Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction By Jeanetta K. Martin, B.S, M.Ed, NBPTS, Reading K- 12

Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction By Jeanetta K. Martin, B.S, M.Ed, NBPTS, Reading K-12

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Page 1: Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction By Jeanetta K. Martin, B.S, M.Ed, NBPTS, Reading K-12

Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction


Jeanetta K. Martin, B.S, M.Ed, NBPTS, Reading K-12

Page 2: Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction By Jeanetta K. Martin, B.S, M.Ed, NBPTS, Reading K-12

One of the major benefits of using technology in the classroom is the ability to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of every student in every lesson.

Just as every student grows and develops at different rates, they learn in different ways and at different speeds.

Page 3: Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction By Jeanetta K. Martin, B.S, M.Ed, NBPTS, Reading K-12

Technology makes it possible to pace lessons appropriately for each student’s learning level and can be used to promote learning in the multiple intelligences.

Page 4: Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction By Jeanetta K. Martin, B.S, M.Ed, NBPTS, Reading K-12

The following slides present a list of website suggestions that address the different learning styles in your classroom with the help of technology.

Page 5: Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction By Jeanetta K. Martin, B.S, M.Ed, NBPTS, Reading K-12


These learners enjoy learning through speaking, writing, reading, and listening. In the classroom setting, these students shine when given tasks such as taking notes, researching, listening, reading for information, and writing.

Websites to encourage learning for Verbal-Linguistic students:

1. http://wordle.net - Allows students to express themselves creatively with words2. http://ed.voicethread.com - Captures students' voices with audio, text, pictures, and video

Page 6: Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction By Jeanetta K. Martin, B.S, M.Ed, NBPTS, Reading K-12

Verbal-Linguistic continued…

3. http://gcast.com- Students can podcast (voice recording) online.4. http://tickatok.com -Students can create stories and turn them into a book5. http://pbskids.org/wordworld -A world where words come alive6. http://readwritethink.org - 52 interactive activities related to reading, writing, and speaking7. http://speakaboos.com - Students can read stories online, record their own story and play literacy games

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These learners love numbers, reasoning, and problem solving. These students enjoy measuring, calculating, and organizing data. In the classroom, these students will shine when given tasks such as collecting data, conducting experiments, solving problems, predicting, classifying, and sequencing.

Page 8: Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction By Jeanetta K. Martin, B.S, M.Ed, NBPTS, Reading K-12

Websites to encourage learning for Logical-Mathematical students:

1. http://ed.voicethread.com - Capture a sequence of events in an experiment or during problem solving2.http://sciencecomics.uwe.ac.uk/index.php - Comics about science experiments, and problem solving games3. http://toytheater.com/index.php -Math, reading, music and art puzzles

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Learning for Logical-Mathematical students continued…

4.http://sciencemuseum.org.uk/launchpad/launchball- Logic puzzle games5. http://mathplayground.com -Students practice math skills and engage in logic games6. http://iknowthat.com- Games that make students think: science, language arts, math, and thinking games

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Learning for Logical-Mathematical students…

7. http://enlightenme.com/enlightenme/superthinkers - A site the encourages critical thinking and problem solving8. http://knowitall.org/hobbyshop - A hobby shop full of logical-mathematical activities9. http://mrsp.com- A storybook site that celebrates reading and books

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These learners learn best visually and organize their thinking spatially. They are drawn to information that is presented visually. These students love to illustrate projects, color-code, and create visuals for projects.

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Websites to encourage learning for Visual-Spatial students:

1. http://www2.shidonni.com- Students create a character and illustrate a world2. http://xtranormal.com Students create and direct their own movies3. http://knowitall.org/artopia -Students interact with online painting, media arts, sculpture, and theater

Page 13: Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction By Jeanetta K. Martin, B.S, M.Ed, NBPTS, Reading K-12

Visual-Spatial students continued…

4. http://doink.com -Students can create animations to illustrate a concept or story5. http://eyeplorer.com- Shows information visually on a color wheel to help students discover relations in any topic6. http://flickr.com - A picture sharing website7. http://picnik.com – Edit photos add effects, fonts, shapes, and frames8. http://arkive.org - Students can view photos of thousands of animals9. http://animoto.com/business/education - Create videos with pictures10. http://glogster.com/edu - Create online posters to visually display knowledge

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These learners benefit from physical activity, hands-on tasks, and constructing things. These students are able to express ideas through movement. They like to act, manipulate objects, operate the mouse, take pictures, and be involved physically in a project.

Websites to encourage learning for Bodily-Kinesthetic students:

1. http://emeraldisland.com- A virtual world that requires mouse manipulation, typing, and manipulating objects on the screen2. http://secretbuilders.com - An enchanting virtual world where students can interact with historical figures3. http://arsights.com -Augmented reality site that lets students manipulate Google Earth objects by using a web cam and print out. As students move the paper, the virtual model on the screen adjusts accordingly4. http://ge.ecomagination.com/smartgrid -Another augmented reality site that shows students a digital hologram of smart grid technology

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Musical/RhythmicThese learners learn best through auditory experiences. They enjoy making songs, rhythms, and patterns. These students will appreciate displaying knowledge with audio and video recorders.

Websites to encourage learning for Musical/Rhythmic students:

1. http://gcast.com- Students can create podcasts2. http://toytheater.com -Students interact with music, sounds, and patterns3. http://viddler.com -Record video with a webcam4. http://playmusic.org -Students explore and interact with music5. http://kids.audible.com -Download and listen to audio books6. http://capzles.com -Create timelines with audio and video

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These learners enjoy interacting with other students. They enjoy discussions, cooperative work, and social activities. These students will love web 2.0 tools that allow them to interact with others on projects.

Websites to encourage learning for Interpersonal students:

1. http://secretbuilders.com -An enchanting virtual world where students can interact with historical figures2. http://ed.voicethread.com -Students can use Voice thread to complete projects together. It also provides the ability for students to interact and comment on other student’s Voice thread projects.3. http://twitter.com -Create a personal learning community within your classroom, encourage students to share learning experiences and new information.4. (http://glogster.com/edu) -A web 2.0 tool that allows students to create together and comment on other students glogs

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These learners learn best through meta-cognitive practices. They enjoy thinking about their thinking and reflecting on learning. Allow these students to think about what they are learning with reflective tools such as blogs and wikis that can be shared with others later.

Websites to encourage learning for Intrapersonal students:

1. http://kidblog.org/home/ -Safe and simple blogs for your students2. http://www.wikispaces.com/ Create a wiki where students can reflect on their learning

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Naturalist These learners learn from interactions with the environment. They enjoy field trips that involve observation of the world around them. These students will enjoy activities that incorporate nature.

Websites to encourage learning for Naturalist students:

1. http://earth.google.com - Students can explore the earth with satellite imagery, maps, terrain, and 3D buildings.2. http://google.com/sky- Students can explore the universe including the solar system, constellations, galaxies, and the moon.3. http://kbears.com -Students explore nature, animals, and the earth through a fun interface.4. http://arkive.org -Students learn about thousands of animals and their habitats5. http://switcharoozoo.com -Students create animals, build habitats and learn about wildlife

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Naturalist continued…

6. http://nationalzoo.si.edu -Students can view live video of animals, view photo galleries, and visit exhibits7. (http://wdl.org/en)-Students can take a virtual field trip around the world and through time8. http://vistazoo.com -Students can create virtual tours of the world by combining pictures, video, audio, and objects in 3-D

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The multiple intelligences can be met and enhanced through the use of technology. Many technologies overlap and address several of the intelligences at once. With a little creativity and planning, you can create rich lessons that will meet your student’s needs and let them learn at their own pace and level.