Uts Big Pgri

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  • 7/30/2019 Uts Big Pgri





    JL. P.B. SUDIRMAN 49 TELP. (0341) 461607 FAX 532383 KARANGPLOSO 65152Email : [email protected] Website : http://www.smpn1karangploso.blogspot..com

    The following text is for question 1 - 2

    1. The announcement above is for students of .a. Grades VII and IX c. Grades VIIb. Grades VIII and IX d. Grades VII and VIII

    2. The story telling competition in on a. 18 April c. 18 Mayb. 10 April d. 20 MayThe following text is for number 14 18


    (1 serving)

    Ingredients :

    of avocado3 tbs. of condensed milk

    1 can of coconut water and coconut shavings

    Some ice cubes

    How to make it :

    1. Cut the avocado into small pieces2. Put ice cubes into the glass3. Fill of the glass with some coconut water and coconut shavings4. Add the sliced avocado5. Add the condensed milk on the top of avocado6.

    MIXED ICE is ready to be served3. The text tells you

    a. About avocadob. How to mix icec. Now to make Mixed Iced. How to eat Mixed Ice


    For : Students of grades VII and VIII

    The school holds an English Speech

    Contest on 20th May at the school hall.

    For more information and registration,

    Please contact Anjar at the

    Students Association office.

    mailto:[email protected]://www.smpn1karangploso.blogspot..c/http://www.smpn1karangploso.blogspot..c/mailto:[email protected]
  • 7/30/2019 Uts Big Pgri


    4. How much coconut water and coconut shavings do you need?a. 1 glass c. canb. Glass d. glass

    5. How many sharvings can you get from the recipea. One c. Threeb. Two d. FourThe following text is for number 6 8

    Last Saturday, I travelled by train to Surabaya. I sat in a seat beside the aisleand began

    to read my newspaper. After an hour, I got up from my seat, walked down the aisle and

    went to the toilet. I locked the door of the toilet. Minutes later, I tried to unlock the door. It

    wouldnt be unlocked. At first I was amazed, and then I was annoyed. How was I going to

    get out of the toilet?

    I tired pushing the lock. I tried pulling it. I hit it with my shoe. Nothing I did succeed in

    opening the door. The door remained locked. Finally I started to shout for help. Help, Im

    locked in the toilet. Please get me out. In the beginning, nonody answered. After fifteen

    minutes, somebody said, Hello. Wjo are you?

    Fifteen mintes later, an official arrived. There were large crowds of people outside the

    toilet. I could hear the official telling them to stand back. Hello, I am a train official. Have

    you got a train ticket?

    Yes, I have.

    Let me see the ticket please. Push it under the door. I pushed the ticket under the door.

    Your ticket is oka. What are you doing in the toilet?

    Nothing. I am doing nothing.

    Why dont you cpme out?

    I cant open the door.Whats wrong with you? Why cant you open the door?

    There is nothing wrong with me. There is something wrong with the lock of the door.

    Youll have to wait there until we get to Surabaya.

    I will look for an engineer in Surabaya station.

    I dont want to wait here until we get to Surabaya. I want to break the door.

    Are you mad? I am an official. I cant break down the door.

    He went away. He took my return ticket with him. I had to stay in the toilet until the

    train arrived in Surabaya. The train was in Surabaya station for an hour and I was still in the

    toilet on the train. The official could not find the engineer, perhaps. I was feeling very

    hungry. I wanted to go home. I pulled at the lock and the door suddenly opened. I was free.I ran down the aisle to my seat. My luggage was gone. Somebody has stolen my bag.

    6. Who was the writer of the text?a. A steward c. An officialb. A passanger d. A thief

    7. The writer could get out of the toilet because a. The official tried to open the doorb. Somebody unlocked the doorc. The engineer came to help himd. The door was suddenly opened

    8. The writer was locked in the toilet for before somebody knew it.a. An hour c. A few minutesb. A quarter d. Half an hour

  • 7/30/2019 Uts Big Pgri


    The following text is for questions number 9 and 10

    9. Whar dose Rendi do? He is a of Reader Publisher.a. Staff c. Publisherb. Journalist d. Manager

    10. .. this will support you to write more articles.The underline word closest in meaning with

    a. Make c. Suggestb. Disturb d. Motivate

    The following text is the questions for 11 to 12

    11.What does the Thompson family do ?a. Introduce Santa to their friendsb. Open the door for their friendsc. Inform their new house to their friendsd. Invite their friends to a cocktail party

    12.From the text we know that a. Cecily and Brandon have different addressesb. Santa is going to move to a new house this yearc. Santa always opens the door for Thompson familyd. The Thompson family will move to a new house

    Dear Rudi,

    On behalf of all the staffs we sincerely congratulate

    you on your success as the Jakarta Citys best

    Journalist 2012.

    We hope this will support you to write more


    Manager of Reader Publisher


    The Thompson


    New Address

    1534 Grimon Place

    Highpoint, NC


    Santa will be coming down

    A New Chimney This Year !

    The address is different

    The house is new

    But the door is always open

    For friends like you

    Join us on Saturday, December 5At 7.00 p.m. for cocktails

    Cecily and Brandon Thompson

    Regrets : 919.345.2654

  • 7/30/2019 Uts Big Pgri


  • 7/30/2019 Uts Big Pgri


    The following text is for questions number 18 and 19

    18.they are seeking in Boyolali. (paragraph 3)What does the underlined word refer to ?

    a. People from out of town c. Cow statueb. Places in Boyolali d. Real cows

    19.What is the main idea of the last paragraph ?a. The statues help people to find places easilyb. The statues decorate the town beautifullyc. The cows can get their way easily around the townd. The people from out of town easily find the statuesThe following text is for queations number 20 and 21

    20.That was the last time he saw Paddy.The word he refers to .

    a. Father c. Rabbitb. Tom d. Paddy

    21.How did Paddy get lost ?a. He was hungry and searched for a foodb. He followed motorbike riders awayc. He saw a rabbit and ran after itd. He felt bored and took a walkThe following text is for questions number 22 to 23

    Boyolali regency is located in north of Solo and east of Merapi and Merbabu Mountains.

    This regency has been known for its production of fresh milk for a long time. No wonder the cow

    statues adorn Boyolali town.

    There are six main cow statues in Boyolali. There are displayed in different places. The

    statues are made of concrete. The color and shape are made in such a way to resemble the real

    cows. However, the size is made bigger to catch the eye.

    Besides decorating the town, the statues also turn out to be helpful for people from out of

    town to find places they are seeking in Boyolali. By mentioning the position of the statue, people

    can get their way easily.

    Last summer, when mum and dad werent feeling well, Tom was talking his dog, Paddy,

    for a walk. Suddenly there was a rabbit running across the path they were taking. Paddy barked

    very load and the scared rabbit ran into the bushes. Although Tom was trying hard to grip the

    collar, Paddy was running after the rabbit. That was the last time he saw Paddy.

    He tried to look for him for days. Finally, five weeks later, when Tom was out for a

    coffee at Motorway Caf, his parents called. They were having lunch when they heard a dog

    barked outside the house. They hurriedly went out and there was Paddy wiggling his tail.

    Once a farmer owned a donkey and a lapdog. The donkey worked hard all day, hauling

    heavy loads. The lapdog stayed with his master all day, and lived in the house with him. He did not

    work, but was allowed to sit on the masters lap. The donkey grew jealous of the lapdog.

    Perhaps if I behave like the dog, like wag my tail and jump on the master, the master willstart loving me as he does the dog. So the donkey decided to wait for his chance.

    One day, when he was left unattended, the donkey broke his halter and ran into the

    farmhouse kirchen. There the farmer sat at table. The donkey rushed up to him and began wagging

    his tail vigorously, and knocked off all the china from the table. He then started jumping around and

    frolicking like a little dog, and finally plonked himself down on the farmers lap. The shocked farmer

    yelled for help. The farmhands came running in and dragged the donkey off to his stable, and gave

    him a beating beating he did not forget for the rest of his life.

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    22.What is the main idea of paragraph ?a. The donkey wanted to be loved by its materb. The way the farmer treated the donkeyc. The things done by the donkey to be lovedd. The dogs habbit is liked by the master

    23.What is the best title for the text ?a. The farmer and his dogb. The donkey and the lapdogc. The farmer and the donkeyd. The dog and its masterFor questions 24 to 26 choose the correct words to complete the text

    24.What is the main idea of paragraph three?a. Many prizes given in the eventb. All student of the school joined the gamec. The student had fun during the gamed. Fun with English is a nice programme.

    25.Why were there slots for the activities ?a. There were so many activities to joinb. There were some prizes to winc. Student from grade 1 and 6 joined the gamesd. All students of Yos Sudarso Primary School joined the games

    For questions 28 and 30 choose the suitable word to complete the text below.

    26.a. Stays c. Livesb. leaves d. plays

    27.a. Mood c. Throughtb. Character d. Skill

    28.a. Fast c. Lowb. High d. Aside

    For number 31 and 32 rearrange the jumbled words into a good sentence.

    29.Door after the lock out you go1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    a. 4-3-1-2-6-7-5

    b. 6-7-5-4-2-3-1

    c. 7-5-6-4-3-1-2

    d. 4-3-1-6-7-5-2

    The sugar glider is a marsupial, just like so many other Australian animals, for instance, the

    Kangaroo and the Koala. It is very similar to tupai in Indonesia. The sugar glider is a possum. It

    basically .(28) in trees. It eats leaves and fruits. However, the Australian sugar glider has a very

    special (29). It can jump from tree totree (30) like the tupai. But it can also sort of fly. In fact,

    it glides.

    My wife and I were in Caribean cruise ..

    (24) vacation

  • 7/30/2019 Uts Big Pgri


    30.Although the journey good well was run the weather not1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    a. 7-5-3-1-2-4-6-8

    b. 2-5-8-3-1-7-6-4

    c. 2-6-4-1-7-5-8-3d. 7-6-3-4-5-1-2-8

    31..a. It c. Herb. He d. Them

    32..a. Grew c. Grownb. Grows d. Growing

    33..a. Kind of pawsb. Kind of teethc. Kind of toothd. Kind of paw

    The following text is for questions 36 and 37

    34.Why are there new instructions about parking at the airport ?a. The road is under reparationb. The new parking lot is availablec. There was an accident on the runwayd. There is a construction in progress at the terminal

    35.Where can the travelers park their cars over night or longer ?a. At the entrance of the airportb. At the south of the terminalc. In the new satellite lotd. In a new parking lot

    A lion is very strong and here are some facts about . (33) The lions fur .(34) to the

    widest part of their body and they have three different (35) They are canine, carnassials, and

    regular teeth just like hummans.


    Passangers planning to drive and park at the airport should be aware of several changes

    due to construction at the terminal. Short term parking is available in the new parking lot at the

    south end of the terminal.

    This lot provides hourly parking for those who are meeting or dropping passangers.

    Travelers who plan to park overnight or longer can park in the new satellite lot and broad a shuttle

    bus to the terminal. New signs in the entrance of the airport will direct travelers to the appropriate

    parking area.

    Caf & Resto

    New Romantic Garden Restaurant. The restaurant is located just outside the crowded centre,

    surrounded by Sawahs, right behind Hyatt Hotel. We offer traditional Indonesian food for

    reasonable prices in a romantic garden environment. Look for our complete menu at

    www.rumahmertua.com. For reservation please call phone/fax : 0274-866680.

    Mie Thai Casual Thai Restaurant provides authentic Thailand cuisine. Open daily for lunch and dine.

    Delivery service 0274-561486 or just visit us at Jl. Gejayan CT X/22 Jogja.

    Steamboat Restaurant. The only Seafood Steamboat resto in Jogja. We also serve Chinese food.

    Baturetno, Banguntapan, Bantul. Ph. 0274-7484947 or 0806682407.

  • 7/30/2019 Uts Big Pgri


    36.According to the text, where can be we find inexpensive traditional food ?a. New Romantic Garden restaurantb. Mie Thai Casual Thai Restaurantc. Steamboat Restaurantd. Hyatt Hotel

    37.Which of the following statements is incorrect based on the advertisement ?a. New Romantic Garden Restaurant provides romantic atmosphereb. New Romantic Garden Restaurant is in the centre of townc. Mie Thai Casual Thai Restaurant can deliver customers orderd. We can Chinese food in Steamboat Restaurant

    38.Mie Thai Casual Thai Restaurat provides authentic Thailand cuisine.The word cuisine has the same meaning as

    a. Beverage c. Foodb. Drink d. Snack


    1. A. : Do you think a whale can sing ?B : .(Show your doubt)

    A : But regarding to the book I read, they can sing. The biologist said that they used

    Underwater phone to record their songs.

    2. A. : .(Show your doubt) that Roro Jongrang temple tells about a love story between Roro

    Jongrang and Bandung Bondowoso.

    B : I doubt it too. Lets ask to the tour guide.

    3. A. : Can you help me? Im doing crossword puzzle and I cant find the answer for theriddle. It says we can only find this animal in Australia. It has a pocket of skin on its


    B : .(Show your certainly). Its called a Kangoro.

    4. A. : Im afraid Ill get bad score for Math test this time. I didnt prepare it well. My motherwas sick and I had to take care of her.

    B : .(Show your respond). You can do better next time.

    5. A. : Im sure you are angry to me. I have made our team lost in the match.B : .(Show your respond). But dont do it again next time.

  • 7/30/2019 Uts Big Pgri


    *** GOOD LUCK***