What problems does rapid urban growth cause ? Use the information on the next slide to categorise the problems on the Venn diagram.

Use the information on the next slide to categorise the problems on the Venn diagram.dene-geography.weebly.com/uploads/4/9/9/6/49968851/... · What problems does rapid urban growth

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• Urban areas can provide the first step towards a better life for some of the worlds poorest people

• Access to clean water , sanitation, education and health care is often better in urban areas

• Opportunities for employment are higher in some urban areas

• Slums provide affordable housing for poor migrants, which is preferable to living on the street

• The urban poor provide a massive labour force who carry out essential jobs that keep cities running

Rank these

positive effects

in order of


For each write a

sentence explaining

why they are important

Squatter settlement: areas of cities

(usually outskirts) built by people of any

materials they can find. Also known as

shanty towns or favelas.

Informal sector: jobs are created by

people, but not recognised officially.

Such as doing someone's washing or

fixing bicycles.

Key ideas – Squatter settlement:

The houses are made of materials nearby

such as corrugated iron and pieces of

board. The shack may have a living area

separate from a sleeping area and is

overcrowded with no toilets. A nearby

stream with sewage in would be used for

washing. Water must be collected at a cost

and rubbish is not collected so filth and

disease are a problem. Crime is a problem

and children often don’t go to school.

Kibera – a squatter settlement

Kibera is a shanty town/slum of poor quality. As with shanties in many less developed countries of the world, it began as temporary housing, but is becoming more permanent by the day! Most residents came from poor rural areas or country towns, but with few skills of use in urban areas and little savings. Others are young adults from poor areas of the city setting up their first homes. Unemployment is not an option. They have to do something to survive.

Complete the sentences below to describe some features

of squatter settlements. Choose the correct words from

the following list.

(planned/ unplanned/ disease/ expensive/ food/

migrant/ wealthy/ scrap)

Squatter settlements are ___________ . They house

____________ families who come from the countryside. The

houses are built out of ________ materials. The problem of

__________ is often made worse by open sewers.


Describe the problems facing people who live in

squatter settlements.









L1 – (maximum 2 marks)

A list of the problems such as a lack of sanitation, poor

quality buildings, only informal jobs, limited access to

healthcare, lots of crime. Simple statements, with no

detailed description.

L2 – (2x2 marks) (1x3 marks – developed point)

2 statements are described with a link made between

the problem and why it is a problem. Example:

‘there is a lack of sanitation and if people use

contaminated water for a range of purposes such as

washing clothes and drinking from, it can lead to the

spread of disease such as cholera’ – 3 marks

In the rainy season the area often floods. Consequently…

There are many illegal activities. As a result…

There is poor transport and communications. This means


…any waste that is dumped by the roadside, or any sewage that has gathered will flow into areas used for drinking or

washing. Disease is more likely to spread as a result as people

will be using contaminated water.

…with crime such a big problem, people will basically choose

to do what they want so any resources such as food that are

given might not be distributed. It will be a ‘free for all’. People

often make illegal links to electricity supplies.

…it will be very difficult to transport goods and services into the

settlement to support the residents. This could lead to health

and social care problems. If there was an emergency, those in

need would suffer as communication would be difficult.

Self help (Kibera): people take

responsibility for improving their own living

conditions – with support from NGO’s.

Non-governmental organisation (NGO): an

organisation that is independent of

governmental control, usually charitable

organisations such as Comic Relief,

WaterAid, Oxfam and Save the Children

Site and service (Curitiba): land is divided

into plots and water, sanitation, electricity

are supplied before any building takes


Kibera: PeePoo (improved sanitation – disposable toilet bag,

used for fertiliser after 6 weeks!

1. White hat – facts about Kibera:

- Up to 1 million people live,

densely packed in an area of


4. Red hat – How would you feel if

you lived in Kibera? Refer to daily


3. Yellow hat: Describe any positives

that there might be with living in


2. Black hat: Explain the problems

that face people living in Kibera:

6. Green hat – creative ideas &


How might Kibera be thought of as

a slum of hope rather than a slum

of despair?

5. Blue hat: redevelopment and

management of Kibera:

Describe the different strategies:

‘PeePoo’ -

‘Sunnymoney’ –

1 other -

Kibera, a squatter settlement

in Nairobi, Kenya

Site and service (Curitiba):

-50,000 homes for the urban poor

-basic services provided (water, electricity)

-divided up housing plots (with two trees)

-small loans given to give people a start on building

-24 homes were built to ‘model’ for the locals to copy -BRT bus links with the city also – think back to transport lessons

Other improvement

schemes in Africa