IN IIIERDIE U1TQAWK/IN TTUS ISSI_ E * WHY NOT AU, CHRISTIANS* * ME ALGOULVK HXNOOC WW D H uxrreu nuwttrrKtUAN CHURCH * DIE RASSCVIIA Ai WTCK V E It I T 1 I E * * ErrmRiAi- m m w m U L i OOftDfNKINO 1 DIE KERJC IN DIE WMELD 1 IQUDARTTin 4 UNIFICATION o r c n r o c f r e s « UOEKE Vm REHQfulE ONTVANG 7 THE CHUKCH IN THE BDXR AND IN AFRICA * reeeeeeeeeeeee * < #/f* #•f «>«*e## * ^ww**#*i# CHRiSTFUKK MAANDKLAD V1R SUIDELKE AFRIKA Jjur^an^ II \r. I brtekcageld R2 Subscription Mg d* Moorpotkanloor at •»••!> lad r«^«fraar CHRISTIAN MONTHLY FOB BOUTHKRN AFRICA Aup. IS \ ut i. 1963 Volume II. No. I RtfiMlCed 0/ I'J /VH Office 01 a .Vfulpopr- Rrv. feUin K. N«-1 "Why aren't all the best chaps Christians" Somr year* ago A amall hook wan published hen r Inn ihc ahmr llllc. The word* have haunted »r. almo*t. throughout ra> ministry. It wan written by Studdrrl Kennedy, ihr popular padre .if ihr Hrri world war who wan known to IkunnondV of -nldier* Uundbkv Wtffic Te~da) he «f>uM -JO doubt hair been rotted Seuuwy StwyvevonT He partly earned bat afefcnawar not amty by beta* a* brvrtcrnlr cigarette *aeaner auaaarif out by. a* a paint mi ewntnrX Wfrraag baa Wridfeiar la any manner k P d •( whatever rank- Erani ay wn» a riraV BaaeVa aaaa_ A grant, tkanwji perhaa. nnnrlhinat, * airmtanu with a la burning faith. And it worried and hurl baa lr*a*uaV*a-ry that aH the Ha*, antrum*, unrfeifcu am with »h-aa he »orfc*u\ anene of r am bravery awr, -a> many bad Ml been -on far ihr Chriat ajad Km Church. Why aren't nil the beat chnpa Chria- Liana? he united. The nural'< i hoi nig- gcd ii many n minister alnre 11 ought to wnny ua all. alao m-owudomdy, to^lny. dhandf* challenge to Christianity We cannot. of c«rae. had otiraelva t W pcuenaaa at not there; that there are not fine pinple nut tint tba Church en-won for Cnxint* N a r c a are pretend that tbr Churrh baa a uaonopnfy act reiigtnu and goodncm- Rather ntnat «v jdmit t|uUr frankly that have bam both a jodginnettt and a thalUaftr- Dr LronanJ Griffith of the London City Templr makra this very point in onv of hla fine publtghcd aermona. He U- luHtrnlra from the lifr of Mnhntmik (•andhk, n apiritUAt g U n l row Chris- tiana have equalled in atnliircv Aa we all know, whrn a yuuna man (Gandhi Ihed here in S*nih Africa. Frr- hap* «r didn' know hr alnxM hrraaae a UfiMun He samt r»rh Siiml»> »»th a Ctrbaaaa faauly and aitrndrd tawrrh mrth thcai rrfiiUrh Hut mm the ^fnaoa* daal and anv irtaac and mm cuaiaai'i far liar Mr •f Um -rt aara nnd vWrt tbia « hrtai* aniiy «na mafchif any auffrrrnrr In the INfM atf Uaant *ba> prnfiaaad It* TWy **wm*4 }** a- nnrhNy. «rlf- rmtrvd and anraaly re*prctahlc a* any other*. And an Gandhi who wa* later to heeorac the leader of three* hum In -il 1 11 n \ million i»-"t'ii was l<wi (o the Christ and Hal ttnMi What u jutljtrmont upon thai ronitreitallon! Our Uvea nnd acliima nnd atnndftrd* are eontknuo.ly being judged by throe UUUIUH tiH OhWdi Nfll aaaaVb b) erltietam, though thry are nut always ftpertajr of that, aa any aitnMer arho tlly naacnrdi hat dupoBar arell na hai eaaveevaikai Tney yndge aa "hecaaae vary often tbey nave aH that we poanrea mmd mmt aasanaa'. Jnat by beanf there. And Uua we bare to nak cnimlven ajtain nnd agnm onr LorTa own anwawian. "What do ye atoee than otharaT" En what amy are you who belong to Chrtat dtf ferrn*. have more peace and poase nnd power for datly Uvbng, have a solution to life's pniblema, find nre better nble In hrndle life'a Jnggwi edgenT The (llturvh people and the Samaritan The *4ahh.ng point of ChrM'f- |w- rnbar of the '-nod SaaaaHtan U th*t «ho na—ed by on the other aMr the Prirat and the !*ntte. They had been to <*bnrch and might ilmant n» weal have atayrd at baeae. They had not arap-ned nhnl i\ aaeanL tl *a« the aeaeaaVnaaal »a* dadn't attend laeir Temnle Ser*are*, >hn rr-ilh ne-iWr- ,4uod what warahap aaenn> right living and right rvtatien>oJp* And didn't Jeaue teach that Ood U not confined to the area of the Temple, or of religion, but ia to be found on the rood to Emmaua. nnd telU ith whnt to do on our hualneaa journeya from Jerusalem to Jericho? So muny who nre not Chrlallana yet by their Uvea ahow forth the Chriat- like apint and oa*litie« - ©ourngr. and drvuti^n to duty, and honeatly. and aelf4eaa nrrrlee and high Idanla Hare yon not met them In the Sorrier llvfaa in foetal welfare organaaationa, in nl* mmat every waft o f H e ? 1 wtah they were gienag anfC*anee to tba Chatreh an4 ort-mwed Chnatianily I wtah to Cod they were. And the challenge of at all at that we mant re-exanune our faith and mnhe aure thai what wo have got from the Christ and Hie Church ha aomething which cunimefrU ttaelf to othera. aomething worth ha- ving, and without which Ufa could never be the aame; something Ihitl ia worih aharlng with other* Many or theae "beat chapa*' could revolutionlae the Chureh if only they wrre won for the Chrial and Hla cause* Why aren't they ChrtaUana* It cannot be that they hare really sera Jeanw Chrmt u H c a leally honrd Hts aacnaage nnd then tamed Htm down, c^a HI We know aaaaoat inettnr trrety that at not the full answer The Ghartnt and Ham t r u t h wan aaade foe all men. and wan aneeou for al men Not one aaa. naat hernnaa he ia aaun and not (>od. <hwa out nred God- More Hhety the-* people have get their trWa* or Je«u^ ( hn.-i. if they have any nt all. allied up vith aar- «on« and all the imperfection* of the Church, and have done what noaie- •:-• ue nil do, mkii.i \> Churchliinl- ty forChrlatlanlly. How one long* to any to them: "For goodness aaae. don't look at me. look at Him. Don't look at my poor, mieera- ble life, look at lihx Don't lot* at Hi* Church na It la, but at what He tntanV 4ed il to beeoane Catch a ration of Je*«s and whit He mean* and la trying do for that world of nana/ 1 For once reepgniar Jrtuv w-| open their hearta to Hma, ne can he qnke ewre He will do the rewL Admlltnlly. aoeae of the anawrr at concerned with human bUadncee. atu* panHy. ptluV*, -itippi-aeil stlf-iUffietenf y and carrleua Indifference. It la ttill nolhmg to MO many who pnaa by Cnl- vary'a Cn«a that God Hlmaelf, the One who OTonlnd them, anouKL be »eekink' t k M in redemptive love* Iftul it ia the M beal rhapa" we are thinking about, thoae whoae Uvea obvjoualy are motivated by high ideal?* lived for the hi£br*t they know, and which. th<»agh Die ^United Presbyterian Churcli se Algeniene Sinocle in Des Moines " Die I75atc Algemroe vrreadering ^nn die Verealgde rreiihyterUan*e Kerk in d k V A X , hrt in Mel vnnjaiir In I»rn Molne* %erianer. Die Verenl«dc rreJi>teriaan>w Kerk In dir VAA, het S| mllloen belydende lidmatr mr, IJ.IIO prrdikantr * J ! '*.-'l»: uemrenU^ la-darn Haar r* lan* 2,Z*tt teulrtgiem^ -4udrnlr he-Jg oaa hulir *oer le herd nr nV aedarning. IH> berk be*ta-tn aH ! > • rtage. ingedcel in J3 diwkMt-dr-. IH> crtal afgrvaardirde- teaeaVaatlae gt liulie )aarf •aaljria Rand, wnarraa efke E emn*deM RIO per jaar hydra. HorraW adtkng wa* geaenatrft. nrnr "n grout rnt*. em die raj-ar*lryd in die VXA. te hedien met n SkriftuurMke antaiMird, 8elfa voordat Rev. Silaa Keaaler ge- kiea ia na die niiwe moderator, het die aiaodc eeni-ailg beslutt nm die neger- Irirr. Dr. Mariin Uuher King, ult te nooi om die hoofspreker tc weea by die Sioode, King kon die oitnodiging nie aanvaar ale Die Smodr het 'a aommbv »c benoem oaa tnnaediaknnunaale te Die fapnnei ran hintoorne brlang arat dear dm anaode aaneanr av wan 'n rappon ea Kerk en SinnL Vir twee roue mac m hiercHr ranport groVonteer aa die rulie aitting. Daar waa a dear- caatende atudhr ran cfie ooderwerp ge* maak I ink roor die snooVaittlng, en 1.10** a t u d i e g n w p e uit 131 rtnge bet hulleflelf deegllk ingeatudeer oor die vcrhoudlng tuaarn kerk an alnnt- T wan If unnhevelinga uit die rapport in annvrinr. wnnronder; the berk aneen dr. aaaaeaUlhheml ant \mm m dine «an dk* dug eerk ry* ian die Here 1c beers en f n bedrag ran bykana ~u hatfnuljnrn Rand tot hnfle brmkikkmc gentrl. aaa dar aanberetinga ten uit- eoer te brnag Die aftjedrndr aaodera- tor. dr. ftnotu het man una in ay utt- inerede gptpmk oor die kerb ne tank in raaaevernondingt- Hy her nange- d n n g or* die oVacgTegaaic ran kerb en woonhuurt, rn reral die N'ooroVlike State gevra om n voorbeeWI te atrl vir die Stiidelike State, DleSlnodr IWHIUII dat tehrml*r. axi» gehed en SirifWUng. nie hy die puhlleke maw the SawaoV auniiehr m teaaty Wfc— weed. beai Die aerhteraaaad tor te wre« hy dar -rut «d«ftH n r nae gehraU 1 near "a berk aaunwae *erg m. •nw •C. trl geen fak- nmarminn an Die SinmU- ik in hrgin>el leen mih «idier< van die wtaal vir kerkakole. Die Slnortr In oortui^ djil ^een menrdlke weae of aenMorrnad die ••* • • I •* '-I *M i r i-i <ip ^ml^ilit IV^C i^'i- gronde le he*luit aat die algemene puliliek mag lee*, raco «f hunr nie. ilnoghtenn dorf *n kerk *y ear iarl* male nnamkn teen wai indnaU tern ay ear enelnighu. Die kerk moet rami nie inianl met dfe mcrtir«e advle^ wal op goeie am* l^ Dar ec*kridtngn rttr <-ti aanneminc i an khaaVra atort gerag »ee* am aae aetayn t n n dar hHrokhe gaann. Die 8mataV earn geennr tn nar vry*dcilrng **n lalndina: ama aae «ta*l amj die herh eeaiet. en be* beort mama alle owner permnaf nf in^Un4e* hela^linfpli-tig la

V E It I T 1 I E - sahistory.org.za · in iiierdie u1tqawk/in ttus issi_ e * why not au, christians* * me algoulvk hxnooc ww dh uxrreu nuwttrrktuan church * die rasscviia ai wtck

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Page 1: V E It I T 1 I E - sahistory.org.za · in iiierdie u1tqawk/in ttus issi_ e * why not au, christians* * me algoulvk hxnooc ww dh uxrreu nuwttrrktuan church * die rasscviia ai wtck



* M E ALGOULVK HXNOOC WW D H u x r r e u n u w t t r r K t U A N C H U R C H


V E It I T 1 I E *


E r r m R i A i - m m w m U L i




r e e e e e e e e e e e e e * < # / f * #• f «>«*e## * ^ w w * * # * i #


Jjur^an^ II \ r . I brtekcageld R2 Subscription Mg d* Moorpotkanloor at •»••!> lad • r«^«fraar


Aup. IS \ u t i . 1963 Volume II. No. I RtfiMlCed 0/ I'J /VH Office 01 a .Vfulpopr-

• Rrv. feUin K. N«-1

"Why aren't all the best chaps Christians"

Somr year* ago A amall hook wan published hen r Inn ihc ahmr llllc. The word* have haunted » r . almo*t. throughout ra> ministry. It wan written by Studdrrl Kennedy, ihr popular padre .if ihr Hrri world war who wan known to IkunnondV of -nldier* a» U u n d b k v Wtffic Te~da) he «f>uM -JO doubt ha ir been rotted Seuuwy StwyvevonT He partly earned bat afefcnawar not amty by beta* a* brvrtcrnlr cigarette *aeaner auaaarif out by. a* a paint mi ewntnrX Wfrraag baa Wridfeiar la any manner k P d • ( whatever rank- Erani ay wn» a riraV BaaeVa aaaa_ A grant, tkanwji perhaa. nnnr lh inat , * airmtanu with a

la burning faith. And it worried and hurl baa lr*a*uaV*a-ry that aH the Ha*, antrum*, unrfeifcu a m wi th »h-aa he »orfc*u\ anene of

r a m bravery awr, -a> many bad M l been - o n far ihr Chriat ajad Km Church.

Why aren't nil the beat chnpa Chria-Liana? he united. The nural'< i ho i n ig -gcd ii many n minister alnre 11 ought to w n n y ua all. alao m-owudomdy, to^lny.

dhandf* challenge to

Christianity We cannot. of c « r a e . had ot iraelva

t W pcuenaaa at not there; that there are not fine pinple nut tint tba Church en-won for Cnxint* N a r c a are pretend that tbr Churrh baa a uaonopnfy act reiigtnu and goodncm- Rather ntnat « v jdmit t|uUr frankly that w» have bam both a jodginnettt and a thalUaftr- Dr LronanJ Griffith of the London City Templr makra this very point in onv of hla fine publtghcd aermona. He U-luHtrnlra from the lifr of Mnhntmik (•andhk, n apiritUAt g U n l row Chris­tiana have equalled in atnliircv

Aa we all know, whrn a yuuna man (Gandhi Ihed here in S*nih Africa. Frr-hap* « r didn' know hr alnxM hrraaae a U f i M u n He s a m t r»rh Siiml»> »»th a Ctrbaaaa faauly and aitrndrd tawrrh mrth thcai rr f i iUrh Hut

mm the ^fnaoa* daal and anv irtaac and mm cuaiaai'i far liar Mr

• f Um - r t aara nnd v W r t tbia « hrtai* aniiy «na mafchif any auffrrrnrr In the INfM atf Uaant *ba> prnfiaaad It* T W y **wm*4 } * * a - nnrhNy. «rlf-rmtrvd and anraaly re*prctahlc a* any other*. And an Gandhi who wa* later to heeorac the leader of three*

hum In -il 1 11 n \ million i»-"t'ii was l<wi (o the Christ and Hal t tnMi What u jutljtrmont upon thai ronitreitallon!

Our Uvea nnd acliima nnd atnndftrd* are eontknuo.ly being judged by throe UUUIUH tiH OhWdi Nfll aaaaVb b) erltietam, though thry are nut always ftpertajr of that, aa any ai tnMer arho

tlly naacnrdi hat d u p o B a r arell na hai eaaveevaikai

Tney yndge aa "hecaaae vary often tbey nave aH that we poanrea mmd mmt aasanaa'. Jnat by beanf there. And U u a we bare to nak cnimlven ajtain nnd agnm onr LorTa own anwawian. "What do ye atoee than otharaT" En what amy are you who belong to Chrtat dtf ferrn*. have more peace and poase nnd power for datly Uvbng, have a solution to

life's pniblema, find nre better nble In hrndle life'a Jnggwi edgenT

The (llturvh people and the

Samaritan The *4ahh.ng point of ChrM'f- |w-

rnbar of the '-nod SaaaaHtan U th*t

« h o na—ed by on the other aMr the Prirat and the !*nt te . They

had been to <*bnrch and might ilmant n» weal have atayrd at baeae. They had not arap-ned nhnl i\ aaeanL tl * a « the aeaeaaVnaaal » a * dadn't at tend laeir Temnle Ser*are*, >hn rr-ilh ne-iWr-,4uod what warahap aaenn> — right living and right rvtatien>oJp*

And didn't Jeaue teach that Ood U not confined to the area of the Temple, or of religion, but ia to be found on the rood to Emmaua. nnd telU ith whnt to do on our hualneaa journey a from Jerusalem to Jericho?

So muny who nre not Chrlallana yet by their Uvea ahow forth the Chriat-like apint and oa*litie« - ©ourngr. and drvuti^n to duty, and honeatly. and aelf4eaa nrrrlee and high Idanla Hare yon not met them In the Sorrier llvfaa in foetal welfare organaaationa, in nl* mmat every waft of H e ? 1 wtah they were gienag anfC*anee t o tba Chatreh an4 ort-mwed Chnat iani ly I wtah to Cod they were. And the challenge of at all at that we mant re-exanune our faith and mnhe aure thai what w o have got from the Christ and Hie Church ha aomething which cunimefrU ttaelf to othera. aomething worth ha­ving, and without which Ufa could never be the aame; something Ihitl ia worih aharlng with o ther* Many or theae "beat chapa*' could revolutionlae the Chureh if only they wrre won for the Chrial and Hla cause* Why aren't they ChrtaUana*

It cannot be that they hare really

sera Jeanw Chrmt u H c a leal ly honrd Hts aacnaage nnd then t a m e d Htm down, c^a HI We know aaaaoat inettnr trrety that at not the full answer The Ghartnt and Ham truth wan aaade foe all men. and wan aneeou for a l men Not one a a a . naat hernnaa he ia aaun and not (>od. <hwa out nred God-

More Hhety the-* people have get their trWa* or Je«u^ ( hn.-i. if they have any nt all. a l l i ed up v i th aar-«on« and all the imperfection* of the Church, and have done what noaie-•:-• ue nil do, m k i i . i \> Churchliinl-ty forChrlat lanl ly .

How one long* to any to them: "For goodness aaae. don't look at me. look at Him. Don't look at my poor, mieera-ble l ife, look at lihx Don't lo t* at Hi* Church na It la, but at what He tntanV 4ed il to beeoane Catch a ration of Je*«s and w h i t He mean* and la trying

do for that world of nana/1 For once reepgniar Jrtuv w - | open their hearta to Hma, n e can he qnke ewre He will do the rewL

Admlltnl ly. aoeae of the anawrr at concerned with human bUadncee. atu* p a n H y . ptluV*, - i t ippi-aei l s t l f - i U f f i e t e n f y and carrleua Indifference. It la ttill no lhmg to MO many who pnaa by Cnl-vary'a C n « a that God Hlmaelf, the One who OTonlnd them, anouKL be »eekink' t k M in redemptive love* Iftul it ia the Mbeal rhapa" w e are thinking about, thoae whoae Uvea obvjoualy are motivated by high ideal?* lived for the hi£br*t they know, and which. th<»agh

Die ^United Presbyter ian Churcli

se Algeniene Sinocle

in Des Moines


Die I75atc Algemroe vrreadering ^nn die Verealgde rreiihyterUan*e Kerk in d k V A X , hrt in Mel vnnjaiir In I»rn Molne* %erianer. Die Verenl«dc rreJi>teriaan>w Kerk In dir V A A , het S | mllloen belydende lidmatr mr, IJ.IIO prrdikantr * J ! '*.-'l»: uemrenU^ la-darn Haar r* lan* 2,Z*tt teulrtgiem^ -4udrnlr he-Jg oaa hulir *oer le herd n r nV aedarning. IH> berk be*ta-tn aH ! > • rtage. ingedcel in J3 d i w k M t - d r - . IH> crtal afgrvaardirde-

teaeaVaatlae gt l iul ie )aarf •aaljria Rand, wnarraa efke Eemn*deM RIO per jaar hydra.

HorraW adtkng wa* geaenatrft. nrnr "n grout rnt*. em die raj-ar*lryd in die V X A . te hedien met n SkriftuurMke antaiMird,

8elfa voordat Rev. Silaa Keaaler ge-kiea ia na die niiwe moderator, het die aiaodc eeni-ailg beslutt nm die neger-Irirr. Dr. Mariin U u h e r King, ult te nooi om die hoofspreker t c weea by die Sioode, King kon die oitnodiging nie aanvaar ale Die Smodr het 'a aommbv » c benoem oaa tnnaediaknnunaale te

Die fapnnei ran hintoorne brlang arat dear dm anaode aaneanr av wan 'n rappon e a Kerk e n SinnL Vir twee roue mac m hiercHr ranport groVonteer aa die rulie aitting. Daar waa a dear-caatende atudhr ran cfie ooderwerp ge* maak I ink roor die snooVaittlng, en 1.10** atudiegnwpe uit 131 rtnge bet hulleflelf deegllk ingeatudeer oor die vcrhoudlng tuaarn kerk an alnnt-T wan If unnhevelinga uit die rapport in annvrinr. wnnronder;

the berk aneen d r . aaaaeaUlhheml ant \mm

m dine «an dk* dug eerk ry*

i a n die Here 1c

b e e r s en fn bedrag ran bykana ~u hatfnuljnrn Rand tot hnfle brmkikkmc gentrl. aaa dar aanberetinga t en uit-eoer t e brnag Die aftjedrndr aaodera-tor. dr. ftnotu het man una in ay utt-i n e r e d e g p t p m k oor die kerb ne tank in raaaevernondingt- Hy her nange-d n n g or* die oVacgTegaaic ran kerb en woonhuurt, rn reral die N'ooroVlike State gevra om n voorbeeWI te atrl vir die Stiidelike State,

DleSlnodr IWHIUII dat tehrml*r. axi» gehed e n SirifWUng. nie hy die puhlleke maw

the SawaoV auniiehr m teaaty Wfc— weed.


Die aerhteraaaad to r te wre« hy dar - r u t «d«ftH n

r nae g e h r a U 1 near "a berk aaunwae *erg




trl geen fak-nmarminn an

Die SinmU- ik in hrgin>el leen mih «idier< van die wtaal vir kerkakole. Die Slnortr In oortui^ djil ^een menrdlke weae of aenMorrnad die ••* • • I •* '-I *M i r i-i <ip ^ml^ilit IVC i 'i-gronde le he*luit aat die algemene puliliek mag lee*, raco «f hunr nie. ilnoghtenn dorf *n kerk *y ear iarl* male nnamkn teen wai indnaU tern ay ear enelnighu.

Die kerk moet rami nie inianl met dfe mcrtir«e advle^ wal op goeie am* l^

Dar e c * k r i d t n g n rttr <-ti aanneminc i an khaaVra atort gerag » e e * am aae aetayn tnn dar hHrokhe gaann.

Die 8mataV earn a» geennr tn nar vry*dcilrng **n lalndina: ama aae «ta*l amj die herh eeaiet. en be* beort mama alle owner permnaf nf in^Un4e* hela^linfpli-tig la

Page 2: V E It I T 1 I E - sahistory.org.za · in iiierdie u1tqawk/in ttus issi_ e * why not au, christians* * me algoulvk hxnooc ww dh uxrreu nuwttrrktuan church * die rasscviia ai wtck


Why aren't all lite besl rhaps


\u=. 1063

trirhjipti unconsciously mm unacknow-li*tl|*nl. •how furl I* In Mirm- degree I he CoTiat*likc temper. And ii In your Christian re»|K)h»lli*h1y nnri mine in Ihr matter, r.ither ih'ia ihelr own, wo uru trying to fi*cv

tiring witfcowi ptMoral c h j j ^ t Imr-e pa*i few year* ha* b r m *n mtcrrftlMax T i p t h f t r t « B a s n i w a y * . *Wt I r s - * i « g r * s a g OSJe t h n w * • * i H V r t - W . a s s l

ihr •ew»rlmsst> sad i s n t a c e avowant ift. a* il were. *re the O-Orrh .mm lbe <-ert.s*Vr'» poost of vsrw, jfcr* ra#> it k for us In ha*r Hr^oLiea * k * l * r are really about tin a Church. Lhal our main business I* hi make Chrlitttan*. How easy il U for u« l o have complr* tely lost touch a l l l i ihe man In the ntrrrt; to have Uulatrd i>urwhr« from the msiu b**ue* of life in our o-mmu i-n\ Mir ciiuwlrr. the ooeleL Ha* ea»y •I b f«r M t » k « afraid Is Uassrh «wt MI aww aehrwlure. critical *f te*»*r * W «V M l m n k owr swriwsaar Chatrh Isagaurr; U W w ^sgrd ! • pmssasn* all I V *s*J *rxaid*»l i«i of thr avodrrn Chorea — running • *nr1 of ^«"bl ru*s*ap4ri tun I d u b (and pretty rAriusftc ». 1hul!>; that il i- IlllVr tJiori of a mi nirU* that the rtcnr fhri*] continue!, (a u*e 'i- or, Indeed, thul He can.

Of litis I am convinced. The only Church thiii can count la the f n m n n -icy to-sUy. count for ' W e KinpdonL m that widen o a bom its real ItrtaguBg mm mad woaa with the Living Christ- s*d then arn-diAi t b c « forth i s Ilk. S a w to w n for Hsu all life tsjdreJdual. eneaanav

m l and natksnal Hut it is stiff t n w , r w i of the Churcli hersHf, only by losing life In costly, nacrificol living and giving can rcnl life he found.

Borne of your responsibility und mine in all thin may lb* us the fol-lowutg There were two men who lived in the J U k sabwrb and tot lwea*>-od jrawa UvreDed loeetber by traia

l b e <aty Caw> of thee* frfl wL Aaal oar * * , hie w w

ried aad aariflwa wife awM te> aam "John, yow kaww bow d^aparatcly ill yon are — true we'ee orrer brca Church-gc-erB but don1! you think I

ovght to have n mjmatrr In l o pray for you!1* " « y dear", the huiband re­plied, *Tred Jackson, aa you toowt la a profraalng Chriatlan and a great C h u r c h g o e r In fact . I think h e a an official of aotne kind And for yeara be and I Iiaer t r a r e l W tofrtber every

day* We moat have talked la* about aleaoat every eawjict wa­

der tawaawu bat yon know oeeer owce ia al l tboae yvaua wae Fred •CBtaamwJ H n Cbwreh and reiujK« It c a a t aWahe very reurh difference. It c a n t be veey unporlaal* or Fred would have told me eci. No, my dear. If Tve to r A Til g o aa 1 am/*

Why nren't all the beat chfipi* ChrlatinnaT Pcrhapa I have hardly ana-we red the question. May be God alone knows. Hut I do know this: HI accept Its Judtraes t - My Christun disciple-*eiip mwat becosae so real and vital* I

be Uvbsff daily ao wear to Use Cans t , that others take know

at sse that I bekasf i o Hem be-caaae they can assj Hi s snsrtt and rosrer sad toes as aay dally Uvsaf, And III accept the question s chsUtnec-. too. The choJlcnex to witness and concern; that my fnhh may be used t o bring fuith to oth«ra, that I may odd my utrehgtb to lhn CapUin'a Hghl Will you? Wrote that aame Kennedy. . •

PAS8IONATKI.V n E H C E lbe roire »f f ^ d Is ssendasa. PWadns with ssm to arm them far the flaaa: See asva those sssssK ssa>r«Csraly hlrTdbsx. Call aw la rwal the arssiea af ihe ssjnat. Bread of Thy body five «w for my f l sht ins . fiive me to drink Thy MCITI! hlood for wine; Where thrre are wrongs thai nerd sse for the rifhtfna\ Where there U wsrfare. <sslswnwl

U Vi If! •

3 S Church in the World r M T K l i l ' t t r ^ B \ T K « I A K CHt*Rt H IN TIIK l » A A , FOKM 1NTKRRAC1AL c n ^ N C f h t Pro Ecclenia

Forty*nve Cnited Piealiyterian lay* and mlnUters acattcrcd ncrosa the

nation Joined last nwsith to form the Preanytertaa Interracial CouneU. sad

a s l an ta t IOSI f<sr awdit soaal

An ssHssI act ca* the new troop , form­ed to pcoSBOte better racial s sder -ssaassBBsT both in charches and eeswrnn-miics will be s brenkfsst meetmg lbs* iv-1 k at thr General Aaarmbly in Dea Miimin. S h a k e r s will Include Dr Mar* shiil L 8co | t t retiring Moderator, end Dr Jnrnra II. Robinson, a Presbyterian minister from New York and founder uf "Operation Crossroad* Africa/*

The Council, while not officially re* s u e d to taw nVnmnlaairhaa or Its bosroa or afrwetssL will esssfsvnr to Uansesneat the V v t ' d

A r r o a i letter eawsfswd to sot»cii potcntsil OsnacU aserabrrstiips de* eisrev * * a n e of the asore apparent arena for Presbyterian Interracial

Counc i l s attention might include: • I Integration of local churches, eynuds. and various uut i tot ions rclatci! n the Church and recetvtna; its asssport: i2> opportanitsrs for ooa^sssrasssa fy . other srofesascnaav moaal persnasjet for w h * « a the Charcb: *3i fenwrsl lortanee l o evsngr l i i e Negroes a i th equal vigor, including nea^ cburch de­velopment, s4\ mobUisatlon of con­cerned churchmen within given regions to attack aggregation In housing.

• i l l . - employmrnl, and other areas of civic life.

"We know that there are other groups in the Church concerned about * wider rang* of ansaea drs l tsc wit1* serial malice sasl cenrch atraxrgy.

the PresSjyteriaa laterraei«1 w a l always focwa ratirery on

taw case asatter of race, capitaiiaing on the M b t k i n f i n a l i i i of sD for tatc-

Presb>ncrtan Life. U*y 15, 1953,

I hurt h" VP alnjraaienp \ |p«aVe

Ml. Teolosieiw Mudenlc behoori nir |jr* re«tls le ween op vrystel l ing rait militere dim*pltKllKht*!d nlr, t n -nt U 'n oniiesontle prnktyk dal die ntaat mililerr kapelane tw^ddlg,

(*nMtt Mtidtnfhxdmr taw Susode brt al bedrag

nsMjnsn Rsaal gawdgwasssr s i r

•hog rvvsnigtngs was i amil>oen Rand, r; v a age baaste e n oendtag was now op tnrkaar betreJL soos b|yk utt die <" • sluit. rtSo local congregation can wit-nraa to Christ adequately in separa­tion from other ChrUtinn congrega­tions In the neighbourhood or commu *> The mission of the Church la to oil people in the community. _."

K ' M ^ . w K a f o i j u u n * -

Ocwharrdst saak awt die SeaWaw ssnt n s s i m a i n a w sMsrewnb geckwn

Daar Is met groat krnais geneem daarvnn dst seesart Ro me wsarncmeTS gentitur bet na die Wfrrldraad s i l t ing in Delhi, danr veel meer gesprek e n wederaydae i d l i n g luasen Rome en ItefnrniHsic gckooi hrl Die alnodo dring dan uan by sy amp>«-draers om n deegllke atudie van ROOM te mask, en nie 'n selfgemaaktt kari-sstnstf van Rosne te mask nie

Oofc msec b e t r e s a ^ tot dhe l U t o -liehe. bissaat one aaawaw:

.Ahswc sU we •ssssssl psni thai (H<d *m r irsrij lead all wbo profe** Jf-nu*i ("hrist a s I-ord sad Saviour to nw hi* villi to minister in hsrmony to 11 men: to love sincerely one another, lo rerognJse and mnke visible to ihe world their unity in him in *uch irni at such times a^ he shall reveal/*

Die ainode het aslfs n aanbeveling aanvaar waaria (HSI grdank srord rir sasr law* o i getasrsus «4m die grout sha>

XXI11, e n s i r dst nawa tewe wat grotrnsanU i h i i g F T i n d bet. Tytkraa sy stekte, vwar die af sterwe van powa JcAanne*. het Saw Baaode alle tsJmste van die ketk versoek om tr hid vir pous Johsnnrs

x k-iiesicTKCNHrrjJJN^r; o r MUTsinmar i i tDnn

KonfBkte owtstaan ts die

jare awst Die sasitakaplike krwe » v*4 gnkei«kofiflikte ook a lges ic* van die konfllkte luasen runs*. O r o e p c — o o k keikltke knn op onalmpatlfke en dtkwcls •eUa vyandlge wyae tecaoor mekaiir ataan. Gevoed ileur He-kere dikwebi wrmeendr

oauuacenane ervanngs\ oat-wiknel i l u r In elke saaselenrual liiitsaUassstsnaanjr Veral dsr



wat In die Vooroordele w n groepe, nog enigermate teen-strydig en koersloos tot uitlng

iteming van die vcrskyosclft wui afwyk van die gcvormde beeldt word vcrdrin*\ Waarde* voile en eerlike waarnemins word oniicrdrna

H irrdie voorooewsae wat o-ral optree, word Mi cbe grot pa

llsaeoae vvrwlrywarl tt ^ 1 ^ * meen. Daar is gean volksver^ band tor Wwiebl waarln dit nie op te hasrh ts nie. Dit lei in hair gcvaile to! hanln^kkltfe ttnmps vooroordele

Hicrdic groepsviuin>ordele la ook vlr ons ge*wtellke tewe grvaarfik- Wat ons In die to* talltere staat veroordceL s»

santastiag dsarran dst 'a fwr-ssssn ssansahT knn wees r > *

w>rd moer of mln g r f | r r c e c r * a s hy nie g e d a i n g wil a*onl om uit te tree nir o m die grnepavooroorderl te aanvaar Die beeld wat n mena Von die under groep brt. word gelyk aan die van die <elr ]ver-

r)> ssssanssssnote-Die waar-

luggsamlike versslUe wat mskrt^ smaraeembasr is , met n»nie die velkkrur, word ge< hrulk as kerne w»inr<imhcen n anntnl oordele krlatalllscor.

Waar owaf ondcr mense s> lyd gevoeleits van arrwel* if* suiu*, ugterdog ea veglsw lewe. word die andrnthefd, en ha on* lyd irral dsr aaaVnuWid *an ane fsnder - - ( t rr ta ler l ) rai^

aw assalef vir ag-ai thsnaaace, IHe

aard ew brae van dlr asshsr*-Issge aard hepaal dear die ~* Uale Mtuajue wssrin a awn* vrrkt-rr. Ilasr i* lande waar die Aorualr nlluaiie sodanii; in dal hlrrdie uit hn rat Inge, en ook die nnlrdemminac wat fl^iaman visiraffaan, weialg Or s e e n kan-4 Wry nir: daar w eg-

* tar ook gebsrdv waar dst asv

ran dw sverk — Nasessber IMS.

tlKKL t

-ialc *itun*ir van »o n nard U. dat dit ae l die geval IK, Ikuirom is dit die rorpins van die v ermnl «ii*irdellke Lallan-s irs saa daarvwar asrg te aVa. aal sac ****** sltaaaawn as Uss> saw ssswc geen gersre ssssrwer

Die voaeooidrJe van raane let ss die rewl tot eaakrimUsa-• i». Wat is dmknminasic? Vol g e n t Van Dale la disk rim in a sic ,,vcrwe:rpende nnderskeldlng1'* Die bcginsel „aonder onder-skcid van die pcraoon", word cleur diskrimlnasle anngetan n Men* word nie beoordeel op ay kvraiiteite air, asaar op ai • rrrllke kramrrke wat horn last swassset tot "a senaalde croeo wat oa> a k i f i i H i nryne be-awaabri anoet ward W*e cbaari> • k s s e r knn sctf vry ran voor* oocdeej wees Hy hon egter dsarmee rekcnlng dst andrrs ale daarvan yry la nie. Hy wce l dat die poauiie van die menu, wat die alagoffer ia van vooroordele, sodanig is dat van horn — vlr die besef vun an* der — devaluerende invtoede u i tgsan ttic diakhmineer hou


hiermce rekcnlng in sy hnnk-Hke verhoudlnge. tn Parya en Ijimirn murt die Afrikann of Afliaat soma hocr losieageld be-taal aa sat blanhe- Dit w e t aseer betaal srord, word ^kJewr-h^UatnW Paaaaal Ml • saaal

votg van die vfswocrdeae van ay budgrnote aanafcen vertoor w i t s?eer n venwabkin^ var sy exonomieae postsie mot-bring aa hy mense van n nn der ras huiaves. Soorlgelyke tendense kom na vore in n atraat en stadswyk met die verbuur en verkoop van hauw Oral waar rnssavnoroord** I bentaan.

die gedraVfvnasrc; Jr anag van mense. na voce- D«s-kraaunaase ansak boss oral tula ook la Chratrhke kerbe waar dssr tog geen roimte vir «vst-werpende onderskelding" ge­nre behoort l e word nie. Die riL&scdiskrimtniialc word die pynlikste wannrer dit dour die »taat ficsanknioneer en tot reg geproklameer wnnl. Die atsats* mag gaan ksnaliseer das dit.

Hsrrane .^awjtswsaaasdilwaT lei sniiiwasnslah tot aae alrr-

vervreesniing van dsr n »

D M .mtsswrr graene Isawenetf beAcrm dear in n houdmg ran verbanl inc I r ing te trek, terwyl die „meer-dere" gmep bora oorgee nan onware en onwcrklike ffrdnj;-tespinsrh ter wflle van aelf-regverdislng, Sosisle milr» dreis om daarby te antvtaan.

Saasevattend h u t die ia-hossj van biardsf onasaen. dst rawer oordele tot iiaVrtsniniatr an aaaaaaavaaasse op die tang asrar tot saaHheid let.

Wie as lid van n groen horn duidehk e n openllk vrr-aet teen die \ ir-ir'r van ay groep, aal vrtandakap e n buur-manskap verloor — hy knm aJleen to ataan. wie horn teen riiakriminasie verset, trek in

d - knrt-

teen betrokhe die gevaar om dear ay ear asm* se uitgentoot t e w o r d

Die e m s van dit aUea d n a g born aan ofta op, Ons wi>rd ge-roep om enersyds die situasle te bcgrjT> van hullc wat woon in streke wal deur raasevuor* oordcel beamet is, andarayda om die kiem Van rasaevooroor* <ier! in ete krtng dood te monk

Vc rvolg bssnwy 4

Page 3: V E It I T 1 I E - sahistory.org.za · in iiierdie u1tqawk/in ttus issi_ e * why not au, christians* * me algoulvk hxnooc ww dh uxrreu nuwttrrktuan church * die rasscviia ai wtck

Jaly 15 Julie 1963

P R O P r o Veritate

\ i it i i \ i i EDITORIAL


With the majority of states in Africa now fully dependant or reaching that statue within the near future* Christians in these countries have been placed before* a lolally new situation which holds a decided challenge to their Christian faith and witness. The governing political leaders of some of these coun­tries are sympathetic towards Christianity and have indicated this through word or deed. In other states, however, the position is such that Christians fate s t r ing opposition or even possible persecution as a result nf government attitudes or actions to­wards those of the Christian fuith. Thus these Christians are discovering that their faith involuntarily draws them Into the political life of their country and that they are now called upon to decide whether they are going to participate first of all as Christians or as supporters of a specific party political group In some instances reports have reached us where African Chris* liana have already taken a clear stand where government policy or action has violated their Christian convictions. Do Christians outside these countries always realize and appreciate what moral courage is required to give this witness to one's own flesh and blood?

The large body of younger churches in Africa will find, how­ever, that (his totally new situation calls for a new approach in I heir prophetic responsibility, whether the rulers of their coun­try are sympathetic or not. In this respect the churches and Christians in other states Mike South Africa) have on added responsibility of strengthening their fellow-brethren by their own Christian example and insight. How much more effective will Christianity in this great continent of Africa be if Christians In those countries where our faith has been confessed for two or more generations, could give a tauten witness of their loyal* ty to Jesus Christ under all circumstances and to alt the powers* that-be!

/ n IcidingMirtikel

G E S A M E N T L I K E E V A N G E L I S A S I E - A K S I E

In vcrskcic kcrfclikc organe net danr die afgelope tyd berigte verskyn oor die gesettade uitwerking van evangelisusic-veldtogte wat deur ee rw Eric Hutchings en sy span medewcrkers ge-orga-nisecr en aangcbled is in noue samewerking met alle crkende Protestants* kerkc in verskcic sentra van die Republick. Afgcsien van die gecstelike vrug wat uit sulkc vetdtogte voortsprult vir ulmal wat onder die prediking van die Woord tot nuwe lig gekom hct, het die veldtog ook die uitwerking om Christen Icicrs van verskillcnde kerkc saom te bind op *n wyse en op *n vlak waar-op groot dlnge tot stand kan kom, terwyl dit terselfdertyd by die Christene van die verskillcnde kerkc sowel as die bultekerklikes *n nuvvc besef tuisbring van die moontUkheld dat die kerk van Jesus Chrlstus wat In tvese een is as eon kan optree en gctuig-In enige sodanige gcsamentlike Christelike aksie tree die Gees van die Here altyd op *n besondere wyse in om ou vooroor-dele af te breek, nuwe bande van geloofseenheid en -gemeenskap te bind en Christene wcereens te nortuig dat dil wat ons verbind bciic mccr is ns dit wat ons verdeel

Mag hierdie en ander sodanige geestclikc nksies daartoe by* dra om *n deurbraak te bcwerkstellig in die iragiese afgestoien-heid en geskeidenhcid wmirin die kerk van Chrlstus In Suld-Afri-ka lewc en werk. Soos noolt vantevore beboort Christene vanuit alle krlnge vir sulke onderneminge te bid,

In faidmgsart ikel

DR. P. C. GEERTSEMA Van ons medcttd op die redaksie. dr . P. G. Ceertsema van

Kaapstad, het ons berig ontvang dat hy *n bcroep na die Her-vormde Kerk se gemeentc in Perth, Australia, nangeneem het en eersdangs daarheen verirek, en dat hy gevolglik nle langer as lid van die redaksie kan dien nie. Sy verirek is 'n groot verlica vir die ckumeniese strewc in ons Afrlkaanse kerke maar ons aanvnar die beslLsalng as deel van die groot plan van God om sy hevrydingsboodskap te laat hoor in alle lande onder alle mense.

Namens ons redaksie sprcek ons hiermee ons npregte dank en wanrdering uit teenoor hierlle dicnskncg van die Here vir sy akliewe oandeel in die opbou van die bind en vcrtrou dat ook vanuit Australie hy ons von tyd lot tyd berigte sal s tuur oor die stand van die Christendom daar.

OORDENKING ,/fly in My en Ek fH tn\k Job, 15 : -1.

'Jesus gebruik in hierdie paar veise Qe-Jagtes en beeUle wal deel is van die gods-dienslith' erfenis van die Joodse volk. 7n die On Testament word Israel voorgestel as die IWIUJCJJ of die tityib1i>fc van Qodi* want die winfferd van die Here van die teerskare is die him van fcraet (Jes 5 : 7) ^VojflftAS hel ek ion geplanl as n edele wituferdstok" kom die boodskap van Qod deur Jerenna. Qer. 2 - I I ) Dfe V$almi< sititf itedtutfui iida die verlossnu} van die volk van Qod: „V whuierdstok bet n iiff-Oettek uit triple (fit «0 : 9) luderdaad M die ipyiifiofc $*mtWft geuwd van die volk van Israel

Ons vind nan dal }e$ui Womselj die \vtt\e HTi;>N»lr nocni. lloctoin Iwl Cl*rislw> dit qedoen** Die sutdtoot i»rfii die wingerd-stok ivotd IUVI! in die OH U**tiimeii\ apart vau die fiedaaW v*m Mh'iuilihuut nvhtuik nie. Jvsaja beklemloon da\ die wfuQetd wilde Jftiiuv roorMebrin4 Ivi

Jeienua klttaa dot die volk vetandei hel in wilde kite tvin n vreentde ivinQerd-stok, Dil was a<of Jesus 0e5t* tort: H1XH nitf tot die volk van ^utel te behoott, nie uoodtcenditt helvken dat bull* n looi is in die i iwc wyiwlok van iiod nie. Hit is Cbristus ivat die uwe tvynstok is. IfVil on ontbeerlik b , ts n uiiieine, \e\vende fie loofsqemeeuskap me\ Vom omdal l l y JJV wintferdstok van God is en ons as die lo\e wiel Horn vneiriti mod i tws — ,JMy in My eu i'Jf in jnMe\" So oulfilthii "n nmvc Israel en die lede van hierdie HUliW hraet oulvatut iion 4ee<telike kraij van Horn uu\\

llomseif in die vlees opeithaar bet. ons cerstc liej < ;eW hel en Sy Setm 4e<kv Ivl loi versoeniujl van ons sondes

Deur ons siris&orgauie en verbSUteuis aan ifod in Jesus Cbrfclus, dvm die HW-kin4 van die Jleili^e (}eest aroei die loo\ wu in die slam \*an alleen kan ons in Jfoin Hy 4*ii Cfunjfi.v voltj in nederiife fle-hoorsattnrbeid en onsse\l verloen. ?s!ou kan ons ons BttttiSHff in die ,Jk in /nllc CtoJ in Cfjii.tljjt i> in onst 0115 leive is opticneem in Syne* Sy lenv iifi>rif iu ons tetve mil-van$< Ons fcuv iS met Cbrlslus verbar^e in (jodi en die ivoorde „Bty in My en Lk in julle" s& aan ons om hierdie Qoddehke verhorffenheid \e alo en te sien op Hod in Owistus. tvat ons lietlrci en lurbou en in ons utet k

Laal ons iu llowi Mrs eu tieduiu} ons hart en lh*op op Uom ifl'ccii ivsliff Laat ons (KI atles onibou dat Cbrfctus die toyn~ stok is dew (iod teptant* en ous die lolv. dear (iod inaeent, Ilaat ons slit *eee> voor God sodat die 7lei\u\e dees die mislieke hail kan leer nvt dil M e k r n om te Wy ju Cfrrfrlfis n i lly in om,

..tieen wasdom hint* nty eie JlrcW,

niks kan vk sondei V* o T\eert

in 11 aemeenskap kieru die len*e

en feuxtispotheid mte\ en nrwi*

deuuhiua my inel 11 tiees vooilaan

die loot ivat W ontval. reicjovm'

C n*ll P. k £


Law and Justice, a Christ bin expostlon by A* J . Kerr, B.A. liUM,, Senior Lecturer in Law In Rhodes University, Advocate of the Supreme Court of South Africa, Grocott & Sher­ry- Crahamstown, 1963, Xlll nnd 115 p,

This book la concerned with the relation of law and justice; it aims at being a Christian exposition of this relationship. The law which the author spe­cifically examines is that pre­vailing in South Africa at the present day with special refe­rence to recent statute law. And the quality of justice serving as testing stone to this law* Is derived from a number of texts in the Bible. The au­thor has applied a most serious mind to his subject

Law is born on earth. Its rules nrc man-made. And when dealing with law in theory and in practice one must expect to meet the imperfections of law's descent. Men in society call law into being, it does not arise of its own motion. LAW is called into being with a pur* pose, to create and maintain order in a human society. Hen* cc every properly cr-fislltuled society has its own set of rules of law to meet i ts own needs. These rules of conduct are addressed to the members of that society. In case of non-observance, these rules can be

enforced with the aid of the strong nrm of the state, the organization Into which socie­ty organises itseir. One of these rules is "thou shalt not kill", a well known rule which enjoys considerable support from most of us, may be be­cause of self-interest. The author observes that exactly the same rule is found in the Decalogue, the law Moses brought down from the Moun* tain to God's chosen people. It should have heen helpful to the reader if the author had dwelt on the question why it is that man-made law in and outside South Africa through­out the centuries has been re­peating a rule which the Dc-ealoguc revealed so clearly at the beginning of the career of the people U> whom God spoke in such a remarkable manner.

Law operates in Its own sphere and i ts rules derive their characteristics from the exigencies of this sphere. Its rules have to meet the demands of justice as well as those of certainty. This requirement of certainty a rule or law has to satisfy, does not receive the credit it deserves In the aut­hor's treatment; the ethical characteristic is over-empha­sized. The follower of Christ is not of this world, yet he is in this world and therefore has to take account of the demands

the s ta te of this world makes on law.

The author seems to hold thai the quality of commuLi* tive justice of South African law does not or not seriously fall short of the standard he has set up on the basis of the passages he quotes from the Bible. It is the quality of ltj> distributive justice which ia a number of cases, mostly recent statutes, he declares unsatis­factory, although It Is not so evident on which of the texts quoted this opinion is based. Assuming the author 's propo­sition to be correct, one would have wished him to have ar­gued the case of the unsatis­factory quality of the justice of these statutes more fully. And one would have done so in relation to the purpose of law t.w. to create and maintain order in a society of human of different convictions and with various interests.

In m e reader's mind this book has left no doubt about the author 's sincerely* His earnest desire to throw light on a persistent question regard ing law wherever it is fune-tioning. in the context of the present South African situa­tion, is most evident.

There Is no reference In the commentary to Psalm 85 : 11 and Isaiah 32 : 17,

Page 4: V E It I T 1 I E - sahistory.org.za · in iiierdie u1tqawk/in ttus issi_ e * why not au, christians* * me algoulvk hxnooc ww dh uxrreu nuwttrrktuan church * die rasscviia ai wtck

Pro Veritatc AII». 15 Au». 1963


Se eW t iyhr l kH» - o r d*e fn^n* * • dir verabil l n - n t die R M t f «»»* M l

tf- «f da l a V Bybel i r r * k a n * *ar w w t

da t * W l l t t a r i in H i n r * * l n«-at a * dar t j * wat * • »

Die 11% M k m n*w*n die U r a r t r n dir awlh*.

f i r i f f l r n ofi** graViVi i / r fe**

V r o r r r **rt aacnai £ t i » r w i « • n * die a r r h M l van Noon * » «y • * ^ < * * <G*n. 9 : 54*77» baaaaalaV rerl**nnDnaw

dan * W ataanvadar « m en G a m in tot Jw naanaarfreid v r r -unrdeei Srtfa die aUarefcandet » * > r,t*+±%tt* f^fnjaanwr." Hnrrdtr se I * **%aKM*dbaar I n 4 1 * §#f*<* park ban own d*r e e g r w r n * in Geo 10 oor die i f a t * Mine I Inge vaa V f l i . Gom ec J n>t. taunoontlfck k«*nbin**r am*t die .•Jhlerne aniropoJogKar indrlkng * M die r-uw* Die f o l k * van .Atok* ten anode v in die Sahara" word la G e n . 10 sell* n ie g*no*ni n k . I t — f t * * * * " » mens din aogenannwj* Haanlt ia** vollco in O i * A f r t k a met ,.KuaM - - een van die a o u u vnn G a m in v r r t o n d kan

'iririr; Vnn 'Mini HtAm. vulgena Gen 10. ook al trr ie i volke af wat nle lo l die ne-gerrua bchoort nie. I n die iweede l>l*k word G im nle deur N o a g vorvtock me. m:i:ir eon van C a m no aeunn, Kanafin. d i e stamvader vnn d i e Kanuanletc.

Die kanajlnlltene gniladton* net ge-: -L:.ill gcgnnn mot nl ler lel unncdeUke praktyke. I n die O u Testament word IsrnrJ tt-n ntrengnle vrrbied om d«ar-aan mee la doen lan i r l mag Horn nie deur K f a n & n laa l belnvloed n i * . maar moet die Kanoanlete onderwr rv I n die derde plek ia die v lork In die Bybel nooil d ie laaate woord nle. Die bocd* akap von hell en verioanlng t >K hom lot nlle menae en volar. Jeau* bet 'n k i i n - t w vrou grprya en grhr lp in haar naod oor haar geloor • M a t t h t 15 : M l

l>*r rrrakkl l «aar« l a n d en die %<dke ia ge ra rnaMvleawaHlaag nie. au- i r » o r d n i t * iu i l rad hrpaaj ienr «a>

in W r n W g r m l die gthomi an

l-tid % * a l a m e t Wal "n a i r n * <">t ca> ananmfinanv %a* U fne l 9raat 4 nam la

drnagraal n—4-nakl iL aan e m <W nf a a i a m m rrfcrmna te n^au anvi

aW BanaanBaMaaaaar anna> le n M to!

n n l a t n H i u rkar taaVMaaaaak « V

U aW gnaaiaaaVaua r a n l a v a A aaaaa oaaa apt ant ana O v TaaUaneart a f n. Wyk dnidelik n w g n a a r i i k dit av D * dae dear ooa> TUT aaairr wLk* oan cap die tnrH bemaaderr van n a i l * ana f o -

t e nenjep G o d laei i n a y T y n a a g ea_ I n nramr i f ara* few*

die voak nalaa hntar n * aaadtr i i a>< naa, laraef verkry ay W a u a d r r r poaia*e dear die g t n u l i g e ingrjrp* vnn God i * ay ge-a a j n a n b ; en dtt awe aonear tee wdlr von tar^el aelf nar. nn teal tot 0a? h*U von olLe volke van d V aarde D i * ver* kicatng van l a m r l d m n unlvrraelc loi-lafcUr: dlt g i u n »tn dte t iprnharlng van die heerilkhebd vnn f ind op «1M hele


I n hierdle verbnnd Verdien « M . 10 en IJ waurin vir die eerate ktfor oor volke goprnal word* on Gen 13 wnnrln dio rooptng van A b m l i n m l>eakryC word, **na loindui: In f*en 1<* vind onw die uogenimmdr lyn van volli©- Die laa&Lc vera l u l : „D l l La die ^ealu^tr van die aeuna van Noag vnlgenv liuile af-»;Ummtag* In hulle nna len . . . " c Ned. V e r t . „volkera" ver ln lerK Die hele

;i:ir<le hel toe. volgrna die getuienfp van dio Bybe l , egler nog ^dlenelfde l u l gehad en orn en dieaetfde w*-»rd* ^Gen 11 : 1 L I n O M U 11 vo lg dan die v r r b u l van die boo van die tortng van R i b e l r n die ata^nakvenrnrnng

Die trrr irr laanrid vnn atte naraaaliae word aa hirrnUe % erkaal an * • ha it a t e t i

t m f giwhau * r a« 'it aarn-Crtuirao* tren aarvaaavW -J f^r fm-akWI ikWc IHi t .

l e m kirraVe aaaaaV r a n d V a unlaea i kaalta timd aaa arj| U

wal: am

dat <iod optree deur lanlle le en hulle tan] le ve rnar . laal die bead in Tolke awt %ena\01mdV Inar central, word In die WynrW terhaaJ r r r nVr nn 'n r tne4 nanraVcr, » - *n ae**L

Yolke en r u n e bet neker n i * o n * , d ie leaaang n n God oaa bet Paaaha* in natrdae rtg> toe by nnn ay uttaaamnk.

dat God tttt a n . b k w d ate n e k natanv Hke geajag graa iak bet , toagafoag be t : ^xan oor die br ie nnroa1 it anxaa„ Xrrar>' H y vooraf beaataJde lye en die greaar r a n bnbV aaaaaaaaaak raaapaatc4 bat""

H a n d . 17 : 2 6 t . a i fan a anaaaa artf-a l t n i e anet n r f a r b e M ae nar. V n n v U -

prmni Paaakaa In elk g r v j l T o g bet God a J W

1 H y die God the gankjedrnta

van v o t k * en rnnae. naeee i n die a lgr-aaeen de arureidgeakWoV n u . ataan nle buite God* a-iaaaag nie. O n * glo n i * tn die toera i nie. oob nie in die n o o d M nie, nanar I n God wat die arereW r*-gcer Die geloof m God wat die wereld regeer. beteken intuaaen nie da t a l le * w i t i n die wereld gebeur. in ooreen* stemming is met die aril vnn God nie D a n RCU on*, oaa maei nrer l^ hy dit w a t doar i n die wvrekl pJanjvlnd.

Die sonde en die dulwel apcel im* mera eweneena "n rol. Danrom kiin die gebenre as aodanig, nie oa nmalaiar dien nio. Die reger ing vnn God heteken dat H y dl t . wnt die menae len kwmle bedink. t e n goede d i n k tCien IM) : 201 en nlle dinge v i r diegenc wnt H o m lief bet , ten goede b a t meewerk ^Itom, 8 : 2 8 K nooit beteken dit dat una die fe l l -l ike gcheure aondermecr moot nnnvaur aa die God gewllde nie- I n die fannti*-denis bry God die Verborgene: „God K i m ay ongekende gang vol donkere majestei t ." Prof. D r . J , H. Bavlnck • e : „*n Mens k a n en mag die geaklede* n ls nie beakou aa *n bybrl t j ie naaa die Bybe] nie."M Die geakled^nia gee onn geen msatstawwe v i r ona handelawy-nr nie. Ona kan nit die geakiedenka nie af -lei da t vofte en ranae tot nan die e imir t a n die wrrr ldgeakiedenia M y en aaoet teatnan nie. Vo lbe bean op en gaan on*

dent* ia nie aHeec wrlede nie. ook bede en +**W*n"

Wanneer an Gen I I leafcryf da l Gad die tan l van aaeaaw « r e w * r faH en an> aaraua « - r dir aaraV « * r a l r * a l larU W t e b e n dit aVat ook atefttf nar dat aaa* aaaa bv fc-rraW %ee^ra^aaai ana*4

aaaar dal mm* aa barrdW t n T^ral raoiaag eaaa n * n

an m l i a a j r mm die b e M i e *

N e r m * leea aaaa In dav Svnr l van ' n gebad vnn Gad n ie : J y aaart |aaj fna aaarwer bnai! Wanaanrr PnaaSaa^ da l U -d ane grcaaar vnm nana* ~ • iVfjl i b bepeal bet — geatd dnt by bier bneVr-daad van vaike p raa l — dnn a* by dit na* am t r kaaaklndeer, da l bntte aan dir f renae nika aaag veraader en dat elke Ttilk hom aaort h j w i h j j f n%r ll> -^ rLcl ffod oar grense vnn bulla a imnplek ba> pan) he t : „* i rLu hulle die Here kon ?«oek, of huOe Ham rabdilen kon nan-raak en v i n d / ' i l f a m l 17 : 2n^27)

Kwemin mag ona utt die wnnrd van Jnhnnnea, dat die eer en die heerltk' heid van die volke < A f r . V e r t : PiNn-aiea" vertnler> in die nuwe Jeruan* !cm ingebrtng sal word vOpenb. 21 : M ) nflei dat etke volk en elke raa len nlle koate. van Godawe^, homnelf moet hnndhaaf. Die Bybel kon file verakel-denheld van menae en volke. Verakci* denbeid sal daar aeker bly r Dit la 'n -'•-•'• m a a r tegelykertyd n \ \ - i.

D ie lewe word danrdcur verryk* maar tegelykertyd ook verar in . Die vrrakeidenheid ia g r g r r ; dlt la daar Maar dit ban en mag noolt mnatatnf vir ona handele word nio. I.Ur rn ig«tr w a t vaaataan. ia dat God ult een die hele memdike gealog g e n u a k bet , da l H y die mens geskape het n i ay beeld en dat elke men* d u * . wai ter gra ig by onk bet en w a i t e r t an l b y ook penal . *n beeiddraer v a n God ia geakap* a n deur God gefcen le arord en God te ken

Daar i * "n r rnbeid van die a i m " Hbe gealag en aderdir eeaaVad in % an

grater betekenU na a V • r v -O n * ia, naiarU

nten«e en In die tweede plek M:mk* - en Vederlanderri. Dit C*an v i r God oin d*e men-e. IH l if< dan oak die diepate *it* van lame! ae %*rUe* tng . D i l h r t e k r n *eenxmt« die %erwerping v a n die an-der %olke nie. in terndrel , dit In > JuU die br l l t a n aa> WaaVab* t t d k r tat aaaat

Kiarpina* tvi/t Abrnham a*

tmtH<Htrd Dtt ia geen toeval n ie d a l i n die

S k i i f d ie verbnal v a n tile rni|*»ag vnn A b n k a a a i G e s . itK anaaaadfttk va4g em die f i a f c k i h n i i v a n die bon van dat t twing van Banad em oae r ing Gen. 11 • X * die t ing r a n Ges. 1 1 aanak God i n Gen. 12 • amwe begin deanr Abrnbnan te i*an> w u r f a y H y die b**tl v a n alle geakianr van die a a r d r voor oe be t : ^ . in aan aad a l d ie i r i a a j . t r v a n die anrde gr-a-eo w o r d . - Geat 1 2 : 3 i I n dae taa> p«ng m a Abrahaaa van l a r n e i gnaa a l t vnr G o d ona bed van die arvrebl: Inrnel b vatnel w a i r n a y God *n vrrW»rr en W T • I m o i d * nanaanei

Teen nWrdie ( . n j *mn. iU*mr" »4ft U r a d arraien ward . Nr . i r l I » J * h i m diet die ander %uJLr nie v e n n n i g nie, nie om ay m a ani-wer te hnu of »-y najdonaliteit nie le %-rrtarn nief m . n r vanwee' d ie geheim %an U r a r l : die geb"jf in die f»od r a n laraet. Die heidenrfom w*j« 'n voorldu-rrnck verH>eking: daar het f n *terk ntiigkrag %nn die heidense %idke op I ruel ul tgecnnn, V; indaar die af^*on<le-t ing %an i ••» u L *|i Uolement na t nie cegroml I K o p d i e Kegewen** vun mn en naxlfmaHlell nie, maar ul t * l i i i t rnr i te nuiiiii hel met o V ui tMmderl lke p l e i vnn laruel in die freilKjieKkiedenirt iwir-renbomatig die helhplan %-nn 4i«e| im nodding en verhua^ing van 'n verlon* «^re ld .

I t lerdie gedagte keer in die O u Tea-lament a h y d wecr tcrug. D i t beher r i die hele O u Testament , Dlt gnaa v i r God in larnei en ill Chr istus. die Atea-alaa van Inrnel om die mens* en die w r r r l d . J e m s Chriatua he l gckom r i r die hele wer r ld Job 3 • 16. 2 Kor. ft : 1 9 i . I n Chnatua be i dar Befde v a n God v i r d ie narnne vrrafcvn *TaL a : 4 K H y m 'a Hei land v i r aUe aaenae • 1 T i m 4 * 10 ' . An baa aaeWaa ia Jesoa die groot

Sy E rangr lk r aaoet aan nBe volke wf^opaug w o r d , en nit alle vo lk* roeej H y die wnt nan Baan

Arte volke moet tot my enauaV atatth_ > : i%>

van die Aponteta," arord vtr octa dnadabat geae arat dit dar

naaa aoo* die Apoaiet rV t rna gtatc* bet . oaa a i e r d V wan J bead te a a n r a a r en te ktat g * M H A * I l d * n 11

V I H E V R A A G ^ T t ' K I X D1K


Die Kern d m 'm X n i aupranat iooaal i en

i Ked. aanrarark ia l I ka rak t * . ( b r M n ^ die f f e r r van dar Kerb

v r r b r f nata ba die ternMelliaujte t a n %nlke en n ^ r . Sy Kerk is wr r r ldberk , nie i r h o n d e aan o V «ren=-e van *« lk en raa nle. Die Kerk oniken die irr*Wi)1r to^-en die ra»*r nie, ma^ir %ir haar a-H avniemle van Jeatm Cbrlafua in hier-die v r rA i l l c . In die letterh'ke - in van die woord, t a n nnoVn:e*kik(e hetebe-n U I n die Kerk geld van hulle w a l in Jrxu* rh r fc tux glo, aan w a i t e r rn» hul­le otik mag ht^hofirl: t*Kt*n Htfanum en een Grew, een Here* een geJonf, een doopi een God r n Vader van n lmal , wa | DOT a lma! en in a lmul in" <Kf, | I M l ,

Prtftt'stmttsi' Krfke en

If rsttrsr hnltttttr

O m le begryp dat v i r bale tirole-atantae kerke vulk r n i AJ*. i n nlaaa van *n <mdergeakikle. 'n oorheeraendc be* tekenia gekr j ' « i » ° g in menkge opal^ behou het. aal ona moet aandag gee aan die f e i t da t die proteaiantae ker he I n d i e narrate gera l l e lo t naakoviW krrke on twtkkH brt e . bnie keer n ll> para weatern* karajcter dra, D i r i rwe van die aaiawmato K r t word een met die lew* van volk r n atnat m an em "n oorrrnkramatiC^ wyne car van aiie a a s l n * l a n l T k e r b * tcnanaj

i*en mel die lewe %'an die weate* Die W M U r M ulthreiding en dir weslerae ki ikmlalUmr word deur die kcrkc vr>'* w»l auadrr kr i t lek nanvaar : dit bete^ Li n iinmeta unit die ni tbreidtnu \:m dtv m i l . r t laf i r r van die . . rhna t r t i k r knl -luur ' v^n die weateT

tn dir I M e e ra kry die nWBnan* knltutfr , deur die caataikarl ing m n na-l u u i w r U n * A a p en t rgn i r lu *n grw«t


» r - i r r f w baaan

mm v*raarw* bo dir n k HUnkr> van A w r n A f r l k a . ( l ie «v*tB<arthia %an Kan* -a r«ar r n AaarKLanera nart Aj ante en A f r ikane . word rkaraVnr i n an* eer* t r pari, n *aitaioetaag vnn I t a a d r i en aaa> k iankm, van w i f c n ! • * i • m * * f l a r r * -dr * , «>aa ^ a ^ u a a f a W r n -on- « f I n l f -anka j faVa , * * en «*ra I n d n l r L * n b n i * ker r g lad n i * .

in-oen kerk en m knNnnr word

laaaajaVap r a n die r j b r a n G * d en van die een anu%er»*lr h r f k van ieanaa Cbnadns . l a die awo-t rv tan l " * k e r b * op die agtergnmal Mnat

Die Konmhryk van God arord 'a Mvrklikheid wat uitaiuitend op hum su'lf atann. D i t wna 'a aoak van die rw igbr ld wat e r r * anderkant die t y d **n*in hcl D i t het vir die protcatantsc kerke mH>dVdtig goword dat dit by hulle nnn 'n ekumenleae ka rak te r • - rat -break, en geen hnwe-naatonnal en bo-we-rna orgaan i c h a d het snoa die teen* wiM»rdigo „Wereldraad van K e r k e " nie. D i r vrrwngt int f v a n dio Kon inkryk van God word *n pro tncmorie item o|i dko ItegrutJng, l e r w y l d ie werckisc r n a l l t t i U tvolk* ran, politick en ekono-

i » l ruk luur» in die p m k l y k van di • lewe dikwela *n beaJiaaende en nor* m a t j e w br lekenla k r y . Vo lk en raa le nataW g r w l g tn dir akaal, na die vrcug* dr en die wnratellng om die Koninkr> rk van God t n die opdrag van die een Chriatellke Kerk. Die r rnbeid van die Kerk word na 'n werkl ikhcid, wat be-(erf Word, verakuif buite die r u b n l * en na d u l y d vuu bierdie werek l , d . w a , : verakuif nn die anaaaeJ en die n n w r aarde l a wnar waa ear geloof in Jean* Chnatna, aa dir Here van die wvrr ld . iman-rkaaaaak

Ihr ^ ndniL as HrurhnmiL

I n dar t i r v l r * t a n t a r berke van dir tatatc* la r r * en a bnaf r**j araa daar a aajraaw brarrging g rwr ra . wat denr h i r r ' da* vrrwinmraag v a n b r r k . v%dk. rna en

neater* * kn l taor gelarrwk b * t : a l * avav ding. Haivaaw Iwwvgvng in gabart n i t n braadrndr verwagt ing van d*e Ko-

nuakryk van God arat alle volke en ran­ae aril oawrat, m art m faraaakndr Uefde tot dar naraoe. ongeag aaaaV raa

i i , n d i t r t i , t e r wii le v a n Chr ia tna

Dar at-a-dmg bet uttgegaan na afle I an* d r van dar anrde ont ora l narnae te aoek, iiindnt dit gewert bet da t Cbr la -

ln dW «endinc arrf dan ook die %adr u a die een nnr%er«ele kerk t a n ( h r i « l u * t H vr ra i id r r uit alle * t reke, in die heir wer r ld r r n / ~ T i t die ^-endin;* hr%%raing U die rkumeni»-*r brwripniE RthonL*. hlaar otik die Mrndlnahewegin^ k*>n rii-iii nie onl trek aan die meerder-uanrdiafu-M«Kr%n*J van die „rhrbi te-tiki* wrwle" In dir IHilr ecu nie. *«*>* hlyk uit die lanudurleje ,>via»Kd>>knp'T

onr die n f e - w r t l r r * * rhr is len-gemeen-ten. Die onlmorl lr tg van dir m m * van 'n antler ra*t en in n ander ku l luur , wnt die nending kri i tfton* sy dicpslr o«iraproMa r n npregte l»edneling ces-wk hel , ih btaf Iwmorl l lk iletir die verlitn-ding vail kerk r n %«entente i u l t u u r in dir ' u t m i n h t u i en die wealrfHr meer-

• l i t " • •> " I i:' J*i n i - j ; ;n »-i I \\ ,\\ ( L i i i i m u

tiepanrd *<^aan hel , wat d i r « n d H i n ce viou a f l f , maar wanraan hulle hulle to* nie kon on t l r rk nie. Xie lerain hrt oil d * ^rndinij rbr \ ^ U i i r « r r n A f r i -l a ^ k r r k r t ivortgrkoni n a l lajbt aa gr-l ) k u * 4 i r i l * T d r l r van die u n i v ( r - < k k r r l r r k m «t*rd r n aart die Kerke van dtr U r * i r Manni werk In dir W'frr ld* mad t a n K r r i e . IhW rend dir knluaialr t r r b n n d r n * mtwa i ih ih rdr i i r dir K r r l r a n Cbr t * -• » i aan ha nnV valk* . rnaar en k o t l n r r

V*Taoag op lanuarv *

Page 5: V E It I T 1 I E - sahistory.org.za · in iiierdie u1tqawk/in ttus issi_ e * why not au, christians* * me algoulvk hxnooc ww dh uxrreu nuwttrrktuan church * die rasscviia ai wtck

Aug.^5 An-. I"(.:t Pro VmkaU



SONL'EFLN sof«-r>>: M i M M U m aim1


trma ual ek UWl hrhandeL UUtak • C W I H C tan d»*r mmicrar m*w. i A f c u i f l htrniif kitewp dw p ^ h k « n tan wdwUrilrtl *al begelei. word d*1 nit a* i r i* j afwitdrHik hrhunrfel nie. Nitgteiu vind *-k dir nodi*: t»m hirr jun die brain (eU daurour It aft, Die miuk-rnr men* I* die men* van die mi>drmv * e r r k t U ( n |« dnirviMir veranittomdrhk dm die modrrne »en*ld M inmlmi

i'i: i l i ii i«* uilMindrrilk Ltevtempel word? I>te anlHnurd hierop **: d i r cwif l i i ' parte viin kemkrajr. die emurwipKXM- van dlr Afro-AnUil-Mie wervld e n die ruim

IIH jui^ihR tan dir |MMmgfc \

H iridic vcrakynaeli* wal die aan* vang vnn die Lwuftdu o t i t i c van dio twintlKslr ecu ay beaondeiv kicur gee . bet dnurnan meegrwerk dul die wereld ecu grword h*L Die mod*.* m e wcrrld waarin die m-»derae mrn» Irani behind. of nop brter grati l nearby die roodrr-nc mrm uuLnemaaoiik s i inrek*pel*r betrukke I*. hlerdle mndrine wert-Ul i* "a werrld v u n a menae

b « P n e t hWrd*

die be4rokJurnmrul ran mra&e op u x -kMf t tarram b u | aaam die h u r a a f r -f i n e i u n^rulifrnroklenni e n 'a turitra-£rw*we TerMtraft fdfcfcetd wat to-

4 U « U word t t u n l n t f rerakerp dat puanankc nrouhma 'a oearatteade l a ­n k i e r begin a i n o e e m Wat Suirf-Afri-ka e n Sutdwea-Afrika *>eit hrt nwvr as plana. Ike brtekeui*

Trreg kan u m> via . waiter bunding eli aanbeveel In hierdie m .iVm,- wf-reld, in hlerdle modern* ecu, aaa hfa i • .:.•• mudenu* nten*. Waiter hfiudinc mewl die men* annneem sodnt die ern-In nj^ix.n .ii.f. i van die modi IMI- wereld

" r t frfc tJ • ! • • :» •• - 1 • , i n i l , ! - ! , ; i , i T i U l •

leenlheld word? Waller howling kan die men* help dal hy nle vervreemd, ge-iholerrd. ceiwi n n t n w l i t er N*I rank In die mntlrmr Kittuim wat im-merw ^y -sm i- • IK nle? Itlerop wfl ck anlKotird: rtU* houdlnf ran ^ulidari* Mt

In die loop van hierdbe artikel sal moet hlyk w i t allea ooder anfidaritHt rervtaan word en wal die. anpHfcaAaM onarvan n , aaaar roorlopi^ k u fewtel word: iHanirttrH la irwa • • ¥ > > < met die feit ram kinlawJt. dit to die booawaf raa rrye brtroUrmbcwl by *D i n k . die wawautifc i f i M f r ptrl die rrrnalvuorwella* grwacr* dat dw n e a t nie net r i r ! **lf d u e M vW. n a i f rtr die

Voonfct rk daartoe twarlWHl hi heid r u 4 c aoJ wnarw eat.wj rawe • aaai te uxm. wtl ek aoc *B brprip totrodoaeer wmardevr eau • rwnwrr a c t e r g m a d kmn bekum ten eteW die k a n k t r r ran aoli-daHteit brtrr t e r e n t a a n . Dit » die aekuUriaoale-hefHp, Dit aal blrk dnl itir fenomeen ran arktilnri*-i*ie hyj[e^ d m het (oi iin* brk1rmti>ninfE vnn in* ijlvidunllteit e n tot die ervnring vnn Uolnaie. Waar die hindende mnff van Kodcryke en ide^ryke vervnl e n die fltaotaahaoluutheid en korklUce outo-riteit op die riKlergronil tree, vind die mena homaclf apocdig in 'n w^reld waarin nlle lionvna vcrdwj'n hot e n waarin hy al hoemeer aangewese la op homaeir en ay eie verantwoordelikc bealUaini;. p Gevoel vnn eenaajimbeld rn iiolaale ka& o n t i t u n wat vererper kan word denr dW felt d i t jn?en nnwe XraJotrnhetd en |[rbc>n^nhe&d die mena terrMfte atel nle Die u a ! n w van die

•Wrrtp k i n help am a ta­re rerkry ook In die fcDomeeo vnn

en naoontlik d* wra; w>» na die

*Afr**:. £r*f


Ihr Vtittkyn#4 ran Srhtlaristtsir tilt KI» nie dit i- mnontlik ->m die

nntdeme *ilu;i»ie l an die men*, le ftf" Main **tt»rk r n in*dx la die fenomevn van — kul*n<oi^ie nie. Ondrr seknUri-Kiftir trmtaan ek elk? vryraakins ^ i i • V aaraa r n cHr «fnrtd vnn rrfirfen*e e n nartarfear-w krkeer. SeknlarMn^r net a» c r u d e aWt «nar err* timd kwitr aW vrnrld allr n i a J • • n a l n l n • ran ailr« nna »•*« alar anrnw an ane »rrr*d wie aaaat-auf t i n mlea wwraV w a r • irraarrnak v f r r l d bokaiii naerafe *< rrld aajitanaJak M nttcanrr^nanil rr-a-eem at. »»ed kattnaa wrrrW a* raia;-ntv m aw n h r n a i f k i t wrrrW nnat-anjajf. S«4nUriaaaar akw nwamp dat aV awax en dV v f r r l d -n a^wter -wir«tiw-dlcnrni rerkry aw vwarlamL Dit Wte-k m wanaHawordinf van anrnw en we­re h i

A t u m die geakiedenis van die f> loaolUt aa voorbcald ncena, dan vind una drtt r en t i die ontat tan vnn die rt* liifioflr aa denkwyae n atuk aekulorl* a*iale la, daurdat die rellgieuse i.ui vaardinB van pnrliaipaaie tuaacn mens en ipidilellkheld lot vmag ge&tel la. En die plek van mkologlo kom metafislknH In die plek vnn it"de-ryk Icom idc^-ryk. I>ir hlri-iyk, wat bokani die wereld timm IJ**U t\ KUUI lil. nog 'n Jajaraalajh van hierdte werrld In, en eera *n latere t»ntwikkellnj{ probeer die wereW In ny eie rec t e vemtnniL In die raoderne fi(<wnfie !• da ir n aterk tradlaie wnt die 4rnke wil v r y e a u k van reiipteiu-r en meiaf lawne verhindcnge rn car w r j e^\xilcUk onpnaiak rir *n grocer rorm v u atrfalawrtkcheid en rrrninwoorde-h k h n d wnt nan di

O m ralujitwir of bel roorrang bo

tirrn wourUr at lacwkeer an;

Ek ntwwi akf annanw ant wak . r H a a i t amartaw a r e r e r k ant n V

ernwuun r o d e n oendat die vrr-ntaaui van wdwaaiMnl ook Kieraxc aai o a m b a n g .

Ook buuae die ontwikkensa: van d»e nnlnnrwvtrn*kip vind am "n aoortge-lykr atraktuur. Van-if ate Rrwntnaaner n»et die optrvdr van Coprrnlkafi vind

n belangrike verakurwing plaaa waar-dclir die getrwent rleae deur die belwiarn-trlene wfreld-hrrld vervang ia, ftn ver-loor die aarde ay tentrale plek in die lieebil - 'n penlrnlc pick van wnnrult die mena ainvnt K '"*K ^ <>P ^""l 4 u u H

venmderalel in die Mlddclceuse hier-arrhleae wereldbreM. Die wereld In ay

vermei-mle gerlglheld op Ood verloor hierdriir ay aakmle karnkter. Die mim* te word geneknlariaeer nodat geen pnnl vootkeur no n onder punt hrl nle (H rolgllk ontntaan die pn-blrrm of die re!ig»ru»e handellng ran die ge-

lowtge wnt ^f armaa in gebed na bo f ig . nog entge ntn net Sndra d»e entente ge-aekvlartaerr mak. koaa aV tradnaxaftele heiligr wvje4njHek ran God in die gr-drang 'n nt«mllike resnhnat nierraa kan were awt die taenai minder an bo anl kyk aw awnwirw grnter anbdarnVtr

anrl ananja e n w+reid anl r o e t Aa dVrd* roorwegtd wit ek die

«£iatnfiln«DfM' nerm wiarntnair abe rer-ekynaml vnn arkialarinaip atg aterk af-

taken Ettnne die primitiewe dewka In dlr aLtat reltgietrj gefundecr. Die bur* 2vr la f.mrajnwniil geborge. In die kna* IIHM nrji d e n r d i e g o d e b e b e e r word. Die kontnon ia elntlik n goddeuke atanl wiinnnee die menu in *n ^frn^liwe Km* heHagcflihT* (Max g c h e l e n verbtmde la Dit la fUn ook nie verraasend om te vind dul die atnateleier R<»ddelike nmfl d m nlr. Kk neem die loeatnnil In Oud< Klglpto i n voorbceld en daar vind nna dlo volgrnde:

„Der regierende Konlg taL , , TrA-ijer d m unU-iJbaren und ungcleUlrn vollrn Lebenainhnltea dea Sonnengirt* tea Dna lebendlge Gottee-Icb fUtlt den ganten KdOigaleib aa* . Den K^niga airhtbarrr und betuabarer Korper tit nui die Millie fftr den GoU. . - Dea K*V niga Worte nod Tatcn Ausnrningen dea in unman Inner™ wohnradrw Gotten Oer Suwn#ng\»ti nelber r r 0 e r t auf Kr* den in drr HuDe den Edwignleibee. Dean Konare grbnhrt daber gottlwJkt Ver-

am da> ontnrnUrltng van* nit naredae rarhnntJewr- oearatung te akrta, wil ek awC teeraoor batrdir god-detlke rrgrrrng deur die heerner atel env a n t i n geerknlarineerde poaiaie bin*

rrgertaf ae doodgewone me nee rer-antwm»rdlng ntoet doen ann die aie-aera In die plek van die on»verineer-bare metn-ftaieae wil van God kom non die vertfleerbare anrdae wil vnn die kieaer.

lUv NlWfl up di mena Ook In hlerdle a lUtat fdMpeM voor-

'- '-id bet dh1 klem alhoeraeer gevnl op die menu In die wercld. <**»k die kerk wat hlnne die Middrlreuwr wi-tx Id-

beeld die at a i l in *»y menJikhrinVka* rakler bedrelg bet, moea in die mo* derne tyd on die agtergrmd tree. Die *4aat nord die aaen« «elf in -* gr* mi-rn4lvapl)ke optrede t.w.v. nrdr e n trt tHr idaal «wtnard nnnererr by nV *naidagnaUI run nV menu n intna ew nannrer dw r r V i r an *n -taal U nw die akand vaw aaenne, Dane n> even u n ­t i e * an • gtOerrk n l anrrryk taw. nafanw aa aeaa menne vrrantnoordri i i brkl u n i n k n l i . U f . nnrw-aUkneid. Se* knmrianaee Lave, enr tdnat kan. an ge-•draw wi tnt g m t e r reran4ue»rwewk-nrMt van aamne terwnor aarkaar S r k w lari nj i i dul nV weg una tea mHeart-

-*leee van dae panHlik bnea Mm trrug-trek ka iauenaie oeaekt die poU<*.vr lewe -o vert *pannmtr Inhou en le M i l e W nan die m e m *teU dan «>u hierdle bntlnaie nie net n mb-4ennln< •Vufl \ m die belekenln van M>kulaH* -wi-.il- nle maar *a\ hy juis deur *y IM>-liale die apnnninee kan verrdcerp en H$ nrnhlrem van men-dike vrrhoudingv* it. ml. HI nle aandurf en uanhelp nle* Aa *n vnlk bom om een «f under retk* wrrrlri-pnlltlea aou l-*oleer. aou M l by en die wereld-poliUeke aituanie daar-«ndrr ly omdat die probleem van In-

r- ; n , (- n . i l i w -"h. -i Ifl i r • < n i e = -»I *• ; •

durf en aanrebrtp word nie.

Samexattend en ook vereenvondi-idlt a s volgate l : die neku-

bet in die nioaofle vrrhra run "n retigteune en

nwU-tniene wrreid betp nantoon d i t geen woorde "n reHgieuae of aartn-fMueoe aankaie tnboo nie* enamr dat alle wuuflaV e n nordtll aitairte gebnn-de m Dar a » t n u r - i i t . n j n j p U i t *n


W fl

die wonnniek ran God wnt bokani die wrrrM geailueer aou w»e«; tot vrnng grstH word. Sekul^nauaie in die na* tuurweteoalcip rig ao die nnvwrarr ae nuodng op die mena In ay betrnkken-htid by die wrreid. Die atoataftloaorie Vnfd of»k al hoe minder hemela e n nl hoomecr nnrdser Dit S-ian nle in d k n'md om Rode nie, maar om men*e> I'll giimt nie in die i»ditirk am die mem van (ind, die roem vnn *n voin, die room van die atatit, die roem van 'n volk e n die roem van 'n ideolo|;le nle. I>il gaan om die mrnn aeir rn die mmawaardige town van die mrna* An ek ao tiirmulerr, dan verataan u irta ton-r v;in my uhsfiraak dat aekulari-enaae one 'n Knaig gee in die pronlenwi vrn nol*danteit Sekulariianie w y i die n g t i n g na solidariteit met die Wrrrtd e n ntdidarrteit met die tarn* an die anlrnM

Aa u die anoderDe PaeaaW aou vrn WT, n •iiininu^aajtihk nualfcie e n n t i n t i ^

kulirinnnw op nupeaurrtcrt met dV altu-aaie wuaxin ettse e u rWafe wooed le-nxnd^uakaaone^ gemaak aaoct Geru unwed bet r u u e n n g un • w««rd nie. A s u o V auw vrn na n uitfrnte ruinate waar Ci*l kan wooa. dan wya aekularutuie on autidanteit aaet die nanklike pkar*--runrnt waarbutte die uvena nie gmlin'a k*.n w>rd nie. trfrw rnanile net vour* rang nn *n anuVr ruimte nie. An tt die ataatnfilonone v m na fn guddellke nank-aie van politieke opirede, dan wyu ae* kuluriHaaie u op solidariteit met die mena wnt nooit aa middel tot 'n doel, maar nllyd na doel op sigaetf beakou moet. word. Geen menn hrl voormnn bt *n under menu nk>-

In die inodeme wereld net < nie me*>r die geborgenheld e n aaambeid v*an heiiige woorde, n hei-liKi wereld of n goddelikr po >l nie. Met die rrrdwynlng van hierdle aankaie* kom die mena altera te ataan Hlerdle iaotaaie moet egtev nle aa eind-puat gvanevi word nie, aaaar na agter* grnnd rir "n betere verataan ran die brtekrnii run notaunnleft Dae •met ook nie drtu- aurrug^te v^raekerdberd nie, wan* daanieur word nuamanr nlleenltk reruurU- Dat m i n u f n tinarend run ideonvgwue druke aW nfj BHUBBBBI Ptg naUJ i n f e a M k l l grrork word langs die weg ran n fa> titwke aerogram wut dir wait ip .v . die areg ran h-nnliner wat | in iBunuimllifl kan - I *

Ten akdte u»oet ek daarop wya 4al ek gmta lna voorgce dat hierdie vrr* binding van sekularvkiair en atibdan lett nixulwendig alt die gegewe v.m arkularianaie vfoei nie. Dit ia n ver-ittnding Wnt ek peraoonilk atel en aa moonttlke weg wil aandui vlr die mi»-dome mens wat in *n aekularianaie-Impanao x<Taak het en gevaar IrKip om in laolaale of in surrognn1-opU>aaln^ik

ay hoil t e aock. Ek anu op hlerdle t o -dium knn w>'a op twee under pcraone wal ook *n verbnnd tuaaen aektilari-BAile e n nolidnriteit le, n). Albert Ga-mua Hlnnr die mode m e letterkundr en Dietrtcb Bonnoeffer binne die modeme teologw Ifvv. *n beaprrlung van bier-die twee denkera g u n ek non one lot n tnnuri king van die kouwrfi ran nu-

lidarweit a t « gentH dew l a w tiiilbna aVwr Karl die nwaflrrwe aaUrapPligk e n deur u

Vervotg op kiaenw ft

' * Or

Page 6: V E It I T 1 I E - sahistory.org.za · in iiierdie u1tqawk/in ttus issi_ e * why not au, christians* * me algoulvk hxnooc ww dh uxrreu nuwttrrktuan church * die rasscviia ai wtck

Pro Vmuxte AUK. 13 Aus. VNM


b m f M w rnatuff

Io Ac * t u l i r f * *fc-brzriT' r - ****' * * * Jar nruaUr n i f j o u a i l ar t ton ilk* odt-*«*Hoatabr*rtp Io Mr©t«ar * r . E k aril ro.tt |*nri««r « T I i*: I * r*1 to viirtnOB trt die 1*1 Vnn *n be-|tfeking van Kitro-i>. k o l t u a r - f i l - w f c o * ftBcmcen. BomtM i* 'n o a w r a j W M U n hwnii <tm !v,v r « d * t l m ^ n s . <lll Io d i t Kuro-nta* irwitoM m i l i - met oy byttooo v«»n l i t l i l l l p r U o t l i ip m lrkak»li by u H l M i Ho oia iWct tar f ->nt orkatfarianaoc, tank * • en axdidari-

» * * • < * ; :ao^fw*aw r o dr r l

4 dm KpTupoae I K « P T . Ml of

m ^ > f o r t e — d i l U

tonj aal oak o n b r l « * r

l»,r M orient V A B die kuni>eaw i ipor-pfcj k »n il tnruk veei en aok utteenlopen* >l* koMUkttrtfl trek. I n *n nnrior^tadie h* I ck n nnnlUc* ge* re vnn dip drie * a -ka w M Vir my in die tiuropra* tradi-ale in wrrrkl-polit ic<r v. rlmnd v*»u die

... t * l r i*-;ekent* 16. Kk wy» h l r r wrer doou-i- 111 tft die kitfurpi* vm intrv-

rii v r y t e i i e n k o ^ k a U t r n n i e .

l f | l *Tr r t iWMn/ l / *

9m K

hi B o o n r u o r * * tot o in -«tWJL » Mflbfftd

K P T ^ T - D * a f t * * Kuri l Ik o rab in -n <- dor raamraferk van oorwrrrloe noanav ntilr nt tie tot n eenbeld t r kom Nog-UdM h T i*e Iconarp nooit l eher l m -lore fcrjramt nie. W * Nopnlennlleae oor-lotf W dot Kerste ^n Tweed* Wereld-twrlol W olkeen woer tot nuwe ptnnne v i r eenhrid en anmewerkintf, bVV« die Al l lnnak* n*n die hro;ln vwn die W e i-ru dlr Volkrro-Bon.1 m die Yrrenur ->r v Ikrre Orraniaaaie. T O * Kurona ne „rtk> i r r r r W - f ^ r o U, v » d t r ta*i»

die kc^i i f i V * B JB** N M t r » " . HkJfdfc

r^k id r l i k M i t ^ U ^ tat _B«-K u l ctie

V .V O - r fci-drn l ^» V r » k l h f t r i r Op h r n k f ) * p r t d W k M -

• W ft C B f n p x i M t f e i M d * t w * k * l lot <lir tdHud v i a "a w m W « « b r * i Die v*iCiM V»» dir V j? jO . o«i t«t b l t t t t t * u w U r rahr id t r kum. tr '« r ° 0 a * ttbit i L i lO biaiW die entwiharfulg van D : uivpeae tradUiv. HknJio l o t r m u * Mlonrtlr renhcid i * ttlc vaiun Hrfjir^krAcI **' MMdof mrcr vnnrhundr in dn* i re* n i l ulr. UU Is altcenlik riunr Iml l rn die btWUIllrll^ fft-wil en ^oido* i n <h»;»r\'oor gMt f ] ! »*i»rd* I>il i * n«*dlg vir oJlr men-

•< < II H t iul lHJi lr l t t QB| l i u l k Vi-rAOl-

^Hi fdHtkUrk l 1« Ik-rdir vrrbr.nd t e P $*M 1ing*>o*r j f u « # i n i l OOK

vurdUtt V i r die n r f m d u M dit m U ^ g -fftow |>rtokB cm oak vir o vntt. lat^r-nvkmtlr dVftkr a t Mi«fcu«r t t « • r o t

- <a d>



/fr'tfmrfJMffi today Th\m euuld profitably lie lliu t i i l r

of o b»>k; I till «inrr mom nf ihr ion* it nt> of aock m book ahotdd be widely kaown to lift. ABd i n so f a r u Ihry OB* vrJvr t^r U*»ild Cousri] r4» br foitfld

IB t r n t n l f u t i uristtgMwW UJ thr B W e Study u->kUl * « t r to t W X r w t l rUa O i l J toe t f t fW of t W W o r M - * t o r n

» ho B**d to LQlirjp oo l o i r Project k * « lotffKV to soy tooJ 4t i r o M i p ^

io Arrooo+oo Troiolr '» oordK tor - *nrot o r * fort of oor lioor", foor Kr of

l i h r r t > . n r t r r l h r k r ^ * . l r OOirotkoi

KOrtkcf il u th r «rcot n*n O^Md * f nor H O M . to quna l 'm n h r t o r r fnr -r< . the racial nr I p»li* l icol pnlii'lrK rHp*m^d hy i^nre^vtltn* live« nf the World Cnunrit in I V n l n i l and S<Millicrn A Trim ure In for i nuffl-eirnlly unhenuj l la O J A Ihrm u» " C h r i M U n " ond Ihr rv for r . " - i Ihe BMrot <tf a l l think tor. CfiH*Jlon*

Tooo* qurv tkou are b H o f o v k r l . aod oe«d to br r tuworod . but tbry

tr iwoiro to too politico! pr ior , by too tptaJ occrptooer o r t o U l P l j o r t t o l o f

fur o o u o n r i too Wor ld C o o U ariio

• r o d rotbor to r r - tomk for oo^orrroo lor orrrojitoro r o d to r pit f*Uo of t r w

I*-rOM of oar o n Momtom;

R r v . J . B . H o ^ i r i d p - #

pf Ibr - n rvticowol

t . loot o f "por Soofsl Orroooo*^; ood H boo b m por tko ior r /

tooo ovtb l*w HrbJ of cborcb r^lrooooo t W l to r

* i f i ^ - o pf rorr^ty m oor fooootrr r o o p r r f t i r o *

(qn l t r aoorl fmoi foroirJiior a *ptt<iWr tbravr for oliroMoioo ETPOOP ood

^ludrnt w r i r l l r ^ K Wkn>t it m n»i ^.^.hi t - I P d i \ n d thr Ihroir i>f i u torob*

«iral Implicaitoo-. It may he V i f t t while W k i n c bl Ihr luhjrct urajfnuilicnlh

f o r 0 i J- .:; *

find It ta with ihlff end in view t lml w r undrtlnke the ronotdvrattofio th»t fa**

/ a i f t fTr* a m y n t f i f l


fiow* lor porlofa i rcb A fnont I lor, u

ft> f i n i l ' '

anouolrv k> l o a H ofopjo

to r r i l

• T ^ T O I . H poioi ttf okay ajaoa «vrer* for t k r toor beinc. to r of t ro oajotrd *o*urot ty o f foor or fhrr dtffereot cbmrcbro to tbo w o r otrtct or oqwirr ; ft io *mly ab­surd WR**n the el:iiin of onr or rm*rr or ihcnt to be the i n l y true church hoo bevn refuti»d. nnd thla only the Al-rnlRhly C M do. i W o nrc not in Judge, who an eojiloiiKly io\'okc |Mnid<»x in our Ihwtlojty. t h U obviou* porndoK. I Our *oneem n|iriti$n ra t te r f rom tho oborrrrd r f recta of ionUthon on our irtro n o u l i v v l i a Q o : f r o m our oom trav i rocy to oeeomt rorjoofrco to r ornry t ror ekurr i i I t ta «k part th r r f feet o f a r r r o t o i dr^rkoooror tbat fartraya ao; a coaajroaatftom. wboai * i> yoooc aod arar. ooaat c iaacra t rur oa rotobiioktaa: ood 1800010000 not if. or arraok bvt aaoaold K rraaaio U M r o r r r t n l tla oani optmoal anHTarr aod eaaafort ita pnoerpal eonctra ' i t oaay bare


r u t P P U J P ? co blok vorotbaa; tW <aar*?riaarirtc tot MtrvaaaalaaoalD

raatfbaU l-rt Earoao r o ooo btoor oar CMroamr trodbor ai I f rUngr ikr took om »r vreVoL

tHe . . v r n i n r r i i n s van Kuropa" ; .ih» i - i i r s o f Kuriipr** in die woorde %«n Ti») j t l i re l be I ».* ee« Iwlnnrrikr ra> Nulfnnl «»hrtd die loidn in die nood--jiiikMkhi i<1 »wn '" -.nf i uii - if en i«dl-i < U tt en f<ameuei'kinit op dw urortd-•'lor, *'iH trt* 'khrtd, Kn bttnkludei^r: n ie BOl »U *fi-Uta on- m.ui t lr d ir heir v r r r t d O T > die Eornprw hr - r f I A P U V

udr oVokr d k rirtoac oaat v i r • rrJHt B H allr mrO)P> r o * - 4 k r r r .

Ao MrraW -^oiaUHirat - p aaraw af«r> 4 » O I I ooroV aoo * i *y bHra^rvaW v r f -•aor t tUoraa i oaari ol a « aaerr •ana - ^ P o V e U drrbarrm r o a ^r joroVH ar.nao PPT dW r^berfc n la*ar r o rftr W i r i r a U tao kfHom •o? * l r PTitro^ipaajar i r r h mdinar,


6, I I I K K K N H K I D V A N IHK M K N S -

H K I H f i K f i K E I N n i R t S T I " >

Wamaoar dor rmaorao^daWm aoo aoe orde kfaat baao oar aaaaaat io Jraau

I a i r oraV At gropaT aa i *

p^areW wtwd dot aotrra oaonlik lav daro aoo ooaaoootlti oat. aaa aoo o V rrnorad van die naroatlkr f r -*U& TOO t r bcrx aaa* a l e - f r k -arifo kr t drt p r o b r r r MoiU bet oor dot araboid van die meoalikr f i i h i o ; icepraat Mule het dit alega met ' • * r -kerr Ir iralUmr en rntorabiama ReuVa-n. inaar itehcrl en al huitc Je»u« cfhrintu» * *i ny vcihtndrnde mens^liefdc om. Die men* word nie mecr e r a k n na flkep-M l van Ood nie, maar n» men* Pie Vr-AtiM* Rewolo»o bet ilir rr#rle vnn die m m * irnpntVJomerT- Profroaor vttn der t x r t n r hot die emtwuucehnr In die l U e e ra oa rob j fjcofcrta*

J b V pp aor iaaao.

f r * r f p Taaat k« ooo OH bet ooaappoalft ffa>

« » r d POI lot dar rarapbrid t r CIP. I O oar poA ron dor oprooorid U r r dor «aa%. ht die park too do? Tppnii iaana dir u»t intithin! in die plek t a n dw Kerk die Otatt, in die plek van t-otl d ir blord/*1) frofennor van der IA*TUW hct In dk* der l i ie r )are xepraut oor *n k r i * U ^uur in , vir die chrltdellke Kerb, alien up die Hoel Moan. Hie nlaal In die plek i o n die Kerk« die Mnrd en r., In die pick van tiod hetrken "a n u » r he»o>n^ oaam

Die rrpot foot r a n hale rhraateor waa dat bubV oor barrdat M V i bradro* oom craar a r t . coodat baolr . dat kadW auor k*ai eonkrm OOB V a n drr Lrrvar aoo u boa! .-Die Word r* aaartor oot p| dMa* f e r a raaorarer aw EHr votk ta o rrrat kraaj. a l tyfc dH aaoao no of d i r rrrnaa lorraJ!tf oanntaan kr t m a n l k k e u n ^ hnpaal aa

D i r atool k nie da? produk van n o r opraak lot loaaettkoge brakermknfl ole, aaoar n kmft in hc«aaaatf. "a nod wat "o oarap Lap dbTaV^V

o r t o abt f raa t r m r o . b r a d ^ d e n l aar NrdVr-L-a>arra m N r d r r U n i r r a eat Inptaamtffni ^ Ind^aaraprra. Dot kf to

n b r rorp doon op noa mroo waao Io-d i m *n mrno dear art t e gooo van *n j b d t m k u fnanihcuUkteanl n o|»lippin( ftock, loop n mena gevaar om vanult die trier ..menV'. Han die bonkrete menrt-wcr* vnn dk* mens in ay RhV, volk-4 en kuHmir i^uiale verby 1e %nnn.

Indian mm onp werklik wll bernop op on* oplbat^raao; liidien on* not werk-Uk van volk en raa 4n farrorp o'd d » m op die nw-nabrid* at ) dit alvga via dir Kerk ban (rta-ur. Dportnr dink tana oar ona 'O auaapovale ICet* at die graammt bkr bark i r o n dar aanatr oar » o dar aafrrodfcrrk. dar Chnprjoa. arat aor t nifjRte brad oaaarr eo r « n dar nataaat I n Van

i dor wooed wot dar frabp^araap baarA oob oaf r a n m r s volk-

akap: „ i 3 h r m wot dar aril dWn r#n my Vadrr w i t in die brwwlr U daf u my bropr en auater . r * M n l l h 12 SOI.

O i l ii- diep «*•• l -niJ rial d k Kerk* undjink- die fell di\t hy In dlr open* harinc •. m l< u. ""hri^tii- dw trrhef-" i i [ i *n die oartia~wr^*a oantdtott, hief' dar ooord van Jeaoa so alef teuryp ho * en * * H . mri *n V n H p op dlr Hyrirl I b r , d ir o B W f « t t . „ r ( f c mtrrarrtoaar xmm dir trr iatreana; too f U « » d i k p r i -dW r r a W p l ran dW , , , | j | , L , | . L m

*»e«* t r r i j r r t brf . mm t r 'o r o o k r h r v f r l i b r p j b a i t OU vobkeai rnaw Dot a* oaro>

"^' aanatr, r.roraa- r o beor-r dW Krrk . m bpir t r v j b V

oar uoti«n*i !».mr v u oar Plybri b H r r in dir prakiyk broefrat *=• dir K r r k ,

man}* charltnble proj«cta as opiionnl extrafl i then without doubt it fa tU to render any LaMIng orrvler to the rotn-munity in whlcb ii la. I t baa tnua cooae abooi that our own deoomination at in ^rnotia dioajer of brang cbnaaad with tbopf wbo fa i l to orrvr aoorr toon oor-linoaf intrr*ota_ Uroar r a t are oot alt-r e to to r ritboaaraty of tb r Coaartlu

bovr ppcfa t a t b r koooo pf I k f t no raaaprnor meaooraal of rrarr to tb r Uo^dooi o f God.

fo r al araa no naarr t o r n u n r doty to lkrntarrrr* . Fnr tbr r . o coBtaaord er r i r -i iat teal introrrratoo leado to octrve op* f>oait)oo betwern th r rhurcbra. until the curiooo and pit i ful spectacle ap* ['• .f^ of men re fu i in r , on the frxkumU of their Chrlaunn principles to do an Chrifll did ond forgive. I f one auk* further, whut U to blnnte fo r thla ar­retted develo|imeeit • thla refusal to look uutward there are r a tiara enuurh In the totrnso p r m a u r r i of eoeia) upbenv al , eccaatoolc d i * | n r t l j \ coJtuml tor-ojosJtty. nationrl loyalUirov to oerouat t o r n untea orr r . oa H r r o r r t But l r r fark l rrdnia OBL for oaoac o f tb r aroro of r r -

- r l f

to r to r at t i todr with «* famil iar , aa bam-

in baa propit . of fear to drarrt own UttW rnaparr lent to r p m r v

terwy] tog <.. n die k e r k die Evanar l t r van Jr>o- i hriMtiK wat oo* a l l r to In 4 o a f PtrJ om die fnaanproblgtm In • l diroptr oaraar - p l r mo. torvrr t ron K

Die Evanfrhw i * m ^ * r ooo oo* itar -jawnacuefdr- r a n Cod a a t o a t t l l wat oa O B

onmotr brwrrk Dot Booote M BW

God o p o o o w r r brine H k f die br f de tot dir oaaatr aanvoar oar najtate aono hy i* n mena wat brboort tot "n bcpaaldp volk en 'n bepoolitr non

Hoewel dit duo enerayda die •MDa> wren volkome ernntlg neem vol|(rna die getutenie van die Bybel, vervanr dll Lindersyda d k naimtr nie tot net inmn n rarnt nie, maor onnvnnrhom a* n u -

demen* m ay konkrete bea^ooai aaOrr^ dit brgrtp net vir die rea l t ime

doe Irare. Dit M nornua l r dkrp br-omt mmali ro

Krrk . oopaaamo dm rerda

aaerr 'a opr oor bet vtr barrdie k r r t r aardr oaraadoaawad on baar t or_ Door u looaaoi i te wmt m

ba d*r abaatn atrl

Harwr l dW wore nanstetiefdr br* cr ip bet vir ihr r r o l l l H t r van dlr krae, kr>- hierdir rrtil lteile daortoor effter nonit *n otirhreraende karakter nie. l l ierdie r ra l i l r l l word relalief ermunk deurefat dil ondrriceakik aan *n hot*r reullteit aemaok word. In Jexu* t*hrUliiH i oid TII* HM- von \t-t* k *l lendr volar r n roaae mekoar oa m**n-c rrnkapr na dir hr r ld van <H*d- | M n \m

ra*<rd>^Lriminatiir uilnr-Joit D i r rna--P^TroVil kt air oarer w r b e e n r o d awe.

Word f r r v r d r *

*» Saro a I f ao Boot Z. p 3o - i J C r r b o B Vo lk en bam tot brt JuaVodom- drwr rVof. dr G v j n der Loramr an: , * V t Cnraatraakim VdrraRoT- N V . ktl j Ffcarfataju Anaat*r-Oanm 3 J. p 3n o*ar,

* I n voruaoot 4 a , w , p. f a

Page 7: V E It I T 1 I E - sahistory.org.za · in iiierdie u1tqawk/in ttus issi_ e * why not au, christians* * me algoulvk hxnooc ww dh uxrreu nuwttrrktuan church * die rasscviia ai wtck

A u g . If> A u g . V»hA Pro Veriiate

ON THE UNIFICATION OF THE CHURCHES to rater let* s I ^norary asnaarf with t h e s e M u i a r r e j srhsaTj * * aa p a n a e -rrtlraJ far the aahe af -Jurusar a

f r a * r . We a r e aaaL la fart, - * • the aaaa* «aj**. aaul i W ansae r

a * raaaW it the better. Oa the other hand, H at equally foolish to dray that A large area of common ground eibri* betwren tho Christian churche*; and in rort*ltlrfint Ihe mechanic** of iheir unl-flcullon, ihi . common trouml |H fre-<iuen(ty ' A . n for granted anil then in vh i rI'll In fact ii overshadows aO • t i n * conalrieration* — even the ques­tion of church unity.

If s church La Chrtatlan, it receives J<-»u» **f N'saarfth aa the redeeming Word of God wtth pawtr That ta aot a t r ia l atfkatatoc of a * belief, it Is the dearraataaa of aa ac t : aa art of faith •a ChraaL l a tha i a c t a w * a a d woasea are redeemed i * a empowered Aad rt ia a waoll) universal fa*; what fail* i s uaiverxiltty ai oar uaoerstaadta* of ii our tlcacrtptfua o f rt- e e e a oar rexogaUlon of K: aad at U u t point oar drrwione arise. tTaia makes the drfioitlrn or Lbe true church extraur-dinarity difficult, if Dot impoathblr At the Mimr time w e are to beware of counting every man a Chrfailtin be-cnum CiirlNt died for him tip ia

not, until he has received Christ for himself However, these difficulties need not greatly deter us. t It la pos­sible to n y that ta any rhurrh where Jeeua » H t r w l f prearrd ia grace aad poarer. there as * poiat of unity erith every other anch church that renders al l other traaaaaarsTioai ftaajjy nsata> aif*r*nt Oae i i i f i m taw* Ve say this areoHaa m e sVfsaatioa of CarutfJaai-ty . era* If oae aaeeou drftanag the ebareh: hot o a r eaaaot eey that a church, hoars ear aaorai aad paraanthm-ptc a body it may be. eaa assume the term Christian to itself If It does not consciously receive J e i u s na Ma very life, and centre, *Only we are not to judge; He Himself judge* those who reject Illin.i Apart from thai, Ihr un-deflnaMe. unsysttfmatUiulo ground of unity ia THERE' and we have expe­rienced Him, not only at His table, but In the face aad form and urorda of nam aad woaara within and without our oara rnanaanpaTn It la hot aaaja-m i n g you eaa arxue about It la He.

g l a r e t a r anystcry of Hat prearaxe jrrrea oar aaaada a o natajurnanre. we are aaaaaat forced to t a n to other, taajri-bae tatajoi. bat are foraxt at oar p a r i that they are ad aubaadamry ta Ham. We a e W to be reaaaaded that the char* ebea ahare the Holy Scrlptarea, that mtlupenaable Wlfaaaa to the Word of Cod made ftc«h; thnt they nrearh one Goapel of Kilvation, though their un* deratnnding of it differs widely; Hint they are aubject to the aame divine providence, which *aa n piuitor knowK) o n r r u l a f all Ihings* for good t«» tbem that l"ve Him. that they have been rhoaea aince the wurid began and that ia them or upon them the propheeica aaaat he fainilrd- We ared to be re-winded af the ^atbjoHe traditloa of a-orahip which ai ariQ lainaapat OK aad ia there b r n a a r rt a u n i a t m to heart aa v e i l aa aaaaat ajad aa araartaag fraaa waieh are hare dVrjr little aaore taaa irwaratr tt t o a a x oara ham There at aa fart a vaat i laaanoa jcrooaat fur the unification of the eaarehea if Chrt»i ia at the centre of ft-

There \* one fartor Lickina — lbe rompuUlon to unite. It mutt not he only from •• •' -nl • nithoup;h :*-.! u w * the tale of hi*«|ory to uuirie Mi people. I h e neceanlly to love our brethren if we would truly lc*vc Chriat, U a ;•• * chohiifirnl cau*r, hut not • lofleal one. The upeeial exereT*l» of porttiittit of Ihe \ e a TeataaM^it dealing u i ih the «ah-ieri «taaaV mr Utt* b> whuaaraailp, at * h > ^ hrW^t^thecharrhe* hare rieht* ly refaaral ta art prn:ip4late*>. What U aweweal then, la a aaaniaad aaaard wecc w h . the nKrefi araaaaax *f the H*-l_i sp i tu Taaa «aar eaa hHhrie U aWhv l r at wneh aaaaenK**t v*. Bat * e peed 1* he raeefaL Beeaaaie the u l i lau ir *priajca of uaufkatiaa are aawanL a ? ha»r no riaht to hludfeun other churrhawn a i l h eeumenieai dortriue. ( hureh unirirulinti require* a great *arrlfle in term* *>f pride am\ intellec­tual aecurity; and y«u can require it

af the Ahafcfhiy ahouU prore to be a faaat latrPeertrd taoaatkaa. them. va a had thuag ra ilaeif

There are t*»o aarar f a t t i a d d e n d which, aa tae oaaaaria of aaaay.

the reuniOcathaa of the church** imperative aa u W before

The drat ia the aVsalre that the ITiurch p*an spcaW a i l h one voice. The difficulty about thai ia to uunruniee I hat ahe ahall *tpc«l* wMl the voice of '.•••! If ahJ II*H^S her i n f l w n c c may bt areal nnd (rood; if *he d w * not. then her influence can he nothing *h*r1 of demonic.

On the othef band, it haa yet t o be atomH that apeahutc with oae rote* ia the way ita advocate* aoaan, tha i ia. aa the aphere a i aaaraia aad food go-wraxaead, erili *> aaora thaa the roacr at the aaoaated preaabet apeaa*a* ta t h e naaae of Cod i aa he haa aaaee ceaaed li> oV* to hat oam r<opar. There hare alwaya beam f a h * propdeta aaaeaay. aad tt hi fuouaa to tfaagiae that there anil aot continue w be fatae charcheav Further when the Word ta apoken. whether by one Church or by many, it can he appropriated °*ly "V the power of the Spirit, ao that time* who wlah to hear will hear, and thoae who tuive cloaed mlana wUl hardly be aware lhat nnythinic haa Irfen **ml And finally, when Ihe word haa been »pptopriated aa aa Inatrurtlop from (^«l through n worldwide Oiurcb apeakinj; with oae voter arte hi to * * » > * • I* the apiakra-taaa of that a o f d to the dlvetaHy a f timr natkoaa. craoara. rachca, l a n ^ n i a , aad interrata* To apeaa wtth owe aaiae

ha a o aanre t a a a a return to tay-laara the Law: aad yuu caaaot le-

eaaate a aaaa nfto being either Basra! **r QvaWaaav There aa, la fact , oae «-nae only in which the Church aaeda to eeeak with oaa voice: aad that ia in her wltnewa to the Word of (lod nude flrah. Jeaua ChriaL A htt»e tfiought on the place of liturgy and Scripture will show thnt ahe haa never been Vary far :-••!!- doing 'His.

The aecond **ncw" fact U the Im­pact of paranoial' Much af our church life haa Ha root* hi aa era when pa-^ n i - m . like the proletariat, had been

We haTe aereT ta of the f a d that are are not

Irving ha a *"Chruwian couatry' : partly an a reaatt of lata heritage, partly be-

of the feat t o loah a w t w u d Con-

ihnKigh aaJtaraaar rJaaaaaeia of West­ern ptltloetpay aoat paychfloeo". * * i « h Alike deternuac (be practical outcome of our faith in aociaj lerma, we can be humbly grateful that our l i turgy mm not entirely succumbed to the pre** aura of the reformed ratlonalUm, nnd contnlna, U U n and Proleatrnt nlike, .some genuinely univeraal appeal; whiUi Ihe Conpel itaelf. Involving the wholly particular reveialiun of God in Hia S o * of Jeartab stock in the tetrar-ehy of Herod and during the p r o c u r e tarahip of p iUtr , ai ta apite af taaa *mr paraaaaa bec*aar of than waotty

The baapact of p i g a a i a o H la aot really aew* M thaa ta

rehire thrn'mmtfj. aaat re-thoah the ttaroaoaor. ha far arider teraav In the face of which. Ihr theoioepcmJ differra-cea of the paat three baaalred y e a r a while aot irrelevaat, occupy mueh leas of the field. We are being reminded that we live *mongat peoplea for whom, however aophiaticated their pa> gfinlam, Ihe old dark goda nre much eloaer to Ihe aurf^ce. We are In danger of mi^iln^ face to face the principal-littea and [>ower^ that our forebeara* eilher fnan fear or ignornnre, laugh-ed oat nf coart . The cburdaaa eaa a o longer afford to right each o t h e r s straw mea

h lAe-rr a n y ground f**r th*-

untftcutum *»/ the churchr*? We hare ao far coaaa+md the a*>

gatire aaa-aaaa of actana; at at had for oa t o reaaaai ia taaroverteat aaaaataanu •aal the pre aware of paauniaai a* aa-iahely to allow aa to continue ia H Are there any positive: grounds?

The laat thing that aa> church con­vinced oT its own unity, gpo-i Jot Icily, hnlinew, Jmil eatholU-lt>\ ahould do fa

pie t a fall m tare , !• fotajwa farther that to

oar -S la fa l D h a a a i ' aa trwUafaJ to ao far aa it aay i that the reiataaaahip of the eharehea doe* act make ua of the * T i r " a eroflad that ia availahce to u a To g o further, aad any that un­less And until the churches unite Cod a Word cannot be effectively proclaimed nnd Hia way followed, goes beyond the evidence; for there U no gtiurnntee that Ihe united fhurche* will l*e any nearer Him however much eloaer they msy draw to one another Without the leading of the Spirit, it may wet] be a s tep for the worse. With it, there la every hope that we aaay be drawn into a true f«Oowahap of ecasla.

/ / " i f are the church** likely

to unite? It aeeok to ha saaL aad aaM

thai at Ihe eectre, wture aart aroaaea reeelre Christ, the churches are in fact sod m truth united He does not tsnuit aelf-tf«Btnwiictory oraWta through the Spirit; aad the mtaundcr* atandsag af Ilia orders, nnd the quar-rela tluit result from confualng them with the imaginations of our own hearts , nre nol peculiar to churches In tlielr plursll ly. j u s t because there is s s inner In twry saint, some means are required to ensure that aa far a s poaasbie the aaint la heartened to, «nd the smaer aot. ft ai at this iwrtphery that the m e d aaaeataaaa af the autho­rity a a d rxasatitorioa of the Churrh ar ise , aad it as oar hsaaaasaa to are lhat they are waah wi th ia sack a w a y thnt waste taw eowatHataaa af a church h aot i va jae belief hi the eoajal r a i s e of t ight frost any quarter, it at aha* aot aa cad ia ltaetf, mashing the preseace of the Lord, atuhifyiag rlit jm-wt-nr*' of ttM >j-rir gfaj sataaaVJ perceptibly loamroa a renewed lefa-Ibim, aa of the Phariseea.

Ecclesiastical imiwrialism and

indiridwdism This means that one tenda to reject

almost immediately the various forma of ccrTeaiaatira) imperiaJiam Centra* lisc-d authority la Btattrra of faith and eoastart. whet her M be *tM§4 m aaaeaa-U y o r btshnaw c*a s t a a d oary o a a

iiifaWpTwT vharJi aa t u n the aaauaiptioa that the

;—laaaaul aid of the Spirit la ia fact rrce iseal as well a s offered. Stare the oawy u it aaaa that sweh aad haa beast received Is the one who received it > and it la for the whole Churrh to try every iplrit. whether it be of God P. the doctrine of infallibility rests ultimate* ly on human Integrity in the central nuthorlty. Thin mpst alwaya bo un un­certain . . . i . i i ' \

Aa well known are the dangers of rrclcstaaucsl individualism; to it may be attributed mud* of the later divisive tenirnr-v of pfoJeatiatlaaa. Since it ovrr-rathTuiles mdrridaal lategrtty la the aaaae w a y aa the doctrine of tnfal-laaOary irrar rataaartra g n t y , whether of bishop t h i n errs— u4tW to choose It be arwaesl that the freethiaker ia free

i !


JY KAN IHR KOMMirMtKrT; VICflTflorj 'am Itammuntstv te wess). aeuf dr. Fred nVhwuri

Pryi: Ri*25, ULlgewers CbrlMe. likr Ullgewersmantaldieiiy, P<»a-bui I K ftoodepoorl, TtanKVaul


4-ut dr. J- J- Degrmaar Prya 111-ST t ' l U r e m TaMfceeg-

l>»: i a x m - C N VAN pa-TfttniBf Jt'DAg dear ar. a t r l msaar-

•tetau Prya f l a j s 'stsa lua»-ap laL f H i t 'aJ-ax fUaS> mt seweni C K CaDana>«rh S V IMaever Nijkerk. NrdVrtanil

i hlnasrtf- whereas apirttaal ia hiaii places aaay oaaaa

geaeratioa: baa thaa reata aw false coaeeatkTaa o f the dmdnai i ty aad th* U at aa fact to this laat that art t£rm: aad say thai saace a eoasaamaaaar an rrekaiaariril pollfy, coire^poa-hag to a federal political structure, haa coaae Into being ia the World Couneii of Churches, aad since any polity has some drawbacks, snd u;> gunrvrilce thnt 'iod*s voice will be made effective ex^luaivcly thn>ugh It, it may be reasonable to accept whnt U offereif nnd uae it a s far aa we may, an*J be useJ af it. to the glory of Ood, We shall not satisfy those who equate the church with the Unjuosn of Ood, neither shall asp satisfy thoae who aaaaani freeooaa of ersfcaejsase t o a d a s they like But it la here aa elsewhere, are aaay find I

H o a r ofrw** that affees my

fTaaajii j ' in I aarj led by the aparit of God - or by His proaufaacei t o uaite. rVhat dif-fen nee could it aaake? It's difficult to •ay; It might result in redundnncy of buildings where towa planners had beea foolish or churrhes spiteful. More often, one Irmigine", It would lend to a slow Intermingling of the two local congregations.

For Ihrre will aluayn be scope for one perfrclly legitimate difference There are thoae a h o worship with <ingiag and dancing aad the heatmg af dtiaua; to wwoaS ecataay la a farce aharh was aaahe lawsa pi a p h . j s c ehaa i or fail a a their fare*. Taaa at a l e x n i a u i e fsaal BaaheaJl foraa af war* »aip. Tiara there are ihsaw who awali the prrfertssa af sasnuc*. f s e aryallraJ i.paaausaaaa, aaniuf lau rre»wttew arr-«ice. That tan U a legitlaaate aad Rihli* e i l siar«h(p. Must tff o» are asaaswhere ia b e t a e e a . Vie need to remain free ta join in the kind of aornhip to <*hirh bv our LrmiH'i.imenT and growth In grace we are f i l led to give moat (nol lhat ithlch succeeds best in entertain­ing us In a spiritual kind of way) ,

Wheter lhat kind of churrh will avoid the pitfalls of a scornful ecu-tneniaan rrraaina to be seen. The Adver­sary ia eveiywhere* sad lakes advsa-taaat every hwman preteaaiop. B a t the aVfeare af the Charch waieh a . a a i arwaya haa a r e a * whatever o a r aaeabV aatioaa portray) ssaaaltaaeoaaJy Oae a » l s lriaast the Body woaaoed aad yet whole - her defeaee haa a lways beea laTrofsahlaaily f n r t - rVraapa oar avtoaushaarnt woukl cease if w» re-aliaed Who defended her.


Pro Keeleain 'n Jon« negerpredikant, Ccorge It

Brooks. 1* onlnngs te Yuma, Phornig. geklcs ns miKlerator van die oorw.^vn I blanke a^meinira, 52 in getal . a*nt aaasaarjsaioer in ia *Q atrrefcaaaode van die Prvahyttrtajuase kerfc. II) ka he dryarig aa lurasprefft e r vir she reete v a a die nearra, en i s are aal aa'. raw aar

X A A C P NstKsaal Aaareaafaaa far the Adrmaceaarat e f O a W e d People^

Lift 15 Feb

DIE KOffTT EN M A K U K I PAD NA KVTVXTttVn: RCDKVOK IUNO. sswr Dsie Carseaae Prr«

Kiaa thtarwara: Chrlstnik. Ultgr we rs - M aaP^oi ppy. Pr*hii n l i t RmKlepaort Transvaai

f>N8 VIR JOU SUir>AFntKA loniter redahale van Rnilotptt van NMueJt Pry» 7Se iMtge

J L vui Sebaik IVprrk 7f*, prrtoria-

LAW AKD ItTirfTCrT ay A J Kerr. Prior Rl m. I^aassatri OeaeaO A aawrr, r o lass m


by fMer HinehJlft* Prlee RIO© Putrft«hfri. Da/ton^ Longman A Todd Limited 2&& Gloio^sler Iiiwd( london H\V( 7, Bngtunii

Page 8: V E It I T 1 I E - sahistory.org.za · in iiierdie u1tqawk/in ttus issi_ e * why not au, christians* * me algoulvk hxnooc ww dh uxrreu nuwttrrktuan church * die rasscviia ai wtck

8 / V o Vvritatc A u g . 1 5 A u g , 1 9 6 3

3 * 7 7 n * C.hurrh the lunly * J |


The fitl l * impar t * * . * nstfarally tru-«tlk'* I I ' -y has a head. Unomr-

I bfy C h * u . before the u n f t t e a r r r r ralsmrru to hin • "ttwl

r rody. trktt W of t tu church, h o 110 asmwfto * I • •* <•*••< dm : o V 12 f | Peter 2 : 7>

a : a qasstalhm frmu ft. I I * : ±2 KUT tbr ful l QHl l iSaUiOl o f the m r t s r * - *

^asaan i b r sssiulag o f thr c h c n h -nd I t * r e t a i b a to Chr is ! u d to tb r wnr t i cuprr only a f te r I h r sssrrsssl >r If c a w a n r t w n U r t y f r o m St ftuJ.

1 1 * f u l S H su ing of the cns-rcn on tody a i w t bt unJtret iBe artTheer

tb r h r W t>re«werd f rom the > r . e t . t t o church, has k**iy as

Drxd too I t rvmry notion o f t t o "reeumui and unsty of tha t

body W f l l s r j l C h r M It woend tore lost *ts r-*—- d'etre, as* to pomtioa tbe

I « f * T I t s r r u W t h s a d f t o I n l y rv is ta and r u l e tiiami : -aa" by r w t o e of th r Haunt I n the < M O T T * o f us e \ t r u s * e i urn too w w W . too body rrsaotilas th r world to

nit t v Mead

For Afr ica, a*- U r al l parts of the * « r W l b * , utremo o radical hrrak u i l h tradit ion* Ideal* and ideum-slrs u h i r h ••* inroinnalfhir " •> h r h r i M I f a n y part of thr r h u r r h cannot make i h r rhan&r r t m p l H e l y . tin growth of thr rhur rh i - t i n t e d and i U uitll> h iokrn .

Ln fact, I h r Drat l ime At P**ul cio-ploys Ihe metaphor, Hi I Cor 6 : 13-17 (t 1- to implmslftc th r iibsolutc unity <>t th r r h u r r h nnil I la nhoolulc union with C h r t i t I f it person beloiijta to the church, which Is I h r body of Christ , he mtrtwl unite himself with prost i tute* . A Christ ian la boumj to Inn h o i y of the ebtuvk physically nnd vlaibly. and RpirttttlUy to Chrlat t i c R o « L

I n HlnilUr strain 1 COr* 10 f 1 7 wan»« niriinat par tk lpatUia In henthro I x r t f l e t t mrala. aad rocaJb t i Chrtat l * a i t i that they lairtako of the eiicharto-t ie e lamtr ta . tao vtalhlr asprraaloo o f too body " f Chriat Thta bread of

arhach they anrinkr to ome It U the b>«!y of Cnrkat. H ai loo oaaT u a m r n i Caojnat

l*oat> dor* »•< A proa *oi aat f^ra i i -to , bail on liar So in t of t^krtol oMcfc p r r r a a W too vooL- badv l » I Tor . I * : 1 * 1 2 law Apa- t l r f a n ool o f baa o a y U* e^plabi by "bo s-r ta fbor «d *a* rharr-b M t b r body Ibo l aaraaaarri of ibc e b o r r b do asaWtaavJtj d i f fer f i • o r a n - t b e r . So4«i :b* |Ajolaa* Ibe

ir i tT . io f o r i , - a w U a t i oai baaiaaaWrity ibo -roriat

W r * f * r a i a taaUrd a - o j Tkrvancb H a l j Soir i l tb r Head eoosa* r o r b d i f fe rraO » r . b T * H h a aaf ferrol *ioaIl-I T for I b r b r t i e t foortiapaaa] o f the

DoJN eritoaaly aVr - aaai tarufveaiH-. D i f f r r rawo lo oaaaoatry la a * f ie . cot try for I b r r b o r r b a* are aV*-aaaaftW oeo ibr ra fo# tb r body 11 12 : I I .

T b e m* lo ibtnj: lo \m ar]»t in is Ih/tl tb r r h u r r h ia oiilv n*a|y I f Chriat U Hood 1O0I. 1 : 1h> I f tola ia Lb* ctaaa Ihr indtrtdtT'il mrcal^r must not eblr t * u n < u n t U m lalnwsT Olid T i v i i r Ur Ihr t>*nefll o) the whule Eajdy ( C o l . 1 : M ) v O t t i l uUs*j M H L thcr^ are i l n w who a U rtih Ihcm^clvea to Ihr tjLKjy, not lo acrvr lhc. hrnly. Inn thcTpaelvea, T l w r ? n l ' i o h i r c m t o L'\ ^ >!. ronal l lules ;* »lnu:<*l to ihn bodyi fo r they aro not Attached lo- the WoiuV T h e y urr i;ir i - l«o tonchrr*

O D L ^ : 18, ID ) . BtfillttMrf ih ry nre not unitC'J to the HrmJ. tlloy e,Hiso> tho body to break up into factlona und

r tiiriir* C«1. <l : 1">

Tin i- Or i nf rhi f h u t i *i » |^ n*\n i n Kit' tr th|urfie»s of ' I M I + th-i Ra* detail r. Epptnoted BArtU^ur.ita> Head tu the bndy by tho mmiixtttrv f*od • Spb. I I i t I S ) * T h t n a|rptnnti*<| eo r u t e r o f I V ootverar i l ' l i H . J : 111. to la t(*0 n i r a a f e e of UK* f r rodom, tha t U . th r io / toelbdl ty *f too r h u r r h i ta

I m r ieaaa tbut tta uni ty to strong-er Mi a .my oo lurs l dieiaioo. Tbia la prv-rnWrroJr/ ha* 1 tarsal to Haj O i r ta l * -

l a tba« f r a t r e T aa i n

P r o f . A , S . ( i e v F t r r




Tart Two)

< * l b m . tb r very exiatrae* of :ta- e 'mteb araa threat rned by racial dlvsaoiam Once again the author employs the aaetapbor o f the body to counter I I -Fornierly. be states, tberr aras a wsfl uf iltviaiun between Jew and n o n J . u mmparable to tb r one m r t r r hijth stone par tUkm between the T< mple proper and the Court of the Oeot IVs in Jerusalem. N o w , however* Christ's rross hud levelled thta par i tl Ion and replaced I t . Peace had eome In the ulead of enmity , and uni ty In I h r atead o f division, " l o C h H s V \ that la, In th r church Jew find Genti le f o r m one body f E p h . 2 : 13-1M; 4 : 15, 10, 25 ) . And the object of the npoatollc mission o f the church la n» other thnn that the di f ferent race* wILiilii Ihe church should form a single boJy, n suasoma iEph_ 3 : 6 i r > e n as C r r U t removed the racial barriers to make this body one, (c f . CoL 3 : °^12> s * He removed social and even docnaotk dl-vfadona Cat. 3 - 28 ) .

Hid act of union M antmwita t i rv and absolute because be a* the brad •Head", in al l Bibileal metaphor antbort ty and raaVr. I l a taw I n metaphor aVternunea tb r parrasesJ form U tb r pmirasaKnt of fhnreh saonred w i i b too one o a Use

t b r Retentatataa aampUd tba aa^aVytr-r ian arateai o f rassrcai fovernasroi Taas ayataan a t the ontart tart m as J to be t rue to taw Isaabcnl pat tern end t » The Tract* of desBoeracy< Hoarevet. it o i ton t i i n n n an aolcwrmlar a synodal IULSP <a pa BBBsi ansa aart'>eralk Now tbr besdatia o f Ckwasi mean- i hJ t the awolaam o f the c o w n a a e a t %4 tbr cfaarch U nreafciermuatd wy God * b u asaalff bun Cbrast and Lord A d - m and PbiL 2 : 9-111, The forma o f I b r government o f the c b n f i b U toerr f ore

a n u t t e r cat indieuJusI ebusLav

r asaanl anU«craAy of t * * rbwrcb «f

It U ne i tb r r au tor ra tM o*«r rtVm»^ cratic, tt is ( l ir i fftocratar. He rnle* through Ihe p r r ^ n c r of ha* r t r r pre< *rnt Spirit to the end of t ime ( M s l t h 28 : 20 ) . No human person or bssl) «f perMmH avty replace ( l i r N t as iMily ruler and f inal authori ty of his r h u t t h N o *et of l a v s or derrees nia> feplare i h r Nvinjc Spir i l of the l iving 4 hrh. | In Ihe ^overnmenl of lhc r h u r r h , Jl« rhr is toeracy i * the f ina l guaranlee of its freedom and of Its unify* Ct i r i - l timl h U Holy Spir i l are uhore a o i e r n m r n l -iil t national and Ideological division, Christ J * not s u h s e ^ k n l to uoverti< mental and ideological power- PftplW tinil synod* were and are .

All the church. Including A f n r i . mu»t embark without delay on a study of toe meaning, and the application in practice of the Cbriatoeratic character o f r h u r r h government. Just a nn-Ulf iei form o f one of the mult i tude of sy­stem* prevalent in the chnreb m the West and the Cant ai nof feaalble ln tbe course o f i U study the Churrri here and elsewhere moat cor**Uatty HgT-V r n i Crentor Spiritna. Ostty the Sptrtt can teneb tb r Cbawcb Ou^otoeraey.

4. Thv Church the p*i»/4r «•/

Cod I f ChriatocraUc. tbe church is

ChrtatoeeniHc and Christoprtal . Thia mr^ns that the church shall never be. or neek to be an Instrument of wurldly pOwWi whether national, internaUonal , economic or Ideological* Therefore , clusely l inked to Ihe metaphor o f tho church as the body o f Christ Is I U ilcaignation as the people o f God. T h i s in not mere metaphor. It la real i ty. T r r tu l l lon appreciated i ta reality when lie spoke of the church as a te r t ium K ' O U H hominum. Jesua himself Init iated Ihla dralgnnlion. By the election of Apoatlea to the number of twelve he Intended the church to be n new Iftrnel, or rather, the real Israel , the remnant of Deutcfo^lsoiah come tu f ru i t ion. Peter st Pcntecoat. according to Acta 2 : 30. understood the church to bejust that. H U experience at Joppn -Acta 9

Sl f f . i convinced him of the fact , and be gave svidence to thta effect a t tbe Jerusalem conference of M AJ>. The conference wan the result o f a racial dispute within tbe church a t Ant ioeh. Jamra tbe Loeda brother and cboimaan of tbe conference summed no the con* sensaas of tbe meeting, anal ba swing so foe o u r * and fo r a U bsterprvt ed l b * rhurcfa MM tbe aoopte o f God. According to tbe Greob crsbmaal of Acta 15 : 16 be a n a l "God bad l a b r a notice of tbe mstsmas to enooar f r o m tsmm a peorie to bear bat name** T h e isliliin ' >n bo-tween "naucai" and "^eomV" la aag-niflcant. Wi th f e w e^reptksas tbe Bsbse known o f oojy case poopie: tbe one rleeted by God. T n n t at aarael A i l other

ammmmmU foe t t o

dr fsmai l j rejecled ssl r s r ia l sm-ision i n itarif and reannfed H <aHf na tbe sate and ssstted sospie «f I tod. e lerted by God himself f rom nil I h r l u t m n h and o t e r a l l nslional aod rneial barriers. Since tbe re It became a runtradir t io in termin i * in <«jrnk nf "nalionnl rwurcbea**.

F n u n that t ime on the unity of thv i hurch na transcending al l o p t i m a l nnd racial boundariea becoir,es a re-lu r ren t Ibome In the N e w Testament. St. Paul lakes it up i n Ga l . 3 : 2 9 ; 4 : 2ft ; d ; 1 6 ; I I Cor . 6 : 10 . I t la r e -siimed by I Peter 2 : 9 and Eph. 2 : 10. The former divisions are Ihingn o f tho ptiat since the church ia the one people of the one and universal God t

Natura l ly , such a people cannot be hut Tree. The i r state is determined by the omnipotent God. whose people they nre. St Paul constantly, but part icular* ly in the Let ter to the Galat tan* . cb. 4 and S calls on the church to guard this freedom jealously ug^inat pagan ido-hitr>\ against carnal l u s t but .ilso Agsioat these who bad e k n t e d th r U w to the l e n t of an ideol gy . w i t h tho ob>eci of rnatavizu* tnope whi> h j - t hern art free by Christ nimserf

T b e r r Ls n r U - e poraJU b H a e r n tb r cbnreb o f the first c r a t s i j and I b r church in Afr ica t m m , .

the churrh mttp>t mainta in its anfty and its freedom agalnj*1 the aasmmsmal for-era of paganism, national t a l k f r n g -mental kin, pby«lcal tcmplution and ihe ronlending ide*»lories of commun-

Uu nnd swtisnnlfiim-

5. Th I t at


r rhurrh bntthcrhttad

that I Peter , while o f the ehurcsu

It "ehkleau" He rrfees t « oa - i b r b n * h * r s * M T nasi

thona to si bom he addressed the letter to lamt the brutsstrfaooa\ to withstand tba deral whi le r e m e n i r n n s that the bsnthsrbttod ia g n ^ C tbrmxgb th r asms suffer ing na t b r y are . • k n of t t o brotherhood ia nc to t t o N e w Teatamanr I n t t o Old Ten-taaarnt aJrsauty it as t t o natura l oajt-coans of t t o r o n r i p t o f t t o ccsrimunity o f t t o fa i th fu l an t t o peopae o f God Urmbarn of t t o soaar propie o f G^d ta l l each other brother nnd taster on arccmnt o f t t o coaaaaon fntnrrhood of f k * l T h r N e w Testaraeiit certainly garr t b r concrpt n dawper aaeamiug, •snee Jeous tnngbl has sandpits tbe O u r ra ther . W i t h n view to t t o bro-t b r r b m d . the * m » " nnd t t o ^Father* muni be givon a new ssuphmi

There ia one fur ther respect to which l b * N e w TeaUment widened and deepened the concept: I n Philemon 16 S i . Paul calls on Philemon to accept tbe run-away slave, Oneaimua, now tbkt he had be* come a Christ ian. **a* a dear brother In the flesh as well as in the Lord"* The r h u r r h as brotherhood, even na proplr of God. nnd as body of Christ , iranacenda al l social, racial and nn-llonnl barriers. I t does BO not m the filial met and in Ita confosalon only, but In the fleah, in everyday fact .

There are various forces In A f r i ca of fer ing brotherhood. T h e Islam doe* l l , and so doc* Ihe ideology of com-miinUm. and the var iou* c m c r g m ! na-tiorullsms. And the church does I t . . . hslfhesriedly, and eonfesoiotiaily. but not " In I b r f lesh". It has left un un­paid bill In Af r ica , which ntlgbl be taken §TCff by Islnat w i t h i U eatpba«» on unitersnl brotherhood, it Bight be taken up by international Communism * i t h I t . smpha^i . on tb r bro t torboW of the proletariat. I f any lh iax . the brntberbood ha tb r f lrsh d ian iuni a t Ulnar and focluol unity of t t o Csu*s<-kan f wnreh in ai l th r unr ld and i n a i U s m m

ti. ffce- Chmrrh the bride « /

ChriM Agnm. tbss mrtapbor fo r t t o eburrb

ss not pr rnhar to t t o N r w T e s t a m e n t T h r O ld Teataaarnt. ootabfy t t o Proph-eta implay it to Indicate the peonor o f Goat Josun potnia to t t o COSscept hi Lunr 5 3& and U is only RereUt ions wtucb taaea « up m SU fnD s m k a -mrut d i n e r t t o Bnafegruaa, and t t o Cksnrrh bss br idr Noth ing cam tbr krruag enre. the protecuoo and i rtnnt vigilance o f Const over rhur rh so aptly. O n t t o other nothing r-in oWcnbe the wartaac and the yesrntng and the preparation of tbr rhur rh for th r nunrng of tbe L o r d in aucb an cashed way as does Rev. 22 : I T : Cnene! nay the' Spirit and t t o bride.


Pro Verllafe Puhluheo the Ifith of each month. rsrrripiwuW'nre; ArfoilnHtruUaiv

Addresa all letters for the EdJ-tor and AdmlnUtrstlon to P.O. llox llrT, Jobannrshurg.

K l l l n r i a l t ' m o m l t l e e i Dr. P. 0 nerrtsema, Pmf. Dr. J . C O. Kopaf, R*v. K K Mahabane. Rev. It On, Prof Dr A van Stdms and llev J . w Wrsaela

Bsftotl t V r r r ft tfaiaM

H.ri-vriHifla; Ib-poblie •* north Africa. 3 W

tes U per yosr. aryaast Is ^etsaee r>rreseas K2 3d arr year ha samssma.

Psatai Orders t » t t x u m e i P t y i l as l T f r