The New York District Times Winter 2002 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Y ork District The New York District Times 9/11/01  In honor of lives lost 9-11-01 Inside ... District welcomes new division commander  Page 8 Improvements abound at Army academy Construction projects at the U. S. Military Academy, West Point include the Arvin Gym, Kimsey Athletic Center, Thomas Jefferson Library, and New Brick Housing. P h o t o P e t e r S h u g e r t The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has always been an integral part of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N .Y . T he Cor ps h as been responsible for the insight as- soci ated with constru ction con- tracts and architectural structures that presently dot the landscape. Over the past few months, the academy has undergone a visual transfor- mation. N ew Y ork District is overseeing several ongoing construction and renovation projects at the nation’s oldest military p ost in continuou s operation. Many of these projects have significantly en- han ced the qu ality of lif e of the residen ts, cadets and emp loyees and retained the historic appearance. Recent projects include the high quality de- sign and renovation p roj ect of the Arvin Gym , Ki msey Athletic Center, Thom as Jeff erson Li brar y , and N ew Brick Housing. PHASE 2 CONSTRUCTION OF ARVIN GYM Si nce 1 802, the Acad emy has been training our n ation’s soldiers in the doctrines and procedu res that a llow them to eff ecti vely serve th is coun try. Now with a little help from the Corps of Engineers, West Point is about to take a major step forward with the construction of its new ph ysical d evelopm ent center. Metic ulously planned , Arvi n Gym nasium will become the “backbone of the acad emy’s ph ysic al edu- cati on p rogram” as envisioned by Dr. T om H orn, di- rector of f aculty operations and p rogram su pport for West Point and Lawren ce Danner, project engineer for New Y ork District. According to Horn, the original plan for the ph ysic al developm ent center involved renovating West Point’s historic Hayes gym . By Ken Wells (Co nt inu ed o n pa ge 3)

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3The New York District Times • Winter 2002

USMA West Point (Cont’d from page 1)

How ever, careful inspection revealed the grandold structure to be devoid of master plans, unable toaccomm odate the hand icapped , and in need of a com-plete electrical overhaul. Additionally, there was no

room for male and female locker space, wh ile the bu ild-ing itself required seismic upgrades.

So man y issues, coup led with th e fund ing re-quired to correct them made the renovation project costproh ibitive, so instead a p lan was forged to bu ild a newgymnasium within the buildingfootprint of the old one. A task force was assembled an d sent tosuch schools as Yale, the Naval

Academy, Air Force Academyand the University of Georgia.

These institutions possess state-of-the art facilities and providegood work ing models f romwh ich the Corp s of Engineers and

West Point officials could deter-mine exactly what they need ed tobetter serve the interests of themodern cadet.

“The Army, unl ike i t sbrethren in the Navy and AirForce, places a higher p riority onground-based exercises,” Hornstated. “Therefore we need aph ysical development center d e-

signed to meet that typ e of curriculum.”

To this end, the Army Corps and West Pointofficials are doing everyth ing in their p ower to ensurethat the new Arv in Cadet Physical Developm ent Cen-

ter w ill be a state-of-the art facility d esigned to elimi-nate all the d own falls of its pred ecessor and better aidcadets in their transformation into soldiers of the newmillennium.

Once fund ing for the project w as granted , theArmy Corps set to work on building the 350,000-square-foot structure that would su pp ort not only thestudent body but the intramural and club team pro-grams as w ell. Part of the challenge involved integrat-ing the old add-on buildings with separate utility

systems into a modern, efficient complex. The Corpsalso had to secure the roadway behind the construc-tion site by installing braces beneath it to prevent acave-in d uring excavation w ork.

Division I-AA varsity wrestling and swimm ing

teams will be stationed in Arvin, while the footballbasketball and hockey teams are slated to begin op er-ating out of the Kimsey Athletic Center th is spring.

The physical development center will alsoserve as social gathering p lace for man y of the cadets,who aren’ t permi t t ed access to motor izedtranspor tation un til their senior year. Highland Fallsisn’t a very large town, so it can become somewh at ofa chal lenge for underclassmen to f ind sui table

diversions wh en th ey aren’t stud ying or tra ining. Totry and combat this problem, Horn said Arvin will

also feature loun ges for parties, and oth er am enitiesfor the cadet enjoyment.

Until Arvin is completed, West Point’s stud entpopulation will conduct classes in temporary facili-

ties making u se of whatever space is available. How -ever, while NCAA sports and casual interaction arepart of Arvin’s purpose, transforming our nation’s

youth into better soldiers remains the primary goal.“Arvin is a classroom like any other,” Horn pointedout.

Taking this statement to heart, the Corps ofEngineers will be installing th ree Olymp ic-size swim-ming pools that can be used for survival swimmingclasses. New cadets are requ ired to take 19 lessons in

swimming an d each is carefully screened to determ inehis or her level of proficiency.

(Continued on next page)


The 350,000-square-foot Arvin Gym will support the student body and the intramu-

ral and club team programs.

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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers • New York District4

Experienced beginners are allowed to move

onto scuba diving if they so desire, while all the classesfocus on a cadet being able to hand le himself or her-self in d eep w ater with combat gear in tow.

The military movements curriculum will beaccommodated via rope climbing apparatuses, ob-stacle courses and a special maze whose artificialtwists and tu rns w ill require stud ents to navigate theterrain w hile confronting dan gerous situations. TheArmy Corps will also be adding handball and rac-quetball courts, cycling machines, physical therapy

rooms and aerobic equipm ent.

West Point’s personal fitness and welfarecourses stand to benefit from the additional space too,since they focus on teaching a stud ent how to set up

fitness areas for their units when transferring fromplace to place in the field .

The new space provides a rebirth as well towidespread judo and martial arts activities for theacad emy’s 4,000 cadets. In total, Arv in will boast threeswimming pools, nine individual gymnasiums andthree weight rooms.

“Once the p hysical development center is com-pleted, we’ll be mu ch better at bu ilding lean, mean,fighting machines,” Horn promised.

Arvin’s constru ction w ill be don e inthree phases at a cost of nearly $100 mil-lion. The contractor for the project is J.Kokolakis Contracting, Inc., located inRocky Point , N.Y., with the facility sched -

uled for completion by April 2005. The gym -nasium is schedu led to open to cadets at thestart of th e 2006 acad emic year.


When fans trekked up to Michie Sta-

diu m th is year to see the Black Knights p layfootball, they had a chance to w itness notonly the p resent team , but its future as w ell.That’s because located immediately adja-cent and south of Michie stadium is thesoon-to-be comp leted Kimsey Athletic Cen-


“We are a Division I-A football pro-gram with Division III facilities,” said Rob-ert D’Jovin, a project manager for the

Directorate of H ousing an d Public Works

USMA West Point (Cont’d from previous page)

for the United States Military Acad emy. “Kimsey Ath -letic Center w ill help u s correct that p roblem.”

New York District’s Public Affairs d epartm entrecently sat dow n w ith D’Jovin and N ew York Distric

project manager Joan Crawford to take an in-depth lookat how the ath letic center will benefit not only the football program but the basketball and hockey teams aswell.

Originally slated to be called the Michie Sta-dium Athletic Complex, the project received both anam e change an d significant financial boost from JamesKimsey, a West Point a lum nu s, circa class of ’62, whodonated $7 million to the project. Kimsey’s donationmakes this the largest gift West Point has received to

date and the money is being used in both the design

and construction ph ases.

Once the project is completed, Kimsey wilserve as a 4-story football operations bu ilding designed

to centra lize the football team’s activities and facilitatethe d evelopm ent of Rand all Hall, another new athleticfacility that will be built atop the remains of the An-nex, which is sched uled to be d emolished as soon asthe football team m oves into Kimsey in th e spring of2003.

Robert D’Jovin, project manager, directorate of housing and public works,

USMA and Joan Crawford, project manager for N.Y. District, display a

model of the Kimsey Athletic Center.


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5The New York District Times • Winter 2002

Workers drill holes in the foundation of Arvin Gym in preparation for

pouring cement.


USMA West Point (Cont’d from previous page)

The second floor will be the athletic center’s

main lobby and strength development center, a dep artment that includes a weight room more than three timesthe size of its predecessor in th e Annex a t 20,000 squarefeet. The old weight room by comparison was only

6,000 square feet. Other improvements to Kimsey’sstrength d evelopment center includ e a 40-yard sprint

track, administration u nit, and equ ipmen t repair facility.

“Visitors will be able to access the buildingthrough elevators and stairwells located in

the main lobby as well,” D’Jovin said“Coaches and players will be given sepa-rate elevators and stairways for their ownpersonal u se.”

Coaches’ offices will be located on thethird floor along with recruitment officessupport administrative staff, audio-visualequipment, interview areas for the mediaand meeting rooms for the offensive and de-fensive units. There are also plans to trans-

form 6,000 square feet of space in thesouthern end of the third floor into a Hallof Army Sports w here the accomp lishmentsof all 26 athletic teams p ast, present and fu-ture w ill be memor ialized.

The fourth floor is designated as a m ul-tipurpose room capable of holding 300people and dividing into three smallerrooms. It contains two open-air balconiesthat p rovide a view d irectly into the stadium

below. “The m ultipurp ose room can also berented out for tailgating p arties, retirementgatherings and a number of other func-

tions,” D’Jovin explained . “There is even a food p repa-ration room w here the stadium caterer can warm updifferent types of meals to be served .”

The roof level or penthouse will house all themechanical fun ctions such as boiler and air circulationunits. It also provides an ideal location for filmingSaturd ay’s games on the nor th side and Mond ay-Fri

day p ractice on the south side.

The Kimsey Athletic Center is scheduled forcomplet ion in Ap ril 2003. The p roject will cost $25 million and the contractor is J. Kokolakis Contracting, Inc

located in Rocky Poin t, N.Y.

Randall Hall, which is nam ed after the late Bob

Rand all, circa class of ’56, will serve as th e new baseof opera tions for West Point’s basketba ll and h ockeyteams. It will be accessible through Kimsey courtesyof a connecting bridge.

The Annex is an ou tdated facility with too littlespace to accommodate today’s modern athletes andtheir equipm ent, particularly in th e off-season w heninclement weather can become a factor. Some of the

challenges the Corps of Engineers faced in buildingKimsey included realigning the road s directly outsideMichie Stadium , which used to run directly throughthe Kimsey site and wrap around toward the rear of 

the stadium. Natural rock needed to be excavatedalong with a tremendous amount of utilities, which

were relocated ou tside th e building footprint.

D’Jovin w ent on to explain tha t Kimsey’s de-signers planned to make good use of the improvedspace by designating each floor for specific pu rp oses.For instance, the first floor houses the player equip-ment and lockers with provisions for 151 players, ashower room and a sports medicine department thatinclud es a therapy p ool and Jacuzzi.

(Continued on next page)

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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers • New York District6


G ro u n d b reak i n g fo r t h e n ew T h o masJefferson Hall Library at West Point is scheduled inApril 2004. The new facility will be an interactive

learning center.The cur rent library was bu ilt in 1964 and is

no longer capable of meeting the space or technologi-cal dem and s of today ’s stud ents. “We removed our

card catalogues in 1981 to make room for the firstgeneration of computers at West Point,” said JosephBarth, head librarian. “And w hen w e did, new utili-ties and cable had to be installed in order to accom-modate the changes.

“Since then, we’ve had to repeat th e processevery five years to keep up with technological inno-

vations and each time the utilities and cables requiredmore work.”

The new facility will integrate library andlearning center functions such as collections, user ser-vices, administration, collection development, tech-nical services, staff support, public services andsupport services. There will be 10 meeting rooms to

accommodate students and provisions for wirelessaccess that w ill allow cadets to log onto the library’snetwork u sing a personal laptop .

The building’s exterior will also require someadditional cosmetic features such as granite facingand local historic details because of the site’s locationin the Academ y’s history d istrict. Once work on Tho-mas Jefferson Hall is completed, the old library willundergo an extensive renovation of its own. Thebuild ing’s first floor and basement w ill be

converted to an archive and special col-lections area. The rest of the building w illbe incorpora ted into Bartlet Hall next door,wh ich is home to West Point’s science andphysics department.

The contractor is STM Construc-tion and the comp letion d ate is April 2006.The staff will move into the facility dur-ing the sum mer of 2006 and open its doorsto cadets at the beginning of the fall se-



Call it a West Point version of “ThisOld House” with the Corps playing therole of Bob Vila. Because that is precisely

Bulldozer excavates the soil around the new brick housing unit at the Acad-

emy in preparation for the installation of new sewer and plumbing pipes.


what New York District is doing with its New BrickHou sing revitalization p roject at the Un ited States Military Acad emy.

New York District started w ork in N ovember

2001 on a three-phase plan that will build 156 fieldgrade officers quarters in multiples of 51, 51, and 54

units with several designated for handicapped occu-pancy.

According to John Pavon e, project manager forNew York District, the two-story sing le-family hou seswill be completely gutted and re-worked to includenew roofs, doors, w indow s, interior plu mbing, electrical and H VAC d uctwork. The Corps w ill also han dlethe exterior issues, which include incorporating pri-

mary and secondary utilities into the existing electri-cal system and paving new roadways.

The District also decided to take some steps toenlarge the houses by combining tw o of the small bed-

rooms into one, reducing the total number from fourto three and d esignating the new ly created area as themaster bedroom. Space has also been allocated for first-floor family and dining areas. The laun dry center alsoreceived a d rama tic transformation, going from a p laceto store the washer an d d ryer to a family room.

Additions at the rear of the house include akitchen on the first floor and a third bedroom on thesecond . Enclosed p orches were also add ed to the back

yard and will be surround ed by a four-foot fence. Eachun it will contain tw o full and on e half-bathroom withcompletion of the first set schedu led for mid-May 2003

Volmar Con stru ction, located in Brooklyn , N.Y.is the contractor for th is project.

USMA West Point (Cont’d from previous page)

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7The New York District Times • Winter 2002

Corps family-member displays talentJennifer Christa, talented dau ghter of skilled law yer Jim Palmer of New

York District’s Office of Counsel, was cont racted in Novem ber to p lay the roleof Olive Oyl at Universal Studios Orlando resort family theme park in Or-lando, Florida.

She is a graduate of Penn State University’s School of Arts an d Archi-

tecture, and h as worked as an actor since high school. She and her hu sband

most recently performed as thecomed y an d sword-fight ingduo “To the Hi l t !” atRennaissance Faires in Texas,Massachusetts, Colorado, Ten-nessee and Florida.

Christa was also seen asthe p i ra te queen GraceO’Malley at the Pennsylvania

Rennaissance Faire.

New York District recently took par t in a se-ries of job fairs held in the tri-state area. Mercedes

Fernandez of Human Resources, Tony Levesanos,deputy chief of Programs and Project ManagementDivision, and A brah am Med ina-Vega, civil engineerfrom Engineering Division staffed a Corps of Engi-neers brochu re table at area colleges and un iversities.

School students were afforded the opportu-nity to learn about em ployment op portu nities withinthe Corps.

“My mother worked for the Army in Alba-nia. I think that w orking for a branch of the U.S. Arm y

would provide me a different experience and more

r e s p o n s i b i l i t ythen just workingfor an average en-g ineer ing com-pany,” saidinterested candi-date Elda Bruza,civil engineering


“I signed up forthe Army las t

summer and was

By Joanne Castagna, PPMD

Jennifer Christa as Olive Oyl

turned d own d ue to a medical condition. Now as an

engineering major, this may be my w ay in at least in adifferent role,” said Theron Lamm ie, engineering


Tony Levesanos (left) communicates in-

formation about the Corps to an inter-

ested individual at the District’s job fairtable.


District offers students employment opportunities

(l-r) While at one of New York City’s colleges, Anthony

Levesanos, Mercedes Fernandez, and Abraham Medina-Vega

of New York District distribute information and literature at

the District’s job fair table.

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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers • New York District8

District welcomes NAD commander and family to the Big Apple

NAD changes commanders

Prior to his December

prom otion to briga-dier general, then-

colonel Merdith W. B.“Bo” Temple relievedBrig. Gen. M. StephenRhoades as com-mand er of NorthAtlantic Division a t aceremon y held Nov.

25 at Fort Hamilton.

(l-r) Lt. Gen. Robert B. Flowers, Chief of

Engineers; Brig. Gen. M. StephenRhoades, outgoing commander; and

Brig. Gen. Merdith W. B. Temple, new di-vision commander.

Lt. Gen. Robert Flowers, Chief of Engineers, passingthe Corps flag to the incoming commander, formally

transferring command from the outgoing commander.

Passing the flag is a time-honored military tradition,formally marking the transition from one commander

to a successor.

Stuart Piken, Deputy District Engineer, PPMD welcomes Brig.

Gen. Temple.

Brig. Gen. Temple, NAD Commander and Col. John B.O’Dowd, New York District Commander.

Mrs. O’Dowd, wel-

comes Mrs. Templeand family to New


Lt. Col. DouglasSarver, Deputy

Commander greets

Mrs. Temple.


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9The New York District Times • Winter 2002

Service AwardsService Awards

15 Years

5 Years

Rodney Abrams, EN

Gezahegne Assegid, EN

Benn ett Baker, EN

Nancy Brighton , PL

Mark Bur las, PL

William Carl, OP

Anthony Ciorra PPMD

John Connell, OP

Michael DeBenedictis, CO

Christine Delorier, OP

Stephen DiBari, EN

Barbara Dindl, RE

Janet Fallo, PPMD

Daniel Florio, OP

Jeffrey Frye, PPMD

Robert Gerr its, EN

Daniel Karlok OP

John Kenny, CO

Neal Kolb, CO

Mark Kucera, CO

Costas Lymberis, CO

Michael Marcello, OP

Patrick Nejand , CO

Christina Rasmussen, EN

How ard Ruben, PL

Craig Spitz, OP

Denn is Swain, OP

Rein Virkman , OP

Herm an Wine, PPMD

Ivan Damaso, PL

Heather Durr, CO

Mark Forte, OPJenine Gallo, PLFrederick Han d, ENRon Kustow ski, ENChar les Monroe, EN

John Mooney, OPJoseph Mulle, RE

10 Years

Randall Hintz, OP

Constantine Karathanasis, CO

Loretta Parr is, CTAlisa Pittman , RE

Diane Rahoy, EN

Reginald Smith , OP

Moniqu e Wiggins, RM

Vanessa Woolford , RE

Thomas Wyche, OP

Sharoyah Bala, SE

Thomas Battaglia, CO

Jovencio Car iaga, OP

Raymond Drayton , OP

Thomas Enroth, PPMD

Heid i Firstencel, OP

Dale Gamache, RE

Donald H arris, OC

Beth N ash, OPThanh Ngu yen, IMFrancis Postiglione, OPPatrick Racine, OPSteven Simon, OP

And rew Smith, COWesley Terry, IMDonna Vaughan, EEO

Marathon runner Peter Blum of planning divi-

sion recently laced up his sneakers and com-

pleted the 26-mile marathon in Philadelphia.

It was the first time Blum participated in the

run. Blum, an avid runner has also competed

in the New York City marathon for the third

year in a row.

Wardwell Leo, Chief of Infor-

mation Management received

a medal in December from

Col. O’Dowd, District Engineer

for his outstanding perfor-

mance following the attack on

America on Sept. 11, 2001.

Leo and his staff worked at

Fort Hamilton to keep the Dis-

trict computers operational during the critical


Chiefs lauded for9-11performance


FarewellFormer Engineer of the Year

Joseph Redican of Planning

Division left New York

District in December for the

warmer climate of

Florida and a position at the

Corps’ Jacksonville District.

Kerry Luisi of Planning

Division also left New

York for the warmer

climate in Jacksonville Fl,

where she accepted a

position with the Corps’

Jacksonville District.

Peter Shugert, Chief Public

Affairs received the Supe-

rior Civilian Service Award

for his performance imme-

diately following the attack

on New York City in Sept.

2001. Col. John O’Dowd,

District Commander pre-

sented the award to

Shugert in December. Shugert and his staff were

instrumental in communicating critical informa-

tion and disseminating news information.




LuisiPeter Blum ofPlanning Division

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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers • New York District10

Within the bays of the Long IslandIntracoastal Waterw ay, a small portion of theentire water system, and the location for theNew York District’s Long Island Intracoasta lWaterw ay Dred ging Project, a multi-agencyeffort is using dred ged san d to create a habi-tat for several species of endan gered sh ore birds.

New York District assembled a team to look for opportunities to enhance the environment withdred ged material on Long Island. Team mem bersincluded staff from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser-vice, U.S. Coast Guard , New York State Departm ent

of Environm ental Conservation (Region 1), NewYork State Departm ent of State, Na tional Park Ser-vice (Fire Island National Seashore), and the Townof Brookhaven.

“By d redging m ore frequen tly in smaller ar-eas, we w ill only need a few sm aller p laces to dis-pose the ma terial each time. Instead of dred ging200,000 cub ic yards and 25 miles of chann el, we w illdredge only 80,000 cubic yards in one segment of the bay,” said John Tavolaro, chief of Operations Sup -por t Bran ch, New York District.

In September 2002 the Long Island Intrac-oastal Dredging Project began. The team decided toplace the dredged sand on East Inlet Island, a 30-acre island one-half mile off the Town of Morichesmainland , to enhance habitat for several endangeredshore bird species, including least terns, commonterns, piping plovers, and roseate terns.

The bird p opu lations have recently drop peddu e in part to increasing hum an d evelopment andrecreation where they migrate in the springtime tonest and breed . The Long Island coast is one of theirnesting areas. In the fall they fly south for the w inter.

“Placing the dredged sand on an island is bet-ter for the birds than du mp ing the sand on the m ain-land ,” said Tavolaro. “Placing the sand on an islandthat is relatively untouched by people and otherpred ators gives the new habitat a chance to surviveand thrive. An island is more p rotected than a ma in-land area. It has w ater aroun d it. Just a few feet of water is a deterrent to many pred ators.”

Innersp ace Services, a Maine contractor, con-du cted all of the d redging from mid October 2002 tomid Janu ary 2003, outsid e the region’s winter floun-

der spaw ning season, pu blic recreationaactivity, and the months the birds arearound. “If one bird showed up we m igh

have had to close up shop. We couldn’afford such a contingen cy,” said Tavolaro

The compan y dredged app roximately miles of the Moriches Bay from the Village of West Moriches to the Village of Eas

Moriches. They d redged 1300 cubic yard s of sand a dayto an au thorized d epth of 6 feet below m ean low w atersaid Jodi McDonald, p roject manager. The d redged sandwas pumped onto the East Inlet Island by a hydraulidred ge and p ipeline into a specified disposal area. Thsand w as pum ped into a diked disposal area and thenregraded to achieve the proper slope and texture pre

ferred by nesting birds.

“To help encourage the birds to n est on the island, we made the habitat more friendly by de-vegetating the island an d building nest boxes to replicate thhabitat needs of these threatened and end angered shorebirds. We also placed string fencing and interpretivsignage reminding the p ublic that the area is restrictedfrom hu man use. To ensure p roject success we also developed a pred ator control program , in the event landpred ators, such as foxes, feral cats or raccoons, are identified on the site. The area will be maintained and mon itored by biologists from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife

Service, the Town of Brookhaven (the island’s ownerand the N ew York State Departm ent of EnvironmentaConservation,” said Steve Mars, sup ervisor of the LongIsland Field Office of the U.S. Fish an d Wildlife Service

“The agencies came up with something innovative where everyone won,” said Tavolaro. “The U.SCoast Guard received a cleared bay channel so theycould m ore effectively p erform their search an d rescueoperations; the State of New York received environmental enhancement of a degraded upland area and preserved an island, many of which are disappearing inthe region; the U.S. Fish an d Wildlife Service got a ne

environmental benefit for end angered species they arresponsible to m anage, and the Corp s fulfilled its navigation mission while making an effort to benefit theenvironment, at n o ad ditional cost to the taxpayers.”

The project was fund ed en tirely by the FederaGovernmen t. “The stakeholders are very much in favor of this type of work . The Town of Brookhaven an dthe U.S. Fish an d Wildlife Service are even suggestingother islands to us,” said Tavolaro. “If this goes as wehope and we see birds nesting there in the spring, I thinkthis will reinforce the imp ortan ce of such a p roject.”

District ensures safety of endangered birds

By JoAnne Castagna, PPMD

Piping plover

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11The New York District Times • Winter 2002

Area residents to get needed flood protection

At the request of Morr is, N.J., the Corpswill implement the first of three-phases of theflood damage reduction project along the

McKeel Brook in Morris Cou nty, New Jersey.

McKeel Brook is a sma ll stream locatedin Dover an d Rockaway, N.J., that run s abouttwo miles from the highlands north of Route

80 in Rockaway Township to the RockawayRiver. The 1.4-square-mile watersh ed includ esabout 220 homes .

Col. John B. O’Dowd, New York Dis-trict Engineer, signed the McKeel Brook Sec-tion 205 Flood Control Project PCA Dec. 5, 2002.

According to Gail Woolley, project plan -ner, the $6.9 million project calls for installingdra ins and twin concrete box culverts to divertfloodwaters to the Rockaway River.

The project also includes constructionof 1,640 feet of twin, 4-by-8-foot culverts from one section to a system that will connect w ith an existing culver t.

New York District will seek bids for the project in early January 2003 and will select a contractor byspr ing, said Pau l Sabalis, project manager.

Work is expected to begin in early sum mer, and will take 18 months to complete, he said.

“Morris County is in th e process of buying rights-of-way an d some easemen ts to facilitate the w ork,”Sabalis said .

“The project also involves some ban k stabilization along the brook, and replacing the ou tflow structureof a deten tion basin near the Rockaw ay Mall,” said Woolley. “We expect the constru ction project to begin in the

sum mer of 2003.”

Col. John B. O’Dowd, New York District Engineer, signed the McKeelBrook Section 205 Flood Control Project PCA Dec. 5, 2002. (Standing l-r) Walter Scott, EN; Paul Sabalis, project manager, PL; Doug Leite, PPMD,

Bob Hass, RE; (seated l-r) Col. John O’Dowd, DE; Gail Woolley, projectplanner, PL; Ellen Simon, OC; and Stan Nuremburg, RE.



Did you know?

The Corps oversaw the construction of mu chof Afghanistan’s mod ern road network .

As par t of an overall effort to promote stron-ger relations w i th the indigenous governm ent ,counter Soviet influence, and encourage internal trad eand political cohesion, du ring the 1960s the U.S. Arm yCorps of Engineers oversaw a program to modern-ize Afghanistan’s primitive system of roads. Through -

out this rugged and moun tainous country snaked a

rud imentary highway system consisting of a 1,700-milecircle of rock-bed an d d irt roads linking pr incipal townsand cities. The Gu lf District of the Med iterran ean Division was tasked with the road-building effort and an

Afghanistan Area Office was established at Kabul. Todirectly superv ise the construction, the d istrict activatedthe Kan dahar Residen t Office in Jan. 1961.

The Corps’ work on the Afghani highw ay system began with oversight of the construction of a 96mile spu r from Kand ahar south east to the border withPakistan at Spin Buldak. In Dec., Henry Byroade, theU.S. Ambassad or in Kabul and himself a former Arm yEngineer officer, formally transferred this road to thegovern men t of Afghan istan. The p roject ultimately cos

$3.86 million.

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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers • New York District12

All personnel who are scheduled to travel overseas on official business are reminded of the requirementof obtaining a country clearance, health briefing, and updated anti-terrorist briefing. Contact the Secu-rity Office immediately upon being notified that you may be traveling out of the continental United States.

Security and Safety

Addressing a large

group of District

employees, Judith

McCombs, a dis-

abled retired Viet-

nam veteran was

this year’s speaker

at New York

District’s Women’s

Equality Day program. “This year’s theme is on the celebra-

tion of the anniversary of women winning the right to vote,”

said Vikki Gross of EEO who arranged the program.

McCombs works for the Veteran’s Service Organization

where she lobbies on Capitol Hill on behalf of military veter-


District celebrates women’s


(l-r) Judith McCombs, guest speaker;Vikki Gross of EEO; and Lt. Col. Dou-glas Sarver, Deputy Commander.

Gymnasium demolished at fort

A bulldozer plows through a brick wall of building 113at Fort Hamilton. “The old gym was demolished in De-

cember leaving part of the building intact,” said Mat-thew Walsh, construction manager. Rich Mandra is theproject manager for the work.



Static electricity-related fires have occurred at retail gasoline outlets. The most effective means by whichyou can avoid static electricity problems at the gas pump is to stay outside the vehicle while refueling. Ifyou feel the need to get back into your car during refueling you should discharge any static buildupupon exiting the car before going back to the pump nozzle by touching a metal part of the car, such asthe door, or some other metal surface, with your bare hand.