Using the Online Roster System What is the Online Roster System? The Online Roster System was developed by Baylor’s Institutional Technology Service and Student Activities Departments. It was created to provide a convenient and easy method for organizations to submit their membership rosters to Student Activities. Over time, the roster has come to include many features that make it useful to organizations for much more than just submitting membership information! With the Online Roster System, your organization can: Provide membership contact information within the organization; Track organizational service hours and projects throughout the year; Receive valuable information and communications from the Department of Student Activities; Sign up for Block Draw Tickets for BU Football games; Update the Student Activities website links to your organization’s website; Communicate easily and effectively with your membership through Blackboard accounts Why is the Online Roster System Important? The Online Roster System is important to the life and business of a student organization because it provides the Department of Student Activities with the necessary information for checking academic eligibility of each member. Student Activities works hard to provide student organizations and advisors with information each semester regarding the academic eligibility status of members. Please note that when members fall below the minimum acceptable GPA, the Department of Student Activities notifies the President and Advisor for each student organization. The information provided to organizations only includes names of students who are either on academic probation or academically inactive. The Department of Student Activities does not provide the actual GPA for students in order to comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Therefore, it is essential that an organization’s online roster be kept accurately and consistently throughout the year. Please take steps to ensure that your organization updates their Online Roster each semester. Student Organization Blackboard Accounts The Department of Student Activities, in partnership with Institutional Technology Services, is pleased to offer a Blackboard accounts to our student organizations! Your organization’s account is informed by your online roster. Therefore, making sure that you have a current and accurate roster is essential! In order for your members to be subscribed users to your organization’s Blackboard account, they must be listed as members on your group’s online roster.

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Using the Online

Roster System

What is the Online Roster System?

The Online Roster System was developed by Baylor’s Institutional Technology Service and Student Activities Departments. It was created to provide a convenient and easy method for organizations to submit their membership rosters to Student Activities. Over time, the roster has come to include many features that make it useful to organizations for much more than just submitting membership information! With the Online Roster System, your organization can:

Provide membership contact information within the organization;

Track organizational service hours and projects throughout the year;

Receive valuable information and communications from the Department of Student Activities;

Sign up for Block Draw Tickets for BU Football games;

Update the Student Activities website links to your organization’s website;

Communicate easily and effectively with your membership through Blackboard accounts

Why is the Online Roster System Important?

The Online Roster System is important to the life and business of a student organization because it provides the Department of Student Activities with the necessary information for checking academic eligibility of each member. Student Activities works hard to provide student organizations and advisors with information each semester regarding the academic eligibility status of members. Please note that when members fall below the minimum acceptable GPA, the Department of Student Activities notifies the President and Advisor for each student organization. The information provided to organizations only includes names of students who are either on academic probation or academically inactive. The Department of Student Activities does not provide the actual GPA for students in order to comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Therefore, it is essential that an organization’s online roster be kept accurately and consistently throughout the year. Please take steps to ensure that your organization updates their Online Roster each semester.

Student Organization Blackboard Accounts

The Department of Student Activities, in partnership with Institutional Technology Services, is pleased to offer a Blackboard accounts to our student organizations! Your organization’s account is informed by your online roster. Therefore, making sure that you have a current and accurate roster is essential! In order for your members to be subscribed users to your organization’s Blackboard account, they must be listed as members on your group’s online roster.

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August 2009


The Blackboard account system for student organizations refreshes itself every night at midnight, so any members added or removed from your group’s online roster will take effect the next day.

Accessing the Online Roster

To access the Online Roster, go to the following link using an internet connection: https://www1.baylor.edu/onlineRoster/index.php

Or visit the Student Activities website (http://www.baylor.edu/studentactivities/)

and click on “Current Students”. Once the page refreshes, use the “Tools/Resources” toolbar on the right of the screen to click on the “Update Your Roster” link.

You will be redirected to a secure location, where it is safe to type your Bear ID and password. You need your Bear ID and password to enter the system (the same information you use to log on to use your Baylor e-mail account).

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My Organizations

Once inside the Online Roster, you will be presented with the “My Organizations Page,” which will display a list of organizations you are involved in. If you are a member of an organization that is not listed please contact Student Activities.

To access the roster for a specific organization, click on the Organization Name.

This is the “View Roster” tab. The roster shows the names of members for the

semester. Please notice the information tabs that appear when you click on a specific organization name. These additional tabs will be utilized for other organizational business which will be discussed later in these instructions.

View Roster

Information Tabs

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A variety of useful information is available on the View Roster tab.

The organization’s advisor(s) and his/her contact information, meeting times, and website are posted in the upper-right corner of the View Roster tab. Next to each member’s name, you will find the member’s Status. Members will appear as “Approved” or “Pending.” Members who are approved are those who have been approved for membership by the organization and advisor(s). Members who are pending are those who have not yet been approved by the organization’s advisor(s). If you have members who should have been approved, contact your advisor(s) to complete the roster process.

Updating Membership (Re-Enrolling, Assigning Roles & Adding Members)


To update the membership for your organization, click on the Re-enroll link at the top of the screen in the yellow navigation bar.

For those members returning to your organization for the semester, make sure the box next his/her name is checked. To remove a student who has graduated or is no longer a member, simply uncheck the box next to his/her name.

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You must check the yellow box indicated that a representative from your organization has read and understands the current Student Organization Policy and Procedure Guide before the submit button will appear. To complete the re-enrollment process, click on submit. Upon submitting the updated roster, an e-mail will be sent to your organization’s advisor(s). Advisors are required to approve your updated roster. Please note that students are not allowed to delete members of organizations. If you have a student who should be removed from your roster, please contact Student Activities.

Assign Roles

As you update your organization’s membership, you should assign the roles associated with the organization’s roster management and leadership. There are seven roles that can be assigned through the online roster system: Roster Manager, Calendar Manager, Web Master, Contact, Service Chair, President and President-Elect. These roles are delineated by abbreviations: RM, CM, WM, CT, and SC.

Typically, the President (or equivalent) serves as one of the contacts for the organization, while the Secretary or Vice President (or equivalents) serve as the Roster Managers, and so on. There are no limits to the number of roles that can be assigned to one member. Similarly, there are no limits to the number of member who may be assigned a particular role. So, your organization could have five (or more) Contacts, five (or more) different Service Chairs, and so on. Each organization must have at least one Contact and Roster Manager. Members assigned the roles of Contact, Roster Manager and/or Service Chair will receive e-mail communications from the Department of Student Activities. It is pivotal that each organization have members to act as liaisons between Student Activities and the organization.

Please note that only the Roster Manager has permission to adjust membership. Only assigned Roster Managers may add new members and/or re-enroll membership.

Additional roles may be indicated through the online roster system. For example, you could indicate your organization’s President, T-Shirt Chair, etc. by typing the appropriate title next to the student’s name in the Officer column. You have a further option of providing a contact number for the officers or any member. Keep in mind that only members or your own organization and online roster system administrators can access

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your roster. Be assured that this information is secure. This feature is purely optional, though it is frequently used by those organizations who have taken advantage of it! Additionally, the Department of Student Activities frequently uses this contact information to connect your organization with prospective members.

Adding New Members

Only organizations that have already updated their roster (Re-Enroll) for the current term may add new members. Once you have re-enrolled your returning membership, you will see that two new tabs appear: Add Members and Add Bulk Members. Only the assigned Roster Manager(s) may add new members to your organization’s roster.

To add members, click on the Add Members tab.

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When adding new members to your roster, it is essential that you accurately enter the students’ exact Baylor ID. Once you have finished entering the new members’ Bear ID’s, click on “Submit.” If you enter an invalid Baylor ID, the Online Roster System will notify you that your entry is not recognized. The Online Roster System will return you to the Add Members page with the invalid names now printed in red for your easy identification. Be sure you have the correct Baylor ID (i.e. John_Baylor1 rather than J_Baylor) and re-submit.

If you need to enter more than 20 members, click on the “Add>20 Members”

button at the bottom of the page. Enter the names of your new members, separated by commas. Click Submit to notify your advisor that you have added new members. Your advisor will review the submission and approve, question, or deny your new members as appropriate.

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Removing Members

As a general rule, members should not be removed or deleted from your organization’s roster. Rather than deleting a member from your roster, a Roster Manager should simply avoid clicking on the checkbox next to a member’s name when performing a “re-enroll” function. Students may not remove members from rosters. In the rare event that it becomes necessary for a member to be removed from your roster (the student leaves Baylor, the organization removes the member for judicial reasons, etc.), the organization must notify Student Activities of the member to be removed including the reason for removal. A member of the Student Activities staff will delete the member from the roster on behalf of the organization.

Registration Form

To adjust the information on the View Roster tab (meeting time, day, website, etc.), click on the Registration Form tab. Please note that students may not change advisors in the online roster system. For an advisor change, you must contact the Department of Student Activities.

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Fill in the appropriate information and click Submit. Upon clicking submit, you may have to click away from the Registration Form tab for the information to refresh elsewhere in the system. It is important to keep this information up to date as the Department of Student Activities uses it to refer prospective members of your organization to you and/or your advisors. Also, the Student Activities website student organization lists are populated with the information you provide here regarding your organization’s website address. If your website address changes, you can be sure that the Student Activities link to your group’s website is accurate by updating the information on the Registration Form tab.


Only the assigned Service Chair(s) may submit service through the Online Roster System. The Service tab is designed to track organizational service – not individual members’ service. This feature provides Service Chairs with monthly and annual tracking of total hours served as well as funds raised. To add organizational service events and activities, click on the Service tab.

The Service tab provides you with the specific guidelines for service hours on the right side of the page. In order to submit service events and/or activities, Service Chairs must provide a title for the event (Event/Agency), a brief description of the service activity/event, and the date on which the service was completed. Submitted service events and/or activities must be approved by the Office of Community Service.

Required Fields

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The Service tab provides you with the opportunity to track a variety of types of service. This new feature allows organizations to track the variety of service they perform including service to Baylor University, service to the community (Waco or beyond), and service to the student organization. Simply place a check in the appropriate box to indicate the type of service report you are submitting.

The Service tab allows you to track your organization’s service hours and funds raised throughout the academic year. Once you submit a service report and it is approved, the hours or funds raised will appear on the tracker below:

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Grade Release

Student organizations must submit a Grade Release form each semester so that the Department of Student Activities may check members’ academic eligibility for participation. To submit your Grade Release form, click on the Grades tab.

The Grades tab is designed to provide the members’ names, student ID numbers

and a blank on which you must secure your members’ signatures. Simply print out the Grades tab and present the document to your members at a meeting. Once you have secured signatures for all members, turn in the form to the Department of Student Activities. Please note that this is not a requirement! Your organization’s members will have their academic eligibility checked regardless of whether or not they sign this form. By submitting this signed form, your members are giving permission for your organization and its leadership to view their actual GPAs. GPA information will not be released without this signed form!

Block Draw Tickets

In order to simplify the process for organizations wishing to place Block Draw Ticket orders (block draw tickets gives your organization a section for seating at football games so that your members and their guests may all sit together!) for Baylor University Football games, simply click on the Tickets tab.

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The Tickets tab is very similar to the Grades tab in its layout and function. You

must select the game for which you are ordering tickets.

Next, enter the number of guest tickets to be issued to each member. Please note

that members must pay for their guest tickets! Each Baylor student may have one free ticket per game, but your members must pay for their guests! After entering the number of guest tickets to be issued to each member, click on “Submit to Print.”




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Simply print out the Tickets tab and present the document to your members at a meeting. Once you have secured signatures for all members, turn the form in to the SUB Ticket Office in the Bill Daniel Student Center (SUB) on the first floor, across from the Campus Program Center. Each member who signs the form will receive one student ticket at no charge. The Baylor ticket office will not issue tickets to members who have not signed the form.

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Questions or


Please contact the

Department of Student

Activities if you

experience any problems

with the Online Roster

System or if you have any


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Troubleshooting the

Online Roster System Problems addressed here:

The organization does not show up under “My Organizations.”

Our Roster Manager graduated but didn’t assign a new Roster Manager before leaving…now no one can manage our roster!

I didn’t know we had to submit a roster online! What do I do?

I entered the names of some members, but the names don’t appear on the roster.

I entered our new members, but they all say “pending” next to them. What’s wrong?

Some members left the group but they’re still on the roster…how do we remove them?

I got an e-mail asking me to approve the roster…how do I do that?

I want to submit service hours, but I can’t find the service tab! What’s wrong?

I heard we have to do a grade release thing through the online roster…how do I do that?


The organization does not show up under “My Organizations.” Solution

If your organization does not appear when you login, it is likely because you are not listed as a current member of or advisor to the organization. This is easily fixed! Contact your organization’s Roster Manager to add student members or the Department of Student Activities to add an advisor. If you don’t know who your organization’s Roster Manager is, contact Student Activities.


Our Roster Manager graduated but didn’t assign a new Roster Manager before leaving…now no one can manage our roster! Solution

Contact the Department of Student Activities. There are several people in the office who can help you establish a new Roster Manager as well as assigning roles to other officers as necessary and appropriate. It is important that your organization be intentional about passing responsibilities down to new officers. Please be sure to implement systems to encourage the passage of information and responsibilities to avoid this problem in the future.

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I didn’t know we had to submit a roster online! What do I do? Solution

If you didn’t know, chances are, your organization may not have submitted a roster in some time. You will need to make an appointment with someone in the Department of Student Activities to help you set up a new roster for the current semester. It’s a simple process! You will need to bring with you the Bear ID’s (i.e. Bobby_Baylor1) for each of your members.


I entered the names of some members, but the names don’t appear on the roster. Solution

The Online Roster System uses students’ Bear ID’s (i.e. Bobby_Baylor1) which is case-sensitive. That means you have to very careful when entering your members information. You must have the appropriate letters capitalized! Try entering the names again, but be careful to use the appropriate cases for letters.


I entered our new members, but they all say “pending” next to them. What’s wrong? Solution

Nothing! Once you enter new members, your advisor must approve the changes to your roster. Contact your advisor to ensure that he/she knows to review the roster for you. Problem

Some members left the group but they’re still on the roster…how do we remove them? Solution

Roster Managers are not permitted to delete members from a current roster. But you can still have members removed! Please e-mail [email protected] with the names of members who need to be removed from your roster as well as why each person should be removed (i.e. depinned, left Baylor for personal reasons, etc.). Problem

I got an e-mail asking me to approve the roster…how do I do that? Solution

Access the Online Roster System (within in the body of the e-mail you received, you will see a link that will take you directly to the Online Roster System – in some e-mail systems, you may have to copy the link and paste it into your web browser). Once in the system, select the appropriate organization. Click on the tab at the top of the page titled “Advisors.” The list of requests appears in chronological order. Click on the roster updates that appear in green text under the heading “Requests.” Review the updates to the roster then choose to accept, deny or question the updates. Click on the appropriate button. An e-mail will be sent to the organization’s roster manager informing him/her of your action.

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I want to submit service hours, but I can’t find the service tab! What’s wrong? Solution

Nothing! Only designated Service Chairs can access the Service tab. In order for you to submit service hours on behalf of your organization, your Roster Manager must assign you the role of Service Chair. Once you are assigned that role, you will see the Service tab appear! Problem

I heard we have to do a grade release thing through the online roster…how do I do that? Solution

It’s very simple! Access the Online Roster System and click on your organization. Once there, click on the tab at the top of the page titled “Grades.” Print out the page(s) and ask your members to sign it. Bring the signed page(s) in to the Department of Student Activities and we will perform the actual grade checks for you.