USHA Service For UNIX-LIKE / Windows Platform User Guide

USHA Service For UNIX-LIKE / Windows Platform User Guideiot.fit-foxconn.com/Download/TG-USHA_Service_User_Guide.pdf · 2.1 Installation . 1. Login with root account . The USHA Service

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Page 1: USHA Service For UNIX-LIKE / Windows Platform User Guideiot.fit-foxconn.com/Download/TG-USHA_Service_User_Guide.pdf · 2.1 Installation . 1. Login with root account . The USHA Service

USHA Service

For UNIX-LIKE / Windows Platform

User Guide

Page 2: USHA Service For UNIX-LIKE / Windows Platform User Guideiot.fit-foxconn.com/Download/TG-USHA_Service_User_Guide.pdf · 2.1 Installation . 1. Login with root account . The USHA Service

1 Windows platform .................................................................................................. 3

1.1 Installation ......................................................................................................................................... 3

1.2 Uninstalling ........................................................................................................................................ 7

1.3 Shutdown Process .............................................................................................................................. 7

2 UNIX-LIKE platform ............................................................................................... 9

2.1 Installation ......................................................................................................................................... 9

2.2 Parameters Description .................................................................................................................... 12

2.3 Uninstall ........................................................................................................................................... 13

3 Operation mode (Please refer to Appendix A) .................................................. 15

3.1 Shutdown Actions is “Disable” ......................................................................................................... 15

3.2 Shutdown Actions is “Warning”....................................................................................................... 16

3.3 Shutdown Actions is “Client Shutdown” .......................................................................................... 17

3.4 Shutdown Actions is “UPS Turn Off” ................................................................................................ 18

Appendix A - Behavior flow chart ................................................................................. 22

Appendix B - Shutdown process .................................................................................. 23

Appendix C – How to enable hibermate...................................................................... 24

Appendix D - How to manually mount the CD-ROM on UNIX-LINK platform ......... 27

Page 3: USHA Service For UNIX-LIKE / Windows Platform User Guideiot.fit-foxconn.com/Download/TG-USHA_Service_User_Guide.pdf · 2.1 Installation . 1. Login with root account . The USHA Service

1 Windows platform

1.1 Installation

1. Insert the USHA CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

2. Run the “Installer.exe” program on the CD-ROM.

3. Click “Next”

4. Input User Name & Company Name:

Page 4: USHA Service For UNIX-LIKE / Windows Platform User Guideiot.fit-foxconn.com/Download/TG-USHA_Service_User_Guide.pdf · 2.1 Installation . 1. Login with root account . The USHA Service

5. Select Destination Folder

6. Denominate Program Folder

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7. A dialog box will be posted on the screen, type in the IP address of

designated USHA, its client name and shutdown delay time. Click the Def. Button if you choose the client name as the workstation you are working on.

1. To selected IPV6 or IPV4 protocol 2. Input SNMP/Web Card IP address 3. Default capture computer name 4. Countdown 120 seconds after warning period time over, please reference Appendix A and B. 5. Run script for 120 seconds, please reference Appendix A and B. 6. After Shutdown delay time, user would like to execute script, such as close database…, and so

on. 7. Shutdown client immediately while script was ran over.

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8. Beep sounds if user was selected 9. Pop-up message if user was selected 10. Ignore shutdown request if user was selected 11. User have to enable hibernation of O.S first, then sleep shall be selected (Please refer Appendix

C to enable hibernation) 12. If event was not selected, it can’t pop-up message and shutdown Client.

8. Click “OK”

9. Click “Finish”

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10. After set-up is complete, the shutdown service will connect to the USHA automatically.

Note: The client local Shutdown Delay must not be greater than that of the UPS Shutdown Delay configured in USHA.

1.2 Uninstalling

To uninstall the shutdown software, the following procedure should be followed. 1 Right mouse click the “battery” icon in the tail taskbar and select "Exit” to stop the

shutdown service. 2 Select the "Add/Remove programs" icon from the Control Panel. 3 Select the "USHA service", and then click the "Add/ Remove" icon to remove the


1.3 Shutdown Process

When USHA detects a power event, for example, AC power failure, the USHA will send the shutdown command to its connected clients. There are six kinds of state for shutdown software.

1. UPS Connection OK.

2. Trying to locate UPS.

3. System warning.

4. Local machine is about to shut down.

5. The service is suspended.

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6. Remote UPS is about to shut down or has shut down.

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2 UNIX-LIKE platform

2.1 Installation

1. Login with root account

The USHA Service only can be installing by supervisor (root authority). If you don’t

have authority to install USHA Service, please contact system management for get

permission to install it.

2. Insert USHA CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive

Insert supplied CD-ROM into CD-ROM drive. If you download USHA Service form

web site, skip this step.

3. Mount the CD-ROM device.

Mount the CD-ROM drive on the mount point directory. If you download USHA

Service form web site, skip this step. The Appendix D shows how to manually mount the

CD-ROM drive.

4. Copy USHA Service to local disk

Copy the USHA Service version which suit for your operating system to local hard

disk. For example, you can create /USHA directory and copy file into it form mount point of

CD-ROM. If you download USHA Service form web site, skip this step.

5. Unpack USHA Service

Unpack the USHA Service package by GNU tar program. If you haven’t it, get the tool

form http://www.gnu.org/software/tar/tar.html. For example, we used “xvf” parameters to

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unpack USHA Service package.

Unpack USHA Service

6. Execute “install.sh”

Execute “install.sh” to run install process. You can run install script by absolute path

(Ex. /USHA/install.sh) and relative path (./install.sh).

Execute install.sh

7. Configurations setting

The shell command will invoke the “vi uGuard.conf'”, the user must modify the remote

host value, host name and local delay. After saving the file, the installation is complete.

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Configurations setting

1. Input SNMP/Web Card IP address 2. Default capture computer name 3. Beep sounds if it is “TURE”

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4. Countdown 120 seconds after warning period time over, please reference Appendix A

and B. 5. After Shutdown delay time, user would like to execute script, such as close database…,

and so on. 6. Run script for 120 seconds, please reference Appendix A and B. 7. If this parameter is true, client can send warning message and shutdown client when

event trigger. If this parameter is false, client only send warning message when event trigger.

2.2 Parameters Description

The USHA Service help manual to inform all of parameter can be used. You can type

“/etc/uGuard –h” for show USHA Service help manual page. The following is USHA Service

parameter and explain.

-h: This manual page.

-v: Show revision information.

-s: Start the program now.

-S: Start the program at next boot up time, but not start immediately.

-u: Unload the program now.

-U: Unload the program and don’t start at next boot up time, but not unload immediately.

-d: Suspend program.

-r: Resume program.

-p: Probe the status.

-l: List configurations.

-e: Modify configurations.

-b: Enable Beep.

-o: Disable Beep, default.

-i: Ignore shutdown request.

-t: Enable shutdown request, default.

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-gn: Log level (Default = 1; log file is /var/log/uGuard.log, n = 0, No log activities).

2.3 Uninstall

Before uninstall USHA Service, please confirm you have origin USHA Service files

that unpack form USHA Service package. Please don’t use the uninstall script by different

USHA Service version.

1. Login with root account

The USHA Service only can be uninstalled by supervisor (root authority). If you don’t

have authority to uninstall USHA Service, please contact system management for get

permission to install it.

Please confirm again to uninstall USHA Service. The USHA Service cannot protect your

server or workstation anymore if uninstall it.

2. Unpack USHA Service

Unpack the USHA Service package by GNU tar program. If you haven’t it, get the tool

form http://www.gnu.org/software/tar/tar.html. For example, we used “xvf”

parameters to unpack USHA Service package.

Unpack USHA Service

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3. Execute “unins.sh”

Execute “unins.sh” to run uninstall process. You can run uninstall script by absolute

path (Ex. /USHA/unins.sh) and relative path (./unins.sh).

Execute unins.sh

4. Complete uninstall

After execute “unins.sh” uninstall script then press “y” to uninstall, the USHA

Service be uninstalled complete (except log file of USHA Service: uGuard.log).

Uninstall finished

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3 Web Configuration (Please refer to Appendix A)

When USHA Service connect to USHA UPS card, USHA Service connections can be

displayed on “Client Table” of USHA UPS card web page.

3.1 Shutdown Actions is “Disable”

When USHA detects any event trigger, the clients will no action.

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3.2 Shutdown Actions is “Warning”

When USHA detects any event trigger, USHA will send warning message to its

connected clients. The first message at “1st Warning” time, then every interval will send a message until warning period time. Client will not shutdown.

If 17:43:41 detects event trigger, system will send warning message to client as

following figure.

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3.3 Shutdown Actions is “Client Shutdown”

When USHA detects any event trigger, USHA will send warning message to its

connected clients. The first message at “1st Warning” time, then every interval will send a message until warning period time.

If 17:43:41 detects event trigger, system will send warning message to client as following figure.

When warning period expired, the clients will post a dialog box to notify the user that

the system will be shut down. The user can select "Shutdown Now" to start the shutdown process or "Cancel" to cancel the shutdown process. The shutdown software will proceed with the shutdown process and the host or server will be shut down automatically if nothing is selected after the counter has counted down to zero and then shutdown client.

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3.4 Shutdown Actions is “UPS Turn Off”

When USHA detects any event trigger, USHA will send warning message to its

connected clients. The first message at “1st Warning” time, then every interval will send a message until warning period time.

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If 17:43:41 detects event trigger, system will send warning message to client as

following figure. When warning period expired, shutdown software and UPS will count down to zero

then shutdown UPS and client.

The clients will post a dialog box to notify the user that the system will be shut down. The user can select "Shutdown Now" to start the shutdown process or "Cancel" to cancel the shutdown process. The shutdown software will proceed with the shutdown process and the host or server will be shut down automatically if nothing is selected after the counter has counted down to zero then shutdown client.

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The UPS will count down according “UPS Shutdown Delay” time. When count down to

zero, UPS will shutdown.

※ If “Discontinue shutdown if AC restored” is disabled. When UPS and shutdown software start to count down then AC restored. UPS and shutdown software still count down and when count down to zero, UPS and client will shutdown.

※ If “Discontinue shutdown if AC restored” is enabled.

When UPS and shutdown software start to count down then AC restored. UPS and shutdown software will cancel shutdown procedure.

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Page 22: USHA Service For UNIX-LIKE / Windows Platform User Guideiot.fit-foxconn.com/Download/TG-USHA_Service_User_Guide.pdf · 2.1 Installation . 1. Login with root account . The USHA Service

Appendix A - Behavior flow chart

This is a flow chart of USHA UPS agent and USHA Service how to work.

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Appendix B - Shutdown process

This is shutdown process about defined shutdown script and without shutdown script.

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Appendix C – How to enable hibernate Windows XP hibernate open way:

1. Open Control Panel then double click “Power Options”

2. Open the Hibernate tab and enable Hibernation.

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Windows 7 hibernate open way:

1. Input powercfg /hibernate on

2. Open, Control Panel, Hardware and Sound, Power Options, Edit Plan Settings, Sleep,

Setting Disable

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Page 27: USHA Service For UNIX-LIKE / Windows Platform User Guideiot.fit-foxconn.com/Download/TG-USHA_Service_User_Guide.pdf · 2.1 Installation . 1. Login with root account . The USHA Service

Appendix D - How to manually mount the CD-ROM on UNIX-LINK platform

The following examples show how to manually mount the CD-ROM on Linux, FreeBSD,

Sun Solaris x86 edition, Sun Solaris SPARC edition, SCO UnixWare, SCO OpenServer and



1. Mount CD-ROM drive: mount /mnt/cdrom


1. Mount CD-ROM drive: mount /cdrom

Sun Solaris x86 platform edition:

1. Stop Volume Manager: /etc/init.d/volmgt stop

2. Mount CD-ROM drive: mount -F hsfs -r /dev/dsk/c1t0d0p0 /mnt

Sun Solaris SPARC platform edition:

1. Stop Volume Manager: /etc/init.d/volmgt stop

2. Mount CD-ROM drive: mount -F hsfs -r /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s0 /mnt

SCO UnixWare:

1. Mount CD-ROM drive: mount -F cdfs -oro /dev/cdrom/cdrom1 /cdrom

SCO OpenServer

1. Mount CD-ROM drive: mount /dev/cd0 /cdrom


1. Create /cdrom directory

2. Define file system: crfs -v cdrfs -d /dev/cd0 -m /cdrom -p ro

3. Mount CD-ROM drive: mount /cdrom