i,. j' . . If. TVQtVlEl?tDTJ (Typed DacembGr 1947) li'oufJ!) of D. c.· iJ,y litUl4"'t' of the U. - r-.gratAosi· and ktcmllt.ttan bas your at 2; 1947, _ wLtb: 4, lhtter f1:"ta b to , '1 C-- bto \ '! C- . ,J.'e(f1ut1.ng tUm concerning tile .0£ Iva'rogurJ. into the United S1ate#. . In 'II.tf letter 9, 194.7, I _ copies of tl 1ssned b1 en DQoed;)Qr 3, 1947 J tva I nm cmolC)a1.ng baNtrith .w..t.4.o.W.- at ·tba m1cb S7 '-. . typo. As you haTe bGGn. prtrdouif.7, tbis has G$l\ COW Qt ibu .. to b(p I '1 e.., in a. letter 'fbioh he had addrea!!ad to t}:d.@ Ol'l the I.f I can hi! ot any t'urther MtAstanea tJo-you do not hem. tt\to tQC_IUi11cate Enclosure No. 495316 COt Recorda Chron. /' Mr. Foley -- Yr. Ford Yiss Haaly .'\.':. "

US v. Iva . Ikuko Toguri - Treason December 18, 1947 · The Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation December 23, ~947 T.- Vincent Quinn, Assistant Attorney General TVQ:WEFtDrJ Iva

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(Typed DacembGr ~7, 1947)

~~a.ndlf.~ li'oufJ!) of lUJpr$~tQ;tives iia:~, D. c.·

iJ,y ~ l!r.~ti-.ant

~_OM1.". 'fia~ litUl4"'t' of the U. S~ -r-.gratAosi· and ktcmllt.ttan ~. bas ~o;r;ow.ar4ed your ~ at ~ 2; 1947, _ ~thar wLtb: 4,

lhtter f1:"ta b to , '1 C--bto \ '! C- . ,J.'e(f1ut1.ng in£o~

tUm concerning tile ~ttrd.$l .0£ Iva'rogurJ. into the United S1ate#.

. In 'II.tf letter o£naoe~ 9, 194.7, I £~ _ copies of tl re~ 1ssned b1 th1~ ~ en DQoed;)Qr 3, 1947 J ~ tva to~. I nm cmolC)a1.ng baNtrith .w..t.4.o.W.-~ at ·tba .~ m1cb S7 '-. M..u~:-~'~U~-·:'to-~~of""thiw . typo. As you haTe bGGn. 4dv1.~ prtrdouif.7, tbis ~t, has ~ G$l\ a· COW Qt ibu cnQlo~

.. N~ to b(p I '1 e.., in t&·~-tc a. letter 'fbioh he had addrea!!ad to t}:d.@ ~ Ol'l the ~ &Ubj~ct.

I.f I can hi! ot any t'urther MtAstanea tJo-you ~ do not hem. tt\to tQC_IUi11cate 'tdth_~

Enclosure No. 495316

COt Recorda Chron. /' Mr. Foley --~ Yr. Ford Yiss Haaly

.'\.':. "







\1~1 il ) I~

L i' " i


Deoember 23, 1947

Dear 1':> 10 I 1 ~

This is to acknowledge your le tter at Deoember 16, 1947, conoerning the so-called ItTokyo ROSB."

I am enoloeing herew1 th a copy of a press release iSBUed by t.Jrl.e Deparbnent on Deoember 3, 1947, '1dl1ch mar ~e cl AsSistance to yau. in the consideration of this matter ..

EnelosureNo. 495322

cc: Records --~' ehron. Mr. Foley

Re ape otfl11l:y :.

For the Attorney General

T ~ iTINCEN'l' QUINN' Assistant Attorney General

, -----,-~-:-

... ___ --4-


.. ,;.. ... '"

1.'\iQ c lfiW:1%"

14~~941 .


Dear l? Ce I '1 e,.,

lUJceipt io &ckn.Qwl.csdgG4 of )"QUlI.' let.tw of

~er~, 1947, ~aed to tho J1IJres1dent, ~

Ivatoguri nt~.

. For ~ #.utsl$t4'ince in tlda _tter. I .. en-­

c~OGing A COW of a. pt:"6SS re.l~ igsuE!d by t.b..1a- De~t . . .

on Dec0mbw:; I 1941.

YOUr 1nt4~st in a~oat1ng wtth trui ~tddent. ' .. :----::;:.;:':";.::-~ ~:o:::-.: •. ~~ ~ ~ ;;.: ... -;~ .• ~~ .. ~~~.,.:~.~~:~.\ '.~. /~i.' ..: :::':~':''::~:~> :~.':~ -. '. '::' <'; ";.' - •• i~~< .:; ~-·.~,:.)~:i~f:'~··~-Y!V':::9?~~.~~~;·:M$:~~?x··::;.;:-·· ;.. - . "

in t.hl.s tnattCl' is a~il\tAd.

RespeettullJ" ,

For the At.tQrnq ~eral.

"r. VINCENT Q\';Jl.NN, Al$siatant. AttorruJ1 ~

~ .. '';,.,.


r \

146-28-1941 Deoember 23, 1947

DG.ar b 4- , '1 c.,.. ,

This is to D.ek::now'l.edge your'letter of Deoembe-r 4, 1.947, a,dvidng that you: J.rJS3' be of aaa1st.tulce in l.denttty1ng .'fok;yo &059-."

1 have trantm1tted thia 1n!Ol"%Dation to the Federal Ba.raau o! Investigation. Y(JlU" ooopera.tion in this matter is appreciated. ~

cc; Records-~ Chron.

,'~~. Foley


For the Attorney General.

'I!. vnrom QUINN Assts~t AttorIl$Y' General

... :,. - ,"':" ~ :.,,: :."." .




The Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation December 23, ~947

T.- Vincent Quinn, Assistant Attorney General TVQ:WEFtDrJ

Iva. Ikuko Toguri, 1d. th a11a.se 6


Reference 1.s IIUlde to your memorandma or, DacembGr S", 1947, , regarding subjeot ,1nd1:vi.dual." in 1drl.oh you request an opinion ae 1;0 the extent to mich each of the 1eads in thi8 <:aBe should ba developed.

As you. poUlt out. 'ail ind1.vi.dUaJ.. -who baa m.araly heard a ra.ttl.o broadoaat featuring -Tokyo Rose" cannot 1denti..t'.r IV!l Togurl as ItTok;yo Roee ll unless that indiv:1.du.al. hae prerlouely' heard the voice of Iva Togurl.. Undoubtedly man,y ptl.l",.tronS 'Idlo uil offer in­formation concerning her -will. be unable to identif,y Iya To~ or otherwise' itve any data of ~8tigative or av1dent1ary Value. In new of tb4 public .and otfic1a1 interest. :tn this oasa, hOlltJ'(6r, 1.t is believed that new leads w1l.1 have to be deve10ped to a dograa 6l1fficielrt; to determine the use-fo.lnasa of the inf'ormation. I agree that it 1s not 8.dnsable, ld.thOtlt a.dd1.'t1.ona1 recordings, to re­intarvi.Enf the WlJl'Y' persons previously questioned -who £ia.y' they can identify ltTokyo Ro8e. II .

As :letters are ra<'Jeive<i from. individual.e 'Who state that they can be or assistance in 1dentif'ying wbjeot these ldll be forwardGd to you. I' am. transm:1tting herenth tour letters received to date !rom the':follOlJ1ngt








y~ knazr, up to the present ti.1Jie no 0llt!.I bas identi.!1ed tho subject as the pt,n"son who' made tbese partioular bro4doaattt. 'lhere!'ore, 1 t is felt that he mould be in~tnJ'ad in ~ event he JJJJry be able to atunet in 1dent1.fying Iva. Togur1.

In your ~ra.ndtml ot. ~r 13, 1941. concern-­ing this eubject, 70tl refor to an ~:rvi.6'\!( 1d.th b~ t ~c.-

_ 'olD, '1 e... _ . me> t&ela that pSrcona 'Who styled t.M;tselV08 ItTOkyo ROBaR nnd "Orphan .Annie" are ~ot . the sam.e 1zldj.vMnaJe, t.htlt their p~'_ra bX'O(ldcast at di!tcrent boors and llBr& ot a. dUfeNnt natux'eJ that tha1r voioQ:s were not trlmllar~ nnd that "'rQk:yQ Rosa" was ~ the air for sane t.ima when O~. Anntett began brOadcasting on the 'Zero HOOl"t. It l.G 00l.1.e.ved tb.a.t .t't1.rtb.cr quest1.on1.ng along thada lima may bfJ profita.bl.e)c sinoe b" I '1 C.- infOrltlat-· t10n aaoords1t1.th. pNvioa.s eddenQe ~ Iva. Togurl.. Although 1 t. I'rJIJ:f a.~ that Togur1 16 not "Tokyo Rose."' avnUabl.e data. would s.tggest that tWi.dance or her aotiviti.es is moo that it mould be preSQntad to a. grand Jur;r and, therefore, 1. 't 1e requ.aGted that inwatigati..on or Tog,url. be continued even though you may establish that it is not rtTok,1o Rose. rt •

Enc10 sure No. 495312


Jf ~~pJ

t , .. t


OIloombfillr 23, 1947



Tb1e w1ll ~knoB'l..at1ge your le'tter postmarked ~r S, 1947"1 refelTing to lrfolQ'o ROBil," wb10h I have transmitted to the 1eder&l Bureau o! Itrtast1.gat.1.on.


YOIlr interest in tbie matter 18 appreoiat$d.



For the A'\itorney ffimeral,

T. V~NCIDlr QUINN Assistant- Attorney Gen~al



\ 1 .. ' r'




" ''-'.

( c· \

Dcar blo, '1 C-

lteoe1p~ 1.s acknowl~ 01 your .1ett4r ~_

J}eeemher 10 ~ 194'1.addrG8$&d to

Iva Toguri ptAquino.

For tour a,asinanee: in t.h:i8 ma.t~$t". I $.J; en-

on f)eO(\il\btn" 3, 1947 •

. '. > ""'1~ 'littirest '1ri~~!n2fd(ii~;-sittt-q~hfii~1tirl- ,.",: ,c

J.l1f:Jnt in this tna.t.ter is appreeiat~c

R$speet.f'u.l.ly t

"~~j~(~:;'~~:~~e1 ""-~:. ·-~ .. ·r. k

IDi010~=':~75 / cc: RecordS~

Chrono. Mr. Foley •

T • VIlirot'mtt Ntntl! . . ~4 ~~., .

Aesiat.e.nt At~q' Qe~

\ ,.

,.. ,-~ ".

{' \


lAO-2M 941 .



a~~ 1e ~~~ of ~ l.Q~wr of

})eQ~r .5 j ').;'t47 •. Addl·!~U56.od to b~' \ '1 e..­!.va. "to~. 1)tAqu1no.

l¢t".~ e.$a1~e 1n tbis _~t..erJ I am enel..Qeing

ft. copy or a press Ni1caaB U$1,~ 'b7 t.ld4~~~1l:t on

t)GQ~ J, 194;.7.

I h~' ~;:;''::''~:;:'?;:f;'!c.~~!<:,.'::·~· .. :':.. :c. " .,', " ":~,,·t,,X.ot:U'!: J.n.~atJ;·1n":~liJle.:t.i,ug;~~tb':~ .. ·q:a~t ,<

in told,. ma~~ iG apprec1a.~


~~:~--' Chrono.

Mr. Foley :-?'-

&e~t..tully ...

fol\"' t;.b~ At.tArn~ Gon~~ -\

T. ~.tmT QUINN. A44i6\l4U~ At~ ~ral.

. ; . ':f.



I t

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TLO lJl3H; V'Uil; .


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b& I f"{~

~~~., ~l L-<; ~:~ ~ 1 _

. c.·.: I ~...:- .

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D, .. ~ bCQ, 1e.... ".~ .........


'. t ~V& 1G\U" l..~t¥ot A~+l 1,,,, l~t~~t1v~ tQ ~c ~ ~. ,1_ ~\'OO) 'i~4orl.1 ~ u ~~·1{e_·.. .., . .

C1vn. 'pX'O~ t~ ~"Q11. ~ 'Our ·itm 1il\ll)t 'bc1 .~ iA tho u~te<t,a~to&, .~~ ~~e th#,,~~~ MtA-~ ·~ol"l!'6tt. !h$~tute(~ U",·S. ~. :Lfm)·~·~" ~ tll4 iWW. ~. ~t~ *~ .. :~ ttrit.~ $tA~$;~, ~. ~tt~, .~lm· in th!e., $~td JWl1~·d:t~~,·inw ~~h ~~ ~~an\·u f1;rut. h_~ ~~ ~Ufin1~ W ~.1ftd~. t?1ia~ ..

tt ·t~uotpo~lQ' tao do.t.~l1Q a.t tkJ.s ~ft ~. tM$ ~vidoo rio\W1 b& .pt'()~\ttk4 in the ~~g!t. u H~W .~. Um~ Bt$.~ f~ ~~U,ti>}A t.O'l,! tr.~:$Of;4 ~V;;l.:t I: 1~1Il1t· t;>·.Ma~· ,.()~ ~t.:ft>Wt

.1 ".A'



:·t!rQ.~T~·:~(:'~:~~~'~~~!~~~:!,;-~;~~·~~··· , . ~. . ::. :~.~ ... ~. .~\~

l;:'~~ ib ~fW·rqc AW~{;\~tl.o'£ )'ti~tho.~~s 'tA h$~ <~~ten 'i».~: ~l'1:it.ng- tbia JaA:~. '.. .


wt~·· u /lJ ~ "Y\. • Cv


cq: Re9.9rd~ V Chi-on. fair. :ii~gan

(Signed) J. Boward McGrat?



.,i -,










April 16, 1946

This will acknowledge of April 15, 1946, addressed to JOB

and suggestions will, of course,

eipt of your telegram B. Keenan. Your viewlS

the careful oonsideration of the Department of Justice.

For the Attorney General

THERO N L.. CAUDLE, Assistant At~rney General




Direoto;"~ ladera). ~e4U o! Investiga.tion

~ftr.;mt.;lf. Caudle, .Ass.1stant A.t~q~~4 " ....•. ~ . Cr-hrlnal llt'V'itdon ~ .. Uiiitad States v •• ~ lknlro. Toguri; was: . i "'l\')~ Rosa" . . .

. ~l;\8on: t

cc .. ~'cords~ G'nrono ./ Roth Elliff


.:- 'b~B:·18· 1'946·




.- ,. ~:>~'::~~;~'~~~ ,.:,,~ .

: ":-.' ..




Honorill.b10 Kenneth C. ·RO;ya.~~ - ~ Secret.ary of the A"C'.tty \ \ \- \~",)<\ ;

Wa~hin.uton, D. c. ~" \\'?~ <> .____-.- /_----~ doar Mr. ~~ecretary 1 0'- .--.-.,­

~ Further Ntereuoe 15 made to your l~t.t.er <)t

Ootob"r 4,1948, rogarding t.ho lfn1wal· rosponsib11ttief$ Qf tli$ Departln4nt of the Army an{! of tl-J.G Dopart\'ll$nt. cQncurning the pr<!1paration ot the oaSfJ Qf h ~ , '1 Q.... \10, flC- for pre::sentation to a grand jury and for trial or t.ho case.

In. ace; 0 rdano 6 with ~r 8uggeqt.1on, the l)(lpal't.rtOnt. o.f JU!Jt.1ct:J ha,3 usign«i bCo, fI Q... to pro-cGvd to t.he far i!:a.st tor the purpo/Je ot interroga­tin8 witneSGe8 in connaot.i.on ~ith the ?rovoo ~O. biP,1 c. blo \ f\ ~ 1B fwcl.llar '''rith l..he problCM inoid.ent to a tr~aJijOll prosacution and is conversa.nt with the apeaial t'a.cts in the Provoo ease. He i:s uso !ata111.'J.l" with the inve.stil~a.tion of vlo I '1 c..- _ ,a tr~a8on sU(J~ct, and Iva Togurl n r Aquino, recently indicted by 1l. federal. grand jury for treason. 1'ha Depa't'tment. ill desirous. Q! h~~v:tng '\::l ro I r'] c.. .:l.rd~errog:;tte ldtn~s8e8 in aonneotion wit.h tho bl.>, 1 ~ {and l'ogur.f. C4.4f!#., .S 'lo(~} 'whJ.1.a 11" 1$ . ex. in the Orient~ 64>, '1 <!... 16 ac~ted with the Far A ~\J East and has been th0re pravioull!ly on an a~signment {l.a a. L-,\ . '

Spacial About of the Federal Burea.u of ItWGstigation. / I v ,~\. \ \ ( \.

\, \ fl 'J.'

It will b(l. appreciated if ~prroprute. ior.r:itatJ..oaalj· \\~. ~ \' orders will ,?6 iSlmll'd to . b~! 1 L ttuthorinng him to : \ / ,''j--< i ~ '. ) proceed on hl.ll miasion at. th& expenso of the Department ot ", \"" \ ~ tha Army M p't"ovidcd in your- lett~r of O¢tob(l;r 4, 1949~ \. .'\;

\'\ )

I fool SUi"'C that bk> J 7C- will l"'¢oeive t.he mune \.'Y, \{) c<X!perationin tho Far East I.\S uas affQrd~d to Xl"_ Noel Story, '\ ' the Departwont' s represent.e.tlY6 in Gernru:tY' in the inveotigatiot1 \ of the ca~e of bto ( '1c.. The Dapartr.lent wlshlil8 to reitGrAUt itn nppraciat.ion of the courtesy ;.1.na aoopcrl.ltion afforded to ~r. story~

CC: Records

Chrono! ·"Mr. Foley

-Miss Healy }'tr. Ford ---_ ... -- ..... _. _____ or-' ... -_ ••








September 30, 1948 air mail

special delivery

\. Tom DeWolfe, Esq. Special Asst. to the Attorney General c/o U. S. A.ttorney's Of'f'ice

/f-I San Francisco 1, California

Dear Mr. DeWolfe:

Attention: Miss Dorothy Fillius

Re: Iva Toguri D'Aquino­Treason

Pursuant to your telephonic conversation with bCo I rr c..., on September 2$, 1948, in which you requested

duplicate recordings of certain broadcasts delivered by the above subj ect in 1944 and 1945, arrangements have been completed to make them available to you.

The requested material is being sent via air express on this date, and should be delivered to the local field office of the Bureau in 8m FranCiSCO, California, on s~turday, October 2, 1948. .


For the Attorney General

~~ Assistant Attorney General


~\ :. ')

': ",

-' -' - .--(' - '. f

)" , ".


•. ,'! :. ;:'- : IDxtR» -Il( ~ - }-:tg ~/9l/ I ~ . :, .. ':.:

AMCiRPWiMAB E:B ~,:: 23· Al-1 10 3 gl4~~i 941


SEPtEMBER i1!1 1945

p1ltn.~ UNABLE To r;OClTE i:k" "l·t. ORDE.f1£ UNTIL TODAY.

ADVISiti3 HE m:LLRli1'O?~T TO J:'EwOLFE BY ocToBER i ..




" i ~.

The Director, Federal Bu'reau of Investigation

Alexander M. Campbell, Assifitant Attorney General., Oriminal Div1.sion


October 4, 1948



Presiding Judge F. L. Hawldns ot the Texas Court ot RttQORD. Criminal Appeals has !'o!'\!/arded t.o this Department 8. letter It; from. ona b to I '1 C,.... . . whom he describes as a n good man and thoroughly dependable. (I b(o ,1c...,adnselS that. during much of the time he fought in 1;,he PaaUic area, during World v:ar II, he list.ened to broadcasts by To~o Rose and r~~ers the propaganda of many ot these broadcasts; He has or£~red his services as a witness ~nst Iva Ikuko D I Aquino who I as you know, 10 now being held in san Francisco for presen~tiQn of her 08.S6 to a grand jur,y.

It is requested that a representative of the Bureau intervi~ 'o~ I '1 c-. to secure such information as he may be' able to furniSh concerning broadcasts by Iva Ikuko DIAquino.

CC: Records Chrono.

I' Mr. Foley

Lf 3°


Septeniliel." l8, 1948

} i f ~ . }

1// I 'r

.,' ./

VI i I

Dear Judge:

~.J .• ~~. Thank you for your note of Septexnber ZSth, . : ... ' enclosing one addressed to you by . b\o I '7 c:.. ':./ b Co I '1 c.. :relating to his

re-collection of the Tokyo Rose broad:casts.

I greatly appreciate your m.aki.ng this letter available to me and will be glad to aee that it receives careful c.onsideration ..

With kind regards,

Sincerely • .. : ..... .

Attorney General

Hon. F. L. Hawkins Presiding Judge Court of Criminal Appeals Austin. Texas

\.~,::~. '0-\



AMC: \'iEF : lr


( I '





September 24, 1948

Thomas E. De\folfe, Esq. 'c/o United States Attorney San Francisco, California

Dear Tom:

Re: Iva Ikuko Toguri Treason

Enclosed herewith, for your information,

is a copy of a report by Special 'Agent b (",! tc";'"

bioi fie... made at Indianapolis, Indiana, on September 15,

1948, concerning Toguri.


For the Attorney General

Enc. No. 437780

ALEXANDER M. CAMPBELL Assistant Attorney General

.. ...




SF A038 . GO·VT.PD:: WU X' S ANF RANe t ~·~_o ._~_~L I_F2;L_I __ ..... -u. ... _"·

: J 0 H N B H 0 G A N={--'-'~ ... "-. ~c---- -- . .,;, .' .' '~{i; j;.::,)W;W! .... -.

~-:CARE U S'ATTORNEYS OFFICE' P'OS'T ,-0FF:-t~i~ -BLDC31" -------,--. ----- - - - - ---. - - ----- - - - - - ------ --.- ---- -. --- . .-:/,. --- ::-;- - --:-- ----::.- - . 'i'

.- ;-, . : ;,~.


AV A I LABLE . T~ YOU ON- OR ABOt1~ .. O~_~o.~_~ __ ~ __ j~~ U, I 7L WI' LL BE~.~~_~~ l . '.

'. i

. ~ALEXANDER M ~AMPBELL ASSISTANT_ATTORNEY GENERAL DEPT .. '--'-." ... _ .. -L-__ .. _ .~ ...... _ .,


-, . 2 • ' • .1 ~ i

-1-0S-1 AS=- (i .~ -" .. ) -. -. - I



.. ,.



-NOyember~ 1949

Dear Tom: ~ •. I was delighted to read in our looal paper

of your suooess in having Tokyo Rose oonvioted

Congratulations! You must have done a very fine


It's nioe to run aoross the names of Washington

friends oooasionally and learn that they are doing·

so well.

Best wishes from for a lot more

interesting oases, proseouted or defended with equal

suooess .. I hope ·we'll be seeing each other again

one of these days. Remember when we were both in

this town?


Ene •


'\ {

146-2$-1941 ~.M,. September 20, 1948

Honorable Kenneth C. Royell Senretary of the Army Washington 25, D. c.

~ dear Mr. Secretary;


Be 1 Iva 'roit:uri D' Aquino -<

The above defendant in the treason prosecution . /. ~q~cin5t ber, i6, as you know, en route to the Uniteri Sta.tes and expected to arrive at the Port of S6.n Fr.e.ncilSoo on or about September 25, 194$. The Je~nese witnesses are-no~ in Sen Fnncisco ~nd Government counsel will begin their interrogation today in pr'eparation for preeentntion of the metter to a grand ju~ in the Northern District of California as soon as possible after October 1st.

In this. conn'action it will be gren tly np?recia ted. if you ~ll errange for the treusfer<of p~~ ~ e b~,1~ now believed to be at Fort Benning, Georgie, to Camp Stonemen or other.Arm,y bsse in the vicinity of ~n Franci8co by October 1, 194$; in order that he Infi.y be &vallable f;I.S a wi mess in . the proa'eeding. \. (." I 1 c., \'6rd.era·sho1.l1d require him to report to ~om DeWolfe, Eaq. ,Special A.saistiint to the Attorney Genera.l, care of the United Stv..tes Attorney at Sa.n fnmcisco, on October l, 1948, &ne should ce.11 for hi& continued presence in the Northern District of Cf'.l ifornie until released 1:J.J Governlnent counsel •

.At this time r feel you should be apprised that it· if. possible the evidence will warrant inolusion of tx... '1 c.. ~.,\c...-aB 8. subjeot in the Ceise. This ca.nnot be determined until the examln&tlon of the Japsnes6 witne8~e8 is coapleted. H01fevffi~ .~s.I:0ul4 .. euch u development nmtentliz.e, you me-y be R.si'.uJtEid tha t:·,I.· ~l'·..c.OJ:!Wlllnica.te with you be.fore 1.f.nv ete:; is w.keIi;· t~elf~c,\:~~Sfi~~~on or othcnIl5'e in i tl~ te ~~Of!60U­ttonf i.n~h1i$ caj}f{';":' ~ (.)''''(;'1 :' ..... '0.

~..('"I:.,' ·-·,t . .. }.J~.i

. -. =--~: ':" : ; . ~ ~~ eo ti'ul.ly J

cc: Records-~ ehron. Mr. Vihearty Mr. DeWolfe

Far the Attorney General

'1..LEX.AlWER M. CJ,~P BELL ASfiattmt Attorney General







September 17, 1948


Tom DeWolfe, Esquire c/o United States Attorney 422 pgst Office Building San Francisco, California

Dear Tom: Re: Iva . Ikuko Toguri

Transmitted herewith are a copy of a Fede~ Bureau of Investigation memorandum dated September ]4, 1948 concerning subject and two reports of the Federal Bureau of Investigation concerning subject, one made at Indianapolis on September 7, 1948 by Spa cial Agent bl.. I '1 C-.

bfo I '1C- and one made at Chicago, Illinois on September 13, 1948', by Special Agent I?(,p I f1 e.-.

The Division will send you immediately such reports as I receive concerning Toguri until you advise to the con­trary.


For the Attorney General


Assistant Attorney General

Enclosure No. 4372.02

!./~// ./ J;' . / .... ,. 7!.:? ··x /': ./ / ~::' -~ .. ; '. "

.. ------"-_ ... ! r:":- .-..... :. i;~ "~:;' ~ . ! •

.1 2

......... -. _._ .. 1 ~~l I ;

.~---.---- ... -..-.. ..... -..._.:.:=~ __ • ___ ~..i



Air llru.l September 15, 1948

R<U IYa IktOO> Togurl­Tro~:o,

, / /

/ :.~;.,.. ,.


I hav~ beon'" intoned by" the Federal Bureau ot lnve.stlgaUon that you tro\lld appreeiato advance notioe of the app~to de.te your presence will be ~uired as e. '1':1 tn&~s in this ease. It is expecte4. that the evid~noe will be :pl·eBent~':)' tQ b. Federal Grand Jury in San..Frnnc.iGco .on (W shortly after Sept~ba.r 271 1945. lor this purpose, you "d,ll, only be needed a few days. 1. QU 1iill be served withe, subpof!}Il.!l. when the exact date is kUOilll.

It;. is imposaib1e to stete at this tim.~ llhl)n a. t;r-ial wUl \:l~l§i.:+l' lv:ovi<i<sd an 1ndi.c;~(»1~ ·1sreturn«l.·";:rt'::1's·"~pf>'Ssibl$ to estlll.,ata the l&ngth or time. your preeance ld1l b~ needed. It lll.l1.y be that . when you are in San Fra.nciaco f'o1" the Grand Jury Some 61l!tim.ate of the &.ow and dw:-ation of th.(;l trial' can be made. Iou Nay btl a~5ured that. the representativ9.s of this Department Viill do everything PQ6sible to gi va you the n.eed'3d infol"as:ti..o!'t ..


Respectt~y I

For the Attorney Genaral

Ji;; s ; ., T r;-'A:l-r D WL~ I IJFJ D! ~GOMJxr:T?"na}. <1'10 US SEO .

. J SEP 161948 AJ

Recorit<; / '!~ chrorJJ.~-· ", '" Mr. Hogan

, I

ALEXANDER n. OA1iPl1ELt, Assistant Attorney General

:'~, 'i ."'~


\ ~, .

The Direcfur, Federal Bureau of Investigation

A~exander U.Campbell, Aisaistant Attorney tlonaral, OriminAl Diviaion

Iva Togurl Dt Aquino­%rea,8on


September 14, 19~ \"

AUG tJB1l& vng 146-'-23-1.941;,..,

~§-i; ,

Thi~ confirm.. eo Wophone call to b!o I '1 C- !rom ~. lh?gan bt the CrlndnBJ. Di'rlaion, advising that we ha.ve been informed by tho ~ that the da!"endant will arrive in San' Franoieco on. September 25 instead ot Sept~ber 27.

cc: Records / cnron. Mr. Hogan


" ...... ,:,..

I * \

\ .... '-.-. )

rn.ANJt if .HEJ'flfF$8Y U,lirttD STATES ~. 8A1l FRANCISCO, CALIlORIUJ.

c c: Record~' VI chron. Mr. Hogan L\.ccounts


cc: RecordS/' Chrono.

September 10, 1948 The Dir~ . l"'ederal Burea.u of Investigation

.. ~~ Alexandm- WrCampbell, Assi.stant Attorney General, Al'1C:UU'dr .'~\~"


Criminal Diviaion ~~, / /;/ .. ; 146-2f~ %10 {~ ."

AB you have been advised previously, th~ above-named subject has been arrested in Japan I1Ild is expected to arrive at San Francisco in military custody aboard the Army transport "General H. F. Hodges" on September 28, 1948. Shortl1 thereafter the facta in this case will be presented to a grand jury in tho Northern Di~trict of California at San Francisco.

ljuring the course of the grand jury presentation and the ensuing t~al on the merits, should an indic~~ent be returned, it will be desirable to introduce in evidence reoordings at subject t a broadcasts over Hadia Tokyo. In this connection, .reference is made to the following Bureau reports:

1. Report of bb, I'l \,'... da.ted January 19, 1946, at Portland, oregon, on the third page of wi',ich there appears a list of numerous acataterecordings of the "Zero Hour" program which, at that time, were·in the possession of the Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Servioe at

,i1:.$ Portland and Silver Hill, Maryland, Stations. It i8 reque.s~<i t~t. tb.e 9riginal.re<:ordings of the program mentioned' in this me..'U.orandum be ob­tained from. the f'oreir.n Broadcast Intelligence Service.

2. ileport of \?to I '1 Q.. dated February 1, 1946, at Los Angeles.. Page 2 of this report seta forth recordings of the "Zero Hour" broad.­cast whioh wore obtained from the Armed Forces Radio Service in .Los Angelos and which, a.t the date of the report, were in the possession of the Los Angeles Field Divi8ion of the Bureau. If these recordings are ,still in Lo8 Angeles, it is requested that they be forwarded to San Franc , and if they have been returned to,-Forc¥·. Radio ,. it will be appreciat rY~~ a tt· in Los Angeles will once again borfOw them 141~ forwa them to San Francisco. \ nY \~

'. '. St.\"> 14 Miss Fillius 0··

r~ 111 j";j;,, , _ ~ .... '

- 2 -

). Report of ~ ( tt ~ dated March 22, , 1946, at Washington, D. C. Page 2 lista six records of the ltZer,o gour" broadcasts whioh ware obtained from the Foreign Broad­cast Intelligenoe Service in Washington, D. C., and-transmitted to the Los Angeles Field Division of the, Bure8ll~ It i8 noted tha.t two of the records ino1uded in this group are dated August 14, 1944, and two are dated August il, 1945. Attention is called to the fact that' recordings for these dates 'are also mentioned in the list contained in the report of Agent b ~ , '7 e-in paragraph (1) above. It will be " appreciated if the Los Angeles Office will transmit these six records to San Francisco.'

4. Report of .l? \.p I 0 c..... dated April 1, 1946, at San Francisco. Page 7 covers -an interview with blo 1-' C-

blo lIe in which be.. I .., c... stated that during the war he recorded numerous broadcasts made by Tokyo Rose over R:i.dio Tokyo and that he would a.ttempt to locate the records in question and make them available to the Bureau. Information is desired as to whether bb I l c.. ever furnished the records to the ~~au. ,If so, it is requested that they be forwarded to the San Francisco Field Office, and if not, it is suggested that IJ.r .. Hockey again be contacted in an effort tO,secure said records from him.

5. FBI memorandum of January 17, 1947, requesting advice as to the disposition to be made by the Los Angeles Field Office of tbil'teen recordings of the "Zero H(:)Ur" program for August 5, 15, 16, 1944, and August 12, 14, 1945, and our answer thereto dated January 23, 1947, advising that the Criminal DiVision had no objection to your dispos~ of these recordings in any manner you saw fit. It is requested that ~ffort8 be made to obtain th~ original recordings from which these copies were made and that they be forwarded to the San Francisco Field DiVision.

- 3 -

6. ~port Qf ~ fe ,I '1 Q.... , ,'4atcd JuJ.y 3(1, 1948, at Las Angeles, page 6, refers to a reoord which \(46 obtained from he, '''''~

'01# I 1'1 c..... Armed i'orQ~s Radio, a.nc1 whioh v<o \ fJ c.-.- ! in turn, had. aecure<f, troJIl: Metro-Gold~-,Ha..y~ Studio, where the record w&a mad~ trOm the sound track of the f1h1U8ed in the pict.ure tI~ Barbaree. It It. 1s requ,.sted t.hat e.rl"M.gG­JU.cmts be made to 'obtain the sound track of the rilm., and' that it be .('oI"WaJ"ded, together with the reco~d obtained trom

.17~ I rJ t. to ~e.n Francisoo.

It will be necessary to of tel" in evidence the original I"eoord.ings of all broadoastst rather than copies thereof, and in ea.ch -ot the a.bove instanc~a it is req\lested that, "he origtna:t.s of the 1"eQ:orde be obtained. .

r am ~questin& that all of the IlUlteri.al assembled in response to this memorandum be forwarded to the San Francisco Fiel.d, Division of the Bureau and retUned tbero' so that it may be avirllable to tha attorney$ from the Criminal Division who will tra.vel there from Washington to handle the ca8e.

":~1i$;;"Me~~~~!i~-' UNiTE~ S~~~n; ili~~!~dl~ . . s. A. An~tmlq .. ~·Ftrati.:y~.AsSistantto I rreJM~~H~I.)j~.~'p .' ,m¥rS9,:.:.,;L9. 48;,t:«:(;,.:f;

.'~ ". the AttoWe~bral' -" ". (~; ::rr~ .. li-.OM: Alexander M. Campbe1i,As~istantAttorneY Ge 'II'~A/ . . CriIirl.nal D1 vision - . .. ".' '.

':.:. 'f'VSUBJ~Cr:, . " FOREIGN WITNESSES -' ',. . . , " .. :". .':. _ ';

'<~'.~. CASE: MRS. IVA.TGiGUR:t D'AQUINO'::~(TOKYOROsE) . ;- ,';"'. . -:' , !' -\,' .~.,:, ...... '~<":'- ~. :~.. '. '~"


, '


. '. ~

In connection with the ,a:t>ove case the Departf9,eht of the Aririi:·b.8.s~:<";:~f.:~»·3" . . ., '". '.,' . • " " .',' . 1'~"I· . • . r~ .• ~ ......... ~.

been requested to· arrange' transportation of . the following eight· wi tne!i?ses··~Y;c::? to the United States from Japan to testify for the GovernmeIit: .. :::;:::::~:::.~;:;~t~~~{$

t b~1 ~~ *: '\~~ mble;:s ~~~~m:;e ~~~ ~J~ :..~:":~~i s~~e=~~e reaeh~~r~ San Franciico on September 27 .. l%8 ,and the witnesses t . presence is ~ ...... . j required ten days :til advance of the defendant t s arrival. Youwillbe ~.:.:::~ advised as soon as the definite a.rr:I..val date. of the witnesses can" be 8.scer-=' tallied. Grand Jury procee~gs will beg~n on approximately October lst.- .. · ;.'

The Army was requested today to f'eedand house the. above-named witnes.ses. We wer~l}.~ed.. that th~.Army. had.made no'. Illan.s for housi.ng the v.~tnesses and~~ itJ(ouldpeadVl.sablefor .. this '.Department to .•. ~;,-;,;:-.:':. do so ;; .. It was' Suggeste(f;"i6;:th~~~:Af~:"that·:there "is'~' st~6iig p~~sibj 11·W:~;y,\q:·;S that. existing racialpre4udice .. ins.anFr13.Uci.~co might ~e. it ~s lA~ to find adequate housing.f'acili ties' and it was further requested' would not be possible to: change the plans at· this time so that:the would provide quarters. and 'Subsistence 'ona reimbursablebas:is~.· considering the matter, the .Army offeredas;a comproinisethat: Departmentini tially attempt.::to .:hQ~eand:.£e:ed/:the·:Witnesses .. _ .. ...,. .. _ ..• ""...,...,.. event a crisis develops:and~liis, is 'f'ourid:to;~irilPOssible;< y~'~ J';! ,.~ .......

. Sta .' .' '. 'catewith .the.··· . .. - Army , . Sa . and


. the meanwhile, the Co~diIig"General of the 'Sixth . ' th~s arrangement and instruc~d to erl.e.nd .. ev~ry cooperatio,l1:}i::o.,t!le .. ' UnJ..ted States Marshal.. . .' .. '. ....... -:: .. ' ........ '; '. jl':S't,\?

It is understood :by. the Department of·the extended by the Arirrywillbe pnareiIl).bUrsable. Japanese witnesses are not'tb be considered."iD.:

In view of the above,. i tis' l:;eqti-~s~ed:~a t . in San Francisco be advised of the eXpel:}ted. arrival

. ..... efforts be made to secure housing and subsistence for

-c2~ '.~ / 0 / .. 4/ / \~.~'9 ~~ i;; ·ZI1<~.-'~>L~'tY~ ;;/~1¥ F ~.o}-v ~., ~ " <e:j--/)7


(- (~,


" -'~.' ~'

.... ' I o!". .-

September ~, 1945

1\ The matter of cash disbursements, if' any, to each of the above

. witnesses should probably be held in abeyp.-IlCe until it can be def'initely determined what arrangements ,can-be made for housing and subsi6tence~

The Department of State bas been advised of th~ arrival of these witnesses and the Immigration and Naturalization Service ha.s been requested to clear them on arrival in Seattl~ or l~eapolis.

The Department of the Army will handle all transportation arrange­ments until their arrival in San Francisco.


Mro J. E. Hoover. Dear Sir:

On 10 September 1948, I sent to F.BoI. San Francisco, a letter in lvhich I enclosed an unsealed letter to, Iva Toguri DtAquine, (Tokyo Rose), offering to testify ~ her behalf, it was transmitted, and I was Subpoenaed to the trial.

In March 1949, a man with F.B.I. Card called on me and ask for a statement, I told him that I had been asked by the defense attorney not to make any statement.

I was on the witness stand, 29 August, 1949, in the cross-examination by Government attorney, DeWolf, he asked me several questions which he aweared to be reading from an F.B.I. report submitted after said interview.

These questions were false, and degrading to my character, a copy of them mil prove it.

I dontt know Whether ydur man turned in such a report, or Yihether they were made up by the Government attorney, I do know that such conduct is improper.

I would like a report on who made those statements about me •

. -.:' '.


/S/ bto


-- ..

.l \

i l4Q...2S-1941 September 8~ 1948 " (

'\ S~'1;­if' ,


Ronorablfil Kenneth a. Royall S ecretarl of the Aray 'ff e.nhlngton. 25, D. C.

My dear 11r .• Secl"etary,

Rot mrs. Iva Ifoguri Dt AG. ui.uo­Irel'1~n

In connection nth the abov~ captioned C"-GO. this Department has received infomation tram b~ I f'l C-

b (q I " t.- h"eDM,Call.fornia, i.ndiGaUng~ three ranter ~ber8 of the staff' of' Radio TokYQ might be potentially 'Val.u~ble ~1tn&B8e8 lor the Governt.lent. They fU"e - - bCc I r, <:.... .. - ... ~

. blo \ 1 c... b<o I 1 ~ bas already been incl.uded in th~, list or witns$ses which we have asked you to· pring to t1l$ Onitad States.


'010 1'1 e.. if$ alleged to have b~ born in the United states. to have attended 'BChoQ!. in Portland, Oregon, aad Oregon stat$ College. He wa.s on the stat! o! Rfrdi~ leokyo prior' to the ';tar ru;l.d did free lance broadcasting during the war. He i~alleged. to ha.ve been hind by the German Erubaasy 1. preau:nabl.y in 'tokyo, to broadcaet their propaganda.

'The: . third "indiYid~; bID I '1 c... \1a not':m.entiotiSd iii thl.e Departllient's rUes. All that i6 knom a.bout b.iJn is that he llas Ii

mem.ber of the staff at Radio· 'fokyo during the war.

It woul4 be appreoiated it the Department of the A:my, througn i t~ investigative s,.gericis$ in 'f.okyo, would atteapt to locate· and interviQll either or both of theae individuals b ~ I "Q..­at the oarliest pX'e.Qticable date.;·,.


cc: Records chron. Mr. Hogan

\'.\, ':


A1Gxan<ier lI. Gampbell.. Afl51istant At.torney G~eral..t Crilll1nal DiviBion

,YrD. Iva Toguri Dr Aquiuo­Tr~apo.n

b~ I '1 ~ ,~ho is prQmi.nently' mentioned 1n this case, is believed to have been born at Spokane, W,:,-ahington, on J'uly 16, 1912.

It. i6 reque~ted that at tho earllC!Jst PO'Sib;l.6 date a certified copy ot biB birth cert1ficate be obta1n~ and:!onrarded to YO\ll:' San FrfUlCisco Fi&ld Diviaion, were it can bema..cl$ anUablo to raprfisent& t1 ves ot tho Criminal Di,vision, who' are ax:peoted to be in San Francisco. in approx:1.mately one w«Jk.

CCI Record) chron. Mr. H<;>gan

.':; .

~. !.Q~~ i: ···~I

.. , ~

'rhQ Dtreetor, federal. Bure~tl of lnv6$lt~gation . .

T .• V!.neent QuttlU;. tu:usiatant At.torney Qe~X'al, . OrituiMl. 01 V;1.a:t.oll

Iva !o!{U1"i Tl:'~t!on

July 12, 1948

tvQ,nUlit'rill 1.46--~,l)1

:t am onol.osing here"Mi th a. li~t ot· tal r'eporta., tUW,. Coua~ ; lnt$llliflOOO 1;&POli"b Qontained in the Gi'1;;1nftt'1>1v1aion EUe. 1li .tli£# caBe. 1 would appre.c1a-OO it 1t 10\1 1Jou'ld r-ev1~ 70ur me: -'00 r~sh lnG. d,th ~P1$B ot All7 reports co~tain«1 thcroi.n nQt·1nolUdedili .tbia list. .

1 ~u1d alSQ lll?PreeiA" i~ U' you would. a,dTiae MGt.her ell or th~$e,~rta h~vG ~ !UX.."nisbQd tel tho Un1~ e~"a A:t.~ atLos~ •

. ;'.-

CC: Records / chron. M-r. Hogan

(." . ~.LE 0 -,

b'~~~ 19 1945 ' J

Toguri case; ].46-28-1941


List of Reports made by Fede~al B~eau of Investigation • • j

Los Angeles Butte, mont. C incinna t.i. SeatU.e. It.emphis San Antonio Oklahoma 01 ty Memphis San Diego Dalla.s ~an .francisco Los Angeles Denver Memphis San· AntQnio R1:chm.ond 8anAntouio New York. Charlotte. Warmington Fie1d Phllade1phia Butte St. Louis) Ko. Denver


Detroit Cleveland .... ..,' ..... , ........ :;.' '.:""'::".-;:'.,:., ..... ··K1iintvtil~·

:- ....

Lon Ailgel.es Denver PhoeIri,x Liilwaokee St. Louie Los' Angaes Bal tlnt()re Los Ang.elsa Los Angeles Albany Los Angeles Atlanta Portland, Ore. E! Paso Pittsburgh

. Buf"!a1o Denver Uilwaukee India~1s

' ..


. .t. ::' .' .. '~.;:

\ \ ..

J \ \

"' ....;1.- \ ,

· ....... )'.;.' :"')..: --

(conttd) from Page 1

List of' Report.s lItade by Federal. Bureau of Investigation


DenveJr ..fhoenix

S an Francisco ~o6A.ngel.e6 .

Philade1.phia Los Angeles San Franoisco Wa.shington, D. C. Sn Diego Richmond liew York H(:)Oolulu. '1' .. H. San Diego'

. ChiC$.go Riohmond Kansas City Los Angeles Philadelphia Seatt1.e Denver lie\'{ York San Francisco porUand New York ~os Angeles Lo'g , Ange'las Portland . ii aShlngton, D.C. Slilwaukee Chicago Washington, D .. C .. Washington" D. C~ Vi ashlngtou, D. C ..



Agent. r

.- i--.,


subJectt Iva Toguri ne No. 146-2(5.-1941-

.. :'



List of Reports made by Counter-Intell.igence

~ P1ace

7 Apr~ 1945 Tokyo

26 :1 an. 1948 Tokyo

29 leb. ·1948 Tokyo

7 Apr. 1948

26 :s an.. 1948 Tokyo

29 Feb. 191$ Tokyo

. ~:·1.7:NoV.·,;f941· .., Ft. Sam Houston, Texas.

14.1tar. ~946 Tokyo

1-5 Mar. 1946 Tokyo

subject of material.

Report, wl~ enclosures, with refenenqe to a film, showing the subject broadcas:ting to American troops.


ReP9rt, with encJ.osuros, to determine. if suoj act is tho same "TOkyo .Rosen referred to in diary of 5 Dec. 1944. '.

Report, with enclosures, to procure recordings of subjectts Voice at radio broadcasts, in addition to current recordings.

Report, with enclosures, to obtain motion piqture depicting subject at miorophone whUe subject w-as broadca.6t~.tx? ·AmoricfiI;l Front line"B for Japanese "Zero Rouru,_ etc,

Report, l1I'i th enclosures,. tp determine w.heth~ subject is the same as "Tokyo Ro8fs" r6rerred to in diary of 5 Dec. 1944.

Report, with. enclosures, to obtain recordJ,ngs of subjec~'s voice during thtl lJar, and . procure recordings by such methods as will-

.. '" ~.

.', .' .j



~ I

allow for their legal' admittanCE? in court~ . . .'J. .... _,.......~.. . 0 '.' 0:' -:' : ~:~:~.:,.' .t~~« :.t. .. ,.:~,r~t~!,~~~~ ~i' .:

}tepdrt, with enc1ostrt:es, to determine ~i1~­of gui1t of. ~. "l e.,. :{murder. and tr~80W: during the time he il'8.S in~ as a ' .. prisoner Qf 'Bar. -' .

CaS6 report or I"{R'fogm;U." the subject., An j"nv6stigation to det.e~ne extent of :

sul?lec.t's al.l.eged pro.:.Arls radio br.o~Btl1 over Radio Tokyo, with enclosures. . -:

_ •• <

.Report on bb I ,., t- with enclogtlre~,._ to determn16 extent of bit! '1 t.participat1oJi in writing and broadcasting propagandA ~r the Japanese whUe a prisoner or war.

f /'-'f I

AltO l RPN ,moV'


Septomber 13, 1948

'Colonal Joel B. O~ted, USAF Cbief, ~llte.ry Justice B~oh ON'10c of The Air Judge AdVOOo.to· Hea.dquarters Oni ted StAtes ~1r JtoroQ Washineton. D. C.

_ .... r'

.f. :

~::"y '-'

ThiG will aoknowledge receipt 01' your letter of September 8, 1948, forwarding tho original ·lettor addressed to you by bCo l rt CL. . b Co I 1 <:...-. . offering assist-aooe in oOnllootion with th.e prQseouticm of Iva 'r0bUn D' Aquino, somstimo/iJ reforred ~o as "Tokio Rose. tI .

,,;~, .-.:, -,'. R~$pe.9~~1~YI " . -" .... " ... ' •.. ~"'."-.- "::.; .. ' .-' "." .. ~ ... : "-

Cc-RecordSV"" Chron. Mr. Y'lhea.rty

For the Aiitorney ~neral

ALKU.tIDER It. O-MlPBELL Assistant Attornay Gonaml

. John B., Rogan, Attorney, Room 2Jl.5

aa than a. Fra.nke

Angus t )0.'1948

.woaNHF, tjl1


\)'" \ '\ c. of' the ProVOlilt Msr»hal ia.me::.-al t oS Offioe oalled on th. phone today and intomad ~e that b IP, 'It.. had departed, lakohoma 7 ~8t 19.48. Eiboard the American ~es1dent Line If-hip "General. &rdona. 'fue ~8ttmated 'time of IU'r1val in &n Frenc1000 wa.~ 19 Au&'\iat 19-48. blP, "Q.., 0.160 b,ad information to \hEl effeot. thCt-t, b (q 1 '1 c... ,had loft.. e. forwarding address, ~ , blo t '1. c.- her

b"', '1t, , b~ lIt.. -departure f'~J'Qp&.."1 took place prior to this Departm~t's l."eqUC:lt for. alw1dng the lIitnesnos. in cofUle-ct.ion nth the Tokyo Rose -ebae. -

C01~corda Mr_ Hogan t.(r. Ymea.rtq Mr .. Franke

,Chrono ~ft .. \ '


r. '/"" '1 i: 19 ?:/ ' r~ -- -;-I' (r ~. " '7 J


11~ I .~ APr. 1 1£54

, I .\cCW\u::i O;-;",.\';it

;'" I

.. '."' ... . : :::~: ~;~~~



.- \

.!' ,

, September 8, 1948

Dear' b{:,,'1 c..,.

Thi~ ~i11 acknowledge receipt of your letter of August 25, 1948, to the Attorney General, with regard to the case of Iva Toguri DIAquino.

The Department ~ppreciatesyour _riting 8ud would be glad to consider :your suggestions were it not foreclosed by statutory provisions regu+eting venue for the tri61 of such matters.

Respect,fully, ,i·./ ;· .. ··f, ~ For' the Attorooy Generol'~~p I iF""

ALEXANDER M. CAMP BELL Asaia tent .Attorney General

~ cc: Records- ~.

Chron. Mr. \'fuearty


.la ' I /

!YO ~.rnH. ~

146-28-1941. ;

/ , .J..

~ .~ U <. Scpt.elllbGJ;" 7 ~ 1948

~, '7 .~~ ..

. ' , r-


'rhil1 ttill. ackncnrledgo NCEdpt ot yow: ~e:~te.r to tho AttorntlY Geno~ dated A.ugU8.t. 24, 1948, in which you l1at the U~lZ or three p.arooU8wbo tdght b(t of a.ael,stanoo to -t.ho (lovet"nnent'iQn thct £orth~ prosecution of 1t1i'&. Iva Toguri Dt A.q uino. lOll will he int~8tQd to knQlf tbo.t ~~ o£ t.he:a has already been flubpoenaed to appear be.£'orG the 'Grand Jury: in 8un .Franoi~. Anothtlr, 'i7bUe ~W tho' QOVertll'4ont, hAtJlWt n.f1 ,.et. besn looa.~ for in~. fIe and the third art; 00'6 ~eing sought by the G()~$Ut.

I ~it1h to expre,$Ss my approoi a ti.on ot the intere.at wbich prolaptGd you to write to the Attot'ney Genet-a],.

cct ReCOrdJ~ I

chr fi.f


r r

: . ~


'.- ... ::''\


'. ... .;." ':" .



i- . ":' :~ '.



iil ~ $.,$


,j: /.

140-28-1941 September 8, 1946

:;1 Dear

Your letter of August 20, 1948, to the President, regarding. Iva Toguri DtAquino has been referred to this Depa.rt-ment for consideration and acknowledgment. .

Your expression of your views is fJ.ppreciated._ Mrs. D'Aquino, hoT:8ver. is an American citizen and sa such 1s 8ubject to the laws of the United states.



For the Attorney Generel

ALEXANDER M. CAMPBELL .. Assis~~: At torn~Y J~eral

... ... ~/ ,.".

Records - -----­Chron. Mr. Whearty

J'~ /13).' . L [: .r:---- I

10,8EP ',." f

'-------~ 13

i c

~---_.--.... i v~ ------------.


: ....

... ---"" , ...

Sept.ftmber 7. 1943

!JOar ~ \ . t'\ Q.

YO'Ur lot.tar Qf August 19, 1948, to the Pre.a,1d.ont., t>-..&$ been referred to t..hilS Department tor, a,Q?(Uowlodgment.

Your :i.nterest, :wd. cOllsiderat.iQ:l j.n cQO~nico..tin~ -with· t}:lG Proaid-ent. IWf) app.r:ecat«l •

... , ..


For the Attol'tleJ' Gen~al

ALlttAH01m K •• CAl{PBF.iLt A$tdatant Attomey G«naral

.. (.

' .....

. "

.... "

, ." . , . : " ~;.

.~ ....

. ' . . -.~

·. ..... '. . ,

. ... . ,' " '. ~ . .;"..:.... . -'.'"


ID" ~:~~~~ ...

. -: '.


: t.:.

" -

Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation May 4, 1949

Alexa:1dor M. Campbell, Assistant Attorney General '

United State6 v. Iva TOi~uri D 'Aquino - Treason

AMC :TED:mmv

~ 146-28-1941 /~~ ~

Reference is made to the above entitled trea80n prosecu­tion presently pending in the' Northern District of California, and more particularly to your memorandum to ,this Divis?-on under date of April 27, pertaining to \0(", l '\c- a prospective Government wit-ness in this cause. It i5 noted that, b~\I~ is able to effect a positive identification of defendant's voice. It is requested that 'oto \ 1 c.... be interviswed by agents attached. to you:, New York Office and it aso:mtmnM what in substance, if anything, he is able to re­call to the best of his recollection with regard to the context.and subject matter of the broadcasts, which he heard defendant voice during the period she waa on the air from november, 1943 to August, 1945.

It is likewise requested that information be obtained as to plo I '1 e.. present place of abodo 50 that if he is called as a witness on behalf of the United States compliance at the appropriate time may bo effected with the statutor)" proviSions of Title 18 U.S.C., revised, Section 3432, pertahling to th~ furnishing of a list of .Tit­nesses to the defendant in a Federal criminal capital case.

It is b5liev~ that it ,(ould be well for the Bureau to ob­tain a signed sta,tem,ent, fr'oIll prospective witness b (" I '1 t...


cc: Reco ehrono ~~~<~' .• -~~ ..... t.


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Direc t.or , Federal Bureau of Investigation

Alexander M. Campbell, Assistant Attorney O·eneral

United States v. Iva To~i D!Aquino - Treason

lJay 4, 1949

AJ1[): TEIl:mnrv 146-28-1941

Reference is made to the above entitled treason ·prosecu­tion presently pending in the Northern District of California •. The trial of this cause on its merlts is scheduled to comaence on July 5, 1949, at San francisco, California. The report of Special Agent \:1..,'1c..­made at San Francisco under date of April 19, 1949 discloses that

b(... \ C\ ~ and at tho present time is employed by the Bureau of Reclamation, Kansas River Division, Indianola, Uebraska. b~ I '1<!.... served as I! CIC agent in Tokyo during and subsequent to the cessation of recent hostilities.

The report of Special Agent ~. 1t. made at Knoxville, Tennessee, under datoof February 21, 1948 onpaGos .4 and 5 discloses that Special Ar;ent,Counterintelllgence Corps, ~, 1~ of tho 80th Metropolitan Unit, handled the entire IlTokyo Rosell investigation and interviEmed de­fendapt !1arein more than twenty timeS. Said report states that btP,1c... is able to identify defendant by voice or any other mea..T15. It is believed that the Bureau should nON take steps to intervie1'l' 1,1, I f"jC- This Division has not to date requested tho Bureau to undertake such an internOtr but merely to locate prospective witness \,(0 I f\L He should be interrogated with reference to any admissions made to him by defendant during the numerous tilJltls he interviewed her. The circwnstancea of the interviews should be elicited and information obtained as to whether or no defend­ant was in custody at the numerous times she \Taa questioned by CIC agent Hetrick.

Numerous copies of CIe reports of interviews nth defendant, which are prosently in· tho posseSSion of the Bureau in Washington and tQe San Francisco Office of the Bureau, may be of aoma holp to the intervieYfing special agent in refreshing prospective witness \.~ I 1Q... recollection •

Information as to \,(. \ <l ~ prosent place of abode rather than his mail or post office box address Should be obtained so that compliance can be effected at the appropriate tilaa rlth the statutory provisions of Title 18 U.S.C!, revised, Section 3432 perta~lg to the furnishing of a list of witnesses to a defendant in a Federal criminal capital case.

cc: Records <-. -_ .. _­ehrono -our file..

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ANC : TED t mmv

""(: May 5, 1949

AIR llAIL --Hoe 1 ;1;. Story, Bsquir-e c/o PUS, OHQ, ~'EC APO 500, c/o Poatmastor San Francisco, California

Dear ~,{r. Story:

He: United States v. Iva 1'0t~ DIAquino

Reference is made to tho above antltlod treason prosecution presently pending in tho Northern District o! California. As YQU ha~ undoubtedly bean udvised, tho trial of this caulle on ita marl ts is scheduled to OOIlmlencc on July 5, iti San Francisco. In a memorandum datQd April Jh, l..<}49 J to the Special Agent in charge of the Fadel'al Bureau of Invcutigntion at San Francisco, Special Agent bCo I '1.e...-. a.t 'tokyo t>ot forth the re8illts of his interviaw wi til prospactivt3 witness b to J 1 Q.., bb,l{e.-. It will 00 I'S9alled that you were previously notified

that b(o, l~would be brought to the Un1t5d States as a. Govern­ment witness for the purpose of giving testimony at the trial on the meri ta • '

MasSI'S. DeWolfe a.'ld Hogan o!thls Divi5ion ,have re­vie110d tip6cial Agent h<&.,,, C. I"eQant r~port on tho expected

'testimony of prospaot.1veldtn668 ~J 'Ie-- 'and hAve concluded that· it dOOB not become neoessary to havehita trmu3ported to the United States 01" to call hUt as a l1itnass for the United States at the> trial. Plaa5G be governed aocord1nglyand notify Special Agent: bioI 'Ie.- that tho Department does no't expoot to roque-at the Depart- .

mont of th~Anry to include obi ~Q,'ln the llut ot Govarnmerit\Yi.t..;.; .. nesses whose- transportution to tho Unit.Qd States tdll be sought in the near future •

, 't4~:~\ 4~ i~F;~;' Records <.:.,., .. ~\< '.1.


Assistant Attorney General Chrono Ow:- file-

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