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From the Adjutant General

Guard MEGuard MEGuard MEGuard MEGuard ME

The Magazine ofthe Maine Army National Guard

Spring 2001Public Affairs OfficerMajor Eldon Hardwick

EditorsSFC Angela Blevins

MSG Daniel Fortin

StaffSSG Carl Weiss

Guard ME is an unofficial quar-terly publication authorized un-

der the provisions of AR 360-81and NGR 37-78 and producedby the Public Affairs Office,

Military Bureau, HeadquartersMEARNG, Camp Keyes,

Augusta, ME 04333-0033.Telephone (207) 626-4335.

Views and opinions expressedare not necessarily those of theDepartment of the Army. The

Adjutant General is MG JosephE. Tinkham, II.

MG Joseph E. Tinkham, II

2   Guard ME Spring 2001

As the Bush Administration as-sumes the reins of command in the Pen-tagon through his new Secretary of De-fense, Donald H. Rumsfeld, one thing is

clearly obvious – some major changesare on the way. Each new administra-tion traditionally puts its own stamp ortwist on the way our national defense ispracticed. This time, however, thechanges appear to be major affectingeverything from force structure andequipment to the very focus of our de-fensive posture.

Perhaps by the time you read thiscolumn the new direction for DoD willbe more obvious but as of this writingmuch is still speculation. We are rea-sonably certain, however, of the processbeing followed to plot this new courseand can thus make a few low risk pre-dictions.

There are four elements which dic-tate national security policy and theyare all interwoven. The first is a well-defined list of our vital national inter-ests. Next, logically, follows an assess-ment of the threats or potential threatsto these vital interests. The third ele-ment is an evaluation of our capabilitiesto counter these threats and, lastly, isbasic affordability. How much do wespend for defense given the likelihoodof the danger to our interests?

This process is currently going on inDoD and we can be reasonably certainthat at least one non-traditional threatwill emerge. Non-traditional, that is, asfar as being a normal military mission.All of the major studies looking forwardfind domestic terrorism as one of, if notthe major national security danger fac-ing our country in the next quarter cen-tury. It surely meets the first two testsof the criteria above. Protecting ourcitizens is a basic vital interest and thelikelihood of domestic terrorist attack grows as it becomes the weapon of choice by the disaffected.

And who, of all of the services isbetter positioned to counter this threatthan the National Guard? Who is al-ready “forward” deployed in over 2,700communities nationwide with many of the tools available to do the job? Theanswer, is obvious and we will standbehind our 365 years of tradition andexperience to perform this mission if as-signed.

A danger lurks here, however, forour organization if we in the Guard al-low ourselves to be assigned the job of “homeland defense” as our soul mis-

sion. In other words, we must not letthis responsibility supplant our currentfederal role such that we are no longerorganized, equipped or missioned to beavailable as a reserve of the Army intime of war. Were this to occur theNational Guard, as we know it todaywould disappear in favor of small ele-ment sized constabulary forces. Andsome, for their own parochially heldmotives, would have us become justthat.

Give the Guard the mission whileresourcing us accordingly and we’ll

place it up high on our essential task list. We’re no stranger to multiple mis-sions and we’ll professionally masterthis one. But, don’t cause the NationalGuard to reorganize itself for this func-tion making us unable to perform ourexpeditionary mission. To do so woulderase the value of every lesson we havelearned for hundreds of years as a mili-tia nation. Those lessons learned at sohigh a cost.

The Guard is indeed supremely rel-evant to the business of homeland de-fense, but we are so much more. Let’sensure that our value to national de-

fense is maximized for the first half of the next century, not marginalized by anarrow restrictive mission.

In closing, I remind you of one of your additional duties as a member of the team who defends this great nation,a duty we spend too little time perform-ing; the role of a person actively in-volved in the responsibilities of privatecitizenship. Please exercise this indi-vidual duty by remaining informed of the debates on National Defense and byplacing your weight behind your con-

Major Changes

On the Cover...

PV1 Levi Orff, a diesel mechanic with 152dMaintenance Company, Maine Army Na-tional Guard, adjusts the valves on a 250Cummings diesel engine. Orff has been inthe MeARNG for one year and is attendinghis first AT with the Maintenance Companyin Limestone, at the Maine Readiness Sus-tainment Maintenance Center. (Photo by:

 MSG Dan Fortin, PA, MeARNG)

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In This Issue

Page 2  – Comments from theAdjutant General

Page 3  – Assembly lineTraining

Page 4  – 11th WMD-CSTTrains for FinalEvaluation

Page 5  – National GuardPartners up withArea VocationalSchools

Page 6 – First Female SGM

 – Maine is Fourth inNation

Page 7 – 152nd Maintenancegoes to Loring

Page 8  – Rebuilding MilitaryVehicles

Page 9  – A Tradition ofPatriotic Service

Page 10  – Promotions

Page 11  – Comments from theState CommandSergeant Major

The Ma gazine of t he Maine Ar my Nat ional Guard – Spr ing 2001

At first glance you may think that youare walking down an assembly line at FordMotor Company. As you would expect tosee at the automobile industry icon, you

observe mechanics working on differentvehicle components each at their own re-spective stations.

However, unlike the mechanics youwould find at Ford, these mechanics arewearing camouflage green. They are citi-zen soldiers and members of Maine’s 152dMaintenance Company of the MaineArmy National Guard. The 177 memberunit is spending two weeks at the MaineReadiness Sustainment Maintenance Cen-ter in Limestone to assist the center in ve-hicle component repair.

The Maintenance Center refurbishesdiscarded military vehicles and reissuesthem to various National Guard units sav-ing taxpayers thousands of dollars.

The unit wasn’t always in the mainte-nance business. First organized on May 11903 as Company M, 2d Infantry Regi-ment, the 152d Maintenance Company isthe second oldest unit in the battalionThe unit was first mustered into federa

service on June 28, 1916 in Augusta, foservice on the Mexican border. It was deactivated on October 25, 1916.

While again serving in federal servicefrom April 12, 1917 to April 28, 1919, theunit was re-designated as Company M103d Infantry, an element of the 16th Divi-sion. The next demobilization occurred aCamp Devens, Massachusetts.

Another organizational change tookplace about two years later on January 11922, when the unit became Company F3d Infantry, an element of the 43d Division(later the 43d Infantry Division).

Guard Mechanics ConductAssembly Line Training

See ' 152nd Maintenance' page 7

By: MSG Daniel Fortin, PA

SPC Richard Robinson, a heavy equipment mechanic with the MaintenanceCompany, installs a manifold onto a 6.2 liter engine. (Photo by: MSG Dan Fortin,PA, MeARNG)

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4  Guard ME Spring 2001

On March 16, 1995, in the middle themorning rush hour, 10 terrorists boardedfive trains at different locations. At a pre-

determined time, the terrorists, who werepart of a dooms day cult, punctured bagsof sarin gas wrapped innewspaper as they lefttheir trains. Twelvepeople died and five-thousand more were in-capacitated from expo-sure to nerve gas.Later, police discov-ered that the samegroup was working onbiological weaponsand had attempted

seven other similar at-tacks.If the above sce-

nario sounds farfetched, think again.You don’t have to goback to long ago to re-member what hap-pened in a place calledOklahoma City to real-ize it could happen inyour own town. In or-der to prevent potentialterrorist attacks frombecoming deadly, the United States Gov-

ernment in 1998 began a new initiative.The Government determined that ournation’s communities needed technical ex-pertise, in the form of highly trainedteams, to identify and assess particularchemical or biological agents used in a ter-rorist attack. Maine’s 11th Weapons of Mass Destruction - Civil Support Team(WMD-CST), one of the Maine Army Na-tional Guard’s newest units, is one of 27such teams that are providing these ser-vices to emergency response personnel inour nations communities.

These teams are unique. They areresourced, trained, evaluated, and oper-ated under federal doctrine. Their missionis to assist first responders in the event of a terrorist attack involving weapons of mass destruction. When asked about theunit’s mission, MAJ Gerald L. Dunlap,Unit Commander said that their missionwas threefold. “First, is to assess the typeof weapon that’s been used. Second, is tomove into an advisory role providingagencies with protocols on how best totreat or respond to the agent. Lastly, theycan facilitate requests for follow up sup-port from either the state or federal gov-ernment for help in the incident scams.”

By: SFC Angela Blevins, PA Starting up one of these units hasn’tbeen easy nor has it been without contro-versy. In a recent Department of DefenseInspector General's report, there were con-cerns over the validity of the WMD-CST

program. “I know the Commanders of thefirst 10 teams, and with the start up of any

new program there will be shortcomings,”

said Dunlap. “Those shortcomings havebeen corrected and we continue to work and improve upon the program.” Dunlapcontinued to say that the Army normallydevelops its new programs in 6 years; thisprogram is standing in 2 years.

Last year, Maine’s WMD-CST unitworked hard to develop their team, by hir-ing soldiers and by receiving training andequipment that will aid in their mission.Training has been in the forefront of theunit’s priorities.

Currently, the unit is 100 percentmanned and everyone has completed ap-proximately 65% of the unit’s requiredtraining. A great deal of individual trainingis required to be a member of a WMD-CSTTeam. Every member is required to com-plete an average of 650 hours of training.There are 14 different specialties on theteam, and out of those 14 specialties arefive different sub-teams, those teams trainindividually and collectively.

In early February, the unit participatedin an exercise called Celtic Sun. First Lieu-tenant Darryl Lyon, unit Assistant Opera-tions Officer said that the exercise was im-portant for the unit. “The commander’sintent was to have the team deploy as a

unit and work through an exercise to determine any issues they may have inpreparation for an actual attack.” For thefirst time, the WMD-CST team had tobring to bear all of its communication

medical, sampling and survey assets together in one place under simulated, emer

gency conditions. Duringthe exercise, the Maine unireceived support from thePortland Fire Departmenand the 1st WMD-CSTfrom Neddick, Massachusetts.

When they arrived onthe scene, the commandereceived the initial briefrom the incident commander, out lining possibl

situations they might experience down range. Fromthat briefing, they determined what type of equipment to take down rangewhether civilian or militaryarea monitoring equipmenwould be needed, and whasampling equipment wouldbe used. A survey teamwas sent down range to determine the area of contamination, identify any possible leaks or spills, and to

determine the extent of those spills. Th

survey team then conducted a samplingcall to grab any samples, which theywould process through the decontamination line, purify completely and bring to scientist for analysis in the mobile analytical lab.

According to Lyon the exercise’s intent was accomplished. “Over all, thecommander’s intent was met because whawe wanted to do is see how we would react in a full scale team exercise. The teamresponded very well in very adverse conditions. This exercise was a tune up foour lanes training at Fort Leonard WoodMissouri later this month”.

In late February, the unit traveled toMissouri for a lanes training exercise. Athe training progressed, mistakes made onthe first day were non-existent by the lasday of the exercise.

The Missouri exercise gave the unit anopportunity to enhance the team’s technical skills in working towards their externaevaluation. By successfully completingthe external evaluation and receiving theicertification from the Secretary of Statethe unit will then be fully capable to deploy and support the citizens of Maine.

Support Team Trains for Certification

Members of the 11th WMD-CST conduct Decontamination Operations. (Photo by: MAJ Jeff Squires)

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Spring 2001 Guard ME 5

In a time when every school district inMaine is crying for more financial help init’s nice to know that all across Mainethere is a program that’s helping.

Since 1992, Maine Career Advantage(MCA), located in South Portland, pro-vided new educational opportunities forvocational students in the state. Throughthe internship program, high school stu-

dents have the opportunity to go out andactually explore a career and get hands-ontraining in fields such as automotive re-pair, auto body mechanics and diesel hy-draulics at actual businesses in their area.Finding those area businesses who areboth willing and able to participate is notalways easy. That’s when the MaineArmy National Guard stepped to the plateto help in the northern Maine area.

The MCA is partnering with theMaine Army National Guard in sendingvocational students from area schools tothe Maine Readiness Sustainment Mainte-

nance Center (MRSMC), in Limestone.Once there, students study AutomotiveTechnology or Heavy Equipment Tech-nology, get hands-on training on militaryvehicles. The students also receive highschool credit and get paid for the training.

Ruth White, who is the Student Ser-vices Liaison, for Maine Career Advan-tage in Presque Isle, says that the reactionof the students when they first get towork on military vehicles is amazing.“Their eyes just get so wide, they justlove it. It is just like some big toy to them.They enjoy it a lot and they couldn’t get itanywhere else but at the MRSMC.”

The MRSMC is a National Guard facil-ity designed to bring military vehicles infrom active Army bases, issue the vehiclesto the Guard, completely refurbish them,then assign the vehicl to a National Guardunit in need.

The Center is managed by MaineArmy National Guard soldiers. The repairwork is done by both state employed me-chanics and Guard technicians. Thesesame mechanics and technicians help inthe training of the student interns.

CW3 Gary Cleaves, general managerof the Maintenance Facility, says that the

county’s high school and vocationaschool graduates staying in the area increases. “I’m doing this for purely selfishreasons,” said Keaton. “We don’t wanto lose our kids. Getting them bettetrained, especially on military vehiclesgives them a chance to be employed at theMRSMC upon graduation or at other locabusinesses.” Keaton went on to say thahe has had several of his students join up

with the Army National Guard once theyhave graduated just because of their experiences in the program.

So far, the partnering program alsoseems to be to the students liking as wellJust ask Ronnie Clapper, an MCA internand Washburn High School student whospends his afternoons at the MRSMC. “ think it is great. You get to work on stufyou wouldn’t get to work on back at thehigh school. You get to work on, ‘HUMMERS’, figure out how a 6.2 diesel engineworks, and learn how to do a wheel service. If anyone likes to do automotivework, this is the place to be.” Clappe

spends most of his afternoons working onHUMVEES doing anything from changingtires to putting new engines in them. Healso has a classmate that works on 5-tontractors in another building.

Ms. White summed it up perfectly, “think that the Maine Career AdvantageProgram, here in northern Maine, is thebest kept secret in the state. Anytime youcan get together and do a joint venturewith an organization like the Maine ArmyNational Guard it’s a win-win situation foboth parties.”

internship program is a plus for the Guard.“It gives us a chance to do somethingpositive for our surrounding communityand for its young people. It also gives usa good recruiting opportunity, both on theGuard side and state side.”

The program has worked well for onearea school. “For us it started last yearwhen then state Adjutant General EarlAdams allowed a Maine Army National

Guard technician to come into our schooland show our students how maintenanceis conducted using technical manuals,”said David Keaton, principal of St. John’sVocational Center in St. Agatha, Maine.This year, with the help of MCA, we havebeen sending our students directly to theMaine Readiness Sustainment Mainte-nance Center, at Loring to see how themaintenance of these vehicles is con-ducted. So it has been a building programfrom last year to this year.”

Keaton also stated that his school’sinvolvement in the partnering program hasgiven him some advantages he didn’t

have before. First, it has given him theability to keep up with all the new changesin the automotive industry. Where it wasimpossible to keep up with all thosechanges in one program, now with the in-tern program at the MRSMC his total pro-gram is enhanced.

It has especially helped him in the areaof gas and diesel engines by giving themexposure in these areas they just wouldnot otherwise get. “ My students arecoming out of the program better trained.”

Second, by providing a better trainedstudent, the chances of seeing more of the

Ronnie Clapper drains the oil out of the transfer case on a HUMVEE. ( Photo by: MSGDan Fortin, PA, MeARNG )

By: MSG Daniel Fortin, PA

VocationalStudentsPartner withGuard

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Spring 2001 Guard ME 7

152nd Maintenance goes to Loring

Company F was inducted into federalservice on February 24, 1941 in Augusta

and served until November 1, 1945, whenit was inactivated at Camp Stoneham, Cali-fornia.

In the next year, the 103d Infantry wasrelieved from assignment to the 43d Infan-try Division. Later on September 27th1946 the company became the 3620th Ord-nance Maintenance Company, Anti-Air-craft.

The Ordnance Company changednames three more times before becoming amaintenance company; the 142d OrdnanceCompany on September 15, 1952 and thenconsolidated with the 684th Ordnance De-tachment on March 1, 1959 as the 142dOrdnance Company. Finally, on December31, 1967, the unit became the 152d HeavyEquipment Maintenance Company.

Three changes have occurred since:on November 1, 1974, it was renamed the152d Maintenance Company (less the De-tachment in Gardiner); on April 1, 1978,the detachment consolidated with the par-ent company in Augusta; and on Septem-ber 1, 1993, the 152d Maintenance Com-pany (General Support) was reorganizedforming with two detachments, Detach-ment 1 in Bangor and Detachment 2 in

SPC Patrick Murphy rebuilds HUMVEEstarters while at the Maine ReadinessSustainment Maintenance Center inLimestone. Murphy is a four year membeof the Maintenance Company and residesin Deer Isle, Maine. (Photo by: MSG DanFortin, PA, MeARNG)

'152nd Maintenance'Continued from page 3 

PV1 Levi Orff (right) and SSG Alton Sinclair both diesel mechanics with the Maintenance Company, adjust the valves on a 250 Cummings diesel engine.

(Photo by: MSG Dan Fortin, PA, MeARNG)

Brunswick.In July 1995, De-

tachment 2 was con-solidated with the par-ent company in Au-

gusta. Detachment 1still is active inBangor. This lastchange is still in effecttoday.

According to CPTBlair Tinkham, com-mander, the Mainte-nance Company has avery unique mission.“We essentially havetwo missions, one be-ing our federal missionthe other being ourstate mission. Our fed-eral mission is to con-duct General SupportMaintenance. Thatconsists of componentrepair overhaul whichyou see out in thebays today. Our statemission is to respondwith Operational Lo-gistical Support forany contingency thatthe government deemsnecessary.”

While at the Maintenance Center inLimestone, the soldier mechanics havebeen training in their wartime, federal mis-sion, working to rebuild Humvee and 5-Ton component parts and engines. Bothrepair platoons formed two rebuild lines

One line repairing Humvee componentslike transmissions, transfer cases and engines, the other line repairing 5-ton tractor components to include the 250Cummings diesel engines.

“Based on the production goals we setfor each platoon, they will meet or exceedthose goals,” stated CW3 ConradDamboise, in charge of quality control forthe company.

Damboise went on to say that this An-nual Training has been the best trainingthey have had in ten years.

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8  Guard ME Spring 2001

A Maine Army National Guard main-tenance center located in the middle of no-where is making a living adopting battered

and broken military vehicles and givingthem a new lease on life.The Maine Readiness Sustainment

Maintenance Center (MRSMC), locatedon the former site of Loring Air ForceBase, in Limestone, Maine. Is designed tobring military vehicles from active Armymilitary bases from all over the world, is-sue them to the National Guard Bureau,and then completely refurbish them beforesending them out to National Guard unitsin need.

The concept of the MRSMC origi-nated in early 1995 with then AdjutantGeneral Earl L. Adams, the Commissioner

of the Department of Defense, Veteransand Emergency Management and MaineGovernor Angus King, Jr. They envi-sioned a center in northern Maine thatwould refurbish usually discarded, activeArmy vehicles and turn them into like-newvehicles for National Guard units in need.That automatically brought to mind thethen recently closed Loring Air ForceBase with all its readily available buildingsand equipment. It made sense to put

Center Saves America 'Big Bucks'

buildings, already bought and paid for bytaxpayer money, to a good use. That’show the Center got started.

The Maine center currently refur-bishes Humvees, 5-ton tractors and bull-dozers. The vehicles are completelystripped down and all components are ei-ther replaced or rebuilt if necessary. Thechassis are all sandblasted, primed andpainted. The vehicles are subjected to aseries of inspections and are finally roadtested for quality assurance. A full one-year warrantee accompanies each vehicleas it goes to its new National Guard home.

All of this is done at a tremendoussavings to the taxpayer. “ It is really costeffective,” said CW3 Gary Cleaves, gen-eral manager at the MRSMC. “A newHumvee costs about $70,000, we can com-pletely refurbish one for about $17,000.That’s about a 3 to 1 savings for our tax-payers.”

Cleaves went on to say that currentlythere is a nationwide shortage of about11,000 Humvees and the center’s effortsare helping in making more National Guardtroops better prepared to fight.

The savings for refurbished 5-tontractors and D-7 bulldozers is equally asstaggering. The sticker price for a new 5-ton tractor is $80,000, a refurbished modelis $36,000. The price for a new D-7 bull-dozer is approximately $245,000, a refur-bished model runs about $56,000!

The work at the center is done by acombination of state employed mechanics

and Army National Guard Technicianmost of whom are Aroostook county residents. Cleaves is not shy about praisinhis maintenance team at the center. “ Wwere very, very fortunate. We have thbest mechanics in Aroostook Countyworking here now.”

Cleaves is not just boasting. In August of last year, the center, which imanned by approximately 120 employeeswas awarded its ISO 9000 Quality Certification. This certification verifies that thcenter is one of the best in its business inits ability to maintain and rebuild militaryequipment according to requirements established by the 110-nation InternationaStandards for Organization. That level oaccreditation is considered as important toorganizations dealing in industrial products as the Underwriters Laboratory approval is for electrical products sold in theUSA. This means that the center ha

been inspected and certified for doingwhat it says it can do.

Having the MRSMC in Limestonehas lessened the impact of the air basclosing back in 1994. “ Our annual budgelast year ran about 15 million dollarsAbout 6 million dollars of that was payrolalone. Every bit of that amount is goingright back into the local economy. Alsomany thousands of dollars is being spenby the Center for local purchases from thelocal economy for operating supplies,”stated Cleaves. “It has a huge impact.”

Mike Downend, a civilian mechanic employed at the Center, cleans a diesel engine prior to performing a valve job on it. (Photo by: MSG Dan Fortin, PA,MeARNG )

SFC Greg McNamee, a 3-year technician at the Maintenance Center, conductsan overall inspection on a M998 HUMVEE before its final road test. (Photo by:

MSG Dan Fortin, PA, MeARNG)

By: MSG Daniel Fortin, PA

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10  Guard ME Spring 2001

PromotionsFrom January 26, - April 27, 2001, the following individuals were promoted to the rank indicated.

COL Robert G. Carmichael, Jr. HHD STARCCOL Richard G. Hines Det. 3, HQ, STARCLTC David A. Belyea Det. 3, HQ, STARCMAJ Jeffrey A. Morton Det. 1, HSC, 133d EN1LT John T. Cobbs III Co. A., (-Det. 1), 133d EN1LT Patrick D. Damon Det. 1, Co. C., 133d EN1LT Troy I. Dumond Det. 1, Co. C., 133d EN1LT Jennifer M. Jarmul 11th WMD1LT Andrew F. Zuber Det. 1, HSC, 133d ENCW5 Jeffrey G. Peterson Det. 14, OSACW3 Benjamin D. Ayer Det. 14, OSACW2 Kevin M. Doody 52d Troop CommandCW2 Karter H. Kenney 112th Med. Co.CW2 Jacob M. Russell 112th Med. Co.SGM Allyson J. Cox HHD STARC

MSG Vanessa F. Field 52d Troop CommandMSG Michael T. Girouard HHD STARCMSG Byard B. Love HSC, (-) 133d ENSFC Matthew J. Corriveau 11th WMDSFC Stanley W. Dunton 11th WMDSFC Joseph D. Guerrette HHD STARCSFC George W. Merritt Btry. B., 1/152d FASFC Charles W. Picard HHD STARCSFC Shawn D. Thibodeau HHS, Btry., (- Det. 1), 1/152d FASSG Stevie R. Bond HSC, (-), 133d ENSSG Stephen D. Bragg HSC, (-), 133d ENSSG Roger A. Brawn 152d Maint. Co.SSG Jeffrey N. Cote 152d Maint. Co.SSG Kirk A. Cyr Btry. A., 1/152d FASSG Ronald J. Dube Det. 1, Co. B., 133d ENSSG Harold W. Fitch HHC, 240th EN

SSG Douglas P. Frost, Sr. HHD STARCSSG Anthony C. Gray Det. 1, 152d Maint. Co.SSG Damon E. Howe 112th Med Co.SSG Peter E. Kelley Co. B., (Det. 1), 133d ENSSG Robert E. Kervin HHS, Btry. ( Det. 1), 1/152d FASSG Damon D. Lehnig Det. 1, 1136th Trans. Co.SSG David A. Mooney Co. E., 120th Av.SSG Bruce W. Roscoe HHD STARCSSG Carl A. Simone Det. 1, HHC, 3/172d INSGT Christopher L. Armstrong 152d Maint. Co.SGT John L. Brooks Co. B., (-) 3/172d INSGT Mark R. Goodridge 240th Reg.SGT Edward G. Graves Co. B., (Det. 1), 133d ENSGT Jaime Hanson, V HHC, 240th ENSGT Michael J. Knights, II Btry. A., 1/152d FA

SGT Daniel J. Landers Det. 1, HSC, 133d ENSGT Matthew M. Miller 112th Med. Co.SGT Scott B. Wright HSC, (-) 133d ENSPC Justin A. Baird 1136th Trans. Co.SPC Craig A. Clement Co. A., (-Det. 1), 133d ENSPC Jerrad L. Coffin Det. 1, HSC, 133d ENSPC Valerie J. Collins HSC, (-) 133d ENSPC John J. Cummings 112th Med. Co.SPC Jonathan M. Elcewicz 195th Army BandSPC Christopher D. Gelineau Det. 1, HSC, 133d ENSPC Helen M. Hatch Det. 3, HQ, STARCSPC Michael H. Jones HSC, (-) 133d ENSPC David A. Nelson Btry. B., 1/152d FASPC Maurice Sirois Jr. Det. 1, Co. A., 133d ENSPC Nicholas A. Stamand Co. C., (-Det. 1), 133d EN

SPC Levi A. Staples Co. B., (-), 3/172d INSPC Kurt J. Stoppler Btry. A., 1/152d FASPC Nathan J. Tibbetts HSC, (-) 133d ENPFC Ryan W. Burkhart Co. A., (-Det. 1), 133d ENPFC Eric S. Campbell 112th Med. Co.PFC Brian I. Corey Btry. A., 1/152d FAPFC Joshua K. Doroen 286th PetroleumPFC Joseph P. Fecteau 152d Maint. Co.PFC Daniel C. Foss 152d Maint. Co.PFC Timothy D. Hendsbee HHC, 240th ENPFC Richard F. Jelley HHC, 240th ENPFC Carson S. Kelley 112th Med. Co.PFC Arthur A. Kimbell HSC, (-) 133d ENPFC Benjamin L. MacDonald Det. 1, HHC, 3/172d INPFC Dwayne A. Manning Co. A., (Det. 1), 133d EN

PFC Charles E. Naumann Btry. A., 1/152d FAPFC Joseph G. Nott Det. 1, Btry. B., 1/152d FAPFC Jeremy A. Rackliff Det. 1, Co. A., 133d ENPFC Jeffrey L. Searles 152d Maint. Co.PFC Anthony R. Sturgis Co. C., (Det. 1), 133d ENPFC Kristoffer M. Tardiff Det. 1, Co. C., 133d ENPFC Shane A. Tatro Det. 1, 152d Maint. Co.PFC Deborah A. Thomas 286th PetroleumPFC Dwayne A. Tootill Det. 1, HHC, 3/172d INPFC Tyson M. Trepanier 152d Maint. Co.PFC Derek A. White Btry. C., 1/152d FAPFC Joey L. Wing Co. C., (Det. 1), 133d ENPV2 Joshua G. Caron Det. 1, Btry. C., 1/152d FAPV2 Bradford W. Cirone Det. 1, Btry. B., 1/152d FAPV2 Derek C. Creasy Co. A., (Det 1), 133d ENPV2 Thomas A. Deboer Det. 1, 1136th Trans. Co.

PV2 Kevin C. Farquharson Det. 1, Btry. B., 1/152d FAPV2 Christopher L. Gordon Det. 1, Co. A., 133d ENPV2 Paul W. Haney Det. 1, Btry. B., 1/152d FAPV2 Bee Jay Hebert Btry. C., 1/152d FAPV2 Desmond R. Hutchinson Det. 1, 152d Maint. Co.PV2 Jeremy S. Lothrop Co. B., (-) 3/172d INPV2 Scott A. Morey, Jr. Btry. A., 1/152d FAPV2 Shawn M. Muldowney Co. B, (Det 1), 133d ENPV2 Jason W. Nickerson Co. C., (Det. 1), 133d ENPV2 Levi R. Orff 152d Maint. Co.PV2 Darcy A. Ott 152d Maint. Co.PV2 Corey L. Provencher Det. 1, Co. C., 133d ENPV2 Joshua A. Ramos HHS. Btry., (Det 1), 1/152d FAPV2 Kevin R. Sirois Det. 1, Co. C., 133d ENPV2 Dean C. Spencer 152d Maint. Co.

PV2 Brett E. Strout Det. 1, Co. A., 133d ENPV2 John A. Thibodeau Det. 1, 152d Maint. Co.PV2 Norman E. Voter Det. 1, Co. C., 133d ENPV2 Russell J. Waugh Det. 1, Co. C., 133d ENPV2 James R. Watkins 1136th Trans. Co.PV2 Daniel S. White Det. 1, 152d Maint. Co.PV2 Alpha N. Williams, Jr. 152d Maint. Co.PV2 Jonathan R. Wood Det. 1, Co. B., 133d EN

Page 11: US Army: Spring2001

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From the State Command Sergeant Major

CSM Mark J. Collins

Looking to the Maine Army National Guard SoldierWhy did you join the Maine Army National Guard?

SSG Walter Powell152nd Maintenance

PFC Sri Miller152nd Maintenance

PV2 Levi Orff152d Maintenance

Wearing the Black Beret

PVT Willa Yates240th Engineer Group

1Spring 2001 Guard ME 

 I joined the National Guard tohelp pay for my college educa-tion, to experience new thingsand because of the benefits.

This is something I had alwayswanted to do for myself and my country.

 I joined to take advantage of the educational benefits and tolearn a new skill like being adiesel mechanic.

  I like working on diesel engines and mechanics. I amalso planning to go to collegin the future.

Throughout history asthe United States Army hasevolved so have our uni-forms. In keeping with that

idea, Army Chief of Staff General Eric K Shinseki an-nounced last October thatthe Black Beret will becomethe standard day-to-dayheadgear for the entireArmy. The beret is intendedto be a symbol of Army ex-cellence and Army values.

All soldiers will beginwearing the black beret on14 June 2001, the Army’sbirthday. Soldiers will beissued two berets. The firstissue in May will give sol-diers time to prepare forproper wear of the beret on14 June 2001 through theconduct of NCOPD/OPDclasses. The beret will notbe available in militaryclothing sales stores untilJanuary 2002.

All soldiers not previ-ously authorized to wear theberet will initially wear theuniversal flash during thefirst year. The flash has alight blue background with

thirteen white stars super-imposed just inside its outer

border. The beret flash is de-signed to closely replicate theColors (Flag) of the Com-mander in Chief of the Conti-

nental Army at the time of itsvictory at Yorktown. Officerswill wear their rank on the dis-tinctive flash. Noncommis-sioned Officers and EnlistedSoldiers will wear their unitcrest on the distinctive flash.

Soldiers will wear the Be-ret with the BDU uniform ingarrison and with the class Aand B uniforms. Soldiers willwear the BDU Cap (nowcalled the patrol cap) in thefield when they are authorizedto remove their Kevlar helmet.Commanders may authorizethe wear of the patrol cap onwork details or in other situa-tions when wear of the beret isimpractical, such as in the mo-tor pool where it could be eas-ily soiled. The beret will notbe worn with dress blues orwith the Class A uniformwhen worn as a formal uni-form (white shirt and bow tie).Do not discard these clothingitems until you are instructedto do so. Soldiers in an initial

training statuswill not wear theberet. They will wear the pa-

trol cap with the BDUuniform and the garrisoncap or the saucer cap withClass A and B uniforms.Soldiers attending careerprogression schools, will

wear the beret. In schoolsthat have a mixture of ini-tial training and perma-nent party students, suchas in MOS schools, thelocal commander will de-termine wear of the beretduring the course.

The beret is worn sothe headband is straighton the head, one inchabove the eyebrows, withthe flash over the left eyeand the excess materialdraped over to the right,down to at least the top of theear, but no lower than themiddle ear joint.

Recommendations forshaping the beret: Ensure thatthe beret is the proper size.Properly don the beret for fit.Tie the ribbons into a non slipknot (cut off ends). Dampenthe beret (not soak). Properlydon the dampened beret toshape it for your head. Wearthe beret until it dries to shape.

In the Maine Army Na-

tional Guard, initial issue of the black beret will be as fol-

lows: Units on annual train-ing status or drilling and allfull time support personnelwill switch to the black beretat first formation on Thurs-day June 14th, 2001. Unitsnot on duty will switch tothe black beret on their firstduty day after June 14th.Soldiers who will be goingTDY out of state after June14th and before their unit’snext duty day will be issuedthe black beret prior to de-

parture for the temporaryduty.