U.S. GOVERNMENT STANDARD GENERAL LEDGER Supplement No. S2 Treasury Financial Manual S2 12-02 March 2012 Part 1 -- Fiscal 2012 Reporting U.S. Standard General Ledger Division Financial Management Service

U.S. GOVERNMENT STANDARD GENERAL LEDGER...TFM Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 4700, “Agency Reporting Requirements for the Financial Report of the ... None T/L S2 12-02 2012 Def III USSGL

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    Supplement No. S2 Treasury Financial Manual

    S2 12-02 March 2012

    Part 1 -- Fiscal 2012 Reporting

    U.S. Standard General Ledger Division Financial Management Service

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  • Transmittal Letter No. S2 12-02 Volume I

    To: Heads of Government Departments, Agencies, and Others Concerned

    Subject: U.S. Government Standard General Ledger (USSGL)

    1. Purpose

    This transmittal letter revises the USSGL. It replaces all previous amendments.

    2. Rescission

    This transmittal letter rescinds Treasury Financial Manual (TFM), Volume I, Transmittal Letter (T/L) No. S2

    12-01, dated December 15, 2011, and TFM Volume I, Bulletin No. 2012-01, dated January 17, 2012.

    3. Notice

    To help agencies smoothly transition to the Governmentwide Treasury Account Symbol Adjusted Trial

    Balance System (GTAS), Part 2 of this document presents a preview USSGL TFM for fiscal 2013. The USSGL

    Board will vote on final USSGL accounts, and the Financial Management Service will publish the approved

    accounts in an upcoming TFM release on or around June 30, 2012. Agencies can use this Part 2 preview for

    planning but should not view it as the final guidance for fiscal 2013.

    4. Changes to the USSGL

    The revised USSGL (T/L No. S2 12-02) includes the following overall changes:

    Part 1 – Fiscal 2012

    No changes

    Part 2 – Fiscal 2013 Preview Preview was created and generated from GTAS.

    Preview may include changes that require final review and approval from the USSGL Board in May


    Part 2 does not include a Summary of Changes.

    Six-digit USSGL account numbers are implemented.*

    New Attribute Table combines and consolidates the proprietary and budgetary USSGL accounts,

    attributes, and domains.

    FACTS I and FACTS II Attribute Tables are deleted.

    SF 133 and P&F crosswalks are disaggregated and presented as distinct crosswalks.

    Section VI: Reclassified Crosswalks previously excluded from Part 2 are now included in Part 2.

    Section VII: Edits and Validations, a new Section, is added.

    *Refer to TFM Volume I, Bulletin No. 2010-08: Implementation of the Six-Digit U.S. Government Standard

    General Ledger (USSGL) Account Number Code Structure.

  • 2

    Summary of Changes—The Summary of Changes identifies specific changes made to the USSGL document.

    The summary heading “consolidated” refers to all changes to date for fiscal 2012. There is no Summary of

    changes for fiscal 2013.

    Part 1—Fiscal 2012 reporting includes Sections I through VI:

    Section I: Chart of Accounts—This section includes USSGL accounts that are required for fiscal 2012

    reporting.—No changes

    Section II: Accounts and Definitions—This section includes USSGL accounts that are required for fiscal

    2012 reporting.—No changes

    Section III: Account Transactions—This section provides transactions for USSGL accounts effective

    October 1, 2010, for fiscal 2012 reporting.—No changes

    Section IV: Account Attributes for USSGL Proprietary Accounts and FACTS II Reporting—This

    section describes USSGL account attributes. It also displays the USSGL account attributes used with each

    USSGL account for the Federal Agency Centralized Trial-Balance System (FACTS) I and FACTS II for

    fiscal 2012 reporting.—No changes

    Section V: Crosswalks to Standard External Reports for Fiscal 2012 Reporting—This section provides

    fiscal 2012 reporting requirements for USSGL accounts that crosswalk to the following reports:

    SF 133: Report on Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources and the Office of Management and

    Budget (OMB) and Budget Program and Financing (P&F) Schedule (combined crosswalk)— No


    FMS 2108: Yearend Closing Statement—No changes

    OMB Form and Content: Balance Sheet, Statement of Net Cost, Statement of Changes in Net Position,

    Statement of Custodial Activity and Statement of Budgetary Resources—No changes

    Section VI: Crosswalks – Reclassified Statements for Fiscal 2012 Reporting—This section includes

    crosswalks for use in fiscal 2012.

    Reclassified Balance Sheet—No changes

    Reclassified Statement of Net Cost—No changes

    Reclassified Statement of Changes in Net Position—No changes

    Part 2—Fiscal 2013 reporting includes Sections I through V:

    Section I: Chart of Accounts—This section includes USSGL accounts required for fiscal 2013 reporting.

    Accounts added or revised are in bold typeface.—Revised

    Section II: Accounts and Definitions—This section includes USSGL accounts required for fiscal 2013


  • 3

    Section III: Account Transactions—This section provides transactions for USSGL accounts effective

    October 1, 2012, for fiscal 2013 reporting.—No changes

    Section IV: Account Attributes for USSGL Proprietary Account and Budgetary Account

    Reporting—This section describes USSGL account attributes. It also displays the USSGL account attributes

    used with each USSGL account for fiscal 2013 reporting.—Revised

    Section V: Crosswalks to Standard External Reports for Fiscal 2013 Reporting—This section provides

    fiscal 2013 reporting requirements for USSGL accounts that crosswalk to the following reports:

    SF 133: Report on Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources and the Office of Management and

    Budget (OMB)—Revised

    Budget Program and Financing (P&F) Schedule (combined crosswalk)—Revised

    FMS 2108: Yearend Closing Statement—Revised

    OMB Form and Content: Balance Sheet, Statement of Net Cost, Statement of Changes in Net Position, and

    Statement of Custodial Activity and Statement of Budgetary Resources—Revised

    Section VI: Crosswalks – Reclassified Statements for Fiscal 2013 Reporting—This section includes

    crosswalks for use in fiscal 2012.—Added

    Section VII: Edits and Validations for Fiscal 2013 Reporting—This section includes required Edits and

    Validations for GTAS reporting to be published in June 2012.

    5. Effective Date

    Part 1 requirements, for fiscal 2012, are effective immediately.

    Part 2 requirements, for fiscal 2013, are effective October 1, 2012.

    6. References

    TFM Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 4200, “Agency Reporting on Unexpended Balances of Appropriations and Funds

    (Federal Agencies’ Centralized Trial-Balance System II, FMS 2108: Year-End Closing Statement),” dated July 11,

    2011. See the TFM Web site at http://www.fms.treas.gov/tfm/vol1/v1p2c420.pdf.

    TFM Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 4700, “Agency Reporting Requirements for the Financial Report of the

    United States Government,” dated June 16, 2011. See the TFM Web site at


    OMB Circular No. A-11 Revised, Transmittal Memorandum No. 85,

    dated August 18, 2011. See the OMB Web site at


    OMB Circular No. A-11, “Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget,”

    dated August 2011, revised November 10, 2011. See the OMB Web site at


  • 4

    OMB Circular No. A-136, “Financial Reporting Requirements” (Form and Content),

    dated October 27, 2011. See the OMB Web site at


    7. Inquiries

    Direct questions concerning this transmittal letter to the agency’s USSGL Board representative or contact the

    USSGL Advisory Division staff at:

    U.S. Standard General Ledger Advisory Division

    Governmentwide Accounting

    Financial Management Service

    Department of the Treasury

    Prince George’s Metro Center II

    3700 East-West Highway

    Hyattsville, MD 20782

    Telephone: 202-874-9980

    Contact information for the USSGL Advisory Division staff and agency USSGL Board representatives also can be

    found on the USSGL Web site at http://www.fms.treas.gov/ussgl/contacts.html.

    Date: March 30, 2012 David A. Lebryk


  • U.S. Government Standard General Ledger

    Summary of Changes


    Section Item Changed Change TFM Effective Reporting FY Financial Statement

    T/L S2 12-02

    I USSGL Chart of Accounts:

    None T/L S2 12-02 2012 CoA

    II USSGL Accounts and Definitions:

    None T/L S2 12-02 2012 Def

    III USSGL Account Transactions:

    None T/L S2 12-02 2012 TC

    IV USSGL Account Attributes:

    IV USSGL Proprietary Account Attribute Definition Report:

    None T/L S2 12-02 2012 Prop ADR

    IV USSGL Proprietary Account Attribute Table:

    None T/L S2 12-02 2012 Prop Tbl

    IV FACTS II - Attribute Definition Report:

    None T/L S2 12-02 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV FACTS II USSGL Account Attribute Table:

    None T/L S2 12-02 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    V USSGL Crosswalks to Standard External Reports:

    V SF 133: Report on Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources, and Schedule P: Program and Financing (P&F): T/L S2 12-02 2012 133/P&F


    V FMS 2108: Yearend Closing Statement: T/L S2 12-02 2012 2108None

    V Balance Sheet: T/L S2 12-02 2012 BalShtNone

    V Statement of Net Cost: T/L S2 12-02 2012 NetCost


    V Statement of Changes in Net Position: T/L S2 12-02 2012 NetPos


    V Statement of Budgetary Resources: T/L S2 12-02 2012 SBR


    V Statement of Custodial Activity: T/L S2 12-02 2012 Cust


    USSGL Crosswalks to the Closing Package Statements:

    VI Reclassified Balance Sheet: T/L S2 12-02 2012 RBS


    VI Reclassified Statement of Net Cost: T/L S2 12-02 2012 RSNC


    VI Reclassified Statement of Changes in Net Position: T/L S2 12-02 2012 RSCNP


    Bulletin 2012-01

    I USSGL Chart of Accounts:

    None Bulletin 2012-01 2012 CoA

    II USSGL Accounts and Definitions: Bulletin 2012-01 2012 Def


    III USSGL Account Transactions: Bulletin 2012-01 2012 TC


    IV USSGL Account Attributes:

    IV USSGL Proprietary Account Attribute Definition Report:

    None Bulletin 2012-01 2012 Prop ADR

    IV USSGL Proprietary Account Attribute Table:

    USSGL Account

    None Bulletin 2012-01 2012 Prop Tbl

    T/L S2 12-02 1 March 2012

  • U.S. Government Standard General Ledger

    Summary of Changes


    IV FACTS II - Attribute Definition Report:

    None Bulletin 2012-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV FACTS II USSGL Account Attribute Table:

    None Bulletin 2012-01 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    V USSGL Crosswalks to Standard External Reports:

    V SF 133: Report on Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources, and Schedule P: Program and Financing (P&F):


    V Ln 3100 Revised calculation Bulletin 2012-01 2012 133/P&F

    V FMS 2108: Yearend Closing Statement:None Bulletin 2012-01 2012 2108

    V Balance Sheet:None Bulletin 2012-01 2012 BalSht

    V Statement of Net Cost:

    None Bulletin 2012-01 2012 NetCost

    V Statement of Changes in Net Position:

    None Bulletin 2012-01 2012 NetPos

    V Statement of Budgetary Resources:

    None Bulletin 2012-01 2012 SBR

    V Statement of Custodial Activity:

    None Bulletin 2012-01 2012 Cust

    T/L S2 12-01

    I USSGL Chart of Accounts:

    I Acc 1651 Revised title T/L S2 12-01 2012 CoA

    I Acc 3106 Revised Normal Balance from Credit to Debit T/L S2 12-01 2012 CoA

    I Acc 4391 Revised title T/L S2 12-01 2012 CoA

    II USSGL Accounts and Definitions:

    USSGL Account

    II Acc 1010 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1090 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1110 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1120 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1125 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1130 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1190 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1193 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1194 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1195 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1200 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1310 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1319 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1320 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1325 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1329 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1330 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1335 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1340 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1341 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1342 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1343 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1345 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1346 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1347 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1348 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1350 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1351 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1359 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1360 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1361 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1365 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1367 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1368 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1370 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    T/L S2 12-02 2 March 2012

  • U.S. Government Standard General Ledger

    Summary of Changes


    II Acc 1371 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1373 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1375 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1377 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1378 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1380 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1381 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1385 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1389 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1399 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1410 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1511 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1512 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1513 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1514 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1519 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1521 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1522 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1523 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1524 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1525 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1526 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1527 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1529 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1531 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1532 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1541 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1542 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1549 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1551 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1559 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1561 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1569 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1571 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1572 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1591 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1599 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1610 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1611 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1612 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1613 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1618 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1620 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1622 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1623 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1630 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1631 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1633 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1638 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1639 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1642 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1643 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1644 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1645 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1646 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1647 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1650 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1651 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1652 Revised title and definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1653 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1660 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1661 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1690 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1711 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1712 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1719 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1720 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    T/L S2 12-02 3 March 2012

  • U.S. Government Standard General Ledger

    Summary of Changes


    II Acc 1730 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1739 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1740 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1749 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1750 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1759 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1810 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1819 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1820 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1829 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1830 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1832 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1839 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1840 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1849 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1890 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1899 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1921 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1923 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1925 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 1990 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2110 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2112 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2120 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2130 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2140 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2141 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2150 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2155 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2160 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2170 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2180 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2190 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2191 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2210 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2211 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2213 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2215 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2216 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2217 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2218 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2220 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2225 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2290 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2310 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2320 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2400 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2510 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2511 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2520 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2530 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2531 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2532 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2533 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2540 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2590 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2610 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2620 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2630 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2650 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2660 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2670 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2690 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2910 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2920 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2922 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2923 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    T/L S2 12-02 4 March 2012

  • U.S. Government Standard General Ledger

    Summary of Changes


    II Acc 2940 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2960 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2970 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2980 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2985 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2990 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2995 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 3100 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 3105 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 3106 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 3310 Revised Normal Balance from Credit to Debit; Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 3400 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4060 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4070 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4081 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4082 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4083 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4114 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4118 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4121 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4122 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4123 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4124 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4126 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4127 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4128 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4129 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4136 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4137 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4139 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4141 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4149 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4150 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4153 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4154 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4166 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4167 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4168 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4170 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4171 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4172 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4173 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4175 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4176 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4190 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4191 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4192 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4193 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4195 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4199 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4201 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4221 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4222 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4225 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4230 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4231 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4232 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4233 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4234 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4267 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4273 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4277 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4283 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4285 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4286 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4287 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4295 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    T/L S2 12-02 5 March 2012

  • U.S. Government Standard General Ledger

    Summary of Changes


    II Acc 4320 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4350 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4351 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4356 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4382 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4383 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4384 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4387 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4388 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4390 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4391 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4394 Revised title and definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4397 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4398 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4420 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4450 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4610 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4620 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4801 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4802 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4831 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4832 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4908 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5100 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5200 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5310 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5311 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5312 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5313 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5314 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5329 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5600 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5610 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5705 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5720 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5730 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5750 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5755 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5756 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5760 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5765 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5766 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5775 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5776 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5792 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5795 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5800 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5801 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5802 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5803 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5804 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5805 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5806 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5820 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5821 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5822 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5823 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5824 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5825 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5826 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5830 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5831 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5832 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5833 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5834 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5835 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5836 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    T/L S2 12-02 6 March 2012

  • U.S. Government Standard General Ledger

    Summary of Changes


    II Acc 5890 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5891 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5892 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5893 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5894 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5895 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5896 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5921 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5922 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5923 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5990 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5991 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5993 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5994 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 6190 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 6310 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 6320 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 6330 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 6340 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 6400 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 6790 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 6850 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 7405 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 7500 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 8010 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 8045 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 8070 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 8801 Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    II Revised definition T/L S2 12-01 2012 Def

    USSGL Account Transactions:

    III Transaction Code

    III TC A202 Added cr USSGL account 4120 T/L S2 12-01 2012 TC

    III TC A204 Revised description T/L S2 12-01 2012 TC

    III TC F342 Added cr USSGL account 3106; Deleted dr USSGL account 3106 T/L S2 12-01 2012 TC

    IV USSGL Account Attributes:

    USSGL Proprietary Account Attribute Definition Report:

    IV None T/L S2 12-01 2012 Prop ADR

    USSGL Account

    IV Acc 3106 T/L S2 12-01 2012 Prop Tbl

    FACTS II - Attribute Definition Report:

    IV None T/L S2 12-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    FACTS II USSGL Account Attribute Table:

    USSGL Account

    IV Acc 4060E Added Reimbursable Flag Indicator attribute value "Y" T/L S2 12-01 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    IV Acc 4070E Added Reimbursable Flag Indicator attribute value "Y" T/L S2 12-01 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    IV Acc 4119 Added Fund Type attribute value "Y" T/L S2 12-01 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    IV Acc 4193 Added Authority Type attribute value "Y" T/L S2 12-01 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    IV Acc 4210E Added Reimbursable Flag Indicator attribute value "Y" T/L S2 12-01 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    IV Acc 4310E Added Reimbursable Flag Indicator attribute value "Y" T/L S2 12-01 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    IV Acc 4420E Added Reimbursable Flag Indicator attribute value "Y" T/L S2 12-01 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    IV Acc 4430E Added Reimbursable Flag Indicator attribute value "Y" T/L S2 12-01 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    IV Acc 4450B&E Added Reimbursable Flag Indicator attribute value "Y" T/L S2 12-01 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    IV Acc 4510E Added Reimbursable Flag Indicator attribute value "Y" T/L S2 12-01 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    IV Acc 4590E Added Reimbursable Flag Indicator attribute value "Y" T/L S2 12-01 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    IV Acc 4610E Added Reimbursable Flag Indicator attribute value "Y" T/L S2 12-01 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    IV Acc 4620B&E Added Reimbursable Flag Indicator attribute value "Y" T/L S2 12-01 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    IV Acc 4630E Added Reimbursable Flag Indicator attribute value "Y" T/L S2 12-01 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    IV Acc 4690E Added Reimbursable Flag Indicator attribute value "Y" T/L S2 12-01 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    IV Acc 4700E Added Reimbursable Flag Indicator attribute value "Y" T/L S2 12-01 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    IV Acc 4720E Added Reimbursable Flag Indicator attribute value "Y" T/L S2 12-01 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    V USSGL Crosswalks to Standard External Reports:

    SF 133: Report on Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources, and Budget Program and Financing (P&F) Schedule:

    Report Title

    USSGL Proprietary Account Attribute Table:

    T/L S2 12-02 7 March 2012

  • U.S. Government Standard General Ledger

    Summary of Changes



    V Ln 1029 Revised Fund Type attribute domain value from "2/7" to "2/4/7" for USSGL account 4350 with

    SF133/P&F TAFS Status of "U"

    T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1101 Revised Fund Type attribute domain value from "1/7" to "1/2/7" for USSGL account 4123 T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1103 Revised line title; Revised Advance Flag attribute domain value from "F/P" to "F" T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1104 Added T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1120 Added Authority Type attribute domain value "P" for USSGL account 4193 T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1121 Added Authority Type attribute domain value "P" for USSGL account 4193 T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1134 Added Applicability to SF133 value "Y" for USSGL account 4395; Added Applicability to P&F value "Y" for USSGL account 4395T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1220 Added Authority Type attribute domain value "P" for USSGL account 4193 T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1221 Added Authority Type attribute domain value "P" for USSGL account 4193 T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1421 Added USSGL account 4142 with Financing Account attribute domain value "N" T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1610 Added Fund Type domain value "7" to USSGL account 4153; Deleted Financing Account Indicator value "7" from USSGL account 4153T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1611 Added Fund Type domain value "7" to USSGL account 4153; Deleted Financing Account Indicator value "7" from USSGL account 4153T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1711 Added USSGL account 4193 T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1728 Revised Debit Function Indicator domain value to "+" for USSGL account 4140; Revised Credit Function Indicator domain value to "-" for USSGL account 4140T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1810 Added USSGL account 4193 T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1827 Revised Debit Function Indicator domain value to "+" for USSGL account 4140; Revised Credit Function Indicator domain value to "-" for USSGL account 4140T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 2102 Added Applicability to SF133 value "Y" for USSGL account 4982; Added Applicability to P&F value "N" for USSGL account 4982T/L S2 12-01 2012 133

    V Ln 3001 Revised line title T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3001 Revised line title T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3010 new Added (previously 3030) T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3010 old Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3011 new Added (previously 3031) T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3011 old Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3020 new Added (previously 3040) T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3020 old Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3030 new Added (previously 3060) T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3030 old Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3031 new Added (previously 3061) T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3031 old Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3040 new Added (previously 3080); Revised line title T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3040 old Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3041 new Added (previously 3081); Revised line title T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3041 old Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3050 new Added (previously 3090); Revised line title T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3050 old Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3060 new Added (previously 3010); Revised line title T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3060 old Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3061 new Added (previously 3011); Revised line title T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3061 old Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3070 new Added (previously 3050); Revised line title T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3070 old Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3071 new Added (previously 3051); Revised line title T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3071 old Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3080 new Added (previously 3070); Revised line title T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3080 old Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3081 new Added (previously 3071); Revised line title T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3081 old Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3090 new Added (previously 3091); Revised line title T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3090 old Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3100 new Added (previously 3020); Added subtitle; Revised line title T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3100 old Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 3200 Revised line title T/L S2 12-01 2012 133/P&F

    FMS 2108: Yearend Closing Statement:

    V None T/L S2 12-01 2012 2108

    Balance Sheet:


    V 23 Revised line title - notes reference T/L S2 12-01 2012 BalSht

    V 27 Revised line title - notes reference T/L S2 12-01 2012 BalSht

    Statement of Net Cost:

    V None T/L S2 12-01 2012 NetCost

    Statement of Changes in Net Position:

    V None T/L S2 12-01 2012 NetPos

    Statement of Budgetary Resources:


    T/L S2 12-02 8 March 2012

  • U.S. Government Standard General Ledger

    Summary of Changes


    V Col Fund Type Added T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Col Dr Funct Ind Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Col Cr Funct Ind Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Col Apport Cat Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Col Prog Rpt Cat Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Col Apport Cat B Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Col Reimb Flag Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Col Avail Time Deleted T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR


    V Ln 1000 Revised TAFS Status from "U/E" to "U" for USSGL account 4295 T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1020 Deleted Authority Type attribute domain values "B/P" for USSGL account 4123 with a blank Fund T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1020 Added Authority Type attribute domain value "P" for USSGL account 4123 with Fund Type

    attribute domain value of "1/7"

    T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1020 Revised lines for USSGL account 4146 so that they are combined T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1020 Revised lines for USSGL account 4351 so that they are combined T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1043 Deleted USSGL accounts 4183 and 4193 T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1043 Revised lines for USSGL account 4192 so that they are combined T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1043 Added Debit/Credit attribute domain value "D" to USSGL account 4310 T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1043 Deleted Additional Information attribute domain value "7" for USSGL account 4350 with TAFS T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1290 Deleted Additional Information attribute domain value "8" for USSGL account 4119 with TAFS

    Status domain value "E"

    T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1290 Revised line number in the "SF 133 Line" column for USSGL account 4119 T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1290 Revised lines for USSGL account 4129 so that they are combined; Deleted Additional Information T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1290 Deleted USSGL account 4138 with TAFS Status "E" T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1290 Added new line for USSGL account 4146; Revised Authority Type attribute domain values for T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1290 Added new line for USSGL account 4157 with Authority Type attribute domain value "P" and Fund

    Type attribute domain value "1"

    T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1290 Deleted Authority Type attribute domain value "P" for USSGL accounts 4171, 4172, and 4173 T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1290 Added Authority Type attribute domain value "P" for USSGL account 4193 T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1290 Deleted Authority Type attribute domain value "D" with Fund Type attribute domain value "2/7" for T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1290 Deleted Additional Information attribute domain value "8" for USSGL account 4391 T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1290 Added Authority Type attribute domain values "B, D, P, R, and S" to USSGL account 4393 T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1490 Revised Authority Type attribute domain value for USSGL account 4142 T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1690 Added Fund Type domain value "7" to USSGL account 4153 for both lines T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1890 Deleted Authority Type attribute domain value "S" for USSGL accounts 4171, 4172 and 4173 T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1890 Added USSGL account 4193 T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 2190 Revised Lines for USSGL accounts 4801, 4802, 4881, 4882, 4901, 4902, 4908, 4981, and 4982 T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 2204 Deleted Authority Type attribute domain value "S" for USSGL account 4590 T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 3010 Revised line number in the "SF 133 Line" column T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 3016 Revised line number in the "SF 133 Line" column T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 3032 Revised line number in the "SF 133 Line" column T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 3040 Revised line number in the "SF 133 Line" column T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 3052 Revised line number in the "SF 133 Line" column T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 3062 Revised line number in the "SF 133 Line" column T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 3072 Revised line number in the "SF 133 Line" column T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 3082 Revised line number in the "SF 133 Line" column T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 3090 Revised line number in the "SF 133 Line" column T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 3091 Revised line number in the "SF 133 Line" column T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 3100 Revised Line title T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 4176 Revised Line number 4176 to 4185 T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 4177 Deleted Transaction Partner attribute domain value "F" for USSGL account 4253

    V Ln 4177 (old line) Revised TAFS Status for USSGL account 4273

    V Ln 4177 (old line) Revised Line number 4177 to 4187 T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 4187 Deleted Transaction Partner attribute domain value "F" for USSGL account 4253 T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 4187 Revised TAFS Status for USSGL account 4273 T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR


    V Ftnt 7 Delete T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    V Ftnt 8 Delete T/L S2 12-01 2012 SBR

    T/L S2 12-02 9 March 2012

  • U.S. Government Standard General Ledger

    Summary of Changes


    Statement of Custodial Activity:


    V 15 (new) Added T/L S2 12-01 2012 Cust

    V 16 Added (old line 15 renumbered); Revised calculation T/L S2 12-01 2012 Cust

    I USSGL Chart of Accounts:

    I None T/L S2 12-01 2011 CoA

    II USSGL Accounts and Definitions:

    II None T/L S2 12-01 2011 Def

    III USSGL Account Transactions:

    III None T/L S2 12-01 2011 TC

    IV USSGL Account Attributes:

    USSGL Proprietary Account Attribute Definition Report:

    IV None T/L S2 12-01 2011 Prop ADR

    USSGL Proprietary Account Attribute Table:

    IV None T/L S2 12-01 2011 Prop Tbl

    FACTS II - Attribute Definition Report:

    IV None T/L S2 12-01 2011 FACTSII ADR

    FACTS II USSGL Account Attribute Table:

    USSGL Account

    IV Acc 4119 Added Fund Type attribute value "Y" T/L S2 12-01 2011 FACTSII Tbl

    USSGL Crosswalks to Standard External Reports:

    V SF 133: Report on Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources, and Budget Program and Financing (P&F) Schedule:


    V Ln 1029 Revised Fund Type attribute domain value from "2/7" to "2/4/7" for USSGL account 4350 with

    SF133/P&F TAFS Status of "U"

    T/L S2 12-01 2011 133/P&F

    V Ln 1101 Revised Fund Type attribute domain value from "1/7" to "1/2/7" for USSGL account 4123 with

    P&F TAFS Status of "U"; Revised Fund Type attribute domain value from "1" to "1/2" for USSGL

    account 4123 with SF133 TAFS Status of "U/E"

    T/L S2 12-01 2011 133/P&F

    V Ln 1103 Added USSGL account 4119 with Advance Flag attribute domain value "P"; Revised Advance Flag

    attribute domain value from "F/P" to "F" for USSGL account 4119

    T/L S2 12-01 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1134 Added Applicability to SF133 value "Y" for USSGL account 4395; Added Applicability to P&F

    value "Y" for USSGL account 4395

    T/L S2 12-01 2011 133/P&F

    V Ln 1728 Revised Debit Function Indicator domain value to "+" for USSGL account 4140; Revised Credit

    Function Indicator domain value to "-" for USSGL account 4140

    T/L S2 12-01 2011 133/P&F

    V Ln 1827 Revised Debit Function Indicator domain value to "+" for USSGL account 4140; Revised Credit

    Function Indicator domain value to "-" for USSGL account 4140

    T/L S2 12-01 2011 133/P&F

    V Ln 2102 Added Applicability to SF133 value "Y" for USSGL account 4982; Added Applicability to P&F

    value "N" for USSGL account 4982

    T/L S2 12-01 2011 133/P&F

    FMS 2108: Yearend Closing Statement:

    V None T/L S2 12-01 2011 2108

    Balance Sheet:

    V None T/L S2 12-01 2011 BalSht

    Statement of Net Cost:

    V None T/L S2 12-01 2011 NetCost

    Statement of Changes in Net Position:

    V None T/L S2 12-01 2011 NetPos

    Statement of Budgetary Resources:


    V Ln 1 Revised TAFS Status from "U/E" to "U" for USSGL account 4295 T/L S2 12-01 2011 SBR

    V Ln 2 Added Debit/Credit domain value "D" to USSGL account 4310 T/L S2 12-01 2011 SBR

    V Ln 6 Added Authority Type domain value "B/P" to USSGL 4146 T/L S2 12-01 2011 SBR

    V Ln 6 Added Authority Type domain value "D/P/R" to USSGL account 4392 T/L S2 12-01 2011 SBR

    V Ln 6 Added Authority Type domain value "B/D/P/R/S" to USSGL account 4393 T/L S2 12-01 2011 SBR

    V Ln 19B Revised TAFS Status from "U/E" to "U" for USSGL account 4273 T/L S2 12-01 2011 SBR

    Statement of Custodial Activity:


    V 15 (new) Added T/L S2 12-01 2011 Cust

    V 16 Added (old line 15 renumbered); Revised calculation T/L S2 12-01 2011 Cust

    USSGL Crosswalks to the Closing Package Statements:

    VI Reclassified Balance Sheet:

    T/L S2 12-02 10 March 2012

  • U.S. Government Standard General Ledger

    Summary of Changes



    VI Ln 9.1 T/L S2 12-01 2011 RBS

    Reclassified Statement of Net Cost: Revised line title

    VI None T/L S2 12-01 2011 RSNC

    Reclassified Statement of Changes in Net Position:

    VI None T/L S2 12-01 2011 RSCNP

    FMS 2108: Yearend Closing Statement:


    T/L S2 11-02

    I USSGL Chart of Accounts:

    I None T/L S2 11-02 2012 CoA

    II USSGL Accounts and Definitions:

    USSGL Account

    II Acc 4871 Revised definition T/L S2 11-02 2012 Def

    II Acc 4872 Revised definition T/L S2 11-02 2012 Def

    II Acc 4881 Revised definition T/L S2 11-02 2012 Def

    II Acc 4882 Revised definition T/L S2 11-02 2012 Def

    III USSGL Account Transactions:

    Transaction Code

    III TC A156 Added cr USSGL account 2511; Revised description and reference T/L S2 11-02 2012 TC

    III TC B113 Revised description and comment T/L S2 11-02 2012 TC

    III TC B121 Added reference; Added dr USSGL account 2511; Revised description and comment T/L S2 11-02 2012 TC

    III TC B131 Revised description and comment T/L S2 11-02 2012 TC

    III TC B135 Added T/L S2 11-02 2012 TC

    III TC B137 Added T/L S2 11-02 2012 TC

    III TC B440 Revised description and comment T/L S2 11-02 2012 TC

    III TC C146 Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 TC

    III TC C148 Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 TC

    III TC F336 Added dr USSGL account 5325 T/L S2 11-02 2012 TC

    III TC H301 Added dr USSGL account 5900 T/L S2 11-02 2012 TC

    IV USSGL Account Attributes:

    USSGL Proprietary Account Attribute Definition Report:

    IV None T/L S2 11-02 2012 Prop ADR

    USSGL Proprietary Account Attribute Table:

    IV None T/L S2 11-02 2012 Prop Tbl

    FACTS II - Attribute Definition Report:

    IV None T/L S2 11-02 2012 FACTSII ADR

    FACTS II USSGL Account Attribute Table:

    IV None T/L S2 11-02 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    V USSGL Crosswalks to Standard External Reports:

    SF 133: Report on Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources, and Budget Program and Financing (P&F) Schedule:

    Report Title

    V Tl P&F Revised title to include "Schedule P" T/L S2 11-02 2012 P&F

    LineV Ln 1012 new Added T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&FV Ln 1012 old Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1013 new Added USSGL account 4153 T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1013 old Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1020 Revised Prior-Year Adjustment attribute doman value from "B" to "B/P" for USSGL accounts

    4111, 4112, 4114, 4115, 4117, 4118, 4119, 4122, 4125, 4128, 4129, 4130, 4140, 4146, 4147,

    4150, 4151, 4152, 4167, 4170, 4173, 4175, 4176, 4190, 4191, 4192, 4193, 4212, 4222, 4252,

    4253, 4255, 4260, 4261, 4262, 4263, 4264, 4265, 4266, 4267, 4271, 4273, 4275, 4276, 4277,

    4290, 4387, 4388, 4390, 4391, 4392, 4393, 4802, 4872, 4882, 4902, 4908, 4972, and 4982

    T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1026 new Added T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1026 old Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1029 Added USSGL account 4350 with SF133 TAFS Status/P&F TAFS Status attribute domain value T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1030 Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    T/L S2 12-02 11 March 2012

  • U.S. Government Standard General Ledger

    Summary of Changes


    V Ln 1101 new Added; Revised Fund Type attribute domain value from "1/7" to "1/2/7" for USSGL account 4128 T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1101 old Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1102 Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1103 new Added T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1103 old Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1104 Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1171 new Added T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1171 old Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1172 Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1200 Added USSGL accounts 4119 and 4391 with SF 133 TAFS Status attribute domain value "E" T/L S2 11-02 2012 133

    V Ln 1201 new Added; Revised Fund Type attribute domain value from "7" to "2/7" for USSGL account 4129 T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1201 old Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1202 Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1230 Added T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1231 Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1232 new Added T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1232 old Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1233 Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1234 Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1235 Revised Applicability to P&F value from "N" to "Y" for USSGL account 4395 T/L S2 11-02 2012 P&F

    V Ln 1271 Revised line title; Revised Fund Type attribute domain value from "7" to "2/7" for USSGL accounts

    4114 and 4384

    T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1520 new Added T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1520 old Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1521 Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1522 Revised Applicability to P&F value from "N" to "Y" for USSGL account 4395 T/L S2 11-02 2012 P&F

    V Ln 1620 new Added T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1620 old Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1621 Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1622 Revised Applicability to P&F value from "N" to "Y" for USSGL account 4395 T/L S2 11-02 2012 P&F

    V Ln 1723 new Added T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1723 old Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1724 Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1725 Revised Applicability to P&F value from "N" to "Y" for USSGL account 4395 T/L S2 11-02 2012 P&F

    V Ln 1822 Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1823 new Added T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1823 old Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1824 Revised Applicability to P&F value from "N" to "Y" for USSGL account 4395 T/L S2 11-02 2012 P&F

    V Ln 2001 Deleted P&F Status attribute domain value "U" for all USSGL accounts T/L S2 11-02 2012 P&F

    V Ln 2002 Deleted P&F Status attribute domain value "U" for all USSGL accounts T/L S2 11-02 2012 P&F

    V Ln 2003 Deleted P&F Status attribute domain value "U" for all USSGL accounts T/L S2 11-02 2012 P&F

    V Ln 2101 Deleted P&F Status attribute domain value "U" for all USSGL accounts T/L S2 11-02 2012 P&F

    V Ln 2102 Deleted P&F Status attribute domain value "U" for all USSGL accounts T/L S2 11-02 2012 P&F

    V Ln 2103 Deleted P&F Status attribute domain value "U" for all USSGL accounts T/L S2 11-02 2012 P&F

    V Ln 2490 Added T/L S2 11-02 2012 133

    FMS 2108: Yearend Closing Statement:

    V None T/L S2 11-02 2012 2108

    Balance Sheet:


    V Ln unnumbered Revised "Assets" line title (added "Note 2") T/L S2 11-02 2012 BalSht

    V Ln 23 Revised line title T/L S2 11-02 2012 BalSht

    V Ln 27 Revised line title T/L S2 11-02 2012 BalSht


    V None T/L S2 11-02 2012 BalSht

    Statement of Net Cost:

    V None T/L S2 11-02 2012 NetCost

    Statement of Changes in Net Position:

    V None T/L S2 11-02 2012 NetPos

    Statement of Budgetary Resources:


    V Ln 1043 Added domain value "E" for TAFS Status attribute for USSGL account 4350 T/L S2 11-02 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1043 Added domain value "7" for Additional Information attribute for USSGL account 4350 T/L S2 11-02 2012 SBR

    T/L S2 12-02 12 March 2012

  • U.S. Government Standard General Ledger

    Summary of Changes


    V Ln 1290 Revised the SF133 Line numbers associated with USSGL accounts 4114, 4119, 4121, 4123, 4124,

    4126, 4127, 4128, 4129, 4138, 4382, 4383, 4384, 4387, 4388, 4390, 4392, 4393, 4394 and 4397

    T/L S2 11-02 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1290 Revised Debit/Credit and TAFS Status domain values for USSGL account 4119 T/L S2 11-02 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1290 Added footnote "7" to USSGL account 4138 T/L S2 11-02 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1290 Revised Debit/Credit and TAFS Status for USSGL account 4160 T/L S2 11-02 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1290 Added domain value "P" for attribute Authority Type to USSGL account 4171, 4172 and 4173 T/L S2 11-02 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1290 Added domain value "E" for attribute TAFS Status to USSGL account 4391 T/L S2 11-02 2012 SBR

    V Ln 2190 Revised Apportionment Category attribute domain value from "C" to "E" for USSGL accounts

    4801, 4802, 4881, 4882, 4901, 4902, 4908, 4981 and 4982

    T/L S2 11-02 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1490 Delete USSGL account 4146 T/L S2 11-02 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1490 Revised Debit/Credit and TAFS Status for USSGL account 4392 T/L S2 11-02 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1890 Added domain value "S" for attribute Authority Type to USSGL account 4171, 4172 and 4173 T/L S2 11-02 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1890 Revised the SF133 Line numbers associated with USSGL accounts 4382 and 4383; Revised

    Debit/Credit and TAFS Status for USSGL account 4383

    T/L S2 11-02 2012 SBR

    V Ln 4177 Revised Debit/Credit and TAFS Status domain values for USSGL account 4261 T/L S2 11-02 2012 SBR

    V Ln 4178 Revised Debit/Credit and Begin/End domain values for USSGL accounts 4221, 4225, 4251, 4283,

    4285, 4286 and 4287

    T/L S2 11-02 2012 SBR

    V Ln 4179 Revised Debit/Credit and Begin/End domain values for USSGL accounts 4047 and 4160 T/L S2 11-02 2012 SBR


    V Ftnt 7 Added T/L S2 11-02 2012 SBR

    Statement of Custodial Activity:

    V None T/L S2 11-02 2012 Cust

    I USSGL Chart of Accounts:

    I None T/L S2 11-02 2011 CoA

    II USSGL Accounts and Definitions:

    II None T/L S2 11-02 2011 Def

    III USSGL Account Transactions:

    Transaction Code

    III TC C146 Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2011 TC

    III TC C148 Deleted T/L S2 11-02 2011 TC

    III TC F336 Added dr USSGL account 5325 T/L S2 11-02 2011 TC

    III TC H301 Added dr USSGL account 5900 T/L S2 11-02 2011 TC

    IV USSGL Account Attributes:

    USSGL Proprietary Account Attribute Definition Report:

    IV None T/L S2 11-02 2011 Prop ADR

    USSGL Proprietary Account Attribute Table:

    IV None T/L S2 11-02 2011 Prop Tbl

    FACTS II - Attribute Definition Report:

    IV None T/L S2 11-02 2011 FACTSII ADR

    FACTS II USSGL Account Attribute Table:

    IV None T/L S2 11-02 2011 FACTSII Tbl

    V USSGL Crosswalks to Standard External Reports:

    SF 133: Report on Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources, and Budget Program and Financing (P&F) Schedule:

    Report Title

    V Tl P&F Revised title to include "Schedule P" T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F


    V Ln 1012 new Added T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1012 old Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL accounts 4191 and 4199; Deleted

    P&F TAFS Status attribute domain value "U" for USSGL accounts 4191 and 4199

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1013 new Added T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1013 old Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL account 4192; Deleted P&F TAFS

    Status attribute domain value "U" for USSGL account 4192

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1026 new Added T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1026 old Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL account 4320; Deleted P&F TAFS

    Status attribute domain value "U" for USSGL account 4320

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1029 Added USSGL account 4350 with SF133 TAFS Status/P&F TAFS Status attribute domain value


    T/L S2 11-02 2011 133/P&F

    V Ln 1030 Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL account 4295; Deleted P&F TAFS

    Status attribute domain value "U" for USSGL account 4295

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1101 new Added T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    T/L S2 12-02 13 March 2012

  • U.S. Government Standard General Ledger

    Summary of Changes


    V Ln 1101 old Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL accounts 4114, 4121, 4123, 4124,

    4128, 4129, 4138, 4384, and 4394; Revised Fund Type attribute domain value from "1" to "1/2" for

    USSGL account 4128; Deleted P&F TAFS Status attribute domain value "U" for USSGL accounts

    4114, 4121, 4123, 4124, 4128, 4129, 4138, 4384, and 4394

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1102 Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL accounts 4114, 4121, 4123, 4124,

    4126, 4127, 4128, 4129, 4138, 4384, and 4394; Deleted P&F TAFS Status attribute domain value

    "U" for USSGL accounts 4114, 4121, 4123, 4124, 4126, 4127, 4128, 4129, 4138, 4384, and 4394

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1103 new Added T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1103 old Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL account 4119; Deleted P&F TAFS

    Status attribute domain value "U" for USSGL account 4119

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1104 Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL account 4119; Deleted P&F TAFS

    Status attribute domain value "U" for USSGL account 4119

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1171 new Added T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1171 old Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL accounts 4114 and 4384; Deleted

    P&F TAFS Status attribute domain value "U" for USSGL accounts 4114 and 4384

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1172 Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL accounts 4114 and 4384; Deleted

    P&F TAFS Status attribute domain value "U" for USSGL accounts 4114 and 4384

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1200 Added USSGL accounts 4119 and 4391 with SF 133 TAFS Status attribute domain value "E" T/L S2 11-02 2011 133

    V Ln 1201 new Added T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1201 old Added USSGL account 4129; Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL

    accounts 4114, 4121, 4138, 4384, and 4394; Deleted P&F TAFS Status attribute domain value "U"

    for USSGL accounts 4114, 4121, 4138, 4384, and 4394

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 133/P&F

    V Ln 1202 Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL accounts 4114, 4121, 4123, 4124,

    4126, 4127, 4128, 4129, 4138, 4384, and 4394; Deleted P&F TAFS Status attribute domain value

    "U" for USSGL accounts 4114, 4121, 4123, 4124, 4126, 4127, 4128, 4129, 4138, 4384, and 4394

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1230 Added T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1231 Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL accounts 4392 and 4397; Deleted

    P&F TAFS Status attribute domain value "U" for USSGL accounts 4392 and 4397

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1232 new Added T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1232 old Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL account 4393; Deleted P&F TAFS

    Status attribute domain value "U" for USSGL account 4393

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1233 Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL accounts 4382 and 4387; Deleted

    P&F TAFS Status attribute domain value "U" for USSGL accounts 4382 and 4387

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1234 Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL accounts 4383 and 4388; Deleted

    P&F TAFS Status attribute domain value "U" for USSGL accounts 4383 and 4388

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1235 Revised Applicability to P&F value from "N" to "Y" for USSGL account 4395 T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1271 new Added T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1271 old Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL accounts 4114 and 4384; Deleted

    P&F TAFS Status attribute domain value "U" for USSGL accounts 4114 and 4384

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1520 new Added T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1520 old Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL account 4392; Deleted P&F TAFS

    Status attribute domain value "U" for USSGL account 4392

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1521 Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL account 4393; Deleted P&F TAFS

    Status attribute domain value "U" for USSGL account 4393

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1522 Revised Applicability to P&F value from "N" to "Y" for USSGL account 4395 T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1620 new Added T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1620 old Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL account 4392; Deleted P&F TAFS

    Status attribute domain value "U" for USSGL account 4392

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1621 Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL account 4393; Deleted P&F TAFS

    Status attribute domain value "U" for USSGL account 4393

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1622 Revised Applicability to P&F value from "N" to "Y" for USSGL account 4395 T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1723 new Added T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1723 old Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL account 4382; Deleted P&F TAFS

    Status attribute domain value "U" for USSGL account 4382

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1724 Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL account 4383; Deleted P&F TAFS

    Status attribute domain value "U" for USSGL account 4383

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1725 Revised Applicability to P&F value from "N" to "Y" for USSGL account 4395 T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1822 Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL account 4382; Deleted P&F TAFS

    Status attribute domain value "U" for USSGL account 4382

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1823 new Added T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1823 old Revised Applicability to P&F value from "Y" to "N" for USSGL account 4383; Deleted P&F TAFS

    Status attribute domain value "U" for USSGL account 4383

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 1824 Revised Applicability to P&F value from "N" to "Y" for USSGL account 4395 T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 2001 Deleted P&F Status attribute domain value "U" for all USSGL accounts T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    T/L S2 12-02 14 March 2012

  • U.S. Government Standard General Ledger

    Summary of Changes


    V Ln 2002 Deleted P&F Status attribute domain value "U" for all USSGL accounts T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 2003 Deleted P&F Status attribute domain value "U" for all USSGL accounts T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 2101 Deleted P&F Status attribute domain value "U" for all USSGL accounts T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 2102 Deleted P&F Status attribute domain value "U" for all USSGL accounts T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    V Ln 2103 Deleted P&F Status attribute domain value "U" for all USSGL accounts T/L S2 11-02 2011 P&F

    FMS 2108: Yearend Closing Statement:

    V None T/L S2 11-02 2011 2108

    Balance Sheet:


    V Ln unnumbered Revised "Assets" line title (added "Note 2") T/L S2 11-02 2011 BalSht

    V Ln 23 Revised line title T/L S2 11-02 2011 BalSht

    V Ln 27 Revised line title T/L S2 11-02 2011 BalSht


    V None T/L S2 11-02 2011 BalSht

    Statement of Net Cost:

    V None T/L S2 11-02 2011 NetCost

    Statement of Changes in Net Position:

    V None T/L S2 11-02 2011 NetPos

    Statement of Budgetary Resources:


    V Ln 3A Added domain value "E" to the TAFS Status attribute and footnote "5" to the additional information

    for USSGL accounts 4119 and 4391

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 SBR

    V Ln 8A Revised Apportionment Category attribute domain value from "C" to "E" for USSGL accounts

    4801, 4802, 4881, 4882, 4901, 4902, 4908, 4981 and 4982

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 SBR

    V Ln 8B Revised Apportionment Category attribute domain value from "C" to "E" for USSGL accounts

    4801, 4802, 4881, 4882, 4901, 4902, 4908, 4981 and 4982

    T/L S2 11-02 2011 SBR


    V Ftnt 5 Added T/L S2 11-02 2011 SBR

    Statement of Custodial Activity:

    V None T/L S2 11-02 2011 Cust

    VI USSGL Crosswalks to the Closing Package Statements:

    VI Cover Sheet Revised quidance (Bulletin) T/L S2 11-02 2011 CovSheet

    Reclassified Balance Sheet:

    VI None T/L S2 11-02 2011 RBS

    Reclassified Statement of Net Cost:

    VI None T/L S2 11-02 2011 RSNC

    Reclassified Statement of Changes in Net Position:

    VI None T/L S2 11-02 2011 RSCNP

    T/L S2 11-01

    I USSGL Chart of Accounts:

    USSGL Account

    I Acc 2400 Revised title T/L S2 11-01 2012 CoA

    I Acc 2410 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 CoA

    I Acc 4120 Revised title T/L S2 11-01 2012 CoA

    I Acc 4137 Revised title T/L S2 11-01 2012 CoA

    I Acc 4142 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 CoA

    I Acc 4153 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 CoA

    I Acc 4154 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 CoA

    I Acc 7171 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 CoA

    I Acc 7172 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 CoA

    I Acc 7271 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 CoA

    I Acc 7272 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 CoA

    II USSGL Accounts and Definitions:

    USSGL Account

    II Acc 2400 Revised title and definition T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 2410 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 3106 Revised definition T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4118 Revised definition T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4119 Revised definition T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4120 Revised title and definition T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4137 Revised title and definition T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4138 Revised definition T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4142 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4146 Revised definition T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    T/L S2 12-02 15 March 2012

  • U.S. Government Standard General Ledger

    Summary of Changes


    II Acc 4147 Revised definition T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4153 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4154 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 4192 Revised definition T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 5766 Revised definition T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 6800 Revised definition T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 7171 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 7172 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 7180 Revised definition T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 7190 Revised definition T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 7271 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 7272 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 7280 Revised definition T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 7290 Revised definition T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 8802 Revised definition T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 8803 Revised definition T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    II Acc 8804 Revised definition T/L S2 11-01 2012 Def

    III USSGL Account Transactions:

    Transaction Code

    III TC A132 Revised comment T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC A141 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC A157 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC A160 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC A161 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC A163 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC A165 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC A167 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC A177 Revised description T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC A179 Revised description T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC A180 Deleted cr USSGL account 4170; Revised description T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC A181 Deleted dr USSGL account 4170; Revised description T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC B120 Added cr USSGL account 4142 T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC B124 Revised description and comment T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC B126 Revised description and comment T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC B128 Revised description and comment T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC B129 Added comment; Revised description T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC B132 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC B133 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC B165 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC B166 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC B410 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C108 Added reference; Revised description and comment T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C111 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C120 Revised description and comment T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C121 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C122 Revised description and comment T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C123 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C124 Revised description and comment T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C125 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C144 Revised description T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C152 Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C156 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C170 (old) Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C170 (new) Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C417 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C418 Revised description and comment T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C420 Revised comment and reference T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C602 Revised description and comment T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C603 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C604 Revised description and comment T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C605 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C606 Revised description and comment T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C607 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C608 Revised description and comment T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC C611 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC D308 Deleted dr USSGL account 2400 T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    T/L S2 12-02 16 March 2012

  • U.S. Government Standard General Ledger

    Summary of Changes


    III TC D312 Deleted cr USSGL account 2400 T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC D506 Revised description T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC D507 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC D570 (old) Revised to TC D569 T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC D570 (new) Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC D571 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC D588 (old) Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC D588 (new) Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC E115 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC E117 Revised description and comment T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC E124 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC F302 Added dr USSGL account 4142 T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC F305 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC F338 Added dr USSGL accounts 7171 and 7271 T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    III TC F340 Added cr USSGL accounts 7172 and 7272 T/L S2 11-01 2012 TC

    IV USSGL Account Attributes:

    USSGL Proprietary Account Attribute Definition Report:


    IV None T/L S2 11-01 2012 Prop ADR

    USSGL Proprietary Account Attribute Table:


    IV Acc 2400 Deleted Trading Parter attribute value "Y"; Revised Fed/NonFed attribute value from "Y" to domain

    value "N"

    T/L S2 11-01 2012 Prop Tbl

    IV Acc 2410 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 Prop Tbl

    IV Acc 7171 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 Prop Tbl

    IV Acc 7172 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 Prop Tbl

    IV Acc 7271 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 Prop Tbl

    IV Acc 7272 Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 Prop Tbl


    IV None T/L S2 11-01 2012 Prop Tbl

    FACTS II - Attribute Definition Report:

    Budget Account

    IV Att A Date Stamp Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att A Time Stamp Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att A User Stamp Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att B Pub Treasury Account Main Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att B Pub Treasury Department Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Budget Account Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Budget Account Title Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Budget Agency Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Budget Bureau Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Budget Status Indicator Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Default Borrowing Source Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Default Function Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Receipt Account Flag Indicator Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR


    IV Ent Budget Agency Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Ent Budget Bureau Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    Detailed Financial Information

    IV Att Account Reuse Number Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Allocation Transfer Agency Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Amount Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Credit Cohort Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att D Date Stamp Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att D Time Stamp Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att D User Stamp Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att DFI Attribute Key Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Fiscal Year1 Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Fiscal Year2 Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Report Fiscal Month Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Report Fiscal Year Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Submission Revision Number Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att TAFS Sub Account Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Treasury Account Main Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Treasury Department Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    T/L S2 12-02 17 March 2012

  • U.S. Government Standard General Ledger

    Summary of Changes


    IV Att USSGL Account Number Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    Detailed Financial Information Footnote

    IV Att Account Reuse Number Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Allocation Transfer Agency Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att DFI Attribute Key Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att DFI Date Stamp Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att DFI Footnote Number Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att DFI Footnote Text Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att DFI Time Stamp Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att DFI User Stamp Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Fiscal Year1 Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Fiscal Year2 Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Report Fiscal Month Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Report Fiscal Year Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Submission Revision Number Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att TAFS Sub Account Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Treasury Account Main Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Treasury Department Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att USSGL Account Number Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    Federal Account Symbol

    IV Att Account Reuse Number Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Budget Account Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Budget Agency Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Budget Bureau Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Budget Publication Flag Indicator Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att End Date Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att FAS Date Stamp Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att FAS Time Stamp Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att FAS User Stamp Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Federal Account Symbol Title Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Start Date Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Treasury Account Main Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Treasury Department Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    TAFS Category B Program/Program Report Category

    IV Att Account Reuse Number Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Allocation Transfer Agency Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att CatB Date Stamp Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att CatB Text Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att CatB Time Stamp Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att CatB User Stamp Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Fiscal Year1 Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Fiscal Year2 Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Program Report Cat. Text Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Report Fiscal Year Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att TAFS Sub Account Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Treasury Account Main Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Treasury Department Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    Treasury Appropriation/Fund Symbol (TAFS)

    IV Att Account Reuse Number Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Allocation Transfer Agency Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Disbursing Authority End Date Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Fiscal Year1 Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Fiscal Year2 Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Report Submission Flag Indicator Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att TAFS Date Stamp Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att TAFS Time Stamp Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att TAFS User Stamp Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Treasury Account Main Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att Treasury Department Code Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    USSGL Account

    IV Att USSGL Date Stamp Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att USSGL Report Fiscal Year Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att USSGL Time Stamp Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    IV Att USSGL User Stamp Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII ADR

    FACTS II USSGL Account Attribute Table:

    USSGL Account

    IV Acc 4142E Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    IV Acc 4153B&E Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    T/L S2 12-02 18 March 2012

  • U.S. Government Standard General Ledger

    Summary of Changes


    IV Acc 4154E Added T/L S2 11-01 2012 FACTSII Tbl

    V USSGL Crosswalks to Standard External Reports:

    SF 133: Report on Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources, and Budget Program and Financing (P&F) Schedule:


    V Col Old P&F Line No. Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 133/P&F


    V Ln 1000 Added USSGL account 4153 T/L S2 11-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1020 Added USSGL accounts 4153 and 4154 T/L S2 11-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1137 Added USSGL account 4154 T/L S2 11-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1421 Added USSGL account 4142; Deleted USSGL account 4146 T/L S2 11-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1610 Added USSGL account 4153 T/L S2 11-01 2012 133/P&F

    V Ln 1611 Added USSGL account 4153 T/L S2 11-01 2012 133/P&F

    FMS 2108: Yearend Closing Statement:

    Unexpended Balances, Investments, and Imprest Funds


    V Col 7 Added USSGL accounts 4153 and 4154 T/L S2 11-01 2012 2108

    Balance Sheet:


    V Ln 19 Added USSGL account 2410; Deleted USSGL account 2400 T/L S2 11-01 2012 BalSht

    V Ln 27 Added USSGL account 2410 T/L S2 11-01 2012 BalSht

    V Ln 32 Added USSGL accounts 7171, 7172, 7271, and 7272 T/L S2 11-01 2012 BalSht

    V Ln 33 Added USSGL accounts 7171, 7172, 7271, and 7272 T/L S2 11-01 2012 BalSht


    V None T/L S2 11-01 2012 BalSht

    Statement of Net Cost:


    V Ln 1 Deleted footnote 4 to USSGL account 7290 T/L S2 11-01 2012 NetCost

    V Ln 2 Deleted footnote 4 to USSGL account 7190 T/L S2 11-01 2012 NetCost

    V Ln 4 Added USSGL accounts 7171, 7172, 7271, and 7272; Deleted USSGL accounts 7190 and 7290 T/L S2 11-01 2012 NetCost

    V Ln 6 Deleted footnote 4 to USSGL account 7290 T/L S2 11-01 2012 NetCost

    V Ln 7 Deleted footnote 4 to USSGL account 7190 T/L S2 11-01 2012 NetCost


    V Ftnt 4 Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 NetCost

    V Ftnt 5 Deleted T/L S2 11-01 2012 NetCost

    Statement of Changes in Net Position:

    V None T/L S2 11-01 2012 NetPos

    Statement of Budgetary Resources:


    V Ln 1000 Added USSGL account 4153; Revised Addl. Info. domain value from "2" to "3" for the line T/L S2 11-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1020 Added USSGL accounts 4153 and 4154 T/L S2 11-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1043 Added USSGL account 4153; Revised Addl. Info. domain value from "1" to "2" for USSGL

    accounts 4048, 4180, 4183, and 4310

    T/L S2 11-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1290 Added USSGL account 4154; Deleted Authority Type attribute domain value "P" for USSGL

    account 4157; Revised Addl. Info. domain value from "1" to "2" for USSGL accounts 4120 and

    4165; Revised Addl. Info. Domain value from "3" to "1" for USSGL accounts 4122, 4126, 4127,

    T/L S2 11-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1490 Added USSGL account 4142; Revised Addl. Info. domain value from "1" to "2" for USSGL

    accounts 4042 and 4044

    T/L S2 11-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1690 Added USSGL account 4153; Revised Addl. Info. domain value from "1" to "2" for USSGL

    accounts 4032, 4034, 4160 and 4395; Revised Addl. Info domain value from "3" to "1" for USSGL

    accounts 4137, 4153, and 4397

    T/L S2 11-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 1890 Revised Addl. Info. domain value from "1" to "2" for USSGL accounts 4047, 4060, 4070, 4210,

    4215 and 4395; Revised Addl. Info. Domain value from "3" to "1" for USSGL accounts 4171,

    4172, 4221, 4222, 4225, 4251, 4253, 4283, 4285, 4286, 4287, 4384, and 4398

    T/L S2 11-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 2190 Revised Addl. Info. domain value from "3" to "1" for USSGL accounts 4801, 4802, 4901 and 4908 T/L S2 11-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 2204 Revised Addl. Info. domain value from "1" to "2" for USSGL account 4590 T/L S2 11-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 2304 Revised Addl. Info. domain value from "1" to "2" for USSGL account 4690 T/L S2 11-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 2404 Revised Addl. Info. domain value from "1" to "2" for USSGL accounts 4060, 4070, 4210 and 4310 T/L S2 11-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 3032 Revised Addl. Info. domain value from "3" to "1" for USSGL accounts 4801, 4802, 4901and 4908 T/L S2 11-01 2012 SBR

    V Ln 3040 Revised Addl. Info. domain value from "3" to "1" for USSGL accounts 4802 and 4908 T/L S2 11-01 2012 SBR

    T/L S2 12-02 1