Abriana Gresham UWRT 1103-021  November 18, 2014 Assignment One Discourse Observation Notes Ba ck gr oun d No te s Figured world; a figure !or" is a s#e$ifi$ $ommuni%& %ha% shares $o mmon so$ia" norms an $ommuni%& fun$%ions' (or %he observa%ions ) am $onu$%ing %he figure !or" is m& ashboar on Tum b lr. co m ' Tumb"r is a so$ia" meia b"ogging !ebsi%e %ha% a""o!s i%s users %o fo""o! one ano%her, $rea%e %e*%s #os%s an image #os%s, as+ ea$h o%her ues%ions, reb"og o%her users #os%s, an in%era$% !i%h #eo#"e of %he same in%eres%s as %hem' A"mos% an&%hing is a$$e#%ab"e on Tumb"r; %he main ru"e of i% is %o no% uge an& o%her users .or #eo#"e in genera"/' n Tumb"r mos% #eo#"e fee" $omfor%ab"e !i%h revea"ing %hings abou% %hem %ha% %he& ma& no% !an% o%hers in %heir immeia%e $ommuni%& .i'e'; #eo#"e %he& "ive !i%h, go %o s$hoo" !i%h, e%$'/ %o +no! abou%' Tumb"r users fee" a% ease "e%%ing %hese %hings .su$h as fee"ings of e#ression, an*ie%&, s%rugg"es !i%h re"a%ionshi#s, #aren%a" issues, i""ness, e%$'/ off %heir $hes% %hrough %his b"ogging meium' The Tumb"r $ommuni%& a""o!s one %o s#ea+ free"& an usua""& !i%hou% ugmen%, %herefore, a "o% of se$re%s an %rue fee"ings are brough% %o %he surfa$e an $omfor%ab"& share !i%h %he ou%sie !or"' There are so man& various a$%ors, $ommuni%ies of #ra$%i$e, ar%ifa$%s, an various "i%erar&  #ra$%i$es' The "i%era$& #ra$%i$es %ha% !i"" be foun on T umb"r are simi"ar % o %hose on an& o%her so$ia" meia !ebsi%e an !i"" be fur%her e*#"aine "a%er in %he ba$+groun no%es' )% is a"so im#or%an% %o +ee# in min %ha% %here is an origina" %&#e of verna$u"ar %ha% is use on Tumb"r %ha% iffers from %ha% on o%her so$ia" meia si%es .as s%a%e above, a"" unfami"iar vo$abu"ar& as !e"" as %he #revious"& men%ione verna$u"ar is a"" efine an e*#"aine a% %he en of %he  ba$+groun no%es/' Actors; an a$%or is someone !ho #"a&s a s#e$ifi$ ro"e in a figure !or"' )n %his $ase, %he a$%ors #resen% !ou" be %he Tumb"r users %ha% ) fo""o! an !hose #os%s a##ear on m& ashboar' There are a varie%& of ifferen% a$%ors %ha% are #resen% in %his s#e$ifi$ figure !or" bu% overa"" %he& serve %he same ro"e' The& are a"" Tumb" r users %ha% run %heir o!n a$$oun %s an b"ogs ho!ever %he& are a"" members of ifferen% $ommuni%ies of #ra$%i$e' To give some more informa%ion on us% a $ou#"e of s#e$ifi$ a$%ors in m& figure !or" here are a fe! se"e$% users an %he biogra#hies %he& #os% on %heir o!n #ersona" b"og #ages

UWRT1103 Assignment One Final Copy

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Abriana Gresham

UWRT 1103-021 November 18, 2014

Assignment OneDiscourse Observation Notes

• Background Notes

Figured world; a figure !or" is a s#e$ifi$ $ommuni%& %ha% shares $ommon so$ia"norms an $ommuni%& fun$%ions' (or %he observa%ions ) am $onu$%ing %he figure !or" is m&

ashboar onTumblr.com' Tumb"r is a so$ia" meia b"ogging !ebsi%e %ha% a""o!s i%s users %o

fo""o! one ano%her, $rea%e %e*%s #os%s an image #os%s, as+ ea$h o%her ues%ions, reb"og o%herusers #os%s, an in%era$% !i%h #eo#"e of %he same in%eres%s as %hem' A"mos% an&%hing is a$$e#%ab"eon Tumb"r; %he main ru"e of i% is %o no% uge an& o%her users .or #eo#"e in genera"/' n Tumb"rmos% #eo#"e fee" $omfor%ab"e !i%h revea"ing %hings abou% %hem %ha% %he& ma& no% !an% o%hers in%heir immeia%e $ommuni%& .i'e'; #eo#"e %he& "ive !i%h, go %o s$hoo" !i%h, e%$'/ %o +no! abou%'Tumb"r users fee" a% ease "e%%ing %hese %hings .su$h as fee"ings of e#ression, an*ie%&, s%rugg"es!i%h re"a%ionshi#s, #aren%a" issues, i""ness, e%$'/ off %heir $hes% %hrough %his b"ogging meium'The Tumb"r $ommuni%& a""o!s one %o s#ea+ free"& an usua""& !i%hou% ugmen%, %herefore, a "o%of se$re%s an %rue fee"ings are brough% %o %he surfa$e an $omfor%ab"& share !i%h %he ou%sie!or"' There are so man& various a$%ors, $ommuni%ies of #ra$%i$e, ar%ifa$%s, an various "i%erar& #ra$%i$es' The "i%era$& #ra$%i$es %ha% !i"" be foun on Tumb"r are simi"ar %o %hose on an& o%herso$ia" meia !ebsi%e an !i"" be fur%her e*#"aine "a%er in %he ba$+groun no%es' )% is a"so

im#or%an% %o +ee# in min %ha% %here is an origina" %&#e of ‘verna$u"ar ’%ha% is use on Tumb"r

%ha% iffers from %ha% on o%her so$ia" meia si%es .as s%a%e above, a"" unfami"iar vo$abu"ar& as

!e"" as %he #revious"& men%ione‘verna$u"ar ’is a"" efine an e*#"aine a% %he en of %he

 ba$+groun no%es/'

Actors; an a$%or is someone !ho #"a&s a s#e$ifi$ ro"e in a figure !or"' )n %his $ase, %hea$%ors #resen% !ou" be %he Tumb"r users %ha% ) fo""o! an !hose #os%s a##ear on m& ashboar'There are a varie%& of ifferen% a$%ors %ha% are #resen% in %his s#e$ifi$ figure !or" bu% overa""%he& serve %he same ro"e' The& are a"" Tumb"r users %ha% run %heir o!n a$$oun%s an b"ogsho!ever %he& are a"" members of ifferen% $ommuni%ies of #ra$%i$e' To give some more

informa%ion on us% a $ou#"e of s#e$ifi$ a$%ors in m& figure !or" here are a fe! se"e$% usersan %he biogra#hies %he& #os% on %heir o!n #ersona" b"og #ages

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ho%o our%es& of.+iiiiirb&'%umb"r'$om/


ho%o our%es& of .igni%ea'%umb"r'$om/


ho%o our%es& of .greene&esb"onehair'%umb"r'$om/

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ho%o our%es& of .forever-an-a"!a&ss'%umb"r'$om/

An as one of %he $on%ribu%ors %o m& o!n home#age, here is m&

 #ersona" one…


ho%o our%es& of ."ivingin"a"a"an'%umb"r'$om/

Communities of Practice; $ommuni%ies of #ra$%i$e are sub-grou#s of a "arger figure !or" %ha%share %heir o!n s#e$ifi$ so$ia" norms an !a&s of oing %hings' Wi%hin m& ashboar on Tumb"r%here are a fe! various $ommuni%ies of #ra$%i$e' There are %hose #eo#"e !ho b"og abou% %heir ba%%"es !i%h men%a" i""ness .an*ie%&, e#ression, sui$ie a%%em#%s, ea%ing isorers, e%$'/- This$ommuni%& is ver& $ons$ious of %he fee"ings of o%hers, %he& hash%ag man& of %heir #os%s !i%h %!or %rigger!arning %o +ee# %heir fo""o!ers a!are %ha% some of %heir #os%s migh% %rigger an*ie%& or fee"ings of e#ression; %his is #robab"& %he mos% #rominen% $ommuni%& in m& $hosen figure!or"' %her $ommuni%ies of #ra$%i$e are #eo#"e !ho run avi$e b"ogs, #eo#"e !ho b"og abou%s#e$ifi$ %o#i$s; .e*' %ro#i$a", fashion, se*ua", e%$'/ an #eo#"e !ho run genera" #ersona" b"ogs,"i+e me'

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Artifacts; ar%ifa$%s are ien%ifiers of a s#e$ifi$ figure !or" or $ommuni%& of #ra$%i$e'er%ain ar%ifa$%s %ha% !ou" be s#e$ifi$ %o m& figure !or" are %hings "i+e %he a$%ua" ashboar!hi$h is#"a&s %he #os%s from #eo#"e &ou fo""o!, #os%s %ha% sho! %he a$%ua" $on%en% of o%her #eo#"es b"ogs, an %he a$%ua" b"og i%se"f %ha% $on%ains a"" of %he #os%s an ref"ags a #erson has

ae %o %heir b"og' 5os% ar%ifa$%s on Tumb"r $an be foun in !ha% is $a""e an ar$hive' Ar$hiveson Tumb"r "i%era""& s%ore ea$h users6 $on%en% as if %he& !ere rea" ar%ifa$%s %ha% &ou !ou" fin in amuseum or some%hing of %ha% na%ure'

Domain; a omain is "i+e an uners%oo $on%ra$% %ha% sa&s %he #eo#"e‘resiing’in %his

figure !or" !i"" abie b& an $er%ain $oe .a+a- %he so$ia" norms an a$$e#%ab"e #ra$%i$es/'

7#e$ifi$ %o %he figure !or" of m& Tumb"r ashboar %he omain is %he a$%ua" ne%!or+ ’s ru"es

an regu"a%ions- $a""e %he Tumb"r Terms of 7ervi$e- %ha% are se% in #"a$e b& %he Tumb"r

or#ora%ion' There are a"so a se% of ru"es- $a""e %he Tumb"r Guie"ines- %ha% #u% in #"a$e %he ‘"ess

"ega"’se% of goa"s an regu"a%ions %he $or#ora%ion !an%s %heir users %o agree !i%h, essen%ia""& i% is

!ha% %he $om#an& as a !ho"e be"ieves' The& be"ieve in $er%ain %hings "i+e a ero %o"eran$e bu""&ing #o"i$&, eua" human righ%s, e%$' 7in$e %he Terms of 7ervi$e are genera""& %he same formos% so$ia" ne%!or+s, be"o! is a e%ai"e "oo+ a% %he guie"ines s#e$ifi$ %o Tumb"r'

Practices of the Community; #ra$%i$es of %he $ommuni%& are $er%ain goa"s or va"ues %ha%%he members of %he figure !or" are a"!a&s !or+ing %o!ar a$$om#"ishing' n Tumb"r %he #ra$%i$es of %he $ommuni%& !ou" overa"" be %o $rea%e a s#a$e !here #eo#"e fee" $omfor%ab"e!i%h e*#ressing %heir inner fee"ings, o#inions, e%$' an fining #eo#"e !ho share simi"ar fee"ingsan ieas as %heir o!n'

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Literacy Practices; "i%era$& #ra$%i$es are %he a$%ua" moes of $ommuni$a%ion %ha% a$ommuni%& uses, !he%her %he& be !ri%%en, s#o+en, or o%her!ise' 7#e$ifi$ "i%era$& #ra$%i$es !i%hin

%he figure !or" %ha% )’"" be $on$en%ra%ing on are %he a$%ua" forms of $ommuni$a%ion su$h as

 #os%s, as+s, hash%ags, an even images %ha% $onve& messages' A "o% of %he $ommuni$a%ion onTumb"r is base off of uners%oo %o#i$s so some%hing as sim#"e as a !or, s&mbo", or #ho%o $an

$ommuni$a%e vo"umes' 7#e$ifi$a""& %here are; %e*% #os%s, reb"ogs, favori%es, as+ an res#onse #os%s, images9image se%s, gif-se%s, an hash %ags %ha% se#ara%e %he ifferen% %&#es of #os%s'Genera""& #eo#"e %ha% use Tumb"r are a"so ver& in%eres%e an +no!"egeab"e of #o# $u"%ure so%here are of%en referen$es %o nove"s, %e"evision sho!s, an movies' There is a"so a %&#e of

‘verna$u"ar ’%ha% is use on Tumb"r %ha% iffers from %ha% on o%her so$ia" meia si%es'

Important ocabulary; !hi"e %hese !ors an #hrases are sim#"e an %heir efini%ionsare usua""& $ommon sense; on Tumb"r some of %hese !ors have %heir o!n s"igh%"& ifferen%meanings' 7o, "is%e be"o! are some +e& vo$abu"ar& %erms %ha% !i"" he"# &ou %o uners%an %he$on%e*% of %hese observa%ion no%es'

1' :ashboar- %his is %he name for %he a$%ua" home #age of  Tumblr.com' )%s simi"ar %o a Ne!s

(ee on T!i%%er or (a$eboo+' This is !here %he #os%s of a"" %he #eo#"e &ou fo""o! !i"" a##ear in$hrono"ogi$a" orer !i%h %he mos% re$en% #os%s a% %he %o# an %he o"es% a% %he bo%%om' Thin+ of i%

"i+e %he ashboar of &our $ar' )%’s %he $on%ro" $en%er !here a"" %he im#or%an% #ie$es of %he vehi$"e

are mani#u"a%e' The same is %rue for &our ashboar' ou $an $on%ro" a"" as#e$%s of %he so$ia"meia si%e- !he%her i% be vie!ing %he re$en% #os%s, $hanging %he a##earan$e of &our #ersona" b"og, or fining ne! #eo#"e %o fo""o!'

2' os%s- %he main form of $ommuni$a%ion on Tumb"r' This is !ha% a##ears on %he ashboar of #eo#"e !ho fo""o! &ou' There are mu"%i#"e ifferen% +ins of #os%s on Tumb"r' Te*%s #os%s are %he

mos% s%anar form .simi"ar %o a s%a%us u#a%e on (a$eboo+/ !here %he user sim#"& %&#es %e*% an #os%s %ha% on%o %heir b"og' )mage #os%s are us% #os%ing images ins%ea of !ors, bu% %he fun$%ionis %he same' ou $an a"so #os% gif an gifs se%s, !hi$h means %ha% %he #i$%ures !i"" move "i+esma"" vieo $"i#s .sa&, from a #o#u"ar T< sho! or movie/' <ieo #os%s are, obvious"&, #os%s ofmore fu""-"eng%h vieos' ou $an a"so #os% "in+s an uo%es in %heir o!n uniue forma% on%o &our b"og'

3' As+s- a se$onar& form of $ommuni$a%ion' =ver& user has an as+ bo* !here o%her Tumb"rusers $an as+ %hem ues%ions' The& $an o %his anon&mous"& if %he& !ish .#eo#"e !ho as+

ues%ions anon&mous"& are usua""& referre %o as‘anons’on Tumb"r/' eo#"e $an re#"& %o %he

ues%ions #eo#"e as+ %hem an %hese ans!ers !i"" be #os%e %o %heir b"og'

4' Reb"ogs > (avori%es; reb"ogs are %he mos% $ommon %hing &ou !i"" see on Tumb"r' This is

!hen one user has mae a #os% an ano%her user $an ’reb"og’i%, !hi$h !i"" #os% i% %o %heir o!n

 b"og' =ssen%ia""&; !hen &ou reb"og some%hing, %ha% has %he same ?meaning6 as agreeing !i%h i%'Reb"oging is %he euiva"en% of ?re%!ee%ing6 or ?sharing6 some%hing on o%her so$ia" meia si%es'When &ou reb"og &ou $an a"so a &our o!n %e*% a% %he bo%%om of %he #os% "i+e a is$ussion%hrea' This $an a""o! $onversa%ion an eba%e over man& ifferen% %o#i$s' (avori%es are %he

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same as "i+es on )ns%agram, &ou %a# %he hear% i$on an %he #os% is ae %o &our favori%e #os%s'This a""o!s &ou %o +ee# %ra$+ of #os%s &ou rea""& "ove'

@' ash%ags; if &ou are fami"iar !i%h hash%ags on o%her so$ia" meia "i+e T!i%%er or )ns%agram

%hen &ou a"rea& uners%an ho! hash%ags are use on Tumb"r' =ssen%ia""& a user !i""‘hash%ag’a

 #os%- meaning %he& !i"" #u% a fo""o!e b& some %&#e or "abe" for %ha% #ar%i$u"ar #os% .fore*am#"e; %e*%/ an a"" #os%s %ha% have %ha% "abe" !i"" be grou#e %oge%her for #eo#"e %o sear$h'

B' No%es; no%es are %he $o""e$%ive amoun% of favori%es or reb"ogs %ha% a sing"e #os% has from %he%ime of i%s origina%ion' (or e*am#"e; if a #os% as been reb"ogge @ %imes an has been favori%e B%imes, i% !ou" have a %o%a" of 11 no%es

C' Ar$hive; an ar$hive is a se$%ion of &our b"og %ha% +ee#s u# !i%h ever&%hing &ou have ever #os%e' )% saves %his a%a an sor%s i% b& %he mo%h &ou #os%e' 7o, if &ou !ere "oo+ing forsome%hing &ou #os%e "as% November, &ou !ou" go %o &our ar$hive, an sor% b& November2013'

A Final Note; These observa%ions are re$ore in %hree se%s' The observa%ions !i"" be in #aragra#h form base on a##ro*ima%e"& 20-30 minu%es !or%h of #os%s a% a $er%ain %ime ea$h a&'=a$h #os% es$ri#%ion is no% %ime-s%am#e for %he sim#"e reason %ha% %ime s%am#s o no% a##earon Tumb"r #os%s' ) ini$a%e a% %he %o# of ea$h se% of observa%ions !ha% %ime m& a$%ua"observa%ions began bu% %ha% oes no% mean %ha% ever& #os% on m& ashboar !as #os%e a% %ha%%ime' Time is fair"& re"a%ive on a Tumb"r ashboar be$ause %he firs% %hing on &our ash is %he "as% #os% mae b& %he users &ou fo""o!' =ven if %heir "as% #os% !as B a&s ago, i% !i"" s%i"" be %he firs%on &our %ime"ine' 7o, as s%a%e before %he on"& referen$e %o %ime mae in %he observa%ions is %he%ime an a%e of %he a$%ua" observa%ion se% ini$a%e before ea$h se%' Ai%iona""&, s$reensho%s of%he #os%s ma& be in%ermi%%en%"& ae so %ha% %he reaer $an gain %heir o!n #ersona"

uners%aning an $on%e*% of %he figure !or"'

•  Observation One- 7e#%ember @, 2014 DB1@#m-B4@#m

Ee$ause ) fo""o! su$h a !ie varie%& of #eo#"e on Tumb"r %here are man& ifferen% #os%son a ver& !ie range, ho!ever mos% of %he #os%s fa"" in%o $er%ain $a%egories .i'e'; humor,ins#ira%ion, a!areness, e%$'/, !hi$h ) !i"" "abe" a$$oring"&' When ) firs% go% on%o m& ashboar

a% %his #ar%i$u"ar a%e an %ime ) !as gree%e !i%h an ins#iring image #os%, %he image sai“When

"ife gives &ou a %housan reasons %o $r&, sho! "ife &ou have a %housan more %o smi"e”' 5an& #eo#"e are fami"iar !i%h %his uo%e bu% %he& of%en nee reminers so man& Tumb"r users !i"" #os%ins#ira%ion ver& simi"ar %o %his %&#e %o he"# o%hers or sim#"& %o a a ni$e %ou$h %o %heir o!n #ersona" b"og'

)roni$a""&, %he #os% ire$%"& unernea%h i% !as s"igh%"& "ess %han mo%iva%ing in sa&ing

“ma&be if ) ignore m& home!or+ "ong enough i%F"" ge% easier ”' This !as a %e*% #os% meaning %ha%

a user %&#e i% in ire$%"& an obvious"& ha some harsh fee"ings abou% %heir s$hoo"!or+'

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A"%hough %his #os% is nega%ive, i% is high"& re"a%ab"e an %herefore re$eive ui%e a fe! no%es fromo%her Tumb"r users'

 Ne*%, !hi"e s$ro""ing o!n %here !ere a fe! ar%s& #ho%o-#os%s' 7ome !ere of $ou#"es$u"ing %oge%her in %he ar+' ne !as a ra!ing of a gir" !hoFs hea ha been re#"a$e !i%h a

 #iano !hi$h rea“musi$ in m& hea”- ui%e #o#u"ar for Tumb"r users !ho of%en re"a%e %heir

fee"ings %o musi$ an song "&ri$s' There !ere a"so free han ra!ings %o gir"s %ha% !ere ver& "ife"i+e' There !as a"so a ra!ing of 5a"efi$en%, %he vi""ain in 7"ee#ing Eeau%&' This is fair"&signifi$an% be$ause genera""& Tumb"r users !ho are ar%is%s !i"" #os% %hings !i%h a fair amoun% ofre"evan$e %o %he ou%sie so$ia" !or" an sin$e 5a"efi$en% is a #re%%& ne! an e*$i%ing movie

%he& mos% "i+e"& re!ins#ira%ion from %ha% for %heir

ar%!or+' )%’s a"so im#or%an% %o

no%e %ha% man& Tumb"r usersuse %heir b"ogs as a means %o

‘ge% %hemse"ves ou% %here’,

meaning %he& #os% %heir ar%, #ho%ogra#hs, an !ri%ing on%he si%e for o%hers %o see' Thisis !h& man& #os%s on Tumb"rare sim#"& #i$%ures, ra!ings,or #ho%ogra#hs'The ne*% fe! #os%s on m&

ashboar !ere ver& humor- base' The firs% !as a #ho%o of a #erson in a #ana $os%ume$arr&ing an a$%ua" bab& #ana'

The $a#%ion rea-“oo +ee#ersin $hina !ear #ana $os%umes %o +ee# bab& #anas from fee"ing s$are !hi"e being han"e”'

The re#"& %o %ha% b& ano%her user !as “!i%hou% $on%e*% i% "oo+s "i+e someone snu$+ in !earing a

 #ana $os%ume %r&ing %o s%ea" a bab& #ana”' This %&#e of humor is ver& $ommon on Tumb"r an

i%’s #robab"& %he mos% $ommon of a"" #os% %&#es, on m& ashboar in s#e$ifi$ .o%hers ma& var&/'

The ne*% ver& r& humor #os% !as an image se% from a man !hose !ife ha a bir%ha&re$en%"&' The %i%"e e*#"aine %ha% %he !ife ha as+e for a ver& sim#"e, run of %he mi"" #ar%&-no%hing fan$& a% a""' The husban %oo+ i% ver& "i%era""& an a$%ua""& e$ora%e ever&%hing ver&

 b"an"&, on"& neu%ra" $o"ors, he "abe"e ever&%hing !i%h b"a$+ mar+er, an in’% ma+e an&%hing

"oo+ %he "eas% bi% s#e$ia"' Eu%, he efini%e"& fo""o!e her reues% $om#"e%e"&' This is &e% ano%here*am#"e of %he signa%ure r& humor mos% of%en foun on Tumb"r'

(o""o!ing %his humor s%rea+ !as a varie%& of ifferen% %&#es of #os%s' There are more"ove-base #i$%ures .i'e' #eo#"e $u"ing, +issing, e%$'/' There !as a"so ano%her funn& #os% of aman on a $anoe being $hase b& a goose !ho %hen mae him $a#-sie; %his !as an image se% #os%so &ou !ou" fo""o! %he s%or& %hrough a se% of images' There !as a"so a fe! more %ha% !ere ui%efunn& "i+e one %e*% #os% !as a $onversa%ion;

o# !ho orere a"" %hese #ias

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5e &ou sai !e ge% one $a""'eo#"e on Tumb"r of%en ma+e o+es abou% foo, ho! mu$h %he& ea%, an ho! %he&Fre

a"!a&s hungr& so %here !ou" efini%e"& be man& users re"a%ing %o %his'5an& of #os%s on Tumb"r are sim#"e images #u% in #"a$e %o evo+e a fee"ing of nos%a"gia or 

s#ar+ memories' There !as a #os% of an o" fashione ar$ae %ha% !ou" $ause man& #eo#"e %o be

remine of %heir $hi"hoo' There !ere a"so a fe! o%her #ho%ogra#hs of a %ro#i$a" "ans$a#e!i%h a !a%erfa"", more g"amorous sho%s of sho##ing bags an #urses, a moon"i% $i%&s$a#e, foo #ho%os, an one fair"& #rovo$a%ive #ho%o of Rihanna in bare"&-%here $"o%hes'

There are man& %hings on Tumb"r %ha% efine a $er%ain "ifes%&"e as !e""' ne of %he #os%s

!as an image %e*% #os% sai“ear"& mornings, big shir%s, mess& hair, vogue, an $offee”' This

$rea%es a "ifes%&"e iea" %ha% man& Tumb"r users "us% af%er' 5ore #os%s %ha% !ere #os%e %ore#resen% a $er%ain "ifes%&"e !ere more fashion #i$%ures, #re%%& gir"s riing in ni$e $ars, %a%%oos,

“g"amour ”fashion #os%s, an o%her %ro#i$a" #os%s' Af%er %his %here !as a $ou#"e ifferen% #os%s'

There !ere moreins#iring #os%s, oneof %hem sa&ing

“sing"e bu% never

a"one”meaning no

ma%%er !ha% &ourre"a%ionshi# si%ua%ion

is &ou are never a"one in i%'A "o% of #eo#"e %a"+ abou%%heir re"a%ionshi# s%rugg"eson Tumb"r so %his is some%hing %ha%6s efini%e"& re"a%ab"e %o mos% Tumb"r users'

Going off of %ha%- shor%"& af%er %here !as ano%her %e*% #os% abou% ho! someone ge%s ver&a%%a$he %o #eo#"e so easi"& an i% ma+es %hem u#se%, %he& %a"+ %o someone one %ime, gain some

in%eres% an %hen a"" of a suen %he& $an% s%o# %hin+ing abou% %hem' This is ano%her %&#i$a" anver& re"a%ab"e Tumb"r #os%'

vera"" uring %his observa%ion se% %he maori%& of %he %&#es of #os%s ) norma""& see !ere #resen%' There !ere humor #os%s, ins#ira%ion, se"f-e*#ression, an ar%9#ho%ogra#h&' There areo%her %&#es of #os%s %ha% of%en $ome u# on m& ashboar %ha% !ere no% #resen% bu% %he& are sure%o $ome u# in "a%er observa%ions'

•  Observation Two- 7e#%ember C, 2014 D111@#m-113@#m

Tumb"r is of%en ui%e a ifferen% s$ene !hen i% ge%s in%o "a%er hours of %he nigh% so )%hough% i% !ou" give grea% insigh% %o is#"a& #os%s from one of %hese %imes' When i% ge%s "a%er %he #os%s %en %o ge% a "i%%"e more hones% an #rovo$a%ive, a"%hough, sin$e a "o% of %he #eo#"e ) fo""o!"ive in ifferen% %ime ones an ifferen% $oun%ries a$ross %he !or" %his %enen$& oes var&'

This b"o$+ of %ime s%ar%s ou% !i%h a fe! generi$ #os%s su$h as one of a gir" !earing afi%%e re ress an b"a$+ mo%or$&$"e a$+e% #ro$eee b& a $ou#"e ifferen% #ho%ogra#hs ofna%ure' ne !as a #ho%o of a "avener #"an% an %he fo""o!ing !as a #i$%ure of a gir" in %he

!oos' )%s e*%reme"& $ommon for users %o #os% #i$%ures "i+e %his %o‘fi%’%he %heme of %heir b"og'

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(or ins%an$e, man& #eo#"e have %ro#i$a" %heme b"og an %herefore %he& of%en #os% #ho%os of

 bea$h an is"an "ans$a#es' 7u$h #os%s on’% usua""& have mu$h meaning e*$e#% for aes%he%i$


The ne*% #os% ) foun %o be e*%reme"& in%eres%ing' The origina" %e*% #os% rea“mos%

$"assi$ nove"s are $"assi$s be$ause %he& !ere !ri%%en b& o" !hi%e men for o%her !hi%e men' so,

"i+e, on’% ever fee" ba for no% reaing %hem”' Af%er %he %e*% #os% #eo#"e +e#% aing #i$%ures of

$"assi$ nove"s %ha% in fa$% !ere no% !ri%%en b&‘!hi%e men for !hi%e men’su$h as; (ran+ens%ein,

The A!a+ening, an Un$"e Tom’s abin' As ) ha men%ione in %he above ba$+groun no%es,

Tumb"r users are of%en ver& in%o "i%era%ure, #o# $u"%ure, anovera"" eu$a%iona" meia an ) be"ieve %ha% %hee*%ensiveness of %his #os% efini%e"& su##or%s %ha%' The users!ere %r&ing %o %e"" %he origina" %e*% #os%er %ha%- &es, man&$"assi$s !ere !ri%%en b& o", !hi%e, en%i%"e men, bu% %ha%

oesn’% mean %ha% a"" $"assi$s !ere an i% efini%e"& oes no%

ma+e %hose !or+s unim#or%an%'

As e*#e$%e, %he ne*% fe! #os%s !ere #re%%& #rovo$a%ive,%here !ere ui%e a fe! #ho%os #os%e in %his %ime #erio b& man& ifferen% users of $ou#"es+issing, $u"ing, e%$' This is #re%%& #o#u"ar on Tumb"r- in fa$% some b"ogs are ei$a%e s%ri$%"&%o #os%s su$h as %hese .i'e'; %he user in %he bo%%om #os%- Dse*ua"-#assion/' )% is a"so e*%reme"&

$ommon for %hese #os%s %o #o# u# "a%er

a% nigh% be$ause i%’s seen as more

a$$e#%ab"e, simi"ar %o %he reasons %ha%+is sho!s $ome on T< ear"ier in %he

a& an au"% sho!s $ome on "a%er' f%en%imes #os%s "i+e %his are hash-%agge !i%h


The "as% signifi$an% #os% in %his %ime #erio !as one abou% 7ea%%"e, Washing%on raising%heir minimum !age %o H1@' Whe%her %his is %rue or no% ) $anno% verif& be$ause Tumb"r is no%a"!a&s %he mos% re"iab"e sour$e for ne!s, ho!ever %he $ommen%s a%%a$he %o %his #os% are #re%%&im#or%an% %o sho! %he $u"%ure %ha% Tumb"r emboies'

This %&#e of su##or% for %he rise of minimum !age an %he su##or% for %he $ommuni%& i%im#roves is ver& signa%ure of Tumb"r users an efines %he omain %he& su##or% %o #erfe$%ion'

vera""“Tumb"r af%er ar+ ”is mos%"& simi"ar %o Tumb"r uring norma" hours, !i%h a fe!

e*$e#%ions of a s"igh%"& more risué #os% %&#e'

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• Observation Three- 7e#%ember 11, 2014 D800#m-830#m

)n %his "as% observa%ion %hings on Tumb"r seem %o be o#era%ing us% as norma"' There are a"o% of #ho%o #os%s !i%h uo%es in i% on here %onigh%, so a##aren%"& %he users ) fo""o! are in a

ins#iring +in of moo' A "o% of %hem are ver& goo so )’"" share a fe! e*am#"es;

-“eo#"e aren’% agains% &ou, %he&’re for %hemse"ves”

-“) %hin+ abou% &ou, bu% ) on’% sa& i% an&more”

-“"ease remember %ha% &ou !ere beau%ifu" before he %o" &ou %ha% &ou !ere”

-“ou $an’% "e% o%her #eo#"e %e"" &ou !ho &ou are, &ou have %o e$ie %ha% for &ourse"f ”

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These #i$%ure uo%es are some of %hem mos%$ommon' Tumb"r users re"a%e %o %hem rea""&

of%en an %he& of%en have a ver& high number ofno%es' There is su$h a !ie varie%& of %hem

an man& b"ogs s%ri$%"& $rea%e #ho%o uo%es'

7in$e i%’s 7e#%ember 11%h %here are man&

ifferen% #os%s re"a%ing ba$+ %o I911 an%han+ing %he so"iers for %heir servi$e' 7ome #eo#"e have #os%e %hings abou% I911

$ons#ira$ies, some #os%e genera"“ Never

(orge%” #os%s, an some o%her #ersona" %e*%

 #os%s us% sa&ing ho! sorr& %he& !ere for %hefami"ies !ho "os% %heir "ove ones'

5& favori%e #i$%ure !as one of %he %!o #eo#"e um#ing from %he %o# of %he %o!ersho"ing hans' This is m& favori%e #i$%ure be$ause ever&one $on%inuous"& as$ommen%s abou% ho! beau%ifu" i% is an ho!mu$h ho#e i% gives %hem in humani%&; i% !i""ma+e &ou %ear u#'

%her %han %ha% ever&%hing !as fair"& norma"' There !as one #os% en%i%"es “13 %e*%

messages ) shou" have never sen%”%ha% !as us% as i% !as %i%"e' )% !as 13 ifferen% %e*%s from a

gir" %o !ha% is assume %o be her e* bo&frien basi$a""& sa&ing ho! mu$h she misses him anho! sa she !as %ha% he !as gone' )% ha a "o% of no%es so obvious"& man& #eo#"e $ou" re"a%e %oi%' The observa%ion #erio ene !i%h ui%e a fe! more %e*% #os%s an %hen a $ou#"e more of %he%ro#i$a" an bea$h "ans$a#es %ha% %he %ro#i$a" b"ogs of%en reb"og' vera"" %he $on%en% of m&ashboar !as #re%%& norma" e*$e#% for %he ae I911 #os%s'

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•   Interview

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- (or %he in%ervie! #or%ion of m& observa%ions ) !i"" be in%ervie!ing one of %he users )

fo""o!, Je""& Erabe$, !ho ) in%rou$e a% %he beginning of %he observa%ion no%es' )$hose %o in%ervie! Je""& be$ause she is a s%uen% here a% UN an ) %hough% i%!ou" be in%eres%ing %o $a#%ure %he #ers#e$%ive of a fe""o! 4Ier' Je""& an ) havea"so +no!n ea$h o%her sin$e high s$hoo" an ) +no! her fair"& !e""' ) !as in%eres%e

in !ha% she !ou" have %o sa& in res#onse %o m& in%ervie! ues%ions'


ho%os our%es& of .+iiiiirb&'%umb"r'$om/

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