Contents 1. The Still Small Voice 2. First Place in My Life 3. The Truth Does Not Lie 4. A Following Leader 5. Debt Free 6. Praying People 7. No More Spots! 8. Good Friends 9. Blessings Come Down 10. Never Hidden 11. Share Jesus 12. Cheer Up, Jonah! 13. I’m Sorry…Please Forgive Me 14. Good Morning! EASTER LESSON LESSON 14 IS THE EASTER LESSON AND CAN BE USED AS LESSON 7. ALL LESSONS WILL BE MOVED DOWN ONE WEEK FROM LESSON 7. LESSON 14 IS THE EASTER LESSON AND CAN BE USED AS LESSON 7. ALL LESSONS WILL BE MOVED DOWN ONE WEEK FROM LESSON 7. USING THE SPLAT TEACHER LEAFLET Thank you for choosing to use SPLAT. If you need help getting started, check out this diagram or our video tutorials on our Bogard Press Vimeo page. Pay close attention to this list as you make your teaching choices. This list contains the materials you will need for class that are not on our basic classroom supply list. To learn what we consider to be basic classroom supplies, check out our Active Learning Supply List at http:// bogardpress.org/curriculum/sunday-school. Click the supply list button. To gain deeper insight into the lesson’s Scripture text, make sure to pay close attention to the information found in the SPLAT Prep. Our writers have been intentional to provide great biblical insight into each Scripture passage that will be beneficial to your students and you. Begin here by reading your Scripture text for this lesson. You may want to begin reading the Scripture text a week in advance either reading a little at a time or experiencing the text differently each day. As you read the Scripture text, make sure you filter the text through the application statement. Make sure you can clearly connect the two. After reading the Scripture text and connecting it to the application statement, make sure you can connect both to the memory verse as you begin to memorize the verse as well. At the center of discipleship is Bible study. Learn time provides students with the opportunity to actively learn the transformational truths found in God’s Word. Learn time should always begin by sharing the biblical narrative with the students in an active way. Students are then given opportunities to retell and dig deeper into the meaning of the Scripture text. The purpose of Share time is to provide students and teachers with the opportunity to share life with each other while introducing the lesson. Choosing Share time activities can be easy when you keep in mind your time, financial resources and the resources already in your classroom. Share time is also a great opportunity to use more than one activity. Choosing one for students to work as they arrive and one to do as a class after everyone arrives is a great way to get the most out of your teacher leaflet. Teachers are encouraged to ask students about their week as the students work the activities. With the intent of teaching students how to spend time talking with God, Pray time is essential in helping students learn how to pray corporately, share burdens and praises and to still their hearts for Bible study. Use the instructions and suggestions found under this heading to help you lead your students in learning these things. Answering so what does the Bible mean to me is crucial to the discipleship process and to SPLAT. Using the application statement from page 1 of the teacher leaflet as your guide, you have the option of helping to connect that truth from the Scripture text to your student’s lives through the activity of your choice. Christians are given the command to tell everyone about Jesus. Tell time encourages and equips students to practice telling everyone about Jesus as well as equipping the family to continue discipleship at home. Tell time activities revolve around the Tell Card and preparing students to complete their Tell Card activities at home. Meant to help teachers fill time when needed, Bonus activities use materials already found in the lesson or from the basic classroom supply list. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


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Contents1. The Still Small Voice2. First Place in My Life3. The Truth Does Not Lie4. A Following Leader5. Debt Free6. Praying People7. No More Spots!8. Good Friends9. Blessings Come Down10. Never Hidden11. Share Jesus12. Cheer Up, Jonah!13. I’m Sorry…Please Forgive Me14. Good Morning!EASTER






USING THE SPLAT TEACHER LEAFLETThank you for choosing to use SPLAT. If you need help getting started, check out

this diagram or our video tutorials on our Bogard Press Vimeo page.

Pay close attention to this list as you make your teaching choices. This list contains the materials you will need for class that are not on our basic classroom supply list. To learn what we consider to be basic classroom supplies, check out our Active Learning Supply List at http://bogardpress.org/curriculum/sunday-school. Click the supply list button.

To gain deeper insight into the lesson’s Scripture text, make sure to pay close attention to the information found in the SPLAT Prep. Our writers have been intentional to provide great biblical insight into each Scripture passage that will be beneficial to your students and you.

Begin here by reading your Scripture text for this lesson. You may want to begin reading the Scripture text a week in advance either reading a little at a time or experiencing the text differently each day. As you read the Scripture text, make sure you filter the text through the application statement. Make sure you can clearly connect the two. After reading the Scripture text and connecting it to the application statement, make sure you can connect both to the memory verse as you begin to memorize the verse as well.

At the center of discipleship is Bible study. Learn time provides students with the opportunity to actively learn the transformational truths found in God’s Word.

Learn time should always begin by sharing the biblical narrative with the students in an active way. Students are then given opportunities to retell and dig deeper into the meaning of the Scripture text.

The purpose of Share time is to provide students and teachers with the opportunity to share life with each other while introducing the lesson.

Choosing Share time activities can be easy when you keep in mind your time, financial resources and the resources already in your classroom. Share time is also a great opportunity to use more than one activity. Choosing one for students to work as they arrive and one to do as a class after everyone arrives is a great way to get the most out of your teacher leaflet. Teachers are encouraged to ask students about their week as the students work the activities.

With the intent of teaching students how to spend time talking with God, Pray time is essential in helping students learn how to pray corporately, share burdens and praises and to still their hearts for Bible study. Use the instructions and suggestions found under this heading to help you lead your students in learning these things.

Answering so what does the Bible mean to me is crucial to the discipleship process and to SPLAT. Using the application statement from page 1 of the teacher leaflet as your guide, you have the option of helping to connect that truth from the Scripture text to your student’s lives through the activity of your choice.

Christians are given the command to tell everyone about Jesus. Tell time encourages and equips students to practice telling everyone about Jesus as well as equipping the family to continue discipleship at home. Tell time activities revolve around the Tell Card and preparing students to complete their Tell Card activities at home.

Meant to help teachers fill time when needed, Bonus activities use materials already found in the lesson or from the basic classroom supply list.













3RD & 4TH


Lesson 1March 1, 2020

Teacher Devotional

As I began to study the lesson text, I saw myself in the actions and attitude of Elijah as he sat in the cave. I often want God to answer me in a big way. I want to hear and see the answer to my prayer loud and clear. However, most of the time He answers my prayers much like He did Elijah’s, in “a still small voice.” Like Elijah, I, too, often forget something very important—God knows everything! His perspective is different than ours. We see the here and now while He sees the beginning, middle and end. We need to learn to trust God in everything—every situation, every circumstance, every moment. God is faithful to hear and answer our prayers; but, we must remember that He does it in His time, His manner, His method and His way. Oh, how wonderful is God’s “still small voice.”

Background Commentary

Elijah was so discouraged that he felt like he was the only one in the world who still loved the Lord. His discouragement led to him hiding in a cave (1 Kings 19:1-10). The Lord spoke and asked him what he was doing there. Elijah told the Lord how alone and angry he felt because the people of Israel had forsaken God (verses 10, 14). God instructed Elijah to go up the mountain, and Elijah obeyed (verse 11).

Suddenly a strong wind blew. Then an earthquake occurred. Next a fire appeared, but the Lord was in none of these (verses 11, 12). Instead, Elijah heard God’s “still small voice” (verse 12). God told Elijah that he was not alone. In fact, there were seven thousand faithful followers of Him that the Lord told Elijah about. God then gave him specific instructions concerning the future king of Israel and the prophet that would take Elijah’s place. Elijah obeyed God’s instructions (verses 13-18).

Lesson 1

3 - 1 - 2020 Scripture Text: 1 Kings 19:1-18

Application: God desires that I be still to hear His voice.

Lesson 1 Memory Verse: “Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah.” Psalm 4:4

Basic classroom supplies

SPLAT 3rd and 4th Grade Visuals: Attendance Chart Signs of Salvation Visual Lesson 1 Learn Visual Lesson 1 Apply Visual

SPLAT 3rd & 4th Grade Student Leaflet and sticker page

SPLAT Tell Cards

Noise making items (cymbals, pot and pan lids, a party horn, drum)

Sticky notes

Choose one or more:

Remind students about the sorting activity they completed during Share time. Have them look again at the order of the items. Considering today’s Bible account, did they place the items in a sensible order? Where did they place the Bible? The Bible is the quietest, in terms of audible sound, but it is the most powerful message.

Before class, prepare the Lesson 1 Apply Visual by cutting out the word cards from the bottom of the visual. Display the Lesson 1 Apply Visual and invite students to read it silently. Where do the word cards belong? Students should attach the cards to the visual on top of the correct picture using tape or poster putty. Invite your students to read aloud the memory verse and discuss how this verse applies to their lives.

Complete the illustration activity on page 4 of the student leaflet. Ask a volunteer to read both the heading text and the activity instructions.

Choose one or more:

As you hand out the first Tell Cards for this quarter, remind your students of the importance of practicing the lesson memory verse throughout the week. Encourage them to complete each week’s Tell Card activity and to share Jesus with others.

Ask a student to read aloud the Lesson 1 memory verse from side 1 of the Tell Card.

This week’s activity will help your students evaluate how much God is a part of their bedtime routines. Your students will need to draw checkmarks beside the things they do to get ready for bed. Challenge your students to spend time with God each night before going to sleep through prayer and Bible study. Keep in mind that some of your students may not have stable family lives, so encourage them to share what they learn in Sunday School with their family members and friends.

BONUS ACTIVITIESConduct a Sword Drill of verses in the Old Testament. Suggested verses include: Psalm 46:10; Jeremiah 32:27; Micah 6:8; Malachi 3:6.

Play a game of Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down using true and false statements.

Give your students an opportunity to use the noisy items from Share time to make the accompaniment to a favorite Sunday School song.



Display the attendance chart in a prominent place in the classroom. Invite students to add their names and today’s attendance sticker and Bible sticker to the chart from the student leaflet sticker page. Encourage your students to attend each week and bring their Bibles, too. Introduce the Signs of Salvation Visual.

Choose one or more:

Before class, gather items that can be used for making noise. Be sure to have enough for all your students to participate. Depending upon the location of your classroom, you may need to conduct this activity outside or in an activity building. Provide your students with the noisy items and instruct them to use them to make as much noise as they can for about 15 seconds. While they are making all their noise, whisper, “For the word of the Lord is right; and all his works are done in truth,” Psalm 33:4. Did they hear you speak? Introduce Elijah and his experience of hearing God’s still small voice.

Before class, gather noisy items, like those in the first Share activity and a Bible. Randomly place everything in a location where they can remain throughout the entire class time. Invite your students to put the items in order from noisiest to quietest. Be sure they include the Bible. When finished let your students know that they will be returning to their items during the Apply time.

Introduce your students to Elijah by reading the Bible account on page 1 of the student leaflet.

Begin this new quarter with prayer! Ask the Lord to speak to you and your students through His Word and His Spirit.

Throughout this lesson series, spend time talking with your students about God’s faithfulness to answer the prayers of His children. Encourage your students to share, not only, their prayer requests, but also the answers to those prayers.

Create a prayer and praise spot in your classroom where you and your students can record their requests for and answers to their prayers.

Before reading the lesson text (1 Kings 19:1-18), take time to build the background knowledge of your students about events that took place prior to this Bible account. Suggested events: Ahab was a wicked king (1 Kings 16:33); God took care of Elijah during the drought by providing water and food in the wilderness and by the hand of the widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17); God sent fire from Heaven to consume Elijah’s sacrifice on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18); Jezebel threatened to kill Elijah (1 Kings 19:1, 2).

Choose one or more:

Display the Lesson 1 Learn Visual. Use this Bible visual to point out the wind-blown shrubs, the fallen rocks and the fire as you present the Bible account from 1 Kings 19:1-18 to your students.

Invite your students to follow along in their Bibles as you read today’s lesson text (1 Kings 19:1-18). You may find it necessary to stop along the way and assess the understanding of your students by asking a few questions or referring to previous events.

The focus of this lesson is the “still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12) by which God communicated with Elijah and He still communicates with His children today. As you present the lesson, be sure to make it clear that although Elijah heard God’s voice audibly, we hear it through prayer and Bible study. With today’s lesson in mind, ask students to name something God desires from them. Write their answers on sticky notes and attach to a poster board with God’s Desires written on it. Display in the classroom.

Have students turn to page 2 of the student leaflet and ask a volunteer to read the heading text and activity instructions. This activity requires students to match the sound with the source. When they have matched all the sounds to their sources, they will need to circle the way in which God speaks to His children, as well as, draw a star beside the most powerful sound on the page. Answers: crash—rocks tumbling down a mountain, siren—firetruck, God’s voice—Bible (circled and starred), roar—lion, crowing—rooster, horns—cars, thunder—lightning.

Have students complete the hidden picture activity on page 3 of the student leaflet. Ask a student to read both the heading text and the activity instructions from the top of the page. If your students have difficulty finding any of the hidden Bibles, encourage them to help one another.