Uttho Mere Desh- Arise My Country

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I ‘’, the Modi government and the Sangh

Parivar have declared a veritable war on premier educational

institutions like JNU and the Hyderabad Central University. They

accuse these and every other institution that values debate, dissent

and democracy of being ‘anti-national dens’. They have begun to charge

citizens who refuse to sing the Sanghi tune with ‘sedition’, turning the

whole country into an open jail. In the name of nationalism, we are thus

being pushed back to the unfreedom and injustice of the colonial era.

What could be a bigger irony of history? Nationalism in India took

shape in the course of the great national awakening and assertion for

freedom from the British colonial rule. The RSS considered it a waste of

energy – leaders of Hindu Mahasabha and RSS spent their time praising

the British and, if ever put in jail, begging for mercy and serving as police

informers. The anti-imerialist anti-colonial nationalism of Bhagat Singh

and freedom-ighters of other ideological shades advocated communal

harmony and secularism, cherished diversity and pluralism, celebratedthe mosaic that is India. In stark contrast, the RSS and Hindu Mahasabha

advocated ‘cultural nationalism’ – which was nothing but ‘majority

communalism’ or ‘communal majoritarianism’ – which viewed Indian

Muslims, not British colonialists, as the enemy, degrading minorities as

second-class citizens who could live in India either by embracing Hindu

culture or as ‘guests’ without rights accruing to the Indian citizenry!

The freedom movement unfurled the banner of democracy in India.In the preamble to the Constitution, the Indian people proclaimed India

as a sovereign democratic republic (the words secular and socialist were

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admittedly inserted later, but were very much rooted in the spirit of the

Constitution before any of the amendments came in) and irmly upheld

the notions of ‘JUSTICE, social, economic and political’, ‘LIBERTY ofthought, expression, belief, faith and worship’ and ‘EQUALITY of status

and of opportunity’ as pillars of this democracy. The RSS, at the other

end of the spectrum, wanted the Manusmriti, the charter of slavery

inlicted on shudras, dalits and women in the Brahminical order, to be

adopted as India’s constitution and when that did not happen, they

began describing Ambedkar as the modern Manu of India!

Bhagat Singh and his comrades who shone as ever glowing stars onthe irmament of every freedom ighter’s dream of a free India wanted

India to march on towards a state of freedom where exploitation of man

by man and nation by nation – the deining features of imperialism –

will become a thing of the past. The Savarkars and Golwalkars stood

diametrically opposed to this vision; they drew their inspiration from

Mussolini and Hitler, their models were fascist Italy and Nazi Germany.

Today in power, their inheritors are bartering away India’s natural

resources and hard won sovereignty to global capital and the military

might of US imperialism. The quest for self-reliance and independent

foreign policy has been sacriiced at the altar of FDI worship in the

guise of ‘Make in India’ and the role of junior partner in a US-led global

military alliance.

It is to divert people’s attention away from this naked collaboration

with British colonialism then and US imperialism and other advanced

capitalist countries now, that the RSS-BJP-ABVP whip up the bogey

of ‘cultural nationalism’ so that the minorities and every dissenting

voice are portraryed as ‘the enemy of the nation’ and US imperialism

is presented as the best friend and biggest benefactor of India.

The ight for economic rights and constitutional liberties for common

Indian citizens today therefore has grown into the real patriotic battle

for saving India from the corporate-communal clutches of the Modi

government, from the fascist project and ideological-political tyrannyof the RSS and its communal cohorts and siblings. And in this battle, it is

utmost important to resurrect the dreams and ideas of Bhagat Singh and

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Bhimrao Ambedkar, two of the greatest twentieth century ighters and

visionaries of equality and democracy who had risen from the Indian

soil. We must hold high the banner of Bhagat Singh’s patriotism thatcalls for an end to imperialism, the banner of Ambedkar’s democracy

that calls for annihilation of castes. The saffron rulers are desperate

to distort and appropriate Bhagat Singh and Ambedkar as their icons;

and all over the country, students and teachers and enlightened citizens

who are spreading the ideas of Bhagat Singh and Ambedkar are being

attacked by the state and the goon squads of the RSS.

We must therefore spread the messages of Bhagat Singh andAmbedkar with renewed vigour and intensify the battle for democracy

braving every repression and defying every assault of the Sangh brigade.

Comrades of All India Students’ Association and Ryvolutionary Youth

Association have decided to launch a countrywide “Utho Mere Desh”

(Arise, My Country) campaign to carry the messages and spread the

ideas of Bhagat Singh and Dr. Ambedkar to every nook and corner of

India. Comrades Arindam Sen and Kavita Krishnan have compiled some

key ideas of Bhagat Singh and Ambedkar in this booklet which we hope

will serve as a useful handbook to combat the disinformation campaign

of the Sangh brigade and encourage us to ight and win this crucial battle

with all our courage and strength, energy and determination.

Charu Bhawan, Delhi. Dipankar Bhattacharya

23 March 2016 General Secretary, CPI(ML)

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What are we having this liberty for? We are having this liberty

in order to reform our social system, which is full of inequality,

discrimination and other things, which conflict with ourfundamental rights.

- BR Ambedkar, during a Constituent Assembly debates

towards the formulation of the Constitution

(Constituent Assembly Debates, Vol. VII,

 2nd December 1948, pp. 779- 83)

‘A radical change, therefore, is necessary and it is the duty of

those who realize this to reorganize society on a socialistic basis.

Unless this thing is done and exploitation of man by man and nation

by nation is brought to an end, sufferings and carnage with which

humanity is threatened cannot be prevented…’

- Statement of Bhagat Singh and B.K. Dutt in the Court

on June 6, 1929 in the Assembly Bomb Case

The temple of Mother India is full,

Landlord, usurer, capitalist, rich trader,

All are crowded inside with the cruel butcher,

Only the poor patriot in khaddar is outside.

- Baba Nagarjun, ‘Sach Na Bolna’

(Don’t Speak The Truth)

Bhagat Singh this time don’t be born an Indian

Patriots are still punished with hanging today

If you speak for people, you’ll be called a traitor,

Let alone strikes - you’ll be jailed even if you give a speech!

- Shailendra

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P B N or Shailendra warned of a scenario in

independent India where every manner of plunder, oppression,

bullying and massacre will call itself ‘nationalism’, while the real

patriots will be branded as anti-national and clapped in jail.

This phenomenon is at its peak in today’s India, with Narendra Modi

in power.The RSS (parent organization of the BJP and ABVP) had no role in the

freedom struggle, and instead served the ‘divide and rule’ policy of the

British while Bhagat Singh and his comrades were bravely embracing

the gallows. If the RSS served the British, the BJP Government today

serves the interests of imperialism. It helps Indian and multi-national

corporations to plunder India’s land and resources, and unleashes

repression on the struggles of Indian people against this plunder.

Its policies are made, not in the interests of Indian people, but in the

interests of imperialist powers and global capitalists. And it tries to

redeine ‘nationalism’ in terms of communal hatred rather than in terms

of the rights of India’s people.

Any citizens who point out the RSS’s and BJP’s betrayal of India’s

interests, its shameful collaboration with the British Raj in the past

and the imperialists today, and its propagation of communal hatred

and violence, are branded as ‘anti-national’ by the BJP.

When Babasaheb Ambedkar was drafting the Constitution, the

RSS had nothing but contempt for the Constitution and the tricolor

lag. But the RSS and the BJP are the ones today who are branding the

followers of Bhagat Singh and Ambedkar - who defend the rights of

workers, peasants, Dalits, adivasis, and women; who seek to transform

society, end oppression and bring in social and economic equality and

democracy; as anti-national.Hyderabad Central University (HCU) and Jawaharlal Nehru

University (JNU) are at the frontlines of a battle for the soul of India.

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The students and teachers of these campuses are facing arrest, physical

assault, and severe repression precisely because they have refused to

surrender the dreams of Bhagat Singh and Ambedkar.It is urgent today for the citizens of the country to rise up to defend

the campuses, defend the country, defend the Constitution, and to

strengthen the struggle for an India of Bhagat Singh’s and Ambedkar’s


The RSS worked to help the British Raj in Bhagat Singh’s time.

Today the RSS and BJP are working to hand over India’s precious land,

resources, education and labour over to multinational and Indiancorporate looters. And they are attacking the very basis of India’s

Constitution, and the idea of equality and rights for Dalits, women and

minorities for which both Ambedkar and Bhagat Singh struggled.

What is the idea of ‘nation’ that the RSS (and its organizations like BJP

and ABVP) advocates? What right do they have to hand out certiicates

of nationalism? Let us ind out, through the writings of their own leaders

and heroes.

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Real Face of Sangh Brigade's


RSS Betrayal of the Freedom Struggle

I rose in the course of the massive movement

against British colonialism. But the RSS’ ‘nationalism’ never

confronted British rule, but rather saw it as an ally against their‘real’ enemy – the Muslim people of India!

When Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru were embracing the gallows,

the RSS ‘heroes’ were mocking the martyrs and helping the British.

Here is a sample from the writings of leaders of the RSS and Hindu

Mahasabha that displays their contempt for the anti-British freedom



“Anti-Britishism was equated with patriotism andnationalism. This reactionary view has had disastrous

effects upon the entire course of the freedom movement,

its leaders and the common people”. - M. S. Golwalkar, Bunch

of Thoughts,1996, p. 138

 y “There are bad results of struggle. The boys became

militant after the 1920-21 movement…After 1942, people

often started thinking that there was no need to think ofthe law…”- Golwalkar on the impact of the Non Co-operation

Movement of 1920-21 and Quit India Movement of 1942, Shri

Guruji Samagra Darshan, (S.G.S.D.), Vol. IV, p.41

 y “In 1942 also there was a strong sentiment in the hearts of

many. At that time too the routine work of Sangh continued.

Sangh decided not to do anything directly.”- Golwalkar on

the Quit India Movement of 1942, S.G.S.D.,Vol. IV, p.40

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The RSS-BJP-ABVP cannot show a single leader of theirs who died, or

went to jail ighting the British. The therefore try to borrow icons and bask

in that borrowed glory. The greatest such icon in the RSS list is V D Savarkar who is projected as ‘Veer’ Savarkar, but what was his track record?

y He resisted the British before  he became a Hindutva leader.

But soon after his re-arrest and trial, when he was taken to the

Andamans in 1911, he began pledging loyalty to the British and

begging for release in a series of "mercy petitions".

 y In a letter dated November 24, 1913, he repeated this petition

pleading for release, promising to mend his ways, and become

“the staunchest advocate … of loyalty to the Government …

where else can the prodigal son return but to the parental

doors of the Government?” 

y To obtain his release in Jan 1924, Savarkar accepted without

any compunction the conditions set out in his release order

"that he will not engage publicly or privately in any manner of

political activities without the consent of Government".

 y The only political activity which the RSS and Savarkar did

indulge in freely, with the blessings of the British, was to foment

communal riots. And of course, the height of Savarkar’s career

was his role in masterminding the murder of Gandhiji.

Another Sangh hero – Shyama Prasad Mukherjee  – refused to

resign from the Ministry in Bengal during the Quit India Movement. Not

only that, as a Minister in the Bengal Government in 1942, he actively

offered help and advice to the British administrators to crush the Quit

India Movement. In 1942, he wrote:

“The question is how to combat this movement in Bengal?  

The administration of the province should be carried out

in such a manner that in spite of the best efforts ... this

movement will fail to take root in the province.”

“As regards India’s attitude towards England, the struggle

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between them, if any , should not take place at this juncture.

...Anybody who plans to stir up mass feelings resulting in

internal disturbances or insecurity, must be resisted by anyGovernment...” (Shyama Prasad Mookerjee, Leaves from a Diary ,

OUP, 1993, pp 175-190)

What is the RSS’ ‘Cultural Nationalism’?

To hide and mask this shameful and anti-national betrayal of India’s

anti-imperialist nationalism, the Sangh Parivar came up with the

fancy of ‘cultural nationalism’. This cultural nationalism is nothing butcommunal fascism. They may try to deny this now – but Savarkar’s own

words prove this better than anything:

 y Savarkar, addressing a students gathering in Kanpur, said:

“What is called Nationalism can be deined as in fact the National

communalism of the majority community which has been ruling

and still aspires to rule this country. Thus, in Hindusthan it is the

Hindus, professing Hindu religion and being in overwhelmingmajority, that constitute the National community and create and

formulate the Nationalism of the Nation.” (quoted in A G Noorani,

'A National Hero?', Frontline, Oct. 23 - Nov. 05, 2004)

The RSS and Hindu Mahasabha Leaders Wanted

India to Be Like Nazi Germany

B Golwalkar and Savarkar wrote admiringly about Nazi Germany

under Hitler, wanting India to be a Hindu-majoritarian fascist state

where minorities would be oppressed – not a secular country that

Bhagat Singh and Ambedkar sought to create. This is clear from the

writings of the Sangh heroes:

 y  “… the foreign races in Hindusthan must either adopt the

Hindu culture and language, must learn to respect and

hold in reverence Hindu religion, must entertain no idea

but those of the gloriication of the Hindu race and culture,

i.e., of the Hindu nation and must lose their separate

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existence to merge in the Hindu race, or may stay in the

country, wholly subordinated to the Hindu Nation, claiming

nothing, deserving no privileges, far less any preferentialtreatment not even citizen’s rights.” - M. S. Golwalkar, We or

Our Nationhood Defined, 1939, p. 47-48

 y “German race pride has now become the topic of the day.

To keep up the purity of the Race and its culture, Germany

shocked the world by her purging the country of the Semitic

Races - the Jews. …Germany has also shown how well-nigh

impossible it is for Races and cultures, having differencesgoing to the root, to be assimilated into one united whole,

a good lesson for us in Hindusthan to learn and proit by”

- M. S. Golwalkar, We or Our Nationhood Defined, 1939, p. 35

 y “There is no reason to suppose that Hitler must be a human

monster because he passes off as a Nazi...The very fact that

Germany and Italy has so wonderfully recovered and grown

so powerful as never before at the touch of Nazi or Fascistmagical wand is enough to prove that those political ‘isms’

were the most congenial tonics their health demanded.”

- Savarkar in his Presidential address to the 22nd Session

of the Hindu Mahasabha at Madurai in 1940.

Even the RSS uniform and salute are copied from Hitler’s brigades, as

well as, of course, their actions like the anti-Muslim pogrom in Gujarat,

2002. The new RSS brown pant uniform is also inspired by the brownuniforms of Hitler’s brigades.

On National Unity and National Symbols

T Sangh Parivar is forever blaming Indian Muslims for Partition,

and accusing them of lack of patriotism. They demand that mosques

display the national lag, to prove their nationalism, and that whoever

wished to live in India, must sing Vande Mataram or say Bharat Mata

ki Jai. But what is their own track record of respect for national unity

and national symbols?

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On Two-Nation Theory

Dr Ambedkar correctly identiied that Savarkar and Jinnah had the

same position on the two-nation theory. In ‘Thoughts on Pakistan’,

Ambedkar wrote, “…strange as it may seem, Mr. Savarkar and Mr. Jinnah

instead of being opposed to each other on the two nations issue, are in

complete agreement about it…Mr. Savarkar wants the Hindu nation to

be the dominant nation and the Muslim nation to be the subservient

nation under it.”

Savarkar proved himself as a irm advocate of the two-nation theory

in his presidential address to the Hindu Mahasabha in December 1939,

where he declared:

y “We Hindus are a nation by ourselves ... we Hindus are

marked out as an abiding Nation by ourselves’’ ( see Indian

 Annual Register, 1939, Vol II).

y Again later he reiterated, “I have no quarrel with Mr Jinnah’s

two-nation theory. We, Hindus, are a nation by ourselves

and it is a historical fact that Hindus and Muslims are two

nations” (Indian Annual Register, 1943, Vol II).

What About Vande Mataram? We challenge the RSS to show us a

single document of the RSS prior to 15 August, 1947, in which the words

‘Vande Mataram’ are even mentioned. The fact is that as long as this

song had any association with the Indian freedom struggle against the

British, the RSS had no use for it. Post-independence, they value this

song only for its communal associations and divisive potential, since

the song was originally part of the novel Anandamath, which had anti-

Muslim overtones.

The RSS Hated The Tricolour Flag

Today, the RSS and BJP carry the tricolour in their hand while

carrying out violence. But what did the RSS say about the national

tricolour, on the eve of India’s Independence?

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 y “The word three is in itself an evil and a lag having three

colours will certainly produce a very bad psychological

effect and is injurious to a country.”  (RSS mouthpieceOrganiser  on the eve of India's independence, August 14, 1947 )

y “It (the tricolour) can never be recognised as the National

Flag of Hindusthan ... the authoritative lag of Hindusthan

our Motherland and Holyland, ... can be no other than the

Bhagava (saffron lag)... Hindudom at any rate can loyally

salute no other Flag but this Pan-Hindu Dhwaja, this

Bhagava Flag as its national Standard.” (Savarkar, reactingto the decision to adopt the tricolour lag as the Indian lag,

quoted in A G Noorani, 'A National Hero?', Frontline, Oct. 23 -

Nov. 05, 2004)

y RSS hoisted the tricolour on Republic Day at its Nagpur

ofice for the irst time, 52 years after independence -http://



y Even today, the ‘Bharat Mata’ in RSS ofices and on its website,

does not carry the tricolour, but only the saffron lag!

RSS Views on India’s Constitution

Dr Ambedkar drafted India’s Constitution to protect the rights of

Indian citizens, especially of oppressed sections and minorities in an

unequal society. He stressed that a great effort would be needed to turn

India into a real democracy, with real equality, in which ‘Constitutional

morality’ would be the guiding principle of society.

Dr Ambedkar had mobilised people to burn the Manusmriti, as

the fountainhead of obnoxious anti-dalit and anti-women views and

practices that continue to govern society.

In contrast, the RSS wanted the Indian Constitution to be based

on Manusmriti! The RSS was also opposed to any hint of equality andrights for women.

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 y During the drafting and adoption of India’s Constitution, the RSS

wanted Manusmriti as the constitution of the “Hindu nation” of

their dreams. Saffron brigade’s hero Savarkar wrote:

“The worst about the new constitution of Bharat is that there

is nothing Bharatiya about it…Manusmriti is that scripture

which is most worship-able after Vedas for our Hindu

Nation and which from ancient times has become the basis

of our culture-customs, thought and practice. This book for

centuries has codiied the spiritual and divine march of our

nation. Even today the rules which are followed by crores ofHindus in their lives and practice are based on Manusmriti.

Today Manusmriti is Hindu Law”. (VD Savarkar, ‘Women in

Manusmriti’ in Savarkar Samagar  (collection of Savarkar’s

writings in Hindi), vol.4, Prabhat, Delhi, p. 416)

 y After the secular-democratic Constitution was adopted on Nov

26, 1949, the RSS English organ, Organizer , in an editorial on

Nov 30, 1949, complained:

“But in our constitution there is no mention of the unique

constitutional development in ancient Bharat. Manu’s

Laws were written long before Lycurgus of Sparta or Solon

of Persia. To this day his laws as enunciated in the

Manusmriti   excite the admiration of the world and

elicit spontaneous obedience and conformity.But to our

constitutional pundits that means nothing”.

Who was the Organiser   referring to when it claimed that the

Manusmriti was admired the world over? It was Ambedkar who, in his

writings, had revealed the ideological link between the Manusmriti

which had inspired the German philosopher Nietzsche, who in turn

inspired Hitler. The RSS leaders were in turn inspired by Hitler and


y Even when our democratic-secular Constitution was in force,

RSS continued denigrating India’s Constitution. How loyal the

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RSS is to the Constitution of India can be known by the following

statement of Golwalkar:

“Our Constitution too is just a cumbersome and

heterogeneous piecing together of various articles from

various Constitutions of the Western countries. It has

absolutely nothing which can be called our own. Is there

a single word of reference in its guiding principles as to

what our national mission is and what our keynote in life

is? No!” (MS Golwalkar, Bunch of Thoughts, Sahitya Sindhu,

Bangalore, 1996, p. 238)

 y Ambedkar drafted the Hindu Code Bill, attempting to

introduce reforms in Hindu personal laws which would ensure

inheritance and other rights for women. The RSS was part of

the Anti Hindu Code Bill Committee. Golwalkar declared that

granting of rights to women would “cause great psychological

upheaval” to men and “lead to mental disease and distress”.

(see Paola Bacchetta, Gender in the Hindu Nation: RSS Women

as Ideologues, p.124)

y “On the 11th of December, 1949, the RSS organised a public

meeting at the Ramlila grounds in Delhi, where speaker after

speaker condemned the bill. One called it ‘an atom bomb on

Hindu society’… The next day a group of RSS workers marched

on the assembly buildings, shouting ‘Down with Hindu code

bill’… The protesters burnt efigies of the prime minister and

Dr Ambedkar…” (Ramchandra Guha, ‘Bhagwat’s Ambedkar’,

Indian Express, December 10, 2015)

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BJP’s Mann Ki Baat

on Caste and Constitution

Time and again, BJP and RSS leaders have made statements

revealing their real attitudes towards caste and the Constitutional

rights of the oppressed castes.

Madhu Mishra, leader of the BJP’s Uttar Pradesh Mahila Morchawas suspended from the BJP for her remarks at a Brahmin

Mahasammelan (Brahmin Conference) calling for a war on the

Constitutional rights of Dalits. While BJP was forced to suspend

her, the fact remains that her words reveal the BJP’s and RSS’s

anti-Dalit, anti-Constitution ideology. She had said “Aaj tumhare

sar par baithkar, samvidhan ke sahaare jo raaj kar rahe hain,

yaad karo, who kabhi tumhare joote saaf karte the, aaj tumhare

huzoor ho gayen hain. Kyun? Hum bant gaye hain, hum vibhajit

ho gaye hain. Mere chhote bhai Satish Gautam (BJP candidate

from Aligarh, also a Brahmin) ko shayad aaj se 40 saal baad ka

Bharat dikh raha hai ki tumhare bacche kahin phir ghulam na ho

 jayen, kahin phir huzoor na kehne lagen unhen, jinhen tum apne

barabar me bithana pasand nahin karte. Utho, jaago, jab tak apne

adhikar le na lo, tab tak Sathish Gautam ki tarj par yuddh karte

raho.” (Remember, those who are ruling over you with the help

of the Constitution, once used to polish your shoes. Now, they

are your masters. This is because we have become divided. My

 younger brother Satish Gautam (BJP candidate from Aligarh, also

a Brahmin) can perhaps see and India 40 years from now, when

heaven forbid your children will become slaves once again, will have

to call those ‘huzoor’ (Sir) whom you do not like even to have sit

next to you. Wake up, arise, wage war like Sathish Gautam until you achieve your rights.).”

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RSS and BJP leaders have often made statements against caste-

based reservations. In January 2016, senior BJP leader and Lok

Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan said that Ambedkar had backed

a “rethink on caste based reservations” and that “we have done

nothing” in this direction. In Raipur in August 2015, RSS leader

MG Vaidya called to abolish caste-based quotas, claiming that

‘caste has now become obsolete’. The RSS has recently adopted

a ‘resolution on social justice’, ostensibly afrming reservations

as necessary for social justice. But they have added a rider:

‘afuent sections should not get reservation benets.’ Now, theyhave yet to clarify what they mean by ‘afuent sections’? Are

they just saying that Jats should not demand reservations? Or

are they hinting that ‘creamy layer’ among SC/STs should not

get reservation?

RSS outts in the US campaign to delete mentions of caste-based

discrimination from US textbook chapters on India. And RSS

outts in the UK campaign against a UK law on caste based

reservations. In the last UK Parliamentary elections, the

Conservative Party candidate in Harrow East, a constituency with

a large Indian community, campaigned specically on a promise to

‘work with the Dharmic community’ (sic) to overturn legislation

outlawing caste discrimination which was recently passed in Britain

after a campaign by Dalit organisations. Leaets issued by a Sangh

Parivar group urged their supporters to vote Conservative andvote for Cameron to overturn the anti-caste legislation.

BJP’s Bihar leader and Modi Government Minister Giriraj Singh, had

called the Ranveer Sena chief Brahmeshwar Mukhiya ‘Bihar’s

Gandhi.’ Brahmeshwar is notorious as the ‘Butcher of Bihar’s

Dalits’, whose Ranveer Sena massacred Dalit and oppressed caste

women and children in the 1990s.

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Responding to the Haryana Government’s failure to protect Dalit kids

from being burnt alive in Faridabad, Modi Cabinet Minister VK

Singh said, “If someone throws stones at dogs, will you hold the

Government responsible?”

Modi’s Ministers Bandaru Dattaraya, VK Singh, Smriti Irani and

Venkaiah Naidu have all called Rohith Vemula ‘anti-national,’ and

have implied that he lied about his identity as a Dalit son of a

Dalit mother. For all these Ministers, it is clear that Ambedkarite

activism is ‘anti-national’. Rohith’s father abandoned his motherand their children when he realized that she is Dalit; yet the BJP

Government insists that Rohith must be known by his anti-Dalit

father not his courageous Dalit mother.

“Hamare shastron ke hisab se gau ka jeevan bahumoolya hai ”

(“According to our scriptures, the life of a cow is of immeasurable

value”) – this is what VHP leader Acharya Giriraj Kishore, in 2002,

said as he defended the VHP’s lynching of ve dalit youths inJhajjar, who were accused of killing a cow. Today, the BJP tries

to appeal to Dalits to share in their hatred against Muslims who

are lynched for ‘killing cows.’ The truth is that the sanghi brigade

organizes the lynching and murder of both Dalits and Muslims – on

the pretext of ‘killing cows.’ It also organizes fake rape charges

against Dalit and Muslim men who have eloped with caste Hindu

women, beating and torturing the women till they make falsestatements against their lovers or husbands.

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India of

Bhagat Singh And Ambedkar’sDreams

L read the ideas of Bhagat Singh and Ambedkar, and see

for ourselves what kind of society and country they wanted, andhow it is the polar opposite of what the RSS wants.

Bhagat Singh’s Revolutionary Patriotism

For Bhagat Singh, patriotism could not end with overthrowing the

British. Rather, it meant continuing the struggle till India’s poor workers

and peasants would rule the country.

Bhagat Singh warned against “a replacement of a white rule at

Delhi by a brown rule,” saying that such a rule “once installed on

the throne runs the risk of being petriied into a tyranny.” (‘To

The Young Political Workers’, Bhagat Singh)

Bhagat Singh made it clear that his goal was not just to replace white

rule with brown rule, he and his comrades wanted nothing less than

revolution. And they boldly stated what they meant by revolution:“‘Revolution’ is not the cult of the bomb and the pistol. By

‘Revolution’ we mean that the present order of things, which is

based on manifest injustice, must change. Producers or labourers

in spite of being the most necessary element of society are robbed

by their exploiters of the fruits of their labour and deprived

of their elementary rights. The peasant, who grows corn for

all, starves with his family, the weaver who supplies the worldmarket with textile fabrics, has not enough to cover his own and

his children’s bodies, masons, smiths and carpenters, who raise

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magniicent palaces, live like pariahs in the slums. The capitalists

and exploiters, the parasites of society, squander millions on

their whims.” … - (from the text of Bhagat Singh and B K Dutt’sstatement, read in the court by Asaf Ali on June 6, 1929)

Bhagat Singh made it clear in his February 1931 Message that what

he spoke of was a socialist revolution:

“We want a socialist revolution, the indispensable preliminary

to which is the political revolution. That is what we want. The

political revolution does not mean the transfer of state (or

more crudely, the power) from the hands of the British to the

Indians, but to those Indians who are at one with us as to the

inal goal, or to be more precise, the power to be transferred to

the revolutionary party through popular support. After that, to

proceed in right earnest is to organise the reconstruction of the

whole society on the socialist basis.”

What kind of revolutionary party did Bhagat Singh mean? Bhagat

Singh wrote quite clearly that the party he saw as essential for freedom

and revolution was the communist party conceptualized by Lenin:

“We require – to use the term so dear to Lenin – the “professional

revolutionaries”. The whole-time workers who have no other

ambitions or life-work except the revolution. The name …of such

a party is the communist party. This party of political workers,

bound by strict discipline, should handle all other movements. It

shall have to organize the peasants’ and workers’ parties, labour

unions…” (To Young Political Workers)

Today, young men and women who walk on Bhagat Singh’s path

and join the communist movement, are being branded as seditious

and anti-national by the BJP and RSS!

Bhagat Singh told the Lahore High Court:

“Bombs and pistols do not make revolution. The sword ofrevolution is sharpened on the whetting-stone of ideas”, and

in his last Petition to the Punjab Governor, he asserted:

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“….Let us declare that the state of war does exist and shall

exist so long as the Indian toiling masses and the natural

resources are being exploited by a handful of parasites.They may be purely British Capitalist or mixed British and

Indian or even purely Indian. … All these things make no

difference. … The war shall continue …  till the Socialist

Republic is established and … every sort of exploitation is

put an end to and the humanity is ushered into the era of

genuine and permanent peace.”

Bhagat Singh Against Communalism and


It is shameful that some communal fascist outits name themselves

after Bhagat Singh! Bhagat Singh himself was an atheist, but more

importantly, he and his comrades were irmly against communal politics.

In April 1928, Bhagat Singh and his comrades made it clear at the

Naujawan Bharat Sabha conference that youth belonging to communalorganisations were not allowed to become members of the revolutionary

Naujawan Bharat Sabha.

Bhagat Singh revered Lala Lajpat Rai and avenged his death at the

hands of the colonial police – but when Lajpat Rai turned to communal

politics, Bhagat Singh did not spare him: he printed a pamphlet with

Rai’s photograph on it, with Browning’s poem ‘The Lost Leader’ as the


In the June 1928 issue of the magazine Kirti, Bhagat Singh wrote two

articles titled Achoot ka Sawaal (On Untouchability) and Sampradayik

Dange Aur Unka Ilaj (Communal riots and their solutions).

In the latter, he irmly identiied the role of ‘communal politicians and

newspapers’ in fomenting riots. He ridiculed the so-called nationalist

leaders who were either too timid to speak up against communalism

or themselves got carried away by the communal tide.

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Think of the likes of Zee News and Times Now today when you read

Bhagat Singh’s words:

‘The business of journalism, once considered noble, has become

most dirty… the real duty of the newspapers is to educate, to

cleanse the minds of people, to save them from narrow sectarian

divisiveness, and to eradicate communal feelings to promote

the idea of common nationalism. Instead, their main objective

seems to be spreading ignorance, preaching and propagating

sectarianism and chauvinism, communalising people’s minds

leading to the destruction of our composite culture and sharedheritage.” (Bhagat Singh, 'Sampradayik Dange Aur Unka Ilaj',

Kirti, June, 1928)

Bhagat Singh saw revolutionary Marxism as the answer to

communalism. He wrote:

“The material questions of the belly are at the bottom of

everything, this is one of Marx’s major insights…. To stop mutual

riots, class consciousness is needed. The poor, toilers and

peasants need to recognize the capitalist as their real enemy.

It’s in their interest to get rid of discrimination on the grounds

of religion, colour, race, nationality and nation, and unite to take

power in their own hands. This will free them of their shackles

and give them economic freedom...

Those who know Russia’s history know that the Tsarist ruledivided people and there were riots among communities. But

there have been no riots since the rule of the workers has come

into being. Now every person is seen as a ‘human being’ not as

a ‘religious being.’

Among all the depressing news of the riots, there was some

encouraging news from Kolkata: trade union workers did not

join the rioting, rather Hindu and Muslim workers joined handsto try and stop riots. …Class consciousness is the beautiful way

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to prevent riots. …It is good news that India’s youth today reject

the efforts to foment mutual hatred and violence in the name

of religion. Rather, instead of seeing themselves as Hindu,Muslim or Sikh they see themselves irst as human beings

and then as Indians. Such ideas will ensure a bright future

for India.

The martyrs of 1914-15 separated religion from politics. They

said religion is a personal matter and none should interfere in it.

Nor should religion be introduced in politics because it prevents

unity. The Gadar movement remained united because the Sikhs,

Hindus and Muslims all sacriiced their lives together.” (Bhagat

Singh, 'Sampradayik Dange Aur Unka Ilaj', Kirti, June, 1928)

Note that Bhagat Singh here makes it a point here to place

humanity above religious identity, even above Indianness, and

absolutely rejects any communal politics and categorically

emphasizes separation of religion from politics. He would have

abhorred the idea of inhuman lynchings and rapes being celebrated in

the name of nationalism, and of ‘India’ being deined as ‘Hindu Rashtra.’

Bhagat Singh frontally attacked untouchability. On the hue and cry

against conversions, this is what he had to say:

“…the harsh truth (is) that if you (the Hindus) treat them worse

than your cattle, they shall desert you, join to the fold of other

religions where they hope to enjoy more rights, where they are

treated as fellow beings.” (Bhagat Singh, 'Achhot Ka Sawal', Kirti,

June, 1928)

And he did not speak merely of reform or of ‘uplift’ of the

untouchables. Rather he called upon Dalits to emancipate themselves –

calling them the “real working class”:

“Those who would be free must themselves strike the irst

blow.’ It must be kept in mind that every one belonging to theprivileged class, strives to enjoy his own rights, but would try

his utmost to keep on oppressing those below him, and keeping

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the underprivileged under his heel. Thus might is held to be

right. Then waste no time and unite to stand on your own feet

and challenge the existing order of society. Let it then be seenas to who dares to deny to you your due. Do not be at the mercy

of others and have no illusions about them. Be on guard so as

not to fall in the trap of oficialdom, because far from being

your ally it seeks to make you dance on its own tunes. The

capitalist bureaucratic combine is, truly speaking responsible

for your oppression and poverty. Hence always shun it. Be on

guard about its tricks. This is then the way out. You are the realworking class. Workers unite – you have nothing to lose but your

chains. Arise and rebel against the existing order. Gradualism

and reformism shall be of no avail to you. Start a revolution from

a social agitation and gird up your loins for political economic

revolution. You and you alone are the pillars of the nations and

its core strength. Awake, O sleeping lions! Rebel, raise the banner

of revolt.” (Bhagat Singh, 'Achhot Ka Sawal', Kirti, June, 1928)

If you had kept your thumb

history would have happened

somehow differently.

but...you gave your thumb

and history also

became theirs.


since that day they

have not even given you a glance.

forgive me, Eklavya, I won't be fooled now

by their sweet words.

my thumb

will never be broken…

- Shashikant Hingonerkar 

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Ambedkar’s Democratic Vision

A Saw RSS’ Idea of ‘Hindu Nation’ as the ‘Worst Calamity’.

As we enter upon the year of the 125th birth anniversary of Dr.

Bhim Rao Ambedkar, his worst apprehensions regarding Indian

society and polity seem to be coming true as never before.

“If Hindu Raj does become a fact” -- he wrote in Pakistan orPartition of India  (1945) “it will no doubt be the greatest

calamity for this country. It is a menace to liberty, equality

and fraternity. On that account it is incompatible with

democracy. Hindu Raj must be prevented at any cost.”

Ambedkar had the foresight to spot the danger of Hindu Rashtra on

the distant skyline some 70 years ago; today that danger is at our gates, in

the shape of the Modi Raj, essentially a corporate-communal fascist rule.

RSS, BJP Cannot Appropriate Ambedkar

Modi is fond of using Ambedkar as an alibi for every assault by his

Government and his party on the Constitution drafted by Ambedkar.

With his Government in the dock for the institutional murder of Rohith

Vemula, the Ambedkarite Marxist student activist branded anti-national

by Modi’s Ministers, the Prime Minister is trying hard to redeine

Ambedkar’s legacy to suit the BJP’s agenda.

Laying the foundation stone for an Ambedkar Memorial at

Delhi, Modi said that Ambedkar called for labour reform as well as

industrialization. In fact, Ambedkar staunchly opposed every reform

that the colonial regime introduced to discipline and enslave labour,

and today Modi’s Government is introducing labour reforms’ that take

a leaf from the colonial book!

Modi said that Ambedkar resigned from the Congress Government’scabinet over the issue of women’s rights. This is a reference to the Hindu

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Code Bill that Ambedkar drafted; he felt betrayed at its truncation and

dilution by the Nehru Government. But Modi omits to mention that the

staunchest opponent of the Hindu Code Bill was the RSS, which backed theAnti Hindu Code Bill Committee. Historian Ramchandra Guha has noted

that the RSS organized a public meeting at Ramlila Maidan in Delhi on the

11th of December, 1949, “where speaker after speaker condemned the

bill. One called it ‘an atom bomb on Hindu society.’” (Ramchandra Guha,

'Bhagwat’s Ambedkar', Indian Express, 10 December 2015)

Moreover, Ambedkar had burnt theManusmriti as a symbol of casteism

and patriarchy, while the BJP, RSS and ABVP defend the Manusmriti.Even Modi himself, in an article he wrote on Golwalkar in 2006, had

the audacity to refer to Ambedkar as a modern Manu in a deliberate

attempt to reconcile

Ambedkar with Manuvad  

- the same Manuvad  that

Ambedkar was committed

to annihilating.

T h e f a c t i s t h a t

Ambedkar was not just a

law-giver or Constitution-

writer but a political

visionary and activist-

leader. His political and

social vision as well as the

Constitution he drafted

are under the worst

possible attack today from



Modi, even while laying

the foundation stone for

Ambedkar’s memorial,d i s p l a y e d h i s o w n

characteristic arrogance

Rohith Vemula on Modi

and Ambedkar

On November 12th 2015, Modi was

greeted with protests in London and

parried questions from the press

on his Government’s intolerance by

quoting Ambedkar. A post by Rohith on

the same date reads: “Wherever Modi

was welcomed with strong protests, he

brings out Ambedkar’s name. Modi’s

mentioning of Babasaheb’s name andsocial justice term in UK Assembly is

frustratingly ironical when his party

members kill Dalits and Muslims on a

daily basis.” Indeed BJP leaders like

VK Singh call Dalits ‘dogs’, and BJP

leaders have been exposed by a sting

operation as having funded the anti-

Dalit terrorist outt Ranveer Senawhich massacred Dalits in Bihar.

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and self-centeredness. The foundation stone had Modi’s name twice in

large fonts, dwaring Ambedkar’s own name! Modi claimed that it was

his historic mission to fulil Baba Saheb’s dreams. The fact, however, wasthat Baba Saheb’s dreams were not for memorials for himself: his dream

was to annihilate caste and transform India into a truly democratic and

egalitarian society.

Ambedkar’s dream was to usher in an “ideal society” founded on

“Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”, with the three canons seamlessly integrated

into a “way of life” and a form of government known as democracy. The

onus of achieving this, he insisted, rests primarily on the dalit masses, whomust lead the campaign of “annihilation of caste” armed with the motto

“Educate, Agitate, Organise”. And on that basis alone will India become

a modern nation with a robust constitutional morality.

What Did ‘Freedom’ Mean for Ambedkar?

In What Congress and Gandhi have done to the Untouchables?  (1945)

Ambedkar warned,

“… this Congress ight for liberty, if it succeeds, will mean

liberty to the strong and the powerful to suppress the weak

and the downtrodden …” and added that “democracy and self-

government in India cannot be real unless freedom has become

the assured possession of all …”

For Ambedkar, the ‘nation’ was no ready-made thing to

celebrate. Rather, it must be painstakingly built by recognizing anddestroying the foundations of inequality and oppression. Contrast

this attitude with that of the RSS and BJP, which brands any critique

of existing Indian society, especially any critique of caste, gender and

communal discrimination, as ‘anti-national’ and ‘divisive’!

“We must begin by acknowledging the fact that there is complete

absence of two things in Indian Society. One of these is equality.

On the social plane, we have in India a society based on theprinciple of graded inequality … in which there are some who

have immense wealth as against many who live in abject poverty.

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On the 26th of January 1950, we are going to enter into a

life of contradictions. In politics we will have equality and in

social and economic life we will have inequality. In politicswe will be recognizing the principle of one man one vote and

one vote one value. In our social and economic life, we shall,

by reason of our social and economic structure, continue to

deny the principle of one man one value. How long shall we

continue to live this life of contradictions?”

(BR Ambedkar, Speech in the Constituent Assembly on adoption of the

Constitution, November 25, 1949; henceforth Speech, emphasis added)When Ambedkar resigned from the Cabinet, upset with the Nehru

Government’s dilution of the Hindu Code Bill, he said:

“To leave inequality between class and class, between sex

and sex, which is the soul of Hindu Society, untouched and

to go on passing legislation relating to economic problems

is to make a farce of our Constitution and to build a palace

on a dung heap.” 

Castes Are Anti-National

Would the RSS brand Ambedkar as ‘anti-national’ for his bold words:

“I am of opinion that in believing that we are a nation, we are

cherishing a great delusion. How can people divided into several

thousands of castes be a nation? The sooner we realize that we

are not as yet a nation in the social and psychological sense of the

world, the better for us. For then only we shall realize the necessity of

becoming a nation and seriously think of ways and means of realising

the goal. The realization of this goal is going to be very dificult ….

The castes are anti-national. In the irst place because they

bring about separation in social life. They are anti-national

also because they generate jealousy and antipathy between

caste and caste. But we must overcome all these dificulties

if we wish to become a nation in reality.” (Speech)

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Ambedkar Warned Against Manipulative Misuse

of the Slogan of ‘Nationalism’

In What Congress And Gandhi Have Done To The Untouchables,

Ambedkar wrote:

“the governing class in India has placed itself in the vanguard of

the Congress movement and it strives to bring everybody within

the Congress fold. …[it] is aware that a political campaign based

on class ideology, class interests, class issues and class conlicts

will toll its death knell. It knows that the most effective way of

side tracking the servile classes and fooling them is to play upon

the sentiment of nationalism and national unity and realizes

that the Congress platform is the only platform that can most

effectively safeguard the interest of the governing class.”

Replace Congress with BJP/Sangh Parivar. Don’t you get a fair

approximation of today’s scenario, with the additional aspect that

that the BJP/Sangh Parivar, in the name of nationalism, deines that

nationalism in terms of an aggressive Hindu majority united against

minorities and dissenting voices?

Annihilation of Castes As A Must For Real


While Ambedkar advocated many much-needed reforms including

the Hindu Code Bill and caste-based representation and reservations,

the question of the annihilation of caste was most crucial to Ambedkar’s

conception of democracy. The key text where Ambedkar dealt with

question has been dealt in greatest detail and most radical terms

is  Annihilation of Caste(1936)  (Henceforth  Annihilation)- a speech

scheduled to be delivered at a talk organized by Jat-Pat Todak Mandal

(Forum for the Break-up of Caste System) of Lahore, an offshoot of

the Arya Samaj -- but later cancelled by the organizers. Here we ind

 Ambedkar mercilessly tearing apart the varna-caste kernel ofBrahmanism, in the process demolishing familiar apologetic

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arguments like (a) casteism is bad but varnavyavastha  is good,

(b) caste is necessary but untouchability is bad and so on.

In Annihilation, Ambedkar noted,

“Hindu society as such does not exist. It is only a collection of

castes. Each caste is conscious of its existence. Its survival is the be

all and end all of its existence. Castes do not even form a federation.

 A caste has no feeling that it is afiliated to other castes except

when there is a Hindu-Muslim riot. On all other occasions each

caste endeavours to segregate itself and to distinguish itself from

other castes. Each caste not only dines among itself and marriesamong itself but each caste prescribes its own distinctive dress.”

In Annihilation Ambedkar appreciates attempts to promote inter-

caste marriages, since “Fusion of blood can alone create the feeling of

being kith and kin and unless this feeling of kinship, of being kindred,

becomes paramount, the separatist feeling, the feeling of being aliens

created by Caste will not vanish.” However, he also added,

“criticising and ridiculing people for not inter-dining or inter-

marrying or occasionally holding inter-caste dinners and

celebrating inter-caste marriages, is a futile method of achieving

the desired end. The real remedy is to destroy the belief in the

sanctity of the Shastras…

Reformers working for the removal of untouchability, including

Mahatma Gandhi, do not seem to realize that the acts of the peopleare merely the results of their beliefs inculcated upon their minds

by the Shastras and that people will not change their conduct

until they cease to believe in the sanctity of the Shastras on which

their conduct is founded. No wonder that such efforts have not

produced any results. To agitate for and to organise inter-caste

dinners and inter-caste marriages is like forced feeding brought

about by artiicial means. Make every man and woman free from

the thralldom of the Shastras, cleanse their minds of the pernicious

notions founded on the Shastras, and he or she will inter-dine and

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inter-marry, without your telling him or her to do so.”

Hence, he went on to organize the public burning of the Manusmriti,

and, rejecting the Hindu faith, embraced the Buddhist faith.

“Educate, Agitate, Organise”

These words, in the order given here (which is often misplaced),

appeared as the mast for Bahishkrit Bharat  -- India Excluded or Ostracized

India -- the irst magazine Ambedkar published. In fact this was the motto of

the utopian socialist Fabian society, about which he came to learn from his

Oxford teacher John Dewey. “My inal words of advice to you,” he said at theend of his speech at the All-India Depressed Classes Conference (Nagpur,

July 1942), “are - educate, agitate and organize; have faith in yourself.”

Ambedkar never saw himself as the messiah of dalits and always insisted

on independent rational thinking instead of blind faith on any supreme

leader, including himself. “You must abolish your slavery yourself”, he said.

“Do not depend for its abolition upon God or a Superman.” This approach,

which stood in stark contrast against the guru worship prevalent in ourcountry, found expression in his favourite maxim from Buddhism -- atmo

deep bhavo (Be a torch unto thyself or be your own guide).

Dalits must educate themselves, ight independently for their rights

and dues, and get organised to achieve their goal - this principle, very

close as it is to the Marxist principle that the proletariat must secure

its emancipation by itself - had its polar opposite in Gandhi’s views and

modus operandi among the untouchables.

Ambedkar’s Radical Socio-Economic Vision:

‘Liberty’ For Workers and Peasants Not For

Capitalists and Landlords

When Ambedkar was unsure of his election to the Constituent

Assembly, he prepared a memorandum in March 1947, published in

May 1947 as States and Minorities: What are Their Rights and How

to Secure them in the Constitution of Free India. This document,presented as a ‘Constitution of the United States of India,’ was far

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ahead, in its radical democratic social vision, of what became the Indian

Constitution. This document recommended:

“Key industries shall be owned and run by the State... the State

shall compel every adult citizen to take out a life insurance

policy commensurate with his wages as may be prescribed by

the Legislature... agriculture shall be a State industry.” The same

document also advocated the state acquiring all agricultural

land, dividing it into farms of standard size, and letting out the

farms for cultivation to residents of the village as tenants, to be

cultivated collectively.”

The document prophetically observed that private enterprise, if

linked to industrialization, “would produce those inequalities of wealth

which private capitalism has produced in Europe and which should

be a warning to Indians.” Ambedkar observed how capitalism was

fundamentally opposed to democracy:

“Anyone who studies the working of the system of social economy

based on private enterprise and pursuit of personal gain will

realise how it undermines, if it does not actually violate, the last

two premises (i.e that the individual shall not be required to

relinquish any of his constitutional rights as a precondition to the

receipt of a privilege, and that the State shall not delegate powers

to private persons to govern others) on which Democracy rests.”

(Dr. B.R.Ambedkar, States And Minorities, Appendix I)

He brilliantly refutes the argument that State control would

curb ‘liberty’:

“To whom and for whom is this liberty? Obviously this liberty

is liberty to the landlords to increase rents, for capitalists to

increase hours of work and reduce rate of wages. …In other

words what is called liberty from the control of the State is

another name for the dictatorship of the private employer.”

(Dr. B.R.Ambedkar, States And Minorities, Appendix I)

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Ambedkar on Constitutional Morality and


People of India will never forget Ambedkar’s historic role as the

chief architect of the Indian Constitution, in arming them with valuable

weapons like universal franchise and reservation, which have given the

downtrodden a platform to take on the deeply entrenched structures

of inequality, injustice and domination of the rich and the powerful.

In addition to his well-known contributions, Ambedkar has left

behind many other potent ideas and insights, if only in brief outlines. We

must develop these in accordance with our situations and use them as

political weapons in the current struggle against obscurantism, status-

quoism, intolerance, patriarchy, regional/ethnic chauvinism and all that,

and also in our long-term struggle for a people’s democracy based on

genuine liberty, equality, and fraternity.

He made a very important distinction between societal morality

and constitutional morality. The former refers to the old, spontaneous,

commonsensical morality of the dominant community -- as expressed,for example, in regressive attitudes towards women’s social and sexual

freedom, LGBT rights, interfaith and intercaste marriages, beef-eating,

and so on. Constitutional morality on the other hand is modern,

consciously developed, progressive and based on principles enshrined

in the Constitution such as egalitarianism, social justice, secularism

and so on. As Ambedkar pointed out, “Constitutional morality is not

a natural sentiment. It has to be cultivated.”

In these days of frequent and concerted attacks on rationalism, another

ingredient of Ambedkar’s world outlook assumes special importance:

his commitment to rationality and the scientiic spirit. One of the reasons

behind his attraction towards Buddhism lay in its spirit of investigation,

argumentation, dialectical approach and enlightenment. While summarising

the essential teachings of the Buddha, Ambedkar wrote, inter alia,

“Everyone has a right to learn. Learning is as necessary for

man to live as food is … Nothing is infallible. Nothing is binding

forever. Everything is subject to inquiry and examination.”

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Ambedkar on Labour Laws and State Repression

(Here is an excerpt from Ambedkar’s speech in the Bombay Assembly

against the Industrial Disputes Bill which sought to curtail workers’ right

to strike and form independent unions. Ambedkar and the communist

unions had joined hands to organize textile mill workers in struggles

against the Bill. His powerful defence of the basic democratic rights of

workers reads as a damning indictment of the arguments advanced by

today’s Governments about labour laws.)

“Now, Sir, taking stock of all that I have stated so far relating

to the legal position involved as a result of breach of contract

of service, which, I say, is merely a popular description of that

forbidding word “strike”, what is the position?

..My answer is this, that the Indian Legislature does not make

a breach of contract of service a crime because it thinks that to

make it a crime is to compel a man to serve against his will; [and

making him a slave (Hear, hear.)] To penalise a strike, therefore,I contend, is nothing short of making the worker a slave.

…If members are prepared to accept my meaning of the word

“strike” as being nothing more than a breach of contract, then

I submit that a strike is simply another name for the right to


Ambedkar, quoting from a minute written by Mr. Jamnadas Mehta,Mr. M. S. Sesha Aiyangar, Mr. S C Mitra and Mr. V. V. Jogiah , said:

“We cannot understand why a strike in a postal, telegraph or

telephone service or for the matter of that in any Railway service

should be made a crime. No doubt such a strike is inconvenient

and interferes with our ordinary comforts, but it is monstrous to

claim that if any body of men refuses to minister to our comforts

if any to claim that body as criminals especially when thestrikers feel that these comforts and conveniences can only be

satisied by their own degradation and misery. Can it be seriously

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contended that the Frontier Mail and similar luxurious services

are so vital to society that strikes thereon should be made illegal?

…… a democracy which enslaves the working class, a class

which is devoid of education, which is devoid of the means

of life, which is devoid of any power of organisation, which is

devoid of intelligence, I submit, is no democracy but a mockery

of democracy.

… Now, Sir, under this Bill there are two categories of unions

which will have the right to represent labour. The irst is a union

which … not less than 20 per cent of the workers as its members,

and recognised by the employer. Secondly, a union whose

membership is more than 50 per cent. can represent labour in

the conciliation proceedings. …Calling a spade a spade, what I

submit is this: there are, no doubt, two kinds of representative

unions under this Bill, but the important point to note is that

one is a slave union and the other a free union. Sir, there is noexaggeration and there is no violence done to language if I say

that a union which can have locus stand, a legal existence, a

right to represent and a right to speak, only if it secures the

prior approval of the employer is a slave union and not a union

of freemen. …

…Of course, if my honourable friend thinks that there is nothing

wrong in having unionism based upon the principle of approval

of the master, I have no quarrel. It is his philosophy of life; it is

not mine. If he thinks that a man who is enslaved is a free man,

it is his view; if he thinks that in order that we may have peace

in industry the worker ought to be chained to his master, as he

will be, it is for him; I have no quarrel. But, for myself, I am not

prepared to accept that position. We do not want mere peace, and

I repudiate the peace, the kind of peace that we are asked to have.

…Of course, it may be pointed out that this Bill introduces

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equality of treatment between the labourers and the employers,

because, just as this Bill penalises the strike of workmen, it

also penalises the lockout by employers….Equality is not

necessarily equity. In order that it may produce equity

in society, in order that it may produce justice in society,

different people have to be treated unequally. This equity

cannot be produced, if we propose to treat the strong and the

weak, the rich and the poor, the ignorant and the intelligent on

the same footing.

…The Bill as it is, I am sure about it, should not be passed. It only

handicaps labour. Labour may not now know what this Bill does.

But when the Bill comes into operation and the labourer stands

face to face with the Bill he will say that this Bill is bad, bloody

and a brutal Bill. Sir I cannot be a party to it. ”

(Bombay Legislative Assembly Debates, Vol. 4, pp. 1330-59,

dated 15th September 1938)

Ambedkar on Police Firing

(Ambedkar made the following remarks in response to an enquiry

report that justiied police iring by blaming the Council of Action - of

which Ambedkar was a member - of provoking workers. Ambedkar’s

words here are a powerful indictment of the manner in which

Governments today justify the custodial killing of Ishrat Jehan byclaiming she was a terrorist; or brand it anti-national to oppose AFSPA

and demand that Army men accused of rape or murder face trial; or

justify Jallianwala Bagh-style massacres by police or paramilitary by

blaming agitating workers/adivasis/villagers. If Bhagat Singh warned

of white rule being replaced by an equally tyrannical brown rule,

Ambedkar has warned of the way in which Indian rulers will simply

enjoy the freedom to shoot Indians as the colonial powers did. Today,the Indian rulers are enjoying the freedom to use colonial-era draconian

laws including sedition and AFSPA.)

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“…I am also asking therefore another question to the Honourable

the Home Minister. Is he prepared to prosecute the police oficers

who indulged in this iring in an ordinary court of law and getthe inding given by this Committee sustained by a Judge and

a Jury? Sir, I like to point out to this House that so far as

the law is concerned, there is no difference between an

ordinary citizen and a police oficer or a military oficer,

and I would like to read for the beneit of the House a short

paragraph from a very classical document which I am sure my

honourable friend the Home Minister knows, namely, the Reportof the Featherstone Riots Committee. In one passage it says:—

“Oficers and soldiers are under no special privileges and

subject to no special responsibility as regards the principle

of the law. A soldier for the purpose of establishing civil

order is only a citizen armed in a particular manner. He

cannot, because he is a soldier, excuse himself if, without

necessity, he takes human life....”

... Let us have a verdict of a judge and jury, and I put it this way

that if he does not do this, if he does not prosecute the members

of the Council of Action, if he does not prosecute the police

oficers, then this report has no greater value than a iction or a

novel written by the Three Tailors of Tooley Street.

... I refer to the evidence of the late Sir, Edward Thompson, whowas for some time Governor of the Punjab and for some time a

member of the Viceroy’s Executive Council. On his retirement he

started an organisation in England in order to support the cause

of Indian home rule. As everybody in this House knows, at the

time when the Round Table Conference met, the civilians who

had gone back—from here were divided into two groups—one

group opposed to Indian home rule, and the other supportingIndian home rule. Sir Edward Thompson was one of those who

led the group in support of the Indian claim. As a member of

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that group, he came before the Joint Parliamentary Committee

to give evidence and to support his point of view, namely, as to

why India should be given home rule. We were all very pleased

that at any rate a section of the Indian civilians should come

forward honestly and wholeheartedly to support the Indian

cause. But I frankly say that I was horriied by the argument that

he advanced. What was the argument that he advanced …The one

thing that convinced him, he said, in favour of Irish home rule

was this: So long as the rebellion was going on, no Englishman

could shoot an Irishman, however violent his action was, becauseif an Englishman shot an Irishman, the whole Irish country went

up in arms. He said that as soon as home rule was granted, it

was possible for Cosgrave to shoot Irishmen, and nobody rose

in rebellion against it. He said that one advantage that the

Englishman would have from home rule to India would be that

the Indian Ministers would be able to shoot Indians without any

qualms. This is exactly what is happening. This is not the only

occasion when disturbances have taken place.

  ... The only question is this: Whether, in maintaining

peace and order, we shall not have regard for freedom

and for liberty. And if home rule means nothing else as I

am thinking, it can mean nothing else than that our own

Minister can shoot our own people, and the rest of us merely

laugh at the whole show or rise to support him because hehappens to belong to a particular party, then I say home

rule has been a curse and not a beneit to all India.” (Bombay

Legislative Assembly Debates, Vol. 5, pp. 1724-27, dated 17th

March 1939)

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F Ambedkar and of Marx must come together

in the immediate ight against the fascist offensive being

waged by the Sangh-BJP establishment and the Modi

government and also in the larger battle against the forces

and structures of social oppression, economic exploitation and

political subjugation.

Born in the tumultuous second half of the 1920s, the historical

twins unfortunately remained largely cut off from each other

except on occasions like the Bombay textile workers’ struggle

in the late 1930s. Mistakes committed by the undivided CPI,

especially its refusal to support Dr. Ambedkar in the elections in1952, have played a major part in this unfortunate state of affairs.

Since its inception, the CPI(ML) with its decisive emphasis

on agrarian revolution as the axis of democratic revolution,

on the leading role of the landless poor in this transformation

and consistent democratization of all relations and structures,

has evolved a mode of class struggle that treats the question

of ending social oppression in close unity with the question of

challenging and changing the material basis that fosters social

discrimination and injustice, and lays the greatest of emphases

on the independent political assertion of the oppressed and

exploited masses, thereby making some headway in overcoming

this misfortune and opening up new possibilities of expanding

the frontiers of united mobilisation and assertion of the people

in the revolutionary movement. Battleields HCU and JNU (whichof course extend to the whole of the country) have now brought

revolutionary communists and radical Ambedkarites closer

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together and highlighted the urgent need to further expand and

deepen the camaraderie. This will take us forward to our shared

dream of a truly democratic and egalitarian India, this will be thebest tribute to this great visionary at this challenging juncture.

Today, we can see youth all over the country ‘sharpening

the sword of revolution on the whetstone’ of Bhagat Singh’s,

Ambedkar’s, Periyar’s, Phule’s and Savitribai’s ideas. On their

lips are the slogans of Inquilab Zindabad and Jai Bhim. Like

Rohith Vemula of HCU and Chandrashekhar Prasad of JNU, they

are willing to sacriice their lives to transform society. Instead of

humiliating and killing people who refuse to worship the Sanghi

Bharat Mata, they say ‘We debate, we dissent, we argue.’ For

them the people are the heart and soul of patriotism – they say

‘Jai Hind, Jai Hind Niwasi/Jai Bharat, Jai Bharat Wasi’ (Victory

to India and the People of India).

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