Little Angels Approach in Addressing HIV Stigma. NGUNGA wa nguta BEVALINE achieng

Using child games to deal with hiv stigma nope

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Page 1: Using child games to deal with hiv stigma   nope

Little Angels Approach in Addressing HIV


NGUNGA wa nguta

BEVALINE achieng

Page 2: Using child games to deal with hiv stigma   nope

Presentation format


Lessons learnt

Little Angels Approach

Core values/principles



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Background Information:

Medical studies show that; laughter boosts levels of endorphins, the body’s natural pain killers & suppresses the levels of epinephrine, the stress hormone (Source: Dr. Norman


Stigma depress the person infected, which translates to the cellular level. By playing we are able to get our energy up, break up hopelessness.

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Background Continued:

Role of laughter in our lives Relieves tension and breaks ice among people . Laughter creates a relaxed atmosphere that allow


Brings people together and creates a forum for support for those isolated by the society due their HIV/AIDS status.

It is a silent reassuarance to our friends that all is well despite everything else

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Lessons Learnt:

NOPE conducted Formative Assessment (2006 FA report)

in Kericho, Kwale, Kangemi, Limuru and Kawangware


Children are not involved in HIV discussion yet they have

a lot of anxiety!!

Further the FA found out that;◦ Creative “child-fun games” used as ice-breaker in community

outreach activities present opportunities for children to discuss

HIV/AIDS stigma issues.

◦ Children and youth find it hard to discuss HIV issues with

parents and adults

◦ Parents on the other hand are not comfortable discussing RH

issues with their children

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Lessons Learnt

For small children, being innovative and creative in coming up with different “child-fun games” is the motivation to experience the world.

Children who do not play are dull and lack motivation for life.

There is no division between playing and learning; between the things a child does “just for fun” & things that are “educational.”

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Little Angels Approach

Using “child-fun games” to deal with HIV Stigma in the Community.

Borrowed from Ambassadors of Change (AoC) Mahewa zalife session structure, Little Angels’ approach embraces children as part of the community.

To create an informed society, children must be a part of the process & figuratively looked at as the grass root of human hierarchy in human development (Little Angel).

Children have questions and concerns about HIV/AIDS and thus Little Angels Approach endeavors to give them a platform to air their predicaments.

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Little Angels Approach Continue:

1. Matters of health cuts across all ages and as such children too should be enlightened to be self responsible for their health.

In any community outreach, children will be there and in most outreach activities they are assumed or taken away to pave way for adults to discuss.

Little Angles assess ways that encourage children, youth and adults to collectively address stigma and know their HIV status in order to safeguard their health

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Little Angels Core Values:

When children in the community accept you, the whole

village accepts you.

They are the yard stick to measure acceptance in the


During community outreach sessions it is easy to start with

“children-fun games” as icebreaker as a way to involve

youth & adults in discussions.

Children are the bridge between us and the older

community they deserve acceptance and maximum


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Little Angels Methodology

Engage children in “fun-games” e.g. dancing, sack racing. Balloon basting, cock fighting e.t.c.

Use open ended question that provoke discussion among the children.

Use case scenario tasks and let the children in smaller groups come up with solutions

After involving the children, the youths will find themselves

participating in urge to try and help the children.

A good facilitator capitalizes on this and elevates the discussion

to achieve the objective.

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An ideal starting point would be consulting with the nursery,

kindergarten and lower primary school teachers.

A module to be developed to guide young people/resource

persons on how to initiating child role plays in stigma

discussion sessions.

Kids playing freely in the community should also be

interviewed to offer their “expertise”.

Child-parent communication be an emphasis in stigma

reduction strategies

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Practical session

The participants of this session will take part in a number

of child plays that can be used to fight HIV/AIDS stigma

among the youth.