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  • 8/6/2019 Urbanization[1][1]


    Joy Wilson



    Facilitator: Margaret Wallace

    Assignment: Urbanization

    Urbanization is the process by which cities grow or by which societies become

    more urban. Urbanization is the process by which large numbers of people become permanently

    concentrated in relatively small areas which forms cities. Urbanization is the term used for the

    process of a society changing from rural to urban.

    Urbanization has its benefits as well as its challenges. As a number of people move into a

    city and make it urban, and expand urban centers, it begins to erase rural, agricultural, and forest

    lands. Many ecologist believe urbanization in abundance is ruining the environment ant the

    earths natural beauty. Studies have shown that children being raised in urban areas have the

    highest rate of respiratory problems than those living in rural areas. Ecologist think the urban

    activities like combustion, mass vehicular use, industrial activities, drilling, and other urban

    activities is the leading cause of high levels toxins being released into the air that is being

    breathed in. these toxins are linked to illness like bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, asthma,

    allergies, sinusitis, and other pulmonary conditions and diseases. Urbanization can also have a

    negative effect on the environment. All of the toxins released in the air do not only affect

    humans, but it isnt healthy for delicate plants and animals. Urbanization destroys the natural

    habitats of many animals. Environmental specialist think that the increase in toxins that are

  • 8/6/2019 Urbanization[1][1]


    being released in the air to urbanization is also creating a bigger whole in the ozone layer. The

    whole getting bigger in the ozone layer is making global warming worse.

    Urbanization does not only have bad effects, there are also many great benefits to

    urbanization. Urbanization helps the earth because it provides more housing in smaller areas to

    an increasing population. Urbanization is an efficient use of land because more people can

    reside in a smaller area with sufficient room to maintain daily living habits. Resources are more

    readily available to those whole live in urban areas. Urban areas are easier to get are around in

    because of the mass transit system that is available. Urbanization forces us to be more

    sustainable and environmentally conscious because we are living in such crowed and small

    spaces. The living spaces in urban areas are much denser than rural areas so the cost of living is

    cheaper. Dense areas are more equitable for low-income households.

    After reviewing a lot of data on urbanization, I dont think the benefits outweigh the

    negative effects. The only circumstance urbanizations benefits outweigh the negative effects is

    from a financial stand point. For individuals whose incomes range from low to medium may

    benefit more from living in urban areas. Individuals that are considered low-income may have a

    better chance of survival in urban areas. Cars and car insurance are extremely expensive and

    because urban areas have mass transit system, owning a car isnt necessary. Individuals that live

    in urban also reap the benefits of hospitals, fire department, and police stations in close

    proximity of their homes. In rural areas the hospitals, fire departments, and police stations are not

    always close the person home. Also there is usually one each of the resources previously listed

    per town, where as in urban areas they strategically within a couple of miles of each other. Urban

    areas have more of these resources available to them because there are a lot more people in these

    compact areas which usually increase the rate of fires, accidents, crimes and other mishaps.

  • 8/6/2019 Urbanization[1][1]


    Urban planning can assist in mitigating the effects of urbanization on local environments.

    Urban planning is a branch of architectures dealing with the design and organization of urban

    spaces and activities. Urban planning deals with determining and drawing up plans for future

    physical arrangements and conditions of a community. Urban planning is very important to help

    cut down and or eliminate chaos. With so many people, building, and urban activities compacted

    in one small space, it has to be strategically planned where everything and everyone will go.

    Urban planning is important because it helps us maintain stability in our environment. It also

    helps to protect some of our natural wet land, and animal habitats.

    One of the winners of the Dubai International Award for Best Practices addressed the

    challenge of reserving spaces, and making use of available space. Micro-garden of Dakar

    addressed the issue of space by creating garden in the unlikeliest of places. The winner suggested

    using roof tops, the back yards of schools, city hall, hospitals, or any available space that

    vegetation would grow. The micro-garden didnt only address the challenge of space; the winner

    made it a way that these micro-gardens would contribute to the economy and the job market.

    Another winner of the Dubai International Award for Best Practices addressed urban planning.

    The Spanish Network of Cities for the Climate addressed the challenge of maintaining a

    sustainable environment. They participated with leaderships and local governments to develop

    policies on transport, town planning, building, waste management, and energy efficiency. The

    winner came up with a plan that would allow urbanization without completely destroying the


  • 8/6/2019 Urbanization[1][1]


    Urbanization has its benefits as well as its challenges. Although urbanization can be

    damaging to the environment, it is a necessity of human beings. Urbanization provides shelter

    and other resources that are not as readily available in rural areas. Urbanization provides shelter

    for large numbers of people in spaces at an affordable rate. Urbanization is giving something to

    get something. The environment and land is sacrificed in order to provide shelter and resources

    humans need to survive and maintain.





