Interstate Capital App User Guide Version 1.1

User Guide - Interstate Capital · ... Creating a Password 3. Login 3.a - Forgot Password 4. ... After you receive the new password, ... the My Activities screen will show the history

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Interstate Capital AppUser Guide

Version 1.1



1. Installation 2. Registration 2.a - Creating a Password3. Login 3.a - Forgot Password4. My Activities

5-7. How to Submit Documents to Interstate Capital5. Uploading Documents using App Camera 5.a - Upload Documents 5.b - Using Camera or Photo Library to Upload Images 5.c - Tips for Scanning Clear Document Images 5.d - After You Scan Documents 5.e - Submitting Documents6. Uploading Documents from a PDF 6.a - Upload your PDF Screenshots 6.b - Submitting Documents7. How to Take Screenshots using Your Phone

8. Account Settings 6.a - Logout 6.b - Tech Support


User Guide Version 1.1 | Interstate Capital App


With the Interstate Capital App for smart phones, you can easily upload the documents you need to get paid faster! Interstate Capital’s free easy-to-use mobile application lets you manage your invoices and submit your paperwork anywhere.

Here’s a quick look at how the Interstate Capital App can save you time and speed up your funding: • Faster funding: Scanning and uploading invoices and other documents saves time over

mailing, faxing, and overnight deliveries.• Improved productivity: With less time spent on document processing, you can focus on

your work rather than your paperwork.• More efficient organization: Your documents are organized by both document type and

date and visible to you at any time.

User Guide - Version 1.1 | Interstate Capital App

1. Installation

To install this app on your smart phone: 1. Visit: Google Play or the Apple App Store2. Search: “Interstate Capital”3. Click: “Get” or “Install”

2. Registration

After you install the app on your phone, you must Register by filling in all of the fields: Email, Password, First Name, Last Name, Company, and Phone Number

2.a - Creating a Password: You will create your own password during registration. There are no limit of number or letter characters. Use a password that you can easily remember!

3. Login

After you registered, you will use the Login button.

Enter your Email Address and your Password

NOTE: You will stay logged in until you click the Logout button. (Logout button info can be found on Page 10)

3.a - Forgot Password:If you forget your password, click on “Forgot Password?” in the Login screen. A new password will be emailed to you. Important: After you receive the new password, Login and change your password right away to one you will remember! (See Page 10 for instructions on how to change your password.)


User Guide - Version 1.1 | Interstate Capital App

iPhone example only

2. Select an Activity by clicking on Request Fuel Advance or “Submit” one of the following: “Freight Bill,” “Proof of Delivery,” “Rate Confirmation,” “Invoice,” or “Other Document.”

IMPORTANT TIP: If you have multiple documents for one Activity (or load), upload ALL documents together.

For example, if you have three documents for a rate confirmation, you need to upload them all in the same activity.

For iPhone users, click on to cancel and go back to My Activities screen.

For Android users, click

4. My Activities Screen After you have successfully registered and/or logged in, you will see the My Activities screen.

NOTE: It will say “No Data Found” until you submit your first document.

Once you start submitting documents through Interstate Capital’s app, the My Activities screen will show the history of your submissions.

See example:

How to Submit Documents to Interstate Capital5. Uploading Documents using the App Camera

1. Click the large plus sign to begin your document submission.


User Guide - Version 1.1 | Interstate Capital App

3. If available, Enter Load Number - This is optional but recommended

To add your documents, click on button which will either say “Upload Rate Confirmation” or “Upload Documents”

Choose Camera to take a picture of your paper copies.

5.c - Tips for Scanning Clear Document Images

1. If you are using an iPhone, a solid blue box will appear to help capture your document. For Android, a blue line frame will appear.

2. Make sure EACH document is on a dark background clear of other items or documents.

3. Device distance should be as close as possible while keeping the whole page within camera’s field of view for better image quality.

4. Keep a steady hand and press the Capture button

5. If you are in a darker environment, turn on the flash button

6. X will cancel you out of scan mode(5)

Your Phone

Your Document

iPhone example

User Guide - Version 1.1 | Interstate Capital App

5.d - After You Scan Document(s)

After scanning a document, you have the option:

A. Retake image if you are not happy with your photo scan

B. Rotate image if needed

C. Add Pages: You have the ability to add up to X documents to a single Activity. For example, if you choose Submit Rate Confirmation, and you have three documents to submit, click on Add Pages to add all documents needed to the SAME activity.

D. Click Done if you are satisfied with your images and you do not need to add any further documents.

5.e - Submitting Documents

Once you select Done after scanning your documents, you will be taken to your final screen.

Your final options before submitting your document(s):

A: Click on Submit to send your documents to ICCB: Click on the to remove a documentC: Click on Add Pages to add more documentsD: Click Cancel to go back

Caution: By clicking Cancel you will lose all documents scanned for that activity and it will take you back to My Activities.


User Guide - Version 1.1 | Interstate Capital App

6. Uploading Documents from a PDF or E-mail Attachment

1. If you have a PDF document to upload through our mobile app, you must take SCREENSHOTS of each page using your phone.

NOTE: For instructions on how to take a SCREENSHOT using your phone, see section 7, page 9.

After taking screenshots of your load confirmation or rate sheets, go to the Interstate Capital App and click on the large plus sign.

2. Select an Activity by clicking on Request Fuel Advance or “Submit” one of the following: “Freight Bill,” “Proof of Delivery,” “Rate Confirmation,” “Invoice,” or “Other Document.”

IMPORTANT TIP: If you have multiple documents for one Activity (or load), upload ALL documents together.

For example, if you have three documents for a rate confirmation, you need to upload them all in the same activity.

For iPhone users, press on to cancel and go back to My Activities screen.

For Android users, click

3. If available, Enter Load Number - This is optional but recommended

To add your PDF SCREENSHOTS, tap on button which will either say “Upload Rate Confirmation” or “Upload Documents”


User Guide - Version 1.1 | Interstate Capital App

6.a - Upload Your PDF Screenshots

Choose Photo Library to access your phone’s photos where the PDF SCREENSHOTS are located.

Select one page at a time and tap on Add Pages until you have uploaded all document screenshots and then select Done.

6.b - Submitting Documents

You will be taken to your final screen for submitting your documents where you have the option to:

A: Click on Submit to send the documents to ICCB: Click on the to remove a documentB: Click on Add Pages to add more documentsC: Click Cancel to go back

Caution: By clicking Cancel you will lose all documents scanned for that activity and it will take you back to My Activities.


User Guide - Version 1.1 | Interstate Capital App

Press and hold the POWER BUTTON and VOLUME DOWN BUTTONS at the same time until your screen flashes.

Once this happens you’ll get a notification telling you that your screenshot is being saved.

Your screenshot will appear in your phone’s photo gallery.

Press and hold the POWER BUTTON and HOME BUTTONS at the same time until your screen flashes.

Once this happens you’ll get a notification telling you that your screenshot is being saved.

Your screenshot will appear in your phone’s photo gallery.

If you have an iPhone and Samsung

If you have an Android such as LG, Google, Moto, HTC, OnePlus 3T or ZTE Axon


VolumeDownButton Press and hold at

the same time

Press and hold at the same time



7. How to Take a Screenshot with Your Phone


User Guide - Version 1.1 | Interstate Capital App

Account Settings allows you to update any of your profile information including:

• Email• Name• Password• Company Name• Phone Number

Account Settings is also where you can:8.a - Logout - this is the only way you will be logged out of the Interstate Capital App. You will stay logged in otherwise.

8.b - Tech Support - If you experience any technical issues while using our app, please click on Tech Support to send Interstate Capital’s support team an email. Include your contact information and a brief description of your issue. A support member will contact you as soon as possible.

8. Account Settings

To access your Account Settings, go to My Activities screen

and click on the .
