V I L Ti A M E T T E MARBLE & STONE WORKS. THE BEST Caiurtt Directory. Y. 1 C. A. Mixta nt their route''' in FV tor's brick beiklingea Wednesday evenings .vt T M oiook, nmt on Sabbath aftorneoeeal 4, IIiimiwm meetings are held OS tn ovott-i- n f the seeood Monday in each month, KvofyboAy invited to utti-tul- . U. I. Cin'itcit. Preaching every Sahlatb, nt a. m. . mm t v. m. i. ibv. r, G. Ir- vine, I). I. Sabbath hekool :it &$Q v. N. Prayvr meeting every Thursday evening. I 1 rtr: 3 'm I iiMiin M A N I ' VA Ti : ft R M I F MARBLE MONUMENTS, HEAD STONES, TABLETS. MANTELS, CEMETERY CURBING, ASHLAR AND COPING, BASES FOR GARDEN FOUNTAINS TILE FOR WALKS, AND ALL KINDS OF WORK IN STONE. As wo ol our Ifatftfa iliwt from tho Itotlnml QnstrrUiai ami Mills in Vermont, ami hare It aeieeted with earo, w inn inanro nwu iinwn tho f mnriio, ea expert work-i- n aay that Vermont imtrMo Ih lollor than any imported from teajga aooaSf lea. Haalng Jnt raaslrad asvaral tOM Of marlilo, and haviriK morn on thfl av, i' i hii ofrrotra fikluaSmailtB tO theee vrantin-j- : work. Orilom from any artof tlif stai piomptly ittta imIi-m- to, ami all work warnuilol as roir?w-iito- . V'-lia- o uocanvoxar tm out for work 'X''at tneaa having tfeatr Ok adeutla la from nx. aStfhop and wrofteaotatsrafaaandawd RHawottfe str-ts- , Aiiianv, ortron. vl iiHif K WOOD S CO. . ra l. V. MASiN. JolfX fn-iu- r FOSHAY & MASON (haaaasasss to Jofea Paifesy) DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC., KKKXII KImK i.V MEDICINES iCinmC, a firal rm retail .Ima; aaaaSMaMM mm: ut I'.irnii in .Miiws-tx.f- i itbthi l'i'i.i,t, a i.aiu;k ASU DI MGS AN D OI2 ALL batMHaMf aVMySaW uaiiaJJr loun-- l lo a II 1.1. Tli" laa I M Iojh i A in wa alaaii i k m , ,L. .1 KaaU In la Dim a, .. laaf i!. ota-.- , aa.fi la; IridiWARNERS SAI ftuB : e . ouis 1 mm s 1 ::. sol u i. WHF.N YOU COME TO ALBANY CALL AND SEE US vlSflSM AT TIIK !.! CTAM, YlWft Ifl'HfCKr, If AH lN HAND AS FINK aM A.ssOK'l mi;nt iK COOK, BOX AM) PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, :n3 !khi In the VflMoSa Bsi a o Imports and tnuualuff urea T!H, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE i I I ;V l.iM Cli'llaN IN STx K Oft TO OMtV.K. A1.S, UK. MMttfH OH 1IAN1, A rUIX ASBOSTItJaWTOV GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. A l.l. OP PHJCB BM UPfBaW To Till'. PtUaUO AT YWMWk THAT MPf cimrismum, call at h warn ntin-rr- , alhaxv, hixin. Pwepair work done at reasonable figures. vi3rjs SEND 25 CENTS IN POSTAGE STAMPS fOR A THREE MOUTHS TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION TO 'aaflfllf aK aLaKa -- a8ar.Bi i. mfwr' H fl mwP writ. T ' I PAPER OF IS PAGES, ISSUED MONTHLY AT SIOUX CITT. IOWA. it is lacsiieait li PqIuicsibI Esiifloi, oniii mc lewi cl H wwtii as ocanin YiHAit Bdif llliacaal Ite Literary News is Supplied by Selections from the Best Writings of the World FR1 1A V .lANTAIIV Jl. 1SS! I FARM, GARDEN m FJRESSDE. jm.i i i. mint i k mn: i -- r. Mack Cotton plove will not rnuk the hands If JKtHted In salt and ware Ivfaro wearing. The salt prevent! fadinp. When almost dry ouv should put thorn on, In order to stretch them and keep them in good thepe. The little boxes of thin w ood which are used to carry butter or lard in, when covered with cambric or silk, make pretty work lH.es. Small Haeh laskots, painted and lined with a bright color, are ornamental and convenient, Ksidea Affording thv Mt-isfaeti- on which romcs frvm making something from nothing. To make silk which hnsheen wrin- kled appear exactly like new, Bponge it on tlie surface with a weak soiotion ol gitm arabie or white glue, ami Iron on the wrong side. Grated rot ten- - tone mixed in either sweet oil or alcohol will polish brass ; or kerosene oil ami a Hantu-- l cloth, or snpolio. Cure f.r chapped b incN : 1 toe pert of glycerine, four of Pood's extract of witch hazel, four of water ; put In bottle and shako well ; it is reedy for Use immediately : it is wet) 10 shake thoroughly each tints of using. Hair brushes uro best eleaned by washing them In Bak rattis (.r s,l! t water, which removes nil the oily coating. A certain cure for a felon said to le to wind a cloth loosely eboat the linger, leaving tho end free, i'wiir in common gun powder till the afflict- ed part is entirely covered. Keep the whole wet with Strong spirits Ol camphor. Bleeding ut the nose can be stopped by visoroos action of the iawa. :.- - il in progre s of ni;ist ic:it im. In th ease of a child a wad of paper should be plnCed in the mouth and the child instructed to chew bard. It is the motion of the jaw that stops the How of the blood If a child has s bed earache, dip a plug of cotton wool la ell, warm it and place it la the ear. Wrap up the head and keep it out of draughts. Beeswax and salt will make il.it-iron- s as clean and smooth as ;!.. Tie a lump of wax is a rag and keep it for that purpose. When the irons are hot rub them with the wax rag, then scour with a p ifM r r rag sprin- kled with salt Hailing water will remove tea stains and many Jruit -- tains; pour the water through the stain, and thus prevent it from spreading over the wbrie, whim soaking in milk J. fore washing Will n its remove stains from any fabric. BScaoNU RETtrca. Sun a a Dbops. Beat tho whites ami yolks tf four eggs, separati ly ! a light loam. 1 il ntf the yelks with two teaspoonfafa of water, add th.-white- s and boat asnte time ; . ther : then add by degrees a pound of fin? j K)wderel suar, and afterwards a uuarter of a poood of floor, beating eonstantlv. Flavor v. ith extract of lemon cr orange jok-o- . J rop qaxm fuls of the mixtore op bettered paper, iee them over with the battered su- gar and bake ten minuter. IfOKjtsBKS Cuf-Cake- & Two CUfg of molasses, two of brown siiur ST roHfjI fine, one of rich milk, one of batter, live of sifted Hour, five ejfg, one heaping teaspoonful allspice, and one of cloves. Liake in small tins, in a moderate oven. If not Spiced em. ugh for the taste, add more ginger. CiXgeruread uii5 Two poattdfl of flour, one of butter, half a pound of brown sugar, one qoart sngar-boos- e molasse.a, two ounces ganger, one tea-spoonf- ul aH-Spi- ee, one ol innamon and the same ol cloves. ( ut ur the butter in the floor, crash the sujrar ! fine with a roiling pin. mix with the i flour, and aftefwards add the spice ucd molasse.'?. Floor your pie board and take the dough, a large handful at a time and knead it in separate cukes ; then knead 'til very hard to- gether for a long tim?. Cut the lump in halves, roll it out in two even sheet.--) about half an inch thick, and cut in little cakes about the size ol a cent. Hake on buttered tins in a very moderate oven, as gingerbread is more apt to .scorch than ary other cake From Six Little Cook A comiEsi'ONi'KM of the Cfeicsgo j Hiiine. writes tl lilHt paper frrain Montreal : "The fever tor land pur-- ; chasiog near the base of the Rocky Mountains teems to have abater not oue jot in England. It i - stated upon good authority that Mr. Braasey, the celebrated contractof of London, Kn-glan- d, has liought uj) two more tracts of land, of 00,000 acres each, near the base of. the Bocky Meontairja Jie will colonise them, and eatUe raising for the English market will he gone into on an extensive scale Senator Coch- rane has acquired 00,f)0 acres at Uow River, "00 miles west of Winnepeg, and will go extensively info the stock raising business. He owns at pres- ent fifty head of Hereford cattle, iru-pert- ed for the purpose of crossing with native breeds, and will devote much attention to the work on his farm. The Jlcrefords are at. present H9 quarainine before Quebec. The hope of the Senator is, that the road from Winnepeg to the base of the Jiocky Mountains will be finished In-si- de of three years, and thereafter cittle can be shipped straightway tot Great Britain. Jt is claimed that; many Englishmen ar;; following Mr. Braoscy'B example ; and, besides con- sidering tho details of the lacJfic Railroad scheme, Parliament will likely be asked to sanction the sale of these anil larger tracts of lands in the Ear West." A lad named Frederick Palmer, at Elmira, N. Y., son of the manager of the Western Union Telegraph Ottice in that city, has lost an eye from epi-zooti- c poisoning. The other eye is endangered. It seems that the lad wiped his face with a handkei chief he had used to clean the foam that his horse had coughed on his coat sleeve. Subscrilie ior the Democrat. I or ALL LINIMENTS TOR MA1T Oil BSA3T. o n 11 inmllfltif Iiiim Infulllhlv 1nnd ilN wmk In Dlllgonfl or DHMOf for tn"i' Hi. 01 a iiitni or a I'luitm v . w Im it inn. l in In I I'Vi'l'V pul l of Hi" hoi Jil; : Iii-ii- IllllllllIM IHM fllllllll)' ! '. Il l l'lll. nlittM' 11 tin-onl- hiiIk ! 111 1. .otl ini In 01 ih Til ill, ll. I 1 1. 1 ll , i, ruil "i'li U lilt 1II1 Inn TMh In tlm wllll tlm Mrilrmi tln.lxnu I. Inline lit. I iiv iinili. Irrlntra lliL-lllK'- " Ol u trnlimlilr Imrar. Adi llio nK"ny at nn nriai il or I Inn i miiMliif-il- , llin lioiinin ol iln u- -j uuiiiii evereoino, nnl of a Uiomi i- - mill "in' otlii-- r Ii!i hIiik i"i l liii n l. k pirlol tnnl liy III" Ol'l I'lililili: .11-icn- it Mnslninx l.liilno n . aii roirn.s or fniM-iii'- i iiiicnnn nrel OOOilJIy nunil l,y In: Miviiim:; Mnmi'Mit. II iii'in Inili-- s iiiii-irji- - inornlirnno nn1 tleui), to iii! very ioih', biiuiniiinK puiu una eerteg dlwwM wiiii a powni iii a in- - vt I11IU. i 1 n 1111 l)i no ay i yljo ly, fioin In: iuf .!un,inn t . lu I111 MUSTANG Lovri tlir VOlltarV iiliitin. to tin- - nu ii limit III IIK'n, liti'l Ilia, ai. 1. lilt 1 who . :lixl LU lo it Willi til" una'. H run Win n i :i o:ln i I n;iili-iiton'- i Intl. i 111 WOllUC'IlUl LINIMENT Ni.iKilllv ruri-- n nur'.t iti::iif:titi of tii'; ill MAN III II u II la a fl 111 r I I a in . ! 1 1 ll urn . hlllTl Joint . 4 mil Ii il Miirlra, Iliitna unit s nliln, f'nca, lirulia and Mirnliia, l'nlaoiiona llltca anil ailatatal . Hi 1 111 1. a. LmnriitM, Old Hfrt'a, I'lrrra. I I oat lillra. i 111 Ilia tiaH. Si, i , .Miiptaa, i nUnt r.irait, anil tnila.il cviry foi in of (Cental Ula- - Wlfi It la lli" "Oaf f r l'i" dla-oral- i'i a It'nl in i 10 r ii t n to wlila li tlio line 1 1: I in- -. Aims urn nula)-c- t tL.il luv ver ' a .!! i III nn a s., i atari mm v. sinr j .int.. I'on mlrr, llai MM a , Hoof ll-ria- ra, I'uol itait. Si law an m. an-al- llfillaiw llaaili, H'lntllin, tVlnal-Kall- a, SmihIii, lurrv. It I (( Imnr , lOlal Hnrrm, fail I l.x ll, film upoaj itlir .ltlat nn t t t r ' ollur allutrnt In tvliirli Ifir i irll'ullll of llic Slat, In nuii Hl-ir- Van! an llalilr. a tv.i i.iv:: .. nt iiottlo of Meaaaaa Mna'niii' i.liilim nt i!i ofli ti Mitred u vuiuntito iioiai-- , a III ea ratata s, 01 yt iiia of tor' nr.' It htala tvlllmiit i '.r-- r. !". a Tas llic vrry rKit of 11. ):i : , i." ni 11 tlio ixalia-- . It run- - evrvolv, r.ii'l ' anjitisilnt n aaa)i It kaa la In ia ly uaa mr morn tlinn I . :: .... us.il 1j Mtttvcly THE BEST OF ALL LIN1ME FOB 2ia&3 OS BSaiST .1 I".. SORBIN ti CO. hafot r$ ai 4 '' CIGMS TD6ACCQ i j ff,T Jiaj,i- - Ml 4 ' to - ' rill w ia a. !' H I ! a , l. II, i. ,M .. a fn.l.. . . i i. a. i f. i.. ii a I 'in 11 ..! ' .. ploaxHcl V ' . I a a nl-- t ., I . i .. i nn' sai rrj v .' a fc.il ,,, ii, i . : I .. : . Mull 1 'a. I I , .'rum 76 rt. I.i 1 "a: i! klllda a. ir... . . j tt at in aa ri Mi'l.li M IMS i'W)." to i VI J If ST iZ l a. CIGARS I TOBACCO, My tha lioal or aiui.il, OtM up. ll i Sf.-r- t. iCar Hi . i. In I i.lrt, Allmny MARX BAUMCART HAS J t'.--T OITN I'll '" r A IVew liiqiior Store K m CONHTANTI.V SSI HAWn Tlti: HIE8T BRANDS OF W INKS. MUroUS,TOBAIl'(l& CKJAI.S. The t rlfhmtcd SI. Louii STONEWALL WHISKEY, Tho riiira.t whi ;y in tho . Whiskies. I'mich 1 ran dies, Skerry, Port 1 lai rt, and all ther kinds of wipes, Qii, Ale, Beer, ind Torter. Bitten if every kind, m& the beet brands of tv'barcu and Dlgtn. earl war.t ovcryboily to unilrstenil tU I Imvo Ooi5el out n flial tiaaa ii;w Jiaj-u- or Mom, where rity unl vi:nti v ih.il-BI- V iut jinxuire thi'ir Hloi'ks at l'ualanil 1i irV's, with only freight nihlecl, ICooins oa t ho OOttMNT of Frcnt ainl Kerry StreotH, Albany, On BCOO. 2Stf. Titus khos -- o ra vTATCIlKi. CMCKa, JKWI.Iirv. HllaVKK ri in ii A tKi:. ami iiiiom faTm T t I.LS, KT'., aaaata" Cae New illume sen ins narhlaea. Al.ltANY, - - OatatfaVOrl vl4attaf STAR BAKERY I CONRAD ME? EH, Proprietor. !' h Btto:il Dailv. Greeerles and Provisienf of all kinds Cheap : CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Etc TCali and sco my Stock. 42tf A a an iriatnifjir to prrW'TiB iicair..ua ji lamiisiuiininiiu .aiKpaauui-a- i not "ao baTtnu '.rrvii!'U-nt- a In all quartfcra by whom desmjauonaof the acvrrml aea-u-.- t. Kvasoki ic.vi, Cncucii.- - I'reaehiugon Sab- bath at 1 1 a. M., and 7i 1. M. ttahliath Sehou! P2:l.. Pravor Hicrtiac ovory Thi day cvvttitig. W. C. K.uitner, m-ttu- A I ION A I. ClIC l!CH- .- Nerv lee, every Bnbbntb nt 11a. m. and S r. m. Sabbath Beheel at 2901 prayer meeting tm Tharaday evening f ana weak, .). V. 11. it r;s, pattor. m. K, dn m u. Botrm Bervioos wtrj Sabbath al st. Psnl'i M. & Chnrch, Sooth. at 11 A. M. and t v. M. Sabbath Bckool at 121 P. M. I 'raver itievtititr every Tluirs- - dayeveaagi M. c. Miller, p tor. M. B. Cmrsctti Areaehiaa every EUbbnth at II a. h, anl 7 v. m. Son,; irvtoe in laa ovaaing beforo ttoraton, Babuath Bohnol t J.:iO r, M. Prayor nm tini; imtv T1ius-biyereaing- . L Dillon pMtnr. Barrtsr Catracu. Sarvkoiovory Snbbatii :it It . m. ami 7s v, m. Salibath Sobool at 12, I'laytr mooting vory 'lluuxlay tn-t:- i W. J. Craw foul, jia.su r. Paiaiafraasaa Cuuacn, Sorriot aw Snbbftth inmnini; and ovaaing a ('f!! t nnpal. Sandny School iinniodinteiy rftortM Morntag owvioa lnyof DMwting every Tboraday evening, Itev, Elbert N. Cindtt, pastor. ;i:i:i:s i FLOWER. It Is natural lor people tUflSrlng with Dyepeptdn nnd Uvei Conoataiuti oc snj derangement of tho aigeetli e orgnnn, wmjIi as Bonx Stninnuh Sick I Ivedecbe, Unidtunl COettveneee, Palpttaiion os' the Uanrtj HiuK-hurn- , Wntorbnudi, gnawing ana burning pains at the p:i the Stomach, Ye(iow suin. Coated Tongue and dlnagroo able tasto la lbs month, ooming op of ! eftar fating, low spirits, tV-- ., to put u' frou daj today buying an article iiat tbey k now baa cured tm'ir neighbor, friend oi relativO fat they have no faith In ii nntll it i1 tv ialf. litii il yon ill to yoUl dragatata, Foebay v M aeon, and an aboi ii(t't Gnajcna arouar Ktiownn your e aura is as oertain as you live, Sample bottlow of thia medieina can be ob- tained for lo oenta to try its mtportor u ;iu. Reanuu siae 75 conta. Try It; two iloeea relieve any ease, cereal OMMMnettea care a. Pblbtdalphia. Pa , Oct, t. 1879, ll. n. Warner Co.- - ntn, t ..r ti past t !i voars 1 ir.' tifTornt the evil Cf' Coots of what niiiit bo termed chronic con Htinatkms uty ekia beeanie yellow end my iii r was all OUt !' fv!t r; 1 trie 1 ail llu raaaedles that siiil obtaluc l, end that was all I vu!il U, after finding no r!U-- f from regular medicine trtat;r: nt, an.l I anally commenced mcng your remedies, i lirst krfetl ti Tills, mxi at the end of aaafc my bowel bad attained a regular!! and healthy action unknown for years. 1 w.ls si i!eastl witb lLo t ih i: I i m eluded u try a bottle of yunr Hitters, ami although I uasa is: entin ly u '. arat ls)ltli, 1 a:n m ?'rr:i!Iy i:.ij ro.rtl nn.i toned up that I write to you giving thia vdnntary teatliaonial to tlie aacalleuce ol your remediea. Yours iruly( B. J. A MIMXI. S A Ml EL ? 3.1 i,a 1S Mi INO III: PAIiL and W8.'!'E:f; STOCK lERCNANIHSi! covsrvnv DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, CARPETS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, WALL PAPER, tt. ouse Furnishing Goods, ETC., ETC., ETC. many oi these Good arc Mogfit direct1 from the inan-tifaetnrc- rs Utv casbf ;nl art all First Class Goods NO TBA8H, and will be . !! at Popular Prices. iLBANY FOUNDRY AND ESTAnLISIIED IS65. By A. l( iiKliitv, nftnafedat comer of Flrat and Montaooaei y Streets. Albany, Oreaon. Uarlog taken efaargaaf the above namei, Works, we uro prepared to inannfaetare Steam Bnghaea. Saw ami irist Mills, Woed-worki- ng Machinery, Pnmna, Iron ami iirass Castings of every dee) ription. Macbinery of all klnda repaired. Spa cial altenticn glraa ti rejiairm larin n Tsi r in. h. lftllyl A. i'. CUEltltll tH IN. I70 XjOTT. Fetaonfl wiabinK aoailaet loana upon ed aeenrity xin i e :n'rinimoiat(tii iy applyina; IS (,'. II. BISWITT. UTolea Brick Hloek, Itroadalbin St., Athany, OreftOV. 20tf ALBANY HEAT MARKET. Fresh Beef; Pork, Mutton, Veal and Sausage al-wa.- ys on hand. lnghi"! ':ih Price pnial (q Is of t aba k. iau LEVI WKST OOAA A month raMMnVwd. ill a a'av at lnwna. T),W7 in.iijiby the 'iii.lustri.ms. I HI il till lint rif ijuireal ; we.will ntaWS J'ut!. Men, WOlniiii, !,. s ami K'irurmakti nimiey f:wtatr at w.irk fur us than jit an-tnr- a;l(ia.t The work is li'ht ainl pi. oaant, ami lth h anyone can to ritrlit at. Tlin.i who arc wiscwlin toe l 8tul us their adilrcHHcx at paeOMMl soe for "themselves. Ca.tly Otttfit ami term. Nofrl the time. Those already at wi.rk are laving nji larjfJ sm3 f money. Address TKt'K & CO., Amrutt Maine. or unrurun avro riutl. in me lacjaurineni iimuiuiai rum ma, , .s. u.io, . i iranet the artou iiuantiotia naked by our Bum riiw TObarrtbera, whi. h ia bcciafaBaf quite an hi r.Jxnv i'.oint Tho veorliVti f-r- Pnl- - . ,racvu 1 IV tZnn and Hooi t. icn-- . cxxlvl: a-- :. v - vnx nr.irs v s'i .t U not Nnrcotif. ChlklFOH grow tht aporiy Sfotiicrs llho, :ini Piiyaicinns roeooaniend C IJSTOK1 . II rogttlfttc itho Rowels cores Wiod ii , olloys I'l-vr- ri lmr Ittld ! 1 ! f03 S Worms. WEI BE MEYER! CA- TARRH Cure. t Constitutional Ai.tsdoto for thin tn ' ililn nm)-- .- iy. by Absorption. .: he I Impartejkt IHaoavadry alnoo ac elno tiou. Otimr reaaaeVtaa rauy gelleaw Cati:-i-H- . thi a nurse i.' txny tAnr.v bcloro CojUMUBptiO i a or m HENRY W. SMITH & GO'S CELEBRATED KENTUCKY THISTLE DEW lATHISKkEY HENRY W. SMITH fit CO. DISTILLERS, Kenton County, 6th Dist. Kentucky. OFFICE! 252 & 254 West Third St. CINCINNATI. Ha- - abnve uienae 1 an 1 the medical f My purpoaea, 1 r viln j, ' ' : lv at! saaylf Who!, nde ao I .; Agent, , H aa . Sereea. I nr E . : BOSS PAIN KILLER - OF THE WORLD Ll - IT- The .New Mctlicul Woitder of ! 19th fVntury. THE WONDERFUL aBOUSHEK K PAIN. DIPHTHERIA AND SORE THROAT I Tin; im,t aVt!l;Sn" tin. Wa.rtal liaM v, r timMii. RairaaMtfc fataui lepaeS lata aatai l ReweaUala laiaa MeapeS in IS mmuira. SeaSaHM tfepgeS la iwleelM. reeifeacaM! leppea la IS aateaae .m rriag "a apatl eea iSe Weafc in ia liaauai. TO BE USED EXTERNALLY. rr Mik by a:m :l i aa In mhI at Mrhwkmi , HODGE, DAVIS ft CO., POBTI.ASn, OUECON Pallia awill ii OtMSC ttC lu.n ., t it :. !.a Tb writer, Mr. Wintn. rfurd, i wall md broqibly lmMra in tMaattjr, Kajr nrttcnl . ifcqtura ijf j. W, Wititiicrj.irit S ., ni : Haa ri ... i r.iin;. !::. Itaaiaw : eat irr stag with jn-i- iuUmiwIjr, tut tltat Ut I'nyii i naabte to rtrajiiten myself, I esaaj obm "f your "i.ilanii." bhainaeHt," mm h mmotort the pate upon llM Hnri Kppiiiaation, Tat I 'iirtli apjilii-aii.- il r. tu.n . n.n ini.a rulinc l lay llin lalili. 1'iir I i.itti:ui)i- - ;nil mi;: :i!'i;i .!. is a f.c ilir bsvna boon t rkil la my own fnn.iiv . I h i . . u. i ledleesof Snimonl nfvarfow kludo,avnd Bm! tail ui aureaaa any. i blebly rooemmeml it to any aBSortan itii nnhao nnd jacina.. t.lTx 1 MK;i. .. V. S;.'J i:i:!tl OKI). GU1DET0 SUCCESS FOB BUSINESS ASfJ SOCIETY. hi BV FAB the boat Bminnw uod Sodai Ooldo end Uaed-HaMi- k evi r iiulali-.- i l ii. Mu. h I he lull'. It ti ll luiii nexan nomidoteiy nov TO lo RVEKV- - Til I Mi in tint beat way. llnw to ha Vou Own lnv-- i r. Il'.w In atu l.iiiiic:4 :nrri-- lly ami Uuw inait In N" i i . and in ercrj partial life, ami oontateaa nSnaot mriod lnfwaaataa IndaeoiMi abto to all eu ooa lanfe reference. Al'.l.vr WANTKD for ail or anaro tlioe. in knoa why ttdi book i.f KKAL in lie- - nuii atlr.u lii.iw w.h .. ilir than any lath' r, afifdy bar ternjut tl i c. PRWIlfa o., i inc snn PraaeaUei . Q 1 ,;riA T" A VK.Mi, i : I a ihur in !? I ) MI yi.ur iiwn locality. Noriak. rVomefido iia well m men. Many nuake more than the anmanl etatad above. Nootto a an fail toaatke money f.mt. Any mie i an do On Wflfit. Ymi i an makafTOOi fiQota. to St aw hearliy dovuUasr year otoainjri and nan time taa tin- - IniMiiiCKS. Jt eiixls nothing In try the hi; Motbiag like it f.ar umney making eit r ufftre.l hfcfnrc. Bnafneaa pleaaant and aWiOMy hooorahle. Header, II you want In kimw all about the beat paying baatoeai bafaaa tba puikUe, aend uayuttr iddraaa and we will Reinl yi.u full parti, ulari and private tenim free ; Kiinpk-- wnrth tSalao free ; jron aviu then maba op yow nand fur yourself. Addreaa UKUKUK STIS SON ,fc CO., Ptettana, Maine. $9992 be maain hv every n?cnt every li in the husiiu s we tiiruit-.li- . but tlio.w willing to work can easily mni a dozen il.'.'lara a i!a, ri;fht in tiieir own loetilltlea. Havo no time to explain here, iluatocaa pleasant and bnuorahle. WO" men. ami 1h.;,r i.iul girls do ai v . ;1 ai men. Wa will iiirmah ymi a eomplote ontSt trie. We will bear ex aeine of Htirtiii-j- a you. PartieaUra free. Write ami nee. Fanners ainl mechanica. their na na ami daagn-ter- s, ami all classes in need of paying work at home, should write to us and learn all about the work at once. AaKn.au Tki r. t Co., Augusta, Maine. ) aut aad iaatrueuvu fcaturu of the paper. Persona who may bar boalnes be '.ore anr oi taa PENSION. BOUNTY, LAND OR PATENT DEPARTMENTS at WaAhiaator 1 u:i thrcrj'h thla medimn many times be aared a fee, for by heeomirnr tnh-.rii- a. r thetr - !1 U a&raered through the columna of the paper. It baa alao a Special rlvlus all the Iecl:on of tho several a bore mentioned. iBr..frera.f a a fn it ;;ie a'!. a, enl ia Ulj laxper to any s i!si riber who BM en ".1 ii u dnria-s- e .f or eacbaBse any Propertv. with hlsaaldrwa and name in ran an that dirvrt .atlo.T um bv Jiad with film by any orio deairirtf:. to tboae aenduur ua il.'H for ayir I'.tii.n Te rnoin: 11 k during the flrat aix monina of I ts tiln.f avermred a riretiliiUcaT: .t . . a ......l..l I l...nl.ll..n I. .", Illlll 1" ;uuuii'. -- V mouth. TouraddwffixirUiiiviiUguwrornrhalloflheonoisaaMV tiik koi nt r. : . Kt;(. i ibyalos Smpm boosaf laagraateat ! liiiii:tii i ,.. I. ,i i , tin) it t( ,rl iliiiitt'I v II - " - - " i j lasti ftftlj s short tlinn. a Idcot, dlaeaai ! ntu c)l), lifinftt SQd l! f HtN I S hich m QOSt mo powerful jnlrj.l v i i i nny. AJtythiag that saa rastora theeo'powofa or preaarva loan th i r.n more aloahle than the poara thrmaelvea andntorato he adndred' Thla la aaaotly arlatt War nit's isaA Kidney and I Ivor i'ur ln. lakea the body when t h hrokan anil bowed l y al kneaaand retorealt to taa power i ; i. l! dlnay mi I all lit i oppming e ilx rr tho prae Iph-- o into ot'itvinn. Itliaano Piiunde that urt eaeasiaa f neatth nuii noenetnloa dial Hfc !io fl l tl-t- - ( f i.. I i 1 the Mist ini- - wrtnt: o lower pot Uon f body in pr. Im log r.'o-- i health leh e-i- bet ter kaoam avary dU . .! 1 a and wo-ma- n r ataaaan Ihla. Porvwoaa prerlovMi to 'iii t .i ! , t..r it : . - ; aullat to Ihalff for dehlth tied nsaa end pnny children there la nothing wiii: . ' lafciy aal miic'. i . ilin itnd rvotorea hiatraa( Natural ' 'fl b ki HI nipt ion, and tht inn ; ! atti nd ! to prOtliptl or ! t':il .jVV . J Ij" I Sill; I ;i 1 t'V. i H elti i .!..,-- . that v. 1 !..i il" iay drugjj i ia all pan af I ll' Horl i i n r.s uiani U. V attfti a . I a.. j I. i I . s. '. i King of the Blood Cei tii nil T'.iat. nn l .!iiT.',rr raautl. iaf Iran iiu(.ufHy of ov li.-.- i. it i to i?y " I. hi Via tiffr 'an ftauallv ; n tl.. ;i i ia ; but Kail Itn'r'um, J'!tf!ti, i Urrt, Tmtmrt ;..i.ri-- , aaaOAML , MV Um man i i n...i., .. nl a u.ai.y affaxrtaU.1of !!.: . I., Utd, iaMMT at. 1 tUutttJch. SCROFULA BttAsrfd Cora of "llr-i:-:- , a I. IUsan'i, Hii? ic '. Tor th. I m-li- t .f ' troublad w.ih 8rajfu!.i or Imuu 1 :.hj.I im 5 ma. I liettl-- RMMMMad Wnif "f t In- - llic I km i in-- , ii truuliiani wuij awofgl i .' .r Um p ftmn, vim It aai attacta.1 my cfa that I vu eunt' ptateifr bUad for ! miethav. I vunooniMiMlhl Ivtn Knik'of th Dluoal, which ba iiri. .t at Mtaitna to fn, aa it i.ji . omplvtaiy. i Mrad bm , an i aMRxalljr rtcuiumvi. ! M loatl lllillllloi hi 1 liavo :. Your truly, jtut. h. WMtxmmtcunr, eaniaaa.X. v. vi I laa. pni'l lo nny Puhlie Iloaj.itil tO ba mutu- ally mmrA upon, Inx every certiflcnti; .f tli.i in cm-- : j.ii! li.)iC'l by ua which la not peaattM Its InsTGdicnts. To Bhow our faith In the aaf'y un.i x of OH K. II., Up III pnper pelha,;.ai njlpl K'at lull, Wllfll aatiafiad taat no napoaition m im. mIm1. v,- - i;j gira tjae aaaaaeeo all ita ingradiaal ,i v afadarft. Tha MMaaaani were never made lietoie lr tho aro-yilab- a of aay other family Meikiaein th'? eerbL Mnuy leatiiiioiiinu.t'ii 'i. rfafon tioa,and full ilin i'Uuim tot uaiaa will U; louii'l in l.o paiii-plil.- -t H Treat iaai on lhaenecs or (he liliaul," )a which i aeh Imttlc i.-n- i hwil. Pi i. .. p, r ..,tt,.coii. lainim? 12 omieea, or I'ltuM) .'.i.m. .. - ,., yi!nu. ifi.-- D. ltAjiaou.boN A Co., Prop's, UufEaloi N T iialsfy, Orea;aa, A. L0UBNER, - Proprietor KLKGAHT N BW IIOTBL. SVtTt KOW Tllfi upleteil, will lie opened ahiilil .Inly l.Mh, h7i. k ni eaaaaraabM "i the noat woSara aed ooavaaiaat plan, hax a fun- - aumiile RMNB apaofaUl) arr.uu'i'.l for ooasnaenaal tfaaaaaa unii tin. tahiu will iw ui.luil at all tiniea with uuml nn a 1. i) iui Chaat chance to tnake money, ttv S M.' Bil "am ni a j.i in Iowa tn take 'lliaacriptinllM fi.r liio luri at, ehrapi t all'l bent, illus- - ated aimily pabttcation in the wnrkt, An mo rjaaaa a aueeeaafiil ageoA six atogant workn of art aa bvo towbawibara. TTw prfot in fa low that al ti .nt every body miI lil'.i Olio aciit repoitatak-le- a 190 Kiiheribem in a .lay. A In.lv agent roportfl niukiBa; over STflO olaar imaTit Intendaya All arao aninun1 make money fa.-t- . Vou (;au davoto all your time to tbe biM(aoaa,or only yow apare tlmei Ymi ml not Im: away from hoBat over liijht. Yoll Ban do ii a well aa oiliera. full djroctbaia awl torma frooi it aU want pic '11 table work aenil mi ymir ualilrem at nnea. Itcoata Hotjhfnato try tba hoaineaa. So one iraoangafi faUa to make gnat pay. AiIiIu kh lino. SrUBMMI & Co., i'nrtlaiul, Maine. talyl UEVERE HOUSE, Career Flral nnl KIliM orllt Albany, Orecmi, PfeifFer Bro'o Props. This now Hotel Is fitted up In llrat claim style. Tables aupplied with the licxt the market afford Sprlntr litals in every ibaom. A (farl .Sample Room for Cum. peOMial Travelera. r&'T'rec l oiirli la nnd Troiu Hie Holel.tta I:tlt IDATCBIVC J- - Mlaler, bolicitci nt rfS 9 CfB I Oal'utentB, :i7 Seventh St., or Im '220, Washinifton, ,1). V. Ko fee rcipiired uiilesg Pat- ent is obtained, aic nd for circular giving terms, Ac. MibtiaheU 1W0. Tho following otatomenhi nri iii voiun-iir- y expreaaieoN of a tw awtoog Ummjs audit who have beeo Mtyad iy tba a- - of Warimr'a Mafii Kidney nifl Llvat Chgfa. writers era not jronnlly known to the proprietora, hot Lhayhave aaaa-Sbaa- c lettera h asnraaiiona of iinir gralHndai 'I lu ir sin. V, tiii n-fo- ..nai.t be lMe 1 1 wed : Mwwera, II, 11. Wai iter dt C0.2 f (entlcfai'ti: I li:iv for 11 Jon;; time lfou nihted with a terrible kloney eoenptalntj Jin lilt . . ini .1 ut lliOSa nolhinic OSOM oontrol 1 trk 1 doetora and madlelneaz leu Ively, but lonnd no retlaf. 1 v. us i Imm I iv a friend to try your ball Iney and J leaf Oars uni Mrw( after Kuflbrlng nearly four ymm tht? ioKt cou pain, I Hud Piyaalf niirly vll and mUIh to anend to Iximiumm overy dev. ion m Q. I CkftawsoaOb .I. iM-- City, Juno, JHo, M II. ii Warm r Jc Co.: Ua.i 141M1 a j Wltboat aaltaalailasi I da iofj.t 1 t.,.,u nlVllKl jncia- - lion f your rantady. aoioo Haas nimn tnr attention wsa exiled toa gniirm.-i- ho lin I lor a lonjj ttm I a n great Mf- - fi i r. After making a thorough exasMsa tlon of t!.- - eaae, l found that hit kijnyii l V r I s i . ;U- - J, NOtv4tn- - .!.'' i i f ygur Sufirjvwl- - uajraad l.n r inc. 'i l;n rialt, nflr Ink- ing two lotti", lutn Imh-- klinfiu-to- r y in lhextreuu. WltOout heattatton. IvoiiNl1 : ri.: tlio smiiu, remedf toal! Himliaily ailti-- t- !. V.-wr- s truly, ii". eu i.N. V. It. Cat 1 ::i,M l. i -- ii if. Wai iter .v i i ax: i hare been aftllcteU aith I." kidllVVM fnr lllil J'IhI tU'i i: -- , :i!i . ij til i numerous ri'tnisiit.M th owl I i in i! .'il l ti tjijMirarv n-l- n l .;r .Nil . Kidney and Liver tains nini ii ii- -i t nie, aod after taking a o j !! hihI dkatreaa left bm ami I atu to v leallna atronaj nt aoIL I ara riod that Warnati sufn Kctne-- - .'! ::. an in'iiu-a- j i ii ili.l, nKii eerlully ooinineiitl thaw to otbera. la. W. M A ! M, Kditor v;. Industrial y.t." NliiU, luv., Jiiui-- , I' .:. i i, r Sportsman Headquarters. W. JR. 3 O O T T, IiKALKS IS Gaps, Uiflrs Q KovoIvits!! Ami laaBaenlllon nt til lilmla. J ii awairml a bra Imnataa 4 Uf liU ai Imiimviaal r. ...m ia.il. Mi.n.'a. vii.-i..t- r aiitlHai r t . ? i atArh nt ri.lilnir Ihn, i 'i i. at, ai'.i la .all lair in um lino. Ail kind-- ; of Stewing bdlbfll Re-pa- irc ! tlinn ruber Hint Cannot I5c UndertoM Am wln.10 III llii State. (1 tf JAMES D ANNALS. aaaMHi iv aaa aaaaaaeii nan or SOLID WALNUT BEDROOM SETS, lnrlile nnd Mood Tops. T.irlor Sets and Lounca, Mar- ble Top Center-Table- s, Spring Bed3 and Mattresses, WAI.NI IT, ItfU A,D OAK BRACKKTS. AmUajyci'iaia of trfeataola, 4'bnlrs. .Ifjjslcnaia. i:ieualnn Tn-Ide- a, M. in. Ialll nnd I alley .lioutimisa, ille. I lota ml to keep evcrvthtng In U;e funiiliiro line, ami will euarantce nulhilaction tn all who will call no UUIera Urick. JAJUtS DAJTMALS. KID (FATKMTEO JUNK ISZU, 1870.) FOR SALE BY FOX, EATJM cSc CO. Aloany Bath House. fTVSa UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT A fully inform the cititom of Albany and vi oiuitythat f have taken charge ofthii Establish men I, and, by keeping clean rooms and jiayin strict attention to business, expects to suit al those who may favor us with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Clas- s Hair Dressing Saloons, Vo oxpeota to give entire satisfaction to al arChildicn nnd Ladies' Hair neatly cu ml ampooed. JOS WEBBER. III. me am. or sc nan m mmm zm, COMMISSION THAN ANT OTHER PAPER II AMERICA Tt 1 OSSt OPOLATE, Sioux City, Iowa To Ibf I'rfortnialf! DR GIBBON'S Dispensary. .) KCtKNY T. ) rora of t'aaniiiK-r- - rial Strvet, San Francaaa-o- . Kal li.ho.1 in IX.Y1. for the Ijaliuent ol Scaual CsW mt4 and Seaiinal Iiseaca, fucJi aa talon nrrtii-u- . Ulerf. . . I alri (are, nehllla in all x a sa sji i a : v ajnua.iaaMByK v.vN - mixiir-- n r . aeiulBMl raknea, night loaeea hj iluaiaa. jiiaa jal js aa 'i.e facs and l.a aft inanhoajd raui , .actively be eared. Thoairk and MBicted anoaii u4 iaii t UMaa him. The l t r haa traveled extenaively Ui klunaiie. and inapta-te- d t h. .ri.ughly the rirx.ua bos-tal- a ibrre, olataiiting a trreat deal e valuable irifornav-taa- v which he iscaaujraeient lo impart to iheac in need of hia aer ieea. DK ClhtiOX will make no ckarvx' uiilesa be effeet a ci ' . f- aja at a distanee M A t KM f 'I BED aT .- - All cooununieatuana strictly eonfidcntial. on aee no one but the 1 Victor. S. nd tn ali.lbvra for a kiac ot medieina. IVraona writing to tho Doetor will lraae ta the name of the ertbey aee thia advert iaement in. tiiaryra Call or write. Addreai DK. J. K. CIB0U, Uaax 1957, San Franciacai. ajj?rapbuineas new before the public. Y.oi J a a a can make meney faster at work fur ua than at anything aita Capital not required. W will atart you 91Sd.yand upwards made at borne by the industrious. Men, women, boja and riris arant0Q evi-r- where to wora for ua. New it the tiaie. aet can devote your whole time to the work, or only yVw spare momenta. So other business a ill y , t oil n.r 1 as a nil. So one willing to work ran fall" to maku ciiannous pay by engaging at once. CoaUv outfit and terms frv. A great oppaartunitv for making in.-o- ctudly and honorably. Addrnia Thi i A. to . Augusl Maine. &THJE PARKER GUH." SCND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BROS WEST MERlDEHaCY. Cli A WEUK in yaauravwn town and no capital 21)1 1 Von aaa g'e the business a trial without ea-iia- The laoat opaartuuily ever offernl f'.rtli '..- - willing to work. Vou sliould try nothing dse unUl Miu see fur yourself what ymi can do at tie: business we offer. No r.NHii to e.Uin hiare. o,i can alevote all your time or only your s.:ne ti'iie I.. tbe businesm, ami make gri-a- t aay for eer Imnr yaau work. Waiincn make aa much as men. Send f..r sa-ei- al private t.:rms and autienlani, which we mail five. $5 Outtlt free. I 'on l iimplain of hard tunes a Idle vou have sin li a chance. Adiiress II. UALLKTT A CO., Finland, Maine. Syl ST CHARLES HOTE ALBANY, OREGON. MRS. C. HOIK, - - - Proprietor. This IIoue has been thairoughly naeeaaai from b(i to iHillaim, and is now in splendid condition for the ciitertainmeut of travelers. The table is supplied wiUi everything the mar- ket affords. Sample nenu for (uunaretal in. ... Corvaltla. laebaana anil Hal las Slage CiBra. vlSuou AA week in rour own toan. 9o outfit talM free. No risk, Keader, if jxu waut a business at which persons of either sex can make great pay all the time ttyey work, write for particulars o H. IlALLrrr a Co. Portland, Maine. Sal si :?r tie Tears suunioi ail IGfjm WANTED. Wf. 6UAP.JKTEE A LARGER Addrca phtiely, DR. SPINNEY1 e. II KCABIBI BTKsaJET. S.u l'r.uiciiaco, OaBfl r.iia. rrrnfa all Ibrunlr and -- ;m . l.il Itlaeaae-s- . Vii iiiv n miukim. tuon Tin: If la of ta.utliful tallica uc buiavrethaQ, aaa a!u ail t--a avail llicmacltea it tbia, tha-rcat-ral U..11 v- -i lalii al Uie altar nf .nTt rinjr bueiaiiit.v. lilC sI'lNNKY will siur-mtax- ' t. furtvit r crv aw s, ni.ii.il.- - . :Lncaa nr private ilnaaum nf any kind or onaiu which he undcrtakea ih1 fail to cure. -- riDIM.-.44.I'.D Mi .. Thtro a l at the aire of thirty-fltetatxt- y "bo are tmuliia-a- . . .. ua lmua it , .agnation at Ina Uaa-Je- r, iifUati ua r"iniaiiied by a ali.-b- t amartin nr burning H iiaLiiiiMi, ainl a auttiviiin tf the ayatuni in a manner tb alien t muiiit aeoanuit f.r. On o.ai.-.inin-j the urinary deiaaiite m ny acdiuieut will 4u.fi be UaunJ tml sumcuniea aniall lairUch nt albumen will aa,ear. r llic cailiar a ill Ik; of a thin milkiah hue, again chang-in,- - to a tlark ami torjiiil aia;ir.u..e. IIhto are niany nicn who die of tbia difficulty of the iwusc, which ia the aucoiid atagc of aemiual weskneaa. 1 ill iruaraHlee a H.fwt cure In all auch caeca, and laealtliy rceturatioii of the a uriiaary orttana Onin Horaa 10 to 4 and C u 8. Sunda- - fnim n 11 a. Ha OiinauiUliajn free. Tboroufc-- h eaaMninaUajr anal advice, i&. t'..r wiaas alif.-aoc- of clurt atamliitg a full ciniire of falicinc huffi. iuit t r a cure, uitball Inatnictiotiy, i'l U- mm it lo any adtlrcKi on nccijit uf ?10 ia.'. Call and adalreaa, Ii K. taTVUKV A ro,, it:jivt So. li saeanaj st. eam vaaaaaa), Cai A BARGAIN ! Vauble Property for Sale. THE ALDEN FRUIT DRYER, Tncliuling the ItuihlinR and lots upon which it is situated, is lor sale at a bar- gain. There aro two dryers and they can Imi isohl tf jmratoly. This is a good for fruit raisers to securo tho iiost dryer mado, at a low price. Tho lots are vory valuablo lj'inj? on tho (hratr front, and having a railroad awitch running by them. It is a good location for a custom tlonriw", mill, foundry, or any suclt t.i.an-- . -- .. For further particulars call on the PresL dent or Seerotarv of the t'oinpany. Q. F. CRAWVORD, I,. C. RlOa, President. Secretary. S TO I HE WORKING CLASS, We are now preiiared t funiisli all c1ik's with ixn-xt.v- saafalio menl at home, i be whole of the time, r for their bi' urti nionieii's. i:u-im- ss new, light and irolit;,blc. IVnaiuaiif rilher e easily earn from M ,ti. s.'i m r evening, and a iiroiairtional sum by 1. voting tbclr wluilo tii.u- - ' lie busiiiesH. Boys and irla earn nearly aa much M B&en. 1 lut z whoN-- e tbia notice in:iy acini their a;hlrin and lest tin- - l ucl-luw- nm; make lliia offer: To Mich as sro not well aut laftad e will aend one dollar to pay for the trouble faf writing Full articulars and outfit free. Address, liKokiiK Stinsos Co., 1'orUand, Maine. 2 I Administrator's Notice. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT NOTICE bus boon appointed Administrator of the estate of Margaret llughet, deceased, by the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, and all persona having claims against said estate are here- by notilied to present them, with the pro- per vouchers, within six months from the date, hereof, to the undersigned, at Scio, Lmn county, Oregon. N HUGHE?rt 18w4 Administrator.

oregonnews.uoregon.edu€¦ · V I L Ti A M E T T E MARBLE & STONE WORKS. THE BEST Caiurtt Directory. Y. 1 C. A. Mixta nt their route'''in FV tor'sbrick beiklingea Wednesday evenings.vt

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    Caiurtt Directory.

    Y. 1 C. A. Mixta nt their route''' in FVtor's brick beiklingea Wednesday evenings.vt T M oiook, nmt on Sabbath aftorneoeeal4, IIiimiwm meetings are held OS tn ovott-i- n

    f the seeood Monday in each month,KvofyboAy invited to utti-tul- .

    U. I. Cin'itcit. Preaching every Sahlatb,nt a. m. . mm t v. m. i. ibv. r, G. Ir-vine, I). I. Sabbath hekool :it &$Q v. N.Prayvr meeting every Thursday evening. I 1 rtr: 3 ' m I


    M A N I ' V A Ti : ft R M I F




    As wo ol our Ifatftfa iliwt from tho Itotlnml QnstrrUiai ami Mills in Vermont, amihare It aeieeted with earo, w inn inanro nwu iinwn tho f mnriio, ea expert work-i- n

    aay that Vermont imtrMo Ih lollor than any imported from teajga aooaSf lea.Haalng Jnt raaslrad asvaral tOM Of marlilo, and haviriK morn on thfl av, i' i hii

    ofrrotra fikluaSmailtB tO theee vrantin-j- : work. Orilom from any artof tlif staipiomptly ittta imIi-m- to, ami all work warnuilol as roir?w-iito- . V'-lia- o uocanvoxar tmout for work 'X''at tneaa having tfeatr Ok adeutla la from nx.

    aStfhop and wrofteaotatsrafaaandawd RHawottfe str-ts- , Aiiianv, ortron.vl iiHif K WOOD S CO.

    . ra

    l. V. MASiN. JolfX fn-iu- r

    FOSHAY & MASON(haaaasasss to Jofea Paifesy)



    MEDICINESiCinmC,a firal rm retail .Ima; aaaaSMaMM

    mm: ut

    I'.irnii in .Miiws-tx.f- i itbthi l'i'i.i,t,

    a i.aiu;k ASU


    batMHaMf aVMySaW uaiiaJJr loun-- l lo

    a II 1.1.

    Tli" laa I M Iojh i A in wa alaaii ik m , ,L. .1 KaaU In la Dim a, .. laafi!. ota-.- , aa.fi la;

    IridiWARNERS SAI ftuB: e . ouis 1 mm s 1 ::. sol u i. WHF.N YOU COME TO ALBANY CALL AND SEE US


    AT TIIK !.! CTAM, YlWft Ifl'HfCKr, If AH lN HAND AS FINK aMA.ssOK'l mi;nt iK


    :n3 !khi In the VflMoSa Bsi a o Imports and tnuualuff urea




    cimrismum, call at h warn ntin-rr- , alhaxv, hixin.

    Pwepair work done at reasonable figures.vi3rjs


    'aaflfllf aK aLaKa--a8ar.Bi i.mfwr' H fl mwP writ. T '

    I PAPER OF IS PAGES, ISSUED MONTHLY AT SIOUX CITT. IOWA.it is lacsiieait li PqIuicsibI Esiifloi, oniii mc lewi cl H wwtii as ocanin YiHAit Bdif llliacaal

    Ite Literary News is Supplied by Selections from the Best Writings of the World

    FR1 1A V .lANTAIIV Jl. 1SS!

    I FARM, GARDEN m FJRESSDE.jm.i i i. mint i k mn: i -- r.

    Mack Cotton plove will not rnukthe hands If JKtHted In salt and wareIvfaro wearing. The salt prevent!fadinp. When almost dry ouv shouldput thorn on, In order tostretch themand keep them in good thepe.

    The little boxes of thin w ood whichare used to carry butter or lard in,when covered with cambric or silk,make pretty work lH.es. SmallHaeh laskots, painted and lined with

    a bright color, are ornamental andconvenient, Ksidea Affording thv Mt-isfaeti- on

    which romcs frvm makingsomething from nothing.

    To make silk which hnsheen wrin-kled appear exactly like new, Bpongeit on tlie surface with a weak soiotionol gitm arabie or white glue, ami Ironon the wrong side.

    Grated rot ten- - tone mixed in eithersweet oil or alcohol will polish brass ;or kerosene oil ami a Hantu-- l cloth, orsnpolio.

    Cure f.r chapped b incN : 1 toe pertof glycerine, four of Pood's extract ofwitch hazel, four of water ; put Inbottle and shako well ; it is reedy forUse immediately : it is wet) 10 shakethoroughly each tints of using.

    Hair brushes uro best eleaned bywashing them In Bak rattis (.r s,l! twater, which removes nil the oilycoating.

    A certain cure for a felon said tole to wind a cloth loosely eboat thelinger, leaving tho end free, i'wiirin common gun powder till the afflict-ed part is entirely covered. Keepthe whole wet with Strong spirits Olcamphor.

    Bleeding ut the nose can be stoppedby visoroos action of the iawa. :.- - ilin progre s of ni;ist ic:it im. In thease of a child a wad of paper shouldbe plnCed in the mouth and the childinstructed to chew bard. It is themotion of the jaw that stops the Howof the blood

    If a child has s bed earache, dipa plug of cotton wool la ell, warm itand place it la the ear. Wrap up thehead and keep it out of draughts.

    Beeswax and salt will make il.it-iron- sas clean and smooth as ;!..Tie a lump of wax is a rag and keep

    it for that purpose. When the ironsare hot rub them with the wax rag,then scour with a p ifM r r rag sprin-kled with salt

    Hailing water will remove teastains and many Jruit -- tains; pourthe water through the stain, and thusprevent it from spreading over thewbrie, whim soaking in milk J. forewashing Will n its removestains from any fabric.

    BScaoNU RETtrca.

    Sun a a Dbops. Beat tho whitesami yolks tf four eggs, separati ly !a light loam. 1 il ntf the yelks withtwo teaspoonfafa of water, add th.-white- s

    and boat asnte time ; . ther :then add by degrees a pound of fin? jK)wderel suar, and afterwards a

    uuarter of a poood of floor, beatingeonstantlv. Flavor v. ith extract oflemon cr orange jok-o- . J rop qaxmfuls of the mixtore op bettered paper,iee them over with the battered su-gar and bake ten minuter.

    IfOKjtsBKS Cuf-Cake- & Two CUfgof molasses, two of brown siiur ST roHfjIfine, one of rich milk, one of batter,live of sifted Hour, five ejfg, oneheaping teaspoonful allspice, and oneof cloves. Liake in small tins, in amoderate oven. If not Spiced em. ughfor the taste, add more ginger.

    CiXgeruread uii5 Two poattdflof flour, one of butter, half a poundof brown sugar, one qoart sngar-boos- emolasse.a, two ounces ganger, one tea-spoonf- ul

    aH-Spi- ee, one ol innamonand the same ol cloves. ( ut ur thebutter in the floor, crash the sujrar !fine with a roiling pin. mix with the iflour, and aftefwards add the spiceucd molasse.'?. Floor your pie boardand take the dough, a large handfulat a time and knead it in separatecukes ; then knead 'til very hard to-gether for a long tim?. Cut the lumpin halves, roll it out in two evensheet.--) about half an inch thick, andcut in little cakes about the size ol acent. Hake on buttered tins in a verymoderate oven, as gingerbread ismore apt to .scorch than ary othercake From Six Little Cook

    A comiEsi'ONi'KM of the Cfeicsgoj Hiiine. writes tl lilHt paper frrainMontreal : "The fever tor land pur-- ;chasiog near the base of the RockyMountains teems to have abater notoue jot in England. It i - stated upongood authority that Mr. Braasey, thecelebrated contractof of London, Kn-glan-d,

    has liought uj) two more tractsof land, of 00,000 acres each, near thebase of. the Bocky Meontairja Jiewill colonise them, and eatUe raisingfor the English market will he gone intoon an extensive scale Senator Coch-rane has acquired 00,f)0 acres at UowRiver, "00 miles west of Winnepeg,and will go extensively info the stockraising business. He owns at pres-ent fifty head of Hereford cattle, iru-pert- ed

    for the purpose of crossingwith native breeds, and will devotemuch attention to the work on hisfarm. The Jlcrefords are at. presentH9 quarainine before Quebec. Thehope of the Senator is, that the roadfrom Winnepeg to the base of theJiocky Mountains will be finished In-si- de

    of three years, and thereaftercittle can be shipped straightway totGreat Britain. Jt is claimed that;many Englishmen ar;; following Mr.Braoscy'B example ; and, besides con-sidering tho details of the lacJficRailroad scheme, Parliament willlikely be asked to sanction the sale ofthese anil larger tracts of lands in theEar West."

    A lad named Frederick Palmer, atElmira, N. Y., son of the manager ofthe Western Union Telegraph Otticein that city, has lost an eye from epi-zooti- c

    poisoning. The other eye isendangered. It seems that the ladwiped his face with a handkei chiefhe had used to clean the foam thathis horse had coughed on his coatsleeve.

    Subscrilie ior the Democrat. I

    or ALL


    o n 11 inmllfltif Iiiim Infulllhlv 1nndilN wmk In Dlllgonfl or DHMOf for tn"i'Hi. 01 a iiitni or a I'luitm v . w Im it inn.l in In I I'Vi'l'V pul l of Hi" hoi Jil; : Iii-ii-IllllllllIM IHM fllllllll)' ! '. Il l l'lll.nlittM' 11 tin-onl- hiiIk ! 111 1. .otlini In 01 ih Til ill, ll. I 1 1. 1 ll , i, ruil"i'li U lilt 1II1 Inn

    TMh In tlm wllll tlm Mrilrmitln.lxnu I. Inline lit. I iiv iinili.Irrlntra lliL-lllK'- " Ol u trnlimlilr Imrar.Adi llio nK"ny at nn nriai il or IInn i miiMliif-il- , llin lioiinin ol iln u- -j

    uuiiiii evereoino, nnl of a Uiomi i- -mill "in' otlii-- r Ii!i hIiik i"i l liii n l. kpirlol tnnl liy III" Ol'l I'lililili: .11-icn- itMnslninx l.liilno n .

    aii roirn.s or fniM-iii'- i iiiicnnn nrelOOOilJIy nunil l,y In:

    Miviiim:; Mnmi'Mit.II iii'in Inili-- s iiiii-irji- - inornlirnno nn1

    tleui), to iii! very ioih', biiuiniiinK puiuuna eerteg dlwwM wiiii a powni iii ain- - vt I11IU. i 1 n 1111 l)i no ay

    i yljo ly, fioin In: iuf .!un,inn t . luI111

    MUSTANGLovri tlir VOlltarV iiliitin. to tin- - nu ii limit

    III IIK'n, liti'l Ilia, ai. 1. lilt 1 who . :lixlLU lo it Willi til" una'.

    H run Win n i :i o:ln i In;iili-iiton'- i Intl.

    i 111 WOllUC'IlUl

    LINIMENTNi.iKilllv ruri-- n nur'.t iti::iif:titi of tii';ill MAN III II u

    II la a fl 111 r I I a in . ! 1 1 ll urn . hlllTlJoint . 4 mil Ii il Miirlra, Iliitnaunit s nliln, f'nca, lirulia andMirnliia, l'nlaoiiona llltca anilailatatal. Hi 1 111 1. a. LmnriitM, OldHfrt'a, I'lrrra. I I oat lillra. i 111 Ilia tiaH.Si, i , .Miiptaa, i nUnt r.irait, aniltnila.il cviry foi in of (Cental Ula--Wlfi

    It la lli" "Oaf f r l'i" dla-oral- i'ia It'nl in i 10 r ii t n to wlila li tlio

    line 1 1: I in--. Aims urn nula)-c- t tL.il luvver ' a .!! i III nn as., i atarimm v. sinr j .int..I'on mlrr, llai MM a , Hoof ll-ria- ra,I'uol itait. Si law an m. an-al-

    llfillaiw llaaili, H'lntllin, tVlnal-Kall- a,SmihIii, lurrv. It I (( Imnr ,lOlal Hnrrm, fail I l.x ll, film upoajitlir .ltlat nn t t t r ' ollur allutrnt

    In tvliirli Ifir i irll'ullll of llicSlat, In nuii Hl-ir- Van! an llalilr.a tv.i i.iv:: .. nt iiottlo of MeaaaaaMna'niii' i.liilim nt i!i ofli ti Mitred uvuiuntito iioiai-- , a III ea ratata s, 01yt iiia of tor' nr.'

    It htala tvlllmiit i '.r-- r. !". a Tasllic vrry rKit of 11. ):i : , i."ni 11 tlio ixalia-- .It run- - evrvolv, r.ii'l ' anjitisilntn aaa)i It kaa la In ia ly uaa mrmorn tlinn I . :: .... us.il 1jMtttvcly


    LIN1MEFOB 2ia&3 OS BSaiST

    .1 I".. SORBIN ti CO.hafot r$ ai 4 ''


    i j ff,T Jiaj,i- - Ml 4 ' to - '

    rill w ia a. !' H I ! a , l. II,i. ,M .. a fn.l.. . .

    i i. a. i f. i.. ii a I 'in 11 ..!'..

    ploaxHcl V ' . I a a nl-- t., I . i ..i nn' sai rrj v .' a fc.il,,, ii, i . : I .. : .Mull 1 'a. I I , .'rum 76

    rt. I.i 1 "a:i! klllda a.

    ir... . . j tt at in aa

    ri Mi'l.li M IMSi'W)." to

    i VI J If ST iZ l a.CIGARS I TOBACCO,My tha lioal or aiui.il, OtM up.ll i Sf.-r- t. iCar Hi . i. In I i.lrt, Allmny

    MARX BAUMCARTHAS J t'.--T OITN I'll '" r A

    IVew liiqiior StoreK m CONHTANTI.V SSI HAWn


    The t rlfhmtcd SI. LouiiSTONEWALL WHISKEY,

    Tho riiira.t whi ;y in tho .Whiskies. I'mich 1 ran dies, Skerry,

    Port 1 lai rt, and all ther kindsof wipes, Qii, Ale, Beer,

    ind Torter.Bitten if every kind, m& the beet

    brands of tv'barcu and Dlgtn.earl war.t ovcryboily to unilrstenil tU

    I Imvo Ooi5el out n flial tiaaa ii;w Jiaj-u- orMom, where rity unl vi:nti v ih.il-BI- Viut jinxuire thi'ir Hloi'ks at l'ualanil

    1i irV's, with only freight nihlecl,ICooins oa t ho OOttMNT of Frcnt ainl Kerry

    StreotH, Albany, On BCOO. 2Stf.

    Titus khos-- o ra

    vTATCIlKi. CMCKa, JKWI.Iirv. HllaVKKri in ii A tKi:. ami iiiiom

    faTm T t I.LS, KT'.,

    aaaata" Cae New illume sen ins narhlaea.Al.ltANY, - - OatatfaVOrl



    CONRAD ME? EH, Proprietor.

    !' h Btto:il Dailv.Greeerles and Provisienf of all

    kinds Cheap :

    CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, EtcTCali and sco my Stock. 42tf

    A a an iriatnifjir to prrW'TiB iicair..ua ji lamiisiuiininiiu .aiKpaauui-a- inot "ao baTtnu '.rrvii!'U-nt- a In all quartfcra by whom desmjauonaof the acvrrml aea-u-.- t.

    Kvasoki ic.vi, Cncucii.- - I'reaehiugon Sab-bath at 1 1 a. M., and 7i 1. M. ttahliathSehou! P2:l.. Pravor Hicrtiac ovory Thiday cvvttitig. W. C. K.uitner, m-ttu-

    A I ION A I. ClIC l!CH- .- Nerv lee, everyBnbbntb nt 11a. m. and S r. m. SabbathBeheel at 2901 prayer meeting tmTharaday evening f ana weak, .). V.11. it r;s, pattor.

    m. K, dn m u. Botrm Bervioos wtrjSabbath al st. Psnl'i M. & Chnrch, Sooth.at 11 A. M. and t v. M. Sabbath Bckoolat 121 P. M. I 'raver itievtititr every Tluirs- -dayeveaagi M. c. Miller, p tor.

    M. B. Cmrsctti Areaehiaa every EUbbnthat II a. h, anl 7 v. m. Son,; irvtoe inlaa ovaaing beforo ttoraton, Babuath Bohnolt J.:iO r, M. Prayor nm tini; imtv T1ius-biyereaing- .

    L Dillon pMtnr.Barrtsr Catracu. Sarvkoiovory Snbbatii

    :it It . m. ami 7s v, m. Salibath Sobool at12, I'laytr mooting vory 'lluuxlay tn-t:- i

    W. J. Craw foul, jia.su r.Paiaiafraasaa Cuuacn, Sorriot aw

    Snbbftth inmnini; and ovaaing a ('f!!t nnpal. Sandny School iinniodinteiy rftortMMorntag owvioa lnyof DMwting everyTboraday evening, Itev, Elbert N. Cindtt,pastor.

    ;i:i:i:s i FLOWER.It Is natural lor people tUflSrlng with

    Dyepeptdn nnd Uvei Conoataiuti oc snjderangement of tho aigeetli e orgnnn, wmjIias Bonx Stninnuh Sick I Ivedecbe, UnidtunlCOettveneee, Palpttaiion os' the UanrtjHiuK-hurn- , Wntorbnudi, gnawing anaburning pains at the p:i the Stomach,Ye(iow suin. Coated Tongue and dlnagrooable tasto la lbs month, ooming op of !eftar fating, low spirits, tV--

    ., to put u' froudaj today buying an article iiat tbeyk now baa cured tm'ir neighbor, friend oirelativO fat they have no faith In ii nntllit i1 tv ialf. litii il yon ill to yoUldragatata, Foebay v Maeon, and an aboiii(t't Gnajcna arouar Ktiownn your e

    aura is as oertain as you live,Sample bottlow of thia medieina can be ob-tained for lo oenta to try its mtportor u;iu. Reanuu siae 75 conta. Try It; twoiloeea relieve any ease,

    cereal OMMMnettea care a.

    Pblbtdalphia. Pa , Oct, t. 1879,ll. n. Warner Co.-- ntn, t ..r ti

    past t !i voars 1 ir.' tifTornt the evil Cf'Coots of what niiiit bo termed chronic conHtinatkms uty ekia beeanie yellow end myiii r was all OUt !' fv!t r; 1 trie 1 ail lluraaaedles that siiil obtaluc l, end thatwas all I vu!il U, after finding no r!U-- ffrom regular medicine trtat;r: nt, an.l Ianally commenced mcng your remedies,i lirst krfetl ti Tills, mxi at the end ofaaafc my bowel bad attained a regular!!and healthy action unknown for years. 1w.ls si i!eastl witb lLo t ih i: I i meluded u try a bottle of yunr Hitters, amialthough I uasa is: entin ly u '. aratls)ltli, 1 a:n m ?'rr:i!Iy i:.ij ro.rtl nn.itoned up that I write to you giving thiavdnntary teatliaonial to tlie aacalleuce olyour remediea. Yours iruly(

    B. J. A MIMXI.

    SA Ml EL ?3.1i,a 1S MiINO III:

    PAIiL and W8.'!'E:f;









    tt.ouse Furnishing Goods,ETC., ETC., ETC.

    many oi these Good arcMogfit direct1 from the inan-tifaetnrc- rs

    Utv casbf ;nl artall First Class Goods NOTBA8H, and will be . !! atPopular Prices.


    ESTAnLISIIED IS65.By A. l( iiKliitv, nftnafedat comer ofFlrat and Montaooaei y Streets. Albany,Oreaon.

    Uarlog taken efaargaaf the above namei,Works, we uro prepared to inannfaetareSteam Bnghaea. Saw ami irist Mills,Woed-worki- ng Machinery, Pnmna, Ironami iirass Castings of every dee) ription.

    Macbinery of all klnda repaired. Spacial altenticn glraa ti rejiairm larin nTsi r in.h.

    lftllyl A. i'. CUEltltll tH IN.

    I70 XjOTT.Fetaonfl wiabinK aoailaet loana upon ed

    aeenrity xin i e :n'rinimoiat(tii iyapplyina; IS (,'. II. BISWITT.

    UTolea Brick Hloek, Itroadalbin St.,Athany, OreftOV. 20tf


    Fresh Beef; Pork, Mutton,Veal and Sausage al-wa.- ys

    on hand.

    lnghi"! ':ih Price pnial (q Is of t aba k.iau LEVI WKST

    OOAA A month raMMnVwd. ill a a'av at lnwna.T),W7 in.iijiby the 'iii.lustri.ms. I HI il till lint rif

    ijuireal ; we.will ntaWS J'ut!. Men, WOlniiii, !,. s amiK'irurmakti nimiey f:wtatr at w.irk fur us than jit an-tnr-

    a;l(ia.t The work is li'ht ainl pi. oaant, ami lthh anyone can to ritrlit at. Tlin.i who arc wiscwlintoe l 8tul us their adilrcHHcx at paeOMMlsoe for "themselves. Ca.tly Otttfit ami term. Nofrlthe time. Those already at wi.rk are laving nji larjfJsm3 f money. Address TKt'K & CO., AmruttMaine.

    or unrurun avro riutl. in me lacjaurineni iimuiuiai rum ma, , .s. u.io, . iiranet the artou iiuantiotia naked by our Bum riiw TObarrtbera, whi. h ia bcciafaBaf quite an


    r.Jxnvi'.oint Tho veorliVti f-r- Pnl- -. ,racvu 1 IV tZnn and Hooi t.

    icn-- . cxxlvl: a-- :. v -

    vnx nr.irs v s'i .tU not Nnrcotif. ChlklFOHgrow tht aporiy Sfotiicrs llho,:ini Piiyaicinns roeooaniendC IJSTOK1 . II rogttlfttc ithoRowels cores Wiod ii ,olloys I'l-vr- ri lmr Ittld !1 ! f03 S Worms.

    WEI BE MEYER! CA-TARRH Cure. t ConstitutionalAi.tsdoto for thin tn ' ililn nm)-- .-iy. by Absorption. .: he IImpartejkt IHaoavadry alnoo acelno tiou. Otimr reaaaeVtaa rauygelleaw Cati:-i-H- . thi anurse i.'txny tAnr.v bcloro CojUMUBptiO i








    DISTILLERS,Kenton County, 6th Dist. Kentucky.

    OFFICE!252 & 254 West Third St.

    CINCINNATI.Ha- - abnve

    uienae 1 an 1the medical fMy purpoaea,

    1 r viln j,' ' : lv at!

    saaylfWho!, nde ao I .; Agent, ,

    H aa . Sereea.I

    nr E . :


    Ll - IT-

    The .New Mctlicul Woitderof ! 19th fVntury.




    Tin; im,t aVt!l;Sn" tin. Wa.rtal liaM v, r timMii.

    RairaaMtfc fataui lepaeS lata aatai lReweaUala laiaa MeapeS in IS mmuira.

    SeaSaHM tfepgeS la iwleelM.reeifeacaM! leppea la IS aateaae

    .m rriag "a apatl eea iSe Weafcin ia liaauai.


    rr Mik by a:m :l i aa InmhI at Mrhwkmi ,


    Pallia awill ii OtMSC ttC lu.n ., t it :. !.aTb writer, Mr. Wintn. rfurd, i wall md broqiblylmMra in tMaattjr, Kajr nrttcnl . ifcqtura ijf j. W,Wititiicrj.irit S ., ni :

    Haa ri ... i r.iin;.!::. Itaaiaw : eat irr stag with jn-i- iuUmiwIjr,

    tut tltat Ut I'nyii i naabte to rtrajiitenmyself, I esaaj obm "f your "i.ilanii." bhainaeHt,"mm h mmotort the pate upon llM Hnri Kppiiiaation,Tat I 'iirtli apjilii-aii.- il r. tu.n . n.n ini.a rulinc l layllin lalili. 1'iir I i.itti:ui)i- - ;nil mi;: :i!'i;i .!. is a f.c ilirbsvna boon t rkil la my own fnn.iiv . I h i . . u. iledleesof Snimonl nfvarfow kludo,avnd Bm! tail uiaureaaa any. i blebly rooemmeml it to any aBSortan

    itii nnhao nnd jacina..t.lTx 1 MK;i. .. V. S;.'J i:i:!tl OKI).



    hi BV FAB the boat Bminnw uod Sodai Ooldo endUaed-HaMi- k evi r iiulali-.- i l ii. Mu. h I he lull'. It ti llluiii nexan nomidoteiy nov TO lo RVEKV--Til I Mi in tint beat way. llnw to ha Vou Own lnv-- i

    r. Il'.w In atu l.iiiiic:4 :nrri-- lly amiUuw inait In N" i i . and in ercrj partial life, amioontateaa nSnaot mriod lnfwaaataa IndaeoiMiabto to all eu ooa lanfe reference. Al'.l.vrWANTKD for ail or anaro tlioe. i n knoa why ttdibook i.f KKAL in lie- - nuii atlr.u lii.iw w.h .. ilir thanany lath' r, afifdy bar ternjut tl i

    c. PRWIlfa o.,i inc snn PraaeaUei .

    Q 1 ,;riA T" A VK.Mi, i : I a ihur in!? I ) M I yi.ur iiwn locality. Noriak. rVomefidoiia well m men. Many nuake more than the anmanletatad above. Nootto a an fail toaatke money f.mt.Any mie i an do On Wflfit. Ymi i an makafTOOi fiQota.to St aw hearliy dovuUasr year otoainjri and nantime taa tin- - IniMiiiCKS. Jt eiixls nothing In try the hi;

    Motbiag like it f.ar umney making eit r ufftre.lhfcfnrc. Bnafneaa pleaaant and aWiOMy hooorahle.Header, II you want In kimw all about the beat payingbaatoeai bafaaa tba puikUe, aend uayuttr iddraaa andwe will Reinl yi.u full parti, ulari and private tenimfree ; Kiinpk-- wnrth tSalao free ; jron aviu then mabaop yow nand fur yourself. Addreaa UKUKUK STISSON ,fc CO., Ptettana, Maine.

    $9992 be maain hv every n?cnt everyli in the husiiu s we tiiruit-.li- . buttlio.w willing to work can easily mni a dozen il.'.'laraa i!a, ri;fht in tiieir own loetilltlea. Havo no time toexplain here, iluatocaa pleasant and bnuorahle. WO"men. ami 1h.;,r i.iul girls do ai v . ;1 ai men. Wa williiirmah ymi a eomplote ontSt trie. We will bear exaeine of Htirtiii-j- a you. PartieaUra free. Write ami

    nee. Fanners ainl mechanica. their na na ami daagn-ter- s,ami all classes in need of paying work at home,should write to us and learn all about the work at

    once. AaKn.au Tki r. t Co., Augusta, Maine. )

    aut aad iaatrueuvu fcaturu of the paper. Persona who may bar boalnes be '.ore anr oi taaPENSION. BOUNTY, LAND OR PATENT DEPARTMENTS

    at WaAhiaator 1 u:i thrcrj'h thla medimn many times be aared a fee, for by heeomirnr tnh-.rii- a.r thetr - !1 U a&raered through the columna of the paper. It baa alao a Special

    rlvlus all the Iecl:on of tho several abore mentioned.iBr..frera.f a a fn it ;;ie a'!. a, enl ia Ulj laxper to any s i!si riber who



    ii u dnria-s- e .f or eacbaBse any Propertv. with hlsaaldrwa and name in ran an that dirvrt.atlo.T um bv Jiad with film by any orio deairirtf:. to tboae aenduur ua il.'H for ayirI'.tii.n Te rnoin: 11 k during the flrat aix monina of I ts tiln.f avermred a riretiliiUcaT: .t. . a ......l..l I l...nl.ll..n I. .", Illlll1"

    ;uuuii'. --V mouth. TouraddwffixirUiiiviiUguwrornrhalloflheonoisaaMV

    tiik koi nt r. : . Kt;(. i

    ibyalos Smpm boosaf laagraateat !liiiii:tii i ,.. I. ,i i , tin) it t( ,rl iliiiitt'I v II- " - - "i jlasti ftftlj s short tlinn. a Idcot, dlaeaai

    ! ntu c)l), lifinftt SQd l! f HtN I S hichm QOSt mo powerful jnlrj.l v i i i nny.

    AJtythiag that saa rastora theeo'powofa orpreaarva loan th i r.n more aloahlethan the poara thrmaelvea andntoratohe adndred' Thla la aaaotly arlatt Warnit's isaA Kidney and I Ivor i'ur ln.lakea the body when t h hrokan anilbowed l y al kneaaand retorealt to taapower i ; i. l! dlnaymi I all lit i oppming e ilx rr tho praeIph-- o into ot'itvinn. Itliaano Piiunde thaturt eaeasiaa f neatth nuii noenetnloa dialHfc !io fl l tl-t- - ( f i.. I i 1 the Mist ini- -wrtnt: o lower pot Uon f body

    in pr. Im log r.'o-- i health leh e-i- better kaoam avary dU . .! 1 a and wo-ma- n

    r ataaaan Ihla. PorvwoaaprerlovMi to 'iii t .i ! , t ..r it : . - ;aullat to Ihalff for dehlth tied nsaa endpnny children there la nothing wiii: . 'lafciy aal miic'. i . ilin itnd rvotoreahiatraa( Natural ' 'fl b ki

    HInipt ion, and tht inn ;! atti nd ! to

    prOtliptl or ! t':il.jVV . J Ij" I Sill;I ;i 1 t'V. i H elti i .!..,-- . that v. 1

    !..i il" iay drugjj i ia all pan af I ll'Horl i i n r.s uiani

    U. V attfti a . I a.. jI. i I . s. '. i

    King of the BloodCei tii nil T'.iat. nn l .!iiT.',rr raautl.iaf Iran iiu(.ufHy of ov li.-.- i. it i to

    i?y " I. hi Via tiffr 'an ftauallv ; n tl.. ;ii ia ; but Kail Itn'r'um, J'!tf!ti, i Urrt, Tmtmrt

    ;..i.ri--, aaaOAML , MV Um man i i n...i., ..nl a u.ai.y affaxrtaU.1of !!.: . I., Utd, iaMMTat. 1 tUutttJch.

    SCROFULABttAsrfd Cora of "llr-i:-:- ,


    I. IUsan'i, Hii? ic '. Tor th. I m-li- t .f 'troublad w.ih 8rajfu!.i or Imuu 1 :.hj.I im5 ma. I liettl-- RMMMMad Wnif "f t In- - llic

    I km i in-- , ii truuliiani wuij awofgl i .' .r Um pftmn, vim It aai attacta.1 my cfa that I vu eunt'ptateifr bUad for ! miethav. I vunooniMiMlhlIvtn Knik'of th Dluoal, which ba iiri. .t atMtaitna to fn, aa it i.ji . omplvtaiy. i Mrad bm , an i

    aMRxalljr rtcuiumvi. ! M loatl lllillllloi hi 1 liavo:. Your truly,

    jtut. h. WMtxmmtcunr, eaniaaa.X. v.

    vi I laa. pni'l lo nny Puhlie Iloaj.itil tO ba mutu-ally mmrA upon, Inx every certiflcnti; .f tli.i incm-- : j.ii! li.)iC'l by ua which la not peaattM

    Its InsTGdicnts.To Bhow our faith In the aaf'y un.i x ofOH K. II., Up III pnper pelha,;.ai njlpl K'at lull, Wllfllaatiafiad taat no napoaition m im. mIm1. v,- - i;j

    gira tjae aaaaaeeo all ita ingradiaal ,i v afadarft.Tha MMaaaani were never made lietoie lr tho aro-yilab- aof aay other family Meikiaein th'? eerbLMnuy leatiiiioiiinu.t'ii 'i. rfafon tioa,andfull ilin i'Uuim tot uaiaa will U; louii'l in l.o paiii-plil.- -t

    H Treat iaai on lhaenecs or (he liliaul," )awhich i aeh Imttlc i.-n- i hwil. Pi i. .. p, r ..,tt,.coii.lainim? 12 omieea, or I'ltuM) .'.i.m. .. - ,., yi!nu.ifi.-- D. ltAjiaou.boN A Co., Prop's, UufEaloi N T

    iialsfy, Orea;aa,

    A. L0UBNER, - ProprietorKLKGAHT N BW IIOTBL. SVtTt KOWTllfiupleteil, will lie opened ahiilil .Inly l.Mh, h7i.

    k ni eaaaaraabM "i the noat woSara aed ooavaaiaatplan, hax a fun- - aumiile RMNB apaofaUl) arr.uu'i'.l forooasnaenaal tfaaaaaa unii tin. tahiu will iw ui.luilat all tiniea with uuml nn a 1. i)

    iui Chaat chance to tnake money, ttvS M.' Bil "am ni a j.i in Iowa tn take'lliaacriptinllM fi.r liio luri at, ehrapi t all'l bent, illus- -ated aimily pabttcation in the wnrkt, An morjaaaa a aueeeaafiil ageoA six atogant workn of artaa bvo towbawibara. TTw prfot in fa low that al

    ti .nt every body miI lil'.i Olio aciit repoitatak-le- a190 Kiiheribem in a .lay. A In.lv agent roportfl

    niukiBa; over STflO olaar imaTit Intendaya All araoaninun1 make money fa.-t- . Vou (;au davoto all yourtime to tbe biM(aoaa,or only yow apare tlmei Ymi

    ml not Im: away from hoBat over liijht. Yoll Ban doii a well aa oiliera. full djroctbaia awl torma frooiit aU want pic '11 table work aenil mi ymir ualilrem atnnea. Itcoata Hotjhfnato try tba hoaineaa. So oneiraoangafi faUa to make gnat pay. AiIiIu kh lino.SrUBMMI & Co., i'nrtlaiul, Maine. talyl

    UEVERE HOUSE,Career Flral nnl KIliM orllt Albany, Orecmi,

    PfeifFer Bro'o Props.This now Hotel Is fitted up In llrat claim style. Tables

    aupplied with the licxt the market afford Sprlntrlitals in every ibaom. A (farl .Sample Room for Cum.peOMial Travelera.

    r&'T'rec l oiirli la nnd Troiu Hie Holel.ttaI:tlt

    IDATCBIVC J- - Mlaler, bolicitci ntrfS 9 CfB I Oal'utentB, :i7 Seventh St., or Im'220, Washinifton, ,1). V. Ko fee rcipiired uiilesg Pat-ent is obtained, aic nd for circular giving terms, Ac.

    MibtiaheU 1W0.

    Tho following otatomenhi nri iii voiun-iir- yexpreaaieoN of a tw awtoog Ummjs

    audit who have beeo Mtyad iy tba a- - ofWarimr'a Mafii Kidney nifl Llvat Chgfa.writers era not jronnlly known tothe proprietora, hot Lhayhave aaaa-Sbaa- c

    lettera h asnraaiiona of iinir gralHndai'I lu ir sin. V, tiii n-fo- ..nai.t be lMe1 1 wed :

    Mwwera, II, 11. Wai iter dt C0.2f (entlcfai'ti: I li:iv for 11 Jon;; time lfou

    nihted with a terrible kloney eoenptalntjJin lilt . . ini .1 ut lliOSa nolhinic OSOM

    oontrol 1 trk 1 doetora and madlelneazleu Ively, but lonnd no retlaf. 1v. us i Imm I iv a friend to try your ball

    Iney and J leaf Oars uni Mrw( afterKuflbrlng nearly four ymm tht? ioKt coupain, I Hud Piyaalf niirly vll and mUIhto anend to Iximiumm overy dev.

    ion m Q. I CkftawsoaOb.I. iM-- City, Juno, JHo,

    M II. ii Warm r Jc Co.:Ua.i 141M1 a j Wltboat aaltaalailasi I da

    iofj.t 1 t.,.,u nlVllKl jncia- -lion f your rantady. aoioo Haas nimntnr attention wsa exiled toa gniirm.-i-

    ho lin I lor a lonjj ttm I a n great Mf- -fi i r. After making a thorough exasMsatlon of t!.- - eaae, l found that hit kijnyii

    l V r I s i . ;U- - J, NOtv4tn- -.!.'' i i f ygur Sufirjvwl- -uajraad l.n r inc. 'i l;n rialt, nflr Ink-ing two lotti", lutn Imh-- klinfiu-to- r y inlhextreuu. WltOout heattatton. IvoiiNl1: ri.: tlio smiiu, remedf toal! Himliailyailti-- t- !. V.-wr- s truly,

    ii". eu i.N. V. It. Cat 1 ::i,M l.i -- ii if. Wai iter .v i

    i ax: i hare been aftllcteU aithI." kidllVVM fnr lllil J'IhI tU'i

    i: -- , :i!i . ij til i numerous ri'tnisiit.Mth owl I i in i! .'il l ti tjijMirarv n-l- n l.;r .Nil . Kidney and Liver tains

    nini ii ii- -i t nie, aod after taking ao j !! hihI dkatreaa left bm ami I atu tov leallna atronaj nt aoIL I ara

    riod that Warnati sufn Kctne-- -.'! ::. an in'iiu-a- j i ii ili.l, nKii

    eerlully ooinineiitl thaw to otbera.la. W. M A ! M,

    Kditor v;. Industrial y.t."NliiU, luv., Jiiui-- , I' .:.

    i i, r

    Sportsman Headquarters.W. JR. 3 O O T T,


    Gaps, Uiflrs Q KovoIvits!!Ami laaBaenlllon nt til lilmla.

    J ii awairml a bra Imnataa 4 Uf liU ai Imiimviaalr. ...m ia.il. Mi.n.'a. vii.-i..t- r aiitlHai r t . ?


    atArh nt ri.lilnirIhn, i 'i i. at, ai'.i la.all lair in um lino.

    Ail kind-- ; of Stewing bdlbfll Re-pa- irc!

    tlinn ruber HintCannot I5c UndertoM

    Am wln.10 III llii State. (1 tf

    JAMES DANNALS.aaaMHi iv aaa aaaaaaeii nan or


    lnrlile nnd Mood Tops.

    T.irlor Sets and Lounca, Mar-ble Top Center-Table- s,

    Spring Bed3 andMattresses,

    WAI.NIIT, ItfU A,D OAK BRACKKTS.AmUajyci'iaia of

    trfeataola, 4'bnlrs. .Ifjjslcnaia. i:ieualnn Tn-Ide- a,M. in.Ialll nnd I alley.lioutimisa, ille.

    I lota ml to keep evcrvthtng In U;e funiiliiro line,ami will euarantce nulhilaction tn all who will call no

    UUIera Urick. JAJUtS DAJTMALS.




    FOX, EATJM cSc CO.Aloany Bath House.

    fTVSa UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTA fully inform the cititom of Albany and vi

    oiuitythat f have taken charge ofthii Establishmen I, and, by keeping clean rooms and jiayinstrict attention to business, expects to suit althose who may favor us with their patronageHaving heretofore carried on nothing bat

    First-Clas- s Hair Dressing Saloons,Vo oxpeota to give entire satisfaction to al

    arChildicn nnd Ladies' Hair neatly cuml ampooed. JOS WEBBER.


    me am. or sc nan m mmm zm,COMMISSION THAN ANT OTHER PAPER II AMERICA

    Tt 1 OSStOPOLATE, Sioux City, Iowa

    To Ibf I'rfortnialf!


    Dispensary..) KCtKNY T.) rora of t'aaniiiK-r--

    rial Strvet, San Francaaa-o- .Kal li.ho.1 in IX.Y1. forthe Ijaliuent ol Scaual

    CsW mt4 and Seaiinal Iiseaca, fucJiaa talon nrrtii-u- . Ulerf.

    . . I alri (are, nehllla in allx a sa sji i a : vajnua.iaaMByK v.vN - mixiir-- n r .

    aeiulBMl raknea, night loaeea hj iluaiaa. jiiaajal js aa 'i.e facs and l.a aft inanhoajd raui , .actively beeared. Thoairk and MBicted anoaii u4 iaii tUMaa him. The l t r haa traveled extenaively Uiklunaiie. and inapta-te-d t h. .ri.ughly the rirx.ua bos-tal- a

    ibrre, olataiiting a trreat deal e valuable irifornav-taa- vwhich he iscaaujraeient lo impart to iheac in need

    of hia aer ieea. DK ClhtiOX will make no ckarvx'uiilesa be effeet a ci ' . f- aja at a distanee M A tKM f 'I BED aT .- - All cooununieatuanastrictly eonfidcntial. on aee no one but the 1 Victor.S. nd tn ali.lbvra for a kiac ot medieina. IVraonawriting to tho Doetor will lraae ta the name of the

    ertbey aee thia advert iaement in. tiiaryraCall or write. Addreai DK. J. K. CIB0U,

    Uaax 1957, San Franciacai.

    ajj?rapbuineas new before the public. Y.oiJaa a can make meney faster at work fur uathan at anything aita Capital not required. W willatart you 91Sd.yand upwards made at borne bythe industrious. Men, women, boja and riris arant0Qevi-r- where to wora for ua. New it the tiaie. aetcan devote your whole time to the work, or only yVwspare momenta. So other business a ill y , t oil n.r1 as a nil. So one willing to work ran fall" to makuciiannous pay by engaging at once. CoaUv outfit andterms frv. A great oppaartunitv for making in.-o-ctudly and honorably. Addrnia Thi i A. to . AuguslMaine.




    Cli A WEUK in yaauravwn town and no capital21)1 1 Von aaa g'e the business a trialwithout ea-iia- The laoat opaartuuily ever offernlf'.rtli '..- - willing to work. Vou sliould try nothingdse unUl Miu see fur yourself what ymi can do at tie:business we offer. No r.NHii to e.Uin hiare. o,ican alevote all your time or only your s.:ne ti'iie I..tbe businesm, ami make gri-a-t aay for eer Imnr yaauwork. Waiincn make aa much as men. Send f..r sa-ei- al

    private t.:rms and autienlani, which we mail five.$5 Outtlt free. I 'on l iimplain of hard tunes a Idlevou have sin li a chance. Adiiress II. UALLKTT ACO., Finland, Maine. Syl


    MRS. C. HOIK, - - - Proprietor.

    This IIoue has been thairoughly naeeaaai from b(ito iHillaim, and is now in splendid condition for

    the ciitertainmeut of travelers. The tableis supplied wiUi everything the mar-

    ket affords. Sample nenu for(uunaretal in. ...

    Corvaltla. laebaana anil Hal las Slage CiBra.vlSuou

    AA week in rour own toan. 9o outfittalM free. No risk, Keader, if jxu waut abusiness at which persons of either sex can makegreat pay all the time ttyey work, write for particularso H. IlALLrrr a Co. Portland, Maine.

    Sal si :?r tie Tears suunioi ailIGfjm WANTED. Wf. 6UAP.JKTEE A LARGER

    Addrca phtiely,


    S.u l'r.uiciiaco, OaBfl r.iia.rrrnfa all Ibrunlr and -- ;m . l.il Itlaeaae-s-.

    Vii iiiv n miukim. tuon Tin:If la of ta.utliful tallica uc buiavrethaQ, aaaa!u ail t--a avail llicmacltea it tbia, tha-rcat-ral U..11v- -i lalii al Uie altar nf .nTt rinjr bueiaiiit.v. lilC

    sI'lNNKY will siur-mtax- ' t. furtvit r crv aws, ni.ii.il.- - . :Lncaa nr private ilnaaum nf any kind oronaiu which he undcrtakea ih1 fail to cure.

    --riDIM.-.44.I'.D Mi ..

    Thtro a l at the aire of thirty-fltetatxt- y "boare tmuliia-a- . . .. ua lmua it , .agnation at Ina Uaa-Je- r,

    iifUati ua r"iniaiiied by a ali.-b-t amartin nr burningH iiaLiiiiMi, ainl a auttiviiin tf the ayatuni in a mannertb alien t muiiit aeoanuit f.r. On o.ai.-.inin-j theurinary deiaaiite m ny acdiuieut will 4u.fi be UaunJtml sumcuniea aniall lairUch nt albumen will aa,ear.r llic cailiar a ill Ik; of a thin milkiah hue, again chang-in,- -

    to a tlark ami torjiiil aia;ir.u..e. IIhto are nianynicn who die of tbia difficulty of the iwusc,which ia the aucoiid atagc of aemiual weskneaa. 1 ill

    iruaraHlee a H.fwt cure In all auch caeca, andlaealtliy rceturatioii of the a uriiaary orttana

    Onin Horaa 10 to 4 and C u 8. Sunda- - fnimn 1 1 a. Ha OiinauiUliajn free. Tboroufc--h eaaMninaUajranal advice, i&.

    t'..r wiaas alif.-aoc- of clurt atamliitg a full ciniireof falicinc huffi. iuit t r a cure, uitball Inatnictiotiy,

    i'l U- mm it lo any adtlrcKi on nccijit uf ?10 ia.'.Call and adalreaa,

    Ii K. taTVUKV A ro,,it:jivt So. li saeanaj st. eam vaaaaaa), Cai

    A BARGAIN !Vauble Property for Sale.


    Tncliuling the ItuihlinR and lots uponwhich it is situated, is lor sale at a bar-gain. There aro two dryers and they canImi isohl tf jmratoly. This is a good

    for fruit raisers to securo thoiiost dryer mado, at a low price.

    Tho lots are vory valuablo lj'inj? on tho(hratr front, and having a railroad awitchrunning by them. It is a good locationfor a custom tlonriw", mill, foundry, orany suclt t.i.an-- . --..

    For further particulars call on the PresLdent or Seerotarv of the t'oinpany.

    Q. F. CRAWVORD,I,. C. RlOa, President.

    Secretary. S

    TO I HE WORKING CLASS,We are now preiiared t funiisli all c1ik's with ixn-xt.v-

    saafalio menl at home, i be whole of the time, rfor their bi' urti nionieii's. i:u-im- ss new, light andirolit;,blc. IVnaiuaiif rilher e easily earn from M

    ,ti. s.'i m r evening, and a iiroiairtional sum by1. voting tbclr wluilo tii.u- - ' lie busiiiesH. Boys andirla earn nearly aa much M B&en. 1 lut z whoN-- e

    tbia notice in:iy acini their a;hlrin and lest tin-- l ucl-luw-

    nm; make lliia offer: To Mich as sro not well autlaftad e will aend one dollar to pay for the trouble fafwriting Full articulars and outfit free. Address,liKokiiK Stinsos Co., 1'orUand, Maine. 2 I

    Administrator's Notice.IS HEREBY GIVEN THATNOTICE bus boon appointed

    Administrator of the estate of Margaretllughet, deceased, by the County Court ofLinn County, Oregon, and all personahaving claims against said estate are here-by notilied to present them, with the pro-per vouchers, within six months from thedate, hereof, to the undersigned, at Scio,Lmn county, Oregon. N HUGHE?rt

    18w4 Administrator.