When you have to be right www.uptodate.com www.wolterskluwer.com UpToDate® Ganhe e resgate créditos de EMC/ EC GUIA PASSO A PASSO

UpToDate Contact Us CME/CE/CPD credits When you have to be

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Page 1: UpToDate Contact Us CME/CE/CPD credits When you have to be

Contact Us

END-USER CUSTOMER SUPPORTTo reach end-user customer support for individual subscribers or users at an institution, please contact:

[email protected]

Phone1-800-998-6374 or +1-781-392-2000 Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. – 9 p.m. (Eastern Time)

UPTODATE MAKES IT EASY TO EARN AND REDEEM CME/CE/CPD CREDITUpToDate is accredited and recognized by colleges, associations, and authorities from around the world, and is a globally accepted information resource and learning tool.

• Clinicians can use the time they already spend researching clinical questions with UpToDate toward continuing professional development requirements — including those researched on a mobile device.

• No test, fees or use of third party provider required.

• Credits are organized by month and can be redeemed for up to two years.

• You can redeem your credits at your convenience 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

• View and print previous CME/CE/CPD submissions as needed.

• Several ABMS Member Boards, including ABIM, accept credit earned from use of UpToDate for MOC. Log in to your UpToDate account to submit credit directly to ABIM.

Note: To see if you can use UpToDate to fulfill CME requirements in your country or specialty, please visit www.uptodate.com/cme for the most current list of CME requirements.

When you have to be right

www.uptodate.com www.wolterskluwer.com

UpToDate CME/CE/CPD credits

Managing your CME/CE/CPD credits

UpToDate®Ganhe e resgate créditos de EMC/ EC GUIA PASSO A PASSO

UpToDate automatically records your usage and lets you easily review and manage the credits earned.

Log in to UpToDate. Click the CME link to manage your CME/CE/CPD credits:

• Redeem CME/CE/CPD — Credits or contact hours may be processed online for up to two years from the time they were accrued. Credits not redeemed within two years will expire.

• View Past Submissions — Clinicians can view/print past CME/CE submissions and certificates as needed.

• View/Change My Settings — UpToDate fulfills a variety of continuing education requirements for clinicians around the world. Simply select credit/country preference to fulfill yourlocal requirements.

• Accreditation Statements — Our website always provides a current list of accrediting organizations. Visit www.uptodate.com/cme.

• CME/CE/CPD FAQs — get answers to your questions regarding managing your CME.

© Wolters Kluwer 2016 | All Rights ReservedREV 08/17 | SKU #000120

Page 2: UpToDate Contact Us CME/CE/CPD credits When you have to be

Contact Us

END-USER CUSTOMER SUPPORTTo reach end-user customer support for individual subscribers or users at an institution, please contact:

[email protected]

Phone1-800-998-6374 or +1-781-392-2000 Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. – 9 p.m. (Eastern Time)

UPTODATE TORNA FÁCIL GANHAR E RESGATAR CRÉDITO DE EMC/EC UpToDate é reconhecido e credenciado por faculdades, sociedades e autoridades em todo o mundo. É uma ferramenta aprendizagem erecurso de informação aceito globalmente.

• Os profissionais da saúde podem aproveitar otempo de uma pesquisa sobre a práticaclínicas no UpToDate para contribuir nodesenvolvimento profissional. Incluindopesquisas feitas em um dispositivo móvel.

• Sem teste, taxas ou parcerias com terceiros.

• Os créditos são divididos por mês e podem serresgatado em até dois anos.

• Você pode resgatar seus créditos 24 horas pordia e 7 dias por semana.

• Você pode visualizar e imprimir certificadosresgatados anteriomente.

Note: Para verificar se o UpToDate atende aos requisitos do EC em seu país ou especialidade, visite www.uptodate.com/cme para obter um lista atualizada com os requisitos.

When you have to be right


UpToDate Crédito de EMC/EC

Managing your CME/CE/CPD credits


Earning and redeeming CME/CE/CPDcredit


UpToDate automatically records your usage and lets you easily review and manage the credits earned.

Log in to UpToDate. Click the CME link to manage your CME/CE/CPD credits:

• Redeem CME/CE/CPD — Credits or contact hours may be processed online for up to two years from the time they were accrued. Credits not redeemed within two years will expire.

• View Past Submissions — Clinicians can view/print past CME/CE submissions and certificates as needed.

• View/Change My Settings — UpToDate fulfills a variety of continuing education requirements for clinicians around the world. Simply select credit/country preference to fulfill yourlocal requirements.

• Accreditation Statements — Our website always provides a current list of accrediting organizations. Visit www.uptodate.com/cme.

• CME/CE/CPD FAQs — get answers to your questions regarding managing your CME.

© Wolters Kluwer 2016 | All Rights ReservedREV 08/17 | SKU #000120

Page 3: UpToDate Contact Us CME/CE/CPD credits When you have to be

Contact Us

END-USER CUSTOMER SUPPORTTo reach end-user customer support for individual subscribers or users at an institution, please contact:

[email protected]

Phone1-800-998-6374 or +1-781-392-2000 Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. – 9 p.m. (Eastern Time)

UPTODATE MAKES IT EASY TO EARN AND REDEEM CME/CE/CPD CREDITUpToDate is accredited and recognized by colleges, associations, and authorities from around the world, and is a globally accepted information resource and learning tool.

• Clinicians can use the time they already spend researching clinical questions with UpToDate toward continuing professional development requirements — including those researched on a mobile device.

• No test, fees or use of third party provider required.

• Credits are organized by month and can be redeemed for up to two years.

• You can redeem your credits at your convenience 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

• View and print previous CME/CE/CPD submissions as needed.

• Several ABMS Member Boards, including ABIM, accept credit earned from use of UpToDate for MOC. Log in to your UpToDate account to submit credit directly to ABIM.

Note: To see if you can use UpToDate to fulfill CME requirements in your country or specialty, please visit www.uptodate.com/cme for the most current list of CME requirements.

When you have to be right


UpToDate CME/CE/CPD credits

Gerenciando seus créditos de EMC/EC


Earning and redeeming CME/CE/CPDcredit


UpToDate registra automaticamente o seu uso e permite que você revise e gerencie facilmente os créditos obtidos.

Faça o Log in no UpToDate. Clique no link do CME para gerenciar os seus créditos de EMC/EC.

• Process My CME/CE/CPD — Os créditos ou ashoras podem ser computadas on-line por atédois anos a partir do momento em que foramacumulados. Os créditos não resgatados noprazo de dois anos expirarão.

• View Past Submissions — Os profissionais desáude podem visualizar/imprimir oscertificados EMC/EC quando necessário.

• View/Change My Settings — UpToDate cumpreuma variedade de requisitos de educaçãocontinuada para profissionais em todo omundo. Selecione qual categoria atende osrequisitos do seu país ou instituição.

• Accreditation Statements — Sempre estadisponível em nosso site uma lista atualizadadas organizações credenciamentos. Visitewww.uptodate.com/cme.

• CME/CE/CPD FAQs — Perguntas e respostassobre o gerenciamento do seu CME.

© Wolters Kluwer 2016 | All Rights ReservedREV 08/17 | SKU #000120

Page 4: UpToDate Contact Us CME/CE/CPD credits When you have to be

Point-of-care learning — Contabiliza as pesquisa, tópicos revisados e registra a informação fornecida pelo usuário de como a informação foi aplicada na prática.

Time-based tracking system — Contabiliza o tempo que o usuário usa para ler um tópico (até 10 min por tópico dentro de cada sessão).

Os créditos estão associados à sua conta e ficam com você se você mudar de instituição. Basta fazer o login com suas credenciais existentes na novainstituição para manter seus créditos atuais deEMC / EC.

Resgate seus créditos:• Faça o Login no UpToDate. Clique no link CME

Para resgatar o certificado por tempo de uso selecione Time-based tracking

Selecione o período e as horas que deseja gerar o certificado.

• Ao clicar no mês você verá todas as buscasrealizadas neste mês.

• Clique em Continue na parte inferior da página.

A página de confirmação permite visualizar ou imprimir seu certificado.

Imprima seu certificado e envie-o para a sua instituição ou sociedade. Você pode imprir ou salvá-lo como PDF e enviá-lo por e-mail.

Depois de processar seus créditos EMC/EC, o seu certificado é armazenado automaticamente no histórico de submissão. Certificados podem ser baixados e reimpressos sempre que necessário.

Para ver seus certificados gerados anteriormente, consulte o menu à esquerda e escolha View My Past Submissions.

Ganhe e resgate seus créditos de EMC/ EC

Ganhe créditos de EMC/EC Para ganhar créditos de EMC/EC, você deve ter um registro no UpToDate com um usuário e senha individual. Isso permite que o UpToDate te reconheça como usuário individual dentro da sua instituição e o aloque os crédito das suas pesquisas em sua conta.

Se você não tiver certeza que está cadastrado, verifique com responsável pela assinatura do UpToDate em sua instituição que pode lhe instruir sobre o registro e login.

Uma vez registrado, faça login com seu usuário e senha todas as vezes que você usar UpToDate para acumular crédito EMC/ EC a pesquisa com as suas dúvidas sobre a prática clínica.

Resgate créditos EMC/ECOs crédito podem ser reconhecidos e computados de duas maneiras. Visite www.uptodate.com/cme para obter a lista atualizada de organizações credenciadas.


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• Confirme ao final quantas horas desejaresgatar.

Você será levado para a página de Avaliação do EMC/EC UpToDate com diversas perguntas.

• Responda as perguntas e clique em submit nofinal da página.

• Verifique se todas as informações estãocorretas e clique em submit no final dapágina.

Page 5: UpToDate Contact Us CME/CE/CPD credits When you have to be

UPTODATE MAKES IT EASY TO EARN AND REDEEM CME/CE/CPD CREDITUpToDate is accredited and recognized by colleges, associations, and authorities from around the world, and is a globally accepted information resource and learning tool.

• Clinicians can use the time they already spend researching clinical questions with UpToDate toward continuing professional development requirements — including those researched on a mobile device.

• No test, fees or use of third party provider required.

• Credits are organized by month and can be redeemed for up to two years.

• You can redeem your credits at your convenience 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

• View and print previous CME/CE/CPD submissions as needed.

• Several ABMS Member Boards, including ABIM, accept credit earned from use of UpToDate for MOC. Log in to your UpToDate account to submit credit directly to ABIM.

Note: To see if you can use UpToDate to fulfill CME requirements in your country or specialty, please visit www.uptodate.com/cme for the most current list of CME requirements.

When you have to be right


UpToDate CME/CE/CPD credits

Managing your CME/CE/CPD credits


Earning and redeeming CME/CE/CPDcredit


UpToDate automatically records your usage and lets you easily review and manage the credits earned.

Log in to UpToDate. Click the CME link to manage your CME/CE/CPD credits:

• Redeem CME/CE/CPD — Credits or contact hours may be processed online for up to two years from the time they were accrued. Credits not redeemed within two years will expire.

• View Past Submissions — Clinicians can view/print past CME/CE submissions and certificates as needed.

• View/Change My Settings — UpToDate fulfills a variety of continuing education requirements for clinicians around the world. Simply select credit/country preference to fulfill yourlocal requirements.

• Accreditation Statements — Our website always provides a current list of accrediting organizations. Visit www.uptodate.com/cme.

• CME/CE/CPD FAQs — get answers to your questions regarding managing your CME.

© Wolters Kluwer 2016 | All Rights Reserved REV 08/17 | SKU #000120

Entre em Contato Conosco

SUPORTE AO CLIENTEPara entrar em contato com o suporte ao cliente para assinantes ou usuários individuais de uma instituição, contate:

[email protected]

Telefone1-800-998-6374 ou +1-781-392-2000de segunda a sexta-feira, 7h – 21h(Hora do Leste, EST)

Amanda Rossi Fagundes Customer Success & Training Specialist LAWolters Kluwer Health | Clinical Effectiveness

Mobile (+ 55 11) [email protected]