Urban Growth in Developing Countries: A Review of Current Trends and a Caution Regarding Existing Forecasts BARNEY COHEN * National Research Council, Washington, DC, USA Summary. — The purpose of this paper is to clarify the nature of the on-going urban transition in developing countries, the quality of the available data, and the uncertainty of existing urban forecasts. Although the recently released United Nations’ publication World Urbanization Prospects is an invaluable resource for those interested in studying urban change, the data in the report are somewhat deceptive in their apparent completeness and beyond the narrow confines of technical demography there is a great deal of misunderstanding and misreporting about what these data mean and how they should be interpreted. For example, while the scale of urban change is unprecedented and the nature and direction of urban change is more dependent on the global economy than ever before, many aspects of the traditional distinction between urban and rural are becoming redundant. This paper provides a broad overview of the available evidence on patterns and trends in urban growth in developing countries, highlighting regional differences where appropriate. The paper also examines the quality of past urban population projections and finds that there has been considerable diversity in their quality by geographic region, level of development, and size of country. Ó 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Key words — urbanization, city growth, Africa, Asia, Latin America 1. INTRODUCTION S~ ao Paulo is the largest urban agglomeration in Brazil and the foremost industrial center in South America. But until the 1880s, S~ ao Paulo was a minor commercial center. In 1890, when Rio de Janeiro had a population of more than half a million, the population of S~ ao Paulo was only 65,000. Widespread coffee cultivation brought sudden prosperity to the region and transformed it from an isolated frontier to a vibrant economic region. By the early 1900s, manufacturing became established in S~ ao Paulo and the population grew to 240,000, due in large part to a massive influx of immigrants from various parts of Europe. By 1950, S~ ao Paulo had become the chief manufacturing center of Brazil. Today, the S~ ao Paulo Metro- politan Area accounts for about half of Brazil’s total industrial output. Not surprisingly perhaps, S~ ao Paulo faces many environment and ecological problems associated with rapid industrialization and population growth. More than 50% of the population lives in substandard housing and many residents do not have access to clean water or sanitation services. Air and noise pol- lution, crime, overcrowding, and traffic con- gestion are all pervasive problems. Moreover, despite rapid economic growth, the local econ- omy has only been able to absorb a fraction of the growing labor force so that unemployment and underemployment remain persistent prob- lems (Bruna, 2000). Poor performance of the www.elsevier.com/locate/worlddev World Development Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 23–51, 2004 Ó 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain 0305-750X/$ - see front matter doi:10.1016/j.worlddev.2003.04.008 * An earlier version of this paper was prepared for the National Research Council’s Panel on Urban Popula- tion Dynamics. The author is indebted to panel members Mark Montgomery, Richard Stren, Charles Becker, Ellen Brennan-Galvin, Michael Cohen, Alain Dubres- son, Gustavo Garza, Trudy Harpham, Terry McGee, Caroline Moser, Saskia Sassen, David Satterthwaite, Pravin Visaria, Michael White, Yue-man Yeung, and Holly Reed for innumerable discussions on these issues and to Ana-Maria Ignat for assistance preparing the tables and figures. For a more detailed account of urban population dynamics in developing countries, see National Research Council (2003). Final revision accepted: 16 April 2003. 23

Urban Growth in Developing Countries

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The purpose of this paper is to clarify the nature of the on-going urban transition indeveloping countries, the quality of the available data, and the uncertainty of existing urbanforecasts. Although the recently released United Nations’ publication World UrbanizationProspectsis an invaluable resource for those interested in studying urban change, the data in thereport are somewhat deceptive in their apparent completeness and beyond the narrow confines oftechnical demography there is a great deal of misunderstanding and misreporting about what thesedata mean and how they should be interpreted. For example, while the scale of urban change isunprecedented and the nature and direction of urban change is more dependent on the globaleconomy than ever before, many aspects of the traditional distinction between urban and rural arebecoming redundant. This paper provides a broad overview of the available evidence on patternsand trends in urban growth in developing countries, highlighting regional differences whereappropriate. The paper also examines the quality of past urban population projections and findsthat there has been considerable diversity in their quality by geographic region, level ofdevelopment, and size of country

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Page 1: Urban Growth in Developing Countries

World Development Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 23–51, 2004� 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

Printed in Great Britain0305-750X/$ - see front matter




Urban Growth in Developing Countries: A Review

of Current Trends and a Caution Regarding

Existing Forecasts

BARNEY COHEN *National Research Council, Washington, DC, USA

Summary. — The purpose of this paper is to clarify the nature of the on-going urban transition indeveloping countries, the quality of the available data, and the uncertainty of existing urbanforecasts. Although the recently released United Nations’ publication World UrbanizationProspects is an invaluable resource for those interested in studying urban change, the data in thereport are somewhat deceptive in their apparent completeness and beyond the narrow confines oftechnical demography there is a great deal of misunderstanding and misreporting about what thesedata mean and how they should be interpreted. For example, while the scale of urban change isunprecedented and the nature and direction of urban change is more dependent on the globaleconomy than ever before, many aspects of the traditional distinction between urban and rural arebecoming redundant. This paper provides a broad overview of the available evidence on patternsand trends in urban growth in developing countries, highlighting regional differences whereappropriate. The paper also examines the quality of past urban population projections and findsthat there has been considerable diversity in their quality by geographic region, level ofdevelopment, and size of country.� 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Key words — urbanization, city growth, Africa, Asia, Latin America

*An earlier version of this paper was prepared for theNational Research Council’s Panel on Urban Popula-

tion Dynamics. The author is indebted to panel members

Mark Montgomery, Richard Stren, Charles Becker,

Ellen Brennan-Galvin, Michael Cohen, Alain Dubres-

son, Gustavo Garza, Trudy Harpham, Terry McGee,

Caroline Moser, Saskia Sassen, David Satterthwaite,

Pravin Visaria, Michael White, Yue-man Yeung, and

Holly Reed for innumerable discussions on these issues

and to Ana-Maria Ignat for assistance preparing the

tables and figures. For a more detailed account of urban

population dynamics in developing countries, see

National Research Council (2003). Final revision

accepted: 16 April 2003.


S~aao Paulo is the largest urban agglomerationin Brazil and the foremost industrial center inSouth America. But until the 1880s, S~aao Paulowas a minor commercial center. In 1890, whenRio de Janeiro had a population of more thanhalf a million, the population of S~aao Paulo wasonly 65,000. Widespread coffee cultivationbrought sudden prosperity to the region andtransformed it from an isolated frontier to avibrant economic region. By the early 1900s,manufacturing became established in S~aaoPaulo and the population grew to 240,000, duein large part to a massive influx of immigrantsfrom various parts of Europe. By 1950, S~aaoPaulo had become the chief manufacturingcenter of Brazil. Today, the S~aao Paulo Metro-politan Area accounts for about half of Brazil’stotal industrial output.Not surprisingly perhaps, S~aao Paulo faces

many environment and ecological problemsassociated with rapid industrialization andpopulation growth. More than 50% of thepopulation lives in substandard housing and


many residents do not have access to cleanwater or sanitation services. Air and noise pol-lution, crime, overcrowding, and traffic con-gestion are all pervasive problems. Moreover,despite rapid economic growth, the local econ-omy has only been able to absorb a fraction ofthe growing labor force so that unemploymentand underemployment remain persistent prob-lems (Bruna, 2000). Poor performance of the

Page 2: Urban Growth in Developing Countries


Brazilian economy during the 1990s coupledwith the devaluation of the real in January 1998have further exacerbated weaknesses in the localeconomy (Scott, 2001a).Although unique in many ways, many ele-

ments of S~aao Paulo’s story are not so uncom-mon. In an increasingly urban world, almosthalf the world’s total population and nearlythree-quarters of all Westerners live in urbanareas. At the beginning of the 20th century, just16 cities in the world contained at least a mil-lion people, the vast majority of which were inindustrially advanced economies. Today, at thebeginning of the 21st century, there are around400 cities around the world that contain over amillion residents, and about three-quarters ofthese are in low- and middle-income countries.According to the latest United Nations’ pro-jections, virtually all of the world’s populationgrowth over the next 30 years will occur inurban areas (see Figure 1).In many parts of the world, urbanization is

being accelerated by (and is accelerating) a newglobal economy that is literally changing theface of the planet. Increasingly, urban growth isbeing influenced by continued global economicintegration and the struggle for countries––andindeed individual cities––to be competitive inthe global marketplace. Managing urbangrowth has increased in both scope and com-plexity and has become one of the mostimportant challenges of the 21st century.While the notion of sustainable urban

development is one that is now firmly estab-lished on both the scientific and politicalagendas, addressing these and other urbanchallenges will, at a minimum, require accurateand up-to-date demographic data. Manyquestions emerge from the above discussion:

















n (m



Figure 1. Estimated projected urban and rural population in

What are the current rates of urbanization andcity growth around the world and how arethese rates changing over time? How importantwill mega-cities be in the 21st century relative tosmall or medium-sized cities? What is the rela-tive contribution of rural–urban migration,natural increase, and reclassification to urbangrowth? How much faith should one place inurban population projections?The purpose of this paper is to review the

available evidence on patterns and trends inurban growth in developing countries. Out ofnecessity, this means turning initially to theUnited Nation’s (UN) publication WorldUrbanization Prospects (United Nations, 2002),because it is the only comprehensive source ofinternational urban data available. Althoughinvaluable to those interested in studying urbanchange, the data in the UN report are some-what deceptive in their apparent completenessand there is a great deal of misunderstandingand misreporting by nonspecialists about whatthese data mean and how they should beinterpreted. For example, much has been madeof the fact that half of the world’s populationwill soon be living in urban areas and thatvirtually all future population growth for theforeseeable future will be in urban areas. Manywriters have interpreted this to mean that themajority of the world’s population will soon beliving in huge mega-cities. Certainly this is theimpression one gets from reading a great dealof the literature on the challenges of sustainableurban development. But this is, of course,nonsense. In reality, the urban population willbe distributed among urban areas of all sizes,including quite small market towns or admin-istrative centers that might contain less than afew thousand inhabitants (Hardoy, Mitlin, &





the world (1950–2030). Source: United Nations (2002).

Page 3: Urban Growth in Developing Countries


Satterthwaite, 2001). In fact, most urbangrowth over the next 25 years will not takeplace in mega-cities at all but will occur in farsmaller cities and towns. An even more fre-quent mistake made by many commentators isto attribute urban population growth solely torural-to-urban migration, which although animportant element in the story is often lessimportant that simple natural increase (i.e., thesurplus of births over deaths) or the annexationand reclassification of land around the peri-phery as urban.Most end-users cite the UN data as if it is

absolute truth rather than treating them assimply indicative of general broad trends.There is a general underappreciation of the factthat the UN is forced to rely on membercountries’ existing definitions of what consti-tutes an urban or a rural area. Not only dothese definitions differ widely by country, inmany places the traditional urban/ruraldichotomy is becoming increasingly inadequateas improvements in transportation networksand communications collapse time and space.The remainder of this paper discusses the mainchallenges associated with studying urbaniza-tion, the key demographic features of the urbantransition, major regional differences, and theuncertainty that is associated with urban pro-jections.


The most fundamental source of potentialconfusion in the study of urbanization and citygrowth is the measurement of urban itself.What defines an urban area? Unfortunately,there is no unique answer. Despite the fact thatthe world is becoming more and more urban innature, the definition of urban itself remainsrather fleeting, changing over time and space(Frey & Zimmer, 2001).Because the UN is forced to rely on national

statistical agencies for their data, the definitionof what constitutes an urban area varies fromone country to another and this obviouslymakes crosscountry comparisons problematic.Some countries define their urban populationas those people living within certain adminis-trative boundaries––such as in administrativecenters or municipios (as in El Salvador),municipality councils (as in Iraq), or in placeshaving a municipality or a municipal corpora-tion, a town committee, or a cantonment board

(as in Bangladesh or Pakistan). Other countriesprefer to classify their urban population usingeither population size or population density asthe primary consideration. But the line betweenurban and rural is to a certain extent arbitraryand culturally bound and so not surprisingly, itdiffers between countries. In Benin, for exam-ple, localities with 10,000 inhabitants or moreare classified as urban in the UN data while inAngola, Argentina, and Ethiopia, all localitieswith 2,000 inhabitants or more are consideredurban. In yet other cases, urban boundaries aredrawn up based on a mixture of population sizeor density and various economic or socialindicators. In Botswana, for example, anagglomeration of 5,000 or more people where75% of the economic activity is nonagriculturalwould be considered urban. For Cuba, placeswith 2,000 inhabitants or more would auto-matically be considered urban by the UN. Butso might places with fewer inhabitants if theyalso had paved streets, street lighting, pipedwater, sewage, a medical center and educa-tional facilities (United Nations, 2001).Similarly, it is just as difficult to identify the

population of a given city and even more haz-ardous to compare the size of various citiesagainst one another. This is because the size ofa city’s population is a function of how andwhere the city administrative boundaries aredrawn. Again, this can be quite arbitrary andmay not include large numbers of people livingcontiguous to the city ‘‘proper’’ at urban levelsof residential density but who fall outside of thecity’s administrative boundaries. Consequently,the population of some of the world’s largesturban areas can vary by many millionsdepending on which definition is used. Forexample, the population of Mexico City canrefer to the Federal District (Distrito Federal)or the Mexico City Metropolitan Area(MCMA) (see Figure 2). In 2000, the popula-tion of the Federal District was estimated to be8.6 million, while the population of the largerMexico City Metropolitan Area was estimatedto be approximately 17.9 million residents. It isalso quite possible to argue that neither of thesemeasures is a very good indicator of the truescale of the Mexico City area. Rather oneshould include the population of the entirepolynuclear megalopolis that is centered onMexico City, which would include the popula-tions of Toluca, Puebla, Cuernavaca, Quer-�eetaro, and Pachuca. This would raise the size ofthe population to 23.2 million in 2000, implyingthat the expanded Mexico City area accounts

Page 4: Urban Growth in Developing Countries

Figure 2. Mexico City, 1995. Source: Garza (2000). Reprinted with permission.


for around 35% of the total urban populationof Mexico (Garza, 2002). Thus, any estimate ofthe size of a particular city needs to be clarifiedin terms of whether it is an estimate of thecentral city, the greater metropolitan area, or awider planning region that may include othersubsidiary settlements. Statistics on the numberand sizes of cities can also be manipulated up ordown fairly easily simply by adopting smallchanges to the definition of an urban area(Hardoy et al., 2001).To understand the significance of these defi-

nitional issues, consider the cases of the twolargest countries in the world: China and India(Hardoy et al., 2001). China significantly low-ered the criteria for qualifying localities asurban in the early 1980s (Goldstein, 1990; Lin,2002; Zhang & Zhao, 1998). Consequently,official Chinese statistics show a massiveincrease in the number of towns and cities andin the size of the total urban population in themid-1980s. In 1987, for example, the newlycreated city of Zibo in Shandong Provincecontained 2.4 million residents within its (gen-erous) city boundaries. But 66% of the urbanpopulation was principally engaged in agricul-ture (Goldstein, 1990).Because there is no global standard, one

needs to be very careful when making cross-country comparisons regarding the extent to

which particular countries are urbanized. Insome countries, city boundaries are drawn soliberally that they contain a significant amountof land that is still basically used for agricul-tural purposes. Shanghai is a notable example.Although the city is industrializing rapidly, oneof the reasons that Shanghai’s population is solarge––approximately 13 million in 1994––isbecause, administratively speaking, the Shang-hai city region covers an area of 6,640 km2: thecentral city occupies 280 km2 (4.4%) while thesuburban district and the suburban counties––much of which is still devoted to agriculturalproduction––comprise 6,060 km2 (95.6%)(Yeung & Sung, 1996). At the other end of thespectrum, some countries draw their cityboundaries so tightly that they miss importantpopulation growth that is occurring in peri-urban areas just outside the official cityboundary (Jones, 2001). This appears to be thecase in certain cities in Asia such as Bangkok,Jakarta, Manila, and Taipei, which may all betwice as large as their officially recorded sizes(Jones, 2001; Jones, Tsay, & Bajracharya,2000). Similarly, most of India’s rural popula-tion resides in villages that contain between 500and 5,000 inhabitants. In other countries, manyof these villages would be classified as urban.Consequently, if India were to adopt a differentdefinition of what constitutes an urban area, it

Page 5: Urban Growth in Developing Countries


could suddenly transform itself from a pre-dominantly rural to a predominantly urbanpopulation (Hardoy et al., 2001).Even ignoring complications such as what

defines an urban area for a moment, an analysisof urban growth and trends in city sizes overtime is still constrained by another problem,namely the lack of reliable and up-to-datedemographic data. Census data are the princi-ple source of information on individual citiesbut censuses usually occur only once a decadeand then take several years to be analyzed andreleased. In some countries, no new census datahave become available since the 1980s or eventhe 1970s so that in some cases, ‘‘recent’’ urbanstatistics are in fact imputed from data that arenow two decades or more out of date. In the1999 revision of World Urbanization Prospects,for example, only 18% of the database was builtusing data that was less than three years old. In43% of cases, the data were between three andeight years old while in the remaining 38% ofcases, the UN was forced to rely on data thatwere already more than eight years old (UnitedNations, 2001). Naturally, this situation variesby region. Generally speaking, high-incomecountries have the best baseline data whileAfrican countries have the worst. In the 1999revision, the UN was forced to rely on datamore than eight years out of date for 56% ofAfrican countries (United Nations, 2001).Finally, efforts to study urban population

dynamics are hampered by the tendency forcensuses to undercount urban populations. Nocensus is ever perfect. But crowded cities withlarge mobile populations are generally recog-nized as being one of the most difficult chal-lenges to census takers and cities are oftensuspected of being underenumerated in officialstatistics. In the recent census in Indonesia andPakistan, for example, a large undercount issuspected in both Jakarta and Karachi (Jones,2001). Given the myriad of definitional prob-lems discussed above, it almost goes withoutsaying that just about any statistic on an urbanpopulation is, at best, just an approximationof reality.


The current urban transition differs fromthe experience of Europe and the United Statesin the first half of the 20th century in a num-ber of important respects (Brockerhoff, 2000;

Hall & Pfeiffer, 2000; Sassen, 2001a; Yeung,2000). First and most importantly, the scale ofchange is unprecedented. Second, urbanizationis occurring at a rapid (though not althoughunprecedented) pace. Third, urbanization isnow occurring more rapidly in countries thathave relatively lower levels of per capita incomeand in the case of Africa, urbanization appearsto have become partially decoupled from eco-nomic development. Fourth, the nature anddirection of urban change today is moredependent on the global economy than everbefore. Fifth, there is an on-going conver-gence in urban and rural lifestyles so that, tosome extent, the traditional distinction betweenthese two groups is becoming redundant. Sixthand finally, urbanization is occurring under abroadly different set of demographic regimes.Obviously many of these features are related.

(a) A new scale of change

It is the absolute number of new urban resi-dents that probably gives the clearest picture ofthe challenge faced by governments, urbanplanners, and the like over the next 30 years.The urban population of the world is estimatedto increase from 2.86 billion in 2000 to 4.98billion by 2030 (see Table 1). By comparison,the size of the rural population in the world isexpected to grow only very marginally, goingfrom 3.19 billion in 2000 to 3.29 billion in 2030.In other words, virtually all population growthover the next 30 years will be concentrated inurban areas, a stark contrast with the pattern ofgrowth seen over 1950–75, when populationgrowth was much more evenly divided betweenurban and rural areas (see Figure 3).Given the increase in total urban population,

it is not surprising to discover that the world isexperiencing both an increase in the absolutenumber of large cities and seeing cities reachunprecedented sizes. Hardoy et al. (2001) cal-culate that the average size of the world’s onehundred largest cities has grown from around200,000 in 1800 to over five million in 1990.Similarly, the number of cities above anyarbitrary threshold has grown. For example,consider the number of cities with more thanone million residents. At the beginning of the19th century, Beijing (then Peking) was the onlymillion-plus city (Chandler, 1987). Even by theturn of the 20th century, there were still only 16million-plus cities in the world. But, by 1950,the number of million-plus cities had grown to86, by 1975 it had grown to 195, and by 2000,

Page 6: Urban Growth in Developing Countries

Table 1. Population size and growth, urban and rural, by region

Region Mid-year population (millions) Growth rate (%)

1950 1975 2000 2030 1950–75 1975–2000 2000–30


Total 751 1,543 2,862 4,981 2.9 2.4 1.8

High-income countriesa 359 562 697 825 1.8 0.9 0.6

Middle and low income 392 981 2,165 4,156 3.7 3.2 2.2

Europe 287 455 534 540 1.8 0.6 0.04

Latin America and the


70 198 391 608 4.2 2.7 1.5

Northern America 110 180 243 335 2.0 1.2 1.0

East Asia and Pacific 103 258 703 1,358 3.7 4 2.2

East Asia and Pacific

without China

33 96 246 474 4.3 3.8 2.2

South Asia 72 164 372 849 3.3 3.3 2.7

Central Asia 14 40 77 118 4.3 2.6 1.4

Middle East and North Africa 22 70 177 360 4.6 3.7 2.3

Sub-Saharan Africa 20 67 219 648 4.9 4.7 3.6


Total 1,769 2,523 3,195 3,289 1.4 0.9 0.1

High-income countriesa 219 187 184 139 )0.6 )0.07 )0.9Middle and low income 1,550 2,336 3,011 3,151 1.6 1.0 0.2

Europe 261 221 193 131 )0.7 )0.5 )1.3Latin America and the


97 124 127 116 1.0 0.1 )0.3

Northern America 62 64 71 61 0.1 0.4 )0.5East Asia and Pacific 639 1,008 1,113 870 1.8 0.4 )0.8East Asia and Pacific

without China

153 242 294 268 1.8 0.8 )0.3

South Asia 392 645 982 1,176 2 1.7 0.6

Central Asia 32 51 63 63 1.8 0.9 )0.04Middle East and North Africa 59 85 130 160 1.4 1.7 0.7

Sub-Saharan Africa 156 255 426 622 2 2 1.3

Total world population

Total 2,520 4,066 6,057 8,270 1.9 1.6 1

High-income countriesa 578 749 881 964 1 0.6 0.3

Middle and low income 1,942 3,317 5,176 7,307 2.1 1.8 1.1

Europe 548 676 727 671 0.8 0.3 )0.3Latin America and the


167 322 518 724 2.6 1.9 1.1

Northern America 172 244 314 396 1.4 1 0.8

East Asia and Pacific 742 1,266 1,816 2,228 2.1 1.4 0.7

East Asia and Pacific

without China

186 338 540 742 2.4 1.9 1

South Asia 464 809 1,354 2,025 2.2 2 1.3

Central Asia 46 91 141 181 2.7 1.8 0.8

Middle East and North Africa 81 155 307 520 2.6 2.7 1.8

Sub-Saharan Africa 176 322 645 1,270 2.4 2.8 2.3

Sources: United Nations (2002), World Bank (2002).aHigh-income countries have Gross National Income per capita (GNI p.c.) of $9,266 or more based on World Bankestimates.


Page 7: Urban Growth in Developing Countries







1950-75 1975-2000 2000-2030

Time Frames



n In


se (i

n th



Urban - High Income Countries

Urban - Middle and Low IncomeCountries

Rural - High and Middle & LowIncome

Figure 3. Distribution of world population growth (1950–2030). Source: United Nations (2002), World Bank (2002).


there were nearly 400. According to the latestUN projections, there will be more than 150new million-plus cities around the world overthe next 15 years (United Nations, 2002).Increasingly, new million-plus cities will belocated in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

(i) Large cities‘‘Mega-cities’’––which are now convention-

ally defined to be large urban agglomerations of10 million or more––have become both morenumerous and considerably larger in size.Tables 2 and 3 show how the number, size, andspatial distribution of the world’s largest citieshave changed over time. In 1950, there wereonly eight cities in the world that had a popu-lation of over five million. New York, London,and Tokyo were the largest agglomerations inthe world, containing 12.3, 8.7, and 6.9 millionresidents respectively. Cities such as Mumbai(formerly Bombay), Mexico City, and Rio deJaneiro were still relatively small cities: eachcontained about 2.9 million residents. By 1975,there were 22 cities that contained more thanfive million people and five massive urbanagglomerations that contained over 10 millionresidents: Tokyo, New York, Shanghai, MexicoCity, and S~aao Paulo. In 2000, there were 39 fivemillion-plus cities while 16 cities had surpassedthe 10 million mark. In 1950, New York with12.3 million residents, was the largest city in theworld. Today, a city that size would not makeit onto a list of the top 10 cities in the world.Nevertheless, despite popular images to the

contrary, the world will not all be living in hugemega-cities in the near future. Certainly, theproportion of urban residents in developingcountries residing in ‘‘large’’ cities (i.e., thosecities with a population of one million or more)

is rising. By 2015, approximately 21% of thenational populations of middle- and low-income countries are expected to be living incities with at least one million residents. Butthis obviously leaves 79% of the populouswho will not be living in large cities in 2015.The concentration of national populations in

large cities is particularly striking in LatinAmerica and the Caribbean where over 32% ofthe population reside in million-plus cities. By2015, almost 38% of the population of theregion will live in such cities (United Nations,2002). This is a significantly higher percentagethan either Africa or Asia, which are onlyexpected to have 15% and 19% of their popu-lations living in million-plus cities by 2015,respectively (United Nations, 2002).Many low- and middle-income countries

exhibit a high degree of urban primacy with alarge proportion of the national populationliving in a single city, which, in many cases, isalso the capital city. This is not the case in mosthigh-income countries. The phenomenon iscommon in Latin America and the Caribbeanwhere there are 17 countries with over 15% ofthe country’s population residing in the largestcity. In eight of these countries, over one-quarter of the national population live in thelargest city. In Africa, there are nine countrieswith more than 15% of the population in thelargest city. In two cases––Libya and Congo––the figure is over 30%. In Asia, 14 countrieshave over 15% of their total populations in thelargest city although one of these is Singapore,a city state.

(ii) Intermediate and smaller citiesLarge cities will play a significant role in

absorbing future anticipated growth, but one

Page 8: Urban Growth in Developing Countries

Table 2. List of urban agglomerations with 5 million or more people

Region 1950 1970 2000 2015

High-income countries

OECD countries Paris Paris Paris Paris

Rhein-Ruhr Rhein-Ruhr Rhein-Ruhr Rhein-Ruhr

London London London London

New York Milan

Tokyo New York New York New York

Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles

Chicago Chicago Chicago

Tokyo Tokyo Tokyo

Osaka Osaka Osaka


Other high income Hong Kong Hong Kong

Middle- and low-income


Latin America and

the Caribbean

Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Buenos Aires

Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro

S~aao Paulo S~aao Paulo S~aao Paulo

Mexico City Mexico City Mexico City

Lima Lima

Santiago Santiago

Bogota Bogota

Guatemala City

Belo Horizonte

East Asia and

the Pacific

Bangkok Bangkok

Metro Manila Metro Manila




Ho Chi Minh



South Asia Bombay Bombay Bombay

Calcutta Calcutta Calcutta

Bangalore Bangalore

Delhi Delhi

Hyderabad Hyderabad

Madras Madras

Karachi Karachi

Lahore Lahore

Dhaka Dhaka






Central Asia Istanbul Istanbul

Middle East and

North Africa

Cairo Cairo Cairo

Teheran Teheran





Page 9: Urban Growth in Developing Countries

Table 2—continued

Region 1950 1970 2000 2015

Sub-Saharan Africa Lagos Lagos

Kinshasa Kinshasa

Addis Ababa



Based on projections by United Nations Population Division.

Source: United Nations (2002).


should not lose sight of the fact that for theforeseeable future the majority of urban resi-dents still reside in much smaller urban settle-ments. Exact data on this point are hard to findsince no comprehensive database of cities under750,000 exists in a readily available format.Nevertheless, some information on the growthin urban population by size of city is available(see United Nations, 2002). Figure 4 shows thenumber of new urban residents that are pro-jected to be added to cities of various sizesbetween 2000 and 2015 by level of develop-ment. Clearly, the lion’s share of the increase inurban population over the next 15 years willcontinue to be in towns and cities with fewer

Table 3. Number of urban areas and tota

Size of urban area Number of cities

1950 1975 2000


10 million or more 1 5 16

5 to 10 million 7 16 23

1 to 5 million 75 174 348

500,000 to 1 million 106 248 417

Fewer than 500,000 n.a. n.a. n.a.

High-income countries

10 million or more 1 2 4

5 to 10 million 4 7 5

1 to 5 million 38 64 81

500,000 to 1 million 32 28 n.a.

Fewer than 500,000 n.a. n.a. n.a.

Middle- and low-income countries

10 million or more 0 3 12

5 to 10 million 3 9 18

1 to 5 million 40 110 267

500,000 to 1 million 74 220 n.a.

Fewer than 500,000 n.a. n.a. n.a.

n.a.¼Not available.Source: United Nations (2002).

than one million inhabitants. This is true bothfor high-income countries and for middle- andlow-income countries combined. Even in 2015,towns and cities under one million will stillaccount for well over half of the total urbanpopulation (see Figure 5). In fact, only 4.1% ofthe world’s population is expected to be livingin cities of 10 million inhabitants by 2015.Small cities are rarely, if ever, the focus ofeditorials lamenting their rapid growth or theirlack of public services. Nevertheless whenadded together, their combined size makesthem very significant especially because incomparison with larger areas in developedcountries, smaller urban areas, particularly

l urban population by size, 1950–2015

Urban population (in thousands)

2015 1950 1975 2000 2015

21 12,339 68,118 224,988 340,497

37 42,121 122,107 169,164 263,870

496 144,335 331,576 674,571 960,329

507 75,134 176,414 290,113 354,448

n.a. 481,455 844,296 1,502,920 1,950,323

4 12,339 35,651 67,403 70,641

6 26,389 54,550 37,650 45,359

95 76,504 n.a. 183,635 211,578

n.a. 24,138 n.a. n.a. n.a.

n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

17 0 32,467 157,585 269,856

31 15,732 67,557 131,514 218,511

401 67,831 n.a. 490,936 748,751

n.a. 50,996 n.a. n.a. n.a.

n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

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<1 1-5 6-10 10+Size of Urban Area (millions)




s (m


ns) High Income

Middle/Low Income

Figure 4. Number of urban residents added to the urban milieu between 2000 and 2015 by level of development. Source:United Nations (2002), World Bank (2002).


settlements under 100,000 people, tend to besignificantly under-served with regard to accessto piped water, waste disposal, and electricity(National Research Council, 2003).

(b) A rapid pace of change

For many social commentators the mostalarming aspect of the trend towards globalurbanization has been the apparent pace atwhich it has occurred (see, for example, Linden,1996). But, contrary to alarmist views, the paceof urbanization in developing countries is notaccelerating. At the global level, the urbanpopulation over the next five years is expectedto grow at an average annual rate of around2.0%, down from 2.7% during the late 1980s orover 3.0% during the 1950s and early 1960s. Infact, the pace of urbanization currently beingexperienced in the middle- and low-incomecountries is remarkably similar to the historicalexperience of other parts of the world. Forexample, between 1975 and 2000, the percent-age of the population living in urban areas indeveloping countries grew from 27% to 40%,which while high, is remarkably similar to theexperience of the more developed world duringthe first quarter of the 20th century (Brocker-hoff, 2000). Nevertheless, because this growth isbeing applied to an ever-expanding base pop-ulation, the absolute increase in the numberof urban dwellers will be enormous.Also contrary to popular perception, rural–

urban migration is not always the principaldriving force behind rapid urbanization. Cer-tainly, cities attract large numbers of rural–urban migrants seeking education, jobs, or

better access to basic services. But, cities every-where are growing simply through naturalincrease (i.e., the excess of births over deaths). Inaddition, cities often contain a higher propor-tion of women of reproductive age than do ruralareas, which can result in higher crude urbanbirth rates even if urban fertility rates are lower.Furthermore, as cities grow, they usually annexneighboring areas as the nearby populationincreasingly engages in nonfarm activity andsuburbs develop as urban residents begin tocommute. Hence urbanization can be caused bya variety of factors: natural increase, rural–urban migration, and annexation. The relativeimportance of the various causes of urban pop-ulation growth varies both within and betweenregions and countries but in a great many cases,natural increase is, and will continue to be, themost important factor explaining urban growth.A related point is that the world’s largest

cities are actually not the world’s fastestgrowing cities for the simple reason that, forthis to be true, the absolute increase in popu-lation each year would quickly become enor-mous. As the scale of the city increases, thegrowth rate of a city’s population typicallydeclines and in fact, the growth of most of theworld’s mega-cities has slowed down recently,reflecting slower national population growthrates. The world’s fastest growing cities areusually far smaller cities because they start outwith a much smaller base population. It is notuncommon to find examples of double-digitgrowth rates for small cities or towns but it israre to find cities of several million inhabitantsgrowing by as much as 5% per annum and mostgrow at a rate much lower than this (Hardoy

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<1 1-5 6-10 10+Size of Urban Area (millions)


High Income

Middle/Low Income

Figure 5. Projected distribution of urban residents by size of urban area in 2015. Source: United Nations (2002), WorldBank (2002).


et al., 2001). Most of the world’s largest citiesactually grew far more rapidly several decadesago when they were somewhat smaller. Indeed,for some cities in Latin America such as S~aaoPaulo or Buenos Aires, one has to go back tothe late 19th century or early 20th century tofind their most rapid period of growth (Hardoyet al., 2001).What is true, however, and often the source

of some confusion, is that the absolute numberof people living in huge urban agglomerationshas been rising rapidly. For example, thenumber of people living in agglomerations of10 million or more rose from 68 million in 1975to 225 million in 2000. But, most of thisincrease was simply a function of certain urbanagglomerations that had less than 10 millionresidents in 1975 crossing the 10 millionthreshold by 2000. Thus, in middle- and low-income countries, the number of 10 million plusurban agglomerations rose from three to 12and the number of people living in ‘‘mega-cit-ies’’ rose from 32 million in 1975 to 158 millionin 2000 (United Nations, 2002).A related point is that it is wrong to assume

that the most rapidly growing mega-cities areall located in Asia, Africa, or Latin America.Cities such as Shanghai, Buenos Aires, andCalcutta, for example, may have grown frombetween 4 and 5 million in 1950 to around 13million today but this is no different from theexperience of Los Angeles over the same periodof time. In terms of the rate of growth, it isactually considerably slower than the experi-ence of such US cities as Atlanta, Miami, orPhoenix (Satterthwaite, 1996).Nevertheless, some of today’s mega-cities

have experienced rather high rates of popula-tion growth over the last quarter of a century.Dhaka in Bangladesh and Lagos in Nigeria, for

example, both grew faster than 6% per annumduring the 1980s and early 1990s. But, these arethe exceptions. Among the world’s 16 mega-cities, only four grew at annual rates over 3%per annum during the 1990s and seven experi-enced slower than 1% per annum growth. TheUnited Nations projects that over the next 15years only four mega-cities––Lagos, Dhaka,Karachi, and Jakarta––will experience growthrates over 3% per year and 10 will experiencevery low growth, at below 1% per year. By wayof comparison, developing country cities suchas Osaka, Tokyo, and New York are growingat 0.5% or less per year. Los Angeles is cur-rently growing at slightly under 1% per annum.Finally, it is always possible to find examples

of cities that can boast truly spectacular urbangrowth. Certainly economic development inPacific Asia has transformed the region andmany of its cities at a speed and on a scale neverbefore witnessed (Lo & Yeung, 1996; Yeung,1988, 2000, 2002). On mainland China, forexample, since the government embarked on apattern of gradual economic reform in 1978,coastal cities such as Shenzhen, Guangzhou,and Xiamen have grown at incredible rates,completely transforming themselves both physi-cally and economically into modern cities(Yeung & Hu, 1992; Yeung, 1988).

(c) More rapid urbanization in relatively poorercountries

Undoubtedly the most profound differencebetween the experience of the first half of the20th century and today is that, in the first halfof the century, urbanization was predominantlyconfined to countries that enjoyed the highestlevels of per capita income. In the more recentpast (and indeed for the foreseeable future), the

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1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030



an P



n (i

n m



High Income

Middle & Low Income

Figure 6. Growth of urban population, 1950–2030. Source: United Nations (2002), World Bank (2002).


most visible changes in urbanization haveoccurred and will continue to occur in middle-and low-income countries (see Figure 6). Thus,between 1975 and 2000, the urban share of thepopulation in low- and middle-income coun-tries combined rose from 29.6% in 1975 to41.8% in 2000. By 2030, it is expected to reach56.9%. By contrast, in high-income countries,79% of the population already lived in urbanareas by 1975, so the urban share increasedrelatively more slowly between 1975 and 2030,climbing to 86% in 2030. Similarly, the distri-bution of the world’s largest cities has alsochanged profoundly over the last 50 years.Today, the largest urban agglomerations in theworld are mainly in the South. Cities in Europesuch as London and Paris are now dwarfed,in demographic terms, by huge cities in thedeveloping world such as Dhaka, Mumbai,S~aao Paulo, Karachi, and Mexico City.Projections indicate that nineteen new five

million-plus cities will be added to the worldbetween 2000 and 2015, of which only one willbe located in a high-income country (UnitedNations, 2002). The others will all be in eitherlow- or middle-income countries. By 2015, ofthe world’s 30 largest urban agglomerations, 18will be in Asia, six in Latin America, three inAfrica, and three in the rest of the world. Eachof these urban agglomerations is projected tocontain over eight million residents and thelargest three, Tokyo, Dhaka, and Mumbai, areeach projected to contain over 22 million resi-dents in 2015.In some parts of the world, cities have been

growing without a concomitant expansion of

economic activity. Contrast, for a moment, theexperience of sub-Saharan Africa against thatof East Asia and the Pacific. Although thechange in the level of urbanization is remark-ably similar, the big difference is that in EastAsia and the Pacific Gross Domestic Product(GDP) per capita has shot up while in sub-Saharan Africa, GDP per capita has completelystagnated. Perhaps not surprisingly then, arecent World Bank report observed that ‘‘. . .cities in Africa are not serving as engines ofgrowth and structural transformation. Insteadthey are part of the cause and a major symptomof the economic and social crisis that haveenveloped the continent’’ (World Bank, 2000,p. 130).

(d) Urbanization in an increasingly global world

An important feature of the current urbantransition is the fact that the nature and extentof urban growth is now more dependent on theglobal economy today than ever before. With-out a doubt, globalization, i.e., the progressiveintegration of the world’s economies, hasaccelerated over the past 30 years. Driven by anastounding rate of technological change, par-ticularly in the areas of transportation andtelecommunications, globalization has radicallyreduced the need for spatial proximity andreshaped the organization, management andproduction of firms and industries. Globaliza-tion has also been facilitated by a more favor-able international political climate, the collapseof communism, and financial deregulation thathas allowed capital to become more mobile

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than ever before (Yeung, 2000). These changeshave combined to produce a more integratedand global economy than ever before, charac-terized by a new international division of labor,increased trade and investment, growing trans-national communications, and expandingcrossborder alliances between businesses andindustries (Berry, Conkling, & Ray, 1997;Cohen, 1981; Sassen, 2000, 2001b, 2002).Globalization brings both potential risk and

benefits. Theoretically, as the economies of theworld become more interconnected, and tech-nology and management expertise spreads,factors of production are used more efficiently,markets expand, and the opportunities forwealth creation become much greater. Butthere is also a potential downside because whilethe opportunities for wealth creation are mul-tiplied, so is the inherent instability of theeconomy (Yeung, 2002). Open borders meanthat local economies are more susceptible toexternal economic shocks and from competi-tion from imports from abroad, both of whichcan quickly result in significant job losses.Because the bulk of economic activity is cen-tered in cities, urban residents are moreexposed to both the risks and the benefits ofglobalization. Moreover, because the benefitsof globalization are far from evenly distributed,globalization has been associated with risinginequality and social polarization. In manyplaces, income inequality has increased dra-matically, increasing spatial and economicsegmentation (see, for example, Calderia, 2000on S~aao Paulo).Worldwide economic restructuring and the

growing interdependence of countries andregions around the world has also led to theemergence of a new urban hierarchy. As thenature and form of the new global economy hasevolved, scholars have struggled to develop anew lexicon to characterize the nature of large-scale urban networks and to articulate thevarious links between globalization and cities.For example, Hall (1966) and Friedmann andWolff (1982) emphasized the significance of aspecial class of cities––world cities––which aredistinct from other urban agglomerationsbecause of the pivotal roles they play in theglobal economy. Friedmann (1986) identified30 world cities that can roughly be arrangedinto a world-city hierarchy in accordance withthe economic power that they command. At thetop, are New York, London, and Tokyo, whichoperate as the command centers of the worldeconomy, as key locations for finance and other

specialized services, as sites of production andinnovation, and, ultimately, as markets forproducts and innovations (Sassen, 2001a).After that, ordering cities becomes far moredifficult, because there are no unambiguouscriteria for assigning particular cities to a spe-cific place in the global system (Friedmann,1995). Over the last decade, there has been aflurry of research on the role that various citiesor systems of cities play in the modern globaleconomy (see, for example, Knox & Taylor,1995; Sassen, 2000, 2001a; Taylor & Walker,2001; Yeung, 2000). Underlying all of thisresearch is the notion that a relatively smallnumber of key cities serve as the dominantloci in today’s global economy, contributingdisproportionately to the internationalizationof capital, production, services, and culture(Yeung, 1995).Globalization clearly has had a very uneven

impact on various parts of the world. While therestructuring of global production has broughtnumerous benefits to some countries, previ-ously thriving manufacturing cities in industri-ally advanced economics have lost manyfactory jobs and have been forced to restructuretheir economy. The region that has benefitedthe most from globalization is Asia while largeparts of Africa have effectively been bypassed.During the 1980s, 13 newly industrializingcountries (NICs) accounted for 80% of allmanufacturing output in the developing world(Dicken, 1992). Predictably, apart from threesouthern European countries, the NICs wereHong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan,Malaysia, Thailand, and India in Asia, andBrazil, Mexico, and Argentina in Latin Amer-ica (Dicken, 1992).In some parts of Asia, the results of the

transformation of the global economy havebeen both spectacular and truly profound. Thegrowth of East Asia’s share of world economicoutput has grown from 4% in 1960 to 25% in1995 (Yeung, 2000). Cities such as Tokyo,Seoul, Taipei, Hong Kong, Manila, Bangkok,Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, and Jakarta haveflourished over the last 20 years, emerging asworld cities after registered spectacular in-creases in their GDP of over 1,000% (Lo &Yeung, 1996; Savitch, 1996). Furthermore,several crossborder economic agglomerationsor ‘‘growth triangles’’ have emerged as exam-ples of cooperative subregional development(see Figure 7). Singapore, for example, limitedin size, and therefore ability to spread, hassought the establishment of a multinational

Page 14: Urban Growth in Developing Countries

Figure 7. Regional urban linkages: The Asian ‘‘Triangles.’’ Source: Yeung (2000). Reprinted with permission.


regional growth triangle linking it to the RiauIslands in Indonesia and Malaysia’s province ofJohor (Macleod & McGee, 1996; Yeung, 2000).A second growth triangle exists in SouthernChina that incorporates Fujian and Guang-dong provinces on mainland China, as well asHong Kong an Taiwan. Although each is at adifferent stage of formation and integration,other examples of existing or emerging growthtriangles are:––Penang (Malaysia), Southern Thailand,Sumatra (Indonesia)

––The East ASEAN Growth Area: BruneiDarussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines––Greater Mekong Subregion: Cambodia,Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myan-mar, Thailand, Vietnam, and Yunnan prov-ince (China) (Yeung, 2000).The region is also witnessing the formation of

‘‘urban corridors’’ that connect cities across theregion, the best example of which is the Beijing-Seoul-Tokyo (BESETO) corridor––whichstretches 1,500 km connecting 77 cities of over200,000 inhabitants each (Choe, 1996).

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An important point to note is that whileglobalization creates more linkage and inter-dependence around the world, it also reinforceslocal advantage. Globalization is largely beingdriven by multinational corporations, whichcan compete more successfully in the globalmarketplace when they are able to takeadvantage of cheap labor or other particularlyfavorable circumstances of production. But, farfrom implying a world of borderless space,globalization actually emphasizes the impor-tance of the subnational or local environment.As a result, globalization means that thegrowth and development of cities in newlyindustrializing countries (NICs) is stronglyinfluenced by the size and structure of foreignmarkets and the ability of cities to attract for-eign investment and technology. Successfulcities, i.e., those that are able to attract foreigncapital investment and technology have beenable to accelerate their economic growth tospectacular heights (Yeung, 1995).Because globalization is implicitly linked to

localization, globalization is changing the rolesand responsibilities of local and state govern-ments. The growing emphasis of many gov-ernments on financial deregulation, free trade,and the removal of protectionist trade barriershas weakened the sovereignty of nation statesand given greater power to private capital(Sassen, 1996). It has also reduced the signifi-cance of traditional territorial boundaries andincreased the importance to cities of attractingforeign direct investment. Globalization hasallowed individual cities to break away fromthe fate of their national economies. Increas-ingly success or failure depends on the ability ofmunicipal governments to capitalize on theassets of the local environment and to providethe modern infrastructure, enabling environ-ment, and low-wage, flexible workforcedemanded by modern businesses. This realityhas fed the demand by cities for increasedpolitical autonomy and fiscal authority. Notsurprisingly, therefore, globalization has beenlinked to the tendency of many countriestoward decentralization of responsibilities andresources to the municipal level. Over the pastdecade, legislation has been enacted in a widerange of countries from all regions givingmunicipal governments new power and re-sources with which to design and implementlocally relevant policy (World Bank, 2000).Thus, cities are not just growing in size, they arealso gaining in economic and political influence(Yeung, 2002).

(e) The convergence of urban and rural lifestyles

Just as the scale and extent of the urbantransformation has increased, settlement sys-tems have also increased in their complexity.The ease of transportation and communicationhas blurred the distinction between urban andrural areas. As a result, new settlement systemshave emerged that are not easily captured by asimple urban/rural dichotomy. In parts ofPacific Asia, for example, zones of intenseeconomic activity have emerged in the inter-section between cities and rural areas that areneither urban nor rural in the traditional sensealthough they contain essential elements ofeach (Ginsburg, Koppel, & McGee, 1991).McGee (1991) refers to these extended metro-politan zones as ‘‘desakota’’ zones, derivedfrom the Indonesia words for village (desa) andtown or city (kota). The essential feature ofthese desakota zones is that the landscapeappears essentially rural and almost all the landis still under cultivation. Most income, how-ever, now comes from nonagricultural sources.Village and small cottage industries provideemployment for some family members whileothers commute into the city. Remittancesfrom other family members who live in the cityoften constitute another important source offamily income. Furthermore, the nature ofagricultural production in these desakota zoneshas shifted away from a subsistence-basedeconomy to a market-oriented strategy withgreater emphasis on higher-value production(McGee, 1991).In areas that are already highly urbanized,

there is rapidly diminishing utility in continuingto differentiate spatial context simply on thebasis of a rural/urban dichotomy. In LatinAmerica, for example, an appreciation of urbanstructure and change means coming to gripswith describing the changing spatial context inan already predominantly urban environment.The most salient point about the transforma-tion of the urban system in Mexico during1980–2000, for example, is not that the coun-try’s degree of urbanization rose from 55% to67%, but that it has been transformed from ahighly monocentric system of cities toward anew polycentric one with nine large metropolesas their main nuclei (Garza, 2002).While it has long been recognized that the

conventional division between rural and urbanis a gross oversimplification of the underlyingcomplexity of today’s human settlement sys-tems, in reality it is still the only one that is

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usually available. In some cases, this is chang-ing. Advances in the geo-coding of census andsurvey data may enable researchers to link largeamounts of data of different kinds and todevelop more sophisticated conceptualizationsand measurements of the dimensions of settle-ment systems (Hugo, Champion, & Lattes,2001). But even assuming increasingly sophis-ticated measurement over time, the growingcomplexity of human settlement patterns maymean that the use of a single measure––such asurban/rural––may become increasingly inade-quate to capture the various distinct aspects ofsettlement patterns of interest to public poli-cymakers. Other criteria, such as populationdensity or the degree of accessibility (orremoteness) of a particular location may alsohave to be better defined and measured(Coombes & Raybould, 2001; Hugo et al.,2001).As urban regions have grown in both popu-

lation size and economic and political signifi-cance, increasing emphasis has been placed onthe concept of the ‘‘city-region’’ as the appro-priate unit of analysis for urban policy (see, forexample, Scott, 2001b; Simmonds & Hack,2000). The ‘‘city-region’’ can be identifiedloosely by the extent and nature of economicactivity within an extended economic zonesurrounding the city proper. Many city-regionshave grown enormously over the last 20 or 30years. The Extended Bangkok Region, forexample, already contains over 17 millionpeople and by 2010, is expected to extend 200km from its current center (Kaothien & Web-ster, 2001). Similarly, Metropolitan S~aao Paulocontains approximately 16.4 million people andextends over 8,051 km2 (over 3,108 miles2)(Bruna, 2000). As these and other city-regionshave grown over the last 20 years, they havebeen physically and structurally transformed.Increasingly, large-scale capital investments,whether for new airports, manufacturing plants,or office space have relocated to the urbanfringe. Furthermore, there has been a reloca-tion of function within various parts of the city-region. In many cases, the central core areas,limited in their ability to grow in size, haveceded new manufacturing jobs to peripheralareas, which have grown rapidly. Instead,the central core increasingly has become thecommand center for regional or global busi-ness, housing specialized business services suchas telecommunications, banking, law offices,financial management, management consulting,information services, and the like. Thus, as city-

regions have grown, their position withinregional economies has strengthened. Becausecity-regions imply close economic links overlarge geographic areas, growing emphasis isbeing placed on developing regional land useplans and other initiatives in order to managethese new regional forms (Scott, 2001b; Sim-monds & Hack, 2000).

(f) Urbanization under different prevailingdemographic conditions

Since the mid-20th century, the prevailingdemographic regimes of most developingcountries have changed profoundly. Soon afterthe end of WWII, rapid declines in infant andchild mortality occurred throughout the devel-oping world, in large part due to the exporta-tion of Western drugs and to better healthpractices. Gains in life-expectancy that took 50or 100 years to achieve in the developed worldwere achieved in little more than a decadeor two in the developing world (NationalResearch Council, 2000). Similarly, the begin-ning of a dramatic change in fertility in devel-oping countries can be traced back to about the1960s, albeit with considerable regional varia-tion (Caldwell & Caldwell, 2001; NationalResearch Council, 2000). In 1950, the averagewoman in the developing world gave birth toaround six children over the course of herlifetime. But by 1995, this figure had fallen toaround 3.1 children per woman in all develop-ing countries combined, a decline of nearly 50%from mid-century levels. Consequently, the last50 years have seen great change, not just inlevels of urbanization and city growth, but alsoin other demographic indicators as well. Inparticular, the initial period of dramaticimprovements in life-expectancy without a fer-tility response generated extremely high rates ofpopulation growth, which in turn led to thedramatic expansion of the population of thedeveloping world discussed above.In some settings, these abrupt declines in

fertility and mortality have significant ramifi-cations for both the demographic structures ofthe populations and for social and economicdevelopment. For example, declining fertilityhas been credited as a major contributor tosustained economic growth among the AsianTigers of South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand,Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the formerHong Kong territory. The reason is that theshift to smaller families produces severalimportant changes: slower growth in the num-

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ber of school-age children which permits anincrease in the educational investment perchild; reduced dependency ratios which canproduce an increase in national savings ratesand reduce the need for certain types of publicexpenditures; and, a one-time extraordinarilylarge cohort of working-age adults (see Higgins& Williamson, 1997; Mason, 2001).Where the demographic transition is further

along, declines in fertility, coupled with declinesin mortality have the effect of aging the popu-lation, that is, increasing both the average ageof the general population and the proportion ofthe population over a certain age. Althoughlonger life-expectancy is obviously highlydesirable, societal aging, if it is achieved rap-idly, leaves governments little time to adapt tothe various economic, social, and politicalchallenges that it presents. In some Europeancountries, population aging occurred graduallyover the course of centuries. In France, forexample, 7% of the population was aged 65 orolder in 1865. By 1980, that proportion haddoubled to 14%, a significant transformation ofthe country’s age pyramid, but one that playedout over a period of 130 years. Today, about7% of China’s population is aged 65 or older.This proportion is expected to increase to 14%by 2027: the same transformation of the agepyramid that took 130 years in France will takejust 27 years in China (US Bureau of the Cen-sus, 2001). Some cities in developing countriesare already beginning to face some of thechallenges that population aging creates. InArgentina, for example, population aging began











World LatinAmerica

EastAsia +Pacific



ent U


Figure 8. Percent of population living in urban areas in vaNations (2002), Wo

sooner and occurred more rapidly than inneighboring countries, so that, by the 1990s,cities such as Greater Buenos Aires alreadycontained several neighborhoods have signifi-cant numbers of elderly residents (Lloyd-Sher-lock, 1997).


The simple description of events providedabove masks enormous regional differences.There are enormous differences in the patternof urbanization between regions and evengreater variation in the level and speed withwhich individual countries or indeed individualcities within regions are growing. Latin Amer-ica, for example, is far more urbanized thanAfrica or Asia. The level of urbanization inLatin America––75%––already matches that ofEurope or North America. Consequently therate of urbanization in Latin America is quiteslow. At the other end of the spectrum, Asiaand Africa are still both predominantly rural incharacter with each having no more than 38%of its total population living in urban areas (seeFigure 8). But, being less urbanized, these tworegions are expected to experience relativelyfaster rates of urbanization over the next 30years. By 2030, 53% of Africa’s population and54% of Asia’s population are expected to beliving in urban areas. It is also important not tolose sight of the fact that the various continentsare also quite different in terms of total popu-lation size––Asia is much larger––so that there









rious regions of the world (1950–2030). Source: Unitedrld Bank (2002).

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are almost twice as many urban residents inAsia as there are in Latin America and Africacombined. All of these regions are in themidst ofmajor political, social, and economic transitionsdriven to varying degrees by the omnipresentforces of globalization, democratization, anddecentralization.

(a) Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin America is now predominantly anurban region, with levels of urbanization com-parable to that of North America and manyEuropean countries. The percentage of the totalpopulation living in urban areas has risen from42% in 1950 to 75% in 2000. In absolute terms,the region’s urban population has gone from 70million in 1950 to 391 million in 2000, equiva-lent to an annual growth rate of around 3.5%per annum across the entire period (see Table1).The structure and nature of growth of Latin

America’s cities can best be understood withinthe larger demographic, social, economic, andpolitical context. Broadly speaking, the eco-nomic history of the region since WWII can becharacterized as consisting of three periods: aperiod of fairly strong and sustained growthduring 1945–80 when urban growth in mostcountries in the region accelerated, a ‘‘lostdecade’’ of major economic recession and debtduring 1980–90, and a period of mild recoverysince 1990. After WWII, urban growth in manycountries in the region was advanced by largerural–urban migration and import-substitutionpolicies that included government support forinfant industries and high trade barriers. Themajority of new industry was concentrated in afew major cities, most of which were alsonational capitals. Consequently, urban devel-opment has produced a high degree of urbanprimacy with an unusually large fraction of thepopulation of the region residing in large cities(i.e., cities of over one million): 32% comparedwith 15% for Asia or 13% for Africa. Over1950–2000, the number of million-plus cities inthe region increased from just six to over 50.And the four largest cities––Buenos Aires,Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, and S~aao Paulo––have grown to previously unimaginable sizes.In 1950, the largest city in the region wasBuenos Aires, which at that time had a popu-lation of around five million compared withMexico City and Rio de Janeiro which bothhad populations around 2.9 million and S~aaoPaulo which had a population of 2.5 million. In

2000, the size of these four cities was estimatedto be 18.1 million (Mexico City), 18.0 million(S~aao Paulo), 12.0 million (Buenos Aires), and10.7 million (Rio de Janeiro). Mexico City andS~aao Paulo are two of the three largest urbanagglomerations in the world.The UN forecasts that the population of the

region will grow to 723 million in 2030 (UnitedNations, 2002). Not only will all this growth beabsorbed in urban areas, but rural-migration isalso expected to continue. Consequently, overthe next 30 years, the total rural population isexpected to decline slightly while the totalurban population is expected to grow by morethan 200 million. Given the existing high levelsof urbanization, additional growth implies thatby 2030, more than four out of every fivepeople in Latin America will live in cities, fur-ther increasing the demand for already over-burdened public services. Nevertheless, therehas been a dramatic and somewhat unantici-pated slowdown in the growth of some of themost important mega-cities in Latin America ascongestion costs and/or government incentiveshave diverted new investment beyond metro-politan boundaries. In some cases, such as inthe S~aao Paulo region of Brazil, new plants havelocated as far as 200 km from the central core(Gilbert, 1994). In addition, many large LatinAmerica cities were profoundly affected in the1990s by severe economic recession and pro-grams of structural adjustment.These summary statistics mask important

differentials in the extent of urbanization andthe pace of urban growth both across andwithin countries. At one end of the spectrum,countries such as Argentina, Chile, and Uru-guay were already quite highly urbanized by1950 so that their rate of urbanization over thelast 50 years has been relatively modest. Chile,for example, went from being 58% urban in1950 to 86% urban in 2000. While, over thesame time period, Brazil totally transformeditself, going from 36% urban in 1950 to 81%urban by 2000. Even after a 50-year period offairly sustained urban growth, there remainlarge disparities across the region. Countriessuch as Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Chile,French Guiana, Uruguay, and Venezuela aswell as several Caribbean islands are more thanthree-quarters urban, while at the other end ofthe spectrum Guatemala and Guyana are lessthan 50% urban.Within individual countries urban growth

has also been very uneven. In most countries,national capitals have grown fastest. But, in

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some places, such as in Amazonia, Brazil or inMexico along the US-Mexico border, rapideconomic expansion has generated rates ofgrowth that are considerably higher than thenational average. Generally speaking, the rateof urban growth and the growth of some of theregion’s largest cities has slowed considerablyover the last couple of decades. In many places,secondary cities and towns on the outskirts oflarge metropolitan regions have been moresuccessful in attracting new investment thanlarger cities and have begun to grow faster(Villa & Rodriguez, 1996). Thus the region hasexperienced reverse polarization as high landand labor costs have created urban disecono-mies in the largest cities and forced manufac-turing plants to relocate beyond the mainmetropolitan boundaries.Urban growth slowed in Latin America in

the early 1980s as the region witnessed a periodof major social and economic upheaval and fellinto a serious and prolonged economic reces-sion. Many Latin American countries wereforced to implement stabilization and adjust-ment policies designed to restore their econo-mies by reducing the size of the public sectorand improving efficiency in their labor markets.As part of these reforms, governments wereobliged to scrutinize state-driven initiatives forindustrialization based on import substitutionand instead to place greater emphasis on therole of market forces to determine the locationand nature of new economic growth. Manyindustries developed on the basis of an import-substitution model were forced to contract orclose as local consumer markets shrunk andprotective barriers were removed (UNHABI-TAT, 1996).Perhaps the one consistent factor in the

region’s tumultuous economic and political hi-story is the persistence of mass poverty in theface of enormous wealth: Latin America is theregion with the greatest income inequality inthe world. Evidence of both absolute and rel-ative poverty is clearly visible in all LatinAmerican cities: large shanty towns, largenumbers of poor people, low unemploymentbut high underemployment, a large informaleconomy, insufficient urban infrastructure,poor public services, crime, and high levels ofair, water, and noise pollution. Yet despitesome measure of economic recovery in the1990s, general standards of living in many ofthe region’s major cities are worse than theywere in the 1970s (Gilbert, 1996). Increasingly,urban elites have sought to isolate themselves,

increasing the already high degree of spatialpolarization between the rich and the poor(Calderia, 2000).The experience of various Caribbean coun-

tries/territories with respect to urbanization isquite diverse (Portes, Dore-Cabral, & Landolt,1997). As a whole the Caribbean is approxi-mately 75% urban but underneath this sum-mary statistics there is considerable variation.At one extreme, countries/territories such asAnguilla, Guadeloupe, and Martinique areessentially completely urban while in othercountries such as Haiti and Grenada onlyapproximately one-third of the populationreside in urban areas. While some countries inthe region (e.g., the Dominican Republic orGuadeloupe) have urbanized fairly rapidly overthe last 50 years, others, such as the Bahamasor Trinidad and Tobago, were already fairlyurban in 1950 and as a consequence have lowerrates of urbanization over the last 50 years.Nevertheless Haiti, which is only one-thirdurban, consistently stands out in any analysisof urban trends in the six largest Caribbeancountries/territories. Three of the remainingfive (Cuba, Puerto Rica, and Trinidad andTobago) are approximately 75% urban whilethe other two (The Dominican Republic andJamaica) are both over 50% urban.

(b) East Asia and the Pacific

Asia is such a vast and heterogeneous regionthat it virtually defies generalization. Alto-gether, the region contains 3.7 billion people, orapproximately three-fifths of the world’s pop-ulation. Despite relatively low level of urbani-zation (37.5% in 2000), Asia contains 1.38billion urban residents or just under half of theworld’s urban population (United Nations,2002). Given such vast numbers, it is not sur-prising that few generalizations are meaningful.Dominated statistically by China and India, theregion contains over 200 cities with a million ormore residents and 21 cities with five million ormore residents.Although the population growth rate for

Asia as a whole has been declining since the late1960s, the enormity of the base population towhich these rates have been applied has meantthat the total population of the region hasgrown rapidly over the past 50 years. Startingfrom around 1.4 billion in 1950, the region’spopulation increased to 2.4 billion in 1975 andto around 3.7 billion today. Over the same timeperiod, the urban population has increased

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more than 5.5-fold from 244 million in 1950 to1.38 billion today. Even more striking is thefact that the most recent UN projections showthat over 1.25 billion additional people will beadded to Asia’s population by 2030, all ofwhom will be absorbed in urban areas. By2015, 18 of the world’s 80 largest urbanagglomerations will be in Asia. By 2030, 54% ofAsia’s population is expected to be living inurban areas.Given the diversity of experience within the

continent with respect to the level of economicdevelopment and the degree of urbanization, itis useful to classify the various countries in theregion according to their level of urbanizationand economic development.Many cities in Pacific Asia have experienced

dramatic economic growth, reflecting the factthat the region is completely integrated into thenew global economy. Cities on the forefront ofglobal restructuring such as Hong Kong, Sin-gapore, Seoul, and Taipei have enjoyedunprecedented growth rates of more than 10%per annum throughout the 1970s and early1980s. All now rank among the top tradingcities in the world and in fact, the level of GNPper capita in Hong Kong and Singaporeexceeds that of many European countries. Theexperience of rapid urban transformation isnow being repeated in the ‘‘new’’ NewlyIndustrializing Economies (NIEs) of Malaysia,Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Citiessuch as Jakarta and Bangkok are booming eventhough Indonesia would still be classified as alow-income country according to World Bankcriteria, while Malaysia, Thailand, and thePhilippines would be considered middle-incomecountries (World Bank, 2002).At the national level, China is still a pre-

dominantly rural population with a level ofGNP per capita that would place it in thelower-middle income range. Nevertheless, partsof China share many of the characteristics ofother Pacific Asian economies. China’s coastalregion has witnessed incredibly rapid urbanand industrial development since 1978 when thegovernment departed from its previous policyof self-reliance and announced a new ‘‘openpolicy,’’ designed to attract foreign invest-ment and technology. Initially, foreign invest-ment was limited to four Special EconomicZones (SEZs)––Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Xiamen,and Shantou––which were established as test-ing grounds for a more open, export-orienteddevelopment strategy. Gradually, other specialzones have been established. The result has

been phenomenal economic growth for thesezones and a massive increase in export-ledforeign exchange earnings for the country as awhole (Yeung & Hu, 1992). In Shenzhen, forexample, which was chosen as one of the fourinitial SEZs because of its close proximity toHong Kong, the value of industrial output in1987 was almost 70 times the value of industrialoutput in 1980, implying an annual rate ofgrowth of 60% per annum (Wong, Cai, &Chen, 1992; Yeung & Chu, 1998). Similarly,Xiamen, located directly opposite the island ofTaiwan, has enjoyed staggeringly rapid export-led growth and industrialization over the last 20years, thanks in large part to strong ties withoverseas Chinese that has resulted in an enor-mous influx of direct foreign investment intothe zone (Yeung & Chu, 2000). Xiamen’s GDPincreased over 57-fold over 1980–97, implyingan average rate of growth around 23% perannum (Howell, 2000). Similarly, coastal citiessuch as Dalian, Guangzhou, Qingdao, Shenz-hen, Tianjin, and Xiamen have all undergoneremarkable transformations over the last 20years since the government’s open policy began(see Yeung & Hu, 1992).In Shanghai, the transformation is more

recent but even more dramatic. Long the larg-est industrial city and the economic power-house of socialist China, Shanghai was one ofthe 14 cities designated open in 1984. Perhapssurprisingly, however, the city initially experi-enced relative modest growth compared withcertain parts of Southern China, particularlyGuangdong and Fujian (Yeung, 2000; Yeung &Sung, 1996). But, the pace of urban develop-ment in Shanghai increased sharply after 1990,when the central government announced thedevelopment of Pudong New Area, a large areaof agricultural and marginal land east of thecentral city. For example, since 1991, thegrowth of foreign investment in the city hasbeen tremendous. In 1985, Shanghai attractedUS$759 million of foreign investment. By 1996,this figure had increased to US$15.14 billion(Wu, 2000). Consequently the city is nowexperiencing dramatic restructuring (see Wu,2000; Wu & Yusuf, in press).

(c) South Asia

For the most part, South Asian countries aremore rural and have significantly lower levels ofGDP per capita than other parts of Asia. Notsurprisingly, therefore, the pace of urbanchange in the region has been relatively modest

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and in fact it has been slower than the UNprojected in the 1980s (Visaria & Visaria, 1995).Nevertheless, urbanization has still presentedenormous urban management challenges for aregion in which extreme poverty and depriva-tion are all too common and where currentlevels of basic physical infrastructure and urbanservices are extremely inadequate. Over thepast 50 years, the region’s urban populationhas grown by around 300 million people. In1950, only 18% of the region’s population––around 72 million people––lived in urban areas.But by 2000, 27% of the region––around 372million people––resided in urban areas. Thelatest UN projections suggest that an addi-tional half a billion people will be added tourban areas in South Asia over the next 30years, presenting a daunting challenge forurban management.As the region’s population has become more

urban, the number and size of the region’slargest cities has increased. The region is hometo five of the world’s 30 largest cities: Mumbai,Calcutta, and Dehli (India), Dhaka (Bangla-desh), and Karachi (Pakistan). By 2015, how-ever, the UN Population Division estimatesthat the region will be home to seven of theworld’s 30 largest cities and three of the world’sfive largest urban agglomerations: Dehli,Dhaka, and Mumbai are all projected to growto over 20 million people. But again, it is worthreinforcing that the majority of urban growthwill take place in considerably smaller cities andtowns.The long-run benefits of increasing industri-

alization and urbanization should not deflectattention from the immediate problem ofwidespread poverty and deprivation. Morethan a quarter of a billion people in the regionlive in absolute poverty and the signs ofextreme poverty and deprivation are extremelyvisible in all major cities. In Bombay, forexample, despite many slum improvementschemes over the years, almost half of thepopulation still lives either on the streets or inslums (Panwalkar, 1996).As has been noted above, a particular feature

of the process of urbanization in this region aswell as in parts of East Asia is the way in whichimproved modes of transportation such as thebus and the scooter have extended the reach ofurban areas and blurred the distinction betweenurban and rural lifestyles. In extended desakotazones surrounding the city, the majority of landremains under cultivation although non-farmjobs become an increasing important source of

employment and income (Ginsburg et al.,1991).

(d) Former Soviet republics

Cities in former Soviet republics such asKazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turk-menistan, and Uzbekistan in central Asia andArmenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia in WesternAsia have followed a somewhat differentpattern. Until the collapse of the former SovietUnion, these countries operated under a cen-tralized planned economy where governmentdecisions rather than market forces deter-mined the nature, scale, and spatial distributionof economic activities. Consequently, political,ideological, symbolic, social, military, andtechnical factors took on enormous, if notoverriding significance (Kostinskiy, 2001).Differences in ideology and approach weremost apparent in cities. For example, the lackof a market for land in cities, led to the growthof Soviet cities in concentric rings with vastamounts of unused land throughout the city(Becker & Morrison, 1999). The limited rolepermitted to private housing markets and pri-vate enterprise and the emphasis on large-scalehousing estates brought a very different logic tothe form and spatial distribution of cities in theformer Soviet Union than those in the West(Harloe, 1996; UNHABITAT, 1996). In addi-tion, there was a general tendency amongSoviet policymakers to favor large-scale indus-trial production over the service or retail sec-tors and often industries were located inpatterns that a market economy would nothave produced. There was also a tendency tokeep plants in production long after they wouldhave been deemed unprofitable or too expen-sive in the West. Consequently, the collapse ofthe Soviet Union resulted in an unprecedenteddrop in output, rapid impoverishment of largesections of society, great uncertainty about thefuture, and a fundamental re-evaluation of thelocation, functioning, and organization ofproductive activity. These changes are mostapparent in cities.The end of the Cold War and the collapse

of the Soviet Union has had enormous social,economic, and demographic consequences.During 1987–94, marriage rates in the newlyindependent states fell by between 25% and50%, divorce rates in some newly independentstates rose by 25%, birth rates fell by between20% and 40%, and male life-expectancy fell byaround six years (Becker & Hemley, 1998;

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Cornia & Panicci�aa, 1999). Death rates amongmiddle-aged male adults rose dramatically, dueto a large increase in cardiovascular disease,accidents, injuries and violent causes, and otherpreventable diseases such as tuberculosis,bronchitis, pneumonia, and dysentery (Becker& Bloom, 1998). In addition, the republics onthe periphery of the former Soviet Union wit-nessed significant ethnic-basedmigration, partlyas a response to deteriorating urban livingconditions and economic and social stress andpartly as a response to growing regionalnationalism. In Kazakhstan, for example, 11%of the population emigrated out of the countryduring 1990–99 leading to deurbanization onaggregate (Musabek, Becker, Seitenova, &Urzhumova, 2001). A similar pattern of out-migration of Russians and other non-Kyrgyzethnic groups has also been recorded in neigh-boring Kyrgyzstan in the years immediatelyfollowing the break-up of the Soviet Union(Anderson & Becker, 2001).

(e) North Africa and the Middle East

The North Africa/Middle East region ishome to some of the world’s oldest cities. Butwhile cities such as Alexandria, Baghdad,Damascus, and Jerusalem have all existed forthousands of years, the population of theregion was predominantly rural until the sec-ond half of the 20th century. In 1950, only 27%of the region’s 81 million people lived in urbanareas. By 2000, both the absolute size and thespatial distribution of the population hadchanged rather dramatically. The total popu-lation of the region had grown to 307 millionand the proportion urban had grown from 27%to 58% (Table 1). In absolute terms, the num-ber of urban residents increased over eight-foldover a 50-year period, going from 22 million in1950 to 177 million in 2000. The region’s largestcities: Cairo, Istanbul, and Teheran, now con-tain more than seven million people and num-ber among the largest urban agglomerations inthe world. By 2030, the level of urbanizationwithin the region is expected to be close to 70%.There is probably less diversity with respect

to the level of urbanization between countriesin the North Africa and the Middle East regionthan between countries in other regions. Theneed for people in many parts of the region tohave sufficient access to water combined withthe rapid industrialization and high levels ofinternational labor migration to oil-rich GulfStates has resulted in a situation whereby most

countries within the region are at least 50%urban and many countries such as Libya,Bahrain, Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, andQatar are more than 85% urban. The onenotable exception in the region is Yemen whereonly 25 of the population is urban. But, onceagain it is important to bear in mind that vir-tually every country in the region defines itsurban population in a slightly different way, sostrict crosscountry comparisons like this arehighly problematic.For many people, the Middle East conjures

up an image of a region where politics, religion,and violence have become inextricably inter-twined. But it is important to remember thatthere is a great deal of socioeconomic andpolitical heterogeneity within the region. Infact, the region contains some of the leastdeveloped countries in the world together withsome of the wealthiest. Similarly the regioncontains both very open societies together withpolitically and economically isolated societies.These differences have resulted in a wide arrayof urban problems throughout the region: frombasic poverty alleviation to post-conflictreconstruction and rehabilitation. In Egypt, forexample, rural-to-urban migration combinedwith rapid population growth has contributedto a proliferation of slums and an acute hous-ing shortage in Cairo (Omran & Roudi, 1993).While in post-conflict Iraq, the main urbanchallenges have to do with establishing theinfrastructure of urban government and otherissues of rehabilitation and reconstruction.

(f) Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa has long been one of theleast developed and least urbanized regions ofthe world with most sub-Saharan Africaneconomies still heavily dependent on subsis-tence agriculture. Nevertheless, the region hasabsorbed relatively high rates of urban growthover the past 50 years. In 1950, only 15% of theAfrica population was living in towns or cities,compared with 17% in Asia or 41% in LatinAmerica. By 2000, 38% of the region’s popu-lation lived in urban areas, compared with 37%of Asia’s population or 75% of Latin America’spopulation. In absolute terms, Africa’s urbanpopulation grew from 32 million in 1950 to 102million in 1975 and to 295 million in 2000(United Nations, 2002).Most cities in Africa are small by interna-

tional standards. Lagos is the only sub-SaharanAfrican urban agglomeration to make the UN

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list of the 30 largest urban agglomerations inthe world. Kinshasa, with 5.1 million residentsin 2000, is the only other African large urbanagglomeration with more than five millionresidents although there are an additionalcouple of dozen cities in the region withbetween one and five million residents. This listincludes Johannesburg, which the UN treats asa city with an estimated population of 2.3million in 2000, whereas other estimates putthe population of the Greater JohannesburgMetropolitan Region at around 7.3 million in1996 (Crankshaw & Parnell, in press). Dataproblems are, in fact, a common problem indescribing urban trends in the region. The dataon Lagos are quite a good illustration of thispoint. With little reliable up-to-date data attheir disposal when they were preparing the1999 revision of World Urbanization Prospects,the UN estimated that the population of Lagoswas going to be approximately 13.5 million in2000 (United Nations, 2001). By the 2001revision, this estimate was drastically reducedto 8.7 million (United Nations, 2002).African fertility has started to fall (Cohen,

1998) and is expected to continue to fall sub-stantially over the coming decades. Neverthe-less, population momentum ensures that thetotal population of the region will continue toincrease: from 784 million in 2000 to 1,489million in 2030, at an annual growth rate ofapproximately 2.1% per annum. According tothe latest UN projections, the urban populationis expected to grow from 295 million in 2000 to787 million in 2030, equivalent to an annualrate of change of 3.3% per annum (UnitedNations, 2002). According to these projections,sometime before 2025, African society willbecame predominantly urban. By 2030, 55% ofthe region’s population will live in urban areas.But, given that many African countries countplaces with as few as 2,000 people as urban, itmay be an exaggeration to use the terms‘‘urban’’ and ‘‘city’’ synonymously in this case.Regardless, given that a large fraction of theAfrica population will reside in small townsand cities in the near future, urban develop-ment planning for such communities shouldcontinue to be a top priority.As elsewhere, understanding urban change in

Africa requires consideration of the social,economic, and political history of the region. InAfrica’s case, the role of the colonial experiencemerits special consideration (Stren & Halfani,2001). Colonialism, which in much of Africa,lasted from the late 19th century until at least

the early 1960s, influenced the structure andpattern of African urban growth in a number ofdifferent ways. Indeed, a number of today’smore prominent African cities such as Abidjan,Johannesburg, and Nairobi simply did not existprior to colonial rule. Rather, they were foun-ded and developed during colonial times ascenters of commerce and administrative activ-ity. More generally, however, colonialism led tothe formation of a new urban system that dis-placed traditional networks of trade and influ-ence that had developed over many centuries.This new urban system reflected a colonialeconomic framework that emphasized theexploitation of Africa mineral resources,primary agricultural production (includingplantations), and transportation and commu-nications activities (Stren & Halfani, 2001).These new patterns of commerce and trade, inturn, led to heightened levels and new patternsof migration as Africans sought work in mines,plantations, or newly developing urban areas.Colonial urbanization also affected the phys-

ical structure and layout of many cities.Perhaps the most obvious characteristic ofcolonial urban planning was the partitioning ofurban space into two highly uneven zones: a‘‘European’’ space that enjoyed a high level ofurban infrastructure and services, and an‘‘indigenous’’ space that was marginally ser-viced (Stren & Halfani, 2001). This relativeindifference to the needs of the African majoritywas ‘‘a characteristic of urban planning thatwas rooted in the very fabric of the colonialstate’’ (Stren & Halfani, 2001, p. 468).Following independence, the population of

many African cities grew rapidly, basically inthe absence of significant industrialization. Citygrowth was fueled both by high levels ofnational population growth and high spatialmobility. The availability of large numbers ofjobs in a newly formed public sector plus betteraccess to health and education services, and anurban bias in terms of trade between primaryproducts and manufactured goods (e.g., gov-ernment subsidies on bread) contributed tomake urban life attractive.Since the 1970s, urban growth in Africa has

been most affected by the region’s economiccrisis. A current list of ailments include declin-ing productivity in agriculture and industry, alack of foreign exchange, increasing indebted-ness, worsening balance-of-payments position,and declining real wages. In addition, in severalcountries the legacy of long civil wars, com-bined with years of economic mismanagement,

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has generated massive and rapid populationflows into cities and left economies teeteringon the verge of collapse. As a consequence ofthese and other prolonged economic prob-lems, many sub-Saharan African countrieshave been forced to implement stabilizationand adjustment policies, often under the aus-pices of the International Monetary Fund(IMF). These policies have caused considerablesocial and economic stress, particularly to urbanresidents.The essential feature of current Africa

urbanization, however, is that, unlike cities inmuch of Asia and Latin America, African citiesare economically marginalized in the new globaleconomy. African cities are growing despitepoor macroeconomic performance and withoutsignificant direct foreign investment makingit next to impossible for urban authoritiesto provide low-income housing, high-qualityurban services, or sufficient employment.


As cities grow and evolve, managing thembecomes increasingly complex. Probably thesingle most important output that urban plan-ners and policymakers want from demogra-phers is accurate and reliable forecasts of futureurban growth. Most publications that discussfuture urban change predict both that urbani-zation in developing countries will continuemore or less unchecked and that large urbanagglomerations will continue to grow toextraordinary heights far into the future. Butthis assumption has produced some fairlyspectacular errors in the past. For example, in1980, the population of Mexico City was esti-mated to be around 11.9 million. Given that itwas growing very rapidly––around 5.5% perannum at the time––demographers predictedthat by 2000, the population of Mexico Citywould be around 31 million. Fortunately, thisnever happened. Today, the population ofMexico City is around 18.1 million, nowherenear the 1980 projection. More generally,however, the scale of urban growth in thedeveloping world is significantly less than whatwas predicted 20 years ago: the 1999 projectionof the urban population at 2000 is 12.4% lessthan the 1980 projection. So, how much confi-dence should one place on current UN fore-casts of future urban growth? Of course, no oneknows the future with any certainty. But given

that the basic methodology for projectingurban populations has remained more or lessthe same for the past 20 years, demographerscan say something about the expected accuracyof the most recent urban projections by exam-ining the average error of past forecasts (Key-fitz, 1981).Table 4 reports mean percentage errors

(MPEs) and mean absolute percentage errors(MAPEs) for 169 countries and territorieswhose boundaries have not changed substan-tially over the past 20 years (i.e., it excludescountries in the former Soviet Union). TheMPE can be either positive––indicating thatprojections were consistently too high––ornegative––indicating that they were consis-tently too low. As such, the MPE offers ameasure of bias. By contrast, the MAPE isalways positive and is usually taken to be ameasure of imprecision.The high occurrence of positive values in the

first three columns of the table indicates thaturban projections have been more often toohigh than too low. This is partly attributed tothe fact that fertility has declined in manyplaces more rapidly than was expected. At theglobal level, forecasts of the urban populationin 2000 made 20 years ago were approximately14% too high, forecasts made 10 years ago wereapproximately 17% too high, and forecastsmade five years ago were nearly perfect, a for-tunate result that is due to roughly equalnumbers of high and low errors calculatingeach other out. This pattern is almost as onemight expect a priori, because projections typ-ically are better the shorter the time interval.The abnormality in this series can be explainedentirely by the inclusion of China in the cal-culations. Urbanization trends in China, whichis home to 30% of the urban population ofAsia, have fluctuated greatly over the years.These fluctuations stem both from historicalevents such as the cultural revolution and itsaftermath that retarded or even reversedurbanization in China at certain points of timeand from the fact that the official criteria todetermine cities and towns has changed severaltimes since 1983 making it difficult to determineurban trends in China since 1980 (Lin, 2002;Zhang & Zhao, 1998). When the Chinese dataare removed a more consistent pattern isrevealed with shorter time periods associatedwith more accurate projections.Table 4 also shows that there has been con-

siderable diversity in the quality of urban pro-jections by geographic region, level of economic

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Table 4. Mean percentage error (MPE) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) in urban population projectionsfor the year 2000, by length of forecast, region, level of development, and size of countrya


20 yearsd 10 yearse 5 yearsf 20 years 10 years 5 years


East Asia +Pacific 0.039g 0.267 )0.028 0.113 0.289 0.043

EAP excluding China 0.184 0.098 )0.004 0.295 0.166 0.053

Europe 0.140 0.13 0.088 0.140 0.130 0.088

Latin America+Caribbean 0.198 0.054 )0.009 0.226 0.075 0.021

Middle East+North Africa 0.133 0.068 0.085 0.245 0.123 0.105

South Asia 0.272 0.197 0.027 0.291 0.197 0.070

Sub-Saharan Africa 0.218 0.234 0.055 0.382 0.274 0.097

OECD 0.068 )0.024 )0.018 0.110 0.048 0.020

Other high-income )0.183 )0.102 )0.056 0.334 0.199 0.072

Level of development

Low 0.231 0.183 0.032 0.312 0.199 0.080

Lower middle 0.069 0.261 )0.013 0.115 0.283 0.049

LMI excluding China 0.256 0.099 0.037 0.279 0.161 0.066

Upper middle 0.128 0.089 0.008 0.199 0.115 0.026

High 0.060 )0.027 )0.019 0.117 0.053 0.022

Size of country

0–2 million 0.074 0.063 0.030 0.528 0.268 0.169

2–10 million 0.120 0.098 0.019 0.282 0.199 0.082

10–50 million 0.216 0.108 0.027 0.329 0.163 0.070

50+million 0.124 0.192 0.001 0.168 0.208 0.049

50+million excluding China 0.189 0.126 0.018 0.227 0.149 0.054

World 0.141 0.171 0.007 0.206 0.199 0.055

Excluding China 0.190 0.120 0.020 0.257 0.156 0.060

a Based on sample of 169 countries and territories whose boundaries have not changed substantially over the last 20years. Excludes former Soviet Union.bMPE¼mean percentage error. Positive error associated with projections being too high and negative error withprojections being too low.cMAPE¼mean absolute percentage error.d 20-Year comparison based on comparing projections for the year 2000 in United Nations (1980) with ‘‘actual’’ datain United Nations (2001).e 10-Year comparison based on comparing projections for the year 2000 in United Nations (1991) with ‘‘actual’’ datain United Nations (2001).f 5-Year comparison based on comparing projections for the year 2000 in United Nations (1998) with ‘‘actual’’ datain United Nations (2001).gAll figures are weighted by population size.


development, and size of country. On average,the UN urban projections have been mostreliable for OECD and least reliable for coun-tries in sub-Saharan Africa and for other high-income countries, many of which are quitesmall. UN projections also tend to be better forlarger countries than for smaller countries,probably because they receive more attention.The conclusion is that projections must be

treated with a good deal of caution, especially if

one is interested in going down to the countryor even city-level. Typically, projections athigher levels of aggregation are slightly morereliable because regional-level data benefit to acertain extent from the crosscancellation ofindividual country-level errors. Nevertheless,even for some regions, the future is highlyuncertain. For example, the UN predicts thatby around 2025, the African continent will betransformed into apredominantly urban society.

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This is based on little more than the simpleextrapolation of the current trend, which mayor may not be a good guide for the future. To acertain extent, current levels of urbanization inAfrica can be attributed to factors other thanrising industrialization (e.g., the need to estab-lish various public service institutions followingindependence). Given the historical connectionbetween industrialization and urbanization,continued urbanization in Africa may only bepossible if there is a sharp increase in economicdevelopment. Given the corruption, politicalinstability, and limited amount of skilled laborin many countries, it may be extremely difficultfor African countries to attract the level offoreign direct investment necessary to propelthem into the 21st century.Given that there is good reason to question

the plausibility of some aspects of the UNforecasts, it is unfortunate that there is no realdiscussion of uncertainty in the most recentrevision of World Urbanization Prospects. Thisis in stark contrast to when the first UN reporton urban population statistics (United Nations,1969), which was extremely clear on this point.Over the years, as the production of the reporthas become routine, the original cautionarylanguage has disappeared (National ResearchCouncil, 2003).


In an increasingly urban world, almost halfthe world’s total population and over three-quarters of the population of high-incomecountries live in urban areas. At the beginningof the 20th century, there were just 16 cities inthe world that contained at least a millionpeople, the vast majority of which were inadvanced industrial economies. Today, thereare more than 400 cities around the world thatcontain more than a million residents, aboutthree-quarters of which are in low- and middle-income countries. Furthermore, rural econo-mies and lifestyles are becoming increasinglyurban in nature as the proportion of the laborforce working in nonagricultural activities rises.Globalization and the desire to make cities

competitive on a global stage have become theprincipal forces driving urban economic devel-opment throughout much of the world. Thedramatic increase in the mobility of capital, thetelecommunications revolution, and politicalchanges have altered the nature and speed ofurban economic growth both between and

within cities. Countries are industrializing rap-idly, especially in Pacific Asia, while advancedeconomies are shifting out of manufacturingtoward finance, specialized services, and infor-mation handling. These forces are forcingcountries––and indeed individual cities––toredefine their comparative advantage and to becompetitive in the global marketplace (Yeung,2001).The UN predicts that virtually all of the

world’s population growth for the foreseeablefuture is projected to occur in urban areas. InAfrica, Asia, and Latin America alike, popu-lation growth will become largely an urbanphenomenon. By 2030, almost 60% of thepopulation of low- and middle-income coun-tries will live in urban areas. In the long run,this is good news. But the challenge over thenext 30 years will be to take full advantage ofthe potential benefits of urbanization in aninclusive way while lessening the obviouspotential negative sequelae. How well localauthorities are able to respond to this challengewill shape patterns of regional and nationaldevelopment, as well as the social and politicalstability of many countries. Of particular con-cern to many commentators is the absolutescale of urban change that will be faced in theworld’s poorest countries. Most of this growthwill not occur in primary cities but in smallersecondary cities and towns where poverty ratesare higher and where existing coverage of basicpublic services is far from comprehensive(National Research Council, 2003).There is considerable uncertainty surround-

ing the scale and pace of future urban growth.Certainly the fact that the scale of urbangrowth in the developing world is significantlyless than what was predicted 20 years agoshould warn us to treat current projectionscarefully. Nevertheless, despite all the problemsof error and inaccuracy and the long-standingdefinitional problems that have never beenovercome, it is clear that the world is still in themidst of a sweeping and profound urbantransformation that is literally changing theface of the planet. It is not simply that a greaterproportion of people are living in cities or allsizes, but also that there is far greater regionaland global integration than ever before. Therehas also been a general convergence in lifestylesbetween urban and rural areas as distance andtime have collapsed. Consequently, the tradi-tional distinction between urban and ruralareas has become insufficient for many pur-poses and an enormous challenge for the social

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sciences is to come up with a classificationsystem that adequately represents present day

spatial realities. This work is now underway(see, for example, Hugo et al., 2001).


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