Kimberly-Clark User Training Guide Page 1 of 63 User Training Guide Employee Self-Service & Workflow Date Created: 9 th December 2011 Date Modified:

User Training Guide - 1kc.orisoftbpo.com · Kimberly-Clark User Training Guide Page 7 of 63 Family My Spouse/Children You will be able to view your own spouse and children information

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User Training Guide

Page 1 of 63

User Training Guide

Employee Self-Service



Date Created: 9th

December 2011

Date Modified:


User Training Guide

Page 2 of 63

Contents 1. About Employee Self-Service ................................................................................................. 3

2. Employee Login ...................................................................................................................... 3

3. Profile ...................................................................................................................................... 5

My Profile ................................................................................................................................... 6

Earnings Info ............................................................................................................................... 9

Historical Info ........................................................................................................................... 12

Administration .......................................................................................................................... 15

4. Staff ....................................................................................................................................... 17

Staff Profile ............................................................................................................................... 18

Supervisor List .......................................................................................................................... 19

5. Report .................................................................................................................................... 21

Attendance ................................................................................................................................ 21

Claim ......................................................................................................................................... 25

Leave ......................................................................................................................................... 28

6. Office Admin ......................................................................................................................... 31

Birthday List ............................................................................................................................. 31

Contact List ............................................................................................................................... 31

7. Request Forms ....................................................................................................................... 32

Leave ......................................................................................................................................... 33

Overtime ................................................................................................................................... 39

Attendance ................................................................................................................................ 45

Schedule .................................................................................................................................... 46

Claim ......................................................................................................................................... 51

8. Approval Forms ..................................................................................................................... 56

Approval Forms ........................................................................................................................ 56

OT Approval ............................................................................................................................. 59

9. My Requests .......................................................................................................................... 62

My Requests.............................................................................................................................. 62


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Employee Self-Service Portal (ESS) is separated in two parts, which are ESSNet and FlowNet.

Employee Self-Service (ESSNet)

Submit change request on personal, address and family information (authorize employee only) or

browse staff profile, historical and organizational info.

Workflow Services (FlowNet)

Apply leave, claim, Scheduling, Overtime Requisition etc. whichever is applicable/enabled.

By using your Internet Explorer, types in web address http://www.1kc.orisoftbpo.com, which

will bring you to the web portal as shown below.

There will be 2 options to choose, ESSNet or FlowNet. Put in the User ID and Password as

shown below.

For 1st time login

Please take note that the User ID will

be your WID and an auto generated

Password will be send to you via email.

User will need to follow the instruction

below to change the password


Please contact the HR Administrator is

you did not receive the Password.

1. About Employee Self-Service

2. Employee Login


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Click on OK button when you see the message pop up.

Then it will direct you to the change password screen as

shown below.

Key in the Old Password which is send to you by Email follows by New and Confirm Password.

Please take note on the Password Policy specify on the screen. Lastly, click on submit for the

password change and you will be directed to the screen below, which you have the option to

logout or continue to the Employee Self-Service Portal.


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In Employee Self-Service, you will be able to view your own profile which consists of the

following information below. Click on the Tree Menu on the left side of the screen for selection.

My Profile

o Personal

Personal Details

My Addresses

o Family

My Spouse/Children

My Children

My Relative

o Employment

My Employment Details

My Compensation

Earnings Info

o Earnings List

o Payslip

o Borang EA

o Slip Jawapan

Historical Info

o Leave List

o Claim List

o Attendance List

o Overtime List

o Leave Entitlement


o Change My Password

o Change My Hint

o Password List

3. Profile


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My Profile

Personal Personal Details

You will be able to view your own personal information as shown on the screen below.

Personal My Addresses

You will be able to view your own addresses as shown on the screen below.


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Family My Spouse/Children

You will be able to view your own spouse and children information as shown on the screen

below. Click on View on the right side of the screen to view children details.

Family My Children

You will be able to view your own children information as shown on the screen below.

Click on the children name to view details as shown on the screen below.

Family My Relative

You will be able to view your own relative information as shown on the screen below.

Click on the relative name to view details which is same like the children screen above.


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Employment Employment Details

You will be able to view your own employment information as shown on the screen below.

Employment My Compensation

You will be able to view your own compensation information as shown on the screen below.


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Earnings Info

Earnings List

You will be able to view your own earning information as shown on the screen below.


You will be able to view your own payslip information as shown on the screen below.

Enter the month and year to generate the payslip as shown on

the screen below.

There will be a print button on the bottom of the payslip which

you can generate the payslip into a PDF printable format.


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Borang EA

You will be able to view your own Borang EA as shown on the screen below.

Put in the year and the print date to generate the

Borang EA.

The Borang EA is generated in a PDF format.


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Slip Jawapan

You will be able to view your own Slip Jawapan as shown on the screen below.

Put in the year and the print date to generate the

Slip Jawapan.

The Slip Jawapan is generated in a PDF format.


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Historical Info

Leave List

You will be able to view your own leave information as shown on the screen below. There are

listing view and calendar view which you can view in different way.

Listing View

Calendar View


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Claim List

You will be able to view your own claim information as shown on the screen below. There are

listing view and calendar view which you can view in different way.

Listing View

Calendar View


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Attendance List

You will be able to view your own attendance information as shown on the screen below. You

can put in the date range criteria to a specific date.

Overtime List

You will be able to view your own overtime information as shown on the screen below. You can

put in the date range criteria to a specific date.


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Leave Entitlement

You will be able to view your own leave entitlement information as shown on the screen below.

You can specify which year you want to view. Press next to view the next leave entitlement type.


Change My Password

You will be able to make changes to your password in the screen shown below. You will need to

put in the old password follow by the new and confirm password to make a changes. Then press

Submit button to proceed.


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Change My Hint

You will be able to make changes to your hint in the screen shown below. You will need to put

in the question follow by the answer to make a changes. Then press Submit button to proceed.

Password List

You will be able to view the list of password newly generated for your subordinates.


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In Employee Self-Service, you will be able to view your subordinate’s profile which consists of

the following information below. Click on the Tree Menu on the left side of the screen for


Staff Profile

o Subordinates

o Personal

Personal Details

My Addresses

o Family

My Spouse/Children

My Children

My Relative

o Employment

My Employment Details

My Compensation

Earnings Info

o Earnings List

Historical Info

o Leave List

o Claim List

o Attendance List

o Overtime List

o Leave Entitlement

Supervisor List

o Supervisor Attendance List

o Supervisor Overtime List

o Supervisor Leave List

4. Staff


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Staff Profile


In Subordinate screen, you will be able to view the list of subordinate under you as shown on the

screen below. You can search by using subordinate name or employee no.

Click on the subordinate employee no and view of all information in the Staff section will be

defaulted to that particular employee.

The viewing of subordinate information after you perform the step above will be the same as like

you are viewing your own profile.


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Supervisor List

Supervisor Attendance List

You will be able to view your subordinate attendance list as shown on the screen below. You can

put in the date range criteria to a specific date.

Supervisor Overtime List

You will be able to view your subordinate overtime list as shown on the screen below. You can

put in the date range criteria to a specific date.


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Supervisor Leave List

You will be able to view your subordinate leave list as shown on the screen below. You can put

in the date range criteria to a specific date. There are listing view and calendar view which you

can view in different way.

Listing View

Calendar View


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In Employee Self-Service, you will be able to view a list of reports listed down below. Click on

the Tree Menu on the left side of the screen for selection. Only authorize user are able to view

the reporting section.


o Attendance Report

o Employee Irregularity Report


o Claim Detail Report

o Claim Analysis by Department


o Leave Taken Detail

o Leave Balance by Department


Attendance Report

To view employee attendance report.

This criteria screen is default to view your

subordinate attendance records. If you wish

to view other superior’s subordinate

attendance records you need to change the

superior name to that subordinate superior


Type in the date range that you wish to

print/view the report.

You can either choose to group the report

by Employee/Attendance date and the

report type you able to choose to print in

PDF / Excel format.

5. Report


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If you want to print all subordinate, just

tick on All Subordinate check box then

click on “Next” button.

If you want to print 1 or 2 subordinate in

the report just un-tick the All Subordinate

check box and click on “Next” button.

If the ALL Subordinate is not tick on the

previous screen, you will be able to

generate the report for specific employee

which is shown on the screen on the left.

Tick the employee you want and press

“Next” button to proceed.

Attendance Report in PDF format.


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Attendance Report in Excel format.

Employee Irregularity Report

To view employee irregularity report.

This criteria screen is default to view your

subordinate irregularity attendance records.

If you wish to view other superior’s

subordinate irregularity attendance records

you need to change the superior name to that

subordinate superior name.

Type in the date range that you wish to

print/view the report.

You can either to print in PDF / Excel


If you want to print all subordinate, just tick

on All Subordinate check box then click on

“Next” button.

If you want to print 1 or 2 subordinate in the


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report just un-tick the All Subordinate check

box and click on “Next” button.

If the ALL Subordinate is not tick on the

previous screen, you will be able to generate

the report for specific employee which is

shown on the screen on the left.

Tick the employee you want and press

“Next” button to proceed.

Employee Irregularity Report in PDF format.

Employee Irregularity Report in Excel format.


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Claim Detail Report

To view claim detail report.

Choose on the Company and Department

that you want to retrieve the claim report.

Type in the date range that you wish to

print/view the report.

You can either to print in PDF / Excel


You are able to choose the print/ view the

claim report which their status is either in

“Approve” or “Pending” by check on the

check box that are provided.

If you want to print all employees, just tick

on All Employee check box then click on

“Next” button.

If you want to print 1 or 2 employee in the

report just un-tick the All Employee check

box and click on “Next” button.

If the ALL Subordinate is not tick on the

previous screen, you will be able to generate

the report for specific employee which is

shown on the screen on the left.

Tick the employee you want and press

“Next” button to proceed.


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Claim Detail Report in PDF format.

Claim Detail Report in Excel format.

Claim Analysis by Department Report

To view claim analysis by department report.

Choose on the Company that you want to

retrieve the claim report.

Type in the date range that you wish to

print/view the report.

You can either to print in PDF / Excel format.

If you want to print all employees, just tick on

All Employee check box then click on “Next”



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If you want to print 1 or 2 departments in the

report just un-tick the All Department check

box and click on “Next” button.

If the ALL Department is not tick on the

previous screen, you will be able to generate

the report for specific department which is

shown on the screen on the left.

Tick the department you want and press

“Next” button to proceed.

Claim Analysis by Department Report in PDF format.

Claim Analysis by Department Report in Excel format.


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Leave Taken Detail Report

To view leave taken detail report.

This criteria screen is default to view your

subordinate leave records. If you wish to view

other superior’s subordinate leave records you

need to change the superior name to that

subordinate superior name.

Type in the date range that you wish to

print/view the report.

You can either to print in PDF / Excel format.

If you want to print all subordinate, just tick on

All Subordinate check box then click on

“Next” button.

If you want to print 1 or 2 subordinate in the

report just un-tick the All Subordinate check

box and click on “Next” button.

If the ALL Subordinate is not tick on the

previous screen, you will be able to generate

the report for specific employee which is

shown on the screen on the left.

Tick the employee you want and press “Next”

button to proceed.

Leave Taken Detail Report in PDF format.


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Leave Taken Detail Report in Excel format.

Leave Balance by Department Report

To view leave balance by department report.

Choose the company and department that you

wish to print for this report.

Type in the year that you wish to print/view

the report.

Choose the leave code that you wish to print

for this report.

You can either to print in PDF / Excel format.

If you want to print all employees, just tick on

All Employee check box then click on “Next”



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If you want to print 1 or 2 employee in the

report just un-tick the All Employee check

box and click on “Next” button.

If the ALL Subordinate is not tick on the

previous screen, you will be able to generate

the report for specific employee which is

shown on the screen on the left.

Tick the employee you want and press “Next”

button to proceed.

Leave Balance by Department Report in PDF format.

Leave Balance by Department Report in Excel format.


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In Employee Self-Service, you will be able to view some subordinate information reports listed

down below. Click on the Tree Menu on the left side of the screen for selection. Only authorize

user are able to view the reporting section.

Birthday List

Contact List

Birthday List

Contact List

6. Office Admin


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In Employee Self-Service, you will be able to submit request as listed below. Click on the Tree

Menu on the left side of the screen for selection.

Request Forms

o Leave

Leave Application Form

Leave Application on Behalf

Leave Cancellation List

Leave Cancellation (Staff) List

o Overtime

Group OT Requisition

OT Requisition

OT Requisition Entry

o Attendance

Employee Attendance Supervisor

o Schedule

E-Schedule Subordinate

E-Schedule Subordinate (Monthly)

o Claim

Claim Application (Medical)

7. Request Forms


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Leave Application Form

1. Click on Request Forms Leave

Leave Application Form.

2. Click on “Next” button to continue.

3. Fill in the leave date that you which to

apply for the leave at the “Date From”

and “Date To” fields.

4. Choose the “Leave” that you wish to

apply for.

5. Choose the reason for the leave


6. After fill in all the compulsory fields

that highlighted in RED colour, click

on the “Submit” button to submit your

leave application.

Click on “Notify” link to choose the person that you wish to notify him/her that you will be on

leave on that day.


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After click on the “Notify” link the above screen will be appear. Click on “Add” button to add in

the name of person that you wish to notify.

After click on the “Add” button the below screen will be display. You can search for the

employee using the employee name or just look through the list and tick who to notify.

You can attach scanned document in the leave application. Click on the attachment button on top

left of the screen.

Browse for the document and give a description on the file name, then close the window.


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After completing the above step, click on the “Submit” button to submit your leave application.

System will prompted you the below message.

Click on “OK” button to proceed with the leave submission. After submission, you will be

directed to the screen below. Note down the Agent ID for future reference.


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Leave Application on Behalf

1. Click on Request Forms Leave

Leave Application on Behalf.

2. Choose the Requestor name.(Only

supervisor will be allowed to apply

leave on behalf)

3. Click on “Next” button to continue.

4. Fill in the leave date that you

which to apply for the leave at the

“Date From” and “Date To” fields.

5. Choose the “Leave” that you wish

to apply for.

6. Choose the reason for the leave


After you choose the requestor name, the process and screen will be the same as like you are

applying your leave.


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Leave Cancellation List

1. Click on Request Forms Leave

Leave Cancellation List.

2. All your approved leave will be display

here. Click on the AgentID for the

leave that you wish to cancel.

1. Click on “Next” button to continue.

1. Check on the “Cancel” check box

which you want to cancel the particular

leave date.

2. Choose the “Reason” code before you

click on the “Submit” button to proceed

your leave cancellation submission.


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Note down the Agent ID in order for you to retrieve back your leave cancellation application in


Leave Cancellation (Staff) List

1. Click on Request Forms Leave

Leave Cancellation (Staff) List.

2. All your subordinate approved leave

will be display here. Click on the

AgentID for the leave that you wish

cancel on behalf.

After you choose the subordinate leave that you want to cancel on behalf, the process and screen

will be the same as like you are cancelling your leave.


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Group OT Requisition

1. Click on Request Forms OT

Group OT Requisition.

2. Choose the requestor name for the

group OT requisition. If you want to

apply for your immediate subordinate,

choose on your name as a Requestor

name. If you want to apply OT for

those employees that are reported to

other superior, choose that superior

name as a Requestor Name.

3. Key-in the OT Date that you wish to

apply. The OT date must be a future


4. Key-in the “Start Time” and “End

Time” for the OT request.

5. Choose the OT type whether this is a

“Normal OT” or “Call Back OT”.

6. Click on “Next” button to proceed.


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A list of employees name will be display as per above. Check on the “Apply” check box to apply

the OT for the specific employee. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the “Submit”


1. Please “OK” to proceed after your

submission to complete the process.


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Please note down the Agent ID after complete everything for your future reference.

OT Requisition

Click on Request Forms OT OT Requisition. Month and Year column will be default to

the login month and year. Click on “Next” button to proceed.


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Key-in the OT Date that you wish to apply. The OT date must be a future date. Key-in the “Start

Time” and “End Time” for the OT request. Choose the OT type whether this is a “Normal OT”

or “Call Back OT”. Click on “Submit” button to proceed.

Click on “OK” button to proceed the submission. If there is any OT requisition more than 80%

the below message will be prompted out


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You can either cilck on the “OK” button to proceed with your OT requisition or click on

“Cancel” button to cancel the OT requisition.

Please note down the Agent ID after complete everything for your future reference.


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OT Requisition Entry

1. Click on Request Forms OT OT

Requisition Entry.

2. Superior Name will default to your login

name. If you wish to entry the OT hours for

subordinate that is reported to other

superior, choose the superior name as


3. After choose the Superior, a list of

subordinate that reported to that superior

will be display out at the Employee drop

down list.

4. Choose the specific employee name that

you wish to key-in the OT hour.

5. Key-in the date range at Date From and

Date To fields to retrieve all the OT records

that within the date range that you choose.

6. Click on “Next” button to proceed to next


1. If there have a records for the OT on the

date range that you choose just now it will

appear at the screen on the left, if there is

no OT records system will auto create a

new OT record base on your login date.

2. You can change the OT date to the actual

OT date that you wish to key-in.

3. Key-in the Start Time & End Time for the


4. Click on “Save” button to save the OT

entry into TMS system.


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Employee Attendance Supervisor

1. Click on Request Forms Attendance

Employee Attendance Supervisor.

2. Superior Name will default to your login

name. If you wish to modify the

attendance records for subordinate that is

reported to other superior, choose that

superior name as Superior.

3. Key-in the date range at Date From and

Date To fields to retrieve all the

attendance records that within the date

range that you choose.

4. You can either choose to group your

attendance records by Employee or by

Attendance Date.

5. Check on the “All Subordinate” check

box if you wish to choose all the

subordinate attendance records, if not un-

tick the check box.

6. If the “All Subordinate” check box is un-

tick, a list of the employee that reported

to the superior name that you choose just

now will be display as per below screen.

1. Check on the check box that you wish to

retrieve that employee attendance records

for verification purpose.

2. Click on “Next” button to proceed to

next screen.


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You can either verified all the attendance records in 1 shoots by click on the Verified option

button that located at the upper screen or you can verified the attendance record 1 by 1 by

changing the record status to “Verified”. After all the attendance records being “Verified”, scroll

to the bottom of the screen and click on the “Submit” button to save the entry.


E-Scheduling Subordinate

1. Click on Request Forms Schedule

E-Schedule Subordinate.

2. Superior Name will default to your login

name. If you wish to modify the

schedule records for subordinate that is

reported to other superior, choose that

superior name as Superior.

3. Key-in the Date From to retrieve all the

schedule records that start from the date

that you choose.

4. Check on the “All Subordinate” check

box if you wish to choose all the

subordinate schedule records, if not un-


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tick the check box.

5. If the “All Subordinate” check box is un-

tick, a list of the employee that reported

to the superior name that you choose just

now will be display as per below screen.

1. Check on the check box that you wish to

retrieve that employee schedule records

for amendment purpose.

2. Click on “Next” button to proceed to

next screen below.

You can start to amend the employee schedule by clicking on the schedule box. A list of

schedule will be display out. Choose to the schedule that you wish to amend it. Check on the

check box after you select the correct schedule that you amend then click on “Save” button to

save your changes. You are also allowed to print the Schedule of the employee by clicking on the

“Print” button.


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The print out schedule format are shown as per above screen.

E-Subordinate Scheduling (Monthly)

1. Click on Request Forms Schedule E-

Schedule Subordinate (Monthly).

2. Superior Name will default to your login

name. If you wish to modify the schedule

records for subordinate that is reported to

other superior, choose that superior name

as Superior.

3. Choose the Month and Year to retrieve all

the schedule records that you wish to


4. Check on the “All Subordinate” check box

if you wish to choose all the subordinate

schedule records, if not un-tick the check


5. If the “All Subordinate” check box is un-

tick, a list of the employee that reported to

the superior name that you choose just now

will be display as per below screen.

1. Check on the check box that you wish to

retrieve that employee schedule records.

2. Click on “Next” button to proceed to next



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You able to view the employee schedule as per above screen.

Scroll to the right side of the screen you can view this employee schedule list, leave list and OT

list by clicking on the link. When you click on link the on the right side of the screen, it will

show you schedule, leave and OT list. This screen will show all the Schedule records that are

belong to this employee on that month.


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Schedule Listing

Leave Listing

OT Listing


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Claim Application (Medical) Form

1. Click on Request Forms Claims

Claim Application (Medical) Form.

2. Click on “Next” button to proceed to next


Fill in the Date From and Date To fields and choose the Claim Code that you wish to submit.

Key-in the claim amount that you submit. You can choose the Illness and Panel Clinic from the

drop down list if applicable to the claim you submit.

Click on “Attachment” button to attach in your claim receipt on the top left of the screen.


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Browse for the document and give a description on the file name, then close the window.

After completing the above step, click on the “Submit” button to submit your claim application.

System will prompted you the below message.

Click on “OK” button to proceed with the claim submission. After submission, you will be

directed to the screen below. Note down the Agent ID for future reference.


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Claim Application (Medical) Form On Behalf

1. Click on Request Forms Claims

Claim Application (Medical) Form on


2. Choose the requestor name that you need

to submit the claim on behalf.

3. Click on “Next” button to proceed to next



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Fill in the Date From and Date To fields and choose the Claim Code that you wish to submit.

Key-in the claim amount that you submit. You can choose the Illness and Panel Clinic from the

drop down list if applicable to the claim you submit.

Click on “Attachment” button to attach in your claim receipt on the top left of the screen.

Browse for the document and give a description on the file name, then close the window.


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After completing the above step, click on the “Submit” button to submit your claim application.

System will prompted you the below message.

Click on “OK” button to proceed with the claim submission. After submission, you will be

directed to the screen below. Note down the Agent ID for future reference.


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In Employee Self-Service, as a Supervisor/Superior, you will need to approve transaction that is

submitted by your subordinate. Click on the Tree Menu on the left side of the screen for


Approval Forms

o Completed Approval Request

o Pending Approval Requests

OT Approval

o Employee OT Approval

o Employee OT Approval by Staff

Approval Forms

Completed Approval Request

All completed approval requests will be located here. You can view back the details by clicking

on the Agent ID.

8. Approval Forms


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Pending Approval Request

All pending approval requests will be located here. To approve the pending transaction one by

one, you will need to click on the Agent ID to go into the details transaction to perform the

approval. To approve the transaction in bulk, you will need to click on the information type.


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Sample of One Transaction Approval

By clicking on the selected agent id, above screen will be display out, drop down the status list

either changed it to “Approved” or “Reject”.

Sample of Bulk Transaction Approval

By clicking on the selected Information Type, above screen will be display out for the bulk

“Approved” or “Reject” process. Change the Approval Status from “Pending” to “Approved” or

“Reject”. Click on the “Submit” button to complete the process.


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OT Approval

Employee OT Approval

1. Click on Approval Form OT

Approval Employee OT Approval.

Default superior will be your login


2. If you wish to approve an OT for those

employees that reported to others

superior, please choose that superior

name as that specific Superior.

3. Choose the date range of the OT that

you wish to approve.

4. Check on ”All Subordinate” check box

if you wish to approve for all the

employees that reported to that superior

that you choose just now.

5. If you wish to approve 1 or 2 employee

OT then you need to un-tick the “All

Subordinate” check box.

1. Screen on the left will be display out

and you can check on the check box of

which employee you wish to approve

his/her OT hour.


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Screen above will be display. You are either approved the OT hours in 1 whole batch by

changing the Approval Status from “Pending” to “Approve” at the top of the screen or you can

change the Status from “Pending” to “Approve” 1 by 1 by employee. Click on “Submit” button

to complete the process.

Employee OT Approval by Staff

1. Click on Approval Form OT Approval

Employee OT Approval By Staff.

Default superior will be your login name.

2. If you wish to approve an OT for those

employees that reported to others

superior, please choose that superior

name as Superior.

3. Choose the date range of the OT that you

wish to approve.

4. Check on ”All Subordinate” check box if

you wish to approve for all the

employees that reported to that superior

that you choose just now.

5. If you wish to approve 1 or 2 employee


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OT then you need to un-tick the “All

Subordinate” check box.

1. Employee listing will be display out and

check on the check box of which

employee you wish to approve his/her

OT hour.

Screen above will be display. You are either approved the OT hours in 1 whole batch by

changing the Approval Status from “Pending” to “Approve” at the top of the screen or you can

change the Status from “Pending” to “Approve” 1 by 1 by employee. Click on “Submit” button

to complete the process.


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In Employee Self-Service, you will be able to view your own pending and completed requests.

Click on the Tree Menu on the left side of the screen for selection.

My Requests

o My Completed Request

o My Pending Requests

My Requests

My Completed Requests

All completed requests will be located here. You can view back the details by clicking on the

Agent ID.

My Pending Requests

All completed requests will be located here. You can view back the details by clicking on the

Agent ID.

9. My Requests


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All pending requests will be located here. You can view back the details by clicking on the

Agent ID.

--THE END --