News Update February 2021 Two teenagers become latest Lundie Memorial Award recipients Two teenagers have been named the latest receipients of the Lundie Memorial Award. Thirteen-year-old James Gough, pictured left, from the United Reformed Church (URC) South Western Synod, received the award in December for sharing his technical skills during the Covid-19 pandemic when he joined the all-age worship team. Joseph Hartley, 16, from the URC Yorkshire Synod, received the award in January. Joseph has a leading role in ensuring that the audio and visual presentation is available for all Sunday services and for other church life events such as church meetings and Messy Church. Read more about James, Joseph and other recipients here . Ruth Clarke, 1935-2021 Tributes have poured in for Ruth Clarke, a trailblazer for all URC curates service for Fairtrade The Revd Dr Kevin Snyman, who leads Commitment for Life, the URC's global

URC_News_Update_February_2021 · Web view– a set of eight sticker books introducing favourite Bible stories in a simple and attractive way. With stickers to place on every page,

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News Update                                      February 2021

Two teenagers become latest Lundie Memorial Award recipients

Two teenagers have been named the latest receipients of the Lundie Memorial Award. Thirteen-year-old James Gough, pictured left, from the United Reformed Church (URC) South Western Synod, received the award in December for sharing his technical skills during the Covid-19 pandemic when he joined the all-age worship team. Joseph Hartley, 16, from the URC Yorkshire Synod, received the award in January. Joseph has a leading role in ensuring that the audio and visual presentation is available for all Sunday services and for other church life events such as church meetings and Messy Church. Read more about James, Joseph and other recipients here.

Ruth Clarke, 1935-2021

Tributes have poured in for Ruth Clarke, a trailblazer for all sorts of issues, especially the ecumenical movement, and the representation of young people and women in the Church, and was a former Moderator of the General Assembly, who died on 11 January aged 85. Read more.

URC curates service for Fairtrade 

The Revd Dr Kevin Snyman, who leads Commitment for Life, the URC's global justice programme, has curated the Fairtrade Foundation’s online Ecumenical Service of Worship, for Fairtrade Fortnight (22 February to 7 March). Find how you can enjoy the service here.

URC helps flush away poverty one toilet at a time

Encouraged to 'give a penny when they spend a penny', Church House staff and visitors have raised hundreds of pounds for charity. Through involvement with her local church, Helen Bird, URC Human Resources Officer, introduced Toilet Twinning, a charity which helps bring clean and safe sanitation to the world's poorest people by linking toilets with a latrine in Africa or Asia, to staff in 2019. Since then, £497.64 (£349 in 2019, and £148.64 in 2020) has been raised for the charity, and all nine toilets in Church House have been twinned with latrines in Myanmar, Malawi, Zambia, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan, Honduras, and Burkina Faso. Helen said: "Thank you all very much!" Find out more about toilet twinning here. 

Pictured: Dr Sam Richards, URC Head of Children's and Youth Work, left, and Heather Wilkinson, Children's and Youth Work Administrator, right, celebrating their 'Jungle John' decorated toilet win for World Toilet Day in 2019.

Number of United Reformed churches registering for eco initiative grows

The number of United Reformed churches (URCs) registering for A Rocha UK's Eco Church initiative is growing. The charity, which recently announced its 1000th award, has revealed that 11% of all Eco Church Awards have been bestowed upon churches within the denomination. Seven per cent of Eco Church registrations (3100 churches in total) have been made by URCs, and of those 43% have achieved an Eco Church award. A spokesperson for the charity said: "We are pleased by the continued involvement of the URC with the Eco Church programme." A Rocha UK is a Christian charity working that helps equip Christians and churches in the UK to care for the environment. In July 2020, the URC officially recognised the climate emergency after URC Youth presented a resolution at Mission Council which subsequently passed. The resolution also asked that local churches across the denomination be challenged to “make conscious changes to their practices in order to reflect this". If you would like to know more about Eco Church and how to become one, read more.

Send in your photos of URC life

Bored in lockdown? Then help the URC Communications Department by digging out those old photos! The department is seeking photographs from URC members that represent the life of the denomination before and during lockdown. Find out more here.

Greater welcome for infants and carers

As part of its five-year focus on supporting children under five years old, the URC's Children’s and Youth Work Team has created an inclusive policy to support parents and carers bringing infants to local churches. Read more.

Weekly devotionals series

Sundays with the Council for World Mission is a series of weekly devotionals meant to inspire faith and deepen our relationship with God, as we face the challenges and opportunities of life. Download the free resources here.

Become a sight-loss friendly church

Torch Trust, the Christian sight loss charity, is holding free 30-minute taster sessions about becoming a Sight Loss Friendly Church (SLFC). The sessions, which will take place via Zoom, offer an opportunity to hear about all the benefits of this free resource, as well as a chance to meet the SLFC team and ask questions. Read more.

Educational bursaries available

Bursaries are being offered by the Milton Mount Foundation to assist with the cost of secondary school fees, uniform and educational trips of the children of Congregational and URC ministers. Grants are also available to the daughters of those ministers who are starting their first undergraduate degree in autumn 2021, and those beginning a first postgraduate degree, for up to three years. Subject to sufficient funds being available, similar grants may also be available for sons of ministers. For further information or an application form, please email the Secretary, Rosie Hopkins, or telephone on 01252 715 087. The closing date for all applications for the 2021-22 academic year is 10 May.

Develop your discipleship

If you want to know more about Stepwise, the URC's discipleship development programme, information on all five streams is now available here – click on each stream heading for more details. The programme begins with 'Faith-filled Life' which provides a foundation for exploring more deeply the call to discipleship in modern times. It's designed to be a core introductory experience that will lead onto the other streams. To ask questions or for more information, please email the team.

Churches help tackle youth violence

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, of which the URC is a member, is part of the growing Synergy Network which encourages churches, community groups and individuals to address serious youth violence via prayer and action. In December, the network launched the ‘Synergy Network: Churches and Communities Taking a Stand’ website. This digital resource is the only online portal that maps all church-related responses to serious youth violence in the four nations and is a platform for those wishing to engage in these activities or wanting to find out more. Read more.

Gospel written in verse Lent study

This year’s Lent programme, from Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI), is the outcome of a partnership which is rooted in fulfilling an elderly gentleman’s dream. John Alan Davis visited his wife every day as she lived with dementia. When she died, he turned to the only place of comfort he knew: his faith. CTBI has partnered with Alan and his family to produce 'The Poets Gospel' a gospel in blank verse with rhymed parables. Download the study booklet and listen to audio files here.

Keep-up-to-date with URC's focus on discipleship

If you're looking to refresh your walk with Christ, don't forget to visit the URC's Walking the Way: Living the life of Jesus today page for all the latest news and resources on whole-of-life discipleship.

Coronavirus: information and resources

Updated Synod Moderators' advice

Considering the rapid spread of the new variant of the Covid-19 virus, the URC Synod Moderators strongly recommend that churches should cease to meet for in-person worship and move exclusively to online or paper-based worship material. Read the guidance here.

Worship with us online

The list of URCs worshipping online has been updated. More than 163 churches are now live streaming acts of worship or offering Bible studies, sermons and services as podcasts, audio files or video recordings. View the list here. To add your church to the list, please email the Communications Team here.

Ordination and induction advice 

Read advice from the URC on the ordination and induction of Elders during Covid-19 restrictions.

Resources to help safely reopen

Check out the URC's range of resources to help your church reopen safely. From face masks to floor signs, from badges to keep your distance stickers and 'We're open' vinyl banners, there's much on offer. Visit the URC Bookshop here.

This month in Reform magazine

What will churches look like after the pandemic? That’s the question that Reform is grappling with in February’s issue. And if you don’t yet receive the URC’s national magazine, how about this for a special offer? Subscribe now from £18 for one year, and receive your choice of books or other gifts from the URC Bookshop worth up to £9.99. See February's issue of Reform for details, or call 01371 851 886 quoting the offer code ‘WINTERGIFT’. Also in this month’s edition: Friends of the Earth call on the churches to help tackle the plastics crisis, why church should be more ‘spacious’, a life in fair trade, a major report on UK diversity and why tinned tomatoes in Wales astonish a man from Madagascar. All this and much more news, comment, inspiration and debate, from across the URC and beyond.

Please order online. You can contact the shop by email or by calling 020 7916 8629. Thanks for your understanding.

'Walking towards Easter together' is a limited-edition Lent resource for churches to give to students, seniors, households and families to reduce isolation and offer hope in these challenging times. The pack invites them to join a journey through Lent with opportunities to build connections with Jesus, others and their local church.  The materials include a wide range of activity suggestions so there should be something for almost everyone to engage with in their own home. Contents include an A3 poster – a map from Shrove Tuesday to Easter Sunday; an A5 spiral bound stand-up diary/journal with pull out activity pages; 100s of stickers to use with the map and journal; a Lent and Easter recipe booklet. £4.50 each or £4 for 15 or more +p+p.

Containing the definitive list of United Reformed churches and ministers, alongside a wealth of other information about the denomination, the URC 2021 Yearbook now includes 'Celebrated Lives', remembering ministers and others in the life of the URC who have died in the past 12 months. The 2021 Yearbook follows the 2020 redesign to make its information easier to read. New lower price of £17.99 +p+p

Hook: Learning to fly, written by the Revd Heather Whyte, a URC minister, is a five-week course of spiritual journeying based on the film Hook. This course attempts to offer a contemporary spiritual experience, an exploration of Jesus’ observation that we must become like children to enter the kingdom of heaven, alongside the very real need to search for our true selves – that which is at the very heart of our being. £3.99 +p+p

The reflections in A Great Cloud of Witnesses Part Three: Death and Beyond, by Barbara Bennett, are the imagined thoughts of those who witnessed the momentous events at the end of Jesus’ earthly life and his resurrection. £6.99 +p+p

Bible Activity Sticker Set – a set of eight sticker books introducing favourite Bible stories in a simple and attractive way. With stickers to place on every page, children can play and learn as they follow the stories. With more than 800 stickers, the books include: The First Easter, Noah's Ark, Moses in the Bulrushes, David and Goliath, Jonah and the Whale, Jesus and the Fisherman, The Good Samaritan and The Nativity. Published by Miles Kelly. £14.99 +p+p

Synod news


Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor, helped serve refreshments to visitors to The Secret Garden, an award-winning project set up by the Zion URC, which had been turned into a festive wonderland for families due to the Covid-19 restrictions. 

Image: Hambleton Today.

North Western

Chorley URC received three new church members via Zoom at their Covenant Service on 3 January. Apart from a brief respite in the autumn, the church has been offering an online act of worship on YouTube since last March. The reception of three new members was called a “great joy” to the church.

Thames North

To help tackle crime, Ponders End URC has had a knife amnesty bin installed on its grounds. Supplied in collaboration with Enfield Council, the local police, and specialist company Knifesafe, funding for the bin is for two years and includes secure disposal of any weapons deposited. Any knives collected will be destroyed and kept off streets for good. The Revd Melanie Smith, Minister of Ponders End URC, said: “We hope that the knife amnesty bin will help make it a little easier for young people, gang members and others in the community who might be tempted into knife crime to move in a different direction.” 

Image: The Revd Melanie Smith, centre, with Imam Shams, right, and Andrew White of Knifesafe, left. 

What's On

Stepwise webinars

Find out more about Stepwise, the URC's discipleship development course through a new webinar series. On 23 February at 7pm, the Stepwise team delivers the first of five webinars to introduce each of the five Stepwise streams. The first webinar explores Faith-filled Life, followed by Faith-filled Worship on 9 March. For further dates and details, read more.

Single Friendly Church

URC members are invited to a free webinar on ‘How to become a Single Friendly Church’ on 3 February at 11am. Forty per cent of adults in the UK are single, and they do not always feel welcome in church. This free webinar is a great place to start for anyone who wants to learn how to welcome, value and include the single people in their churches. Book your place here.

Pray with others ahead of Mission Council

The Group for Evangelism and Renewal is hosting another short series of prayers leading up to Mission Council in March. At 8.15pm for four Thursdays from 18 February, a guest will introduce some prayer needs in the URC family and then a panel will lead prayers for 15 minutes on the dedicated Facebook page. Those tuning in can chip in with comments or prayers via the comment facility. Guests include, the Revd Steve Faber, Moderator of URC West Midland Synod, the Revd Dr John Bradbury, General Secretary of the URC, Mr Peter Pay and the Revd Clare Downing, Moderators of the URC General Assembly, and the Revd Adrian Bulley, interim Assistant General Secretary of the URC. Short prayer videos are also posted on the page each Thursday for people to watch at their leisure. 

Line management training

The URC's HR department has announced new dates for its Line Management training. The course is for anyone working within the URC with direct line management responsibility and is divided into three parts. To reserve a place for these training sessions, please email the HR office, or visit the training webpage here.

Why Manage - Part 1   

Date: 18 February 

Time: 10am-12pm 

Training delivery mode: online

Why Manage - Part 2  

Date: 29 April 

Time: 10am-12pm

Training delivery mode: online

Why Manage - Part 3   

Date: 13 May

Time: 10am-12pm

Training delivery mode: online

Why Manage - Part 1

Date: 16 September

Time: 10am-12pm

Training delivery mode: tbc

Why Manage - Part 2

Date: 26 October

Time: 2-4pm

Training delivery mode: tbc

Why Manage - Part 3

Date: 18 November

Time: 10am-12pm

Training delivery mode: tbc

Wellbeing webinars

In the light of the long-term psychological impact of Covid-19 on everyday life, the URC's central Safeguarding Team will host a series of webinars focussing on mental health, wellbeing and self-care on 19 and 26 March from 1-4.30pm. Please email the team to book your place and include your name, Synod and role.

Ministry Enquirer's Day

If you're thinking about worship leading, lay preaching, ministry with children and young people, the Ministry of Word and Sacraments, or Church Related Community Work, then consider the URC's Ministry Enquirer's Day on 27 February from 10am-3pm designed to help you think about God’s call. To register, please email for joining details.

Create space with children

Go beyond the risk assessment and explore children’s spirituality at a virtual brunch on 13 February from 9-11am and 27 April. This is an ecumenical initiative working together with The Well Network for Methodist Children, Youth and Family Workers, United Reformed Church, St Albans and Oxford Diocese and Roots for Churches, and is for all those in children’s ministry to listen to children, each other and God and shape responses to the current situation. For more information or to register, read more.

CWM webinars

Council For World Mission (CWM) Europe is holding a series of online webinars and presentations around the theme of ‘building life flourishing communities’. The first for 2021 takes place on 8 February from 2-3.30pm where Dr Peter Cruchley on the theme 'Whiteness and anti-racist practice: from talk to action'. The URC Revd Melanie Smith, along with Revd Dr Alan Barrett and David Jonathan will take part in a panel discussion on life-flourishing activism on 22nd February from 2-3.30pm. Further webinars are schedule for 8 and 22 March. For more information and to register, please send an email to CWM.

Social Justice 

Faith leaders welcome nuclear weapons treaty coming into force

The URC, along with 27 faith leaders from around England, Scotland and Wales issued a joint video statement which welcomed the United Nations' Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons coming into force on 22 January. Watch the video here.

Faith in Politics

Join Meg Read and Rodney Coker as they interview Louise Davies, Director of Christians on the Left. Louise reflects on the influence of faith in her political journey and the contribution Christians can make to politics. Meg and Rodney consider what being a prophetic voice means and how this can be achieved in politics. Listen here.

Reset the debt

By the end of 2020, more than 900 people had written to their MP about JPIT and Church Action on Poverty's 'Reset The Debt' campaign which calls for a fresh start for families in Britain swept into debt by Covid-19. Four hundred and twenty-five MPs have been contacted, and the campaign has been featured in the national news. The most effective next steps in the campaign are now being developed. But, it's not too late to lend your support. Read more.


URC vacancies and beyond

URC National Synod of Wales is seeking a Synod Safeguarding Officer. This post is offered on a part-time fixed-term five-year contract in the first instance. Salary: £25,116 per annum. Closing date: 12pm on 11 February. Email the Synod office for an information pack.

URC South West Synod is seeking a Property and Trust Officer, based in central Taunton. Salary: £40,000-£50,000 pa FTE depending on experience. Applications are invited for full or part-time employment. Email the Synod office to apply and include a CV and covering letter. Closing date: 8 February. For more information, call the synod office on 01823 275 470.

Churches Together England is seeking a Web Content Assistant for a fixed term of 25 days, over 12 weeks. Home-based. Salary: Living Wage (£9.50 per hour, or £10.85 per hour in London). Closing date: 8 February. Apply here.