaterlighthouse. For & long time shewatcbeU. Then ahe turned to her coiOrpenton.

"How patient those lighthouse manmust b«," she said. . . • ^

•*Pntlentl How so?" <«5 he wind has blown th»t

tibn tlniua nnd each HumIt

Baked CM* Wlfh Chew.—Baettlrfour eggs Into B buttered baking dishand coolj, fa* a hot oven until they be-gin to. turn whlta. ground theCover fl^ wgjw'wlth' a whiteover ttejil.^cupful of cheese and breadorunahavW0lVn}U:ed. Sention tuul hrowu

H^vhells should bo eurefniiy scrap*ed ouTdKJtb. a teuKiiouu; someone whotmjwtrjecNt'aay» that th« hulk of one^SB tV saved In the s#rn[ilng tff sniftsen

and. with eggs worth/.*o«r orapiece, It l» woWiU while.


Page 4: V«'. . . - ^LLJJ±±* Ublicans Carry Township by Big Majorities, For …€¦ · U7 187 m149 249 * 102 m87 210 COUNTY CLERK foS 171 172 1M 152 217 ISO gUOLDfiRS •mS 91 25150 32

Xofcge HewsBbout Hown

GOOD Govmsi^srj^nx "h*™™ • t

r,«j\<~A* - , ' • - a Tu^dar in *n tmmlstekaWt man- rx?ta£*



JM*a*. 4a

.« i* squared J U T for a o>»tinuatioa: ra ik*Tta«t±>«' A a*» ' ' ' '•****'* «W«CB aej JSale* - r « . « r - ^ - i • » . W i sr« J

• * ***"

1 r « M Tlired *•-.-

s;/ i t f •r 1*

is pic*isc-tl:to

H r


Express—Auto ScDaily. Between Ncwtrk, ElfeabRah way. Woodbridge, Perth Ami

and Chrome


j al:« i *i* the! Sr-V*ii

«f Ira ward As

ia G**«.'•-ajt-i

Tr ;: '

T A - • • • * .Mr aswi M n

sn - t i l grt^t to the Third warders a*

» >.rn to*TJthai \hi l>-moeraU realized tht futility <rf opposinathi,i vfn r* -ason his r*-«-l*rction is the bt-st possibly

Arthur Berry wa« re-turned to tht ta\ roflpctor*hipiji/fil> of more than 500.

Analyzing the election returns, the most striking imajorities bv which the unsuccessful candidates were'1**

J d t



of th*

t u eiL—O. • W. [

Another striking feature is the factout exception, gav«- their record breaking plurality to

aWpmbhcan candidate* ^They gave majorilie* in this Township to Bugbee, Appteby,

I ^ D U , Tindell, Haight and BcWoff on tite state and countyets.The single exception was in the case of Barney Gannon.» ran successfully for re-erection as county clerk. Despitefact that Mr. Gannon has many friends In Woodbridge, bisjority here was only 17 votes out of a total of Ij651.Thai there has been a strong shift to Republicanism among

Wajodbridge voters was known, but ft was not until the votes*af last Tuesday were counted that the extent of this shift be-acastte appreciated.

Party affltiatiuns are advbabie «MJ~iffffcaaaury to tfc* fanksssad file ef citizens^ since it is keenly realized that efficient workam any line of endeavor can be accomplished best oa organiza-•BVBB lines.

To the successful Township candidates who, without excep-were on the Republican ticket, it may be said that Wood-

^ge voters at all times are open to conviction.~Wb3e they believe in party lines, they are not bound toielines to tbe exclusion of judgment and sound sense,lit ekcthag Ike Republican candidates they endorsed a kind

government that they had found satisfactory.And in electing the candidates in the next election, which

J come op a year from now, and in the one after thai, andth* others in the years ahead, they will be guided by the

b of performance, and not by promises, and the candi-. who were elected on Tuesday will proceed to their dutiesa feeling of satisfaction over the strength of their indorse-i, but al*o with the knowledge that by their records they

Pridar AU


had a verr as*Mr. aa« Mra. '

*A Mas aTariojAathoT. will a v now Grow aveaa* ISt* of Ho-

Mr. . Oa4h rWtei rctotireswar tha waak eahi m at her hoa

win aatertatai Cfcmh asat Friaajr

N » f u t i S f t Let H aleae. aadIt wx r-., L*HT to Aeath. I raa wort

.t » go^l character anc* faster thaaaajoc* ;a mm mm mt

Telephone 310 Roowvc


DO YOU WANT A HOUSEHave beautiful lots, near trolley •<

I and value going up. Bay now on easy tTell me where you want to buy a hot: i

Ijret list of houses everywhere for salt

G.MAGREENReal Estate an^ Insurance


ta^af kaTafa^ a M

aaak •]&••» tak '

hfrc »iy


trai areaae,Oath.

OB Cea-I by Mr.

By OirEfftrti We Shall

"Heavaa hi mot raa the*

Bac we b«il4 la* tawUwe rtoe

Ftoai the lowly earth to the rani ted

•r roma.mt.lo 1U aai alt round

wamj bereeevare*

Kaaaaa Catjr Iate

be judged.

BUnd Man's Buff

Traly, day ar oay, we arefor O M t t f . la view of th* fact.let «s ewaaMVer a leader aaoa whoaernaade wa «aay aaXatr aiowat. laar4ar to aa> this H ts Uchlr i a i wtaat (kai w* haUd a Brai roaa4aUofi

ot richteoaaaeea.Freirideacei th* DHrtae

ioea^eae. let a*ho*a tor aart*aa. kartac faith to be-Uave it te omr aad above all takln*charity, which will create within oarheart* ft (lowtac deaire to aplttthaawatty. Belac thaa'prepared. w«aaay atoturt, Wravaly, the first-roaad.i e l d i a u * la oaraelrea; this ma*tvrad. let as


tioav, which aroat earely be acquiredta order that we any battle aaaiaaithe staay ohetaelea which rise. a» to tlajfaao oar arocreas. CoaOkts are'


I awre tohard

bat ao matter howatraaato let as coaqaer

If yon buy it fromm, tf'« worth

When lu need ot Vfre laauranc«,aat me give you thewight company..^»e« a Hpecttrlty.

O. M. AtlHKBW,•Real K«tat«

Tel, If-W.

• i l : ' v ; • - - *

Female Help WantedWork la U« HMalkeruhfefkere yoa will ha well ttaatod

clean, eeay work to da wjthpleaaaat smxroaadlaca Kxperleaeadoperator* saw atakias from 14 Ut* doltarw t w*ek. Why aat yoa?H UoMntbal•* Co., t l » Newwiek

them aad they will eerr* to naacalfy 1 A Saad eaaoble the Ttetortes that areto follow. L«t as not be filled wltaeoaceft, fpr "Pride goath hatore *'J-wa|all?r

Qaeean does aot coaaist to rtchear. hat rather im a lite ofrorcettiac oaraelvca ID

pleastas aad taaplrlas others, cbeer-lac the dishearteaed. aad alwayileadric a haad to those In need ofaasialsafw. arer dtseootaat with theroaaa*' ttpoa which we staad aadsJniaa'Unj' oa to a htahar. Wneawe shall have oMtatered the top-naoat roaad, taklaa a retrospectivewWw, wa asa»- slaace wtth a*»U*oa>tion or«r a'wall steal life, then iniwwor to the <-all ot the MasterBuilder, take the final etaa iato %broader *|Os«re to be sreat aad soodand blaasad tbara la #ropoa^oa t« |

w« hv« #«•« oa earth



II. J. •i,i.'i.'t.'>,'i,'i

M. IRVING DEMARESTGeneral Contractor

ICEWWWORKiff «M1 TtmaiiWy1

\ ^ y.^a:

Page 5: V«'. . . - ^LLJJ±±* Ublicans Carry Township by Big Majorities, For …€¦ · U7 187 m149 249 * 102 m87 210 COUNTY CLERK foS 171 172 1M 152 217 ISO gUOLDfiRS •mS 91 25150 32

Suthafin*, Cburcbesat mich small

Sunday, fl-i1 1 Ofl A. M'••*'• P. M,'-ih '" M .

Church NoUwA M _ 8tttiday School.

Morning Womblp.Christian Kmlynvor.nlns Worship.

Tu.nrl«y, r>;30 P, « . , tho I>art«w^\(lnnl«>nary mreting will !>« held atiho honfe of Mm. D u M Voorhooa.

W r d r t H 0 0 , Prmpmr meetlag.7 oo, Intermediate Chrlt-

Pre^tyterian Churchlomo A M.. svndar 8cHw»l and

Mill's Hlblo. Clastt.H:00 A. M, Mornloc Wwfthip.

iBubJnot: •Vhn p 0 T m of Oodl1n««n."I 7:00 p. M , ChrlBtl*n Bnfleavo*.

- •<" T' M . Brentftg Wnrthlp.8p«clnl sernura tor theJ l


IE-PIPE HEATERSolves Many Problem*IM on« reffteter on/y — thU entirely modern, wlcntift-

(made and guaranteed by the oldest ami the largestlima apparatus in th* United Stefan) furnishes n con-

h. warm air throtrghout ev«ry room In Ihc home —> ,:,ws, evenly distributed.

• - I mean* In economy I—Installation costs cut to •\n\ i-s to buy or run to various position*. Nocoollng

ach your rooms L«M d t I d i t l. ... reach your room*, Lm* rfutt- ICM dirt — less. and «i>read» ttuUntly to th« upper flo<ir!i. None t»

, i-ool ctllar.% And you C»n burn any kind of fuel —LESS OP IT than is demanded l>y other type*of heater*. <

nt cater*** <H*np*.m&r ufor etty wrwuwfay ham**. acMlM*, <•tor**V «*o^-«W«r Mm froMfe**. NOW to





Srllonl<1> 7

: ir> rM I I I U I -

" • • i n ]

A/ ,

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n i •

r. h , •

T I P . .v i .

• i n ••

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I n , ••,

m< ii

,11 !)

V, 1

FlpiscopalChttfch Items

0:00 A . . M., SundayM.«i(t A M, M o v i n g Wor-nh |


, 1 , 1

' ' ' 1


r , , l

• i '

1 y i

I l l ' s !


. ( ' -1 .

••1 S;t1 M'

:iH.\\ t - l

1 M Kpworth heatrui?.i:v..i,iiiK W o r a h l p .'"> r M., Oftlnlftt RoHffT

. 7 •*', p , M.-, Prayer

. -i V. M.j Teaehrr

••' l> 'T . rtnlor Lnnglin.in: ririinraent, evmilii);

" - Juatln Tloherts,!••' : ii-i M r . A l , I l a k ' - r ,H I niiirifrlftn.

i iuX'l i- N o v e m b e r 9tl»,Siii.ii»y atle^if" Tiinlt-f-

• •I HI oYiofttt; MornltiK:> i rv . i i . . t 1 o ' c U M J k . " T l l Mi\>*<",n" KrenBonK and'•I.--'!. Tin* Rev. Benja -1 -.t Knyport, wi l l bw

A. J. MILLER LBR, CO.Plume Roosevelt 412

Sharrott and 3rd St,,. Carteret, N. J.

If you intend to buildor make repairs let usfurnish

li-,1' N i A d h—t fwr iH*r rjr«w <•

CHMCtC MM SQfUAMK. CAddrm nmuxA aOn.)

O Mdurihw Hmttm* \pvnHm a R M * M61 DGM*HMMI a Lwtnarv Tuik llMlpn


On An Average



Wuoiii>ci knr. Who m a d *thoae bul«* In sr.y fuvorltft ireeT

[JttU O«or»« I <annot t«U » lt«,I 414 It wttti mr UttU bUtl



1 1


Ford PartsElectrical Supplies


193*195 Smith St^P«rtb Amhoy, N. J.



R. A. HIRNERUndert«l(«r andExpert Kmbdmer

niH« and C w ^ r ^ " * ^ «-WOODtttUDGE, N. J.

ie OOo* It4 KM. M 9


T thoufht ro«•oulda't v • t« r t l l t » • r

«tme« aD

CUM ta I ria-

J«l Ik* MtMUJUi i l i i w w • • I l

•M MM* <•-

SHIMGLESLUMBER & MILL WORKRight Prices, Quality andService

BEAVER BOARDInsist on getting Genuine Beaver Board.

Do not accept a substitute. GenuineBeaver ha« the trade mark plainly printedevery three feet on the back of everypanel. Sizes 4ftX6ft-7-8-9-10.12-16.

Cover up Unsigl

SHINGLE BEAUTYFor beat appearance and wear ofroof or ftMngfed side walls do notdecide on Mjnrt shingles "— buy


They arc preserved against deeny,worms, wentker and curling tijv -tlicy lu«t f% goneration. Ordinaryshingles look shoddy beside ;i" C U K O - D I P T " shingled home.They come already stained anycolor desired* Let us show you

Sample* of Color* on Wood—and got our Prices.

' AS die cntcka «nd ditcolo^dpaper on old wall* and ceiling*be quickly covered updurable panel* 6i Beavercan do tni« work vouraelfpart o{ it ia, you'll hover-to do a$iun. Once up Balwaya there, SoUd, tidecorated walla and r

We bare aome T « t iaatxnctive' ttiro dkat'a youn for lit* aaking.


Oa. mte*r »• *****

t i « n t i r t*•land

And h««r R I***"

wban W»Would r*lh«a>

llat*n t» IM


fuoMf tr*«, 1poaa, /

T«a, ana

Maud* i l l f l•ottralr »r •«"• ~

I ibougbt ah*couldn't m i k lI U C I I rrti-htftatuolie* wUJk MV

LARSEN& FOXCivil Engineers


For your spring repairing see




HV HMN WWt "***


. +tm AM*

* 5« a*

W«4M.O W , WTNfJ IWir«w J-


*<t% ^i wif» A "«.«. CAR.


:ft .

- • • - " - •

te&& • •A* . .

;:* »ilii&*»feft^• , / .

"*i"!«"v , i 'Jf •«

Page 6: V«'. . . - ^LLJJ±±* Ublicans Carry Township by Big Majorities, For …€¦ · U7 187 m149 249 * 102 m87 210 COUNTY CLERK foS 171 172 1M 152 217 ISO gUOLDfiRS •mS 91 25150 32

• • • w w r • - * ( •

that fatt> .1.,

or Worse

»ta aaj. Tfca**tads

Tar ******'» »•**.

-My O*r F«* r * ^ " ! ^ : ^that thi* is aot •

1 J#r,"~


PURIFIES BLOODtin- tr^t to

hook aad«f this

Tan if«tfl# I*an tb* turn atx»«t.with !ron f-r"-» fwlr

To« eaxrt erp*rt weak fcUbers t*• t * r the arils «~c4 prises* oot of

Tai wot

ta Lblj Httlt tUnlfefJ

prises* om umem f a** firea a Sttlct

XhMt aBmr t t r o to bWcaa* <fi*e-wheat • BltJ* atteatioa m r -wi3 pre-

H. Dve't try to cheat w t w e .» mmtt. a* j'm. mmm^nc* u>

f l n r n m i tad tirM.are woally *

(feat rvar kids«7» «re cot

P B•j Aon tfc* rs-

«ho b=>*M, H-

Bwb < - •red.

Wife-- • '-Hob—V

ws« t i l a i e that FitzpatrK* OJ*«tt I ^ ^ ^ h J r i i- *! * omtoer i* 1*90 *od WH | MBKK,, . -

<'. : : n r ; . _i- -r t - * *.:"*•* 1» handling the.: - r . , ^ •nofbaTl players and


B « « <*fary •eeose «( r e v raxjvarmtV t* tt« rrip •<vs*e. GOLD MEItAL

oa ctlM &k Tt*r are t u p«r* —lafasalH*-»r!ra Ofl C*i*r:U* bnyjf.^i directt h UW tn H**rtan. Boi-

fo GOLDmm -- 'Arafgjt fa GOLD

fur tb- mice fJGLD MEIJAL.box. Tkm tfair*. «*«U-

if t&ej d-j


Beth Leagues Boast of LeadersHaitfj Wtth Their fists.

tt* Sort.

r ".ij"- r'»ur.«rtt

„ for T<»- That tf a!AQ day b* ba^ been at It— I ( h j U f — m f - B J . j ^ , * « . Martoo. we* '

I,^*i.to« me to tl*e wall—aod when h* j b«O*ra tft met I a»»y ha»whas m» there, mefctnc m* fo Bp>* « J < i l ^ . ^ „ « ha* I tsm

"Ah '- I

Jo btra. Well, have oo«b-


• Co«u next to rothlnfl. yet fceept .* bowels in fi"< order and s

fin Umkei at h«r father with1

tintbefri« nil*

4o * t « tiling tofMKT&w. r 1U> rJ rjy him at tbe altar I*

c f/i tnj Triea<iM «od hl»Oke wbolf world, ac far

aU the w WOQ*l

-Wm ytm fltrto jHI«tf I .ay «ood a4«bir ate aajd. -l f*'-'

4»J at aoon, Mlaa Rtorrwetrt av ta« aJaie at the ek«rl»the H W

Tb*III 1> t±.'j\ii&


fitber. Berfilled the aeats abowt her. Tl.«-immcil so eaaoy «f tbem. they aias-''

-Yes. f*tt«?r and I shalJ oat shirt i buBM t[Vm ^ ^ ^ ^ ,«*_triosnpbal sVMte cr»*b«-l fr-••it. For y/o—bat irhit will became <rf j

m*! VV'bit ti.ua ww»M tars to ask tot j—

™to ifcarry biw aft«» I fca^ *oui «ieh a , b o J ^ jnoefce,, that almost Ck«Atiu <

of Lit.

B3*tcb*r of tfc*Uver

U*» Dr.

g'K/4. r«*alt> Xrtrnt t

fastttM,Hi 11M tb«T



' ."** ^ * r \ " r i • M , ] 1 / they had otUy rat «w»y . M ir.-

, ^ f * "^ h t"7' I ? 0 " ,T* 7 i b*d darned •» many tboes wb«, i>,ourl yoo «o to a prt who bad re- ^ ^ ^ ^ fc ^ t h e i j . | o T f . ,

at «.e «H*r. ahamedhtm, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l B t e r B l ! l i l .him ijt the roost borrtWe i f Mr imsrr nfnr ki«a««Be4- to *:r.

HU father alwoat rnfoH row ^ j , , ^ to . nwineat It didbiaa 2 U that

rto-forgcO- And theIs In his aon. I bate him

(fee <jiaiiK>rid are iOBCe were

that UBorkett moar&

tlwHy l>y thfor in t!

today »eaatj ail «f «""a*

Give ft to• iji4 It •*!

tt* ckiMwn fre*»y-«l»*y M » u , m B C | , »j, | , e bated me. The wbvjle

EmbroiderersExperienced hand embroiderM f p acal>loped underwear. Steady. Work aent Ma

of town. Send sample*.ESTLLLA.SCHUXC.Il BROS,

iw W«PI Mth Barni New h

BeiylUs for fifty years tbey hateIn my way. and thl» \*nj is

th* iwm* thing Ms father did—no.only trying; t* fl«> It, for I shall barehJsa whVre I nUh film:

Baby Coughs•» HIWIBI nl wllh « rwtZj Uudm aet^oK. f?i«i'* la Bald but

PI SOSTh» Ti« That Bound.

l^nwy«P~i*JOn what gr»j«n'l!*, m«<!(im.'".'• ><(ii wl*b a divorce from your l<u*1*1.1] r Ctl«K—"Whr, 1 m a t r i x him

dlrd tow hrt* lw*

Ke >M* tier h*n-•Tb« old minister who ha4 r^i^:-- •

b«r stood tliere wttb *p*« b.^*. tfaintly aV beard bis dmnioi rl.-:.

She beard him say "1 will.' Vber ttsw bad come, aad raised ! • -eies.

Ber father wa» behind h r, ar»i -:'tvt »rfo«rmm*tlc, dad'; r « ] be BieaHit—the opposition or h r f

know rery well BiHy Baylis* Isn't tfcat J uy# tbta fearful ttreottb of «hkh • •[--bad, altbosg.'! Ifs onxtt entmeh as It j pressed her senses. Sb« « n o&<r of

M r ^ U ' w t ^ l caB It sg^are. * % i ^ w t l M r l W , aad «*« reJ-At-i inf<« ( i s* this Vff T—!*ot op^jwir Uf«J!Xb«r hejart; p>' loudly that—Binr.:—WedillDf ring thrown Dpoo

Exit hauchty Marlon Storyrnuid the appUas* of the callery aad %%m words of tb* cteruman c&ru

<- bltMes or the opposlot factionr to her aa from another world tbr,.t ;hTour jjlrlj cam« fmllj^ Into the rooam. aaother consctooaneaa for nUJch t-ne

aaXl ^olM-'of them. *Tve cootd oot account, but abe «n<i ln nathe girls to' •«« the thins*- tleot for. them to be ov*>r. that tt«?


And Jlmny Borke <>(O*tfce GrUBtl|of th.- *>:,

be coaMdcreH <0<r-.nk:nc ;


Mtrxl Ho»t>! < - n

A Lady of QUtinctloo,I* m o ^ n l / x l hy th«'dellcbte faJtdnat-Ing inflii.-i.it' of the pSffdnie she xtsms.A bath wnii I'uticura Soap and hotwater to t>.-.r«»u«!ily cl«m*o the pores,followwl by u >!ii-ting with Curicnrs;TfltcUtU Pov- i l . - r i!-i:ii l ly i : > e * l t t af w e e t , fceallliy H L I I I . - - A d v . •

better equipped In the mat:, r < tla Huco Reztfc*

1-iralkW F«*r* a f Q n * of<of tbe Cardl&sl<-Cmba and

H p vaVUMVrmvaft. A*y of thi* .:.,-.-> •!« U batOc. Wafl tf ndfcors rak t» tr«VU«dL «aor*dr tbasa caV. in «to' tfce ahmt * » * s f l

happen te set tbt t i.-atbe boam.

of the Athlcttr. MitirrEuSfaaa of tbjft Y«nks i&d

of Qsf Tkf«r« tiiitli; ire

iu«-t toy fattier; m> broth«r whole thine might be ended.Faintly ahe be«rd tben»—IKl Obey! «be fal

. t!.i-,c,r

H h i m I&-

f u • . . : : ; i u t

I D -

Want at i>rlnrl[>l<W,unt of a n

antox wli)» ucheats blfnveif at


Tb« oppoalflon of her f^thjy jjgg I

KredT Areo'tJuFt l(j«)k at thl* collar!"

I U H Btory Vtg^A IQ herdravrlng-rooin for tbe atiu sbe

to marry. j aod b«r fatally. wUowonfl come to her In a motHtfatt, h w d««*tT.vlolew sx w o t other dcl||QM« . Suddenly sbe became CMt.'.aui that i

offerins;. • ' Mr hour hajd «os£e ipOwd. , |Htr ronunee with Will Ilajllas Ikad Tb« into: "" ' " _

he^aia six yearn b«fore, wh«-n they War* r W f to ib« frtffet questionlittle more thin children. ' b*«fde her wm« waiting.

The opiH.«lt)<,n ot their i-areals had 9hf ^elt th« trjmjph of M. l.e.vAraad« little difference. - boI41«( bar ow«, sfc« felt ih- -:>-ugih

HUn bad )o*ed tbls man with s4l bar W tb* a m ab«v«^ll. Mtie 1 .. .,-^ upthought, but now It kerned to > * • • . ••*• * ' • •»••*•. They w.-re ihf ey«*p r e n way to quite anoib«r fMlJav, « « O«M> **•" did not krxKl. at tb«It was anything bat tbc old teiideraepfL beart ot *Trry woman.Regret was there, ami it wa* lh# fw- As If afraid that h« voul<l not knock

it stv« t » a at fc'#-owt> a«a.la. and tliut K!H- ial«tota l » sjJd. fthitly but .iuie»lj:

t r y to M-!T!^ by

t b j t o t h e r >«r:!|>p\

irMi ont In aAge iwuilfy t*ke» BBQch of

acnpmr leadarm, and, » 1* |pcUDc4 to let

j fawMents that ootjr a c..jj,ie of•esaona *I» witold bare sen! tL<- ' I.ir i

a bwrkniit

«f* rcapoBslble fur tin- mn-aVatfw amMeat, <«r. an 1'at Mu-

pointtb* piayer who rights tor u\-I* a .»*dy

gr*t that • wyinsu<*ad child.

•», v,

-4e was belilTereiit, a sorjt"»at ajba <ju

tarn ?** JZ-•tOB


Club #ats) Number ol StarsFrant .lirtapandsnt Ta*ma for

Trial Next Spring.

Boston Red 8<>x have atoned aof players froiu fast lm!«[«>ad-

ant temna for trial oext'



had th*biincinc

:n third piare tbi«of the *odd

oerer! * to d*fra» Canal*v rirflu ts tltp teal

tt titt- y«r.». one a triple that':-_-ut nsd ke&i the Athletics

fe'tae raVt Ta* Yank*toe sftske ahead of the

g*t aboQt $300 each* t Jor ii:- !.r^ in third place.


Frt.-0.rl... I Milvertck >tf CttlCtfO,ur.:.;;.tm.ii'.Jy etertwl captain

of the Oorn.-n f(, ni.utl team, la •

wits captau, ,-u-ot of the <yon^ellela 11)17, I mi ht-vi-r s<nre*, ta'h* lejtihe university to


English Farmerfor Animals Kill** by

Poisen«d vn t l a h *

I.*.!, iiuii <sotf Iglulx. were the dufetfcdaitls to. tba;

t by o furmcf wboTotitpfart- Harrjr ftnirh, sec

* « ^ few J U c f c q k *

Page 7: V«'. . . - ^LLJJ±±* Ublicans Carry Township by Big Majorities, For …€¦ · U7 187 m149 249 * 102 m87 210 COUNTY CLERK foS 171 172 1M 152 217 ISO gUOLDfiRS •mS 91 25150 32


' p.,1,1


„ ,.,„» to take en« ktarfehiretW. They *et on tt.. RtomanV, ,,,(1,i to ©orres* Intestinal disorder* 10,000 taatimouUli

, r 1- of »"!• P*f telling ot l«li*£. Ho mothat «l,oaM (,», M ,1,-r Or*j*s 0 f M *»wd«ra * » • • • whan b««1«d.

i h« BMd o f j b w i oAea watt** a* laoonvralent ho^rs.


Of Utmost Importance to GetVarious Foodstuff* to Mar-

ket in Quick Time.

BIG VEHICLE IS EFFICIENT| I W P M « 1 Number of THp« A (on*

Plaoea c«r in L««d a*d prove*Ita Economy— Heavy Truck

Has Many Advantage*.

Time in the fnnnert capital. Thedifficulty of employing adequate helpbns <]isronrnirp(i more than one prac-llonl fnrmer from rniatOf the cropa*hlrh wonld pay him theprofits.

>,„, rcnllied.that to in«r-kot «hp crops was of ftfiffr1 primn J

that hp could not alford to| iy c n ) W inf foodstuffsnut be able to t e t t o

eapedaUj created far

Men andhool Chap "otub

which duidmarket on tim*>


!Miftcn. Gcfyi tot

lot lesJu.o/11 tP.k^PThe beat circulates

cellar cool fin ftorin* fruits




Stop JoTting Liver and Bowrt

Oflfl Ofmtii buird h a j *

"» to lhocm!!i, ffint:ir ntij Ut*tl1 w 111 Tiaal' live

mnklhjt ac«iFse<l hy drltloif

on tti" !r:«f.Many Advantages.

tHr tnn k <tfff rh'Mhc f*rtH#r theof fUTompL.delivery of bis

throTiprh ; <Vf«JV "Bby wnpon or railroad, nnd turn

Inelnto rnsh crop* which-would other-wise bo loat. Thrnnch Its speed l( en-ables him to rttn, hi" IJIft* vltt) icnhelp. It IncrcnHcs ljie rodhifl of hindprofitable focv market (rardpnltiR amismon fnrms nronhd the cities, nnd willpay lot ItseTT In tn> first ifli monthsot u»e tHro«uh the actual net WIVIDRIt -frill make on any modern (arm.

With nil these advantages and #fthtliei absolute certainty of Bnceensfuloperation, thwre ls.no good renson whythft Aitierlcan farmer shoald hcsltatt)to pnrtdiaae motor tracks today.


R n f th«iHn-an of'< crop « t l -

mate, has made a very CBIfffttl ln»«|-tlentlon of tlif UB»'S of the IBOtOT tTUCk<>n tin- fnrin H,,,| l h o remit* <lw ba«nrrlv...! ..t nr,. nmnzln«f. MT. Aadrem

in p.-iri. -tii,. ejtlmatad coat.ofIn \v:iu-,>i]H from f i n t f tp •Wp-

i lu 19ia atroat 80f.,r wheat. W «fflit»i,m for cotton; foriiiiuiinK ID motor

-s nr« 15 cent* foris ccota for cot-

will make antripr per day

*«* ftl,m farm to

L comfortable Place H l i S.«.platied by More Coftvenlenfr Scaf-

fold, ca Illuctrated.

The repair pit Is, at best, a moatonc«offtffaWe place to Work In,to do'away with it a larg*pn»lfc>a«e haa resorted to the method shownIn the illnarratlon. A trap m a cat !•the floor above, the repair anop and

Mle out of your sy*tem with culrtmwl *nd other Mrkrnlnirpursntlvos Is nil wrong. Salts, OH. ntulOthnrttf! Wdtorti «<rt hy flornlinK thettowola With the digentlre Julcos whichare, vital to the Htrtmach. CnsrnrefRnre different. Th«^ net *s " tnrilr tothe bowel romrlcfl, whloh Is rTrr onlylonslble way to rolleTP n bilious nttflrk, « »onr, acfd stortinch, or consti-pated bowels There Is no grfpttiR orlnconvrjttfnc*» +nn hnturnlly returnto regularity anil oTicorfnlnens. Cns-earets cost very little and they workwhile y<ra'sl««p.—Adv.

ulinrl never nrt .Tnck for hi* a*1

"What's fhe innfter,"He m*ver thinks whnt l"ve made np

1 my mlnrt tn 09,»» ngjri." ,

Service inftmfStape, But Boon's Soon

St.,(he V. 8. NVvy,

««yn: "RtW

n_. mternal.

ton of Hom*n B4.'bad. WUI vrof Ita nurttoC tba S7M. •xjaraal

Gentle Mint.,eat lobotera myself,

Ownce." .Bhe^-"^ thfnk jottdfeel like a canpipal If yon did."

»«p||«nV.PropoM byNo Meant Satiafactory


fly. due tV n


Hubby Byto Hn

in n Mn/rIn niorh-



In ]|«sa|aiKtfear need uf thabou^"" atuiOttnceinent that Ue wus «>ff that

a>s>;Traa fiilni" *o toaul -voh-r* toHsf ialtar Stnntailatfly mutter ro«e in

> : **"*!£ « i»»t *rtclilne If!"TBBe *torm«i/l'ati<l you nre nnl

haul I>eTn<x-mtn tf

rafj* tinlrr theIndeed I am," he retort

ed^fToaaorteW U oiy day to use It amiI tnteod to nae it fo •««! Democrats t«

Til* hrat day fa your* and^sif ray Iml f of It as well aa

your own to haul It^pubUcans to Hallfajb for all I car*!"—Imllana[tollt

win mnu,- i,,n 1.2 roand t r i p iover an avi-r:iKi> 1I;MII i>f f» mile*. T h eInrrensr.l nmuh.T .if trips ftlooe wi l lplnrc lh<> mrttor lni-k lu Ilio Tcad, a n d

Us ec,,h,,,,|v Tlu> fact o f t h ematter 1B thnt, hikini; nhont ni'a'n "«i-nni[il>'. tin- uvi-nici- wni;i>a toad w a a50 bustici^, wiiii,. 'tun ,,f the load o fthe aven ige rn.Hur truck waa 84busheln."

Found Mo»t Efficient,only iir" tin- li.;i\ y iluty t rack*

used c i r l u s i v f l v i.n farms, put Inninny KivttouH vvbiTi. it.nrket garden-ing Is (ion.- tin- tnn-ks of 1 ^ t o t w o

cnjmcuy nrt- fniiri'l most efficientby the truck (janiniiTs. Where t h efiinil Is lilt', iiiul ill.- • nips nre Htapteathe heavy <luty tnii k Is most effectfTe,tmt fur th>' Kinuli.-r furniH the 1 ^ t ot w o ton truck is f..iin.| tn.-st desirable,and every lnvt'i>U»::iW"M made lu r«*(••til yt-urH lifts in. i.-ii Unit this a leeof truck In the on.- b^si .suited t oon the, fftrrii.

T h e most linpckrtunt [>.>lat8 foroiieratiiiK a fiinn of miy s ix* to

Bute of Ohio, City of Toi^n,Ccuntr—is.

Prank J. Cpeaeir nakea oat* that he lasenior pertoap of.UM ar<a of.S". J. Cheneytk Co., 06\ag muriiieaa In the City of To-ledo, Co»rtty»ntJ^aa«t« aforttaaM. *n« *h«t

a7lb.r UUill*~< v 11 IT;, iMll irri . , ™»*_J X • Iff rtJ

bit pi t,rpuble I anffcrrd froin .njj kid-n«>y* w«« ft nHnift bf Vip?iifTtr<< at tfte"

satined pmaticaJlj an kMy kiilneya bfcanieirregiilar *H Xb" ttrneBODW lu«|t)t« 1 waft fi. ,_

• to « t np rvery hnlf hfnir.u The kidn«T »«i*tionsbnrae<l Hkc fir* *»H\ worefilled with brick durt-Uke

•wvllnl and wpre inftamadlI couldn't l>end oner tolace my nboea and hadto he h f l p t r f op hnn

•ft** my retirementI tried to get intmrwHL but

turned down because of kittrouble. 1 b«gan Uting Doqn** Lney PUU and u«ed mxteen boxes. 0rthat tim.i every gipi ol kidney trWb.

1left me and my tack was 1abt an ache or pai» left. Iinsurance again nnd wnn declaredgood risk. I give Dohn'i Kidii^j/oedit tot pwf tin(t nt« in pprftvt b«S

ond txcom to beforeme.

( U l D M M t • * Airy Star*. Sftc • Bos



Hock 91* Bursitis


flworm, tb brfori

for any ciac of Catarrh«urea W • Oi» vse of


w_preA. D. 188*.

(Beal) A. W.HAllVB

frill reduce them and leave no blentbhc*.Stopt Uincnctt promptly. Dpea not bil> rter or re'mdTe the h»tr, and home tan ba'

JR..Notary PuMle. j tlia»m toe Botla. Bnlau. tana. SwclMmi. Vaikmc Vdab

MEDICINE) Is l»k-~! AlhTtF«iaan4In»mi»nmlop Price 11.!S » boqlr n i• a Internally a o d a c t a |br>uich the Rlood fhw ««••»*« J. Wilt tell you oon if ron write.

1 of yateta..W*» if lUHU) OsltOif i

Co., Toledo, Ohio.

No vvoinpji ever awakens her has-'band from his aft'ernoon nnp to showhim her dressmaker's bill.

w , f .YDtaM. r. D. F,,lti TM*tt«..

The Car Being RepairedFloor Above.

the cor to be lepalred was driven overthe hole In the floor. A bcaffoirt, hav-ing a platform about 4 feet square,was then wheeled Into place, under-neath the hole. On the platform isa small bench with a vise, and draw-ers for nuts, bolts, etc.

The result has been a saving In time,for the workman has a place In whir*to work, plenty of room to mme about,and be can work steadily without hav-ing to climb down for tools-—W. R.Dart* la Pdprilar Science Monthly.

ratName "Bayer" B on Oonidnc

Aspirin—say Baye?

( t , *•*> • Ckpialned.

ji»td thai n man n*^er nmrrlw.- "No; the Rouble IB thaipia Idcnl'tt ideal."

, I%> matter how much patience n murhaa he never n*f* "">' f>' it at the tab[«

be jranu tht- wit.

time ; HH- funtur can., gotbis breaJffaat at h'>ni>>. co to utarfceiand be back ID,time f r .Unnt-r, whichwaa an utter linp»ssii..nty when borstand wagon were use!.

Release* Five Acre*.It take* five acrex of luml to rala%

bedding and feed fur every horse OBthe farm. When the m<>i<.r truck tnp-plaota four horses It relwisi-s M acresof valuable land, whU-h muy ui uoc*b« aUllaed for the growiu^ of crop*which will pay a subatnntial profit.When the- truck is ltlle it doesn't coat« cent. When the horbi- lhu'tIw moat aat Jiwt the" AaainRt the pot-siWWhich th* truck cun truvi-l under loada, good average tt-am of hursea cantravel 20 miles lu ten ti.mrs -that lagoing tea miles loaded and tea aUIea•Bfpty over good roedH.

Think of the uaea to which a truckcan be put on ttie funti! It will haulproduce to market and brfiiK a returnIO«d Of supplies to the funu. It wlUba.nl water to the live stuck; It willhaul wood for fuel; brln»{ the lniple-ments i*> and from the Held.-!; haul ma*

Do not overload.• a •

Cover yoor snore• • •

Use plenty of air.• • •

Keep an alr.-guage handy.• • •

Keap grease and oil away from rub-bee

• • aTest aoppoMd l«okf valrea with a

cup of water.• * • %

Do not neglect to* change the oil Inthe craokense because It in a dirty

Rub Dandruff an*Itching with

Cuticura OintmentS^^BBSA With CHfeacM&- S#aa

.Mother** Coughs «a^loUs Go Quicidy

She cannot afford to be sickWKJ neglect her b<Hia<boldduties. At the ftrit r^OH>rtotns anc prepares the>i»x ,tot quick recovery by die

• immediate use ' of Gray'sSyrup—a household

^preparation of sixty'S


Jns\si on "Bayer Tablets of A*plrto"In a "Bafer package," c«trtalnlngr prop-er directions for Headache, Cold*.Pain, ttetJralg^a,; lioinbago, and Rheu-mntlnn, ^oioe " ftyftr" means genuineAspirlti. ,pr%actibed by physlciana farnineteen years, baodf tin toxea of 12

ltablets cost few ^ents. Aspirin la trademark of, Baver Afi^nfA^tare, of llloao-acetlcacidester of Sa^llcyUcacld.—Adv.

The txpst wajr to wear out a grouchis to. keep jrour face up and yoq^ backdow*-*nd buck tne game harO.

Don't run closer than IS feet to anywhicte, person or animal moving infront of ypu.

• • •Don't disregard the child on the

curb. .Remember, he can start quickerthan. 70a can atop.

HouU'a Cr^np JUmuU, UM salwt, n w l•wlAiM cur* ror croup. No oplant. W«.—id».

The trortd isall a stage, but a buhchof us' are Jtist scenery.

Boiling used to be 0 form of capitalpunishment In Enelnnd.


Texas Crescent &t Co,iW t n o u r r»fu#ed fifty mlllloit doIUt

qtptly. wamts IITC salesmen In every-Wrll« far booklet * partlctote*^ T«M» CJW

OU Co.. 11« U h , W t t

ura >».a*am wkimetfBrand new »ell«r. J«wt 01H; anUmlted BU .for man or woman. Partlcnlan free. J. J,Hart, tTnloatawn. Pa. 'KaAakmna. Novel Xjka> Qlft»—Beauilful m-

~ - | a ealcnday form, from r<nn« Vraa TItaialurc, M l

rooklrn. N. T,

NEW YORK. NO. 45-1919.


ill find this cereal drink of deU-Hf-e-lilcQ llaYVor, satisfying to lho

a frioid to V*^^-


Eaonamical, Toofifteen " fr*1*!* after

usuallyfioU aft 15^4wi4 25c

Mcruuiiife' atiition for the Uuii«l ataiea army «,,„.C iloulr*. N. J.. and is gaining a i;rt»: uiaujrrWBlti

It wan itbA4<»s>i»a>bt*«l 'u Bryatlway. uear •"•*• > »

CASTORIftFor Ihfanta and Chlldrm.

Mothers Know ThatGenuine Castoria

as a truv«Un«htwpkal No. 3, ai

. ' 1 I ' >; . . 1 1 1

Page 8: V«'. . . - ^LLJJ±±* Ublicans Carry Township by Big Majorities, For …€¦ · U7 187 m149 249 * 102 m87 210 COUNTY CLERK foS 171 172 1M 152 217 ISO gUOLDfiRS •mS 91 25150 32



6000Free Re


CLAUSEN & JOHNTh» 1 MiW Goo<fa

-I ^ ,,„ V i^M