and memorial Our . neighborhood . folks ar el Prof. Britt's endorsement. ' It is a utilitarianism, fodder and nofc known whether he sucpeeded THE POLK COUNTY HEWS. Bank i rv inaiwmm nw? 10 ur report the crop poor on account in getting it, which was eviaen- - Let less and its mission vam. ! tiy a way tne cnairman jwu ui of so much rain. W. C. CORCORAN, Publisher. ser- - - - - ,;,! putting" him off , , as Chairman A. M. Boone has purchased the . ,QTmrM, T.aTik- - Oapital 310.COC us not' expend $15,000 for mons in stones." . SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Ruppe. place adjoining E. B. Surplus and Undivided Profit ford but as most of the leading Edwards' land. E. B. Edwards " " Ont Yew, Six Months, NOTES AND COMMENTS. s contemplating erecting nice Jl.oo .50 5 Republicans of the county favor Mr. Brownlee, he is hesitating about making the appointment Three Mnths, When you goto Western new home on his estate. $ JOSEPH NORWOOD, Pres. T. T. BALLENGPP V V TV4TTCOTT TiTXTl."' tr- - S Ajsnays in Advance. North Carolina, don't forget old ' Sawmills and shingle mills are and so the matter stands, with MM.kjkjxuui.vj, v ice-- 1 res " J. B. HESTER, Cashier. Columbusj nestled, among the plentiful and all we need is the everlasting hills. Sou. Prog. concrete mijl, to erect a house in a tew days. J. B. ULSTER, -' E. E. MISSTLDlNE, J. O. WILSON, JOSEPH NORWOOD, DR.-EARL- E GRADY, J. G. HUGHES, F. P. BACON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 27. 1906. Tryon offers rest for the weary, ; Last ihursday night the spirit peace for the .troubled and com- - 01 James &nefn its nifirni,. B. L. BALLENGER n ,, apparently,, no decisive action un- til after the election for fear of the possible effect it may have no matter which way the . appoint- ment goes. , "'('Miss Latimore of Atlanta, ar- rived Monday to take charge of millinery department of the Bal-leng- er Co., now under the man- agement of the Misses McFee. we nope tu a ungnier ana oeiter world. ": ". fort and inspiration for all. Southern Progress. Your business Is Solicited. WHO WILL BE NOMINATED? Now that the Democrats have nominated a county ticket all Just as the Golden Rod arose in its splendor and fame, v Waving its plumage of gold, " !' eyea are turned toward the Re- - Into the hme of one "Justice,' a little boy Louis Rowell, the landscape Tryon is one of the most desir- able locations on the American continent and is destined to be one of the favorite health resorts of the country. Sou. Progress. came,'.. J.. And now their devoted attention will hold. llAlDEE. publicans to see whom they will put out as their standard bearers inv the coming campaign. The nomination . ? of F. L. Weaver for ,v CLOTHING MEN and E Ladies. read this catalogue of charms. Bright eyes glowing artist, has ben spending some time at Lake Toxaway in the interest of his profession. He has made quite a reputation among the tourists and was es- pecially succesful at Toxaway, finding a ready sale for every painting made of the beautiful scenery of that section. B. The Southern Progress for September prints cuts of Tryon (cheeks, red lips, a smooth' skin Peak and Shunkawakan Falls without a blemish, in short, per- - Just received the nicest line of Mens!-p- . Youths' and Boys' Suits ever offered forut.. it ; practically certain that the - Republicans will nominate W. C. Robertson f or re-electi- on. W. C. Newman is spokeii of a as candidate for Clerk of Court. Both 'Grayson Arledge arid T? C. tt ' i t : t i and makes several pertinent feet health. For sale with every package Hollister's Rocky Moun comments on Polk county. wiiiuii win ue.Bum as cneap as goods of their quaij can be sold. Bring your bov and see hnwv t , . tain Tea. 35 cents. ' Thanking you for vour tradp ir c. j , . The Bank of Tryon. is a safe and well managed institution and TRYON HAPPENINGS. dates for Sheriff but nothing . wiiuuuantc in me xuture. i remain, yours to please has the confidence of the citi- - Postoffice Appointment Hanging Fire-rTh- er- Ask-an- y "JAP" that you may "Why the .Czar, with Bear be- hind," had to climb a tree. . The Yanks, God bess the Yanks, says he, They gave us Rocky Mountain Tea. ";:.' V1- - mal Belt Sanitarium to Open Thj$ Fa- ll- McMUP zens oi roiK county. very Resolutions of Respect to Dr. .Mclver town needs a good bank .and Personal Notes. Tryon has one of the best.- - Located in Central Industrial Store Buildimr authoritative can be learned. Henry Morgan, Sheriff Robert- son, J. W. McFarland, J. H. Gibbs are spoken of as candidates to oppose E. B. Cloud for the Legislature, but which one it is likelyto be cannot nowbe dieted. " ; Tryon, Sept. 26.- -J. JL Bar- - Southern Progress. Phone No. 13, COLUMBUS, n nett of Landrum has accepted a LYNN LINERS. position as salesman with the MILL SPRING NEIGHBORHOOD DOTS. Ballenger Company. lnorougn Wprlc I n Teacliij name rresent at the Big Baptizing at Mil Mrs. J. W . Kennedv will Spring and is Much Impressed Thinks shortly let the contract to re- - the Holiness People and Other False Pro- - build her house which ; was des- - Hampton, Jas. Jackson, or Otis phets Should Be Tolerated. troyed by fire several weeka ae-o- . Wilson will likely be the nom has created a Demand for Our Graduates which we Cannot Supply and calls for them are Increasing. Polk County sent us some pupils who. finished their Business Education wither andare, now filling GOOD POSITIONS, ft Mill spring, bept. zo. Miss A. L. Hill and- - wife arrived inee. Some Republican friends of Sheriff Robertson say he will Bessie Arledge visited her sister Sunday night from Cory don, Ial, Mrs. Martin WaiKer last Week, and left next moraino- - far Mrs. W.C. Hague, and little 1 t0 relatives in Rutherford county. not be a. candidate for re-electi- on, in which case W. C. man will likely get the nomina Tryon Hosiery Co. to Erect Branch Mill at Flat Rock Daughters of Rebecca to give Ice Cream Supper. Lynn, Sept. 26 J. F. Wilcox, of Passaic, N." J. , is again in town and will be here several weeks. F. S. Wilcox went to Flat Rock recently , in i the interest of a Branch Mill to be erected there. ;, B. . Keeter and wife returned to their home in Rutherford re- cently after an extended visit here. . " The Tryon Hosiery Co., is having an addition put to their office. - The Sisters of Rebecca will have an Ice Cream Supper at the daughter Thelma. visited R. E. I mey- - win De At nome" m wiuit mure oi me same Kina. Terms liberal and standard high. Write for catalog. Spartanburg Business College Waldrop, recently. Tryon after Nov. 1st. tion. I A wee baby girl forms the Dr. F. B. Hanna and family iTeasurer a. $. Edwards is fourth link in the chain of the of Umatilla, Fla; who hav been bpartanburg, - - - South CaroW union of Mr. and Mrs. "Bub" spenaing tne summer here re- - also spoken of as a possible can- - didate for Clerk of Court. Com-mission- er J. L. Jackson may be Byars. turned home Monday. Misses Neljie and Lizzie Lee Mrs. Riley Justice and ...Miss nominated for Register of Deeds. Ross entertained a party of Ellen Justice are visitingela- - young friends last Saturday tlves m Spartanburg this week. . . . i oanuiaaies ior lreasurer are scarce, but J. H. Gibbs is spoken night. M chapel Saturday night and all are Rev. Moss conducted a few tice also Hoke Justice whose days' protracted meeting at the birthdays occur this month en- - Formerly J. W KENNEDY & CO., R YON, - - V N . C Cotton Seed Hulls and Meal, Bran, Shorts Middlings, Hay, Grain, etc. Get our prices before buying elsewhere. cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Hendricks has returned after spending a week in The Sapphire Country. W. Baptist church last week. Much tertamed a few friends Saturday good was accomplished. He de- - evening. . . . . -- i livered some very lmDressive Tho Tooi pif c.m'imm Sermons. lis nparinor nATnnlofinn ' Tf 'r ofinthia connection. Nomina- tions for County Commissioners are as yet completely in the shade and we are unable to give the names of any who are likely to be on the ticket. Nearly all the men named are good and if suitable nominations are made for the various offices the cam- paign will be interesting and the WHOLESALE AND RETAIL '. NOTICE. The public is hereby warned against tres sists of a main building and tour L. Hague's recently. Twenty- - cottages arranged with "modern passing on the lands embraced, m , Spring one members of the family were conveniences. The construction present. It is useless to try to work is finished and ready, for Mountain Park, Gathering of fruits, nuts berries; etc., without permission is prohibited Mrs., M. E. Stevenson. Farm Annii Hill desenbe the pleasure and joy the interior furnishings. vThe a there was in such a meetiner. Sanitarium will onen this fall. "The Leading American Seed Catilo ivC Get your job printing done at Each heart was happy and gay, This icauiiui me eiecuon in aoubt until the votes are counted. Here's hoping the campaign and each The News office! face wore a radiant ---- ---" -- - w mii nnu want xnc UbU I dbbUo INI unwi Thirtieth Anniversary Edition is a bright book of 168 pages and tells the plain truth. W Cover and Colored Plates it shows, painted from nature, Seven Superb Specialties in Vegetables! smile A sumptuous dinner "l41 Chas. D. Mclver, President of - will be conducted along clean was served at two o'clock. Two - "' "j yuu icau mis aavenisement. Mention this paper anaauu- i- W. ATLEE BURPPC ft COSeed Growers, PHILADELPHIA, PAJ the State Normal and Industaial V HOLLISTER'9 Rocky Mountain Tea Kugge! tables were spread. We feel it lines, without mudslinging and College, who died Sept. 17, of ap- - A Busy Medicine for Busy People. a duty to compliment the nine Brines Qolden Health and Renewed Visor. graadchildren on their good be- - FPlexy " the Bryan - special personalities to spoil the temper of the candidates an4 let every A specific for Consti nation. Indts-PRt- J and Kidney troubles. Pimples, Eoiema. Impure havior. Theirages varied from "r" c" lu.utc un thls occasion Mr- - Branon ; twpntv month tn twoivo v0o.c ' iJi-xi- u wreuin. iufirjrisn uovrels. Headache Dre-a- na BociAche. iteRookr Mountain re. h. one do his best to get his ticket ivrui, cenie a ooz. uepuiae made by HOLUSTIK DRua COHPANr. WadisoB, Wis-GOLOE- NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOI elected. t N O T IC E TO TAX PA ERS MEMORIAL TO DR. MclVER. We note in the daily press a It was a pretty scene, nine little Sfntfd to th.e schoo sPlendld girls and boys gathered around engraving neatly-- f ramed'of Dr. who has been of one Mcljer, a table to themselves. The e powerful. factors m) the evening was spent in pleasant educational progress of North converse, music " and singing. Carolina. A variety .- social was given Sept. 12th and 13th to raise The postoffice appointment i s funds for the Baptist church still hanging fire and "nothing organ. Mrs. Allen of Fernan- - definite can be learned, and it, is movement to raise a fund of - E. B. CLOUD Attorney At Law, f , V COLUMBUS, N. C. , Office in court house in upper court room to the right.. $15,000 for a memorial to the late Dr. Mclver, president of the In accordance with section 80 tax laws of 1905, I will; be at the following: named places on dates named f oi the Durpose of S t a t e Normal anc Industrial dma, Fla. , Mrs. Moore, of Barn- - probable that the change will - College. It is determined that the memorial shall take the form receiving the state and county taxes now due for" the 'year 1906. All persons owing taxes are earnestly requested to meet me and ville, S. C, Mrs. Cartright of pay at . Fernandina, Fla. , guests at the Summit House, arranged the of a bronze statue but we raise OUt feeble voir riorht not Uake place until ' after 'the election. Chairman Adams was seen by Mr. Brownlee recently but it is said refused to confirm hi3 appointment unless he got HEAL ESTATE EODGHT AHD SOLD. I have located Bt Mill Spring, Polk county, N. C. for the purpose of "dealing in real estate, aod am irt aposition to handle your property. I will try to make it to your interest, if you will see me when you have property for sale. - J. F. Williams. st any-for- m of monument or edi- - -- ? See of a purely memorial nature. . Monuments are beautiful to look Shields Precinct, Tuesday, Oct. 2nd. 1906. Hill Spring, Wednesday, Oct. 3rd. Cooper Gap Cniirch, Thursday, Oct. 4tB. Tryon, Llayor's Office, Saturday, Oct. 6th. - upon and have graced our mun- - HENRY LILES LANDS l icipalities in honor of great men. program and gave the entertain- ment. Columbus, was represen- ted by young ladies and gentle- men. Thursday we enjoyed a peanut hunt on the lawn at the Summit. After which, music was rended by Mrs. Cherry and little daughter Pearl, who sang the following "Always- - in the Way, ' ' "Everybody Works but Father," "Way Down in Louis-iana.- " The amount raised was $6.35. ' H. ... ' but how absolutely useless to the r rising generation : they are, and S how. much more fitting, and use- - Taxes received at CIunibvu" and Saluda : any day except Sunday. 1,500 ACRES 19 TRACTS To be sold at . public auction, Saturday; October, 20th, 1906, 1:30 P. MM at : Fingerville, S.. C, Liberal Terms. '. . J. B.; ;LILES, Af?ent, . fid Mclver Memorial Scholar- ships for deserving girls; would v be, to perpetuate the memory of W. C. ROBERTSON, one whose life was devoted to he uplifting of :the womanhood oi lorth Carolina. 1 FebeHevJln . Rev. j; D. Gibson and family spent the night at S. B. Edwards' Sunday ht.

ur Bank i rvnewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn94058223/1906-09-27/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · and memorial Our. neighborhood. folks arel Prof. Britt's endorsement. ' It is utilitarianism, a THE

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and memorial Our . neighborhood . folks ar el Prof. Britt's endorsement.' It is

autilitarianism,fodder and nofc known whether he sucpeededTHE POLK COUNTY HEWS. Bank i rvinaiwmm nw? 10 ur report the crop poor on account in getting it, which was eviaen--

Letless and its mission vam. ! tiy a way tne cnairman jwu uiof so much rain.W. C. CORCORAN, Publisher.ser-- - - - ,;,! putting" him off , , as Chairman

A. M. Boone has purchased the . ,QTmrM, T.aTik- - Oapital 310.COCus not' expend $15,000 formons in stones." .SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Ruppe. place adjoining E. B. Surplus and Undivided Profitford but as most of the leading

Edwards' land. E. B. Edwards " "Ont Yew,Six Months, NOTES AND COMMENTS. s contemplating erecting nice



Republicans of the county favorMr. Brownlee, he is hesitatingabout making the appointmentThree Mnths, When you goto Western new home on his estate. $ JOSEPH NORWOOD, Pres. T. T. BALLENGPP

V V TV4TTCOTT TiTXTl."' tr- - SAjsnays in Advance. North Carolina, don't forget old ' Sawmills and shingle mills are and so the matter stands, with MM.kjkjxuui.vj, v ice-- 1 res

" J. B. HESTER, Cashier.Columbusj nestled, among the plentiful and all we need is theeverlasting hills. Sou. Prog. concrete mijl, to erect a house in

a tew days. J. B. ULSTER, -'



THURSDAY, SEPT. 27. 1906. Tryon offers rest for the weary, ; Last ihursday night the spiritpeace for the .troubled and com- - 01 James &nefn its nifirni,. B. L. BALLENGER n ,,

apparently,, no decisive action un-

til after the election for fear ofthe possible effect it may have nomatter which way the . appoint-ment goes. ,

"'('Miss Latimore of Atlanta, ar-

rived Monday to take charge ofmillinery department of the Bal-leng- er

Co., now under the man-agement of the Misses McFee.

we nope tu a ungnier ana oeiterworld. ": ".fort and inspiration for all.

Southern Progress. Your business Is Solicited.WHO WILL BE NOMINATED?

Now that the Democrats havenominated a county ticket all

Just as the Golden Rod arose in its splendorand fame, v

Waving its plumage of gold, " !'eyea are turned toward the Re--Into the hme of one "Justice,' a little boy

Louis Rowell, the landscape

Tryon is one of the most desir-

able locations on the Americancontinent and is destined to beone of the favorite health resortsof the country. Sou. Progress.

came,'.. J..And now their devoted attention will hold.


publicans to see whom they willput out as their standard bearersinv the coming campaign. Thenomination

. ?of F. L. Weaver for


CLOTHINGMEN and ELadies. read this catalogue of

charms. Bright eyes glowing

artist, has ben spending sometime at Lake Toxaway in theinterest of his profession. Hehas made quite a reputationamong the tourists and was es-

pecially succesful at Toxaway,finding a ready sale for everypainting made of the beautifulscenery of that section. B.

The Southern Progress forSeptember prints cuts of Tryon (cheeks, red lips, a smooth' skin

Peak and Shunkawakan Falls without a blemish, in short, per- - Just received the nicest line of Mens!-p- .

Youths' and Boys' Suits ever offered forut..

it ; practically certain that the- Republicans will nominate W.

C. Robertson f or re-electi- on.

W. C. Newman is spokeii of a ascandidate for Clerk of Court.Both 'Grayson Arledge arid T? C.tt ' i t : t i

and makes several pertinent feet health. For sale with everypackage Hollister's Rocky Mouncomments on Polk county. wiiiuii win ue.Bum as cneap as goods of their quaij

can be sold. Bring your bov and see hnwv t , .tain Tea. 35 cents.' Thanking you for vour tradp ir c. j , .The Bank of Tryon. is a safe

and well managed institution and TRYON HAPPENINGS.dates for Sheriff but nothing . wiiuuuantc in me xuture. i remain, yours to please

has the confidence of the citi- - Postoffice Appointment Hanging Fire-rTh- er-

Ask-an- y "JAP" that you may

"Why the .Czar, with Bear be-

hind," had to climb a tree. .

The Yanks, God bess the Yanks,says he,

They gave us Rocky MountainTea. ";:.' V1- -

mal Belt Sanitarium to Open Thj$ Fa- ll- McMUPzens oi roiK county. veryResolutions of Respect to Dr. .Mclvertown needs a good bank .andPersonal Notes.

Tryon has one of the best.- - Located in Central Industrial Store Buildimr

authoritative can b e learned.Henry Morgan, Sheriff Robert-

son, J. W. McFarland, J. H.Gibbs are spoken of as candidatesto oppose E. B. Cloud for theLegislature, but which one it islikelyto be cannot nowbedieted. " ;

Tryon, Sept. 26.- -J. JL Bar--Southern Progress. Phone No. 13, COLUMBUS, nnett of Landrum has accepted aLYNN LINERS.position as salesman with the

MILL SPRING NEIGHBORHOOD DOTS. Ballenger Company. lnorougn Wprlc I n Teacliijname rresent at the Big Baptizing at Mil Mrs. J. W . Kennedv willSpring and is Much Impressed Thinks shortly let the contract to re--the Holiness People and Other False Pro-- build her house which ; was des- -Hampton, Jas. Jackson, or Otisphets Should Be Tolerated. troyed by fire several weeka ae-o-.Wilson will likely be the nom

has created a Demand for Our Graduateswhich we Cannot Supply and calls for them are

Increasing. Polk County sent us some pupils

who. finished their Business Education witherandare, now filling GOOD POSITIONS, ft

Mill spring, bept. zo. Miss A. L. Hill and- - wife arrivedinee. Some Republican friendsof Sheriff Robertson say he will Bessie Arledge visited her sister Sunday night from Corydon, Ial,

Mrs. Martin WaiKer last Week, and left next moraino- - farMrs. W.C. Hague, and little 1 t0 relatives in Rutherford county.

not be a. candidate for re-electi- on,

in which case W. C.man will likely get the nomina

Tryon Hosiery Co. to Erect Branch Mill at

Flat Rock Daughters of Rebecca to giveIce Cream Supper.

Lynn, Sept. 26 J. F. Wilcox,of Passaic, N." J. , is again in townand will be here several weeks.

F. S. Wilcox went to Flat Rockrecently , in i the interest of aBranch Mill to be erected there.

;, B. . Keeter and wife returnedto their home in Rutherford re-

cently after an extended visithere. . "

The Tryon Hosiery Co., ishaving an addition put to theiroffice. -

The Sisters of Rebecca willhave an Ice Cream Supper at the

daughter Thelma. visited R. E. I mey- - win De At nome" mwiuit mure oi me same Kina. Terms liberal and

standard high. Write for catalog.Spartanburg Business College

Waldrop, recently. Tryon after Nov. 1st.tion. I

A wee baby girl forms the Dr. F. B. Hanna and familyiTeasurer a. $. Edwards is fourth link in the chain of the of Umatilla, Fla; who hav been bpartanburg, - - - South CaroW

union of Mr. and Mrs. "Bub" spenaing tne summer here re- -also spoken of as a possible can--

didate for Clerk of Court. Com-mission- er

J. L. Jackson may beByars. turned home Monday.

Misses Neljie and Lizzie Lee Mrs. Riley Justice and ...Missnominated for Register of Deeds. Ross entertained a party of Ellen Justice are visitingela- -

young friends last Saturday tlves m Spartanburg this week.. . . i

oanuiaaies ior lreasurer arescarce, but J. H. Gibbs is spoken night. M chapel Saturday night and all are

Rev. Moss conducted a few tice also Hoke Justice whosedays' protracted meeting at the birthdays occur this month en--

Formerly J. W KENNEDY & CO.,

R YON, - - V N . C

Cotton Seed Hulls and Meal, Bran, ShortsMiddlings, Hay, Grain, etc. Get our pricesbefore buying elsewhere.

cordially invited to attend.Mrs. Hendricks has returned

after spending a week in TheSapphire Country. W.

Baptist church last week. Much tertamed a few friends Saturdaygood was accomplished. He de-- evening.. . . . -- i

livered some very lmDressive Tho Tooi pif c.m'immSermons. lis nparinor nATnnlofinn ' Tf 'r

ofinthia connection. Nomina-tions for County Commissionersare as yet completely in theshade and we are unable to givethe names of any who are likelyto be on the ticket. Nearly allthe men named are good and ifsuitable nominations are madefor the various offices the cam-paign will be interesting and the


The public is hereby warned against tressists of a main building and tourL. Hague's recently. Twenty- - cottages arranged with "modern passing on the lands embraced, m , Springone members of the family were conveniences. The constructionpresent. It is useless to try to work is finished and ready, for

Mountain Park, Gathering of fruits, nutsberries; etc., without permission is prohibited

Mrs., M. E. Stevenson. Farm AnniiHilldesenbe the pleasure and joy the interior furnishings. vThe athere was in such a meetiner. Sanitarium will onen this fall. "The Leading American Seed Catilo ivC

Get your job printing done atEach heart was happy and gay,This

icauiiui me eiecuon in aoubtuntil the votes are counted.

Here's hoping the campaignand each The News office!face wore a radiant

---- ---"-- - w mii nnu want xnc UbU I dbbUo INI unwi

Thirtieth Anniversary Edition is a bright book of 168 pages and tells the plain truth. WCover and Colored Plates it shows,painted from nature, Seven Superb Specialties in Vegetables!

smile A sumptuous dinner "l41Chas. D. Mclver, President of- will be conducted along clean was served at two o'clock. Two - "' "j yuu icau mis aavenisement. Mention this paper anaauu- i-

W. ATLEE BURPPC ft COSeed Growers, PHILADELPHIA, PAJthe State Normal and IndustaialV HOLLISTER'9

Rocky Mountain Tea Kugge!tables were spread. We feel itlines, without mudslinging and College, who died Sept. 17, of ap-- A Busy Medicine for Busy People.a duty to compliment the nine Brines Qolden Health and Renewed Visor.graadchildren on their good be-- FPlexy " the Bryan - specialpersonalities to spoil the temperof the candidates an4 let every A specific for Consti nation. Indts-PRt- J

and Kidney troubles. Pimples, Eoiema. Impurehavior. Theirages varied from "r" c" lu.utc unthls occasion Mr- - Branon ;

twpntv month tn twoivo v0o.c' iJi-xi- u wreuin. iufirjrisn uovrels. Headache

Dre-a- na BociAche. iteRookr Mountain re. h.one do his best to get his ticketivrui, cenie a ooz. uepuiae made by





We note in the daily press a

It was a pretty scene, nine little Sfntfd to th.e schoo sPlendldgirls and boys gathered around engraving neatly-- f ramed'of

Dr. who has been ofoneMcljer,a table to themselves. The e powerful. factors m) theevening was spent in pleasanteducational progress of Northconverse, music

"and singing.Carolina.

A variety.-

social was givenSept. 12th and 13th to raise The postoffice appointment i sfunds for the Baptist church still hanging fire and "nothingorgan. Mrs. Allen of Fernan- - definite can be learned, and it, is

movement to raise a fund of

- E. B. CLOUDAttorney At Law,


, Office in court house in uppercourt room to the right..

$15,000 for a memorial to thelate Dr. Mclver, president of the In accordance with section 80 tax laws of 1905, I will; be

at the following: named places on dates named foi the Durpose ofS t a t e Normal anc Industrialdma, Fla. , Mrs. Moore, of Barn-- probable that the change will- College. It is determined that

the memorial shall take the formreceiving the state and county taxes now due for" the 'year 1906.

All persons owing taxes are earnestly requested to meet me andville, S. C, Mrs. Cartright ofpay at .

Fernandina, Fla. , guests at theSummit House, arranged the

of a bronze statue but we raiseOUt feeble voir riorht

not Uake place until ' after 'theelection. Chairman Adams wasseen by Mr. Brownlee recentlybut it is said refused to confirmhi3 appointment unless he got


I have located Bt Mill Spring, Polk county,N. C. for the purpose of "dealing in realestate, aod am irt aposition to handleyour property. I will try to make it to yourinterest, if you will see me when you haveproperty for sale. - J. F. Williams.

st any-for- m of monument or edi- --- ? See of a purely memorial nature.

. Monuments are beautiful to look

Shields Precinct, Tuesday, Oct. 2nd. 1906.

Hill Spring, Wednesday, Oct. 3rd.

Cooper Gap Cniirch, Thursday, Oct. 4tB.

Tryon, Llayor's Office, Saturday, Oct. 6th.

- upon and have graced our mun- - HENRY LILES LANDSl icipalities in honor of great men.

program and gave the entertain-ment. Columbus, was represen-ted by young ladies and gentle-men. Thursday we enjoyed apeanut hunt on the lawn at theSummit. After which, musicwas rended by Mrs. Cherry andlittle daughter Pearl, who sangthe following "Always- - in theWay, ' ' "Everybody Works butFather," "Way Down in Louis-iana.- "

The amount raised was$6.35. ' H. ...

'but how absolutely useless to ther rising generation : they are, andS how. much more fitting, and use- -

Taxes received at CIunibvu" and Saluda : any day except Sunday.

1,500 ACRES 19 TRACTSTo be sold at . public auction, Saturday;October, 20th, 1906, 1:30 P. MM at :

Fingerville, S.. C, Liberal Terms. '.

.J. B.; ;LILES, Af?ent,

. fid Mclver Memorial Scholar-ships for deserving girls; would

v be, to perpetuate the memory of W. C. ROBERTSON,one whose life was devoted to heuplifting of :the womanhood oilorth Carolina. 1 FebeHevJln

. Rev. j; D. Gibson and familyspent the night at S. B. Edwards'Sunday ht.