URGENT: Read This Before You Make Another Student Loan Payment! This letter could change your life and drastically reduce your student loan debt burden fastDear [NAME], I’m sending you this URGENT letter today because you previously contacted us for help with your student loan problems. You’re in a VERY serious situation with the Department Of Education, and things won’t get better until you do something fast. Because of your urgent loan problems, you qualify to receive a $100 discount on our Federal Student Loan Relief Program, but this offer ends on [DATE]. Hi, my name is Lisa Liss, general manager of Federal Student Loan Relief. If you’re late on your payments or in default, and you don’t act now… Your loans could double in size in less than 4 years, making it almost impossible to live your life without harassing phone calls from debt collectors Your wages could be garnished and you could have to work 2 or 3 jobs just to make ends meet Your credit score could be badly damaged, making it nearly impossible to buy a car, home, or even apply for a job Your federal or state taxes could be seized, and the tax return check you desperately rely on could disappear And If the balance is high enough the D.O.E. could refer you over to the Department of Justice for litigation We can quickly and easily take care of your student loan problems, and drastically reduce your loan burden just like thousands of people have already done. Imagine not having to worry about those high monthly payments anymore… Imagine the peace of mind you’ll get when you don’t have to stress about wage garnishments or harassing phone calls… Imagine taking an action that could dramatically improve your financial future, and give you the peace of mind you desire and deserve

URGENT: Read This Before You Make Another Student Loan …garrett-strong.s3.amazonaws.com/free_content/pdf... · 2015-04-22 · with your student loan problems. You’re in a VERY

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Page 1: URGENT: Read This Before You Make Another Student Loan …garrett-strong.s3.amazonaws.com/free_content/pdf... · 2015-04-22 · with your student loan problems. You’re in a VERY

URGENT: Read This Before You Make

Another Student Loan Payment!

This letter could change your life and drastically reduce your student

loan debt burden fast…

Dear [NAME],

I’m sending you this URGENT letter today because you previously contacted us for help

with your student loan problems.

You’re in a VERY serious situation with the Department Of Education, and things won’t get

better until you do something fast.

Because of your urgent loan problems, you qualify to receive a $100 discount on our Federal Student Loan Relief

Program, but this offer ends on [DATE].

Hi, my name is Lisa Liss, general manager of Federal Student Loan Relief.

If you’re late on your payments or in default, and you don’t act now…

Your loans could double in size in less than 4 years, making it almost impossible to live your life without

harassing phone calls from debt collectors

Your wages could be garnished and you could have to work 2 or 3 jobs just to make ends meet

Your credit score could be badly damaged, making it nearly impossible to buy a car, home, or even apply

for a job

Your federal or state taxes could be seized, and the tax return check you desperately rely on could


And If the balance is high enough the D.O.E. could refer you over to the Department of Justice for litigation

We can quickly and easily take care of your student loan problems, and drastically reduce your loan burden just like thousands of people have already done.

…Imagine not having to worry about those high monthly payments anymore…

…Imagine the peace of mind you’ll get when you don’t have to stress about wage garnishments or

harassing phone calls…

…Imagine taking an action that could dramatically improve your financial future, and give you the peace

of mind you desire and deserve

Page 2: URGENT: Read This Before You Make Another Student Loan …garrett-strong.s3.amazonaws.com/free_content/pdf... · 2015-04-22 · with your student loan problems. You’re in a VERY

Not only can we help you qualify for a student loan forgiveness program or a student loan consolidation program,

we can also cut your loan payments in half, lift wage garnishments, restore your damaged credit history, and stop

the obnoxious phone calls from creditors.

You’ve really got just 2 options at this point.

Option 1: Do Nothing. Keep ignoring your student loan debt and hope it will go away, but I can tell you what will happen if you do that. The D.O.E. will likely refer you for litigation, and you’ll spend years trying to recover from damaged credit, making it impossible to buy a home, finance a car, or even get a job. Option 2: Finally Reduce Your Student Loan Burden Listen, if you keep ignoring this situation and rack up more penalties, then by the time you finally do pay off your student loans you could end up paying 3 to 4 times the original loan amount. Do you really want to put all your money towards loans when you could be paying for a new home or car? For just $699 $599 we can make your student loan nightmare disappear, and give you back your peace of mind. When you think about it, the small fee we’re asking you to pay for our Federal Student Loan Relief Program is just a drop in the bucket compared to the financial burden you’ll have if you wait.

Our Special $100 Savings Discount Ends On [DATE] You qualify to receive a $100 savings discount to use when you sign up with our Federal Student Loan Relief Program by [DATE]. Plus, as an added bonus you’ll get an additional $25 off when you send your payment before [DATE].

Our 100% Money Back Guarantee We’re so confident that you’ll be satisfied with our student loan debt relief service that we offer you a 100% money back guarantee. If we don’t solve your student loan issues then we’ll give you a prompt and courteous refund. This is as risk free as it gets. The choice is clear, so DO IT NOW before things get worse and you find yourself in litigation.

Send in your payment by mail, pay online at www.url.com, or pay by phone at 888-303-5128. We love helping people who want to help themselves. If you’re not willing to take action, then

you’re probably not a good fit to join Federal Student Loan Relief. Wishing you the best,

P.S. As my grandmother said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again when it doesn’t work.” So if you keep putting this off, you’ll be in the same place next year.

Page 3: URGENT: Read This Before You Make Another Student Loan …garrett-strong.s3.amazonaws.com/free_content/pdf... · 2015-04-22 · with your student loan problems. You’re in a VERY

P.P.S. Don’t forget you’re covered by our 100% money-back guarantee. If we don’t solve your student loan issues, you don’t owe us a thing.


ATTENTION Naturopaths…

How To Make More Money, Treat

Patients With More Success, And

Work Less! This break-through in holistic medicine, that could be the most

dramatic discovery since DNA is already being used by 4,500 holistic

practitioners around the world, and allows you to quickly make more

money, treat clients with more success, and work less…

FROM: The Desk Of Harry Massey

LOCATION: Santa Cruz, CA

DATE: 3/13/2015

Dear Holistic Practitioner,

Page 4: URGENT: Read This Before You Make Another Student Loan …garrett-strong.s3.amazonaws.com/free_content/pdf... · 2015-04-22 · with your student loan problems. You’re in a VERY

If you’re sick of working hard, not making the money you deserve, and are tired of treating your

patients with little to no success, then this could be the most important letter you ever read…

When you read this letter to the end, you’ll discover a new break-through in holistic healing

that could put more money in your pocket, allow you to work less, and increase your referrals


Hi, my name is Harry Massey.

I’ve been helping naturopaths increase their income, skyrocket their treatment success rates,

and work less by treating their patients with a ground breaking new technology that rapidly

speeds recovery time and makes old treatment methods obsolete.

I’ll tell you all about it in just a second, but here’s why I’m so passionate about this new

healthcare discovery…

I Suffered From Severe Chronic Fatigue For 7 Long Years

And Was Bed-Ridden For Much Of That Time

I tried everything from conventional medicine to alternative healing with no results.

After years of research and desperately looking for a solution to my chronic fatigue, I met Dr.

Peter Fraser.

He introduced me to his 30 years of research, and his proprietary method of treating patients

who had chronic problems ranging from arthritis to MS by mapping out the clients body-field,

and treating the problem using bio-energetics.

The results he got his clients were more effective than anything I had ever seen, and when I

allowed him to treat me with his unique method of holistic healing, I made a full recovery in

just 2 years when nothing else had worked.

After Realizing How Ground-Breaking Dr. Fraser’s Bio-

Energetic Treatments Were, I Knew We Couldn’t Keep His

Discovery A Secret.

I knew after seeing the amazing results Dr. Fraser’s bio-energetic healing was having on

patients, I was going to help him make it available to holistic practitioners everywhere.

Together we created the world’s first holistic treatment method that works by scanning the

human body field, searching for blockages and distortions in the flow of energy and

information, and providing a recommended protocol to stimulate the body’s innate self-healing


Page 5: URGENT: Read This Before You Make Another Student Loan …garrett-strong.s3.amazonaws.com/free_content/pdf... · 2015-04-22 · with your student loan problems. You’re in a VERY

If you’ve been struggling to treat patients with success, not making enough money, and

working too hard, just know it’s not your fault. There are lots of holistic healing methods out

there, and many of them really do work great, but none of them compare to the benefits our

bio-energetic healing system provides.

Until recently, the focus of healing was solely on energy, but now we recognize that the

transfer of information is equally, if not more, important.

Learning Bioenergetics means that you are able to improve people's health by addressing

simultaneously the three critical factors within the body:

• The flow of energy

• The information that is created, regulated, and distributed by that energy

• And the physiology

Bio-Energetics Is Transforming The Way Holistic

Practitioners Treat Patients


It has to do with the way energy and information influence our biology, and the Human Body-


Bioenergetics confirms that medical and holistic practitioners can now execute a precise,

immediate, visual scan of the body's bio-energetic systems, authenticating disruptions at the

sub-cellular level that can prevent optimum wellness.

It’s similar to the way that DNA provides chemical information to the body for functioning.

This revolution in holistic healthcare has already proven to be highly effective at treating

illnesses and disease, and over 4,500 practitioners are using it with incredible success. Here is

just one of many studies we’ve carried out proving the effectiveness of NES health therapy.

Page 6: URGENT: Read This Before You Make Another Student Loan …garrett-strong.s3.amazonaws.com/free_content/pdf... · 2015-04-22 · with your student loan problems. You’re in a VERY

Another study was conducted to gather information on the use and efficacy of the NES

miHealth™ device for use in research, training and marketing purposes. The aims of the study

were as follows:

In all case studies using the miHealth™, an average reduction of the symptoms of over 60% was

experienced. After the second therapy session, even more participants – 93% – reported a

significant improvement in their condition.

Subjects with chronic conditions were also looked at separately and 85% of them reported an

immediate positive effect from the therapy

It’s super-fast and easy to treat your clients using bio-energetics, and it works even when other

holistic methods fail thanks to our proprietary 4-step healing process that identifies and

corrects distortions in the body at the cellular level.

Here’s some feedback we received from a couple of clients we treated using bio-energetics.

"Within the first month I was a different person. I just felt so much more

confident. I eat normally now."

Lynn Martin, long-term IBS sufferer

"Within two weeks I wasn't tired all the time and I keep on seeing

improvements every time I see my practitioner."

Katie Schmidt, suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Page 7: URGENT: Read This Before You Make Another Student Loan …garrett-strong.s3.amazonaws.com/free_content/pdf... · 2015-04-22 · with your student loan problems. You’re in a VERY

Imagine Treating Your Clients With More Success,

Increasing Your Income, And Working Less

Imagine for a second a new client walks into your practice. You scan them to get a

detailed analysis of their body-field, and immediately you know the exact area of the

body that’s showing blockages and distortions.

Imagine having the ability to bill multiple treatments and bring in more repeat business

for your practice because your clients see steady improvements in their condition.

Imagine the experience of being on the cutting edge of this healthcare revolution, and

gaining a competitive edge over all your competition.

Imagine the feeling you’ll get when you provide your clients with a ground breaking

holistic treatment that’s safe, and provides incredible results.

Imagine your referrals skyrocketing all because your clients are excited about the

results they’re seeing.

Imagine hearing your clients’ happy feedback when they see how much faster and more

efficient their treatment is delivered (you can even treat them from their own home

using our system, allowing you to spend less one-on-one time with clients).

And imagine avoiding all the time wasting methods that don’t produce results while

shaving hours off your work day.

Listen To What These Practitioners Had To Say About NES

Bio-Energetics And How We Helped Their Practices

"The NES miHealth allows me to work on many different levels. The 'Inner

Peace' cycle has been very effective - allowing my clients to 'unwind' and relax,

which has resulted in a deeper response when used alongside the NEr


Maggie Lewis, Practitioner, UK

"Probably my greatest NES testimony is a client that had a severe auto-immune

disease and after being on NES for less than two years she no longer takes

medication, is able to work and has a normal life and best of all her Doctor gave

her a clean bill of health."

Deborah Holt, Experienced nutritional counsellor and NES Practitioner

“On the first day [of using NES ProVision], I saw the accuracy of it and was

ecstatic. It’s non-invasive, immediate, and extremely comprehensive.”

Jason Siczkowycz ND Certified NES Practitioner

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"I have been working with the NES miHealth for the last two months - and the

reaction from my clients has been overwhelmingly positive. And interestingly,

since I've started using the device, a lot of new clients have come to my practice

asking for a session with the NES miHealth, having heard about their good

results from family and friends".

Rian Bruijne van Dorst, Practitioner, Netherlands

"As the osteopath at the professional football club, Hamburger Sport Verein,

I'm working with professional athletes on a daily basis. Over the last two

months we have integrated the NES miHealth to support our players - and we

have experienced remarkable results. Our players recover faster and feel much

more relaxed before games. They even want to use the NES miHealth

themselves at home."

Thomas Marquardt, Physiotherapist & Osteopath, Hamburger SV. Germany

Our Unique Bio-Energy Health Care Discovery Has Even

Been Featured On CBS’s “The Doctors”…

During the airing the Doctor’s revealed how shockingly effective the miHealth™ device is at

relieving pain, and curing chronic diseases.

I Want To Personally Invite You To Our FREE Bio-

Energetics Training On [Date] In [Location]

Page 9: URGENT: Read This Before You Make Another Student Loan …garrett-strong.s3.amazonaws.com/free_content/pdf... · 2015-04-22 · with your student loan problems. You’re in a VERY

For those who qualify, we’re holding a free training to teach holistic practitioners like yourself

about bio-energetics, how you can apply it to your practice, and how you can make more

money while working less.

This is truly the new direction that holistic healthcare is going.

This discovery changes everything that we thought was possible with healthcare before. But

you could miss out on this opportunity if you ignore what I’m about to tell you.

We’re in our super early bird phase for our FREE training right now. We sent letters out to those

of you who we think will qualify to attend, but here’s the deal…

We Only Have 50 Spots Available For The FREE Training

And They Will Fill Up Fast!

If you wait to secure your spot, I can almost guarantee you that you won’t get in.

When you attend the free training you’ll discover:

How to optimize the body’s fields of energy, called Energetic Drivers that arise from the

organs as a fetus develops.

How to correct the Meridian-like channels, called Energetic Integrators that coordinate

the information that drives millions of chemical processes, ensuring that the correct

information gets to a specific place in the body at the precise time it is needed.

How to address the energetic terrain to which pathogens and microbes, such as viruses

and bacteria, are attracted if we are exposed to them.

How to identify where your clients are on their life journey and help them make wiser

choices to reduce stress, help them find life purpose and create a more fulfilling life.

How to use Bio-energetic technology to read the body-field.

How to use pure information to correct the body-field.

How to use PEMF and biofeedback to unblock and release any energy blockages in the


You’ll leave with a first class education in becoming a bioenergetics practitioner,

teaching you all the theory, clinical and practical language to help you to build a

successful practice.

And sooo much more…

We should be charging at least $495 per person for this training, but if you secure your spot

now you’ll be able to attend for free.

If you still think bio-energetics won’t work for you and your practice, just know that you have

nothing to lose when you attend our free training.

Don’t have the time to attend?

Page 10: URGENT: Read This Before You Make Another Student Loan …garrett-strong.s3.amazonaws.com/free_content/pdf... · 2015-04-22 · with your student loan problems. You’re in a VERY

Ask yourself, can you afford to miss out on this 100% free training that’s on the forefront of

transforming the way practitioners treat patients.

Here’s My Incredible Guarantee

If after attending the free training you don’t feel like I delivered everything I promised you here,

and you don’t think I delivered world class training on bio-energetics, then I’ll personally hand

you a crisp $100 bill.

Simply tell me why you thought I wasted your time, why you think I’m full of crap, or whatever.

That’s how positive I am that you’ll love what you learn in this free training.

Remember, if you’re sick of working hard and not making the money you deserve, and if you’re

tired of treating your patients with little to no success, then this could be the most important

FREE training you ever attend.

But you must hurry because access to our free bioenergetics training is limited to the first 50

practitioners who sign up, and it’s already filling up fast.

Plus, we won’t be offering this free training again in your area for a long time.

To find out if you qualify and to secure your spot, simply give us a call at xxx-xxx-xxxx or enter

your information at www.website.com


Harry Massey

P.S. Spots to attend this free training are filling up fast and may be gone soon.


Page 11: URGENT: Read This Before You Make Another Student Loan …garrett-strong.s3.amazonaws.com/free_content/pdf... · 2015-04-22 · with your student loan problems. You’re in a VERY

ATTENTION Concerned Investor: Are you prepared to profit from the

coming collapse of the U.S. Dollar?

“A Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity

To Turn $2.1 Million into $84.7

Million…” This One Simple Investment Can Preserve Your Wealth and Set You,

Your Children, and Your Grandchildren Up For Life, Yet It’s Not

Physical Gold -- I URGE You to Read This Letter to The End To See

Why I’ve Never Been So Certain Of An Investment In My Life…

FROM: The Desk of Martin E. O’Connor

DATE: Sunday, August 17, 2014

Location: Jalisco, Mexico

Dear Friend,

You’re an informed and concerned investor, and you likely know that a financial storm of

epic proportions will soon hit us. I know, because I specifically chose you to receive this letter…

Quite frankly, your income level and education sets you apart from 99% of the country’s

population, and makes you a highly-targeted individual for the opportunity I’m going to tell you


But let me be 100% honest with you. Although this unique investment could set you, your

kids and your grandkids up for life, there is risk just like any investment, yet the upside

potential is MONUMENTAL in scale.

An investment like this only comes along ONCE IN A LIFETIME, if that, and could quickly &

easily increase your wealth by a factor of 10, 20, even 100 times. But I’ll talk more about that in

Page 12: URGENT: Read This Before You Make Another Student Loan …garrett-strong.s3.amazonaws.com/free_content/pdf... · 2015-04-22 · with your student loan problems. You’re in a VERY

just a second. First, I want to tell you why it’s so URGENT that you stop what you’re doing, take

a seat, kick off your shoes, and read every word of this warning I’m about to give you…

You’ve probably seen and heard every economic warning out there, and you may already be

prepared for what’s coming in the months ahead. If so, I want to congratulate you for being in

the top 1% of Americans, however, there’s still a very good reason why you should read this

letter to the very end, and I’ll reveal that in just a second…

Hi, my name is Martin O’Connor, but my close friends call me Marty…

I’m writing you today NOT as a financial advisor, not as an investment newsletter writer, and

certainly not as anyone trying to sell you something you don’t need. In fact, if you haven’t

already prepared, it may be too late to benefit from something like that anyways…

I’m writing you today as a friend, a patriot, and as someone who’s EXTREMELY worried about

the Dollar’s imminent collapse that could hit before the year is over...

What renowned financial analyst Charles Nenner said recently in an interview with

watchdog.org SHOCKED me to the core. He stated in the interview: “Timing is our business,

and we’ve always said…

“The Dollar Is Going To Collapse At The End Of 2014”

Does that FRIGHTEN you? It scares the hell out of me…

You might be wondering right now why you should listen to me, or how a normal guy like

myself could tell you anything that might change you and your families’ lives from this day

forward. Yet, I promise you, I even beg of you, please listen to every single word of what I

have to tell you because it could DRAMATICALLY change your future…

As you probably know the Federal Reserve has been printing trillions of dollars to pay for its

debts, and America is a sinking ship right now. That’s no real news for those paying attention.

And you likely know that if you don’t have a life raft to save you and your family, you’re

going to lose every bit of wealth you’ve ever accumulated. What you’re about to

experience in America is going to be EPIC IN NATURE…

Here’s what international banker, investment guru, and owner of GoldMoney.com, James Turk,

had to say about the Dollar collapse that could hit before the year is out…

“The currency collapse might come sooner than you think. It depends on when confidence

finally breaks, and we’re getting very, very close to that stage. There’s nothing holding the

dollar together but confidence.

People are losing confidence in paper money because the super-rich are moving out of money

and buying up tangible assets.”

Now, that might not be news to you, and you might already be prepared, yet I can guarantee

you that you’ve never had an opportunity like the one I’m going to present today.

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And I know you might be tempted to flip to the end of this report to see the life-changing

opportunity I have waiting for you. In fact, it will allow you to avoid all the dangers of the Dollar

collapse, while you enjoy amazing, ONCE IN A LIFETIME PROFITS...

Yet it’s essential that you read every word of what I have to tell you…

Listen, when this dollar collapse hits, and it could be by the end of this year,

You will see rioting in the streets similar to the Occupy Wall Street riots, but on a much

larger scale

You will experience mass unemployment all around you similar to the 24.9%

unemployment rate in 1933 during the Great Depression

You will see the government lying to Americans on a grand scale about the inflation and

unemployment numbers

As you may know, officials are already fudging the facts about unemployment being at 7%, and

their inflation numbers are laughable. In fact, according to John Williams of ShadowStats.com,

the government is lying about the unemployment numbers, and we’re already seeing 23%


In a riveting interview on Fox Business, Investment Expert Jim Rogers warned Americans not to

trust any of the positive economic news coming from the U.S. government.

"I don't trust the data from any government, including the U.S., Rogers said. "We know that

governments lie to us. Everybody's printing money, but it cannot go on. This is all artificial.

He goes on to say…

“There's No Paper Money In 2014 & 2015 That’s

Going To Be Worth Much Of Anything"

And Richard Duncan, author of The Next Great Depression had this to say about the coming

dollar collapse…

“When this credit bubble pops the depression is going to be so severe that I honestly don’t

think our civilization can survive it.”

And renowned financial analyst, and founder of Casey Research, Doug Casey recently


“It will be unstoppable and the speed of it will leave most people waking up to the danger after it

has already happened.”

You will see cities going broke. It’s already happening. Detroit going bankrupt is just the

beginning, and according to Chief Economist of the Heritage Foundation, there are more than

60 of America’s largest cities already going broke…

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Just imagine a worst case scenario in your mind, and multiply that by 10, and that’s what some

of the most respected financial analysts and investors are saying. It’s likely we’ll see martial law

with military on the streets, and the only food many Americans will be able to get if they’re lucky,

could be standing in a bread line…

As you likely know, if you don’t take action and do something to protect your wealth now, you

and your family will go down with the ship, guaranteed…

Look, the Dollar is dying, and if you get stuck holding paper when hyperinflation hits, and it will

happen almost overnight, you’re going to be left with nothing. Famed investor Jim Rogers,

chairman of Rogers holding, is very concerned…

“Investors should take every precaution right now to protect their money from a major market

disaster that will destroy the economy and impoverish millions of Americans.

For the first time in recorded history we have all major banks and central governments around

the world printing huge amounts of money," Rogers said. "This has never happened in world

history and so the world is floating on an artificial ocean... of lots and lots of printed money,"

said Rogers.”

Our government is broke, and the only thing keeping them afloat is the Federal Reserve’s ability

to print trillions of dollars to pay their debt. You and I both know that’s not sustainable for much

longer. Just take a look at our national debt below. Do you think we can go on like this forever?

Inflation Is A Bubble, And Just Like The Tech

Bubble, The Housing Bubble, And The Stock Market

Bubble, It Will Soon Pop...

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No country has ever survived this amount of money printing, and the U.S. is no different.

And as you probably know, gold has risen dramatically since 2002 because worried investors

are buying gold to protect their wealth. Gold is great, but what I’m about to reveal to you is

spectacular for making you UNHEARD OF PROFITS while hedging against inflation…

The chart below is probably nothing new to you, but you can see the dollar diving and gold

rising since 2002…

Here’s the reality…

There’s Never Been A Single Fiat Currency In The

World That Hasn’t Eventually Gone To Zero…

And, it’s 100% guaranteed that the U.S. Dollar is going to suffer the same fate. Never before

have there been so many mainstream news channels talking about the coming Dollar

collapse like the Washington Times and The Washington Post…

And never before have we seen billionaires like Warren Buffet, John Paulson, and George

Soros frantically selling up to half of their stock holdings…

Jeremy Grantham, chief investment strategist of GMO paints a very grim picture of the coming

stock market crash…

“Another horrific stock market crash is coming, and the next bust will be “unlike any other” we

have seen.”

This is probably not news to you, but BRICS nations like China, Russia, and India are quickly

moving out of the dollar and buying gold…

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In February 2014, China dumped $47.8 billion of U.S. government debt, and they have now

become the world’s largest importer of gold. The chart below reveals that China has purchased

2,116 tons of gold since September, 2011. Do you think they know something is up?

Author of “The Death of Money”, Jim Rickards estimates that China doesn’t have as much gold as they claim. He told money manager Peter Schiff the following in a recent interview…

“China’s officially reported gold holdings are probably false.”

Rickards tells Peter his reasoning why China’s gold holdings are likely 4-5 times greater than official reports!

“If China told the truth about how much gold they really have, the dollar would collapse and

gold would skyrocket. They don’t want this to happen before they’ve bought as much gold as

they feel they need.”

He goes on... “When you have a currency crisis, it’s the paper wealth that evaporates.”

Rickards explains how Warren Buffet is preparing for exactly this endgame – by dumping paper money and buying hard assets.

Now, some of you might think that there’s a financial recovery since stocks have gained back all

their losses, real estate has rebounded, and unemployment & bankruptcies have dropped. But

consider this. Just before Wall Street crashed in 1929, the stock market surged upwards by

+143%. Sound familiar?

Many people are still in denial about the ENORMITY OF WHAT’S HAPPENING. So, if you are

one these people just know that I’ve given you fair warning. Call me a nut case, that’s fine.

Many people already have, but these are the same people who refuse to look at the facts.

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Skeptics Say There’s No Possible Way The Dollar

Could Collapse…

However, they’ve been proven wrong time and time again by history. Just look at the

hyperinflation that hit Weimer - Germany, Zimbabwe, and the Banana Republic as a result of

overprinting money…

As you may know, in Weimar Germany in 1923, hyperinflation was so bad it took a wheelbarrow

of money just to buy a loaf of bread, and we’re getting dangerously close to that level now…

If you don’t take action right now, your savings, along with millions of other Americans will be

wiped out. This will decimate your retirement accounts, and any other dollar related assets you

may have…

The Dollar collapse will change everything about life here in America. Where you work (if you

have a job), if you feed your family, whether or not you get healthcare. Look, I’m smart enough

to know that inflation destroys nations and wealth...

Keith Fitz-Gerald, Chief Investment Strategist for the Money Map Press says people should take

immediate steps to protect themselves from what is happening…

"People need to begin to make preparations with their investments, retirement savings, and

personal finances before it's too late," says Fitz-Gerald.

So what can you do about this major crisis to ensure you don’t lose your hard earned money?

Well, I want to show you what I’m doing to ensure I don’t go down with the ship, along with

millions of unprepared Americans, and reveal to you an investment that will not only

maintain your wealth, but actually SKYROCKET your wealth by up to 5,427%.

You want to hold on to your wealth when the Dollar falls, right? Most Americans won’t have a

clue what to do when their retirement fund disappears almost overnight, or when 95% of

businesses close the doors. Most will PANIC!

And most won’t know what to do when a loaf of bread costs $100, eggs cost $200/dozen, and

milk costs $300/gallon. When riots hit the streets because welfare checks stop being paid out,

people won’t be able to survive. This is when it pays to hold physical gold and silver.

Plus, can you imagine what it’s going to look like when they cut off the social security checks…

Hyperinflation Is About To Change America…

Listen, you may very well know what could happen if the Dollar collapses, but if you’re still not

convinced at the DANGER you’re in right now, then I personally challenge you to look up these

facts for yourself.

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The government never stops spending, and you may not think that things are that bad right now,

but just know this. In 2013 alone the government spent $3.5 trillion. And since 2008, the Obama

administration has added over $7 trillion to our national debt.

The stage has been set for hyperinflation. And when this hits consumers, fortunes will be lost

overnight. Top Casey Research analyst, Marin Katusa, recently stated that when hyperinflation


“You want to be invested in silver, gold, and companies that produce what the rest of the world

wants, which is gold and silver.”

The chart below shows what happened when hyperinflation hit the German Reichsmark just

after world war I. The government printed so much money to pay for war reparations that it

destroyed the value of the currency.

And that’s exactly what the Federal Reserve is doing. Their spending has gone beyond anything

that can be mathematically repaid.

You’ve seen the inflation chart from Germany in 1923, now take a look at the inflation going on

in the U.S. Does this look familiar to you?

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Look, our country is sick, and debt doesn’t just disappear. It will fall like a house of cards and

take the savings of millions. Will you be left with nothing like the people of Weimar Germany?

Since our government owes more money to other countries than any other country in the world,

it’s inevitable that they will default on the debt, and very soon. So, where should your

money be? Gold, Silver, Foreign Currencies? Well, it’s obvious you should put a portion of your

investments in hard assets like gold, silver, real estate, etc. to protect your money against

inflation. And you of all people likely know how stable gold is…

You know that gold will preserve your wealth during economic turmoil. What other

investment do you know of that has gained 500% over 10 years and not lost any value due to


Think about this…

There’s less than 1 ounce of gold per person on this earth. What do you think will happen when

the masses finally catch on that they need to pull their money out of the bank and invest in gold

and silver to protect their wealth? The price will go bananas as you probably know.

When The Mania Hits, The Gold & Silver Prices Will

SKROCKET Almost Overnight...

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It will be an EPIC event to witness, and if you’re not positioned to profit you will be

CRUSHED, but if you are positioned then you’ll set you and your family up for generations.

Famed investor Jim Sinclair recently gave his conservative prediction on the coming gold price.

Sinclair said:

“The gold price will move up to between $3200 and $3500 by the end of 2016.”

But that’s not even his “real” prediction on where he thinks the price could go. Sinclair recently

made the call that gold could reach as high as $50,000/ounce, but before you write him off as

delusional, he’s made similar outrageous calls in the past – and was proven correct!

Skeptics will say things like “the gold and silver prices fell significantly in 2013”, and they’ll try to

write it off as a bad investment. But you and I know that gold went up for 12 years straight, so it

was long overdue for a pull back. Looking at this chart you can see the meteoric rise gold and

silver have had since 2002…

Investor James Turk stated he expects 2014 to be a big year for both metals, and that we

are approaching the point where the cartel loses its ability to control the gold and silver

markets to the upside as confidence in the fiat system is lost.

Turk stated that he expects gold to achieve $8,000 to $10,000/oz. during the 3rd phase of

its bull market when the public becomes involved and a mania develops

The gold price still has to adjust to inflation, in which the price will have to rise by at least a

factor of 10 or 20 times, and before I go on about gold, let’s not forget that the silver ratio is

extremely OUT OF WACK due to the price manipulation on the Comex. Historically, silver has

been priced at around 15:1 against gold…

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This means silver should be priced at close to $90 dollars per ounce. Instead, the ratio is 65:1

due to price manipulation. And the manipulation is coming to an end soon according to famed

silver analyst Ted Butler. When it does, look out!

The Silver Price Is Like A Beach Ball Being Held

Under Water!

Butler recently said in an article…

“It can now be said without question that JPMorgan is a serial silver market manipulator. And

the manipulations have the same common denominator – an excessive and dominant market

share enhanced by dirty trading tricks.”

And what Butler really feels will finally end the silver market manipulation is the coming silver


“It is one thing to say that silver will be the best investment over the next several years, but yet

another to back that up and explain why I expect that to be the case. The simple reason is

because I think silver will go into an extreme physical shortage on a wholesale level. If there is

anything that can drive the price of a commodity to the stratosphere it is surely a physical


When you consider there’s 5 times more silver than gold mined each year, yet 98% of all silver

is consumed industrially and never recovered, this creates a huge shortage situation.

And many more experts agree that silver could go to $500 or $1,000 per ounce due to the price

manipulation. Heck, famed financial expert and author of “Rich Dad”, Robert Kiyosaki, made a

prediction of $6,000/ounce for silver…

All it takes is 1/10 of 1% of the U.S. population to buy silver to send the price into the

stratosphere. The market is so tiny, it would take just 1 billionaire to buy into silver to send it to

the moon.

But still, as you probably know, some people will wait on the sidelines until the last minute, and

they will buy when the price has already skyrocketed. That’s how bull markets work. You have

smart investors who get in early and take massive profits, and you have those who don’t.

In a gold bull market, the highest profits are always taken in the junior mining stocks, not by

holding physical gold. Take a look at this…

During the last great precious metals bull market between 1975 & 1980, the gold and silver

mining companies enjoyed HUGE profits. In 1975 many gold and silver stocks were trading

under $2/share, and most were trading for under $.50/share

You can see the monumental rise in the stock prices of these 3 mining companies below…

Lion Mines – 1975 price: $0.07 / 1980 price: $3.80 i.e. an increase of +5,427%

Wharf Resources - 1975 price: $.40 / 1980 price: $5.60 i.e. an increase of +1,390%

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Azure Resources - 1975 price: $.05 / 1980 price: $1.09 i.e. an increase of +2,179%

The chart below shows the meteoric rise in price between 1975 and 1979, during the last great

gold bull market. Gold finally peaked at $850/oz. in 1980, and just like then, this time…

Thousands Of Millionaires & Billionaires Will Be

Created Overnight When The Mania Hits…

In a recent interview with the Gold Report, Oliver Gross spoke about the coming explosion in

the junior gold & silver miners. He stated…

“The woefully undervalued junior miners will exploit their leverage advantage, with best-in-

class companies gaining as much as 500% to 1,000%—or more.”

The incredible profits occur in mining companies because they’re leveraged to the price of

gold, so if gold rises in price, a mines’ shares will rise significantly more.

For example, suppose it costs $700 to mine 1 ounce of gold, and current spot price for an ounce

is sitting at $900. The mining company will profit $200. Yet if the price of gold were to rise to

$1,000 per ounce (11% gain), the profit for the company rises to $300 dollars (50% gain).

Using the example from Lion Mines above, if you had invested just $10,000 in 1975 @

$.07/share, by 1980 your investment would have been worth $540,270!

Gross also stated:

“We have seen a strong increase in financing volumes in the junior gold equities market during

Q1/2014. That's a very healthy development. The next few years will be a very attractive period

to invest in high-quality resource companies.”

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However, this ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY I want to tell you about today isn’t buying

gold and silver stocks. It’s an opportunity to become a part owner of what the Mexican

Government called “The best gold & silver mine in Jalisco, Mexico”, and it’s known as La

Paloma. And just so you know there are currently 58 existing gold and silver mines operating in

the state of Jalisco. See http://portalweb.sgm.gob.mx/economia/en/mexico-mining/353-

jalisco.html for proof...

Why La Paloma Is the Investment of a Lifetime!

Consider yourself very lucky that you received this letter, because you’re about to discover an

investment opportunity so huge it’s truly MIND BOGGLING. I want you to know that we chose

you to receive this letter because you match the exact criteria of someone who can appreciate

what I’m about to show you…

Now let me tell you more about this once in a lifetime opportunity, and why I’ve never been so

certain of an investment in my entire life…

Nestled deep in the Sierra Madre Mountains, in the Mexican state of Jalisco, lies A GOLD MINE

OF EPIC PROPORTIONS, and I don’t use that word lightly. The portion of Jalisco, Mexico

where La Paloma is located has been a mining area since before Columbus, and it’s still one of

the richest gold & silver mining areas in the world.

The La Paloma gold & silver mine is located just 75 km west of Guadalajara. The mine has

been left virtually untouched since mine workers went on strike in 1928, and until it was

discovered by expert geologist and mining legend, Greg Ovens.

Even though Greg had a long and successful career as a geologist in the gold fields of Canada,

he was so SHOCKED at the potential of the La Paloma mine that he packed up his entire

family and made the move.

Greg is now the General Manager of the La Paloma mine. Along with his Mexican partners he

controls the location, the gold, the silver, and the minerals with a Mexican government


What Makes The La Paloma Mine Unlike Any Other

Junior Gold & Silver Mine Out There?

Well, for one we’re not an exploration company hoping to find a HUGE reserve of gold and

silver, which can take years. Nope. We’ve already identified $1.68 billion worth of gold and silver

and have the National Instrument 43-101 to back it up.

In 2011 the present owners commissioned the Canadian company Snowden to conduct its own

independent investigation into the mine’s potential. Snowden, an independent company known

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for its honest appraisal of gold & silver mining discoveries bases all of their findings only on

proven geological facts. (See exhibits at the end of this report.)

A reading of page 20 of the Snowden report tells us that after physically examining the mine,

and the 1928 schematic of the mine and plans for mining operations in 1928, it is determined

that the strike length (the length of the gold & silver vein) is approximately 1250 meters long

(The 43-101 Report is Available Upon Request).

Snowden’s findings are as follows: High grade gold and silver mineralization is confirmed as

continuous over at least 1200 meters, and virtually the entire length described is the area of our


It’s important to note that one of the most helpful tools when investing in junior gold mining

companies is the Canadian National Instrument (“CNI”) 43-101 Report. The 43-101 report is

a mineral resource classification standard used for the public disclosure of information relating

to mineral properties, and it is widely used throughout North America and in other regions. (See

Results Below)…

This finding in the 43-101 Snowden Technical Report is of enormous significance. The report

verifies the company’s claims of reserves and potential, however…

Here’s The Real WOW Factor Of The La Paloma

Gold Mine, And It Will SHOCK You...

We have all the infrastructure, electricity, water, etc. ready to go, and we can start mining

operations in 6 – 9 months, as soon as we raise the capital!

Unlike many mines in the world, like in Canada’s gold fields, it’s common to have the mine out in

the middle of nowhere with no infrastructure, and your workers freezing in the winter. The

weather in Jalisco, Mexico is near perfect year round. Plus, we’re only about 2 miles from the

mine to a hard surface road. This will play a huge factor when getting the heavy machinery to

the mine and hauling the concentrate from the mine, and with the mine located nearby a

metropolitan area, the supply of labor is more than adequate.

Another key factor is that our mine is managed by owners who have skin in the game.

They are experienced and committed to La Paloma producing. This is not always the case with

junior mining companies. Many times you’ve got suits putting the deal together with the intention

of hiring the personnel needed.

And if you’re wondering how the political stability of the region is, just know that Mexico is rated

4th in the world for providing a hospitable government atmosphere for mining…

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In short, La Paloma is the only junior gold mine you’re likely to find with such good infrastructure

in place, in an area with such good climate, that’s located in such a rich gold & silver mining

location, and that offers private ownership at such a low price. Passing this opportunity up

would be insane…

Plus, we have numerous other mines on the property with plans to start operations on those in

the near future. And just like Ken Gerbino of Ken Gerbino Investment Management says:

“Mining companies with plenty of production and new mines coming on stream in the years

ahead are usually a good group to own. Growth is Good.”

We’re giving you the small window of opportunity to become a 10% owner of the La Paloma

mine so we can start operations in 6-9 months, and so you can start seeing your return on

investment as soon as the third year. This is a HUGE opportunity to own in the net profits of the

company, and not just as a shareholder.

How Much Gold & Silver Does La Paloma Have?

The mine has an estimated US Dollar value of $1,688,102,200.00. La Paloma is currently sitting

on 821,534 ounces of gold, and 32,861,746 ounces of silver.

Independent tests from 2006 to 2009 conducted samples of 37 in-place rocks on the property

that showed an average of 8.0 gm/T gold, and 203.7 gm/T silver (according to the World Gold

Council, larger and better quality underground mines contain around 8 to 10g/t).

Management was excited to see sample assays which returned gold values of up to 49.20 gm/T

gold. Silver values were as high as 385 gm/T. Eight of the ten samples returned very good to

excellent grades.

What is the Life of the La Paloma Mine?

We know from the 1928 mine exploration and plans for that year the vein goes down at least

200 meters. So using this 200 meter figure and 500 tonnes mined per day the mine’s life will be

approximately 13 to 14 years.

A reasonable potential, however, is that the depth could go 3 or more 50 meter levels down. For

every 100 meters of additional depth, at 500 tonnes mined per day, adds an additional 6.8

years. Further, the width of the strike is estimated at 4 meters.

La Paloma will also be funding 2 endowments…

One for the educational International Institute in Ajijic. The other funding is going to Lorena

Ochoa’s golf foundations in Mexico and the U.S., and to her LPGA golf tournament. Part of the

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deal with Lorena is that our investors and/or their companies can be named sponsors of her

foundations and her tournament.

What is the Profit Potential for You?

The following chart shows the investment potential for the first year, second year, and beyond

with the annual gold and silver production as follows. Keep in mind that with junior gold miners,

when the gold price rises the return on investment rises exponentially!

Annual gold production estimate is based on 500 Tons/day, 10 grams/Ton @ $1,300/oz

Annual silver production estimate is based on 500 Tons/day, 400 Grams/Ton @ $23.50/oz

Your Investment Will Be Returned In 3 years, Then

Your Return On Investment Is 100% Per Year For

The Next 11 Years…

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The owners of La Paloma want to keep the investment private. This will speed up the

opening of the mine by avoiding delay of government and regulatory processing. The most

important reason for keeping it private is we’ll generate more profit for you and the owners.

There are no days to spare and no time to lose in getting into production.

To get in on a mine with this potential for extraordinary profits on a private basis is EXTREMELY

uncommon. We’re looking for no more than 5 investors to come on board with us, but if you’re in

a position to invest alone, that makes things even more efficient for us and for you. We can get

the mining operations started that much faster. A ten percent ownership of the profits of La

Paloma can be had for only $10.5 million, USD.

However, if you’re only interested in owning 2% of the La Paloma mine, your investment would be $2.1 million, USD. Pick up the phone now and call Greg or myself before this opportunity slips you by. Contact information is below…

Martin E. O’Connor, at 701-212-4712 E-mail: Greg Ovens [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

But here’s why you should act now. Since we’ve mailed this letter out to thousands of smart

investors who met the same criteria as you…

We’ve Had Tremendous Interest And This

Opportunity Will Be Gone Soon…

As soon as we close with the 5 investors we need, or 1 individual investor to fund the $10.5

million total, we’re going to be forced to turn away any future investors…

But don’t decide to call us yet…

Just because Greg Ovens has discovered vast amounts of gold and silver at the La Paloma

mine, that’s ready to start operations within 6 to 9 months, it doesn’t mean you should act just

yet. Before you invest in any junior mining company, you should always consider these 4 things,

According to Director of General Metals Corporation in Nevada, Walter A. Marting, Jr.

The 4 things you should consider before investing in a junior gold mine…

1. Making Sure Management Is Experienced

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“When Investing in Junior Gold Mining Companies, the serious investor needs first to look at the

quality and experience of a mining firm’s management in deciding whether to make an

investment. Without question this is the determinative factor of a junior gold mining company’s


The people running the company must be professionally competent and should have an

established track record of past successes.”

Greg Ovens has decades of experience in the mineral exploration and mining business

including supervision of projects from grass roots geochemical surveys to advanced stages of

diamond drilling, resulting in the discovery of a Newfoundland, Canada gold mine, and an

exploration drill program which resulted in the discovery of a major uranium mine in

Saskatchewan, Canada. He also contributed to the discovery of two other uranium deposits.

(See Greg’s Full Resume at the End of this Report).

2. Location Can Make or Break the Success of a Mine

“Another way to evaluate the geology of the mining project when investing in junior gold mining

companies is by its proximity to other proven or operating mines. There are mining locales or

geologic trends where multiple mines are located. Finding a junior mine operation in the middle

of a prolific gold mining and silver mining area helps validate the possibility of a successful

junior mine and large potential investor returns.”

La Paloma just so happens to sit right in the middle of mining country, where 58 successful gold and silver mines are already operating…

3. Is It in a Stable and Predictable Environment?

Like I mentioned before, the political stability of the Jalisco, Mexico region is rated 4th in the

world for providing a hospitable government atmosphere for mining. It offers the exploration and

mining industry a favorable investment and operating climate.

Economically, Jalisco, Mexico is ranked third in the country, with industries centered in the

Guadalajara metropolitan area, the second largest metropolitan area in Mexico.

4. Has the Management Used Capital Wisely?

According to Walter A. Marting…

“If the companies’ capital has already been used wisely, putting most of the money into drilling,

assaying, ore body evaluation and the preparation of corresponding reports, then this is an

excellent sign that management has spent its capital wisely…

If the firm has completed a CNI 43-101, or a Preliminary Economic Assessment or, even better,

a Pre-Feasibility Study, that includes a definitive resource calculation and some estimates of a

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project’s economics, then that is an excellent sign that management has spent its capital wisely

and is looking to build shareholder value.”

Again, pick up the phone now and call Greg or myself before this opportunity slips you by.

Contact information is below…

Martin E. O’Connor, at 701-212-4712 E-mail: Greg Ovens [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Here’s Our Rock-Solid Guarantee…

When you come on board with us we will do everything in our power to see that you profit wildly from this investment. Like I stated earlier, mine manager Greg Ovens has major skin in this game…. He also has the decades of experience that it takes to get the La Paloma mine operating and profitable in as little time as possible. The time to invest is right now, just before the mania in gold and silver hits… Again, pick up the phone now and call Greg or myself before this opportunity slips by. Contact information is below…

Martin E. O’Connor, at 701-212-4712 E-mail: Greg Ovens [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

You’ve Got a Really SIMPLE Choice To Make…

Right now, as you read this, it’s likely that you know what you need to do, and it’s something that will create enough wealth to take care of you and your family for generations. How would that make you feel to know that you can take care of your love ones for years, and they won’t have to SUFFER along with millions of unprepared Americans when the Dollar collapses?

When you think about it, you really have just THREE options.

Option 1: DO NOTHING. Stop reading now, put this letter aside, and miss out on the biggest opportunity you will ever have to easily make the FORTUNE OF A LIFETIME. If you put this off, I can guarantee you in a year you’ll regret not taking action...

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Honestly, if you’ve read this far it shows me that you’re really interested in protecting your wealth and creating more money than any other investment out there can give you when the Dollar collapses… So, why not trust in yourself? You and I both know that doing nothing just

isn’t an option at all.

Option 2: Take what you learned in this letter and try to find another junior gold & silver mine that offers you the return on investment potential that La Paloma offers…

You can try this, but I can tell you for sure that when you don’t find one, and you decide to call us back, this opportunity will be gone. I don’t want that for you anymore than you do.

And then there’s option 3: Do what so many other smart investors have done in the past and invest in yourself and your families’ future. I promise you it will be the smartest investment you ever make. If you’re still not convinced that you need to act now, then I don’t think there’s anything else I can say to you to change your mind. When you think about it it’s a pretty easy choice to make, isn’t it?


P.S. Remember, you will get a 100% return on your investment for 11 years straight. P.P.S. Investor interest has been enormous so far, and if you want in on this opportunity you

need to act now! Again, pick up the phone now and call Greg or myself before this opportunity slips by. Contact information is below…

Martin E. O’Connor, at 701-212-4712 E-mail: Greg Ovens [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

A Few Details about the Structure of the Purchase

1. The investment will purchase a 10% participation in the net profits from the sale of ore from the La Paloma mine. This will consist of, but not be limited to, the net smelter return which is the net profit from the sale of concentrate to a gold smelter. 2. It is not planned in the beginning to process the ore concentrate into gold bars on site. The ore will be mined, and processed mechanically in a floatation plant, which is the same basic process as panning for gold only on a larger mechanical scale.

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This process of “panning” for the gold content in the ore reduces the ore volume by about 100 to 1. The 1 part contains the gold that is to be extracted at the smelter. The smelter pays La Paloma for the concentrate. 3. Tailing are residue from the processing done at the mine. These have value and the sale of the tailings, or working them, will be another source of net income. 4. La Paloma is one mine owned by Minera Sierra de Oro. The company owns other gold, silver, copper, iron and barite mines. These other locations are not productive yet. For your understanding of our motives, this sale of interest in La Paloma and its subsequent operation is to generate the money needed to open La Paloma. Profits generated form the La Paloma operation will be used to open the other sites. La Paloma is an existing mine, and can be reopened quickly and producing within 6 to 9 months. 5. La Paloma is one of the mines owned by the parent company and does not exist in its own legal entity. What is being purchased is an interest in the net profits of the mine. 6. The owners will consider creating a separate legal entity to own La Paloma. 7. A quarterly audit of the operations will be conducted until the mine is operational. When production begins an annual audit of the operations and books and financial reporting will be done and presented to the investors. 7. The investors will have no obligations for the operations of the mine. The owners of the mine are mining professionals and will be solely responsible for operations. 8. The purchasers of the 10% interest, and the mine owners will verbally come to terms so the interests of all parties are fully recognized and incorporated into the agreements. Upon agreement a written document will be prepared containing the terms arrived at and will be signed affirming the terms. The purchasers will then be asked for proof of funds to be delivered to the escrow agent. When the proof of funds is received the signed document containing the terms agreed to will be used to prepare the proper documents in Spanish, with official English translations. The escrow instructions and the documents will be presented for review to the buyers. When all documents are signed and in escrow the buyers will deposit the full amount of the purchase price in escrow. The purchase will then close in escrow. The owners are open to suggestions from the investors on the terms of the sale. 9. The escrow will be in Mexico. Monex Bank has indicated an interest in being the escrow agent. 10. The owners of the mine are disposed to satisfy all reasonable questions and concerns of the buyers. --------------------------------------

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This report was prepared by Martin E. O’Connor using information supplied by Greg Ovens, General Manager Greg Ovens, BSc (Hons) General Manager/Director, Minera Sierra de Oro S.A.de C.V. E-mail: Greg Ovens [email protected] Martin E. O’Connor Mexican cell phone: 331 356 3614, U.S. Phone: 701 212 4712E-mail: [email protected] Post Office Address: Oficina de Correas Caja 852 Ajijic, Jalisco C.P. 45920 MEXICO

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Page 34: URGENT: Read This Before You Make Another Student Loan …garrett-strong.s3.amazonaws.com/free_content/pdf... · 2015-04-22 · with your student loan problems. You’re in a VERY
Page 35: URGENT: Read This Before You Make Another Student Loan …garrett-strong.s3.amazonaws.com/free_content/pdf... · 2015-04-22 · with your student loan problems. You’re in a VERY
Page 36: URGENT: Read This Before You Make Another Student Loan …garrett-strong.s3.amazonaws.com/free_content/pdf... · 2015-04-22 · with your student loan problems. You’re in a VERY
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Page 39: URGENT: Read This Before You Make Another Student Loan …garrett-strong.s3.amazonaws.com/free_content/pdf... · 2015-04-22 · with your student loan problems. You’re in a VERY

Full Bio on Greg Douglas Ovens, B.Sc. (Hons.)

Decades of experience in the mineral exploration and mining business including supervision of projects

from grass roots geochemical surveys to advanced stages of diamond drilling, resulting in the discovery

of a Newfoundland, Canada gold mine, and an exploration drill program which resulted in the discovery

of a major uranium mine in Saskatchewan, Canada. Contributed to the discovery of two other uranium


Owner/Director Minera Sierra de Oro S.A.de C.V., Ixtlan Del Rio, Nayarit, Mexico, owner of the La

Paloma Gold & Silver Mine near Ahualulco De Mercado, Jalisco, Mexico.

Supervisor of an Asbestos processing mill for Baie Verte Mines, Baie Verte, Newfoundland, Canada

Formed my own consulting firm as a Consulting Geologist specializing in geological and geochemical

investigations for gold, base metals and uranium in many Canadian locations from Newfoundland in the

east to Yukon Territory in the west to the high Arctic in the north, including supervision of geochemical,

geophysical and geological programs, diamond drilling, Quaternary geology, biogeochemistry and a

heavy minerals laboratory. Clients include:

Bitech Corporation, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Project Manager, Newfoundland

Overburden Exploration Services, Timmins, Ontario, Canada: Project Geologist, Timmins, Ontario

Borealis Exploration Limited, Calgary, Alberta, Canada: Consulting Geologist, Melville Peninsula, Arctic

Key Lake Mines Limited, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada: Consulting Geologist, northern


Cullaton Lake Gold Mines Limited, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: Consulting Geologist,

Northwest Territories

Getty Mines Limited, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: Consulting Geologist, Yukon Territory

Eldorado Nuclear Limited, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, Consulting Geologist

And previously:

Gulf Minerals Canada Limited, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada: Geologist, northern Saskatchewan

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Division of Mines: Geologist, Merrickville, Ontario

Iron Ore Company of Canada, Schefferville, Quebec, Canada: Engineering Assistant, Schefferville

Graduated from the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, with an Honours Bachelor of

Science Degree in Earth Sciences with a Major in Geology

Completed a course in Geochemical Exploration for Uranium, Base and Precious Metals at the Colorado

School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA