Updated -- McDonnell Analytics Final Report - City of Seattle Review of Mortgage Documents Hosted by KingCast-Mortgage Movies

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http://mortgagemovies.blogspot.com/2015/09/kingcast-mortgage-movies-see-mcdonnell.html Ladies and Gentlemen, Our friend Marie McDonnell did the audit after years of persuasion by Karen Pooley and many members of the community years before I ever arrived on the scene to host a housing forum you will see portion of later in this video. But first you will see how the city is not being proactive in the face of ongoing lawlessness noted in the McDonnell are in this excellent article, and you will see the striking school teachers looking for money that they are rightfully owed, and you will see and hear some of the counselors' viewpoints on the state of foreclosure abuse, and then you will see and hear my comments this year, an entire year after I told them we owe the children an audit because the monies generated from proper recording fees and correction of other malfeasance will free up monies throughout the area.Attorney Scott Stafne's office assisted in this auditing process and instead of congratulating him the AG's office went on a witch hunt against him, which prompted a public records request from him. Let's watch......[below is my letter to City Council as delivered]Date: 14 September 2015 VIA HAND DELIVERY Re: Marie McDonnell Audit Results and Failure to Distribute or Take ActionDear Councilors:I first want to commend you for being more progressive than Kent County Delaware, where they stole the Register of Deeds election from La Mar Gunn after 4 recounts. When I went out there to investigate they threatened to arrest me for running video in public buildings, and I sued them under the First Amendment and they have a crooked Kent County Judge there named Robert B. Young who lied about the facts and the law, ignored my Motion to Recuse and threw my case out. At least if we disagree you allow me to speak and to run video here and in the registry.Now Mr. Gunn was endorsed by Marie McDonnell and I have video of Mr. Gunn and me on the phone with her as she was finishing her bid to conduct an audit here as she did for Essex County MA Register of Deeds John O’Brien who publicly released his audit and condemned the banks, much as Nick Licata did in one of my videos at Jane Mair’s house before I took her down to sign her loan modification papers at Bank of America last fall.Now your report is out I see in today’s story by David Dayen that Seattle and Montana are struggling with what to do, it’s as if you have feet of clay. The McDonnell audit was issued two (2) months ago and I have a copy of it. You better believe I’m going to post it as soon as I get home. Ms. Pooley lobbied you for years to do this, I came before you last fall and you did it, now the taxpayer monies spent on the project seem to be wasted....Now given that many of you attended the foreclosure and underwater housing forum I hosted with SAFE, Financial Revival Group and Michelle Darnell, you know I was a diligent escrow attorney, I was a diligent mediation counsel and I settle second mortgages for homeowners using much of the same information that is in that report.I’ve got a case with two allonges and a lost note affiant who was a pimple-faced clerk at Zales Jewelry when my clients allegedly signed their mortgage. That’s crazy. I could use your help.I’m here to lend a hand in drafting and enforcing legislation so that the taxpayers will maintain confidence in Seattle City Council.Sincerely,_____________________________________CHRISTOPHER KING, J.D.